#alfred van hall
jurjenkvanderhoek · 2 years
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Het is een rood boekje. Niet hèt rode boekje met de citaten van voorzitter Mao Zedong, vaste kost voor zijn aanhangers en de jonge rode gardisten. Ook niet is het dat rode boekje voor scholieren, in 1969 geschreven door enkele kritische leraren. Ik droeg het, in formaat de helft van wat mij nu voorligt maar wel twee keer zo dik, als kleinood en dwarse puber bij me en vind het nog zorgvuldig bewaard op zolder. Het kaft is wel zo rood, dat boekje waarin ik gedichten vind van Alfred van Hall. Zo rood als de omslag van die bundel is, zoveel warmte straalt de inhoud daarvan uit. Het is niet het rood van de anarchie, de opstand, maar de kleur van troost en bemoediging. Vandaag is rood. Een beschermende arm om mijn schouder, vaderlijk bijna. De behaaglijke deken in kille dagen, moederlijk welhaast. Troostende woorden als de voorganger die pastoraal meeleeft met leed en tegenslag.
In de bundel “Oestertaal” kiest dichter Alfred van Hall de woorden zorgvuldig, weegt de betekenis ervan nauwkeurig voor het in taal uit te schrijven. In poëzie voert hij geen actie, zoals de kleur van de bundel doet vermoeden. Hij staat niet op de barricaden met het rode boekje in de hand. Is wel kritisch bij tijd en wijle, omfloerst de woorden dan en zet een opbeurende ondertoon. De kracht van Van Hall is in zijn vriendelijke verzen het licht aan het eind van de tunnel te laten schemeren. In ieder gedicht valt wel steun te halen. Het is dichterlijk gevoel als steunpilaar van mijn emotie. Aangename regels die meestentijd volgens de klassieke voorschriften van de dichtkunst rijmen.
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De zinnen dartelen over het papier, verzachten het dagelijkse leed. Soms voel ik me als de patiënt die op de sofa van de psychiater ligt. Hij luistert en weet ieder negatief een positieve draai te geven. Gemaskeerde woorden met diepere lagen die echter recht de mens in het hart schieten. Als een Cupido laat de dichter pijlen suizen en doel treffen. “laag licht lurkt aan het landschap dat genoeg heeft aan zichzelf;” Zijn gedichten zijn als liedjes, liefdesliedjes. Liefde als minder in hartstocht en meer in genegenheid, interesse in de medemens en de wereld. De versvorm loopt makkelijk binnen. “de klanken van de zware kerkklok / drijven op de golven van de / warme wind naar oude akkers / op de heuvels, de noen begint;” Ik struikel niet over experimentele dichtstijlen, hoewel Van Hall deze niet uit de weg gaat. Maar wanneer dan de zinnen over de regels doorlopen blijft het lezen eenvoudig door de manier waarop de dichter de taal gebruikt. Altijd met de mantel der liefde, en is rijm van minder belang wanneer ritmiek en melodie maar in de gesorteerde woorden aanwezig blijven. Van Hall rijmt zonder te rijmen.
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“Oestertaal” is als titel een paradox. Want de dichter is niet zo gesloten als een oester, maar heeft een verlangen de taal openlijk uit te schrijven. De parel is in het boek gevormd tussen regels en verzen, komma’s en punten. Van Hall weet zijn zienswijze op het leven naar het zijn beeldend te omschrijven. Als in een filmscript zie ik de vertelling opleven. Het zijn lofliederen op het leven, de liefde, het zijn. Maar ook treurzangen op het wezen, de mens. Treurige weemoed in de herinnering wordt omgebogen tot vrolijke melancholie in een aandenken. In het rijmende rijm of het experimentele dichtwerk slaat Van Hall de spijker op de kop, zet een vette punt op de i. Hij zet geen vraagtekens, maar plaatst uitroeptekens. Het is niet de vraag waarom, maar het antwoord daarom. Melancholie met een gouden rand, want achter iedere donderwolk schijnt een heldere zon.
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De dichter steekt niet de kop in het zand en strooit mij geen zand in de ogen. Hij doet mij neerliggen in grazige weiden, voert mij aan rustige wateren, verkwikt mijn ziel. Bijna herderlijk toont hij mij de zonzijde van het leven, waar de schaduwkant een wolf in schaapskleren kan zijn. Met warme woorden steekt hij mij een hart onder de riem. Gedichten, wanneer de esthetische en ritmische eigenschappen van taal ten volle benut zijn in vormkenmerken en stijlmiddelen, lopen warm over de regels en liggen prettig in het gehoor. Om zijn boodschap goed aan te laten komen mag de woordkeuze door Van Hall gebezigd dan over het algemeen gelaagd zijn, vol van symboliek, maar de kracht zit in de maatvoering en de versvoet, het dartelende rijm en de swingende klank. De verzen hebben een grote voordrachtwaarde, kunnen zo het podium op – lyrisch en episch.
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“Soms schiet taal tekort / om tot de kern te komen;” lees ik. Maar Van Hall laat zich dit niet gebeuren. In ieder gedicht raakt hij het wezen, mijn zijn. Het leven is de inspiratie. Geen grote woorden, maar de kracht zit in de kleine dingen. De taal van de straat, geen hemels jargon. In zijn levenservaring geeft Van Hall woorden aan mijn gedachten. Meestal heb ik in zijn vertelling aan een half woord genoeg. Oestertaal, het rode boekje, draag ik op mijn hart in de binnenzak. Zodat het troost biedt wanneer de nood aan de man komt of het water mij tot de lippen reikt, want dat water zakt altijd weer door de woorden van deze verlichtende dichter. “wat ertoe doet staat tussen de regels, / de lezer moet de dichter vinden, / geluk gaat soms de taal voorbij / als een geuren uit een ver verleden.”
Oestertaal. Gedichten. Alfred van Hall. Uitgeverij Servo, 2022,
Foto's bij dit artikel Inge Zwerver & Tjark Dieterman
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starsomens · 5 months
𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 2・𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓪𝓻𝓮 𝔂𝓸𝓾 ?
̩͙‿‿༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ̩͙‿
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Warnings: mentions of blood, short mention of a severed finger (not detailed), language, asshole Noah still lmaooo, like 1 person gets shot (it’s not fatal), not proofread
̩͙‿‿༺ ♰ ༻ ‿̩͙‿   ‿̩͙‿ ༺ ♰ ༻ ̩͙‿
Your body ached as you stretched the muscles. You body unraveled from the blankets like a flower blooming in the morning. Your stare up at the ceiling and see that it really isn’t a dream, and you didn’t wake up in your bed. The wedding ring still on your finger and your wedding dress long forgotten on the floor.
There was a knock at the door, looking under the sheets you had only slept in your underwear. Luckily there was a robe hung near the door. Grabbing it quickly, you cover yourself and open the door. You expected Noah or Alfred but instead see a short woman. Her dark hair starting to grey as she took over her face.
“Good morning ma’am. I am Vilma. I’m the housekeeper for Mr.Sebastian, however I am also assigned to you.” She stated
“A-assigned to me?” You ask confused
“Yes ma’am, any help or questions I can answer for you, I’m just a call away. Today I’ll be showing you around the mansion. I did bring you some temporary clothes while your things are delivered later today.” She handed you a neatly folded set of clothes “please forgive me if they are not up to your standards. They are some of my older clothes from when I was younger, but it would be better than just the robe”
You could feel your chest swell from the sweetness of Vilma. The sense of sweetness and warmth you could run into in the last 24 hours. How could someone so sweet work for someone like Noah?
“Thank you Vilma, this is more than enough” you thank her taking the clothes
“Now go on and get ready I’ll be waiting downstairs for you in the kitchen.” She nodded and made her way to the stairwell. Closing the door you walk over to the dresser that held a large mirror above it. You have out of breath as you look at yourself in the mirror you pick up your hair in a quick bun and get dressed. The clothes Vilma had given you were casual, but very comfortable. And they nearly fit like they were your own clothes.
After getting dressed, you exit your room and head out into the hall. You didn’t quite take a look around the first time since he just wanted to be alone, but the mansion was very big. And as much as you hated to admit it, it was very beautiful. It had a modern, but classic look with black and white trimmings along with some oak accents in the furniture. Course someone with this amount of money must have expensive taste. What else were you expecting.
You go down the stairs and try to find your way into the kitchen of course the smell of breakfast being cooked. After you enter into the kitchen you walk over and take a seat at the dining table. The kitchen was very large and beautiful had almost a Spanish structure. Vilma walks over to you with a plate of breakfast and a smile on her face. She sets it down with a cup of orange juice and tells you to enjoy. Another set of footsteps walks into the kitchen and who else but Noah. He finishes buttoning up his pure white dress shirt, as vans him a mug of coffee.
“Thank you Vilma” he takes a sip of the coffee “Jolly is going to be coming around later today to drop off some shipments. He’s also going to stay until I get back from the port. Make sure she stays out of the west wing.” he said, nodding his head towards you as if you weren’t even in the room. Didn’t even have the decency to use your name. You roll your eyes and scar softly as you continue to consume your breakfast.
“ yes sir, is there anything else?” She drying her hands from washing up the dishes
“that’s all. I’ll call if anything changes.” he seemingly chugged the rest of the hot drink and places it into the sink and passes by you without a glance. So this is what it was going to be like huh? You might as well just stay in your room for the rest of your life.
“And Y/N” he stops at the doorway “ you are not to leave. All of your things be delivered later with Jolly. Do you understand?” he ask you your main quiet and simply put another piece of food in your mouth.
“ I’m sorry, I didn’t hear you. do you understand?” he again fully turning his body to you.
“ yeah whatever” you didn’t even bother to look at him. of course tall tattooed man ruled his own eyes at you and made his leave
“ my ,my what a pair you two are” Velma shakes her head. “ I’ve been working with Noah, since he was very young and he definitely has not grown out of his sassiness, but you were probably one of the first people I’ve seen give him back the same sass. I’m very impressed.”
“ well, I’m not gonna let him push me around or tell me what to do” you standing up from your seat with the plate in hand. Vilma offered to take it and wash it for you “ no Velma it’s okay I’ve got it. You may eat breakfast the least I can do is help you wash up.”
You told Velma a bit about your child and as you helped her clean up the kitchen. She was honestly like having a grandmother around. Her aura was so motherly and uncomforting. It’s so easy to open up to her. At least you had someone to talk to in this hell.
After she began to show you around, beginning on the first floor, where the kitchen dining room and living room can be found. It had a modern yet classical look with velvet cushions, a fireplace, and an alcohol cabinet. Vilma leads you upstairs to explore the east wing of the mansion. She showed you the main bathroom most guests can use, a quiet study, 2 spare guest bedrooms and, an extra hallway closet that was the size of a child's room.
"Is this place always this cold Vilma?" you ask her feeling a chill run through your body
"I'm afraid so, Noah tends to keep the mansion at 70. But you tend to get used to it" she chuckles
"Right, is there anything I could around here aside from stay attached to you?" you asked "I just don't want to be a bother to you is all"
"Oh I wouldn't ask you of that dear I tend to-" just then the doorbell rang "Oh that must be Mr. Jolly." she said motioning for you to follow her "Now Mr. Jolly is one of Noah's dear friends and bussiness partners. In total there are 4, you should meet them later on" she goes and check the ring camera and in fact sees Jolly. As she opens the door a tall man, just a bit shorter than Noah steps into the home. He had long wavy hair, and bear and mustache but didn't seem to carry the same dark aura Noah did
"Aahh Vilma! It's so good to see you, how are you?" he said giving her a hug
"Oh just fine Mr. Jolly" she said propping the door open to help bring in some bags and boxes
"Vilma for the last time, it's just Jolly," he then turns to you "and you must be Y/N, a pleasure" he offers you his hand and you take it in a firm shake
"Jolly was it?" you asked curious of this man truly was named jolly
"Well, Joakim, but Jolly is what everyone calls me" he smiled at you "So, how are things with Mr. Perfection?" he asked
"Do you really want to know?" you ask casting your gaze to the bags that were being brought in, containing your things most likely.
"He always tend to be the lady killer of us 4. Always had the girls head over heels. But he tends to be cold and distant, but then again…I guess that’s what brings the women in” he said scratching at his beard
"If that's what you call going in sane then sure." you mumble causing the man to laugh
"thats why Joakim is around eh? To be the opposite and balance him out" he picked up 3 large bags at a time “Well I have to get these into his office before he strangles me, we’ll talk soon Y/N” he gives you a nod and begins to take the large bags into the east wing. Of course he was allowed there, but you cousins really argue on that could you?
You grabbed a few of your own bags and head to your room to start putting things away. You at least had you clothes and shoes now. Luckily they packed some of your books as well. Ima separate small box some family photos were also sent. The family portrait sent a pang through your chest. A frown now decorates your face as you set up the frames somewhere you’d be able to see them everyday. You sigh and grab your phone, you make a quick call to your mother hoping she’d pick it up.
“Hello? Y/N? My love are you okay??”
“Hi mom, I’m okay,” you answer “just missing you guys…..a lot”
“…honey if…no this isn’t right. Just come home! We’ll be okay sweetie! We can get lawyers, protection services anything!” She starts to rant
“Mom…we both know that’s not how this works. The last thing I want is for any of you to be in danger because k broke a contract” you sigh in half defeat
“I know Y/N, but this is your life we’re talking about. I’ll still try and find a way to get you out of there. I promise you!”
Before you could response to her you open another bags but your heart drops gazing into the bag.
“Mom I’ll call you back.” She kept talking as you hang up the phone and open the bag completely. It was bag full of money but it reeks! Some bills had some blood stains on them, but it wasn’t anything you were used to. You reach for the cash but pull your hand back. Pushing past your thoughts you stick your hand into the bag and move the cash around. All the other bills looked just fine so why was there-
“Huh?” That’s odd, you felt something….squishy? Grasping the item you pull your hand up and was met face to face with a severed finger. You could feel you blood cold as you let out a squeal and drop the finger to the ground. You slowly back out of your room your gaze never leaving the body part on the floor. You back up and run into a body making you jump and spin around
“You know we’re married so the money is also yours” it was Noah “you don’t have to take a bag” he gave you the stupid smirk he’s given you from start and you hated it.
“I didn’t take your stupid money” you huff “someone brought it to my room alright? Which by the way has a fucking finger in it!”
“You really like pushing limits don’t you flower?” He said pushing past you “lets go.” He simply said sliming the bag over his shoulder
“Go? Where?” You ask as he starts in the direction his half of the mansion
“To my office, come.” He gives you a single glance over his shoulder, not bothering to wait for you. You cross your arms and follow behind his footsteps. You stay quiet as you follow the tall male
“I thought I wasn’t allowed here”
“You’re Not. You’re only coming because I said so. After this you’re still not allowed here” he corrects you
“Mhm” you look out of the window and gaze into t eh garden you had no idea existed! “So is the prisoner allowed to go out?” You asked
“I can care less about you going into t he garden, we’ll discuss everything else in my office” he stops T two grand doors, similar to your father’s. He unlocks his using a key and walks in first. So much for Gentlemen.
“Close the door” he sighs setting the bag near his desk “ as you know obviously right now it’s not you frankly you’re going to stubborn to be part of a contract” he starts. You roll your eyes at the comment, knowing he basically meant every word he was saying about you.
“ That doesn’t mean I don’t have a job reputation to uphold. Which means you as my wife sometimes have to attend certain events with me whether you like it or not, we’re gonna be spending a lot of time with each other.“
“ OK was kind of expected it’s not gonna enjoy myself just going because I have to. Besides, can you get one of your so many girls to go with you and pose as your wife“ you ask him as you walk towards his desk
“ I mean I could, but word gets around pretty fast going with some other girl I have to go with a headache“ he said walking towards you and stops just a few feet in front of you. You were leaned onto the side of his desk with your arms, staring up at him, as if he were merely an ant. It wasn’t as if he could make you disappear off the face of the Earth with without a trace, and have a completely covered up within 24 hours. As much as Noah was not enjoying himself, he had to admit he did admire your boldness, but he also thought it was very stupid.
“Awh he also thinks I’m a headache. I can’t wait to see that fake routine in front of everyone.” you roll your eyes at him.
“ do you know eventually if you keep rolling your eyes like that, your eyes are gonna fall out of your sockets” he remarked, stepping closer “ in fact, that little mouth of yours is going to get you a whole lot of trouble if you keep it up” he continued to step closer to you until he was towed to toe, and you were slightly leaning back on his desk to keep a distance
“ What if it does? what exactly are you gonna do to? Kill me? Keep me locked away?” You begin to push your boundaries
Noah Leans forward until his hands hit The edge of the desk. Nearly laying you down with your back flat on the cold furniture.
And he whispers “ oh, I can think of 100 things, little flower” his voice was deep and husky, and then a sense it felt dangerous “ I will push you past your limits and break that little mind of yours.”
“ is that all?” You asked.
“ oh, no, it could be a lot more I can do” his hand, comes to your jaw once more, and brings you close to his face “ just keep trying you’ll be getting there soon enough” he paints a kiss your cheek. A hypocrisy to how he was gripping your jaw keeping you in place.
He finally lets go and keeps his eye on you as he walks over to what looked like a closet in his office he pulls out a red dress and held it up. It was a sleek off the shoulder dress with a delicate leg slit on the left side.
“ Don’t even ask if it fits you. It’s your size. Be ready by six sharp, we need to be there by 6:30. I’m not gonna wait for you.” he said, handing you the dress “ and try not to take your whole face with make up, three hours to get ready in the meantime, I have things out to work on you have any questions ask Vilma.” he walks over to the door and opens it as if kicking you out without a word you huff and you walk out of his office. He stepped out of the wooden doors. A tap was met with your left ass cheek. You look back pissed as hell, ready to unleash a world of
“ hopefully don’t find any more fingers in your bedroom” he teased with a mischievous smirk, knowing damn well that that finger freaked you out
“Asshole” you mumble as you continue to walk down the hallway with your head held high. You don’t care how much he would. “humiliate” you, you walk with your head held high and your dignity and pride higher. You guess he had nothing else better to do so you went back to your room to get ready. You did a half up half down here do with some loose curls at the end. Some delicate Rosie make up and a bold red lip to match your dress. And of course a little eyeliner never hurt anyone. It was already 5:50. All you had to do was get your dress on.
You managed to get into the dress and zip it just up to your mid back, but couldn’t get the rest. You needed help and hope that Vilma was around. You poke your head out of your room door and call out for her.
“ Vilma? Vilma are you still around?” You called out, but didn’t get a response. You thought it was strange seeing us how she was the housekeeper. You step out of the room and walk down the hall just a bit to see if maybe you could run into her. She was probably in another room in the house.
“ Vosen finished her shift for the day” and of course, no surprise you turn around to find Noah again “if you need help you just ask you know”
“ look I just-“
“ just shut up and turn around” side and turn around reluctantly, so that he could zip you up. His slender and slightly cold fingers touch your bareback as he zips up the dress to fit you perfectly. He stood there and took a look at you as you turned around in the dress. “ see it wasn’t so bad, Jesse looks good on you. Who knows maybe the dress just made you look better.”
“ oh ha ha, this suit makes you look more decent, but it still doesn’t take away from the fact that you’re basically an asshole “you snap back at him
“ you know I always wondered why some people liked feisty women. I can see why really keeps me from dying of boredom. Go get your burger whatever you have to bring with you, we’re leaving.”
He said making his way down the stairs, not even offering you help. You go back to your room and grab a small pocketbook along with your phone and of course some pepper spray just in case, because you could never be too careful. You come back into the hallway and down the stairs his gave me never leaving your form with each step you take. His gays scanned up and down like a predator analyzing its prey
“are you done staring?” ask him with an eyebrow raised.
“What can I say? I picked a good dress, come on” he said motioning his head towards the door. Outside was parked a sleek black car worth 4 times more the dress you were wearing. Different from the SUV Alfred had driven you in.
“Is Alfred not taking us?” You asked as he opened the passenger seat
“Alfred escorts me at times, but I like my own driving at times” as you take a seat into the expensive vehicle he shuts the door and makes his way open to the seat. The weight of the car shifts as another person is added to it. Putting the current drive the engine rev as you roll out of the rounded entrance of the mansion. The gates closed behind you and you were off to the event.
“ so exactly what kind of event is this? You ask him curious as to exactly where you were going to dress as if you were about to walk on the red carpet. Scanning his own suit it was different from the one he had worn before he wore his slacks but switched out his button-down and tie for a black turtleneck instead. His hair was combed with most of it to one side.
“ oh, for one people been nagging me to meet you second off, this is a general dinner that people within this business has to catch up and make sure everyone is where they should be. Money and businesswise.” he informed he never taking his eyes off the road.
“ Will my father be attending? “ you ask him
“ no he’s no longer the head of your family, especially the business part. Most likely Matthew might be there, but because he still knew all of this, he might not make an appearance, so don’t keep your hopes up.” he answers. “I just hope that your ass behaves. No smart remarks, no talking back, no sad comments or mumbling. You get that?” he answers as he stops at the red light. The red light, illuminating his face in a demonic, yet hypnotic way. Highlighting his features, his sharp jawline and nose, his deep, mysterious eyes.
” so I should just let you walk all over me then,” your head sarcastically “ what if I run into snot nose brat doesn’t know how to stop running your mouth?” You ask him sarcastically
“ well then you’ll have a little friend find common ground with”
Life is being and without taking his gaze away from you, he steps on the gas. He zigs and zags through the traffic. Every time he would glance over you, your heart would race a little because his eyes were off the road.
It is a long since before you knew it you were at the location. It was a very exclusive and very private gathering. there were other cars there much like his, some money, money on wheels at this point. You see men like your father, chatting outside, well, puffing smoke from their mouth and nostrils from the cigars that they held in their hands. They gave you a weird vibe, seeming to be the type of men to marry women and have trophy lives. Already had years of marriage under your belt exactly how to manipulate them. You made a mental note to stay clear of them.
You pull on the car door handle and open your door only to have it closed right away. Of course, Noah being as tall as he was his arms are long enough to reach your handle door again and turns your face to meet his gay but doesn’t hold your face like he did the last few times.
“Y/N, listen to me” his tone became authoritative “when we get in there, you stay close to me, you don’t say a word to them unless they greet you, and DO NOT, wonder on your own. Do you understand?”
“It’s just a party” you scrunch your eyebrows at him
“Fucking Christ” he sighed pinching the bridge of his nose “just fucking listen for once and don’t argue with me”
He gets out of the car before you could respond. You grab your things and open the door, Noah is already in your side to give you a hand to get out of the car. Taking your hand in his, he tucks it into his elbow taking his title as husband very seriously now that you were there. As you approach the door there is a muscular man guarding the door. He looks at Noah and then you and opens the door for you to talk in. You step into a grand hall with a glamorous chandelier. An older man starts to approach you and Noah and Noah clears his throat to whisper
“Follow me”
“Noah my boy! It’s good to see you” he said with open arms, Noah lets you go to give him a strong handshake, his gaze falls on to you next “I heard you married a lovely lady but nobody said she was this gorgeous!” He chuckles taking you hand in his and b shaking it delicately
“John, it’s a pleasure”
“Y/N,” you answer with a small tight smile, Noah’s hand finds the small of your back and he brings you into his side “the pleasure is mine”
“Listen why don’t you both get comfortable before the meeting starts, I’ll see you soon” he excuses himself and moves to the next guest
Noah then leads you down a grand hallway
“I’m going to be meeting with other heads of the organization, you aren’t allowed in.” He explains
“Huh? Why not?” You asked
“Because it’s none of your damn business. So you will behave and sit in a waiting room just for occasions like this. Got it?” He said caroling at an entrance to what looked like a living room area. There were 3 other women inside and some children as well. At least you wouldn’t be stuck in a room on your own.
“You’ll wait here until I’m done. DO NOT leave with anyone outside of this room, if you need the bathroom it’s down the hall to the left and it’ll be the only door there” he explained pointing down the length of the carpeted hallway.
“….fine, how long is this going to take?” You stare up at him, almost like a child who didn’t get their way.
“At most 2 hours, I’ll come get you when we’re done” he said turning away
“Why can’t I just go ho- back to the mansion?”
“Because you have to be here, now shut up and get in there” he cute you off as he steps into the room. The smell of cologne, cigars and alcohol leaked out into the hallway. You groan and take in a deep breath before walking into the waiting area. One woman who seem to be the mother of the two children there turned her head for a quick glance turn back. She had a short, bob cut, and we can only describe his classic makeup. Almost as if coming straight out of the 1950s. There’s another woman who has stood near a glass door that led to a balcony overlooking the scenery from the building. The building was placed near a cliff where there was a gorgeous outlook of the ocean. The moonlight pouring into the warm light of the chandelier. She held a cigarette over her left hand while her right arm crossed over her body to hold her left elbow. She didn’t even turn to look at you, as if nothing was even happening behind her. All you could see was her long blue gown and her platinum blonde hair running down her back.
The last woman you took note of was sitting on a couch with her nose in a book. Her hair was done up into a bun with some pins in it. Seeing as she may have been the calmest and most peaceful in the room, you go and sit on the other end of the couch. She took a quick gaze at you from behind her book. Brown eyes blinked at you and then go back to her page.
You hesitant to say anything or even attempt to speak to someone that was until someone had cleared their throat, and was now standing in front of you. It was the blonde woman who was just smoking outside of the window a few seconds ago.
“So, this is the mystery woman everyone has been wondering about“ she scans you with her sharp blue eyes, and the disapproving pout on her lips “do you even know what you’re doing here? who you’re married to?” She was interrogating you as if she had personal business with you. In a strange way it was intimidating, but in an annoying way.
But of course, you fire back because you wouldn’t stay shut “ and you are who exactly?” You ask giving her the same up-and-down scan she gave you.
“ Denise, the one who is actually supposed to be in your place” what does she mean by that?
“ what?”
“ marry, Noah. He and I were supposed to marry and continue the business as it should have been. Yet here he is married to you. A spoiled brat who thinks she knows everything because she saw her daddy holding a gun.”
“ Denise that is enough” The elder woman with children spoke up. “ none of this is her fault or her and frankly it is none of your business”
“ oh, Noah is my business. Whatever wants to take away is immediately my business.”
You stand up from and hold your head high, despite her being a couple of inches above you. You were biting your tongue wanting to say something snarky back or even throw a punch but instead you hold your nose high and your head and walk out of the room.
“ you have gone too far. You need to let the Pasco because it is not happening…” you hear as you exit the room voices the further you get away. You walked down the hallway towards the bathroom and make a right turn like Noah said.
The hallway was dimly lit, and eerily quiet for having so many people in the building. I didn’t know that they were only being a single door? Why were you looking at three? Shit, you must’ve taken a wrong turn. You turn yourself around and walked back down the hallway instead of watching the hall that laid in front of you you watched your feet with every step that you took deep in your thoughts about what Denise had just. You weren’t jealous, you weren’t envious, this wasn’t something you chose, but at the same time you really started question
Who was Noah Sebastian? Sure he was a mafia boss one of the biggest. you’re more than sure he’s killed, from what Jolly told you he’s a magnet, and from what you know, he can sometimes be a bipolar asshole. But who was he?
As he turned the corner of the hallway to go to the bathroom, should be you run into someone.
“Whoa there, you okay- oh,” at a man who stood at about 5 foot, 10. He had light brown hair and striking green eyes “ didn’t think I’d find such attractive lady here tonight”
You looked almost like a deer cotton headlights, not knowing how to react or what to say to the man that stood in front of you. It was safe to say that he looked like the type to harass girls into giving him their phone number only to ghost them in a week, you immediately wanted nothing to do with him
“ I should go there, expecting me back” you make up a bullshit excuse to get away. You round around him and start to walk just a bit faster.
“ come on sweetheart nothing more a little fun between strangers” he chuckled as he reached for your arm and pulled you back towards him “don’t be boring”
“I have a husband, and frankly I’m not one bit. Interested in you now. Let me go.” You said, pushing off of him, but his grip only became fierce the more he tugged against him.
”Ooo you’re a fighter. I like when they’re a little feisty, it gives me a challenge” He pushes you against the wall trapping you completely with your arm pinned over your head. His face comes uncomfortably close to your face as he whispers into your ear. “ just one night that’s all. That’s all I’m asking you.”
“NOAAAHHH!” You call out to the last person you thought you’d call out to knowing that it would possibly be your only salvation.
“Noah? You’re calling out for the most selfish and self-centered person in this building thing he’s gonna come and save you? Hey well that’s pathetic.”
You shut your eyes tightly, praying, hoping and begging to any God or deity that could save you now.
It was silent, and the only thing you heard, was the caulk of a gun, and the rupture of a bullet, leaving its chamber. The man that was once holding you against your whale, now screaming as your hand falls down to your side. Open your eyes slowly and see the brunette sitting on the floor and he held his knee. Assuming that he was shot in the knee look in the opposite direction to see Noah standing next to you. Gun in hand as he looks down on the man as he was the most worthless dirt he had ever stepped on.
“Really? You have grown out of this habit?” Noah grumbled in his direction, taking his foot and stepping on his wound to apply pressure. “ have you been taught to stay away from things that aren’t yours?”
“ it’s not like you were gonna pay attention to her anyway” he has his back
“Y/N,” he steps away from the man and goes to you “did he hurt you? Touch you?” he asked scanning you over
"No...I'm fine..." you said softly, Noah clenches his jaw and takes his coat off. He drapes it over your shoulders and leads you by the small of your back and pushes you gently
"Jared," he stops and speaks over his shoulder "You come near or touch my wife again, I'll cut you hand off."
The drive home was silent. Not a word, smart remark, sassy response. Nothing. The lights and buildings passed almost like a blur, you mind was racing, but you also felt as if you were at a standstill. However, you did have to ask him
"Who was...Denise to you?" there was a gap of silence before he answers
"She was an ex, of a sort. Nothing went past half a year or so. Why?"
Shrugging your shoulders you say "Met her. She called me a bitch and said it should have been her"
"fuck" he cursed under his breath "Look just ignore her, she's out of her mind and we-"
"but she was right" you sigh as the car comes to a halt in front of the home. You unbuckle your seatbelt and step out of the car "I have no idea who you are Noah Sebastian"
"Y/N." he calls for you as you shut the door and walk to the door without him. He comes out and follows you, "Y/N, believe what you want about me, but if you chose to believe her then you'd be the idiot" he mumbles as he unlocks the door to the large home. The inside just as cold as the outside, your heels clacking against the tile as you approach the stairs
"An idiot for marrying you yes, an idiot for following what you say yes. But my biggest mistake would be if I stay here” you stare into his dark orbs intensely, never breaking eye contact before. Noah felt something he never felt before, something weighing in his chest, that he could not explain. The fire in your eyes as you fire at him in just a few words. Could he say that he had romantic feelings for you? No, how you felt towards him why would he feel anything?
But something about you having no fear of him or anyone you’ve come in contact with, it was like something he hasn’t seen before. He watched as he dropped his jacket on the floor, discard it as if it were, and made your way up to your bedroom without as much as a glance or smart room or back. He stood at the stairwell for a couple seconds. His hands in his pockets, contemplating what was discussed that night, what’s to come. Big changes were being made, steps that would flip this entire world upside down. Yet the question that weighed in his mind
“Who the hell are you?”
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servants-hall · 5 months
All Creatures Great and Small: Samuel West on his Yorkshire heritage, meeting his fellow cast members and finding Siegfried
All Creatures Great and Small actor Samuel West talks to Stephanie Smith about his Yorkshire heritage, first meeting his fellow cast members – and finding Siegfried Farnon.
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If there is a magic formula for making a hit TV drama series in the 21st century, All Creatures Great and Small has bottled and then gift-wrapped it. Values are key and, says Samuel West, the upcoming Christmas Special spreads a much-needed message of decency and kindness.
“It’s about people coming together in difficulty, to support each other, at a time when so many terrible things are happening in the world,” he says. “It’s got absent friends, people who are missing, people who won’t ever come back, just like life.”
Samuel plays Siegfried Farnon, the Yorkshire Dales vet with a short fuse and a huge heart. It is a role that he has more than made his own, even for those who remember Robert Hardy in the original BBC series that ran from 1978 to 1990.
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Samuel West and Peter Wright in All Creatures Great and Small Meets The Yorkshire Vet. Photo: Channel 5
The “new” Channel 5 adaptation launched amid a pandemic-crippled UK back in September 2020, coinciding with the 50th anniversary of the publication of If Only They Could Talk, the first of the James Herriot bestsellers penned by Thirsk vet James Alfred “Alf” Wight. There have now been four TV series made (and we are talking to mark the release of a DVD box set of them).
All Creatures has been a great success for Channel 5, with viewing figures for the fourth season peaking at 3.7million. Samuel saw the show’s potential from the off. “I was already thinking about Channel 5 as a good place, because they had given up Big Brother and so they had to fill about 250 hours a year of schedule, and they started filling it with drama, which was delightful.”
When approached to play Siegfried, he was already a respected actor, with a rich and varied career mingling theatre, TV and film, radio and voiceover work. Nominated in 1993 for a BAFTA for Howards End, his film credits also include Jane Eyre, Van Helsing and Notting Hill, while his TV work includes the BBC’s Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (filmed in York in 2015), Waking the Dead, Any Human Heart, Slow Horses, The Crown, Small Axe and four series of Mr Selfridge. He was artistic director of Sheffield Theatres from 2005 to 2007.
He learned that Golden Globe and BAFTA award-winning production company Playground was making the new All Creatures. “I had just finished watching Playground’s Wolf Hall, which I had adored, and that period stuff is hard to get right, and expensive to do well,” he says.
The treatment he was sent included a back story about Siegfried, written by lead writer, Ben Vanstone. “It was beautiful,” says Samuel. “Almost sort of Chekhovian in its detail and the cables that ran through the man. They had set a lot of things in this past that had made him layered, and I realised, just from thinking about the man, and looking at the books and remembering Robert Hardy’s performance in the 1970s, that he was going to need a lot of playing. It was going to need vocal and physical size. But I thought, if I am on the right track and I know where I am coming from, I think I’m quite good casting.”
He met Nicholas Ralph (James Herriot), Rachel Shenton (Helen) and Callum Woodhouse (Tristan) on the train from Leeds to Skipton for a couple of days’ rehearsal. Samuel says: “At the end of the journey, I thought, what lovely people, and at the end of the rehearsal, I thought, this ensemble really works, and then they cast Anna Madeley and she was the icing on the cake that was already rising.”
Siegfried is often spotted reading The Yorkshire Post. “Quite right, too,” says Samuel. “ I also love the paper. I think your editorials are sometimes some of the most sensible things I read all week.”
In this series, Siegfried is a widower, a detail not in the Herriot novels but echoing the life of the real man who inspired the character, Donald Sinclair, whose first wife, Evelyn, died of tuberculosis. He was married to his second wife for 53 years. She was called Audrey, which just happens to be the lesser heard name of Anna Madeley’s character, Mrs Hall.
Samuel discovered more about Donald Sinclair when he teamed up with real-life vet Peter Wright while making the programme All Creatures Great and Small Meets The Yorkshire Vet, which airs on Channel 5 just before the All Creatures Christmas Special on December 21. He also visited The World of James Herriot with Alf Wight’s children, Jim Wight and Rosie Page, and has incorporated into Siegfried’s portrayal some of the details they passed on. “My father says, do as much research as you can because, even if only 10 per cent is useful, the more you do, the bigger the 10 per cent is. Except he says I say that.”
Samuel’s father, actor Timothy West, is Bradford-born. Family legend has it that Timothy’s father (actor Lockwood West, known as Harry) was on tour there at the time. “It's not true,” says Samuel. What actually happened was, in pre-NHS days, he and his wife, Olive, also an actor, had been told of an inexpensive maternity home up in Yorkshire. Samuel says: “They were playing in Eastbourne at the time. She went by train to Bradford, had the baby, and Harry continued to do eight shows a week.”
Samuel - who has two daughters, aged nine and six, with his partner, the playwright Laura Wade - plans to save the All Creatures Christmas special to watch with his father and mother, fellow actor Prunella Scales. “My father, in particular, is quite cross that he’s not in it, but he can’t be in everything,” he says. “And we would have to be related - we look increasingly like each other.”
The All Creatures Great and Christmas 2023 episode will be broadcast on December 21, at 9pm in the UK on Channel 5 and My5.
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librarycomic · 3 months
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My Very Own Special Particular Private And Personal Cat by Sandol Stoddard Warburg, designed and illustrated by Remy Charlip. Enchanted Lion, 2023. (Originally published in 1963.) 9781592703852. http://www.powells.com/book/-9781592703852?partnerid=34778&p_bt
I love everything about this book: the poetry, the illustrations, the orange-yellow paper, and especially the layout, which helps the words and illustrations work together. A child talks about playing with his cat, and the cat is clearly not having a good time and finally runs off. The story really gets going in the second half, when it shifts into the cat's point of view.
Also: I loved the reproduction of Remy Charlip's signature on the "This book belongs to __" page.
Gravity Is Bringing Me Down by Wendelin Van Draanen, illustrated by Cornelia Li. Alfred A. Knopf, 2024. 9780593375921. https://www.powells.com/book/-9780593375921?partnerid=34778&p_bt
Gravity is in a bad mood, and it's making Leda's school day pretty rough. (Don't worry, she makes up with gravity later in the book.) The story is great, and a fun way to introduce kids to science, but Li's illustrations make the book amazing; the way she draws the sun is my favorite thing in the book.
Love in the Library by Maggie Tokuda-Hall, illustrated by Yas Imamura. Candlewick, 2022. Includes an author's note at the end. 9781536204308. https://www.powells.com/book/-9781536204308?partnerid=34778&p_bt
The story of George and Tama Tokuda, the author's maternal grandparents, who fell in love in the Minidoka incarceration camp in Idaho. (Tama worked in the library during their incarceration; George came in all the time and checked out more books than anyone could possibly read.) This is the best picture book on the internment of Japanese Americans I've read, and the most beautifully
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nerds-yearbook · 2 months
Appendix: Some Nerd Appearances of David Warner
Teen Titans Go! - The Lobe (2020)
Mary Poppins Returns - Admiral Boom (2018)
The Alienist - Professor Cavanaugh (2018)
The Amazing World of Gumball - Dr Wrecker (2015 - 2016)
Baldur's Gate: Siege of Dragonspear - Jon Irenicus (2016)
Southern Troopers - Admiral Warner (2015)
Penny Dreadful - Professor Abraham Van Helsing (2014)
Doctor Who - Professor Grisenko (2013)
Wizard - Merlin (2013)
The Evil Clergyman - The Evil Clergyman (2012)
The Secret of Crickley Hall - Percy Judd (2012)
A Thousand Kisses Deep - Max (2011)
Tron: The Next Day - Ed Dillenger (2011)
Graceless - Daniel (2010)
Doctor Who: Dreamland - Lord Azlok (2009)
Hogfather - Lord Downey (2006)
The League of Gentlemen's Apocalypse - Dr Erasmus Pea (2005)
Cyber Wars - Joseph Lau (2004)
Cortex - Master of the Organization (2004)
Dr Jeckyll & Mr Hyde - Sir Danvers Carew (2003)
The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy - Nergal (2001 - 2003)
The Code Conspiracy - Professor (2002)
The Little Unicorn - Ted Regan (2001)
Planet of the Apes - Senator Sandar (2001)
Men In Black animated - Alpha (1997 - 2001)
Star Trek: Klingon Academy - Chancellor Gorkon (2000)
The Secret Adventures of Jules Verne - Arago (2000)
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - Lord Angstrom (2000)
Batman Beyond - Ra's Al Ghul (2000)
Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn (2000)
Star Wars: Force Commander - Grand Gen Brashin
Superman animated - Ra's Al Ghul (1999)
Descent 3 - Dravis (1999)
The Outer Limits - Inspector (1995 - 1999)
Total Recall 2070 - Dr Felix Latham (1999)
Wing Commander - Admiral Geoffery (1999)
Toonsylvania - Doctor Vic Frankenstien (1998)
Houdini - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle (1998)
Fallout - Morpheus (1997)
Spider-Man animated - Herbert Landon (1995 - 1997)
Preversions of Science - Dr Nordhoff (1997)
Freakazoid - The Lobe (1995 - 1997)
Captain Simian & the Space Monkeys - the Glyph (1997)
Privateer 2 - Rhinehart (1996)
Beast Master III - Lord Agon (1996)
Gargoyles - Archmage (1995)
Iron Man - Arthur Dearborn (1995)
Batman animated - Ra's Al Ghul (1992 - 1995)
Final Equinox - Shilow (1995)
Biker Mice from Mars - Ice Breaker (1995)
Mighty Max - Talon (1994)
Babylon 5 - Aldous Gajic (1994)
Lois and Clark the New Adventures - Jor-El (1994)
Adventures of Brisco County Jr - Winston Smiles (1993)
Quest of the Delta Knights - Lord Vultare (1993)
Body Bags - Dr Lock (1993)
Wild Palms - Eli Levitt (1993)
Dinosaurs - Spirit of the Tree (1993)
Star Trek the Next Generation - Gul Madred (1992)
Captain Planet and the Planeteers - Zarm (1992)
Tales from the Crypt - Dr Alan Goetz (1992)
Return to the Lost World - Professor Summerlee (1992)
The Lost World - Professor Summerlee (1992)
Star Trek VI - Chancellor Gorkon (1991)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - Professor Jordan (1991)
Twin Peaks - Thomas Eckhardt (1991)
Spymaker - Adm Godfry (1990)
Star Trek V - St John Talbot (1989)
Worlds Beyond - Ken Larkin (1988)
My Best Friend is a Vampire - Professor Leopold (1987)
Frankenstien - the creature (1984)
The Man With Two Brains - Dr Alfred (1983)
Tron - Ed Dillenger (1982)
Time Bandits - Evil Genius (1981)
Time After Time - Dr John Leslie/Jack the Ripper (1979)
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telaviv-delhi · 8 months
Hátigen A vicc, hogy az Apollo 11 legénységének is van csillaga a tv-ben nyújtott tevékenységért. Talán a Holdtagadók Társasága szponzorálta :) Végülis: Churchill meg irodalmi Nobel-díjat kapott :)
A lencsevégre kapott valakik, benne néhány kivándorolt/elmenekült/elűzött magyarral:
Elvis Presley, Orson Welles, Clark Gable, Audrey Hepburn, Arthur Spiegel, Apollo 11 Crew (Neil Armstrong, Edvin E. Aldrin), August Lumiere, Johnny Cash, Humphrey Bogart, Ernest Borgnine, Mariska Hargitay, Kim Novak, Kevin Bacon, Lassie, Ronald Reagan, George Cukor, David Niven, Marlene Dietrich, Jane's Addiction, Richard Pryor, Alfred Hitchcock, Frank Sinatra, Orson Welles, Joseph Szigeti, Tom Jones, Eva Gabor, Larry King, John Cusack, Vladimir Horowitz, Daniel Radcliffe, Celine Dion, Bee Gees, Matt Damon, Forest Whitaker, Martin Landau, Billy Bob Thornton, Harrison Ford, Kevin Costner, Russel Crowe, Anthony Hopkins, Martin Scorsese, Charlize Theron, Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, Steven Spielberg, Jamie Foxx, Jamie Foxx, Susan Sarandon, Whoopi Goldberg, Bela Lugosi, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Rod Stewart, Hugh Laurie, Ella Fitzgerald, Aerosmith, Janis Joplin, Mötley Crue, Marilyn Monroe, Ozzy Osbourne, Jay Leno, Sandra Bullock, Keanu Reeves, Anthony Perkins, Britney Spears, Antonio Banderas, Peter Jackson, Ryan Reynolds, Ricky Martin, The Doors, Slash, John Travolta, Salma Hayek, Charles Bronson, William Shatner, Godzilla, Tom Selleck, Tom Selleck, Jodie Foster, Quentin Tarantino, Zsa Zsa Gabor, Elton John, Billy Crystal, Bruce Willis, Tommy Lee Jones, Bruce Lee, Orlando Bloom, Eddie Murphy, Drew Barrymore, Julio Iglesias, Glenn Close, James Dunn, Alice Cooper, Henry Fonda, David Hasselhoff, Patrick Swayze, Richard Chamberlain, Samuel L. Jackson, Johnny Depp, RuPaul, Peter Falk, Thomas A. Edison, Helen Mirren, Tony Curtis, Dwayne Johnson, Groucho Marx, Greta Garbo, Kermit the Frog, Mariah Carey, George Clooney, Colleen Moore, Eddie Murphy, Denzel Washington, Walter Matthau, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Peter Sellers, Sophia Loren, Anthony Quinn, Sean Connery, Al Pacino, Johnny Depp, Robert de Niro, The Hunger Games, Kevin Costner, Kim Novak, Henry Fonda, etc.
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As of 2023, the Walk of Fame comprises 2,752 stars, which are spaced at 6-foot (1.8 m) intervals. There is a $75,000 sponsorship fee upon selection. The fee is used to pay for the creation and installation of the star, as well as maintenance of the Walk of Fame.
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Donald Trump valamivel leöntve. Nem akarom tudni, hogy mivel öntötték le ennek a derék, becsületes, szőke, fehér hazafinak a csillagát.
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Neutralised (1994) [3/?]: My Version of The Shared Universe
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For those of you unfamiliar with 'Chicago Hope', it was actually set in a shared universe. Also, 'Suspiciously Similar' characters will be involved (Due to actors playing multiple roles). This is my take on that:
Chicago Hope
Homicide: Life on the Street
Law & Order
Picket Fences
characters (I'm not listing anyone who was in 20 episodes or less) under the cut. Also technically these are not all the characters as I'm still writing stuff.
Chicago Hope - Characters (& Actors):
Doctor Aaron Shutt (Adam Arkin)
Doctor Phillip Watters (Hector Elizondo)
Doctor William 'Billy' Kronk (Peter Berg)
Doctor Dennis Hancock (Vlondie Curtis-Hall)
Doctor Diane Grad (Jayne Brook)
Doctor Keith Wilkes (Rocky Carroll)
Doctor Jack McNeil (Mark Harmon)
Doctor Daniel Nyland (Thomas Gibson)
Doctor Jeffrey Geiger (Mandy Patinkin)
Nurse Camille Shutt (Roxanne Hart)
Doctor Lisa Catera (Stacy Edwards)
Alan Birch (Peter MacNicol)
Doctor Joseph Cacaci (Bob Bancroft)
Doctor Robert Yeats (Eric Stoltz)
Doctor Gina Simon (Carla Gugino)
Doctor Jeremy Hanlon (Lauren Holly)
Doctor Francesca Alberghetti (Barbara Hershey)
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Homicide: Life on the Street - Characters (& Actors)
Detective John Munch (Richard Belzer)
Detective Meldrick Lewis (Clark Johnson)
Lieutenant Alphonse Giardello (Yaphet Kotto)
Detective Tim Bayliss (Kyle Secor)
Detective Frank Pembleton (Andre Braugher)
Detective / Sergeant Kay Howard (Melissa Leo)
Detective Mike Kellerman (Reed Diamond)
Officer/Detective/Lieutenant Stuart Gharty (Peter Gerety)
Detective Paul Falsone (Jon Seda)
Lieutenant/Captain/Detective Megan Russert (Isabella Hofman)
Detective Laura Ballard (Callie Thorne)
Detective Terri Stivers (Toni Lewis)
Captain/Colonel George Barnfather (Clayton LeBouef)
ASA Ed Danvers (Željko Ivanek)
J.H.Brodie (Max Perlich)
Detective Beau Felton (Daniel Baldwin)
Detective Stanley Bolander (Ned Beatty)
Dr Julianna Cox (Michelle Forbes)
FBT Agent/Officer Mike Giardello (Giancario Esposito)
Detective Rene Sheppard (Michael Michele)
Dr. Alyssa Dyer (Harlee McBride)
Detective/Captain Roger Gaffney (Walt MacPherson)
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Law & Order - Characters (& Actors)
Sergeant Maxwell Greevey (George Dzundza)
Junior Detective Michael Logan (Chris Noth)
Captain Donald Cragen (Dann Florek)
Exex ADA Benjamin Stone (Michael Moriarty)
ADA Paul Robinette (Richard Brooks)
DA Adam Schiff (Steven Hill)
Sergeant Philip Cerreta (Paul Sorvino)
Dr Elizabeth Olivet (Carolyn McCormic)
Senior Detective Leonard W Briscoe (Jerry Orbach)
Lieutenant Anita Van Buren (S. Epatha Merkerson)
ADA Claire Kincaid (Jill Hennessy)
Exec ADA/DA John McCoy (Sam Waterston)
Junior Detective Reynaldo Curtis (Benjamin Bratt)
ADA Jamie Ross (Carey Lowell)
ADA Abigail Carmichael (Angie Harmon)
Junior/Senior Detective Edward Green (Jesse L. Martin)
Interim DA Nora Lewin (Dianne Wiest)
ADA Serena Southerlyn (Elisabeth Röhm)
DA Arthur Branch (Fred Thompson)
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Neutralised - Characters (& Actors)
Abraham Machado (Alfred Molina)
Andreina Neri (Robin Wright)
Caleb Willow (Cary Elwes)
Dove Lewis (Alfre Woodard)
Esmé Verity (Janaeane Garofalo)
Faustus Sanchez (Hank Azaria)
Grayson Bryant (Harold Perrineau)
Hunter Kingsley (Chris Farley)
Ichabod Mortimer (Danny DeVito)
Jared Foster (Kirk Acevedo)
Kane Carter (Philip Seymour Hoffman)
Lance Carter (John Goodman)
Monday Duke (Patricia Arquette)
Noam Gold (Oliver Platt)
Omega Finch (Willem Dafoe)
Peyton Blythe (Regina King)
Russel Warszawski (Adam Sandler)
Sullivan Landon (Christopher Lloyd)
Tuesday Duke (Reese Witherspoon)
Victor Jamison (Mike Myers)
Winslow Warszawski (Brad Garrett)
Xavier Solomon (David Spade)
Yancy Haggard (Kiefer Sutherland)
Zoey Knight (Geena Davis)
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OZ - Characters (& Actors)
Augustus Hill (Harold Perrineau)
Tobias Beecher (Lee Tergesen)
Ryan O'Reily (Dean Winters)
Kareem Saïd / Goodson Truman (Eamonn Walker)
Miguel Alvarez (Kirk Acevedo)
Vernon Schillinger (J.K. Simmons)
Simon Adebisi (Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje)
Christopher Keller (Christopher Meloni)
Zahir Arif (Granville Adams)
Hamid Khan (Ernie Hudson Jr.)
Nacim Bismilla (Re Hanna)
Huseni Mershah / James Monroe Madison (Roger Guenvuer Smith)
Leroy Tidd / Salah Udeen (Jacues Smith)
Jefferson Keane (Leon)
Kenny Wangler (J.D. Williams)
Arnold 'Poet' Jackson (muMs the Schemer)
Paul Markstrom (O.L. Duke)
Junior Pierce (Malé-Lexington Alexander)
Malcolm 'Snake' Coyle (Treach)
Johnny Post (Tim McAdams)
James Robson (R.E. Rodgers)
Mark Mack (Leif Riddell)
Jaz Hoyt (Evan Seinfeld)
Scott Ross (Stephen Gevedon)
Andrew Schillinger (Frederick Koehler)
Nino Schibetta (Tony Schibetta)
Peter Schibetta (Eddie Malavarca)
Antonio Nappa (Mark Margolis)
Chucky Pancamo (Chuck Zito)
Dino Ortolani (Jon Seda)
Don Zanghi (John Palumbo)
Joey D'Angelo (Goodfella Mike G)
Mario Seggio (Todd Etelson)
Salvatore DeSanto (Phil Campanella)
Raoul 'El Cid' Hernandez (Luis Guzman)
Carmen 'Chico' Guerra (Otto Sanchez)
Carlos Martinez (Carlos Leon)
Carlo Ricardo (Juan Carlos Hernandez)
Cyril O'Reily (Scott William Winters)
Rev. Jeremiah Cloutier (Luke Perry)
Timmy Kirk (Sean Dugan)
Alonzo Torquemada (Bobby Cannavale)
Richie Hanlon (Jordan Lage)
Shirley Bellinger (Kathryn Erbe)
Bob Rebadow (George Morfogen)
Agamemnin Busmalis (Tom Mardirosian)
Donald Groves (Sean Whitesell)
Jackson Vahue (Rick Fox)
Desmond Mobay / John Basil (Lance Reddick)
Richard L'Italien (Eric Roberts)
Nikolai Stanislofsky (Phillip Casnoff)
William Giles (Austin Pendleton)
Henry Stanton (Thomas G. Waites)
Colonel Edward Galson (John Doman)
Eli Zabitz (David Johansen)
Kipekemie Jara (Zakes Mokae)
Dean Alvah Case (Charles S. Dutton)
Sean Murphy (Robert Clohessy)
Claire Howell (Kristin Rohde)
Diane Wittlesey (Edie Falco)
Clayton Hughes (Seth Gilliam)
Karl Metzger (Bill Fagerbakke)
Eddie Hunt (Murphy Guyer)
Lenny Burrano (Skipp Sudduth)
Father Ray Mukada (B.D Wong)
Doctor Gloria Nathan (Lauren Veldez)
Governor James Devlin (Željko Ivanek)
Martin Querns (Reg E. Cathey)
Doctor Frederick Garvey (Milo O'Shea)
Warden Leo Glynn (Ernie Hudson)
Tim McManus (Terry Kinney)
Sister Peter Marie Reimondo (Rita Moreno)
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Picket Fences - Characters (& Actors)
Sheriff James 'Jimmy' Brock (Tom Skerritt)
Doctor Jill Brock (Kathy Baker)
Kimberly Brock (Holly Marie Combs)
Matthew Brock (Justin Shenkarow)
Zachary 'Zach' Brock (Adam Wylie)
Deputy Kenny Lacos (Costas Mandylor)
Deputy Maxine 'Max' Stewart (Lauren Holly)
Carter Pike (Kelly Connell)
Ginny Weedon (Zelda Rubinstein)
Douglas Wambaugh (Fyvush Finkel)
Judge Henry Bone (Ray Walston)
DA John Littleton (Don Cheadle)
DA Barnaby Wood (Peter Frechette)
ADA Petrovic (Jason Beghe)
Father Gary Barrett (Roy Dotrice)
Laurie Bey (Marlee Matlin)
Howard Buss (Robert Cornthwaite)
Doctor Joanna 'Joey' Diamond (Amy Aquino)
Lisa Fenn (Alexandra Lee)
Frank (David Proval)
Rachel Harris (Leigh Taylor-Young)
Ed Lawson (Richard Masur)
Peter Lebeck (Michael Jeter)
Milton Lebeck (Chris Owen)
Reverend Henry Novotny (Dabbs Greer)
Principal Michael Oslo (Roy Brocksmith)
Cynthia Parks (Elisabeth Moss)
Bill Pugen (Michael Keenan)
Lydia Brock (Cristine Rose)
Aiesha Campbell (Bruklin Harris)
Brian Latham (Gregory Vignolle)
Agent Donald Morrell (Sam Anderson)
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lleah · 1 year
Cinéma américain
Alfred Hitchcock
    Les oiseaux     Psychose     Marnie     Fenêtre sur cour
Orson Welles
    Mr Arkadin     Citizen Kane (41)     Le procès
John Carpenter
    Invasion LA
    Phone Game
Gene Kelly et Donen
    Chantons sous la pluie     Un american à Paris
Martin Scorsese 
Who’s that knocking at my door Meanstreet (choc) Taxi Driver (choc) Le loup de Wall street Casino Bertha Boxcar (72) Les Affranchis Raging Bull Shutter Island Silence
Quentin Tarantino
    Pulp Fiction (94)     Reservoir Dogs (92)(choc)     Jackie Brown     Inglourious Bastards (09)     Django Unchained (12)     Les 8 salopards (15)
Francis Ford Coppola
    The outsider (83)     Apocalypse Now (79)     Dracula     Le Parrain la trilogie
Sofia Coppola
    Virgin Suicide     Somewhere     The bling ring     Marie Antoinette     Lost in translation
Tim Burton
    L’etrange noel de M.Jack     Sleepy Hollow     Le cavalier sans tête     Edward aux mains d’argent     Charlie et la chocolaterie     Miss Peregrines et les enfants particuliers
Milos Forman
    Vol au-dessus d’un nid de coucou     Amadeus
Nicolas Ray
    La fureur de vivre (Analyse) ****     Johnny Guitar
Joaquim Trier
    Oslo 31 Aout Julie en 12 Chapitres ***
Nicolas Winding Refn
    Drive     Pusher la trilogie     Only god forgives     Neon Demon
Beith Zeitlin
    Les bêtes du Sud Sauvage (2012)
Paul Thomas Anderson
Magnolia Inherent Vice There will be blood Boogie Night
David Fincher
    Fight Club (99)     Seven     The Social Network     Gone Girl ****     L’etrange histoire de Benjamin Button     Panic Room     Alien 3
Roman Polanski
    Carnage (2011)     Ghost Writter     Le pianiste     Oliver Twist     Rosemary baby (98)     La neuvième porte     Répulsion  Le locataire ***
David Lynch
    Erashead (77)     Elephant Man (80)     Dune (84)     Blue Velvet (86) (Analyse) Sailor et Lula (90)*****     Lost Highway     Une histoire vraie     Twin peaks série et film     Muholland Drive     INLAND EMPIRE (06)
Stanley Kubrick
    The Shining (reprise de la scène La charrette fantôme)     Barry Lindon     Full Metal Jacket     Eyes Wide Shut (Analyse)     Lolita     Orange Mécanique (choc)
Brian de Palma
    Carrie (76)(adapt nouvelle de Stephen King)     Scarface (83)(Howard 33)     Les Incorruptibles (87)
Joel et Ethan Coen :
    No country for an old man     O Brother     The Big Lebowski     Fargo     Burn After Reading     Ave Cesar
Gus Van Sant
    Elephant     Paranoid Park (Analyse)     My own private Idaho     Gerry (Analyse)
Larry Clark
    Kids     The Smell of us     Ken Park
Woody Allen
    Annie Hall     Manhattan     Minuit à Paris
Terrence Malik
    Badlands (73) (Analyse)     Le nouveau monde (Analyse)
Jim Jarmush
    Patterson     Permanent Vacation
James Gray
    Little odessa     Two lovers
    Voyage au bout de l’enfer***
John Mc Teigue
    V pour vendetta     Matrix     Sense8
John Cassavetes
 Opening Night (77)  Faces Une femme sous infuence *** Gloria***
Darren Aronofsky
Requiem for a dream The foutain The Whale *
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Best Books of 2022 -- In Which I Fail Spectacularly to Compile a "Top Ten" List.
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Image: Goodreads Year in Books 2022 - 166 Books read.
I read 166 books in 2022. Yes, some of them were shorter books: several middle-grade books and a few advance review copies of picture books. Most were novels, though few were truly giant tomes. I really enjoyed most of them. Which is to say, trying to pick the "top ten" was excruciating and an exercise doomed to failure. So... I cheated. Or rather, I modified the goal. Thus I present to you... my top 10 42 books read in 2022 (and even that is fudging things a bit as there are a few instances here of me using a single book to stand in for the entire series if I read the entire series in 2022 and didn't want my list to balloon uncontrollably) organized like so:
Top 18 (Non-Romance) Books read 2022
Top 9 Romances read 2022
Top 9 Nonfiction Books Read With Kiddo 2022
Top 6 Fiction Books Read With Kiddo 2022
And just for funsies:
Song of the Year 2022
I have linked to the goodreads page for each book (and the youtube page for the song). Obviously these are all recommendations as well.
Best (Non-Romance) Books read 2022 (Part 1)
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Siren Queen by Nghi Vo
Babel by R.F. Kuang
Where the Drowned Girls Go by Seanan McGuire
What Souls are Made of by Tasha Suri
Sabriel (trilogy) by Garth Nix
Not Good for Maidens by Tori Bovalino
Vows of Empire by Emily Skrutski
Valiant Ladies by Melissa Grey
Even Though I Knew the End by C.L. Polk
Best (Non-Romance) Books read 2022 (Part 2)
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A Consuming Fire by Laura E. Weymouth
The Red Scholar’s Wake by Aliette de Bodard
Of Charms, Ghosts, and Grievances by Aliette de Bodard
A Scatter of Light by Malinda Lo
A Prayer for the Crown-Shy by Becky Chambers
Into the Riverlands (trilogy) by Nghi Vo
Fraternity by Andy Mientus
The Thousand Eyes by A.K. Larkwood
One for All by Lillie Lainoff
Best Romances read 2022
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A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall
The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton
Nobody’s Princess by Erica Ridley
Something Fabulous by Alexis Hall
The Perfect Crimes of Marian Hayes by Cat Sebastian
Love on the Brain by Ali Hazelwood
Delilah Green Doesn’t Care by Ashley Herring Blake
Paris Daillencourt is About to Crumble by Alexis Hall
Love & Other Disasters by Anita Kelly
Best Nonfiction Books Read With Kiddo (8) 2022
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The Incredible yet True Adventures of Alexander von Humboldt: The Greatest Inventor-Naturalist-Scientist-Explorer Who Ever Lived by Volker Mehnert, Becky L. Cook (Translator)
All in a Drop: How Antony van Leeuwenhoek Discovered an Invisible World by Lori Alexander
Jane Goodall by Libby Romero
Can You Hear the Trees Talking? by Peter Wohlleben
Tree Beings by Raymond Huber
Explorers: Amazing Tales of the World's Greatest Adventurers by Nellie Huang
The Mysteries of the Universe by Will Gater
Darwin’s Rival: Alfred Russel Wallace and the Search for Evolution by Christiane Dorion
When Darwin Sailed the Sea by David Long
Best Fiction Books Read With Kiddo (8) 2022
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Upside-Down Magic (series) by Sarah Mlynowski, Lauren Myracle, Emily Jenkins
Fortunately the Milk by Neil Gaiman
The Girl Who Could Not Dream by Sarah Beth Durst
The Ship of Shadows by Maria Kuzniar
The Silver Arrow by Lev Grossman
The Golden Swift by Lev Grossman
And finally...
Song of the Year 2022
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"Wild Flower (with Youjeen)" by RM of BTS
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theloniousbach · 2 years
COUCH TOUR: THE HEAVY HITTERS (Mike LeDonne, Eric Alexander, Jeremy Pelt, Jim Snidero, Alexander Claffy, and Kenny Washington!), SMOKE JAZZ CLUB, 19 AUGUST 2022, 2nd Set
BLACK ART JAZZ COLLECTIVE (Wayne Escoffery, Jeremy Pelt, James Burton III, Xavier Davis, Vincente Archer, and Darrell Green), DIZZY’S AT LINCOLN CENTER, 2017 via YouTube
Let’s start with The Greatest Jazz Concert Ever by THE Quintet (Charlie Parker, his worthy constituent Dizzy Gillespie, Bud Powell, Charles Mingus, and Max Roach) at Toronto’s Massey Hall in 1953. Quite a band with plenty of overlaps in NYC clubs and recordings, but pulled together for the occasion with a quintessential bebop set that makes a good stab at living up to its name.
But jazz, with its standard book and sessions, seems so well suited to the format that you could say that the Verve, Prestige, and especially Blue Note albums of the 1950s and 1960s were all-star bands—Dexter Gordon and Freddie Hubbard with Butch Warren and Billy Higgins on Takin’ Off where, arguably the leader, Herbie Hancock, was the only non-all star even if he brought in tunes like Watermelon Man and Alone and I. But those albums had leaders who brought in the tunes even if Rudy Van Gelder, Alfred Lion, and Norman Granz helped figure out who was on the session.
No, I think what I’m discussion here is the deliberately formed band, that whatever leadership structure, is designed to put and, as importantly, keep a core of players working together.
In the 1980s, a more avant-garde group of players including Chico Freeman, Don Cherry then Lester Bowie, Arthur Blythe, Don Pullen to Hector Ruiz to Kirk Lightsey, Cecil McBee, and Don Moye then Billy Hart were The Leaders. They were during my hiatus so I don’t know their albums. Then McBee and Hart are in the occasionally still active The Cookers with Eddie Henderson, Billy Harper, George Cables and the organizer David Weiss. I’ve like their recordings but I can’t say they are more than the sum of their parts.
Let’s see if Artemis can bounce back after lockdown, but their parts—Renee Rosnes, Allison Miller, Anat Cohen, Ingrid Jensen, Nicole Glover replacing Melissa Aldana, and Noriko Ueda—are formidable. Their album and Jazz St Louis show were appealing, but I’m happy to see Anat Cohen and Allison Miller’s Boom Tic Boom this coming season. I don’t miss Aldana or Glover when they show up on the streams. But are they or any of these ensembles a team or just all-stars?
I’d spent the week listening to lots of Art Blakey and the Jazz Messengers, so sextets and retrospective all-stars. But those were his bands with 35 years of consistent vision even as the music directors shifted from Benny Golson to Wayne Shorter to Wynton Marsalis and beyond.
Comes now The Heavy Hitters, with Mike LeDonne and Eric Alexander as leaders, as a recent addition to the format. These musicians are solid regulars I know from Small’s Live. Kenny Washington is the out and out all-star among them, but seeing him with horns is a treat. Indeed, such ensembles, often sextets, are an identifying feature of the format as clubs, on a night to night basis are trios or one horn and rhythm section with the occasional quintet. Jeremy Pelt is probably next in this pantheon for some very tasty trumpet work, but I also tend to underrate and undervalue the bench of trumpet players. I’ve liked Alexander of late for a nice middle tone and linear solos and Alexander Claffy is a welcome name on any gig for his reliability. It is LeDonne who is sometimes heavy handed, but not here. Indeed he steps out here with the bulk of the tunes and some solid not overly fussy soloing. Pelt was his reliable self with fine tone and thoughtful solo work. The most appealing horn was Jim Snidero’s alto and he’s the one who isn’t quite the streaming regular. But again the treat was to hear Kenny Washington have a horn section to whip into shape with his taste, elegance, and velvet glove power.
I thought I would get a Small’s Archive show from 2018 from the Black Art Jazz Collective but instead I found a 2017 gig on YouTube from Dizzy’s in Lincoln Center. The Small’s gig rhythm section was Victor Gould whom I’d heard in a recent trio gig, Rashaan Carter, and Johnathan Blake who would have been fun to hear with horns after lots of trio work. Instead, the Wayne Escoffery, Jeremy Pelt, and James Burton III frontline had Xavier Davis, Vincente Archer, and Darrell Green backing them up. Everybody got some space, but yes with six pieces the rhythm section made their marks with strong accompaniment. And they did. Archer is surprisingly forceful behind his thick spectacles and Darrell Green is solid. I did not know Xavier Davis but he shone in his couple of solos but even more in some very sympathetic fills and comping. I catch Escoffery often and he is, as he was here, solid and rich, but as the tenor player he wailed a bit. It was Pelt who was consistently tasteful, though he could growl. Burton was rich and patient in his soloing. The tunes were originals but thematically about the Black experience and so evoked WEB DuBois and Sojourner Truth as well as the plaint When Will We Learn.
BAJC, like Artemis and all of these ensembles, may be an occasional ensemble. I won’t wait for either of them or the Cookers or the Heavy Hitters to hear their members when they go out on their own gigs. But the all-star band has the advantage of, well, having all-stars.
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crowdvscritic · 3 months
round up // FEBRUARY 24
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In some ways, February is a manifestation of Crowd vs. Critic.
Each year Vulture updates an article called "Which January at the Movies Was the Most January?" When I stumbled upon it this month, I couldn’t believe how closely it captured a phenomenon I was already thinking about: “January at the movies is a tale of two seasons. It’s the month where Oscar contenders traditionally open nationwide, allowing moviegoers across the country to experience the best that Hollywood has to offer. But for that reason, it’s also the month where the rest of the industry tries to stay out of the way, offering a mixture of counterprogramming and low-risk fare — we’re talking horror films, inexplicable sequels, and lots of movies about grim middle-aged men firing guns.”
From there, Vulture attempts to rank every January in recent memory by their bad movie slates, but my follow up question is, why stop at January? “Dumpuary” does not end January 31st—I’m not even sure it ends on February 29th. Pardon my French, but I’ve watched a lot of doggerel this month so mediocre it’s not worth recommending here. However, February is also Oscar prep season. I’ve spent the month reading more deeply about the nominated films and planning my annual Oscar watch party. And because I’m caught up on nominated films and there are so few new releases worth checking out, I’m creating a watchlist of classics I’ve missed. This year I’ve decided to dig into films recommended in TCM’s The Essential Directors by Sloan De Forest, which I recommended during Dumpuary 2022. I just finished the book’s top picks from Steven Spielberg's filmography, and before the year’s end, my goal is to complete their recommendations from Mel Brooks, Frank Capra, George Cukor, Michael Curtiz, John Ford, Howard Hawks, Alfred Hitchcock, George Lucas, Ida Lupino, Oscar Micheaux, Sidney Lumet, Joseph L. Mankiewicz, Elaine May, Leo McCarey, Vincente Minnelli, Martin Scorsese, Douglas Sirk, Preston Sturges, W.S. Van Dyke, Billy Wilder, and Robert Wise. (Full disclosure: for most of them, I only have one or two titles to go.) 
So please enjoy a Round Up of recommendations featuring several of those directors and Britney Spears, as well as a book of interviews with Oscar winners and a Bennifer marathon. Plus, a Leap Day bonus with a Finnish flair!
February Crowd-Pleasers
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1. Scary Movie 3 (2003)
Because sometimes you don’t want to laugh with something sophisticated—sometimes you want to laugh at something stupid. After years of my brother recommending something I wouldn’t peg as my taste, I finally checked out this spoof of 8 Mile, American Idol, The Ring, Signs, and more things that were extremely popular in 2003. I doubt future generations will find much to appreciate here, but this Millennial got a kick from the nostalgia and the stupid humor courtesy of Anna Faris Regina Hall, Leslie Nielsen, Simon Rex, and Charlie Sheen. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 6/10
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2. Catwoman (2004)
This movie is not good, but is it objectively way better and way more fun than The Flash? I’d rather have this silly, superficially-girl-power trash than that self-serious Flash trash any day. The Razzies did not deserve this movie! Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 5.5/10
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3. Bennifer Marathon!
It's a real If You Give a Mouse a Cookie situation. After you go to a screening of This Is Me…Now: A Love Story (2024), you're going to need to watch the behind-the-scenes documentary The Greatest Love Story Never Told and listen to Jennifer Lopez’s new album This Is Me…Now on repeat. You're also going to decide you need to watch Jersey Girl (2004) and Halftime (2022) because you can never have too much of Ben Affleck and Jennifer Lopez! (I also watched Gigli and What to Expect When You’re Expecting, but these Round Ups only focus on pop culture I recommend.) What can I say? I’m rooting for love!
I reviewed J. Lo’s new music film for ZekeFilm, which explores her public history in a personal, musical romantic comedy. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 7/10
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4. Crossroads (2002)
Zoe Saldana camping in curlers: To me, that is cinema! Like Catwoman, this Lifetime-movie-meets-Britney-Spears-star-vehicle is not good, but it is a perfect sleepover movie. Crowd: 8/10 // Critic: 5/10
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5. The Beekeeper (2024)
I look forward to 30 years from now when I am a Turner Classic Movies host and introduce this movie 12 times in a single calendar year: 
January: Star of the Month Jason Statham
February: Star of the Month Josh Hutcherson
March: 31 Days of Oscar - Movies that would be Oscar-nominated if the Academy had a Best Stunts category
April: Special Theme - Vigilante Justice (Lee Marvin makes an appearance, too)
May: Mother's Day marathon (between The Manchurian Candidate and Psycho)
June: Birthday Tribute - Phylicia Rashad (leading into a Creed marathon)
July: Guest Programmer Pick - Bona fide action star is promoting his new artistic action blockbuster and calls Statham one of his inspirations
August: Summer Under the Stars - Day 23 devoted to Minnie Driver (airing before Good Will Hunting)
September: Birthday Tribute - Jeremy Irons (airing after The Mission)
October: Spotlight - Secret organizations (showing right before The Parallax View)
November: Diane Warren Tribute - she finally won her Oscar for her theme for The Beekeeper 2
December: Primetime Theme - Bees (in marathon with Akeelah and the Bee, The Bee Movie, The Secret Life of Bees, The Wicker Man, and for some reason Beetlejuice)
Crowd: 9/10 // Critic: 6.5/10
More February Crowd-Pleasers: Cold Pursuit (2019) is the platonic ideal of a Liam Neeson’s formulaic thrillers // I would’ve been obsessed with the martial arts mayhem of Bulletproof Monk (2003) if I had seen it when I was 12 // Not everything in the corporate satire Head Office (1985) works, but what does is savage // When Book of the Month announced The Helsinki Affair by Anna Pitoniak (2023) as a selection just a few weeks after my first trip to Finland, I immediately knew my November pick. This Jason Bourne/Jack Ryan-esque spy thriller didn’t disappoint. (More on my trip to Finland below!) // Though the politics of The Ghost and the Darkness (1996) have aged poorly, it’s the most thrilling movie about killing lions I’ve seen since The Lion King
February Critic Picks
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1. The Teachers’ Lounge (2023)
If you’ve ever survived an anxiety-fueled environment driven by politics, prejudice, or, frankly, middle schoolers, Germany’s nominee for Best International Feature at the Oscars will ring true. Read my full review for ZekeFilm. Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9.5/10
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2. 50 Oscar Nights: Iconic Stars & Filmmakers on Their Career-Defining Wins by Dave Karger (2024)
Let me repeat what I said last month: The Turner Classic Movies Library has yet to miss! In TCM host Dave Karger’s new book, he interviews 50 different winners from Oscar ceremonies as far back as 1962 about what the award means to them and how it has impacted their careers. This breezy read digs into the inspirations, outfits, and relationships of Nicole Kidman, John Legend, Rita Moreno, Meryl Streep, Sofia Coppola, and more, and you can find all of the films featured on my Letterboxd list. 
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3. Double Feature - Legal Dramas: The Verdict (1982) + Class Action (1991)
In The Verdict (Crowd: 8.5/10 // Critic: 9.5/10), Paul Newman is a jaded ambulance chaser who happens on a medical malpractice suit that might be his best case in years. In Class Action (8.5/10 // 8/10), Gene Hackman and Mary Elizabeth Mastrantonio are a father and daughter facing off in a courtroom centered on a car manufacturer’s potential negligence. Both are excellent legal genre examples and excellent opportunities to let their actors cook.  
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4. Good Reads
Lately, I’ve been reading about…
…2023 in Review: 
“Biggest Hollywood Winners and Losers 2023: From Margot Robbie to Marvel,” HollywoodReport.com (2023)
“Taylor Swift Is TIME's 2023 Person of the Year,” time.com (2023)
“Goodbye DC Extended Universe: We Hardly Knew You (Yet We Knew You Too Well),” HollywoodReporter.com (2023)
…our current Awards Season: 
“Critic’s Notebook: A Flailing, Fun-Free 2024 Golden Globes Telecast,” HollywoodReporter.com (2024)
“The Golden Globes Should Just Forget About Hosts,” VanityFair.com (2024)
“Barbie Is Adapted? Maestro Original? Let’s Fix the Screenplay Categories,” NYTimes.com (2024)
“Anatomy of a Fail: Inside France’s Dysfunctional Oscar Committee,” variety.com (2024)
…big cultural shifts: 
“A Shift in American Family Values Is Fueling Estrangement,” TheAtlantic.com (2021)
“The Great Freight-Train Heists of the 21st Century,” NYTimes.com (2024)
"A ‘Failure to Launch’: Why Young People are Having Less Sex,” LATimes.com (2023)
“From Swiping to Sexting: The Enduring Gender Divide in American Dating and Relationships,” AmericanSurveyCenter.org (2023)
…and a hodge podge of other things: 
“An Oral History of ‘Washington’s Dream,’ the Best SNL Sketch in Years,” IndieWire.com (2023)
“Panera’s 'Lemonade That Kills You' Is Really a Story About Our Broken Country," slate.com (2023)
“Annie Meyers-Shyer’s Holiday-Decorating Handbook,” NYMag.com (2023)
“Madeleine Albright Has Sent Some Very Spicy Messages Through Her Accessories,” InStyle.com (2021)
“The Crown and What the U.K. Royal Family Would Like Us to Forget,” NYTimes.com (2023)
“What Did Dakota Johnson Actually Say?” HollywoodReporter.com (2024)
“Why Deleting and Destroying Finished Movies Like Coyote vs Acme Should Be a Crime,” RogerEbert.com (2024)
More February Critic Picks: Even if Love Affair (1939) hadn’t inspired An Affair to Remember and Sleepless in Seattle, it would still be an all-time romance // In Lured (1947), Lucille Ball gets dramatic as she looks for love and her best friend’s killer // No Way Out (1950) is a stellar character drama and thriller thanks to Sidney Poitier and Richard Widmark // You can’t be sore at the heightened emotion in Manhattan Melodrama (1934)—it’s right in the name! // The Trouble With Angels (1966) is The Holdovers but for the girlies // Gosford Park (2001) isn’t an Agatha Christie adaptation but it’s a worthy imitator // The Bigamist (1953) proves thrillers can be short and sweet // I love a juicy behind-the-scenes melodrama like The Bad and the Beautiful (1952) // Are you surprised that The Color Purple (1985) moved me to tears? // Though it took me a few scenes to acclimate to the rhythms of the Company National Tour, are you surprised the music of Stephen Sondheim won me over?
Leap Day Bonus
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In 2020, my Leap Day Bonus was a Jonas Brothers music video I’d forgotten to mention in my January Round Up. This year, I’m using it make up for forgetting to mention…my entire trip to Finland? (I'm blaming it on the fog of the holidays and Awards Season kicking into high gear when I was writing my October Round Up.) These are the top cultural spots my sister and I found in Helsinki and Rovaniemi…
Temppeliaukion Kirkko - In their Ultimate Travel book, Lonely Planet calls this one of the top 500 places to see in the world. I’m not sure I’d rank it that high (even if I’ve yet to see a lot of the world), but it was worth a stop. Built in 1969 into a rock that split during the Ice Age, it is an architectural feat with amazing acoustics.
Anteneum Art Museum - This national gallery houses Finnish art classics
Finnkino Movie Theater - The real highlight of checking out Finland’s cinema was not watching Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny with Finnish and Swedish subtitles but it’s insane candy bar!
Santa Claus Village - If you can embrace a tourist trap, this one is worth the trip to the Arctic Circle. Meet Santa, feed his reindeer, and get lost in the kitschy gift shops in this acres-wide complex
Dog sledding - We hopped on a buggy pulled by eight of the goodest dogs courtesy of Bearhill Husky—a dream come true!
Arktikum - This science museum in Rovaniemi dives into the history and culture of Lapland (northern Finland)
Marimekko - This Finnish designer is chock full of mod florals, and we budget travelers found great deals at the outlet in Helsinki
Porvoo - This little town just a bus ride from Helsinki is filled with picturesque wooden houses, cutesy shops, and historical home museums
We visited Finland in the autumn, which is tourist off-season, but we’re not sure why—it’s beautiful! Whenever you choose to go, be sure to indulge in a korvapuusti ja kahvi (cinnamon roll and coffee) in one of their many kahvilat (coffee shops)!
Also in February…
On KMOV, I did my best to sum up why Casablanca is a perfect Valentine’s movie, and then I squeezed in a short review of Argylle, which is not so much a perfect Valentine’s movie. 
I also reviewed Argylle in more depth for ZekeFilm, and the piece turned into a lament for for its failure to follow through on a great premise.
I added two more entries to my Best Picture Project this month! I continued on with 1944's Going My Way, which is a feel-good story about the power of music starring Bing Crosby, and last year’s winner Everything Everywhere All at Once, which is a weird story about the power of googly eyes. 
Photo credits: 50 Oscar Nights, Good Reads. Finland my own. All others IMDb.com.
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brookstonalmanac · 6 months
Birthdays 12.6
Beer Birthdays
Henry Liebmann (1836)
Henry Rahr (1856)
Rich Link (1956)
Natalie Cilurzo (1968)
Dave Gull (1974)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Dave Brubeck; jazz pianist, composer (1920)
Peter Buck; rock guitarist (1956)
Tom Hulce; actor (1953)
Nick Park; British animator (1958)
Steven Wright; comedian (1955)
Famous Birthdays
Judd Apatow; film director, screenwriter (1967)
Johann Christoph Bach; German composer (1642)
Larry Bowa; Philadelphia Phillies SS (1945)
Rick Buckler; English drummer (1955)
Wally Cox; actor (1924)
Gabriel Duvall; U.S. Supreme Court justice (1752)
Alfred Eisenstaedt; German photographer (1898)
Ira Gershwin; lyricist (1896)
Otto Graham; Cleveland Browns QB (1921)
Charles Martin Hall; chemist (1863)
Jean Eugene Robert Houdin; French magician (1805)
Joyce Kilmer; poet (1886)
Don King; boxing promoter (1932)
Joseph Lamb; ragtime composer (1887)
Tony Lazzeri; New York Yankess SS (1903)
Christina Lindberg; Swedish actress (1950)
Agnes Moorehead; actor (1906)
John S. "Gray Ghost" Mosby; confederate calvary commander (1833)
James Naughton; actor (1945)
David Ossman; comedian, writer, actor (1936)
George Porter; British chemist (1920)
Randy Rhoads; rock guitarist (1956)
Will Shriner; comedian (1953)
Frank Springer; comic book artist (1929)
Janine Turner; actor (1962)
Bobby Van; actor, dancer (1928)
JoBeth Williams; actor (1948)
0 notes
skdlxmdp · 1 year
나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)
나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결) 링크<<
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나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)
나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)
나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)
나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)
나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)
긴급 통화 라인을 모니터링하는 일을 맡은 FBI 에이전트. 어느 밤 걸려 온 전화 한 통으로 그가 백악관의 첩자와 관련된 치명적인 음모 속으로 뛰어든다.
There are relatively many watch stores, but there are very few official stores that sell jewelry as well. There are fewer stores than Louis Vuitton [5], one of the top three luxury brands, and the entry criteria are strict.[6] Considering Cartier's status나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결) in the precious metal industry, it can be said that the entry standard is that high. There are no stores in Jeolla-do and Chungcheong-do yet, and there was a store in Daebaek Plaza in the past. However, the store was withdrawn when the Hyundai Department Store Daegu store opened, and the Hyundai Daegu store withdrew in March 2022. There are 10 department stores nationwide, and Hyundai Department Store Trade Center Branch, Galleria Department Store L나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)uxury Hall, and Shinsegae Department Store Gangnam Branch operate duplex stores, and several department stores also have fairly large stores and good locations. In fact, watch and jewelry stores do not occupy a large scale compared to clothing and miscellaneous goods brands. Nevertheless, assigning a duplex is to see the importance very high. In fact, Cartier and Van Cleef & Arpels are the only brands that operate duplex stores among luxury watch/jewelry brands.[7]
The flagship, Maison Cartier, located in Cheongdam-dong, was the first in Asia when it opened in 2008. Afterwards, it continued to operate, and when Chanel purchased the site and building to open a flagship store (..), it moved to a nearby location [8]. It was relocated in 2016, but it went into construction quite quickly and was renewed and opened.
Duty-free shops are mainly located in Lotte and Shilla duty-free stores. In Cheongdam-dong, Asia's first Cartier Maison was introduced and a flagship store was opened, but after selling the building to Chanel, it was moved to the next b나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)uilding and reopened as Cartier Maison Cheongdam. [10] Louis François Cartier, the founder of Cartier, lived in Paris, France. He was born as the son of a powder copper manufacturer. Having good hand skills from a young age, he started working as a jeweler's apprentice to Adolphe Picard in 1847. At that time, he started working at the jewelry workshop at No. 31 Montgotroy Street, and this was the first start of 나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)Cartier. While working as an apprentice, when his boss, Adolph, died suddenly, his former apprentice took over his mentor's company and changed the name to 'Maison Cartier' after himself.
In France, where Cartier was founded, society became stable after the French Revolution, and luxurious parties and balls were held all over Paris. Jewelry was needed for the decoration나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결) of nobles attending luxurious parties, and this social atmosphere served as a good opportunity for Cartier to develop. While developing day by day, Princess Mathilde, who was a cousin of the French emperor, visited Cartier and was fascinated by his works. With the patronage of Princess Mathilde, the business moved to Boulevard Italy, the center of the upper class in Paris at the time.
In 1874, Louis-François Cartier taught his son, Louis-François Alfred, to succeed the generation. In 1898, Alfred started a partnership with his first son, Louis. In 1899, Cartier also opened a business at 13 Rue de la Pais, a luxury street similar to Cheongdam-dong's luxury street, and Louis, the eldest of the three bro나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)thers, was in charge of the Rue de la Pais store. Afterwards, Alfred entrusted the company to his three sons and prepared for a leap into a global company. In 1902, he opened branches in New York and London. The Mott Plant Building on Fifth Avenue in New York, acquired in exchange for a two-stringed black pearl necklace, later became the headquarters of Cartier International. Already at this time, Cartier was recognized as the most famous jewelry brand in the world. It is a famous anecdote that a British prince praised him as "the k나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)ing of jewelers and the king's jeweler." He was also in charge of making the crown to be used at the coronation ceremony. Making a crown was tantamount to being recognized as the best jeweler. In 1904, King Edward VII recognized it as the official jeweler of the British Crown. This kind of fame and recognition extended to the royal courts of Spain, Portugal, Romania, Egypt, the House of Orleans, the Kingdom of Monaco, and the royal family of Albania.
Louis and his three sons traveled all over the world in search of beautiful jewels to maintain the best marketability. The beautiful jewels he discovered while traveling around Russia, Persia, and India soon became Cartier products, and some of the jewelry made at that time remain as Cartier's representative designs even today.
Louis Cartier, who boasted of his extraordinary sense, left behind numerous legacies. The design using platinum, which was rarely used before, revolutionized the jewelry world. Although it started as a jeweler, it is also very famous for making wristw나이트 에이전트 다시 보기 1화~10화 (시즌1 완결)atches. Cartier is also very famous as a watch brand, and is the first brand in the world to create modern wristwatches. .[14][15] Cartier's status in the watch field is quite high in that it has such a symbolism in the watch market where heritage is very important.
It is also very famous as a jewelry brand, and the main price range of watches is between 4 to 5 million won for women's watches and 8 to 10 million won for men. ], it is relatively cheaper than Rolex, which is more than 10 million won, and it is not difficult to obtain products, thanks to this, it is one of the top 3 well-known gift watch brands, and as a result of Morgan Stanley's survey in 2021, it beat Omega and ranked second went up Now, Rolex, Cartier, and Omega, in that order, seem to have benefited from the growth of women's watches.
There are many gem-like models, such as the Tank inspired by tanks, the Santos, which is recognized as the world's first wristwatch, and the Ballon Blue, a men's watch released in the 2000s. They usually engrave Roman numeral indexes on their dials, and are famous for making products of outstanding quality in terms of appearance and finish.
However, the durability of its movement is rather low. Cartier recommends getting its overhaul service once every 5 years, and if you continue to use it without overhaul, in fact (if it is severe), problems often occur approximately every 5-7 years. The overhaul price is a minimum of 500,000 won and an average of 700,000 won (as of 2010), so the maintenance cost is high.
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biglisbonnews · 1 year
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Meadow Brook Hall in Rochester, Michigan This grand mansion was the home of Matilda Dodge Wilson, widow of carmaker John Dodge, and her second husband Alfred G. Wilson. It was built in 1926-1929 and designed by the firm Smith, Hinchman, and Grylls which also designed Detroit’s Guardian Building. Buhl Building, Ford Piquette Plant, and the Dodge Main Factory, among many others. The 110-room Tudor Revival mansion is the fourth-largest historic house museum in the United States and is on the National Register of Historic Places. Each of its 36 chimneys has a distinct design and stone carvings on the exterior featuring the Dodge and Wilson family crests and native woodland animals. The study has a carved oak frieze with scenes from the life of Alfred Wilson. There's also a secret staircase, gold-plated bathroom fixtures, an Aeolian organ, Tiffany glass, and paintings by Anthony van Dyck, Thomas Gainsborough, and John Constable. The grounds include a golf course, stables, and Knole Cottage, a fully functioning playhouse with a kitchen, dining room, living room, bathroom, nursery, and bedroom. Born to German immigrants, Matilda Rausch Dodge Wilson had a notable life in industry, agriculture, politics, and education, and was one of the wealthiest women in the world during her lifetime. She was John Dodge’s secretary before marrying him and acted as a manager in the Dodge Brothers’ company. After being widowed with three children and three stepchildren, she remarried lumber baron Alfred Wilson and adopted two more children. She oversaw livestock breeding of shorthorn cattle and Yorkshire hogs. In 1931, Dodge was appointed to the Michigan State Board of Agriculture and in 1940 became the 43rd Lieutenant Governor of Michigan—the first female Lieutenant Governor in the country. In 1957, the Wilsons gave the property and extensive grounds to found Oakland University. Since 1971, Meadow Brook Hall has been open as a museum, conference space, and cultural center. For many years the home hosted one of the largest car shows in the world. In more recent times, Antiques Roadshow was filmed here, as well as a number of music videos. https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/meadow-brook-hall
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tesshoundi · 1 year
Mystery Magnets Volume 1 chapter 2
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Finick was sleeping soundly when he heard loud noises coming from the bathroom. He got out of bed to investigate hearing the sound of heaving as he approached. When he got to the door he saw a large amount of black blood that trailed towards Mick’s room. Seeing this he swung open the door spotting Mick covered in his own blood heaving over the toilet as his eyes bled profusely. As he heaved he puked up a large amount of blood filling the bowl. Finick quickly realized if he didn’t do anything Mick would die.
Finick heard footsteps running down the hall and saw Jasmine approach, hearing her scream upon seeing her brother covered in his own blood. Finick grabbed Mick and held him up from where he’d fallen to the floor, blood dribbling from his mouth. 
“Jasmine, call 911 HURRY!” Finick yelled and she ran downstairs to the phone, the ruckus waking up her parents in the process. Finick ripped off the sleeve of his nightshirt tearing the fabric down the seam. He wrapped the fabric around Mick’s eyes, tightening it but being careful not to add enough pressure to damage his eyes further. Mick’s parents had made it up the stairs, his father staring in horror and his mother helped Finick move him down stairs as the ambulance arrived. 
Finick didn’t know how he knew what to do in that situation. He felt like he’d studied it in the past but he never had taken medical classes of any type. Whatever had caused it though he was glad as Mick was here and alive, hurt but alive. Mick was asleep on the hospital bed, the upper half of his face covered in bandages that were somewhat stained with blood. Bronzing was sitting next to Finick as they watched Mick waiting for him to wake up. 
Quinn and Alfred were hanging out in the woods near town chatting idly as Quinn balanced on a fallen tree. 
“Did you hear how Mick’s in the hospital?” Alfred asked
.”Yeah it really sucks we can’t visit him” Quinn said as they continued balancing 
“You can’t go in the hospital without being taken back to your parents” Alfred lectured “I’m just staying with you so you don’t feel left out.”
“Same thing” Quinn said as they hopped off the tree the ground beneath them making an odd clank.
“What was that?” Alfred asked, the noise being unexpected. 
“I don’t know” They replied tapping the ground with their foot making many small clanks as they did so. They bent down and used their hands to scrape at the mud and dirt revealing a metal hatch “What the?” Quinn exclaimed as they gripped the handle 
“Maybe we shouldn’t touch that,” Alfred said voice full of concern
“I’ll be careful” Quinn said as they pulled the mystery hatch open disturbing more earth as it moved. What was revealed was a room a few yards deep with a curved metal floor. 
“Whoa” Quinn said as they looked into the room “Al can you grab some rope from the van?”
“Sure but for the record this is a bad idea” 
“Noted” they responded. When Alfred got back she helped Quinn tie the rope to a nearby tree allowing them to slide down into the room landing on the oddly bent floor. 
“What is this?” Alfred asked as she looked at the walls, finding doorways on their sides. It looked like the curved floor was actually the wall of whatever they’d stumbled upon. Quinn made their way over the sideways doorway and headed down a hall into a new room seeming to be some form of control room. Quinn spotted some metal on the floor. They picked it up to investigate and dropped it just as quickly. Letting out a shrill shriek “What is it?” Alfred asked.
“That’s a head” Quinn whimpered and Alfred picked it up seeing that it was some sort of metal head similar to Finick’s but totally different at the same time. There was a screen where the eyes would have been but the rest of the head is entirely metal. What looked like a jaw had been melted shut probably by whatever killed this poor thing. 
“Maybe we should check out someplace else?” Alfred asked Quinn seeing as they were still shaking. 
“Good Idea” they said and they climbed over the doorway. Quinn went into another door in the hall and found more twisted metal bodies. Looking in them in full they resembled large metal lizards more so than Finick the only real similarities being that they’re made of metal and have screens on their faces. Alfred saw that despite them having similar bodies to each other they all had different proportions which according to Finick is very rare in synthetic species which usually use a sort of cookie cutter model to work with. Quinn noted what looked like bullet holes on several of the bodies along with melted metal on their faces. “We should tell the others when Mick gets out of the hospital” Quinn said as they made their way to the exit.
“Wait!” Alfred said as Quinn made to climb up the rope. 
“What?” They asked confused. 
“Look” she said as she pointed to several feathers on the floor along with some tan fur. “Those are Bassi sized feathers.” she said “We’re not alone” 
“We should leave before they find us.” and with that the two headed out and hopped into the van driving away to contemplate what they found.
She watched them leave, having noticed her presence. They were friends of Mick’s and had behaved as though he was still alive. She’d need to report this to the Angel. HE won’t be pleased when he finds out. She took off wings flapping as she took to the skies in the opposite direction of the duo. She had a job to do.
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oconnormusicstudio · 3 years
December 13 ~ On This Day in Music
December 13 ~ On This Day in Music
Christmas Countdown: The Alfred Burt Carols • 1761 ~ Johann Andreas Streicher, German piano maker • 1835 ~ Phillips Brooks, Lyricist, O Little Town of Bethlehem • 1838 ~ Marie-Alexis Castillon de Saint-Victor, French composer • 1843 ~ Charles Dickens published his play “A Christmas Carol” • 1874 ~ Josef Lhévinne, Russian pianist, teacher. After gaining fame as a soloist in Russia and Europe, he…
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