#alien smurf
seansear · 1 year
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fewuipe · 24 days
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Xenosmurf; ibispaint x.
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luka-alnst-official · 4 months
r u turning into a smurf lukie patootie wootie ur fingers are blue and i dont think thats very healthy
You did not just compare me to a Smurf—
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@butterfrogmantis 👽
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butterfrogmantis · 2 years
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I'm up in space, man Up in space, man I've searched around the universe Been down some black holes There's nothing but space, man And I wanna go home
And so here we have child Britt and his older sister Juno! Britt was always a boisterous, adventurous, cheeky type. He dreamed of donning a space ship and setting off to explore galaxies on his own, see what other life was out there and interact with them. His sis was pretty much the opposite. Juno dreamt of getting married, starting a family and maybe owning a small bookstore not too far from their hatchplace. Even as two different Sweefs, the two of them loved and looked out for each other and supported their dreams :)
( Tries not to cry )
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Target Ticket (2015)
In celebration of the new Target Ticket video-on-demand service, we partnered with 72andSunny to create an epic world featuring iconic environments and an impressive cast of film stars. Source: Behance
Target Ticket is dead. Well, it's about to be. The video-on-demand service from one of America's leading retailers is shutting down after less than two years and a dismal response from consumers. Ticket offered both rentals and purchases of UltraViolet-compatible movies and TV shows, but never managed to gain any real momentum in an already-competitive market that includes iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, and Walmart's Vudu. The service will be turned off for good on March 7th. On that date, the apps across smartphones, tablets, game consoles, and set-top boxes will stop functioning. Target Ticket is cutting off the ability to rent content as of today. In a notice posted directly below marketing jargon that describes Target Ticket as "the digital entertainment service that's so easy to love," the retailer explains that it "made the decision to end the services offered on Target Ticket and will be focusing efforts on other entertainment offerings." Put another way, Target realized it's probably better off sticking to sales of DVDs, Blu-rays, and physical CDs. It's going back to what it knows best. Source: The Verge
(images via YouTube)
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princess-unipeg · 2 years
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Food in Cartoons 6
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catchdacraze · 1 year
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My art has been inspired by many things. This is why Doodie and I agree to play dress up and this time he is taking it back.
👍 if you Dig my work.
Check out my books and art on https://www.doodiesworld.com and ✨ Subscribe to my Art channel Youtube Channel @ ArtofSamuel  https://bit.ly/3Jz1H54
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givemegifs · 1 year
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laughingblue12 · 2 years
Part of the Traveller Role-Playing Game is dealing with alien races.  So, as a game master for the Traveller Adventures back in the 1980’s, I had the opportunity to create alien races of my own.  Truthfully, the alien Telleron race that I created for the novel Catch a Falling Star already existed in my cartoons and fiction stories before I began playing the role-playing game.  The Nebulon Race,…
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nattikay · 5 months
sure is interesting how the internet just loves to accuse Avatar of being a carbon-copy-ripoff of Dances with Wolves, Pocahontas, Fern Gully, etc. but never seems to accuse Dances with Wolves, Pochanonas, or Fern Gully as being ripoffs of each other. Surely if Avatar is exactly the same as all these movies at the same time then all those movies must be exactly the same as each other too right! But no, for some reason it’s fine when those movies share similar tropes and themes, but when Avatar does it, using those tropes is suddenly some lazy and derivative sin against storytelling, apparently.
Yes, Avatar does share a lot of themes and tropes with all these movies, no one’s denying that. But guys. Dances with Wolves did not invent the “going native” trope. Fern Gully did not invent “saving the environment from greedy villains”. Pocahontas did not invent “foreigner falls in love with a native”. It’s ok for more than one movie to share these ideas for pete’s sake y’all holy flip
Heck, you could argue that in some ways Dances with Wolves and Pocahontas are more similar to each other than either is to Avatar since they are both historical fiction set in North America centered around the native Americans vs the Europeans, whereas Avatar is a sci-fi/fantasy set on an alien moon six light years away where the humans have hyperadvanced technology and big robots and the whole moon is covered in a massive neural network that the locals can tap into at will using the biological usb cable that grows out of their heads. “it’S jUsT pOchAHonTaS iN sPaCE” SO WHAT? Telling a familiar story in a unique setting is not some cardinal sin against storytelling and I’m tried of pretending that it is. Maybe “a Pocahontas-type story but in the future in space with aliens and a whole bunch of unique immersive fantasy worldbuilding” is kinda a cool concept actually, there’s nothing inherently wrong with or “lazy” about it.
Sorry to suddenly go off about this, it just seems that whenever I see someone (outside the fandom) mention Avatar on the internet they seem to have this weird compulsion to make some dismissive disclaimer about how the movie is silly and derivative before they move onto the meat of their analysis (whatever that may happen to be), as if they need to justify their mention of it lest someone judges them for having poor taste and tbh I’m tired of it.
Avatar is fine. You don’t have to preface every mention of it with a disclaimer about how it (supposedly) sucks. You don’t have to throw in a snarky “oh God forbid, this movie” when you bring it up as an example of xyz. Especially when the most popular “criticism” that get tossed at it is as shallow and silly as “it shares some tropes and themes with some other movies”.
if Avatar is genuinely just not your cup of tea, that’s totally valid! Like any movie, it’s not gonna appeal to everyone and that’s ok.
But if your perception of it is “it’s bad because everyone knows you’re supposed to make fun of the dumb blue people movie, Big Reviewer YouTuber called it Dances with Smurfs and said it was lazy”, maybe think for yourself for five minutes
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vidalinav · 9 months
Stu(died): Chapter 6
Summary: Finals week and Cassian’s birthday
Masterlist, Stu(died) Chapter List
I don’t know if anyone really follows this anymore or if anyone even remembers what happened last chapter, but... I finished this chapter. Nesta’s a bit aggressive in this one btw. 
Nesta will blame it all on these godforsaken holidays.
That’s why she goes to Cassian’s family dinner and stays through the night, because the cheer has her in a chokehold and she can barely gasp a no. That’s why she behaves nicer than she is. That’s why she doesn’t bother arguing when his mom asks what they are to each other. Tutor x Student? This is not a fanfiction!
It must be the lights, the cheer, the joy that regrettably seeps into her skin and drowns her in glitter. That’s why Nesta stays and talks in a voice so soft she can barely recognize herself. She looks in the mirror, too, that day to see if the difference in her persona is a tangible thing, something that she can turn on and off like the bathroom light switch, but all she sees are fake reindeer ears and snowman pajamas.  
Who are you?  
So, Nesta decides that an alien who likes Christmas and being well fed has inhabited her body. And it’s an alien that kisses Cassian that night. 
The real Nesta would never do such a thing.  
The real Nesta is a professional. Strictly business. Cassian is a student and tutoring is her job, and she contemplates this as she watches him across the table, biting at a pen. What if he makes a mistake, she thinks. Pens over pencils?  
He leaves teeth marks on the cap, and she wonders what the alien sees in him. A guy who leaves all his mistakes on paper. He’s left-handed too which makes it worse. All the ink is smudged, and his palm is a Smurf level of blue.
Cassian doesn’t care. Cassian doesn’t care about anything.  
Then why did he give you a gift? Why did he invite you? Why does he stay?
The alien speaks and it’s decidedly in Cassian’s favor.   
“So,” Cassian drags, “I know you don’t like going out. Or at least you prefer to be staying in, but I thought we could do something next Wednesday.” 
Cassian taps his pen against the table in way her heart has repeated every time she thinks of that night. The christmas lights. The warmth in her chest. The soreness in her arms because they were wrapped so tightly around him. 
But Nesta does what she does best, dismissing him with a simple shrug of her shoulders, giving nothing away. Because there is nothing there. She’s his tutor.  
“Wednesday’s a school night.” 
“You’re in college,” Cassian counters.  
“And college is still school,” Nesta says, shaking her head a little too abruptly.
Everything feels abrupt. Wrong. The oddity of the movement has her scrunching her nose. Why is she nervous suddenly? That must be what this feeling is. Apprehension. Danger. A terrible need to hide. She doesn’t feel this way decorating the tree at his house, not even meeting his family. No, in fact...
She feels like she belongs there. 
Nesta doesn’t even belong here, in this body, sitting in this room, watching this boy-man-child-person rattle the table with his jostling knee, playing drums with writing utensils. 
So, Nesta breathes in a disgruntled sigh, and raises her chin like a bad habit. 
“I’m busy Wednesday,” Nesta says, her voice final, like she’s ending an essay and hitting submit. Grade me harshly, she thinks, but this is business. This is education. This is forward thinking. 
It will be better this way, she thinks. But like many other times before, Nesta isn’t sure who this is better for. It’s all muddled up in her brain, because this is what Cassian does. He confuses. He distracts. 
And Cassian never stops prodding like he should. In fact, he leans back in his chair, a certain smirk on his face meaning he’s ready to negotiate. Dinner and movies and after session snacks and walking her home and buying her books. It’s always that smirk and sometimes it’s a soft, gentle smile right after she agrees, breathless and bitter that he convinces her so easily. 
It’s an indecent look. One so confidently sure of himself that Nesta’s sure she’s not staring at the same Cassian.
Her heart pounds in her chest and Cassian, the alien, smirks. “Well, I was hoping you could find someone to cover your shift.”  
“And why would I do that?”  
There it is. Cassian smiles and it’s reminiscent to a holiday. Glee inducing. Glitter infested. Green and red and bright, retro lights. Trees taller than she is and warmth. Warmth to chase away the bitter frost. 
He leans his head in his palm and he smiles as he places the pen behind his ear, chewed up cap and all. 
“It’s my birthday next Wednesday,” he says as if Nesta doesn’t already know. She does. She knows too much about him. She’ll blame it on that forgettable freshman year, the semester he sullied his name and ruined their chances of... friendship. He did this to himself, she thinks. 
Cassian leans closer, a covetous whisper of his words like he’s keeping some secret. I’ll share this with you, she reads from his tone. 
Share this with me, the alien agrees. 
“I want to spend it with you. I thought we could see a movie.” 
Because she’s been talking about wanting to see one--or rather complaining that she never has the time. 
Cassian leans back as if he’s ready to hear her terms, but Nesta holds her breath. She tries to will her heart to stop sounding like drums. She swears she can hear it get louder, a whole orchestra sitting in her chest. 
I hate movies sits right on her tongue, but that alien squanders the thought. Oh no, the alien thinks, you want this. The alien is joyous. The alien likes this attention. 
So it’s no wonder when the alien takes control, pushing that ridiculous need to panic outside of her body. 
“What movie?” it asks. 
Cassian’s eyes widen and he shoves his notebook away as if it’s blocking his view. “You agree?”  
“I didn’t agree,” Nesta says, defensively, “I asked what the movie will be.”  
But Cassian shakes his head. His hair is neatly tucked behind his floral scrunchie and a few curling wisps of black escape at his neck. Regrettably, she feels a strange urge to grab at the straying piece and tug. 
But she hates that scrunchie. She hates his hair that’s never neat. She hates the indecent way he walks through this earth as if already knowing who he is. Where is his confusion? Where is his fear? 
“We can see any movie you want, but I think you’ll want to see that horror movie coming out.”  
Nesta scoffs, “You hate horror movies.”   
“I don’t hate you, though,” he quips, his lips tucking up fondly. A little comically. A little too neat and nonchalant. A little too calm and self-assured.  
Maybe an alien is inhabiting his body.  One side of his lips is raised and his eyes are a rich shade of amber in this library light, and she wonders... are you flirting with me?  
I hate you sits right on her tongue, so immediate she almost says it aloud.
Only the alien stops her from spewing the words. Rip if off like a Band-Aid, she argues. Then he can hate her and go find a new tutor and she’ll never have to see him again. The alien doesn’t like that thought at all. She feels her stomach drop at the thought, dipping like she’s racing down a hill. 
Maybe she’ll puke and this will all be over with. 
But if he does get a new tutor, someone else will have to tap at his notebook five hundred times and sigh this one, Cassian!  Someone else will have to keep him focused and resist his bribery, his negotiation, his eyes and his hair and his voice. 
“This one, Cassian,” she hears herself tiredly sigh, when he looks back to his homework a little too lost to have been paying attention this whole time. “Anyways, I can’t get it off. I need two weeks' notice for things like that and Janie won’t cover for me. She’s going back home after her last final.”  
Cassian frowns and Nesta ignores how that expression makes her feel. She is tired of feeling, she decides. “I’ll still see you that day, right?”  
He sounds desperate. Likes she’s ruined his hopes and his dreams. Nesta refrains from telling him that his work ethic will do that for him. 
“We have a tutoring session in the morning. As is my job.”  
“You’re job... Right...” But Cassian merely nods, instead of arguing like she thinks he might. “I’ll take it,” he says, seemingly content with the bare minimum she gives. 
But the alien inside of her sits back, wound tight and ruthless... it is not satisfied with bare minimum. 
It is not tired of feeling. 
The house is warm, but Nesta’s face is still red. There seems to be a permanent state of cold that’s been permeating her body and it’s not another of bout of sickness that would have her regrettably missing Wednesday. Her nose is cold to the touch and her feet, though covered in enough socks to be safe enough as shoes, are freezing. She looks in the glare of the microwave and even there she can see it. 
She looks like fucking Rudolph. 
And yet, instead of lying in her bed, smothering herself in blankets, and turning on the space heater that may or may not light her room on fire, she is in the kitchen, trying not to put her head in the stand mixer. 
“Woah,” Emerie says, dropping her towel where she pats at her wet hair. Nesta sighs before facing her loving, but judgmental friend. What will she say at her flushed cheeks? “Are you... baking?”  
“No,” Nesta answers quickly, rolling her eyes. “Can’t you see? I’m trying to get the mixer to knock some sense into me.” 
“Well your head might be too big to fit in that bowl,” Emerie jests. “Have you tried the emulsion blender and the big pot?”   
Nesta only sighs, her gaze moving across the endless about of mixing bowls. Is this what hell feels like?   
“Hmm,” Emerie says, “you’re doing your lovesick sigh. Must be serious if you’re baking and sighing. Anyone I know?” 
Emerie gives her a pointed look, one just as indecent as Cassian’s smile. 
Cassian. Cassian. Cassian. 
Cassian who can’t get out of her head. 
But instead of replying, Nesta straightens her stance and runs her hand through her hair, tugging at the ponytail. Get it together, she repeats to herself. “Nothing’s serious. I just wanted dessert is all.” 
“You’ve never touched a whisk a day in your life.”
Nesta scoffs, “that’s not true. I licked the batter off of it the last time you made cake, remember.” 
“I do actually,” Emerie nods wistfully. “That was good cake.” 
She moves to inspect the counter where Nesta currently rests her head in defeat. There’s flour and eggs and milk and oil. Sugar and baking powder, and there’s too many bowls for Nesta to know what to do with. Who needs this many bowls? What person decided they needed 15 plus bowls in their pantry? 
“You have flour in your hair, you know.” 
Nesta shrugs, “casualty of war.” 
“Ahh, must be about someone I know then. You only start mentioning war when you’re too busy fighting your feelings.” Emerie chuckles at the seemingly clever thing she says, but Nesta doesn’t find her words so amusing. 
“I have no feelings,” Nesta answers immediately. “In fact, I don’t even want make this cake anymore. I’m tired, actually.” 
“I mean... it is exhausting hiding from the truth.” 
Nesta glares up at her friend, but Emerie only smiles wider at her look. Of course, she’d have friends who found her glares endearing. How inconvenient, she decides. Next time, she’ll pick friends who hate the same things she does... or have no friends at all. 
But that thought makes her chest ache, so she dismisses it quickly. 
Emerie points to the mixture of melted chocolate. “For Cassian right? When is his birthday again?” 
Nesta sighs, lowering her head once more on the counter. 
“December 16th.”
“So you’re dating now?”
Nesta scoffs, wondering how Emerie reaches that conclusion. But Emerie merely points to the spoon covered in a fluff of butter and sugar, as if that will convince Nesta of how ridiculous she seems. 
“No we’re not,” she remarks sternly. 
“Nesta... you’re baking a cake.”  
“I like cake.” Which is true. It’s her favorite dessert. She happens to be lucky her younger sister lives hours away, or she’d eat it every day. As is her right. 
“Okay,” Emerie shrugs simply. “Then you’re baking a cake when you have a final tomorrow and you could be studying.”  
“I’m taking a break! Aren’t you the one always going on about self-care?” Nesta can’t help but wrinkle her nose, grumbling about being reminded of her impending doom. Because she does have a final tomorrow. A final she could be studying for if not for the fact that a frat boy has her in a chokehold. 
Take your fucking cake and be done with me, Nesta thinks violently. 
Emerie waves a hand, “That’s to Gwyn. To you, I say there’s a hunky boy that follows you around like a lost puppy, and you are under no obligation to like him but...” Emerie’s words hush to a whisper and she puts her hand to her lips as if keeping a secret. 
Everyone with their fucking secrets!
“I think it’s clear that you do.”  
“No,” Nesta dismisses, shaking her head. “Negative.”  
“Denials not just a river in Egypt,” Emerie sings.
“What about Egypt?” Gwyn inquires. The door shuts abruptly and Gwyn sets down her bag of books with a loud thud. Emerie tuts, because it’s obvious she’s been studying instead of taking a break like she’s been trying to encourage. 
Gwyn doesn’t take a break for anyone.  
And neither does Nesta... usually. Neither does Nesta always and it doesn’t matter if this class is an elective that was never really that hard, she should be studying to make sure without a doubt she doesn’t miss one problem. 
But Emerie doesn’t goad at their friend, instead she takes a piece of chocolate off the counter and raises it to her lips. “I was just telling Nesta here that's she’s obviously infatuated with our nosy neighbor. Why else would she be baking?”
“You’re baking?” Gwyn questions, thoroughly astonished. “What 18th century novel have we set foot in where you’ve suddenly gone domestic? Is this what love does?” 
Gwyn blinks and for a moment Nesta doesn’t know what to do with that expression, but then Gwyn is moving to the couch, picking up the bag of brightly colored balloons. “Is this what the bat is for? You told me it was for your sister.”
Emerie’s brows furrow and she looks to Nesta confused. “Bat?”    
She means the stuffed bat that Nesta picks up at the giftshop Gwyn sometimes works at, near the hospital. Nesta volunteers there so... what can she do? It’s just there and Gwyn is laughing while she blows up balloons, telling her that she gets a 30% discount on all the things and suddenly Nesta is grabbing the black toy. It’s a heating pad just like her lobster. 
It doesn’t make any sense, but Nesta also buys a card. It’s the alien! 
Happy birthday, you old bat, it writes. 
Nesta grimaces, but when she looks up at her friends, she throws up her hands. “We’ve known each other for two years! It’s just a friendly tutoring gift. Like good luck with the semester, thanks for keeping me employed. Hope you fail again soon. It means nothing!” 
But at her outburst--which is a little too high-strung that even Nesta blinks at her own antics--Emerie backtracks.  Emerie fiddles with a spatula on the counter, turning it over and her voice gentles into a soft tone, all placating like she’s a child.
Great... now she’s hysterical. 
“You know it’s okay if it does mean something. You are allowed to like someone. It’s a perfectly okay thing to do... and it’s just as well if it is or if it isn’t Cassian.” Emerie places her hand on Nesta’s arms and Nesta tries not to shirk in on herself. 
This is what she hates. She can feel it like a lump in her throat. The feeling of being seen, watched, peeled away layer by layer as if she means to rip off her skin and discover all the secrets Nesta hides. She hoards them away like a little dragon and her gold. What will they do once they find it, she fears. How will they ruin her? 
Danger. Danger. Danger. 
She feels unsafe. Nesta shakes her head, her face feeling hot and she wants to go to her room, except that’s the cowards way out and she can’t be seen like a coward. She’s a bad bitch. She feels nothing. 
“I say this because I want you to know that we love you whether you date this man or not. Whether you date anyone or not.” 
Gwyn shrugs though her lips don’t raise comfortingly like Emerie’s. She’s rather upfront as she says, “we love you so much that we’ll threaten his favorite part if he hurts you. I know several ways we can make it look like an accident.” 
Nesta laughs a short sound. “So do I,” she says, softly, suddenly tired. 
“Yeah, yeah,” Emerie waves, “we can help hide the body and all that jazz... but can we also help with this cake? Do you want help with this cake?” 
I want you to stop looking at me, Nesta thinks. 
“I wish Cassian had never come into our lives,” she answers, though she doesn’t know how honest her words are or what they actually mean. 
Nesta lays her head on the counter, contemplating the emulsion blender and that giant pot Cassian had made her soup in. She wonders if flour is as hard to clean as glitter or if it will stay on her face and her clothes for a little bit longer, evidence of her crime. 
But Nesta concedes to the offered help. If she ropes Emerie and Gwyn into this then at least she’ll have someone to blame when Cassian inevitably starts asking questions. 
“It’s a little misshapen,” Nesta says and it is. At best, it reminds her of the one from Harry Potter--massive letters spanning the entirety of the cake. But at least, she spells all the words correctly. It could have had an entirely different name on it, too, which Nesta contemplates doing more than once as she frosts.
Cassian looks to the cake like it’s made of pure gold and any mentions of Caspian, Callum, Carlos, and Cade fall off of her tongue. Because C.A.S.S.I.A.N is written in big, bold, blue lettering, just like the corners of her notebook when she absently scribbles.
Cassian lights up somehow when he smiles, and his lips are wide staring at the chocolate. The hazel shine like a warm cup of tea and she can see all of the amber swirls. Rich cinnamon. A baker’s dream. A reader’s paradise. 
He is the embodiment of the word cozy... just like being in the library, surrounded by all these books.
But these feelings are made up of lies, she tells herself, and his face makes her want to puke. At the very least, she’s starting to feel nauseous and she wonders if Cassian can tell. She practices schooling her facial expressions in the mirror to look aloof and she hopes the hour has done her well, because her cheeks are starting to feel warm. 
She looks red, looks dire and distressed in that mirror. She looks like she is going to fail a test--has already failed it and there’s nothing to do to save her grade. She’s being dramatic, Nesta keeps repeating to herself, but the words do nothing to make her seem calm. 
She doesn’t think she seems calm now, but Nesta will keep telling pretty lies. She’ll keep swallowing them, pushing past the lump in her throat. She’ll fill her stomach with something that soothes. 
“You made this?” Cassian asks.
Nesta shrugs, trying not to fiddle with the sleeves of her sweater because she can help the movement. She’s in control of her body and she always has been. She is a stronger bitch than this. 
And a cake is no big deal, she reminds herself. She can make cake for anyone, even herself. If Nesta wants cake, she can make cake and she can eat the entire thing in one go. She could even take back this one and run. 
But Cassian gathers his arms around the base of the cake as if wanting to tuck it to his chest, and suddenly she remembers the thought from freshman year. That he must give good hugs.
Nesta recoils, tucking her arms across her stomach.
“I almost don’t want to eat it,” Cassian notes lightly. 
Nesta startles in her seat. 
“You have to eat it,” Nesta demands, forcefully. She’s been staring at that cake every time she opens the fridge and it takes every bit of willpower not to say to hell with Cassian and eat it herself. She’ll be damned if he doesn’t let her eat some of it. Isn’t that what Emerie keeps saying last night? That she can make her cake and eat it too. That it will be her reward. 
“I made it for you,” she argues and she can feel her face getting hot. “Why wouldn’t you eat it? Isn’t that bad luck or something?”
“Bad luck? Like a fortune cookie?”  
“Bad luck like a curse. You don’t eat it and you don’t get your birthday wish.” 
Cassian’s lips raise lightly, slowly, schemingly. “I get... a birthday wish?” 
Nesta pauses, hearing how the words sounds. They sound childish and stupid. This will ruin her street cred’. She’s not going to be the smart one anymore. She’s the stupid one. The one who makes up things that don’t even make sense. 
“But you have to know...” he trails off, shaking his head as if it’s obvious.  
Nesta refrains from yelling get on with it as she asks, “know what?” 
Cassian squints, his gaze focusing on her face, curious but apprehensive all at once. Cassian laughs, but the sound is short. Almost scared. 
“So, when we were in freshman year, I had a whole day planned about how I wanted to spend my birthday. My family had plans too, they were going to come up and take us all out to dinner. Do it big. Fancy steak house and... I don’t know, go carts or something. They said it was my first birthday away from them and they wanted it to be special.” 
“I told them to stay home, because I wanted to spend it with you.” Cassian gives her a knowing look, but Nesta doesn’t know anything, so she keeps quiet, leaning on every word. “In my mind, it would have probably been dinner too, the seafood place that’s a bit out of town, and maybe the bookstore because I figured if I could get you into a bookstore, you’d start talking about your romances and I could play down the fact that I was nervous as hell and I didn’t know what to say.” 
“You were the only person I wanted to spend my birthday with. It’s like... I met you and it was only you from then on.” Cassian shrugs, lightly, and Nesta watches as he closes his notebook, with an air of finality. As if to say studying is not as important as you. As bold of a claim as it is. 
“So you have to know, Nesta. The only wish I have is you.” 
The only wish I have is you. 
The only wish I have is you. 
The only wish I have is you. 
The words replay in her mind and Nesta can feel her face getting warm. Her chest feels different. Nausea, maybe... so Nesta, stares at the textbooks instead of looking into his eyes. 
She snaps her fingers quickly. “I think you’ll understand this chapter more if I can find this textbook I’ve been meaning to give you. I’m going to go check.” 
“Right now?” Cassian asks, astonished. 
Nesta shrugs, nonchalantly. “No time like the present.” 
But she moves, swiftly from the table and into the aisles, willing herself to not look back--hoping upon hoping that he will leave her alone. 
Cassian follows her with a soft call of her name. “Nesta...” 
“Nesta,” Cassian speaks, hushing his tone to not disturb the one or two other students they pass along the way. Nesta doesn’t know how far she’ll go, but she’s hoping she’ll make it to Australia by Tuesday... or at least deep enough for Cassian to give up, inevitably resigned to the fact that she won’t be distracted in her pursuit. Just ignore him, she thinks. “I don’t need a textbook right now. You don’t need a textbook.” 
“I think your grades would beg to differ.” 
“Did something I say bother you?” 
“Your entire being is bothering me,” Nesta scoffs. 
“Bothered how?”
But Nesta keeps moving, her head straight and her gaze straight ahead. 
Cassian grabs her arm, a strong but gentle pressure. Nesta eyes the touch, startled by the fact that she doesn’t immediately shrug him off. “Tell me so I can make you feel better.”  
“As if you have so much control over me,” she says, though she still doesn’t shove him away. 
“No, but you have control over me,” Cassian says, loudly. Nesta gives him a dirty look for speaking so loudly in the quieter part of the library, and he looks apologetically at her. Then he rolls his eyes, smiling fondly as if to say see. “I want to please you, to make you happy... and I thought I was doing a horrible job until that kiss.” 
“Don’t bring up that kiss,” she said, loud and outraged and also furious that he has her yelling in a library. 
“Why?” Cassian goads, pushing the conversation forward, which is so unlike him to do. “You kissed me, remember.” 
“You invited me to spend Thanksgiving with your family, and besides you didn’t push me away.” 
“Oh no, I wanted to kiss you.”
Nesta crosses her arms, giving him a look that means there will be no arguing with her. “Well you shouldn’t.” 
But Cassian’s lips raise, undignified and stupid. “In fact I want you to kiss me again.” 
He moves closer to her and Nesta takes several steps back. He’s as tall as she remembers, and there’s no comforting table or textbooks that stand between like a barrier. She supposes she could grab one from the shelf and chuck it, hope it meets his face. She can run. She can transfer schools. 
But that would disrespecting the books and that thought has her clenching her impulsive fists. He’s tall and he smells good. Pages and pillows and soft sheets. Something like fresh air. Something a little darker with more muted notes. A little like getting lost in the woods. 
A little like being found. 
Cassian looms over her and for once he doesn’t back away and Nesta doesn’t assert space. He raises his hand, his palm gently, hovering close to her skin... waiting to see what she’ll do if he gets close. Nesta closes her eyes and Cassian trails a thumb down her lips as if tracing a map. 
“Do you want me to kiss you again?” He asks, his breath so soft against her cheek.  
She can feel the books against her back and it reminds her of romance novels. Cassian and her in between stacks, sneaking in dark corners for clandestine meetings. Anyone could see them. Her boss could see her. The tutoring monitors could crawl up to the fourth floor and shout, this is what we pay you for? But no one is here. It’s only Cassian, and his hulking frame. That red sweatshirt spilling across his chest.  
Nesta glares, crossing her arms. She hums, and she’ll say it’s to make him wait, but it sounds much too wanton--a deep groan in the back of her throat.  
“That’s not a yes,” he muses.  
“This is coercive,” she says, kicking her foot. “We’re in a library,” she seethes.  
But he smells so good, and he hovers over her just right. The perfect height to be pinned against bookshelves. It almost seems sacrilegious. Would that damage the books, she thinks. What if they push against it so hard, each shelf falls over like dominoes? There would be no hiding what they’ve done, then.  
Cassian smirks as she thinks, that dimple in the corner of his mouth shining on his face and she wants to place her thumb there... She wants his lips on hers. His body on hers. His hands skimming across her skin like he’s tracing words on a page.  
If she touches him first, he can touch her. If she only says yes, then she can taste him again. She looks to that floral scrunchie. She’d be able to pull on it, pull at his hair and hear his groans and finally find out what they sound like outside of her conspiring imagination. The ones hidden so deep, she thinks no one will ever find them.  
Nesta looks to his eyes, but they’re much too bright. She can see herself in them, all flushed. Interestingly enough, she doesn’t look frightened. She looks ready... wanting... waiting... eager. 
Nesta can’t help biting at her lips. “Books make me weak,” she mutters to herself. A fatal flaw. 
“Oh I know,” Cassian says, smiling. “But I'm not going to kiss you unless you expressly tell me yes. I’m not going to kiss you, unless you want this, Nesta.” 
So, Nesta pushes at his shoulders. 
It only takes a tap before Cassian is pulling away as if nothing happens at all, here between bookshelves. Is that disappointment in his gaze or does he just assume she will say no? He doesn’t appear perturbed. If anything, it seems expected. Or perhaps he’s a gentlemen and he does mean what he says. 
“Back to Gauss’s law it is,” he says, softly. 
But Nesta is strangely disappointed by that.
She can imagine following him back to the table where they’re tucked away in a space that is reserved for those who want to talk and study. Not the quiet area where she usually studies by herself. They go back to the table now and they’d pass blow up mattresses and every once in a while a student in a dinosaur costume would roam the hall as someone else films them from behind. Just like every true finals week, when students become so tired facts turn into fiction.
Right now though, there’s no one in sight. It’s quiet and strangely calm and… the alien grasps Cassian’s hand because Nesta is tired here between shelves.
Finals week lunacy has sunk in completely, she thinks. She can barely recognize herself at all as she stares at her flushed face in the gleam of his eyes. It’s no wonder she’s contemplating how sane she truly is. 
Cassian swallows, she can see the bob of his adam’s apple, but his gaze is open and warm and he’s wearing her favorite sweatshirt she could just wrap herself in. If only he wrapped his arms around her. 
So Nesta does the only sane thing, she can grasp, all thoughts of Gauss gone and instead, Nesta begins writing romances on his lips.
Stu(died) Tagged List:
@arinbelle @my-fan-side @sophilightwood @nestaarcher0n @duskandstarlight @soitsgorgeous @swankii-art-teacher @lordof-bloodshed @thewhelk @daisy-in-danger @highqueenevankhell @lovelynesta @sirendeepity @champanheandluxxury @ladynestaarcheron @moodymelanist @teagoddess99 @spoilersteph @angelic-voice-1997 @bo0kmaster69 @drielecarla @generalnesta @cozycomfyliving08 @confusedfandomslut @dread3r @sv0430 @unhealthyfanobsession @simpingfornestaarcheron @talkfantasytome @sayosdreams
Do they get together after this? ahahhahahhahauahaahhfa 
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iheartnightwing · 3 months
Lex Luthor complaining about there being too many aliens in his world, while including Kon-El, is the exact same thing as Gargamel complaining that there are too many Smurfs, while including Smurfette.
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eminsunnytoons123 · 6 months
The moopets show part 1, 2, 3 And 4
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Dedicated to all my besties/Sisters And brothers/pen pals @splashy900 @kxllboii @cheezekennith @aquamarine-dream-queen @dayzsaclark @oscarandgrinchfan @moshywoosh @ilovescaredysquirrel2 @nuggetaubrey @sharkyy599 @nightkit92 @familyoffood @mysafespaceblog13 @thelazzyblogzz @sugar-miss1 @shrimpathizer @shypeachrunaway @iggyguyy @sophia-does-skits @typical-sophie @peaceforpeople @ben5569 @xxkurosakutisaxx @ducktoonz903707 @muppet-fan-real @artismeyou-12 @blackstar044 @acen402 @acen404 @walt-diego-rodriguez @goatsarecool1 @nia1sworld @rumplestiltsbear @s4gefr0g @beeware-of-lulu and @leafith since I promised them that i'll post the moopets And whatnots here again, And make the new teppums characters =^///^=
Now some info about them (i wont write what are they wearing, And i'll think more of their info):
Kermoot the frog - he is Kermit's rival, he is an tough, rude, evil, arrogant And sarcastic frog leader in the moopets gang, he is 22 years old like Kermit, And he is bisexual And polyamourous, he is dating miss poogy And foozie. He plays the electric guitar And sings about stormy connections. His headcanon voice actor is John Kennedy, And his voice claim is blotch from Kermit's swamp years.
Foozie - foozie is fozzie's rival, he is an sarcastic, sassy, arrogant, And sort of an ignorant comedian bear in the moopets Show gang, he is 24 years old like fozzie And he is pansexual, queer And polyamourous, he is dating miss poogy And kermoot. He is an comedian, but he makes very rude And offensive jokes about others. His headcanon voice actor is Tyler Bunch, And his voice claim is his same voice from the muppets 2011 (yes, he did talk, but only a few Times).
Miss poogy - miss poogy is miss piggy's rival, she is an ignorant, annoyed, sarcastic, sassy, tough And rude primadonna pig in the moopets Show gang, she is 23 years old like miss piggy And she is bisexual And polyamourous, she is dating kermoot And foozie. She is an more tough And punk version of miss piggy, some muppets call her "imposter of miss piggy". Her headcanon voice actor is David Rudman, And her voice claim is her same voice from the muppets 2011.
Roowlf the dog - roowlf the dog is rowlf's rival, he is an annoyed, ignorant, tough And rude dog in the moopets Show gang, he is 30 years old like rowlf and he is bisexual, he is dating Scarlett the black-haired whatnot. He plays the piano just like rowlf, but with more rougher sounds And tones on the piano, And he dislikes when someone tells him what to do. His headcanon voice actor is Kevin Micheal Richardson, And his voice claim is shredder from tmnt 2012.
Bonzor the fantastic - Bonzor the fantastic is gonzo's rival, he is an flirty, sassy, arrogant, sarcastic And sort of an bragging Guy in the moopets Show gang, he is 23 years old like gonzo And he is pansexual And trans, he is with Camillo the rooster. He is an acrobat on the moopets Show, And he does many acrobatic tricks, And he is an alien like gonzo but except that he has an smaller nose that him. His headcanon voice actor is Daniel Sieteiglesias, And his voice claim is Vanity smurf from 2021 smurfs.
Paloma the flying shrimp - paloma the flying shrimp is Pepe the King prawn's rival, she is an flirty, sassy, sarcastic And arrogant flying shrimp in the moopets Show gang, she is 20 years old like Pepe And she is bisexual And polyamourous, she is dating cici the mouse And yacoub the mouse. She is from spain just like Pepe And she has an thick Spanish accent, oh! And dont call her just a "shrimp" shes a FLYING shrimp. Her headcanon voice actress is Carolina Gaitan, And her voice claim is Pepe madrigal from encanto.
Cici the mouse - cici the mouse is rizzo the rat's rival, she is an optimistic, tomboyish, sarcastic, arrogant And rude mouse girl in the moopets Show gang, she is 29 years old like Rizzo And she is pansexual And polyamourous, she is dating Paloma the flying shrimp And yacoub the mouse. She likes roller-skating And skate-boarding, And she sticks out her tounge in a rude way. Her headcanon voice actress is Maria Darling, And her voice claim is breeze from roary the racing car.
Dr dentist - dr dentist is dr teeth's rival, he is an arrogant, sassy, flirty, sarcastic Guy in the moopets Show gang and the Dark Mayhem band, he is 24 years old like dr teeth And he is bisexual, he is dating soom the hawk. He plays the electric piano in the Dark Mayhem band. His headcanon voice actor is Hoon Lee, And his voice claim is Splinter from tmnt 2012.
Janooce - janooce is Janice's rival, she is an sarcastic, masculine, tough And arrogant Lady in the moopets Show gang, she is 23 years old like Janice And she is a Lesbian, she is dating flora. She plays the bass in the Dark Mayhem band, And she hangs out with schi-schi, Ray the bigfoot, solid cotton guitarist "Sarah", Galatea, Pinka, purpleyna And arrogant Mahira since theyre all Lesbians. Her headcanon voice actor is Matt Vogel, And her voice claim is the same Jamaican accented voice she had on muppets 2011 (yes, she did speak in that movie, at the near end where the moopets chased Tex Richman, And she Said: "yeah, for real, man!).
Flora - Flora Sindran is Floyd Pepper's rival, she is an arrogant, sassy And flirty Lady in the moopets Show gang, she is 23 years old like floyd And she is bisexual, And she is dating janooce. She plays the electric guitar in the Dark Mayhem band, And she likes being with janooce. Her headcanon voice actress is Maria Darling, And her voice claim is Cici from roary the racing car.
Zotts - zotts is zoot's rival, he is an arrogant, sarcastic, sorta sassy And ignorant Guy in the moopets Show gang, he is 23 years old like Zoot and he is pansexual, he is dating lipst. He plays the trumpet in the Dark Mayhem band, And he likes flirting with anyone especially lipst when he has the time. His headcanon voice actor is Marc Silk, And his voice claim is Maxi from roary the racing car.
Lipst - Lipst is Lips' rival, he is an Calm, chill, peaceful, sassy And sarcastic Guy in the moopets Show gang, he is 23 years old like Lips And he is bisexual And trans, he is dating zotts. He plays the flute in Dark Mayhem band, And he likes being with others. His headcanon voice actor is Marc Silk, And his voice claim is drifter from roary the racing car.
Animool - animool is Animals rival, he is an wild, energetic, enthusiastic And optimistic Guy in the moopets Show gang, his Age is Unknown but others assume that he is 18, and he is asexual and pansexual, he is dating Tanya the red-brown haired whatnot. He plays the electric drums in the Dark Mayhem band and he likes the color Pink, And he has heterochromia (two different eye colors). His headcanon voice actor is Steve Blum, And his voice claim is taz from Looney tunes.
I hope y'all will like this =^_^= 💗
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cyber-corp · 10 months
Casting Neil Patrick Harris as the Toymaker is still really bonkers to me. Russell T decided to take Mister Hollywood Man who appeared in such famous movies as The Smurfs (2011) and put him in a series of British sci-fi specials about an alien meeting up with an old mate after mind-wiping her years ago.
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butterfrogmantis · 8 months
"I'm not gonna get THAT into Arthur - quote from woman, who did, in fact, get that into Arthur.
Ft lots of timeskip stuff - some canon designs and a bunch I made up which should hopefully be obvious from the clothing changes. Not to be confused w/ the kiddy versions esp/ with a couple ship teases. That's 20 year timeskip exclusive.
A couple of inside jokes in here too. Buster and Dreamy get to talk about aliens and I had a mental breakdown trying to humanise George and make him look both mooseish AND Scandinavian.
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I actually did like the epilogue but there are so many character's futures we needed to see tbh. And by that I mean Fern and Ladonna who I ADORE.
Buster, George, Brain, Arthur, Muffy, Francine, Fern, Ladonna, DW and Lydia (c) PBS Arthur
Dreamy (c) The Smurfs
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