#alfie solomons fandom
fandom-puff · 3 months
Hi! Congrats on 10k!! Wondering if it would be alright to request 📚 for Alfie Solomons with the prompt: "thought I'd never see you again". Thanks and congrats again.
Thank you so so much!! I hope you enjoy 🥹
Warnings: reference to violence
The front door slammed shut and Cyril let out a booming bark, before the gruff voice of Alfie soothed him. You barrelled through to the hallway, barely seeing Alfie’s eyes crinkling into a smile before you were in his arms, your arms wrapped around his neck.
Poor man nearly fell down, but your Alfie was always firm and steady beneath you. “I’m here love,” he murmured into your hair, his lips pressing against your head.
“Hate when you’re gone for so long,” you whispered, hiding your face. Alfie let out a low grumble of agreement.
“And you know I hate being away from you for so long too, Sweet, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you mumbled. “Thought I’d never see you again, I hate it when you go to Birmingham,”
Alfie smiled, rubbing your back. “It is a shithole,” he agreed. “But no brummie or blinder will do me in love,” he tipped your face up to look into your eyes. “Or they’d have Mrs Solomons to answer to, hm?”
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graveyard---dolly · 5 months
Welcome to the Peaky Blinders fandom (EDITED)
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queenquinzel715 · 1 year
1. Alfie Solomons 18+
Word count 3,175
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1. Alfie Solomons 18+
(Y/n) p.o.v
I've had enough of Small Heath, Birmingham, so I told Poll I'm going to London to visit Ada. Granted I was staying with my younger sister, but I spent most of my time with old friends that moved out of Birmingham. They told me about this club, it's supposedly the rage of London, and I'm dying to see just how big this place is.
"Hurry (y/n)! The car is here." My friend, Mildred yells for me.
"I'm coming!" I rush past Ada with a kiss on the cheek. "Be back in the morning Ada!" I yell over my shoulder.
"All because your name is Shelby doesn't mean you have to act like one!" I hear Ada as I climb into the car.
As Mildred, Joan, and I rode in the car we told stories of our lives, and we'd laugh. We finally got to the club, and I'm so thankful no one knows who I am, or my family. We walk in, check our coats, and immediately I get an idea of what kind of club this was. There were people doing drugs before you even got to the main club part, along with people having sex against the wall. I might as well have stayed in Small Heath for this. The only difference was this was high class instead of the dirty Garrison.
As the night went on I lost each friend to guys, one with snow, and the other to dancing. I stayed at our table, relaxing against my seat, just enjoying the music, and my drink. That was until some high-end guy sat in the seat next to me, and moved it closer. I slightly move to the side to take a sip of my drink, trying my best to ignore him, but he takes my drink out of my hand.
"You shouldn't be alone." He states. "It's not safe for a woman to be here alone."
"I'm fine." I say in a monotone.
"Why don't we get a drink? I can get you the top stuff." He boosts.
"I have the top shelf. Thank you" I state trying to reach for my glass.
He grabs my arm while he stands, lifting me up with him. I try to pull my arm away, but his grip hardens.
"Dance with me." He commands.
Before I can curse at him a big fist collides with his jaw, making him fall to the ground. I turn to my savior to see a man with a beard, top hat, and a cane. He moves to stand in front of me.
"Right, you say you're sorry to the lady." His cockney accent throws me.
"I'm not…" the man stops when he looks up. "Sorry ma'am." He then runs away.
"Names Alfie Solomons, love. " He tips his hat to me.
"(Y/n)." I purposely leave my last name out.
"You need a new drink, love. What you havin'?" He points to my spilt glass.
"Gin and water." I told him. I could tell it surprised him.
"That's fucking awful. Let me get you a proper drink." He sirs as he holds two fingers to the bartender.
"So, what has a gentleman, like yourself, in a club like this?" I smirk at him.
"I could ask the same, love." He chuckles.
We are a couple drinks down. Apparently the rum in London is a lot smoother than in Birmingham. We laugh at each other's stories. I say goodbye to my friends when they leave with their own men.
"I couldn't possibly drink another one." I giggle as I move the half empty glass away.
"Let me help you." He helps me stand straight as we walk out.
Alfie walks me to a cab that's sitting waiting outside. I laugh at myself as I slip into the seat. I lay my head against Alfie's shoulder as he tells the driver to go he moves to rest on my crossed knee, and the other over his cane. I run my hand along his arm until it wraps around his bicep, and the other rests on the top of his rough hand. He flips his hand to actually hold my hand. We rode in comfortable silence until I eventually leaned my head on his shoulder.
When we pull up to his hotel he pays the driver, and helps me out. I keep hold of his hand as he guides me up the stairs. Once we get to his door his hands go to my waist to pull me close to him. I run my fingers in his beard as I smile up at him as we lean into each other. We kiss like we haven't seen each other in years, like we needed each other. He starts to kiss along my jaw.
"Al…Alfie please open the door." I softly moan into his ear.
He gives me a smirk as he takes a small step back, but doesn't let go of me as he turns to the door. I squeal from being picked up from the waist, and I hear the door slam behind me. I giggle as I'm set on my feet again. I turn to Alfie, playfully hitting his arm.
"You awful man." I laugh.
He chuckles as he throws his jacket off letting it fall over a chair while his cane falls to the floor. He grabs me by my waist to pull me to his chest. I smile up at him as I move his suspenders down his arms. He backs us to the bed making us fall onto the bed, with my knees on his hips. I gasp when he starts kissing my shoulder to my neck. I grab the back of his neck as he starts moving his hand up my leg, bringing my skirt up with his hand. I rest my hands in his hair while I open my legs for him to kneel between them. He locks his eyes with me as he pulls my underwear down. With a tight grip on my thighs he begins to kiss along the inside of my thigh then doing the same to the other side. I tried to lean on my elbows to watch him, but the closer he gets the more intense I feel. I fall on my back with soft moans. He finally is close enough, but all he does is kiss my lower lips with a quick kiss. I almost whine, but it stops in my throat when he licks up my opening.
"Alfie." I reach for his hand on my hip.
He entwined our fingers, giving me a slight squeeze before completely devouring me like a starved man. My back arches into the air as I grasp the top of his head. I've never had a man do this, this good before. My thighs already start to shake from him playing with my clit.
"Alfie, please! I…" my head falls back as I beg.
I feel his free hand run up my stomach to my chest as he sucks my clit while pulling away. He uses his hand to hold me down while I shake under him, a moaning mess. While I catch my breath he stands to look over me, and slides his pants off. I quickly slide my dress over my head as he crawls between my legs. I rub my hands over his shoulders as he gets in between my legs. My body is just melted, a puddle under him. I actually need him. I've never needed anyone this way before, and it's throwing my mind off. I can't keep any sense to me while he slowly slides into me. He doesn't stop until his hips are against mine, and he leans down, his groans vibrating my shoulder.
"Fuck, love." He starts to move.
I move my hips along with his as he moves faster. He knows every spot like I've known him for years. The faster he moves the louder the bed squeaks, the harder I grip his arm, and he tightly squeezes me to his chest. I bite my lip to hold my moans in, but he rams hard enough to reach deeper than I could ever imagine. I have to hide my mouth in his neck as I moan out.
"Alfie. Please." I beg into his neck.
His movements become sloppy, and I can feel myself tighten around him, feeling every grove of him. With a deep groan and another deep ram we release at the same time. I tried to catch my breath, but Alfie pulling me to his chest didn't help. I usually leave after I relax for a moment, however his arms are so warm I fall asleep.
I wake up at some point in the morning, and begin to slowly leave. I have to get out of here before he gets up or it's going to be awkward. I don't have many one nights, but I know the rules. I get back to Adas while she is at work, so I just go back to bed for a couple hours. I'm woken by the phone ringing.
"Ada Thorne residents." I answer.
"(Y/n), I need you back soon. Come straight to the Arrow House." Tommy orders before hanging up.
"Oh yes Tommy. No problem Tommy." I grumble to myself hanging up the phone.
He's such a pain in the ass. I tell Ada Tommy's orders, and she just rolls her eyes as she helps me pack. I give her and Karl a final hug as I board the train. I can't stand how I have to follow Tommy's rules, and orders. I swear I'm gonna smack him one day.
Coming into the station I see Tommy's driver waiting for me, and helps with my bags. Of course Thomas Shelby couldn't meet his sister at the station. The drive to Arrow was peaceful, and all I thought about was Alfie. I start feeling guilty for leaving, for some reason. Pulling into the long driveway of the house I roll my eyes at Tommy's new living.
"(Y/n) welcome back. How's Ada?" Polly asks as she helps me step out of the car.
"Ada is fine, Karl is driving her mad with his shenanigans, but overall fine." I laugh with her while we walk inside.
"Well Tommy of course was ahead of himself, because his meeting isn't until tomorrow." She walks me toward the living room. "I told him you would already be here, but of course he didn't listen." She lights her cigarette as she talks.
"It's okay I wasn't really doing anything." I shrug.
She hums in reply, but Tommy stops her from actually saying anything. He doesn't even acknowledge us here, he just pours him a drink.
"(Y/n) my business partner will be here tomorrow afternoon. I need you there to have the papers in order." He simply tells me.
"Why can't Lizzie help you?"
"Because I have you doing something else." He walks away with no response from me.
The rest of the night I talked with Polly. I went to bed dreaming of ocean water. I woke to Polly shaking me awake for breakfast. I took my time getting ready, and setting the papers in front of Tommy making sure he saw I put them there. John, Arthur, and Tommy start talking business, so I just leave.
Around two in the afternoon I was called into Tommy's office by Polly. She has hard eyes when I see her, but I should've been listening to the voice in the office. As I walk in everything goes quiet.
"(Y/n)." When I hear that deep voice again I almost fall to my needs, but instead my head snaps up to the man standing next to my brother's desk.
"Al…what?" I try to gather myself, but of of course a girl can't do that when she has brothers.
"How the fuck do you know our sister?" Arthur stands from his seat.
Alfie just looks at me in shock as I do him, maybe in deeper shock. I look at Tommy as he stares at me. He knew. He knew, and that's why he called me to come here. My head begins to spin as John and Arthur start yelling, so I just run out of the room.
"(Y/n)!" I hear multiple voices call behind me.
I run to the side of the house, squatting down, and just take deep breaths. I slept with their business partner, and I might actually feel something for him. I already know it's not going to end well for me or Alfie. I stay leaning against the house until I hear my name being called.
"Love where are you?" I hear Alfie's voice call with the others.
I take a deep breath before walking out. Polly, John, and Alfie are watching me walk toward them. Alfie looks my body over with sad eyes before turning to his car. Polly puts her arms around me as Alfie drives away. I know we weren't together, but it still hurt he left.
"It'll turn out right (y/n)." John rubs my arm.
We walk back into the office we're a fuming Arthur is sitting with a calm looking Tommy. Polly sits me in a chair in front of the desk, and sits next to me as John stands behind my chair. The look Tommy is giving me is like he's looking at every depth of my soul. He clears his throat before light a cigarette, and turning his eyes to Arthur.
"His name is Alfie Solomons, and he runs the Jews in Camden Town. We started working with him when we went against Sabini, but Alfie decided he wanted the Italians." Tommy clears his throat. "You know everything after that, but he hasn't done anything lately." He looks at Arthur when he scoffs. "I need to know if you knew him."
"No, I swear we met at the club in London." I tell the truth.
"Do you care for him?" Tommy asks.
"I… well.."
"Who cares?! You go near him again, I'll cut him." Arthur storms out.
"Answer me." Tommy pushes.
"Thomas enough." Polly steps in, but Tommy just stares me down.
"I don't know." I shrug.
"You don't know, but yet you slept with him." He scoffs.
"Oh please like you are the Virgin Mary." I roll my eyes. "I did know he was a gang leader or something like that. He stood up for me and bought me a drink. He was different." I say the last to myself but of course Polly heard, and snapped her head to me.
"Alright that's enough. She hasn't done anything wrong,Thomas. What she chooses is her choice." Polly tells Tommy, and gives him the eyes that meant that the conversation is over.
She walks us up to my room, and shuts the door when I sit on my bed.
"Now it's my job to tell you what he said." She smirks at my reaction, and hands me a folded paper. "If you want to call him he will answer, and business is business not this." With that she left.
Over the next couple days I keep thinking of Alfie, so when the guys are gone I use the library phone to call Alfie, and when his deep force answers I freeze.
"Hello!" He calls again with frustration.
"Alfie?" I quietly answered.
"(Y/n)? Wha…are you okay?" He sounds so flustered.
"I'm okay. I just decided to call you." I hear something move in the background.
"I'm glad you called. I knew you couldn't resist me, love.'' He chuckles along with my giggles.
We talk until I hear a while blowing in the background. He grumbles under his breath.
"It's quitting time, love. I have to go."
"Oh okay." I pause for a moment. "Where do you work?"
"A bread factory in Camden Town." He tells me, but a loud bang is heard before I could respond. "Love I gotta go, I work with idiots."
"Okay bye Alfie." I giggle.
"Bye love." He hangs up.
I turn around to leave with a giddy smile on my face, but Tommy leaning against the door with his arms crossed.
"I'll deal with Arthur, just don't lie to us." He walked away before I could hug him.
I rush to my room, and throw things into a small bag. I have to get back to London. I tell my family where I was going, and the only thing Polly tells me is to be careful. The train pulls into the London station, and I see Ada waiting for me. When she sees me she gives me a smirk with her hands on her hips.
"I told you just because you are named Shelby doesn't mean you act like them." We laugh as we get to her car.
The next morning I got ready. I make sure everything is perfect before I get into the taxi. As the drive gets closer to where I'm going I begin to get nervous. What will happen? We stop close enough to the door. I knock on the big door almost getting hit with it when a scrawny man with an apron answers.
"I'm here for Mr. Solomons, the name's Shelby." I simply tell him.
He opens the door further for me, and I follow him through the bakery, up the stairs to Alfie's office. He points toward the door before going back down the stairs. I softly knock on the door before opening it slowly.
"What now, Ollie?" He doesn't look up from his papers until the click of my heels hit the floor as I walk to him. "What are you doing here, love?" I sit on the corner of his desk.
"Well I decided that I wanted to come see you, and that maybe we could talk somethings out." I nervously twist the bead on my dress.
"What is there to talk out? I assumed with your call the other day you were mine." He simply tells me as he stands.
"Well I guess so. I just…" He cages me with his arms.
"You wanted to see me." He finished for me. "I'm glad you're here." He kisses me deeply.
I stayed with Alfie for a whole week, and he almost had my brother banging down his door when he wouldn't let me leave. He ended up coming to Small Health for a few days until the smog got to him. After a couple of months of back and forth Alfie asked me to marry him. Arthur beat him up when we told everyone, but everything is overall okay. The day before my wedding Polly told me I was pregnant, and the baby was going to be famous. My sweet Sylvia was born. She was our angel. However our son Jack became a gang leader like his father. I love him to pieces, but he gives me heart failure.
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shelbydelrey · 1 year
Peaky x Lana Festival - First Edition
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Chemtrails Over The Country Club is one of my favourit Lana Del Rey's albums and is turning 2 years old on March 19. So, i thought of celebrating it with my beloved peaky fandom 😉
How it's going to work:
• The lines under the cut, picked from each song of the album (eleven in total) can be used as prompts, but they aren't mandatory. You don't have to be a fan of Lana's music to participate (obviously)
• I'll be assigning five of those prompts to mutuals. Six will remain vacant, so show me your interest to fullfill these spots.
• You can turn it into a one shot, a blurb or a moodboard.
• It doesn't have a limit for tropes, genres or characters.
• March 19 is not a deadline. I know that we have our WIPs full and not to much time on our hands, so write it in your pace.
• Use the tag peaky x lana when you post.
• And the most important of all: HAVE FUN!
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"Because it made me feel, it made me feel like a god."
White Dress to @areyenotfondofmelobster
"It's never too late, baby, so don't give up"
Chemtrails Over The Country Club to @look-at-the-soul
"Find your way back to my bed again."
Tulsa Jesus Freak to @cillmequick
"Let me love you like a woman"
Let Me Love You Like A Woman to ???
"And if i had to do it all over again i would
because, babe, in the end brought me here to you"
Wild At Heart to @runnning-outof-time
"While the world is crazy
We're making out in the parking lot"
Dark But Just A Game to @zablife
"You say you got my name as your tattoo"
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost to @raincoffeeandfandoms
"Honey, you make me feel i'm invincible"
Yosemite to ???
"I love you only but you're making me blue"
Breaking Up Slowly to ???
"But sometimes this ranch feels like my only friend"
Dance Till We Die to ???
"I've got a black limousine and two gentlemen
Who escort me through these halls"
For Free to @midnightswithdearkatytspb
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itshoneywhatever · 2 years
Easy to Manipulate
A Tommy x Alfie snippet
“Fuck you, Tommy. Don’t ask me that.”
“Arthur is still mad about what happened, and to be honest, Alfie, I don’t give two shits about it but if I want this plan to work, then Arthur needs to hear, at the very least, a fake apology.”
Alfie shakes his head in disbelief. “You ask for too fucking much, Tommy.”
 “Tell you what,” Tommy moves forward on his seat, arms coming to rest on top of his desk, hands clasped together. “If you apologize to Arthur I’ll let you fuck me right here before I call my brothers in.”
Sex between them has become somewhat of a common occurrence ever since they first met in London, and it had only stopped once Tommy had married Grace. And after her passing, Tommy hasn’t had sex with anyone else.
Alfie would be the first one after Grace.
And the idea of that is too enticing for the man sitting in front of him – that’s how he knows Alfie will comply with what he’s asking of him.
“Come here, you crazy fucker.”
Tommy tries to not look so smug at how easy it is for him to manipulate the other man with sex, as he approaches him.
They are trying to make themselves look presentable and not look like they just finished fucking a few minutes ago, when his brothers walk into the drawing room.
The moment Arthur spots Alfie and tries to run out of the office, any post-coital bliss that Tommy might have had lingering in his body left him rather quickly.
Back to business.
“Arthur, come here.” The older Shelby reluctantly obeys. “Now, Mr. Solomons is here because the next part of my plan involves us working together and before that happens, Alfie would like to say something to you, and I want you to listen, alright?”
Tommy watches in silence, trying not to laugh as Alfie mockingly apologizes to his brother, he sees how his brother gets more on edge by the second but thankfully, by the end of a very long, very fake apology, they each remain seated on their seats and there’s no ashtray being smashed on anyone’s head – he’ll take the win.
Once that apology is out of the way, they are able to move on to talk the business part of the meeting.
“You didn’t need to rile him up that much, you know,” Tommy comments when they are once again alone in the drawing room.
“Yeah, but he makes it so easy.” Tommy simply shakes his head, amused because he knows how easy it is to rile his brother.
“Want to go upstairs?” He asks after a moment of silence.
“Tommy, sweetheart, I love that you think so highly of me but I don’t think I can fuck you again. Not for a little while longer, at least.”
“Well,” Tommy walks around the desk to stand closer to where the other man is sitting. “You can always stay the night. I mean, is late already and is a long drive back to London and we both know how much your sciatica acts up when you sit still for too long in your car,” Tommy says in a fake concerned voice.
“Yeh, it would be nice, yeah, to spend the night. You know, for my sciatica. And bad knee,” Alfie follows Tommy’s games without a second thought.
“That’s right. We can’t forget about your knee.”
“Lead the way, then.” Alfie says as if he’s never before stayed at the house. What follows is an evening filled with moans and pure post-coital bliss.
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buttercupsandboys · 1 year
Sunshine & Rainbows
Alfie Solomons x Livy (OFC) — Chapter 14
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18+ NSFW - minors don’t interact 🙅🏻‍♀️
CHAPTER 14: descending into madness
Summary: Alfie meets with Bernard and discovers Livy is missing. It doesn’t go well.
TW: language typical of Peaky Blinders, violence and angst
Word count: 4376
A/N: It’s been a while, so here’s a quick recap! (Or click here to read Chapter 13 again!)
Alfie and Livy were having a private moment by the Cut when they were interrupted by Thomas, and Livy learns the men are working with Bernard McCall from the High Rip Gang—the man responsible for her abuse and trafficking as a child. Livy panics and flees with the help of Polly and Esme. 
This chapter starts with a small time jump. We’re back at the Cut, only this time, it’s from Alfie’s point of view…
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"Livy, I need you to know that I—"
… that I love you. 
Fuck, he was so close to saying the words that had evaded him for weeks, but as always, Thomas Shelby has the worst possible timing. 
"We need to talk." 
"No, we don't. Leave before I shoot you in the face."
Alfie refuses to turn around, his broad shoulders shielding Livy from view, his fingers gripping her hips as he contemplates pulling the trigger. 
It’s fucking tempting. After a long week, the last thing he wants to do is talk business. Especially not now, with Livy in his arms, staring up at him with wide eyes and swollen lips. How someone like her finds pleasure in his company, Alfie will never understand. She deserves better, surely, but it’s too late for that. She’s his now, and he’s going to finish telling her how much he loves her just as soon as he can get rid of—
"Bernard and his boys are making a move."
Oh, for fucks sake. 
Alfie knew getting involved with those useless cunts from up north would end up biting him in the arse. He curses, slamming his fist into a crate, wishing he wasn’t right all the damn time. 
"He's on his way from Liverpool. He knows about Sabini and would like to renegotiate."
"Yeah, I bet he does," Alfie grumbles as he helps Livy down, his frown deepening when her heels narrowly avoid a murky puddle. It’s yet another reminder that she doesn’t belong in this filthy fucking city, but he’ll have to tolerate it a bit longer. There will be no getting out of this meeting now, not with Liverpool proving such a valuable asset. 
Begrudgingly, he admits that expanding their network has been profitable. But at what cost? Bernard is no fool; he demands a premium for access to the docks, and now that Sabini’s gone, Alfie can only imagine what else he’ll ask for.
Or at least … that's what he would be doing if he wasn’t so fucking distracted. 
Alfie prides himself on staying two steps ahead of his associates and rarely enters negotiations without knowing what the other party hopes to achieve. It’s what sets him apart; while his capacity for violence is legendary, along with his fiery temper, it’s his dangerous mind that’s responsible for his astonishing rise to power. 
He’s astute, focused, and cunning. 
But not tonight. 
After being away from Livy and coming so close to confessing his love to her, he feels more like a nervous schoolboy than a criminal mastermind. Fucking hell. It’s taken him so long to get to this point, to find the courage to say what needs to be said, but with every passing minute, fear and doubt are creeping up his spine, the foreign emotions slowly consuming him. 
Vaguely, he’s aware of taking Livy’s arm and leading her to a car, Cyril yapping at their heels, a cutting breeze chasing the setting sun, chilling without the familiar presence of his hat. But Alfie observes these things as if from a distance, still lost in thought. 
I love you. 
It shouldn’t be this hard to say, should it? They’re just fucking words, and he’s never been short of them before. In fact, he considers himself something of a master when it comes to weaponised conversation. 
Maybe that’s the problem. 
Alfie uses words to control, confuse, and manipulate; they’re like tiny foot soldiers in his one-man army. He’s confident on the battlefield, making deal or die offers with dangerous men, but here, with her … well, fuck. 
As the streets fly by, a blur of grey and cobblestones, Alfie wonders what type of man he’d be if he hadn’t been hardened by life. Would sweet words—soft words, beautiful words, words a woman like Livy deserves to hear—roll as naturally off his tongue as the curses that pepper his speech? Would he have courted her, taken her to dinner at least, before fucking her at the goddamn breakfast table? 
He’s never been prone to second-guessing himself, but as Thomas rambles on about Bernard, Alfie tallies his list of regrets. There’s so much he would do over if he could; fuck, he should have sought out Livy as soon as the war ended, protected her like he promised, instead of waiting for her to show up on his doorstep. If only he hadn’t been such a selfish bastard, she would never have set foot in the Eden Club, and those fucking wops would have never laid a hand on her. 
Of course, Livy finds trouble wherever she goes, and under normal circumstances, Alfie would never allow himself to wallow in the past. But he’s not accustomed to feeling vulnerable or insecure—love is toying with his mind—-and she’s everything he never knew he wanted.
He’s afraid of losing her, scared of the moment when Livy comes to her senses and disappears from his life. Like a rainbow after a storm, here one minute, gone the next, leaving nothing behind but brightly coloured memories. 
His chest clenches painfully at the thought, but Alfie quickly shuts it down. It won’t happen; he won’t let it. She’ll be back in Camden Town soon enough, and then he’ll take her somewhere, somewhere expensive, and tell her properly, be a fucking gentleman for once in his useless life—
Livy’s soft voice catches him off guard, and Alfie finds himself blushing under his thick beard, grateful for the fading light. The car comes to a stop as he turns in his seat and fights to keep his expression blank. 
“Probably putting the kids to bed," Thomas replies. 
Alfie nods, avoiding her eyes, sure that if Livy looks too closely, she’ll see right through him. And now is not the time, not with Thomas Shelby watching on silently and Bernard McCall arriving any fucking minute. 
"Why don't you go and say hello—alright, pet? I'll come and find you when we're done here.”
Time seems to freeze as he waits for her response, and there’s a strange tension in the air he would normally remark upon. But nothing about tonight feels normal, and he’s never felt less like himself as he hurries to help Livy out of the car, holding her close when she nearly trips over Cyril. 
“Fucking mutt,” Alfie growls, his frustration bubbling over. 
But to his surprise, his mild-mannered pup growls right back. 
Alfie frowns at the odd behaviour, the hair on the back of his neck suddenly standing at attention. His instincts urge him to pull Livy close, to look deep into her golden eyes before she rushes off. But then her full lips brush his cheek, and Thomas is leading the way to the betting shop, and business is business, after all. 
He lets her go.  
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“Right, Thomas, I think we both know this is a waste of fucking time.” Alfie is irate and can’t be bothered to hide it. “He wants a piece of London, and that ain’t fucking happening.”
“Of course not,” Thomas scoffs, pausing to light a cigarette before taking a seat behind his large desk. “But Bernard is … optimistic. Just talk to him, eh?”
“Talk to him,” Alfie repeats dryly, crossing his arms as he leans back in his chair. He hates everything about this fucking office; the trinkets and the smoke and, most of all, the smug fucking man sitting across from him. “Well, I know this is hard to believe, but I’m just about out of words tonight. So why don’t you stop dancing around and fill me in on your fucking plan?”
With Livy gone, Alfie has finally managed to gather his wits. Bernard is on his way because the Blinders and Jews are dividing up territory, and it’s so fucking obvious he can’t believe he didn’t see it earlier. But Thomas did—and judging from the look on his face, it can only mean one thing: a ridiculous, overly-ambitious plan. 
And fuck, he’s too tired for this. 
While part of him reluctantly admires Thomas for his initiative, and his ability to twist anything to his advantage, lately there have been rumours of Russians and Americans, politics and weapons, and silly things Alfie wants no fucking part of. Especially not now, with Livy in his life. It’s a ballache waiting to happen, and he has a bad feeling he’s already an unwilling pawn in one of Thomas Shelby’s games. 
“We’re just buying time tonight, Alfie. That’s all. Send him back to Liverpool, let him find his head, and I’m sure we can all come to an agreement.”
“Fuck off, Thomas. Do I look like one of your dumb fucking brothers? I know you’re playing at something—“
Before Alfie can finish, they’re interrupted by a loud knock on the door. 
“Come in,” announces Thomas, shooting Alfie a stern look. 
Alfie grunts, eyeing a pretentious bronze horse from across the desk, fighting the urge to smash Thomas in the face with it. 
His temper fails to improve when the door opens, revealing Arthur and Bernard. Now he’s stuck in a room with who he’s sure must be his three least favourite people on this fucking planet. 
“Bernard,” greets Thomas. His tone is polite, but he doesn’t stand or offer his hand, and neither does Alfie. “Take a seat.”
Bernard doesn’t take offence. Instead he smiles, a crooked smile, revealing a prominent gold tooth. 
“Don’t mind if I do,” he replies, dropping into the seat next to Alfie and nodding when Thomas offers a whiskey. “Straight to business then, lads?”
Alfie huffs. “Well, here’s the thing, right. I recall us making a deal just the other week—did we not?” He strokes his beard before pointing accusingly at Bernard, shaking his finger at the older man. 
“Yeah. Yeah, we did, mate. And yet here we are again, sharing air in this godless city.” Alfie’s voice drops dangerously. “So I’m guessing you have something of considerable importance to tell us. Unless you enjoy wasting my fucking time?”
“Wastin’ your time?” chuckles Bernard, sipping his drink and wiping his mouth with the back of his weathered hand. “Oh, that’s funny, that is.”
“Is it?” Alfie glances across at Thomas. “‘Cause I’m known for a lot of things, mate, but my sense of humour ain’t one of them.”
Arthur snorts from his place near the door, having witnessed Alfie’s ‘humour’ firsthand. 
“Well, ‘ere’s the thing, big fella. When we was negotiatin’, you failed to mention your plan for the Italians.” Bernard’s smile disappears and is quickly replaced with a menacing scowl. “Now I can’t ‘elp but feel you’re wastin’ my fuckin’ time here, mate.”
Alfie isn’t easily baited, but he can feel his patience slipping away, his temper rising in its place. The more he thinks about it, the less he cares about Liverpool, and he’s not sure how much more he can tolerate from this ugly scouse fucker. Right now, all he wants is to be home with Livy, and he’s not afraid to break a few bones if it will hurry things along. 
“Is that so? Well, don’t be shy then.” Alfie leans forward and looks Bernard straight in the eye, just inches from his face, daring him to look away. “Tell us what you want, treacle.”
Bernard refuses to back down. “A third of the Italian’s territory,” he snarls.  
“A third of …” Alfie can’t help it; he throws his head back and laughs, a barking sound from deep in his chest, eyes crinkling with amusement. “Right, well, that ain’t ever going to happen, now is it? So thanks for coming. Now, why don’t you fuck right off—“
“I think what my colleague is trying to say”—Thomas gives Alfie a pointed look—“is that London is off the table. But you already know that, don’t you?”
Bernard narrows his eyes, jaw clenched as he waits for Thomas to continue. Alfie follows suit, wondering where the fuck he’s going with this. 
“You’re a smart man, Bernard. You know you can’t maintain that kind of territory from Liverpool.” Thomas stands and looks out the window before turning back to face the others. “But you didn’t come here to talk about London.”
“Then what the fuck am I doin’ ‘ere? Since you know so fuckin’ much.”
Thomas reaches forward and places his palms on the desk. “Because we both know I’m a man of considerable resources.” He straightens up and inhales from his cigarette before pointing at Bernard, the smoke coiling between them. “And I have something you lost. Something you want back.”
And there it is, thinks Alfie. 
The pieces are falling into place. Thomas Shelby has pulled a bargaining chip out of thin air, and Alfie would bet his left nut it’s because he needs Liverpool for more than his sad fucking gin. 
He has a bad feeling about this …
But Bernard grins. 
“There’s only one thing I want more than London.”
“Patience,” Thomas promises. “Go back to Liverpool. Give me 48 hours, and I’ll make it worth your while.”
Bernard nods agreeably, leaving Alfie feeling like a third wheel with no clue what they’re talking about. But he knows better than to show his frustration and instead sits in stony silence, hands fisted by his side, fuming as Thomas wraps up the meeting. 
But when the door closes, he explodes. 
“What the fuck was that?” Alfie demands, coming to his feet, ready to wrap his fingers around Thomas’s scrawny little neck. 
“Alfie,” he replies, raising his hands in peace. “I just needed to buy some time.”
“Yeah, you said that,” Alfie growls dangerously, stalking closer. “But time for what, mate?”
Thomas takes a cautious step backwards. 
“To call in some favours. I want Liverpool, and I want Bernard out of the picture. It’ll be better for both of us.”
Alfie stares him down as he weighs up his options. 
Beneath the whiskey and smoke, he can smell Shelby bullshit, and there’s no doubt in his mind Thomas would play him for a fool. The intelligent thing would be to keep pushing for more details—by any means necessary—before this whole mess has a chance to blow up in his face. 
But he’s exhausted and just about out of fucks tonight, so for once, Alfie chooses the easy way out. Maybe he really is getting soft, but right now, he can’t find it in him to care. Not when he has other, more pleasurable, things on his mind. 
“Right, Thomas. Well, as you know, I am a man of faith. So I’m going to let your blatant fucking lies slide—for now. But know this. I can smell your pikey nonsense a mile off, and I will only allow your little games for so long.” 
Alfie steps back and collects his cane, absently reaching for his hat before remembering its fate. He curses, leaving Thomas with a final warning. 
“Do not tempt me because I will not hesitate to end your measly excuse for a life.”
And with that, Alfie stalks out of the room, ready to collect Livy and finally get the fuck out of Small Heath.  
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“What the fuck do you mean she isn’t here?”
If Alfie thought Shelby men were infuriating, that was before coming up against Shelby women. 
Esme leans against her battered door frame, arms crossed over her chest, shooting Alfie a look that would melt steel. Polly stands behind her, smoking a thin cigarette, looking bored. 
But Livy is nowhere to be found.
“What are you deaf?” snaps Esme. “I told you she left earlier with your big oaf of a dog.”
His hand grips his cane as he silently counts to ten. Alfie isn’t the type to hit a woman, but he wonders if tonight will be the night he makes an exception. 
“Listen, love. I’m just about out of fucking patience. So stop with the bullshit, yeah, and tell me what else you know before I knock it out of ya.”
Esme practically snarls, reminding him of one of the small yapping dogs he’s seen on Cyril’s walks; she looks ready to chew his ankle off when Polly intervenes. 
“Look, Mr Solomons,” she proclaims, pushing Esme aside. “Livy left a half hour ago, said she was looking for you. That’s all we know.”
Alfie frowns and tries to hide the panic slowly rising in his chest. “Well, she didn’t fucking find me, now did she? Do you have any idea where she might fucking be?”
Polly shrugs, taking her time, inhaling from her cigarette before continuing. “Ask Thomas. He thinks he knows everything. Let him help you.”
Fucking hell. 
At this point, Alfie is so tired he can barely stand, so angry he can barely speak, and so worried he can barely breathe. And now he has to drag his arse back down Watery Lane to enlist the help of Thomas fucking Shelby. 
He wonders if this night could get any worse and then berates himself because of course it could. Fear settles in his gut, memories of Livy’s kidnapping fresh in his mind, the worst-case scenario increasingly possible. 
Because how could she just get lost? 
Lost … 
The fear suddenly turns to ice, like glass shattering into a million shards, exploding, slicing him to ribbons from the inside out. 
“And I have something you lost. Something you want back.”
He’s still in the dark, still missing vital fucking information, but a sixth sense tells Alfie that Bernard’s visit and Livy’s disappearance are no coincidence. With a speed he shouldn’t possess, not with his sciatica flaring up the way it is, he finds himself banging on Thomas’s front door. 
When he doesn’t immediately answer, Alfie signals to Ishmael, who’s been patiently waiting by the car all evening. He has him blow the horn, not caring if he wakes the street. He’ll wake the entire city, burn it to the ground if that’s what it takes. 
He promised Livy, promised her father, and promised himself this will not happen. Not again. After years of merely existing in this wicked world, he finally has something real—someone worth living for—and he’s not going to give her up without a fight. 
Alfie feels a fresh surge of panic, and he’s ready to smash the door down when Thomas casually opens it, a cigarette dangling from his lips, wearing a bored expression just like his fucking aunt. 
“Alfie,” he greets dryly. 
“What have you done with her, Thomas?” asks Alfie, his voice deadly calm. 
Thomas frowns, an unusual show of emotion. “I don’t know what—“
Alfie slams his cane against the door, splintering the wood, the sickening crack echoing down the empty street. 
The floodgates have opened. 
“No, Thomas,” he bellows, spit flying from his lips, rage thundering through his veins. “This is your fucking town. So tell me, where is she? What fucking happened to her?”
He reaches for Thomas, blindly shaking him. The fear is so much worse than the last time Livy went missing. Too much is unknown. He can’t make a plan, can’t mobilise his men; he’s fucking helpless, and all he can do is take out his rage on this cunt because Alfie is sure he’s involved somehow. 
His fists start flying before he can stop himself, and he must break Thomas’s nose; there’s blood, warm and wet, coating his hands as he drags him into the street. The residents of Small Heath, accustomed to violence, shut their curtains and look away as Alfie continues to unleash his fury.
He knows he should stop—he needs Thomas’s help—but Alfie can feel himself descending into madness, fear and anger blinding him to reason. Flashes of Livy alone in the dark run through his mind, and he can’t control his body’s violent reaction. Every cell is calling for her; she’s the light in his life, and he needs her back. 
“Where is she?” he roars, over and over, as the coppery scent of blood fills the air. Alfie barely notices when Arthur and John appear, shouting and pulling at his arms, or when Ishmael cocks his gun, bringing the others to a standstill. 
It’s only when another voice rings out, strong yet feminine, that everyone stops and listens. 
“She left,” Polly announces, standing in the street, surveying the scene with disgust. “And can you blame her? Look at the lot of you.”
Silence rings out, and Alfie‘s heart skips a beat. 
“She left?” he repeats dumbly, oblivious to the eyes on him as his mind struggles to make sense of her words. 
Polly nods. 
Alfie lets go of Thomas, not looking when he lands in a heap, not caring when his brothers drag him away. His attention is on Polly, and Esme when she joins her from the shadows. 
“Why?” Alfie asks, in a whisper so broken he barely recognises his own voice. 
But he finds no sympathy among the Shelby women. 
“Because she’s not fucking safe here, now is she?” snaps Esme, crossing her arms defiantly. 
“Of course she is,” Alfie scoffs, his anger returning. “I keep her fucking safe. She’s safe with me,” he roars, thumping his chest with his bloody fist. 
Polly raises an arched brow. “And how’s that working out for her?” 
He opens his mouth, ready to unleash hell, but finds he can’t because she’s fucking right. Livy’s been in danger since the moment she showed up on his doorstep. 
And Polly knows it. 
“That’s what I thought,” she replies, her voice softer this time. “Listen. If you care about her, you’ll leave her be. She’s safe, for now.”
“I can’t just fucking—“
“Yes, you can,” Polly commands. “Get a room at the Midland and clean yourself up. She wouldn’t want to see you like this.”
Alfie wants to protest, but the look in her eyes compels him to listen. There’s more to this, and he intends to find out. Besides, what choice does he have? He glances around and finds himself surrounded by angry Shelbys, with more Blinders lurking in the shadows, their familiar peaked caps concealing dangerous blades. 
Yet they keep their distance when he turns away, and he can’t help wondering why they allow him to walk off after smashing Thomas in his pretty face. 
It doesn’t add up, any of it. 
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His hip is grateful for the comfortable bed, but despite the late hour, he can’t fucking sleep. 
How could he? 
The clock on the mantle ticks loudly, keeping pace with his heart as he stares at the ceiling. Alfie’s deep in thought, trying to put himself in her shoes, trying to understand why Livy would leave him. 
Just hours ago, she was wrapped in his arms, staring at him like he mattered … and now she’s gone? What is she so afraid of that she’d leave without saying goodbye? Why wouldn’t she let him protect her? Doesn’t she trust him? 
These questions swirl around his brain with no sensible answers, leading him to the real possibility that Polly is lying. She is a Shelby, after all, and it’s not unreasonable to imagine her covering for Thomas and whatever he’s plotting. But if she is, she’s a fucking good liar. 
Either way, Alfie can’t figure out his next step. 
He could call for men, head north to Liverpool and track down Bernard. He still suspects the fucker has something to do with her disappearance. 
But it’s risky. They’d be outnumbered, and what if he’s wrong? What if someone else has her? The last thing he wants is to waste valuable time on a wild goose chase. 
Or what if she left of her own accord, as Polly claims, and wants nothing to do with him? The thought is heartbreaking, almost too painful to envisage, but he knows he has to consider the possibility. Is it worth chancing a war with Bernard when he might not have her? 
He’s already written off Liverpool; it’s too much fucking hassle, and there are easier ways a violent man can make a fortune. But more importantly, there isn’t anything he wouldn’t do to get Livy back. With every minute she’s gone, Alfie realises just how much he would happily sacrifice to be by her side. He’d give up a thousand Liverpools without a second thought if that’s what it takes to get her back in his arms. 
But right now, he doesn’t know where to strike, and the best he can do is weigh up the odds. It’s all a fucking gamble, and Alfie isn’t a betting man, especially with no clear favourite and so much at stake. 
He stands, growling with frustration, fighting the urge to break something, when he hears a soft knock on his hotel door. His heart leaps, hope rising in his chest as he crosses the room in two long strides, praying he’ll find Livy on the other side. 
For a moment, he swears he can smell her sweet scent, cherries and vanilla, flooding his nostrils and warming his heart. But then he flings the door open, and his smile disappears, disappointment washing over him when he sees Polly and Esme instead of his beloved. 
His first instinct is to slam the door in their smug faces, but fortunately, the logical side of his brain takes over. He takes a deep breath and arranges his features into what he hopes is a welcoming expression. 
“Come in,” he invites, standing aside. 
Polly nods, sweeping into the room like she owns the place (and probably does). Esme follows close behind, looking less than pleased to be there, throwing herself into a chair by the window and planting her boots on a small table. 
“Please, make yourself comfortable,” mocks Alfie, sweeping his hand in a broad gesture and making no effort to hide his irritation. 
“What was that?” snaps Esme, staring him down as she deliberately ashes her cigarette on the carpet. 
He glares back. “Did I stutter?”
“Fuck off, you—“
“Enough!” shouts Polly, coming to stand between them. She turns to face Alfie. “We didn’t drag ourselves out in the middle of the fucking night for the fun of it. Now, do you want to bicker like a child, or do you want to find Livy?”
That shuts him up. He gives a slight, sober nod. 
“Good. Now take a seat. We need to talk.”
Tag List: @noz4a2 @confessionbrain​ @omgeternal​ @potter-solomons​ @quarterpastmidnight​ @woofgocows​ @shaddixlife​ @redhead7799 @cillmequick​
50 notes · View notes
spill-to-t · 10 months
Somehow I like that character... and the accent I couldn´t understand without subtitle (sorry if sound is bad)
Alfie is tricky, unpredictable. You never really know on which side he actually is. He could be your friend in the first second, but shoot you in the back in the next second... that´s what I tried here
11 notes · View notes
Sorry for the long wait for this chapter- hope i haven’t lost all my lovely readers!! As ever, please can you reblog, like and most importantly comment with what you think. A fanfic writer asks for no other currency than a comment! 
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Have You No Idea That You’re in Deep?
Alfie concentrates on the charring embers behind her pupils. The blonde waves of hair loosening from one too many rakes from her fingers. She is a tempest: hasty; commanding; violent; annihilating and in his eyes, utterly magnificent. However, at this point, she is a problem.
‘It’s under control treacle, nothing for you to know about.
Her nostrils flare as she pushes up on her toes, meeting him eye to eye.
‘You know Alfie, I’m not without influence here’.
‘I imagine not.’
‘No need to imagine, take my word for it.  I can help to continue to grow your empire and win your wars or tip the balance of favour out of your reach. Consider that when making decisions to freeze me out. A marriage should be built on trust.’
‘Trust, yeh? Trust is a very interesting concept, innit?’
Alfie studies her with cold composure. A strange light in his eyes that Arabella saw fleetingly the day she arrived and asked about that damn letter. It sends a shiver down her spine.
He clasps her chin softly yet firmly between his thumb and index finger.
‘You know, I always thought that you’d be the meek cow to your brother’s raging bull. But now- now I see fuckin’ clearly that it is you that wears that great big gold ring in your nose. See, each day that goes by right, I see things in you that I need to put up ere.’
Releasing her, he gestures to his head with one thick finger.
‘I do, I just keep a log up here in my ledger that counts your good against your bad. Marriage you see, is all about the balance of good verses bad.’
He cricks his neck to the side.
‘What are you willing to turn a blind eye to that in any other human would see you turn a trigger finger to? Taking that into account, my beloved fiance, I will let you in on the things you need to know about my business when I feel you are balanced in my ledger.’
‘Screw your ledger, Alfie. You either learn to trust me and fast or all of this farce is a waste of our time. You need to realise that I am not my brother.’
‘Well that you see, that is what scares me more than anything’.
A contradiction of thoughts urge their way through her -  he sees her so  precisely, more than anyone has ever done so. It is a worry and a relief all at once and with a piercing look and his frozen composure, she knows that Alfie is all too aware of the accuracy in his observations.
The sound of metal hitting glass interrupts their silence. On the stage behind them, a stunted and stout gentleman exhibiting a viscid black beard , holds himself proudly as he taps his champagne glass.
‘Right then, what’s it going to be Bella? Am I to introduce you as my wife-to-be or as the sister of a bookmaker I know from Birmingham?’
‘You fucking bastard, Solomons!’
Alfie scratches at his nose. Calm and implacable.
‘You see the thing is treacle, you are like me in more respects than you would care to admit.’
His mouth lingers close to her ear, drowning out the rehearsed words of the gentleman in front of them.
‘You gotta ask yourself this, right. Imagine your much coveted rose garden, the one you dreamt of owning when you was a kid. Imagine right that it’s yours. You grew it all by yourself, planted the seeds, tended to it and watered it to fruition. You going to just let me in it to roam free and piss on the compost, be-head the flowers and leave with a pocket full to sell at the market? Course you wouldn’t. You’d study me long enough to check out my gardening credentials first.’
Arabella meets his eyes pointedly, her face contorts briefly in rage before his words settle, stinging like lemon in a paper cut.
‘You remember my rose garden?’
‘Course I do- got it stored in that ledger of mine’.
With a coy smirk, his attention turns back to the stage.
The realisation of his accuracy settles in. Stubbornness has always been a strong suit in her armour, no words will ever come from her mouth to confirm to Alfie he is right, instead she steps in closer to his side and holds on to his arm, telling him all that he needs to know as she leans into him with the whisper of a subject change.
‘Who is he?’
‘That is Bernard Litvinoff- a right greedy fat fuck but never when it comes to money. He’s the chief of the Jewish Board of Guardians.’
Arabella watches as Bernard steals glances towards Alfie, with a slight smirk emerging between the whiskers of his moustache.
‘He certainly seems to hold you in high esteem- he’s practically talking like there is only you in the room’.
‘So he bloody should given my substantial donations’.
Arabella feels her lips automatically curl up as she glances up at him, like a flower opening in spring.
‘Those donations are more than just a cleanse of your image though, I’ve seen the amount you give each month when I looked over the accounts. This means a lot to you doesn’t it?’
Alfie’s brow lowers, his trademark v shape appearing between his eyebrows.
‘I have that written down in my ledger. You see Alfie, you are right- we are both more alike than we care to admit.’
The bodies around them become a blur as his blue eyes bore into her own.
‘So without further ado, I present to you one of our most valued patrons, Mr Alfred Solomons.’
Applause fragments the room drawing them both back . Alfie clears his throat and walks with a confident gait to the stage. The plaudits seemingly getting louder with each step he takes. He silences the crowd with a small wave of his hand.
‘Now then everyone- calm down. Right well, for those of you who don’t know, I am Alfie Solomons chairman of the Aerated Bread Company of Bonny Street, Camden Town. My mother, God rest her soul, came her to the East End of London before my arrival, persecuted as she was by the Russian’s.’
A quick glance around the room affirms the shared understanding of the small gathering as they listen intently.
‘Came to London as a stem without a root- not a penny to her name. Nothing but a weed in the gutter. It was you people who gave her hope, who tended to her and gave her a job and a livelihood. Being of an oppressed race and religion, it’s important we stick together and part of that sticking together is to give back. Those of us who are blessed with the gift of money should make sure we give a percentage of it back to those in need and provide a rung of opportunity on the ladder of hope.’
The room eating out of his palm and just as she said, Nelly Goldman stands at the front prompting applause by clapping the loudest and setting of chain reaction of appreciation.
‘Now, my dear old mother was a woman made of strong substance- in fact she was a diamond built from pressure. Many of you knew her well and know just how much this charity meant to her, so it is an honour for me to be able to give donations to such a good cause and implore you all to do the same, or else you will find a very angry baker knocking at your door.’
The guests laugh as Arabella pulls an eyebrow, not entirely sure he meant that last sentence as a joke.
‘Now, as we are amongst friends here tonight, I thought it apt to be able to share with you all some news.’
Arabella’s throat almost threatening to close over. Sweat begins to form on her forehead as she nervously strokes the soft velvet of her dress.
Alfie’s colbalt eyes find hers in the crowd.
‘Now I want you all to know just what a lucky man I am. Not only did I have the good fortune to have a diamond for a Mother,  but it seems I am lucky enough to have found another rare gem. A woman who’s intelligence  never fails to astound. I would like to introduce you all to Miss Arabella Shelby, who has graciously agreed to marry this old ogre’.
An array of audible gasps fill the atmosphere.
‘Come on then, don’t leave me standing up ‘ere by myself’.
Alfie holds out his hand towards where she stands. Still with her eyes flickering around the shocked faces.
The room is deafly silent as she stands in front of them all. A quiet that is deafening. She strains her ears, searching for the slightest sound as if to prove her existence in the moment as sets of eyes look her up and down.
An enthusiastic clapping shatters the silence like a pane of glass.
Thank God for Mrs Goldman.
Like a domino set, her applause catches on and the patrons below them evolve into new levels of acceptance for their announcement.
‘Thank you, thank you’. Alfie once again holds up her hand to quieten them.
‘Now, I happen to be living the dream at the moment and that is thanks to Ms Shelby here, who’s beauty has me wanting to do the most bold and reckless things, but who’s alluring modesty and intelligent personality reign me back in again. There you have it – the perfect balance’.
The tiny catch in his voice at the end of the sentence conveys the depth of his words.
‘And testament to just how amazing this woman is, she is going to make a conversion to our way of life and so I hope that all of you in this room will help support my beloved fiance in whatever way you can.’
Bernard Litvinoff, who has been stood listening to the side with his mouth fixed open, waltzes between them before clapping his hands together, making tiny rolls of fat wash through his skin like waves.
‘Mr Solomons, what a surprise! Such wonderful news and I’m sure our fellow patrons share my sentiments when I say congratulations. Unexpected news, but wonderful and we welcome you Ms Shelby to our family.’
Without warning Bernard grabs Arabella’s shoulders pulling her into an embrace. She suppresses a gag when the smell of stale sweat hits her. Alfie smirks at the displeasure lining her expression.
‘Now with this exciting news I think it calls for a brief interlude before we attend to our charity auctioning.’
Arabella steps forward before the bodies below scatter. She clears her throat.
‘And to help us celebrate our wonderful news. . .’
Arabella grabs hold of Alfie’s hand as he looks at her quizzically with one eye brow raised.
‘We would like you all to enjoy a glass of champagne on us’.
Alfie’s temper springs to life as his eyes shoot up, he clears his throat to keep his frustration in check as the guests gasp excitedly and head to the bar. He leans into her ear.
‘You’ll pay for that, treacle’.
‘No darling, I think you find you’ll be paying. I need all the help I can get to win this tough crowd over’.
With a sickeningly sweet smile, Arabella turns and walks from the stage, Alfie following swiftly behind, her hand still in his as she leads ahead.
‘My dear boy, if you ask me I would say you know how to keep secrets better than God himself’.
Alfie’s steps falter at the hoarse and throaty voice, making Arabella turn immediately to see who was causing Solomons to almost trip over his own boots. Her gaze fixes on a well-dressed gentleman, who’s playful smile radiates him in mischief. His wispy and unruly grey hair lead to his untamed and abundant beard that covers most of his face, leaving only his round golden glasses poking free.
Alfie’s darkening eyes drag themselves up and down him, a discernable tension filling the space.
‘I ain’t asking you though am I?’
Alfie’s lips curl above a tight jaw as the elderly man raises his left eyebrow. Just as Arabella feels the need to reach for the knife concealed on her thigh, both men release guttural laughs, the man grasping at Alfie’s shoulders and lightly shaking before placing a kiss to both of his cheeks, forcing her eyes to roll.
‘Oh my boy, how I have missed you!’
‘Yeh well there’s a very good reason for that isn’t there? Swanning off to Boston for far too long and leavin’ me ‘ere to man the fort’.
‘Well, I don’t know about that, for it seems you have been getting help with things’.
The man turns his bright brown eyes to Arabella, a smile threatening to puncture both of his cheeks. He reaches his arm out in gesture and she finds herself instantly at ease, giving him her hand which he swiftly raises to his lips and places a kiss.
‘Miss Arabella Shelby, what a pleasure to finally meet you. I’m Rubin Schmier’.
‘Nice to meet you too- so how are you and my fiance acquainted then?’
‘Ah, I see he talks about me often then, eh?’
Rubin tuts and raises another eyebrow in Alfie’s direction.
‘Mind you, with a beauty such as yourself to gaze upon each day, I am sure my boy here is lost for words’.
‘Alfie, lost for words? I don’t think that possible. In fact I’m starting to think he has descended from a parrot’.
Alfie shakes his head as Rubin breaks into laughter.
‘My what a fire cracker you have here, Alfie. Are you sure you want to marry this baboon, Arabella?’
‘For my sins, yes I am quite sure.’
She looks up to Alfie, with a smile that extends up to her eyes.
‘Rubin here is my Kvater, as I was telling you about earlier tonight’.
‘Ah yes, nice to be able to put a face to a name. It certainly has been like Piccadilly Circus for you tonight, Alfie with all of the comings and goings of your friends and family’.
Alfie would be but a fool to not pick up the stab in her words. She hasn’t forgotten about Ollie’s appearance tonight and neither, for that matter, had he. The sweat staining his crisp white shirt is testament to that.
A clearing of a throat has them all turning round to face a rather coy looking Mrs Goldman.
‘Fine speech, Alfred. You always did have a way with words’.
‘Unfortunately a lot of them are usually four letters long and end in uck’.
Rubin smirks at his own joke as Nelly laughs all to exaggeratedly at him.
‘Oh Rubin, I did not know you were back. What a lovely surprise’.
Nelly fiddles with a strand of hair that falls from her up-do. Suddenly the older woman’s done up appearance makes sense to Arabella.
‘Why Nelly I could not bear to be away from you a moment longer- now when are you going to invite me round for tea, eh?’
‘Oh Rubin Schmier you wicked man!’
Nelly swots at Rubin’s red velvet dinner jacket and giggles as she twiddles with her necklace, a pink hue adorning her cheeks.
‘Now then Ms Shelby, I demand you tell me how you managed to tie down this illustrious devil- many have tried and failed you know. . . speaking of which…’
Rubin lowers his voice as the sound of heels thrash against the marble. Martha’s eyes burn like the remaining ash in a dying bonfire as she disregards all but Alfie, standing in front of him like a Sergeant Major. Arabella grins, She takes a glass from a passing waiter’s tray and sips slowly. She is going to enjoy this.
‘Alfie, may I have a word please’.
‘Yeh well not now Martha, I’m busy.’
Martha’s face closes- her deep brown eyes boring in to him as he looks at her with a nonchalant expression.
‘Well I am afraid this is urgent Alf, I need to speak with you now’.
‘Well, he just said he’s busy didn’t he?’
Arabella ‘s tone is cut as she watches her surreptitiously, smiling slightly as she sees her blanch.
‘Alfie, are you going to let her talk to me in that tone?’
Martha places a hand to her chest, acting like a spoilt and needy princess.
‘Well now, my fiance is her own person, she can talk to you however she feels fit’.
In that moment, Arabella feels like she could kiss the face off him for the scowl his words have plastered on Martha’s face.
Martha turns to face Arabella, frowning in concentration she takes a deep breath.
‘Just who do you think you are, eh? You know you won’t be just accepted here don’t you?’
Nelly lets out a gasp and tuts. Alfie’s rage grips him like a vice, as he makes his way forward to grab Martha, Rubin steps into the space, taking his niece gently by the arm.
‘Martha, my sweet girl- you have a little something just there on your…’
Rubin gestures with his finger around his thick moustache as Martha screws up her eyes and rubs at her face where her uncle is indicating.
‘It’s just, here and . . .oh.. it’s here as well… Martha my dear it is all over you- best you go and find a mirror and freshen up’.
Martha breathes heavily and bangs her heeled foot on the floor.
‘This conversation is not over’.
She strides away fiercely on her way to the bathroom as Nelly, Arabella and Alfie stare back at Rubin- their faces painted with confusion.
‘Well now imagine her surprise when she finds that mirror and realises that her face is full of nothing but jealousy, hmm?’
‘I think I really like you Rubin’.
‘Well that is good to know Ms Shelby as very soon we shall be family’.
A warmth fills Arabella’s chest as she looks between Rubin and Nelly. At least she has some forces of good on her side in this room.
‘Now my dear, didn’t I tell you that you had nothing to worry about, eh?’ Nelly places a firm hand around Arabella’s bare shoulders.
‘Alfie here knows not to sell the sun to buy a candle. Isn’t that right, Alfred?’
‘So I am told, Nelly, yes’.
Nelly raises her silvery eyes to Arabella’s.
‘Come now Miss Shelby and let me introduce you to some of my friends- I just know they will love you.’
As Nelly steers Arabella away to a crowd of silver haired women, Rubin moves in closer to Alfie and pats him on the back sharply.
‘A striking woman you have chosen, Alfie. Ms Shelby has fire in her veins and a smile made for war. A rather utopian match for you.’
‘Most certainly. Although, I am surprised that you have finally chosen to settle down after all this time.’
‘Well like you said, Arabella is perfect for me’.
Alfie steals a glance in her direction, watching her intently as she laughs and charms Nelly’s associates.
‘And can she be trusted? Her name hasn’t escaped my senile brain you know.’
Alfie grimaces, his eyes still on her.
‘If I thought she had no intention but to steal, cheat or de-sanctify all that I hold as holy then she wouldn’t be wearing that ring now, would she?’
Rubin nods is head but Alfie senses he finds his words to be hollow.
 ‘And what of her brothers, hm? Didn’t you tell me what animals they are, how have they taken to the news?’
‘Well, there was a lot of violence at first, yeh on the count of them being utter cunts. But they’re adjusting to the idea. Besides, a match with Arabella isn’t exactly bad for business, means we have a more solid partnership where the  gypsies are concerned.’
Rubin smiles to himself and ruefully rests his head on the pillar behind him.
‘Ah well then my boy, I am very happy for you. Of course, at first I did sense this alliance may be for business purposes only but I see how you look at her and I see she holds all the good cards in the deck, so of course if it were for business you’d be in big trouble because no one acts more foolishly than a wise man in love’.
Leaving Alfie to stew in his words, Rubin waltzes away flamboyantly to join the women.
A short while later, Arabella finds herself relaxing, laughing and smiling along to Rubin’s exaggerated tales and Nelly’s flirtatious giggling. She looks to Alfie who stands behind her, silently with his eyes staring, taking him off elsewhere. His shoulders bow down toward the ground as if marred by a great weight, as he senses Arabella’s gaze, she notes how he pulls himself erect and she grabs his hand to give a gentle squeeze before she has time to think about what she is doing.
‘Tell me what’s wrong and I just might be able to help’.
Alfie hears the sincerity in her whispered voice, this wasn’t just her changing tact to illicit information. But still, his secrets were his own.
‘I told you before, it’s nothing’.
Arabella releases a heavy breath and stares back at Rubin although she no longer has an interest in his words.
A loud commotion emits from the entrance to the grand hall. Glasses falling from a tray and smashing. Gasps and shouted words echo around them, inaudibly.
Arabella turns to see a short-framed man with a purposeful stride gaining traction towards them. Alfie squares his shoulders, anger painted on each angle of his face.
As the arrogant rogue gets closer, she looks at the dirt lining his short and stocky fingers. More alarmingly, as she focuses she notes the crimson liquid staining the filth invested tweed jacket he wears- the cardinal blotches seeping between the holes.  
‘Ar ey, I haven’t missed the party ave I?’
Alfie grabs tightly to her waist. A mist glazing his eyes in utter madness as a crowd begins to be drawn to the man’s strong Liverpudlian accent. If they thought Arabella was out of place being here then god knows what they thought of him.
‘You’re a hard man to pin down, Mr Solomons’.
‘And you’re a brave lad coming here on your own, ain’t ya?’
The man releases a gruff laugh that settles on Arabella’s last nerve.
‘I’m sorry but who the fuck are you exactly?’
The man smiles sickeningly at her, displaying an abundance of yellowing teeth that misshape and overlap like stones in an abandoned graveyard.
‘Sweetheart, I’m Michael McCleary and you’ll do well to remember that name’.
@buttercup32sstuff @hotchlover @bekkarific @theworldisforeverours
@jarvisrocks @fairypitou @azulawayne @etherealiridescence-blog​ 
@quarterpastmidnight​ @clintbartoris​ @gameofpot​ @doomwhathouwilt​
@lokigirlszendaya​ @soloalfie​ @hades-dogsitter​ @misselsbells​06 @sunshineyourethebesttime​ 
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thepeakygurl · 2 years
hi lovelies, I’ve decided to make a new multifandom blog @khaleesiofwritings
As a multifandom blog, I will be writing for Stranger Things, Peaky Blinder, MCU, Harry Potter and Bridgerton as a start… so if you are a fan of any of those, what are you waiting for? Go make a request!
I will still be active in here, but I will gradually move to @khaleesiofwritings as I intend to write for more fandoms, so yeah. Make a request if you like, i’d be happy to write for you☀️
22 notes · View notes
imoldgreggory · 2 years
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12 notes · View notes
graveyard---dolly · 6 months
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I love here
402 notes · View notes
enretrogue · 4 months
༝༚༝༚ = Black/POC Works ⎢ 24’ Fic Rec M.List
Connor Rhodes
Mine — @halsteadlover
Dream Partners — @sjhhemmings
Comfortable — @kiddbegins
Babysitting 101 — @iamwhoami
Emergency Love — @callsign-dexter
Plan — @lcvesjj
Jay Halstead
Kiss It, Kiss It Better Baby — @halsteadlover
Haunted — ^
Night Struggles — ^
Our Little Family — ^
A New Milestone — ^
Under Fire — ^
Shadows From the Past — ^
“Ladies love a guys who’s good with kids” ⎢ Part 2  — @poppadom0912
Uncle and Niece (Platonic) — ^
Love on Ice — ^
30 Hours — @dandelionfairyyy
Halstead’s Favorite Duo — @ballarkeselection
Exciting — @fangirlfrom-hell
CPD Gala — @hereforhalstead
Home — @deanstead
The Way You Are — @loislane41319
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Alfie Solomons
Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 7 — @muneca-lemon-steppa
Request 24 — @fandom-puff
Living with Alfie Solomons — @heavencanbeaprisontoo
The Silent Treatment — @warnersister
Luca Changretta
Living with Luca HCs — @heavencanbeaprisontoo
Thomas Shelby
Me Time — @garrison-girl-08
Daddy’s Princess — ^
Tommy Convincing His Wife to Stop Being Angry — @wutheringcaterpillar
Of Bending and Breaking — @call-sign-shark
Mr. Forgettable — @mrkdvidal1989
Time After Time Chapter 14 — @all-mirth-no-matter
Wedding Day — @cillianthinker
When She Laughs, The Heavens Hum a Stun Gun Lullaby — @saintmuses
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Filip “Chibs” Telford
The Last to Know — @kdogreads
Imagine Being Chibs’ Old Lady ⎢ Part 2 — ^
Imagine Taking In the Teller Boys With Chibs — ^
Very Soon — ^
My Dove — ^
Ruin — @bullet-prooflove
No Words — ^
Teach Me How to Ride — @violentdelightsandviolentends
Pussyfooting — @indifferent-depravity
Happy Lowman
Violent Little Thing — @fanficimagery
Your Family Disapproving of Happy — @imagineredwood
Angst to Fluff Prompts — @ravennaortiz
Flash Fic Request — @withmyteeth
Cocoa Wars — @darqchilddaydreamz
Miss Me — @marvelous-slut
Just for Today — @obsessedasusual
Jackson “Jax” Teller
Relentless — @violentdelightsandviolentends
Heatwave — ^
Insomnia — @spaghettificationandpretzels
You Aren’t Meant to Be Back Until Christmas Eve — @rebelwrites
Only Mine — @thisreadswhatever
Fluff Prompt — @youvebeenlivingfictional
I’m Sorry — @pumpkin-writes
Rescued — @garbinge
Harry “Opie” Winston
Nowhere to Be — @drabbles-mc
Stolen Sweater — @i'm-just-a-mississippi-girl
Good Honest Work — @spaghettificationandpretzels
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rysko · 4 months
Rysko's guide to the galaxy - Peaky Blinders Masterlist
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Hiya! Welcome to my Peaky Blinders blog, i've been in the fandom for a few months now (late to the party, i know xD), but i've only started writing in late december. I'm finally doing a masterlist so i have an easier way of accessing shit (and maybe ya'll will as well). It'll be updated after every published work.
Want me to write something? My requests are open, rules are posted here.
Ongoing Series:
Kings of Spades - Luca Changretta x OC
Other fics (sorted by character):
Tommy Shelby -
(Coming Soon)
Luca Changretta -
Too old for this - Luca Changretta x f!reader
Arthur Shelby -
(Coming Soon)
Alfie Solomons -
(Coming Soon)
Aberama Gold -
(Coming Soon)
42 notes · View notes
buttercupsandboys · 2 years
Sunshine & Rainbows
Alfie Solomons x Livy (OFC) — Chapter 13
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18+ NSFW - minors don’t interact 🙅🏻‍♀️
CHAPTER 13: too close to the sun
Summary: Livy and Esme down a bottle of whiskey before Alfie returns to Birmingham—along with a surprise visitor who threatens to ruin everything.
TW: language typical of Peaky Blinders, references to past sexual abuse
Word count: 6322
A/N: This update is way overdue, but it’s much longer than normal—hope that makes up for it! x
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"Do you miss it?"
"Miss what?" Livy tilts her head and shoots down the last of her drink, giggling as she wipes her cherry red lips. "London?"
"No, you daft cow," snorts Esme, sipping her own drink with far less theatrics. "Travelling, the life, you know. What we had before"—she waves her hand vaguely around the room—"this."
Livy pauses at the unexpected question, surprise written on her face as she sets her glass on the table. 
With the boys at Epsom, the two women have commandeered the snug, along with a bottle of the Garrison's finest whiskey. It sits half-empty between them, the amber liquid glistening in the afternoon light. 
"Travelling?" Livy repeats, her eyes drawn to the window as if she could see the rolling hills beyond the filthy streets and the stained glass. It's been a long time since she's allowed herself to think about it. "Do you miss it?" she asks, buying herself time.
"Of course. I love John and the kids, but…." Now it's Esme's turn to stare off into the distance, her voice dropping to just above a whisper. "Sometimes it's like being a hen in a coup. You know?"
She does. 
Livy never talks about it, but the feelings are there; a restlessness she can't explain, an urge to run before the past gets too close. Walls that suffocate, seeking her out in those quiet moments when she's alone, with nothing but her thoughts for company. 
It doesn't happen often, especially since coming to stay with Alfie—the man keeps her very distracted—but it's enough that she understands. 
She just tries not to think about it. 
"Oh, Esme," Livy finally replies after a moment to collect her thoughts. "I miss it too. It was my home after … after everything that happened. And you know, it's probably the only place I've ever felt truly free."
Esme nods knowingly, leaning forward and placing her elbows on the table.
"But a lot has changed since then. And anyway, I'm not like you. It's not in my blood—"
"Oh, fuck off," groans Esme, falling back in her seat as she throws her arms in the air. "You said it yourself—you don't know, do you? 'Bout your real kin. But I can sense it. Polly too, she told me herself."
"Sense what? Oh lord, Esme. What have you tarts been talking about behind my back?"
"Your gypsy blood, Livy. Mark my words. You’re one of us."
Livy can't help it; she bursts into laughter, earning a disapproving look from Esme and a curious stare from Cyril. The loyal pup hasn't left her side all week, but he's starting to look a little worse for wear, the late-night adventures finally catching up with him.
"Right, well, I think that's a bit of wishful thinking. Or have you been on the snow again?" Livy winks at her oldest friend. "Either way, it doesn't matter. It's not my place anymore."
"Oh, no?" Esme's kohl-lined eyes light up with mischief. "And where is 'your place' these days, hmm? Camden Town?"
Livy bites her lip to hide her grin, but there's nothing she can do about the flush creeping up her neck and across her cheeks. While the whiskey certainly isn't helping, it's thoughts of him—broad shoulders, taunt muscles, and big, strong hands—that have her turning a lovely shade of pink. 
"Esme," she starts, denial on the tip of her tongue, but before she can protest, the door swings open, revealing an impeccably dressed Polly Gray. The older woman surveys the scene, taking note of their glassy eyes and the half-empty bottle before taking a seat. 
"Well, well," she mutters, lighting one of her thin cigarettes. "What trouble are the two of you up to? Besides getting piss drunk in the middle of the day."
Esme smirks, ignoring the bait. "Excellent timing, Pol. Livy's about to spill the beans on her big Jewish lover."
"Esme," groans Livy. "I'm sure Pol has more important things to—"
"Oh no," Polly interrupts. "With the boys at the races, I'm looking for a distraction. So come on then, spit it out."
"Spit it out? Surely not," snorts Esme. 
Polly has the decency to look away as a small chuckle escapes her lips, but Livy's face contorts, clearly mortified by the suggestion. 
"What kind of woman do you take me for, Esme?" Livy accuses as she reaches forward, pouring Polly a drink before topping up her own. "I swallow, of course. Like a lady."
"Christ," mutters Polly, but she can't hide her grin and raises her drink in a half salute. The other women respond in kind, and the gentle clink of glass rings out alongside peals of laughter. 
The whiskey is clearly catching up with them. 
"Right, so now we know what you're like on your knees."—Esme wiggles her brows, and Livy wishes she had something to throw at her—"Now tell us about him," she demands. 
"What do you want to know?"
Livy sips her drink, smiling as she prepares herself for questions about Alfie's gruff demeanour or, more likely, their sex life. 
"The only thing that matters," Polly answers, looking every inch the gypsy queen, perfectly poised with wisps of smoke dancing between her dark curls. "Do you love him?"
Livy chokes. 
"Pol …," she begins, but then trails off when she doesn't have a fucking clue what else to say.
"C'mon, Livy," coaxes Esme. "It's a simple yes or no—do you love the man or not?"
"Simple?" She scoffs, dragging a hand down her face. "When has anything in my life ever been simple?" 
Her head is spinning now, and Livy leans back, closing her eyes and taking a few much-needed breaths before opening them again. 
"Alright, fine," she announces suddenly, steepling her fingers on the table. "Let's say that I love him, for argument's sake. Then what? A man like Alfie will need a wife someday, a proper wife," Livy points out. 
The other women exchange looks, and it's obvious now that Esme has told Polly all about her past. But she doesn't mind; the gypsies, her mother's people, have never judged her. 
"Have you asked him what he wants?" Polly asks gently. 
Livy shakes her head before finishing her drink in one practised motion. She looks older, dark circles appearing out of nowhere, a mask slipping and revealing the full extent of her exhaustion.
"Look, Pol." 
Livy speaks slowly, but her voice is stronger now, clear and confident. 
"I'm not naive. I know there will come a time when my past is not compatible with his future. It's inevitable. Even gangsters don't marry women like me—and no, don't give me that look. Esme told me what you said when John tried to marry Lizzie. You know I'm right."
"You're not a whore," Polly insists, and Livy smiles, almost wistfully, like she wants to believe her.
"Ahh, Pol. We both know that's not how the world works. I was once, and that's all that matters now."
"It wasn't your choice—"
Livy laughs. "Right, and how many working girls do you know who 'chose' the life?"
Polly frowns, but Livy keeps going, pulling herself back from the invisible line of self-pity and regret that she refuses to cross. 
"Listen, Pol. You, of all people, should know that there's no use dwelling on the past, on what could have been, on what should have been. It will only drive you mad." Her voice softens. "All we can do is accept it, and move on the best we can."
There's a flash of understanding between them, and Livy knows Polly is thinking about the children taken from her all those years ago. In many ways, they're alike; two women bearing the weight of unspeakable tragedy, refusing to be drowned by it.
"We accept it," Polly repeats, closing her eyes to hold back the tears. But when they open a moment later, her grief has been replaced with steely determination. "We shake hands with devils, and we walk past them."
"Exactly." Livy reaches out and gives her a quick squeeze. "And this is why we're done talking about love, alright ladies? I'm happy, he's happy, and it's enough for now. It has to be, and if it's not—no, when it's not, I'll just keep walking." 
And just like that, she claps and smiles, her mask slipping easily back into place. 
"So, who else is ready for a top up?"
But before anyone can respond, the door flies open for the second time today. 
"Hello, ladies!" announces Arthur, his rich baritone ringing across the small room. He removes his peaked hat and drops into the seat next to Livy. "How are you, sweetheart?"
His arm is nearly around her shoulder when Cyril pops up, growling and baring his razor sharp teeth. Arthur quickly scoots back, and Livy giggles as the remaining Shelby brothers make their entrance. 
"For fucks sake, Esme," complains John as he picks up the near-empty whiskey bottle, frowning at the contents. 
"What? It wasn't me—blame this one," says Esme, pointing across the table. 
"Oh, is that so?" huffs Livy, but she smiles, grateful for the change in atmosphere. She points to Esme's empty glass before mouthing back, "You twat."
John howls with laughter, throwing an arm around his wife as Arthur bangs on the window, signalling for another bottle and more glasses. Polly keeps her mouth shut but smiles around her cigarette, and Finn quietly takes a seat by the door. 
"Alright, that's enough," Thomas commands as he lights his cigarette and inhales deeply. He scans the room, not missing Cyril, who is eyeing his shoes with considerable interest. He shakes his head. "You know there is a general lack of discipline in this fucking room."
"Oh Tommy, we're just having a laugh," says Polly. She pours him a whiskey from the new bottle and pushes it across the table. "Now tell us. Did you make progress with the Italians?"
"Thomas," warns Polly. 
He sighs. "The Italians are done, Pol. Their licenses up in smoke."
"And Sabini?"
Livy's ears perk at the name, and she turns to face Thomas, hoping for news about Alfie. 
"Dead. Solomons put a bullet in him." He waves a hand at Livy, a curtain of smoke drifting between them. "He'll be here for you soon."
Livy smiles into her glass, mildly disappointed she wasn't there to pull the trigger herself but pleased with the outcome nonetheless. 
"Will you stay, Livy?" asks Esme. "I'm sure this lot will be celebrating late into the night."
Thomas and Arthur exchange pained looks, none too thrilled by the idea of Alfie staying in Birmingham any longer than necessary, but Livy chooses to ignore them.
"Of course! I'm sure Alfie would love to stay. And if not … Well, I can be very convincing."
"Yeah, I bet you can," snickers John until Esme pokes him in the ribs. Hard. "Fucking hell, woman. That hurts."
"Yeah, well, you should watch your fucking mouth—"
Esme is interrupted as Cyril leaps from under the table, barking furiously at the window. 
"Looks like we'll find out soon enough," announces Polly as Livy jumps up, nearly knocking Thomas off his chair in her hurry to get out the door. 
"Splendid," he mumbles under his breath before taking another drag of his cigarette. 
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The sun is low in the sky, parting the clouds and painting the streets with soft golden light. 
It's a rare sight in a city more accustomed to smoke and smog, but Livy pays it no mind as she comes barrelling out of the Garrison. In her rush to find Alfie, she's completely oblivious to everything but him.
Unfortunately, this includes the front steps… 
Livy squeals as she goes flying, arse over tit in the most unladylike manner. Her eyes close, ready to accept her fate as the ground rushes up to meet her—when strong arms appear out of nowhere, saving her from a tumble in the mud and horseshit.
"Easy, love," chuckles a familiar voice as the world slowly rights around her. 
Alfie, of course. 
There's no need to look because she'd recognise him anywhere, by scent and sound alone, but she does anyway because who wouldn't? Alfie is a feast for the senses, as broad and beautiful as ever, although she wishes he wouldn't wear that ridiculously large hat. It hides his handsome features, and if that's not a crime, well, it should be. But still, his crooked smile peeks from beneath his beard, and her heart thunders like Tommy's favourite racehorse. 
It takes every ounce of self-control not to throw herself into his arms—which she would do if he wasn't looking her over and shaking his head in amusement. 
"I'm guessing, right, that you've been sampling the bread, haven't you, pet?"
Livy giggles, trying to look contrite but failing miserably. In truth, she's struggling to focus; between the booze and his sinfully plump lips, it's hard to form coherent sentences.
"Whiskey, actually," she finally manages before giving in and wrapping her arms around his. "I've missed you."
"Is that so?" Alfie smirks as he leans down to whisper in her ear. "Right, well, believe it or not—'cause you know you're a fucking pain the in the arse sometimes, love—I've missed you too."
Livy tuts and attempts a half-hearted scowl, but his mouth finds hers and wipes it away. 
It's wildly inappropriate; they're directly in front of the Garrison, blocking the entrance and forcing the punters to squeeze awkwardly around them. A few throw disapproving looks at the amorous couple, but stories travel, and Alfie's reputation precedes him. No one is foolish enough to interrupt the Mad Baker, even in the heart of Blinder territory. 
No one, that is, but for one very cheeky pup. 
Cyril appears suddenly, leaping up and sticking his cold, wet snout between them. 
"For fucks sake," Alfie growls as he wrestles with his beast of a dog, cursing and grumbling under his breath. But the warmth in his eyes gives him away. "Cyril," he warns before giving in and scratching the pup in his favourite spot, just behind the ears. "Alright, mate. I missed you too. Yeah, you're a good boy, ain't ya? Now, get the fuck off me." 
Cyril reluctantly obeys, tongue lolling and tail wagging as he looks up expectantly. Alfie shakes his head, but Livy can't help herself. 
"Come on, darling," she urges, pulling gently on his arm. "Let's take Cyril for a walk, and you can tell me all about Epsom."
"A fucking what?" Alfie moans, somewhat theatrically, as he straightens to his full height. "Nope, not gonna happen, love."
"Listen, pet. I was in the war, you know that, right?"
Livy raises a perfectly arched brow, fighting the urge to roll her eyes. "Yes, Alfie. I'm well aware of your service to the Crown." 
"Good, good. Then you know I didn't spend four fucking years in the trenches just to die in the streets of Small Heath. The air is filthy, love. I'm surprised you're still breathing." He steps closer, fingers tightening possessively on her hips. "But you're young, and I'm an old man, alright? So let's go before it's too late for me. I want you home and out of this fucking dress."
He reaches for another kiss, and Livy nearly gives in—those lips of his are so fucking hard to resist—but then she catches the smug look in his eye and pulls away. 
"Uh-uh, Alfie. If you're such an old man, I don't want to risk getting you too excited. It can't be good for your heart, darling."
Alfie stares in disbelief. 
"For fucks sake," he grumbles, pushing her away and pointing a thick finger accusingly in her direction. "You're fucking evil. You know that, right? You and my fucking dog conspiring against me. That's lovely, that is, worse than the fucking Germans."
"Alife!" Livy admonishes, smacking his shoulder with a bit more force than necessary. She adores him, but he can be so bloody difficult sometimes. "Behave yourself. Your dog has been inside all day and needs to stretch his legs." 
As if on cue, Cyril nudges Alfie with his snout and starts to whine. 
"See? And besides … I think I need to walk off this whiskey…."
"Ah, there we go!" Alfie barks, a hearty rumble escaping his chest as his eyes crinkle with amusement. "The truth comes out, doesn't it, love?" 
He grins triumphantly, and Livy pauses, ready to protest. But then she remembers she has bigger fish to fry—convincing him to stay for another night—and decides to take a different approach. 
"Thank you, darling," Livy replies, smiling sweetly as he offers her his arm. 
"Yeah, alright, pet. Trot on then before I change my fucking mind." 
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Livy isn't sure why they call it the Cut, hopefully for nothing nefarious; she shudders, imagining what lies beneath the dark waters. But regardless, it's surprisingly beautiful, serene almost, as the pair walk hand in hand alongside it.
Cyril races ahead, chasing something (probably rats), and the noise from the factories fades far enough into the distance that one could pretend—with a bit of imagination—that they were somewhere considerably more romantic than Birmingham. 
It's a silly thought that has her smiling, recalling the faraway places she's always dreamt of visiting. America, Australia or perhaps even Timbuktu (as Alfie delightfully suggested); lands so distant she might finally outrun the ghosts of her past. Or, if not, she could at least indulge in the girlish fantasy of boarding a ship and stepping off as someone new entirely.
But when Livy slows her steps, stopping to brush an errant lock of windswept hair from her eyes, she has the quite startling realisation that there's nowhere in the world she'd rather be.
At least not without Alfie by her side, and fuck—what exactly does that mean? 
Livy leans against him, almost instinctively, and it feels so right that she finds herself revisiting her conversation with Esme and Polly. 
She'd been painfully honest with them; loving Alfie is a gamble she's unwilling to take. The odds are not in her favour, and the stakes are too high. No one enjoys getting hurt, but her heart is more fragile than most, only beating thanks to a patchwork of carefully constructed walls she works fucking hard to maintain.
But what she didn't tell the other women, and what she struggles to admit to herself, is just how close she's come to falling. 
The truth is she wants to, badly. Alfie's already proven himself to her, showing up when she least expected it, and if Livy lives to be a hundred, she will never forget that he was there for her. 
Plus, he's beautiful and strong, and he burns so bright that sometimes she can barely breathe when she's around him. 
But that's the problem, isn't it? 
Livy is reminded of the story of Icarus, a man who built wings out of wax and learned to fly. It was miraculous; he soared in the clouds, just like a bird, blissfully happy … until one day, he flew too close to the sun. 
Then his wings melted, he plunged to his death, and Livy can't help but think there's a lesson to be learned here. 
Alfie sets her soul ablaze, but if she isn't careful—if she gets too close—she might just find herself paying a price she can't afford.  
"You alright, pet?"
His voice shakes her from her thoughts, and when she looks up, finding his eyes dark with concern, she wonders how long they've been standing there. Livy moves quickly to reassure him, stretching on her toes and pressing a soft kiss against his rough cheek. 
"Absolutely, darling. I just stopped to … enjoy the view."
Alfie rubs his beard and narrows his eyes, clearly unimpressed, but Livy pays him no mind as she raises her chin in stubborn defiance. 
She's in no mood to share her thoughts—perhaps ever, but definitely not today. On the walk over, Alfie told her about Epsom, confirming Thomas's report, and now that the Italians are finished, so are the lingering threats that have haunted them for weeks. It's a cause for celebration, and she plans to enjoy their evening, not ruin it with her silly nonsense. 
Fortunately, he seems to agree because he doesn't press any further. 
"The view, eh?" Alfie repeats gruffly. 
She nods, subtly biting the inside of her cheek, at first to hide her grin, but then her growing need as he cups her face in his hands, tipping it gently from side to side. 
"Fucking beautiful," he whispers, and her heart aches in her chest—but Livy casts it away because if she can't have love, then she'll happily take this. 
It's been too long, each going without the comfort only the other can provide. But now Alife's here; his breath warm on her skin, his voice low in her ears, and just look at his eyes, dark with promise. She has everything she needs, Livy tells herself as she melts against him, tongue darting out and licking her lips in a not-so-subtle invitation. 
Alfie's gaze follows every movement, and the air practically crackles between them, electric like a summer storm, until he gives in, pressing his mouth, hot and demanding, fully against hers. 
It's clumsy, almost frantic, but she doesn't care, her pulse fluttering under his fingertips as he grips her tight, tilting her mouth for better access. Their tongues collide, and he walks her back against a stack of crates, where he lifts her hips without breaking the kiss. Livy gasps softly, gripping his shoulders and kneading the thick muscles in approval as he settles heavily between her thighs. 
It's too much, but at the same time, nowhere near enough. A constant contradiction, a constant state of want—and that's just life with Alfie, isn't it? 
Her breath hitches as she arches into his touch, intensely aware of his fingers as they trace her spine, pulling her closer. Desire pools under her skin, and she's almost lightheaded, desperate to feel her fingers tangled in his hair and her nails scratching against his scalp …
And she would, she realises, if it wasn't for that stupid hat. 
An idea pops into her head, and Livy knows she probably shouldn't—but she's not exactly thinking right now, so she does it anyway. 
Her nimble fingers brush his hat from his head, and she truly has the most innocent intentions, expecting it to land securely by their feet, where it could easily be retrieved later. (Once she's done with him, of course.) But then a sudden breeze comes out of nowhere, scooping up the bloody thing and blowing it directly into the Cut. 
Livy gasps, her hands flying to her mouth in disbelief as it bobs in the current before floating away. 
Alfie senses its disappearance but keeps his face buried in her shoulder, refusing to look.  
"Love, did you just knock my hat into the fucking canal?" he asks in a muffled voice. 
Oh, shit.
"Alfie, I'm SO sorry," Livy whispers, but the shake of her shoulders, which she simply cannot control, betrays her amusement.  
He raises his head and frowns, but this only makes her laugh even harder. 
"I'm sorry," Livy repeats, gasping for air as she tries to collect herself. "But darling, you do look so much better without it."
Alfie drags a hand down his face. "It was my father's hat," he deadpans, and Livy stops laughing. 
"Oh fuck, Alfie. Now I really am sorry—"
She moves as if to shimmy off the crate, but his fingers tighten on her hips, pinning her in place. He shakes his head before dropping a soft kiss on her forehead. 
"Fucking hell, love. Don't let anyone tell you I'm not a benevolent man."
"The things I let you get away with," he continues, almost to himself, before breaking into a grin. 
Livy shoots him a hesitant smile in return. 
"Alfie, I promise. I'm—"
"Going to pay for that?" he interrupts before returning his lips to the curve of her neck. "Oh, trust me, love." Alfie punctuates his words with hot, wet kisses. "You are going to pay. For days. For weeks. For fucking years."
Her spine tingles at the thought. Years. 
"Anything you want," Livy whispers, but then yelps when he bites her earlobe, knowing damn well just how ticklish she finds that particular spot. 
He grins wolfishly. "Anything?" 
Cheeky bastard. 
"We'll see," Livy answers, eyes twinkling as she pulls him close for a searing kiss, and soon the hat—and her punishment—are all but forgotten. 
They pick up where they left off, although it's slower and sweeter than before. For whatever reason, the urgency in their touch has disappeared, and it's almost disconcerting how Alfie takes his time, cupping her face and worshipping every inch of her. He lavishes soft kisses along the column of her throat, traces the edge of her collarbone with his tongue, and gently strokes the ridge of her spine with his strong ringed hands. 
Livy feels almost painfully exposed, which is odd because, for once, all her clothes are still firmly in place. 
"Alfie," she whispers, suddenly overwhelmed by his tenderness. 
He straightens, brushing his thumbs softly across her cheekbones, and Livy wonders if this is how it feels to shatter into pieces. 
"Livy, I need you to listen to me, alright, love?" 
She nods because her heart is in her throat, and she's not capable of anything else. 
"Good, good," Alfie repeats soothingly like he's calming a wild animal. "That's my good girl. Now, listen." He takes a deep breath. "When we get back to Camden Town, things are going to change. I mean it, yeah?"
Livy goes still, confused about where this is heading and not sure if she wants to find out. 
"No, shush for once. I'm speaking; just let me finish, alright? I've waited too fucking long already." He tilts her face and stares directly into her golden eyes. "Livy, I need you to know that I—"
"Good evening, Alfie."  
Livy startles, eyes wide and heart pounding at the sudden interruption. 
"It was until you showed up, Thomas. Now fuck off," barks Alfie, not bothering to turn around. 
"We need to talk." 
"No, we don't. Leave before I shoot you in the face."
"That will have to wait." Thomas exhales, his sharp features disappearing behind a curtain of smoke. "Bernard and his boys are making a move."
Alfie curses, muttering something incomprehensible as he slams his fist into the crate just inches from her side. But Livy barely notices because she's too busy trying to process what she heard. 
Just minutes ago, Alfie was about to confess something to her, and that should be the focus of her attention, but it's not because her veins are full of ice, and she thinks she might vomit. 
Bernard and his boys.  
She breathes deep and wills herself not to panic. Surely, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of "Bernards" in this country—
"He's on his way from Liverpool," Thomas explains like he's talking about the weather and not driving a knife into her back. "He knows about Sabini and would like to renegotiate." 
Alfie turns, saying something in response, but all Livy can hear is Liverpool, and now she knows two things with absolute fucking certainty. 
First—Alfie, her Alfie, is doing business with Bernard from Liverpool, which can only mean he's working with the High Rip Gang, which can only mean he's fucking partners with the same men who trafficked, abused and sold her like cattle. 
Her hand flies to her mouth as she chokes down the vomit that is no longer theoretical and instead very fucking real, coating her tongue with the bitter tang of betrayal—and what's worse, heartbreak. 
Yes, heartbreak, because her second life-altering realisation is that despite all the time she's wasted bullshitting herself, she is, in fact, very much in love with Alfie Solomons, and Livy knows this because if she wasn't, she wouldn't be drowning in such unbearable pain. 
How long has he been working with Bernard? 
What kind of business are they in together? 
And does Alfie KNOW who the fuck he is? 
Her mind is thick like the mud at the bottom of the canal, where hopes and dreams go to rot—where her hopes and dreams have gone to rot—and all she can do is drift in the current like his fucking hat. 
Everything is a blur. 
She's in love with Alfie, and he's working with the High Rip Gang. 
Everything is a blur. 
His hand is around her waist, and now they're in a car on their way back to Watery Lane. Her mind is racing, and the confusion must be written all over her face; Livy's an excellent actress, but no one is this good. Yet somehow, Alfie is completely oblivious to her distress? 
He's talking with Thomas, and the two pay her no mind, which she doesn't understand.
The only person who seems concerned at all is Cyril, who is curled with his head on her lap, and he keeps looking at her with big brown eyes, making soft whining sounds that, again, no one else seems to hear. 
Fuck, fuck, fuck. 
What does that say about Alfie? 
Because if there's one thing she knows for sure, it's how attuned he is to her moods. Usually, it drives her up a fucking wall; there's no escaping him; he's so perceptive, making it impossible to hide anything. 
But here she is, caught up in a violent storm of emotions—she's never felt so utterly tumultuous—and he doesn't even notice? 
No. That doesn't make any sense. 
The only possible explanation is that he knows but simply does not care. 
And now she's not only heartbroken; she's also terrified because if Alfie knows about Bernard, then what else is he keeping from her? 
Could he be taking her to him? 
Panic washes over her. She needs to get out of this fucking car and fast. Because she can't go, she won't go, and she'll do anything before she lets that filthy fucking man touch her again. 
Instinctively, her hand finds the blade tucked securely between her breasts, and she wants to scream because it's so small—but it was more than enough last time, and she lets that thought soothe her as they pull up to the house on Watery Lane. 
"Esme," she blurts out suddenly, and Livy realises it's the first word to come out of her mouth since Thomas turned her world upside down. 
The men shift to face her, their eyes unreadable as the setting sun casts dark shadows in the small, confined space. 
"Probably putting the kids to bed," offers Thomas, gesturing towards a nearly identical house a few doors from the betting shop. 
Alfie nods, looking distracted. "Why don't you go and say hello—alright, pet? I'll come and find you when we're done here."
Livy stares back, keeping her face blank until she realises they're waiting for her to respond; to do something, say something.  
"Yes, of course, darling," she replies, her voice tinny and false in her ears as she pulls herself together, plastering her brightest smile, one usually reserved for dancing on stage. 
And Livy continues to grin, like a marionette, as she accepts Alfie's help getting out of the car. Cyril follows at her heels, so close she nearly trips. 
"Fucking mutt," he growls, pushing him away, then frowning in surprise when his dog growls back, baring his teeth. For the first time, Alfie seems aware that something isn't right, but it's too little too late. 
Livy briefly wonders if she should confront him, but in the same way that a drowning man thinks of nothing but breathing, she thinks of nothing but getting away from this cutting pain. 
So she leans up and gives him a hollow kiss before running off to find Esme. 
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"Livy, what the fuck is wrong?"
Esme tries to console her friend, but it's hard when she can't understand a single word. She finally makes out, "he's coming," but it doesn't explain why Alfie's appearance would suddenly have her so upset. 
“No, Esme. Not Alfie. Him.”
Livy finally manages to calm down enough to explain the situation with the High Rip Gang to Esme—and then Polly, who appears in the doorway after putting John's kids down for the night. 
"I need to leave," she concludes, nails drumming against the small wooden table as her eyes dart nervously around the room. "I can't stay here."
"No," advises Polly, wiping her hands on her apron as she takes a seat across from Livy. "What you need is to talk to him."
"Are you mad?" hisses Esme, eyes wide as she shakes her head.
"What? She could be getting herself worked up over nothing." Polly lights a cigarette, inhaling deeply. "Isn't it better to find out?"
"Absolutely not, Pol! We don't know what they have planned. We can't send her back there!"
"Thomas wouldn't—"
"Thomas wouldn't what?" Esme stalks around the table, stopping in front of Polly, gripping the back of a chair in her hands. "What wouldn't Thomas do to get what he wants, eh?"
The two women lock eyes, each daring the other to back down until Polly suddenly breaks. 
"Fuck, you're right." She pinches the bridge of her nose with her eyes closed. "That fucking man and his fucking ambition," Polly shouts, slamming her palm against the table in frustration. "I can't put anything past him."
"What about Solomons?" Esme asks softly. 
"I don't know," says Livy, running a hand through her hair, the scarlet strands wild in the low light. "I thought I could trust him. I was so fucking sure—but now I'm not, and this is not the time or place to find out. If Bernard comes for me, and Tommy's in on it, we're surrounded by Blinders." 
Cyril whines, breaking the silence as he places his head on her lap, and Livy strokes him absently. 
"Where are the Lees camped, Esme?" she asks suddenly. 
Esme and Polly exchange concerned looks. 
"The Black Patch," answers Polly. "But it's no good running to them. Thomas has an alliance with the Lees now."
Esme rubs her arms, frowning, but Livy shakes her head. 
"No, Pol. It could work." She taps the table, gears turning frantically in her head. "If I get to the Lees, Johnny will help me find Aberama—"
"Aberama Gold? Are you insane?" Polly practically snarls as she stubs out her cigarette. "The Golds are savage, love." 
"Besides, it won't work. Johnny might be your friend, but he's loyal to Tommy. He'll report back." 
"No, listen," Livy insists. "Aberama was a good friend of my father's. He'll take me in. They made a blood pact before the war."
She stands and starts gathering her things.  
"Esme, can I borrow your coat?" Livy shouts out. 
"Yeah, take it, love." 
"Don't worry about Johnny," Livy continues. "I know what he's like. He'll come running back to Thomas, but it won't matter as long as I make it to Aberama first. No one finds Aberama unless he wants to be found."
Polly looks her over, less than pleased with the plan—there are too many holes—but the clock is ticking, and they're fast running out of options. For all they know, the High Rip boys could already be in Birmingham. 
"Fine. I'll make a call," Polly announces, smacking her hands on the table. 
She leaves for the other room, and Esme moves to help Livy pack. 
"Are you sure about this, Livy?"
"What choice do I have?" 
There's a moment of uncomfortable silence before Livy spins around and grabs Esme by her hands. 
"Fuck off." Esme tries to push her away, but Livy is stronger and pulls her closer.  
"Listen," she insists. "Listen. I have a good feeling about this. It's going to be okay. I know it." Livy somehow manages a slight grin. "And look, I get to go on the road again after all."
Esme rolls her eyes under her thick lashes before giving in to the embrace.
'You're an evil cow, you know that right?" she whispers, her voice muffled before pulling back. "You take care of yourself. I know how you get out there, barefoot and wild. See—and you try to deny your gypsy blood?"
The room lights up with laughter, and for a moment, it's easy to imagine they're just two ordinary young women, friends enjoying each other's company. 
But they're not, and any joy they feel is short-lived. Polly returns, arms crossed, smoke trailing from her shaking hands. 
"It's done. My man will be here any minute. He'll get you to the Patch, but you'll have to find Johnny yourself." Her brow furrows. Polly is still not happy, but she's done all she can. "Make sure you hurry. Everything will get back to Tommy eventually, and Lord knows how your Jew will respond when he finds you missing."  
"Thank you, Pol." 
"Thank me later."
The three women stare awkwardly, and there's nothing left to do but wait. Fortunately, it's not long before they're interrupted by a knock on the door.
Time is up. 
"Go," commands Polly. 
Livy opens the door and finds a tall man with a peaked cap. She gulps, hoping he can be trusted—and then hopes he won't get shot by Thomas for helping her escape. Or by Alfie, for that matter. 
With one final look over her shoulder, she accepts his help and hops inside the car. 
"What about the dog, Miss?"
Livy spins around and finds Cyril waiting patiently by the door. 
"Go to Alfie, Cyril. Now. Home." 
The pup is stubborn and refuses to budge.
"Cyril," she shouts, but the clock is ticking, and she doesn't have time to argue with a dog. Instead, she pats the seat by her side. 
"C'mon then," Livy whispers as the door closes firmly behind them.
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A/N: A few quick things: 
I reused a few lines of the original script out of context. I won’t go through and point it all out, because that’s fanfiction, innit? 😜
From my limited research, I don’t think Irish Traveller life was (is?) as free or accepting as I’m making out in this story. But it’s very romanticised in the show (IMO), so I’m rolling with it. Creative license and all, but just FYI – do your own research. 
If you haven’t seen it, I wrote a one-shot about Alfie x Livy and will probably write a few more (sometimes I need a smutty break from the plot). Check it out if you’re interested, but warning: very NSFW.
Tag List: @noz4a2​ @confessionbrain​ @omgeternal​ @potter-solomons​ @quarterpastmidnight​ @woofgocows​ @shaddixlife​ @redhead7799​
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runnning-outof-time · 8 months
K’s Reading List — SEPTEMBER
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Hey there! Thanks for stumbling upon this reading list! I figured that as a way to support the lovely writers within this fandom that I’d compile a reading list of all of the stories I read over each month.
September was a wonderful month filled with incredible stories. Below is the list of stories that I read. I hope you will find some that you like as well!
As always, please make sure you heed to the warnings on each fic!!
🧡 — denotes a story written for my 3.5k celebration
Perfect Lines - Arthur Shelby x Reader/OC — 🧡
Boxing!Arthur thoughts/blurb - Arthur Shelby x OC
Happy wife, Happy life - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🧡
September Drabble Challenge - features several different Peaky characters
Come Hell or High Water - Tommy Shelby x Reader
I Remember Everything - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Tommy Shelby Blurb - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Woman In the Painting - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Fly Away, Butterfly - John Shelby x Reader
Behind the Green Door - Interactive Fic set in the Peaky Blinders World
Storks and chimneys… - Alfie Solomons x OC
One Last Kiss - Alfie Solomons x Reader
In his arms - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Daddy’s Bad Girl - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Until We Meet Again - Tommy Shelby x Reader
A Daughter’s Letter - Wartime!Tommy Shelby x Reader
Tommy Shelby Blurb - Tommy Shelby x Reader — 🧡
The Changretta Calls 4 - from ongoing series
Michael’s Wedding Gift - Tommy Shelby x Mrs Shelby
The Devil Wears a Suit and Tie - Tommy Shelby
The Ring - Tommy Shelby x Reader
summer beach house pt. 1 - Modern!Tommy x OC (on-going series)
Forever is the Sweetest Con - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Only Bought This Dress So You Could Take It Off - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Behind Closed Doors - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Til Death Do Us Part - Tommy Shelby x Reader
The Dress, Part 4 - Cillian Murphy x Reader (on-going series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Blind Date - Modern!Tommy Shelby x Reader (ongoing series) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Seventeen Days - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Just A Minute… - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Always On Your Side - Tommy Shelby x Reader
grand gestures - Tommy Shelby x Reader
water works - Tommy Shelby x Reader — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
“I’m not pissed, I’m hurt.” - Ada Shelby & Sister!Reader
Nocturnal Me - Tommy Shelby x OC (Succubus AU!) — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
For This Love - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Arthur Shelby Blurb
Tommy Shelby Blurb 1
Tommy Shelby Blurb 2
She Belonged To the Wild - Tommy Shelby x OC — contains 🔞 NSFW themes!
Dating Tommy Shelby - headcannons
Lullaby - Tommy Shelby x Reader
Check On You - Tommy Shelby x Reader
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zablife · 2 years
Peaky Blinders Rec List
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I've been thinking of doing this for some time to show my appreciation to those who have given me hours of entertainment with their stories, moodboards and GIFs. Recently I've seen a few posts asking if there are any writers left in the Peaky fandom. The short answer is YES!! The longer answer of just how many incredibly talented writers there are and their amazing work is listed below the cut. Go follow them, read their work and please comment and reblog! Happy reading and thank you to all these lovely people who share their work with us!
Updated 5/6/24
@peakyscillian Masterlist Incredible Tommy smut!
@inkwolvesandcoffee Masterlist The most creative Alfie content I've read with gorgeous moodboards.
@dandelionprints Masterlist Amazing new writer with fresh Tommy fics!
@buttercupsandboys Masterlist One of my new fave Alfie series!
@moral-terpitude Masterlist So much amazing Tommy content from one shots to series!!
@raincoffeeandfandoms Masterlist Lovely, creative fics for Alfie, Tommy and Luca. As well as the most inspiring moodboards.
@dreamlandcreations Masterlist Amazing Alfie writer and incredible moodboard creator.
@cillmequick Masterlist Amazing series for both Cillian and Tommy that will make you laugh and cry in equal measure.
@notyour-valentine Masterlist Thoughtfully crafted stories that will touch you deeply.
@pherelesytsia Masterlist Tommy fics written in the language of pure poetry. Soft, romantic and utterly beautiful.
@little-diable Masterlist One of the best Tommy Shelby smut writers I've read! Inventive and smart, not to mention devilishly clever!
@xxblackballoonxx Masterlist My fave John Shelby writer!!
@evita-shelby Masterlist Series writer with a strong heroine OC I adore.
@peakyswritings Masterlist A gold mine of Peaky content! One of my fave writers.
@flysafepapi Masterlist Creative genius, horror, vampire AU, so many incredible ideas here.
@shelbydelrey Masterlist Tommy fics with an edge. Mysterious, intriguiging, never dull and always accompanied by amazing moodboards.
@look-at-the-soul Masterlist Cillian and Tommy fics that are so heartfelt and emotional.
@noforkingclue Masterlist Writes the best dark!Tommy ever!
@garrison-girl-08 Masterlist Cillian and Tommy series that are so so addictive!!
@runnning-outof-time Masterlist Consistently amazing Tommy content! No one works harder, but makes it look so easy!
@murderousginger Masterlist One of the most creative writers who never runs out of good ideas. Truly awe inspiring.
@amysteryspot Masterlist Delicious, descriptive writing for Tommy and Alfie one shots and series.
@madame-wilsonn Masterlist A lady of impeccable taste who writes beautifully. Check out her Tommy, Alfie and Arthur fics!
@solomons-finest-rum Masterlist My fave Alfie writer of all time!! Captures his voice like no other.
@theshelbyclan Masterlist A wonderfully gifted writer who provides heartwarming Shelby family fics and the most amazing OC of all time Teddy Shelby!
@pacifymebby Masterlist Writes incredibly detailed headcanons and preferences for the Peaky men that are perfectly in character.
@red-riding-wood Masterlist Specializing in Luca Changretta fics with rich descriptions and compelling narratives.
@thesoldiersminute Gorgeous GIFs I can't stop staring at!
@midnightmagpiemama Masterlist Lovely combination of fluffy, smutty Tommy fics.
@peakyblinded Amazing GIFs and all around lovely person to chat with
@toms-cherry-trees Masterlist Some of the most gorgeous prose I've ever read for Tommy as well as a few other Peaky characters.
@sneakyblinders Masterlist Creator of two separate Tommy AUs that are so creative and immersive.
@anonymooseforever007 Masterlist Writes for many Peaky characters, specializing in humorous, witty dialogue.
@brummiereader Masterlist Amazing series writer for Tommy!
@call-sign-shark Masterlist Mainly writes an incredible series for Arthur, but also one shots for Tommy.
@peakyltd Masterlist Lovely one shots for Tommy, Arthur and John along with the most gorgeous moodboards.
@everythingelseisextra masterlist Formerly @priceofasapphire. Writing under a new blog now with loads of wonderful content.
@darklydeliciousdesires Masterlist Series and one shots for Alfie and John. Incredible smut and fluff!
@rysko Masterlist New writer with amazing Luca content!
I am certain I have missed writers I admire so I will add to this list as I remember people. If I have missed you, I apologize!
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