them<3 anyway first written bit for this world! yes she is refereed to using feminine pronouns even tho this is reaffirming uhh he sees her as a man? look her gender is very funky and ill wright something explaining it. anyway have a small insight into the quieter pieces of this world and story. she is Alfreda/the witch and he is [name pending]/the hunter [the alchemist is the person that rounds out the trio]
The witch lies content, warmth seeping into her bones, a weight curled around her side. eyes closed, mind wandering, the rays seeping through her eyelids. The alchemist loves to liken her to one of their Lady’s house cats when she was like this, stretched out and sleepy, soaking up the warmth from the sun.
This time she has another warmth beside her. her eyes wrinkle and her cheeks lift in joy at what she has gained. the peace and warmth they all fought for.
Movement, cascading brown hair shifting, revealing sleep stained eyes.
"Stop thinking so loud" he yawned, shifting his weight, pulling closer and putting his head on her shoulder.
A pause later, "what were you thinking about?"
"You." the smile was still on her face
A scoff "that's cheating"
The witch tore her eyes away from her hunter, placing her gaze firmly on the wooden ceiling "do you truly want to know"
Weight shifted, his face entering her vision again "i always want to know. you can't keep everything locked away in your mind." mindful of the emotion he injected into his statement, he joked "after all you're always getting us to talk"
Another low hum. an admission of hypocrisy, the best she would give him, but he was content with it
"Do you think me a man or woman" the witches gaze once again firmly on the ceiling
A soft thud as he flopped back onto the bed, gaze also on the ceiling.
"Your you," he shifted again, "but I know that isn't enough for you, who goes after information like a dog after a bone", a complentative sigh.
"I met you as a man, got to know you as a man, fell in love with you as a man. I know you're more complex than that. but yes, if i had to say for certain, i would think you a man"
"You fell in love with me as a man?" the witch questioned
"Well you are a rather handsome one, and some may call me simple but im not the type to question people on what they say they are," he turned back to her, "why were you surprised" with furrowed brows
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peninsularian · 2 months
Classy Philly ballad, 1976
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jacobwren · 4 months
“Comicopera then becomes progressively darker during its middle section, The Here and Now, as its scope expands to take in the war in Iraq. As an Englishman whose democratically elected leader had trotted into combat behind Bush, Robert Wyatt felt implicated. A Beautiful War is about so-called smart bombs, which even the US Air Force now acknowledges weren’t quite as smart as was claimed at the time. Out of the Blue shifts perspective to the effect of those bombs as they fell to the ground. Alfie’s lyrics were inspired by TV footage of a Lebanese woman left stupefied after her house had been blown to smithereens. From the apparently innocent opening detail, ‘No need to wipe your feet, the welcome mat’s not there,’ the track builds over jarring, jagged electronics and shards of free-jazz brass. We hear that ‘something unbelievable has happened to the floor,’ that the stairs have gone, and finally that the house has been blown apart. The climax comes with the repeated line: ‘You’ve planted all your ever-lasting hatred in my heart.’ Robert’s voice remains neutral, but it is the angriest line he has ever recorded – and one, he says, he would never have written himself.” – Marcus O'Dair, Different Every Time: The Authorized Biography of Robert Wyatt
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viliere · 11 months
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Alfreda Benge, Shleep
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lordxbebbanburg · 1 year
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Uhtred había estado en el bar con Leofric pasando el rato, habían tenido un día pesado de entrenamiento pero la verdad era que estaban vigilando todo el lugar para vigilar la seguridad de la reina de Wessex. Sabía que corría peligro con los daneses presentes pero Uhtred estaba justo ahí para eso, para protegerla a pesar de que no le agradará que un danés lo hiciera. ¿Por qué le importaba la seguridad de la reina? Muchas veces no sabía, y pensaba que era más que el juramento que tenía a ella. En un principio quiso usarla para poder conseguir Bebbanburg pero eso cada vez lo veía más lejos. Ahora su destino lo llevaba a Wessex, salvando la vida de esa reina. Esa reina que era lo único que mantenía que Wessex y los sajones estuvieran de pie. 
Uhtred entró al palacio para dirigirse hacía su habitación después de haberse despedido de Leofric, caminó un poco por los jardines cuando notó a alguien ahí a solas. No tenía su espada, no le permitían entrar con esta pero llevaba su espada corta escondida sin que se supiera, siempre por protección aunque cuando estuvo por sacarla se sorprendió al ver a la reina ahí, siendo iluminada por la luna. Se veía tan hermosa, se preguntaba si había notado su presencia pero decidió acercarse. “No debería estar una reina sola a estas horas” susurró, dejando notar su presencia y luchando contra todo su ser para no utilizar un tono coqueto, mantener la compostura pero en ese instante, con ese atuendo, con esa naturalidad presente, se sintió por primera vez atraído hacía ella, jamás se había permitido verla de esa forma pero Uhtred había tomado un poco más de la cuenta y no pudo hacer vista ciega. @siihtric​
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calicojo · 2 years
!!!!!!!!!!!!! 💚💚💚
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i wish i was in a polyamourus relationship with them
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oldsardens · 1 year
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Alfreda Anna Storm - Maidens in a harem on the Bosphorous
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acourtcfmuses · 2 years
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@wahrsagung asked: “ don’t you realize you deserve more than this? ” from evie for freddie facilier!
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"Perhaps, but there isn't much I can do about it Evie." Celia was still on the Isle, which meant so was Freddie. She couldn't leave her little sister. Their father wasn't one of the worst on the Isle, and he cared about his kids, but that didn't mean Celia would be safe if Freddie left. "I have my little sister to look out for. She still insists on running errands for Hades, as well as scamming the hunters out of their cash with her cards..."
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aloeverawrites · 6 months
tw holocaust.
Remember the name Alfreda Markowska
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nadiagiordana · 10 months
It's a Woman's World: Working Together to Build Community
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im writing a short thing for the Alfreda verse and oghhhhhh.
the thing is they could have had a happy ending. a house near the woods, a garden and kitchen. raising their daughter far from the people that hated them.
there is a cottage waiting for them, in the place beyond. there is a million cottages they could have been happy in.
but duty. they want to shy away from it, but for different reasons they will always answer the call. even when exhausted and broken, beaten down and with a shattered heart, they always have more to give.
and people can be cruel to what they dont understand. rumors fly. why is an unmarried person living with them. why are their eyes to knowing. whats in the tinctures on the windowsills, isnt that poisonous.
they had the cottage for a while, enjoyed the normalcy. then people came with fire and fear and all that was left was ashes
its about the duty<333 its about the yearning for a peace you can never have, only help build for others <33333
but most of all its about the hope that one day you will be done, and the world you built will have a place for you, where you can lie on the first sunny day after winter with those you love and bask in the sunshine.
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aymayzing · 1 year
No idea what to do with myself on this rainy summer day so I am booting up Mass Effect
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mitjalovse · 1 year
Dave Eringa looks like a contemporary figure thanks to his Manic association. I mean, he gets called by the old rockers a lot thanks to his collaboration with Manic Street Preachers. I assume these rock figures wish to become sonically cool again, though a funny fact might be most of their efforts look back. For instance, Roger Daltrey took a break from one of the Who reunions to record As Long As I Have You, which fits his career at the current point. There is a sense of wistfulness present here and Mr. Eringa plays along. However, this shouldn't be seen as a nostalgia trip, where an old singer covers his favourites. He does put some of his originals here, yet the entire mood wavers between elegiac and affirmative.
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C'est Lundi, que Lisez-vous ? N°277
Cher.e.s voyageur.e.s, Comme tous les lundi, c’est l’heure du “C’est lundi que lisez-vous” je vous présente mes lectures passées, présentes et peut-être futurs. Ce rendez-vous a été mis en place par Galleane et repris par moi. Je suis heureuse d’être responsable de ce rendez-vous. Je curieuse de voir vos reprises, lectures passées, présentes et à venir :D. J’ai plutôt bien avancé dans mes…
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