#marco ilso imagines
literaryuppsala · 1 year
I know heaven’s a thing (I go there when you touch me, honey)
Title: Another Taylor Swift song, this one is False God.
Pairing: Hvitserk x Fem!Reader
Summary: Where Hvitserk is a cop and you're the witness he has to protect for a night.
Words: 3.9k
Warnings: Smut, +18.
A/N: I deleted my other account (stylinsonliving) and all my works will be reposted here, any doubt send me an ask. I'm on some Hvitserk moment in my life, blame It on me rewatching the show. My asks are always open: you can request a filthy smut, a relationship advice and my political opinion, I’ll answer to all of it. Feedback is always welcome and my mistakes are always mine.
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Sitting in the back of the car, you hugged yourself tightly, rubbing your hands on your arms trying to get warm. The detective driving was a silent one, the soft voice coming from the radio was the only sound inside the car, along with his heavy breathing and your occasionals sighs. To be the witness of a crime wasn’t in your plans, probably wasn't in anobody’s plans, but definitely not in yours. 
That morning started very ordinary for you, you woke up, fed your cat, changed your clothes and went to work. At night, you and a few friends decided to go out for a drink and everything was pretty normal before you went out for a smoke, and just like that your life turned upside down. A black limo parked in front of the club, you imagined some rich guys were arriving, but as the two guys left the car, a motorcycle parked right in front of them, shooting the two men straight on their heads. Their bodies fell on the ground and you immediately hid behind the side wall, into the dark alley. 
But you were too curious to just leave It there, so you peaked, quickly enough to see one of the guys drop from the motorcycle and remove his helmet. You saw his face clearly, illuminated by the neon lights on the club sign. The man approached the bodies and shot them again, several times before coming back to the motorcycle and quickly leaving. 
You were still trying to process when the man turned his head and looked over his shoulders, his dark eyes met yours and widened, surprised to see you there. Just then you knew your time has come, he would come back to kill you but something inside your head started buzzing loud and you ran into the club, screaming under the music to try and catch everybody’s attention, which worked and just like that, everyone was outside the club seeing the two dead bodies, someone called the police, and you vanished between the crowd of onlookers. 
After you talked to the police, you learned the two dead guys were the sons of a mob boss and the killers were from a rival mafia, that was a reckoning. But they were more interested on the killer, the man whose face was now carved in the back of your mind was the link they needed for another investigation, they didn’t tell you much, just that this was big and he was dangerous, you needed protection, needed to stay out of his radar until they had enough to start his trial, enough to put him out of the streets and for that you needed to take the stand and tell what you saw. That’s what brought you here, inside this car, you were now a witness of a crime and a target for a future one. 
You are now leaving New York. 
You watched the sign getting behind you like a symbol of your old life, at least for a few months. As you raised your eyes you caught the police officer looking at you through the rearview mirror, his intense gaze made your body shiver and you looked away.  
“I’m sorry.” He finally spoke to you. 
“About what?” You asked with a frown.
“This whole thing.” He answered. “Your cat.”
“It’s not your fault.” You shrugged. “You could’ve let me bring her though.”
“Not until we find you a new house. We’re staying in these motels until the program can get you another identity. We can’t keep a cat in a motel.”
“I know, I was just kidding.” You answered shyly. 
He parked outside the cheapest motel you ever saw, the vacancy sign flashed poorly while the one with the name was off.
“By the way my name is Hvitserk.” He told you while leaving the car and opening the back door for you. 
“Better late than never.” You joked as you did the same and he smiled timidly. 
“Let’s check in, you must be tired.” 
You nodded and followed him inside. The guy behind the counter wasn’t the nicest one, looking at you both suspiciously until Hvitserk showed his badge and his face immediately changed to a fake smile, his theatrical sympathy would be funny If It wasn’t scary. He handled one key and pointed the way. 3B. You walked side by side in silence until he opened the door for you to enter, you sighed when you saw a king sized bed and looked at him. 
“I’ll talk to him about another room, wait here.” He answered and quickly left. 
From where you were you could see him talking with the man and for a moment he looked over his shoulders, his eyes meeting yours and sending goosebumps all over your body just like It happened in the car. He quickly turned again and stayed for a moment, before walking over to you one more time.
 “I’m sorry, they only have this room left.” He rubbed the back of his neck. “But I won’t be sleeping tonight anyway, I can keep the armchair.”
You nodded. 
“I’ll find something for us to eat. Stay here and don’t open this door unless it’s for me.”
He left you by yourself and you used the time to change into something more comfortable, took a quick shower and slipped into your pink sweats and a tank top, by the time he came back, you were already on the bed, searching through the channels on TV. 
“Hope you like doritos cause we don’t have any other options.”
“It’s ok.” 
You smiled sitting on the edge of the bed while he handed you the snack and a can of coke, not very healthy you thought to yourself. He sat on the chair on the side of the bed and started eating the same thing. 
“Soooo… You always wanted to be a cop?” You asked after long minutes of silence. 
“It’s a family thing.” He smirked. 
“Like, your dad is a cop, your mom is a cop, your brother is a cop…”
“My dad, my four brothers, my mother is a saint.” 
“And you’re not a saint…?” 
“I've got my share of sins.”
He was handsome, you got to give him that. Especially all worried about you, looking outside through the window, peaking through the sheer curtains. No, that’s his job. You told that to yourself while thinking about his beautiful eyes, what color was that? Partly green, partly gray, sometimes hazel depending on the light. His hair was long, all tied up on a messy bun. His badge was on the table, so was his gun and his cellphone was on his hands because he would constantly check on something. 
“You’re making me nervous.” You mumbled. 
“You should get some sleep.” 
“I’m trying but you’re all worked up looking out and checking on your phone, you’re making me nervous.” You repeated. 
“Sorry to bother your highness while I’m trying to keep you alive.” 
“Well i accept your apologies. Can you stop now?” 
“No, I can’t, you’re still with a target on your head, nothing changed since we got here.”
“You’re slightly annoying.” 
“Yeah. I can live with that.” 
You did fall asleep after all but couldn’t rest properly, not with all nightmares. Eventually you woke up, eyes trained on the ceiling before you turned to the side to find Hvitserk staring back at you. 
“You’re not a very good sleeper.” 
“I was before the violence.” You sighed. “And I miss my cat cuddling me. She warms my feet.” 
“You have cold feet?”
“No. But I like the fluffiness.” You laid on your back and stared at the ceiling again. “What’s gonna happen?”
“We’ll keep you safe ‘til the trial.”
“What If he walks free?”
“He won’t.”
“You don’t know that, Hvitserk.” 
He opened his mouth to say something but loud knocks on the door startled you both. He immediately took his gun. 
“Get up.” He ordered. “Stay behind me.”
You quickly obeyed, pawing at his shirt as you leaned against his body for protection. 
The knocks restarted, louder and stronger this time. You looked at the bathroom door and remembered a window, you clutched at his shirt to catch his attention and pointed at the door, at first he frowned, but understood eventually. As you both walked slowly to the bathroom, the door was broken into by two men who started shooting. You screamed in panic while grabbing Hvitserk’s shirt and pulling him into the bathroom with you, quickly closing the door. 
“Gogogogogogo…” He gasped while pushing you towards the window, making you jump out and following you close behind.
Both of you started running towards the car and quickly entered. He drove fast out of the motel but was followed by another car. Your heart hammered inside your chest and a loud ringing in your ears made It very hard for you to think. You kept looking back, eyes widened while you held for dear life onto the door. Eventually, Hvitserk was able to mislead the people following you and after a few minutes driving he stopped at the roadside and looked at you. 
“You ok?” He asked, a little unsure, but you didn’t answer. “Hey, are you ok?” He insisted but you weren’t listening, you couldn’t breathe properly, your heart was beating so fast you could feel it in your chest, the ringing in your ears were louder than before. “Hey, look at me.” He asked, raising his hand to touch your shoulder, which you quickly repelled. 
Hvitserk jumped out of the car and turned around to your side, opening your door and pulling you out. You were fast to repel him one more time.
“Calm down, you’re safe now.” He said carefully, slowly, but you were more worried with his hands on your shoulders. 
“Get off me!” You said finally, but he didn’t move. “GET OFF ME!” You repeated. 
“Calm. Down. It’s me. You’re safe.” He said It again.
“DON’T TOUCH ME!” You screamed, slapping his chest with all your strength until he pulled you into a tight hug. 
“It’s ok. It’s ok.” He murmured while trying to calm you down. He shushed you, rubbing your back. 
At first you tried to push him away but ended up wrapping your arms around his waist and pressing your face against his chest, you broke down in tears. He kept murmuring to you, rubbing your back and your hair, pressing you inside his arms: you’re ok, you’re ok now, it’s ok. You don’t know how long you stayed in that hug, but It calmed you down and eventually you stopped crying, once you stepped away from his body he held your face with both of his hans, checking on you in silence. 
“Thank you.” You whispered letting him clean up your wet cheeks. 
“Don’t worry.” He finally released you from his arms and stepped back. “We have to go find another place to stay and I have to call my boss, can you stay calm? Can you do that for me?” He asked calmly and you nodded. “Come.” He offered you his hand and led you back to the car, turned around and took the driver’s seat, taking his phone in his pocket. He dialed quickly and put It on his ear. He had a frown on his face and pressed the steering wheel with his free hand, so hard his knuckles became white. “We’ve been exposed.” He growled after a few minutes. “I don’t know, they found us. We need to put her in another location now.” 
You tried to focus on something else, not on the conversation going on by your side, but you weren’t able to ignore it, so you kept listening while Hvitserk had some sort of a fight with someone through the phone. The fight was about you, about keeping you somewhere safe and he wasn’t very patient. 
“Fine, I’ll take her to another motel, but you do your fucking job faster, I can’t stay with her forever.” He hung up and started the car. “Let’s go.” 
“I left my things at the other motel.” You mumbled. 
“Well, you’ll have to buy new ones, we can’t go back.”
“Can’t you have someone take It for you?”
“No. Sorry.” He answered crudely, you hugged yourself and sank into the passenger seat.
Hvitserk drove for hours, like he wanted to be as far as possible. You stopped counting the minutes of silence between you two and let the tiredness win, your eyes felt heavy and eventually you fell asleep. Next thing you know you’re being taken from the car, It startled you and you wobble, making him put you on the ground. 
“I didn’t want to wake you up.” He told you shyly and you nodded. 
“I got scared.” 
The motel was a little better than the other and the guy behind the counter was nicer, he smiled at you both and Hvitserk showed him his badge.
“We need two bedrooms. Next to each other, please.” 
“Oh… Wow… I thought… Never mind.” He babbled shyly, typing on his computer. “I’m gonna need some ID, please.” 
While Hvitserk checked in, you looked around, scared about the few people walking around you, scared they might do something to you, hurt you somehow. You leaned against him and wrapped your hands around his arm, unconsciously seeking his comfort and protection. He looked at you before taking the keys the guy was offering. 
“Come, you need to rest.” He grabbed your hands and led you to the elevator, you just automatically followed behind. Your hands remained firmly holding his arm. As soon as you reached your floor he took you to your door and helped you open It. “Lock yourself inside, don’t open It unless it’s for me.” 
You finally noticed your hands and pulled away, shyly. 
“Thank you.” You quickly entered, locking yourself and leaning against the door. 
The day was starting, It was just one night but It felt like you lived a lifetime. You shed your clothes and went to the bathroom, silently thanking the gods for the bathtub that you quickly filled with warm water. You sank into the tub and closed your eyes, the water immediately relaxed your muscles and you sighed deeply, feeling the air going through your lungs. You needed that. After the shower, you covered yourself with one of the robes you found and let yourself fall onto the bed, the sheets were warm and soft and your body relaxed even more. 
However, after minutes of trying you weren’t able to sleep, didn’t know why. Tossing and turning until you sit back, your mind was going to the next door, to Hvitserk. For whatever reason you got up and went to the door, opening It to go but your eyes widened when you saw him standing there, looking at you. 
“I-I… I can’t sleep.” You mumbled.
“Me neither.” He answered quickly. “Can I come in?”
You took a step back while he stepped in, your bodies were tense, radiating something heavy around you both. You don’t know what’s got into you, you just had this weird but profound need, wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him but was quickly repelled, his hands on your shoulders pushing you away. You felt your cheeks burn in utter embarrassment and opened your mouth to apologize but before you said anything he kissed you, turning you around until your back met the wood of the door, his body flush against yours.  
You were too far gone in less than a minute. His kiss was hungry, demanding and he tasted like peppermint, probably from the toothpaste he used. He was tasting you, his tongue searching for yours, massaging It, his hands quickly finding the knot on your robe and untying It. He stepped back for a moment, your mouth reaching out for his while he looked down at your naked body. 
“Gods…” He mumbled before his mouth was on yours again, his hands going to your breasts like a magnet. He teased your nipples with the tip of his fingers, hardening the small buds. 
He trailed his kisses down your jaw til your neck, suckling on the skin, you raised your head to give him more space, your hands messing with his hair until you untangled the bun that kept It all together, his hair falling down his shoulders. 
He hooked his hands on the back of your thighs. “Jump.” He mumbled against your lips and you obeyed, jumping and wrapping your legs around his waist, arms around his neck for support. He walked with you towards the bed and tossed you over the mattress, quickly covering your body with his, finding your lips and kissing you another time. His hands were everywhere, from your waist, to your arms and your thighs, your nakedness left you vulnerable, but Hvitserk was still completely dressed, his jeans causing a delicious friction against your sensitive skin. 
“Take this off.” You grunted, grabbing the hem of his shirt and pulling It up.
“Greedy, aren’t we?” He teased, kneeling on the bed so he could take his shirt off, tossing somewhere in the room. 
You sat down, touching his abs then rubbing up his skin to his chest and shoulders, carefully touching his tattoos. Your lips found the skin of his stomach and he grabbed the hair at the back of your neck, a strong grip that sent goosebumps all over your body. He pulled your head away from his body and made you look at him. 
“Open It.” He mumbled, looking at his pants. Your shaky hands went to his hips, nervously opening up the button of his pants and pushing his zipper down. “Good girl.” 
He pushed you down the bed, holding your knees apart while laying down between your legs. Next thing you felt was the wetness of his tongue against your folds, your hands went immediately to his hair and licked you again, like he was tasting you. He used one of his hands to open up your lips, taking a good look at your clit before attaching his lips to it, sucking it slowly. 
You felt like your whole body was electrified, like the blood running up your veins had been replaced by pure electricity and you moaned, loud and clear, earning yourself a soft ‘hmm’ coming from his lips, sending vibrations through your body. Hvitserk licked you again, the tip of his tongue teasing your opening while he massaged your clit with his fingers. Your hips seemed to have a mind of its own, grinding down against his face. 
“Fuck…”  You whispered, eyes rolling to the back of your head. 
His free hand found its way from your thigh to your pussy and his fingers joined his mouth, one of them sliding easily into you. You were so wet that the second finger joined the other and you clenched onto them, your pussy throbbing. Hvitserk ate you out like you were his last meal, pumping his fingers in and out while sucking on your clit, and the coil on your lower belly felt like a rubber band ready to snap. 
“Tell me how to make you come.” He gasped, sounding like a beg. 
“Just-Just keep doing this - Oh shit - Don’t stop.” You begged too, feeling his mouth back on you. 
With a particularly hard thrust of his fingers, the coil snapped and you growled like a wounded animal, pressing his head between your legs until his licking onto you was too much to bear. 
“StopStopStopStop.” You whispered, pulling him up by his hair, his mouth finding yours like a guided missile. You could taste yourself on his mouth, your hands quickly finding the sides of his pants, pushing it down with the help of your feet. “Need you inside me.” You panted. 
“Yeah. I need It too.” 
Hvitserk made quick work of his pants, until It reached the middle of his thighs, freeing his cock from its confines, you looked down between your body, watching as he rubbed his own length, glistening with precum, he was so hard and your stomach flipped at the thought of being the reason on why he was like that. 
“Like what you see?” He asked, teasing your folds with the head of his cock, coating himself on your wetness. 
“Yeah…” You murmured, overwhelmed. 
He smiled big as he lined himself with your entrance before pushing the tip in, the stretch causing you both to groan. You raised your head and closed your eyes, his mouth quickly finding the skin of your neck while he slowly bottomed out, pulling out a bit just to thrust right back in. 
“Yes.” He groaned. “That’s it, baby.” 
You melted, little gasps leaving your lips as you raised your hips to meet his thrusts. He pushing you into the mattress, both of his arms used to keep his body weight to crash down on you while you held onto him with arms and legs like your very life depended on it. Later you’d worry about the marks your nails were definitely leaving on the skin of his back and shoulders, later you’d worry about the other marks his mouth was leaving on your neck, later. At that moment you could only think of the feeling of him inside of you. 
Suddenly, he stopped, hands reaching the pillow under your head. You frowned before he held your lower back up and put it under your butt. Thrusting back in, the new angle reaching the soft spot inside you making you loudly gasp. 
“That’s better.” He teased. 
“So much...” You panted.
“I know.” He teased again, moving his hips slower this time. 
“Fuck me!” You whimpered. 
“I am.” He kissed you. 
His hips were drilling into you hard and deep, his intensity got you shaking again, the coil forming once more making you ready to cum one more time. His fingers trailed down in between your bodies to circle your clit and you spread your legs a little more, inviting him to continue. The guttural groans leaving his lips were pushing you further towards the edge, his lips were right on the line of your ears as his thrusts became a little sloppier, messier. 
“C'mon… Cum for me.” He begged and you clenched around him uncontrollably. “Go ahead baby, let go.”
Just like that your body jolted and you closed your eyes, seeing white spots behind your eyelids as your orgasm hit you hard. But he didn’t stop, reaching his own as he thrusted you faster. 
“Shit baby you’ll make me cum.”
“Hvitserk…” You mumbled. 
“O-oh fuck…” It’s the only warning you got before he pulled out and you felt him paint your stomach white as rope after rope of his cum shoots from his tip onto your skin. 
Both of you were still panting, trying to recover from what just happened when he fell on the bed right by your side. His eyes were on you while yours held the ceiling, incapable of looking at him. 
“That was-” He started. “-very wrong of me.” A smile broke out on his lips before he pulled you close. “But so good.” His lips found your cheek forcing a laugh out of you. 
“Still very wrong of you.” 
“So wrong.” He turned you on your side, sticky bodies wrapping around one another, lips touching as he spoke.
“Big mistake.” You mumbled before his lips wrapped around yours. 
“Huge.” He agreed, kissing down your jaw to your neck. 
“We shouldn’t do this again.”
“You’re probably right.”
“You’re still kissing me.”
“I am.” 
“What about the huge mistake?”
“I’m a terrible cop.” 
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happydaysandersen · 6 years
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Imagine going on holiday, your husband Marco and son sharing a jet ski as you rode infront. Rolling your eyes over how of course your husband wouldn’t let your son sit in the front and at the very least ‘pretend’ to drive the ski.
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ijustwant2write · 6 years
Drama On Set-Marco Ilso x Reader
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(GIF credits to owner)
Summary: requested by anonymous: ‘Could you do a Marco ilso imagine where reader is a actress and co worker of his in Vikings. She plays the love interest of halfdan and Marco gets jealous bc they have a sex scene. Thank you :3’
Characters: Marco Ilso x Reader
Meanings: (Y/N)= Your name
Warnings: Arguing, slight mentions of sexual themes (?)
I sat in my trailer, digging into my food at long last. It had been a long day of filming, there were a lot of fight scenes that needed to be done today, so it was nice to finally sit down. Just as I had really settled into my chair, there was a knock on the door. Too lazy to answer, I called out for the person to come in, hoping I wasn’t being called back to set already. As the door opened, I instantly felt relief when I saw Marco walk in.
“Thank god it’s you, I thought I was being called back.” I hummed as I continued to shove food in my mouth.
He laughed at my greediness.“I think we’re done for the day. Are you doing anything tonight?”
“Nope. You?”
“Well, seeing as we’re both being boring people, I suppose I should invite you over to my place.”
There was always flirting within our conversations, it was something I looked forward to when we came to work. We had started on the same season, and being the newbies (along with the other boys) we stuck by each other. There was always something between us, I never wanted to make the first move; we were co-workers, it had to remain professional.
“You make it sound like you have to invite me.” I teased.
He smiled, looking down at his feet.“Are you coming or not?”
“Course I am. Can’t miss out on one of our nights in.”
After shooting one last scene, we were finally done for the day. It took me a while to get changed our of my dress and undo the braids in my hair but I was soon on my way home. However, there was no time to rest as I had to get ready for Marco. I needed to look like I was trying for him but also not too much…was I over thinking this? Yes, I totally was.
For some reason I was hesitating outside Marco’s door, my hand in mid air as I refrained from knocking. What was wrong with me tonight? We always hung out, this wasn’t out of the ordinary. Perhaps it was because I had been thinking about him much more than usual, tired of the same routine. Although I loved our time together, I wanted it to go further but never had the courage to do so. Shaking myself out of this state, I finally knocked on the door, jumping slightly when the door swung open immediately.
I blushed.“Were you standing there the whole time?”
“Would you believe me if I said no?” he shyly commented back, letting me in.
Jumping onto my spot on the couch, I kicked my shoes off as Marco sat beside me. He was quiet, normally he would kick off the conversation or offer to get me drinks.
“You ok?” I asked.
He wouldn’t look at me.“Yeah, I’m fine.”
“No you’re not.” I switched positions so I could face him straight on.“Come on, what’s wrong?”
“Have you uh…” Marco stood up, heading towards his kitchen but shouting back to me.“Have you read the script for tomorrow?”
“Course I have, I wouldn’t be here if I hadn’t.” I tried to keep a light tone to my voice.
“So you know about your love scene?”
The dreaded 'love’ scene. My character played Halfdan’s love interest, something no one saw coming to the show but it took an interesting route. The fans seemed to love the romance between them which kept on blossoming through the season. However, as most relationships go, they were about to have a night of passionate sex, one of the most awkward things an actor had to do.
“Yeah, it’s gonna be weird, but it happens to all actors at some point. You’d already done them!”
Marco appeared with our drinks, sitting down beside me again.“I know but don’t you feel…”
“Feel? Feel like what?”
“Forget it.”
“Marco, you’ve never been this quiet before. What’s going on?”
“It doesn’t matter, really.”
“Of course it does! Come on, don’t piss me off.”
“You haven’t taken notice before, why would you now?” his tone had changed to something more snappy, angry even.“I don’t even know why I invited you over, I knew this was a stupid idea.”
“Can you actually talk to me? This isn’t a drama piece.”
“No because it’s complicated.” he shot up to stand.
“Then explain it! Honestly, you’re making this harder than it needs to be.
"Why should I? I’ll just ruin everything, I can’t risk that.”
“Marco, stop talking in riddles. Help me understand what’s going on.” Marco remained silent. I waited a few moments, wondering if he was actually going to start speaking again. When he didn’t, I let out a groan, grabbed my bag and shoes before storming towards the door.
“Whatver has gotten into you, I suggest that you leave it here before you come on set tomorrow. I don’t want you ruining anyone’s scenes.” I yelled back, slamming the door to make a point.
I had hardly got any sleep that night. All I did was toss and turn as my head filled up with what happened at Marco’s place. I was there barely five minutes as we argued, something must have really riled him up. What if it was something to do with work? Maybe friends? Or family?! Something terrible could be happening to him and I didn’t even bother to help him. It must have sounded like a telenovela to the neighbors.
With sleep still in my system, I made my way to work, hoping I could catch a quick nap whilst the hair and makeup team worked on me. Strangely, Marco avoided me for the whole day; this only baffled me because everyone always seemed to bump into each other no matter what you were filming. This was taking up too much space, I wasn’t performing well that day, one of the most important shoots of my character’s story, it had to be perfect.
As the set team started to prepare the set for my most passionate scene of the season, I retreated to my trailer once again, trying to get my head in the game. I knew the director was beginning to get annoyed, so was I. Bloody Marco and his bloody emotions…Why did he have such an effect on me? And why did we have to argue the night before my big scene? Still in a state of mental preparation, knocking on my trailer door ruined my focus, making me angry.
“What? What is it?” I snapped as I flung the door open.
My eyes landed on Marco but I had no time to even breathe before he stepped in, grabbing my body and pulling it in to his. He bent down so his lips could reach mine as he kissed me passionately, I took no time in responding to these actions.
“There, there’s your answer.” Marco breathed out as we stopped.
“Answer? For what?” I asked breathless.
“For last night, why I was so angry. I don’t want you doing that sex scene.”
“Do I need to explain?”
“Please, just so I know I’m not hallucinating.”
“There’s always been a thing between us, we both know that. I…I just didn’t want to act on it in case it went wrong and this all became awkward.”
“Same here.”
“So…so you’ve felt the same this whole time?”
“Yeah, just been too shy to say so.”
“I mean, I have to admit, seeing you angry was kinda hot.”
I smiled.“Marco, stop it. You should have told me, I felt so bad.”
“I know, I know. It was hard.”
“But kissing me was easy?”
“More of an impulse.” He shrugged.
“I still have to do that scene.”
He sighed.“I know you’ll be amazing.”
“That’s a bit of a weird compliment for this situation, but thank you.”
“How long do you have before you’re needed?”
“Enough time to spend with you.”
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aaalllice · 2 years
Heyy x3 could you do a Marco ilsø x fan reader? Like at a comic con she gets an autograph and hes just amazed? Maybe some jealousy (im a sucker for that xD) when she goes to Alex? Thank you <3
Let’s hope you gonna like it !
I’ve never been to a comic con, there’s probably mistakes
Warning : none, so enjoy !
You and Marco
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Friday, April 22, 10 pm
I just arrived in my hotel room, first reflex I drop my stuff and lie on the bed, comfortable…A few seconds later I stand up and turn my head towards the only window of the room, outside the sky was grey and big clouds were approaching not announcing anything good, hoping that tomorrow morning the rain won’t be there, I don’t want to look like a mop, I get up rubbing my hands on my shoulders to warm me up, it’s freezing if I don’t want to be sick tomorrow I have to put on a vest. I approach my suitcase, lift it and put it on my bed without delicacy, after I put the piece of cloth on my shoulders, I start to put my belongings on the room shelf. I mustn’t forget to take the gifts, knowing myself between stress and excitement, I will forget them The sound of my phone ringing startles me, it's my best friend, I pick up
hi ; where are you !? ; she has an unusual voice
I’m fine thank you ; I start making random steps in my room
I’m at your house, but apparently, you’re not! ;
I went to Germany for the weekend ;
What, you went on vacation without me! ;
I’m at a comic con ; … ;
hello? ;
you’re at the German comic con ; bravo you remember ! ; I’m obviously ironic, I had already told her about it, she could have come with me, but she doesn’t like Vikings…
Yeah, it’s good, I drank a little, sooo ;
you can stay at my house if you want ;
serious ? ;
I’m sure you’re already lying on my couch with something to eat ;
Maybe; I hear her yawning uhh, otherwise, what’s new since this morning ?;
hello ? ;
the sound of his snoring was heard ;
ok good night ;
I hang up and go back to my business
an hour later ~
I just finished tidying up, I put the presents on the bed, I finally found the radiator, the room temperature will warm up soon and I ordered food, waiting I sat on the floor to review my schedule for tomorrow, unfortunately, I could only afford one day but we will enjoy it, my day will boil down to waiting, waiting for autographs and still waiting to take pictures, but it’s worth it, imagine meeting Ivar the Boneless !!!
I get up suddenly, hold up my ticket and jump around my bed like a child, after that moment of euphoria, I lie on my back, I start to imagine scenarios, imagine Alex dropping me at the back of the line and making me double-cross everyone, imagine that we get along well, imagine that we become friends or best friend! imagine that he introduces me to all the cast and that he appreciates me all! imagine going to party with them!!!
The sound of my phone notification brings me back to reality, I look at the screen, my belly gargoyle, my food is there! It’s sleep time, I just got out of the shower and headed for my bed which looks more comfortable than when I arrived, I grab my phone and sit comfortably under the cover, the temperature was nice, the sheets are soft, everything is perfect, I launch my playlist puts on my headphones and turns off the light, and it’s back to imagine fake scenarios Weird I don’t think too much about tomorrow, I go more into a fantastic world, some music later, music "until I fond you" begins to ring in my ears, as soon as a man’s face appears, we lie in the hotel bed, the sunlight passes through the window what allows me to better distinguish the face of the man who sleeps on my belly is… Marco!
He smiles at me, with his angelic smile, and approaches me, to place a kiss on my forehead, then he gets up and goes to the bathroom, he was shirtless, which allowed me to look better at detailing his back well drawing, I wait for the shower water to run, an irresistible need to join him takes me, I hardly get up, the sound of his voice comes out of the bathroom, "need help ?", I did not answer but I could not hold my smile, I moved with a little difficulty, arrived, I lean back to the frame of the door, Marco was finishing shaving his beard, he turned his head with a surprised look on his face, but began to smile very quickly, "I was going to come to get you", he rinses his face and approaches, he puts his hand around my waist, I kiss his chest "come with me in the shower", he had a little laugh, he put his hands under my thighs and lifted me, I felt the steam of hot water and Marco’s lips coming closer, but unfortunately the music ended which brought me back to reality, shit! It was so realistic… Let’s hope I'm gonna dream about that! I turn the light back on, grab my book and start my reading, still a little out of it because of this "amazing" fake scenario.
9 am
My alarm clock rings, but my eyes refuse to open and my body to move, after a few seconds I finally decide to extend my arm to stop this unbearable ringing, I stretch myself painfully, then get up, before anything I will take a shower, What better way to wake up than a warm shower. Once I get up, dress up, make up and do my hair, I go to my bag, check my things, and pick up my phone, 10 am, it’s time to go, I grab the key to the room, and out, it’s grey but no rain in sight, I’m waiting for the cab that’s supposed to drive me to the comic con… Damn it! As soon as I got out of the hotel, I realized that I had obviously forgotten the gifts, I hurried up, before my taxi arrived Only 30 minutes to go before arriving, I’m overexcited, my right leg gives small strokes on the ground, and I stress.
Here I am inside, Just in time as the rain begins to fall outside, there is no way that there are people, the comic was suitable to open some minute ago, and already queues started to form I walk between the stands, I have to control the desire to buy everything, I remember that I have no more money, I put everything in this weekend (well almost everything, I still have to pay my rent),    I walk between the stands, and admire the various exhibitions.
A voice announcement that different actors have arrived at their signing booths, and that they will soon be ready, people have started to run like crazy, all in the same direction, I guess it must be around here
I’ve been waiting in line for 1 hour, and to be honest, I don’t know who I’m going to see Jordan maybe? I got in through the crowd, and I couldn’t see where I was going but well it doesn’t matter, but in any case, Alex didn’t notice me as by miracle in the crowd, as I had imagined. After a few minutes and some fangirl fainting, I finally get to see the actor, and it was Alex, the more time passes the more I can’t wait Waiting for my turn, I look at the booth next door, it was Marco he was on break for a few minutes, I am super-happy to see Alex and to be able to talk to him, I had hoped to see and talk to Marco. I had planned to see all the actors of the Vikings present but seeing the world I think it would be impossible for this morning, but it is not a great loss, this afternoon it is the photos, 
37 minutes and 32 seconds later only two people left and it’s my turn hi ; Alex makes me a gesture to move forward Are you okay ? ; He looks at me waiting for an answer I blink quickly and mouse embarrassed Yeah, sorry, I’m fine ; Don’t worry, you’re not the first one that happens ; I imagine ; so what do I sign ? ; I give him a miniature posture of a Vikings season 6 poster You can sign this, please ; of course ; he takes the poster and sits at his table
A hand is placed on his shoulder of Alex who jumps into contact with this gesture, we lift our head at the same time toward the owner of the hand,          My brain freezes, my blood freezes and my cheeks get even redder you made me miss my signature ; idiot, it's always missed your signature ; Marco, did you finish your pose ? ; Yeah ; he looked up at me and smiled Sorry ; w wh why ? ; my voice trembles, I want to slap myself, pick up, he’ll find you strange for the signature ; oh it doesn’t matter, it’s not a big deal ; I feel like my head is going to explode Come to my booth, I’ll give you a better signature than this idiot ;
Alex raised his head and slightly pushed Marco making him laugh, he saluted him and went back to sit down, and gave me a last look before welcoming the fans I think I can die in peace, Marco invited me to his booth… it doesn’t mean anything but in my head, I’m going to get married and have two kids with him, take it back, damn it
for you ; Alex hands me my poster Thanks, uh, I’ve, uh; I’m frantically rummaging through my tote bag a gift? ;
yes ; I give him a stuffed bear dressed up as Ivar the boneless he thanks me in his arms, and it’s already time to leave, I have to leave the place, I turn my head to Marco who looks at me and beckons me to come 
don’t worry Marco she’s coming, she’s not going to fly away ; shout Alex in an ironic tone a heat runs through my body, I smile, and I feel my cheeks warm come ; Marco’s voice echoes in my head as I head towards him, his eyes are on me, and even if his smile is meant to reassure me, I can’t help trembling slightly hi ; I was in front of him… he was standing, I had to raise my head to see his face
I don’t want to disturb, I can keep waiting in line ; I look at the people behind me who are watching us attentively don’t worry, you won’t have time to get back in line, there are too many people ; he holds out his hand FIRST reflex, I put my hand in his….
It took a few seconds for me to realize what I’m doing, so… we’re holding hands, but why did I do that!? , he reached out to me to give him my poster, not that I give him my hand! He had a cute little laugh, which brought me back to reality I’m so sorry ; I take my hand off right away, I don’t even dare look at it, but why did I do that!?
this is the first time that some do this to me; he laughs and I do the same I give him the poster, he takes it and with his other hand he grabs mine, and goes towards his table makes me stop next to the chair, and he sits down gently letting go of my hand, of course, I'm still red
well well well ; he takes his black mark and starts signing I prefer Alex’s ; I was leaning over her shoulder
what ? ; he lifts his head to look at me Alex’s signature is better; I smile sarcastically, and he smiles back
You have no right; he belittles the head to look at his signature
why ?; slightly destabilize because you have no right to choose Alex over me ; he raises his head, hands me my poster and makes me smile mischievously
is that clear ? ; I laugh a little nervous Yes, sir; I take my poster he gets up and looks at me smiling thank you for signing; I said goodbye with my hand and moved towards the exit
where are you going? I turn to see Marco’s face a little confused
where am I going? I’m as confused as he is Yeah, where are you going? I don’t even know what your name is? ; 
oh, uh y/n, enchanting ; why did I say that’s, stupid                                              Marco, nice to meet you ; he shakes my hand
Now that we know each other, I go or…;
you’re leaving? ; a disappointed look appears on his face
I think so, you have to sign more posters ; I smile at his puppy face Alex has the right to a surprise, a hugh and I don’t ? ; He made a dramatic gesture with his hand
oh, yes, no well yes I have something for you too, I have something, of course ; he began to laugh softly
I can’t find the gift I made for Marco I whisper to myself where you put it, where you put the little present for my Marco his laughter grew louder, which made me realize that I spoke a little too loudly
I’m sorry I forget it in my hotel room ; I look at him with a sorry look
really ? ; he seemed to be disappointed Yeah, sorry… ;
Go say it, that you did it on purpose, that you prefer Alex ; no no, I uh I think you heard what I just said anyway ; I’m making a little smile to hide my gene heard
what ? ; he’s getting closer to me, with a stupid fake look on his face nothing, Marco, nothing ; I get a little closer to his face and give him a sarcastic smile
goood Marco, you work or you flirt ? ; Alex, she hates me so much that she didn’t even bring me a present ; my cheeks that were refreshed, go red again let them down,
I’m irresistible, she’s already under the spell, you can’t go after me ; please gentlemen; a security guard was getting closer to us                          yes sorry ;
oh uh yeah I’m going ; I’m heading out this time for good
see you later y/n ; he winked at me and went back to his autographs
What the hell just happened?! I barely realize, that the voice in the speaker, indicates that the photos with the actors will start in 45 min Already? But it’s a few hours? I’m taking my phone out, 2 pm, already!? I think I’ve heard so much! I have to find something to eat and especially a place to sit and recover from my emotions
I searched everywhere, I couldn’t find a free place, so I sat outside, next to a small rescue door The sky was always gray but the rain had stopped, I’m enjoying my meal looking into the void, I can not believe what happened... the scene goes back and forth in my head,                                                            I held his hand there... I began to laugh alone on the moment I was very embarrassed but start it was nice, as if all his hours dreamed was become reality
But let’s be realistic, in a few minutes I’m going to take a picture with him, then come back and never see him again (in real life), each of us is going to go back to our life, and he’s going to forget my name and forget my existence
Besides, I think he’s already forgotten me, and anyway, it’s okay, it’s life, who do I think I am, the main character? no, otherwise I would have kissed him and right now we’d be hand in hand planning our first couple trip The sound of rain comes out of me but thinking, SHIT, I’m going to be soaked, I throw the paper from my snack in the trash next to me and head for the little door
Fortunately, I am only a little wet and with the heat of the big room I will quickly dry I think it’s time to head to the photo booth, I’m slowly moving forward trying to dodge the world but obviously a crowd movement is leading me to oppose it from where I want to go
After a few nudges, I can get myself out of the herd of people who are heading somewhere I arrive, finally "I arrive" and place myself in the queue, it will be long, I feel the headache coming, between the noise and the heat I have the impression that I will faint, fortunately I bought a bottle of water (which cost me dearly, damn it)
After 2 hours of waiting it’s my turn soon, I’m impatient, I’m going to see Marco again !
I give my ticket to a lady who lets me pass in front of a blue background where Alex and Marco were talking, Marco noticed me coming over Alex’s shoulder and gave me a big smile, which made Alex turn around.
Hey, but I know you ?! ; he opens his arms to hold me in his arms, Marco puts his hand on Alex’s shoulder to stop the hug
my turn ; he steps forward and I do the same, red as a tomato
please ; the photographer seemed to want the day to end, a chance for him, the comic con ends soon
what you want to do ; ask Alex Um, I had an idea ;
tell us ; said Marco with a rather perverse smile, which made me laugh
You know the same, where there’s a guy and a girl walking down the street and, you know what, I’ll show you ; I pull out my phone, and they get closer  *shows the same*
oh yes, I know ; Marco raised his head to look at me
so, who does who? ; asks Alex
y/n and I hold hands ; he takes my hand abruptly, and sets himself up to do like the girl in blue, Alex laughs shaking his head and places himself in the same position as the woman in red
Okay, 3 2 1 ; the photographer looks at the photo and gives us a sign that he will take another one
The detention between me and Marco had gone up, although it’s a nice feeling, I think I’ll relax the atmosphere
Alex has a nice butt...; too bad can’t see his reaction, I hear him, choke slightly
the sound of the puddle makes me slightly jump or it is the pressure of Marco’s hand on mine that disturbed me
perfect, thanks ; the photographer goes to a big print and takes out the photos
thank you for coming ; said Alex hug me again
your finish uh ?!, you will suffocate her ; Marco made a false look full of reproach, we laugh slightly I take the pictures
thank you very much for your time, guys  ; 
Marco gently puts his hand behind my back If you don’t know where to go during the summer holidays, come to Denmark, you’ll see it’s super beautiful...; I don’t know why but I do the same thing I put my hand on his back, is this moment real? yeah, why not ; I smiled at her slightly but it’s time to go, so I walk away while saying goodbye
after some second walk in an empty corridor, I arrive in the main room, it is time to leave, where is the exit?
Y/N! ; I turn around to see who pronounces my name (although I certainly don’t get called because I don’t know anyone here)
It was Marco, he stood between the hallway, which I had just crossed, he smiled and waved to me to join him
Are you okay? ; What’s he doing here, he doesn’t have any more photos to take? yes very good is just, that euh ; he gets interrupted by the speakers
*Photo booth closes* *Dear visitors the comic con will soon close, take your time, but please start heading out, thank you*
oh you finished your day ; exactly, and I was wondering ; he stops talking and looks me right in the eye Yeah, Marco, what were you wondering? ; he laughs slightly, he must think himself stupid, but I find him cute to blush slightly, for once it’s not me
I wonder if, uh, how to say, would you be willing to lend me your phone number? ; he smiled embarrassed but a bit charming
oh my God! oh my God! oh my God! it’s not possible! , ok breathe and calm down but oh my God!!!
Lend? ; I try to stay calm .                                                                                      Um, yeah, so I’m giving you a coffee and uh ; I see he’s trying to be confident, but he’s stressed out I can’t believe it! It’s happening to me! a coffee? super! ; his face relaxes, he gives me a wide smile 
great! yeah ; he makes a small gesture of victory, which makes me laugh, how it’s possible to be so cute and so handsome (I think it’s criminal)
Um, will there be Alex? ; He raised an eyebrow no, no, not Alex ; he seemed a little upset by my remark, even though he was pretending not to
I have to catch up, obviously I wanted to be alone with him, but I prefer to ask so much the better ; I wink at him he began to laugh
sorry I ; don’t apologize for being jealous ; I’ll give him a slight pat on the arm jealous ? no, i’m not jealous ; he says laughing
are you sure? ; I tease him just because Alex got a gift and I didn’t ; we laugh there was a moment of silence, we looked at each other without saying anything
*Dear visitors the comic con will soon close, take your time, but please start heading out, thank you*
I think I have to go ; your number, first ; oh yes ; he hands me his phone, I can’t believe it, I can’t believe it! After registering my number in his phone, he offered to take me to the exit and to wait for my taxi together
Marco and I have been sitting on a wall talking for five minutes. I can’t believe, the conversation is going so well, it’s relaunching, after this tiring day that we both spent
He’s very nice in person, and he seems very attentive to what I’m saying, we get along, and we laugh, I find him very charming OK yes I find him handsome , and I have already imagined several times my life with him, but here this conversation, sweet and fun between two real humans is incredible and simple at the same time.
Unfortunately, a taxi is careful to quote us
I think it’s for you ; Marco gets up and holds out his hand, I grab it and lift me up
thank you ; he had a laugh
send me a message when you arrive, ok ? ; he opens the door 
thank you ; I sit in the back seat and greet the driver, the inside of the car was old brown leather, which made it look dark, there was a slight smell of cigarette and the radio passed an old German music air                                                      Marco closes the door, and I open the window
text me when you arrive ; he gets closer and bends over to see me better ok ; we looked at each other with a stupid smile on our faces, without saying anything, without doing anything, this moment is not awkward, it’s just pleasant the engine noise gets louder, I feel the car moving, Marco steps back a bit so as not to get his feet crushed he signs me goodbye and I do the same the car turns to the right and rushes into a street and Marco’s silhouette would disappear from my sight
On the way, I think back to our discussion, which was the most mundane but the most sweet and fun I’ve ever had, I think back to his smiles and his laughter and his eyes looking at me, to his body so close to mine, I dreamed of moments like thisthis, but this was real, and a thousand times better than my dreams
I walk into my room, the cold that reigns and worse than yesterday, I put my bag down, I rush on the heat and turn it on, I don’t remember turning it off on my side this morning, I sit on the bed, and take off my shoes and my jacket, I wish Marco was there to keep me warm, I had a little pevers smile looking at my pillows
7pm I’d been home an hour, and the only thing I could do was take a shower so here I am in hot water, humming songs and foaming soap on my body I let my mind wander, relax after this day filled with emotions
*knock knock*
Marco ? ; His name had escaped my lips, I don’t feel a bit stupid, it was obviously not him... what if?
I turn off the water, go out and wrap a servite around me, I look in the half-foggy mirror, I look pathetic, my hair wet, my skin reddened (by warm water) and my mascara which is not very well gone But whatever, I open the bathroom door and run to the front door.
Nobody, there was nobody, the hallway was empty, disappointed I lowered my head a little on the ground, a bag, a bag of food
but yes, that I am stupid, I was ordered to eat and I did not see the time passing, I laugh a little, find me stupid to have thought that Marco would be there
I go home with the bag of food still warm, and starve on the bed, and start eating
Marco... I’m stupid ; I start laughing all by myself Marco?! I forgot! I forgot to tell him I got here, damn it!
Where’s my phone, or I put it, it’s when you need it most that’s not there FIND, at the foot of the bed, what is it doing there?!
2 missed calls 3 messages
in my life, I prefer to communicate by message, I find it simpler and less annoying, but I wasn’t thinking about it, and I call them It rings, why was I calling them?! a message would have sufficed, I hesitate to hang up but he picks up
Did you see the time? ; He looked ironic I have arrived ; I answer in the same tone as him I thought I’d have to come see if you had arrived well ; still ironic, but he could have been serious ah yeah ? ;                                                                                                        yeah ;
un silence s'instale, je ne sais pas quoi dire, j'aimerais le revoir mais quand ?, et est ce que lui veut me revoir?, oui il veut sinon il ne n'aurait pas demander mon numero de telephone, mais demain je pars, et lui il a la comic con,...
y/n ; yes? ; tomorrow, you ? ; No, I, uh, I wouldn’t be here ; oh too bad ; Yeah, I wish I could have seen you on stage ; I would have liked to see you in the crowd ; it would have been cool ; yeah ; yeah ; What time are you leaving? ; Wait ; I rush to my bag, and take out my ticket I have to be at the airport around 11 am ;
there was a silence and you start at what time tomorrow Marco? ; I have to be there at 2:00; we could meet! wait maybe he doesn’t want ok ok, good luck; thank you;
Go y/n ask for a coffee “date”, or just a short walk to change his mind I risk what? that he says no, that I become embarrassed and that the situation is embarrassing and that I ruin the little chance that I have Be brave, damn it!
tomorrow 10 am, in the bar you want, is that okay? ; There was a silence, shit he’s going to say no... Marco? ; perfect, 10 in front of your hotel, I go to take ; a stewardship joy does not invade (and a huge stress too) great ; I can’t help smiling foolishly I’ll take you to the airport ; oh uh thank you, that’s nice ;
the conversation ended with good-byes tomorrow,
a minute of silence for my soul who has just left my body I can’t believe I have a "date" with Marco Ilso!!!!
What am I gonna wear, I got nothing!!
Apr 23 9 : 30 am
in front of my mirror, I look at myself one last time to be sure that everything is fine, I do a simple hairstyle, a simple make-up, my outfit...I did with what I had, but at least with my 4 layers of clothes I wouldn’t get cold, even though I look like my woodcutter who drank way too many beers
*notification noise* I look at my phone
From Marco <3: I’m waiting for you downstairs
I grab my stuff, look one last time at the room to see if I forgot anything, everything is good I can leave
He stood in front of the reception, dressing well, styling well and beautifully beautiful, for a moment I considered running away, I’m ashamed, imagine a person like me with him, a fan, I’m just a fan... too late he saw me, he beckons me and gets closer
hi, y/n ; hi Marco ; Let me help you ; he put his hand on the handle of my little suitcase oh it’s okay I can do it ; I was a little embarrassed I know ; he took it and motioned me to follow him, outside a taxi waiting for us Once inside a banal conversation began, also side by side, shoulder to shoulder
oh, I was going to forget ; I’m going through my bag, under Marco’s watchful eyes
and there it is ; I give him a small cardboard box what is it ; he prices it carefully a gift ; I smile at him                                                                                                really, I’m entitled to a gift? ; he looks at me smiling Yeah, well, it’s not exactly for you ; what? ; he looked confused open ; I push his shoulder he opened, and began to laugh oh ; What ?! you don’t like it, he’s not gonna like it? ; no, it is perfect, Pablo will love it ; he turns to me with a big smile great ; our face was close, smiling and alaise but very close
he’ll smile, I do the same he gets a little closer to me, I do the same he puts his hand on my cheek, I put my hands on the back of his neck envy, electricity and butterflies paradise, quick and shy, but adorable we look at each other, smiling like children
I won’t tell you what happened next, because it’s a secret A well-kept secret between me and Marco Is our date go well, probably Did we keep talking by message, maybe Did we meet again after, who knows
but what I can tell you is that the fake scenario imagined in this hotel room may have become reality and it’s much better in real life (with some real good sensation)
i known, the end is bad but i have no more inspiration, so, hey sorry
anyway, if you have some request or anythings else
Kiss Kiss
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multific · 3 years
New Start
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Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Reader
Summary: After months of tolerating Margrethe’s way of speaking with you, you had enough. And since no one ever stood up to help you, not even the man you loved, you took matters into your own hands.
They say, when you are dying your mind starts shutting down, bit by bit, so it wouldn’t remember death. To spare itself from the suffering.
Your mind started to shut down the moment the icy lake shattered beneath you.
And now, you were going to die with so many regrets. 
What started off as an enjoyable dinner, turned into disaster.
Margrethe loved to mention the fact that your boyfriend used to bed her, making you jealous and angry.
It started off with remarks that she made everyday and whenever she felt fit. You were the smarter one, thinking she would stop if you don’t reply or ignore her, but you were wrong. It only encouraged her. Since then, she saw you as weak. 
Although the men never said anything in regards, letting the women deal with their own problems, however you did ask Hvitserk multiple times to help you and make her stop. Talk to her or her husband.
But Hvitserk didn’t want to, he said the same as Ubbe, women should take care of their own problems.
So, you were alone in this. Left in a corner to deal with Margrethe alone.
Listening to her every time she saw you, talk about how your man used to be with her, what they did, where and how.
Your blood was boiling every single day. 
Until that dinner.
That dinner was the last straw when you saw her legs reaching for Hvitserk’s. That was all you needed to finally explode. 
You kind of blacked out for the majority. 
You remember screaming, yelling and plates being thrown. You remember circling the table and grabbing her hair and fighting her. You remember Ubbe trying to pull you away from his wife as you screamed at her. After all, she was a wife, how dare she look at any other than her husband? 
You remember Ivar’s smile as he enjoyed the show his dinner came with and you remember as Hvitserk pulled you out of the home.
“What are you doing, Y/N? She is the wife of my brother!” he said as he stood in front of you his back to the house.
“She has no right to talk to me like that, a whore like her! I asked you, begged you to help me, stop her, but no, you said women needed to deal with their problems alone, so I did! I tried talking to her, ignoring her, anything to make her stop Hvitserk, but she just wouldn’t. She thinks I’m a joke and says to the others that our relationship is a joke and I had enough!”
“You still can’t do that, you have no right to attack her!”
“I have every fucking right to attack her! Especially when I’m the one she is talking about!”
Hvitserk and you just looked at each other, your eyes filled with tears as you knew he won’t take your side.
“Do you even care about me?” you asked. “All I am is just someone who cleans your home and opens her legs for you, right? I try, so much, to talk with you. I told you about my past, my life, my fears, but you just don’t care do you? You love her.” the last sentence came out as a whisper as you turned and walked away, into the woods.
You were sobbing, your vision blurry from the tears as you walked further and further in. The fact that Hvitserk didn’t even care to follow you, hurt even more.
Perhaps you should leave, let him be. He didn’t seem to be so happy with you anyway. He was always stoic, barely smiled or laughed and he didn’t like to talk. you could tell he didn’t even listen when you were talking. Maybe he was thinking about other women. But why have you around then? Maybe he just found it to be coincidental to have you around. And now he thanked the Gods that you finally left.
You only stopped walking when a sound caught your attention. This was when you realized that you were on a lake, a frozen lake, and the ice couldn’t support you.
The last thing you remember is cold.
The darkness absorbed you as you started to sink and drown. You did try to find a way out, but you couldn’t.
This is when your mind started to shut off.
Maybe it was the oxygen it needed. You weren’t sure.
Your mind filled with memories. From your childhood to Hvitserk. You remember the most the times you spent with him. You remembered the first time you met, kissed and laughed.
Who were you trying to fool? You loved him.
Even on the edge of dying all you could think were his eyes, those eyes that captured you. The eyes that met yours as you woke up next to him. The warmth you felt as he held you close.
You were the happiest there.
During the morning, in his arms, as the sun was shining brightly. 
You loved him.
But he didn’t love you.
This is when you lost consciousness. 
You didn’t expect to wake up, but you did.
In a very familiar bed, covered in furs. You were alone, you sat up and looked around. 
“Valhalla looks just like...” you said, still not fully realizing that you were in fact till alive. The moment you realized that you weren’t dead was when you took a deep breath and you realized that everything hurt. Every breath, every move of your arm hurt.  You could tell that it was late evening as the sudden coldness hit your skin. 
You heard a noise and as you looked up your eyes met with Hvitserk’s. Yours filled with tears. Tears of embarrassment, tears of fear. All the emotions came right back. 
He soon moved and hugged you close to his chest. You wrapped your arms around his middle as he caressed your back.
“I thought you were...I do care about you, Y/N.” is what he whispered to you and as you pulled back to look into his eyes, you knew he wasn’t lying. “I don’t know how to show you my feelings for you. I love you, and believe me when I say that it was the most hurtful thing when I had to watch you suffer because of her, because of my past.”
“Then why didn’t you say something?” you asked, not even realizing how he just confessed his love for the first time.
“My brothers, they said Viking women should be able to take care of things on their own. And you did. I flipped out because... You might not believe me but I was scared she would hurt you. I don’t want to lose you. And then you ran away... I followed you, but you didn’t listen when I called out your name, and then I found the lake...”
“You saved me. Thank you.” you said running a hand down his arm.
“I love you. And from now on I won’t be scared to show it. And the first step to do that is...would you marry me please?” 
You looked down, not daring to look at him because you knew you would say yes, immediately. You needed to think rationally.
“If I do, I want you to know something. I don’t want to share my husband with any other. If you cannot be or won’t be loyal... I won’t stay with you.”
“I have been loyal to you since we got together.”
“I know, but marriage is for life, no? Not just months.”
“I know what I want. I want you. I want a bigger house for us so we can have lots of children. I want that garden for you you always mentioned, I want to have a life with you.” 
He grabbed your chin and slowly made you look at him.
“Yes. I want that too, all of it. I love you so much.” you said as he captured your lips in a kiss.
After your fight with Margrethe, she stopped bullying you. She was now afraid of you, not daring to look at you at all during dinners or at all during the day.
It was a nice finish to that chapter of your life.
Marriage would be a new chapter, a new start of your life with Hvitserk. After nearly drowning and losing the man you love so much.
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Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thank You for reading my story!~
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teeninpanic · 3 years
Five Brothers (3)
requested from @profoundtyrantharmony 
tagged: @chessmattandvodka @queenboosha @lonelyangel1312 @buckysjuicyplums​ @simpxxslutxx @ietss @vera0124 (If you want to get tagged for the next part, comment down below)
summary: Ragnar, Aslaug, Floki, Lagertha and the Ragnarsons got teleported into the 21th centurly (UBBE POV)
So sorry for keeping you waiting! Everything kinda got on top of each other for me and I couldn’t find time to write. While I was away I got so much love and support so I just want to say a quick thank you for all of you! I almost cried when I saw so many of you like this story and many of you likes the way I write. It really means a lot for me! But! Enough about me, I let you read. ❤️
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Y/n was out. She left us alone in her house. She tried so hard to explain us these new things like technology, and we were so scared to say we still don’t understand, we just told her ‘yeah everything is clear’. Floki understood some of the stuff. He could control the television, and well he didn’t move from it since Y/n left. This world was magical. I saw so many things that were out, ready for me to explore but Y/n’s one and only rule was to not leave the house. She was scared of us. I could tell. The first time I layed my eyes on her I saw something in her. That something was brighter than anything. Her eyes, her shiny hair and her lips. Even her nose was something else. I fell for her that’s for sure. I tried to show it to her, so she would notice and maybe show if she relates to my feelings. But she was just all natrual. All innocent, clean and angelic. I am not sure about angels, I only know as much as I heard from a Christians that they are sended by their heaven, they are beautiful, innocent and with a huge loving,helping heart. She was all of that, so I must can say, she is an angel. It was hard being busy in such a small house. I and the others were used to going out, admiring things, go sail away, prectice fighting or to bath in a lake. And now, here are we. Floki and father are still in front of the televison trying to figure it all out, Lagertha was searcing for a weapon that she could use and prectice with. Bjorn was reading something,Hvitserk were bored at the couch with me and Sigurd and well Ivar was somewhere beacuse he needs his alone time. 
‘Ubbe!’ Mother called from the kitchen. She seemed to love the kitchen and she prospered with it very well. ‘yes?’ I asked back. ‘Where is Ivar?’ she asked. Of course she was asking about her little Ivar. The only son of her that she loves.
‘I don’t know?’ I shrug. 
‘We should’t bother him. He is having his little alone time.’ Hvitserk laughed out. ‘Stop with the mocking.’ Mother merged her brows. 
‘Mother.’ Ivar appeared. ‘I am fine’ He smiled and from the corner of my eyes I saw Bjorn roll his eyes and so did Ivar see it ‘Oh, I didn’t know you can read’ Hvitserk and I laughed at Ivar’s comment. 
‘He can mock us but we can’t mock him, huh?’ Sigurd sighed. Ivar srughed and smiled back to mother. ‘Y/n said she has board games.’ Hvitserk stood up changing the subject . ‘Remember when we made board games?’ he asked with a wide smile. ‘It always went wrong’ Sigurd commented. ‘Only beacuse you can’t accept it, when you lose’ Ivar said. 
‘No Ivar, I think your talking about yourself there.’ Sigurd said back and I could hear their aggresive thoughts about each other. I always hated how their realashionship was as bad as a cat and dogs. They just can’t accept each other at any way. ‘Did you forget that I never lose?’ Ivar said with his death stare. 
‘What do you guys think of Y/n?’ Lagertha entered our conversasion. ‘ Does anybody think that she could harm us?’  She asks not caring at all that she just stood between an argument.
‘I would’t think of her that way. She looks soft.’ Bjorn said. ‘I think we can trust her’ he goes back to his book. 
‘We don’t have to be scared of her.’ Hvitserk raised a little his voice ‘She already is scared of us.’ So I was not the only one that noticed. ‘But we don’t know what she is accepable of.’ Sigurd tilted his head and looked at me. 
‘Are you scared of her?’ Aslung asked, looking at Sigurd. 
‘I am not scared of anyone!’ he denyied. ‘Not even me?’ Ivar was still staring at Sigurd. He started looking scary again. ‘Ivar’ I said and he looked at me,then smiled.
Sigurd ignored Ivar’s comment beacuse well at some point all of us is scared of him. There are just times where Ivar goes mad and no one and nothing can chill him down. In these times he goes away from people and he thinks. He does that a lot recently.
‘So what about board games?’ Hvitserk asked again setting peace. 
So after minutes of searching, we found the a game Y/n told us about. It wasn’t a board game, It was more like a card game and it had many rules. Uno was the game’s name. We sat around the kitchen table, and father handed 7 card to every player and we began to play. First round, second, and third. Ivar won and everybody got suspicious at him. 
‘You’re cheating.’ Floki said. ‘How do you win everytime so early?’ 
‘Big secret Floki, you have to use your mind.’ Ivar joked around. 
‘I’m not playing.’ Sigurd got up. ‘This game is a piece of shit.’ 
‘So who is the one who can’t take it when he loses?’ Ivar whispered 
‘Well this is surely getting boring’ Father said and I was with him. 
‘Then cancel playing. I want to win’ Lagertha smiled. After months she finally smiles. I don’t think she even noticed that she has a good time with us. 
‘you will not get the chance with Ivar’ I laughed with Floki. 
‘Hey guys!’ Y/n stepped in. She is back. She is here. She is shining. She is beautiful. 
I lay back in my chair and I watch her shine in front of my eyes but then I see something that was not in front of my attencion until now. Sigurd is smiling at Y/n in a way he only does when he is admiring someone. Hvitserk’s eyes are gleaming and Bjorn is trying to get her attencion with ignoring her. He always does this beacuse he strongly belives that with ignoring someone, with time, that someone will find themselves falling for him, and they will run after him. So basiclly the whole point of it is getting the other one running after himself. Ivar doesn’t seem to care and his face seems true. At least he is not into Y/n. Now the question is, does y/n like any of us?
As she watches over the house she goes through a relief because we didn’t ruin her house. ‘Thank god’ she whispered and it seemed like only I heard it and I laughed at it. She looks into my eyes and smiles.
She just smiled at me.
to be continued…
previous part⬇️
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emmyrosee · 3 years
Bff!alex and bff!marco absolutely have a group chat with you where they just have ridiculous memes or goofy pictures of animals with the simple addition of “lol this u” under it.
Bff!alex hates scary movies while bff!marco loves them, and in turn, you end up snuggling against Marco while Alex digs his nails into a pillow, warning characters and scolding them for not listening to him.
Bff!alex is physically stronger than bff!marco, though marco has more endurance, and you often have to be the judge of their “sporting events” (really just wrestling or roughhousing when one of them cheats at a video game)
Bff!alex and bff!marco have an assortment of nicknames for you, ranging from “toots,” “sweetness,” “my little cabbage,” “you knob,” or, Alex’s favorite for you and marco, “you butthole.”
Bff!alex likes to sleep on the couch, while bff!marco is more than happy to take the floor; you tell them that the couch opens up to a bed, but they don’t like to put you through trouble
Bff!alex is very open with his adoration and appreciation for you in an affectionate way, while bff!marco is much more subtly affectionate, though no one flirts more than they do with each other
Bff!alex hit a cat while driving one day and now will only drive during emergencies, and bff!marco can’t ride a bike.
Bff!alex and bff!marco.
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hoteldreamss · 3 years
Imagine 4 || hvitserk
*предупреждения: элементы 18+/🔞 smut*
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Хвитсерк любил женщин и любил доставлять им удовольствие. И ты не стала исключением, хотя ему пришлось слишком долго пытаться, чтобы заполучить тебя. И на его счастье, как он думал тогда, ты не настаивала на чём-то большем, отношения и преданность.
Для вас в ту ночь всё обошлось только его "поеданием" тебя. И ты соврёшь, если скажешь, что это было неприятно. Тебе понравилось. И он был слишком пьяным, чтобы продолжить. Поэтому заполз на тебя, а потом свалился на свою половину кровати, сразу же заснув. Ты не дождалась других проникновений. Но тебе удалось получить удовольствие, теперь тебе не на что жаловаться.
Никто не видел, как ты выходила из его комнаты. В том числе его братья.
Но Хвитсерк кажется не насытился тем, что было между вами.
И ты догадалась об этом, когда он снова заговорил с тобой на рынке.
Вы и до этого хорошо общались, и ты прекрасно знала, что он делает. Его флирт сложно было не заметить, и многие девушки смотрели на тебя с завистью, пока внимание принца не переключалось на них, как только ты уходила от него по своим делам дальше. И ты знала всё это, поэтому даже не думала в него влюбляться.
Хвитсерк нравился тебе. И ты не стала бы этого отрицать. И в том, что вы стали чуть ближе, не было ничего такого, он имел право общаться с тобой, как и другие мужчины.
Вы оба всё ещё свободны и всё ещё расположены друг к другу.
— Т/И, — произносит он, оказываясь рядом с тобой, на пиру, когда ты направлялась к своим друзьям.
Здесь шумно, но вам не приходится кричать или прислушиваться друг к другу. Огонь в середине достаточно большой, чтобы осветить людей вокруг. Все веселиться под ночным небом и празднуют.
— Да, Хвитсерк, — произносишь ты, дружелюбно улыбнувшись ему.
— Я хотел спросить, не хотела бы ты уйти от сюда? Где не так шумно?
— Мне не кажется, что здесь шумно, — произносишь ты, усмехнувшись и остановившись. — Но я хотела бы от сюда уйти, где было бы больше уединения, и меньше людей.
Твой голос для него был похож на мелодию, прекрасную и нежную. Но он уверен, это было для всех, наверняка каждый мужчина считает также, слышит тебя также.
А ты пока что уверена, что он просто не закончил. Это же Хвитсерк, наверняка он просто хочет побывать в тебе, а потом потеряет интерес.
Как только дверь за вами закрывается, ты накрываешь его губы своими. Его руки скользят к твоим округлым бёдрам, сжимая затем твой зад и вырывая тихий стон из тебя. Ты отходишь к его кровати, утягивая принца за собой.
— Я так сильно хочу тебя, — чуть ли не скулит он, а ты улыбаешься на эту фразу.
«Ты хочешь половину Каттегата» проносится у тебя в мыслях, но ты молчишь, только толкаешь его на кровать и залезаешь сверху.
Довольная улыбка на лице Хвитсерк не заставляет себя долго ждать. Он снова получает жадный поцелуй, и потом ты переключаешься на его шею. Потом просовываешь ладони под его тунику, дотрагиваясь до его тела и намекая, чтобы он разделся.
И он выполняет, не отрывая взгляд от тебя. А его довольная улыбка никуда не исчезает.
Твои губы дотрагиваются до его кожи. Все доступные места теперь помечены твоими горячими поцелуями. И ты спускаешься ниже, твои колени касаются деревянного пола, а Хвитсерк не совсем в состоянии уловить твои намерения.
Может поэтому он не сопротивляется, когда ты расправляешься со шнуровкой его брюк и сразу же аккуратно вытаскиваешь его уже затвердевшую плоть.
Твой язык про��одит по кончику его возбуждённого члена.
— Нет, Т/И, стой, — он бормочет себе поднос, но ты прекрасно его слышишь. Он хочет приподняться, но когда твои губы обхватывают его головку полностью, а рука чуть крепче сжимается у его основания, он протяжно стонет и откидывается назад на меха своей кровати.
Вся комната заполняется стонами Хвитсерка, он поглаживает тебя по волосам, ласково, не толкает и не принимает силу. Он не держится долго, и ты отчасти принимаешь это на свой счёт, хоть и не особо уверенна в этом.
Ты ухмыляешься когда заканчиваешь. И, приподнявшись, видишь Хвитсерка таким расслабленным. Тебя даже это забавляет, но ты только наклоняешься к нему и оставляешь ласковый поцелуй в уголке его губ.
Он пытается получить от тебя больше, поймав твои губы, но он слишком ленив и расслаблен.
Тебе нравится видеть его таким и знать, что ты довела его до этого состояния.
Слезая с Хвитсерка, ты достаточно быстро добираешься до выхода и тихо закрываешь за собой дверь.
Ты сразу присоединяешься к своим друзьям, кажется даже не встречая Хвитсерка за весь оставшийся вечер. Может он присоединился к своим братьям, а может позвал какую-нибудь рабыню к себе.
Но ты ещё много времени не общаешься с ним. Вы не пересекаетесь и на следующие дни, и ты уже убеждена, что он просто переключился на другую девушку. В Каттегате всё ещё много нетронутых Хвитсерком женщин, почему бы ему не выбрать кого-то нового теперь.
Ты просто не желала привязываться к нему, и к тому же, в рядах тех, кто желал тебя в жёны, уже появилось несколько поклонников.
— Т/И, — ты слышишь знакомый голос и останавливаешься, переведя взгляд на парня, что подбежал к тебе.
Твои губы искажаются в милой улыбке, дружелюбной. Сигурд никогда не был зол с тобой или пренебрежителен, хотя его отношение к Ивару немного смущало тебя. И его романтичная натура слегка была не в твоём вкусе. Но в остальном, он был принцем, и ваши семьи знакомы, а тебе не сложно уважительно относиться к нему, как к принцу.
— Сигурд, ты что-то хотел? — интересуешься у него.
Тебе и в голову не пришло, что парень заинтересован тобой. И ты не заметила, что его брат обратил на вас внимание, пристально наблюдая за тобой. Хвитсерк делал это пока ты не видела, а теперь даже не контролировал. Он прожигал тебя взглядом и больше не слушал Уббе, а еда на тарелках уже не так сильно интересовала его.
Уббе замечает странное поведение своего брата и следит за его взглядом. Но ты уже отошла от Сигурда и попрощалась с ним.
— Ты чего? — Уббе привлекает, наконец, внимание своего брата, и тот возвращается к своей еде.
Хвитсерк выглядел хмуро всё это время. Даже Ивар заинтересовался его настроением и на удивление лёгкой потерей аппетита.
Хвитсерк отмахивается от вопроса брата, опуская взгляд на свой обед.
Он не упустил бы возможности спросить Сигурда о тебе, хотя это точно было бы подозрительно. Хвитсерку удалось не упоминать о вашей близости. И он был слегка в замешательстве от произошедшего между вами. Женщины обычно не брали его член себе в рот, и он часто проводил с ними ночь и просыпался потом ни один. А твоё поведение, будто ты просто вернула ему долг и ушла, показав свою независимость в нём.
Поэтому за ужином, сидя рядом с Уббе, Хвитсерк решается.
— Я видел тебя с Т/И.
— Я пригласил её на прогулку, — произносит Сигурд, слишком гордо, заставляя всех обратить на него внимание.
— Неужели она согласилась? Это заставляет усомниться меня в её адекватности, — произносит Ивар.
И губы Хвитсерка расплываются в улыбке.
— Я хотя бы смог к ней подойти, а не подползти, — шипит Сигурд.
Ивар только хочет ответь ему, и ссора между ними могла бы легко начаться. Заставив Аслауг переживать. Она только хочет попросить своих сыновей не начинать, но Хвитсерк всё быстро исправляет.
— Так она согласилась? — интересуется он, запивая мясо элем.
— Она сказала, что не знает, у неё много дел на этой недели. Я спрошу её на следующей.
Хвитсерк не сдерживает смешка. И теперь все взгляды прикованы к нему. Он выглядит слишком хитрым, и все за столом понимают, что он что-то знает, он не просто насмехается над своим братом. Хвитсерк даже не думает делиться своими подвигами, он хочет приберечь это. И это даже его удивляет, как бы просто было сказать, что он уже пробовал тебя, и другому любому мужчине повезёт оказаться в твоих объятиях и между твоих ног.
Но он умалчивает об этом. Думает, что нужно приберечь это. Он хочет теперь попробовать что-то ещё, может самому пригласить тебя куда-нибудь. Раз ты отказала Сигурду, может у Хвитсерка есть шанс.
— Чего смешного? — Сигурд выглядит недовольным и злым.
— Ничего, — Хвитсерк пожимает плечами.
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sondagsblog · 3 years
🧡Alex Høgh Andersen🧡 | 🧡Marco Ilsø🧡
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imaginesmai · 4 years
Hvitserk Ragnarson - They don’t know about us
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Requested by the lovely @cabe-sherlock​! Hope you like it, it was quite a challenge to write but I really liked it!
Plot: you know that Kattegat will never approve of your relationship with Hvitserk, not matter how hard you try. But you love him anyway.
Warnings: mentions to homophobic situations and Ubbe being quite ignorant about it - just at the begining -. I wrote this with a male!reader.
It wasn’t hard to find him if you thought about it for a while. Hvitserk Ragnarson was quite predictable, even more when he was angry, sad or moody – which, frankly, was quite often. You left behind the loud laughs and bright lights from the great all, choosing to ignore how the whispers seemed to follow you through the dark. Having exited the place right behind him, you saw his back disappearing into the dark night. He walked through the sand until he stopped at the edge of the cold sea, not minding that the bottom of his tunic was getting wet.
Your steps quickly carried you to his side, and you placed a comforting hand on his bicep. What you had heard in the great hall wasn’t easy to swallow – and it hurt even more when you thought about how you weren’t just two friends comforting each other. Without a word, you sat next to him and he leaned his head against your shoulder with a bone – deep sigh. Your hands remained locked.
“What I’m doing wrong?”
“Getting your tunic wet. And maybe drinking too much” you tried to lift his mood. “Apart from that, I don’t see anything wrong”
“Me neither. But they won’t – can’t see it, right? Never will”
You wished you could tell him that he was wrong, that eventually people will accept your relationship and move to another thing. That Margarethe will stop mocking him for not having sex with her, and choosing instead to lie with you in the cold nights. That his brothers will stop insulting him, and that the village people will stop looking down on him. As if he was trash and didn’t deserve to carry his last name, when the only wrong he did was to fall in love with his best friend.
That was what had caused the whole problem in the first place. You were used to sitting in the main table, besides Hvitserk, since you were friends from childhood. And for a few years now, you had been sharing something more than a friendship. It was a huge challenge for him to accept his sexuality, and for you to understand he wouldn’t seek anymore women’s attention. But now you were happy, and in love.
Margarethe had seen you getting a bit handsy, whispering into each other’s ears and holding hands under the desk. And pointing it out, she had gathered the whole hall attention. His brothers hadn’t stood up for him when someone had thrown a piece of rabbit at Hvitserk, and no one had followed him outside when things got nasty past you. Family was important for him, and you hurt for your prince.
“Sometimes I wonder if this is some type of punishments from the Gods” he wondered, and you knew better than to take offense for it. “If… if it’s because of my father, or my mother’s acts. Why can my brother fuck with his new bride in front of them, but I can’t hold your hand? Why is it so unfair?”
“Your brother might be able to do so, but I promise you that woman doesn’t love him half of what I love you, my prince”
“And I love you too, Y/N” he gave you a small smile, that quickly disappeared. “But I can’t help –“
You both turned around to see Ubbe jogging towards you. It wasn’t as if you didn’t want to talk to him – it was that you didn’t want him to talk to Hvitserk. What Ubbe thought or did was a huge influence on him, as he was his big brother and had always followed his steps. While the man was way more open about your relationship than Ivar, who liked to make some remarks every now and then, Ubbe didn’t stand up for his brother.
You were ready to drag Hvitserk by his arm out of there and, if he let you, punch one or two teeth out of Ubbe. But he shook his head slightly, and waited until he was in front of you. Hvitserk didn’t make any intention of removing the arm around your torso and you didn’t let go of his hand, challenging Ubbe to say anything about it. The vikings coughed awkwardly and crossed his arms.
“Um – I’m sorry for… What happened inside, I –“
“You’re sorry for not stopping your wife?” you interrupted him. “Or for what she said?”
Another reason why you didn’t like Ubbe – because he was marrying Margarethe and he didn’t stop her homophobic words. It was true that he didn’t share them, at least not so extreme, but he was so ‘politically correct’ that he didn’t dare to say anything and start an argument. Who would have said he was the kind and she was just a servant.
“It’s just – you know, she was shocked Hvitserk” he tried to talk with his brother. “She saw you with… him, holding hands and, uh, being…”
“Ivar had his face between a thrall’s breast and she didn’t say anything” you talked again, Hvitserk too busy picking at the grass in the sand.
“Yeah, but – uh, you’re a man, Y/N. And Hvitserk is a prince. And it’s just strange seeing two men with each other. I’m not saying it’s wrong, just… weird”
That was probably the word you hated the most. Why were you weird, for loving who you wanted? Ragnar had had two wives, and no one had seen anything weird about it. Ubbe had broken the chain of the royal weddings and had married a thrall, not a princess like his mother would have wanted. And Ivar loved hurting thralls and slaves to obtain pleasure going as far as taking a few of them in the bedroom to watch them hurt each other.
But the weird were you, because you wanted to walk hand in hand through Kattegat or kiss him in the lips without hiding between curtains. You wanted to compliment him without getting stares from the villagers. You didn’t think you were weird, but it seemed that everyone else did.
Hvitserk raised his head then, and you missed the familiar love he always had when he talked with his brother.
“I love him, Ubbe, and I’m not going to change it just because of what other people think” Hvitserk’s voice is cold as ice. “What’s wrong with us dating? Just because Kattegat can’t see past two men being together we have to hide now?”
“No, brother. I didn’t mean –“
“And you better watch your tongue, because you’re talking with my future husband here”
A few times, more than what you would like to admit, Hvitserk had left you loss at words. When he had taken the initiative and kissed you after training with Sigurd. After a really long day, when he had told you that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. And, of course, every time he smiled, winked or talked with you, but you were growing used to his charming personality. However, that night you couldn’t even breathe, as the only sound that could be heard were the waves against the shore.
Marriage was something you never talked about. All his brothers were thinking about it already, but it wasn’t a possibility for you. On your worst days, you even thought that he would end up with some chick while you stayed as his lovers, only appearing at night in his tent. Maybe, at best, his mother would go tired of you and kick you out of Kattegat. Of course that you had thought about him as your husband. You thought almost every morning, when you woke up to that sleepy face and cute dimples.
Your eyes got suddenly misty, and Hvitserk hugged you tighter.
“If that’s alright with him” the young prince gave you an anxious look. “Is it? You want to marry me?”
“There is nothing in the world I want more, Hvitserk Ragnarson” you chuckled wetly.
Not caring about his brother or the insults you had received in the great hall, you locked your lips together. It was such a sweet kiss that, if you had been up, you would have melted into a puddle. His calloused hand rested on your cheek, promising with a gesture what he could say. If it was with you, you would drag him right there and then to the altar, in front of whoever wanted to see. And if they didn’t want to, well, they better grow used to watch you enjoy your future husband through the streets of Kattegat.
Hvitserk laughed too, and you discovered that he had suspicious bright eyes. Ubbe didn’t say anything, surprisingly, and for a second you saw the loving brother your soon to be husband always bragged about.
“If that’s what you want, then I’ll be happy with you” Ubbe smiled softly. “Welcome to the family officially, Y/N”
Maybe, you had left the great hall between hateful comments and pieces of food thrown at you. But you couldn’t think about a happier night in your life.
Want to read more? Check out my side blog @imaginesmaimasterlists​, where I keep all the masterlists! Feedback is always appreciated
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You can request about any of the characters above, or any other masterlists I have (here), always following the Requests Rules. My main blog is @imaginesmai​
🎈: Funny
💋: Smut
😭: Angst
⭐: Personal favourite.
🥇: The most popular fic in each category (it might change).
Angst Alphabet
Fluff Alphabet
Prompt List 1
Tom Holland
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Back home (First part)  and (Second part):    💕 😭
Five months ago, you broke up. Five months ago, you walked out of Tom’s house because it was all too much. Five months ago, Tom left his home without you. And now he’s back, realizing you shouldn’t have never broke up. (COMPLETE)
Back to you (Song inspired) 😭
Caterpillar:   💕
There isn’t ice-cream on the fridge, and that only makes your day worse. Until Tom comes home to fix it all. 
⭐  Christmas Present:   💕
You recive a call in Christmas and your world lights up like a Christmas tree. 
⭐Fawn (Mob!Tom): GENERAL SUMMARY (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) 💕😭
Love makes you do weird things, this much you know.
You had always been the sensitive girl, following your heart before your brain. The type of person that tends to fall in love way too quickly, only to have it blown in their faces moments later. Your friends and family warning you doesn’t mean anything, because the result is always the same; a broken heart, and hopes shattered.
Love makes you do weird things, as dating a man who controls you as he wishes. Richard is the most famous cop in town, has the highest score in locking criminals up, and is the worst boyfriend anyone could have. So he doesn’t hesitate in using you as a bait for the Holland’s family, a dangerous mob.
You have no experience, no knowledge about how to deal with a dangerous gang, but still you’re thrown to them like a meat offer.
Love makes you do weird things, and it’s found in the weirdest places. You have yet to see if, for once, it leads you to the right person, or goes back to the wrong one.
⭐  Fluff Alphabet (Tom Holland)  💕
Forgotten aniversary:   💕 😭
Working so hard had consequences.  💕 😭
Football incident (college!Tom):  💕
Tom gets hurt in a game, although it might not be an accident after all.  
Gift wrapping:   💕
Gift wrapping is the worst part of Christmas. Tom is the best one.   
Lost kid:  💕  🎈
Tom and you spent your last weekend before going home in Disney World, and he turns out to be one of those boyfriends who end up in the ‘lost kids’ deparment.  
Mushy Pancakes:   💕
Morning sex and breakfast in bed is the best way to wake up. 
Oceans between us 😭
You’re in lockdown becuase of the pandemic - alone, sad, and bored. Tom has been distant lately, and to make it worse, you hear a conversation you weren’t meant to hear.
Our fairytale:  💕  🎈
That story where two characters of a movie fall in love, or in this case two actors portraying those characters fall in love, even if they don’t belong to the same fairy tale
Tom is prince Eric and you’re Belle, and he’s just a jealous bean.
Relax:  💋
Tom is driving you mad without knowing, but that’s about to change after an stressful day. 
Short fic 1:   💕  🎈
Everyone is cooking in the quarentine, and even if Tom knows he can’t do shit, he’s going to try.  
Shower time:  💋 💕
The quarantine is the perfect time to tease, until you have enough and Tom is alone in the shower.  
⭐  The Impossible (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6):   💕 😭
Your relationship with Tom is on edge. Work, paparazzi and not seeing each other for months is making you tear apart from each other. Thankfully, he’s an amazing boyfriend and propose you what you thought it would be the perfect holidays; Thailandia. The hot sun, the beach, a cute hut and privacy to mend your relationship. Neither of you thought you would be witnesses of one of the greatest natural dissasters of history (COMPLETE)  
This two-seat couch  💕
College!Tom has some feelings for you, and you have some feelings for you. Maybe, ‘some’ isn’t the way to describe it, more like ‘madly in love with my best friend’. Thank God though for those two-seat couch where knees brush.
Training Day:   💋
Tom’s morning hasn’t been the only thing hard that day.   
🥇  True love kiss:  💕  🎈
“I tricked your little sister telling her Ursula has stolen my voice because I have a massive hangover, and now we have to kiss in order not to break her innocence”
Au were Tom works in Disney store, has a massive headache and can’t talk, and now he has lied to a little girl and she wants to get him a ‘true love kiss’; which happens to you, her older sister and Tom’s highschool crush.  
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Bananas:  💕 🎈
Your daughter seems to have a strange fixation with bananas   
Bananas’ worries:   💕 🎈
Banana the plushie is making another appearance in your life, and this time is bringing worries.  
⭐  Banana’s new friend:   💕 🎈
Little Nathan is the new addition to the Evans-Y/L/N family, and Banana is having troubled feelings, along with Claire.   
🥇  NSFW Alphabet 💋
Short fic 1: 😭
You don’t gotta say, I know you ain’t staying over, and I won’t even mention, the fact that you’re never sober
My type - Chainsmokers ft Emily Warren
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Attention:  💕
Alex just wants to cuddle with you.
🥇 ⭐  Friends don’t love each other:  💋  😭
When feelings and sex are mixed, nothing good can come out of it. Alex and you have been doing it for a while, and the bubble if about to explode. 
Good Boy:  💋
Alex has been a naughty boy and he needs to earn his reward.
Imagine 1
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🥇  Imagine 1
Imagine 2
You’ve got my heart :  💕  💋  😭
Marco is your best friend, your neighbour and your crush. One night at your house changes everything for the best; but you’ve taken different paths and life might never reunite you again.
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B for Baby:  😭
You’re pregnant and something happens  
🥇  Imagine 1
Imagine 2
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Gorgeous:  💕
Sebastian is doing and interview and can’t keep his eyes away from you (short blurb)
🥇 ⭐  Wired Autocomplete Interview:  💕
Fans watching your interview with Sebastian are going to get more than what they bargained for. 
We’re a team:   💕
No interview is boring since having your adorable four year old son, who needs his father as much as he needs him.
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⭐  Interview :   😭 💕
You’re exicted for your first solo interview about the End Game movie, but it’s not going to be as good as you thought it would.
Ben is your bodyguard and you’re his client, and both of you have some unspoken feelings. And what best way to confess, that without words and just after a bomb have blown up the building you were in? 😭 💕
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Hypothetically:   💕 🎈
You find something that you didn’t mean to in Taron’s tablet, and you wish it had been porn. 
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happydaysandersen · 6 years
Cast Masterlist
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Here you can find all of my works for the vikings cast. 
those in bold mark smut. any other notes will be made in brackets to the side.
Marco Ilso
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Nap date 
                                                    Prompts I want to mark you, so everyone knows you’re mine
Alex Høgh Andersen
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Webcam Drabble (1) / Webcam drabble (2) Bath time fun Bad Day Dating a taller girl By Chance You’re such a distraction  I will do better
                                                    Prompts You could be mine (Halloween) You’re Ridiculous x Someone’s in loooove I can take care of myself
Heatwave Confessions Good Morning Doing things properly Mile high club Spin the bottle Making up  Guitar Lover Novelist No More Sharing (Alex x Ivar x Reader) It’s Official (SDCC Alex) Introductions Beach days San Diego Surprise (SDCC Alex)
                                                    Headcannons Shopping with Alex Christmas Period with Alex Vacation in Italy with Alex Dating a famous singer Make up sex Clubbing with Alex Moving in with Alex Being an expecting father Music Festival
                                                     Questions how would Alex react to being asked to be rougher in bed?
                                                    Fanfiction (Multi chapter)
Finding our feet - (Finished) Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 Adopting a dog - (Finished) Part 1 / Part 2
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ijustwant2write · 4 years
ijustwant2write Vikings Masterlist:
Cast Imagines:
I Ship It-Alex Hogh Andersen x Reader
Sickly Love-Alex Hogh Andersen x Reader
Drama On Set-Marco Ilso x Reader
Rumours-Alexander Ludwig
Ivar Ragnarsson:
It Wasn’t You / Part 2
A Short Temper
Too Close
Lost In Love
A Typical Love Story
The Benefits of Friendship
A Modern Day Family-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ivar Ragnarsson
A Perfect Match
All Because of a Tantrum (Sigurd x Reader x Ivar)
Hvitserk Ragnarsson:
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
Just Confess
I Don’t Need Your Help / Part 2
I Am One Of You / Part 2 / Part 3
An Unforeseen Future / Part 2 / Part 3
Certain Affairs
Rest Beside Me
Ubbe Ragnarsson:
Gentle Viking
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
You’re Both Mine-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ubbe Ragnarsson
A Real Farmer
You Look At Me Differently Series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Sigurd Ragnarsson:
You Must Decide-Ubbe Ragnarsson x Hvitserk Ragnarsson x Sigurd Ragnarsson x Reader
All Because of a Tantrum (Sigurd x Reader x Ivar)
Bjorn Ironside:
Useless Excuses
You’re Both Mine-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ubbe Ragnarsson
Trapped-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Halfdan The Black
A Modern Day Family-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Ivar Ragnarsson
A Missing Piece
Ragnar Lothbrok:
Friends Till The End
The Funny Foreigners
A Strange Bond
Halfdan The Black:
Trapped-Bjorn Ironside x Reader x Halfdan The Black
Vague Memories
Just Be Gentle
Dark Things
I Am Not Small
I’ll Be There To Save You
The Quiet One Series:
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Harald Finehair:
The Carpenter
Sticking Together
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“Does every woman in your country fight like you?” Hvitserk asked almost out of breath during your training.
“A lot of them. It’s in our nature,” you answered with a smirk.
Hvitserk laughed with the little breath he got. You two were fighting like crazy. You forgot about the world around you and just concentrated on each other. Hvitserk was a good warrior, but so as you. The energy between the two of you was massive, sparks could be almost seen in the air.
“Are women of your nation also so passionate about other things?” Hvitserk asked with lust in his eyes and a smirk on his lips, when you crossed your swords and your faces were just inches away.
“Yes. It’s dangerous to be around us indeed,” you said out of breath.
You two continued in the fight and you were starting to win.
“Be careful my lord not to hurt yourself,” you warned him with your sword against his chest and staring deeply into his eyes.
In a blink of an eye, Hvitserk fended off your attack and got behind you. This time was his sword against your neck.
“I’m a Viking. I can manage a little danger.” Hvitserk whispered in your left ear.
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Everything Taglist: @gold-dragon-slayer @your-internet-granny
@darkwhisperswolf​ @youbloodymadgenius​ @blonddnamedhandz​ @thelastemzy​ @inforapound​ @supermassiveblackhope​ @captstefanbrandt​ @roonil-wxzlib​  @syreni-dea​ @cynthianokamaria​ @rosiebrosie @loliismutt@pinkisokay @heavenly1927​ @annekleyn​  @rose-02468​ @ilikealotofpeople-younotsomuch​ 
Warnings: smut. Modern hvitserk. slight AU.
“i really don’t want to get up” hvitserk mumbles into the blankets, causing her to smile through her just awakening state.
she turns just slightly to peak at him, seeing him already looking at her.
of course he knew she was already awake, he had held her all night to tell which breathing pattern she had when she was sleeping, dreaming, or waking up, he had known she was just coming out of her sweet dreams.
and he couldn’t help but hope he was in at least one of them.
she moves closer to him, feeling his body warmth ready to send her into another bout of sleep she didn’t know she wanted until his bare skin was against hers.
“neither do i” she whispers, voice soft and sweet, her eyes glossy from sleep, hvitserk shuddering when her fingers started tracing the skin of his waist.
“i guess we have to?”.
she hums, feeling his arms wrapping around her, feeling her flimsy bralette tickly his skin, her breasts pressed against him, making him fully aware of how naked she almost was.
his hands travels lower, his breath catching when he feels her panties tight against her skin.
the pink ones he adored oh so much. the ones that she danced for him in that one friday night. the ones that he bought her for fun, not thinking she’d actually like them as much as she did.
she loved the way she felt in them, comfortable, sexy, cute and fun.
fucking pink panties making his mind go blank, the only thing surrounding his mind was the idea of him ripping them off herm settling between those pretty legs and taking her just the way she liked, until she was screaming his name loud enough for the entire apartment complex to hear who was inside her.
which a few of the residents had complained about before.
“15 more minutes” she says, gently pressing a kiss to his sternum before nestling her nose against his neck, inhaling his scent.
her leg moves up and goes over his lower belly, nudging her calf against his thigh.
“i don’t know if that’ll be enough time” hvitserk mutters, running his flat palm along her leg.
“enough time for what?” she asks, looking at him with confusion.
“for me to fuck you one last time before work” he whispers, acting as if it were just a regular day to day sentence that someone would say to a colleague at work. a simple greeting or asking about family life.
she pauses her movement, staring up at him as he keeps his eyes on the ceiling.
she can feel him throb against her thigh, and by god if she wasn’t already beginning to wetten for him.
“you think you could fuck me in 20 then?” she asks, and hvitserk ever so gently thrusts up, running his hardening length against her.
“i’m ready”.
hvitserk moves from her grip, sliding out from under the warm blanket and hovers over her, his cock already leaking from that look in her eye, and those words she whispered lustfully.
he leans in to kiss her, savouring her taste, the way she moved her lips against his in a way that practically screamed for him to take her any way he wanted.
her hands play with his hair, tugging, scraping her nails against his scalp, making him groan in her mouth, causing her to smile against his lips.
he slowly slipped his tongue in, giving her a chance to feel him, and he knew how much she loved this.
she rubs herself against him as he took hs time in sliding his tongue along hers, his chest going up and down quickly as his heart rate increased.
he felt his lower half burn for her, aching to just have her tight pussy around him, sucking him in and aiding him in getting rid of that desire for her.
but, truly, that desire never faded.
he parts from her, taking her bottom lip between his teeth before making his way down her body, making sure to touch and show her how much he appreciated every inch of her, how much he respected her.
she grips the sheets, waiting for him to mouth at her, giving her twinging clit that was begging for affection.
“hvitserk” she whimpers, her words quickly fading into a deep moan as he licks one, long stripe up her lips.
his lids are hooded as his hands come to wrap around her thighs, keeping them steady, and also squeezing them, showing her how much he loved them.
“keep still for me, honey”.
she throws her head back, unable to watch as he takes her swollen clit in his mouth, softly sucking, not enough to over stimulate her too quickly.
“my pretty baby all open for me” he mumbles against her, sighing into her when another pool of arousal slips from her and onto his lip, his tongue quick to swipe it off with his tongue.
“god, yes” she mewls, mouth open in that silent scream hvitserk loved.
he can’t help but rub his dick against the mattress, trying to get some sort of friction.
he continuously eats at her, its sensual, slow, passionate, right before he got into pounding her into the bed, ready to crack that fucking wood frame.
he feels her ready to cum, and that’s when he decides to stop, making her whimper and thrust her hips against him.
“delicious” hvitserk says, smirking at her when he slowly licks his fingers clean, and he can see her clenching, her belly tightening from the look in his eyes.
he crawls up her, his throbbing dick rubbing against her body, making him falter his movements for just a moment.
“you ready for me baby?” he asks, kissing her cheek, closing his eyes as he rests his body between her legs.
“what about you?” she asks quietly, motioning to his lower region, but he just shakes his head.
“i cant bare to wait any longer to be in you”.
she wraps her arms around his middle, wrapping her thighs around him, calf  running against his.
he takes ahold of himself, tapping it against her clit, gathering her wetness to coat him.
she moans so gently as he does so, but that moan becomes a full on wail when he enters her.
he has to take a moment, take a breath, resting his forehead against hers as he becomes fully seated inside her. feeling how tight and wet she was.
“fuck. you’re swallowing me so good, baby” hvitserk cooes, his hands pressing against the mattress above her head as prepares to move.
“ready?” he whispers, and she nods, biting her lip as he starts rocking into her.
the sounds were pure sinful, the slick sounds of him thrusting in and out made both of them blush, but they couldn’t care less what sounds they made.
“faster” she groans out, her hand going to his neck, digging her nails into the side of his throat.
he grounds out a moan, doing as she said.
increasingly they got louder, sweatier, dirtier.
hvitserk fully loved seeing her under him like this, spread out, mouth open in sheer pleasure, her body shaking as she lustfully called his name.
knowing he was the only one to be with her like this, see her cum for him over and over, just by his words or his fingers or his cock made him swell with pride.
he craved knowing how much she loved him.
his one hand moves lower and ever so gently he traces his finger over her mouth, silently asking her to open it for him.
and she does, and he slides his fingers in, moaning when she sucks them, biting them.
“good girl”.
she clenches at the name and he can’t help but roll his eyes back at the feeling.
he knew they couldnt last much longer.
so he picks it up.
he sits up on his knees, feet under him, his hands grabbing her hips and pulling her up at an angle so she laid against his thighs, and he goes wild.
he’s fucking her hard, rough, fast and deep, enough to have her thighs quivering and her moans turning to eclaimes of pleasure.
hvitserk takes one hand and brushes his hair back from his face, not wanting anything to block his view of his pretty girl taking him so well.
when she starts fucking back against him, that’s when he’s almost ready to lose it.
“so good for me, baby. you always take me so damn good”.
she can’t respond, too lost in his cock hitting that spot within her.
her wet pussy is clenching harder and harder around him, and hvitserk looks down and sees just how wet his legs were becoming.
“you ready to cum, sweetheart?”.
she nods, whimpering, her hands fisting the sheets.
“go ahead, cum for me, give me all you can”.
and she does, she screams his name, her hips moving upwards, so far that he has to grab them and keep them still.
but he doesnt stop, he elongates her orgasm as much as he can, his cock sliding in and out of her slippery pussy.
and just seeing her release all over him, seeing her react to him, it makes him fall with her.
he cums loud, his dick pulsating with in her, shooting all of his sticky substance within her, coating her and filling her to the brim, watching as it mixed with her slick and spill from her.
they’re panting, twitching, eyes closed as they come down from their luscious highs, gripping each other.
he gently moves her off him and back under him as he slides over her, claiming her mouth sloppily with his.
she looks over at the clock and begins to giggle.
he follows her eyes and realizes that it was way past 20 minutes and can’t help but join in her laughter.
“we’re gonna be late” she mumbles, a content smile on her face, not even bothered.
he hums, running his flat palm up her thigh, dragging his nails along her skin, making her mewl and long for more of his touch.
“then we may as well skip the rest of the day then” he says, playfully smacking her ass and throwing the blankets off the bed as he kisses her through her laughter.
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emmyrosee · 3 years
Modern!Hvitserk is the type of guy to be both, the boyfriend who creepily flirts with you at the gym, and the guy who comes up to you at the bar to protect you from the creepy guys who flirt with you there, being like “hey lovey, you ready for another drink?” when he sees that you’re uncomfortable.
Like as your boyfriend, he’s playfully creepy, but if you’re total strangers he protects you from the creeps like the balanced man he is.
That’s it that’s the post
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