What would you describe as the ros voices sounding like? If you wanna, also love ya 👁️👄👁️
Alex' voice is smooth, kind of soft. As if made for honeyed words.
Elli's is quiet, maybe even a little cold. There's something very... constant to it.
Rae's is low, a little husky even. It has a way of filling up whatever room she's in.
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anathemafiction · 5 years
Since you enjoy cursed emoticons so much, which ones would you associate with your characters? (Billy included)
I spent way too much time on these.
Hadrian: ( ͡º˵◞ل͟◟ ͡º˵)
Alessa: ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)
Vallen: ( ͡°ω ͡°)
Rafael: ᕙ (° ~͜ʖ~ °) ᕗ
Ysabella: ¯\_( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
Alain: ( ☆ ͜ʖ ☆)
The Pirate: [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ✧≖ ͜ʖ≖)̲̅$̲̅]
The Witch: ( ͡ ͡° ͡°  ʖ ͡° ͡°)
Billy: ┌П┐(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
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pinkdeers · 5 years
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when will y’all stop terrorizing me 
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the-passenger-if · 5 years
Does liking Roach makes me a monster fucker? 🤔
Yes, sorry alehatoria xD
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roots-game · 6 years
Misao, get ready I'm coming after you, we're going to be friends, you can't deny me, i brought you tickets to a festival ♥
“That’s very... kind of you,” They say a bit suspiciously, “But I am afraid I will have to decline.”
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thebrandings · 6 years
The Oliver one just 💔 why are y'all so angsty? Anyway Ros reactions to a mc in the middle of a discussion saying "i wish i had never met you? Deep in a relationship 😘
Hello! I like the way you think, my friend. I’m glad you enjoyed the other angsty ask and I hope you enjoy this one, as well. 
Thank you for the ask! 😘
Lily/Ollie/Oliver (She/They/Him)        Oliver stares at them, immediately becoming silent as if they had just slapped him in the face. Hurt and doubt flash on his face as his mouth opens and closes, unsure what to say. “W-what.” He stutters, his eyes beginning to gloss over with forced held in tears. He hastily shook his head, stepping back and turning away from them. “N-no, we just need to take some time to think this through.” He says, glances at them with a unknown expression.
       "I uh…I’ll just be right back.“ He says though he was already moving towards the door as if trying to escape from you, from the harsh statement. He pauses, glancing at them one more time. “Did you me-” He stops himself short, quickly turning away from them to stare at the door. He tries to wipe his eyes without them knowing but almost immediately after he sniffles. “I guess I’ll see you later.” He hesitates before adding, “I love you, lovey.” He clenches his fist around the knob, opening the door and leaving without another glance towards them.
       Once outside the door, Oliver practically slumps against the it. Goodness, did they really mean that? Hastily, he shook his head and headed into his room on the off chance that anyone would see and spot his tears. He tugged at his hair in  frustration. If they really did mean that it wasn’t like he could have helped it. They had both been held captive, for goodness sake. No, of course they hadn’t meant that. Obviously they had just said that in the heat of the moment to hurt him. But why didn’t he believe that? Why did his heart ache at the hidden truth beneath those harsh words. After all, if you really love someone shouldn’t you do everything you can not to hurt them.
       He gasped at the thought of the MC not loving him. How could have gotten everything he had wanted, dreamed of, only for the MC to realize that they could do better than him. He let the tears flow freely down his cheeks to stunned to do anything but softly sniffle. If that’s the case, why couldn’t they have just told him that they were unhappy. He would have accepted it with a heavy heart, but it would have been better than them wishing that they never met him.
       Victoria/Tor/Vick (She/They/Him)        Victoria immediately froze, adopting her practiced calm reaction, the exact opposite of what she was feeling right now. She stared at them intensely, unsure of what to say to that, or what they wanted her to say. So she did what she did best and went back into her shell, her polite well-composed unbreakable shell.
       "Well, I’m sorry you did.“ She drawled, her tone sounding so clipped and sharp that it appeared to have shocked them. Or was it the reality that they had really said what they did. Either way, she didn’t want to care. She grabs her things before getting up, her composure still perfectly intact as they continue to watch her, not moving themself. “If you’ll excuse me then. I have more important things to attend to.” She says although it was an obvious lie that they both knew, especially given the fact that they had both cleared up their schedules to spend time with each other. Look how well that turned out. She paused at the door, hoping that they would say something, anything.
       But they didn’t and Victoria did all she could to keep the disappointment off her face. This was for the best, she told herself. It seemed like they both need to clear their heads, away from each other. But for how long? Victoria frowned, her grip brushing up against the cold knob of the door before attaching to it. “I’ll see you later.” She said softly, although it appeared that they definitely need space away from each other now there was a promise in her voice.
       She didn’t wait for their reply before briskly walking out of their room. Almost immediately when she could hear the door click shut, her composure cracked and she covered her mouth with her hand to try to keep the sobs from coming out. They didn’t mean that. In the books, they never mean it, so why did it cause her heart to clench in pain when she knew that. 
       Christine/Chris/Chris (She/They/Him)        Chris pauses at your words, mouth gaped in shock as he just stares at you. Then his eyes narrow and his nose flares. “W-well, me too!” He shouts, angrily turning away from them and hoping, praying that they couldn’t see just how much their words had affected him.
       He violently wipes his eyes, his shoulders beginning to shake though whether with anger or sadness he wasn’t sure. He hadn’t meant what he said and he had hoped the MC didn’t either. But then way had they said it. He knew they both had just wanted to hurt each other, but did they mean it? It wasn’t the end though. He knew it but he still frowned, already feeling like it was. What had gone wrong though? Chris immediately shook his head. It was probably his fault but what had he done wrong?
       Were they finally fed up with his annoying personality? Or was it his inability to stop talking? He ran through all his qualities through his head. What had it been about him that pushed them to the edge? Maybe it was his habit of eating with his mouth full, he had noticed them frown as he talked but surely that couldn’t be it, could it? He resisted the temptation to look at them, knowing his eyes would beg for forgiveness.
       He glanced down at the floor, unable to sort out his thoughts. He hesitated before looking at them with a defeated smile. “I don’t mean that and I don’t think you do either. Or at least I hope you didn’t.” He says while they stare back at him aghast, opening their mouth to speak but he raises his hand, not finished. “But I think we should clear our heads for a moment.” He pauses, enjoying their look of surprise.
       "I know and don’t tell Vick I can be mature sometimes. He’d have a field day.“ He says, their faces mirroring a small reassured smile before Chris’s becomes a little dull. "I’ll be back, okay?” He says, before leaving at their nod of agreement. This was definitely not the end, he reassured himself.
       Fable (She/They/Him)        Fable stares at them intensely, his expression hard and his walls rebuilt as he thinks about what to say. “I wish you never did either.” He lies, his face professionally expressing as pain shoots through his heart. If they never did meet, it would have saved the both of them from a lot of hurt. They frown at Fable’s response, having obviously not expected that but he turns away from them.
       Both of them entered a stand still, unsure of whether or how they could fix up this unexpected rift between them. But neither of them said a thing nor glanced at each other. Fable tried so hard to desperately cling to his composure but it all ended when a tear strolled its way down his cheek, soon followed by many more.
       "You don’t mean it.“ They say, their voice betraying absolutely nothing. Fable clenches his teeth, his fists tightening at his sides as he struggles not to look at them, to show them his tears that they had single-handledly caused. Heaven only knows the last time he cried.
       "Do you?” He asks, keeping his words simple and short so that it doesn’t crack like he knows it would. They stare at him, knowing how he doesn’t deny or answer the question. He hears them sigh but still keep their distance away from him.
       "I don’t know.“ They whisper truthfully, sending a dagger straight into Fable’s heart. He grasps at it, trying to ease the imaginary, but powerful pain. It does nothing. Fable cursed himself, sticking true to his words. If they hadn’t met then he wouldn’t be feeling like this.
       "I see.” He says, his voice sharp and clipped as he hopelessly tried to keep his composure. He wouldn’t break in front of them. “Well, if that is all?” He said, dramatically bowing his head down as he pushed past them to escape this feeling. They make a move to gently grab his arm at the moment their hand brushes his arm, he yanks his whole body away as if their touch was scalding.
       "I must get going.“ He mumbled as he finally made his way to the door. He looks up, immediately catching their sight. He barely held back a gasp; they looked as beautiful as he had first saw them. He gulps. "See you later.” He manages a scatterbrained wave before quickly disappearing behind the door. His body and heart heavy as he continued his way outside. It sure as hell would have saved him some pain.
       Aila (She)        A calmness envelopes her as she continues to stare at the MC, repeatedly she began to blink. “Pardon me?” She asked, praying that she had heard it all wrong. They frowned, turning away from her. Surely, she had heard it wrong, she thought, but with the way they were acting now only pushed the unhappy thought down her throat and a heavy feeling settled in her chest.
       They coughed. “I said-” She quickly raised her hand, their words only beginning to confirm her worse fears. Maybe if she didn’t hear it again, it’d only turn out to be a dream, a terrible nightmare. But she had heard it and she couldn’t do anything to erase it.
       "Nevermind. I believe I can fill in the spaces.“ She said, her entire posture somehow still relaxed and calm like the moments just before their sudden declaration. Calm before the storm, she thought, having never been able to relate to it before this heartbreaking moment. She sucked in a deep breath before forcibly demanding herself that she remain stoic, unfeeling of the emotions that wanted to rip her to shreds. It was the only thing keeping her from breaking down.
       "I’m sorry you feel that way.” She said slowly, actually managing to rein in her frustration and urge to cry. “Is there anything I can do differently?” She asked her charade still managing to stay calm, desperately hoping for them to say yes. Maybe she wasn’t as attentive as she thought? Maybe she spent to much time trying to appease the elders? Either way, she could change it. She’ll find someone to help her assist in her duties.
       But they just shook their head, crumbling all the possibilities in Aila’s head. She felt her stomach drop at their movement, her eyes beginning to gloss over as her control over her emotions slipped through her fingers. “Okay.” She said sniffling, her voice not raising so much as a hushed whisper.
       "Let’s talk more about it when I get my emotions under control, okay?“ She said, raising from her seat, their seat before heading towards the door. She’ll try once again when both their emotions weren’t unstable. But they were surprisingly calm too? She thought. Maybe they did mean it. Aila’s heart sunk once again at the thought. She hoped that they didn’t. Aila shuddered, barely able to sort through her thoughts. She would get her emotions under control and then they would talk. This would work out, it would, she reassured. It wasn’t, she believed, wiping a stray tear away. 
       Hayden (They)        Hayden laughs harshly despite the tears that rolled freely down their cheeks as well as their aching heart. He looked at them as if they’d grown a second head but Hayden ignored him. What did this mean for them? Were they through? Their laughing began to cease as the thoughts weighed into their mind.
       "Are you serious?” They asked, disbelief and anger lacing their tone. They grip their sword handle as hard as they could. It took everything inside of them to not break down in front of him. What a joke, they thought. For the first time, they had found something worth so much more than their position, training, and assigned tasks. As cliche as it sounds, they had found love, had being the operative word now. No, they still loved him, it was he who apparently didn’t feel the same anymore. But when, why, and how could he fix it?
       But he stared at them, a frown expressed on his face. Hayden clenched their jaw, their teeth mashing together. What did he have to be mad about when it was Hayden who felt like their world was turning upside down. “Yes.” He said, the one word final and clipped; the tone suggesting that the words had been really meant.
       Hayden narrowed his eyes, but he had said it in the heat of the moment. Surely that was what had happened. If only his actions after the words left his mouth gave Hayden hope, instead they had crushed it, over and over again only to stop when Hayden’s heart laid shredded, torn to pieces.
       Hayden exhaled a harsh breath, their heart pumping in pain. They took a deep breath, closing their eyes, unable to look at him any longer. “I just-.” They speak, their words and intent useless as they sat on the tip of his tongue, not able to come out. “I need a moment. Away from you and everything right now.”
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thequeenofpixels · 3 years
Choices Fandom Shoutout Day
To be ugly honest I wasn't aware of this day on Choices fandom, but I was taken by surprise from my amazing mutuals here, who reminded me of this day in a such lovely way and I couldn't not take a moment to do the same because I need you to see and feel how much I appreciate all of you too!
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THANK YOU @lorirwritesfanfic @julia-highstorms @boowoomuu@missameliep @ravenadottir @lucas-koh @ross-writes @lianalitg @argylemnwrites @casa-bae @poisoonheart @fluffyfirewhiskey @marijo37 @lucy-268 @thehonorarybeaumont @naniewithane @aleh-atoria @vickypoochoices @bobbyboops @eleanorbloom @princess-geek @jerzwriter
You all made my experience on Choices fandom a bit better somehow even when you don't know you did, and I'm really grateful for having met all of you! You guys rock!
And of course I big shout out to @choicesfandomappreciation for creating this day to all of us!
Thank you, Thank you to all of you, even those who I didn't mention here, I'm grateful for you too, you're part of it!
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ross-writes · 3 years
expose ur music taste!
so here are the rules from what i gather: you should put your entire music library on shuffle and show what are the 10 first songs to come out from that. then tag 10 other people to expose themselves too!
thank you @unreadpoppy for the tag! :)
1 - kesha - tik tok
2 - marjorie estiano - alegria maior não tem
3 - flor - back again
4 - capital inicial - primeiros erros
5 - duran duran - come undone
6 - the prom cast recording - it's not about me
7 - imagine dragons - amsterdam
8 - heathers cast recording - i am damaged
9 - evanescence - all that i'm living for
10 - josé gonzalez - crosses
i smiled as soon as crosses started playing, heh. that song absolutely had to make the list ❤️ and yeah, that's overall a pretty accurate representantion of my music taste!
tagging: @thequeenofpixels @nanieuniverse @aleh-atoria @hoobins @whereismysanitynow @thcocrain @yesterdayandtodayy i don't know who else to tag oops
my apologies for the people i tagged who might not even know or remember who i am, you know who you are lmfao
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satans--accountant · 4 years
I got tagged by @justannushka​ which I’m just
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And now I’ll finally try to fill one of these out since I usually just let myself get tagged and then completely forget about it.
rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better
new tags: @satansbackupdancer @nandivina @aleh-atoria @pinkdeers @dathemyscira @weaponized-mathematics​
Name/nickname: Anke
Gender: Woman
Star sign: Aquarius
Height: 176cm or some random number in feet since that’s the usual conversion rate
Time: never any
Birthday: January
Favorite bands: the airborne toxic event
Favorite solo artist: can’t think of one
Song stuck in my head: sorry, it’s empty up there
Last movie: It’s a wonderful life (I still love it ok, it’s CUTE)
Last show: Bridgerton (not sure what I think of it tbh)
When did you create this blog: sometime around 2019, I think
What do I post: nothing original
Last thing googled: “Dumbbell” I was in a heated discussion with someone and I needed to know whether it’s still a dumbbell if you take the weights off (I did not find an answer, but I STILL THINK SO)
Do I get asks: nope
Why I chose my url: contractual obligation
Following: 86
Followers: 49
Average hours of sleep: somewhere between 7 and 9 recently (I’ve been trying hard)
Lucky number: 11
Instruments: lmao
What am I wearing: the UGLIEST skirt you’ve ever seen but damn if it isn’t comfy
Dream job: professor (emphasis on “dream” though)
Dream trip: New Zealand
Last book I read: The Dark Side of the Sun
Favorite food: Gnocchi
Nationality: German
Favorite song: how could anyone pick just one
Top three fictional universes: legendarium/middle-earth, mistborn, randland
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tombraidxr · 4 years
thanks for the tag @thequeenchoices ❤ i'm finally remembering to do one of those lmao
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^ my result! ava noo, i thought we had something special 😔🤣
tagging @nanieuniverse @aleh-atoria and anyone else who wants to do it!
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boneandfur · 6 years
D A S H for ask
Answered d already…
@alicars @alex-fucking-walker@aleh-atoria @alwaysmychoices @agentmarshmallowwalker @agbcordonia @snowwritings @stayfallentastic @storiesbehindyoureyes @starrnobella @hhiggs @hermiethefrog
& @scgdoeswhat
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miragemeister · 7 years
New Choices Game
Which are your fave characters from each Choices book?
TS/TF: Zig, Tyler, Madison
TC&TF: Sei and Whitlock (Now that I think about it, Sei somewhat reminds me of Estela)
MW: Cassandra Leigh and I guess David Reyes?
RoE: Oh geez, it’d be easier to make a list of all the characters I dislike. I honestly don’t think I have a favorite character in this series? I guess the brother is okay, and the party sister has actual growth.
ES: Michelle Nguyen ❤️️ Even from the start, I had a feeling she had more depth to her than bitchy ex (also she’s Vietnamese, and that makes me automatically biased towards her haha).  Also, Craig never fails to make me smile or laugh, and he’s such a bro to Sean. Honestly, I just love these two loyal Asians.
THoBM: Simon Waverly, bless his soul. He’s such a sweetheart, and idk, he reminds me of Simon from Nanny McPhee (I would post a picture showing how similar they really are but I really don’t want PB to go back and change his face so 🤐)
LoveHacks: Brooke is such a mom friend, and I love it. Horatio’s just awesome in general.
TRR: Maxwell (how can anyone not love him?!) but Olivia is actually so me in real life (snarky/sarcastic and only lets in a few people but loves those that she does let in fiercely)
HSS: Aiden Zhou is my baby, but Julian’s such a sweetheart throughout the series (RIP, never got to romance him ever). It was kinda weird but also cute that he faltered at the last shot because MC didn’t believe in him. 
ILITW: Noah (because asdfghjkl he’s so complex and his dialogue 👌) and also Dan because something about Dan got me locked in as soon as his fake climbed through my window. Tom is so adorkable and me at my awkward moments, and Andy and Lucas are just  ❤️️❤️️. I really miss all my boys 😢
HftH: Charles was the only sane one tbh.  
RCD: Cheap thing to say, but Thomas Hunt (he exists in RCD, and that’s all that’s necessary for him to be on this list). And Crash Yamaguichi. And Ethan Blake. And Addison Sinclair.
Seth and Gloria the Glittering are great too.
Tagging @stayfallentastic @zahranamazis @stunningstans @emmahawkins @aleh-atoria and anyone and everyone who wants to do this themselves 😊
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anathemafiction · 5 years
Binch gimme some Raf fluff pleaseeee 😭, Rafael teaching mc how to steal, i am thirsty for content, too many pirate things rn 😒
"It's the easiest one!"
Irritation prickles your skin. "And how does knowing that helps me?" you snap back, your fingers almost breaking the stupid, feeble lockpick in half.
You hate this damn thing. Hate that lock too. And the scowling, ugly-mustache, tooth-gape idiot sneering at you.
You hate him the most.
"Do it like I showed you," Rafael says impatiently, lifting his hands in that same, pointless gesture you just can't get right.
"I am doing it!" you protest and try again.
The lockpick breaks.
And then. "Idiot."
Your blood boils. You spin on the ground, your eyes narrowing to slits, your lips already curling in a snarl, when suddenly Rafael crouches down next to you. You blink as he wordlessly grabs ahold of your shoulder and guides you to face the lock again. "Like this," Rafael murmurs, dark eyes intent on the box. His other hand comes around your back to grab your opposite wrist. His breath is by your ear as he places a new lock between your fingers.
You grab the metal, a knot in your throat and stay as quiet as possible. Rafael's expert fingers work around yours, guiding your hands gently but firmly. He places the lockpicks inside the hole and with a quick, smooth glide of the hand, it clicks open. You watch the lock fall.
"See? S'easy." Raf's voice is brimming with smugness, as are his eyes as he glances at you, smirk in place. Your faces are side by side. His fingers still on yours. Warm. "Now if ya-"
Rafael blinks. He stares at you, his mouth slowly closing. Silence falls again. His brown eyes are wide and shining as they bore into yours. You can feel his thigh next to your back. Feel his fingers - on your skin.
Rafael swallows and glances down. At your lips. Then, slowly, he turns back and fixes the lock before getting up. "Try again," he tells you, voice hard. Cheeks red. Hands shaking.
You can do nothing but nod. The lockpick slides in-
And it bolts open.
- - - 
There you go, demon. ( ͡° ͜ ͜ʖ ͡°)
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pinkdeers · 4 years
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Tagged by @philology-studies.
You have to take a screenshot of your homescreen and the last song you listened to!
I'll tag a bunch of people but no need to do it if you don't want to!
@satansbackupdancer @satans--accountant @aleh-atoria @feather-x-crown @dorkus-maximus @snomsnow @llamagirl28 @dathemyscira
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julia-highstorms · 7 years
Choices tag!!
I was tagged by @maxnotverywell. Thank you so so much for tagging me!! <3
Favourite book(s): ILITW and TC&TF
Your MC’s LI for each story you’re playing:
It Lives In The Woods: no one because I am a Noah stan
The Crown and The Flame: Kenna x Dom for life
The freshman/the sophomore: Zig
The Royal Romance: King Liam
Home for the Holidays: Wyatt even though I jump everytime I see his face and I'm dying of embarassment now
Red Carpet Diaries: I can't decide!!!!! I think I'll go with Seth in the end because I love his personality
High School Story: my sweet shy and awkward angel Aiden
Rules of Engagement: Bartender Dean
Endless Summer: Estela
LoveHacks: Mark
Favourite MC ship: Kenji x MC
Least favourite MC ship: Sam x Dave from Most Wanted. I ship Sam with that Dave's actress friend
Favourite non-MC ship: Sereena X Brooke who the fuck is Keo
Least favourite non-MC ship: IDK Aunt Mallory x Bartholomew (it was weird as fuck)
Favourite character and why: VALENTINA "VAL" GREAVES. She's a badass. She's a mercenary. She knows what is good in life. I just love her.
Least favourite character and why: TJ from LoveHacks (just thinking about him makes me cringe)
Character you like that most people don’t: Seth I guess or MARIA! Stop hating on her!!!
Character you don’t like that most people do: Drake. Jake. (and this is how I died)
Which character are you most like in real life: Tom: Asian, pretty chill, overly excited about some things, never played "Are You Scared?"
If you could be in any Choices story, which would you choose: I loved the LoveHacks gang and I'd like to be their friend. But the idea of marrying a King and travel around the world is very nice, so The Royal Romance.
I’m tagging @choicesaholic @andykangs @zahranamazis @miragemeister @endlesswoods @drake-n-jake-trash @aleh-atoria @rinmaklin. If you’ve already done it or don’t feel like doing it, just ignore this!
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roots-game · 6 years
Did you watched Ratatouille Louis?
“That’s Marty’s favorite. Of course I have.”
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