#alex fierro fan art
green446004 · 4 months
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a super quick thing for day two of mcga week
MCGA week prompts
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camguts · 6 months
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"You have to flaunt the weird, my friends."
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choc0rat · 5 months
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hello world
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oh-hush-its-perfect · 7 months
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rasquachismo, babe!
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minjimunji · 5 months
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lol I just found this page of fierrochase sketches I drew when I was 16 I think,,,,
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thelunaticartist · 1 year
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Enjoy some Magnus Chase fanart. I read this trilogy during a hard time, and it made me very happy and paved the way for my interest in Scandinavian culture.
Alex and Magnus' relationship is very funny and yet believable. I also loved the character of Sam since she debunked a lot of misinformation about Muslims. All in all, a wonderful series.
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illmamnim-art · 1 year
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Some MS paint doodles because my main computer died
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lemon-broski · 7 months
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my first oc:) it's kinda giving alex fierro vibes ngl (also based on me)
Jaylon - gender fluid, she/her, he/him, they/them (depending on what gender they are in that moment)
listens to 90s music (annoys everyone)
is constantly drawing in their sketchbook which they are always carrying around with them.
Looks inoccent - doesn't talk much in class, but will talk a lot if they get comfortable with you.
Absolute legend (my Alex Fierro bias showing through;')
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Kind of controversial but why are people acting like TSATS is Rick Riordan's first queer book? Like Magnus chase who? Trials of Apollo?
Warning ⚠️: Long rant under the cut. It's not very tsats friendly so please scroll if you don't want to read.
Idk it just feels like sometimes the fandom doesn't really view queer rep as valid unless it centers around romance. Completely biased as a toa fan but toa had so much rep. The bi mc, the gay geysers, the kindly old lesbian couple taking in unwanted kids, ace characters, characters struggling with comphet, characters crushing on people of the same gender and none of it being taken as something out of the ordinary. It just wasn't centred around romance.
The toa fandom has always been pretty small and chill with activity spiking everytime a new book releases. Then suddenly when Tower of Nero came out there were so many people. So what changed, what brought in so many people who weren't even interested in the premise of the book?
It was Solangelo.
I like solangelo as much as the next person (minus the year of seething rage when they were dominating the toa tag) but the way that people discount an amazing series about change, growth and overcoming abuse with some of the best casual queer rep I've seen and consider the only thing of value being a minor mlm couple with a few pages of screentime leaves a pretty bad taste in my mouth.
Magnus chase is another book. Alex fierro isn't perfect rep (stop calling Alex slurs holy fuck) but it was revolutionary to have a gender fluid character in a children's series and this was back in 2016. Fierrochase is pretty popular but I wonder sometimes if Alex and Magnus would be as popular as they are if they never got together. They're still not as popular as solangelo but in good faith that might be because people became too fatigued to read mcga.
It just feels sometimes that these books are viewed as lesser queer books just because there's no shipping or it's not a (I'm so sorry don't kill me ) heart stopper esque gay couple. Idk if im taking this too personally as a potentially ace *slides nsfw art under desk* person whose gender is wonky but it's just my thoughts on this.
But I just feel like the focus should be on the countries banning and censoring the book instead of people with perfectly valid criticism of it. There are so many of his books with queer rep and most of the criticism I've seen have come from LGBTQIA+ people that like these books or at least put the same energy into scrutinizing them too. Idk why people assume anything bad said about TSATS was a bad faith reading done out of homophobia.
All that being said, tsats is definitely being marketed as the first queer book. It's banned not very accessible in my country despite all the others going through- which sucks. It's being treated like the first queer focused book Rick has written and it's coming out at a bad time for everyone but especially people in the US apparently. So I understand why any reactions would be taken as the fandoms reaction to the first queer book.
So who is more homophobic? The person who doesn't like a queer book or the person who holds a queer romance as the pinacle of queer? The answer : no clue man it's complicated and it's sucks that we're all so on edge in these trying times that we automatically assume the worst. There's nuance that a smarter person than me can elaborate on but I am not he.
Sorry for writing something so divisive during pride month but it is a conservation that should be had and what better month than one celebrating queer identity and representation. Hope everyone has a great pride month and stays safe.
Peace and love ✌️🏳️‍🌈💜
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green446004 · 7 months
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frenz-of-frey · 2 years
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Thank you, Riordanverse Fandom!
I joined fandoms in my 30s, y'know? I'm part of this awkward generation which belongs to the 2000s but didn't get internet and social media young enough to be part of the group culture. When I was hungry for Young Adult books, I had the hardest time finding the good stuff! My friends didn't read like I did. The tiny school library didn't come with instructions or suggestions. Sad!
I loved and re-read HP over and over as a kid! Then in my 30s I decided, y'know what? Do-over! I'll read all the YA books, new and old. Indie and popular. I didn't have the internet or a or a fandom back then, but I have resources to feed my passion now!
The PJO fandom. Percy Jackson. Rick Riordan. The Riordanverse. The urban fantasy, action-comedy, mythology-inspired world is the ultimate fandom! Disclaimer: I don't idolize authors or idealize their content. I don't have to love it all to feel I belong as a fan of literary art!
Writing is an art and that art has power over society, for better or worse. So, in a world that objectifies people and creates systems that discriminate, I want to read fictional characters who subvert the norm. Magnus Chase, Alex Fierro, Blitzen and Hearthstone, And the many neurodivergent demigods of the PJO series represent a strength and hope I never felt in older children's books. (Maybe Roald Dahl?)
The world is unfair. This fandom can be a platform to stand on to hope for better! A future is coming where books don't normalize sexism, ableism, or whiteness, and call it a "trope".
Books change lives, fandoms create worlds.
Magnus Chase And The Gods Of Asgard created a possibility in my mind. The fandom is a platform that says: yes, this is fiction, and also it's real. Because the readers say so.
This is why today I changed my blog to frenz of frey. This fandom gives me hope that through the anxiety, depression, chronic health issues, injustice, identity crises, etc. I have a platform that feels like home. Thank you, Riordanverse.
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mm-mina · 5 years
Could u please draw Alex fierro? Your drawings are just wonderful
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ftkd-arts · 5 years
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Alex Fierro
My third favorite Riordanverse character (after Nico and Leo), Alex Fierro, the fashion and genderfluid icon
Don't have any headcanons for her it seems so... peace ✌️
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linaisbluepancake · 7 years
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Who doesn’t love mango?
This is my @demigodsecretsanta for SABRINA! ( @manguohi ) FELIZ NAVIDAD TO YOU AND THE MAGNUS CHASE FANDOM!!!
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annesophart · 7 years
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Alex Fierro looked like he was trying not to laugh. He was wearing pink and green today, as usual, though I’d never seen this particular outfit before: lace-up leather boots, ultra-skinny rosejeans, an untucked lime dress shirt, and a checkered skinny tie as loose as a necklace. With his thick black Ray-Bans and his choppy green hair, he looked like he’d stepped off a New Wave album cover circa 1979. “Be polite, Magnus,” he said. “Introduce your friends to your sword.———————————————– I HAD TO draw Alex in this outfit Handsome boi
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unavidas · 7 years
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Do I love drawing Alex Fierro? YES
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