#hannah hook universe
hannahhook7744 · 10 months
Stormbringer Crew Incorrect Quotes (Part 1);
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*After d3*
Tiger Lily:
Hannah, surrounded by kids 10 and under:
Hannah: what?
Lampwick: uh... Who are they?
Hannah: Some of my crew mates!
Lampwick: but... That's a two year old-
Harry *lunges at Luke* I'm gonna kill you!
Hannah *jumps in the way to break it up*
Harry *accidentally slices her cheek*
*Room goes silent*
Hannah *tears up*
Harry: Wait no—
Hannah *runs* DAD!
Harry *runs after her* NO! WAIT! I'M SORRY! PLEASE DON'T TELL DAD!
Parker to Cj: damn girl are you a snack because—
Hannah *jumps out of a barrel with a spray bottle full of a murky liquid and sprays Parker with it * NOO! BAD PARKER!
Parker: What the fu—
Hannah *sprays him in the eyes* NO, BAD PARKER! STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY SISTER!
Cj *laughing her ass off*
Hannah: That's for me to know and for you to never find out. Now get!
Isaac: Can you recommend a book that'll make me cry?
Hannah: General Mathematics 1st Grade Edition.
Isaac: What situation is not instantly improved by the addition of fishnets, I ask you.
Josh: Being a fish.
Isaac: Well, shit.
John: We need a plan to beat them.
Isaac: Okay, listen up. First, we fill their shoes with wet cat food.
Isaac: Judge me all you want, I get results.
Luke: Self care is stuff like taking a bubble bath or putting on a lot of make up if you like that, or taking a nice warm nap and stuff like that basically.
Skia: Self care is the burning heat when rage washes over you. self care is when you feel the bones crack under your powerful fists. self care is the fear in your enemies eyes.
Hannah: Self care is stealing someone's birthday cake just to eat the frosting.
Skia: If you touch my birthday cake I’ll make you eat your hands.
Skia, washing the dishes: Who the fuck used this pan??
Skia: Wait. I the fuck used this pan…
Hannah: It was you the fuck.
Skia: It was I the fuck…
Luke: Who cooks rice in a pan?
Hannah: They the fuck.
Luke *teaching his friends how to cook* This lamb is so undercooked, it's following Mary to school!
Hannah: so he can eat her fucking soul—
Peachy: Hannah no—
Skia: I've never, ever, ever, ever, ever met someone I believe in as little as you.
Luke: This crab is so undercooked I can still hear it singing 'Under the Sea!
John *starts laughing *
Hannah: Luke, stop! We're literally meeting Ariel in five minutes--
*on the Storm Bringer at 3am*
Hannah on the top bunk: Isn't it werid that we pay money go see other human beings?
Luke on the bottom bunk: Are you talking about Prostitution, the movies, or airplane tickets?
Hannah, peaking over the edge of the railing: Glasses, Luke. I was talking about Glasses.
Luke: Well, how was I supposed to know that?
Hannah: Dude. I wear glasses. Your younger sister wears glasses! A lot of our crew members wear glasses! Why wouldn't you know that? And why was prostitution your first thought?!
Treycor: If you bite it and you die, it’s poisonous. If it bites you and you die, it’s venomous.
John: What if it bites me and it dies?!
Parker: Then you’re poisonous. Jesus Christ, John, learn to listen.
Eduardo: What if it bites itself and I die?
Lewis: That’s voodoo.
James: What if it bites me and someone else dies?
John: That’s correlation, not causation.
Eduardo: What if we bite each other, and neither of us die?
Parker, Lewis, Luke, River, and James: That’s kinky.
Treycor: Oh my God. I hate all of you.
Hannah*grimacing* I second that.
Hannah: Look. I may not be a saint, but it's not like I’ve killed anybody. I’m not an arsonist. I’ve never found a wallet outside of an IHOP and thought about returning it but saw the owner lived out of state so just took the cash and dropped the wallet back on the ground.
River: Okay, that's really specific, and that makes me think that you definitely did do that.
Luke: She did.
Skia: All three of us where literally there.
Hannah: Shit, I forgot you guys were with me when I did that.
Josh: I actually have a black belt.
Evelyn: In what, karate?
Josh: No, from Gucci.
Darcy, to Noah: My life is in the hands of an idiot!
Noah, motioning to themself and Skia: No no no no no, TWO idiots!
Remi: So, what, now I’m just supposed to do anything that Peachy does? I mean, what if they jumped off a cliff?
Skia: If Peachy were to jump off a cliff, they would’ve done their due diligence regarding the height of the cliff, the depth of the water, and the angle of entry, so yes. If you see Peachy jump off a cliff, by all means, jump off a cliff.
Remi: You jump off a cliff!
Skia: Gladly. Provided Peachy did first.
Peachy, in the background; NO ONE IS JUMPING OFF OF A CLIFF!
Haul: Violence isn't the answer.
Alex: You’re right.
Haul: *sighs in relief*
Alex: Violence is the question.
Haul: What?
Alex, bolting away: And the answer is yes.
Haul, running after them: NO-
Isaac: Okay okay stop asking me if I'm straight, gay, bi, whatever. I identify as a FUCKING THREAT.
Haul: Jail is no fun. I’ll tell you that much.
Hannah: Oh, you’ve been?
Haul: Once. In Monopoly.
Hannah: How petty can you get?
John: I once edited a Wikipedia article to win an argument I was wrong about.
Remi: I’m gonna need a human skull and I can't have you ask any questions why.
Skia: Only if you also don't ask why.
Skia: *Pulls out 7 pristine human skulls* Take your pick.
Remi: This one is fine.
Haul: I've already sent good vibes your way… they’re coming. There’s nothing you can do to stop them.
Hannah: This is the most threatening way I’ve ever been cheered up.
Hannah: Everyone, synchronize your watches.
Remi: I don’t know how to do that.
Peachy: I don’t wear a watch.
Skia: Time is a construct.
Hannah, slumps her shoulders: I don't even know why I asked that. I can't even tell time.
Hannah: I think Skia was right.
Peachy: I'm surprised they haven't marched in here to say 'I told you so.'
Remi: They wouldn't do that.
Skia: You're right, Peachy. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.
Skia: *turns around, the shirt they're wearing says 'Skia Told You So' on the back*
John: i went through an entire character arc during quarantine.
John: i became more evil if you’re curious.
Haul: We're still in quarantine, don't worry, there's time for a redemption arc still!
John: i’m going to get worse on purpose.
Luke: You fuckers don’t know about my knife stick. It’s a knife taped to a stick and it’s the ultimate weapon.
Hannah, not looking up from their book: Spear.
Darcy: Someone will die.
Noah: Of fun!
Luke: If there's going to be a big dramatic scene, wait until I get back.
Hannah: Of course. I can't flip this table by myself.
Josh, standing with their back turned: I’ve been expecting you, Haul.
Haul: How did you do that without turning around?
Josh: ... To be perfectly honest, the first couple of people I did that to were not you.
Hannah: Fuck.
Haul: We've got to work on your cursing.
Hannah: Why? I'm pretty good at cursing already.
Skia: In light of what you did for me, you can hug me for four to five seconds.
Skia: No! Four to five seconds!
Peachy: Too late!!!
Hannah: Welcome, fellow idiots!
Haul: Hello, Hannah!
Hannah: No, no, not you, you're not an idiot!
Haul: You underestimate me.
John: I'm a reverse necromancer.
Hannah: Isn't that just killing people?
John: Ah, technicality.
Hannah: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Haul: You're like 12 years old.
Hannah: I MIGHT DIE AT 24!
*Hannah and Haul skipping stones on lake*
Haul: It’s such a beautiful evening.
Hannah, whispering: Take that you fucking lake.
Hannah: Man, I only ever see you awake, do you ever shut down or stop running?
Luke: Oh, I’m always running.
Luke: The question is from what?
Hannah, in a beach shirt: So sue me, it's October and I'd like to be on Island Time for a day!
Luke: I have Spotify open right now on my computer, do you want me to blast you? Do you want me to put you on blast? Cuz I've got your history right here on the sidebar,
Luke: Take it Back by Jimmy Buffet, Nautical Wheelers by Jimmy Buffet, Jolly Mon Sing by Jimmy Buffet, Steamer by Jimmy Buffet, trEAT HER LIKE A LADY BY JIMMY BUFFET, MAÑANA BY JIMMY BUFFET, WHEN SALOME PLAYS THE DRUMS BY JAMES BUFFET, HAVANA DAYDREAMIN BY JIMMY BUFFET- What the FUCK happened to you?!
Hannah, laughing: I HAD A CASE OF THE MONDAYS!
Hannah, cry-laughing: ᴵ ᴴᴬᴰ ᴬ ᶜᴬˢᴱ ᴼᶠ ᵀᴴᴱ ᴹᴼᴺᴰᴬʸˢ.
Hannah: Name a more iconic duo than my crippling fear of abandonment and my anxiety. I'll wait.
Haul: You and me!!!
Hannah, tearing up: Okay.
Hannah: What time is it?
Luke: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out.
Luke: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune on purpose*
Luke: It’s 2 am.
Hannah: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Skia: You stab me, I stab you, and then when our legs get better, we buy a big-ass house.
Luke: You can stab me too, then we'll have 30 million.
Skia: Good thinking.
Hannah: What do you think Skia will do for a distraction?
Luke: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Luke: ... or they could do that.
Peachy: Bridge the generation gap by combining old and new slang into one!
Remi: Tubular AF!
Luke: Mood to the max!
Hannah, annoyed: Groovy, I hate it.
Skia, just as annoyed: If she breathes, she’s a square.
Hannah: What did you guys get in your yearbook?
Luke: 'Prettiest Smile'
Peachy: 'Nicest Personality'
Skia: 'Most likely to start a bar fight'
Remi: 'Least likely to start a bar fight, but most likely to win one'
Hannah: Oh cool, I got 'most forgettable. '
Luke and Skia: Excuse me, what?
Hannah: I got most forgettable? Why—hey, where are you four going? And why do you have your weapons drawn?
Hannah: Anyone d-
Skia: Depressed?
Luke: Drained?
Remi: Dumb?
Peachy: Disliked?
Hannah:—done with their work... what is wrong with you people ...
Hannah: Time for plan G.
Skia: Don’t you mean plan B?
Hannah: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
Peachy: What about plan D?
Hannah: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
Remi: What about plan E?
Hannah: I’m hoping not to use it. Luke dies in plan E.
Alex: I like plan E.
Luke: What about plan F?
Treycor: We're not doing Plan F.
Luke: why?
Treycor: Plan F is Get help.
Luke: Oh. Yeah, let's not do that.
Hannah: *Posts a super low-quality image to the group chat*
Skia: If I had a dollar for every pixel in this image, I’d have 15 cents.
Hannah: If I had a dollar for every ounce of rage I felt in my body after I read this text, I would have enough money to buy a cannon to fire at you.
Luke: Actually I did the math, Skia would have $225, not $0.15.
Skia: Fam I’m right here....
Remi: If I had a dollar I would buy a can of soda :)
Hannah: while you’re there could you buy me an apply juice please?
Remi: Sorry I only have a dollar.
Hannah: :(
Luke: Hey I just realized my friend is right, Skia would have $22,500 because it's a dollar for every pixel, not a cent
Remi: If I had $22,500 I would buy a can of soda and an apply juice.
Luke: You can buy anything you want with $22,500.
Peachy: Yeah and they want soda and apply juice.
Luke: Apply juice to what.
Treycor: Directly to the forehead.
Skia: Great chat everyone/
Darcy: I’m going to take you out.
Luke: great, it’s a date!
Darcy: I meant that as a threat.
Luke: See you at five!
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maddieautobot273 · 6 months
Silk & Cologne (54)
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A Miguel O'Hara X OC Fanfic - link to AO3 (X)
Chapter 54: Dawn - previous chapter (X)
Pairing: Miguel O'Hara x Female! Spidersona OC
Words: 5.8K words
Warnings: PG for injury and implied weapon of mass destruction
Summary: Lisa and her friends shut down the poral threatening to collapse Earth-1218.
We all stared up at the portal in the sky, watching as it slowly sparked and crackled. It was becoming unstable. If it collapsed, would it simply be over and done with? It would go out in style and take my universe with it?
“What do we do now?” Noir asked, raising his voice as a large and loud gust of wind rush passed us. 
“We need to figure out a way to contain it!” Miguel yelled back, using his body to brace and shield mine from the wind, or try to at least. 
Panic rattled in my mind about the multitude of things that could go wrong. Even if we do contain it, what about the authorities? People would talk, ask questions. What about the national guard? The military? 
Come to think of it, where are they? 
A wave of guilt washed over me, “I probably shouldn’t have been too quick to kick Chameleon to the curb.”
“If you hadn’t, he would have taken me to God knows where,” Kasey shook her head as she glanced my way, her arms raised to shield her face from the wind. “You saved me, Lisa.”
“Don’t ever apologize for something like that,” Miguel reassured me. “In fact, I may have an idea on how to stop this. Well, two actually!”
“Let's hear it then before we’re blown away like leaves!” Gwen screamed, trying to keep herself and Touga from falling over. 
“Lyla,” Miguel brought his gizmo up to his face, trying to scroll through the touch screen. “Remember Project: Reset? Back in the old Alchemax days?”
“Oh, do I!” Lyla grins as her holoform appears, rubbing her hands together like an eager grasshopper before cycling through the database on her personal screen. 
“What’s Project: Reset?” I asked him.
I watched as a small portal opened beside Miguel and he reached inside it. He pulled his hand out, holding a strange looking sleek white baton. “Back during my early days in Alchemax when I first started, my old boss would have me occasionally work with the company’s R&D department. They were experimenting with a weapon that– with enough charge– could wipe and realtor people’s memory on a massive scale.”
“Sounds like a weapon of mass destruction to me!” Toya commented. 
“It was, which was why I convinced my then boss at the time to shut it down before more could be made,” Miguel responded. 
“Okaaay, but how does that help us with that?” I asked again, pointing at the portal as the integrity seemed to be getting worse. 
“With the portal? Nothing.” Miguel yelled over the wind as he began to tweak and make altercations with the device. “Lyla, Margo, and Gabriel can work their magic from HQ and contain the blast, sending it directly back to Harry’s dimension and doing a number on his lab. At the same time, I can trigger this device to alter the town’s people’s memories so they won’t remember anything from the invasion.”
“That’s brilliant!” Hannah beamed, gripping onto Touga to keep still. “A little terrifying, but brilliant!”
“But what about everyone else all over the world that was watching the festival online or on TV?” Kasey asked. “They’ll know something is off if the people of New York suddenly act like this all never happened.”
“Remember the part I mentioned about charging the device?” Miguel recalled. His eyes scanned the area, looking up to the top of the Statue of Liberty, specifically the tip of the flame torch in Lady Liberty’s hand. “If I can get high enough, I can pick up the broadcast signal and transmit the wipe to everyone that was watching the show!”
“Perfect, let’s do that!” I exclaimed, eyes widening in relief. 
“But there’s a catch,” Miguel quickly added, hooking his arm around my shoulders to stop me from blowing away. “I need to replace the memory of the invasion with something else-!”
“Like a fake memory or an actual event?” Noir asked. 
“Definitely the ladder!” Miguel answered back in earnest. 
“Like. . . like a canon event?” My mind was racing as I tried to figure out what new memory we could create to replace the one of the invasion. 
I could sense the gears in his head turning as Miguel looked over at me. “Kind of, yeah!”
“We’re always saving the canon from breaking, so this will be a wonderful change of pace!” Gwen grimaced and pushed against the wind. 
“So what kind of canon event?” Toya asked, his voice yelling over the wind. “It has to be something big right?”
Think, Lisa, think! 
All of those people, in the audience and watching on TV, their phones, laptops, why were they all tuning in in the first place?
Then it hits me. How could I have been so blind?
“What about our show?” I suggested, looking out towards the team. 
“The show?” Kasey repeated with more emphasis. 
“Yes, the show. Our dance, you guys!” I exclaimed, my gaze washing over Kasey, Hannah, Toya, and Touga specifically. 
My Webslingers. 
“Everyone came to see our show, so let’s give them a show!” I fought against the wind with an encouraging smile as I took my mask off so they could see my face. 
My friends looked at each other, silently debating what to do. 
“But wait, you said it alters people’s memories,” Kasey spoke up, a look of worry on her face. “Does that mean our memories will be changed too?”
Miguel hesitated briefly as the eyelets of his mask drooped to a sad expression, his voice laced with apology. “The device has been altered to protect only those wearing a gizmo. So, yes. . . your memories will be altered.”
“Then. . . that means you guys won’t remember everything that’s happened. You all finally getting the chance to see the real Miguel. The real me. . .” The realization hit me as I felt my heart drop to my stomach. 
My body suddenly felt heavy and limb. For a second, I thought I wouldn’t have to hide such a big secret from them anymore. I thought I’d be able to finally be my complete self around them.
I felt the grip of Miguel’s arm tighten around my shoulders, his silent apology plucking at my heartstrings.  
“If by the odd chance this does work. . . might as well go out with a bang, right?” Touga shrugged with a contagious smile. 
“What?” My voice was barely a whisper being carried out into the wind as I looked up towards my friends. 
“Considering all of the crazy stuff that we’ve seen in the last hour?” Hannah gawked at her friend before sharing a glance with me and the rest of the group. “I’m in! I think this can work!”
“If Hannah’s in, I’m in!” Toya grinned, grabbing her hand before looking over at Kasey. “What about you, K?”
Kasey glanced between everyone else before her gaze fell upon me. My eyes poured into hers, pleading for her to trust me. She suddenly laughed, hysterical even, before waving her hands in the air. “You’re our friend, Lisa. Super hero or not. What the hell! This day can’t keep getting any weirder, right?”
I grinned in relief before looking over to Miguel, nodding my head. “Let’s go with your plan.”
“Alright, team, repair the stage as best as you can and get a camera set up. I’ll contact HQ and establish the signal at the top of the statue,” Miguel relayed his orders like the organized leader I knew him to be, watching as the Spiders set off to do their task. His gaze fell upon me and my friends. “Webslingers, do what you do best.”
I looked out to my friends, smiling confidently as I used my powers to leap for them, gathering them in my arms before web-slinging us closer to the stage. 
“Gabriel, are you there? Did Lyla fill you in?” Miguel spoke in the background as he began running for the statue. 
“Yeah, she did, but still struggling to believe it,” his little brother’s voice spoke through the com-link. “Project: Reset? Are you serious? You must be really desperate to whip that out all of a sudden.”
“Don’t start with me,” Miguel grumbled, muttering something else in Spanish that I couldn’t decipher, although I couldn’t help the faint smirk that formed on my lips when my friends and I arrived on the stage. 
We quickly helped the others clean up the stage while they patched up broken and loose panels with their webbing. There was a lightning crackle like noise as I whipped my head up to the statue of liberty to see another portal open up just feet away from Harry’s portal. It was a portal from Spider Society HQ. 
“Our portal is stabilized, Miguel,” Margo’s voice spoke up through the com-link. “Ready to go on your mark.”
“We’re just missing one more piece to this puzzle,” Miguel uttered softly in the com-link before raising his voice. “METRO! Are you still around?”
“Right here, boss man!” A new voice fluttered through the com-link as a white and black dressed spider swinged up onto the stage. 
METRO’s spider suit had a black and white colour scheme that almost reminded me of the anti-venom spider-suit, but this one felt more personalized with a white spider necklace hanging low on his chest and a black with white spider webbing bandana wrapped around his forehead. The top part of his head was uncovered, giving way to his immaculately tailored dreadlocks of black and light aubrey brown coloured hair. 
Wait a minute, METRO BOOMIN?!
“Wait, he’s a Spider-Man too?!” I gasped, eyes wide as I looked between him and the small speck of Miguel’s body clinging onto Lady Liberty’s torch. “But you said originally no spider-person could actually exist in my dimension!”
“That’s right.” Miguel responded quickly. “He’s not from your dimension.”
“Huh?” I gawked, my head trying to wrap around the concept as METRO quickly fixed and set up his DJ player and sound mixer. 
“It’s true, Muse! I’d do the whole ‘Okay let’s do this one last time’ speech, but clearly we don’t got time for that,” METRO chuckled anxiously as he finished setting up. “I’m from Earth-101, I developed a psychic connection to my other dimensions personas. It’s how I’m here. Call me Metro-Spider.”
“O-Okay?” I wasn’t sure exactly how to respond to that, but I at least offered him a reassuring thumbs up. 
“Okay, we’re ready!” Hannah exclaimed as she and the others joined me on stage.
Leave it to Hannah to accidentally leave her bag backstage with backup costumes for all of us in the event something horribly went wrong. Loose stitching? Fabric got ripped? Trying escaping an enemy anomaly invasion and potential dimensional destruction. 
“Okay, Miguel, we’re in position!” I exclaimed through the com-link as I looked around the newly rebuilt stage, held together miraculously by our spider friends webbing and looked over as they each got cameras set up aimed towards us. 
“Cameras are primed and ready to roll!” Gwen chimed in, attaching the reset adaptor to the camera and the little device blinked green, indicating its connection to Miguel’s wand. 
“Here goes nothing!” Miguel took a deep breath. “But if this doesn’t work–”
“It’s going to work, Miguel,” I insisted, my gaze locking on to his body. “Trust me.”
I could feel our gazes locked on to one another, even at such a long distance apart. I felt a long caress down our bond, soothing me, both of us, as I breathed in and out slowly. In that moment my mind flashed back to when we danced together for the first time, he way he held me close, and when he whispered to me those same words I sent out to him through our bond. 
‘Do you trust me, Miguel?’
‘With my life, Lisa.’ 
“Let’s do it!” I called out as I launched a web to connect with the webbing along the stage, my player syncing with METRO’s sound system. 
“We’re coming to you live!” Noir announced with a signature radio actor voice, signaling us to start. 
I suddenly felt a tap on my wrist. I glanced over to see Kasey had leaned in closer to me, whispering, “If you still want to tell us about the whole super hero spider thing after all this is over, just come talk to us. We’ll think it’s crazy, but I know you’ll convince us otherwise.” 
I smiled softly at her, giving her hand a squeeze. “Thanks Kasey. I’m glad to have you as my friend.”
She smiled back before pulling away. 
Music started to play, the familiar violins and drum beats fluttering our ears as my friends and I started to dance, picking it right up from where we left off before the world seemed to go to shit. 
“I'm still fighting, I don't fear I've lost
Am I dreamin', is there more like us?
Got me feelin', like it's all too much
I feel beaten, but I can't give up!”
I cast a comforting glance to Kasey who was startled at first, expecting us to start from the beginning. After giving her an encouraging nod, motioning for her to follow my lead, she immediately stepped up and danced in sync with us. 
“Here we go!” METRO yelled excitedly. 
“I can't find it in myself to just walk away
I can't find it in myself to lose everything!” 
I closed my eyes, and it was like we were back in our dance studio, learning this dance for the first time. 
We all turned, forming a circle as Touya, Touga, Hannah and I surrounded Kasey. We all reached our arms out towards her as she crossed her arms over her chest, something similar to the Wakanda Forever salute before flexing her arms down to her sides. As she did that, the rest of us dropped to one knee, kneeling as we bowed our heads to her.
Just like before. Just like we practiced. 
“You’re doing great,” I whispered softly to them all. 
“Feel everyone's against me, don't want me to be great
Things might look bad, I'm afraid to look death in the face!”
“One, two, three, LET’S GO-!” Metro-Spider shouted, a fist in the air. 
That’s the signal. 
I could hear the ringing of Miguel activating the reset device and quickly soon after, wave after wave of pulsing blue energy soared across the sky of the entire city, and with any luck, the entire world. 
The beat dropped as Kasey then propelled herself forward, sliding along the floor. Hannah and I steered clear of her entrance. As we faced in her direction, Toya stepped behind Hannah and Touga stepped behind me, the boys hoisting us up to our feet and became our dance partners. The pair of us did a sweet waltz as Kasey was up front performing her own solo.
“I'm good now, who's really bad? 
I choose me now, what's wrong with that?
Wish you could see me
Now, now, mm, who had my back, baby?
Know no love lost, good always will win~”
I looked up into the sky, towards the portal to Harry’s dimension. The waves of energy from Miguel’s reset wand and the counteractive sparks from the conduit portal Lyla, Margo, and Gabriel created fought back against the enemy portal. It started to shrink, contorting violently. 
It’s working!
“Just a little more power and we can shut it down!” Gabriel’s voice rang through the com-link.
‘Finish it strong for me.’ Miguel’s voice purred through the bond. 
He had said the same thing when we were fighting Isabella in Noir’s dimension, and I felt the same surge of confident, motivative energy as I poured my heart out into the last steps of the dance, my voice reaching out. 
“Not done fightin', I don't fear I've lost 
Am I dreamin', is there more like us?
Got me feeling, like it's all too much
I feel beaten, but I can't give up!”
Kasey stepped aside, pulling up to the front of the stage as she and the others danced behind me. I was confused at first, but seeing her encouraging nod gave me the push to keep going. Together, I danced along with my friends as I sang the last set of lyrics to help me focus, my heart pounding in my chest. 
“I'm still fighting, I don't fear I've lost
Am I dreamin', is there more like us?
Got me feelin', like it's all too much
I feel beaten, but I can't give up!”
The enemy portal shrank smaller and smaller until it blipped into a tiny spec. There was a blink of light before the energy dispersed and sparkled in the sky like a giant firework. It gave us the perfect backdrop as we closed out the song. 
“Can't give up
Can't give, can't give up
Can't give, can't give up
Can't give, can't give up
Can't give up!” 
The music faded and the shimmering spectacle of the exploding portal faded into nothingness, giving way to the stars and the beautiful night sky. I took in deep breaths, my chest rising and falling as I lowered my fist from pounding it into the air with my finishing pose before my friend's dog piled me to the floor of the stage, their cheers and exasperated laughter filling the air. At the same time, Noir and Gwen cut the live broadcast feed and turned off the cameras. 
“Holy shit we actually did it!” Kasey laughed with a beaming smile. 
“That was like something out of an anime, oh my god!” Touga chuckled over Toya’s cackling. 
Hannah hugged me tightly, her thin arms wrapping around me. “We did it, we did it! You were amazing!” 
“Yeah. . .” I exchanged bewildered looks with each of them, the moment slowly processing in my mind before I reached my arms out to pull them all into a group hug. “I love you guys!”
I didn’t know why I was suddenly getting so emotional, but when my friends each returned their own embrace, I felt like my beating heart finally got the chance to slow down. Swift movement caught my ear as I looked up to see Miguel land near us on the stage, his mask evaporating from his face to show off his stunning eyes filled with pride. “It worked!”
“It did!” I beamed. 
When I moved to stand up, I suddenly felt a horrible, aching pain in my ankle as I immediately dropped back down to the floor, whining in pain. “OW!”
My friends immediately backed away, startled. But Miguel moved in, kneeling in front of me but was careful to not completely overshadow my form and gave me room to breathe. “What’s wrong?”
“I think– I think I sprained my ankle.” I hissed, my hand brushing down to find the source of the pain before retracting itself quickly. 
Miguel’s eyes looked me over, his eyes pleading silently before speaking, “May I?”
I nodded and watched as Miguel’s fingers gently, carefully skimmed down the calf of my left leg and as soon as his rough fingers brushed over my ankle, I bit my tongue as I held back a pained groan, fighting the urge to recoil from the touch. “That's definitely a sprain. You’d be screaming in pain if it was broken.”
“Obviously,” I couldn’t help but laugh as I shook my head. “Out of all of the things that happened tonight, this is what brings me under?”
“I’m glad it was something like this and not worse.” Miguel stated firmly, but a ghost of a relieved smile formed on his lips. 
He carefully stepped around me before gently scooping me up in his arms, and lifted me up from the floor. He held me close to his chest and I pretended to not see Hannah quietly squealing at the action, hiding behind Touga as my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. 
“Lyla tracked your home addresses through your phones,” Miguel spoke as a portal opened up behind my friends. “You’ll have another minute or so before the memory reset takes effect. I’d like you all to be in the safety of your homes when it happens.”
“Thanks for the free ride, Miguel,” Kasey grinned, offering him a salute. “We’ll see you around?”
Miguel offered Kasey a small smile as he nodded. “I’ll be around.”
“Good. After tonight, I think you owe us all a little group dinner night out,” She grinned, “You should come hang out with us sometime.”
“It could be fun.” I encouraged him softly with a soft brush of my fingers against his jawline. 
Miguel chuckled softly at the action before nodding again. “Fair enough. My treat then, just set a date and time.”
“So. . . I guess we’ll see you later?” Toya offered us a small wave. 
“See you later.” I waved back with my own smile. 
See you after your memories are erased and you won’t remember anything that happened tonight. 
One by one, I watched as my friends jumped through the portal. Kasey was the last to leave, offering me one more friendly farewell before following behind the others. The portal closed quickly after her departure. 
“Lyla, what’s the status of the dimensional integrity?” Miguel asked as Lyla’s holographic form appeared beside him. 
“Earth-1218 is slowly stabilizing, Miguel!” Lyla reported with a salute. “Margo and Gabriel will continue to monitor it for the remainder of the night to make sure there’s no setbacks, but all things considered, Project: Reset appears to have worked flawlessly!”
“So. . . no one in my dimension will remember what happened tonight?” I asked Miguel, staring up at him as the rest of the spiders regrouped at our location. 
“No one, except for you,” Miguel confirmed with a nod before his hold on me tightened ever so slightly. “But that doesn’t diminish what you accomplished tonight.”
“You did good kid,” Noir approached, patting my head gently. “Real good.”
I smirked over at him. “Aren’t I older than you?”
“I’d argue I’m more mature and older in spirit!” Noir jabbed playfully. 
“Okay, wise guy,” Gwen came up to his side, nudging his shoulder. “Do you want me to steal and hide your hat again?”
“The technical term is fedora and no!” Noir clutched his hat close to his head, making me laugh. 
“Alright, alright, settle down,” Miguel coaxed the group to ease up with a cautious stare. “I believe our work here is done. Spiders, let's go back home.”
Miguel swiped his finger along the screen of his gizmo, activating another portal. The familiar orange and yellow swirls and hexagons were a comforting sight as Gwen started running a head. 
“I’ll go a head and let Doc know to get a bed ready!” She chimed in. 
“Thank you, Gwen-!” Miguel could barely finish his thanks before Gwen was already through the portal. 
“Kids these days, they can never stay still,” Noir shook his head before running after her, disappearing into the portal. 
With just the two of us remaining, Miguel looked down at me with a softened expression. “You mind if I bring you back? Just so Doc can take a look at you?”
I nodded softly. “That’s fine. I don’t know how a normal doctor would react if two spider costumed people showed up to an ER in the middle of the night.”
“Wouldn’t that just be a regular Saturday night for them?” He grinned back. 
“Oh, hardy har har,” I mocked, rolling my eyes. 
Miguel started walking towards the portal, his arm that held up my shoulders lifting up to bring me closer to his face. “All that said, I really am proud of you, Lisa. You were spectacular, Spider-Muse.”
I grinned back at Miguel, cupping his cheek. “You weren’t so bad yourself, Spider-Man.”
The look he gave me made my heart flutter as his eyes seemed to sparkle just like the stars above. “Come here,” he whispered, before capturing my lips in a tender kiss as we phased through the portal. 
“Oh I feel so awful for missing it, I just don’t know what happened!” My mother apologized profusely for the umpteenth time as Miguel and I stood with her at the departure gate at JFK international airport. 
It was now the early afternoon the following day since the Marvel Day festival ended, specifically just over 12 hours since myself, my friends and the Spider Society saved my dimension from complete and potential annihilation. 
Miguel’s plan with Project: Reset worked. After Spider-Doc looked me over and gave me some pain meds to sleep it off for a few hours, I woke up to check the news on my phone and for a second I thought I had woken up from a dream. It was like the anomaly invasion never happened, and all the news reported on were highlights of the Marvel Day festivities. 
One of the bigger highlights was The Webslingers performance. 
The firework-like explosion of Harry’s portal was played off as just that. Fireworks and special effects, which was why due to safety reasons, we didn’t have an audience physically with us. Nobody was expecting such a grand display, and as it turned out the animators and special effects crew working behind the scenes were so burnt out from the work that they “didn’t remember doing all of this but must have done it in their sleep”, and since then there’s been a call online to give their industry better pay. 
Honestly, good for them. 
When it came to my friends, when I first woke up this morning, the group chat was lively with reactions to our performance and watching the live playback. According to them, we had celebrated together briefly before we quickly realized I had done something to my ankle. They said they had seen Miguel take me to a nearby hospital and kept them all updated as they had their own little party back at the twin’s penthouse before returning home in the wee hours of the night. 
It was only then did the memory reset really sunk in for me. They really don’t remember anything that actually happened last night. The invasion, Kasey’s kidnapping and rescue, fighting Oscorp with Miguel and the others, seeing my powers in action. . . 
Perhaps it was for the best. 
As for my mom on the other hand, when Miguel and I arrived at her hotel room to check on her, the poor woman was so frazzled. Miguel’s reasoning behind her fainting was due to a sudden episode, or at least that’s what the “doctor’s” had told him when he said he had immediately handed her over to the local authorities to be brought to a nearby emergency room and they had contacted him. She didn’t remember arriving back to the hotel, and so I had explained that after I got my ankle checked out, between her fainting and the medication the nurses gave her, she passed out, and that we personally drove her back to let her rest. 
Speaking of my ankle. 
“And your ankle! Oh, I’m just happy you had Miguel and your friends with you, dear,” Janet hugged me tightly, and for a second I thought she was going to crush me. 
“Mom, I’ll be okay, really!” I reassured her with a gentle laugh as I attempted to return the embrace. “You’re acting like this is the first time I’ve injured myself.”
“I know, I know, it’s just been awhile, that’s all,” She shook her head, pulling away from me as she offered me an apologetic smile. “I know I can always watch your show online, but I would have loved to see the whole thing in person.”
“You showed up mom,” I took her hands in mine, squeezing them tightly. “That’s what matters to me.”
That part wasn’t a lie or made up memory. It was the truth and nothing but the truth. 
“You’ll be alright on your flight home, Janet?” Miguel asked with concern in his eyes. 
“Oh, yes, Miguel, don’t you worry!” Janet smiled reassuringly as she patted her fanny pack. “I’ve got my gravol with me so I won’t even know if I’m feeling sick on the plane as soon as I’m on board.”
“Or as dad liked to call it, the gravol haze?” I teased with a knowing look, crossing my arms over my chest.
“Oh hush you!” Janet glared at me with a playful grin. 
There was an announcement overheard that a certain flight would begin boarding soon. My mom’s eyes lit up as she quickly checked to make sure she had all her bags with her. 
“Oh, I should get going.” She sighed, grabbing her purse as she looked over towards Miguel and I. She had a soft smile on her face before she suddenly looked at me with this look of. . . longing. “But before I leave, honey, may I talk to you for a moment?”
My eyes lit up at the recognition in her words. Growing up I quickly learned if my mother ever gave me that look, she wanted to talk to me in private. Usually it was always something important, so I never kept her waiting. I should know, the first time she ever gave me that look was when she first told me when dad got sick all those years ago. 
“Sure, mom, just don’t miss your boarding time.” I nodded softly before glancing up at Miguel. “Give us a minute?”
“Of course,” Miguel smiled softly as he squeezed my shoulder, leaning in to peck my temple before stepping away. 
Once he was far enough where I convinced myself that he wouldn’t be able to hear our conversation, I stepped closer to my mom. “What’s going on?”
Janet was silent briefly, her eyes shifting as if she were choosing her words carefully. But when she spoke, she was calm and collected. “Would you feel comfortable if. . . if I showed Jin your performance?”
I could feel my nerves become static, my grip on her hands tightening. My pupils went wide, my eyes searching hers to try and find out if she was joking or not. But when it came to my mother, and topics like this, she never joked. 
Other than her updating me on his therapy progress every now and then, I haven’t physically seen or heard from my step-father since I cut contact with him. Just over 2 years ago. But if she could update me on his progress, then I could just as easily update him on mine. 
I want to show him how far I’ve come since then. 
“Sure,” I nodded softly. 
Janet’s eyes lit up in surprise, her jaw nearly dropping to the floor. “Wait, really?!”
I nodded again, squeezing her hands tightly. 
“Oh, that’s great, sweetheart, I’m so happy to hear that!” She even bounced a little in excitement. “He really has been doing better. I think watching it will just be the thing he needs to show him how strong and powerful you are and how far you’ve come. Show him what he’s been missing.”
What she said suddenly made a lump form in my throat, tears swelling in my eyes. “Oh, mom. . .”
“I know, I know, I overdid it,” she grinned, pulling me into another hug. “There’s also one other thing. This one, you don’t have to decide now, if you need time to think about it.”
My heart suddenly skipped a beat as I pulled back, anxiously awaiting to hear what she had to say. “Yes?”
“How would you feel about. . . flying down to Korea for a few days?” Janet suggested, her eye meeting mine with a genuine expression. “To come see him?”
If I thought I was frazzled before, I definitely was now. “When?”
“Anytime you want to, sweetie!” Janet quickly reassured me, squeezing my hands. “Again, it’s entirely up to you, but I was with your step-father for his most recent session and his therapist suggested the idea. He believes Jin is about ready to. . . make amends.”
My eyes widened at that. “And is. . . Jin ready for it?”
“I’m not sure if he’ll know for sure until it happens,” Janet shook her head with uncertainty. “But he does wish to see you. Even just for a few minutes.”
My mind was racing as the multitude of possibilities swarmed in my head. All the things that could go right, or wrong. Why did it feel like one weighed more than the other?
Even still, there was this sudden burning sensation in the pit of my stomach.  I met my mom’s gaze, offering her a small smile as I spoke softly, “I’ll think about it.”
She smiled back at me, holding me close. “Take as long as you need dear. I love you.”
Janet hugged me one last time as another announcement chimed over the speakers. She gathered her bags and I saw her off as she waddled to the security checkpoint. As I lowered my hand from waving at her, Miguel’s footsteps caught my ear as I turned to glance at him. “I’m okay.” I quickly reassured him. 
“Are you sure?” He asked me with a hint of worry in his eyes as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, his hand reaching up to wipe a stray tear from my cheek. 
I nodded softly, leaning into him. “I’ll tell you about it later.”
“Alright,” Miguel gave me a tight squeeze, kissing the top of my head before he motioned to the side. “Let’s get going, and don’t forget~”
“I know, I know,” I rolled my eyes in an annoyed manner as I reached over to a pillar and grabbed the walking crutch I had left on the side while seeing my mother off. I hooked it under my left armpit, holding Miguel close with my right. “Do I have to keep this cast on for 4 weeks? Didn’t Spider-Doc say this could heal in half the time thanks to the healing factor of the spider powers?”
“Yes, but because of the reset, your friends and family don’t know about your powers anymore,” Miguel reminded gently. “So you have to keep up the façade of being your friendly neighborhood self.”
“Did you just make a Spider-Man joke?” I gawked at Miguel.
Miguel didn’t hide his cheeky grin and I caught a small glimpse of his fangs as he spoke. “Maybe I did.”
I groaned, rolling my eyes again as we stepped out into the main entrance of the airport. “Your–”
“An asshole?” He quickly chimed in, leaning in closer to me. 
I smirked back at him, bringing my hand up from his hand to cup his chin. “My asshole.”
“No lo olvides, mi Mona Lisa.” Miguel's tone was flirtatious as his hand caught the small of my back, his warm breath fanning my lips before he kissed me in the sunshine. - Don't you forget it, my Mona Lisa
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casinotrio1965 · 3 days
Jace Badun does not like Helga Sinclair.
The rest of the BDA don't really like her either.
She left Harry and his twin sister, Mable, on the doorstep of de Vil Manor when they were a year old. Left Harry in a house where he outlived most of his siblings and cousins. Where he outlived Mable and ended up living in a treehouse.
She didn't know.
But that doesn't make it any easier for them to let go of the anger they all hold on Harry's behalf.
Jace stops yelling, his voice told. "No. You didn't know. But you also never checked in even though no one was stopping you. You didn't investigate the rumors. Harry and I were living in a tree house for ten years-"
"Jace please stop, that's my mom-"
"You didn't raise him. You didn't provide for him. You didn't tuck him into bed and read him bedtime stories, or patch him up. My mother and stepmothers and his stepmothers did. You didn't comfort him after every death. The de Vil kids, his half siblings, and my half siblings did. You didn't shatter , hide, or paint over all the mirrors in the house when he couldn't look at them anymore anymore after Mable died or make sure he ate, sleep, and took care of himself. You didn't make him take responsibility for anything. You didn't keep him alive, I DID!"
(Jace is the muscle of the group but that doesn't mean he doesn't know where to verbally hit you where it hurts like the others do. He may prefer being peacekeeper, but that doesn't mean he won't duel out any verbal jabs when he has to.
Helga Sinclair might not have known about Harry, Hunter, and Mable's suffering but that doesn't mean Jace is gonna forgive her so easily for having left in the first place.
It doesn't mean he'll forgive her for keeping her other two kids (Holiday and Helena) in the main universe or forgive her for keeping them, ONTOP of keeping her and Hades son (Alex Sinclair-Aoratoes) in the Hannah Hook verse just as easily.
He's angry and he's not afraid to show it when Harry's not there.
" Jace is right " Carina stated . " You may have given birth to him , but you're not his real mom. "
" Yeah , and sides what kinda of person leaves their son with an animal killer !" Lampwick chimed in angrly .
" you should have made sure he went to a good home " Bria added with disappointment in Harry's mom .
Bella said nothing to Helga but she did glare at her.
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igetthedisneybox · 5 days
Any non encanto ocs you wanna talk about?
So many.
Since this is my Disney blog, here are some of my non-Encanto Disney OCs, the kids of the official Disney princesses. (I've been working on these guys since like 2017 lol)
Adelina, Bianka, and Glauco (Snow White's kids)
Lawrence (Cinderella's son)
Dawn and Day (Aurora's twins)
Melody, Aria, Cadence, and Harmony (Ariel's daughters. Melody's not mine, obviously)
Raoul and Vincent (Belle's sons)
Jenna, Rafi, Salima, and currently unborn baby (Jasmine's kids...but you knew that already lol)
An-Ming and Renshu (Mulan's kids)
Basil, James Jr, and Eva (Tiana's kids)
Westley and Wisteria (Rapunzel's twins)
Magnus (Merida's adoptive son)
Kay and Gerda (Anna's kids)
Eira and Frey (Elsa's adoptive kids. (Crazy how in the Invisible Truth they'd be related to the Madrigals....))
Nalu (Moana's adoptive son)
Alya (Raya's adoptive daughter)
Potential Asha/Starboy kid, but I haven't seen Wish yet, so who knows
I was doing some major edits for my non-Encanto Disney OCs, when I got bored and stopped. Might finish those if I got the time.
I've been also doing some work on the main story for the children of the 2D animated princesses (because 2D is way easier to make edits of)
I've been semi-writing/ mostly daydreaming about sticking those guys in a Descendants au, but probably won't do a full story about it. Might do some snippets, and maybe some Hannah Hook alt universe crossovers if you were up for it.
I will absoultley be doing some outfit boards for both the actual story, and the Des au...once I figure out how to do that.
Also, feel free to send any asks about the non-Encanto kids too 👉👈
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violetsandfluff · 1 year
Coffee Shop AU (s.m.)
a/n: this has been in my drafts since November. I planned to post it on Christmas Eve, but only now got around to polishing it up.
tw: allusions to smut?
word count: 3.4k+
summary: shawn and a cute customer in the shop after hours
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Only a university campus would have a coffee shop open from six am to midnight. A vast variety of students flowed through the shop steadily, getting their beverages to go or staying to enjoy them and take advantage of the free wi-fi. The shop’s location made it easily accessible for students traveling to and from their classes, and a convenient place to study and work on group projects. The shop was also run primarily by students, providing them with a way to make money on campus in bite-sized shifts.
The cafe was a small shack designed to look like a log cabin. Despite the limited space inside, the tables and booths were comfortably spaced. The booths were covered in a rough, resplendent upholstery and the tables were a yellowy, polished wood. A long, narrow high-top table was positioned down the center of the room, divided by a metal structure down the center with built-in outlets for convenient charging. There was an assortment of chairs and backless stools available for maximum comfort, and a plethora of outlets scattered around for convenience. The wifi password was plastered on the wall by the door, and on the chalkboard menus, which were always neat and colorful.
It was a popular study spot for students during the day, but not so much at night. Students tended to flock to the shop before their classes or for a mid-afternoon energy boost; not a bedtime snack.
Among the workers there was Shawn, a lissome junior who tended to keep to himself. He was pleasant enough when taking orders or preparing coffee, but he usually chose the latest shifts when fewer people came looking for coffee. He never minded sweeping the floors or locking up in the dark, and the lack of bustle didn’t bother him. After all, it was rare for even college students to go seeking out caffeine in the form of coffee past midnight.
As finals approached, there was a steady increase of anxious students pouring into the shop late in search of caffeine, wi-fi, or an extra charger for their laptops. As studying intensified, the late-night crowd grew, and more nighttime workers were brought into the shop.
Shawn was used to working alone, rarely having to worry about a customer requiring attention as he worked on another’s drink. However, as finals week drew near, he was positioned solely at the front counter, manning the orders and bakery selection. The small cafe was brimming with students sipping on hot caffeinated beverages as they poured intently over their laptops and textbooks, retaining as much information as they could.
Despite the steady flow of students in and out of the cafe, one girl, in particular, caught Shawn’s eye. She ordered the same thing every night, a dark chocolate mocha, and sat in the same booth by the window as she studied. She, along with the others, tended to pack up and leave just before twelve, leaving Shawn and his coworkers time to clean before they locked up, but one night, Sunday, she found herself so engrossed in her studying that she didn’t realize when the other patrons packed up and left.
Hannah, one of Shawn’s coworkers for the night, tried to secure her attention and ask her kindly to wrap up her studies, but Shawn reassured her, saying that he’d tell her to leave if she hadn’t finished in fifteen minutes.
Giving a resigning sigh, Hannah retreated to the back door, hanging her apron on a hook before disappearing into the cold night air, flipping the sign from open to closed as she left.
Shawn gazed over the counter at the studious girl, entranced in her studies like they were the only thing in the world as he cleaned the coffee machine absentmindedly. Her hair was tucked into the band of her headphones, and she was wearing a simple white sweatshirt with the university’s name on it. Her legs were tucked up next to her, one under her and the other to the side, and her head was resting in her left hand as her right hand flipped the pages of her book. Her drink remained untouched, aside from the sip she’d taken from it when Shawn had handed it to her. The laptop on the table in front of her dimmed, but it did nothing to pry her eyes from the pages of her textbook.
Her lips moved ever so slightly as her eyes scanned the pages, fighting the avalanche of words to retain as much information as she could. Shawn watched all the while, nearly halting as he ran a sudsy rag over the outside of the coffee machine in lethargic circles. His eyes were fixed on the girl’s hunched figure and they had no intent to move.
Fifteen minutes passed faster than Shawn thought they ought to. He had promised Hannah that he would remove the girl from her spot in the cafe in fifteen minutes, twelve-twenty, but his heart raced as he thought of doing so. He fought himself internally behind the counter before finally closing the distance between himself and the compelling girl.
He stood nervously beside her table as he racked his brain for words to say to her.
“Excuse me,” he croaked, his words thudding soundly into the silent room. He repeated it once before sitting down in the booth beside hers, a safe distance away. He reached out a hand to tap her shoulder gently and she jumped in alarm, hastily removing her headphones and shifting her attention to Shawn.
“I’m so sorry,” he began. “I know you’ve been working really hard, but we’re technically closed now. Again, I’m so sorry.”
She glanced from him, to the corner of her computer screen, and back. “You’ve been closed for half an hour!” she noticed in horror. “You could have told me sooner!”
“I didn’t want to interrupt your work,” he admitted, his cheeks flushing slightly as her eyes met his. “I know it sucks to be interrupted.”
“Your shift ended half an hour ago,” she repeated, scrambling to close her book and laptop. “You should be at home, enjoying your own time, not stuck here with me.”
“I don’t mind,” he babbled softly. “My homework’s in the back room. I’ve been working on it a little.”
“That’s good,” she managed apologetically as she turned to her backpack, which was occupying the seat beside her. She shoved her headphones in, but before she could get any further, Shawn stopped her.
Placing a hand gently on her forearm, he asked, “What have you been working on?”
“Studying for exams,” she groaned with an exhausted sigh. “I have a history exam tomorrow and I’m grossly underprepared.”
“That’s the worst,” he empathized.
“What kinds of homework do you have?”
“A little bit of everything,” he replied slowly, feeling his confidence bloom slightly as she took interest in him. “A lot related to holistic health.”
“Really?” She raised her eyes to inspect the honey-colored ones hidden timidly behind his thin, inconspicuous glasses, noticing his flawless complexion and curly, chocolate-colored hair in the process. “You’re into that kind of stuff?”
“Yeah. Holistic medicine and things that go along with that; herbology, homeopathy. Things like that.”
“Is that your major?”
“One of them. I major in both holistic health and psychology, and minor in music theory. What about you?”
“I’m a business major. I can’t imagine taking on two majors. I can hardly handle the one I have.”
Shawn let out a soft chuckle. “I’m Shawn, by the way. What’s your name?”
“Y/N,” she frowned. “I like the name Shawn.”
“I like the name Y/N,” Shawn smiled slowly as he listened to the syllables as they glided off his tongue. “Are you a junior, too?”
“I’m a sophomore. Three semesters in,” she huffed.
“It gets better,” Shawn consoled her automatically.
“Does it really?”
“Not at all,” he replied with a chuckle. “But believe it or not, you’ll get the hang of things.”
“That’s reassuring,” Y/N hummed, rising to her feet. “I should probably let you get home. Do you live on campus?”
“No,” Shawn replied slowly. “I live with my parents since they’re pretty local.”
“Will they be worried since you’re not home?”
“They’ll be fine.” Shawn cast a wary glance at his watch before redirecting his attention to the beautiful girl standing before him. “You can stay a while longer,” he suggested. “I don’t mind.”
She eased back onto the booth beside him, swiveling her body so she was facing him rather than the table. She reached for her drink and maneuvered it to the edge of the table, pulling the straw into her mouth as she glanced away from Shawn’s enchanting honey-colored eyes.
“Are we supposed to be here after hours?” she interrogated, eyeing him skeptically.
“I’m sure we’ll be fine,” he answered absentmindedly. “After all, I’m used to locking up.”
“At twelve o’clock. Not at twelve-thirty-five.”
Shawn shrugged, shifting his attention to a small rip in the upholstery of the booth. “Do you need help studying for anything?” He felt pathetic dragging what could have been a short conversation out so long, but something inside of him longed to converse with her for a while longer.
“Actually?” She withdrew a planner from her backpack and began flipping through it. “Can you quiz me for my exam?”
“History? Sure.” He tried to hide his excitement as he held out his hand for the notepad. He examined the pages, noting their layout, before turning his body to face hers and clutching the papers against his chest so she couldn’t see. The pages were filled with events and their dates, as well as various other facts that she would need to remember for a thorough paper.
The neat rows and columns made it easy for Shawn to quiz her with. He cleared his throat jokingly, making playfully intimidating eye-contact with her before looking back down at her notepad.
The first few questions breezed by as she recited the answers confidently. But when the questions advanced into more obscure niches, her confidence began to falter.
“Try again,” Shawn urged simply as she sunk her teeth into her lip, her cheeks reddening as she scrambled for the correct answer. Shawn had flipped from the history dates to other tidbits of information she would need over the course of the next few weeks.
“What was the question?” she whined, pulling her drink closer to the edge of the table.
Shawn moved closer to her, resting his head on her shoulders as she examined her page of notes.
He read the page’s contents softly, his warm breath tickling her ear.
She took note of his gentle voice, strong arms, and complex cologne, which seemed representative of his true self.
Pulling the straw back into her mouth, she sat up. The cup tipped over, splashing its milky brown contents all over her pale gray sweatshirt.
She and Shawn pulled apart in alarm. He scrambled to the nearest paper napkin dispenser, grabbing a wad of the flimsy, white material in an attempt to soak up the lukewarm coffee as it dripped down her sweater and onto her white jeans. While they helped pull the excess liquid off of her clothing, a dark stain remained, sinking into all of the creases in her clothing.
“Shit,” she muttered as she stood. “I can feel the wet fabric clinging to me.”
“I know we have some things here to spot-treat it,” Shawn suggested. “Aprons don’t often serve their purpose in these conditions.”
“Then I’d really be wet,” she chirped, ignoring a potential double meaning that could arise.
“I have quite a few extra sweatshirts in my car.”
“Are you saying you’d like me to take one?”
“If we’re going to clean your clothes here, then yes.”
“Staying after hours with a naked girl. I can see it perfectly,” y/n quipped, glancing superstitiously out of the dark windows to Shawn’s lowly green SUV.
“I forgot, I was supposed to close these.” He stood beside y/n for a moment, giving her a taste of how tall he really was before he knelt on the side of the booth to close the blinds. He made his way around every window in the cafe before returning to her. “We have some stain removers in the back room. I’ll get you something from my car if you want to work on getting the coffee out of your clothes.”
“Thank you,” she breathed as he darted out into the snowy night. The lights switched on in his vehicle when he opened the door. She watched through the door as he rummaged around in his back seat, through the presumable mess of textbooks, calculators, and mechanical pencils. Eventually, the car door slammed shut and Shawn pranced hastily back to the front door, cautious of ice patches.
“I forgot that I cleaned out my car last Thursday. I don’t have any sweatshirts.” He paused awkwardly as he toyed with the sleeve of his black cable-knit sweater. “Unless this would work?”
Y/N hesitated. “No. That’s yours.”
“I’ve got an apron,” he reasoned. “Come on, Y/N. It’s nice and soft. And I’ve warmed it up for you.”
“You make it sound so dreamy,” she chuckled. “Okay. I’ll take it.”
He handed her the bottle of stain remover and she disappeared into the shop’s sole bathroom to work in peace. The door was locked behind her as she bent over the sink, Shawn’s sweatshirt falling to her mid-thighs even in the back. She worked at the meddlesome stains with cold water and watched hopefully as the stains faded.
A soft knock on the door alerted her to Shawn’s presence.
“I’m not naked,” she said sarcastically.
He poked his head into the room, raising his eyebrows adorably as he asked, “Is the stain remover working?”
“Pretty well,” she responded.
“That’s good. If not, I have bleach.”
“That’s not necessary,” she assured him. “Thanks, though.”
He glanced at her sweatshirt, which was drying on the coat hook and peeked over her shoulder at her pants, the garment which she was scrubbing vigorously.
“It looks better,” he said pointedly. “We can let the stain bubble out for a few minutes if you want to stop scrubbing.”
She dropped the jeans, allowing them to rest on the counter. “What time is it?”
“Just about one.”
“You had better go,” she said hurriedly, gathering her clothes into her arms. “You should have been gone an hour ago.”
“I’m not kidding when I say I have time.”
“Time for what?”
“Time for you,” Shawn breathed in response. He took a step backward, but she took a step towards him.
Shawn bit his lip as his deep, sincere eyes flicked to the provocative length of her thighs that wasn’t hidden by his sweatshirt. She could tell that he was a terrible liar.
“If you’re okay with me staying, can you quiz me again while my clothes dry?”
“Of course!” His eyes flashed back to her face as he shook the unholy thoughts from his mind. Reaching behind his back, he untied his apron, ducking out of the bathroom and behind the counter to hang it by the employees only door. Without the paisley-printed brown apron, a signature pattern of the cafe’s, Shawn was dressed in a skimpy white undershirt and tight-fitting black jeans. On his feet were minimalistic black boots, and a delicate silver chain was visible around his neck.
“Bring your books, too!” y/n called. “We can study together.”
Shawn gave her a playful salute, swinging his book bag over his shoulder and emerging from behind the counter. He set it on the upholstered bench beside her, watching in feigned dismay as she took a careful sip from her lukewarm beverage.
“I can warm that up for you,” he said pointedly. “But only if you promise to be careful.”
“I can’t make any promises,” she quipped, pulling the straw into her mouth and casting him a deliberate smirk.
“Smartass.” Shawn shook his head, picking up her cup and bringing it into the kitchen. He placed it in the microwave and covered it, his jaw setting instinctively as he punched one minute into the keypad. He pushed his sleeves up his forearms as he rested his head on his hand, which was supported by his elbow on the wall.
Y/N wasted no time opening her thick textbook to the page she had been reading when Shawn interrupted her earlier. Without moving her eyes from the page, she reached fruitlessly for her cup, which she found stupidly to be missing.
“Looking for this, sweetheart?” Shawn inquired with a genuine laugh. He set her drink down beside her book, less than an arm’s length away. She leaned towards it, keeping her eyes locked with Shawn’s as she drew in a swift sip of coffee, effervescent with heat.
“Holy shit, that’s hot,” she cursed after a painful and panicked swallow. “Burned my fucking tastebuds off.”
“Might have overheated it slightly,” Shawn grimaced apologetically.
“My lip is burning from where the straw was,” she whined with a slight chuckle as her eyes watered.
Without explanation, Shawn leaned in to bless her lips with a swift peck. “All better,” he cooed sweetly.
Her stomach fluttered every so slightly at the feeling of his lips on hers. She felt his warm breath condensing on her neck once again as he leaned over her shoulder to absorb the words in her textbook.
Every so often, he nodded his head into her neck, rosy pink lips caressing her skin gently with love. She tried to focus on the materials on the mahogany table in front of her but it was growing increasingly difficult to ignore the fire between her bare thighs. Nonchalantly, she pulled the patterned plastic cup containing her now lukewarm coffee towards her, but before she could take a sip it was snatched from her hand.
Shawn raised the straw to his lips gradually, taking a hesitant sip as his eyes bored holes in hers.
Her heart hammered inside her chest. It had been so long since a man effectively gave her butterflies.
“Just making sure it’s safe to drink,” he explained, sliding it back into her grip across the table’s smooth surface. “Wouldn’t want you to burn your taste buds off, hm?”
Swallowing hard, she agreed.
“Shawn?” Gulp. Even saying his name made her heart beat a hundred miles per hour.
“Have you ever been in love?” he inquired innocently, catching you off guard.
Her head snapped to examine his face, furrowed eyebrows and pursed lips. “I guess so.”
“I mean, have you ever been in love, in love?”
His words were met with a blank expression.
“I know I sound stupid, but… you see a cute girl…or guy… and they turn out to be really nice. Lots of common interests, good music tastes, the right mix of flirty and serious. You hit it off but know deep down inside it probably won’t work out.”
“Go on?”
“How do you tell the person? And how do you beat the odds of never crossing paths again?”
“Are you asking for my advice?”
“I guess so,” Shawn began twisting an acrylic ring on his middle finger as if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
“Tell her…or him… how you feel. What’s the worst that could happen?”
“I could be forced to live my life without her. Even though I just met her, I know that she is the one.”
She nodded slowly. Taking time to absorb his lamentation—and another sip of coffee—she planned out her next words carefully. “Take life at a slow pace. Stop to smell the flowers. And when life gives you cold coffee, don’t let a stranger heat it up.”
Shawn looked up in surprise before erupting into the most euphonious laughter she had ever heard. The whole demeanor of the room shifted.
Cupping her chin in his hand, he leaned forward so his nose was barely brushing against hers. “Well. I’d like to tell you that you are the single most perfect girl I’ve ever met. I… really like you.”
“You’re sweet,” she whispered in surprise after a moment. “I like you too.”
Her lips connected with his in one fluid motion. They parted and closed with respect to each other in a kind of routine she had never danced before.
Just as Shawn’s hand began to creep up her thigh, the sound of a key in a lock and hinges squeaking echoed through the empty building.
“What the hell, Shawn?” Hannah’s voice resounded through the air, thick with tension. “Why are you still here? And half-naked?”
a/n 2.0: It’s been a minute since I’ve seriously written about Shawn because sometimes it feels like a waste of my time. Thank you if you’re still reading and one of the people I can count on to read my Shawn fics. You guys are the ones who started my blog and the reason I’m still going 💕
Taglist: @fishingirl12 @chocochipcookie305 @monikamendes @butlerbliss @sonder444
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nico-di-genova · 5 months
Can u talk about charles' university times?
Also the flashback of him telling jules that he's quitting made me want to die 🩷
I can always talk about Charles’ uni years!!
So he’s a scholarship kid for the most part, his parents helped out where they could. He actually got a decent amount of scholarships though, enough to pay for tuition and housing, really all he pays out of pocket for is some of his books.
He kind of went crazy his first year, like partying every night crazy. Most of his childhood was spent with his dad and Arthur, and though he hung out with Lorenzo and Jules a lot, they never included him in their partying. So Charles, given his first bit of freedom in uni, very much went overboard.
He slowed it down once his grades started taking a hit, not anything major, most of his first year classes were stupid easy, but enough to make him realize he maybe shouldn’t be out every night.
Once his professors began to realize just how smart he is, they help him get onto projects that typically only upperclassmen work on. He quickly becomes known as “that genius kid”.
He starts to wear glasses during this time, because he’s always straining his eyes working late working with numbers and math that he writes in minuscule notes. He still wears glasses sometimes, only when he’s trying to prevent a headache because he actually hates how they look on him. Usually he wears them post race, when he’s going over data from the day. Max loves them, more than Charles knows, post race Charles curled up in their hotel room with his glasses and notes is probably his favorite Charles.
Also, Charles in the club? Unhinged, insane. Drunk Charles is dancing on tables halfway through the night, sweat drenched and flushed. He maybe starts going overboard with the partying because he likes the freedom he can feel when he’s drunk and uncaring. He’s so used to walking around with all this pressure and anxiety, feeling like everyone’s watching him, that when he’s in a dark club and surrounded by hundreds of people it’s a little freeing.
He’s hooked up in club bathrooms. Not a ton, but enough he’s familiar with the mechanics of it. It might come in handy in the future…maybe 👀.
His favorite class was Motorsport Vehicle Performance, taken in his third year. It’s what solidified for him that this was definitely what he wanted to do, not just have a hand in building the cars, but work with the data and simulations, work with a driver to achieve that peak performance. He took it all very seriously, maybe too seriously, tbh he was a major nerd. Charles in school vs Charles in the club, two very different people.
Dated exactly One (1) person during his uni years. She was in the program with him, they met during a mathematics and modeling class in their second year. Her name was Hannah, she was the only other person to consistently show up to class like twenty minutes early. Charles liked having someone to sleep with at night, even if it was cramped on his too small dorm bed. They broke up at the end of third year, after Charles spent weeks with Arthur at the track (Arthur was starting F4) and they just kind of grew distant.
Frequently begged Lorenzo to send him care packages because the food in the food hall was very much Not It. He never asked his mom, didn’t want to stress her out with everything happening with his dad. Lorenzo ofc always sent stuff. He also visited Charles at school when he could.
Idk, this is random rambling, maybe not what you were looking for. But know Charles looks back on his uni years fondly. And I could probably talk about it for hours.
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Made something that summons up the Hook Siblings (in my universe):
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Top: Harry Hook and Peter Pan.
Middle: Harriet Hook and Ally Liddell.
Bottom: Cj and Hannah Hook.
Amazing. Every single reaction is better than the last one.
And there is no way this doesn't end in a screaming match.
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Runaway - Chapter Three.
Eeeeek!! Thank you all so, so much for your lovely comments and reblogs! I am so grateful to you all for such, and thrilled you’re enjoying the story so far. Again, 40 notes are needed to unlock the next part, of which I can promise entirely comprises of smutty goodness, lol! Hope you all have a lovely weekend :)
+ OH! We will get to it, but in my universe here, Manny is patched into Santo Padre, not Yuma any longer. We will get to it, though, but I just thought I’d mention it just in case you were like ‘eh?’ at any point, besties!
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Previous chapters - Prologue  One  Two
Taglist - In the comments, please DM to be added/removed
Words - 1,727
Warnings - 18+ content throughout, minors DNI!
He had perhaps the dirtiest laugh she’d ever heard, Hannah sitting finding ways she could prompt it out of him further, which led to her telling one of her favourite stories of a past escapade with her bestie, Shonda.  
“So, I’m there, and I’m bookin’ it down the street, in heels higher than I have on now,” she continued, the animated way she told a story adding to Manny’s laughter. “And I’m screaming at the top of my voice, ‘Shonda, no! It isn’t him! That’s not the guy!’ but by this point, she’s too far away to hear me, so I’m still running, but not fast enough to stop her from grabbing this poor guy, hauling him out of the cab, screaming at him as she starts laying into him, just popping him in the mouth over and over.  
“I finally catch up and tell her that it wasn’t the same dude who grabbed my ass, and this guy, and I mean he’s fucking huge, she’s got no fear, he’s just staring at her blankly. Then he looks her up and down and says, and I kid you not, ‘Nice right hook, babe. You wanna go for a drink?’”
“Get the fuck out,” Manny laughed, Hannah holding up her hand to indicate the story got better.
“Guess who he is now?”  
He took a wild stab at it.” What, she end up with him or something?”
“They’ve been married for six years!”
“Holy shit, that’s some craziness right there, man. Your friend Shonda sounds like a trip,” he laughed, Hannah beaming at him.  
“I love your laugh!” she spoke, grasping his forearm and giving it a little shake. “Seriously, I’m trying to think of other funny things I can tell you to keep on hearing it!”  
He covered her hand with his, squeezing softly before reaching for his beer again. “Then tell me a good joke or something, mamas.”
“Hmmm,” she began, shaking her head. “I suck at good jokes.”
He shrugged. “Then tell me a bad one?”
“Why did the bubble gum cross the road?” He shook his head blankly. “Because it was stuck to the chicken’s foot.”  
He snorted laughing. “That ain’t bad, Hannah. That’s fuckin’ awful!”
“I know, see? I suck at jokes, I told you!”  
“I got worse. What’s the difference between a piano and a fish?”
“Go on.”
“You can tune a piano, but you can’t tuna fish.” She choked on her drink, covering her face with her hands and coughing through her laughter.  
“I just snorted vodka cranberry out of my nose!” That did it. That was the statement that killed him, Manny’s dirty laugh booming through the entire bar, he and Hannah in hysterics, him leaning into her as they shared out of control laughter.  
They’d moved from the bar itself to a booth at the back, Manny leaving the bar altogether a little earlier in the afternoon to take his bike home and get a cab back, not wanting to leave it unattended since he planned on not going home sober. It was 6pm, and he’d been there for the last five and a half hours, getting to know the hilarious, vivacious, down to earth woman at his side, no longer giving a damn about her fled from nuptials.
She’d had everyone trying to call her, Hannah sending messages that she was fine, she was safe, and just wanted to not deal with the fallout from it all, so wasn’t prepared to do so for that moment. Then, she’d switched her phone off, and turned her attentions back to the handsome outlaw who was making her feel on top of the world. He was funny, charming, smart, attentive, and boy, what a flirt.  
“You know, I told that joke to the first girl who ever let me bang her. I think she let me get my dick wet purely out of pity that fourteen-year-old me had no good jokes, and even worse game,” he revealed, still laughing softly.  
“I refuse to believe you’ve never had game, uh-uh, no way,” Hannah protested, gently poking his arm with her finger.
“Oh, I assure you,” he began, turning to her, resting his hand on her thigh to test the waters a little further, see if she’d be as receptive to such contact for the sake of it, rather than when he’d rubbed her cramped up ankle for her a few hours before. She just smiled more, mirroring his turn. “I wasn’t always like this. I was awkward, this rail thin kid with braces and an awful haircut until I was fifteen. I compensated for that, though.”
“How so?” she asked, Manny grinning widely, making a beckoning motion with his finger. She leaned in close, feeling his lips tickle against her ear.
“I gotta really big dick.” he murmured, his breath fluttering hot against her neck
She couldn’t help but look very curious at that information, raising her eyebrows as she sipped her drink. “Oh really? Just how big are we talking?”
“I dunno,” he sniffed. “Nine inches, something like that.” It was the second time she almost choked on her drink in the space of the last ten minutes.  
“Seriously?” she coughed, placing her glass down.
His hand squeezed at her thigh, his mouth tilting into a wide grin. “I’ll prove it to you, if you want?”
Oh, god. This was insane. She should have been sitting listening to the speeches at her wedding reception at this time, should her day have gone as planned. Instead, she was in a bar, a little drunk, being charmed out of her mind by a six-foot-tall biker, with the sexiest smile she’d ever seen in her entire life. And a nine-inch dick too, apparently. “I think I want.”
Did she really just say that?
“Oh yeah?” Manny chirped, their faces nearing one another.
“Mmm,” she hummed, his lips meeting hers, the kiss immediately deepening, Hannah feeling the effect of his lips go straight between her legs. Mentally, she added best kisser she’d ever encountered to her mental checklist, stroking his short, scratchy beard as he rested his hand against her neck, their tongues entwined, all the flirting between them finally blooming into something neither was prepared to halt.  
“Damn,” he began. “No, dayum.” That had her giggling, Manny kissing her again. “You’re so fucking hot. And you’re the first white chick I’ve ever kissed, let alone anything else that’s gonna follow.”
“Yeah? Same for me, first Latino guy.”  
“Well, ain’t that something?” They fell into kisses again, the heat between them sparking, his hand slowly running up and down her thigh. Oh, she could have dived on him right there and then, she was so aroused, and from just kisses alone? It had never been like that with Michael, and she knew she shouldn’t compare the two, but she couldn’t help it. “Okay, knock that drink back. We gotta leave now.”
“Why the rush?” she asked, Manny finishing his beer and standing.  
“Because I’m about five seconds from getting on your right here, darlin’. Shit, if that’s how you kiss, what the fuck are you gonna do to the rest of me?”  
Sinking her drink, she stood, resting her hands against his chest, leaning in close. “Spell my name across every last inch of you with my tongue.” Winking, she picked up the bag containing her wedding dress, giggling at the look on his face.
“Fuckin’ sexual demoness woman,” he growled, grasping her hand. “Ain’t gon’ know what’s hit her. Gon’ ride the girl harder than I fuckin’ do my Harley, shit.” That statement did nothing to quell her drunken giggling, Manny pulling his phone out and booking an Uber, pleased to see that one would be with them in just under ten minutes.  
While they waited, they found themselves lost in the same magmatic kisses they’d shared within the bar, Hannah feeling like she was glowing all over, her arms loosely draped around his neck, his fingertips running in a slow stroke up and down them.
“Man, you smell good,” he murmured, kissing her softly again before moving his head, nose tickling against the side of her neck. “What is that smell, mamas?”
“Peony and blush suede.”
“Do you smell like that all over?”
She turned her head, tickling his earlobe with her tongue. “I guess you’re about to find out. The uber just pulled up.” They remained locked at the mouth for the entirety of the journey, getting out on a street that looked to be in lesser nice part of Santo Padre, Hannah knowing she’d be feeling nervous if she wasn't with someone with the kind of street cred Manny possessed. His home was simple, a little tatty on the outside with paint peeling from the wood in places, but inside, it was nice, minimal, very much a man cave throughout.  
He led her straight to the bedroom, shrugging his kutte off and hanging it on the back of the bedroom door, removing his boots and socks, switching the small nightstand light on while she kicked off her heels, chuckling softly when he straightened up, towering over her. “Teeny tiny Hannah banana.”  
“Oh yeah, all five three of me. And then there’s you, like a big ole’ tree I just wanna climb.” He laughed softly, reaching for her, leaning to her tiny height and kissing her wantonly, his hands making short work of her dress, nimble fingers rendering her naked as she stripped him of his shirt, stroking his chest, a chest much bigger than she expected to see, the washboard of his abs feeling delicious beneath her fingertips.
He walked her to the bed, taking her with him as he lay back, their kisses all fire and honey as they moaned softly, tongues entwining, Manny turning her onto her back, sitting up for a moment to take her in, the splendour of her nudity making his pupils dilate. “God fucking damn, look at you. Every last inch of you is motherfuckin’ perfect, pretty girl.”  
She crinkled her nose a little. “I wouldn’t go that far.”
“Yeah? Well, guess what? I would. Now, if you’ll excuse me, but I got intentions on enjoying this perfection, so all you gotta do is lay back and let me, mamas.”
If Hannah was good with anything right then, it was allowing him to do just that.  
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deni-means-flor · 4 months
Duskwood & Moonvale
The highly anticipated sequel that is utter disappointment.
By: Dení 💜
Hey everyone, remember how I spent about 2 or 3 years singing my high praise for Everbyte Studios and Duskwood (which you can read all about here) and I was so excited for the release of Moonvale, the non-direct sequel set on the same universe?
Yeah? Well, scratch that. While it is too early for me to put a Cultural Studies spin on this review, since the game was released just last week, there's A LOT for us to unpack here, please join me during this first look at Everbyte Studios' Moonvale, out now for Google Play & App Store. And of course, beware for ⚠️ MASSIVE SPOILERS ⚠️ on the course of this text
To start off strong, not only is it highly disappointing that Everbyte decided to go through with AI bullshit assets instead of the beautiful pictures and generally minimalist art design that they got us used to on Duskwood, but then they add insult to injury by deciding to turn THOSE godawful profile pics and backgrounds into a gacha game?!
I'll let Cardi B explain my reaction to the newest Crate system implemented on Moonvale:
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And aside from that bullshit, they turn around and decided to ditch the writing style that they had us hooked with on Duskwood (except that this time they improved the English localization very much, ngl) to provide us with an immediate opportunity to romance the first character we meet, almost completely breaking the immersion in the stakes of the whole detective drama plotline.
Though I am very much aware that MANY players loved going through that route with Jake on Duskwood, it does seem highly inappropriate in-universe to be told by Eric that Adam is missing and immediately replying with the equivalent of "omg that sucks for you, wanna date me?" while on Episode 1. The build-up of romantic tension between Main Character (MC) & Jake during the efforts to save Hannah was precisely what made the romantic route so compelling, but considering that the kickstart for most of the in-game events in Moonvale is the mystery surrounding Adam, it would seem common sense that in terms of plot, it would be best if Love as a gameplay option took a while to build up instead of being RIGHT THERE from the get-go (though I'm sadly aware that most of the fandom for Duskwood was CLAMORING for this option to be implemented on Everbyte's socials' comment section for actual years).
Another thing that would have been absolutely gorgeous to build up with higher anticipation is the Duskwood reveal on Moonvale Episode 1... You're really telling me that after all the odyssey to rescue Hannah, seeing Richy's ACTUAL DEATH on the mines, and being concerned for Jake's dissapearance, that our MC will crumble at the slightest pressure from a complete stranger (Ash) and break out the most private details of the story all willy-nilly?! After all this time?! If all this "Save your Duskwood code" and the conversation with Ash does not build up to a fully blown Jake reveal at the end via Adam's gang, this conversation where Duskwood's events are glossed over almost entirely will have been the most anticlimactic part of episode 1.
In my opinion, Everbyte has very much dropped the ball and high standards setup by their highly successful first game, and instead they churned out a rushed out cash grab in order to ride the coattails of the Duskwood fandom hype as fast as possible, with a subpar and very infantilized art design on both the interface and the mini games, because why is there no modern interface that reminisces us of the seriousness of trying to rescue Adam instead of reminding us that most mobile games these days are trying to imitate Candy Crush Saga and its very impressive revenue flow. Who knows?
Though the achievement system seems fascinating, and it provides helpful insights on the steps to follow, along with most useful diamonds needed to continue the plot advancement, wouldn't it have been more accesible for players like me (focused on story) to have an option to just buy the full game at once and opt-out of micro transactions from the get-go, like we did on Duskwood? One of the highest compliments I had for the first game, absolutely obliterated in this follow-up.
The introduction of the very serious envelope addressed to MC with a Tarot card, though very similar to what the Raven was in the story of Duskwood seems highly dissonant with the Moonvale interface art style, since this type of illustrations and backgrounds do not seem to get aligned with ANY of the story elements that Moonvale could potentially present in the next episodes, and whose harmony with the art style in the previous game made us get hooked onto the Duskwood storyline since episode 1...
Would it be too presumptuous of me to tell you that I hated Ash, Charlie and Violet's lackluster personalities as soon as I was introduced to them? We can see that they may follow a very similar trope to some of the gang members from Duskwood with absolutely none of the charisma. If we were to define them in pairs, we get Ash and Lilly, Charlie and Richy, Violet and... idk, Cleo's mom who we briefly hear about on the last episodes of Duskwood? (Yeah, that's how little we hear about/from Violet on episode 1, her cat's name at most). If Eric will end up being a stubborn Thomas or hopeful Jesy type, it remains to be seen.
I cannot possibly be the only one who would have been willing to wait for a while longer until we could get a game as compelling and as beautifully designed as Duskwood, instead of what Moonvale is, at the end of the day.
If you have the opportunity to download Moonvale this early in release, I'd say: Waste it. The only reason I'm going to try to finish the Moonvale storyline is to see what are the Duskwood conclusions and easter eggs that we were promised for at least 2 years but so far, I'd give this game a 5/10, hoping very much that the storyline improves as we go along, and incredibly disappointed in the gacha/mini game mechanics and art style.
And I mean this critique with the utmost love and respect for the Everbyte team behind the development. Criticism is a labor of love, and all the love I have for the original game, means my highest hopes for improvement in this sequel. Though I commend your efforts, being a smaller development studio, all the opportunities for improvement are not lost on me.
Here's hoping the storyline makes up for the interface on the upcoming installments for Moonvale.
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bookaddict24-7 · 10 months
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Books I’ve read so far in 2023!
Friend me on Goodreads here to follow my more up to date reading journey for the year!
221. United as One by Pittacus Lore--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
UNITED AS ONE was a rough read--not because of the writing, but because of the emotions. The level of grief was so heavy that I wanted to stop listening to the audiobook. I hurt so much for the characters and how self-destructive a certain character was acting because of their grief.
But much like the other books in the series, it was non-stop action and the conclusion was as exciting as the rest of the series, except this time there wasn't a cliffhanger.
I did enjoyment that epilogue and the connections between the characters and how they potentially go beyond the major events leading up to the final events of the book. I had never read this final book and I didn't know what to expect, but I'm glad that I finally have and can finally say that I understand the hype.
Now, I'm going to try to read the sequel series because this series had me in a stranglehold. If you're looking for something like this, I highly recommend the MICHAEL VEY series! This definitely gave me similar vibes!
222. King of Battle & Blood by Scarlet St. Clair--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I've been eyeing KING OF BATTLE & BLOOD for years and never took the dive. Having recently read FALL OF WRATH & RUIN by Armentrout, this gave me super similar vibes (but with a lot more sex). If you're looking for a book that focuses heavily on the fantasy element of a story, this ain't it. Instead, this is a spicy enemies to lovers where we get a lot of angry sex, jealousy, and a badass FMC who takes absolute shit from no one and straddles that morally grey line in a way that it's clear why she should be with her new husband.
I did like that twist ending (even though I guessed it from a mile away), but I think I'm going to just stick with this one for right now.
I really enjoyed the sass and how the FMC showed who she was and what would happen if someone disrespected her. I've read better paranormal romances, but this was definitely something that kept me hooked throughout the whole thing (more than I was expecting).
To be honest, I was worried I was going to be bored, but I was so entertained and I think a lot of romance lovers will be too if they don't expect too much from the fantasy side of the story.
I think one of the main themes, too, in this book is the importance of keeping an open mind when one of the characters is constantly being pushed to act against a group of people based on their biases. That was a surprising lesson to see in this book.
Anyway, I enjoyed the heck out of this and I had a bloody good time. It scratched an itch for this kind of romance I didn't know I had.
223. Wildfire by Hannah Grace--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Okay, straight up--was this as good as ICEBREAKER (for me)? No. Was it a lot of fun and just cute all around? Absolutely. I devoured this audiobook and giggled and just had such a sweet and fun time.
I WAS worried that it would suffer the sophomore book syndrome, but thankfully it didn't for me. I'm a sucker for books with characters like this and I think they all had a lot of growth in this book. They had their issues and traumas and I appreciated how the two MCs worked through them together. I also loved, as always, the communication that happened. One of the things I loved about ICEBREAKER was the communication and Grace continues this trend in WILDFIRE.
There isn't really a big climactic moment where a huge, third-act-break-up causing issues arises AND I AM OKAY WITH THAT. Sometimes I like my contemporary romances to be chaos-free and super simple. Let me just enjoy the good vibes.
I personally can't wait for the next book, especially because I love this universe and if Grace continues to write books like this and its predecessor, then I'm going to be hella swooning for the next few years!
What I didn't like as much in this one was that the trauma the FMC experienced was very similar to the trauma of the MMC in the first book. And you know, that's fine--but I want characters who bring something newer to the story. I think, also, what I loved a lot more about ICEBREAKER was that it was more of a slow burn. Yes, there was smut very early in the book, but the romance itself took a bit of time to form. This one felt a TINY bit insta-lovey.
All of that being said, I still enjoyed this and I'm looking forward to Henry's book!!!!
224. Bound to the Battle God by Ruby Dixon--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Having finished BOUND TO THE BATTLE GOD, I'm just left in complete shock. This is the same author that wrote ICE PLANET BARBARIANS, which is a pretty great book on its own, but this was so much more than I was expecting.
First of all, this is an adventure of a book. It has portal magic, a society that treats women pretty horribly to be honest, an epic road trip full of road traps and character growth, and a very grumpy and arrogant god. But you know what else we also get? Angst. Slow burn. Sexual tension that fills every page.
It was delicious.
We got to see these characters bonding against all odds and it was so addicting. I was attached to my kindle and no one could tear it away from me. One of my favourite things about addicting books is the urge I get to keep reading, real life be damned and I won't lie, sometimes this feels like an impossible ask but oh my gosh, this book.
And when the spice hit? Oooooooooof.
I think what I mainly loved about this was the friendship that built during this fantastical adventure. It felt like such a well-written fantasy book with a dose of tension and budding romance. It was more than its smut and I really have a lot of respect for Dixon for writing a book like that. I will definitely be owning a physical copy and will definitely pick up the second book (which is about another couple).
225. Their Vicious Games by Joelle Wellington--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I remember reading a portion of this a few months ago and really enjoying it. The beginning of THEIR VICIOUS GAMES was definitely something alluring. You're brought into this mystery and wealthy world where the elite are allowed to, essentially, do anything the hell they want. Especially with how they treat those they deem "other", like the not-so-wealthy main Black character. Even the half-Black characters are seen as "exotic" in a sexual way. Commentary like this made this book punch the reader to the point where you couldn't help but keep your attention on the story.
I loved the commentary on racism and how even if you have money, you're not absolved from your inability to be born as white. Other than the MC, there is an Asian character who plays a pretty pivotal role in the book. I loved this because it was like the author was saying that not even money can save you from racism; not even being included in one of the most powerful events erases the fact that you don't look like the many white people leering at you. This brought back memories of reading LEGENDBORN by Tracy Deonn, where even the most spiritually and magically powerful woman was mistreated because she was Black. The tokenism, too, of the supposed love interest (add an asterisk to that one) and how he sees the MC as someone "different" and more worthy of his attention because she was, again, "Different". Yes, I'm sure it was her daring character he was alluding to.
I mentioned at the beginning of this review that I read a bit of this a few months ago--I think it says a lot about the power of this book that I remembered so much of it months later. I think this brought a deeper level of nuance to a trope that is quickly becoming really popular in YA, thanks mainly in part to the popularity of THE INHERITANCE GAMES. Because yes, this had a lot of similarities to that series if it all had been one book and if people died in order to attain the fortune.
But while I enjoyed the dialogue on race and even the suspenseful moments when I didn't know who was going to live or die, something about this book felt off by the quick ending. I understand why it happened the way it did and honestly, I applaud the author for taking that route and staying true to the MC's character traits, but I won't lie if I say that I wouldn't mind a sequel. The story just feels like...it was wrapped up too neatly, or quickly? I wouldn't mind seeing more.
The funny thing is that as I write this review, I was going to go a different route. I had originally rated this lower, but as I wrote that first paragraph I changed my rating. This is definitely a fun thriller and a mystery of "who will win and what twist will come next?", but I think the main focus should be both the commentary on race AND the fact that these girls were so willing to do anything to succeed and become the next powerful person, even if it meant being a puppet. For me, it called to this obsession so many people have of getting to the top no matter what and the idea that you're entitled to more than others simply because of the happenstance of your birth and the way you look. And the drive that so many have to succeed, even if you get killed or kill yourself in the process because no success equals failure and no one is allowed to fail.
Anyway, I'm ending my rambling by saying that this was a good book and I think you should check it out, especially if you liked THE INHERITANCE GAMES & LEGENDBORN (although, there are no magic powers in this one).
226. The Chalice of the Gods by Rick Riordan--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I was so excited when this book was announced because I loved Percy's misadventures in his dangerous world--especially because a lot of Riordan's original readers are either past this age stage, or are currently experiencing it, making it all the more relatable (save for the Gods, of course).
I'm not giving this a full five star rating because it was such a silly and fun read, but Percy being older reminded me of how old I am now and listen, no thank you LOL. But this had that same sense of adventure that we all grew to love and that made us wish that we had a Camp Halfblood to go to in the summer. I loved seeing Percy and Annabeth starting this new journey in their lives together, and of course, with Grover, too.
What I'm most excited about, though, is that the end of this book signals that there might be at least two more books in the works! I know there's already a next title announced, so I'm excited for those next couple of stories.
I do find it interesting that this is still categorized as a middle grade when this is technically a young adult title now. However, I will say that other than the very pure romance between Percy and Annabeth, this is a clean read for future young readers.
227. Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'm not going to lie: this is the only Kingfisher title I've not only finished, but thoroughly enjoyed. Third time's the charm, right?
THORNHEDGE was a bite-sized and sometimes adorable fable of not judging a person by their outside appearance. It also speaks to the dangers of thinking a pretty face is enough to think a person doesn't have less than ideal morals or ideologies.
This novella also delves into the incredibly fascinating topic of changelings. It was such an interesting take on it, especially on how the human is treated once they're pulled from the crib. I liked seeing the result of the MC's life and how she came to be the person who helps guide the "saviour" that dared to follow the map that the fairy tales he grew up reading made for him.
This story is tagged as horror and while I sort of get it because there's a character who does some pretty fucked up things, but I think this is mainly a fantasy book--especially with the magical look at the life the MC lives.
I loved how these two characters (the MC and the man) worked together and their immediate adorable chemistry. This story just left me feeling so cozy and happy--even with the evil changeling.
Read it, it's memorable, short, and a great read!
228. The Haunting by Natasha Preston--⭐️⭐️⭐️
THE HAUNTING is a ride of a book that begins with the misleading title (although I can see it as a "haunting" of past and present events, and ends with a cliffhanger ending that had me rewinding the audiobook and asking myself, "Damn, is that it?"
While it was a murderous bit of fun, Preston's newest novel is home to many of the tropes that have become more and more popular in YA slasher horror books. We get a torn and displaced small town, dead bodies turning up, and characters who are dealing with the trauma of having survived a serial killer the year before. I'll be honest: when I first started this, I thought it was a sequel. I genuinely thought that we were getting the aftermath of a past Preston book that featured all of the gruesome details glossed over in this book.
In a way, I'd almost prefer that one over this one.
For what it was, THE HAUNTING was entertaining and a fun and quick read for any spooky season lover. It had the brooding ex-boyfriend, the dangerous midnight outings, and the questionable friends. Someone in the reviews mentioned that this was a book full of SCREAM references and I agree. It felt very much like that, but I loved those creepy af movies, so I actually enjoyed that aspect.
The ending sort of ruined this book for me because I wanted more. I know it could be a way for Preston to have her readers feel some sort of way after reading a creepy book, but it just made me feel disappointed.
Overall, this was fun in its silliness and somewhat predictable reveal. Check it out if you want a slasher book that just has bodies popping up and friends suspecting each other.
Have you read any of these books? Would you recommend them?
Happy reading!
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hannahhook7744 · 2 years
What is the most flashy thing Hannah did to torment Judge Frollo?
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She superglued a ton of suggestive (and bluntly inappropriate) magazine pages all over his house and Crepe shop.
All over.
Not a single surface was uncovered.
Multiple times.
She's done other stuff to him, more damaging things. But this freaked him out alot.
Hannah has no regrets though because she loves tormenting him and Gaston. She finds it fun.
Because it is.
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fairfieldthinkspace · 2 years
“The future belonged to the showy and the promiscuous”: Why the 21st Century Loves Edith Wharton
Emily J. Orlando
E. Gerald Corrigan Chair in the Humanities & Social Sciences and Professor of English
Fairfield University
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Photo: John Singer Sargent, Sybil Frances Grey, later Lady Eden 1905.
If ever there were a good time to read the American writer Edith Wharton (1862-1937), who published over forty books across four decades, it’s now. Since the Wharton revival of the late 20th century, when directors were adapting (the Pulitzer-Prize winning) The Age of Innocence, Ethan Frome, The Buccaneers, and The House of Mirth, her star has continued to rise. As I yesterday prepared to teach The Custom of the Country, which many have called Wharton’s greatest novel, a friend texted me Sofia Coppola’s article on the surprising appeal of its social-climbing heroine. Coppola is developing Undine Spragg’s story for Apple TV. A kind of Gilded Age Material Girl, Undine has been ready for her close-up for years.
Coppola joins an impressive roster of contemporary admirers of Wharton that includes Roxane Gay, Laura Bush, Lisa Lucas, Peggy Noonan, Jennifer Egan, Stephin Merritt, Claire Messud, Meg Wolitzer, Mindy Kaling, Doug Hughes, Brandon Taylor, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ali Benjamin, Vendela Vida, Ottessa Moshfegh, and Kristin Hannah. At a time when publishing houses are compelled to scale back, new editions of Wharton’s books are appearing in print with introductions by Coppola, Egan, and Taylor.
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Photo: Sofia Coppola.
Those who think they don’t know Wharton might be surprised to learn they do. A reverence for Wharton’s writings informs Sex and the City (whose pilot welcomes us to “the Age of Un-Innocence”), Gossip Girl, Downtown Abbey (whose “Lady Edith” suggests a nod to Wharton), and HBO’s The Gilded Age which, like Downton, is created by the Wharton-appreciating Julian Fellowes. His Bertha and George, after all, are named for the power couple from The House of Mirth.  
But why Wharton? Why now? Perhaps it’s because for all its new technologies, conveniences, and modes of travel and communication, our own “Gilded Age” is a lot like hers. For the post-war and post-flu-epidemic climate that engendered The Age of Innocence is not far removed from our post-COVID-19 reality. In both historical moments, citizens of the world have witnessed a retreat into conservativism and a rise of white supremacy. Fringe groups like the “Proud Boys” and “QAnon” and deniers of everything from the coronavirus to climate change and Sandy Hook are invited to the table in the name of free speech, and here Wharton’s distrust of false narratives resonates particularly well. Post-9/11 calls for patriotism and the alignment of the American flag with one political party harken back to Wharton’s poignant questioning, in a 1919 letter, of the compulsion to profess national allegiance:
how much longer are we going to think it necessary to be “American” before (or in contradistinction to) being cultivated, being enlightened, being humane, & having the same intellectual discipline as other civilized countries?[i]
Her cosmopolitan critique of nationalist fervor remains instructive to us today.
Edith Wharton seems to have foreseen the excesses, obsessions, and spectacles of our current moment. The scandals documented in Wharton’s narratives serve as harbingers of the sensations that flash across our hand-held screens. Jeffrey Epstein’s sex trafficking touches on the same nerve as the sexual exploitation of minors in Wharton’s Summer (1917) and The Children (1928). The quid pro quo run-in between Wharton’s Lily Bart and Gus Trenor looks uncomfortably forward to Harvey Weinstein and #MeToo. The rise to power of Donald Trump would not surprise Edith Wharton.
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Photo: “Vanity,” by Auguste Toulmouche, circa 1870.
Wharton’s tenacious Undine Spragg—as horrifying to progressive era readers as she is admired by Generation Z—can be conceived of as the original social media influencer conscious of her brand. For Undine and her creator know that “the future belonged to the showy and the promiscuous”[ii] and that the turn-of-the-century “world where conspicuousness passed for distinction”[iii] foreshadows our own. Wharton would describe Undine in terms we might use for a “Real Housewife of Park Avenue”: “If only everyone would do as she wished she would never be unreasonable” (162). Undine’s world encourages her to aspire to the rank of trophy wife and the sexual double standard dictating that “genius is of small use to a woman who does not know how to do her hair”[iv] would apply to Wharton herself who, on the 150th anniversary of her birth, would be assessed by a male novelist in terms of how she sizes up to Grace Kelly or Jackie Kennedy.[v]  The writer who would declare, in her wildly popular interior design manual The Decoration of Houses, privacy “one of the first requisites of civilized life”[vi] would be appalled by what is broadcast across social media. Wharton also would’ve anticipated the racism directed at Meghan Markle and why granting Oprah an interview would not help relations with her spouse’s family. Children forcibly separated from families due to morally dubious immigration policies echo the plight of war refugees for whose welfare Edith Wharton labored, while the distrust of the cultural other echoes the writer’s own complicated nationalist allegiances.[vii]  
Ten years ago, Lev Raphael took the temperature of Wharton studies declaring in the Huffington Post: “Edith Wharton is hot.” She is now positively on fire. I offer below a short excerpt from the introduction to The Bloomsbury Handbook to Edith Wharton, which appears in print today.
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The image gracing the cover of The Bloomsbury Handbook to Edith Wharton, capturing a scene on the terrace of Edith Wharton’s French home, reflects the cultural work that this book takes as its task. The writer is in her element: she cradles in her lap her beloved dogs, she sits outdoors at a well-appointed property she lovingly transformed, she surrounds herself with fashionably dressed cosmopolitans, and she smiles. The moment validates an idea expressed in The Age of Innocence: that “the air of ideas is the only air worth breathing.” As host, Wharton, by this point an internationally acclaimed artist, has brought together representatives of an admiring generation from diverse backgrounds that would outlive and perhaps learn from her. That sunlit terrace is doing something we hope this book will do: provide a foundation for future conversations with Edith Wharton at the center.
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Photo: Edith Wharton publicity shot.
Around the time this photograph was taken, Wharton would reflect in A Backward Glance that “[t]he world is a welter and has always been one; but though all the cranks and the theorists cannot master the old floundering monster, . . . here and there a saint or a genius suddenly sends a little ray through the fog, and helps humanity to stumble on, and perhaps up” (379). Wharton’s writings arguably send a ray and help humanity stumble on and up in our own Gilded Age. It is the aim of this collection of essays, produced by leaders in the field at a time of global crisis, to make a meaningful contribution to the scholarship on and dialogue about the work of Edith Wharton and to open up new possibilities for understanding and embracing a writer whose corpus is as enormous as it is resonant. To borrow from Wharton’s preface to her anthology The Book of the Homeless (1916), in which she conceives of her volume, as she so often does, as a house: “You will see from the names of the builders what a gallant piece of architecture it is. . . . So I efface myself from the threshold and ask you to walk in.”[viii]
Emily J. Orlando is the E. Gerald Corrigan Chair in the Humanities & Social Sciences and Professor of English at Fairfield University. She is the author of Edith Wharton and the Visual Arts and editor of The Bloomsbury Handbook to Edith Wharton. She is currently preparing for publication a new edition of Edith Wharton’s first book, The Decoration of Houses.
[i]Lewis, Letters, 424.
[ii]Edith Wharton, The Custom of the Country, New York, Penguin, 2006, 117.
[iii]Edith Wharton, The House of Mirth, ed. Elizabeth Ammons, 2nd Norton Critical ed. (New York: Norton, 2018), 186.
[iv]Edith Wharton, The Touchstone, in Wharton, Edith, Collected Stories, 1891-1910, ed. Maureen Howard (New York: Library of America, 2001), 170.
[v]Jonathan Franzen, “A rooting interest: Edith Wharton and the problem of sympathy,” The New Yorker, February 5, 2012.
[vi] Edith Wharton and Ogden Codman, Jr., The Decoration of Houses (New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1897), 22.
[vii]See Melanie Dawson, “The Limits of Cosmopolitan Experience in Wharton’s The Buccaneers.” Legacy 31.2 (2014): 258-80. Print.
[viii]Edith Wharton, Preface to The Book of the Homeless (Le Livre des Sans-foyer) (New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons, 1916), xxiv-xxv.
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ettawritesnstudies · 6 months
Happy Worldbuilding Wednesday! What's something in one of your stories that falls into a category people don't immediately expect (like a tomato being technically a fruit)?
At some point I want to write a story in the Runaways universe that's a backstory for Peter Pan (similar to Peter and the Starcatchers, which was a series I loved as a child, specifically with the Umbra character) where the Lost Boys end up being a gaggle of fae/human changeling children who escape from the Unseelie but can't make it to Seelie/Don't like it in Seelie because it's Too Nice, and so they settle somewhere in the unclaimed Nevver of faerieland and make their home there.
The trick here is that Runaways has fairytale inspired worldbuilding but it's an original story with original characters. Writing about the Lost Children of Neverland would be an adaptation of a story, and more than that, in the original story, Peter Pan isn't even the protagonist, Wendy Darling is, and I do genuinely love her and her siblings, but she's already so similar to Hannah in terms of being oldest daughter of 3, whimsical storyteller with a "we need to go home" no nonsense attitude that I would be retrodding the same ground and it would be kind of boring.
I would have to rework it to be an original story with an original OC who's a Lost Kid and a sidekick to Peter dealing with all of Peter's antics, and idk I've been workshopping this as a novella for a while but I still don't have a plot because Hook is overdone and I love Umbra as a villian but I don't want to plagiarize the shadow monster or the disney fairies despite the fact that they were a formative part of my childhood.
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casinotrio1965 · 4 months
Disney Descendants: Who Where You? Before they Broke Your Heart?
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By Me and @hannahhook7744
Summary: In one world, the likes of Kyle White, Joyce 'Joy' Foxworth, Haul Bjorgman, and Amira Bint Aladdin Bin Cassim Al Hamad of Agrabah were a part of Hannah Hook's crew. 
This is not that world. 
(Part of the Killer Queen Universe).  .....
“Well this outta be good” Joy, now sixteen, said as she pressed play on the old video camera.
The video wobbled as the person holding it ran around erratically. Taking sharp turns around counters and giggling—only to almost immediately run into a pair of legs. 
“I wonder who’s video camera this is,” Joy said out loud to herself and no one else.
“Nadia? What are you doing with Luke's camera?” An unfamiliar girl, around Joy’s age, giggled. Kneeling down to the camera’s eye level to reveal that the girl wasn't so unfamiliar after all…
Because it was Hannah Hook.
“Holy cow... is that our new ruler who destroyed my father’s old home and EVERYTHING that I’ve cared about?!” Joy shrieked, suddenly becoming more angry.
The one holding the camera didn't seem afraid, however. No, instead she just giggled harder. “Se-kret!” 
Which in turn caused Hannah herself to giggle as she took the camera from her. “Don't tell Luke see you with this thing or he'll never make you cookies again.”
“Huh, she is kinda cute for a nutcase .. maybe I can use this video as dirt against her?”  Joy thought out loud, weighing the pros and cons.
The camera spun around to show a little tan girl with long black hair and big brown eyes in a white dress. She looked to be around two or three years old, and just pouted at the camera.
She was holding a tiny stuffed monkey. 
Joy wasn't seeing any kind of dirt so far which frustrated her, though she did wonder how some one so cute could go completely bonkers.  
“Hey! Has anyone seen my camera?! That thing cost me sixteen apples?!” A voice in the distance called. 
“SH–SUGAR HONEY ICE TEA!” Hannah swore, nearly dropping the camera before quickly shutting it off. 
“Well that wasn’t helpful! “ Joy muttered.  “Well maybe... if I go back to where I found the camera there might be more dirt somewhere!”  ....
“Why are we doing this again?” Kyle gripped. Wiping the sweat from his brow as he dug in one area of the abandoned house on the isle where Joy had found the abandoned camera. 
“Because Joy wanted us to?” Haul suggested quietly, his long blonde bangs falling in his face. Searching another part of the house. Just as sweaty as Kyle was. 
Which, if you asked Joy, they deserved for wearing black leather jackets on such a hot day when she had clearly told them they were going exploring.
They should have taken a page out of Amira’s book and worn short sleeves and lightly colored clothes but nooooo…. They just had to wear their leather jackets. 
“Because we are looking for more tapes for the camera” Joy responded, rolling her eyes.
“Why do you even care about that stupid camera so much?” Kyle grumbled. Rolling his eyes as he threw some of the random junk that had been left behind across the room and out of his way. 
Right into Haul’s way. 
He said nothing, as usual.
Amira, on the other hand….“Hey!”
Joy rolled her again, though she was starting to admit that maybe this was a stupid idea after all. Not out loud of course but still… “ I care Because I just do ok ?! “ Joy Snapped.
Kyle didn't accept that for an answer, unlike the other two because of course the son of Snow White just had to be as difficult as always. “You haven't even told us what's on the crappy thing. You can't blame us for being curious.”
“Ok fine! You know the girl who destroyed Neverland and took over Auradon? Well she’s in this camera.”
“WHAT?!” ....
The camera was less shaky this time as it ever so slowly zoomed in on a sleeping Hannah Hook, from when she was about ten.
Her face was pressed up against the steering wheel of a ship, which she was leaning on. No, practically laying on as she sat on a barrel. 
 “Well that’s an  uncomfortable looking way to sleep” Kyle muttered. “Who Would film someone while they slept ?” Amira questioned.
The camera turned out to reveal a giggling ten year old boy with red hair and green eyes—one who looked and dressed suspiciously similar to Hannah Hook's right hand man, Luke Tremaine-Westergaard. 
“I told her she drools and yet—” he zoomed in further on the brunette. “There she is! Here's my proof, Bam-Bam!”
“Lame! Who says Bam-bam?” Kyle asked, rolling his eyes.  
“It's clearly a nickname you idiot.” Amira snapped, clearly tired of his non-stop complaining. 
“Will you two be quiet like Haul ?!  I’m trying to see if there's more !” Joy snapped at both of them.
The brunettes both rolled their eyes. But only Kyle spoke. “Haul’s always quiet!”
“Yeah and you two could learn a thing from him, ” Joy muttered under her breath”.
The camera turned off. .....
“Hannah?” The boy from earlier called out. Zooming in on the girl in question, who looked about seven now instead of the ten in the other video.
Seven and holding a bundle of something in her arms.
“What's that?”
“...a… small human?”
The camera hit the ground, causing the video to shake as a pair of running sneakers came into view. “No!”
Hannah could still be heard in the background, yelling “yes!” As a baby gurgled. 
“Why is she holding that baby?” Joy wondered. 
“I heard a rumor that she has a lot of little kids in her crew…” Haul quietly replied from where he sat a little aways from  the rest of them. As he always did.
“So her crew consists of babies ?” Kyle snorted. “Apparently,” Joy replied.
“He didn't say it consisted only of babies. He just said there's a lot of them.” Amira pointed out. “And he would know, seeing as her crew did destroy his home and family.”
Joy had forgotten that. “Gosh Haul I’m so sorry that happened to you” Joy said to the blonde even though it was cold comfort.
The blonde didn't look up from his lap. ....
A loud scream rang out as the next tape played.
“Man could they scream any louder ?” Kyle Complained. “Turn the volume down !”
“Fine whatever.” Joy responded, rolling her eyes as she turned the volume down.
The screaming continued as the camera zoomed out to reveal a ten year old Hannah Hook, screaming bloody murder as she clung to a fourteen year old Harry Hook's back. 
All while he looked down at a cat sized spider with thinly veiled disdain.
“Woah, that spider is HUGE!” Joy exclaimed.
“I think he looks friendly.” Haul mumbled.
“You think EVERY ANIMAL looks friendly !” Amira snorted.
“MAKE IT GO AWAY! MAKE IT GO AWAY!” the ten year old wailed. Looking pale. 
“I wonder if she’s still scared of spiders ?..” Joy mused, secretly thinking of a revenge plan in her head. Then there was this voice in her head saying NO ! Revenge is not the answer. What she needs is some serious help! “Nevermind it’s stupid idea” Joy muttered out loud.
“Aw man, I wanted to see where that thought was going.” Kyle whined. 
They all ignored him.
“Hold your bloody horses, I'm going.” Harry huffed, before holding out his hook towards the spider—glaring. “Shoo!”
The spider didn't move an inch. 
“I said shoo you bloody menace!”
“Is that the brother who was executed by King Beast?” Amira asked.
“Former King.” Kyle corrected. “and yes.”
 Poor Hannah..” Haul said sympathetically. 
Kyle almost looked as if he agreed with the other boy. 
“You guys might have a point .. “ Joy mused. “Losing your older sibling can’t be easy…”
Harry scowled down at the spider and kicked it, causing it to hiss and scurry off. Basically the spider version of a bad guy’s ‘I’ll be back!’ speech. 
Hannah whimpered and buried her face in the ravenette’s shoulder. Still hiccuping. “Is it gone?”
“Aww poor Hannah .. that spider was so mean !” Joy started. “ Guys .. I think Hannah Hook needs a support group ..”
“Don't let your parents hear that or they might disown you.” Kyle mumbled. “She did still destroy Neverland, even if she didn't kill most of its population.”
“True.. but honestly.. I don’t know WHAT to think anymore!” Joy replied. ....
“Hi Luke! Sorry I tooks your camera but I hads to make this video somehows since our bir-th-day is coming up ands I wanted to gives yous a gift!’ a six year old Hannah Hook rambled as the camera turned on. 
She had two missing front teeth and a freshly healing black eye as she wiggled around in the oversized coat, dress, and boots she was wearing. The oversized hat on her head sliding down her face. 
Yet she was smiling.
“So here it ‘tis! My gift to you!”
She started to tap her foot. 
“Yo! My b-best friend, b-best friend 'til the very end!”
She stumbled slightly.“Ok I CAN’T take this anymore!” Joy shouted. “ I Can’t believe I'm saying this but I feel sorry for Hannah Hook !”
“Same.” Haul was, surprisingly or not depending on who you asked, the first to agree with her. 
“Me too..”Amira sighed. 
“Ditto.” Kyle replied, far less reluctant than anyone was expecting.
“There’s gotta be a way for her to step down peacefully!”  Joy said.
“'Cause b-best friends, b-best friends don't have to pre-tand!” Hannah hopped from one foot to the other, stumbling back. A nervous smile on her face as her goggles slid down her nose. “You need a hand?”
She held out her hand before pointing out at herself. “and I'm right theres right be-sides you!”
“So ..anyone got any ideas for how we get her to step down?” Kyle asked.
“None whatsoever. I'm bad with people…” Haul  winced. “But… then again, maybe if we treat her like an abused cat—”
“Would that work or would it just piss her off more?” Amira interrupted.
“We have to try,” Joy said with a determined expression.
“You in the dark? I'll bes da bri-ght light to guide you!” Hannah fell forward onto the camera, causing it to turn off. 
“Come on guys, “ Joy said. “ We have a scared little girl to see.”
The End
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igetthedisneybox · 9 months
Merry (late) Christmas @hannahhook7744!!!!
Consider this nebulously in the Hannah Hook universe, set after D3, where all the VKs have left the isle. Fiona and Noah are teens here. Sorry if this is really out of character. TW: Bullying, cursing.
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Noah wandered aimlessly around the Auradon Prep campus, growing little flowers in the grass as he walked. Since he spent his formative years on a very busy, very crowded pirate ship, the sheer amount of nothing there was to do around the campus was both slightly over and underwhelming.
Noah froze suddenly when he heard what sounded like mean laughter coming from around the corner of the school building. Using his powers on the grass (still weird to him, even all these years later), he was able to sense that four people had walked this way, one on their own, the other three in a group.
Peering out from behind the school, what Noah saw was enough to make his blood boil.
His best friend since childhood, Fiona, was pressed up against the school, trying to shield herself against three Auradon kids, who were pulling and prodding at her distinct wings, laughing and jeering all the while.
"Are you sure you're a fairy, freak?" The only girl and clearly the leader of the group said as she lifted up the side of Fiona's wing. "You look more like a demon from Hell."
"Fuck off!" Fiona snapped, tugging her wing out of the girl's reach.
"She sure don't talk like a fairy." The biggest of the two guys laughed, grabbing the other side out of Fiona's grasp.
"Just leave me alone!" Fiona begged the three teenagers.
"Why don't you and your freaky demon wings go back to the Isle where you belong?" The girl demanded, leering over Fiona.
That was enough.
"HEY!" Noah yelled as loud as he could, trying to call upon his godly blood to make himself seem more imposing.
All four heads turned to where Noah was standing.
"I, uhm...you three...get away from her! Right now!" So much for being imposing.
All three Auradon kids laughed. The second guy, scrawny as a string bean, sauntered over to Noah, a smirk on his face. "Oooooh! Magic plant kid! I'm soooo scared! What're you gonna do, flower boy?" He asked, crossing his arms.
Noah was a firm believer that violence should always be a last resort, that talking things out was better than punching first and asking questions later.
However. Noah was also a firm believer that no one touches his friends and gets away with it.
With a flick of his hands, the roots of a nearby tree erupted from the ground, grabbing the scrawny guy by his ankles. Noah snapped his fingers, and the roots dragged the guy across the grass and up into the tree, leaving him dangling from one of the high branches.
Turning his attention to the other two, the bigger guy tried to bolt, but Noah caused the ground beneath him to open up, catching his feet inside of two sinkholes, rendering him unable to move.
The leader was bolder than her friends, and angrily stalked towards him with a hand raised to strike.
Before Noah could do anything, the girl was suddenly shoved sideways and onto the ground.
Noah looked and saw Fiona standing there, panting heavily, arms just falling to her sides from the push.
Thinking fast, Noah grew a bunch of flowers into his palm, and threw them in the girl's face to stop her from getting up.
He grabbed Fiona's hand and said "Run for it!"
The two friends ran out from behind the school, ignoring the shouts of the bullies from behind them.
Once Noah deemed them a safe distance away, they stopped to catch their breaths.
"Are your wings okay, 'Ona?"
Fiona hugged herself and nodded.
"Are you okay, 'Ona?"
"Yeah, I'm alright." Fiona took a shuddery breath. "Thank you. For saving me."
"Of course. You're my best friend." Noah grinned at her. "And plus, that push was really awesome."
Fiona blushed, trying to hide her face with her hair. "I just didn't want her to hurt you."
Now it was Noah's turn to blush. "I, uhm. Thanks."
Taking a bold move, Fiona stood on her tip-toes and pecked a kiss on Noah's cheek.
They both grinned silently at each other for a spell, before snapping out of it. "Let's get out of here. I want to tell Skia what happened before we get caught."
"Oh, she'll love this." Fiona smiled, and grabbed Noah's hand again.
The two friends raced off, not knowing that everything had suddenly changed for them.
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jules-has-notes · 4 months
Look What You Made Me Brew (Unexpected Musicals) — PattyCake Productions music video
Every villain is the protagonist of their own story, and part of that viewpoint requires finding ways to justify their actions. The so-called heroes must deserve to be on the receiving end of their machinations.
So when the PattyCake guys decided to convene a meeting of some of their favorite baddies for their second Halloween video, they turned to the music of Taylor Swift, who some people view as a hero, and who has been villainized by others. Her gaslight-gatekeep-girlboss anthem was the perfect choice for these characters to revel in their wickedness.
title: Unexpected Musicals — Look What You Made Me Brew
performers: Jennica McCleary (Winifred Sanderson), Stephanie Trilli (Sarah Sanderson), Jaimz Dillman (Mary Sanderson), Michelle Knight (Regina / Evil Queen), Leah Lowman (Maleficent), Tiffany Trilli (Cruella De Vil), T. Robert Pigott (Captain Hook), Emma Dahlin (additional vocals), & Hannah Juliano (additional vocals)
original songs / performers: main title theme from Hocus Pocus; "Look What You Made Me Do" by Taylor Swift; "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift; "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift; "…Ready for It?" by Taylor Swift; "Style" by Taylor Swift; "Bad Blood" by Taylor Swift, feat. Kendrick Lamar
written by: Hocus Pocus main theme by John Debney; "Look What You Make Me Do" by Taylor Swift, Jack Antonoff, Fred Fairbrass, Richard Fairbrass, & Rob Manzoli; "Shake It Off" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "I Knew You Were Trouble" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, & Karl "Shellback" Schuster; "…Ready for It?" by Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Ali Payami; "Style" by Taylor Swift; "Bad Blood" Taylor Swift, Max Martin, Karl "Shellback" Schuster, & Kendrick Lamar
arranged by: Randy Nichols, Layne Stein, & Tony Wakim
release date: 3 October 2017
My favorite bits:
the witches' fantastic acting in the intro
everyone's dramatic entrances
the emphasis of specific instruments for each character — stacatto brass behind the Evil Queen, tinkling bells for Maleficent, cymbals and kettle drums with Cruella, clockwork precise snare drums and piano for Hook
the Evil Queen's gritty belt on the second ♫ "bad dreams" ♫
everything grinding to a halt for the "Shake It Off" gag
all the samples from Taylor's other songs blended into the polyphony section
Winnie's final cackle
the spellbook rolling its eye at their melodrama during the end credits
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Many of the songs in this medley had also been featured in PattyCake's "Cinderswift" video at the beginning of the year. The one new Taylor Swift song is sung by Leah (Maleficent), who played Cinderella in that project.
Because there is no animated version of Hocus Pocus, the other villains are dressed in costumes and playing characterizations based on the live-action adaptations of their stories.
This video was filmed in a cottage interior set at Columbia Street Studios in Orlando.
Jennica, Jaimz, & Stephanie all returned to reprise their Sanderson sisters roles from "Hocus Heathens" the previous Halloween.
Michelle had played the Evil Queen in PattyCake's very first Unexpected Musical, "Snow Spears", and has continued in that role for their Villains Lair series.
Robby and Tiffany have also remained as Captain Hook and Cruella in The Villains Lair.
Leah first portrayed Maleficent in "Michaeleficent" earlier in the year, and has done so occasionally in the years since.
Some fans pointed out that Maleficent singing the line about "kingdom keys" could also be read as a reference to the Kingdom Hearts video game series in which the character is an antagonist.
The blinking spellbook was created by Rick Underwood, who specializes in props and special effects makeup, which he also uses to create scares for Universal Studios' annual Halloween Horror Nights events.
This video was published a few weeks before Layne flew to L.A. to film VoicePlay's messy version of the song with the pocket.watch crew, which premiered in January.
This video racked up a million views on Facebook in less than two weeks.
Jennica provided a peek behind the scenes on Facebook Live as the cast an crew were preparing to film.
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