#alex høgh andersen fic
thepaperpanda · 2 years
Lights Above Our Heads || Alex Hogh Andersen x fem!reader
Masterlist ❄
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Summary: A charming spectacle awaits you when Alex takes you on a tour of the mountains
Warnings: none :)
Word count: 1289
Authors: Fenrir & Cass
A/N: today’s prompt: Watching the Northern Lights
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It had been one of the coldest winters in a long time. A cold winter like this would freeze the blood of anyone who didn't take sufficient care to stay warm at heart and core. However, despite the coldness engulfing the world, Alex decided to take a little trip with you, his beloved girlfriend. 
As Alex crossed another snowdrift while wearing a thick, red, 66°North jacket, thick, black pants and boots reaching slightly above his ankles, and a black hat pulled over his head, he glanced over his shoulder to see if you followed him. "Is everything okay there, Y/N? We're close!"
Angrily waving your hand at him, you nodded, saying, "It's fine! I'm just questioning my life choices here!"
As Alex made his way back to you through the snow, he offered you his gloved hand as he improved the camera case on his shoulder. He made sure you were walking after his traces in the snow, saying, "Come on, I'll help you."
Sighing deeply, you squeezed his hand and vowed to never let him drag you on another adventure again.
As the two of you walked up an icy, snow-covered hill, he reminded you firmly, "With all due respect, hun, you've always wanted it yourself. I want to see the northern lights, that's what you've been repeating like a fucking mantra."
You bit back a little sarcastically, "With all due respect, hun, I don't want any more trips if it means freezing my ass off in a mountain of snow!"
"You don't have to be a drama queen. It's not that bad," Alex commented, squeezing your hand a few times. You haven't been far north, trust me, it can be much worse." 
After walking in silence for a bit, Alex made a brief stop near a fallen fir tree, all covered in snow. "What a beautiful scenery, isn't it, darling? Can you pose for me?"
As you walked up to him, rubbing your hands together, you murmured, "It's going to cost you, love."
"It will cost me, okay, but what?" He teased back.
"A kiss," you smiled, tapping your cheek.
Alex didn't need to be told twice - he hugged you, pulled you closer, but before kissing your cheek, he rubbed your noses together.
Before pulling away to pose for him, you laughed and grabbed his chin to kiss him properly.
While Alex was setting his camera, he instructed you what to do with your hair falling from underneath your woolen hat. As soon as he put the lens on, he took several shots, changing the parameters every time to achieve more depth from the pictures. "You make the perfect model, sweetheart."
As you winked at him, you replied, "I want to hear that when you take care of me once I get sick again."
He gave you a look with an eye roll. "Don't make a duck face, baby, we're not taking a selfie."
"Why! I look sexy with a duck face! You could take some fun pictures, so we have a souvenir of our trip."
Even though he didn't want to admit it, you were right. As Alex packed his camera back into its case, he sat down on the fallen fir tree next to you. "Thank you for taking a week off from work. It has been quite a while since we were somewhere together."
With a soft aww sound, you kissed his cheek. "The first reason is that I wouldn't let you go alone, and the second is that you asked so nicely that I couldn't refuse, plus I needed a break from my job."
Alex wrapped his arm around your waist and pulled you closer, enjoying the moment and your presence while staying silent. "Is it okay to continue climbing the hill now? Have you rested?"
"A few more minutes?" You asked, nuzzling closer to him. "I just want to savor the moment a bit longer."
In the moments before he commented, Alex straightened his back after noticing something. "Babe, take a look at that!"
The aurora lights played above. In the midnight blue, the northern lights were a river of green.
Taking a moment to look up, you whispered quietly, "Wow... Is that it?"
"Yes, yes it is."
You said eagerly, "C'mon! Don't sit like a stick! Grab your camera and take some pictures! And we should take a picture together! With lights in the background, it will look so pretty hanging in our bedroom."
"Don't worry, they won't vanish anytime soon," he assured, resting his chin on your shoulder while looking up while making sure to hold you as close as possible. "Let me savor this moment a little longer."
Your smile softened, and you took his hand, moving even closer. As you nuzzled him, you whispered, "You know? I love you."
"I love you too," Alex mumbled quietly and kissed your cheek after. "Despite your sometimes bratish behavior. Even if you are easily offended by irrelevant things. No matter how moody you are."
"You like it when I am bratty. You simply love to put me in the right place."
As Alex slowly opened his camera case, he said, "Sometimes I do, sometimes I don't, especially when I'm fed up with your bullshit." He asked you to hold his Canon camera while he set the tripod after making all the adjustments.
You scoffed loudly, "For sure babe, I will remember this next time." When he wasn't looking at you, you took the opportunity to gently poke his ribs.
Alex mounted his camera on the tripod and set the self-timer. After wrapping his arms around you, he pulled you closer, looking down at you for a moment before kissing you.
Once you were certain the picture was perfect, you kissed him back and pulled away to say, "I love you so much, my talented fiancé."
As Alex went to look at the outcome, he raised both thumbs up with a smirk on his face. "It's perfect! Can't wait to frame it, but let me try something else!" After turning the self-timer again, he returned to you and picked you up in bridal style; his eyes never left yours. "I love you."
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you confessed, "I love you too. I love you more than anything."
As Alex stopped paying attention to the camera, he kissed you tenderly for long enough that he had to break the kiss in order to breathe. As soon as he set you down, he adjusted the hat on your head, so you wouldn't get colder; and then he headed back to take more pictures of the northern lights. "I'm so fucking glad we came to Norway, darling."
You stared up at the sky and the beautiful lights dancing above, thinking about all the memories and plans you two had shared.
The sky shimmered with the green and yellow hues of the aurora; the silence of the spectacle added to its charm. The two of you were just staring silently into the dark as you enjoyed the silence and the stars above. In those moments, all your troubles seemed to fade away, and the world seemed to be at peace. Lights danced in front of you and stretched across the sky. Color was dancing across the sky and it almost appeared to be putting on a show, just for the two of you.
Slowly, you improved your scarf. "My happiness is the same as yours, Alex."
Alex turned his camera into recording mode and pointed it at the sky, then he returned to you. He wrapped his arm around your shoulders after sitting by your side. "I love you, Y/N."
Your hearts were set ablaze by the northern lights dancing silently above your heads.
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179 notes · View notes
ivarlover · 1 year
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I have finally made a master list for my Unleashed series. Find them below. Hope this makes your reading and navigating my fic a lot easier.
(In progress)
Unleashed, Chapter 1
Unleashed, Chapter 2
Unleashed, Chapter 3
Unleashed, Chapter 4
Undeniable, Chapter 1
Undeniable, Chapter 2
Undeniable, Chapter 3
Unexpected, Chapter 1
Unexpected, Chapter 2
Unexpected, Chapter 3 (flashback #1)
Unexpected, Chapter 3.5 (flashback #2)
Unexpected, Chapter 4, 1st half
Unexpected, Chapter 4, 2nd half
Unexpected, Chapter 5
Unpredictable, Chapter 1
Unpredictable, Chapter 2
Unpredictable, Chapter 3
55 notes · View notes
aissa-snapped · 1 year
Vikings and Hairstylists
Summary:You get the opportunity to work on the set of Vikings. But when you meet your celebrity crush, how will you react? Will anything happen between you two?
A/N This was so exicitng for me to write. I hope yall will enjoy this as much as I did.
Word count:8795
You couldn`t believe it. You got the job! This was so unbelievable, that you kept repeating the memory of how it went down.
You were fresh out of Beauty School, looking for a job. Ever since you started watching hair braiding tutorials on youtube, which was a few years back, you found a new passion for hair. You watched every hair video, hair routine, hair products reviews there was on the internet, and you couldn`t wait to one day become a famous hairstylist, specializing in braids and giving people the hair of their dreams.
With that in mind, you were trying to gather your thoughts and come up with a strategic plan that could allow you to launch a career in this field. Maybe I should ask around at salons to take me in as an assistant. That would give me a good start. You thought. Many people started off as just that, hairstylist assistants. But that was not to be looked down upon, for it was the best way to practice and learn more tricks.
You were getting tired, and decided to just let the idea rest at the back of your head, and switched to scrolling through Instagram. It was as if the Gods were guiding you towards your path, because it was at that very moment that you opened the app, that you saw something that was a clear sign of the Higher Beings listening to your cries.
It was utterly shocking. Mouth agape, you re-read the announcement at least ten times, before finally squealing in happiness. You were a HUGE fan of the TV series Viking, hence you were trembling, and with shaky hands, you closed your phone, taking deep breaths in and out to calm yourself.
Moments later, with a clear head, you re-read the requirements, and frowned at the one year experience requirement. Your beauty school lasted exactly one year, and you had to also help at the salon you were studying at, so you wondered if that can count as experience. As for the portofolio, you had done some amazing hairstyles on your models, and, thank the Gods, you were now more than ever grateful for the fact that youve had this inclination towards braids, because half of your phones gallery was full with photos of you doing all sorts of braid variations on your friends. You even took inspiration from the show, and tried to recreate one of the most complex braids on your models. So your portofolio was pretty solid.
It had been days after you sent the requested things to the Vikings e-mail, and you couldnt sit still for not even one second. You kept checking your e-mail, your Instagram dms every hour, fidgeting with your phone all day long. You told your family and closest friend about this of course, and they were all very happy you found this opportunity, tho you could tell by their eyes that they felt sympathy for you, knowing you`d never get selected out of all thousands of fans out there.
And you, too, started to believe it slowly, after each day passed away without any feedback from the Vikings team. So you decided you wouldn`t sulk around, and you started enjoying your free time by meeting up with your girlfriends and forgetting you even submitted the e-mail.
Until one day, when it was late and you checked your e-mail for a confirmation code for an app, that you saw another e-mail had been sent, and when you saw who was it from, you almost threw your phone up to the ceiling, almost smashing it in excitement. The Vikings team had written back to you, expressing their amazement and eagerness to have you as a new member of their team.
And now you were on a plane, on your way to Dublin, to start working on the set of Vikings. This was still so surreal, you had to hold back giggles and excitement, not wanting to look like a maniac to the other people around. Oh, if only they knew where you were going.
Once youve landed and got your baggage, you were met with a large crowd of people, each standing and waiting for someone. You glanced around the crowd, until you noticed a man in a black, fancy suit and a woman standing next to him, holding a big sign with your name on it. You rolled your baggage over there, greeting both of them politely. '' Hello there. I am Emily. And this is Kevin, one of the drivers. We will take you to the hotel now, and in the meantime, I will explain to you briefly tomorrows schedule.'' She smiled kindly, putting a hand on your back and guiding you towards the exit, while Kevin took the baggage for you, carrying it towards the car.
The ride was about twenty five minutes, enough for Emily to give you a rundown of how everything works around there. Tomorrow, you were going to be picked up by the same driver at around 5 am, and then taken to the set. You were going to meet Shaila, the main stylist, who will guide you and show you what you have to do. It seemed easy enough, only, you couldn`t believe you were going to meet the actors you were only used to seeing on TV. You were especially nervous to meet Alex, who plays Ivar. Emily also explained how the filming of season 5 was beginning officially tomorrow, and that you would witness first hand how the magic happens.
Once you reached the hotel, you glanced at the name. Conrad Dublin. 5 Stars. Damn It looked extremely luxurious. You were dearly hoping you wouldn`t be the one paying for the stay.
Emily helped you check in, while Kevin brought in your luggage.
'' This is yours.'' She handed you a keycard, with the numbers 203 on it. '' Today is your free day. As its only 3 in the afternoon, you can feel free to explore the area. The center is less than a kilometer away. Theres tons of pubs around here, stores, supermarkets. The company will take care of your bills for the room. Unfortunately, we do not offer an included breakfast pack with the stay, but seeing you are on set more than half a day, we have a buffet there, so you don't have to worry about that. my suggestion, don't stay up too late. Go to sleep earlier, and don't forget, be out here before 5. Other than that…'' She trailed off, seemingly trying to think if she told you everything you needed to know. '' Well, I guess that`s it. Feel free to explore the city. Bye.'' She waved and left with Kevin.
You went to your room, plopping down on your bed. It was a small hotel room, but honestly who cared? It was so luxurious, and so well kept, you were at first afraid to touch anything. You inhaled the fresh smell of the sheets, sighing in contentment.
You wondered, were you the only one staying at the hotel? Or were there other cast/crew members?
You took a nice cold shower, trying to get off that travel dirt off of you. You got out of the shower all energized, ready to go for a little stroll. Changing in a simple oversized shirt, with a David Bowie picture on it, and comfy sweatpants, you grabbed your phone, placing your keycard inside your phonecase and took the elevator down to the lobby.
Taking a brisk walk, you took every second to glance at various buildings, appreciating the infrastructure. As Emily said, there were tons of pubs, and in your 10 minute walk, you saw at least 5. You loved the Dublin atmosphere. For a capital city, it wasnt as crowded or as loud as you would have guessed. Or maybe that was just because you werent necessarily in a touristic area.
You decided to turn back around, after 30 minutes of walking, deciding this was enough walking. On your way back home, you stopped at a supermarket, called Fresh and bought some junk food that would get you going until the next day.
You finally reached your hotel room, plopping onto the bed yet again and turned on the TV, for some background noise. You opened your bag of chips, along with you store bought coffee, and started snacking, while texting your family, letting them know you got to the hotel all safely. When it was around 10 pm, you decided you should listen to Emily, and go to sleep.
You were rudely snapped out of your deep sleep by your alarm, ringing insistently. With a grunt, you quickly turned it off, and after a few seconds of staying motionless, you rolled out of bed with a long sigh. You brushed your teeth, washed your face with some cold water, to get the puffiness out of your eyes to go down, and then went straight to the pre-established clothes you decided on wearing the previous night. You weren`t aware of any dresscodes, so you decided not to overdress, nor underdress. So your final decision was a pair of clean, simple jeans, a plain white shirt, and a pair of green converse. You hoped this would suffice. Grabbing your handy-dandy backpack, packed with your essentials, you headed towards the exit of the building.
It was really chilly outside. The sun wasn't even up yet, and well, considering it was still 4 50 am, it wasn't a shocker. Down at the lobby, you couldn't see anybody. Not even the receptionist.
A couple of chuckles were heard behind you, and you turned to see a group of 4 girls coming up to you.
'' Hey… You don't happen to be the new hairstylist…for you-know what, do you?'' A blonde girl asked.
You were wondering if thee girls were the other 4 contestants that won. '' For… The.. Show you mean?'' You asked directly. The other 3 girls giggled, and the blonde one smiled. '' Yeah. That`s what I meant. I had to make sure you're not just a random person. You see, we signed some papers, that forbid us to tell other people where we actually work.''
'' Oh..really?''
'' Yeah. Anyway, I am Aurora. The ginger one is Phoebe, that one is Amalia and Cassie.'' She presented, pointing to a curly haired girl, with ginger hair, respectively two brunettes, one with long hair, Cassie and the short haired brunette Amalia.
'' Yn.'' You replied timidly, slightly intimidated by how beautiful these girls were.
You 5 started chatting, asking each other basic questions, such as how and why you got into this field, for how long, and other personal ones, until you were interrupted by the arrival of Kevin, who waited patiently and silently for you all to climb into his vehicle. He greeted you all with a short mornin and then remained silent throughout the whole car ride, that was fortunately filled with the conversations struck by the girls.
Half an hour later, you came to a stop, somewhere far from the city, on a hill, that looked pretty much like it was in the middle of nowhere. But at a second glace, you notice, you were in some form of parking, for there were many cars around the place, scattered messily over a mile, and tons of trailers at a walking distance. You girls were guided by Kevin through a little gate, who was guarded by a security man, and after checking your ID`s, you were told to go find trailer number 13.
You felt your nerves resurfacing. You were actually here. On the set of one of the most streamed shows. Luckily, you werent completely alone, as you had the new found girls by your side. You all found the trailer, and by public demand, you were chosen to be the one to knock on the door. Shakily, you used your knuckles to hit the door two times, hoping someone inside heard it. After you all heard a faintcome in`, you opened the door and stepped into the trailer, with the rest of the girls following you.
Once inside, you noticed three typical hair stations you'd see at any salon, with a mirror each, and pictures of the actors with the hair on. At last, you glanced at the far end of the trailer, bent down, a woman. She quickly stood up, and that's when you finally glanced over her frame. She was a woman in her mid 40s, with a chubbier figure, mid length hair, with some blonde highlights all over. She looked very kind, like a mother that would bake you cookies every day.
'' `Ello girls. I'm Shaila. The main hairstylist. '' She shook hands with every girl, listening in return for each of their names.
'' Right. So let's get straight to it. This is the first week of filming season 5. We have an awful lot of new characters, and old ones that need an upgrade. Today is Monday. We don't usually film on Mondays. We test new hairstyles, see what works, what doesnt. We prepare for the shooting days. Michael told me about the contest. Ever since I told him we need more stylists, he's been doing the most to gather some new ones. The thing is girls,'' at this, she was giving you all a nervous look. '' This week you 5 will be on probation. That means, by the end of week, we will announce which one of you will be staying here permanently. I know the announcement said 5 people will be working here, but truth is, in the meantime, we have found 4 other stylists that are more familiar with working on a movie/TV show set. But, we are in need of one more. So you have until Friday to do your best, impress us and we will decide who will get the post.'' She finished, studying each girl independently. There was a dull silence.
You glanced at Aurora, next to you, but she was looking down. Shaila was waiting for someone to ask a question, but after a few moments, she took the silence as a que to speak again.
'' Alright. So each one of you will be working closely to one of the other main stylist. I am now going to tell you who is going in which trailer.'' She then proceeded to assign each girl to a separate trailer. '' You Yn, will be working in this trailer with me. Alright… Now-'' she glanced at her watch.
'' Oh dear, we need to hurry. It`s 5:30. The cast will be here any minute. You girls go ahead. We will see each other at lunch. '' She shooed them off, shutting the door behind them. Once you were left alone with Shaila, she turned around and grinned at you.
''So… Yn. Beautiful name. Unique. Here let me show you.'' She pointed at each seat. '' In this trailer, we work always on the same three people. Look here.'' Glancing at her pointy finger, you followed it and saw there were several pictures with whom you recognized as the Ragnarsons, with the focus on their hair, from different angles.
'' We mainly work on Ubbe, Hvitserk and Ivar`s character here…'' She trailed off. '' You know who they are I assume?'' You nodded quickly.
'' My colleague, Peter, works alongside me. And you see, Ivars hair was, so far, short. So there wasnt much to do. But as for this season, we are going to change his hairstyle, because his hair has grown out some more and we have more options. You see, as characters evolve, so does their hair. So we were in need of someone new to work with us. Because without a third stylist here, it would be too difficult for us two to finish their hair on time.''
With widened eyes, you looked at her, amazed that you will be meeting one of your favorite characters in a few. You nodded along with everything Shaila was saying, to show her you were paying attention.
Soon enough, Peter joined you two. He was a rather tall scrawny man, short gingered hair and a slight beard coming through. He was super funny, and very energetic, for the fact that it was this early in the morning. But that could`ve also been an added factor from the coffee in his hand.
You were getting more nervous by the minute, knowing the three main characters of the show would be walking in at any given moment. Peter and Shaila were conversing casually, not the least bit worried or nervous, as you were. Which was understandable. They`ve been here for quite a long time.
Lacing at your smartwatch, you felt your heart jolting, when you heard faint masculine voices, fastly approaching the trailer. Now, more than ever, you felt as if your heart would jump right out of your body. With a loud creak, the trailer`s door was forcefully opened, in stepping the boisterous boys. You first saw a bearded man, with his sides shaved, and a base cap on, greeting Shaila and Peter. Second, you saw a young man with quite longer hair than the first one, holding a beer in his hand, and laughing obnoxiously loud at someone behind him. And then, you saw… Him.
Your celebrity crush, the most handsome man youve ever set eyes on. He was talking in a language you couldnt comprehend. Must be Danish. Sporting a simple black shirt, and grey sweatpants, hair in an improvised man bun, he stepped into the trailer last, shutting the door loudly behind him.
The boys all struck up a conversation with Shaila, while each going to their assigned chairs. It was only after another minute, and Shaila mentioning there`s someone else in the trailer, that they all glanced at you, through their respective mirrors.
You made yourself look as small as possible, for it was under their gazes that you felt like a little mouse in a wolf`s den, if that makes sense. They all smiled at you, and one by one, got up from their seats and lined up to greet and shake hands with you.
'' Jordan Patrick. Nice to meet you.'' The bearded man presented himself, giving you a firm handshake. You could hear a very strong Australian accent from him. '' Yn.'' You said quietly, hoping he won't make you repeat it. '' Marco.'' The second man seemed to have a little smirk on his face, and took it a step further and kissed the back of your hand.
You blushed furiously, even forgetting to say your name back. Last, but not least, Alex approached you. '' Alex. Nice to meet you.'' He grinned, waiting for you to shake hands, but when you reached out, he instead put his arms around you, pulling you into a bear hug. You took a second to react, and when you came back to your senses, you hugged him back, but not with the same intensity, as you feared you would come off as a crazy fan. Your cheeks were so hot, you could feel it.
When he pulled away, he winked at you, and when he turned around, he grinned at Marco. He got seated back in between Marco and Jordan, looking at the former. ''Fik hende til at rødme'' He said something to Marco, not that you could understand it, and he started laughing while Marco was scoffing, almost jokingly. ( Made her blush)
Shaila showed you how a normal day looks like in the trailer, explaining theoretically and visually how she worked on the boys hair. She showed you reference photos and other sketches of how she was imagining Ivar`s hair this season.
'' I want to start today with something simple. Can you do Dutch braids?'' She asked. You nodded promptly.
'' Good. Please start with a central braid, and then two smaller Dutch braids on each side of his hair.'' She showed you, using her fingers, where she imagined each section to start and end.
With clammy hands, ( you quickly wiped them on your jeans, trying to be discreet) you picked your rat tail comb, and started sectioning the central part for the braid. While doing so, Alex was watching your every movement, making it even more difficult for you to calm down.
Once you had each section parted and clipped out of the way, you slowly started working on the biggest braid. The first few strands of the braid were beginning to create the shape of the it, and you were getting into your element. Before you even realized it, you had the first braid finished, and began working on the side ones.
The other actors were chatting with each other, occasionally Shaila piping in, or Peter saying a very corny joke. You loved Alexs laugh. It was so genuine and filled with happiness. You could only imagine what it must feel like to hear it every day. You sighed.Oh great, nows not the time to daydream about being his gilfriend.
Alex glanced back at you after he heard you sigh, lifting one eyebrow at you. Making eye contact through the mirror, you refrained a smile appearing on your face, and immediately looked away from him. You heard him chuckle quietly, and then engaged back in a conversation with the other guys.
You notified Shaila, hoping she will satisfied with your work. Alex looked at you, giving you a thumbs up and an encouraging smile.
'' Hmm.. You could`ve added a bit more gel here. See these tiny fly aways? And tease the hair at the roots just slightly here on top, for a bit of volume. We want to make sure it appears they have lots of hair. '' She continued analyzing each braid carefully, humming to herself.
''But overall, this is really good. You did great. For your first day. '' She patted you on the shoulder.
Alex winked at you, causing you to turn away from him to hide your blush. Damn he really is flirty you thought.
When all the guys were finished, they all ran out of the trailer to check the set, run lines and gods know what else actors do.
You were left with Shaila, while Peter left the trailer to smoke a cig. The woman pulled a head mannequin out of a cabinet, and began showing you typical braids they do on extras, teaching you and giving you tips here and there where she felt like it.
Hours later, you were starting to get hungry. It had been hours of you just standing in the trailer. Shaila insisted on showing you every single little tool in there, explain to you how a real work day unfolds, since she didnt consider this particular day to be one at its full intensity, which quite frankly scared you, because this was already too much, but if this wasnt the hardest, then what was to come?
Around lunch time, the two adults led you towards the lunch tents. It was like at a festival, with big tents, dozen of wodden benches, and so many people, it was crazy. Shaila showed you where to go to get your food from, and then she left back towards the trailer stating she had some work to finish up for tomorrow.
You felt so intimidated by the number of these people, and you hoped you could see the girls somewhere, so you could go to them.
Once you grabbed your lunch, which was mostly mashed potatoes, some tomato salad and some grilled cheese, you desperately tried spotting some known faces around here, for a second time.
It seemed impossible in this sea of people, so you now decided to walk towards the exit, hoping to find an empty table, but as you were passing between tables, you heard someone yell out your name.
You turned your head and tried to find the person who shouted, and almost instantly you spotted Alex, waving his hands highly in the air, as if attempting to make himself noticeable for you. You stood there motionless, unsure if he was actually the one to shout at you, but when you saw him make a hand gesture that signaled for you to come over, you took slow, self-conscious steps towards him.
He seemed eager to have you approach, and once you reached his table, he put his hand on your back, guiding you to sit down next to him.
Now that you were finally settled, you looked around the table, and you almost screamed. You saw Marco and Jordan, but also recognized Alexander Ludwig, who plays Bjorn. and then you also observed a beautiful blonde girl, sitting next to him, whom you knew to be Georgia Hirst.
You were sat down next to Alex, who himself was sat between yourself and Marco, and then on the opposite side, you had Georgia sitting right face to face with you, next to Jordan and then finally Alexander.
'' Alex, who have you brought here?'' Asked Alexander, with a teasing tone and nudging Jordan to join in on his teasing.
'' Oh. She`s the new hairstylist in my trailer.'' He put his left hand on your right shoulder, squeezing it softly.
You laughed softly. '' Uhm actually… I`m on… probation. We will find out who stays here permanently at the end of the week.'' You chuckled nervously.
'' Well, I Know you will. Cuz you were so good with your hands.'' Alex said, seemingly not aware of how that sounded. Once the other guys started laughing and hooting at what he said, he blushed and tried to correct himself. ''I- meant shes fast. She worked really fast. Thats what I me- Oh Shut it'' He reached across the table to whack Alexander on the arm from all the teasing he was doing.
You looked at your food, starting to feast on it and ignoring the comments flying around you.
'' And what is your name?'' You made eye contact with Georgia, who seemed to be the sweetest and the most normal person from this table.
'' Yn.'' You replied shortly, and then started eating some tomatoes, hoping no one would talk to you anymore, because you were hungry and wanted to be left alone.
''So…? Tell us!'' Alex insisted, looking at you and waiting for something from you.
Confused, you frowned your eyebrows at him, shrugging '' Tell you..what?''
'' Well about you. How you got here, how long have you been doing hair, have you watched the show?''
And so you answered all their questions. Well, more than 90% of them were fired by Alex, but occasionally one of the other guys would also ask you something as well. Georgia listened intently to what you had to say, but then calmed Alex and the other boys down when she noticed you were starting to get overwhelemd.
'' That`s enough. Let her eat.'' And with that, the boys listened like good children, and left you tending to your food.
Right before you all left, he saw you standing up ready to leave, so he asked you to give him your instagram.
You were quite embarrassed to have him look at your profile, knowing the photos you`ve taken were not nearly half as good as his, but then you also thought, he asked for it, so he should suffer the consequences.
You were back at the trailer, and for the next hours, you were told to recreate some hairstyle Shaila showed you on a picture, until it was finally time to go home.
You were completely exhausted. And you were scared for tomorrow. You went to the parking lot, found Kevin and jumped into the car, finding relief in being able to sit down and give your legs a bit of relief. The other girls approached the car one by one, and when you were all in, you all started sharing your today`s experience.
'' I met Harald Finehair GUYS. UGH he was so fine.'' Amalia said, exaggerating and making you all gag and giggle.
'' Ew stop it. He`s way too old for you. But I met Georgia Hirst and Ida. They were super nice.'' Phoebe added.
When you told them about who you met, they all seemed a bit.. Jealous? They gave you a fake smile, and then quickly changed the subject.
Once you reached your room, you sighed in relief, finally you were alone. You took a shower, dried up and then you pulled your phone out, noticing all the unread messages from your frineds. After you answered them all, you went on Instagram out of habit.
You went to see you had some notifications. iris2002 liked your post 3h carina0_donnell liked your post 4h alexhoeghandersen liked your post 6h alexhoeghandersen liked your post 6h alexhoeghandersen started following you 6h
WAIT WHAT??!?!!? HE FOLLOWED ME BACK?! SHIT I mean, it was expected. After all, he did just ask for your Instagram didn`t he?
You checked your dms, seeing as you had some unread messages on there as well, but the one that popped before everyone else, was from the same person who had followed you back a few hours ago.
You shakily opened the chat, not knowing what to expect.
Heej. What are you doing? Hiii. I just got back to the hotel. im so exhausted
I know how you feel you hungry? do you maybe uh wanna grab some food? I know a few good places around Dublin :))
You blinked rapidly, your heartbeat rising. Was that for real? You kept clicking on his name, checking to see if he is the Real Alex. You left him on read for a few minutes, while you were contemplating on whether or not you should go.
With sweaty hands, you unlocked your phone again, and decided to give him an answer sure... let's do it. I'm starving
great. which hotel are you staying at? Conrad Dublin
gotcha. I'll be there in half an hour
`Half an hour? shit. I need to get ready.
You got out of your freshly put on pijamas, and rummaged through your luggage for some decent clothing. You opted for another oversized t-shirt, with a Jurassic Park logo on it, and your trusted shorts, who fit on your bum perfectly. Messing with your hair a bit, you ruffled it, and then you decided you`d just tie it in a bun. You grabbed your trusted perfume, and sprayed it once on each side of your neck.
You grabbed your fanny pack, strapping it over one shoulder and put your phone inside it, grabbing also some cash and your keycard.
The moment you stepped into the elevator, you felt your heart once again start galloping inside you. How could this happen, and on the first day?
Once you stepped into the lobby, you were aiming for the exit, until you saw a familiar guy sitting on one of the couches, on his phone. You studied him a bit. He looked so effortlessly beautiful. He was wearing a black hoodie, along with some jeans, paired with sneakers. He had his hair in a manbun, but that only made him look even hotter.
He was scrolling on his phone, with his back rested on the couch, one arm on it, and legs spread out in front of the coffee table.
It didnt take him too long after youve reached the lobby to take notice of you. When he finally did, he quickly put his phone back in his back pocket and stood up, taking long and fast strides to reach you.
'' Hey.'' He approached you and pulled you in a hug, kissing you on your temple once he let go of you.
'' Hello…'' You said timidly, not knowing what to say next.
Alex seemed to be such an expert in keeping up a conversation going, that he never allowed any sort of awkward silence fill the air. He grabbed your forearm, pulling you softly towards the exit. '' So.. What are you in the mood for?'' He broke the peaceful silence once you stepped outside. '' Mmm… Honestly? I dont know. I dont want anything fancy, but not junky either. Maybe pasta?'' You laughed awkwardly. He smiled and giggled.
'' Then pasta it is.'' He led the way, and started asking about your personal life back at home the whole way to the restaurant.
Once you`ve reached it, you read the name Sano Pizza. Looks good from the outside.
'' It`s one of my favorite restaurants. They have some amazing Pizza. And the spaghetti should also be up at the same level.'' He praised the place. You smiled and followed him inside.
He led you between many tables, and then finally in a more private and calm section, he found an empty booth for the two of you. When you finally sat down, you noticed the QR code being placed on both corners of the table, making you scoff.
Alex looked at you curiously. '' What`s the matter?''
'' This. I cant scan the fucking menu. And its so frustrating to me cuz then I have to search it up on the internet, and it takes so long. Like, give me the goddamn paper menu and we`ll be good.'' You complained, sighing in annoyance.
Alex seemed to not take your attitude too seriously, as he chuckled at you and pulled his phone out, scanning the code in less than a second and handing you his phone.
'' Here. Take a look and then let me know what youd like to eat.'' You flushed at his actions.Yeah, it was a small gesture, almost insignificant. But still, it made my heart flutter.` You went over the menu on his phone, and when you were finally ready with your order, you handed his phone back. He took it gently, cupping your hand slightly when you passed it to him.
''Alright.. What will it be then?'' '' Penne Quattro Formaggi. Aaand a lemonade.'' You nodded to yourself, thinking that`ll be good enough.
'' No dessert?'' He asked nicely. '' Nah. Im good. I probably wont even finis the pasta.'' You laughed. '' Why?'' He joined in your laugh.
You shrugged. '' I always eat half of it, then I get full and I have to sit and let my stomach digest the food. I don`t know why. The food is too dense.'' ''Dense?'' He asked, amused. ''Yeah…dense.''
He chuckled and when he saw a waiter, he waved for him to go over there. He ordered the food, and then he turned back to you, propping his chin on the palm of his hand, admiring you.
'' Uhh.. '' You chuckled nervously. '' So…'' '' What do you think? You liked your first day?'' '' Well.. It was.. Intense. A lot of new info at once, but Ill get used to it. That is..if.. Ill stay..'' You trailed off, almost with a hint of sadness, thinking of the possibility of not staying permanently.
Alex placed his warm hand over yours, rubbing your kunckles with his thumb, reassuringly. '' Youll stay. Ive seen you work. You did a great job.'' You waved a dismissive hand at him. '' No Im serious! Hey. Ive seen others work. And so far, no one has been as skilled with their hands as you.''
'' Oh… I dont know. Well see.'' ''- And even they happen to Not choose you, which, theyd have to be nuts not to, Ill talk to them personally. I`ll go straight to Michael and ask him personally we are buddies, me and him, and-''
You shook your head and giggled at him. '' Its okay. If I dont get the job, then maybe they choose someone else for a reason. Maybe Im not made for this environment. And thats okay. I`ll accept it.'' You interrupted him, assuring him you were willing to take a blow, if needed be.
Time seemed to pass so fast with him. He made you feel so at ease. He had this natural charisma about him. You were laughing the whole time, not being able to stop, he was that funny. At one point, the food showed up, and you both calmed down and dove right in.
The young actor definitely knew where to take you. The food was exquisite. You enjoyed every little bite, savoring the flavors, and filling your stomach with enough food to keep you running till the following day at lunch.
Another hour had passed, and it was already 8 pm. It was already pretty dark outisde, and you wanted to walk a bit. You kept glancing out the window, noticing faint silhouettes and buildings in the distance.
Alex followed your gaze, then turned back to you. '' What is it?'' He asked concerned.
'' Oh nothing. I just really wanted to take a stroll, to walk some dark alleys and enjoy the Dublin vibes at night.'' You admitted dreamily.
'' Well, let`s do it.'' Alex said, standing up. '' Wait a second ok?'' He grabbed his phone and went up front, talking to the waiter who served you. When he came back, he helped you up, and then locked arms with you, putting his in his pocket.
'' Wait. We have to pay first.'' You pulled him back. He shook his head, smiling.
'' Already did. We can go.'' He continued pulling you towards the exit, while you were frowning, looking back and forth between Alex and the waiter, that was at his computer thingy.
''But-when?'' You were now outside, and you couldn`t help but let the chilly weather embrace your body.
'' When I left the table. I payed on my phone.'' He explained simply.
'' Ok. How much was my part?'' You said while you were zipping your fanny pack in search for cash, but Alex took your hand away, zipping your fanny pack back up, and shaking his head.
'' It`s on me.'' '' No!'' ''Yes. It was my idea to invite you. Where did you say you wanted to go?'' He changed the subject fast when he noticed you were trying to pay him back.
You huffed, and pointed a finger down a darker alley, which seemingly looked to be empty. He nodded his head at the alley, as if asking for a confirmation that was the one you pointed at, and when you nodded, he pulled his arm that was locked with yours out, and instead draping it over your shoulders, pulling you as close to him as posssible.
You guys started walking in a comfortable silence, the only sounds available coming from behind you from the main street, from which faint voices could be heard.
'' So… Why did you want to walk this way? Was there something in particular you wanted to see?'' He asked chuckling, squeezing your shoulder.
'' No… I just…enjoy walking down dark and empty streets. It`s so… I don't know. Peaceful I guess.'' You answered, while looking around you and taking notice of the buildings.
'' You do this often?'' He furrowed his brows. '' You walk at night, alone?''
'' Well… Yeah I do that a lot back home. Sometimes I even go out to listen to some music, or glance at the sky and observe constellations.''
'' Look, I know you are an adult and you decide what you want to do, but maybe you shouldn`t do that here.'' He stated, with a low and serious tone.
'' And why is that?'' You questioned, quizically.
'' Well because…'' He licked his lips in a stressful manner. '' I dont know what its like back there in you country, but here in Dublin, the streets get dangerous at night. That is why we always go out together clubbing or something. But none of us go out alone. It`s not… The safest.'' He took a breath of air. ''Especially not for someone like..you.'' He said lowly afraid you might misunderstand his words.
You choked out a laugh, and turned your head to the side to look at him. '' Someone like… Me? What do you even mean by that?'' You laughed, and locked eyes with him, challengingly.
'' Well… Haha.. Dont take it as an insult. I meant a girl like you. You are pretty, lets not be modest. Any guy would glance at you when you would be walking anywhere, but at night, there are people out there who might not have the best intentions and would try to harm you.'' Alex gave you a worried, showing complete honesty.
You didn`t even respond, but simply blushed and shook your head. But just then, ahead of you, you both noticed a small group of people coming in your direction. You could only see their shadowy silhouettes, but that was enough for Alex to move you both to one side of the street, opposite of the group, ensuring he was standing between you and them.
Tho it was a small gesture, you flushed, thinking how much of a nice and genuine guy he was. He paid for your dinner, he was being so kind and funny, you honestly didnt know if he wasnt faking this all just to sleep with you.
You kept walking, turning random streets, until it was pretty late at night, and you both agreed to head back, since the next morning was starting very early for you. He insisted on walking you back to the hotel, tho you reassured him youd be fine by yourself. He didnt give you time to argue, pulling you towards the hotel.
So now when you were finally in your hotel room, having taken your second shower of the day, you got in bed, ready to sleep. Right before you were about to close your eyes, your phone screen`s illuminated, letting you know you had a notification. Sleepily, you opened your phone and saw a message from Alex sent on instagram.
I had lots of fun. hope you did too good night see you tomorrow :))
You didn`t even open the app, but just smiled at the message and went to sleep, with a grin on your face.
The following day, same way, you got ready, met the girls down at the lobby and then you all left for the set. You stepped into the trailer, in a much more confident way than yesterday. You chirped a morning to Shaila and Peter, and then you got to setting up your tools. Shaila greeted you also, explaining that today was more serious, and that she will work on Alexs hair, and youll help her out, so you could see exactly what you`ll have to do in the future.
Not long after your arrival, the three Ragnarssons stepped into the trailer, first Jordan and then Marco and lastly Alex. The first two greeted you, while heading towards their seats, but when Alex stepped into the trailer, he immediately locked eyes with you, giving you a charming smile. He came to you and hugged you, kissing your right cheek when he pulled away.
You stood there motionless, trying to hide your blush. Alex grinned at you, and then snapped something at Marco in Danish when he kept teasing him.
Peter got to work on Jordan, and in the meantime, Shaila and yourself got to work on Alex. The middle aged woman explained as she went along, how she was envisioning his hair, showed you what products and in which order to use, and overall, you felt like you were back in beauty school, when all you had to do was sit next to the teacher and watch her work on the mannequin.
Only in this case, you actually got to help, holding hair sections, handing Shaila tools or products and such. It was a very nice experience. You felt really important, knowing you were helping in building a character`s visual side.
Alex was being his funny, extroverted self. He was joking around with Shaila and you as well, occasionally him softly grabbing your arm and rubbing it at certain times. One hour and a half later, you were done with him. He had intricate twists on his head, giving him a true Viking air. They looked really hot on him.
He got out of the chair, admired his hair closely in the mirror and then thanked you both.
'' Ah you women are amazing. My hair looks fabulous.'' He complimented, joking towards the end with a girly voice and posing funnily. You laughed at his antics.
Alex had to leave for the makeup and costume trailer, so with a respectful ( but exaggerated bow) he kissed you on the cheek once more, leaving you with the other guys who looked at you funny and started teasing you as well.
The day went by slightly faster, since you had so much more work to do. You were entrusted with doing hair for some extras, which was nice. You got compliments here and there, filling you with confidence.
The end of the day was approaching, and you couldn`t wait to get back to the hotel, so you could sit down and relax.
You were heading towards the parking lot, but felt someone running behind you. You felt strong hands encircling your waist, lifting you from the ground slightly. You yelled in surprise, but calmed down when you saw it was Alex, laughing acutely at you.
''What are you doing?'' He asked casually, falling into a walking rhythm with you.
'' Going home. You?''
'' Oh. Well same. Hey, you didn`t answer my message yesterday. Why is that huh?'' He interrogated you, poking your sides, causing you to squirm from how ticklish you were.
'' Oh-Al-St-o-p. I uhm.'' You struggled to say, since he kept poking and tickling you. '' Well. I was very tired. But I did read it. I just didn`t have the energy to text back. Sorry.'' You responded apologetically.
'' `S okay. Just wanted to make sure you were fine. Anyway, wanna go out tonight as well? Or you could come over to my place. I can tell Marco to leave the place so we can-''
'' Alex, what exactly are your intention?'' You interrupted him, getting straight to the point. '' I dont know what youre trying to do, but Ill tell you what I wont do, and that is having a fling. Or sleeping around.''
Alex frowned, confusion all over his face. '' Wait… WHAT?! N-.'' He sighed, frustrated. '' THat`s what you think I was trying to do?'' He chuckled bitterly. '' Wow… Thanks for thinking so low of me.'' He snapped, taking bigger and faster steps in front of you, getting ahead of you.
Realizing what you`ve done, with widened eyes you jogged towards him, grabbing his arm to stop him in his tracks. He turned around, with his jaw clenched and hurt yet angry eyes.
'' Im sorry. I didnt know what to think of it. You were so nice and amazing, it truly felt surreal, as if it was all an act.'' You explained, getting emotional. '' I`ve had… bad experiences with guys acting all nice and cute and then being complete dicks once they got what they wanted. And I was only trying to avoid getting hurt.'' Your eyes were getting watery from all the explaining, and at that, Alex softened his gaze.
'' I didn`t want to assume anything. But to me it seemed impossible that a guy like YOU, would ever be interested in someone like me. And I am terribly sorry for insulting you. '' You said sincerely, letting a tear drop fall onto your cheek.
Alex let his forehead rest on yours, getting really close to you. Raising both his palms, he cupped your face, using his thumb to wipe the cheek off your face. Kissing your forehead, he then nuzzle his nose against yours, as if silently asking you to stop apoligizing.
'' Youve got nothing to apologize for. Its not your fault you were surrounded by idiots. But please, just give me a chance.'' He begged.
You nodded slowly, announcing you wanted to forget the previous embarrassing moment.
Alex pulled slightly away, to be able to look at you, smirking. '' Did the other jerks give you such a loving and sweet kiss?''
Frowning, you looked at him with a tilted head. '' What kis-'' You were interrupted by his soft lips shutting you up. You closed your eyes, enjoying the moment. He left his lips lingering on yours for a few more seconds, but not daring to try to take it any further.
When he felt like it was enough, he pulled away, leaving you both out of breath. You smiled, looking at him and giggling. He joined in on your giggling, pulling you in a comforting side hug. You stayed hugging each other`s sides a few more minutes, until you saw the girls approaching, and other people coming into the parking lot. You pulled away, with difficulty, since Alex was trying to hold you there.
Finally freeing yourself, you waved at him goodbye, giving him a grin.
The next days went better and better. Each passing hour, it felt as if you were learning and constantly perfecting your skills, giving you more confidence. You were eventually allowed to do half of Alexs hair, Shaila still insisting shed have to go over your parts as well to perfect them.( perfectionist much).
Alex and you were being close every morning, him giving you a hug and a kiss on the cheek, but not taking it further in front of the others.
Time flew by so fast, that you stepped into Friday and realized, today you were going to find out who was going to stick around. Shaila texted you 5 to come a bit earlier in her trailer, where she was going to announce the winner.
'' Right. So, I want to preface by saying you are all talented. That is why you got here in the first place, which was already a big step. With that being said-'' She grabbed some papers, looking through them.
'' I want to thank you girls for having you here. You helped us a lot, as much as you also learned a bit of how the magic happens in these chairs.'' She used her free hand to slap the back of one of the chairs.
'' Alright. This was tough. But the final answer is…''
''Yn. Congratulations.'' She said in a neutral tone, clearly trying to hide her excitement.
You squealed in happiness, hugging Shaila and then each girl in return. You could tell they were looking at you bitterly, but you couldn`t do anything about that.
'' No hard feelings?'' You asked them.
They smiled sadly, hugging you one last time, before they were all escorted out. You barely had any time to let this new information sink in, when the young actors were already making their way inside. You locked eyes with Alex, grinning from ear to ear, nodding your head, silently telling him that you won.
He immediately understood your message, sprinting towards you and picking you up, spinning you softly. He laughed in happiness, and then with a newfound boldness, he attacked your lips. You gasped, taken completely by surprise, but nonetheless enjoying it.
The guys whistled, and when Alex pulled away, Marco patted him aggressively on the back, as a congratulation.
Shaila fully entrusted you this day to work on Alex alone, and when the three actors left the trailer, Alex rushing to plant another kiss on your lips, the woman pulled some brand new black t-shirts out of a cabinet, with the History Channel logo on them, handing you the clothes.
'' Welcome to the Vikings team, dear. We will need you around here.'' She greeted you officially, hugging you.
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luvrodite · 11 months
just wanted to let you know that i love all your jason fics so much 😍😍😍 i wanted to ask if you have like a fancast for him? i always imagine alex høgh andersen because i think he’d be a great jason haha he’s very hot lol but what about you? 👀 just curious!! once again, thank you for your work it’s literally the best! ❤️❤️❤️
nonnie hiiii!!! thank you so so much!!! i actually don't have a fan cast for him which is wild because i've liked him so long you'd figure i would have by now, but i think i'm so fussy about that sort of thing because no celebrity i know really fits the idea of him i have in my head. i remember the matthew daddario fancasts from way back when and i didn't mind those but i always felt he just wasn't quite right (for me personally)
BUT that being said. the closest i've ever come to in my 21 years of living of finding someone that looks like him was this UPS driver i saw in 2017 in america who i swear to God looked exactly like him. literally the randomest thing ever to happen. i was 15 years old going for a walk with my family and i looked over and there was this man, dark haired, angular pretty boy features, i can't remember if he had tattoos or not but every time i remember him i think of how much he looked like jason. blew little 15 year old me's mind.
i wish i could transport the blurry memory of this guy into your mind because it's such a core memory for me LMFAO
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kaybee87 · 2 years
Kaybee87 Masterlist
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Here finally is a list of my fics! All my stuff is 18+ so minors please DNI.
I am slowly making my way through the Viking series so I will probably write more for the characters at a later date but for now I am concentrating on writing for Marco/Hvitserk, Alex/Ivar and Ubbe/Jordan.
Heat - Ubbe x F!Reader
Heat Version 2 - Ivar x F!Reader
Therapy Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 - Ivar x F! Reader
Loosing Your Grip on Reality - Alex/Ivar x F!Reader
The Holiday Hvitserk x F!Reader
Haircut Marco Ilsø x F!Reader
Red Marco Ilsø x F!Reader
Comic-Con Prompt - Marco Ilsø x F!Reader
An Unexpected Desire - Marco/Alex/Jordan x F!Reader
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a-smile-hides · 3 years
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Pairing: Modern!Ivar x reader
Warnings: Short and sad :/
Sum: At his brother's wedding, you share a beautiful moment, that's painfully short.
A/N: I was going to work on something else, but then life happened, and I was sad (still am), and this came out of it. I completely changed the wedding traditions that our dear Vikings brothers would have followed normally, but since this is an AU… Just roll with it, please. Thank you 💗 Also it’s kind of short, but ehhh
The scene couldn’t have been more romantic.
A majestic venue decorated in the way that it deserved. Dark green ivy decorated with white flowers and fairy lights hung from the ceiling, creating a magical feeling. The light wooden chairs had sheer white cloths bound around them, a last-minute decision from the bride, but a good one after all. On the tables, only the finest flowers were placed, together with some silver diamonds and emeralds, it created a beautiful scene due to the different tones of white and green.
In the background, the low tunes of a base guitar could be heard as a local band played a more up-beat song. All while people laughed and talked, clinking their glasses on the newlyweds, wishing them love and well, whereas others were far too busy running after a couple of children playing tag around the tables.
And all in the middle of this chaos were the two lovebirds, completely obvious to the world around them. With their arms wrapped around each other and their bodies pressed against each other, they slowly swayed to the music. Almost agonizing slow, but with both their eyes glued on another and filled with adoration the scene warmed everyone’s heart.
His word made you snap out of your daze.
Next to you a smirking Ivar looked at his brother dancing with his wife. Ever since their first dance he hadn’t let her go and it didn’t seem as if he wanted to ever let her leave his arms.
“It’s love, Ivar” The man beside you let out a breath, looking at how you dreamily stared at Torvi and Ubbe while the band started playing a slower song. At least now, the slow, swaying motion didn’t seem out of place anymore. “So, yes… It’s sickening.” With a small smile you turned your head towards him, just catching how he pressed his lips together, hiding his laugh.
A comfortable silence fell over you two as you both watched how different couples walked on the dance floor to join the newlyweds. The lead singer of the band grinned as he saw how more and more people danced to their little ballad. Ivar cleared his throat, aware of the rising urge inside of him to take your hand in his and guide you to the dance floor.
The crutch in his left hand… and those awful leg braces…
Shaking his head, he turned his body towards you. Lifting his eyebrows as you tilted your head at him. With his hand stretched out, his eyes stared intensely into yours. His face was melted in his usual cold expression: jaw clenched, and eyebrows tilted. But his eyes expressed his true feelings.
No words were said as he let you closer towards his brother and sister-in-law. His crutch made a sharp noise every time it hit the ground, yet it didn’t burst their bubble, nor anyone else’s on the dance floor. Everyone was too caught up in their own world, enchanted by the music and romantic atmosphere. And then he halted, and his hand left yours. Your eyes met again; a nervous feeling overcame you as he paused. His hand hovering in the air as he gathered his courage. He could not sway like everyone else, nor could he waltz you around the room. Unsure, you lifted both of your hands to place them on his chest. His warmth comforted you, making your lips turn upwards. Carefully, his free hand found your waist. He couldn’t offer you the dance he wished for, but he could hold you close as the music swelled up. The corners of his mouth went up, while you stared back at him. Unspoken words hung in the air, but no one dared to speak. Afraid to burst the bubble you were in, not wanting to stop pretending.
Only hours earlier, he sat beside his brothers, watching how Ubbe exchanged vows and put a ring around Torvi’s finger, proclaiming his love. Ivar had been bored out of his mind the whole time, making faces and mumbling under his breath until even his own mother could no longer bear it. The way his shoulders had slumped the moment she scowled him for his childish behaviour had you snickering uncontrollably.
And now that same man stood before you, his mouth twisted as he thought of his next move. The hand on your hip disappeared all of the sudden. Taking a step back, Ivar watched how your face fell. Not wasting a second, the man took your hand in his, twirling you around before pulling you back towards him. Closer than before, until almost no space was left. Shock overcame you, while your heart jumped in delight. Not once during the night, or ever really, had you seen him dance. Let alone slow with someone. It all felt unreal, magical.
A moment that you wished could last forever.
“Mind if I cut in?”
Nothing is as fragile as a dream. And now, this one was over.
With a sweet smile she looks up at Ivar, the flower bouquet she had caught earlier clutched in her tiny hands. The moment she caught it had long escaped his mind, but the mere sight of it made the colour drain out of his face.
“Oh no...” You let out weakly, scrunching your eyebrows at the sound of your own voice. “Of course.”
With your gaze averted to the ground, you missed how Freydis wrapped her arms around Ivar shoulders, Torvi’s bouquet of flowers rested on his shoulders as she and Ivar both looked each other in the eye. She swallowed, and then smiled lightly, swaying to the song that slowly came to an end. His eyes danced around her, avoiding her silent questions. The painful scowl on his face evident for all to see, until he cleared his throat, finally collecting himself and bearing a tiny smile.
The scene couldn’t have been more romantic. Which is why it hurt so much that you couldn’t share it between you and him.
Tags: @youbloodymadgenius @pieces-by-me @peachyboneless
Thanks for reading xxx
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nanahachikyuu · 2 years
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Eu sou Adão e você será Minha pequena Eva (Eva) O nosso amor na última astronave (Eva) Além do infinito eu vou voar Sozinho com você E voando bem alto (Eva) Me abraça pelo espaço de um instante (Eva) Me cobre com teu corpo e me dá A força pra viver E pelo espaço de um instante Afinal, não há nada mais que o céu azul Pra gente voar Sobre o Rio, Beirute ou Madagascar Toda a Terra reduzida a nada, nada mais E minha vida é um flash (flash) De controles, botões antiatômicos (Eva by Banda Eva)
This is my first entry to @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie Hot Fic Summer Challenge. Congratulations for the 1.2k followes, babes! You're amazingly talented and deserve so much more recogntion! 🤍
My prompt was "Rio de Janeiro Carnival", but as a Brazilian, and it being one of my favourite time of the year, I got a little carried away. I apologise in advance 🫢
Note: The song "Eva" is one of my favourite Carnaval ones and it's the one I listen to the most during that holiday. I didn't want to translate it, because I thought it wouldn't be fair...
CW: all pictures used are from Pinterest and my own personal archive.
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serasvictoria · 2 years
Another something for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie’s Hot Summer Challenge.
The prompt for this one is “music festival” and I decided to give all three of the boys some love!
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All images from Pinterest, apart from the picture of Jordan on the second one which came from Emily’s insta I think.
Tagging @quantumlocked310 @adrille88 @punkrocknpearls @istorkyou @youbloodymadgenius
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ficstoreadinthedark · 4 years
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ᵍᶦᶠ ᶜʳᵉᵈᶦᵗˢ ᵗᵒ ˢᵃⁿʲᵘʳᵒᵏᵘʷᵃᵇᵃᵗᵃᵏᵉ
Tags: Ivar x Reader,  threats, violence, pregnancy
Genre: A little Angst and a little smutty towards the end ;) (this was supposed to be fluff, but I don’t know how I ended up with this?)
Request:   Anonymous said:#20 with ivar the boneless, like she says it to get him and sigurd to stop fighting and he gets pissed when he finds out she’s not so she’s like “stop wasting time and get me pregnant if you’re wanting a baby!”
Note: I changed the prompt terminology to suit the time period still the same general idea (:  (the “werk” title was intentional it’s not an error.)
Please do leave some feedback just to let me know you guys are still around 🤗
You were quite a distance from the great hall yet you could hear all the screaming and bickering going on in there, you could distinguish your husband's voice as you approached, your steps made haste as you balanced a basket of linens on your hip, the argument seemed only to worsen; the resounding of objects being chucked made you grip your basket tighter up against your hip. You knew your husband had quite the temper, but to hear him howling such terrible threats as he was, truly worried you. Upon crossing the threshold to the great hall you were more than displeased at the sight before you, Ivar, and Sigurd were at it once again, always going at each other's throats. This time almost quite literally, as Ivar flung himself out his chair grasping Sigurd by the neck as he knocked him out of his seat on to the hard plank wooden floor along with himself. 
“What’s wrong Ivar!? Can’t handle the truth?” His brother mocked him as he wrestled to get Ivar off of him. 
“Close your mouth! or I’ll have it swollen shut!” Ivar threatened as he delivered a sharp blow to his brother's jaw.
You stood disturbed for a mere split second as you watched the younger Ragnarssons fight each other while the older two seemed to be amused, Ubbe leaned against a  wooden pillar with his ever so expressive eyes closely following the brawling with no apparent concern. He had gotten quite used to his younger brothers’ scuffles, meanwhile Hvitserk did the same as he sat at the table with his feet kicked up as he chugged his mead.
“Stop! Both of you stop fighting!” You cried out as you dropped your basket of linens and approached them both begging them to stop hurting each other, but it was as if they could not hear you. 
“Ubbe! Please, do something.” You pleaded for your brother in law to step in before they could severely hurt each other. 
“Alright, alright.” Ubbe conceded as he nonchalantly made his way to separate the two, he took them both by the back collars of their tunics and flung them back. Ubbe held Sigurd back as you went to Ivar and helped him sit upon a chair. 
“That’s right Ivar, go on. Hide behind your woman’s skirts now that your mommy isn’t here.” Sigurd continued to egg him on as he did before.  Ivar’s erratic breathing and the harsh scowl that hadn’t left his brows was more than enough for you to know Ivar had full intention of lunging himself at his brother again and pick up the fight just where it left off if given the chance. The way his shoulders continued to tense up where the dead give away before he could get a chance to respond you placed a gentle hand on his shoulder as you stood to the side, a step behind him, “Do not heed his words Ivar. You know he only does it to bother you.” You attempted to pacify him, and it seemed to somewhat work as he reached out an arm pulling you closer and wrapping his right arm around your waist.
“You are right, my sweet wife.” He agreed as he looked up to you and gave you a smile before continuing, “You see Sigurd here, the snake seems to yearn for what is mine” he emphasized as he pulled you closer. 
Sigurd scoffed “I may have one in the eye but you sure slither like one on the ground. You’re more snake than a man.” He made a brief pause to look straight in your eyes before admiring your features. “I’m sure your wife tires of it.”  He made no effort to hide how his eyes coveted you, his eyes slowly took you in your curves admiring your supple breasts, your waist, and how he desired to know how it would feel to have your hips between his hands one night. “She soon may seek to warm another’s bed, someone who can offer her more than just warmth. I would not mind giving her more than just warmth, I could put those hips to good use.” He mocked with a smirk.  
You looked at him in repugnance and anger, who was he to look at you and speak of you as if you were some common whore and not his own brother’s wife, you angered that he thought you’d be so fickle-minded to abandon your husband, for another. Without hesitation or much thought you interlaced your fingers with Ivar’s as his hand rested on you and delivered a surprise to all, “Foolish little snake, it seems even the gods are set on making a fool of you.” All of them seemed confused by your words, you turned to Ivar and gave him a sweet smile. “I wanted to surprise my husband alone tonight with the good fortune that has come to us.” You continued s you lifted your free hand and gently placed it on your abdomen. Ivar’s brothers looked at you wide-eyed as he looked at you puzzled. “Don’t look so startled that I am with child, I knew it would happen, even if you all doubted.” 
Ivar beamed with joy so much he felt he would not be able to contain it, he wrapped both arms around your middle and leaned his head on you. “Our child?”  You nodded your head yes to him.
His oldest brothers laughed in amusement while Sigurd stormed out of the hall. 
“Well, I’ll drink to that! Skål!” Hvitserk chirped in as if he ever needed a reason to drink. 
“So will I brother!” Ubbe agreed. 
Later that night as you readied for bed with Ivar your guilt was overwhelming, all Ivar had done all day and evening was speak of his child, a child yet not conceived. A child you very much yearned for, a child you longed for so very long to hold in your arms, tangible proof of your love and Ivar’s.  You were silent as you took out your earrings and unhooked the lavish ornament around your neck, listening to him go on about what things he would do with his child if you were expecting a son. It pained you to soon have to take that joy from him and you began to regret having lied but at that moment you didn’t know what else to do. 
“Beloved? Are you listening?” He asked as he slipped off his tunic baring his toned chest. 
“I am, husband.” You assured as you undid the laces on the sides of your dress before slipping out of it, leaving you in your thin ivory slip.  You neared him as he sat at the edge of your bed, you lowered to your knees before him, undoing the braces on his legs, like you did every night, you liked to tend to your husband on your own without the help of any thralls. He continued on about his child, “And if we have a daughter…” 
“Ivar…” You stopped him mid-sentence as you took his bigger hands in yours. He looked down at you confused yet attentive. “I have something I must confess…” you looked down, you couldn’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes as you were to break his hopes. “I’m sorry.” You admitted. He held your hands in one hand as the other reached under your chin to tilt your face up to meet your eyes, they were so sorrowful, his own eyes mimicked the pain in yours as he was filled with concern.
“What is it, my love?” Surely you could not have done anything that he was not willing to forgive.  Your eyes watered a bit but you did not let a tear fall, you weren’t sad for yourself but for Ivar, you knew how much he wanted this.
“Ivar, please forgive me. I do not mean to hurt you but I can not lie to you… I am not with child.” 
He promptly pulled his hands away from you and that sent a pang of pain right through you.  He was greatly perplexed, how could you in a day give him the greatest joy and also on the same day take it away just like that with a few words. “I’m sorry Ivar.” You pleaded as your hands rested on his knees. He refused to look at you.
“You must have had fun, mocking my brother up to be a fool, while truly you make a fool out of your husband.”
“ I just wanted him to stop. It was not my intention…” you were cut off by Ivar.
“Maybe Sigurd is right, maybe I cannot offer you anything more than warmth. Maybe…”
“Ivar!” You would not let him continue where he was going. “I will not stray to another man’s bed, and you know it well.” The way he looked down at you so intently almost as if you were prey set off something very deep in your core that you could not repress. Surely you knew one of many ways to comfort your husband and soothe away his ill-temper. Ever so gently you began to glide your fingers from his knees up to his thighs tenderly snaking your fingers up him with just the right pressure not so much that you’d cause him discomfort but just enough to stimulate his senses.
His breath hitched, “What are you doing?” He instinctively leaned back a bit resting on his forearms.  
“Ivar~” You cooed as your fingers playfully drew up abstract shapes on his pelvis, you toyed with him touching near but never where he wanted you to touch. “If you are yearning so much for a child. Then…”  you paused just before giving him what he wanted you traced your middle finger up his arousal, “Don’t let time go to waste and get to work.” You said mischievously before cupping the bulge between his legs.
His breath caught in his throat at the unexpected contact, his hands snapped around your wrists pulling you up as he guided you to straddle his hips.  You attempted to  carefully adjust yourself on his hips but he returned the surprise by harshly gripping your hips and grinding your core against his bulge, “It’s going to be a very long night.” You caught yourself on his chest as he leaned in and whispered, “You’ve got a lot of making up to do my sweet wife, perhaps if you work hard enough tonight our prayers might be answered.”  His lips nipped down your neck while his hands stealthily slipped under and up your slip to knead your bottom and cup it his hands. You looked down only to behold his mischievous eyes looking right back into yours, and you knew indeed you were in for a very long night.  Perhaps he was right tonight just might be that night.
edit: so I tried to edit one small error on the tumblr app and it had the freaking audacity to delete everything but the tags, so I hope everything looks/reads normal. I forgot what I originally wrote for the ending note 
your comments and feed back would be very appreciated (:
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
ijustwant2write Vikings Masterlist:
Cast Imagines:
I Ship It-Alex Hogh Andersen x Reader
Sickly Love-Alex Hogh Andersen x Reader
Drama On Set-Marco Ilso x Reader
Rumours-Alexander Ludwig
Ivar Ragnarsson:
It Wasn’t You / Part 2
A Short Temper
Too Close
Lost In Love
A Typical Love Story
The Benefits of Friendship
A Modern Day Family-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ivar Ragnarsson
A Perfect Match
All Because of a Tantrum (Sigurd x Reader x Ivar)
Hvitserk Ragnarsson:
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
Just Confess
I Don’t Need Your Help / Part 2
I Am One Of You / Part 2 / Part 3
An Unforeseen Future / Part 2 / Part 3
Certain Affairs
Rest Beside Me
Ubbe Ragnarsson:
Gentle Viking
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
You’re Both Mine-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ubbe Ragnarsson
A Real Farmer
You Look At Me Differently Series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Sigurd Ragnarsson:
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
All Because of a Tantrum (Sigurd x Reader x Ivar)
Bjorn Ironside:
Useless Excuses
You’re Both Mine-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ubbe Ragnarsson
Trapped-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Halfdan The Black
A Modern Day Family-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ivar Ragnarsson
A Missing Piece
Ragnar Lothbrok:
Friends Till The End
The Funny Foreigners
A Strange Bond
Halfdan The Black:
Trapped-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Halfdan The Black
Vague Memories
Just Be Gentle
Dark Things
I Am Not Small
I’ll Be There To Save You
The Quiet One Series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Harald Finehair:
The Carpenter
Sticking Together
279 notes · View notes
thepaperpanda · 2 years
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Summary: After being rescued from the rubble of the bombed school, Frederik wakes up for the first time in the hospital. Has this cruel world afflicted by war decided to give him yet another chance?
Warnings: mentions of war, smut
Words: circa 35k
Authors: Cass & Fenrir
Divider by @firefly-graphics​​
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A move would probably have caused another collapse. Another ton of wood and concrete would have fallen onto Frederik's head. He had given up hope that there was anything beyond the rubble. Due to the strength of a wooden beam beneath him, the impact force of falling debris and elements was lessened.
Having screamed for minutes that felt like hours, his voice seemed powerless. The fact that he was partially numb in his legs didn't help him either in his efforts to stay alive when the water was still rising, constantly and gradually.
He closed his blue eyes, thinking to himself, This is divine retribution. I have done a lot of evil, so it's time to pay the price. Teresa was right.
Thankfully, help arrived in time. Frederik was semi-conscious when he was pulled from under the rubble.
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In the morning, everything was calm; patients were behaving and not fussing too much, girls were telling spicy stories about last night in the bar, and everything seemed fine until the hell broke loose just a few streets away.
That's when it all began. Your small hills clicked on the tiles as you did your best to take care of those around you. Although you were a nurse by choice, the sight of the suffering tore at your heart. Especially now that the beds were suddenly filled with wounded children, some doing better with time, others on the verge of death. You were not expecting to see this. Who in their right mind would target children in a school? This thought filled your head but you managed to focus enough to push it away. 
After having yet another person brought into the room on the stretcher, you ran to the men who brought him and immediately led them to an open bed. You looked at him; he couldn't have been much older than you were; in fact, if not for the chaos all around, you would have said he looked good enough to be your date for a night or two.
You rushed to help others after ensuring this young man was doing as well as he could in the moment.
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The time was probably between 1:00 and 2:00 am. Both your feet and your head hurt. You sighed as you walked to the nurses' room. You were as exhausted as the other girls. You saw one of the girls napping in a chair.
Children and others affected by the tragedy were cared for as much as possible. Although some were fine, others were fighting for their lives.
 Picking up the phone, you sighed deeply, then dialled your home number and smiled sadly when your panicked mother answered. Thank goodness she was okay.
"Yes, I'm fine. I just won't be back home today, I'm sure you understand," you replied quietly. "I know, mom. I love you. Try to rest."  
As soon as you put away the phone, you sat down on one of the chairs. After the chaos, it was hard to guard everyone. Though tired, you could not sleep.
The sharp pain in Frederick's back grew stronger and stronger as he opened his eyes. The burning sensation of fluid slowly dripping into his vein made his heart race as he tried to roll to his side, but found a drip attached to his left forearm.
While wiping his eyes, he winced. As Frederik turned around, he realised he was in a large patient room, surrounded by people who had been injured in the bombardment.
Even for him, the sight of missing limbs, massive head wounds, and bloodstained sheets was too much to bear. He felt nauseous as the familiar scent of metallic liquid, blood, filled his nostrils.
As you sat at the little desk, you could see the whole room and the beds. As you tried not to fall asleep, you rested your chin on your hand.
A little crying was heard at some point. As other girls were doing their best to rest, you decided to get up and see who was crying.
It was a young girl. She was probably six or seven years old and clearly frightened. She was sitting on the edge of the bed when you walked over to her and smiled at her forcibly. You wanted to cry seeing the child with a bandage around her head and right eye while holding on to the thin duvet. "Hey, little one. What's wrong?" You asked quietly.
"I... I want to see my mommy." The girl said quietly, her voice shaking. Tears ran down her cheeks as she explained, "This place is scary."
"I understand, sweetheart, but bad things happened, and we have to take care of you. Your parents will pick you up tomorrow, and my friends and I will look after you."
You were able to relax the girl enough so that she went back to sleep with the help of your words. Once it was done, you got up and walked among the beds, making sure everything was okay. 
The all too well known sound of vomiting caught your attention. It was that young man. You took a little metal bowl that happened to be empty and walked to him. "You are awake... That's good. That head wound didn't look so good." You said quietly holding the bowl just in case he needed to return more of his stomach content.
Frederik rolled his head back against the pillow, gasping quietly. "I'm sorry... I couldn't endure it any longer." His voice was barely audible.
It was a true saviour to be alone after a hectic day, a chance for true serenity to calm every part of Frederik's being, and he cherished that sweet quietness within the room, interrupted only by some quiet groans and sobs from time to time. He looked at you and said, "I heard how well you handled the girl. You're good with children."
You made a little joke to make the poor guy smile. "It's not my first nor last time with children so I have some experience. Now, just in case, I leave this bowl with you."
A quiet sigh escaped your lips as you walked away to get things to clean up his accident. Once back, you continued your conversation. "It's my job. Taking care of people also means making them comfortable."
He carefully listened to each of your words, finding them pure and reassuring. "I imagine you became a nurse so you could help others in need. On the other hand, you look quite young, perhaps not older than me."
"Are you asking about my age?"
He gave a short nod. "Yes."
After getting up from cleaning the floor, you looked at him with a smile. "So young and so rude. Didn't your mother teach you not to ask a woman her age?"
He lied on the crisp but thinning sheets. A curtain hung limply on the chrome railing, looking like it'd been scrubbed a thousand times. Looking upward, avoiding your gaze, he smiled. "Forgive me."
"I'm not mad, do you need anything?" You inquired as you walked to check in the drip.
Inhaling a little too sharply, he replied simply, "I just want to get outta here... By the way, were all those injured brought to this hospital, to this ward?" The young man asked.
"Some did, but there are more in other wards. Why do you ask?"
Maybe you've seen a young woman, a nun, to be precise. She has blue eyes and dark hair, and she's quite pretty."
"Not here, but I can check other wards if you want." You offered.
There was a slow nod from him. "Wouldn't it be a problem?"
In fact, I could use a stroll. Since it's a little quieter now, I'll go check." You nodded, patting his hand, and then headed back to the nurses' room to inform the rest of the staff you would be gone for a bit.
His eyes widened when he felt your soft palm on his rough, bruised hand. "Tak." He answered quietly.
He found it strange to see you leave; you had so much positive energy within you that when you entered the room, it was brighter. It was nice talking with you.
As you left the ward, you walked down a long corridor that was surprisingly quiet. After you reached the stairs leading to the mezzanine and climbed up to the next floor, you sighed deeply.
You removed your shoes and walked barefoot upstairs after a moment of reflection; the last thing you wanted to cause was some unwanted noises made by shoes.
Your poor feet actually benefited from the cold floor.
The nurses and doctors who knew you were surprised by your visit. Even though your shift ended hours ago, you were still working.
However, despite your best efforts, no one matched the man's description. Either she was taken somewhere else or she was one of many unlucky souls that didn't make it out of the rubble…
After your search was complete, you thanked others for their time and returned to your own ward.
Frederik's dreams brought him back to the bombed school. The roaring noise of bombs was again heard, and shattered glass fell from the frames right onto his head as he tried to enter the building. His stomach twitched when he smelled the burnt bodies. Still trapped under the rubble, he heard the screams of children and adults. On the dusted ground, there was evidence of shattered projectiles in the charred remains. 
Despite his desperate desire to return to the basement to help those trapped there, Frederik was awoken by a violent shaking on his shoulder. While he opened his eyes, sweat formed on his neck and forehead. His pupils grew wide as he gasped loudly.
Once he opened his eyes, you said, "It's okay. You're safe now."
During your time here there were many patients suffering from physical injuries, but also mental injuries, so it became something normal for you to calm someone plagued by nightmares.
Exhaling deeply, he nodded briefly. "I just had a... Nevermind, nothing significant." Frederik glanced up at you.
Your voice was quiet as you said, "Nightmare. Don't worry, we all have them from time to time. Also, I checked other wards but didn't see your friend. Don't panic though. Some injured were taken to some other place since we didn't have enough beds. Once you are out, you will surely find her."
A deep sadness washed over him, leaving his face emotionless, with his eyes darkening and clouded by grief. The feeling was already in his bones that she was dead, but he wasn't yet ready to admit it as if he was still clinging to a reassuring thought that Teresa would be okay. "You're right." Frederik replied shortly. "Thank you very much. I apologize for adding some unnecessary quests, that was stupid of me."
"Honestly, it's fine, don't worry about it. Now, I will change your bandages and then you have to rest, okay?"
"It's not necessary, thank you."
Rolling your eyes, you gently raised his arm, showing him his own hand, wrapped in a bandage that was covered in blood. "Sorry to be rude, but I am a nurse here, okay?"
It was your static tone that made Frederik nod his head silently, as if he were obeying a parent's scolding.
After you nodded, you walked away to get everything you needed. You returned quickly and treated his hand as gently as possible so as not to cause him more pain.
As he fixed his eyes on your face, he remained silent, not letting a single whimper escape his lips.
Your fingers worked quickly, and soon he was ready. "Here, all ready."
Still staring into your eyes, he said, "Tak." He sighed, "You should not be helping me. I have done so much evil. I would have been better off dead."
You told him, "If I may be honest with you... I don't care who you are. My job is to save lives, so I do that. I am not a judge, so I am not judging. If you have done much harm, there will be people who will take care of it, but I am not one of them."
As he gazed upwards, he let his head rest against the pillow once again, considering your words.
After getting up from the bed, you walked away to help other nurses with patients who woke up for whatever reason.
You worked hard but at some point you had the opportunity to sit down in the nurses' room and... That was the last thing you remembered.
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A morning light flooded the whole room through the windows the next time you opened your eyes. Covered with your own coat, you lay on the desk. How thoughtful of someone who decided to do this for you.
The pain in your back was excruciating and you felt like you were going to have trouble sitting and walking. 
The corridors were already crowded. People came to find their children or friends.
As you sighed deeply you got up, stretched once again, and walked out of the room to help other nurses control the crowd.
A new patient was accepted in the morning, and there were many noises around the ward; people screaming after discovering their loved one died; children crying as a result of severe wounds; doctors and nurses screaming whenever a patient was getting worse.
Despite the sleep you got, you still felt tired. All the noises didn't help. Fatigue, hunger, and stress culminated in a pounding headache.
Even doctors noticed you were struggling, but every time they tried to send you home, you simply smiled and politely refused. Since what happened was so bad, every pair of hands was needed.
As Frederik's pain grew slowly yet steadily, he only experienced short, intermittent episodes of semi-sleep.
A new patient was brought to the huge patient room to Frederik's surprise. It was his comrade, HIPO member, Thure. 
You immediately went to help other nurses with the new patient.
A grin crept onto Thure's lips as soon as he turned his head and faced Frederik, even though his lips were swollen like from a bee sting. "Oh, well, well, look at you, brother! I thought you perished along with your virgin cunt."
"You better take that back," Frederik said despite the pain in his upper limbs and back as he sat up on his bed.
"HEY!" You said in a serious tone. Looking at them both, you growled. Pointing at Frederik, you added, "You lay back down and let us work."
While looking back at you, he narrowed his brows and obeyed.
Thure smirked evilly. "Well, well, did they cut off your balls, brother?" He asked.
"Hey! I said stop it. If you're feeling so well, maybe you should get out of here and give this bed to someone who really needs it." You frowned.
The newcomer simply put his hand on your knee and shrugged off your anger. "Cool down, little one. You seem stressed. Maybe you need a hand to reload it all?"
Doctor that was with you warned him, "Young man, if you act this way I will leave you to bleed out. This is a hospital, not a brothel."
Frederik didn't stop himself from grinning wryly at his former comrade. After enduring that man for so long, he started to wonder how he had been able to handle him.
You helped man with his injuries, dismissed his stupid and annoying remarks, then checked on his 'friend'. "How do you feel?”
Frederik nodded. "Jeg er mæt, tak."
"Good." You smiled and went to help others.
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You had to leave the office after a few more hours of work. Probably it wasn't such a bad idea after all. 
Your legs allowed you to walk as fast as possible as you tightened your coat around yourself.
You were welcomed home by your mother who embraced you tightly, making sure you were not hurt.
You calmed her down and she told you that your father also returned home not so long ago.
Your concern for him was real. It's easy to imagine what he's been through as a fireman.
While your mother was feeding you, she talked about everything she had heard up to this point. The woman was just as shocked and scared as you were. Mostly, her fear came from the fact that you and your husband worked the kind of jobs you did.
After a delicious meal you proceeded to take off whatever make up was left on your face, took a hot bath, changed and you hit the bed. A decent night's sleep was all you needed. Despite the nightmares you didn't ask for, you slept and that was all you needed to get back to being a normal person again.
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The next day you left home despite your mother's worries and got ready for work. You assured her before leaving that everything would be fine.
It felt strange to walk around the ward.
There were just a few vacant beds, but some new faces were visible as well.
In the meantime, Frederik became bored, and despite his wounds he tried to sneak out of the ward a few times.
A doctor once caught him and forced him to return to bed. He was once screamed at by an old nurse for trying to smoke in the corridor.
His countdown to being realised back home began. He wanted to see his mother's face again, embrace her, and hug her.
Taking a step towards the bed with a smile on your lips, you said, "I heard someone is eager to leave us." Wearing your uniform, you were fully prepared for work. "How are we feeling today?”
From the newspaper he was reading, he glanced at you. "Hi. I'm ready to get back home. You also look rested."
You nodded. "Well, they made me rest at home and rest there, so I look and feel better," you said. "I'm glad you feel better."
The man nodded. "I won't interfere with your work."
"I will check on you later." 
As you walked away, you checked on other patients, big and small. You even found the time to sing a song to cheer up a girl. Soon, a girl and a few other children joined you in singing. The experience was pleasant and relaxing for the children.
Once the checkup was over, you returned to the young man. "I never got your name," you said, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
In a hurry, Frederik sat up and pulled on the curtain that divided his bed from Thure's; the other male was on his side, glaring at the nurse that came to check on Frederik. This redheaded man remarked, "You look amazing in this tight uniform and heels. What are you up to tonight, sweetie?"
Frederik gave Thure a cold glance and shifted the material so the other man's bed was covered. Then he looked back at you. "My name's Frederik. How about yours?"
Your smile was contagious. "It's nice to finally meet you, Frederik. My name is Y/N. I am happy to see that you are doing better."
He offered you his still trembling, bruised palm. "Det er rart at møde dig, Y/N."
You gently took his hand, not giving it much of a squeeze to avoid hurting him. "Hope it will heal soon."
He smiled briefly. "For how long are you working here?"
"Around two years. I ended simple nursing school but it was enough. You know, I've always wanted to help and in those times every pair of hands is needed."
A nod of acknowledgment was given by Frederik. A reasonable decision. I wish I had made such a reasonable decision in my life."
"If I were a man, I would probably follow after my father. He is a fireman. When I helped here... He helped out there..." You said quietly.
"I saw a lot of firefighters two days ago, right after the bombardment. I may have even seen your father. They give themselves fully to helping people, despite the chance of having their own health compromised."
"My mom was really scared when I returned home." You nodded. "I don't do as much as he does, but I always do something."
"Your skills are highly valued, especially now."
Your features were flawless when he examined your face. He adored your eyes, nose, and perfectly shaped, rosy lips.
"I am glad to hear that," you giggled quietly, inspecting his face as well. Despite some scratches, it was so handsome. You would definitely date him if he wasn't a patient.
"Is there somewhere I can smoke without getting caught?" Frederik asked out of sudden.
"Well... I often smoke in nurses' rooms with other girls. You're welcome to come and smoke there." You offered with a sweet smile.
"Won't I be a problem to you? I don't want to cause you more trouble."
"No. Once, there was a gentle, old man. He loved to smoke but had a similar problem. He came to us once a night shift started," you whispered back. "He used to say we saved his life."
A soft smile spread across Frederik’s face. "I'm glad to accept your offer."
"Good. Then we can smoke together," you winked at him. "I'd like to talk more, but I have to get back to work."
"Of course, thanks for the tip, Y/N."
"I'll check in with you later." You patted his palm and walked away to get back to work.
Frederik spent another lonely day reading the newspaper and napping here and there. Thure was also bothering him.
Your day was busier than his. In truth, you wished you could spend it at home and in bed, but people needed your help and attention.
Of course, Thure was trying as hard as he could to annoy you.
You did your best to ignore his silly comments and even smacked his hand a few times when he tried to touch you. If you could, you would tie his hands to the bed so he would stop.
Thure fantasised aloud as he sat at Frederik's bed, "Ah, she's so beautiful. Imagine her among us as one of the officers. She's petite, but I think she likes to be in charge."
Thure was pushed off the bed by Frederik. "Get off."
"Ugh! So angry! Why are you so angry? You weren't able to relieve yourself with the nun, huh, friend?"
Frederik ignored the other man's comments and focused on the article he was reading for the fifth time.
One of your friends sighed. "That redhead man once again."
You looked at her. "What about him?"
"He is rude, even touchy. No matter what I say he keeps doing it. You aren't the only one." She muttered as she crossed her arms over her chest. He also bothers the guy next to him." She added.
"Well, we could always put him on another ward. Let's wait and see if he keeps acting up; we'll move him." You suggested and your friend agreed.
Frederik tried to remain calm and not react to Thure's taunting. He knew that if they fought, both of them would be kicked out of the hospital; the last thing doctors wanted was some fights on the ward.
Thure didn't stop bothering Frederik and the nurses unfortunately. "Hey Frederik, do you think that nurse of yours is a virgin? She looks so innocent."
"How many times do I have to repeat myself? Rend mig i røven!"
While you and two nurses watched, you felt nervous, you didn't want them to fight, but it was quite obvious Frederik was getting more and more agitated.
As Thure once again got out of bed, he stopped right next to Frederik's bed.
Dark-haired man raised his head and glared at the redhead.
"If I were you, I wouldn't want to get close to her or any other nurse working at this disgusting facility. The risk of contracting venereal disease is high, and I bet they all open their legs and cunts for the doctors." Thure claimed loudly enough for everyone in the patients' room to hear. "No fucking for poor Frederik, the HIPO police sargeant. First the nun, now the nurse, you appear to be unlucky with women. What drew you to join us then? Hey, maybe you like boys better?"
Thure had crossed the thin line at that moment. Frederik felt the tension and heard the intensity of his former colleague's voice. There was a great deal of emotion behind these words that Thure was uttering. Yet Thure insulted you without particular purpose. Frederik leaped from his seat and aimed a powerful blow at Thure's jaw, sending him directly to the ground.
Your friend said, "Oh, for God's sake," and stepped further into the room to separate the two men immediately.
You followed her immediately, of course. There wasn't a lot of fighting in the wards, but of course, something happened here or there.
Another nurse roared angrily while helping Thure up from the floor, "What do you think you are doing, sir?"
In order to make sure that Frederik wouldn't jump onto the other guy, you walked to him. "What's wrong with you two?! There are children here! They are scared enough, so there is no need to scare them further." You scolded them both.
"Åh undskyld!" Frederik replied. "He insulted you and other nurses."
The other nurse muttered, "Not the first time. I'm sorry, sir, but we'll have to move you to another ward." She informed, looking at Thure.
Redhead pushed the nurse who had helped him seconds earlier, grunting, "Don't touch me, bitch. I wonder if you ought to move him as well. I sincerely doubt that any of you would want to work for one of HIPO members."
"Behave or you will be taken away by force." You growled.
"You can remove me, of course! I don't need any of you."
The nurse replied, "As you wish, sir." The girl walked away to get the help she needed. 
Thure gathered his clothing and shoes and headed outside the patient room.
You looked at Frederik immediately as you asked, "Are you alright? You didn't hurt yourself, did you?"
Frederik's voice was deep, but you could see his palm trembling. "No, it's fine."
"Are you sure?”
You nodded. "I will try to check if he really left and I will be back with you, okay?”
"Y/N, you don't have to... I don't want to distract you from your duties."
As you reminded him, "It is my duty to keep people safe," you hurriedly checked to see if the troublemaker indeed left.
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The afternoon soon turned into the evening and the evening into the night.
As you told Frederik, you stayed for the night shift and just waited for him, thinking about what had happened today. You sat near the window looking out at the street.
Suddenly a knock sounded in the room, and Frederik poked his head in. "Hello."
Another nurse sat at the desk and looked at him. "Is something wrong?"
You shrugged with a smile. "Oh, no, no... Cig, you know." You said.
'Well then, I'll proceed to check on the patients. Open the window, Y/N." Your friend grinned as she left.
You invited him in, and you opened the window.
Taking a step into the room, he saw the nurses' room was rather large, with shelves stocked with different types of drugs, drips, and papers. 
Frederick glanced at you before approaching. "I hope I'm not bothering you. Do you smoke?"
You showed him your pack of cheap cigarettes and giggled, "I wouldn't invite you in if I didn't smoke. I bet you have something better."
When he pulled a pack of slightly better cigarettes from his black pants pocket, he offered one to you.
Taking one from him, you said, "Oh. Thank you! It's likely you're well-equipped, but I have matches if you need them."
Frederik searched his pockets in an attempt to find a lighter. Having cursed a few times, he found it in his shirt pocket and lit it up for you. "Here."
"Good cigarettes, a decent lighter, I think I'm lucky tonight." You nodded as you took the first drag.
Looking down at you, he rested his hip against a windowsill. "You can die from it."
"Your friend told you something about HIPO." You said slowly, looking up at him.
He turned his head away, trying to avoid your gaze. "I don't consider him a friend, but he told the truth."
"So you're one of them?"
Resolving conflicted feelings was an inside job that required self-honesty and renunciation of self-delusions. Frederik decided to be honest despite feeling ashamed of his previous actions. He replied, "Yes, I am. Or rather, I was."
You took another drag from your cigarette before shaking some of the ash out of the window. "My uncle was a policeman," you said. "He's gone now."
Your words made Frederik choke slightly on his own saliva as he was about to take a drag from his own cigarette. He looked out the window, keeping a straight face. “'I'm sorry about your loss,” he said.
You sighed, "He was a nice man. A good uncle."
Frederik couldn't even describe what he felt inside; a mix of loathing and anger became unbearable. He remained silent, knowing none of his words would make the situation any better.
"Well. You can't be that bad, I think."
It was more to himself than to you that he whispered, "I am."
"Whenever we get people like you after that accident," you said pointing at him, "the majority of them got hurt during bombardment, but you were pulled from the basements, as I heard."
His face was sad as he nodded, saying, "Yes. That is true. I tried to save the girl and kids she was with."
"That already sets you apart from those bad guys." You nodded.
"I had hurt people for a long time. I was no different from them."
"You wanted to do this? Or did you just do it to keep yourself and your family safe?"
"I know nothing anymore. I know nothing..."
Your feet gently nudged him. "Hey, don't think I hate you. Because I don't."
"Those who claimed they didn't were the first to show it." He whispered.
"Hey, I could have mixed up your drips a long time ago, right?" You joked lightly. "Let's change the subject. How are you feeling?"
"It's fine, thank you. How about you?"
"It's fine. Things have calmed down a little, and it's pleasant to talk to someone else, not just nurses." You smiled at him.
The end of his cigarette was thrown through the window after he finished it. "Could I help? Not just you, but the whole ward? I'm not badly hurt. I might be able to help."
"We will receive a delivery soon. Some basic items, but I won't allow you to carry any boxes." You frowned.
"You can count on me. I just wanna be useful. Tell me when and what and I'll gladly do my best to help. At least that's what I can do." Frederik smiled sadly.
Your reply was slow. "It'll be tomorrow. But you are the patient. You can't carry stuff, you need to rest. Recover."
"I'll recover when I have time. Please let me know when supplies will arrive."
You watched him in disbelief. No matter how pleasant his offer was, you weren't really satisfied. Instead of rushing into work, he should rest and take his time to recover. "I'll do it." You nodded.
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As the next day drew near, Frederik awoke early.
You were already on your feet, checking on the kids and others. It took you a while to reach Frederik. "Good morning. I can see you're an early bird."
The man nodded. He said, "Hey, I can help with the kids."
Blinking was all you did. "Are you sure?"
"I can try. I didn't have any younger siblings, but surely kids aren't that challenging to handle?"
"I mean, they are still scared, and hospitals can be even scarier, so that makes them difficult to deal with."
"I'll try. Just let me know what to do.”
"You just need to check on them. If nothing hurts, if they feel well. Simple things. Sometimes they are scared, so make them smile a little."
Frederik gave a nod of acknowledgment. "I understand. I'll try my best." As soon as he lost sight of you, he took a long look around the room, improving his dirty, stained shirt. Children were in fact present. His blue eyes fell on one girl who was looking terrified, rolling in a ball on the bed and clutching her stuffed animal. After exhaling deeply, Frederik walked towards her bed. "Hello, what's your name?" he softly inquired.
The girl stared at him with her terrified eyes and shook her head, refusing to answer.
In order to not scare her, he crouched close to her bed, not trying to sit on it. He once heard that scared children need space. "My name is Frederik," he said softly, offering a small smile. "You're under good care now. Those nurses are trying to help, right? You're in good hands now."
She whispered, "I want to go home."
Although he didn't say it out loud, he thought to himself that it was understandable. "Where do you live?"
"Mommy told me not to talk to strangers..." 
You walked over to Frederik and crouched next to him. "He is not a stranger, he is my friend, and he helps me."
The girl looked at you less scared. She already knew you, so she was calmer. "I'd like to go home."
After listening to you speak right next to him, Frederik almost jumped into his spot. "Y/N, don't be sneaky like a little polar bear, I've almost had a heart attack." He fixed his gaze on the girl. "I know you want to go home, but your leg is still bandaged, so it will take a little longer for your leg to heal. I'm sure you'd like to play with others once you're out. Can you play with your leg hurt?"
The girl only watched him.
As you wrapped your arm around his shoulders, you asked, "Maybe I am a little polar bear. I will eat that tasty arm of yours, because I may be small, but I am hungry." As you gently nibbled on his arm with a playful growl, you pretended to eat it.
Although he pretended to be scared, Frederik's shock was real; he could never imagine you biting him like that. He looked at the young girl. "I know your leg is injured, but do you think you could help me today? I don't want to be eaten."
Giggling, the girl blinked and sat up a little.  She whispered, "Don't eat him, please." 
Your gaze fell on her. He is a perfect snack for a polar bear, Charlotte."
The girl nodded. "Please, don't eat him."
As you moved away from Frederik, you huffed. "Then I will eat you!" Giggling, you sat on the bed and tickled the girl carefully.
The girl laughed loudly, trying to escape your little attack.
You stopped and smiled after a moment. "If you promise me to be brave, I will not eat you. If you promise me that, I will let you go home soon."
Still giggling, Charlotte nodded at you. "I will try."
You smiled, playful tapping her nose. "I know you'll make it.".
A warm sensation spread through Frederik's body. While he already knew you're good with kids, what he saw was beyond imagination. Within a blink of an eye, you brought a smile back to the little girl's face.
You were gifted in a unique way. As if you were a bird in flight, you made something so difficult for others seem easy and natural. While working on the ward, you calmed difficult patients. Yes, Frederik overheard them talking about you by chance. As he listened to them, he realised that they were right. You never hurt a patient, became impatient or brushed aside their pains, whether physical or otherwise. The way you spoke to the patients made them feel like they were still people, not just withered old bones stubbornly refusing to die.
The girl sat up and hugged you.
Another boy raised his arms loudly, whispering, "I want a hug, too!" He was missing a leg.
“Could you help him, Frederik?" You asked, raising your brow.
The boy was glared at bluntly by Frederik. He felt paralyzed for a few seconds, but soon got up and walked to another bed. Leaning forward, he picked up the boy. “Okay, friend, I'll take you to our very nice lady.”
As soon as the boy was seated next to you, he hugged you.
Both children were embraced by you as you smiled.
Your goal was to make everyone happy, no matter how stupid it may have been. You were especially concerned about the poor children who suffered for no reason at all.
It was what you loved to do, even if it meant calming down a man who was bleeding to death without full medical assistance. 
"I will call your moms to pick you up once you are fine, my two brave bears." You said.
Boy asked, "Do you promise?"
Your hand ruffled his hair. "I promise."
Frederik added, smiling, "She wouldn't break her promise. As you can see, Y/N is here to help you return home to your parents as soon as possible."
The kids looked at him and nodded. They then turned toward you.
With another smile, you embraced them tightly. "Maybe you two should get to know each other? I think you'd make great friends."
The girl offered her hand to the boy. "My name is Charlotte."
Her hand was squeezed by the boy. He introduced himself as Mads.
After that, you embraced them one last time before getting up from bed. "I'm leaving you two here for now. Later I'll return to put Mads to bed."
The kids didn't protest and started chatting.
You suggested Frederik follow you.
He watched the kids for a little longer but eventually followed you.
"The next time you try to cheer up a child, try to distract their attention from the injury, instead of using it as an opportunity to get to them." You instructed him softly. "They are afraid because of what happened and because of their injuries."
"I should have thought of it earlier, my bad."
You told him, "I spoke with the doctor and he says you're good to go, you just need to pick up some documents. I'm sorry... Uhm. Could I ask you... Maybe you would like to eat a home-made dinner?” You dropped the question a little hesitantly, not being sure how Frederik would react.
His eyes widened in amazement; he was astonished by your offer. "Where can I pick up the documents? And ... I don't think that's the right idea. We come from very different worlds... I don't want you to be embarrassed by who you are seeing... I... Thank you so much though. I really don't deserve it, but it was very nice of you."
"I'll give them to you later," you replied. "Don't worry, that won't be a problem. My mom usually cooks a bit too much food." You added, hoping secretly he would agree.
"I..." He didn't know what to say, so he nodded briefly. "It will be an honour, thank you once again."
You cleared your throat, "Amazing! Now, I'll go check on others and then we'll take care of everything else."
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As promised, Frederik helped bring supplies up to the floor where the ward was located. In addition, he attempted to cheer a few kids up a little by talking to them.
You smiled when you saw him with one of the boys. The poor thing was so scared that he would not speak, but thanks to Frederik, he managed to introduce himself in the end.
In your message to girls, you said you were leaving for home. 
You walked to Frederik after taking his documents.
You looked a tiny bit different. Instead of your usual uniform, you wore a simple red coat. "Are you ready?" You asked.
When you confronted him and the boy named Kris, Frederik was in the middle of some story he was telling to the boy. "Are we going yet?" Frederik questioned.
Nodding was your response. "The doctor is letting you go and I am taking you to my house for dinner."
"But...oh, I... I... Nice. Well, yeah. Ahm, Kris, what do you say if I visit you tomorrow and we continue the story?"
"Oh! You two need more time? That's fine." You assured Frederik.
"I will come tomorrow."
"Is it alright with your little friend?"
A little nod was given by Kris as Frederik looked down at him.
"I will bring you something tomorrow, so remember to be a kind patient." Frederik ruffled the boy's hair.
The boy waved at you and you smiled at Frederik. All of a sudden you became excited and happy.
Smirking nervously, he looked at you. "I bet your mom won't be satisfied."
"No, my mom loves people. She will be happy to have someone over." You assured as you walked down the stairs with Frederik walking behind you. "Are you sure you feel okay?"
"Ahm, yeah. Perfectly alright."
As you looked at him, you nodded worriedly. "I'm glad to hear that, if you say so."
"I... Wait. I have a question. Is there a bathroom I could use?"
"Well..." You replied quietly. "My parents aren't home yet, so I wanted to offer you the opportunity to take a shower."
"Don't you think it's too much? I appreciate your hospitality, but I don't want to be a bother." Frederik frowned a little, feeling more than embarrassed.
Our ward has a bathroom with showers." 
"I have another thought. I will get back to my house. I live on the other side of the city. I need to contact my mom as well. If you leave me your address, I can come later if you wish."
You gave him a nod and hurried back to the ward in order to grab a pen and paper. As soon as you wrote your address, you quickly returned to him with a piece of paper. "Here."
He took it and slipped it into the pocket of his dirty shirt. "Tak. What time would you like to meet?"
"Are two hours enough for you?"
"Perhaps a little longer." He responded.
A nod was exchanged. "Of course I don't. Go! I'm sure your mother will be glad to see you; don't keep her waiting."
Frederik nodded and thanked you once more before putting his hand in his pocket and walking away.
You watched him for a moment before jumping a little in your place. That was stupid! It was so stupid you couldn't believe it! This man was a patient after all, not to mention he was a member of HIPO.
Although you shouldn't think of him in the same way you would  think of a guy you met in a pub, you couldn't resist yourself. His beautiful, blue eyes made him look even more handsome.
With a smile you turned and walked in the opposite direction, excited like never before.
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Upon seeing her son alive and well, his mother gasped loudly, welcoming Frederik with open arms.
In contrast, his father greeted him by aiming his first shot directly into the young man's face.
As Frederik didn't want to argue, he went into the bathroom and sank to his knees, choking himself on his tears as he wept silently, his back against the locked door. After the anxiety subsided, he decided to wash off all the dirt he still had on; he was going to see you again and wasn't going to look like a burglar.
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Unlocking the doors, you stepped inside. There was no one at the flat since both of your parents were at work.
You decided to take a quick bath before heading to your room to pick up a clean dress. You had to wear something pretty yet simple. You couldn't show off your excitement. Although you were sure that he had no feelings for you, you still wanted to show some affection.
Your parents returned back home an hour later. They were glad to see you home so soon. They rested for a short while after work, then your mother started cooking dinner with your help.
While your mother was cooking, you informed her that there would be one more guest. Your new friend. Sarah was surprised, but in a positive way. She could not wait to meet this new friend of yours.
Your father wasn't bothered at all. He was more focused on the newspaper and pleased that his family was at home, safe and sound.
Your mom made you clean up the flat a little since the guest was coming. She was a proud working wife who wouldn't let anyone see her flat messy, even when it wasn't messy at all!
While rolling your eyes and smiling, you started to pick up the books from the table and then pretended to clean the area by moving a few things around.
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In the meantime, Frederik took a much-needed shower, washing all the dirt away with water. He brushed his hair, wore clean pants, and decided to iron a shirt.
His actions were disapproved of by his father, who called him a 'fucking monster' and told him that 'at least one less monster would exist in this world if he died along with the others in the bombardment'.
Frederik left his parents' house earlier than he was supposed to, so he could run an errand in the city. He arrived a little late as a result.
Standing in front of a small house, he considered whether or not to knock, and whether the decision to visit you was right. Ultimately, he knocked on the door.
It made you feel less afraid when you heard him knock on the door and you got up from the table. Honestly, you weren't sure he would return. You opened the door and smiled at him.
Black pants and a perfectly polished pair of black shoes were worn by Frederik. The white shirt was neatly ironed and the tie was neatly wrapped. His bangs fell toward his forehead when his hair was brushed on the right side. A large bouquet of red roses and a bouquet of yellow tulips adorned his hands. "Hi, Y/N."
Looking at him, you blinked. He looked so different now, so clean and so organised. You wouldn't recognize him if you didn't know he was coming. "Frederik, how come you brought flowers since you are late?" You joked.
"I'm sorry. I am not familiar with this part of the city, so I had trouble finding your house."
Red flashed across your cheeks. "My bad. I could tell you how to get here. Please, come on in."
Before stepping into your house, he took one last breath. "Oh, these are for you." He handed you the bouquet of roses.
"Oh! Thank you so much!" You said, immediately smelling them and enjoying their sweet scent.
As your mother joined you out of curiosity, she said, "Would you look at that! Such a handsome young man, yet he's late."
A clear voice came from Frederik. The woman received a second bouquet as he said, "Good day, miss Y/N's mom. These are for you."
Laughing, she took the flowers and said, "Oh, I wish I was still a miss. But with that, there would be no Y/N. Thank you."
Your face turned even redder as you laughed.
As he realised his mistake, Frederik chuckled nervously. He introduced himself, saying, "My name is Frederik."
"No problem! I don't mind at all since I am still young and pretty." She smirked, improving her hair as she spoke. "It's nice to meet you, Frederik. I'm Sarah. I am glad you finally came. Dinner is getting cold."
"I apologise for being late. I couldn't find the address."
He was led to the dining room, which also served as a living room. He shifted a chair for you.
Thanking him quietly, you sat down.
"I always wonder how people are unable to find it. It isn't like we live underground." Your father commented.
Taking a seat himself, Frederik smiled gently. "I've confused Grønagervej with Agerlandsvej."
A chuckle accompanied his nod. "At least you apologise for being late."
Sarah murmured, serving the soup, "Oh, leave the poor boy alone. Don't complain, and enjoy your meal."
After being presented with a bowl of deliciously fragrant soup, Frederik nodded a bit. Having heard his mother repeatedly tell him not to put his elbows on the table, he took the spoon and began eating.
You saw your mother smirk as she began eating.
So did you. Your only concern was your father's looks towards Frederik.
After sensing a pair of watchful eyes watching him, Frederick slowed down his eating. Slowly, he swallowed a portion of soup, looking up at your father.
Looking at him, the older man frowned. "I don't think it's my first encounter with you."
As Frederik held his breath, his eyes fixed on the other man.
"Two days ago, I rescued a young man from the rubble." He said briefly. "You were the one?" Your father asked simply.
A slight nod came from Frederik. "Yes, sir."
Your dad blinked in surprise. "Really?"
"Yes. I don't remember being pulled from the rubble, but if you pulled a man in a stained, wet shirt, that was probably me."
Man said, "That's why I remember your face. I'm glad to see you alive but I didn't expect to see you in my house."
You turned red and looked away.
Your mother asked, "Did you meet our daughter at the hospital?"
Frederik replied truthfully, "Yes." He straightened his back and placed the spoon next to his bow. "She was the first person, excluding doctors, who helped me there. She's very skilled, helpful, and has a very positive attitude towards people. Hard-working young woman. I'm sure you're proud of her. She also said a lot about you, how you're devoted to helping people, sir." Frederik added, looking directly at your father.
"Yes, I am proud of her. In some way." He nodded.
"Oh no. Don't start now." Sarah sighed.
"What? You must know I am not pleased that doctors and nurses help those HIPO dogs. They should be bleeding out right on the streets." Older man growled.
You asked loudly, "Please. It's dinner time. Let's not talk about this right now."
Fortunately, your father did not pursue the subject further.
With a slight tilt of his head, Frederik glanced at you. His cowardice was evident. Normally, he would admit openly to being a former member of HIPO, but he couldn't imagine what your parents would say, so he chose to remain silent.
Sarah scolded him, "You are making our guest uncomfortable."
The only thing your father did was to roll his eyes.
"Forgive him. The things that happened are terrible and hard to cope with." Sarah added.
Your hand moved under the table to gently pat his leg.
When Frederik felt your hand on his knee, he froze, but nodded.
The dinner became much more pleasant after that moment. Your mother tried to make the atmosphere as comfortable as possible for Frederik, and you did the same.
With time, he felt amazingly comfortable in your house.
He was still terrified of being asked about his profession by your father; his heart was pounding rapidly. Fortunately, it did not happen.
Sarah made everyone move to the couch after dinner for some coffee and cake she baked the day before.
You offered to let him smoke in a hallway at some point after you tapped his shoulder.
He excused himself and got up to follow you.
Frederik let out a loud gasp as soon as you left the house. He said, "I get more anxious than I used to."
You stared at him worriedly. "I'm sorry. Perhaps you'd like to return home?"
"You know, it doesn't happen often that I meet new people in such a way." Frederik replied with honesty.
"I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable. I just thought that after the hospital it might be enjoyable to spend some time in some good company..." You shrugged, lighting a cigarette. "Who hit you?"
You were offered a cigarette and lighter by him as he shook his head. The guy explained, "I just got a bit clumsy."
Once again, you accepted his cigarette and lighter and sighed, "Sure... I will pretend I believe you. Thanks."
"You're welcome."
As he drew a big drag from his cigarette, he rested his back against the wall of your house. "Your parents are amazing. They love you so much."
You nodded and giggled. "And I love them back just as much. I am sure my mother has already picked out a wedding dress for me."
While looking at the line of horizon, Frederik smiled a little at you. "The man who marries you will be the happiest man alive."
"Mom is probably sure it's you."
Until your words hit him, he was smoking and nodding his head. He felt his cheeks burn as his blue eyes fixed on your face. "Pardon me?"
You giggled as you looked at him. "You know how mothers are. I'm sure she's planning a big wedding because I brought a guy home."
Nodding, he shrugged his thoughts off. "Right. How could I miss that?"
"I'm sure your parents would agree." You laughed and took a drag of your cigarette.
Instead of replying, he changed the topic. "Your father is very kind, but he seems strict."
"Well, I am sure that he thought you were my interest. So he made himself look dangerous. He's a nice man but well," you sighed, "Last few days were difficult. He spent his time pulling bodies from the rubble."
"Yes, of course. I am grateful to him, and your mother, for their kindness."
"Your company is appreciated, I'm sure." You rubbed his shoulder spontaneously.
"If only they knew…"
Playfully pushing his shoulder, you urged him to stop. "My gut feeling is that HIPO will not end anytime soon, right? Are you returning back to work then?"
"I don't want to." He replied openly, his shoulders slightly shrugging. "Something had changed within me. I am no longer able to do those things."
"But if you say no, they will hunt you down."
"I'll think of something. I'm not sure yet."
You gently touched his hand, saying, "Hey... Just so you know, I don't want you to hurt yourself or put yourself in danger."
"I promise, I won't. Don't let these thoughts cross your mind."
You smiled sweetly at him and held out your finger, asking "Pinky promise?"
His gaze shifted to your outstretched hand. He intertwined his fingers with yours. "Pinky promise."
As you giggled, you nodded. "It's critical to me that you keep it, but I'm still worried about you, and this won't change."
"This is probably the first and only time that a nurse has shown such concern for her patient." Frederik joked, smirking a little wryly.
Your eyes blinked. "It's our job to help, of course we are all concerned about our patients."
"In essence, you're trying to say that every nurse takes patients to dinner with their families?" He winked at you.
You looked away, focusing entirely on smoking as your cheeks became completely red.
After he leaned down to you, Frederik whispered into your ear, "That was the answer I was thinking about, Y/N."
You shivered and blinked. "Stop it, Frederik..."
"You cannot accuse me of doing anything wrong, Y/N."
You whined, "I'm blushing!"
"What if I like it when you blush?" He asked, his tone low enough to sound almost like a grunt.
You took a drag of your cigarette and made a little annoyed noise.
Frederick completed his one. "Are we returning?"
After finishing, you nodded. "Unless you have a better idea?"
"I don't know. That's why I asked."
The man pointed out openly that he didn't know the neighbourhood.
"There's the whole city." You shrugged walking back inside.
He followed you back inside without thinking much about it.
Even though your mother was glad to see you, she couldn't resist scolding you for that terrible habit of yours. Although she scolded Frederik as well, it was more of a joke than a serious reprimand.
"I have been smoking for years already, ma'am. They say that what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." Frederik told her with a little smile.
She waved him off. "What doesn't kill you now, will kill you later."
Your mother hated the fact that you and your father smoked.
As you sat back down on the couch, you rolled your eyes.
Having checked his watch, Frederik said, "I would like to thank you for your hospitality and generosity, but it is getting late. And I wouldn't want to overstay my welcome."
Sarah glanced at the watch on the wall and frowned. "I think you're right. You should get home before it gets dark." After going to the kitchen, she returned shortly with some of her cake packed. "Here! Something for you and your parents. I hope they will enjoy it."
"Ma'am, you shouldn't have... but thank you very much for your generosity. It was a pleasure to be your guest tonight."
When your parents and you came to say goodbye to him, he first took your mother's hand and kissed it lightly before shaking hands with your father. Afterwards, he turned to you. "Thank you for saving my life, Y/N.
You smiled, reminding him, "You have a story to finish tomorrow."
When Frederik left, your mother immediately took you aside and asked you so many questions about him, making you red like an apple. Initially, he was just a friend, but your mother already wanted to treat him like a partner or at least a fiance.
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Frederik's mother noticed a slight change in his behaviour, but she didn't have time to ask him - he headed straight to his room and locked the door.
Frederik flopped on his bed and slipped his hands under his head, thinking about your meeting on neutral ground. In thinking of you, he felt a little strange, as if something very warm was spreading over his abdomen and up his spine.
He managed to catch some sleep and rest properly. As much as he wanted to hold onto that night forever, the next day came rather quickly.
He got dressed and walked to the hospital a few minutes after six in the morning.
There you already were, gossiping with one of your friends in the ward.
When Frederik entered the ward, your friend immediately began to tease you about him because it seemed you were really interested in him.
Simply blushing and waving your nurse friend away, you took whatever you needed to go check on the kids. If you were being completely honest, it was just a way for you to get away from your friend to see Frederik.
Frederik was already sitting on the bed with Søren, telling him a story. Another two kids joined them, now staring at Frederik with wide open eyes.
Curious about the story, you stopped and listened from afar.
Frederik made sure kids didn't go hungry or thirsty after the story and that they took their prescribed medications.
"Maybe you should come here and ask for a job? I bet kids and other nurses would love to work with you." You teased him, getting closer.
He glared at you over his shoulder. "I'm not as qualified and competent as you."
"You can always improve, and I'm sure we will need hands to work." You smiled.
"Would you mind teaching me?"
As you stared at him shocked, you blinked. Of course you joked. "I am not a teacher..."
"But you're an experienced nurse. Can we talk later, on the cigarette break?"
You nodded. "Sure.”
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In his free time, he played with the kids, spoke with the nurses, and tried to help as much as possible in the ward.
After your shift ended, you saw him smoking outside of the building while he sat on a bench.
As you sat down next to him, you asked, “Are you done working yet? How was your day?”
"Tiring. Hard. I am used to doing other things."
"I heard you did really well," you smiled, patting his shoulder. "Other nurses are thankful. One doctor even gave you praise."
You were offered a cigarette as he waved his hand. "The atmosphere is starting to cool down since the bombardment has ended... Maybe you would like to go to the cinema with me?"
As soon as the offer was made, you gladly accepted the cigarette. Looking up, you blinked with your cheeks already red. "You? Want to go to the cinema? With me?"
"Yes. Of course, if you prefer theatre, it can be a theatre then."
"I... I've never been to a movie before. I would love to join you." You nodded eagerly.
"When will you have the evening off?" Frederik asked casually. 
You told him quickly, "Starting tomorrow I'll have two days off as I worked more than usual."
"17, then?" He replied casually. "We could watch a comedy. After all that hard time we both experienced."
You nodded enthusiastically more than satisfied with his offer. "That sounds great! Will you pick me up or should we meet somewhere?"
"If it's okay with you, I'll pick you up." His blue eyes looked at you as he smiled sweetly.
Nodding, you put the cigarette between your lips and waited for him to light it. He immediately put the pack back into his pocket after lighting the cigarette for you.
When your cigarette was lit, you hummed happily, taking a drag. "So? Did you find her?" You asked, letting a cloud of smoke escape your lips.
"No. She most likely died."
"Oh... I was sure you found her. You asked me about her right away, so it was obvious she was important to you."
"Hindsight suggests that she merely clouded my mind, filling me with uncertainty and hesitation." Frederik stated openly.
You tenderly touched his hand. "Are you feeling better now? Or is it hard without her?"
He shook his head. "I don't feel fully better, but I do feel freer in some aspects. There are a lot of things I still need to work on."
You gently squeezed his hand as you moved closer. "I am sure you will succeed. I believe in you."
"Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate them more than you know." He grabbed your hand and stroked his lips against it.
While you were blushing, you nodded. "I'm glad I could help at least in this way."
"Thank you. Are you heading home now?"
"It's time to rest after all that madness. My legs are screaming for it. How about you?"
"My plan is to return home. I don't plan anything else."
"We both need rest after the last few days, but I must admit, I enjoy sitting with you." You giggled.
A brief smile appeared on his face. He said, "Thank you for keeping up with me still."
"I just dream about getting into bed and going shopping all day." You chuckled softly.
A car pulled up beside you two. It was your father, looking at you with a soft smile.
A deep blush accompanied your giggle. "Shit."
"Get home. You need it."
As soon as you finished the cigarette, you kissed him on the cheek. "I want to see you well-rested tomorrow."
After those words, you ran to your father's car so he would not be left waiting.
As soon as Frederik touched the cheek where you kissed him, his eyes widened and his lips parted. We'll catch up soon.
From your car, you smiled and waved at him.
It was an awkward ride home. Your father didn't mind Frederik, but seeing his "little girl" with some man didn't sit well with him. Returning home was even more awkward since he did not hide what happened from your mother. Fortunately, she took it easy again and began asking questions.
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It took Frederik a long time to decide to return home after wandering through the streets of Copenhagen. Your sudden outburst completely caught him by surprise, and he couldn't stop his heart from racing. He couldn’t stop thinking about you. As he returned home, his parents sat down to dinner. His father was as cold as ever, mocking him and pointing out which company he used to work for. Frederick was tired, but he didn't want to start another argument or fight, so he decided to remain polite and quiet. As soon as he reached the bedroom, he locked the door and slipped onto the bed, slipping his hands under his head and staring up at the ceiling. After he knew what he had done, he wondered why heaven had blessed him with someone such as you.
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The possibility of a date was more than exciting for your mother. Finally, her daughter had found a decent man!
You could finally crawl into bed after talking for at least an hour and eating dinner. After a quick bath, you collapsed onto your bed, hugging your pillow as you sighed deeply. Your thoughts kept returning to him.
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Another day passed quickly. Frederik spent some time doing some basic chores. Despite that, he felt as light as if he was flying.
Later that afternoon, he got ready and told his mother he was leaving, which drew an unsatisfied glance from his father.
He approached your house again with a bouquet of roses, this time without getting lost.
As soon as she heard the knock on the door, your mother jumped. Glancing through the peephole, she giggled and clapped. She was probably more excited than you were.
Honestly, you were stressed and scared. You wouldn't have made it on time if your mother hadn't helped you get ready.
In a brown dress, you stood before him, hair completely untied and resting on your shoulders. You were a natural beauty so there was not much makeup on your face. "Hello."
Holding a bouquet in his outstretched hand, he stood there without saying a word, looking at you with his lips parted.
You thanked Frederik and took the flower from him.
"And for your beautiful mom, too."
"I'm sure she will love them. Let me take them, I'll put them in water. Would you like to come in for a minute?"
"I'll wait." He replied without blinking, staring at your face.
As you took flowers to the kitchen, you nodded.
Sarah was delighted to see more flowers. You handed them to her and she urged you to return to him.
You took your coat and did so. "Ready?" You asked.
His shoulder was offered to you. "Shall we?"
Your arms were linked as you put on your coat and nodded accepting his arm. 
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Even though the sun was slowly setting, it was still brightening the city with its last rays during your walk.
How could you be so happy and so nervous at the same time? After all, it wasn't a date, he just wanted to take you to the cinema. After all, it was just a friendly meeting, wasn't it?
As a result of talking with him, you became much more relaxed.
"What will you do tomorrow since you have another day off?" Frederik inquired.
"Well, today I will spend the evening with a handsome man, and tomorrow I will probably just sleep." You giggled.
"Hey! How about a picnic?"
"Would you like that? Aren't you too serious about that?" You teased him.
He chuckled softly. "I swear, I'm not." He asked, "So, what do you think?"
You nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds fantastic! I could make something delicious and I have a super soft blanket that we could use." You smiled.
"I don't cook, so let me make sandwiches. Do you like them with smoked salmon?"
"It's great. I can make something sweet and I can make a delicious pie. Oh! I'll ask mom to bake her delicious cheese and strawberry cupcakes!" All excited about the whole idea, you giggled a tiny bit.
When he saw you so happy, he smiled.
While walking, you held his hand gently and jumped a bit as you squeezed it. When you and your friend reached the cinema, you couldn't stop smiling.  "What movie are we going to watch?"
While holding your hand, looking directly into your eyes, he softly said, "Pick whatever you like."
As you stared at him, you blinked. "Oh, wow. What should I pick? Is there something romantic?"
A title on the huge board caught his eye. "Maybe this one." Frederik said, pointing at it. "That sounds interesting, doesn't it?"
You nodded in response to the title after reading it. The title sounded intriguing. "Yes, I would like to see it."
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Sitting by your side, he watched the movie even though it was not his type of movie.
You enjoyed the movie but, to be honest, you loved it more because you experienced it with him.
Upon exiting the cinema, you were jumping with joy. After watching the movie and spending time with Frederik, you were still excited. "How romantic! I wish real world romance was as romantic as this one shown in the movie."
He nodded in agreement with you. It was appropriate that he finally expressed his feelings for her. This was truly admirable of him, and it showed he was a brave person."
Your voice was dramy as you replied, "Oh yes, I wish to hear something like that."
"You're a sweetheart, I'm sure one day you'll make some guy lucky."
"Oh, she can make me happy. I won't complain." There was some husky voice behind the two of you.
Your back was tightly pressed against the strange man's chest when he wrapped his arm tightly around your waist. A giggle emanated from his lips as he replied, "I am sure Frederik would share. Right?" It was Erik, Frederik and Thure’s mutual friend.
You tried to escape, but the man only tightened his grip on you.
Frederik pushed the man's shoulder and said, "Leave her. That's not funny."
No one else but Thure approached Frederik from other side, wrapping his arm around his neck, saying, "Since that fucking hospitalization you changed, buddy! Don't be fussy, your girlfriend looks so cute, we just want to admire her!"
"It's a cute dress, isn't it?"I wonder what's underneath," said Erik. "If it makes you feel less fussed, Freddy, you can trust me to handle her gently."
After escaping Thure's forced hug, Frederik pushed another man's shoulder away. You felt his arm wrap around your waist, pulling you closer to his chest in a protective manner.
"Oh, Frederik has a girlfriend! How romantic!"
"After all, they saw a movie all about love," Erik laughed as he looked at how you nuzzled Frederik.
"Oh... is she scared? She looks adorable. The little girl is even cuter now. She would look great in our uniform."
Frederik pushed Erik's shoulder, walking away with you.
Sadly, Ture and the other man followed.
"When are you coming back to work, Freddy? Our commander asked about you."
Erik laughed, following. "Those stupid British idiots can't even bomb the right place and they think they fly with navigators. We're up and running. It's time to get back to work. You rested enough in the hospital and in her bed."
You simply held Frederik's hand tightly.
Suddenly, he stopped, looking deeply into your eyes. He pointed to a bench outside the bakery and said, "Y/N. Could you wait there? I'll be right back."
Frederik looked at his former colleagues as you walked away. "Listen, I don't give a damn about that anymore. I'm not willing to collaborate with any of you. Do you understand?"
Thure laughed at Frederik's grimace. "Freddy, you've grown some balls! Would you look at that? What? Is she warming your cock that well?"
Erik chuckled. "One stupid girl is enough to change your mind, isn't it? I wonder if you would be so interested if her face looked like mashed tomatoes. I bet she hates to go home alone after a night shift. I'll keep her company though."
Enough was enough. Erik was struck in the chin by Frederick.
A probably broken nose made him growl back as he stumbled. "You little fucker." 
Angry, Erik delivered a powerful blow to Frederik's face.
Erik then kneeled down on the ground when Frederik fell, pulling out his pocket knife, grinning. "Listen now... If you don't come tomorrow, I'll make sure that this little nurse of yours gets her holes nicely filled, but also gets her face carved nicely. I'll do it to your dear old mama as well. I'll make her squeal like a pig and tell her it's all because of her precious little boy."
Frederik spat on Erik and said, "Fuck you. You're both animals."
Erik chuckled. "Fine. We'll talk about that tomorrow."
As soon as the 'friends' walked away, you ran to check on Frederik. "Show it to me..." You said, helping him up.
"It's fine, Y/N." The older man assured, softly stroking your cheek. "Are you alright?"
"No, it's not fine," you said as you reached for your handkerchief, a soft pink one embroidered with your initials. You quickly placed it beneath his nose. "You are bleeding... and I'm fine. A little scared but okay."
He said, "Come on, let's get you back home. I'm sorry that you had to witness it."
As you shrugged with a sad smile, you said, "I expected it to happen at some point. Keep the handkerchief, please. I don't want you to bleed all over yourself."
"Thank you." Frederik grabbed your hand as he walked with you down the street after saying these words.
In the beginning, you were afraid to say anything, so all you did was hold his hand tightly. Eventually, he began to wrap his arm around your shoulders, gently caressing one of them.
Soon, you nuzzled to his side. "Are you sure you are okay?"
"Yes. Don't worry. Forgive me, please. I didn't think we would experience such an encounter..."
"I know. It's fine. I feel better with you close." Whispering this you nuzzled him.
You need to understand that I wouldn't let anyone hurt you."
"I know it, Frederik. I know I am safe." You smiled softly at him. "But please, don't be reckless." You urged.
He replied, "I am not. But sometimes trouble finds you on its own."
"I see what you mean. What will you do next?"
"I will take you back home and go home myself."
"Frederik, you know I am not asking about that." You looked up at Frederik.
"I'm clueless."
As you nodded your head, you walked along with him, hugging closer to his side. You didn't dare to ask more questions.
"I'm so sorry."
“For what?"
"You saw things you shouldn't have witnessed."
You patted his chest as you sighed, "Frederik, please. Don't apologise. I expected it as I said."
The man didn't say anything more, just wiped blood from under his nose.
The rest of the way to your home was quiet and peaceful. Nobody bothered you.
Once you were standing in front of the door, you took the handkerchief and wiped the blood completely from under his nose. Folding the handkerchief neatly, you placed it in his pocket. "Just as a precaution."
"Thank you." He grasped your hand with both hands, gently stroking its top with his thumbs. "Thanks for everything."
"Thank you for a nice evening and keeping me safe." You smiled warmly. "Could you please lean a bit closer to me?"
After brushing your palms, he nodded slowly, getting closer to you. "Yes?"
Your lips touched his forehead as you stood on your tiptoes.
"Be safe now. I beg you... See you tomorrow."
When the kiss was placed on his forehead, he smiled and gasped. "I'll, I promise. So, can we meet at Ørstedsparken's east gate at, let's say, 15?"
You nodded. "Sounds perfect. I will have time to bake the pie."
While returning home, Frederik met Erik and Thure again. They were not as kind this time as they were when he was with you.
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Although he hated himself for agreeing, there was little he could do.
Frederik felt the tension and heard the intensity in the tone of his commander, who was giving another order to the small HIPO group at the new headquarters. 
The old man poked Frederik's shoulder and said, "If you're going to try anything, I'll shoot you, Andersen. Then your mother, father, and the whore boys saw you with."
Frederik stared into the man's grey eyes, saying nothing.
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While they were driving, Frederik checked his watch, and it was a half hour past the hour he was set with you. He already started thinking of ways to explain his absence to you, but he knew that whatever he said would not be enough to satisfy you.
"There he is!" One of the men shouted, pointing out the window.
A young man was walking along the street holding a newspaper.
Thure nodded as he examined the provided photos. "Stop the car. I said stop the fucking car, you idiot."
Frederik, who was driving this time, parked the car on the sidewalk and watched other men leave. 
Thure poked Frederik's back with the barrel of his gun as he said, "You're coming with us, little pussy."
Putting the keys into his black uniform's pocket, Frederik left the car with a heavy heart.
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Meantime, you were now sitting on the blanket near the meeting place, waiting for the meeting to begin.
Maybe he was just busy or maybe he got lost again, just like the day you invited him for dinner? How busy could he possibly be? Perhaps that last date wasn't his cup of tea? Maybe the movie you picked wasn't good enough for him and he dropped you. Maybe he wasn't honest? And he had a better girl on the side?
A few minutes later, you decided to get up and gather your belongings. It's alright if you're a little late, but not by too much. As a result, you felt sad and stupid, especially after spending all that time making this stupid pie. As you gathered your belongings, you picked a pie and a blanket. For some reason you suddenly felt really upset and angry, and tears started to well up in your eyes. While walking through the city, you whined a few times, wiping your eyes as you walked. Suddenly you saw something which made you stop. The HIPO bastards were beating up someone again. "Stop! Leave him alone!" You yelled and ran up to them, leaving your stuff behind. "Please. Leave him alone."
The young girl was spotted by Thure before anyone else. "Oh, Frederik! Your girlfriend finds herself in the worst place possible, again!"
As he saw you walking towards them, Frederik paled. Immediately, he walked towards you.
Blinking, you stared at him in disbelief. That's why he didn't come to the picnic. He was too busy harassing people in the city.
He grabbed your hand and dragged you away. He said, "Go home, Y/N."
With your voice already cracked, you snapped, "Of course I'm going home. I can't make it back to OUR picnic." You pushed him away and picked up your stuff, then returned to him with the pie. "You can have it."
As he looked at you sadly, he accepted the item. "I need to explain."
Waiting for his explanation, you gazed at him.
A man shouted, "Frederik! Come here! We have a task to finish!"
"Yeah, get your ass over here! You can talk to your girlfriend later!" Erik said firmly.
After wiping your tears, you gave him a flat smile. "Go... Get to work."
His eyes watered as he looked down at you. In the end he returned to the group.
Hugging the blanket you were holding, you headed back home quietly.
You spent the rest of the day at home.
Your mother asked you what was wrong when she noticed your bad mood. When she asked why he didn't come for the picnic, you sold her a story about his sick mother. After that, you went to bed.
The man caught on the street was interrogated for long hours.
As well as his eye and eyebrow, Frederick's knuckles were bruised and swollen when he returned home a few minutes past midnight. The fact that you saw them made him hate himself more than anything else.
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The next day you didn't feel like getting up, but you simply had to. Others needed your assistance. After getting ready, you grabbed your coat and walked out of the building.You decided to light a cigarette on your way to work..
In front of the hospital building, Frederik Andersen was waiting for you. A few ashes were shaken off his cigarette with a shaking hand.
He caught your attention when you stopped. "What happened?" You asked, your eyebrow raised.
Taking a huge drag from his cigarette, he didn't reply at first. "Is there somewhere else we can talk?"
Sluggishly you nodded your agreement. "Yes."
He followed you, and soon the two of you were seated in the cosy cafeteria on the ground floor of the hospital. He played with a lighter in his hands without looking into your eyes, saying, "I don't have a clue where to start."
You watched him, feeling uncomfortable in your own chair. "Well... I don't know where to begin either."
"I know what you're thinking." He said, tilting his head and shaking his head. "It isn't my choice. No matter how much I'd like to quit, I can't. I won't apologise because it won't change a single thing. I..." He clenched his hand in his fist. "I like you. A lot. You have opened my eyes to so many things, but I would prefer if our last meeting at the cinema was the last one."
As you sighed deeply, you got up from your seat so you could sit next to him. As you squeezed his hand, you got tears in your eyes.
In response, you replied, "I like you too, a lot, and I care about you too. I was afraid when your colleagues approached us after the cinema, but I felt safe with you. I... I don't want it to end and it breaks my heart when you say that, but I can't make you do something you don't want to. For one reason or another."
A frown appeared on his face when you squeezed his palm. "I did not mean to hurt you. I hope you'll forgive me one day. It will be better that way. You're too good for someone like me." Then he leaned forward and kissed the top of your head. "I will never forget what you have done for me. Thank you." The man nodded, rubbed his chin slowly, and left.
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Your eyes welled up with tears that day. In spite of being able to go to the hospital, you decided to inform the staff that you are sick and need some time to rest. As a result of the crying and work you previously performed, you get a whole week off. Your best use of it was in crying your eyes out after Frederik. You returned to work after that week, but things weren't the same. Helping people was still something that made you happy, but somehow you still felt empty. You searched for Frederik on the streets every time you saw HIPO, and sometimes you did see him among them.
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After a month, a new doctor was hired. The newly-hired doctor was young and handsome. As soon as they saw him, all the girls fell in love with him.
Since your last romance didn't end the way you hoped, you didn't really care at the beginning. For some strange reason, the doctor took the most interest in you. Having finally agreed on a date, you finally felt something. He was kind. He was charming, but he wasn't your Frederik. You still missed Andersen dearly and it didn't change at all but to muffle the sound of emptiness you decided to agree on a "relationship" with the doctor.
The experience wasn't anything special. He was taking you out on dates and giving you gifts. Overall, he was everything a girl could ask for in a man. man. However, he wasn't Frederik.
In that relationship, you didn't feel terrible, but you also didn't feel fully fulfilled. Although it wasn't the same, you kept going. Mostly because you wanted to feel something.
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After a few more months, the war was over. It was almost impossible to believe but it was true. There was happiness in the air. Who wouldn't be happy?
You still remembered the celebrations on the street and the happiness of the people.
It was the end of the war. Denmark lost thousands of soldiers, had many times more wounded physically and mentally, and those damn international do-gooders were whining about native civilian deaths north of a hundred thousand. There were still pictures of dying children in the newspapers and public support had largely turned into outrage. A new strategy was needed. People were still soft, so it was easy. Danes had to be coddled with stories of heroism and scared into supporting collaboration. In both their own country and in other attacks, the enemy had to be worse than a storybook villain. And this enemy was everyone who collaborated with Nazis, under whatever circumstances there were. That included HIPO. It was the government's mission to become the undertakers of the world's true villains - the hit men, HIPO members and many others - of those who had devastated society and left only ashes behind. So they were on death row regardless of whether they lived on skid row or mansion row.
Over the last few months, Frederik has changed dramatically. After his mother was killed by his own commander after Frederik refused to cooperate another time and his father shot himself in the head being unable to stand what happened to his beloved wife and the only son, he was left alone and didn't have much of a choice but to stay with "comrades" and "on the board". He had to get rid of any feelings of any kind if he wanted to survive. As soon as the war ended, he was sure he'd be sentenced and so he signed the truce with God; he sinned enough to be sent directly to hell.
As Danish gendarmerie broke down the door to a tiny apartment he lived in to arrest him, Frederik did not fight back. He let them perform their task without stubbornness. He didn't really have anything to fight for anymore.
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Your doctor was taking you to a party his friends were throwing to celebrate the end of the war. You didn't want to attend, but he wouldn't let you say no. You held onto his hand as you walked the streets with him.
Then something caught your attention. It was the Danish gendarmerie, taking a man out of his flat. It wasn't an uncommon view though.
You gasped when you realised you knew this man. It was Frederik. Your Frederik.
"I... I need to go somewhere." You said to your partner, pulling your palm out of his hand.
The doctor stopped and looked down at you. "Where to, my love?"
"It's enough I know where." You said simply and let the hold of his hand to run on the opposite side of the street where the whole thing was taking place.
There was also another young man who tried to stop the cops. "No, you're making a mistake! He was helping the resistance! He didn't have a choice!" He was shouting, waving his hands nervously.
"It's okay, Karl." Frederik replied simply, an emotionless expression on his face.
During this time, your doctor watched the scene, his eyebrow raised when he saw you approaching them.
"Leave him alone!" You shouted as well. "He did nothing wrong! Why are you taking him?!”
"Ma’am!" An older man grabbed your hand and gently pulled you away. "This man was one of the collaborators. We have orders to take each of them into our custody."
"But... He did nothing!" You said loudly. "He was forced to work for them!” 
"He will be judged according to his deeds." Older man said, shaking his head. "But I wouldn't have a lot of hopes."
Frederik froze and paled when he saw you. He found himself unable to say a single word, yet he couldn't take his eyes off you. You changed much as well, your hair grew, you got even more beautiful and were seemingly happy.
There was not much you could do. You simply watched Frederik being taken away. When it happened, you looked at the man that was there. "You! Your name is Karl, right?”
Man ruffled his bangs nervously. "Yes. And you are?"
"My name is Y/N. Do you know anything more? Where are they taking him? Can we even do anything?" You asked him quickly.
He offered you his palm and shook your hand briefly. "He'll be put in front of the judges and will be sentenced for working under Nazis. I'm afraid there's nothing we can do."
"But he was forced to perform those horrible things, right? I heard you saying something about resistance?"
"He tried to pass as many information to our friends in resistance as possible but he also was a HIPO member."
"But they made him... I witnessed it once myself. Is there a way to, I don't know... Can resistance prove that he is a good guy?" You asked.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I bet they'll try but the government has a lot of evidence for his collaboration with Nazis."
"I bet you don't know if there is any possibility for me to see him?"
"I don't think so. You'd have to ask in the court or at the arrest he was taken to."
You nodded and smiled at him. "Thank you so much. Take care of yourself."
Your boyfriend was standing with his hands resting on his hips. "Mind to explain to me what the hell was that?"
"What the hell was that? I had something more important to do than attend that stupid party." You growled as you walked towards him.
"Y/N, is someone getting arrested for a crime more meaningful than a party where you can meet new people who can give you work opportunities?"
"You think I care what your friends do with sticks up their butts," you said annoyed. "The man I loved and still love more than you is the man who was taken. I won't stand by."
The doctor shouted, "What? You're in love with a HIPO? Congratulations, Y/N. Congratulations on your priorities. I'll ensure everyone at work knows your lover was an accomplice in killing and torturing people."
"I don't care." You told him plainly. "He killed less people than you. Amazing doctor wannabe. You can take those." After those words you took whatever jewellery he had given you in the past and left.
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Officers at the arrest had to move Frederik to an isolated cell to ensure he would make it to the lawsuit. This was because other arrestants wouldn't let him forget what he was arrested for.
You returned home after leaving your 'boyfriend' and immediately changed. You then borrowed your father's car and drove to the police station. Honestly, you weren't sure what to say. All you knew was that you simply had to see him again.
Walking into the building felt strange, but you were closer to Frederik now. "Excuse me. Can someone please help me?"
Above the desk buried under tons of papers, the portier looked up at you. "How can I assist?"
"I... I am looking for a man named Frederik who was arrested today," you explained simply. "I would like to see him."
"Any surname? There are at least five men with this name."
You said, "He was taken in maybe half an hour ago. Tall... Dark hair."
An older man crossed his arms on his chest and asked, "Why would you meet a HIPO?"
"Sir, I am in dire need of seeing him; I have my reasons, and he is not a HIPO." You replied steadily.
"He was a HIPO member. However, I'm not able to let you see him without a court order, I'm sorry."
Suddenly, you had an idea. "I didn't come here to look pretty, sir. This man was part of the resistance. Do you think they would have sent me here unless he was worth it?
Older man frowned. "Can I see your ID, miss?"
"The war is over, and many of our men have been taken in under false charges." You growled, furious. "We have a lot of work on our hands."
"I might be fired if I help you, ma'am, and I have a family to support." The older man was honest, but in the end he got up and sighed deeply. "Follow me. I know how much effort you put into fighting Nazis."
Inside, you laughed loudly. It worked. It really did! It brought you closer to Frederik.
You followed the man after giving him your thanks, all stressed and scared.
"To prevent lynching, we had to relocate him to an isolated cell." The older man added.
You stopped in front of a white door with a tiny window at eye level. 
Portier pulled the key from his pocket and opened the door for you. "Five minutes."
"Before I go in," you said, getting the man's attention, "My supervisor is curious. Is there any way we can influence the sentencing?"
A sad smile spread across the older man's face. "I'm afraid you cannot do anything. Almost all former HIPO members received death sentences, and many of them were already executed."
"He did a fair amount of work for us, won't it make a difference?"
"It's not my decision, ma'am. You need to speak with the judge. Five minutes."
Nodding, you walked inside, crying as you saw him again. "Oh my God... Frederik..."
He sat on the floor, the back of his head resting against a dilapidated wall, legs together and hands folded on his lap. His head moved unwillingly and his expression remained emotionless. His left brow was cut as well, bleeding still. His lower lip was likely cut after a strong blow he received. "What are you doing?" Frederik asked, with blood filling his left eyeball, and his intense blue pupil standing out more than ever. His nose was bruised; his shoulders were a sickly purple-blue.
"I came to see you." After those words, you couldn't resist joining him on the floor. Tears were already streaming down your cheeks. Despite looking so wounded, he was still your Frederik. As you gently rubbed his cheeks, you whispered, "What they did to you, my dear..."
After looking at you briefly, he closed his eyes and continued to breathe shallowly but heavily. It seemed as if he sat like that for a very long time, but when he opened his eyes again, he couldn't stop the tears from falling. He was an adult and a man, but he was unable to control his emotions anymore. In full acceptance of the emotional pain he was experiencing, he let his chin shake and tears rolled down his bruised cheeks before he burst into tears. Without asking for permission, he rested his head on your shoulder, saying, "I'm scared."
More tears were shed, and you hugged him as gently as possible. "I know you're scared, but it will be fine. I know it will be." You hushed him, gently stroking his hair. Your heart pounded. You did not want to lose him ever again. All you could think about was finding a way out. But you had no idea how…
When you stroked his hair, he calmed down almost instantly. He stopped sobbing and his breathing slowed down. "You shouldn't have come."
You whispered, nuzzling his shoulder, "I had to. When I saw they were dragging you out, I just had to get in here. I had to see you again. It's been too long."
He smiled internally, "At least one of us has had a good life. You deserved it more than anyone else for your dedication."
'Sweetie... you did as much as you were able to do, and I am so proud.”  You told him, kissing his forehead gently. "Without you, my life would be incomplete."
As he looked at you, he sighed deeply and lifted his head off your shoulder. "I want you to be happy. But even if I could, I wouldn't be able to provide you with a happy life. I don't have much life left."
You assured him, "They won't harm you or kill you. You were forced to do this. It will be okay."
He rested his head on your shoulder again, remaining silent this time.
The door opened. "Ma'am, your time has run out. You need to leave."
"It will be fine. Stay strong, please." You whispered and kissed Frederik's temple. "I love you. Remember." 
Sighing sadly you slowly got up. You didn't want to leave him, but what else could you do?
The older man led you to the front door of the arrest.
"You said I can speak with a judge about my friend that you took in," you said. "May I ask how I might do that?"
"Yes. All you need to do is submit an application. However, I would suggest that you find a competent lawyer."
You smiled and nodded. "We for sure will." After walking out of the building and to the parking lot,  you couldn't hold it any longer. While you screamed as many curses as you could, your eyes filled with all the tears you had held back.
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Two months later, the sentence was announced. Frederik received 5 years of imprisonment, but the judge suspended the sentence, taking into account that it was proven that Frederik had assisted the resistance movement, specifically providing them with all the information needed to kill one of HIPO's top leaders. As you watched another HIPO bastard be sentenced to death, there were many people in attendance. You were probably the only person who was happy that one of the former HIPO members wouldn't be killed. You wanted to jump, but you had to restrain yourself.
He was uncuffed and set free. Frederik wore an ordinary, black suit for the sentence announcement.
When he left the court building and felt the warmth of the sun on his face, he felt a deep sense of happiness.
As soon as possible, you left the court to follow him. As you approached him, you asked, "Mind if I join you?"
He didn't notice your presence in the courtroom and looked at you, surprised. "Y/N. Hi."
Out of excitement, you could not help but hug him. The man was still alive and well. "Hi Fredrik. I had to come, I had to see what they decided. I had to see you."
He gently stroked your back as he wrapped his arms around your tiny body. "It means the world to me."
"I'm so glad you're out. I'm so happy you're here." Your hand cupped his cheeks.
His eyes were fixed on yours.
"I'm sorry." You whispered, pressing your lips to his, giving him the kiss he had waited for so long.
He couldn't express how much he craved that kiss. Your lips were smooth, warm, and inviting. This only encouraged him to return the kiss as he gently rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs as he held your face in his hands.
You could only hum into the kiss. It felt great to finally get this done. You certainly waited too long for this.
When your lips parted, he looked at you with watery eyes, and despite being watched by many, he grabbed your waist to pick you up.
With a giggle, you wrapped your arms around his neck so you wouldn't fall. "We can try from the beginning, Frederik. You are free, we can live as we please."
He looked around after putting you down. "You're probably right, but I have no idea where to start or what to do, all I know is that there's no place for me in Copenhagen anymore."
You took hold of his hand. "I would like to visit your flat. There we can talk about what happened during our time apart, and we can think about what to do. Is that okay with you?"
The man nodded. He warned softly, "It's terrible there. You won't enjoy it."
"It doesn't matter to me. We will be there together."
He squeezed your hand with a little hesitancy. It was surreal for him to experience such a thing after causing so much evil. Yet he would not change anything because in the end, every step he took led him to this point, to you.
Holding onto his hand tightly, you walked with him. You probably destroyed your whole life just now, but did you care? Obviously not. At the moment, all that mattered was that he was back with you. In the end you could start a new life with him and you were more than happy with that.
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Frederik's apartment was a mess indeed. You could tell it lacked a 'woman's touch,' but you didn't give it a second thought. "It's not perfect, but it's still a flat. We can stay here for a while."
"We?" He asked after closing the door.
Your voice was quiet and shy as you spoke: "I mean... If you don't mind. I'd love to stay with you here? To catch up on everything that has happened. But I can leave if you wish."
"It's not about me... What will your parents say? What will your friends say?" He asked with concern.
You smiled with a shrug, "My parents will understand. I know they will. If my friends turn their backs on me, they have never been real friends."
He removed the jacket of his suit and hung it on a wooden hanger. "The flat doesn't look as shabby as it did before I moved in. Thanks to Karl, it's not a complete mess. Would you like a drink?"
"I met him. He was really kind, and the water is fine. I just want to spend some time with you."
After opening a bottle of water he found in the fridge, he poured it into a glass and handed it to you. "I apologise for the mess."
With a nod, you took the glass and said, "It's fine, love. Come here and tell me what happened."
"Life has been a shit." He said, sitting by your side on the couch. "You saw me with them, and I saw you, too."
"I know you did..." As you sighed, you nodded. "I hoped you would..."
Nodding his head, he continued. "How has your life been?"
You simply told him, "It was boring and lonely."
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The weeks passed in this way. After work, you visited him every day, bringing him food and cleaning the apartment. It was pleasant catching up with him. When it came to discussing his parents, that was the most difficult moment. Holding him tightly, you let him cry his heart out. You knew it was challenging for him because he was alone in this world, after his parents died. Those weeks weren't wasted. You and Frederik slowly began to get to know each other better, slowly rebuilding your relationship. Even with the scars the war left on his mind and soul, he was still the same man you knew a few months ago. You loved him more and more each day.
One day when you were cooking dinner you got an idea. "Frederik? You know, I was thinking about something."
Frowning, he peeked into the kitchen. Y/N. I told you not to cook!" He then stepped in and rested his hip against the counter. "Yes? About?"
"You said so, but I decided not to listen. You deserved a tasty, home-cooked dinner, and I'm not such a bad cook." You shrugged and looked at him with a smile. "I thought we should visit my parents."
Blinking, he tilted his head. "After everything that happened, I don't think it's a sane idea."
"My parents aren't bad people, but they wonder where I go after work."
"I'm afraid I won't be able to look them in the eye."
Grabbing his hand, you stroked his skin, smiling. "Despite what you may think, they really are good people. Trust me on that."
Nodding, he replied, "You know I rely on you."
You joked, "Now sit down and hope I won't kill you with that soup. Go ahead, grab a bowl."
Your order was followed. He smiled and kissed your cheek briefly. "Tomato soup? I can have it all the time." After his bowl was filled, he sat at the table and immediately began eating.
After two months in prison and many more months of stress working for HIPO, he lost some weight, but his body was still lean and tense; he tried his best to regain his strength.
You filled your own bowl and sat next to him, but instead of eating you watched him. Being able to take care of him so well filled you with pride. Of course you couldn't heal his mind from all the terrible things that happened but you at least did what you could. "Did I ever tell you that you are handsome?”
With a spoon between his lips and a frown on his face, Frederik looked at you, blinking. He shook his head slightly. "I'm not handsome but thank you. You're the prettiest girl I've ever met."
You frowned and flicked him on the forehead. "Thank you and stop it. You know that for me you are the most handsome man in this world."
You were winked at as he smiled. "Only you have such an opinion."
Your eyes rolled back in irritation and you moaned, "Oh, stop it."
He smiled and returned to eating the soup you made.
As you ate yourself, you giggled, pleased with how tasty the soup was.
"Yes, love?"
"Can you stay with me tonight?" Frederik asked.
Looking at him surprised, you blinked as you nodded. It was the last thing you expected from him. "Sure, love, since you asked me so nicely, how can I say no to you?"
After finishing his soup, he smiled. "Can I have another bowl of this? It's too tasty and I can't help myself."
As you giggled, you nodded. "Yes. Do you want me to pour you more or will you pour it yourself?"
Getting up, he kissed the top of your head. "Sit and eat."
You munched happily on your soup as you returned to it.
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It was a wonderful evening filled with snuggles, talks, and laughter. Since you didn't have your clothes, you used one of his shirts as a nightdress. It was a new feeling to spend the night with him. Of course nothing steamy happened but you didn't care. Snuggling was enough for you.
In the midst of talking to you, snuggling on the couch, he began mumbling some things without any apparent purpose and actually fell asleep with his head resting on his propped hand on the coach's armrests.
It was impossible not to giggle at that. You moved him into a more comfortable position once he was asleep. You watched him closely, gently stroking his hair.
It made you feel lucky and thankful that he was still with you. You eventually fell asleep as well.
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The first thing he noticed when waking up was the weight on his chest and his forehead resting against the back of the couch. Seeing your fragile body snuggled to him, he smiled softly to himself. He couldn't resist petting your hair a little; in his eyes you looked like an angel sent from heaven.
When you awoke, you felt someone touching your hair. You stretched and looked at him, letting out a soft yawn. "Good morning."
Your face captivated Frederik's attention. After tapping your nose, he said, "Good morning, little princess. Sorry for waking you up."
Giggling, you nuzzled to his chest. "It's nice to wake up and see my handsome Frederik as soon as I open my eyes."
"Yes.. But I think the bed would be better for sleeping together next time."
As he licked his lips, he smiled. "Perhaps another time. I think the last thing I remember was us having a conversation... Then, it became black."
You explained, "I just moved you a bit and stayed with you until I fell asleep myself."
For a moment, he closed his eyes. "Can we stay there a little while longer?"
Again, you nuzzled him, closing your eyes. "I don't mind it at all."
"Aren't you cold?"
"You kept me warm the whole night. You are so warm."
He smiled lazily, slipping his hand from your head to your upper back. "Tak."
He half-opened his eyes. "Y/N?"
You raised your head and looked at him. "Yesterday. Before I fell asleep. I’ve been thinking a lot."
He opened his eyes wider, nodding head. "Yeah?"
Your chest twitched as you said, "We've been through a rough time. I know I can't help you heal fully, but I will do my best to help you as much as I can. I love you, no matter what."
You could feel how his chest stopped moving as he held his breath deep in his lungs. "Y/N... I didn't expect that..."
"I... I will understand if after all this time you don't return my feelings. I still wish to help you around." You smiled. "Even if just as a friend."
"Can you get closer?" Frederik asked softly.
You indeed moved a little closer.
He pulled you closer, making his lips meet yours in a sweet kiss as he cupped your face with his hands.
A quiet moan escaped your lips as you kissed him back, even though the kiss was heated and messy.
"I love you too." Frederik stated firmly. 
You gasped and kissed him deeply out of pure excitement. Once you pulled away, you told him, "I don't want to be away from you ever again. Don't leave me alone... Please."
"I'm not going anywhere." He assured, stroking your cheek, looking at you from half-opened eyes.
"I hope so. I don’t know what would I do." You smiled at him and placed one more kiss on his cheek. "I am not going anywhere as well."
He hugged you to him, letting his hands gently move up and down your back. "Don't think of that."
"We are together again." You whispered and hugged him tightly. “Together, forever.”
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Eventually, you decided to get up after talking for another hour or so.
After waking up, you put on your clothes and prepared for the day. It was you who prepared the breakfast and convinced him to visit your parents.
Walking to your flat was nerve-wracking. You weren't nervous about your parents. Instead, you were worried about Frederik. Trying to hold his hand as tightly as possible and squeezing it from time to time was all you could do.
The moment you and he stood in front of the door, you both looked at each other.
"Are you ready?” You asked him.
"Not at all but I guess I'll never be ready enough." He announced openly, a tiny hesitation in his tone. He improved his white shirt and looked at you. "Let's do this."
Nodding your head you used the key to open the door. "Mom! Dad! I am home and I brought a guest!" You announced happily.
The first person to walk to the door was your mother, Sarah. "Y/N! Oh, you brought Frederik! Welcome, boy! It's been a while," She said happily as she hugged him. "Let me look at you. Oh, you should be happy I planned a big dinner! You are so thin." She teased.
After all this time, Frederik was completely paralyzed; this was something he never expected to encounter. "Good morning, ma'am. I would like to speak with you and your husband, if that's possible. I think there are a lot of things I need to verify and explain."
The two of you looked at Sarah as she blinked. "Oh, that sounds serious, so come inside. I'll make a cup of coffee and we can talk about it. Sounds good?"
He nodded. "Thank you, ma'am."
Your mother took the two of you into the living room where your father was smoking a cigarette. "Ah, it's you, long time no see."
In greeting the man, Frederik bowed his head a little.
Your father nodded as he said, "Come in, sit down."
You smiled softly as you patted Frederik's shoulder.
With hesitation, Frederik approached the couch and took a seat. 
After a few minutes, your mother brought in the coffee and sat next to her husband. "So? What do you want to talk about?"
"I..." Frederik sighed. "I want to apologise."
Your parents looked confused.
"Apologise for what?" Sarah asked.
"For... I bet you heard what happened."
"Well, the war is over." Your mother said.
Your father muttered, "Everyone who did something was judged accordingly. At least HIPO is no more. Can you finally get your message out?"
"I was a member of HIPO." Frederik said with a loud sigh, getting up from his seat.
A frown crossed your father's face. "It might be a good idea to get out for a walk with Y/N or something, Sarah."
Despite your mother's protests, he only yelled at her, so she took you with her and left the room. Leaving the house, you gave Frederik a gentle smile, and soon he was left alone with your father.
The young man already understood what your father was trying to tell him.
"I want you to sit down."
Although he didn't want to, Frederik followed the man's order.
The older man stared at him with an angry expression on his face. "HIPO, you say, and yet you still walk around? Most of them were sentenced to death."
"Yes, sir." Frederik responded simply, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He added, "I got a suspended sentence for helping the resistance."
"Y/N knew? Or did you play with her like with us?"
"She knew right from the start."
The man nodded. "Due to her kind heart she can be sometimes ignorant, but despite knowing what you are, she stayed with you for a longer period of time. Why did it end?”
After our first date, we were set that day. Unfortunately, my former colleagues from HIPO got back in touch with me and told me openly they would hurt my parents and Y/N as well if I didn't return to serve. I had to return to "working" with them and later asked Y/N not to see me anymore. I didn't want to cause trouble for either my parents, Y/N and her family."
"So, you protected her and us." Your father said slowly and took a puff from his cigarette. "What with your parents?"
"They're gone." Andersen replied shortly.
"I am sorry to hear that, son." Man paused and nodded. "My sister lost her husband. He was a policeman, I am sure Y/N told you."
"Yes. She mentioned."
Older man cleared his throat, shaking off the ash into the ashtray. "You didn't do it because you wanted to?"
"The answer is partly yes, but on the other hand, I was stupid enough to step into this shit."
Y/N's father shrugged and offered his guest a cigarette, saying that young people do stupid things all the time. "My daughter is a good example of this."
Frederik Andersen endorsed the proposal. "Thank you, sir." 
Frederik shook his head after lighting a cigarette. "I should think more instead of acting quickly."
Thomas commented, "It was a chaotic time. Fortunately, it passed. So, I assume you regret it all? And the most important question, do you love Y/N?"
"I will never forget the first time I saw her... She brightened the room as soon as she walked in." Frederik smiled to himself. "I was scared to fall in love with her. I had been in love a few times before but it was never so intense..."
"And what about the other question? Do you regret everything that happened?"
"Of course I do!" Suddenly sharp in his own tone, Frederik frowned a little at his own statement. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap or sound rude... I...I can't sleep at night. When I close my eyes, I see those I caused suffering to. I wish I could turn back time, but it's impossible. Now I have to live with that stigma."
While listening to Frederik, your father sat there, observing the young man's face carefully. He wasn't entirely sure if he trusted the boy, but suffering was written across his face.
"I just want to start a new life. Hopefully with your daughter by my side."
The last part depends on her. You seem honest and I can see you suffer much. If she trusts you, I will as well," the older man replied with a smile, "But it's a thin line. One mistake, you hurt my girl and I will get your head myself."
"I am aware of that, sir. I have no one else to care about." Andersen smiled, turning his head aside to catch his breath as tears started gathering in his eyes. "I wish I could give her more, but the truth is I cannot at the moment."
"Trust me. If she is with you after all, it means she cares about you and not about what you can offer her."
Getting up, Frederik started walking around the living room, nervously tugging on the sleeve of his shirt.
The older man raised an eyebrow as he asked, "Is something wrong?"
"No. Yes. I mean, no."
"Spit it out!"
"I wanna marry her." Frederik said openly after gathering his courage. The proposal was a very important moment to Frederik but he had never been more certain in his lifetime. He fell in love with Y/N so badly that it hurt every time you had to leave his flat; he hated to spend time alone, without you by his side.
"Are you asking for my permission or are you simply informing me?”
"I am asking for your permission, sir."
"Well then, I agree. I trust you with her but you need to ask her as well." Man chuckled.
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to speak my mind out." Frederik smiled a little, grimacing.
The older man laughed and got up from his spot. Frederik's shoulder was tapped as he walked up to him.
"Shall I get them now?"
"It might be possible for them to walk longer..." Frederik hesitated but your father already went to open the door.
You almost fell into the house after your dad opened the main door.
He told you two to go for a walk, but you didn't even consider it. It wasn't a waste of time to stay close just in case. You didn't like the fact that the doors were too thick for you to hear anything.
While the boys talked, you took the time to explain to your mother what had happened between you and Frederik.
Sarah was deeply moved by everything she heard. As a result, she grew more respect for him.
Your father smirked and said, "My two stubborn women never left."
Frederik walked faster around the room, thinking to himself, "Oh my God." Finally, he sat down at the couch, still tugging at his sleeves and adjusting his bangs impatiently.
Your father rubbed your head. He had done a lot of wrongs, but he paid for them in one way or another, but since you see some good in him, I do as well." He said, looking at Frederik.
Seeing you, Andersen smiled shyly, his lips parted as he looked at you.
After hugging your father, you proceeded to sit next to Frederik. You asked, "Are you alright?"
He nodded eagerly and smiled. "Definitely."
Frederik stroked the top of your hand with his palms, his eyes never leaving yours.
"Are you okay? You look terrified."
A smile spread across his face. "Yes, sweetie."
Returning the smile, you stroked his hair. "You want to go home? I have stuff to make some cupcakes."
"I'd like to stay but, ma'am?" Frederik got up and looked at your mother. "Can I speak with you?"
Sarah blinked but nodded. "Of course. We can talk in the kitchen."
You huffed annoyingly, crossing arms over your chest; he wanted to talk with everyone but you. 
In the kitchen, Sarah smiled at him. "Is everything okay? Can I help you somehow?"
"Yes, I have a question about your daughter. I am not sure if she likes crystals. I mean, jewellery?"
She blinked and laughed softly. "Oh? Why do you ask?"
"Ah. I have an idea, but I don't know what to pick... Do you know the size of the ring she wears...?"
After thinking for a moment, Sarah snapped her fingers. "I have an idea. Wait."
Frederik nodded enthusiastically. He felt like an idiot inside, but there was no other way he could check something like that.
After leaving the kitchen, she returned moments later with a small box. She giggled at him, "Y/N told me that your situation isn't great, and now that I know what you plan..." Sarah winked at him and passed him the box, she explained, "This will fit her perfectly." Inside was a beautiful engagement ring. "It belongs to me. I always wanted to give it to my daughter's boyfriend so that it stays in the family."
"Oh my God." He whispered. "What if she declines? I'm not a righteous man. I'm not wealthy, either... I saw her with another man, he looked classy."
"That doctor? He was stiff as a stick. I prayed for him or her to change their minds every day." She rolled her eyes. "The fact that she returned to you after everything that happened means she loves you more than anything."
"I apologise for asking all these silly questions. Normally, I'd talk to my mother." He said, taking a deep breath. "I'm doing this."
"Wait a moment."
He nodded, looking once again at the ring in the box.
Sarah grabbed his cheek and smiled at him. "She told me about your parents, and as a mother I can tell you your mother would be proud of you. I am also proud of you." Sarah claimed, stroking his cheek and hugging him. "Remember, we are your family too, now."
He hugged her instantly, resting his chin on her shoulder. "Thank you, ma'am. I promise to take care of Y/N."
"I know you will." She squeezed him and then pulled away to adjust his shirt and hair a bit."Go to her now."
Frederik looked into the woman's eyes, nodding but then he shook his head, smirking nervously. "Hair... Is good?" He once again ruffled his bangs that had already been fixed by your mother moments earlier.
She sighed. "You, men. They were fine until you ruffled them. Go."
Frederik returned to the living room, straightening his shirt once again. "Y/N?"
"Yes?" You asked softly.
Sarah smiled and walked to her husband to take his hand.
As soon as you got up, Frederik offered you his hand and smiled at you. I've always had difficulty expressing my feelings, because when I do, I'm naked. Yet I fell in love with you the day we met. Then I fell in love more deeply upon a second meeting. I couldn't say. I thought you wanted to be friends, and that's all. It broke my heart. It was rough. But I'd rather have you as a friend than not at all. I love you more than anyone. Would you marry me?" He asked finally, getting down on one knee
Blinking in shock, you looked at him; to be honest, you dreamed about it but didn't expect it so soon. As much as you wanted him to heal fully first, you couldn't say no to his decision. You didn't want to refuse him. “Of course! Yes! Yes!”
As he picked you up and spun you in his arms, a bright smile appeared on his face.
Your laughter turned into tears of joy.
As he put you down, he cupped your cheeks and kissed you gently, just a small peck on the lips.
A smile spread across your face as you sniffed and cupped his hand on one of your cheeks.
Your parents clapped. They were happy to see you happy again. In spite of the fact that you seemed happy before, it was clear that you were never as content as you were at that particular moment.
"I'm the happiest man alive." Dark-haired man whispered, kissing one of your tears away. "I'll look for a decent job so you won't have to work."
"Stop it... We'll make it together." You poked his side, rolling your eyes.
A frown appeared on his face. "You're too beautiful. Besides, who will stay with kids in the house?"
"Look at them, already planning children!" Your mother giggled, making you blush.
The realisation of what he said hit Frederik as well, and he blushed too. "Maybe in the future, if God so wills?"
"What are you two going to do now?" Your father asked.
"As soon as I sell the house after my parents, all the foundations will be invested in the new home."
Your mother jumped into her place. "Oh, you don't need to do that! I have a perfect engagement gift!" Sarah shouted, running to the bedroom.
You only tilted your head slightly.
Frederik looked down at you, realising he had to put a ring on your finger. Taking your hand, he put the ring your mother provided him on your finger.
As you giggled and kissed his cheek, you thanked him.
Sarah returned soon with a key.
"Wait, is this the key to the flat your aunt left for you?"
"Yes, it is, the flat is located in Århus, it will be perfect for the two of you." Your mom nodded.
"This is not such a bad idea, love." Your father nodded. "We don't need the flat and you both can start fresh there."
"Isn't it too much for a gift?" Frederik asked openly.
"The two of you are young and have been through a lot. Especially you, Frederik." Older man said with a shrug. "At least this is how we can help."
You smiled and nuzzled him, looking at the key.
Putting his chin on top of your head, Frederik wrapped both arms around you. "I cannot express my gratitude enough, sir."
"You better be, boy." He laughed and your mother rolled her eyes, slapping him on the chest.
When things calmed down, your father decided to bring in some alcohol to celebrate.
Even though you and your mother had only drank a little bit, your father and Frederik completely consumed the bottle.
You decided to spend the night at your parents' home at this point. Putting your hand on Frederik's shoulder, you asked, "Sweetie? Are you sure you don't want to go to bed?"
As he held you on his lap, wrapping one arm tightly around your waist, stroking its curve, and playing with a glass of vodka, Frederik asked in the sweetest and most sober voice he could muster, "Your dad has so many interesting stories. Just a few minutes? Then bed time."
"I will take care of them. Go get your bed ready." Sarah instructed you.
Sighing, you nodded and kissed Frederik's cheek before getting up. "Don't be long, please." You told him.
He gave you a nod and refused to let go of your hand, just to pull you back on his lap to steal a few more kisses from you.
You giggled and tapped his shoulder. "Not in front of my parents."
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It took him almost half an hour to finally get to your bedroom. Before entering, he knocked on your door politely, not being certain he was in the correct room.
"Come in." You said loudly.
Frederik opened the door and stepped in, closing them behind him. "Evening. I'm a little, ahm, late, kinda."
"I noticed that, sir." You said, looking at him from above your book.
He cleared his throat. "Ahm... I'm afraid, like... I have nothing. To change. To change into."
"Sweetie, go take a shower and I will go ask mom if we have some pyjamas for you."
He cleared his throat again. "Shower? Ahm... Where?"
You got up from the bed and walked to the door and opened it, showing him the small bathroom. "You can always take a bath if you need to."
"Ahm. This thing!" He chuckled, more to himself. "Yes. I do." With his legs a little wobbly, he stumbled to the bathroom, making sure to close the door as quietly as possible.
You wandered over to your parents' bedroom. Your mother gave you a set of pyjamas that were a bit too small for your father. However, they should fit Frederik.
After that you returned to your bedroom and knocked on the door of the bathroom. "Frederik? Can I come in?”
The door opened slightly and his head slipped from between them, his hair dripping with water. "Hi, Y/N."
"Hi, sweetie. I have pijamas for you."
He accepted it, offering you a tiny smile. "Thank you."
"I will be waiting in bed." You ruffled his wet hair and went back to bed.
Frederik joined you after a few minutes.
"Comfy?” You asked, placing the book down.
He looked down at a bit too huge pijamas. "Yes. Thank you."
"Now get comfortable and rest sweetie." You said and kissed his forehead.
He took a place by your side and ran his hand through still wet bangs. "I love you. Ahm. I can't believe it. You agreed."
"Frederik. You know I love you and as crazy as it sounds, I want to spend the rest of my life with you."
"Can I?"
"Can you what?"
He didn't ask anything more, just shifted down in his place to place his head on your lap. "Oooooo, yes, comfy. You're so comfy. My Y/N. I can't believe it. When I wake up, will you be here? Or is it just a dream?"
You blinked and smiled softly, moving your hand through his still slightly wet hair.
"Of course I will be here, love. I am real and I am not going anywhere."
He kissed your stomach a few times, humming to himself. "Few months ago... Ahm. I wouldn't say something good would happen to me."
"But in the end it did. You are free, the world is free. And we are back together. I am not letting you go again."
Suddenly, you could feel the wetness on your nightdress. 
Frederik shed a few tears, sniffing a little. "I don't know how to comprehend... It's too much, I have never felt so much at once."
You blinked. "Sweetie. Don't cry, please. It's fine. Don't think about the past, it's behind you. Let's focus on what is now. Let's rebuild our relationship fully and start our brand-new life."
"I'm scared." He sobbed. "What if God will take it all from me? I can't lose you again."
"Frederik. He won't. "You did wrong things, but you paid for them enough." You said. "Now it's time to start a new chapter."
He nuzzled your body more, sighing. "Ahm. Yes. My beautiful Y/N is right. Right. And beautiful and wise. And with a heart of gold."
You stroked his hair, trying to calm him down. "Thank you so much. Rest now, I am sure you need it."
It took him only a few moments to drift into much needed slumber.
You smiled softly and covered him with a duvet, then you laid down making sure not to move too much. You turned off the lamp and went to sleep yourself, stroking his hair.
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He was the first one to open his eyes in the morning, when the first rays of sun fell into the bedroom through a half-opened window and tulle curtains. Frederik shifted in his spot, moving his head up; he quickly realised he fell asleep on your belly, making you sleep in a very uncomfortable position. He smiled to himself, seeing your calm features and half-parted lips; your hair was messy, spilled over your pillow. He took as much of the view as he could. After he rolled to the side, he offered you a steamy kiss.
You let out a quiet sound and slowly woke up, wrapping your arms around him.
The dream you were having was so enjoyable, but he had to wake you up. You didn't like it but you gladly accepted it.
Instantly, Frederik nuzzled to the crook of your neck, slowly brushing his lips against your exposed skin. "Godmorgen."
"Godmorgen. And you see? I didn't disappear, I am still here. Still with you." You whispered.
He didn't reply, too focused on inhaling your sweet, warm scent.
You hugged him tightly, holding him close and playing with his hair. "So fluffy."
Frederik shook his head a few times.
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Frederik asked you to stay with your parents while he got back to his flat to start gathering everything that could be useful in the new place.
You spend your time talking and planning with your parents. Evidently, they had some friends there so that both of you could count on help doing jobs and renovating the flat. It was so exciting and a bit scary but you knew that with Frederik on your side, you would make it.
Frederik asked his friend to help him sell his parents' house. He also borrowed Karl's car and packed a few cartoon boxes into the trunk.
Your parents agreed for the two of you to stay in their house until the two of you were fully ready to move. 
You were excited like never before.
Frederik, despite the fact your parents were extremely kind to him, felt a bit uncomfortable in their flat; he felt a bit like a third wheel.
But your mother didn't mind him at all. She even started to joke that she adopted him.
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One afternoon when your parents were still at work, you sat with Frederik on the couch. "You know, I need to go to the hospital."
He was reading a newspaper, nodding his head after he heard your words. "Do you really want to leave the job and your previous life behind? I don't have any strings attached, but you, on the other hand, your entire life is in Copenhagen."
You smiled and shrugged. "And I already told you something. I want to start over in a new place, with you. I would need to move out one day anyway."
The newspaper was folded and placed on a small coffee table. His arm wrapped around your shoulders and he immediately began playing with a lock of your loose hair. With a nod, he said "Yes, I feel you. I know how much this work meant to you but I think that in Århus you'll quickly find a new place, you have excellent references in the end."
"So there is no reason to worry about me." You tapped his nose playfully and then nuzzled to his shoulder. "It will be wonderful. So wonderful!"
Silently, he nodded. "I think I haven't told you what I did before the war."
You shook your head and looked up with interest.
"Before being recruited by HIPO, I worked as a car mechanic." Frederik said with a slight shrug. "In those days, I was a chronic optimist who loved digging into engines."
All of a sudden you gasped. "You'll be able to do it again! Maybe you'll start your own business one day!"
"I'm not that skilled, love." As his thoughts drifted to that particular idea, Frederik smiled softly to himself. "Don't you feel bad now? You're dating a regular worker, no one as nice as the guy I saw you with before."
It made you shake your head. "Why should I feel bad about dating someone I love with my whole heart?" You shrugged. "I was with him to feel something after you, but it was hard and I hated it. It was as if he had a stick up his arse. He never took me to the cinema. He said it made people stupid."
"The idea that movies make people stupid is ridiculous." Frederik fumed, letting out a soft chuckle. "Y/N? How's packing going?"
"Good. Are you really that eager to leave?" You teased.
"Somewhat. It's more excitement. Karl promised to help us."
"That's so sweet of him! I need to thank him again."
"He told me that if I let you leave, I'm going to be the dumbest guy on the planet." Frederik said. "His help will be extremely useful during the renovation of the flat. I have a simple idea."
"What idea?"
"How to set things up in the newly acquired apartment. I have some ideas in my head. Bright interiors, with as much light as possible."
"I hope there will be space for a nursery." You hummed, tapping your cheek.
He didn't manage to turn his head fast enough, so you could see a blush overtaking his cheeks. "For a nursery?"
Simply nodding your head, you smiled. "Children will need their own room, right?"
He smiled at you. "Right. Yes. That's true. We'll make a space for a children's room."
"Just imagine! Little boy and a girl running around. Giggling and playing."
He leaned more against the couch, closing his blue eyes. "Yes. I can already hear the children's laughter filling the rooms, echoing from the walls... I bet they would take more of you."
"If the boy will be like you, we're gonna have lots of young ladies at our doorstep in the future." You faked a worried tone.
Frederik blushed more. "Y/N! Come on, I'm not that handsome. I have never had many women interested in me. Only a few."
As you cupped his cheek, you shrugged. "The others had to be blind. You look even more handsome now."
He quickly stole a kiss from you. "Jeg elsker dig."
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Two weeks later, you and Frederik moved out of your parents' flat and moved into the flat in Århus.
The apartment was much larger than you expected. You could remember your mom saying her aunt was rich but you didn't expect that. It had a big bedroom and two smaller guest rooms, bathroom, living room and kitchen. You were wondering how the two of you would fill this whole empty space. "It's spacious..." You stated, looking around the living room.
"Indeed." Frederik agreed with you as he stepped into the apartment with a few boxes in his arms. He placed them on the floor carefully. "Apparently we need to try to get children." He joked lightly.
You blinked and looked at him with a playful smirk. "We can, as soon as you and Karl bring in and put together the bed."
Frederik chuckled. "Today we'll have to sleep on the floor, sadly. He promised to bring the frame tomorrow. And remember to be ready in the morning, we have to get back to Copenhagen to pick up the last packages and to take your papers from work."
You nuzzled him and groaned. "How early do we need to get up?”
"Probably around 6."
You sighed. "I used to start my morning shift like this... Lucky thing I put a clock in my box. We will be able to set it to wake up at a time. I am nervous to travel back there."
"Do you want me to go there with you?"
"Could you do that?"
"Of course. I will be glad to do so, as long as you want."
"Yes, please! I will feel much better." You nodded eagerly.
Andersen nodded. "Sure. Would you help me find an iron in the boxes? I'll iron your dress and my clothes."
"You better prepare us a bed. I will take care of that, okay?"
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In fact, Frederik had prepared a bed, consisting of a double mattress, sheets, two pillows and a large quilt.
You took care of unpacking a little and then preparing your dress and his shirt. Once it was done, you started to take out some more of your things.
While unpacking one of your books you found a gift you prepared for Frederik. Back at his flat, you found a photo of his parents. The lack of a frame upset you, so you decided to change it.
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When evening came you changed into your nightdress and joined Frederik in the provisory bed.
"I think I've never slept on the floor."
"I heard it's healthy for the back." He replied casually, laying with his hands slipped under his head. "So, that's it. Our own, personal space."
"New flat... In a new city..." You said softly. "New life. Our new life."
"Yes, indeed."
He turned his head to face you. "I'll never thank you enough for accepting me."
"No need to. Now, close your eyes and wait, okay?”
He narrowed his brows but nodded and followed your request.
You quickly got up and walked to your box to pick up the photo in a brand new photo frame. Then you returned to bed and sat down. "You can open your eyes now."
He hesitated for a second but once he opened his eyes, he sat up, his face paled.
"I... Found it in your box. It had no frame and I was worried it may get damaged or lost while moving. I wanted to make sure it had a frame." You explained.
As he looked down at the picture, he took it from you with shaking hands.
His mother smiled right at the camera, and his father had his arm around her shoulders, smiling gently. 
Frederik traced the edge of the picture's gleaming, brand new frame and glass with his finger. He raised his head to look directly into your eyes, not bothering himself with the fact that his eyes were glistening with tears. "I don't know what to say, I didn't expect that... Thank you so much, Y/N."
As much as you could, you hugged him in order to comfort him. "Despite not having the opportunity to meet them, I believe they would be pleased to see you put your life back on track."
Nodding, Frederik bit his lower lip. "Hopefully."
"Let's hang it on the wall." You smiled as you took his hand. "Across from the couch, I noticed some nails in the wall."
Getting up from the bed, he hugged the picture to his chest.
He hung the picture right next to the picture of your parents within a few minutes.
"You know what, love?”
"Once we are all done with unpacking and other stuff, we should get a photographer and have our own photo here."
With tears streaming down his cheeks, Frederik offered you a sweet smile. "We will."
You blinked and immediately hugged him tightly. "Oh, love! Please, don't cry."
"I'm sorry."
You looked up and wiped his tears away. "My love."
"Love. We should get to bed. I need to rest if I have to drive all the way back to Copenhagen."
You nodded and took his hand. "Let's go get some rest."
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Getting up first, he prepared a quick breakfast for the two of you.
You had a hard time getting up in the morning. Even though you were still very sleepy, you didn't feel like waking up more than you needed to.
You were ready to leave after eating breakfast and dressing up. Despite your wish not to.
During the ride to Copenhagen you mostly napped in your seat until Frederik started talking to you. You've been awakened a little more by this.
Frederik said, "I wish I could do this all on your behalf, but they require you to pick it all up in person."
"I know... I just... I never liked to get up so early." You muttered and yawned loudly. "Honestly? I am happy to be done with this work."
"Will you try to find a job related to your profession?"
"I would like to. I like to help people and maybe they will need a nurse at some doctor's office. I am not sure if I want to go back to the hospital though." You explained.
"Maybe you should think about pursuing a specialisation in paediatrics?" Frederik suggested softly.
You nodded. "Maybe. We will see about that."
He smiled. "You know you're perfect with kids."
"Then maybe we should have one soon?" You teased and giggled seeing his blush again. "I am just joking, sweetie. We still have time for this."
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As you and Frederik picked up the rest of the boxes, your parents were moved deeply by the fact that their little girl was leaving to live on her own. They both said their goodbyes.
After that, it was time to go to your hospital. As you walked in the corridors with Frederik by your side, it felt strange because you met here. First, you went to pick up the documents, and then to find your old colleagues to say your last farewell.
One of your friends gasped and immediately hugged you. "Oh, my! Look at you! You are glowing with happiness!"
Suddenly, the door to the nurses' room opened and your former boyfriend doctor stepped in, holding a large folder in his hands.
As he spotted you, he cocked his brow up, but when he saw Frederik talking to your friend, he dropped the file hardly on the nearest desk by which a young nurse sat. "What the fuck is going on here? I will call the police to take this piece of trash away. How dare you bring this dog, Y/N?"
You frowned at him. You growled, "What is your problem this time? I came here to say goodbye to my real friends. Also, go ahead. You can call as much as you want, they won't take him, Frederik is a free man."
A young doctor commented, "I knew you couldn't be right in the head being from a family like yours. It was obvious the moment you ran after this piece of garbage. You ain't better than him. You spread your legs for an enemy."
"This man did more good than you. I would return to school if I were you. Most of your 'help' was only making people die." Y/N hissed. "You are not just an asshole, but a poor example of a doctor as well."
"Watch your mouth, whore."
Frederik felt like an invisible force touched him.
After only two steps he reached another man and aimed a strong blow at his chin, knocking him to the ground.
Frederick knelt next to the man and rubbed his chin slowly, saying, "And you're calling yourself an intelligence unit of the country, huh? Now, kneel and apologise to this adorable girl here."
"Frederik. Please, leave him alone. Come here." You smiled at him. "Don't waste your time on him."
"In a moment. Now, he'll apologise like the good boy he claims to be."
"Fuck you." Doctor hissed.
"Very wrong answer.”
You sighed. "I don't need anything from him. He is too dumb to apologize."
Other nurses giggled in agreement with you.
"I guess today is your lucky day." Frederik pushed the man's shoulder and stood up again. "I apologise." He nodded at your friends.
Girls smiled at him.
All excited, one of your friends asked, "You two are moving?"
When you proudly showed your ring, they gasped. You only nodded.
Frederik smiled at you gently.
You giggled. "If the wedding happens, I will send you invitations."
You were embraced tightly by girls who made a loud awww noise.
Then you said your goodbyes and left the hospital with Frederik. "It wasn't necessary to hit him."
"He pissed me off, forgive me but I'm a short-tempered sort of guy."
As you improved the collar of his shirt, you chuckled, saying, "I know, I know. Are we ready yet?"
He looked up at the building. "I think yes."
Y/N looked at the building too, thinking loudly, "Who would expect that I would fall for a man I had to look after?"
"It was highly unprofessional." He joked softly.
"Don't tell me you regret it now." You chuckled.
He grabbed your hand and walked back to the car with you.
You got into the vehicle and looked at him, smiling happily. "New life. Just us."
"New life, old us, you wanted to say." Frederik joked once more.
"Excuse me! I am still young and very pretty. You can be the old one, if you wish." You said, pretending to be offended.
His hand was placed on your knee, where he tapped your skin. "Well, I still feel young."
You touched his hand. "Good, Frederik, because you are still young and extremely handsome."
"Not as young as you are."
"Frederik, please. Stop saying such stupid things." You rolled your eyes, feeling a little irritated with his words.
He rubbed your knee and soon took his palm off it, placing it back on the steering wheel. "Let's get back home."
You nodded eagerly. "Yes. To our home."
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A month has passed.
The fact that Frederik was able to sell his parents' house with Karl's help pleased him. Using the money, Frederik was able to complete renovations in the bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen of the new apartment.
He also found a job as a mechanic.
In your neighbourhood, a doctor was looking for a qualified, experienced nurse, so you found a job quickly. You could support your home budget as well. The job actually made you happy and  helped you make friends in the city.
As soon as the renovations were completed, you were responsible for decorating and furnishing your apartment. When it was all done, you were so excited. Frederik and you had our own flat, your own home.
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Frederik was the first to return home another day. Seeing that you worked so hard with your patients, he decided to prepare a supper for the two of you.
Perhaps an hour or two later, you returned home. Even though you loved the job, it was challenging.
As you removed your coat and hung it on the hanger, you asked, "Frederik? Are you home?"
The sweet scent of potatoes, garlic and meat filled the apartment. He didn't reply; he was listening to the radio loudly while watching not to burn the chicken breasts.
As a result of your foolishness, you decided to sneak up on him. As you walked on your toes, you reached the kitchen and wrapped your arms around his waist without making a sound.
“Y/N. How many times do I have to remind you that you're not a snow leopard to sneak up on me?" Frederik chuckled after he twitched in surprise at your sudden presence. "I've got a knife in my hand, darling."
"Well, it wouldn't have happened if you hadn't been listening to the radio so loudly. After I got home, I called for you, but you ignored me," you murmured, nuzzling his back.
"Wash your hands, dinner is about to be served."
You stood there, embracing him as you said, "I need a moment."
In a low voice, he asked, "Missed me that much?"
"Yes. I just need a hug."
As he put the knife down on the counter, he turned around and embraced you, stroking your back.
During this time, you nuzzled him and sighed deeply. You said, "Thank you, I needed this so badly."
"How was it at work, sweetheart?"
You muttered, "Hard...," into his chest. "I dreamed about coming back to you and to our home."
The tiny kiss was pressed to the top of your head. "You're so lovely, my beautiful Y/N."
You muttered and your belly grew louder. "I don't want to let go but I'm so exhausted and hungry." You pleaded. Pulling away, you went to wash your hands.
Soon, he served you potatoes and chicken, along with a salad of tomatoes.
Sitting at the table, you licked your lips as you wiped your palms. "Looks so good!”
"Nyd dit måltid." He also started eating, smiling at you from time to time. "So, how was it during the shift?"
As you began to eat, you said, "It was good but a lot of people are sick. You know, the flu is spreading viciously. How was your day at work?”
"Full of work." He replied simply, cutting his potato into pieces. "I had been working on the engine of the car for almost half the day, and at one point I thought I would be paralyzed.
"Maybe I should give you a back massage later on?"
"I have never tried it before."
"Now I know what we're going to do after we go to bed." You wiggled your eyebrows in amusement.
While cutting his tomato, he smiled a little. "Have you done it before?"
"My dad once used it for back pain after work. So I guess I can say yes." You nodded proudly.
"It means your hands cure."
"I can help you relax your muscles so they won't be so tired after work."
A nod of acknowledgement was given. "Have you discussed specialisation with your doctor?"
"I didn't. I don't think I want one." You shrugged, taking a bite of chicken.
"No matter what decision you make, I'll support it."
"I've been thinking... I won't get any younger. Soon we will have to think about kids."
"I don't think it's a wise idea."
"I'm not a suitable role model."
You frowned. "What are you talking about now?"
"Nothing, love." He replied casually, focusing on his meal.
"Don't start it." You said, irritated. "I think we talked about it, didn't we?"
"We did. That's why I quit the topic, love. We spoke about matters and I know your reasoning and opinions."
As you sighed and took hold of his hand, you said, "Yes, we talked. I know you made mistakes in your past, but now you are a fine man. You awoke, you helped people, now you live an ordinary life of a good man. Please do not feel bad about yourself."
Softly, he smiled at you. I will admit, I am happy, but I don't think anyone can tell. It's under the surface and mixed with a bit of anxiety, and that combination is new for me. Happy brings me up and anxious brings me down, so I'm simply focused on the task at hand. Perhaps it is the same for everyone starting something new: pleasure at gaining forward momentum and fear of change. It's hard work, but worthwhile. I need time to adjust."
"Well said, sweetie. I don't see the point in doing all this at once. Let's get settled in together. I will not force you and I know you won't force me, either. Let's take the new life slowly and get to know each other." You smiled. "Does it sound good?”
"It sounds perfect!" He claimed excitedly.
You got up from your seat and walked to him to place a kiss on his forehead.
He smiled, closed his eyes and enjoyed the tiny kiss. "You're the light of my life." He put a fork and a knife on his plate and wrapped both arms around your filigree waist. "I love you."
Wrapping your arms around him, you hugged him tightly. "I love you too. So much."
As soon as the meal was over, he cleaned both the kitchen and dining room; he didn't mind cleaning even if most of his colleagues thought it was a woman's duty.
"Love. You know I could do that, right? It's really not a problem.”
"It's not a big deal to me either."
"What shall we do now? We could go somewhere but my feet hurt." You sighed deeply, nuzzling him.
"We can stay home. Do things. Play cards. Whatever you like."
You thought for a moment and walked to the radio that your parents gifted you. "We can dance." Humming softly, you gave him a sweet smile.
He walked closer, bowed his head a tiny bit, and offered you his hand. "Can I ask you to dance, ma'am?"
"Oh. I don't know. I am not sure, sir."
He gently nudged your side. "Come on. Don't make me beg."
"My mama told me to not talk to strangers. Even if they are as handsome as you, sir."
"My mama told me to be afraid of beautiful, breathtaking women for they might break the heart of a man."
Smiling, you accepted his hand in the end. "That's fair. Let's dance then."
He took your tiny palm in his while his other hand was placed on the curve of your waist. Frederik started slowly rocking with you.
You giggled and did your best to follow his movements, without stepping on his feet.
"You're not so terrible at dancing, ma'am." He complimented softly. "Very proficient dancer."
"I have been to some parties in the past, so it's not my first time dancing.”
He smiled as his hand stroked the curve of your waist. "I can see that, ma'am. You're so beautiful."
"Thank you, sir. I must say, you don't look so bad yourself." You said quietly and giggled when he spooned you around. "I think I'm already in love with you."
He leaned forward to whisper into your ear, "Thank you, ma'am. You're breathtaking and I can't stop thinking about all the dirty things I'd love to do to you."
Blushing deeply, you blushed. Now you looked more like a red apple. "F-Frederik... What are these things?"
His hands moved down your back, resting on your buttocks. "We've been together for a while now. We're in love. So it might be the right time to get even closer." Your lips were kissed by him. "I want to have sex with you."
He kissed your temple, the earlobe, then moved down to the side of your neck. "Yes. Don't you?"
"I really want... I just thought you didn't because..." You shrugged with a shy smile.
"I never got the impression that you were actually interested in this."
A chuckle escaped his lips. The reason I waited as long as I did was because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable."
"And how do you know it's the right time?" you giggled.
The man licked his lower lip. After growing so close, it stopped being a taboo subject to me. I don't fear speaking with you about those things."
Your hand moved up his chest as you whispered, "I'm not too... I just... Forgive me. I'm just shy. I just never... Before..."
Slowly, one of his eyebrows rose, and a reassuring smile appeared on his lips. “You hadn't had sex yet?”
"Of course." Frederik replied, picking one of your hands up to bring it to his lips, placing a tiny kiss on its top.
"I... I hope it's not a problem. I just never had a chance." Y/N shrugged. "But I love you and I want to be as close to you as possible."
He cupped your cheeks in his hands, stroking them with his thumbs. "Not a problem to me, love."
"I am glad to hear that." Nodding, you cupped his hands. "I want to be fully yours. I dreamt about it..."
He deepened his leaning and soon his lips touched yours, gently at first. This was like soft, northern lights moving silently over the sky, getting more and more intense with every moment. In the end he let himself suck your lower lip just a little, humming.
You gasped loudly when he pulled away. Your hands clutching his shirt tightly. It was a completely new feeling that you actually enjoyed.
When the kiss was broken and your lips parted, he smiled down at you, resting his forehead against yours. "Well, well, sweetheart, you're such a great kisser, that's the fact."
You giggled with your cheeks still red, "I-I... Thank you. It's hard to be bad with you beside me. You're a great kisser, too."
He smiled, gently touching the side of your neck. After kissing you again, he brushed his cheek against yours. "I want you and I need you."
You moved your hands into his hair and pulled him into a kiss.
The excitement of Frederik reached a new high like it had never been before, so he decided not to waste any more time. As he felt himself getting uncomfortable within his pants, he smiled a little to himself, feeling he had stopped thinking straight. When he picked you up, he helped you wrap your legs around his hips as his strong arms slipped under your butt, preventing you from falling.
As you gasped in surprise, you wrapped your arms around his neck to make sure that you wouldn't fall. "Have you ever before...?"
Upon reaching the bedroom, Frederik nodded as he carried you. "A few times. Don't worry."
You inhaled deeply as you rubbed your mouth against his neck. There was a moment when you felt a little scared; he had experience and you did not. You were placed on the bed you shared and he attacked your neck with soft, open kisses. One of your legs was wrapped around his hip; you could feel the bulge filling his crotch. Your hips rolled a little as you gasped. You never expected to reach this point, no matter how much you enjoyed it. "You will have to guide me, love. I am not as experienced."
Then he kissed you again and took time to taste you on his tongue. "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."
His lips were soon making their way down to your jaw, then down your neck to your cleavage. Frederik used one hand to tug on your shirt's decollete, kissing between your covered boobs.
"Oh, Frederik..." You sighed so softly that you were engulfed by a sweet feeling.
Frederik continued to kiss your découltage as he slipped his hands beneath your light blue shirt, grabbing the hem and yanking it up and off you from your head.
As you raised your arms up, you smiled sweetly at him, letting him remove your shirt easily. "This is not fair..." You said softly as you pushed his suspenders off his shoulders.
Frederik placed his hands on either side of your head. "Well, well, you're a quick learner, aren't you, my lovely Y/N?" Frederik smiled, kissing your left temple.
"I just want it to be fair. You have too many clothes on." You smiled as you worked on the buttons of his shirt.
He leaned down, kissing all over your face. Soon, he sat on his knees and helped you take his shirt off.
When all the buttons were opened, in a silent sigh, you pushed his shirt off his shoulders and moved your hands up and down his tensed chest.
The young man placed his palm on top of yours. "Do you like it?" Frederik  asked quietly, his heart pounding fast.
Nodding your head, you gently stroked his skin. "You’re carved by God." You moved a little closer and kissed his lips briefly before moving them to his neck and then down his chest.
While he kissed your lips once more, he worked on the clasp of your bra with his fingers as he held you close.
"Shall I help you?" You asked teasingly, raising your eyebrow.
Having struggled for a moment, he chuckled. "Yes, please. I'm not good with that."
You laughed softly as you moved away and removed your bra easily. After that, you wrapped your arms around yourself, a little scared and ashamed of your body.
In order to remove your hands from your chest, he looked deeply into his eyes. All it took was a gentle push to get you back on the bed. He kissed your neck and moved his kisses down, taking his time to fondle your breasts. "Look at you, you're so stunning."
Looking away, you whispered, "I bet you saw girls more beautiful."
One of your nipples was wedged between his teeth when he stopped. He never looked away from you. As he let go of it, he cupped your breasts with his hands, saying, "I had seen a lot of girls before, but I had never seen someone so beautiful as you before. No one compares to you."
"You promise...?"
“I don’t have to promise because that’s the fact." 
Frederik kissed you between your breasts, then sat back on his knees, gazing at your half-naked body. "Look at you. You're flawless in every way. Your perfectness reveals itself in your little imperfections. I love every inch of your body." He said as he cupped your hips in his palms and stroked them gently with his hands. "Don't turn your head away. You're beautiful. And you need to believe it. Soft, firm skin. Curves that drive me crazy when I look at you. Your warmth. Everything about you makes me fall in love with you more and more. And I want to look into your eyes when we make love."
Your eyes were already watering from everything he said as you listened to him. "You are perfect in every way as well, love. I can't look away from you, especially now. I want to be close with you. As close as possible." You told him shyly.
"Kiss me." He demanded.
While nodding, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
When his hands began working on your skirt, he slipped his tongue past your lips and pressed you further against the mattress.
In an effort to unbutton his pants, you moved your hands between the two of you.
The unexpected feeling of your hand on his crotch caused him to freeze. He smiled a little, biting his lower lip. It was the first time he kissed you so eagerly. Soon after, your skirt was slipped down your legs.
"Will you be able to get my panties off or shall I help you like with a bra?” You couldn't help but ask him with a cocky smile.
Taking your hand off his pants, Frederik licked his way down your body, using the tip of his tongue to tease your delicate skin of yours. When Frederik reached the fabric of your panties, he grabbed it with his teeth and pulled it down your legs easily, looking directly into your Y/E/C eyes.
Watching him made your cheeks completely red. This wasn't what you expected at all. You closed your legs as soon as he removed your panties completely.
He parted them easily, picking one of your legs up, putting the other on his shoulder. He kissed your inner thighs without saying a word, soon encircling your pussy with his lips.
Nuzzling to the pillow right under your head, you moved your hips a bit as a moan escaped your parted lips.
He placed one hand on your abdomen and the other on your hip.
When your hand moved into his hair, you let out another moan.
Y/N could feel him smiling against your folds; he opened his eyes and looked at you. Having licked your pussy for a while, he kissed it and asked, "Does it feel good?"
Looking at him, you nodded your head. "Yes, it feels good, but I wish you were closer."
His tongue licked its way up your body, stopping for a moment by your breasts to nibble on both nipples. Soon he kissed you, letting you taste yourself on his tongue.
Wrapping your arms around him and placing your leg around his waist, you moaned and missed him back.
As he kissed you, he opened the fly of his pants and unbuckled the leather belt.
At the same time, you felt scared, concerned, and excited about everything that was going on. Your body felt all warm and ready.
While kissing you deeply, he pulled his pants and briefs down, revealing his already erected cock.
"Can I?" You asked shyly.
He looked down at you, nodding.
As you bit your lips, your hand moved between your bodies so that you could wrap your tiny hand around his cock.
He closed his eyes and focused on your touch. He grunted.
While stroking his length, you smiled and kissed his cheek and then neck. He felt so bulky and thick that you wondered if he would even fit in.
In a gasp, he rested his forehead against your shoulder, kissing the crook of your neck, breathing heavily.
"Are we both ready?" You whispered.
"As you can see, I am. Are you??"
You moved your hand up his chest from his member. As you breathed in, you nodded. “I am. Let me be yours."
He kissed you deeply while jerking his member a few times. Afterward, he rubbed the tip along your entrance and stared deeply into your eyes
As you looked at him, you blushed. Taking a deep breath you nodded, not breaking eye contact with Frederik.
With one smooth push, he shoved his way into your pussy, moaning as he did so.
Upon feeling the discomfort and pain of a stretch, you released a tiny squeak from your throat. Grasping his shoulder tightly, you gasped. "Oh my God."
He stopped immediately and gently kissed your lips. Frederik took time to kiss you all over your face as he said, "Breathe. I know it, baby. Relax."
Nodding your head, you tried your best to breathe. “Frederik, it hurts...” You whimpered softly.
As he kissed your temple, he whispered, "Relax your muscles."
You giggled. "I'm trying. Other girls always make it sound so easy."
As he brushed a strand of your hair from your face, he chuckled too.
After you felt better and it was less painful, you nodded. "Move, please."
He moaned lowly and bucked his hips into you, looking you in the eyes. "You are so tight."
As you nodded, you let out a soft chuckle. You moaned. "It still hurts... But man, it feels great." You replied.
As he began pushing in and out of your pussy, he looked into your eyes and kissed your lips. "So good."
Wrapping both of your legs around him, you whimpered, "Oh God!" Your hand cupped his cheek, kissing him back.
He felt a tightness around him. Everything about it was thrilling. While kissing you back, he stroked the back of one of your legs.
Relaxation allows you to take in every moment more fully. As you moaned his name loudly, you moved your hand into his hair. "So good! Oh! Fuck!"
As your hands made their way into his hair, Andersen moaned your name. The thrusts Frederik made were steady, slow, but powerful enough to stretch your tight walls. He occasionally kissed your neck and decolletage, while kneading one of your breasts lightly.
There was a feeling of pressure building in your lower belly. "Sweetie, I think I’ll… Oh, Gosh!" 
Probably the entire building heard your whimpers, but at this point you didn't care. All that mattered was that he was with you.
When he felt your inner walls clasping around his cock, all he could do was to say your name once more. "Oh, God. You're so perfect. Oh, fucking perfect." Putting your leg against his shoulder, he slowed down. The thrusts remained deep and powerful. He took the time to play with you, allowing you to see what it meant to be so intimate. Though Frederik dreamed of spilling his seed into your tight core already, he was calming his thoughts down to give you more pleasure. The focus was not on him but on his little girl that day.
Throughout the room, your moans and whispers filled the air; you repeated his name like a prayer.
You were kissed again by him and warned quietly, "I will cum."
Taking his cheeks in your hands, you kissed him back. Your eyes were fixed on him as you nodded. "Yes, please."
He leaned down, kissed you one more time, moving a bit faster, asking softly, "Can I cum in you? We aren't using a condom."
"Yes." You nodded eagerly.
While he was moving harder, he kissed your jaw, lips, and neck. He grunted deeply, "Oh God, fuck, baby! I'm cumming!"
As tightly as you could, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
The man said, "Look at me. I wanna look into your eyes."
You smiled and looked into his eyes as you followed his request.
As Frederik increased his pace, his thrust became sloppy. His bangs fell into his eyes as he looked into yours, moaning and gasping. Suddenly, his hips stuttered and Frederik spilled his cum in your pussy, groaning.
"Oh Frederik..." You moaned, without breaking eye contact with him.
As he continued to fuck you, his movements were extremely slow.
"Oh love... That was so good." You whispered, licking your lips.
As he leaned forward, he rested his forehead against the crook of your neck, halting his thrusts.
Having hugged him, you began to cry after a moment of silence.
"Hey, what's wrong, sweetie?"
"I... I just..." 
"What, love?"
Again, you sniffed and shrugged. "Just to think about it, I almost lost you a long time ago, and before this I almost let you go."
He smiled softly as he kissed your temples and pulled himself out of your pussy to lie next to you. "You'll never lose me again."
Instantly, you hugged him tightly. "Even now, it's frightening to think about it."
"Please don't think about that."
"I thought about you every day when you left me. As you know, I only saw you a few times, but I just wanted to walk up to you and tell you everything that sat in me." You whispered deeply, nuzzling to him. "It was impossible for me to forget about you for even a day."
As he placed a kiss on your temple, his strong arms wrapped around you, securing you. "I love you. I couldn't stop thinking about you. But I had to protect you because in the end you were the only one I had."
"I missed you so much and I was so worried about you."
"I was worried about you too. I prayed for your safety every day." You nodded and hugged him tightly.
"Wait." He stepped out of your embrace and got up, unfazed by his nakedness. He returned with a thick blanket, which was immediately wrapped around you as he took his place by your side.
You smiled softly as you moved closer to him. "I don't ever want to leave your side again."
Slightly smiling, he stroked your shoulder. "I love you, Y/N. I never thought about having a wife one day. And here we are, engaged, together. I thought I would be dead by now. But you saved my life."
Nuzzling his shoulder, you whispered, "You are with me now and I will give you everything you deserve."
Smiling, he ran his hand through his hair. "You're everything to me. Remember, back when we met at the hospital? I was looking for a nun. I thought, in one way or another, that I and she were meant to be together. She kinda pointed out a path which I should take. Even when she called me a demon a few times. And she was right. There was someone who planned my life above. And He sent you my way. It's not a coincidence."
"Stop it Frederik. You aren't a demon or anything like that. You made mistakes, like everyone in their lives. You paid for them and now it's time to continue your life." Y/N said, stroking his chest. "If God really is up there, I am thankful he brought me to you. No matter what." You hummed and gently kissed his cheek, then his neck and shoulder. "I love you."
He blushed a little, stroking the curve of your waist. "Thank you."
You giggled and gently bit his shoulder.
"Hey, what was that for?!"
"For you being handsome and not saying it back."
"I love you, too. Did you like it?"
You blinked and blushed, smiling a little. "I really liked it... A lot."
He replied with a smirk. "You were perfect."
"That’s a strong no… I bet you slept with better girls. It was my first time ever..." You giggled, embarrassed.
"And you were perfect. I'm so glad you felt good with me."
"I always feel good with you. No matter what." You smiled, grabbing his hand. "I simply love every moment with you."
"We need to start thinking about the wedding, don't you think?'
You looked at him. "You want that?”
"Babe, I proposed to you.”
"I know but I had friends who did this but didn't want the wedding."
Shrugging, you replied, "This. I never understood why they would want their man to propose if they didn't want the wedding." You shook your head after a moment of silence. "I need to buy a dress. We need to plan this! Who will we invite? Where will we have dinner? I need to buy a dress!"
There was too much information coming at his brain all at once, so he blinked. Frederik chuckled as he rolled his head back. "I will contact the priest about the ceremony. We can have a family dinner in the house or we can even rent a restaurant."
"I need to think about flowers! Who will we invite!" You replied quickly. "I hope we have enough money." You said.
Taking your hand in his, he said, "Honey, we still have time. I have a good job, I don't earn as much as you do, but I also have some savings. We'll have enough money to make this special day perfect."
Your eyes met his and you nodded. "I apologise. I overreacted."
"It's okay to be happy and on cloud nine."
"We need to get some sleep. Work tomorrow... I don't want to." You complained.
He teased, kissing the side of your neck, "Can you take the day off? If not, I'll call your office in the morning and tell them you got a cold. We'll stay in bed the whole day."
"What about your work?"
"I can have a day off for sure. No one will even notice."
"They will notice for sure sweetie." You rolled your eyes. "You are competent at your work as I heard from your work buddies."
"Oh, you spoke with them?" He asked as he started kissing your shoulder.
"Yes. Remember when I brought you something to eat?" You asked, moving your hand into his hair. "Before you got out from under the car, I had an opportunity to talk to them."
He smiled. "Shall I get jealous about my beautiful soon-to-be wife speaking with my pals?" He whispered lightly, murmuring as he tasted your skin.
"Well, they are handsome. Especially the blond one." You teased him back.
He gently sucked on the skin on your neck, leaving a hickey there. "Watch your mouth, beautiful."
"Or what?”
"I'll have to speak more often with your friends at the clinic. Some of them are very attractive and sexy in those tight uniforms."
You gasped loudly. "You wouldn't dare!"
He lifted his head and looked into your eyes.
As you gazed into his eyes, you giggled. "I know you wouldn't do that and that I wouldn't leave you for some other guy as well. I waited too long to be with you to just leave it all behind."
As he laid down next to you, he kissed your temple. "Go to sleep now."
"You too. I don't want you to be exhausted tomorrow."
He nuzzled you. "Good night, my beautiful Y/N."
"Good night, my handsome Frederik."
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A new day came quickly, but Frederik didn't let you out of bed, making love with you for hours. Also, he prepared every meal for you. Frederik was never happier in his life.
Next day, when Frederik went to talk to the priest about the wedding, you were going crazy at home. There were so many things to plan. Your dress, invitations, flowers, everything!
Suddenly, there was a knock at your door. As soon as you stepped up, you rushed to open them, wondering who had decided to stop by.
The person was your friend, Nana. She worked at the clinic where you applied and was the first to show you everything in your new workplace. "Hi. I came to check on you because you hadn't been at work for two days and I was concerned. I heard you had some health problems."
Seeing her was a great surprise to you. Smiling, you let her in. "Yeah... I think I got it from the people in the clinic. You know there's been a lot of them lately." 
"Oh, my God! What a beautiful flat!"
"Gift from my parents. We finished remodelling a week ago. It would have taken longer, but Frederik's friend helped."
"I can't wait to meet your fiance! I hear some girls gossip that you haven't shown him yet because you're single and they don't believe you to be engaged."
"I'm not lying! We work in two different places." You exclaimed, closing the door. "Besides we both work hard since we started our lives here... And we are slowly planning our wedding."
"A wedding? I hope I get an invitation!"
As you nodded, you thought, another name to add to the list. "Certainly!" you replied.
The young woman looked around curiously, inspecting every inch of the flat. She exclaimed, "Oh my, our little Y/N will be married soon! Also, you have a good sense. Beautiful colours on the walls."
You giggled nervously. "Yes and I am looking forward to being married. There is so much to plan." You replied.
"I'm sorry for my indiscretion, but are you pregnant that you are so fast with the weeding? Before you joined us, there was a girl named Maria who had been through the same thing. Please forgive me, but not many young girls want to become wives so quickly." Nana asked, her head tilted.
Suddenly, the main door opened and Frederik stepped through, carrying a large basket full of shopping. “Y/N, I’m back!”
"I am in the living room, love!" You said loudly before turning back to Nana. "No, I am not pregnant. We just love each other deeply and have waited too long for this."
Nana nodded her head.
Soon, Frederik stepped into the room, looking at the guest with his eyebrow raised. "Hi."
Nana's eyes widened, and she smiled brightly at the man. "Hello! So you're the reason why Y/N is buried in thoughtfulness during breaks! I'm Nana and I work with Y/N at the clinic. And you must be..."
He walked closer to the girl to shake her hand and introduced himself, "Frederik."
"I'm going to marry him soon." Y/N nodded, getting closer to pat his shoulder
"Would you like some tea, Nana? I brought fresh croissants." Frederik said, immediately wrapping arms around you to kiss your lips.
Nana watched the scene and in the end shook her head for no. "I won't be a problem, I bet you two want to enjoy yourself!"
After returning the kiss, you giggled. "We have a lot of time. It's really not a problem."
"I truly need to go, I just came to check upon your well-being but I see you have someone special to take care of you." Nana replied. She offered her hand to Frederik who shook it once more. "It was so nice to meet you, Mr Andersen." She added softly. "And you, Y/N, we will see each other tomorrow."
You nodded and watched her leave. Then, you looked up at Frederik and raised your eyebrow. "She left so quickly. I think you aren't that scary, are you?"
He smirked. "I'm just a sweet teddy bear, haven't you noticed?"
"I did. I was just wondering why she left so quickly..."
"I don't know, love. Maybe she felt uncomfortable when I kissed her like that?" He asked and offered you another steamy kiss.
Wrapping your arm around his neck, you kissed him back and moaned. As soon as he pulled away, you giggled. "I think this scared her off."
It was easy for him to pick you up. "I spoke with the priest. If we are sure, we can get married within a month or so."
Then you let out a little scream and escaped his arms to walk around the living room.
"In a month!? This is not enough time! I need a dress! You need a suit! I need to invite my family. Dinner! Flowers! Oh my god! Rings! We need rings! There isn't enough time!"
He blinked, shaking his head. "A month is a long time, don't worry. I can get rings tomorrow. Sending invitations will take up to a week. You will find the suitable dress or we can have it made by a tailor."
"But we also need to think about dinner. Or a restaurant! Oh my god!"
"Calm down, baby. Calm down. I'll take care of everything."
"No! We need to take care of it together! It must be a perfect day for both of us."
"Of course. It'll be just perfect, I promise." Frederik told you.
"I'm so excited! I can't wait to be your wife."
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His laughter echoed off the walls of the staircase as he was holding you in his strong arms.
Your fitted, white dress matched his black velvet suit perfectly.
He looked at your face soon. Frederik smiled, opening the door to the flat, still holding you up. "So, welcome home, Mrs. Andersen." After crossing the threshold, he nuzzled you to his chest.
"I could walk by myself!" These words and actions made you laugh uncontrollably. Honestly, you didn't expect this to happen. The two of you were finally together forever. You were his and he was yours. The whole day was almost perfect. 
Unfortunately, you felt nauseous most of the day. It was especially troublesome in the morning, probably because of the stress.
To avoid stomping on your dress, he put you down carefully. Frederik cupped your hands. "What a beautiful party! I couldn't believe my grandma attended. And your mother cried the whole time!"
"It was beautiful! And I can't believe it all! We are married! Nothing can part us!"
His forehead rested against yours.
"Love... Please wait..." Covering your mouth, you nearly ran to the bathroom as another wave of nausea hit so hard you had to vomit.
Following you, he peered into the bathroom. "Are you feeling okay?"
You nodded, glad your hair was tied up. "I think it's just stress."
He stepped in the bathroom, crouched next to you and rubbed your back. "I'll make you tea."
"Thank you."
As soon as you came out of the bathroom, your tea was already prepared exactly the way you liked it - not too strong and not too light, with two spoons of sugar.
"I thought after today I would stop being stressed. I feel so sick for a few days." You sighed deeply and sat down in the kitchen.
Frederik approached you from behind to massage your shoulders. "Perhaps you should change into something more comfortable? I think we should get you to the doctor. You seem to have trouble sleeping too. I caught you eating pickles in the dark kitchen at night."
Blushing, you looked up at him. You were more than sure he was always asleep when you went to get a snack a few times. "Sweetie. Don't be silly. I was stressed so I had trouble sleeping. So I craved a midnight snack. It's normal."
"If you say so." He said, kissing the top of your head. "It doesn't change the fact you're going to the doctor next week. I'll set an appointment for you."
"Frederik. It's not needed, I am fine.” You rolled your eyes and took the cup to take a sip of the tea. "Bleh... Is it my tea really? Or you mixed it with yours again?”
He cocked his brow and leaned down, his chin rested on your shoulder. "It's yours. And you're going to the doctor. End of the topic."
You looked at the tea and sighed deeply. “Fine.”
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Frederik dragged you to the doctor a few days later. He took you to a completely different place than your workplace.
Even though you thought it wasn't necessary, there was no way you could say no to him, so you let him. Having Frederik at your side in the waiting room felt better. Doctor was a kind, older man. The whole visit wasn't terrible but his diagnosis left you shaking. When you left the office, you had no idea what to tell Frederik. "Love... Let's just go home."
After getting up, he stared at you with a puzzled look on his face. "What did he say? Are you sick?"
After shaking your head, you walked past him. "I will tell you at home."
"What?" He asked, more puzzled than before, but he followed you, saying a quiet "goodbye" to the receptionist.
As the first to arrive, you hopped into the car and waited for him. The entire ride home was quiet. Both of you felt puzzled. Although you should be happy, you were worried about how he would react to the unexpected news.
Despite his plans to go shopping, he drove right back home since you seemed upset.
As you walked into the flat, you sighed softly. In the living room, you sat on the couch and bit down on your long nail, wondering what to do now.
"So, what did your doctor say? Did he prescribe any medication? Could I go to the pharmacy?"
After shaking your head, you patted the place right next to you.
Despite his hesitation, Frederik sat next to you.
"I guess we had too much fun... And well..." You said, scratching the back of your neck. "We are waiting for a little boy... Or a girl..."
"Are you... Are you expecting a child?" Frederik asked, his face pale.
You nodded.
He jolted up, walked to the window, opened it, and took a deep breath of fresh air.
Quietly, you asked, "Are you angry?"
Not even looking at you, he asked, "How do you think?"
"I have no idea based on that reaction."
"Which week are you in?"
Your nod indicated your agreement. "He said it's the 9th week."
With his hip resting against the windowsill, Frederik turned towards you. "I assume we don't know whether it is a boy or a girl?"
As you looked down, you shook your head.
He smiled a little at you. "I'm going to be a father?"
"Well, most of the evenings for the past few weeks we spent having fun together, so yes."
He smiled more at himself this time. He leaned out of the window and shouted, "My beautiful wife is pregnant! I'm having a baby!"
As you gasped, you got up from the couch and walked to him to pull him away from the window. As you closed it, your face was covered in a deep blush. "What are you doing?! They would think you're crazy!"
"I don't care!" He told you, picking you up easily, bridestyle. "My adorable wife is expecting a baby. I'm over the moon!"
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you stared at him in shock. "Are you happy?"
"Of course I am! I have always been looking for purpose in my life and now I have two of them."
"But last time we talked about this, you weren't so keen on having kids. I was  sure you won't like this news."
"I've always wanted kids, love." He tapped your nose.
You smiled and kissed him.
"I don't know how to be a mom." You whispered quietly, stroking his hair.
"I have no idea how to be a dad but I know it will click instantly, it's in our nature."
You said slowly, "I hope you're right. I'm scared and so excited at the same time. I need to call my parents! They will be grandparents!"
Frederick smiled at your happiness outburst, rubbing your shoulders and kissing your temples. "Of course."
“Oh my God! We have to prepare the room for real! We have to think about the name! So much to do!" You exclaimed.
"Babe!" He tapped you on the nose. "Relax. There's plenty of time to do all those things. I'll take care of the room."
You whined, "I want to help!"
"The colour of the walls will be decided by you."
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The baby was born two months later.
It was unbelievable. Finally, your sweet baby girl was in your arms, and she was the sweetest thing you had ever seen. After seeing her for the first time, no matter what you endured to bring her into this world, you started to cry tears of joy.
After you were released from the hospital, Frederik picked you up. After getting home, he helped you unpack and take a refreshing bath while your baby girl slept in her newly made crib.
She was smaller than a bag of sugar from the store when you held her on your shoulder. Tiny toes peeked out of the pinkish blanket in which the baby was wrapped neatly. The girl's head, a tangle of dark curls not yet rubbed bald by lying in her crib, wobbled beneath your holding hand. 
He could not believe how tiny and vulnerable the newborn humans were, how awe-inspiring. Her size made him afraid to hold her in his arms; he was sure he could hurt her. It was hard for him to adjust to the new schedule - getting up at midnight wasn't his favourite thing, but he was trying to support you as much as possible.
The girl's name was Charlotte, after Frederik's mother.
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Charlotte laid comfortably against your shoulder as you walked around the living room, humming and singing. She had been crying all day. "Frederik, love. Could you help me? I have no idea what got into her today."
Immediately, he stood next to you with a look of hesitation on his face. "Are you sure this is a wise idea? What if I squeeze her too hard?"
You frowned at him, for some strange reason he was always scared. "Love. You have never squeezed me or an egg too hard. I know you may be worried, but do you want to keep acting like this her whole life? What if one day she asks you to pick her up? Would you refuse?"
As he shook his head, he smiled hesitantly. "I wouldn't refuse our beautiful girl. How could I refuse such a sweet thing? Let me have her."
As you passed the girl to him, you smiled and nodded. You asked quietly, "What if she's sick?" There was nothing you could do, you were worried about your baby.
Holding Charlotte as tightly as he could, he cradled her in both arms. Soon, he walked slowly around the room, rocking the girl in his arms and humming a song that his mother used to sing to him when he was a child.
Within a few minutes, the girl calmed down in his arms.
This made you sigh with relief and slumped onto the couch. You just watched them with a smile on your face. "I knew she wanted her dad to hold her." You whispered.
He looked at you, he couldn't stop himself from grinning widely. "I think she just likes to get all the attention."
“She sure got this after her, dad." You joked and got up to walk to them.
Charlotte looked at you with her huge, blue eyes.
A tap was made on the girl's nose by Frederik. His arms encircled you as he said, "Happy to see mama, huh? My pretty girls."
You nuzzled him. 'Our handsome man, is that right, Charlotte?'
The girl only mimicked a little smile.
"I take it for yes." He replied and lowered his head to rub his nose against Charlotte's.
Your heart grew as you watched them.
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The war was indeed over. Innumerable criminals were imprisoned, killed or still wanted. The world was slowly getting back on track. Most people forgot that war affects not only soldiers, but also ordinary citizens. Even if your life seemed picture-perfect, like a page from a colourful magazine you read at the hair salon, there were still difficult moments and nights. There were countless nights you spent soothing your husband.
While Frederik was indeed free, his mind sometimes became clouded by his past mistakes, all the things he has done, and all the things that have happened because of him. You spend many nights calming him down, holding him, and assuring him everything is okay. It was not easy for you either. You weren't as badly hurt as he was, but every now and then you thought back to that terrible day. There were so many children killed or severely injured. These memories gave you nightmares, and you feared for Charlotte's life even more. 
You were often to be found sobbing in your daughter's room by Frederik in the middle of the night. Just like you did for him, Frederik did his best to calm you down every time when the nightmares were too much for you to handle alone.
Frederick now divided his time between his work and family. Although he enjoyed his daily tasks at the vehicle service station, he was happy to return home to his family.
There were days filled with Charlotte's laughter echoing off the walls of your flat, and with your consternation whenever he and your daughter misbehaved while playing together.
Frederik was proud to watch his daughter grow all healthy, strong, and beautiful, and he was confident she had gotten all of it from her beautiful mother.
While some days were harder than others because he had trouble controlling his anger from time to time, he was always glad you were nearby to calm his nerves.
Frederik had never dreamt of living happily by your side, yet he had received such a precious gift, and he was convinced that it was God himself who had planned everything that happened to test him in some way, and set you in his way in the end.
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Under your head, the pillow felt soft and warm. Through the window, the warm sun was streaming into the room.
Federik had already gotten up. He usually got up first, and you didn't mind it at all. There was more room for you to roll around in the bed!
Mattress dipped a little. "Mama? Dad told me it was time to get up." Charlotte said, looking at you. She was still in her nightdress; her long, dark hair she got from Frederik was messy.
You opened one eye and smiled softly at your daughter. "Fine. Fine. I'm up. Go back to dad, and I'll catch you soon." 
After giving you a hug, she jumped off the bed to run to the kitchen.
Getting up, you stretched your back before going to a room that used to belong to Charlotte. Girl grew up and got her own room. You looked into the crib at the two-year-old boy and cooed softly. "How's my handsome prince doing today?" He had your hair, but like his sister, he had Freserik's eyes. A smile spread across his face. You picked him up, cuddled him, and then changed his diaper. With your son snuggled to you, you went to the kitchen once he was all fresh and more happy than before.
Breakfast was already on the table; french toast, eggs, ham, cheese, cucumber, tomato, lettuce, and regular bread were on the plates, ready for everyone to enjoy. The scent of freshly brewed coffee filled the room.
"Charlie, do you want tea or juice?" Asked Frederik, unaware that you came to the room with your son on your hip.
Girl held up her favourite cup and asked happily, "Juice, please."
You just stood there, watching them.
Thomas was quiet in your arms, playing with your hair a little bit.
In order for the girl to make it back to the table, Frederik made sure not to fill her cup up to the brim.
He smiled when he saw you and his son snuggled in your arms. "Look at that! Mom and Tom joined us finally. I was getting worried about who would eat all of the food I prepared." Man joked before walking to you and taking the boy in his arms. "Hey, buddy. We'll let mommy have her coffee."
As you took a sip of your coffee and sat down, Charlotte was already busy making sandwiches. "Are you looking forward to today's picnic?" You asked her.
Girl smiled with her mouth full and nodded eagerly. "Yef!"
When he heard his daughter's words, Frederik couldn't help but giggle. "Remember what mommy told you, sweetheart? Don't speak with your mouth full."
As he sipped on his coffee, Frederik began feeding his son with the porridge he had prepared.
"Soffy." Girl said with her mouth still full. 
"Are you happy about the picnic?" You asked, looking at Frederik.
He was already staring at you, smiling, and appreciating your beauty and the fact that you were his. "Oh, yes, most definitely."
As you looked at Frederik and Charlotte with your eyebrow raised, you replied, "I am too. I hope no one ate any of the cake I baked yesterday." They had a history of eating your cakes before the proper time.
A sigh escaped Frederik's lips. "Of course not. We didn't even try to do anything with the cake."
"But dad... When mom was asleep, you took me to the kitchen!" Girl said incredulously.
Frederik turned red and shook his head. "Okay. I just ate a little bit, honey. Don't be mad. It smelled good and tasted great."
"It was delicious!" The girl exclaimed.
Your eyes rolled as you chuckled and shook your head. "I expected that."
"You know your baking is too delicious to be ignored."
You always say it every time you eat my baking before I let you. It's nearly impossible to keep from remembering." You giggled.
While he was serving his son tea, Frederik made sure not to spill the hot liquid on the boy's body.
A few tiny sips were taken happily by the boy.
As you watched your small family, you simply smiled.
"I wonder if we can have ice cream during the picnic, what do you think?" Frederik suggested.
"Yes!" Charlotte shouted loudly, scaring her little brother.
Then you picked Thomas up and placed him on your lap. "We'll have to see what happens later. Maybe a cake will be enough for her."
Seeing his daughter, Frederik smiled. "See, I told you the cake was a bad idea."
You said, making the girl laugh, "I'm just saying that if we don't want a kitten running around the house all night, we need to prevent too much sweets."
After finishing his sandwich, Frederik got up. "Okay, dears, I will prepare everything."
As you got up with Thomas in your arms, you looked up at your husband before leaving the kitchen, "I'll get ready for the kids." You said, getting ready to dress the children. "I love you. Can I get a kiss?"
As his arms wrapped tightly around your perfectly shaped waist, he kissed your rosy lips, humming at the sweetness of your taste and the touch of your lips.
Your palm resting on the nape of his neck, you hummed and kissed him back.
While he rested his forehead against your shoulder, Frederik whispered, "I can't describe how much I love you and how much you have improved my life."
Your smile and nod conveyed your agreement. "Thank you for all the love you give me and for our beautiful children."
While he held you in his arms, he gazed into your eyes deeply, remaining silent. "I can't wait for that picnic... The first one didn't happen because of me..."
"Don't think about this," You said, kissing the side of his face. "Let's just enjoy it with our little trouble makers."
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As you pushed the trolley in which Thomas was sleeping, Frederik walked with Charlotte, holding her hand. He had a wicked basket filled with everything you would need for the picnic. Charlotte was jumping while walking, singing a children's song Frederik taught her. All four of you made it to the park soon.
Charlotte quickly made friends and ran around with them while you were preparing the picnic spot.
Thomas was pulled from his trolley by Frederik, who rocked him gently in his arms. "Wake up, buddy. Look at this gorgeous day. Are you hungry?"
In an effort to get a bit more sleep, Thomas snuggled to his father's chest and made an angry noise.
Grabbing the blanket, you said, "Sleepy as always."
Frederik rocked the boy still, whispering, "I won't wake him in this case."
As soon as the blanket was laid on the grass, Frederik sat down and placed his son on his lap, resting the boy's back against his chest.
Next, you took something from Thomas's trolley and moved closer to kiss the boy's head.
Seeing the toy in your hand, he immediately woke up, opening one eye. After receiving it, he was fully awake. 
You replied proudly, "This is how you do it, Freddy."
"You are better with kids than I am." Frederik smiled at you. "He could take a nap a little longer. He should nap as much as possible now, because he'll have to take on some responsibilities as he gets older."
"I know. But you know we'll have a hard night ahead of us if he naps a lot during the day." You reminded your husband.
"True." Charlotte was observed playing with other children by Frederik. "My only complaint is that they grow up so fast."
You nodded slowly and said, "I hate it too. But you know what? I also enjoy it. Do you want to know why?"
As he waited for your words, he stared at you.
You said softly, "They grow up in a free country. They need not fear bombs, soldiers, or being forced to obey orders. Thomas and Charlotte can run freely and play with other children. They can both grow up and be whoever they want to be. They can sleep peacefully through the night. Without fear."
A deep sigh escaped Frederik's lips; how wise you were! Whenever you put your thoughts into words, you did so very carefully and in such a sweet, gentle manner that he loved so much. "That's hard not to agree with. I am so happy for them, I can't imagine anything else but freedom for our kids."
Our children are safe from what we have been through. Let us just provide them with the life we did not have." You added.
He tickled his son a little as he nodded. "Right. Charlie! Come here, please!"
Girl stopped and waved at her new friend before running up to the two of you. She sat next to Frederik and blinked, seeing that your eyes were all glossy. "Is mom fine?"
"Mom is fine, indeed." Man put his arm around his little daughter, gently tapping her cheek. "I love you, sweetheart. We both do, me and mama."
"I love you too." Girl nodded and hugged him.
A kiss was placed on the top of the girl's head. "By the way, we were too busy and I forgot to tell you how much I love your new dress from grandma."
The girl got up and walked over to you and hugged you tightly as she told her father, "Thank you."
Her back was embraced by you as you smiled.
"Come to us, girls." Frederik called as he improved Thomas. "We need some hugs too."
Charlotte immediately returned to her dad.
Frederik motioned to you to join them, asking, "Y/N?"
Before joining, you wiped your eyes and nodded as you got up, enjoying the warmness of the spring weather.
A group hug was exactly what he needed at the time. Frederik thought his good fortune was unreal. Frederik told you he loved you and kissed you briefly. "And you too, dears." He replied, smiling at the children. He realised he couldn't stop himself from shading a tear; his heart was full of love in a pure form.
As the sun rays illuminated another day of their livelihood, the air moved in blossoming brilliant arcs.
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327 notes · View notes
ivarlover · 5 months
Alex + Modern Ivar
Mentions of Female Reader + Hvitserk
If you're new here and want to catch up, just go to my pinned master list. The first chapter is UNLEASHED, then UNDENIABLE, then UNEXPECTED, and now UNPREDICTABLE...
This was supposed to be just a one-shot, but here we are. At this point, I have no idea how many chapters this will end up consiating of. Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it!🔥
Summary: During a hot weekend with your classmate, Alex, and his best friend, Ivar, the two of them had their own fun together. And now, it had turned into an entire relationship between the two of them that neither of them had seen coming. Now, that reality has set in, they navigate the relationship, and all that comes along with it, the good, the bad, and the unexpected. Now that they were just getting into the swing of things and finding their groove, Ivar's ex fiance comes back into the picture, and it seems she is sure to shake things up.
Warnings, The sequel in general: Totally NSFW, Unprotected anal sex (male receiving), oral, male to male contact and more, a bad case of the feels, language, smut, with me, there is ALWAYS smut. 🤣 Each chapter will have it's own warnings.
This chapter: Language, smut, of course, oral, major case of the feels, *inaccurate medical descriptions, diagnosis, and practices,* a disgusting pervert, Ivar being Ivar
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think!
Words: I don't know, but WAY TOO MANY
*Let me know if you want on or off the tag list!*
Note from me: My apologies for how long this has taken, but hopefully, the length of this chapter will make up for it.... ok, who am I kidding? The length of this chapter needs an apology of its own, too. Oops! Sorry!
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The last few days had basically been hell: hell for Ivar, hell for Alex, and really, even hell for Katia. Ivar had been trying to be the patient, understanding boyfriend, but the longer he was away from Alex, the angrier he was becoming.
After Alex had left Ivar's that night, Ivar spent most of the night trying to get him to answer his phone. He decided not to drive to Alex's apartment, no matter how tempting, because he knew if he'd been so upset that he'd left without a word, that he clearly needed the time to himself. And besides, he wasn't sure, exactly, why he'd left anyway, because he thought they'd cleared everything up when they were in the car.
He also knew that if Alex was pissed about him getting Katia out of the bathtub while she was naked, he'd have to wait until Alex was calm, because while Katia wasn't someone he wanted to be with, she was still the mother of his child, and Ivy loves her. He couldn't sit back and let something happen to her just because she wasn't dressed. He didn't see her that way anymore and wasn't even thinking about her body. Thus, he knew if that was why Alex left, then maybe it was best they didn't see each other just yet. He didn't want to say anything out of anger that he'd later regret. Just thinking about it pissed him off, and he definitely didn't need to make things way worse by actually telling Alex to kiss his ass if that's what he was mad about. No, he needed a better approach. Surely, Alex knew his feelings for him and how he wanted to be with him and him only.
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Ivar had finally talked to Hvitserk and Y/N about it and got some advice. He knew Alex had talked to Y/N about everything by now. Y/N had a way of putting things into perspective for Alex.
"Look man, all I know is that I sure as fuck didn't leave my room or my comfortable bed at your place to come couch surfing a few days between Y/N's and Ubbe's just so fucking Katia would have you all to her fucking self! I'm sure she's over the fucking moon happy, thinking she's won. You better find Alex, and you better fucking fix this!" Hvitserk spat out to Ivar. "Like, how the hell did you even find yourself in this situation to begin with? You should have let her ass go back to Russia, and you could have just flown out there in the jet to see Ivy every weekend, Shit for Brains! If you'd just ever fucking listen to me, I mean, I am the big brother here, you'd be fine! But no, you fucking think you know everything. I'm telling you, you better fix this! That man loves you!"
"Hvits, you know we have the club to tend to on the weekends. It would have just not been possible to leave here every weekend. Plus, who the fuck says I want to only see my child on the weekends? Oh, and Hvits?"
"I know you haven't been sleeping on Y/N's fucking couch! Not once!" Ivar laughed.
Hvitserk snarled and...
Snatching the phone from Hvitserk, Y/N told Ivar, "Look, just go to him, what was it, Shit for Brains? Seriously, you two are so difficult and for no reason. Do you know how lucky you are to have found a love like yours? Now, don't piss it away!"
"But, umm, what if..."
"Ivar, stop. You know I've talked to him. Just go. Do you need me to come watch Ivy for you? I will."
Ivar considered it, thoughtfully, "Umm, you seriously wouldn't umm, mind?"
She sighed, "Get ready. Hvits and I are on the way. We'll be there as soon as we can. And yes, we can stay the night if you need us to."
Hvitserk elbowed her, and gave her a dirty look to which she scolded him by simply looking back at him sternly. He dropped his head and smiled. He knew he was whipped.
"Katia is already sleeping, and I just laid Ivy down. It should be pretty quiet here," Ivar told Y/N and Hvitserk, standing in his doorway about to practically jump out of his skin. "And if you need anything..."
"Yeah, yeah, we'll call you. Go already before I change my mind and take Y/N back to her place and have my way with her," Hvitserk half laughed.
"Yeah, like you won't still do that anyway here in your room," Ivar laughed. "I just ask that you wash your own sheets this time!" Ivar grinned, and patted him on the back.
"Fuck you!"
"Love you, too, brother," Ivar said as he hugged Y/N. "Seriously, thank you, Babe."
"Hey! She's not your fucking babe!" Hvitserk snarled, "Anymore at least. Not since she found the best Lothbrok," he grinned, smacking Y/N on the ass.
"Ok, ok. Enough already. Go, Ivar, and stop stalling. It's going to be ok," Y/N said, shoving him on out the door. Winking at him, she added, "Go get 'em, tiger!"
Ivar had been gone for maybe 30 minutes. Y/N and Hvitserk were settled and snuggled on the sofa together, watching TV, when they heard the sound of a bell.
"What the fuck is that?"
"Oh, it must be Katia. Alex told me she had a bell to ring if she needed something during the night and Ivar didn't hear the baby monitor," Y/N informed Hvitserk. "Stay here. I'll go check it out."
"The fuck you will! I'll go with you. She's toxic, Y/N. The last thing I need is her getting in your head. And a baby monitor? Really?" Hvitserk seemed to know her better than anyone.
"At least my stupid baby brother had enough sense to make her room downstairs and not on the same floor with his. I can only imagine the shit she'd try to pull," Hvitserk said under his breath as they got to her door.
Putting her finger to her lips, Y/N whispered, "Listen!"
Behind the closed door, they could hear Katia, "Ivar? Ivar, can you hear me? I just woke up from a really bad dream," Katia whinned. "Can you please bring me a glass of water and my pills?"
"Is this bitch fucking serious? Surely my fucking brother is not this fucking stupid and gullible!" Hvitserk's face was of complete disgust. "It's time she learned tonight."
"Hvitserk! Don't!" was all Y/N managed to get out of her mouth before he slammed the door open.
"Ivar?" Katia asked in the dark.
"Nope. Even better," Hvitserk turned on the lights.
Holding up her hands to block the bright light, Katia asked, "Hvitserk? Wh-what are you doing here?" Y/N walked in the room. "Oh and Y/N? What's going on?"
Ivar isn't here tonight, so we're playing nice. What do you want?" Hvitserk grinned, knowing she was shitting gold bricks.
"Umm, well, I had a bad dream and umm..."
"What are you, fucking 12? Roll the fuck over and go back to sleep. You don't need to call Ivar because of some damn dream!"
"Hvitserk!" Y/N scolded him.
"No, you know I'm right, Y/N, and someone needs to set her ass straight." He turned back to Katia, "He let you stay here because of Alex! Ok? Let's not forget that! Alex convinced him it would be better than you leaving for Russia again. And then, without any apparent conscious of any kind, you go and start playing all the stupid games."
"Games? What games? What are you even talking about, Hvitserk?" Katia tried playing innocent, but she quickly realized it wasn't going to work with him.
Walking a little closer to her, Hvitserk answered her, "You know, damn good and well, what I'm talking about."
"But, Hvitserk, I really d...." She began again.
"Whatever. I really don't give a fuck, anyway, so just whatever," Hvitserk cleared his throat. "Now, what did you need? When you thought it was just Ivar here?"
"Umm, I just l need uh, my medicine," she responded, sounding a bit embarrassed. "Oh, and Hvitserk?"
"Despite what you may think of me, I do love your brother, and all I want is for him to be happy."
Y/N name tried to step in front of Hvitserk, but he was too fast. He bent down above Katia, pointing his finger at her, "If that was true, you'd leave him alone. Anyone, who has any sense at all, can see my baby brother is happier than he's ever been. Like it or not, he's in love with Alex, and you, of all people, should know that when Ivar loves, he loves hard. Why would you want to destroy that? You've had your chance, Katia."
"But how can you be so sure Alex can make him happier than I can? He can't provide Ivar with a big family, like he's always wanted. I can."
"Well, for fucking starters, he's never lied to him or manipulated him. He doesn't play games with him and toy with his emotions. He just loves him. Simply. Maybe you could learn a thing or two from him, actually."
"But, Hvitserk," Katia began.
"Ok, that's enough, you two. We're obviously not making any progress like this," Y/N said, finally interrupting her. "Hvits, could you please go get her a glass of water?"
Katia was relieved that Y/N had intervened, "Thank you, Y/N. I'm not sure how much more of that I could take."
Knowing Katia had assumed wrongly of her, Y/N quickly replied, "Oh, just because he left the room doesn't mean you're in the clear. Look, he's right, and you know he is. If you truly love Ivar as much as you say you do, then finally do something selfless for him for a change, and just let him go. You know he's happy. That's why you're doing everything in your power to destroy it, and look, I understand. He's a pretty magnificent man, but you need to come to terms with the fact that your time has passed, and move on." Y/N stared straight into Katia's eyes, making her uncomfortable and causing her to look away. "Katia, I'll be straight forward with you, here," she grinned, "The truth of the matter is, I'm sick of your shit! Period. And where the boys, Alex, Ivar, nor even Hvitserk, can do anything to you, you know they'd never lay a finger on you, I can. It's not beneath me to resort to violence. So, let that sink in, why don't you?"
Hvitserk came in with the glass of water. "What the hell did I miss?" he asked as he saw the scared look on Katia's face and the snarl across Y/N's.
"Oh, nothing," Y/N looked away from her to Hvitserk. "Katia was just saying how sorry she is for all the trouble she's caused." Looking back at Katia, she asked, "Isn't that right, Katia?"
Katia swallowed, her mouth dry, and reached for the water from Hvitserk. "Oh, umm, yes? I guess?" She took her pills and drank nearly all of the water.
"Good. Now, all you need is to stop calling Ivar over a fucking dream like a little girl, and pull your shit together. Good night," Hvitserk said as they walked to the door, and he turned the lights back off. "You can still call if you need anything," he said as he began to close the door, "But, it sure as hell better be something real that you actually need and not some crybaby shit!"
Ivar got out of his car and leaned back against it, looking at Alex's front door. He started to walk toward it, but then he turned back to his car. He did that at least two more times. What if Alex was still mad? Or worse, what if Alex didn't want to see or talk to him? He knew he couldn't handle much more heartache. He was worried Alex had finally saw what he'd always felt, that he wasn't good enough. He held his head down. What the hell was he even doing here?
He turned around to his car again and opened the car door.
"Are you going to come in, or are you going to dance around in my front yard all night like a mad man?" Ivar heard from behind him.
Ivar turned around, "Oh, umm, Alex. I-I'm, umm, I was just..." Ivar stumbled over his words.
"Pacing a hole in my yard?" Alex half laughed. "Well? Are you gonna come inside?"
Ivar looked up, blushing, "I, umm, I'm sorry. Yes. If that's ok with you?"
Alex motioned at the open doorway, "Ya think?"
Ivar smiled and went to the door. He walked inside and gently closed the door behind him. He stood there at the front door, looking around nervously.
"I won't bite, ya know?" Ivar heard Alex from the kitchen. "I mean, not unless you want me to." They both laughed, and Ivar's nerves eased a little. Alex stuck his head around the corner, "Come in here with me."
Ivar walked into the kitchen and found Alex at the counter with the blender. He sat down on a stool.
"I was about to make some mixed drinks. Want one?" Alex looked at Ivar tentatively.
Ivar swallowed loudly, "Umm, yeah. Uh, yes, please." He watched Alex as he turned around and made the drinks. Alex always made some of the best mixed drinks. He was actually known for it at the bar.
He moved around in the kitchen with flow and ease. He turned back to Ivar for a quick moment and smiled a smile that could only be compared to that of an angel. Damn, Ivar loved that man! He had to make this right.
Alex poured the drinks and turned to give Ivar his. As Ivar grabbed the drink, his hand landed on top of Alex's. He didn't move it but continued to hold onto Alex's hand as they sat the drink down and stared into eachother's eyes. As they let go of the glass, Ivar held Alex's hand in his and never turned away from Alex's gaze.
Holding onto Alex's hand, Ivar pulled him around the counter until he was standing in front of him, still sitting on the stool. He put both of his hands around Alex's waist and pulled him a little closer.
"I'm so sorry," they both blurted out at the same time. "You can go first," they both said, again, at the same time, smiling.
"Ok, ok can I go first?" Ivar asked. Alex nodded his head yes.
Ivar ran his hand through his hair, "Look, Alex, I'm unbelievably sorry for everything with Katia. I promise you that I don't love her anymore. You should know this by now. I only want to be with you. I didn't mean to hurt you, and I hope you can forgive me." Ivar placed his hand on Alex's cheek, and Alex leaned into it before placing his hand over it and gently squeezing. "I'm sorry for how things must have looked. I'm so sorry. But, Alex, I don't want her. I don't love her."
"But it just looked like you did and..."
"Alex, she's the mother of my child. That's all. It's not like that. I..." Ivar interrupted.
"Ivar, let me finish." Alex dropped his head. "It just looked like you did, and Katia knew how it would look, so she just made it worse by rubbing it in my face. I'm so sorry. I overreacted, and I know that. That's the reason I left. I knew I was overreacting, but I couldn't help it, and I didn't want to say something I'd regret." Alex swallowed nervously.
"I do know you better than that, Ivar, and it's embarrassing how I acted, how I let her get under my skin. I hope you can forgive me. It was my idea to move her in, and you even warned me, and then, I turned around and still let her get between us. I'm so sorry."
Ivar was completely stunned. "I, uh, th-this isn't, umm, this isn't exactly how I thought this would go."
Alex stiffened and stepped back away from Ivar. "Oh? I'm uh, I'm sorry."
Ivar stood immediately, recognizing that Alex misunderstood him. "No. No, Alex, that's not what I meant. I, umm, I mean that umm, I was worried that you were still mad with me," he dropped his head in shame. "I know it's just a matter of time before umm, before you finally realize that I'm," he continued to stutter, "That I'm umm, just not good enough, Alex."
Alex stepped back to him, "For what? For me?"
Blushing, Ivar nodded.
"You can't be serious. Of course, you're good enough for me, Ivar! I was mad at you. That doesn't mean I'm no longer mad about you. It doesn't mean I don't want to be with you, or that I don't still love you." He placed his hand under Ivar's chin and raised his head back. "Hey, look at me."
Ivar looked into Alex's eyes, and he instantly pulled him to his chest, his arms wrapping tightly around him. "I love you. I love you so much," he softly said into Alex's ear. "Thank you for loving me." Ivar's heart swelled inside his chest. Saying that he was relieved was an understatement. "What did I ever do to deserve you?"
Alex pulled back from Ivar and held his face between his hands before leaning in to kiss him. His lips softly grazed Ivar's as they let out all the love and emotion he was feeling.
The unspoken words between them flowed effortlessly through their movements, soft kisses, and gentle touches. Completely lost in eachother, they held eachother tightly, breathing eachother in. "Damn, I've missed you," Ivar whispered.
Alex smiled, "As I have you. I don't want you to leave, but how long can you stay?"
"Y/N and Hvits are at my place. I can stay as long as long as you want."
"Umm, would you, uh, do you want to stay the night?"
Grinning, Ivar answered, "I thought you'd never ask. Of course."
Both in sweatpants, they crawled into Alex's bed. His head in his hand, propped up on his elbow behind Alex and looking down at him, Ivar softly spoke, his voice small, "Umm, Alex?" He leaned down and kissed Alex on his temple.
"Umm, would it be ok if we just laid here together, and I held you in my arms?"
Alex's heart skipped a beat. "Of course. You know that's my favorite way to fall asleep."
"Well, umm, I just mean, well, I didn't want you thinking I'm just after one thing. I just want to hold you."
Alex turned in his arms and raised up and kissed him on the cheek. "After all this time, still worried about my virtue?" He placed his hand on the back of Ivar's neck, smiling.
"It's not that I don't want you," Ivar smiled back. "God knows I do. And I hope I don't disappoint you, but more than that, I've just missed you," Ivar blushed.
Alex pulled him closer and gave him a quick peck on the lips before turning back around in his arms, "I've missed you, too, and I can't think of a better way to sleep. I love snuggling with you. It'll have to be better than the last few nights."
"Oh? You, too? I haven't slept at all the last few nights," he ran his hands through Alex's hair. "Actually, I'm quite exhausted."
"Then you better get some sleep, Mister. We have a birthday party to finish planning," Alex squeezed Ivar's arm, wrapped tightly around his waist.
Warmth spread throughout Ivar's body. Alex truly was an amazing man.
As they laid there, wrapped in a blanket of love, they both finally dozed off to sleep.
Surprised, Ivar woke up the next morning to find Alex still sleeping. He glanced at the clock and noticed it was 9 am. He never slept in.
As if sensing Ivar was awake, Alex stirred in his arms. "Good morning," Alex mumbled.
"Good morning, sleepy head." They both gave a chuckle.
Alex turned, facing Ivar and kissed him. "So the clock already struck midnight, and you didn't run away, so what's on the agenda? Do you have to leave yet?" he laughed but then saw a more serious look on Ivar's face.
Ivar grinned as he pulled Alex into a kiss and then pulled away. "Well, first," he kissed Alex's cheek, "I thought," he kissed Alex's neck as he rolled over on top of him, "We could," he nibbled Alex's ear and then whispered into it, "Make up for some lost time," and he lightly bit the side of Alex's neck just below his ear, sending chills all over Alex's body.
"Oh-ok," Alex said, surprised.
Ivar raised up above him, "Is that ok with you?"
"Definitely," he reached to the table beside the bed, as Ivar rolled to his side, and took the pills. "You have a few minutes to wait, though, don't you?"
"Of course," he smiled lovenly. "I wanted to run something by you anyway."
"Shoot," Alex ran his fingers along Ivar's bare chest.
"Well," Ivar looked down at Alex's hand, "That may be a bit distracting, but I'll do my best." He smiled and grabbed Alex's hand and brought it to his mouth where he kissed his palm. "You know how we were discussing remodeling my basement and making a playroom for Ivy?"
"Well, what would you think of making our own playroom instead? We could use one of the spare rooms upstairs for hers. I mean, she's small and wouldn't need the entire basement anyway."
"What do you mean" Alex's eyes widened, "By our own playroom?"
"Exactly what you're thinking," Ivar smiled his devilish grin. "An adult 'playroom,' if you will, for just the two of us. I'd add a keypad with a pass code to get in, and the door would lock automatically behind you. Only the two of us would have the code so we wouldn't have to worry about anyone coming in on us."
"Wow! Aren't you the naughty one! So if it's a playroom, what kind of 'toys,' would we have?" Alex asked as his curiosity grew. He grabbed a handful of Ivar's ass and squeezed. "Would there be toys I could use on you?"
Ivar gulped, "Umm, we could uh, talk about that. And umm, we'd obviously, need a bed and..."
"Not necessarily," Alex's hand moved around to the front of Ivar and grabbed his already hardening cock through his boxers. Ivar's mouth dropped open with a gasp. "We could always use the floor," he began working Ivar through his boxers, "Or the wall," he breathed hot air against Ivar's lips. His lips brushed against Ivar's as he spoke, "And isn't there some kind of work bench already there?"
"Umm humm," was all Ivar could manage to say as the heat rushed through his body.
"Well, we could use that, too. I'd really love to bend you over it." Alex laughed into his ear. "What was that?" he gently slipped his hand inside Ivar's boxers and grabbed him tightly again. "Was that a yes?"
Ivar only breathed heavily, not exactly capable of producing words as Alex's hand moved briskly along his shaft. "Like that, do you? It's been too long, humm?"
Ivar, shifting to his side, managed to reach to his waist with one hand and slip his boxers down and Alex helped him take them the rest of the way off as Ivar's heartrate increased. They then repeated the same with Alex's. Ivar moved back above Alex, caging him with his body and lubing himself up and then Alex.
As he looked down into Alex's eyes, he said, in a sultry voice, "You talk a big game. Now, it's my turn to try to render you speechless." He lined himself up with Alex's twitching entrance.
"Oh? You promise?" Alex flirted.
And with that, Ivar thrusted his hips forward, hard, straight into Alex all at once, only stopping once he bottomed out. Alex's back arched, his eyes closed as his head dug into his pillow, and he yelled out, "Oh, God!"
"No, it's still just me, Ivar, but I can understand how you could be easily confused," he answered, his evil grin looking back at Alex when his eyes sprung open.
Alex smiled at him and rubbed his hand down his back, sending chills all over him.
Ivar began slowly rocking his hips forward and back languorously, watching Alex's every expression. Feeling embarrassed, Alex covered his face, but Ivar grabbed his hand. "Don't. I want to see your beautiful face," Ivar's voice was soft. Alex felt heat rising to his cheeks. "Nothing is more sexy than knowing your pink cheeks are because of me." He placed his hand on Alex's hot cheek as he leaned down and softly kissed his lips, gently nibbling on the bottom one. "I love you."
Alex was taken back by Ivar's tenderness. Although, Ivar was usually like that with him, there was something sweeter about this that Alex couldn't quite place.
Suddenly, Ivar's movements stopped, "What's wrong, Love? Did I hurt you? Are you ok?"
Alex brushed Ivar's hair back out of his face and tucked it behind his ear lovenly. "Nothing is wrong. Actually, I'm kind of perfect, umm, and it's all because of you. Don't worry. And Ivar?"
"I love you, too."
Ivar suddenly felt different somehow. He wasn't sure what was happening, but he knew he just wanted to please Alex. That's all that really mattered to him; not even his own pleasure and release, and that was new to him during sex. He'd always wanted to please Alex, but this was different because he wasn't the least bit concerned about himself.
He slowly began his movements again, never taking his eyes away from Alex's. With every slow stroke into Alex, he just enjoyed the closeness. He interlocked his hand with Alex's that was laying beside him as he rubbed the side of it with his thumb. He held most of his weight on the same elbow as his other hand feathered across Alex's chest, causing goosebumps to appear.
"I can't get enough of the effects I have on your body," Ivar smiled. He ran his fingers lightly across Alex's chest again, admiring, not just the definition, but the flushed red color. "It's intoxicating." All the while, his soft touches were driving Alex wild with desire.
His steady, long, slow stokes into Alex were building the tension in Alex's gut and he knew he was close already. "Maybe you should go a little harder or faster," Alex moaned. "I don.., umm, I don't know how much longer I can last and I want you to finish, too," Alex practically growled the last part.
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine. Just let go. This is about you, not me. I just want to pleasure you. I'm not worried about myself, Love."
"But, Ivar, you deserve to..."
"Shhh," Ivar's lips crashed into Alex's with overwhelming passion. Alex grabbed a handful of Ivar's hair with his free hand and held him forcefully in place, not wanting to break the kiss. They breathed eachother in as their lips massaged the other's. Ivar's hand trailed down Alex's torso to his swollen, throbing cock.
Alex quickly moved his hand out of Ivar's hair and grabbed Ivar's wrist to stop him. Breaking their kiss, he studdered, "N-Not yet. I-I'm too close and sensitive. I want this to last as long as it can."
Nodding in agreance, Ivar moved his hand back up Alex's sweaty chest, stopping to squeeze his nipple between his fingers. Alex's eyes rolled into the back of his head. Ivar continued his feather like touches back up to Alex's cheek, where he rubbed his thumb across Alex's mouth, his plump lips popping lose beneath Ivar's thumb. Smiling at how red his lips were from the kissing, he did it again.
He stared into Alex's eyes intensely, while still slowly moving himself in and out of Alex as his tight walls clinched around him.
Alex took a moment to let his mind wander. He knew that would help him last a few minutes longer, too, and God knows how he wanted it to last! He was enjoying how good he was feeling just a little too much.
He hadn't thought, before now, how erotic it could be with Ivar if they did it all this slowly. But he was surprised. As wonderful as things had been with Ivar, he always remembered how he was when it came to sex. Alex remembered, on more than one occasion, actually, how Ivar had even skipped eating because he was going to have sex with some girl and getting off had always been one of his main priorities.
This was why everyone was so shocked when he'd settled down with Katia. Nobody could believe he was giving up all the one night stands. If Alex was being honest, that was even one of his worries about Katia now. He knew how important she had been to Ivar for him to have given up all that scattered ass.
Now, for Ivar to say he was only concerned about pleasing him and wasn't even worried about himself, Alex knew that it was a major deal. As he thought about the significance, he realized just what Ivar meant by it. He began to really understand just what he meant to Ivar, and he was overcome with emotions. He held back his full emotions, though. He knew that tears during sex with Ivar would not go over well.
He squeezed Ivar's hand, and as Ivar asked, "Are you sure you're ok? Do you need me to stop?" But, not answering Ivar, Alex pulled Ivar to him, hot and sweaty, naked chest against hot and sweaty, naked, chest, and kissed Ivar.
First, he gently grazed his lips, still looking deeply into his eyes, but as he got a taste of Ivar's sweet mouth, he parted his lips with his tongue and let it enter Ivar's mouth to explore. His hand held the side of Ivar's face as the intensity of the kiss increased and their passion grew.
Their breathing sped up, and Ivar reached down between them and grabbed Alex again. He began moving his hand up and down on Alex's length in rhythm with his thrusts, causing Alex to thrust his hips up into Ivar. Alex broke their kiss as he moaned and groaned with pleasure.
Ivar watched intently as Alex's body whithed beneath him, and his face contorted. Alex clawed down Ivar's back, causing his pumping to falter, and his head fell forward, as Alex mumbled out, "Ivar!" between panting.
Ivar continued with his relentless slow movements of hips into Alex as Alex gasped for air. Alex found it so incredibly erotic when he opened his eyes to find Ivar still staring him down as if he was going to devour him like his next meal. His heart skipped a beat. The fierce look in Ivar's eyes made Alex sweat as his toes curled, his legs stiffened, and his back arched again. He dropped his hand from Ivar and gripped tightly into the sheets as his other hand squeezed Ivar's, threatening to stop all blood flow to Ivar's fingers.
Ivar smiled and bit his lip as he realized just how beautiful Alex was as he was coming completely undone. He watched Alex's every muscle tighten and twitch as he slowly drove into him before pulling nearly out and then slowly doing it all over again. He continued to tug on Alex with his sweaty hand acting as lube, his knuckles brushing against Alex's stomach, causing Alex to gasp. As he pressed himself into Alex, inch by inch, Alex made noises that even Alex, himself, did not recognize.
Ivar had never seen a more attractive sight than Alex laying beneath him, squirming and whimpering, unable to form a complete, coherent thought. As he grinned at how he had, indeed, rendered Alex speechless, Alex moaned out, "IVAR! I'm com-coming!" as his chest heaved, and his hand practically dug a hole into the mattress. After reaching his boiling point, Alex's eyes rolled into the back of his head as he lost all control and before he knew it, white streams of his cum shot between their hot, sweaty bodies. Alex started to apologize to Ivar, but Ivar collapsed on top of him, still inside him and ignoring the mess between them, and kissed Alex with overpowering emotions. Alex felt the mixture of love and desire, passion and extasy all wrapped up in the sweet kiss.
Resting his forehead against Alex's, some hair stuck to the side of his face from sweat, Ivar barely broke the kiss and breathed Alex in. He let go of his grip on Alex's hand, and he brought both of his hands to either side of Alex's face. Pushing Alex's hair back away from his face repeatedly for a few seconds, Ivar stared into Alex's eyes again for a long moment before kissing him softly again. Alex's heart melted at Ivar's intense tenderness. It was truly the icing on the cake.
"That was amazing, Love," Ivar softly spoke, almost in a whisper, as he broke their kiss.
Alex cupped his cheek. Desperately trying to catch his breath, he began, "How can you even say that? You haven't had your turn yet." Feeling Ivar still hard and still inside himself, Alex then added, "You know, just because I've already finished doesn't mean you can't keep going. I can handle it."
"Shhh. I told you, this isn't about me. I'm fine. It was amazing just watching you. I enjoy seeing how you react to me. I just wanted to please you."
"Oh, so it's just a power trip for you, humm?" Alex smiled jokingly and then gulped when he saw Ivar's serious expression spread across his face.
"No. I umm, I just love you that much," Ivar dropped his head into the nape of Alex's neck and then turned and kissed his neck with his hot, wet lips. "I just love you."
Alex immediately wrapped his arms around Ivar and held him tightly, "And I love you." He knew he'd think about this entire thing later and analyze the shit out of it. It was so much more than just hot sex with his hot boyfriend. But for now, he'd just enjoy his wonderful, vulnerable, hot boyfriend laying in his arms.
Wild emotions ripped through Ivar like a storm. Of all of the incredible sexual moments he'd had with Alex before, this was, by far, the most unbelievable. And yes, how odd that he hadn't even had his turn, as Alex had put it, but it wasn't even important to him! He just laid there, tightly snuggled up in Alex's arms, and that's all he cared about right now.
Interrupting Ivar's thoughts, Alex, asked, "Hey, all those questions if I'm ok? What about you? Are you ok? You're kind of worrying me."
Ivar raised his head so he could look at Alex again, "I am wonderful, Love," he smiled, warmly. "Umm, you make me, umm," he studdered, "You make me the man I've always wanted to be."
Alex was speechless. Again. As Ivar continued, "Just let me lay here with you. Just let me hold you and just breathe you in."
Alex let Ivar's touching words wash over him like a warm spring in chilly air. He held Ivar even a bit tighter, unable to respond to such tenderness with words. He kissed the top of Ivar's head and ran his fingers through his hair as Ivar snuggled back into the nape of his neck.
They laid like that until they both slowly dozed back off to sleep.
To their surprise, they didn't wake up for another hour or so. After more sweet caresses and gentle kisses, they showered and got dressed for the day. It took a lot longer than usual because they just weren't able to keep their hands and lips off of eachother. It was like it had been during their first days of being a couple, taking every and any opportunity to touch and feel the other.
"I don't want this to ever end," Ivar smiled shyly at Alex as his face flushed light pink.
"Well, it doesn't have to," Alex responded with a sweet kiss to Ivar's cheek.
Ivar had spoken with Hvitserk earlier. He and Y/N had decided to spend the rest of the weekend with Ivy while Sara worked with Katia. Taking their turn to spoil her was how he'd put it. They'd also volunteered to work at the bar for he and Alex that night. "Y/N thinks you guys just need some more alone time."
Ivar had been concerned about Hvitserk working so closely with alcohol, but he reassured him that he'd be fine because he'd be distracted with the work, and he would have Y/N there for extra support. Only after speaking with Y/N directly and giving her very specific directions did Ivar finally agree to it.
"So, we have the day together? That's awesome! We've finally got some time to ourselves. What do you want to do?" Alex asked him, excitedly.
Ivar raised his eyebrows and grinned at Alex.
Shocked, Alex answered, "You can't be serious."
He walked to Alex, put his arms around his waist, and yanked him to him forcefully as Alex tried to catch his breath. He gave Alex a light kiss, "First, I want to do, again, what we did this morning." He smiled and kissed him on his cheek. "Then, I suppose, we could go see what's going on in town, if you want." He lovenly kissed Alex's jawline. "After that, I want to take you out to dinner somewhere nice," he licked up the side of Alex's neck. "And then, I want to BE dinner. Nothing too crazy. What do you think?" They both laughed.
Alex then realized how very serious Ivar was as their lips smashed into eachother's, their hands interlocked, and Ivar was slowly walking him backwards, toward his room.
After they spent the rest of the morning in Alex's bed, enjoying eachother, they finally emerged from their blissful haze and actually left Alex's. There was a carnival in town, so they decided to go check it out.
They felt like teenagers again. They played games, ate too much carnival food such as cotton candy and funnel cakes, and, after much convincing that the rides were safe on Alex's part, rode a few of the rides.
As they were in line to get drinks after their last ride, they ran into one of Alex's and Y/N's friends from class. He was with his sister and her two children. "Hey! Alex! How are you? Who is your friend?"
Alex introduced them and they chatted while in line. He was surprised that the two of them were there, but without a kid.
"So the two of you just came to have fun by yourselves?"
Ivar, feeling, surprisingly, a bit territorial of Alex for a reason he couldn't quite pinpoint, answered, holding up their interlocked hands, "Well, this is kind of a date weekend for the two of us. Our daughter is with my brother." He smiled devilishly, and Alex didn't miss it.
Alex was shocked by Ivar's choice of words when referring to Ivy. "Our daughter." It made him feel especially warm and proud.
"Oh, umm," Alex's friend, Paul, answered, "Alex, I umm, I didn't know you were, umm.."
"In love?" Ivar interjected with his intimidating smirk.
Paul looked at Ivar and then back to Alex, "And wow, you two have a child?"
"Yes, her name is Ivy. Her birthday is actually this upcoming week," Alex answered, hoping to calm whatever was going on with Ivar.
"You should come to her party, and bring, who is that? Your children?" Ivar interrupted, to Alex's complete surprise.
"No, they're my niece and nephew and that's," pointing to the woman with the kids, Paul continued, "My sister. My boyfriend and I actually just broke up because he wanted children, and I don't. You guys don't think you're too young to already have a child yourselves? Doesn't that interfere with your relationship? And which of you is her actual, real dad?"
Ivar grinded his teeth together, showing his clinched jaw, and looked to Alex to answer, knowing it was best he didn't at the moment.
"Like Ivar said, she's both of ours. We're both her real dad," Alex squeezed Ivar's hand. "And no, we're not too young. This means we're still young enough to play with her. And she's part of our relationship. She makes everything between us even that more special. I'm sorry you didn't want to experience that with your partner." He raised Ivar's hand that he was still holding and kissed the back of it.
Ivar felt so proud of how Alex answered Paul's questions. Seriously, who did this guy think he was? With his most intimating smirk, Ivar asked, "So, you think you'd like to come to the party next Saturday?" quickly changing the subject.
"I'll talk to my sister and let you know Monday in class, Alex?" Paul finally got the hint.
"Sounds great and I'll bring you an invitation."
He walked away, and Alex turned to Ivar, "What was that all about?"
"What do you mean?" Ivar played innocent.
Alex just looked at him. "What?" Ivar smiled.
"You know exactly what."
"Well, it's obvious he wants you."
Shocked, Alex answered, "What the? Huh? No way! We're just friends. And I didn't even know he was interested in men until right now. "
"Yeah, and now that he's seen you with me, he thinks he has a chance," Ivar snarled.
"Ivar, you seriously have nothing to worry about."
"Oh, I know," Ivar grinned, "I would have never invited him to Ivy's party if I'd thought otherwise." He kissed Alex on the cheek.
"So you were serious?" Alex asked incredulously.
"Of course. You know, keep your friends close and all that shit?" Ivar laughed.
Alex rolled his eyes and took the drinks from the cashier as they walked away. "So Ivy's our daughter, humm?"
Taking his drink, Ivar asked, "Well? Isnt she?"
The rest of the day, into the evening, was spent with them just enjoying eachother's company. Ivar watched Alex's joyful smiles and giggles, and grabbed him up, completely off his feet, to hug him several times. His playfulness was contagious, and Ivar couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so carefree and happy.
He watched Alex play some of the games and how frustrated he'd get when he didn't win. It was really cute. Alex play punched him in the arm, "Stop laughing at me! It's not funny."
Ivar grinned, "Yes, it actually is."
Alex rolled his eyes and continued playing, determined to win. Ivar realized that he was more in love with Alex now than when they first started dating. He didn't know how that was even possible because he'd already never felt like this with anyone else before, but it was true. He'd give his life for Alex. Next to Ivy, there was nobody else on this Earth that he loved more. It kind of scared him, but more so, he was just thrilled to have finally found his soul mate. And that was exactly it. That was why he'd been different with Alex that morning. That's why he didn't care about himself. Alex was his soul mate, and he'd spend the rest of his life making him happy as long as Alex allowed it.
Feeling too emotional for their surroundings, he pushed everything to the back of his mind to deal with later and tapped Alex on the shoulder. "Here, let me show you how it's done."
"Watch and learn, Love. Watch and learn." He gave the attendant his money, and she gave him three darts. Looking at Alex and grinning, he threw the first one. He hit one of the balloons, and it pooped.
"You've got to be kidding me," Alex sighed.
"How many do I have to pop to win?" Ivar smiled at the attendant.
"All three for your choice of prize or one more for one of the small stuffed animals."
"Go big or go home. Right, Alex?"
Alex rolled his eyes, "If you say so, but hitting all three isn't as easy as it looks, Ivar."
"Well, let's try and see," Ivar was sure he could get all three. He and Hvitserk used to play this exact game with darts and cans in their backyard when they were younger. When they got too brave and started aiming at cans on eachother's heads, Aslaug stepped in and took the darts away from them, telling them how dangerous and irresponsible it was. It was for this reason that neither of them ever told her about how they'd snuck the darts from her kitchen cabinet and played, secretly, resulting in Ivar having an unwanted ear piercing. He smirked at the memory of how scared Hvitserk had been and how he'd milked it for all it was worth, basically having Hvitserk wait on him hand and foot for the next week until Hvitserk caught on to what he'd been doing.
Ivar aimed and thew the second dart and then the third, popping both balloons. He turned to Alex, "What were you saying? It's not as easy as it looks, humm?"
Alex stood, dumbfounded, "Oh, shut up."
"Well, pick your prize, Love."
Alex smiled and kissed Ivar on his cheek as his face lit up. He picked out a huge, stuffed, pink bear.
Smiling as Alex wrapped his arms around the fuzzy bear, Ivar asked, "So, pink huh? Where are you gonna put it?"
Alex looked at him and laughed, "What? You don't think pink's my color?" He held the bear up to his face and smiled innocently. After laughing at Ivar's curious face, Alex finally said, "Duh, Ivar! This bright pink bear isn't for me! I think it's cute, and I have to admit, I love how soft it is," he cleared his throat as he noticed the strange look in Ivar's eyes, "But it's for Ivy, obviously."
"Oh? Umm, yeah, obviously," Ivar mocked him, smiling.
"It is. That's why I was so frustrated that I kept missing the damn balloons," Alex sighed. "I just thought this would be a nice birthday gift for her from this great day we've had together." And there it was again, that strange look in Ivar's eyes, making Alex nervous. "Umm, did I uh, did I say something wrong? Are you ok? Umm, are we ok?"
Ivar was lost in his thoughts. "Umm, Ivar?" Alex stepped closer and placed his hand on Ivar's shoulder. "Hey, what's going on?"
"Oh, umm," Ivar shook his head as if to snap himself out of whatever trance he was in, "What?"
"Ivar, what's wrong?"
"Wrong? What? Nothing is wrong. Seriously, absolutely nothing."
"Where were you just now? You worried me. You know you can talk to me."
Looking Alex deeply in the eyes, Ivar placed the beer on the counter beside them and pulled him close to him. He wrapped his arms around Alex's waist tightly. Alex wasn't sure what was going on, but he liked it. Ivar finally moved his right hand to Alex's cheek while the other still held him. Just as Alex was beginning to feel even more nervous, Ivar whispered, "I love you," and gave Alex a sweet, passionate kiss, causing him to feel weak in the knees.
When Ivar pulled away from the kiss and rested his head on Alex's, Alex looked up in a daze, licking his lips as if he could still taste the kiss. He wasn't sure what the strange look had been about or why this was how Ivar reacted when asked about it, but he was too lost in a haze to think about it any further.
Still looking into his eyes and practically panting for air, Ivar whispered, "We should go. I've got reservations for us."
They went back to Alex's to shower and change for what Ivar said would be a nice dinner. They made sure to take their showers in Alex's two separate bathrooms because Ivar said he didn't want to miss their reservations, and he knew if they were together, they definitely wouldn't be leaving on time, if at all. They both laughed in agreement and went to get ready.
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Alex finally came into the living room where Ivar was waiting for him. When he saw Alex in his shiny, black suit and opened, white, collared shirt, he gasped.
"What? Do I look ridiculous?"
Moving to his feet and immediately by Alex's side, "No, never. You look quite the opposite, actually. You look stunning."
As Alex's face flushed red, he looked Ivar up and down. He stood there in a dark, grey suit with the collar also open to it. Alex answered, "Well, you don't look too shabby yourself."
Ivar blushed and told him, "Well, I'd really like to kiss you. You don't know how badly. You're so smoldering hot and quite frankly, irresistible, but umm," he licked his lips, "Like I said earlier, I don't want to miss our reservations. The driver is already out front, waiting for us."
They arrived at a very elegant seafood restaurant just on the outskirts of town. Ivar knew Alex would love it, sushi being his favorite of favorite foods, so he wasn't at all surprised at Alex's reaction.
"Oh my God! Are you serious? You got us reservations here?"
Ivar simply smiled back at him.
"You know how long I've wanted to come here. How did you even get the reservations? Every time I've tried, the closest date is always like six months out. At best."
"Well, I know a guy who knows a guy," Ivar laughed. "You ready?" But Alex was already jumping out of the car before the driver had even opened his own door to get out. "It's ok, Mike. We'll manage. Thank you."
Dinner was great and their conversation flowed easily, as it always had. They talked and laughed as they ate what Alex said was the best sushi he'd ever tasted and drank some of the most expensive wine. Alex had protested about the wine, but Ivar said, "I want only the best for you. Don't worry about the price. That's none of your concern. Now, drink."
"Yes, sir," Alex smiled warmly, turning up his glass.
As their dinner was nearly over, the lighting in the place got a bit dimmer, and strobe lights came on, illuminating a dance floor. Alex's face instantly lit up as he looked at the dance floor and then back to Ivar. "Don't even think about it, Love. It's not happening," Ivar hadn't even given him a chance to ask.
Alex looked at him with pouty eyes as he saw several other couples make their way to the dance floor, and Ivar glared at him. "Ok, ok. You're not ready," Alex's eyes casted downward, he quietly said, "I understand." He took a big gulp of the last of his wine. "We should probably go then," Alex said, placing his glass back on the table and standing.
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"Wait. What? No," Ivar panicked. He hadn't meant to hurt Alex's feelings. But he may have been too vague with his response. "I"m not ashamed of you if that's what you're thinking. I-I'm, ugh, I just..."
"It's ok, Ivar. I'll meet you in the car." Alex began to leave before his emotions were too obvious and took over. "Where you can be with me, and nobody sees you. I've got to get out of here!"
Ivar was immediately up and by Alex's side. He placed his hands on either side of Alex's cheeks, making Alex look him straight in the eyes. "Hey, hey. Wait. Calm down. What is it, Love? Why would you even think I give a fuck about people seeing us together? You know I love you, and I could care less what anyone else thinks about that."
Alex blushed and pulled back from Ivar. "Well, it's obvious that you're embarrassed by even the thought of dancing with me." He cleared his throat, "So, you're off the hook. You don't have to." Alex looked away from him.
"Alex, I'm not embarrassed by you. I'm umm," he began to stutter, and Alex looked back at him, confused. "I'm embarrassed at the thought of dancing in front of all these people. You know I can't dance."
Alex's snarl softened into a smile. "Oh, Ivar," he placed his hand on Ivar's cheek,"You don't have to do anything fancy, and we could wait for a slow song. Nobody is paying us any attention." Ivar leaned into Alex's hand. "But it's ok. Let's just go. I want you to myself anyway."
Ivar knew he'd hurt Alex's feelings, and he felt really bad about it. It hadn't been his intentions. He started to walk with Alex, reaching down to hold his hand, and then he suddenly stopped in his tracks. He pulled Alex to him. "I'm not going to get in my head about this. You want to dance, let's go dance." He kissed Alex on the cheek and turned back around and pulled Alex in his direction.
"Wait. Ivar. No, it's ok," Alex said as he was trailing behind Ivar, but Ivar didn't even acknowledge he'd spoken and continued walking until they reached the dance floor.
As Ivar stepped onto the floor, Alex stood there in shock. Ivar held his hand out and said, "Well, come on, Love. What are you waiting on?"
"Umm, ok. I guess we're doing this," and Alex joined Ivar who pulled him flesh with his body and wrapped his arms around Alex's waist. "What changed, Ivar?"
"Umm, I just realized what I already knew. If I'm with you, umm, well, nothing else matters." He placed his head in the bend of Alex's neck and rested his head on his shoulder as their two bodies began to sway in sync.
Then, a familiar song began to play. "All My Life." That was the song that Ivar had said made him think of Alex, and he instantly smiled. He raised his head up as he rested his cheek against Alex's. With his left arm around Alex's back and shoulders, he squeezed him a little tighter. His right hand held Alex's, and he brought it up between them, against his chest, and held it there, leaning down and kissing the back of Alex's hand.
Ivar began humming along with the song as they slowly danced. Alex's heart was pounding so hard he was sure Ivar could feel it against his own chest. Then, as if an angel singing a hymn from the heavens, Ivar began to softly sing along into Alex's ear. "All my life I've prayed for someone like you. And I thank God that I finally found you..." A single tear slowly rolled down Alex's cheek. Ivar never sang in front of anyone intentionally, and Alex knew this. To say he was surprised that Ivar was singing, not only to himself, but directly to him, right in his ear, was a major understatement. Alex didn't say a word but just listened to the beautiful, angelic sound.
As the song was ending, Ivar turned his head toward Alex. As Alex froze, Ivar leaned down and gently kissed his lips. It was only a matter of seconds before Alex was kissing him back, both lost completely in the other.
For a moment, it was as if the two of them were the only ones in the room. Their dancing stopped and all movement, as well, except for their kiss.
Eventually, Alex noticed the song had stopped, and now there was a more upbeat song playing. He slowly opened his eyes and reluctantly pulled a little away from Ivar's delicious lips. Around them, he saw the people dancing in rhythm along with the fast music while he and Ivar stood motionless, forehead against forehead, arm in arm, hand in hand, bodies still tightly snug against eachother.
Alex looked at Ivar, who hadn't taken his eyes off of him, as he smiled and said, "We're the only ones not moving, aren't we, Love?"
Blushing, Alex answered, "Yes."
"We should probably go now," Ivar laughed, and the two of them walked back to the table to get their suit jackets. Ivar leading the way, hand in hand, they walked out to find their driver and left for Alex's place.
The car ride to Alex's was intense. Ivar scooted closer to Alex and wrapped his arm around him, pulling him close. "I want you so badly," he whispered into Alex's ear and licked down his neck with a gentle graze of his teeth, causing Alex to shiver.
"The feeling is mutual," Alex softly said back to him. Placing his hand on Ivar's cheek, he leaned over and kissed him quickly on his other cheek. "I can't wait to get you home."
The rest of the ride was spent with gentle touches, heavy breathing, intense stares, and deep kisses. Just as they both felt they could take no more, they finally arrived at Alex's.
As Alex finally unlocked the door, Ivar practically shoved him into the apartment, backwards into the wall, frantically kissing him. He was instantly removing Alex's suit jacket and then his own. As they dropped to the floor, Alex leaned forward and locked the door behind Ivar. "I've seriously missed this," Alex softly said just as Ivar's lips crashed into him again.
Pieces of their clothing went flying, one by one, as they made their way to Alex's room. "I'm all yours," Alex said between kisses, "Have your way with me."
"Fuck!" Ivar panted, "I fucking plan on it."
Standing in the kitchen and trying not to sound as sad as he actually felt, Alex said, "Well, I guess we're back to reality, huh?"
"What do you mean? This entire weekend has been our reality, Alex."
Alex hesitated, "Well, you know what I mean. You leaving to go back home, and me just dropping by to visit you and Ivy after class."
Ivar didn't really get what Alex was insinuating.
"Ivar, umm," Alex's hands were sweaty as he tried to put everything in the best way he could without hurting Ivar, "I think I should give you three some space. You know, just give Katia the time she really needs to accept that we're together no matter what kind of fit she pulls, and let her see that it won't change even if I'm not always there."
Ivar's mouth just dropped as he listened to Alex in disbelief. "Also, maybe it will do her some good for me to not be there as much and her maybe feeling like I'm constantly rubbing it in her face. Maybe that's why she got so defensive and territorial over you to begin with."
Ivar couldn't believe how selfless Alex was, selfless, yes, but it was a very naive way of of thinking.
He stood up and walked around the counter and placed his hand on Alex's shoulder, "Love, how very thoughtful of you. Really, it's one thing I really love about you. But, umm, you do know who we're talking about here, dont you? You're so very considerate, but I honestly believe she's going to do whatever she thinks will win me over whether you're there or not." He kissed Alex on the forehead. "And I, personally, would prefer you're there with me. Maybe the better choice is that I talk to her again, and make sure she remembers that she's only there on borrowed time."
Alex shrugged his shoulders.
"Well, I understand you being apprehensive. How about this? What if I talk to her, and we just play it by ear. If you think things are too tense and would prefer to come back home, I won't stop you. You're already here a couple of nights a week anyway, so if you absolutely have to add another or two, I'll try my best to understand and not take it personally. This will be a busy week anyway with getting everything finished for Ivy's birthday party next weekend."
Ivar pulled Alex into a hug. "Just promise me that you won't umm, leave for good, that you won't leave me." Ivar shuddered at even the thought. "I can't handle even thinking about life without you. I love you, and I need you in my life. Always."
Alex choked back a tear, "Ivar, please don't tell me that after the amazing weekend we've had, you actually still think I could leave you," Alex said into Ivar's chest, still wrapped in his strong arms.
Ivar pulled him back and looked into his eyes, "I, umm, I feel it's just a matter of time before you see what I already know." Ivar dropped his head and looked away.
"And just what is that, exactly?" Alex gently turned Ivar's head back toward him so he could see his face.
Trying to avert Alex's piercing eyes but eventually giving in, Ivar finally answered him. "Umm, well, that you-you're umm, you're too good for me and deserve better." His face flushed bright red as he tried to pull away from Alex, but Alex tightened his grip around Ivar's waist.
Placing his hand on Ivar's cheek, Alex told him, "Ivar, what are you talking about? There's never been anyone more perfect for me. My love for you isn't that shallow, and I can't see me happier with anyone else on this planet. I love you. Ok? That's not going to change over some ridiculous argument or anything like that." He pulled Ivar to him and gave him a tight hug. "Do not worry about such things. You're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere. You can't get rid of me that easily," Alex laughed.
Ivar smiled despite himself. Alex's words helped him, but he knew the thought would remain in the back of his head. He'd just have to push it far back and try to ignore it.
Ivar was right. The next week was really busy. No matter how much Katia protested, and Alex couldn't tell if she was being sincere or not, Ivar pulled out all the stops for his baby girl. Katia told him how she was too young for anything to matter to her, and that she wouldn't remember any of it anyway, but Ivar insisted that nothing was too big or too much for his princess.
Ivy loved bouncing, so Ivar rented out a small, indoor trampoline park for the entire Saturday afternoon. There wasn't a large amount of people coming to the party, just close friends and family, but Ivar also had a catering company lined up to bring food.
Ivar spoke to Katia as he'd told Alex he would. She didn't say much. She just listened to him. He wasn't sure she really accepted the gravity of his words, so he told her, "Katia, I get that you wanted things to work out a different way and I'm sorry it hasn't, but you're going to have to accept this. It's not going to change. I also need you to understand that Ivy is the reason youre here at all. I can't have you living in my home, and this is temporary, remember, and treating Alex the way you have. It will not be tolerated anymore." Katia had only nodded her head and told him ok. He saw her expression chnage, but she nevwr said anything else. That made Ivar a bit nervous for what she really meant, but he decided to just leave it alone. For now.
Ivar and Alex spent most of their evenings that week at the trampoline park, decorating for the party. Alex had went home to his own place almost every night, against Ivar's will, but Ivar didn't protest against it like he said he wouldn't.
Admittedly, that had been very difficult for Ivar, so he was extremely pleased when Alex told him, "Do you mind if I stay at your place tonight? I'm honestly just too tired for us to go all the way back to my place when yours is so much closer."
"Oh, so it's just a matter of proximity, humm? That's the only reason you'll finally stay with me?" Ivar mused.
"Oh, you know better than that," Alex smiled. "I mean, yes, your place is closer, but umm, I also miss you."
Blushing, Ivar pulled him close and gave him a kiss, "Well, let's go."
To Alex's surprise, Katia had seemed mostly nice all week when the three of them had been together. She did seem a bit on edge, but he'd noticed, just when he thought she may say something, she'd retreated to her room, saying how she was really tired suddenly. She hadn't said or done anything out of the way. Yet. He knew he'd never trust her again. But he also hadn't stayed over night all week either, so he knew this would be the true test.
When the two of them arrived at Ivar's, Alex hesitated by the car door. Ivar walked over to him, "Everything ok, Love?"
Wiping his sweaty hands on his pants legs, Alex answered, "I, umm, well, I just don't want any problems. I hope she's already in bed."
Ivar hugged him and reassured him, "You have just as much a right to be here as she does. This is my house and if I have to remind her, I will. You don't have anything to worry about, Love. I told you, she seemed to understand everything when I talked to her. You'll be fine."
Alex gave him a quick kiss and told him, "Thank you, and I'm sorry for adding more stress for you."
Ivar grabbed his hand and told him not to worry about it as they headed to the front door.
Katia was in the kitchen as they walked inside. "Hey, Ivar, sweetheart," Alex just squeezed Ivar's hand as he heard her, "I made some of your favorite food for dinner and was just cleaning my plate. Please come in, and have a seat. I'll make your plate. I figured you'd be really tired."
She continued talking as the two of them stood at the kitchen counter behind her. Ivar cleared his throat as Katia turned around. "Alex is staying the night because you're right. We're exhausted."
Her eyes widened as Ivar pulled a stool out for Alex, and the two of them sat down. "Umm, ok. Uh, hey, Alex. Would you like a plate, too?" Katia asked him as she sat Ivar's plate in front of him.
Alex looked to Ivar, who nodded to him, then answered, "Umm, sure. Thank you, Katia."
She made Alex's plate and gave it to him. "Umm, Ivar, you can clean up here when you two are finished? I'm going to bed, and Ivy's already asleep in her room."
"Umm, uh, sure. Thank you, again, for dinner, Katia. And umm, Ivy?" Ivar asked her.
"Sara took her up before she left. Umm, good night, guys." Katia left the room without another word.
Alex stared blankly at Ivar who had the same expression on his face. They sat for a moment before Ivar finally said, "Think she is finally getting the picture and understanding that you're not going anywhere?"
They both sat for another moment, and as Alex smiled, they both said at the same time, "No way!" They laughed and finished their meal.
After eating, they cleaned up the kitchen together and then went to bed. It was only minutes before they were wrapped in eachother's arms, passionately kissing. Ivar pulled away and softly said, between panting, "I missed you."
"We were just together Sunday, Ivar."
"I know. A lifetime ago. I've missed you," he laughed and kissed Alex again, wondering if he would even last until he could get Ivar's boxers and sweats off of his glorious, hot body.
It was finally the day of Ivy's party. They closed the bar for the night to be able to properly celebrate. You would have thought it was Ivar's Odin himself was coming to visit or something. He was running around in nearly a panic.
"Ivar," Alex stopped in front of him and placed his hands on his shoulders, "I know it's her first birthday, but it's going to be perfect. Everything is going to be fine. I've got everything in the car already. Breathe."
"But what about her dress for the pictures?"
"I have it."
"And the other clothes that she can mess up when she gets her birthday cake and to play in?"
"I've got that, too."
"And her shoes? And oh my God, I almost forgot my camera. How am I going to take pictures if I forget my camera?"
"Ivar, I have her shoes and your camera and your camera bag along with the charger and even batteries as a backup. I've got it. Just relax."
"What about..."
"Ivar, the candles, lighter, and knife to cut the cake all comes with the cake order. Remember?"
Ivar finally stepped back and sat on a stool at the kitchen counter. Alex smiled at him as he saw him take a deep breath and run his hand down his face.
"Chill. We got this."
At that moment, Katia came out of her room with Ivy. "Dada!" Ivar was by Katia's side immediately, as Ivy reached for him, and took her into his arms.
"She's ready. I just need my purse, and I'll be ready, too."
"How's daddy's big girl? Humm? Are you ready to celebrate?" Ivar kissed her on top of her head, and she smiled up at him. "Happy birthday, my little princess."
As Katia came back out of her room, Alex looked over to her and saw his same expression of adoration spread across her face. It unnerved him, but he looked back at Ivar and Ivy and instantly felt better. He knew now wasn't the time. Breaking him from his thoughts, Ivar asked, "Shall we go, now?"
"Actually, can I give Ivy her gift from me first? Well, I guess it's from us, really, isn't it?" He laughed. Ivar had forgotten about it, and looking at his watch, he told him yes.
Alex ran upstairs and came back down, quickly, with the big, pink bear Ivar had won for him the Saturday before. Ivar took Ivy over to Alex in the living room floor as Katia stood and watched.
"You want to see what Alex got for you, Sweetheart?"
"What we got for her," Alex corrected him.
Ivy reached for Alex, saying, "Ale!"
Ivar stood her in front of the huge stuffed bear, holding her sides, and she looked up at them both and giggled. She flopped forward with her arms stretched wide, saying "Mine."
Ivar and Alex told her yes, and she enjoyed rubbing it by moving her face back and forth into it. It was so cute, Ivar kissed Alex, and told him, "Thank you, Love. That was so thoughtful to think of her during our date."
Katia cleared her throat, and Ivar looked over to her, still standing and watching, critically. He saw the look of disgust across her face. He glared at her, but didn't say anything. "I'm going on out, guys." She said rolling her eyes.
Alex completely ignored her and continued playing and laughing with Ivy. Ivar clinched his teeth together to prevent himself from saying anything to her on Ivy's birthday. He didn't want to ruin her day before it had really even begun.
Alex, knowing this and seeing the look of murder across Ivar's face, finally said, "I think we should get going, right, Ivar? We don't want her to be late for her own party."
Ivar, recognizing Alex was right, scooped Ivy up and into his arms and told her it was time to go. She only giggled at him. They finally got Ivy in the car and headed to the trampoline park.
Aslaug was already there and greeted them at the door. She took Ivy to change her clothes for pictures as Alex and Ivar unloaded the car. Katia came in with her.
For as long as Alex had known Ivar, he'd had an eye for capturing the perfect picture. He just naturally knew how to take the simplest scene and angle the camera in such a way that the lighting would look chosen and fine tuned, and he'd then produce the most beautiful pictures, people always being his favorite thing to photograph. You could always see his passion for photography in his finished product, but with Ivy as the subject, Alex knew the pictures were going to be outstanding.
Aslaug brought Ivy out, and Ivar had her place her on the mat with the small, colorful balls that he'd brought over from the ball pit. Her dress was purple velvet trimmed in sparkling black with tights and shoes to match. As Alex watched her pick up one of the balls and smile too widely for her small face, he couldn't deny how absolutely adorable she looked. He looked over to Ivar, who exuded love and excitement mixed with pride and a ball of nerves, as he snapped picture after picture. Alex stepped to him and softly said, "She's absolutely gorgeous, Ivar." Ivar glanced at him and smiled. "Just like her daddy," Alex added as he kissed Ivar on his cheek, causing him to blush.
At that moment, Ivy threw the ball towards them and then clapped her hands as Ivar continued snapping away.
Alex rolled the ball back to her and said, "Catch, Sweetheart." As the ball rolled right up to her, she grabbed it and said, "Ale!" melting Alex's heart.
Aslaug covered her mouth in surprise, "I didn't know she could say your name, Alex. That's precious." She winked and smiled at Alex, thoroughly surprising him as he felt his cheeks redden.
"Ale!" Ivy said again, this time reaching toward him.
"Aww, she wants you, Alex. You should go to her. I'm sure Ivar will make some incredible shots of the two of you."
Still surprised, Alex answered, "Oh, uh, no. This is Ivy's day. That's ok. I'll just watch from here."
Ivar turned to him as Ivy threw another ball in their direction, laughing and clapping. "She's right, Love. Ivy wants to play with you. It will make for some sweet photos. I mean, if you want to."
"Ale!" Ivy reached for him again. "Puh-ease," she motioned for him to come to her.
"That's another new word, sweetie," Alex encouraged her. "You're such a smart girl." He sat with her, and they began rolling the balls back and forth, Ivy's small giggles filling the room. Ivar's heart swelled as he continued snapping pictures.
Katia entered the room and stood, watching. Aslaug noticed how she was visibly on edge, and she could only assume why. Aslaug stepped closer to her. "Ivar will take photos with anyone else who wants them with Ivy, too, Dear. You should be next," Aslaug said softly as she placed her hand on Katia's shoulder in an attempt to comfort her.
"Thank you," Katia batted away tears.
"Are you ok?" Aslaug asked, genuinely concerned.
"It's umm, you know. It's uh, it's just hard. I'm trying, but it's just so hard."
"Oh, I know, Dear. Just take it one day at a time."
"I know I really messed things up, and it's too late, now. Watching him, umm, it just breaks my heart. That should've been me. I'll never find anyone who loves me like he did, and I just threw it away like it was nothing."
Aslaug hugged her, "Oh, Katia. Dear, never say never. You have no idea what the future holds."
Katia's eyes lit up. Was it possible that Aslaug wanted them back together, too? Oh, of course she did. Alex can't give her anymore grandchildren. That's basically what Aslaug was saying, right? Maybe she should continue her plan to make Alex's life difficult enough that he'd just finally leave without Ivar ever even knowing she'd done it. She'd be there for Ivar afterwards, and he'd see how much she truly loves him.
Without warning, Katia went to stand at the side of the mat where Ivy and Alex sat, playing. "Umm, could I get some pictures with our daughter, too?" She asked, looking at Ivar.
Surprised at her tone, he answered, "Sure, in just a moment when she's finished with Alex."
Alex looked up at Katia and then to Ivar. Feeling bad for the way she'd just thrown Ivar in the middle of whatever game she was playing at now, he said, "Umm, no. It's ok. We can take more pictures later. I need to get up from here anyway before my legs fall asleep." He nervously laughed as he stood.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Alex," Katia began with false sweetness dripping from her words, "I can definitely wait until you're finished."
He walked to Ivar, as Ivy called for him several times. "No, you go ahead. It's fine. Ivy, we'll play again shortly. It's mommy's turn now." When he reached Ivar, he sat down beside him with a sigh.
"Thank you, Love. I'm sorry. That was so rude."
"It's ok. She's Ivy's mom. I can understand her wanting to be with her."
"And this is just another reason I love you," Ivar smiled.
People began coming, so Alex left Ivar to greet them. Ivy's birthday gifts began to pile up as people passed the gift table to go pose for photos. Alex loved that Ivar got to use one of his favorite pass times with his beloved daughter.
As he watched them and all the cute faces Ivy was making, a voice interrupted his thoughts. "Hey, Alex. You remember my sister, Emilie, don't you?"
Alex turned to see Paul, from class, with his sister and her two kids. "Hey, Paul. I'm surprised you actually came. Come on in. The kids are getting ready to go jump. Finally." Pointing to Aslaug, he told him, "That's Ivar's mom. See her for the socks and have a great time."
Paul's sister stuck her hand out to shake Alex's, "Hi, umm, he insisted that we were invited and should come for the kids to enjoy themselves. I hope it's ok."
"It's definitely ok. Ivar invited you guys personally last weekend." Alex motioned toward Aslaug for them to get socks.
Suddenly, the kids went running to the jump space. There weren't many, maybe 8 or 10, and all so tiny, but they nearly knocked Ivar down as he was walking with Ivy in his arms, toward Alex. "Hey, hey, guys, slow it down some," Ivar said to them in vain as they passed.
Just as Ivar reached Alex, the front door swung open. There stood Sigurd, a young toddler, maybe 2 or 3 years old, and a pregnant, blonde girl. Ivar stopped in his tracks, in complete disbelief. "Hi, Ivar. Umm, this is Anja, my girlfriend, and this little guy is Mika."
"What the fuck are you doing here, Sigurd?"
"Nice to see you, too, little brother. Hey, Alex. And uh, Mom invited us."
"Of course she did," Ivar shook his head. He pointed his finger in Sigurd's face, "I promise you, if you do or say anything to ruin my Ivy's birthday, I will personally end you. I'll mutilate and dismember your body so badly that not even mom will be able to identify your mangled body in the morgue. I'll fucking gut you myself!Understood?" Alex gulped and Anja swallowed loudly. Ivar turned to her, "Nice to meet you, Anja. You're welcome to come in. Get some socks for Mika and let him play with the other kids." He glanced at Alex, "I'll be back. I'm taking Ivy to play."
Alex began to speak, but just at that moment, Hvitserk walked up. As he turned to Alex, he noticed who was standing on front of him. "What the fuck!" Trying to disregard Sigurd, Hvitserk said, "Alex, I was coming to tell you that your mom is here and was looking for you, but before I leave you," he turned to Sigurd, "You better not start your shit with Ivar today. You understand me? I won't hesitate to kick your fucking ass right here in front of," he looked to Anja, "Your girl and your kid and whoever the fuck else wants to watch. Got it?"
Sigurd smiled and began to speak, but Hvitserk held his hand up to his face, "Save it," and he walked away.
Sigurd told Anja, "That was my other brother, Hvitserk. Isn't he lovely?"
"Wow! When you told me you weren't too popular with your brothers, you weren't joking, were you?"
The party seemed to be going well. Everyone was talking and laughing and the kids were still jumping. Alex left Ivar and Ivy to go get a glass of water.
As Alex turned to go back, he noticed Katia with Ivar and Ivy, so he stopped. He stood and watched them. He knew she needed to spend time with them together, too, but it sure stung.
Alex then felt an arm on his shoulders and a hand on gently squeeze. "It's a wonderful thing you're doing for him, Sweetie," his mom's voice said softly beside him. "That's true love. I know it's not easy, but Ivy can only benefit from the three of you loving her like you do and doing your best to get along."
"Thanks mom. It's, umm, well, Katia doesn't always make it the easiest."
"Oh, I'm sure. Just be strong. She's just testing you. And Alex?"
"Yes, mom?" he answered, watching Ivar and Katia walk along the trampoline, holding Ivy's hands so she can easily jump.
"You know how much that man loves you, don't you?" Completely surprised at what he'd heard her say, he turned to look at her. "Because everyone else around you two, including Katia, can see it. Have faith in that, sweetheart. He's not going anywhere." She kissed him on his temple and walked back to his dad.
Alex just stood there and let his mom's words wash over him. He felt really proud at how accepting she clearly was of the whole situation of him being with a man and, now, one who had a child and a crazy ex. It warmed his heart, and she just didn't know just how badly he'd needed to hear everything she said.
As he watched Ivar and Katia more, he noticed how she just actually seemed to be there for Ivy. Several times she'd placed her hand on Ivar's arm or shoulder, and he subtly pulled away from her each time. She appeared to just stop trying to get his attention and began to focus hers on her baby girl. Things didn't seem so bad when she was with Ivar like that, just as Ivy's mom and nothing more. He sincerely hoped they'd eventually get to a place when that really was all that was there.
"Is that broad the mom of your daughter?" Paul was suddenly at Alex's side, disturbing his thoughts.
"Umm, yeah. That's Katia, Ivar's ex and Ivy's mom."
"Woah! Man! I thought she was your child. So her mom is his ex?"
Annoyed, Alex simply answered, "Yes."
"Wow, man. I'm impressed. I don't know how you do it. That would kill me, seeing my man with his ex and their baby. How do you not feel like the third wheel?" He looked over to Alex, "I guess I mean, the fourth wheel. I mean, look at them. The three of them look like a happy little family. I'd never known they weren't still together had I not known who you are to him. Dude! I'm amazed that you don't just feel like crawling under a rock somewhere. You must really love him, huh?"
Alex could only hope that Paul meant well, but his words hurt like a double edged sword. He was just a bit daft and obviously, completely without tact. Alex began to walk away from him before he lost his cool as he heard Ivar call his name. He turned to see Ivy in Katia's arms, but reaching for him as she called out, "Ale! Puh-ease! Ale!" How could he say no to that?
Ivar motioned for him to come to them and then, to his surprise, so did Katia.
Alex joined them back on the trampoline mat, leaving Paul where he stood, and Katia instantly said to him, "She really wants you, Alex. You want to take her?"
He tried to hide his surprise with Katia's generosity as he held his arms out. Ivy practically jumped to him, and she giggled as they laughed at her.
Alex and Katia each held one of Ivy's hands and let her jump up and down. The smile across her face was contagious. Alex tried to ignore how nervous he was at Katia's kindness. Surely, this was sincere and not just another way to maneuver herself into Ivar's life the way she wanted to be. He smiled at her, and she smiled back, looking over his shoulders. Alex turned to see what she was looking at, and he saw Y/N and Hvitserk standing there, pretending not to be watching them.
Of course, Hvitserk had said something to her. That definitely explained her change in attitude. It made Alex feel sick, but as he looked at Ivar's smiling face, watching them getting along for the sake of their love for his daughter, he couldn't really do or say anything. Now, wasn't the time.
Hvitserk brought Ivar his camera and winked at Alex. Ivar instantly began snapping more photos. Defeated, Alex gave in and just enjoyed the moment. No matter how fake it actually was.
Unbeknownst to them, Sigurd was watching them. "I can't tell, exactly, which one is faking it. Is it Katia or Alex?" he snidely asked Ubbe.
"Oh, it's definitely Katia. Don't you remember how she's always been? Don't let the kid fool you. She's still just as manipulative as she was back then."
"Is Ivar still a blinded fool?"
"I honestly don't think he is. He's in love with Alex, and her shit doesn't seem to phase him anymore."
"Yeah, this thing with Alex? When did that happen? Who would've thought our little brother would be a queer?"
Ubbe smacked him in the back of the head, "Don't start your shit, or I promise you, I'll.."
"Beat my ass yourself?" Sigurd finished Ubbe's sentence. Ubbe smiled and nodded yes. "Actually, I see Ivar differently. He does look genuinely happy and in love. It's fucking disgusting." They both laughed.
The rest of the party had been a lot of fun. Alex got his turn with Ivar's camera when Ivar sat with Ivy and helped her open her gifts. She clapped, smiled, and giggled at nearly every gift. It was precious, and Alex was proud Ivar trusted him to capture the moment as Ivar had been teaching him a little about photography.
By the time everyone had eaten and had cake, several people were already leaving. Ivar invited whoever wanted to come back to his place for, "the adult part of the party," and they began packing up to leave. Alex and Ivar both were really happy that Ivar had the foresight to have paid the little extra for someone else to clean up after the party and bring it all back to Ivar's. They were both pretty tired.
As they made their way to the door, they were met by Alex's parents. Thank you, Son, for having us. We enjoyed our time with you all, but I think we're going to head on home," his mom told Ivar as she hugged him and kissed his cheek.
"Aww, won't you drop by my place for a bit? We'd love to have you. Just have one drink with us, and then, we'll let you go if you want,"
She looked to Alex and then to his dad, who both nodded. "Well, if you're sure we won't be intruding. I know most of your guests will be your family, Ivar."
"Mama Hogh, you're Alex's family, therefore, you two are my family as well," he said as he hugged her again. "You've always been my family, but you didn't realize that you seriously do have a second son, now?" Ivar laughed.
Alex felt his heart swell. He didn't have words for how Ivar's words made him feel, but he sure did love hearing them. He grabbed Ivar's hand and kissed his knuckles as they headed to the cars.
Once at Ivar's, Alex scanned the room. The few who came back were really just Ivar's family and Alex's parents. As he continued looking around, he noticed Paul sitting on the sofa. He was surprised, but Ivar had actually invited everyone so he walked over to him. "Hi Paul."
Paul stood, "Umm, I didn't realize this was just a family thing, Alex. I'm sorry. I'm gonna head out."
Alex handed him a beer, "Don't worry about it. You were invited just like everyone else." He took the drink and sat back down.
Ivar took Ivy to her bedroom upstairs. She didn't even wake up when he got her out of the car. He knew she'd be tired after such a long day, but he was kind of surprised at just how tired. Once he had her settled in her bed, he leaned down and kissed her forehead, "Happy birthday, Baby Girl. I love you."
As he walked to her door and gently closed it behind him, he turned into Alex. "What a day, huh?" he said as he smiled at the sweetness he'd just witnessed.
"What?" Ivar shyly asked.
"You know how I love seeing you with Ivy. That's all." Ivar's cheeks reddened, but he didn't say a word. "Actually, I just wanted to let you know that Paul is here, too. I didn't know how you'd feel about it, so I just wanted to tell you."
Ivar's jaw clinched as he spoke through his teeth, "I told you what he's after. You just watch yourself around him. I'd hate to have to dismember him." He didn't even smile as the words rolled so easily off his lips. "I don't trust him, but it's ok. I mean, I did invite everyone." He then backed Alex into the wall and kissed him. "He's just jealous that he can't do that," he laughed.
In a bit of a daze, Alex smiled. "He definitely can't. That would be gross." They both laughed and returned to the party.
Everyone was talking, laughing, and having a good time. Alex looked around and decided to pick up the empty bottles and take them out to the recycle bin in the garage. From the kitchen, talking with Ubbe and Hvitserk, Ivar saw him and turned to offer to help. Alex told him not to worry about it, that he could get it, so Ivar continued his conversation with his brothers.
As Alex rounded the corner with the box of empty beer bottles, he heard Katia and Aslaug talking. Instinctively, he stopped and listened. "Yeah, well, I know, but how could Alex ever provide you with any more grandchildren, Aslaug? I know Ivar has always wanted nothing more than to have a home full of little ones running around. I can give him that. And I know that would make you just as happy as it would him. You know he still loves me. He'll always love me. I gave him his first child."
"I, umm, well, I can't say if you're right or not," Alex heard Aslaug's response. "I know he'll always love you in his special way, Katia, but.." she stopped talking when Alex stumbled just outside the door, causing the bottles to bang together. "What was that?" Aslaug asked Katia as Katia basically disregarded her.
"I don't know, but you were saying you also think Ivar still loves me? Doesn't that mean he just needs to hear it from you? Maybe he just needs to know how you feel about him being with Alex, a man of all people. What was he thinking? I'm sure if he knew how you really feel, he wouldn't be so sure about their relationship. I mean, if that's what you want to call it." Katia continued talking as Aslaug moved around the work table in the garage, toward the door. "I mean, don't you think you should tell Ivar the truth about what you think about him and Alex?"
"What? Oh, uh, umm-humm," Aslaug was finally standing at the doorway just as Alex was stepping through it, and they nearly ran into eachother. "Oh! Alex!"
His eyes full of tears that he was desperately trying to hold back, he stepped around her and placed the box of empty beer bottles on the table. "Umm, I was, uh, just bringing this to the recycle bin. Umm, I-I'm uh, I didn't mean to umm, to interrupt your umm, conversation." Alex quickly sat the box down and turned to walk out.
"Oh, Alex, Dear," Aslaug began, but Alex held his hand up, palm facing her, in an effort to tell her not to waste her voice and to back off. He turned and immediately walked out of the garage, hearing both Aslaug and Katia calling after him.
As he entered the bathroom in the hallway, he faintly heard Katia's lies, "Alex, come back. I'm sorry. I can explain. It's not what you think."
He didn't bother to open the door or to answer her. He knew he needed to pull it together. This was not the time for Ivar to learn of the shit Katia and his own mom were spitting about the two of them.
It completely broke Alex with the cold and heartless way Katia had spoken about him as if she were discussing the weather and that Aslaug never once even attempted to defend him or even her own son. He could at least spare Ivar from the same pain, at least for now.
He wondered if what Katia had said was true. Did Ivar still love her? Is that why he had agreed to let her stay? Was she the one Ivar should be with after everything? She was right about one thing, though, for sure. He definitely couldn't give Ivar more children. They'd never talked about any long term goals. He didn't know if Ivar really longed for more children or not. How could he stand in the way of that if it was really what he wanted?
Standing in front of the mirror, hands gripping the sides of the sink, Alex looked at himself and wiped his tears with the back of his hand. Flipping on the water, he splashed cold water on his face. "Get a grip, Alex. You've got this," he lied to himself.
After a few more minutes in the bathroom, he finally came out to find Y/N standing there, waiting on him. "What the fuck happened? What did she do this time?" She asked him, anger visible across her face.
"Nothing. It's fine. I-I'm fine."
"Alex," she began.
"Not now, Y/N. I can't. Not now, ok?" he continued walking and grabbed himself two beers and headed to the sofa. Ivar noticed he'd returned and gave him a questioning look from across the room. Alex held his hand up and signaled that everything was ok as he turned up the first beer.
Sigurd and Anja sat across from him with Paul on one side of him and Y/N on the other. Sigurd began talking and thankfully, Paul and Y/N were quick to engage in conversation with him, as Alex turned up his second beer already.
Alex looked around and noticed Aslaug was at the kitchen counter without her smart-ass side kick for now. He saw his mom walk up to her and begin talking, and he could only hope Aslaug wouldn't say anything to her. He knew his mom, at least, was definitely what you would call a, "mama bear," and for the first time in a long time, he was quite proud of it.
"Hey, Aslaug. How are you? I've been meaning to talk with you all evening," Mama Hogh said to her.
"Oh, it's so nice to see you. I'm great. How have you been? I feel like it's been ages since I've seen you guys," Aslaug said.
The two of them made small talk for a few minutes before Alex's mom said, "What do you think about our boys? Who would have guessed that the two of them would have fallen for eachother, right?"
Aslaug thought before speaking and trying to choose her words wisely, finally answered, "It's funny. I kind of always thought my Ivar would end up with Alex's sister." Aslaug smiled and offered her a drink that she turned down.
"Oh, she is engaged now," Mama Hogh grinned, "But can I offer a word of advice to you?"
"Sure," Aslaug answered, intrigued.
"We have to let them go. They're not ours anymore. They're our babies, and we always think we know what's best for them, but there comes a time when we just have to let them go to make their own choices, and support them when they do."
She saw Aslaug's face harden a bit. "Trust me, I almost lost Alex because of trying to make his choices for him, thinking, 'Mama knows best,' but I learned the hard way, it's just not worth it. If they're happy, we have to be happy for them. And have you noticed how happy they clearly are with eachother? What mother could want more than that? Love comes in all shapes and sizes, and yes, sexes, Aslaug. Who are we to tell another who to love?"
Aslaug was clearly deep in thought. "How very insightful. Umm, thanks. I think." Aslaug leaned forward and hugged her as she told her that she and Thomas were leaving.
They returned to say their goodbyes. When Alex's mom came to him, he tried to stand but stumbled back onto the sofa, laughing. She smiled at him. "Just make sure you don't drive, Hun," and she hugged him goodbye as she told Y/N, "Take care of my boy, ok? I think he must need it." Y/N was surprised at how intuitive Alex's mom was, and she agreed.
Paul had been giving Alex beer after beer, and now Alex was feeling pretty good. Sigurd and he were intensely talking about being with someone they loved who already had a child. "It's so fucking beautiful how much you can love someone that you automatically love their offspring as if they're yours, right?" Alex slurred his words to Sigurd.
Sigurd smiled and agreed with him as he squeezed Anja's leg. He looked over and noticed one of Paul's hands on Alex's leg and the other rubbing his back. It didn't quite set well with Sigurd, but he told himself not to get involved. He'd definitely remembered each of his brother's warnings to not get shit started.
Alex continued talking, as Y/N got up to use the bathroom. "But you, you Sigurd, you have the luxury of having a baby of your own with umm, was it Amy?"
"Anja," she corrected him.
"Right. Anja. I'm sorry." Paul handed him another beer which he turned up and finished in 3 seconds, flat. "So you'll have your own little offspring soon. I, umm," he held his head down, "I can't provide that for Ivar."
Handing him another beer, Paul said, "Oh, there are other ways around that, Sweetheart." Alex turned up the beer as Paul's hand moved up his leg a bit more. Alex was so out of it by this point, that he didn't even notice, but Sigurd it did not miss it, nor did he miss the "sweetheart." He sat up to the edge of the couch and listened.
Paul continued, "If you were mine, I wouldn't make you feel any kind of pressure like that. Maybe the problem isn't that you can't give him another child. Maybe the problem is either who you're with or that he should be fucking happy with what he's got." Paul placed his hand on Alex's cheek while his other remained practically on his inner thigh, obviously headed toward where it definitely should not be.
Alex attempted to pull away from Paul's hand. Even in his drunken stupor, it didn't feel right. "Oh, umm, I'm sorry, man. I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable," Paul told him as Sigurd watched and tried to decide what to do. He looked to Anja, but she was now standing behind them, talking with Torvi. "I just hate to see you not appreciated, Alex," Paul continued. "I'd never let you feel inadequate, especially when it came to my fucking ex. I'm sorry he makes you feel that way. Are you sure that's love? Because I'm not." He dragged his hand up Alex's leg further and squeezed as he handed Alex another beer.
Alex turned the beer up and his head began spinning. He suddenly jerked away from Paul and moved over on the sofa. He tried to start another conversation with Sigurd to distract himself from Paul's words, but he kept hearing what he'd said ringing in his ears and it came out to Sigurd, "I'm uh, I'm inadequate, huh? That's it. That's why he still loves her. I'm not good enough."
Paul scooted over closer to him and placed one hand on the small of his back and the other back on his leg again. He pulled Alex into a hug and kissed him on the top of the head. "You're not inadequate at all, Alex. You're perfect."
Sigurd had finally seen enough, "That's enough, man. Back the fuck up. You've gotten him just drunk enough that he has no idea what you're up to. I think you need to leave. Now."
Paul looked up to Sigurd as he stood and said, "Who the fuck are you? Alex is grown and can make his own fucking decisions."
"You've conveniently taken his decision making skills away from him and I'm Ivar's fucking brother, that's who the fuck I am! Now, back the fuck up!" Alex's head fell over onto Paul's shoulder and Paul placed his hand at the nape of Alex's neck, and wrapped his other around his waist, completely disregarding Sigurd.
Trying not to be the one to make a scene, Sigurd stormed to the next room, looking for Ivar. When he found him, the look of utter hatred and disgust was plastered across his face. Ivar instantly felt his defenses go up as he was used to that look.
Expecting him to spill whatever bile he had stored for him, Ivar sat his drink down and balled his fists up, ready to knock him out and then kick him out. So, he was very surprised when Sigurd began talking.
"Ivar, I'm sorry to interrupt you, but this is about Alex." Ivar sighed at Sigurd. "No, it's not like that, Ivar. I'm pissed. That Paul guy, whoever the fuck he is, has gotten Alex super drunk. Alex doesn't even know what's going on, and he's talking out of his head about you still loving Katia."
"Oh, what the hell! Let me go talk to him," Ivar started to leave Sigurd.
Sigurd stopped him, "No, Ivar. That's not even what I'm talking about. It's just that, well, Alex is drunk and talking out of his head like I said, and that fucking Paul is using his words against him."
Ivar saw red, "What? What the fuck do you mean?"
"He's twisting Alex's obvious insecurities about the two of you to his advantage and basically telling him how he'd treat him better. And Ivar, he's groping him up. Alex pulled away several times, but this mother fucker keeps putting his fucking paws all over him. It's disgusting. I fucking told him to leave, and he completely ignored me. And since I promised you guys I'd behave, I thought it better to come get you."
"Fuck that! You should have kicked his ass and thrown him out!" Ivar spat through gritted teeth. "Where the fuck is this piece of shit?" Ivar felt anger like he hadn't felt in a long time course through his veins. He followed Sigurd, his unlikely ally.
When he found Alex, Y/N was arguing with Paul as he sat with his arm resting on Alex's shoulders. Alex was slumped over with his head in his hands.
Ivar walked up, "Thanks, Y/N. I can take it from here." She looked up to him with a sigh of relief and backed away, bumping into Hvitserk, who had the same murderous stare that Ivar had.
Paul looked a bit nervous as Ivar walked to Alex's side. Squatting down to Alex, he calmly said, "Hey, Love. I think you've had enough. Why don't we call it a night?"
Alex raised his head from his hands and looked into Ivar's worried eyes and smiled warmly. He said, "Hey, my Ivar. Umm, well, you are still my Ivar, aren't you?"
"Yes, of course, I am. Let's get you to bed, shall we?" Ivar gently said.
Alex looked at Paul and reached for another beer. Paul handed it to him as he rubbed his back. Ivar placed his hand over Paul's and squeezed it as he removed it from Alex's back. "That's enough touching, now. I think it's time for you to go," Ivar said sternly to Paul.
Alex turned back to Ivar and said, "But he's my friend. We were just talking shit, Ivar."
"So I've heard. Well, he has to go home, now, Love. And you can go with me to rest in my room."
Ivar placed his hand on Alex's cheek and Alex leaned into it. "Nah, I don't think I'm ready for bed just yet. I was enjoying the party. Have a drink with us."
Ivar stood up and told Paul, again, to leave. Paul answered, "I don't think Alex wants me to leave."
Ivar didn't have a chance to answer before Alex said, "No, don't leave. The party's not over yet."
Ivar helped Alex to his feet, "The party is over for the two of us. Come on. I'll help you up the stairs."
Alex still protested, "Ivar, we still have guests. I'm not ready to go to your room yet. C'mon, one more drink."
Sigurd and Hvitserk had everyone else go to other rooms, telling them they didn't know how this may play out, and that they didn't want anyone getting hurt. Aslaug stood in the doorway, watching, though. She knew that Alex's current state was because of him overhearing her and Katia talking. She knew she needed to talk with him and explain.
When Ivar noticed his brothers had cleared the room, and Alex was still rambling about one more drink, he bent down and scooped Alex up and threw him over his shoulder, completely ok if he vomited down his back.
Alex kicked and then laughed, "Oh, you Tarzan, me Jane. Bedroom. Now." He laughed even harder, "Hey, I may like this game after all. Bedroom, now, my Ivar." He grabbed his head, "But fuck! I can't be Jane!" Ivar even struggled not to laugh at that.
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"Ok, Alex, let's go."
When Alex complained that he still wasn't ready to leave, Paul stood in front of Ivar. "Man, he said he doesn't want to leave. Put him down. What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Ivar felt a surge of anger hit him like a lightning bolt.
With Alex still over his shoulder, Ivar grabbed Paul by the shirt collar with his right hand and spoke to him through a clinched jaw and murderous eyes. In one of the most menacing voices Hvitserk had ever heard him use, Ivar growled at him, "What the fuck is wrong with ME? What the fuck is wrong with YOU?! You're in my house. You don't get to tell me to do anything! Now, get the fuck out of my house before I throw you out. Step aside before I destroy you." Ivar let go of him and he stumbled backwards a bit. "Don't make me peel your disgusting skin from your pleading body like a fucking potato! NOW, MOVE!"
Finally feeling proud of his baby brother, Sigurd giggled from behind them. Hvitserk's mouth just dropped in complete shock.
Paul winced at the images Ivar had put in his mind without even blinking. This man was ruthless, and he couldn't understand what Alex even saw in him, but he was not backing down. He wanted to be with Alex, and he was determined to show Alex who the better choice was.
When he got his balance, he, again, stood in front of Ivar. "I said put him down!"
With Alex still draped across Ivar's shoulder and back like a jacket, Ivar tightened his grip around him. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt such a need to defend someone he loved.
Before anyone in the room even had time to register what was happening, Ivar drew his arm back, and he suddenly punched Paul right in the face with what felt like the strength of a twenty. Paul instantly stumbled back and fell over. He was completely knocked out.
Ivar looked down and stepped over Paul, and as he took the first step on the stairs, he turned back to his brothers. "Hvitserk and Ubbe," who had just entered the room a few minutes before, "Can you show the rest of our guests out and give my sincerest apologies?" Sigurd looked up to Ivar questionly. "And Sigurd, will you umm, can you take out the fucking trash? If the piece of shit gives you any problems, do whatever you fucking want with him."
Sigurd smiled, "Happily." He rubbed his hands together with anticipation, and leaned down and kicked Paul to see if he was conscious yet. Ivar smiled and went about carrying Alex up the stairs, to his room.
Ivar laid Alex down across the bed and smiled when Alex stretched his arms out and said, "Good morning, sunshine."
"Love, it's night. We're getting ready to for bed," Ivar chuckled at him.
"Oh, are we, now? I like the sound of that," Alex leaned up and reached for Ivar's crotch, but Ivar moved away from him, just out of his grasp.
Alex fell back onto the mattress, "You do t wnat me, do you? So, it's true, huh?"
"What's true?" Ivar asked, having no clue what Alex was talking about.
"You are still in love with Katia. Did you tell her? Because she already knows, too. Too bad I was the last one to fucking know. Might have saved me the humiliation of having to hear it from her," Alex turned his gaze away from Ivar, "It's ok, Ivar. You're off the hook."
Then, sitting up, or rather, trying to sit up, Alex told him, "I should go home. This, uh, this isn't right." He slung his legs over the side of the bed, and when he tried to get up, he fell forward.
Ivar rushed to his side. "Shit! Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. I'm fine. I've said it before, I like to get all the breaking done at once," Alex half laughed.
Ivar didn't know what had happened, but his mind could only guess Katia had told Alex some vile story that wasn't even true. "Whatever she's said or done, Alex, I'm sure it's all lies. You can't let her get to you and you can't believe her." Ivar tried. "You know how manipulative she is."
"Fuck that!" Alex raised up and tried to get to his feet. Unsuccessfully.
"Here, let me help you," Ivar offered and then helped Alex back to bed.
"You're, you're so fucking lucky I don't have the energy right now. I'd fight you on this one. You don't want me. I'd umm, I would, I, umm, nevermind. Can we talk tomorrow, Ivar? My head's splitting open. I, umm.." Ivar smiled at Alex's stuttering, but still worried about what he was saying. "Yeah, uh, you know what I'm saying, right? Umm humm."
Ivar brushed Alex's hair from his face to see he was passed out that quickly. He said his name a few times to check and yes, he was out.
Ivar pulled Alex's arm up from dangling on the side of the bed and took his shoes off for him before removing his own shirt and pants and crawling in bed beside him. He leaned down and kissed Alex on his temple, "Man, you're gonna feel this one in the morning." Ivar smiled.
As he laid back onto his pillow, he thought about the evil that Paul had attempted with Alex. He knew Hvitserk and Sigurd had taken care of everything downstairs because neither had came for him. Sigurd. What an unlikely person to have his back! He couldn't believe he'd welcomed someone like that into his home. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't worried about what Alex would do when he learned how he had to throw his friend out, but he knew it had to be done. He then began to worry about all the things Alex was saying. What was he even talking about? How could Alex possibly think that he was still in love with Katia?
As the rage began to build in him again, he turned to Alex and brushed his fingers through his hair in an effort to calm himself. Then, he began to wonder what had gotten Alex this upset to begin with.
As he continued to brush through Alex's hair, Alex turned to face him, barely opened his eyes, and smiled when he saw Ivar's eyes looking back at him. He mumbled, "Hold me?"
"Of course, Love. Come here."
They scooted into each other as their bodies intertwined and Ivar's arms wrapped tightly around Alex. He kissed Alex on the top of his head as Alex snuggled into him. "I love you," Ivar whispered, and the two of them finally fell asleep.
@istorkyou @chapada010101010 @vero-maris-zamo @lostasalice-thisway @covidinducedsocialreject @tessakate @lonewolf471 @noway4u @galaxy-1000 @twistergirlie
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whenimaunicorn · 4 years
Visual Inspiration!!
 Anyone want to do me a favor and share their favorite Jordan Patrick Smith and Alex Hogh Andersen pictures and gifs with me? I want to be soaked in inspiration for my Playing House boys!!!
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shannygoatgruff · 4 years
I love him in B&W...
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Why Lord is so beautiful?!?!?!?
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negans-wife · 4 years
Fic's needed!
Hey y'all.
I hope you can help a girl out. I'm looking for super angsty and smutty fics with slim to none fluff. (Not in the mood for lovey dovey stuff)
Tag / comment / reblog any fic with
Henry Cavill (any character)
Sebastian Stan (any character)
Alex Høgh Andersen (modern!Ivar)
Marco Ilsø (modern!Hvitserk)
Travis Fimmel (modern!Ragnar)
Jordan Patrick Smith (modern!Ubbe)
Ryan Gosling (any character)
Jake Gyllenhaal (any character)
Tony Stark (the one and only)
Ryan Hurst (Opie!!!)
Ryan Reynolds (Wade Wilson or any other character)
If y'all can do this, I'll love you forever!
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milkkygirls · 4 years
if i had a heart ( ivar the boneless. )
introduction chapter.
pairing: ivar the boneless x female!reader, hvitserk x female!reader.
summary: in which you’re a servant to the lothbrok family in kattegat and have a thing for the second oldest ragnarsson, but the youngest will soon catch your attention.
warnings: (in general, but specific warnings will be added to the chapter) language, graphic depictions of violence, fast relationships, smut, mentions of assault (physical, sexual.) mentions of mental illness and religious themes.
last updated;
april 28, 2020.
chapter one.
chapter two.
author’s note:
i’m very excited to write this fic! i still don’t know how long it will be but it will definitely be longer than 10 chapters! the first update will be soon and every post will be added to here. comment or send to my inbox if you would like to be tagged for every post!
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