#alias: blueberry
alexxmason · 1 month
Tagged by @efingart 💕 decided on three babies this time. Had to stick w my favorites and had include a certain nepotism baby this time cus I’m 😀😀😀
tagging @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @bbrocklesnar @aceghosts @marivenah @finding-comfort-in-rain @josephslittledeputy @simonxriley @cassietrn @mctvsh @adlerboi @tacticalhimbo @direwombat & anyone else.
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Name: Selena Valdez
Nickname: “Bell”, “Thorn” (Perseus alias), “Little Thorn” (only one man beside her father can call her that but dont ask 🫣), “Sel” (only Adler calls her that), “Lenny”/“Lenita” 
Gender: Female :)
Star Sign: Leo 
Personality Type: Evil Neutral, Choleric (terrorist era) // Neutral Good, Melancholic (post-1981)
Height: 5'7
Orientation: Bisexual 
Nationality/Ethnicity: Puerto Rican-Mexican
Fave Fruit: Mangos 🧡
Fave Season: Fall/Winter
Fave Flower: Pink roses
Fave Scent: Anything rosey or foral (reminds her of her mother)
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Tea only.
Average Hours of Sleep: 5-7 if she’s lucky
Dog or Cat Person: Cat person
Dream Trip: Somewhere warm and sunny. Maybe the beach
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: 1 and maybe a light sheet some days.
Random Fact: She has a matching tattoo with someone but she never discloses who.
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Name: Ariel Herrera
Nickname: “Ary”
Gender: Female :)
Star Sign: Aries
Personality Type: Melancholic, True Neutral or Neutral Evil, whatever she’s in the mood for :)
Height: 5'7
Orientation: Bisexual
Nationality/Ethnicity: Mexican 
Fave Fruit: Blueberries and Blackberries
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: None
Fave Scent: Fire/ campfires
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee
Average Hours of Sleep: 8-10, she loves her sleep
Dog or Cat Person: Dog person
Dream Trip: Somewhere green. Anywhere with a lot of forestry.
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: just 1, she gets too hot sometimes.
Random Fact: She couldn’t swim for almost her whole life and didn’t learn till she was an adult.
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Name: Joel Weaver
Nickname: None :(
Gender: Male :(
Star Sign: Aquarius
Personality Type: Melancholic, Neutral Good
Height: 5’11
Orientation: “I don’t label myself”
Nationality/Ethnicity: Mexican-Russian American
Fave Fruit: Apples
Fave Season: Winter
Fave Flower: Moonflower
Fave Scent: Cooking and bread
Coffee, Tea, or HC: Coffee
Average Hours of Sleep: What is that?
Dog or Cat Person: Neither
Dream Trip: A beach vacation!
Number of Blankets They Sleep With: just a light sheet for him, sweats too much.
Random Fact: He has a fear of the ocean and will avoid it if he can.
19 notes · View notes
blooming-violets · 1 year
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Creature Like Me || Chapter One: Solo Hunt
[TASM Peter Parker!Werewolf AU]
Summary: Kraven and his guild of hunters have been tracking and quelling the werewolf population for centuries. The time has come for Aylin to complete her first solo hunt to prove herself to the guild. It was supposed to be simple. One wolf, one death, one victory. She never expected to end up with a secret hostage on her hands. 
Chapter One Warnings: depictions of torture and starvation, depictions of a violent death, use of a gun, blood and gore, is it animal cruelty/animal death if the animal is a werewolf?? 
A/N: This is an OC but please keep an open mind, read a paragraph or two, before you completely write off the story because it doesn’t have a “reader” insert character. Her descriptions are fairly minimal and her name is important to the story. Pretend you’re someone else for little bit and get lost in a world that’s not your own. Isn’t that what writing is for anyway? xoxoKatie
[link to chapter index]
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The morning sun beamed soft, white light through the canopy of branches to illuminate the fog settled against the dewy grass. She watched the light push away the dark shadows of the forest as she plucked a handful of blueberries out of her pocket and plopped a few into her mouth. Mornings were never her favorite despite their inherent beauty. She preferred the tranquility of the night with nothing but the glow of the moon to guide her. She kept her love for the moon to herself. Those were thoughts she wasn’t allowed to have. Her guild worshiped the sun for it was the werewolf’s natural enemy. The wolves drew their power from the moon. It made them stronger, enhanced their natural abilities, and turned them into fierce warriors. As a hunter of the beast, her guild found safety in the light, but used the cover of the dark to hunt their prey. They saw the dangers of the night where she only saw serenity. 
“Aylin,” a deep, gravely voice fell over her shoulder. “Are you preparing for your hunt tonight or are you daydreaming again?” 
Aylin wiped the growing scowl from her face, replacing it with a passive smile, before she turned to greet her intruder, “Sergei. Good morning to you, too.” She shoved the ziplock bag of berries back into her pocket and stood up, brushing off her damp bottom from the rotten log she was sitting on. “I’ve been preparing my whole life for my first solo hunt. There is not much else I can do but wait.” 
Tonight was the night she would become a full member of the hunting party. At 21, those with the talent would be given a test. They were to track down and successfully eliminate a single werewolf on their own. Up until now, she had been hunting with a group. She participated in helping kill a total of five wolves so far. Now it was time to prove that she could be of use on her own. It was the highest honor a young person could receive in the guild. 
Sergei ran a hand through his long, scraggly beard. His dark hair reached to his shoulders and hung in wild waves framing his square face. The black pelt of a werewolf hung like a shawl around his shoulders. As leader of the Silver Colt Guild, he held the respect of everyone under him. The Silver Colt’s history dated as far back as the first known existence of a werewolf. They’d been around for centuries, culling the werewolf problem the best they could before it ever reached the public eye. Sergei, known by his enemies as his alias Kraven the Hunter, inherited the guild from his father. He ran with an iron fist to keep his people safe. They were the outcasts of modern society, taking on the burden of protecting those they would never meet from the horrors of evil that walked among them. 
“Being prepared does not mean you are ready to complete the actual task,” he chastised her. “Going one to one with a wolf is harder than you could ever imagine. In their wolf form, they are ten times stronger than you could ever be. In their human form, they are the master of manipulation. They would say or do anything to keep you from slaughtering them. The second you let your guard down, they will strike. There will be no help to back you up. Failing means death. A beast won’t hesitate to rip you limb from limb. Mindless, heartless killers. They are not guided by morals. They will not hesitate. I don’t want to lose you tonight.”
Aylin held her tongue for fear of talking back. Sergei always got under her skin. Still, she believed he deserved the title of their leader and, therefore, was worthy of her respect. He was easily the best hunter of them all. He could take out a wolf with nothing but his bare hands. No one else was able to compete with his sheer strength. At times, he seemed almost like an enhanced human himself. She often wondered where he pulled his abilities from, though she would never dare question him. He was a good leader but a boastful one. His hubris clashed with her humbled outlook. Aylin had no need for cockiness. She believed one’s skills should silently speak for themselves. There was no need to talk herself up. She knew what she could do and that should be enough. 
“If you are successful tonight then I could see you entering as the frontrunner to become my protégé,” he raised his thick brows at her, as if that was supposed to be the most enticing offer of her lifetime. “Don’t let me down.”
The leader of the guild would always choose the strongest new hunter to personally train. She would be forced to move into Sergei and his wife’s home to study his every move. Whoever was chosen as the leader’s protégé would one day take over as leader themselves. Some of her peers would slaughter each other for the chance to claim that title. Aylin saw it as a chore. Calypso, Sergei’s wife, was someone she’d rather avoid. The woman could easily stand on her own with her husband but didn’t possess an ounce of empathy. She was cruel, boarding on psychopathic, and the thought of having to live under the same roof as her sent a bolt of dread through Aylin’s nerves. She had no desire to lead anyone, either. All she wanted was to sit in her quiet woods, undisturbed, but there was no point in arguing over a centuries old tradition. If Sergei chose her then that’s what she would have to do. 
“I think I’ll be alright. You don’t have to worry about me. I’ve been tracking this wolf for some time. She works as a night security guard up at the old Eagle Peak Camp. I’m not entirely sure what she’s guarding there but, whatever is, I’ll be sure to report back to you with what I find. I think it’s where a pack has been meeting. If I can get information on them, our guild could potentially eliminate an entire group in one go. She’ll be an easy enough target for my first solo hunt. There shouldn’t be any civilians around and there's a lot of places to take cover. All my weapons are prepped and ready. I’ve been training for months. I will come back with her silver pierced heart in my hand. I’m confident in this.” She straightened her spine as she spoke to appear taller than she was in an attempt to see eye to eye with Sergei. He towered over anyone he stood in front of and she didn’t like feeling small.  
He gave a light hearted chuckle and slung his arm over her shoulder, pulling her into his side, and dwarfing her against his large body, “I believe you. I’m the one who trained you, remember? I know you have the skill. Doesn’t mean I don’t worry about you anyway.” The coarse fur of the wolf pelt tumbling down his shoulders tickled her cheek as he held her close. “Your mother is looking for you. She made you breakfast. Let me walk you back to town and we can discuss your strategies for tonight once more.” 
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Even as she stood crouched under the shadows of a large pine tree, Aylin silently trailed her fingers over each of her weapons. She’d taken count of each one about fifty times in the last hour but it still helped quell her nerves. The tree she took shelter under protected her from the downpour of rain as she raised her binoculars to observe her surroundings. Eagle Peak was once a bustling summer destination for hundreds of children, aged 6 to 16, to attend a four week camp program in the mountains. Their days were filled with non stop fun canoeing on the lake, hiking through the forests, singing around a campfire, and making a lifetime of memories. That was until the wolf incident of ‘74. Three campers were found torn apart, their cabin broken into, and their bloodied bodies dragged out into the forest. Their deaths were chalked up to a pack of rabid wolves which had wandered into camp. While the pack was never actually found, the camp still closed down. Children being mutilated while they slept didn’t send out a great impression to other potential camp goers. The Silver Colt’s knew the truth. It wasn’t rabid wolves. At least, not how the public perceived it to be. One of the counselors was a beast in disguise. He was slain by Sergei’s father in the summer of ‘75. Sergei still wears the necklace of claws his father made after tearing them from the counselor's paws before he drove a silver dagger into the beast’s blackened heart. 
The camp had sat abandoned for years, left for nature to reclaim, until a private owner bought out the land. That was when the suspicion began. Hikers were going missing more often than usual. Strange howls could be heard at night. A heavy sense of foreboding hovered in the night air. The werewolves were making a return and it was up to Aylin’s people to stop them. Tonight, she would start their quest by taking out the guard and retrieving as much information as she could. 
From the outskirts she couldn’t see much. She’d been staking out this location for weeks. Besides the patrolling woman, she never saw anyone else move around the camp while she was there, but it was clear that there was something worth guarding. She would need to infiltrate closer to get a better look. While the night rain ruined her views, the sound would help mask her footsteps. Werewolves had particularly precise hearing. Sergei purposely chose a rainy night for her first hunt and she would take any advantage she could get.
Aylin mentally planned out her route. The main lodge sat in a large clearing overlooking the lake. A crack of lightning pierced through the clouds and reflected off the darkened waters. It was the only source of light she would have tonight as the moon was blanketed behind the storm. Surrounding the lodge on either side was a small office building and a nurse’s station. The lavatories were a little ways behind the main lodge and, down a wooded dirt path, held the bulk of the camper’s cabins. According to her old map, they used to refer to the cabin’s sleeping area as the Whispering Pines. A boathouse sat on the lake, still fully stocked with rotting canoes. That was thirteen buildings in total. She would have to search each one before she returned home. Once her target was removed, it would allow her the time she needed to properly investigate for any details on the pack that roamed these areas.
Sierra Molina was who Aylin was currently searching for. A 28 year old, gorgeous woman with thick, long black hair who moved to upper New York three years ago. She started out as a model in the city, gaining a good amount of success, when she suddenly switched career paths. A successful model in the big city to a solitary, private security guard for an abandoned summer camp in the Adirondack Mountains could only mean one thing. She was a wolf. She wasn’t born one, she was bitten. That was Aylin’s theory, at least. It would have been hard for a wolf to have a career in the limelight. Wolves and cities don’t usually mix unless they’re using them as a hunting ground. That would mean, at some point three years ago, a wolf managed to find its way into the city. It was growing its pack and Sierra was merely a victim of the beast. Victim or not, she had to die. 
There was not much luck for Aylin tonight. She had yet to catch sight of the woman. The heavy storm was probably compelling her to keep shelter in one of the buildings. A light was on in the back of the main lodge so she placed her bets on that. She wouldn’t be able to take her out with an easy scope shot. She’d need to get in closer. 
Aylin took a deep inhale, preparing herself, and stepped out from the protective shadows of her pine tree. Her old leather boots lost traction as she descended down a slippery slope towards the main lodge. The grass turned to slick mud under her and she silently cursed as she felt the cold, wet dirt coat down her side as she skidded to a halt at the bottom. If anything, the mud might help hide her scent too, though it made it harder to grip her weapons. She did her best to wipe her hands off on her black combat pants before continuing. 
She kept her body ducked low while she gave a light jog towards the lodge. There wasn’t much she could do about the squelching mud under her feet. All she could hope for was that the rain hammering on the roof was loud enough to cover whatever sounds she couldn’t hide. The second she reached the lodge, she pressed her back against the dark wooden panels. Her hand grabbed behind her to pull the crossbow from her back. She carefully loaded it with a silver tipped arrow, letting the rumbling thunder overhead mask the sounds. The crossbow was her weapon of choice. It was fast, powerful, and quieter than a gun. Unlike the colt revolver strapped to her thigh, she had more stealth advantages with this. The gun was for the final blow if she needed the added weight and her dagger was her very last chance of survival should things come down to hand to hand combat. She was no Sergei. Her strengths lay in long range and stealth. 
Aylin moved along the length of the outer wall until she was perched under a cracked open window. From inside, she could hear someone moving around. The smell of cooking chicken hit her nose. This must be the kitchen of the lodge and where her target was taking shelter. 
Sierra spoke to someone inside as she banged around the room, slamming cabinets in her wake, “I think he needs more food. The man is wasting away. Kateri hardly ever feeds him. I don’t know how she expects him to keep on giving her what she wants if he’s nothing but skin and bone.” 
She waited, listening for a secondary person to reply. When she heard none, it gave her the confidence to know that Sierra was still the only here. She was on the phone. 
“Yeah, I know it keeps him weak, but it’s also killing him. Call me crazy but I actually feel sorry for the bastard. I’m the one who ends up having to take care of him. He’s not my pet! If she’s so obsessed with him, you’d think she would actually take better care of him. It wouldn’t hurt to bathe him either. He’s starting to really stink. I wish Kateri would actually do something about that. The whole cabin is disgusting. I hate having to go in there.” The name Kateri was new to her but, the way Sierra talked about her, made it seem like she was the one who called the shots. The name of the pack's potential alpha. “Maybe I’ll let him run around in the rain for a bit. Let the storm hose him down.” Sierra laughed, “I’m joking! Calm down. I’m not going to let him out. He wouldn’t know what to do out of chains anyway. Kat’s got him fully conditioned to be her omega bitch.”
Aylin silently shifted her crossbow to get a better feel for it in her hands. Her curiosity peaked at the thought of who they were speaking about. It sounded as if they currently had someone hostage. She didn't dare peak through the open window for fear of being seen. 
“I cooked him some chicken. Kat can scream about it all she wants. He needs the protein. I didn’t even season it or anything. Just straight up dry chicken. What’s sad is that it’ll probably be the best damn meal he’s had in a year. Better than the dog food she’s been forcing him to eat.” The sound of her zipping up a bag reached Aylin’s ears. She was getting ready to move. “I’m going to even brave the rain for this loser. See? I’m not a heartless bitch after all. Who would have guessed? I’ll talk to you later, babes, once I’m back inside. See ya.” 
The sound of Sierra's footsteps disappearing followed the end of the phone call. This was her chance to move. Aylin crept around the side of the building, crossbow held up at the ready in front of her. She watched from the shadows as Sierra popped out the door and into the rain. Her peripheral vision was covered by the large, dark green hood of her rain jacket pulled loosely  over her head. She wore a black bag over her shoulder as she jogged towards the Whispering Pines. She had no idea that she was now actively being hunted.
Aylin’s  heart began to race as she trailed after her prey. When she joined the hunting party on their excursion to take out other wolves, they had already been in wolf form by the time she caught sight of them. Large, raggedy, snarling beasts. Blood had dripped from their jowls and matted into their wild, unkempt fur. They had been untamed, savage, violent creatures. It was easy to see them as a predator in need of putting down. They weren’t human. 
Sierra Molina was human. At least, how she looked now. A beautiful woman trying to make it big as a model. Her dreams of the future were snatched from her at the hands of true evil. She was dragged up to the mountains and forced into a new life. She ran through the rain, her shoulders hunched up in her oversized coat, her body shivering from the cold, to bring food to whatever neglected hostage her alpha had locked up. She was going against her orders to feed the poor soul. An act of kindness. A very human act. 
Her stomach ached at the thought of having to look this woman in the eyes as she killed her. She’d rather her be a wolf. It would be more dangerous but slaughtering an animal was better than murdering a human. The reality of what she was about to do came crashing down around her. The fear set in. 
Aylin slowed her pace, ducking behind a tree. Sergei was right, the rain would help easily conceal her from all sounds and smells. Sierra had no idea she was being followed. It felt almost unfair. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to do this anymore. She was born into this life. Raised to be a killer. It should be easy. She shouldn’t be this sacred. Fear and doubt were weaknesses. Those weaknesses should have been beaten out of her as a child yet they somehow still prevailed, stronger than ever. 
As her prey approached the last cabin along the path, the one tucked further back into the forest than the rest, Aylin raised her crossbow and took aim. There was no time for over thinking or panic. She had to act on instinct. This was her moment. It was now or never. She couldn’t return home without a wolf’s heart in her hand. She couldn’t fail her people. 
This was it. 
The familiar, loud thwip of the bolt leaving its home echoed off the trees. Before Sierra even had time to react to the sound, the silver tip buried itself straight into her lower spine with a sickly, crunching thud of bones being ripped apart. She dropped hard and fast. Crumbled to the ground in a heap, her bag slipping from her shoulders to fall beside her broken body. Her piercing howl of pain filled the air. Aylin made quick work to start loading up the next bolt while she still had the element of surprise on her side. 
“My legs,” Sierra cried out. “I can’t feel my legs! I can’t move them. Please. Help! Someone help!”  Her pleas for rescue were useless. There was nobody around to listen but Aylin. Her body flopped onto her side, teary, terrified eyes desperately searching for her assailant. “Who are you? What do you want?! What have you done? You-” 
Aylin approached, a black cowl mask hiding her lower face, and the end of the crossbow pointed at the other woman. Her target was in sight but she wasn’t ready to pull the final trigger just yet. She wanted her to turn. She needed to see the beast before she took her life. It was the only way she'd be able to follow through. 
Sierra caught sight of the golden, rising sun emblem carefully stitched into Aylin’s dark jacket. Realization flashed across her spasming face, contorting between pain and fury, “You.” Her voice lowered into a dangerous rumble. “You’re one of them, aren’t you?” Her words spit like fire out of her mouth. “That sun. You’re one of Kraven’s hunters! Kateri said you would come eventually. You have no idea how this will end for you. You have no idea what you’re walking into!” 
A low, threatening growl thundered in the back of her throat. It was followed by a quieter whimper like she knew how this was going to end for her. She was scared. A cornered animal ready to go down fighting. Death was the only future she held. Her pupils began to stretch, causing her tawny colored eyes to fill with a voidless obsidian until there were no remnants of her human soul. The growl grew deeper, more animalistic, as she started to shift. 
“That’s it,” Aylin whispered to herself. “Turn for me. Show me who you really are.” 
Like a firework bursting in the night sky, Sierra’s body exploded into a massive wolf with an angry howl, sending shreds of her green rain jacket and a spray of water droplets flying into the air. She nearly tripled in size. Silky, jet black fur, as beautiful as her own head of hair, settled down into place as her transformation completed. Saliva clung to her thick, pointed ivory teeth, black lips pulled back into a snarl, and her ears pressed flat against her skull. Steam puffed from her panting jaws, highlighting the chill in the air. She was savage. Desperate. Ready to kill. Her blackened sights set directly onto Aylin. 
This was the beast she was ready to hunt. This was exactly what she had trained for. Sierra Molina no longer existed. In her place was a raging, furious wolf ready to be slain. There was no more need for humanity for she was not human. A hunter and her prey. A tale as old as time. 
Sierra’s hind quarters remained crumbled under the weight of her body like a stray dog who had been hit by a car. They were as useless to her in wolf form as they were to her as a human. Aylin had managed to sever her spine with her first hit, rendering her weaker and taking away some of her power. It didn’t make her any less dangerous, though. She lunged at the younger girl, thrusting her massive body down the muddy path towards her as claps of loud thunder cheered on the upcoming fight. The muscular power of her front legs dragged her forward in jerky, pained movements, back legs dangling helplessly behind her. The coarse fur of her hackles stood on end. Teeth bared. She was ready to die fighting. 
Aylin released the trigger. The bolt shot out like a bullet and lodged itself deep into her foe's shoulder. The silver tip sizzled in her thick skin, the metal burning into her flesh. She doubled over with a howled cry, whipping her enlarged head back and forth in an attempt to reach the burning arrow piercing her skin with her long snout. While she fought with the pain, Aylin quickly tried to reload her bow. She had the arrow half way in, foot holding down the stirrup, and desperately trying to force the strong string back into position when Sierra noticed she was distracted. Ignoring the searing pain in her shoulder and crippled back legs, she lunged herself at Aylin. 
The force knocked her to the ground, tossing her bow off to the side, and pushing the air out of her lungs. The heavy weight of the wolf pressed down on her chest. The smell of wet dog filled her nostrils as Sierra leered down over her. Steamy, hot breath blew in her face. Black, leathery lips pulled back to reveal snarling teeth. For a breathless moment, Sierra thought she had the upper hand. 
And then a loud, cracking pop rang out, breaking the wooded silence, sending a flurry of terrified birds out of the trees and straight to the stormy sky.
In Aylin’s hand was the colt revolver, slipped out from her thigh harness, already prepped and loaded with silver bullets, now pointed directly under the wolf’s jaw. 
The bullet shot straight through Sierra’s thick skull, ripping through her brain, and forcing a bloody exit out the other end. A cloud of misty, hot crimson rained down onto Aylin’s face. Bits of fleshy brain matter scattered to the ground around her. A sharp fragment of Sierra’s rose tinted skull bounced off her forehead, slicing her skin, and tumbled into the mud. The wolf went completely still, the life snuffed straight out of her, as her heavy body slumped on top of Aylin, pinning her in place. 
The silence that followed was deafening. Not even the rumbling thunder or shower of rain seemed to dare make noise. All she could hear was the ringing in her ears. The echo of the gunshot reverberating inside her skull. 
Her heart was racing. Her lungs struggled to breath under the weight on top of her. Her mind desperately tried to catch up with the events that just unfolded. 
Her first solo hunt. Her first kill. 
A smile tugged at the corner of her lips, protected from the shower of blood thanks to her mask. The rain slowly washed the rest of the red from her vision. 
She had done it. 
She had killed a werewolf. 
She was alive. She was the victor. 
Aylin let out a grunt, grasping a fistful of Sierra’s fur in her shaky hands, as she wiggled her body out from under the enormous carcass. The slippery mud helped assist her as she slid her legs out of the furry prison. Her clothes were soaked through. Mud, rain, and blood all mixed together to seep into her frozen skin. She forced herself onto her feet and took a stumbled step backwards to examine her work. 
Sierra remained in wolf form after her death. They rarely ever changed back once their life was gone. Despite her blown open skull, she looked rather peaceful. Cute, even, if you looked from the right angles. Like a giant, sleeping puppy. They were beautiful creatures, werewolves. It was hard not to respect their strength and power. Sierra still nearly got the upper hand even with her paralyzed hind legs and silver burning her flesh. If it hadn’t been for the colt, she probably would have won. 
Death suited her, Aylin concluded. 
She turned from the corpse to pick up her crossbow off the ground and slung it back over her shoulder. She took a moment to gather herself, both her racing thoughts and her scattered belonging, before she attempted to continue. The adrenaline coursing through her veins made it difficult to think straight. The wolf was dead, the major threat eliminated, but there was still work that needed to be done. Cabins needed to be searched. Clues needed to be found. And a heart needed to be cut out as proof of her win. 
Aylin shuffled over to the bag Sierra had dropped. It lay at the bottom steps of the smallest cabin. A simple, faded, forest green wooden shack. While the other sleeping quarters looked like they could hold at least ten people total, this one could probably only handle four. She bent down to unzip the bag. A clear tupperware of cooked chicken, a bottle of water, and a ring full of keys were all that remained inside. Aylin glanced up to the cabin. That was where Sierra was headed to deliver the dinner. That was where they were keeping their pet. 
She snatched up the ring of keys and made her accent up the rotting wooden stairs. A screen door filled with holes stood in front of her. Behind it was another, solid metal door. It looked out of place, newer than everything else, as if someone had specifically installed it within the past year. A heavy padded lock bolted it shut. The kind of lock meant to keep something in. She tested out each key until she found the perfect fit. The lock popped open and she slid over the dead bolt, allowing the door to slowly creak open, unsure of what she would find on the other side.
The thick stench of musty sweat hit her nose as her eyes adjusted to the dark. It was pitch black inside. The windows had been boarded up and covered with heavy, old blankets. They would keep out the light and help dampen any noise. A set of two wooden bunk beds stood on opposite sides of the walls, built straight into the floor, but Aylin’s attention sought to what was chained between them. 
A man was naked, crouched on his knees, back curved forward, and head hung low. He was facing the blank wall across from her. His arms hung up above his head and stretched out to the side, forced into place by the bulky chains around each wrist. The sickly pale skin under the wide cuffs was rubbed raw. A trickle of dried blood caked down his forearm. His back was covered in a myriad of scars. Welts from a whip. Some new. Some old. All painful. She could see the perfect ridge of his spine protruding from under the scarred skin, each vertebrae clearly on display. The marks of a starving, tortured man. 
He head jerked to the side when he heard the creak of the floorboard as she took another step inside. His hair was down to his shoulders and hung in wild, greasy, matted stands. His skin was speckled with dirt and old, dried blood. Wheezing breaths struggled out his lungs. 
Aylin breathed through her mouth, trying to keep her nose blocked from the horrible smell wafting off of him. The closer she got, the worse it became. Not even her mask could help block the smell. He had been locked in this room for a long time, rotting away with no flow of air, no sunlight, nothing.  
“What have they done to you?” She whispered, horrified by what she was seeing. “Who are you?” 
The sounds of shifting chains filled the quiet shack as he came more alert. She stayed in the shadows behind him, just out of his eye sight while he tried to crane his head around to see who was speaking. This was a new voice, one unfamiliar to him. 
“Who are you?” He croaked. His voice was deep and scratchy like a rusty tool he no longer had any use for. 
“I asked you first.” She listened to the sound of the rain hammering against the wooden roof. It helped soothe the quickened pace of her heart. “Are you one of them? Do you…belong to them?” A pet. That’s what Sierra had called him. 
She had only been taught how to kill wolves, not what to do when she encountered a hostage they were keeping. This was new, uncharted territory. Sergei would probably want her to kill him and move on with her task, get home safe without any added baggage. Her mother would tell her to free the starving man and find him help, her humanity being more important than a flawless hunt. She chewed on her lip, silently weighing her options. 
The man gave a breathy, weak laugh. It sounded dark and ominous. 
“I…belong to them…yes.” He hesitated, defeat dripping in his tone. “Are you here to kill me? Please say yes.” 
Aylin swallowed, unsure. Was she? Her hand was clutched to the hilt of her knife. He could be dangerous. Or useful. There had to be a reason why a pack of wolves had him locked up. He belonged to them but was he one of them? It didn’t sound like he was part of the pack. A rival, maybe? Whoever he was, he wanted to die. He wanted her to kill him. Her heart sank in her chest. He looked so weak. His head had fallen back against his slumped over chest, his neck unable to support it upright for long. They had tortured him, starved him, until he was a broken shell. 
She took a deep breath and pulled her knife from the holster. He shuddered at the sound. She held it at the ready as she crept closer, ducking under one of his chains, to stand directly in front of him. He lifted his tired head to look at her. Her eyes widened at the horrors. Gaunt, pale cheeks caked in dirt. Untamed, wild hair like a mane framing his skeletal face. Dark, sagging circles embedded around hollow, red tinted eyes. His scraggly chestnut beard stuck out in all directions to hide his dry, chapped, pale lips. Every rib stood out against his grimy chest. She forced her eyes from traveling down any further, wanting to allow the naked man whatever shred of dignity he had left. 
“Well?” He asked again, watery eyes boring into her. “Are you going to kill me or not?” 
Aylin locked her gaze with his. It was the look of hope that softened his sharp features that simultaneously broke her heart and made up her mind. 
“No,” she declared. 
She couldn’t kill him. She didn’t care who he was or what he had done. Anyone chained up and begging for death deserved a second chance. 
A frown darkened his sweat dripped brow, “You're a hunter, aren’t you? I know that symbol on your coat. I heard you outside. You killed Sierra. That’s what you do. You kill werewolves.” 
Aylin nodded, “Yes.” 
“Then kill me,” he stated. The finality of his statement settled in the stale air around them. 
He was a werewolf. 
She should kill him. She should hate him. She should claim his life as a second victory. Two for one. It would secure her spot as Sergei’s protégé. She would be revered as a hero. A future candidate to lead the Silver Colts. Her destiny would be written in stone. 
Which was exactly why she wouldn’t. 
When she didn’t respond, he clenched his jaw, anger flashing across his broken eyes, “Kill me! I’m one of them! Do what you’re supposed to do and kill me!” He threw himself at where she stood, unflinching. The chains caught him before he could reach her and yanked him back into place as a sob escaped him. The fight immediately left his body. He was too weak. He curled up as best as he could with his arms hung weakly above his head. He let out a pathetic whimper. “Please…do it…please…” He whined. “Please. Help me. Make it end. Let it be over.”
He was a werewolf. A predator. A freak of nature. The one thing she was supposed to despise most in this world. Her enemy. The one she vowed to eliminate even if it cost her own life. She was raised to do this. Raised to be a killer. 
“No,” she whispered. 
It’s not a fair fight. He was too weak. Bound to chains. Already beaten into submission. She’d have to be a monster to pierce his heart now. He was supposed to be the monster. Not her. The plans of what to do next began swirling around in her mind. Crazy, ridiculous, unheard of plans. 
Aylin slipped her knife back into its holster. She had made up her mind. She was going to take him. Steal him from the pack. Bring him back with her. Hide him away from her people. Use him to get information. He was weak enough that she could control him. In the state he was in, his fragile mind could be easily manipulated. It was insane, yes, but it was her plan and her mind was set on it. 
The ring of keys were still stuck inside the lock of the door. She ducked back under his arm chain and retrieved them, starting to test each key until she found the right one, while he studied her with a quiet, sleepy, curiosity. She carefully unlocked each cuff, setting him loose. 
The wolf man fell to the ground the second his arms were free. He crumpled into the fetal position, chest heaving, unable to do much more in his feeble state. Aylin squatted down in front him. His knees were more raw than his wrists, almost worn down to the bone, as if he had to spend most of his time on them. It was then that she noticed his pelvic region. She only took notice because it stood out. While the rest of him was covered in grime, his pelvis was meticulously clean. Spotless. Perfectly cleared of any dirt, sweat, or blood. She couldn’t see anything more revealing as he tucked into himself but it was an odd observation, the kind that made her stomach lurch. Whoever Kateri was, she only seemed to care about one specific part of him. This hostage had a purpose. One she was going to take away from them. Cut off their supply and use him to lure them out into the open. 
He was the key to eliminating the entire pack. 
“What’s your name?” She asked softly. She could pretend to be nice, gain his trust, have him work for her. She could use him to bend her guild in the right direction. Think of all the information that could be learned by having an actual werewolf on their side. 
He peaked his eyes out at her, his lids hanging heavy like he hadn’t slept in days, “It’s-” He hesitated, having to think, to try and remember that part of himself. A part he lost long ago. “Uh, it's…Peter….yeah, that’s it. Peter.” Even though he was free, he made no attempts to move. Completely broken like an abused, unleashed dog sticking close to his master because he knew of nothing else. Kindness didn’t exist in his world. All he knew was pain and suffering. 
She reached out her hand, gently placing it against his cheek, even as he flinched and cowered away, she held steady, “I’m not going to hurt you, Peter.” She removed her hand from his scraggly beard and tugged down the dark cowl and mask to reveal the rest of her face for him to see, “My name is Aylin. I am a hunter but not to you. You no longer belong to these sadistic people. Now, you belong to me.” 
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[Chapter Two]
A/N: A reblog will automatically put you onto the chapter two tag list. If you enjoyed what you read, please leave a comment! It would make this writer very happy and more likely to continue writing. I hope you have a lovely night/evening/morning/afternoon/day. 
Tag List: @liz-allyn @mrshipsmcgee @sincericida @moonyslove78​
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executethyself35 · 4 months
HBO War Fandom Q/A
Thank you @1waveshortofashipwreck!!
Name/Alias: Alexi
Country: Southern U.S.
Which of the series have you seen: BoB, TP, Gen Kill, and currently MOTA
Use an emoji or ONE word to describe favorite character in an hbowar miniseries: socks
Ultimate ship (if any): Winnix is rlly the only one i ship
Favourite fic: rlly anything by @ithinkabouttzu, @softguarnere and i've been loving @1waveshortofashipwreck's stuff recently (GIVE HER REQUESTS PPL) and @blueberry-ovaries series Hiraeth!!!
What are some ways you interact in the fandom: probs the most active i've ever been on this blog or in a fandom, i rlly just be rb everyone's gifs, fics and textposts, but rn i'm trying my hand at writing my own fics
Favourite colour: BLUE and SAGE GREEN!!! I love those two colors so much!!
Current favourite song: I have like 3 that i've been obsessed with but i'm gonna put That's What You Get by Paramore
What would you say if I held up a can of peaches: It's a can of peaches sir
Complete this sentence: “Where the hell is ___ company?!” Easy (this confused the living shit out of me i'm srry)
Other accounts or socials: Nope! Just this insanity
List one other fandom member (mutual or a follower you admire) for some appreciation: @1waveshortofashipwreck!! Emily here has been one of my biggest supporters and i love her for that!!
Tags: @blueberry-ovaries @ithinkabouttzu @softguarnere @l13bg0tt @panzershrike-pretz @ronsparky @liptonwashere
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grumpy-liebgott · 4 months
HBOWar Fandom Q/A
Thank you for the tag @sharkboyandlavalieb <33
Name/Alias: Zowie
Country: I'm not comfortable with sharing that, but I can say that I'm from Asia
Which of the series have you seen - BOB, P, GK, MOTA:
I've watched Band of Brothers a few times, The Pacific once (but I'm going to rewatch it soon), and currently watching Generation Kill!
Use an emoji or ONE word to describe your favourite character in an hbowar miniseries: 🍫 and 📻 (that's two characters btw)
Ultimate ship (if any): webgott andddddd winnix
Favourite fic:
make it up as we go along by Anonymous
I read this fic when I just got into BoB, and it's SO GOOD.
What are some ways you interact in the fandom: I like, comment and reblog other people's posts, creations and fics. I wanna write but I'm lazy and afraid to start.
Favourite colour: blue!
Current favourite song: there's so many, but I'm gonna say Sparks by Coldplay, and Do Me a Favour by Arctic Monkeys.
What would you say if I held up a can of peaches?: "It's a can of peaches, sir"
Complete this sentence: "Where the hell is ___ company?!" FOX
Other accounts or socials?: I don't have any
List one other fandom member (mutual or follower you admire) for some appreciation: @blood-mocha-latte just because I absolutely ADORE her works (fics and edits)
@mutantmanifesto for her beautiful and amazing art
@staud because I love love love her edits
Tags: @blueberry-ovaries @whollyjoly @panzershrike-pretz @cajunmerriell @mutantmanifesto @blood-mocha-latte @staud and anyone else who'd like to do this!
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noctvrnc · 1 month
A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: Michael Corvis
ALIAS/NICKNAMES: Mika; Valravn (norse myth.), Vengeance, the Raven Phantom
AGE: "28"
SPECIES: revenant
SEX: male
NATIONALITY: finnish-american
FAMILY: Tobin Corvis† (younger brother, murdered by Gabriel's men); Lahja Corvis née Heikkinen, Theo Corvis (parents)
INTERESTS: revenge; music, art & photography, collects vinyl records, likes goth aesthetics, hardcoverbooks, black candles, sandalwood scents
PROFESSION: former musician; singer (and occasional bassist) of the band 𝖓𝖔𝖈𝖙𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖊𝖘
BODY TYPE: athletic lean
EYES: light blue, slightly glowing in the dark
HAIR: neck- to shoulder-length curly, black hair
SKIN: fair to very fair, could be mistaken for a vampire
FACE: people would call him "a pretty bastard"; has an objectively really beautiful face
POSTURE: dramatic, if there's such a thing - definitely his former stage persona
HEIGHT: 5'11'' (180cm)
VOICE: very deep toned and pleasantly resonant voice
SIGNATURE OUTFIT: everything black; leather trousers, tight fitting longsleeves, silver jewelry
SIGNIFICANT OTHER: Anne Stirling† (fiancée, murdered by Gabriel's men)
COMPANIONS: a supernatural Raven; a huge bird, significantly taller than a common raven. Practically he has no name but Michael calls him "Varis" which is finnish for crow/raven. His eyes glow red when he 'connects' with Michael.
STRENGTHS: sees in the dark, superhuman strength and speed, is already dead and therefore can't be killed with common weapons
WEAKNESSES: has one (would be fatal if anyone finds out)
SMOKE/DRUGS: heavy smoker; did all sorts of drugs in the past
FRUITS: blueberries, blackberries
COLORS: black, silver; loves the color of the nightsky and especially moonlight
DRINKS: (was) a coffee junkie
ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES: everything crystal clear and strong
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tagged by: @vasted (thank you!) tagging: @lxstinechxes @mano-derecha @venomouserpent @ghoulish-blood & anyone who wants to
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mads-weasley · 4 months
hbowar tag game!! thanks @xxluckystrike @blueberry-ovaries @ronsparky & @footprintsinthesxnd
name/alias: mads <3
country: the united states
which of the series have you seen? i've seen band of brothers, generation kill, the pacific, and now MASTERS OF THE AIR!!
use an emoji or one word to describe your favorite character in an hbowar miniseries: 🍺 it's problematic but I love the drunks (affectionate) 🥴
ultimate ship: Lena and John Basilone or Gale & Marge Cleven
favorite fic: Oohhhhh one of the first band of brothers fics I ever read was "Soldier of the Stars," by @wexhappyxfew, and it got me HOOKED into the fandom in early 2021 (i've read it like 4 times). She has SO many good long fics on her account, including a new one she is working on now!! Please go check her out!! Also, Young Love & Old Money is such a good Nix story by @footprintsinthesxnd!! Check her out, too!! There are honestly, too many good fics to recommend on here.
what are some of the ways you interact in this fandom? I write fanfic, make gifs (sometimes), icons, and reblog the heck out of everything.
favorite color: definitely blue...what blue? i don't know. it depends on the day.
current favorite song: please don't go home yet by stephen sanchez
What would you say if i held up a can of peaches?
“it’s a can of peaches, sir!!”
complete this sentence: “where the hell is ___ company?!”
other accounts or socials? hbowar blog: @mads-nixon and purely masters of the air blog: @major-mads!!
list one other fandom member (mutual or a follower you admire) for some appreciation: @footprintsinthesxnd, the buck to my bucky, my beloved co-writer of the Skytrain Girls series, thanks for always keeping up with my obsessions and going along with my crazy ideas while writing our series! i appreciate you!!!💛💛
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i'm not going to tag anyone, but everyone is welcomed to join in!
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lalarose · 2 months
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A woman by the name of Vanilla-Cream Sundae came by to say hello which is one way to make Aisha quickly get out of bed. "Hello! I wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood. I've been seeing you around town and wanted to greet you." Vanilla looked Aisha over then nodded. "Thank you. It's lovely to meet you, I've not been able to meet too many people yet. It's a lot of work making ends meet - putting out all these books and selling my paintings." Aisha commented and Vanilla looks surprised. "Oh? You write books, what are the titles and are you under an alias?" She asked. Aisha nodded. "Yes, my latest one is called Haunting Season - a horror novel. It's about 400 pages involving a pair of twins that are trying to stop their house from getting sold. I don't want to give spoilers and my alias is, 'Blueberry Jazz'. It's a little odd I know!" Aisha pauses their conversation when Cupcake calls and Vanilla's brow raised in surprise when he heard his name.
"Word of advice: Be careful around that guy...there are rumors around town about him." Vanilla advised and Aisha simply brushes the thought off.
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lamyaasfaraini · 6 months
Omah Bumi & Tempo Gelato
Ngayogyakarta Day 1, Part 2
Adikku si selera tinggi, apa2 kudu estetik. Dari fashun utk dia sendiri, dia tau how to mix n match, pengambilan gambar alias foto2 dia tau spot bagus dan kudu simetris apalagi kalo dah nyuruh fotoin, beuh dikoresksi mulu "teh kurang tengah, teh itu kaki kepotong, teh miring deh". Sampe akhirnya berkat dia lama2 aku sedikit mahir lah hahaha.
Milih guesthouse dan hotel pun kudu riset dulu yg estetik. Super sih dia layak jadi EO, segala macem dia cari tau sampe war tiket kereta di traveloka katanya harusnya bisa lebih murah (dikit) wkwk. Ditengah2 anaknya yg sering tantrum adikku ngebelain searching smua muanyaaa. Hebat adik! Yu bisa yu buka bisnis open trip wkwk.
Omah Bumi, jl. Golo, jogja. Sengaja milih utk 4 org tp extrabed nambah 2, taunya cuma ada 1 huft. Bentukan roomnya mezanin gt, ada lantai 2 utk tmpt tidur dan jg di bawah.
Enakeun tempatnya kaaan~
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Naro2 barang dulu. Istirahat sebentar.. Nemo msh lemes, obat msh ttp diminum, ayahnya ngebeliin obat asma yg rekomenin adik iparku taunya ngga ada jd apotekernya rekomenin yg lain, eeh taunya itu obat yg sedang dikonsumsi nemo skrg wkwk bodor ah. Ngasih minum anak obat tp gatau merknya, samaaa kujuga gatau!
Siap2 lagi sekitar jam 4an lebih order grab car kita ke..
First stop, Tempo Gelato!
Uuuuu yummyyyyy.. Nemo makan eskrim lg batuk tp malah ini yg bisa bikin dia cenghar akhirnya bisa kembali ceria diaaa. Tiap saat aku berdoa sakitnya membaik kasian bgt ngga enjoy huhu
Look at these colours, so colourful~
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Aku order pake cone, itu paling kiri flavournya choco mint + caramel mix fruit.. Creamy2 tp ttp dpt segernya yakan. Ibu order coffee+vanilla. Adik krn ponakanku selera eskrimnya buah bukan susu jd order raspberry+pineapple. Anakku milih sendiri blueberry+raspberry pdhl dia sukanya creamy susu tp lg pgn buah2an kali yaa.
Biasalah playing tourist yakan.. Foto2 dulu yang banyak wkwkwk. Btw kita sehati bgt nih day 1 matching color bajunya. Pure ngga sengaja, krn kita sengaja kompakan baju di day 3 wkwk emg dasar sehati, sering terjadi wkt lebaran jg gitu, ngga jrg kompak padahal ngga janjian. Begitu kalo udah seselera kali yah. Kami pake nuansa biru pastel/blue jeans dan putih hihi
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Alhamdulillah nemo berangsur lebih ceriaaaa huhu. Happy bgt makan eskrim, makin sehat ya nak. Alhamdulillah msh bisa ngumpul dan liburan keluarga yg jrg terjadi. Mudah2an sehat selalu, rejekinya banyak, diberi umur jg. Kata bapak next hayu Malang! Hahaha aamiinn.
Next, Golden Geisha ramen di postingan selanjutnya karena aku deskripsiinnya bakalan bct bgt saking enaknya hahahaha.
Tag @sagarmatha13
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fanficwriter284 · 1 year
I see like I need to write something but...like no ideas....so I'm just going with this....
The night was fresh, the wind carrying eroded pieces of land in it's wisp, ignoring the factor of gravity.  Simply flowing free. The atmosphere damp, making the combination an odd, peculiar mixture. There the man of the house, Charles Lee Loman Ray Reinhardt, or Reinhardt Ray he didn't care which had been oriented first, had laid restless. He'd grown accustomed of using his American alias of Charles Lee Ray. However now preferring his nickname Chucky, it was simply and suited him rather well.
He had no intension of getting out of bed unless the moment had proven necessary. He had insomnia, his brain unable to fully disconnect and recharge always needing to be processing. Every time he tried to shut his eyes; they'd fling open staring into the gaping void. His eyes accustomed to the darkness, almost like a form of night vision. All he could do was listen to the sounds of the night, the eerie whistling of the wind, to the faint breathing of his wife, and his steady thumping heartbeat.
He began to feel his brain trail off into the blackness, until a sound broke through the air. A loud wail. Taking a moment to compose and regather himself he sat up tossing aside the covers. Following the cries of an infant. He quietly creeped down the hallway and cracked open the door to the nursery.
"Glenda" The redhead whispered softly as if trying to reassure his young daughter of his presence.
He tiptoed over to her crib and gently lifted her up cradling her to his chest. The time had been roughly 1 to 1:45 AM, with only the two of them awake in the whole household.
"Good morning"
The infant seemed to find joy from his presence and her quivered lip turned to a toothless smile. Chucky responded to her smile with a faint chuckle and trailed off with her down to the kitchen. He made sure to have a steady hold on her before opening the refrigerator.
He took out a blueberry ice pop, and tore the seal off with his canines, pushing the sugary sweet up and taking a small bite. He noticed Glenda's wide eyes, and drooling lip and immense cooing at the cool treat, extending a small hand opening and closing it wanting her daddy to share.
Chucky gave a faint smile and allowed her to suck on the ice pop keeping a watchful eye, to make sure she didn't choke.
"Good right?"
The baby gave a slight cooing noise as a response and continued sucking on the ice pop clearly enjoying it and its flavor.
"I'll take that as a yes"
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brookston · 8 months
Holidays 9.30
Agricultural Reform Day (Sao Tome and Principe)
Arizona Monsoon Season ends
Army Incompetence Day
Birth of Morelos (Mexico)
Botswana Day (Botswana)
Boy’s Day (Poland)
Chewing Gum Day
Day of Hungarian Folktales (Hungary)
Do Something Wacky With A Grandparent Day
E-mail Debt Forgiveness Day
Frisbee Day
International Blasphemy Rights Day (a.k.a. Blasphemy Day)
International Podcast Day
International Recovery Day
International Thunderbirds Day
International Translation Day (UN)
Jananeta Irawat Birth Day (Manipur, India)
Kokkeisetsu (Japan)
Liberation Day (Abkhazia)
Limb Girdle Muscular Dystrophy Awareness Day
Monkey Bars Day
National Black Funding Day
National Chewing Gum Day
National Day of Remembrance for Indian Boarding Schools
National Kratom Day
National Love People Day
National Microcephaly Awareness Day
National Mud Pack Day
National Nonspeaking / Nonverbal Awareness Day (UK)
National Pet Tricks Day (UK)
National PrepareAthon! Day [also 4.30]
National Puppy Mill Survivor Day
National Sporting Heritage Day (UK)
National Teach Spanish Day
Neonatal Intensive Care Awareness Day
Orange Shirt Day (Canada)
Parsnip Day (French Republic Day)
Peon Day (Warcraft)
Pink Out Day
Rabbit Rabbit Day [Last Day of Every Month]
Recovery Day (Canada)
Rumi Day
Secretary Day (Venezuela)
Thunderbirds Day
Time For Yoga Day
Truth and Reconciliation Day (Canada)
World Pole Dance Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
Austrian Beer Day (Austria)
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Day
Hot Mulled Cider Day
National Hot Mulled Cider Day
National Soufflé Potato Day
World Stroopwafel Day (Netherlands)
5th & Last Saturday in September
Centzon-Totochtin Drunken Rabbit Day [Last Saturday]
Everybody's Day Festival [Last Saturday]
Family Health and Fitness Day USA (Last Saturday]
International Lace Day [Last Saturday]
National Alpaca Farm Days begin [Last Saturday]
National Ghost Hunting Day [Last Saturday]
Nickelodeon’s Worldwide Day of Play [Last Saturday]
Save Your Photos Day [Last Saturday]
World Cyanotype Day [Last Saturday]
World Day of Leukodystrophies [Last Saturday]
Independence Days
Botswana (from UK, 1966)
Republic of Abkhazia (from Georgia, 1983) [unrecognized]
Tinakula (Declared; 2020) [unrecognized]
Feast Days
Aequinoctium Autumnale II (Pagan)
Anthony Green (Artology)
Blue-Feathered Swallowing Swallow (Muppetism)
Feast of Soma (God of Ambrosia & Immortality; India)
Festival of Drunkenness (Ancient Egypt)
Festival of Tereteth (Goddess of the Coconut Toddy; Yap Island, Micronesia)
Gregory the Illuminator (Christian; Saint)
Honorius of Canterbury (Christian; Saint)
Jerome (Christian; Saint)
John Waters Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Medetrinalia (Fruits Offered to Goddess of Medicine; Ancient Rome)
Molière (Positivist; Saint)
Plan for the 31st if September Day (Pastafarian)
Ridiculous Excuses Day (Pastafarian)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Uncyclopedia Bad to Be Born Today (because Green Day fans will never leave you alone.)
Adjustment Team, by Philip K. Dick (Short Story; 1954)
Alias (TV Series; 2001)
The Ascent Of Rum Doodle, by W.E. Bowman (Novel; 1956)
The Big Chill (Film; 1983)
Bird (Film; 1988)
Blueberries for Sal, by Robert McCloskey (Children’s Book; 1948)
The Boy Friend (Broadway Musical; 1954)
Car Talk (Radio Series; 1977)
Cheers (TV Series; 1982)
The Clock Store (Disney Cartoon; 1931)
Con Man (Web Series; 2015)
Dad, Can I Borrow the Car? (Disney Short Film; 1970)
Death Valley Days (Radio Series; 1930)
Entergalactic (Animated Film; 2022)
The Family of Pascual Duarte, by Camilo José Cela (Novel; 1942)
Fantasy, by Mariah Carey (Song; 1995)
50/50 (Film; 2011)
The Flintstones (Animated TV Series; 1960)
Go Away Stowaway (WB MM Cartoon; 1967)
Grand Ole Opry (TV Series; 1950)
The Graveyard Book, by Neil Gaiman (Novel; 2008)
The Greatest Game Ever Played (Film; 2005)
Into the Blue (Film; 2005)
Little Women (Novel; 1868)
Louis Armstrong Plays King Oliver, recorded by Louis Armstrong (Album; 1957) [1st stereo album]
Love for Sale, by Tony Bennett (Album; 2021)
Luke Cage (TV Series; 2016)
The Magic Flute, by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Opera; 1791)
Marvel Rising: Secret Warriors (Animated Film; 2018)
Methuselah's Children, by Robert A. Heinlein (Novel; 1958)
Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children (Film; 2016)
Murder, She Wrote (TV Series; 1984)
Nebraska, by Bruce Springsteen (Album; 1982)
Porgy and Bess, by George Gershwin (Opera; 1935)
The Queen (Film; 2006)
The Rifleman (TV Series; 1958)
The Robe, by Lloyd C. Douglas (Novel; 1942)
The Saint in Europe, by Leslie Charteris (Short Stories 1953) [Saint #30]
Scooby-Doo! And the Monster of Mexico (WB Animated Film; 2003)
A Separate Peace, by John Knowles (Novel; 1959)
Serenity (Film; 2005)
Shine On, by Jet (Album; 2006)
The Steeple-Chase (Disney Cartoon; 1933)
Theme From Shaft, by Isaac Hayes (Song; 1971)
To the Manor Born (UK TV Series; 1979)
You, Me and the Apocalypse (UK TV Series; 2015)
Today’s Name Days
Hieronymus, Urs, Victor (Austria)
Felicija, Grgur, Jerko, Jeronim (Croatia)
Jeroným (Czech Republic)
Hieronymus (Denmark)
Kaur, Kauri, Tauri (Estonia)
Sirja, Siru, Sorja (Finland)
Jérôme (France)
Hieronymus , Urs, Viktor (Germany)
Stratonikos (Greece)
Jeromos (Hungary)
Gerolamo (Italy)
Abgara, Elma, Lamekins (Latvia)
Bytautė, Jeronimas, Sofija, Žymantas (Lithuania)
Hege, Helga, Helge (Norway)
Grzegorz, Hieronim, Honoriusz, Imisław, Leopard, Sofia, Wera, Wiera, Wiktor, Wiktoriusz, Zofia (Poland)
Grigorie (Romania)
Lubov, Nadezhda, Vera (Russia)
Jarolím (Slovakia)
Jerónimo, Sofía, Sonia (Spain)
Helge (Sweden)
Jerome, Jeronima, Gerome, Geromino (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 273 of 2024; 92 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 6 of week 39 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Muin (Vine) [Day 26 of 28]
Chinese: Month 8 (Xin-You), Day 16 (Xin-Mao)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 15 Tishri 5784
Islamic: 15 Rabi I 1445
J Cal: 3 Shù; Threesday [3 of 30]
Julian: 17 September 2023
Moon: 98%: Waning Gibbous
Positivist: 21 Shakespeare (10th Month) [Molière]
Runic Half Month: Gyfu (Gift) [Day 4 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 7 of 89)
Zodiac: Libra (Day 7 of 30)
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cbcorrectorsans · 2 years
Cb! Corrector (Sans)
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Primero que nada, hola soy @maclove54 y les presento a mi niño/niña Corrector. Ella es un Ciborg creado por Gaster para ayudar al subsuelo, por un accidente termina perdiéndose en el multiverso sin recuerdos de su propio Au.
No tiene alma, pero su propia programación le hace sentir con vida y conciencia. También tiene sus propios gustos, sueños y metas, aunque no es muy consciente de ello.
Aun si no lo parece, Corrector es amable y consciente en la mayoría de sus modos. Al principio se mantenía en anonimato puesto que no quería interferir con las historias de otros Au’s, pero al final decidió incluirse. También es paciente y tranquilo con los niños y con algunos Sans en general, casi como Toriel. Aunque también le gusta jugar con ellos a humanos vs. monstruos. Aveces es inconsciente del daño que puede hacer con sus afirmaciones y verdades, ya que para él no tienen nada de malo.
Nombre: Ciborg Corrector 5.0
Sobrenombre: Corrector
Rol: Corrector de código e información. (Futuro ayudante de creadores)
Alias: Cb
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Cb! Corrector puede tomar la forma que desee de cualquier personaje del juego, pero su percepción de la realidad está dañada, entonces parece equivocarse y confundirse con todos los Au’s y agrega pequeños detalles no canon a sus formas. Son pequeños “bugs” que no puede remediar.
Un “bug” es como él llama a los errores, si encuentra uno siente la necesidad de corregirlo (si es uno muy grave lo borrará). Él encuentra estos “bugs” con la ayuda de sus ojos que vigilan cada universo en busca de ellos.
Los aros o “hoops” son estos grandes círculos con ojos que flotan a su alrededor, al igual que él puede cambiar de forma y hasta convertirse en ataques. También pueden hacerse pequeños y flotar alrededor de la cabeza de Corrector para más comodidad.
Datos Físicos:
Especie: Ciborg/Inteligencia Artificial/Robot(?
Género: Binario (Él/Ella)(She/He)
Para cada forma tiene una altura distinta:
Normal: 1.67 m (Casi lo mismo que su Gaster, pasándose por 2 cm)
Sans: 1.35 m (Un poco más alto que el Sans original.)
Niño: 1.27 m (Más pequeño en general, casi rozando la altura de Core)
Fue el prototipo número 5 y el resultado final de Gaster, con algunas configuraciones conforme se iba desarrollando. Desde que fue creada tuvo la tarea de corregir desastres y aprender sobre la tecnología humana, por eso Gaster le dio el apodo de Corrector. Su verdadero nombre aún es desconocido.
No tiene muchas emociones más que las básicas, estas se representan con algunos colores combinados y cada color tiene su significado:
Amarillo: Rest Mode (Modo Reposo) [Tranquilidad, Felicidad, Emocion]
Azul: Active Mode (Modo Activo) [Trabajo, Análisis, Decisión]
Rojo: Rage Mode (Modo Furia) [Ira, Desconfianza, Alerta]
Amarillo/Azul: Tristeza
Amarillo/Rojo: Incomodidad/Vergüenza
Rojo/Azul: Determinación
Error: Error
Amarillo/Rojo/Azul: Confusión
Tiene una más pero por ahora es desconocida.
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Relaciones: Ink! Sans (Amigo), Error! Sans (Conocido amigable), Blueberry (Bug)
Enemigos: Core Frisk (Principios), Blueberry (Bug), Fresh! Sans (Bug)
Alineación: Bondad Neutral
La primera vez que conoció a Ink fue todo un mal entendido entre ellos y Corrector estaba asustado de lo que su batalla con el guardián ocasionaría en la historia de Ink. En esa misma batalla conoció a Error y este noto cómo está “abominación” siempre mantenía una distancia para respetar su haphephobia. A Blue lo conoció hace 5 años, y desde entonces siempre lo persigue para destruirlo y cada versión de él, aunque se rindió después de darse cuenta de que el Fandom lo apreciaba. También siente un cierto temor a cualquier Gaster con quien se cruce, tanto porque la información canon es prácticamente inexistente, como por extrañas sensaciones que produce en su ser/sistema. Con GZ! Sans es una sensación algo más complicada. A Core Frisk la conoció poco después de que terminó en el multiverso, tuvieron una pequeña pelea que Corrector perdió y huyó. Con Fresh no se lleva ni bien ni mal, el saber que es un parásito lo hace incomodar pero al ser algo canon no puede hacer nada.
Armas: Gaster Blasters, Aros de Ataque, Ojos de le verdad, Cadenas, Miss
Habilidades: Cabiaformas, Teletransportación, Tiene un compartimento en su pecho donde guarda los códigos que arreglará, algunos pueden confundirse con esto y piensa que los borra de la existencia.
Datos Biológicos:
Edad: 7 años
Estado: Vivo/Viva
Residencia: Sin lugar fijo
Ocupación: Corrector de Errores Informáticos
Día de Nacimiento: 30 de Abril de 20XX
Lugar de Nacimiento: CorrectorTale
Datos de batalla:
LV: 5
HP: 777
AT: 555
DF: 555
ACT’s: Check, Escapar, Jugar, Hacer Amigo, Confiar
Ahora sí, considero que esto es suficiente para una presentación. La caja de preguntas está abierta, siéntanse libres de preguntarle cosas y así poco a poco construir su historia.
Gracias por su atención y nos leemos luego!
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gemwing2010 · 10 months
Katie Gemwing Profile
Name: Katie “Katharos” Estelaria Gemwing
Alias(es): Kate (by friends and family), Starlight (by her older sister), Oceanfire (by Validor), Moonbeam (by Hilda Berg), Sparkles, Blue Eyes and Glitter Wings (by TCS Ms. Chalice), Miss Katie (by Mugman), little dragonfly (by both versions of Cuphead the Devil), my little one (both versions of the Devil), Ms. Gemwing (both versions of King Dice), blueberry (by Porkrind).
Age: 34-35
Gender: Female
Hair Colour: Dark brown
Eye Colour: Bright blue
Skin Tone: Fair
Species: Human; dragon half-blood
Date of Birth: June 19th, 1988
Nationality: English
Personality: Kind, cheerful, caring, playful, mildly shy, anxious, mildly emotional, protective, sisterly, polite, somewhat clumsy, adventurous and creative.
Favourite Colour(s): Crystal blue, white, purple, midnight blue, red, black, teal, pink and silver.
Favourite Food: Chocolate, Red velvet cake, ice cream, pizza nachos, steak pie, southern fried BBQ chicken pizza, toffee popcorn, cookies, and a Sunday roast.
Favourite Drink(s): Coke Zero (normal or vanilla flavoured), Pepsi Max (normal, cherry or vanilla flavoured), chocolate and Oreo milkshakes, hot chocolate, cookies & crème and red velvet frappes, and sparkling water.
Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, cross stitching/embroidery, watching cartoons and movies, playing video games, her friends, cats, dogs, cute animals(especially baby ones), going on adventures, living out her dreams of interacting with her favourite fictional characters, her boyfriend and flying free.
Dislikes: People accusing her of using her autism as an excuse, mushrooms, getting reprimanded by her stepfather, getting into fights and having a fallout with her family, King Dice and Anubis flirting with Lexie and Natty, bullies, child and animal abuse, being put in the wrong over the most trivial and smallest of things, neglectful or abusive parents, people who are a toxic influence on others,being accused of being a horrible person, people playing with her emotions, poachers, domestic abuse, the Cup Brothers’ fighting and bickering, racism, the worst people getting off Scott-free, people threatening and picking on her friends and the Devil’s flirting and attempting to kidnap and marry her.
Friends: Lexie Luthor, Natty Poke, Liam and Matt Jones, Andrew, Kaichi (OC), the Cup Brothers, Elder Kettle, Ms. Chalice, Misterie and Aren (OCs), Henchman (when he’s not involved with the Devil’s schemes), Alicia Powell, Daisy, Aya, Captain Brineybeard and Grim Matchstick.
Love Interest: Validor (The Legend of Spyro OC)
Enemies: The Devil, King Dice, Anubis (shared OC with Lexie and Natty), Severus (another shared OC), Hector Wolfe (Lexie’s OC) and Leviathius (OC).
Weapons: Keyblade able to transform into a bow and ethereal arrows. Her dragon form wears a necklace that can summon dragon armour.
Powers/Magical Abilities: Transform into a Crystal Dragon, breathes fire, ice, earth, wind, electricity and the Light Aether. Can also charge and jab with her horns, slap at enemies with her wings, smack them with her tail, scratch with her claws and bite.
Main Attire: Crystal blue cold shoulder jacket with long, flowing bell-shaped sleeves, a hood with a white inside, white lapels and white hoodie pockets, midnight blue buttons and breast pockets. A midnight blue tank top with a light collar and shoulders and medium blue denim jeans white white buttons. Black knee-length boots and a purple belt with a small purple bag over the right hip. Long midnight blue handless gloves that covers the knuckles of the hands with light rims and a white teardrop on end of the glove. A silver bracelet and another one made from woven light blue cords with a silver toggle and three white glass beads on the right wrist. Lastly, a silver locket in the shape and design of a book with a blue fire opal in the shape of a heart (think of it like the Kingdom Hearts logo) and a teardrop-shaped white gem in the centre.
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The Characters of Escheria
Hello, biblio-anthropologists!
Recently I've been renaming some of the characters in Escheria (the first story world you visit) to better fit the naming system, and I realized that I haven't written introductions yet for the characters that you'll meet later in DDWCaPH! So here you go!
Below are some old concept art for Huckle and Berry, although they need a bit of a redesign after all the new developments.
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If you missed the previous worldbuilding posts and need some more context, check out these other posts:
Escherian Clock/Calendar
The Herstory of Escheria
Stars and Constellations in Escheria
I'll post more worldbuilding details about the naming system in the next one!
Hortus Aureum Mimidae, more commonly known by his alias "Uncle Huckle", is the camp founder of D' Warblings Camp, a refugee camp for dwarves and halflings caught in the ongoing civil war. He established the camp together with the other members of his 'vaudevillian' group, The Nightingales.
A devout Avian despite being a dwarf, Uncle has managed to call for a truce between the two people with his efforts. He has been trying to work out a peace treaty ever since the war drove his halfling wife Berry away, a monumental task given that one of the FIVE GOLDEN RINGS is still missing.
Uncle is a jolly, exuberant, and generous type of person who loves fireworks, hosting social gatherings, and telling stories, both true and exaggerated. While very much a party bird, Uncle can count on his fingers the number of times he has been drunk, partly from the vow he has made after marrying Berry. He usually takes pranks and jokes in good stride, but he can also be stubborn and quick to anger if you threaten him and his flock.
Besides being one of the camp's leaders and an ambassador for the halflings, Uncle works as the innkeeper of the Huckle-Berry Inn & Tavern, as well as an amateur ornithologist—which he takes great pride in. As a former member of The Nightingales, Uncle is also a professional at playing the kazoo, which he uses to call on his trusty griffin companion, Dore.
Uncle's signature weapon is a convertible three-sectional-staff made from fortified bamboo, and a repurposed hunting rifle from his griffin hunting days, customized to look like a bamboozle (a bamboo toy gun). Although an experienced fighter, his old age is catching up to him more than he'd like to admit.
Cyanea, more popularly known by her stage name-turned-nickname Blueberry Rhymebelly, was a former Nightingales halfling vocalist and chorister, before she married Huckle and co-founded D' Warblings Camp.
Huckle and Blueberry initially didn't have an interest with each other, until their bandmates decided to set them up together on a blind date. After years of being courted and serenaded, Berry's parents eventually let Huckle marry her via the Ardan marriage tradition of heartbinding, with the condition that they set the marital vows.
Berry later gave birth to their daughter Cordelia, but rising tensions from the war ultimately led her to leaving the camp and her family. Since Avians are polygamous, she has since then married and started a new flock with her old friend Vireo, with permission from Huckle. Of course, Huckle will always be her first love, and she regularly keeps in touch with him and Cordelia through Huckle's messenger birds.
True to her sweet and caring nature, Berry is proficient at nature and healing magic, which she harnesses through her singing talents. While she can use her gifts for combat, she usually prefers casting illusions and "silence" spells, which renders others who rely on Avian magic powerless. It's sometimes useful for winning arguments against Huckle too.
Cordifolia, or Cordelia as she is known around the camp, is the half-dwarf, half-halfling daughter of Blueberry and Huckle. While Cordelia has her mother's warm, understanding, and caring nature, she also has her father's fierce protectiveness and unyielding determination. Although she might appear shy compared to her more outgoing parents, she loves getting to know people and learning what brought them to the camp.
Delia works as a cook and tea brewer at the HuckleBerry Inn & Tavern. While she enjoys the peace and frequent gatherings, she feels uneasy and longs to leave the camp, something her father is adamantly against. She wants to venture out into the world to help other people with her abilities, partly because of the call to adventure, and partly to stop the rising tensions that drove her mother to live away from the camp—a sentiment Wayne can relate to with his own father.
She is an apprentice at nature and healing magic, a talent she inherited from her mother. She's not gifted at singing like her mother is, so she uses her ocarina instead to harness the healing and protective properties of Avia's winds. Although she views violence as a last resort, she is still very much capable of defending herself, having learned various fighting techniques from her Papa.
She also has a rainbow cockatoo griffin companion named Odora, which she unknowingly tamed as a toddler after her father caught one from the wild. Dore grew to be protective of Delia, often taking her and her father together to fly and do tricks around the camp, sometimes recklessly as Dore has come to expect Delia's healing aid. Since then, Dore has become an invaluable asset for her father's diplomatic efforts, as the griffins' hybrid nature symbolize unity between Avia and Arda.
Polyantha is a halfling Avian priestess, and was one of the original members of the music band "Polly and the Seven Dwarves". After she was appointed Broodmother due to her accomplishments and generosity as a priestess, she left the band, which eventually reformed into The Nightingales we know today.
Although Polly is adored by many citizens (giving her the nickname Aunt Pollyana), her term as Broodmother was ultimately cut short after a measly one and a half cycle (the shortest on record), when she openly declared her disinterest in marriage and bearing children—a decision which made her unfit to bear the title of Broodmother.
She moved in to D' Warblings Camp after it was established to become its head priestess, and to support the ambitions of her old friend and bandmate Huckle (who she affectionately calls "Dumpling"). While still not at all interested in marriage, she has adopted twin goblin children orphaned at the camp, named Powellichthys and Tautoga, better known as their nicknames, Po and Tato.
Despite being overthrown, Polly is on friendly terms with Purpurea Strigidae-Tytonidae-Monarchidae-Paradisaeidae, the current broodmother of Cellador. And with her age and experience, she has become one of Broodmother Rhea's most trusted advisors.
After Huckle finds a child named Wayne bearing the missing golden ring, Polly and Rhea must guard Wayne and his friends from the cult who calls themselves The Catalysts—who aim to bring about the Third Intervention—and the villains invading from a plot hole that suddenly manifested in Escheria.
The feisty dwarven innkeeper of The Galloping Griff-Inn, located in Cellador. Pistacia's inn is where most of The Nightingales would stay and perform before they grew to popularity, which would eventually become the inspiration for Uncle building The Huckle-Berry Inn on a treehouse.
Although heavily pregnant, Tasha decides to escort Huckle and Wayne's company through the treacherous Gub'bat Forest in order to make an emergency meeting with the dwarven president of Mt. Bundoc, Oleifera Fargesia.
After the premature worldquake, she returns to Cellador and decides to temporarily convert the inn to an infirmary with the help of Aunt Polly and the other Avian priestesses.
Tomentosus, or Uncle Tom to his colleagues, was an old friend of Huckle during his griffin hunting days, and the husband of MetroKnome's District 13 Governor, Chlora Polyporales.
One of the few male gnomes in an otherwise female-dominated field, Tom is a gnome tinkerer specializing in Ardan magic. His innovations has revolutionized steam technology, with the development of a renewable power source through the use of solar-powered runes. Solar energy allows runic magic to be portable and rechargeable for later use, unlike Avian and Aguan magic which needs to be harnessed continuously through music or movement. This discovery led to Tom popularizing the "rock" music genre and pioneering a new popular sport among Ardans and Avians: ornithopter racing.
After the premature worldquake, Tom led an expedition on his airship The Dymaxion, to map out the new landscape and search for new habitable areas. The ship was eventually led off course to a world of chocolate and candy, after a discombobulated Santa Claus crashes with the ship.
With the help of the missing children Huckle and Polly were escorting, Tom and Santa's reindeers fly the airship to evacuate WanderLand's citizens, from an oncoming tsunami caused by the worldquake. Unfortunately, the ship comes across another plot hole causing a literal food storm, but the kids narrowly escaped through one of Tom's prototypes, a solar-powered vessel built from the remains of a wrecked school bus.
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flxwersbytxmas · 1 year
ꕀ ᐝ 𖠳   pedro pascal, cis man, he/him 𖠳 ᐝ ꕀ  ‷ heads up ; if you hear FREE FALLIN' by TOM PETTY blaring, it’s most likely TOMAS HERNANDEZ making their way down the shore ! they’re 45 years old and celebrate their birthday on 7/27 - i knew they were a/an LEO ! especially since they’re very GENEROUS and SELF-DESTRUCTIVE. they are from ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, staying in DOWNTOWN and are currently working as a/an FLORIST, here at the cape. they always did remind me of a five o'clock shadow first thing in the morning, strong coffee, having the perfect flower for every occasion‷ { davis, 31, he/him, mst, n/a}
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NAME Tomas Ricardo Hernandez NICKNAME / ALIAS Tommy (by his family) GENDER / PRONOUNS cis man / he/him DATE OF BIRTH July 27th. 45 STAR SIGN / ZODIAC Leo PLACE OF BIRTH Albuquerque, New Mexico NATIONALITY American ETHNICITY Hispanic RELIGION Catholic ECONOMIC CLASS lower middle class SPOKEN LANGUAGE(S) English, Spanish, French 
POSITIVE TRAITS Generous NEGATIVE TRAITS Self-Destructive INTROVERT VS EXTROVERT Introverted MORAL ALIGNMENT Chaotic Neural LIKES reading, coffee, flowers DISLIKES loud people, small talk, exercise
HOMETOWN Albuquerque, New Mexico CURRENT RESIDENCE cape may, new jersey PREVIOUS RESIDENCE(S) Albuquerque, New Mexico, Paris, France
EDUCATION high school diploma DEGREES N/A INTELLIGENCE above average
FACE CLAIM Pedro Pascal HEIGHT 5’11 BODY TYPE / BUILD relatively average HAIR messy and unkempt EYES deep dark brown TATTOO(S) none PIERCING(S) none GLASSES yes, but he only wears them at night even though he should wear them all the time DOMINANT HAND right PROMINENT FEATURE(S) IDENTIFYING MARK(S) none ATHLETICISM if he’s running you should also be running SCENT coffee and a mix of floral scents STYLE whatever is clean 
DRINK yes SMOKE yes DRUGS no ALLERGIES blueberries PHYSICAL HEALTH hasn’t gone to the doctor in far, far too long 
ILLNESSES / CONDITIONS depression, probably. Anxiety, definitely VICES smoking, nostalgia ADDICTIONS cigarettes 
FATHER Leroy Hernandez MOTHER Tina Hernandez SIBLING(S) two brothers, three sisters BIRTH ORDER 3rd of 6. CHILD(REN) One step-son, one daughter (WC’s in the works!)  PET(S) Two cats named Chompsky and Butter 
COLOR(S) red and pink HOLIDAY Halloween NON-ALCOHOLIC DRINK(S) Pepsi ALCOHOLIC DRINK(S) pickle back FOOD(S) Steak and potatoes, enchiladas, posole MOVIE(S) doesn’t like movies SERIES Love is Blind 
MUSE INSPO TROPES / AESTHETICS Girl dad, in loving memory, how do I go on without you, functioning alcoholic THEME SONG Free Fallin’ by Tom Petty HOBBY(IES) reading, writing, cloud/stargazing, drawing, flower arrangement, scrapbooking. HIDDEN TALENT(S) plays the trumpet very well and has since he was in his Middle School band
coming soon to a post near you!
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
Ike Bog Application;
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Name: Ike Ickabod Icabod Bog.
Known Aliases: The Junior, the halfling, the unknown, Ike Foundling, Ike the sarcastic, Ike the angel, Ike the cycnical, Ike Hook, and Ike Bjorgman.
Nicknames or Other: Ikey, Little I, Ike the unknown, marbel boy, juice boy, the kid woth the creepy drawings, devil child, blueberry, swing boy, the screeching tire swing kid, tantrum, and the flying devil child.
Date of Birth or Best Guess: May 19th, 6 years ago give or take.
Place of Birth: Eyesle Isle of the lost.
Favorite Color: Royal blue and white.
Favorite Activity: Swinging, sword fighting, and playing marbles.
Favorite School Subject: Underwater science.
Father's Name (or alias): Trinabog. Chernabog.
Mother's Name (or alias): Unknown.
Father's Profession: Terrorising. Terrorizing and murdering people. Evil diety.
Mother's Profession: Unknown.
Who is your favorite of the first wave of VKs? There is no wrong answer.
Hannah cause she's cool and nice, and plays with me. Or Evie because she looks like me. Hair and style wise.
In your own words, tell us why you want to come to Auradon. There is no wrong answer.
I wanna go cause Hannah says you have mermaid language classes over there.
Ike Bog.
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tag-that-oc · 2 years
Sometimes a family is a poser bimbo with anger issues who builds a superhero team, her dudebro himbo best friend who doesn't realize that they're both superheroes but joins her team anyway, an even bigger himbo (literally) who loves and cares for her new superhero friends a lot, a scrawny punk-goth who makes aer superhero alias a goddamn pun, an engineering genius with lots of anxiety and no superpowers who joins the team as the IT guy, and a magician who really, really wants to antagonize all of them but they're just so damn nice to her that she ends up falling for their found family stupidity. Also, they're all teenagers. (Can i be blueberry anon? I'll probably be sending more of these) -🫐
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