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some nice love for Karim from yesterday... they are all so cute, but I’ve weakness for David and Karim! <3 Their friendship are wonderful! 
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furious-blueberry0 · 2 months
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Alema Ven
She is the beautiful OC of @burning-quesadilla. Thank you for letting me draw her!
I hope you don't mind the outfit change, I tried to mix it with an old design of mine that I thought would look good on her!
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starwarsyuri · 4 months
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CAUTION ‼️ the toxic girl best friend situationship can and WILL kill you !!!!!!!
Jaina and Alema- quick doodle for fun
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Alema Rar and Lumiya vs Leia and Luke Skywalker by Chris Scalf
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 27 days
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Another Cousin?
His name is Alema Collins (@king_hoka1) and yes he's a wrestler.
Son of Sika Anoa'i & Nephew of Afa Anoa'i when Hoka had long hair❤️
Hoka & Roman Reigns ☝️🇦🇸🇹🇴 ............................. Follow my page for more Dakota Kai Tonga Twins & Fatu/Anoa'i content
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tenelkadjo · 9 months
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I’ve been trying to sort folders full of old random stuff (images, photos, graphics, stories -- all kinds of crap) and I came across some Really Old SWEU-related stuff I made. Here’s what each thing is and some notes about them.
Some friends and I made playlists that were musicals for EU characters and I did one for Jacen and it was just called HEY. This was one of the images for the main post I made about it. There was one for each song.
I wonder if I can find the other ones because I remember in one of them Jacen had a mullet.
This shit was ridiculous and I really miss all the people I did this ridiculous stuff with. ;D
THE SARLACC -- really early... near prequels?
My sister and I were like LET’S PUT CHARACTERS IN THE SARLACC.
I can’t remember what the site was gonna be but we had a ball in MS Paint.
LOOK AFTER YOUR BROTHER -- a Death Troopers fanmix -- 2009
This was an unfinished front & back cover for the mix I never finished.
god kale and trig were so good and precious
The Jedi Strike Team because of course.
A totally accurate depiction of a voxyn.
Shimrra and Onimi. :)
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jb-nonsense · 10 months
wait but I wanna know why Theron's your least favorite :D explanation? (positive connotation i prommy)
Well it all started as a journey. It's a long journey, for sure, of a varying opinion change over the years of playing the game, from forces inside the game and outside the game. But I am not one to post things negatively about other people's favs out in the open so readmore it is
So we begin this journey as a wide eyed newbie player just figuring out what I wanted my legacy to be with my first knight, Leeloa. A friend was playing along with me, and I really enjoyed the Doc romance because I am definitely a fan of the 'player gets played by his own game and catches feelings' trope. Well, I get to SOR and mention to friend that I think Theron's fun and she tells me to ditch Doc because she didn't like him and thought Leeloa could do better.
I ended up remaking Leeloa because I listened then did not like that course, because it just didn't fit Leeloa. So honestly, I did like him when I first started.
But then writing happens, and it felt like he...Never developed past the whole "reckless, I do things when I do them" kind of persona, especially with the betrayal. And the more I delved into information on SWTOR, it just...Bothered me. He's descended from the hero of the original games, but oh no not force sensitive, but he's a great spy so amazing.
Why?? Because he had some Jedi training because it was expected for him to be force sensitive but oh no he WASN'T what a shock...
Except that...Doesn't really track with the Jedi and, everyone hates me, but the test for the midichlorians. They would know, they wouldn't just assume because his mom was Satele.
And somehow, despite acting in the most unspy like ways, he's a great spy. I don't know why anyone would have the Grand Master of the Jedi Council's son as a spy because that is just a huge liability.
I'll admit I haven't read the extra material because I just think it's...Kind of silly to have content outside of a video game beyond, say, a short story or a short comic.
There's just a lot of his story that if you look at it closer and in the grand scheme of Star Wars, is just absolutely ridiculous and maybe, a bit more Gary Stu than Luke.
Now then, to the writing and how he was treated in expacs. (This area is a place where Lana is also on thin fuckin ice.) The absolute favoritism shown to him by the devs drove me crazy. It started to weed away at my liking him and move me more into the exasperated/tired/neutral about him. You have this whole giant alliance, but the focus being on him and Lana so much was just annoying, especially considering it was Koth who helped the Outlander escape in the beginning chapters and how he got pushed aside. It didn't narratively feel...Cohesive and just a 'Look at the Sh*n kid go!'
The nail in the coffin is how the fandom acts about how he's a golden boy, how he gets fawned over, and honestly?? I just hate liking those characters for personal reasons. It always seems like people ignore what we're given about the character and expanding on it and, instead, ignore it and write an entirely different personality with the face they think is cute. I am huge on consistency, it's my style of writing, my preferred style of reading (thanks literary analysis class in college you ruined me), so fandom just fucked me over from liking him and while he's still friends with my knight, I try my hardest to ignore fandom with him, do my best to try to enjoy him, because I do intend to run all the game romances for gif making purposes.
Also he's really written as playersexual if you play a light side character and some conversations felt awkward like the devs were expecting you to have romanced him.
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Hi, I’m David Alaba!
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gossipgirrl · 1 year
Apostila ALEMA Técnico de Gestão Administrativa em PDF | Impressa [caption id="attachment_15355" align="aligncenter" width="185"] Apostila Técnico de Gestão Administrativa ALEMA[/caption] A Apostila Técnico de Gestão Administrativa ALEMA contendo matérias comuns à todos os cargos de Técnico de Gestão Administrativa: Administrador Administrador de Recursos Humanos: Advogado Analista de Sistemas Analista de Suporte de Redes Antropólogo Arquiteto Assistente Social Biblioteconomista Ciências Sociais Contador Controlador Contador – Finanças Públicas Dentista Endodontista Odontopediatra Economista Enfermeiro Engenheiro Ambiental Engenheiro Civil: Engenheiro de Segurança no Trabalho: Engenheiro Eletricista Engenheiro Mecânico Farmacêutico Fisioterapeuta Médico Cardiologista Médico do Trabalho Médico Otorrinolaringologista Médico Ginecologista Médico Urologista Pedagogo Programador de Sistemas Psicólogo Químico Técnico em Comunicação Social Revisor – Letras A Apostila Técnico de Gestão Administrativa ALEMA foi elaborada conforme o edital do concurso da ALEMA 2023 por professores especializados em cada matéria e com larga experiência em concursos. Ao adquirir a apostila, além de contar com um material super completo, você leva como bônus um curso online das matérias básicas para concursos: Língua Portuguesa; Informática; Direito Constitucional; Raciocínio Lógico; Matemática. Além do contar com um material atualizado conforme o edital do concurso da ALEMA, você terá o privilégio de estudar com o material que mais aprovou candidatos em quase três décadas. O que faz um técnico de gestão administrativa? Um técnico de gestão administrativa é um profissional que trabalha na área da administração de empresas e é responsável por auxiliar nas atividades administrativas de uma organização. Suas principais funções incluem: Gerenciamento de documentos: organização, manuseio e arquivamento de documentos importantes, tais como relatórios, contratos, faturas e correspondências. Controle de estoque: monitoramento de produtos em estoque, reposição e controle de entrada e saída de mercadorias. Atendimento ao cliente: suporte ao cliente em questões relacionadas a produtos ou serviços oferecidos pela empresa. Gerenciamento de projetos: auxílio na gestão de projetos e controle do andamento das atividades. Elaboração de relatórios: preparação de relatórios com informações importantes para a tomada de decisões estratégicas. Gerenciamento financeiro: auxílio no controle de despesas e receitas, bem como no gerenciamento de fluxo de caixa. Suporte à equipe: apoio a equipe em questões administrativas, como resolução de problemas de ordem burocrática. Em geral, o técnico de gestão administrativa é um profissional que atua em várias áreas da administração de uma empresa, auxiliando na gestão de tarefas e garantindo o bom funcionamento das atividades administrativas da organização. Características Conteúdo completo, de acordo com o edital do concurso da ALEMA 2023; Materiais digitais (PDF) e Impressos (Correios) para reforçar a sua preparação; Apostila elaborada por professores especializados em concursos. Apostila Técnico de Gestão Administrativa ALEMA [CONTEÚDO] Língua Portuguesa Informática (Exceto para Analista de Sistemas, Analista de Suporte de Rede e Programador de Sistemas) Legislação Informações sobre o concurso ALEMA 2023 Vagas: 53 Vagas + Cadastro Reserva Inscrições: De 27/02/2023 a 10/04/2023 Taxa de Inscrição: R$ 140,00 Organizadora: FGV Quanto ganha um servidor da ALEMA? Um técnico de gestão administrativa recebe uma remuneração inicial de R$ 15.454,89 Quando é o concurso da ALEMA? A prova será aplicada no dia 20/08/2023 Qual a melhor apostila para Assembléia Legislativa? A melhor apostila para o concurso de assembléias legislativas depender principalmente da qualidade da editora e como este assunto é abordado.
A minha dica é que você adquira a Apostila Técnico de Gestão Administrativa ALEMA da editora Apostilas Opção, pois é especialista em preparar os melhores materiais para concursos e possui uma equipe de professores gabaritados em concursos públicos. Acesse o link da apostila logo abaixo e inicie seus estudos e rumo a aprovação no concurso da ALEMA 2023.
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magnetarbeam · 2 months
This pitch is cursed, even if only by its association with Dark Nest, but an AU where through some circumstance Alema surrenders to Jaina on Lumiya's asteroid, and the entire fic is Alema and Raynar helping each other work through the process of recovery from Killik Bullshit.
I can tell you right now, I will never write this, so do with it what you will.
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forcesung · 1 year
There were times when it was a wonderful thing that Han knew the Falcon as well as he did—that he knew her well enough to handle every control, every instrument even if blind or disoriented. Without taking his gaze off Alema, he reached forward and disengaged the freighter’s inertial compensator and artificial gravity generator. In the same instant he hit the thrusters and hauled back on the control yoke.
—Legacy of the Force: Fury, Aaron Allston
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jedivoodoochile · 1 year
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Alema Rar.
Art by Tsuyoshi Nagano.
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minasnews-blog · 11 months
Bicentenário da imigração alemã no Brasil
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Como parte das comemorações pelos 200 anos do início oficial da imigração alemã no Brasil que acontecerá em 25 de julho de 2024, daremos início a uma série de publicações sobre a história e missão dos alemães e de suas heranças culturais transmitida a seus descendentes e que já se incorporaram à cultura brasileira.
Para tanto fomos atras dos principais historiadores desse tema, diretores de museus de imigração de diversas cidades, buscamos informações sobre como começou esse movimento em inúmeros estados (RS, SC, PR, SP, RJ, ES, MG) pesquisamos vídeos antigos, fizemos entrevistas ao longo de vários anos.
Convidamos essa comunidade a acompanhar e compartilhar esse processo que tanto engradece o nosso país.
Veja mais em:
200 anos de imigração alemã (@memoriadaimigracao) | Instagram
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 27 days
The Samoan Dynasty 👑 ☝🏾
Greatest Family In Wrestling 🤗👑☝🏾
(Photos: @polynesian_prowrestlers @countblackpearl @ativalupro @fatu.family @wwe Video: @cozyaliensuperstar7 )
Honorable mentions: Alipate Aloisio Leone Fifita (Tama Tonga) Tonga ʻUliʻuli Fifita (Haku) Tevita Tu'amoeloa Fetaiakimoeata Fifita (Tonga Loa) Tautuiaki Taula Koloamatangi (Hikuleo)
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mogranet · 1 year
Star Wars - Legacy Broken - Darth Talon (Alema Rar) Cosplay
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