eric-sadahire · 1 year
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New parent idea:
1. Take pictures of yourself pulling a baby from a spacecraft in a forest.
2. Hide pictures in the attic for the kid to find when he's 10.
3. Tell him unfortunately our planet's gravity and yellow sun apparently makes him extraordinary weak though.
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randomfoggytiger · 1 year
X-Files Collector's Edition: The Field Where I Fix-It Fic-ed
Ahhhh, The Field Where I Died-- quite an impressive idea, not quite an impressive execution. These fics, however, make me glad that it exists in its own, weird little corner.
Dedicated to the one anon that wanted a TFWID fic list~! :DDDD
Loose chronological order below~!
**Note**: Will ghost edit this post later. ;)))
eponine119’s I Do Not Want To Believe
""I was powerless to do anything but watch as he rose in the field next to me, his chest covered only by his thin blue shirt. No bulletproof vest to save his life. And I knew he was going to die.
Worse, I realized, he wanted to die. To be with her. So that history would repeat itself. What could I do? "Mulder!" I shouted at him as I had so very many times before. It was no use.
Cringing inside I watched. Waiting.
No shots rang out. He disappeared into the building.
No shots rang out. I ran after him.""
Post TFWID Scully realizes that CSM is the contradictory lynch pin to Melissa Ephesian’s story. Mulder, meanwhile, believes their own bond broke the chain that linked he and his “soulmate" in tragedy.  
@alienbaby-babymama/ABBM515’s Soulmates 
""You okay, partner?” Scully reaches out to squeeze his bicep. She’d seen the same forlorn look on his face during his hypnosis session.
“Although this didn’t end how any one of us wanted it to, it was nice to know.”
“Know what?”
“That I’m not alone,” Mulder turns to look at her, “and neither are you. Never one without the other. Kismet.”
“Even if I don’t believe in that line of thinking, I’d have to agree.""
Post TFWID Mulder is glad that he and Scully loved each other every lifetime; and is willing to wait for the “right” moment in this one. 
Nicole van Dam's Forgive and Forget
""Perhaps it wasn't the initial meeting that caused him to question her position as a new partner. Just the mere apprehensiveness that lived in him since he was a small boy. It only took a day, one day of her trying to convince him she wasn't sent to watch him; to gauge his work.
She was sent because it was just the way it was supposed to be.
How did he know to trust her to tell her his life; his problems; his fears? How did she?""
TFWID Scully is resigned to Mulder and Melissa's connection... but ponders more deeply on her own.
@wendelah/wendelah1/avesuvianface’s (Gossamer, LJ)
With Regret 
""The deep connection I feel to Mulder isn't because we knew one another in a past lifetime. Even if we had, what possible difference could it make?""
Post TFWID Scully has regrets. 
LuvMulder’s Tonight I Watch You Dream
""You sleep fitfully beside me as I write, your brow furrowed in the solitary pain I have witnessed so many times since I first walked through your office door. On this night, at this moment, high above the earth, I feel you dream; yet, for the first time since I've known you, I doubt it is Sam you see. Unconscious oblivion, the softness of night and shadow are but words, failed promises that bring you no peace as we head back to our lives, far removed from the grassy fields of Apison, Tennessee.
I'm glad to be going home. We deserve a week of bad coffee and boredom--alone--in the clutter of our basement sanctuary.
I need. I sense....questions.
My friend--are we forever changed?
I am so afraid.""
Post TFWID Scully feels like she’s failed Mulder, unable to take the same leaps of faith that he asks of her. 
@happenstanced's (Ao3) For Eternity 
""Scully, look at me.”
I lifted only my eyes, looking up from under my lashes. Tears must’ve formed and were threatening to fall because his expression softened more than I thought was possible.
Uncharacteristically, I blurted out the one thought that had consumed me.
“Did you mean it?""
Post TFWID Scully is avoiding Mulder’s eyes… and he calls her on it. 
Anne Haynes’s (Gossamer) Greater Meed
""She had known he would come to her to talk more about what had happened to him in Tennessee. She hadn't been sure when it would happen, but she'd known it WOULD happen. It was as inevitable as predestination.
He put the sack on her kitchen table and shrugged off his coat, folding it over the back of a chair. "It wasn't about past lives, was it?" he asked with no preamble.""
Post TFWID Mulder has a nagging thought that something is off… and realizes that CSM was already alive during WWII. He expounds about his "stuck" psyche with Scully over ice cream; and she assures him that, of course, his life does means something.
Thalia D'Muse's Day to Give Thanks
""Mulder placed the cassette in his pocket, his mind completely enraptured by the tiny book in his hand. It resembled other small pamphlet-style books one might see at the check-out counter, exclaiming 'Lose 5 Inches In 10 Days' or 'Your Astrological Forecast'.
But the title of this one threw him. The cover was a faded blue with a white seagull, its wings spread across the entire page. Dark blue letters across the top told Mulder the title: 'The Writings of Richard Bach'.""
Post TFWID Mulder turns down Thanksgiving with Scully to brood over his loss and confusion. One of Scully's books enlightens his outlook, giving him hope. 
Stephanie Lutz’s The Wheel 
""He tilted his head back and looked up into the night sky. There was no moon, no stars. Heavy storm clouds had closed in as the sun was setting, blocking any chance of romantic night lights. Appropriate, he thought. Was she out there, somewhere, waiting for him now? As if in mocking answer to his question a smattering of raindrops struck his face.""
Post TFWID Scully lets Mulder have space to process before forcing comfort and understanding on him. He wants to believe; but she reasons they’ll always find each other, no matter what. 
Meredith’s (Alt.) The Favor
""There are parts of that experience I can't let myself forget. My mind was influenced by outside elements, but in my regression I did see some truths. It's just taken me time to sort them out for myself."
She couldn't bear to ask which ones.
"She played a role," he continued in her silence, "and so did you. I just had to figure out where the truth ended and the deception began.""
Post TFWID Mulder and Scully assist Langly on a family member case involving a psychic. He’s already processed his feelings about the episode; and the two discuss how they get each other. 
story_monger’s Searching Souls - Chapter 1
""No, stop, what are you doing?” Scully snatches at the bills, but Mulder slides them out of her reach, and before Scully can react the bartender has swung past to scoop up the pile.
“You can owe me a pizza or something,” Mulder promises her. He touches at her back. “C’mon, it’s getting late.”
Scully putters her lips and slides off the stool. 
Post TFWID Mulder picks up and drives Scully home, rebutting her personal projection ideas and shocking her into believing his theory (even if only for one night.) 
Christina M. Simmons‘s Near Death Experiences 01 & 02
""Eyes stared up at her from the yellowed tint of an ancient photo. Eyes that could have been green, or grey, or blue. A young man in a Confederate uniform, stern-faced... barely thirty, if that. It was the eyes that captured her, though. The expression in them.
As though he didn't quite believe the camera would work. As though he wouldn't be satisfied until he saw the finished print.""
Post TFWID Scully decides that eternity is not long enough to debate her and Mulder’s ideas, seeking proof in Sullivan Biddle's journal for Mulder’s sake (and her own.) When there is only evidence to the contrary, she is reassured by his easy acceptance of her unbelief.
stellar_dust’s (Ao3) Instinct, With Better Light
""... You weren't in love with her, in this life."
"No .. no, I wasn't. If we'd met under different circumstances, ... maybe I could have been. But you're right, I wasn't."
"She wasn't in love with you, either."
"No. But she wanted to believe.""
Post TFWID Scully suggests that maybe Mulder and Melissa Ephesian were trapped in a terrible cycle because they weren’t “meant” to be. 
@saintbellamys/starsonfire's First Dates and Soulmates
""A comfortable silence and then, "Do you ever think about it?"
Scully glanced at him with curiosity, her nose almost brushing his neck. "Think about what?"
"Our lives. If they could've been different. You told me once that it seems like there could only be one choice and the rest were wrong. There are signs and everything leads up to all these moments.""
Mulder takes Scully on their first date. While stargazing, he explains how wrong he his first soulmates theory was.
@sunsoakd/agenderleadingplayer’s I Wouldn't Change A Day
""And you know you're supposed to want to say yes. You know that part by heart know, know that she would want you to say yes –
Wouldn't she?
– but instead you think about it for a minute, a minute and a half, two. And the answer is no, because if you answered yes then who would she have? And you don't, you think, want to make it seem like you saved her from anything; you didn't, you didn't, she saved herself, you just helped when the tears came down too hard, but...
The answer is still...
"No." It's said with an exhale, an air of finality to it. No, I will not die for you, no I will never, because us, together, that's our whole deal, isn't it? Together. That's the deal, that always was.""
Scully asks (boyfriend) Mulder if he’d die for her. No; but Mulder knows she already has for him. 
RocketMan/Darkstryder’s Mine 01, Mine 02, Mine 03
""In one brief flickering instant I could see the pain all behind her eyes. If I hadn't been looking directly at those sharp blues I wouldn't have even seen it. But I did. Fear and pain and hurt. She hurt for me. No.......she is hurting because she thinks I couldn't be her soul mate.
Even Scully wants a soul mate.
"You're mine," I whisper....""
AU-- Post TFWID Scully feels cut off from Mulder, sad and lovesick. When he realizes, he quickly corrects her misconception… then almost bungles it further. (But that doesn’t stop them from living their lives out together, finally gaining the afterlife in the next.) 
Diadem’s Somewhere 
""It was special. We had to say goodbye the following morning, and neither of us wanted to leave the other behind. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders as we walked down the main street of the little town.
We started talking about the Ephesian case. I don't know how we got on to it, but suddenly Mulder was asking me if I believed in past lives and reincarnation.""
AU-- Mulder and Scully finally admit their feelings… and then Mulder is shot. As he dies, Scully insists they will get this right when she finds him again. 
@ghostbustermelanieking/skuls‘s a roll of stars and fade to black 
""All but the third, but the M.O. is the same for all the cases,” says Skinner. “Trace evidence proves that all three victims were at Forrester’s apartment at one point or another. It's open and shut. He lured these people into his apartment, drugged them, and kept them for hours before allowing them to return home. We have him on kidnapping and use of an illegal drug.”
Mulder turns over restlessly in bed, sheets tangling around him. “Do we know why he did it?” Scully asks, watching Mulder out of the corner of her eye. She is worried about him. First the attack by Samuel Aboah, and now this. They end up in the hospital entirely too much.
“The notes found at his apartment included recaps of the victims’ time at his apartment, based what seems to be some kind of past life experiences specific to each victim....” Skinner clears his throat awkwardly. “We're confirming this theory with the victims now.”
AU-- A rewrite of the episode: Mulder, druggily flashes back to his deathbed in another life-- Sergeant Sullivan Biddle at his bedside-- and uses those recovered memories to probe deeper. Scully and Skinner, meanwhile, try to make sense of and solve the case.  
Diana Alexander/Teresa Horne’s Not What It Seems 
""It had all happened so fast that it makes my head spin. In fact, the memory is only a blur. Though the thought of giving Mulder up tears my heart to shreds, I could've done it. I could've accepted that Angela was his soulmate eventually, and left them both alone. I could have gone out and gotten a life. He never would have been burdened by my feelings, and I would have gone on, no matter what the cost.
I felt a trickle of blood run down my neck and glanced down. The knife had grazed my neck before Mulder realized what his "beloved" Angela was about to do. He aimed the gun and shot her. It could have been merely a reaction, what he was supposed to do under the circumstances.""
AU-- Mulder’s soulmate puts a knife to Scully’s throat; which leads to a more personal (if implied) revelation for him. 
Erin M. Blair/Erin Blair’s Miss Series 04 - Miss You Four
""The truth is within our hearts and our love for each other.
I'm thankful that we're all together as a family. It will make us stronger somehow. When you told me of your epiphany that we were meant to be together, I knew then we were meant to be. I knew we were the true soulmates. Our souls connected through the spaces of time.""
AU-- S9 Mulder has returned with Will in tow; and spends his days, heart very full, watching his soulmate have everything she could ever have wanted out of life.
Thank you for reading~
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madamenordica · 7 months
100 Alien Baby Madness.. Josiah & Panya Have their 1ST CHILD! DRAWING FEB KIT WINNER! !alien !freak !dance !vibe
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dsmulder4u · 8 months
"We walked together to our condo, not being able to pay attention to anything else but us."
That's the last sentence of my new fic I am currently working on.
Wow, 17 words. Now I'll play the WIP game of @agent troi...
@katy-kt-katie @agent-troi @baronessblixen @msrafterdark @rxdheaddana @phillippadgettwrites @today-in-fic @cecilysass @alienbaby-babymama @admiralty-xfd @borogirl @drislesbabe @monikafilefan @fistful-of-fandom @femkehermus @knowleitall-super-soldier @lilydalexf
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baronessblixen · 10 months
Send this to 10 other bloggers you think are wonderful. Keep this going to make someone smile. 💖
(Note from moi: Or be a rebel and don't send this on~. >;DDD)
Thank you ❤️ sending this right back at you! And I'm gonna be a rebel and steal @agent-troi 's idea about tagging people here who I think are awesome 😁 btw, agent-troi, you were tagged for that reason too. More awesome people are @xxsksxxx @alienbaby-babymama @skullsmuldon @atths--twice @ellivia @mindibindi @mmleadinglady @honeybunch1982 @redteekal
And really everyone is awesome. Consider yourself tagged too if you're reading this. You know how you forget your favorite everything when someone asks you about it? That's me when it comes to tagging people. You're all amazing in my mind.
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n8eulchen-sims2 · 1 month
#003 Uberhood
Familie Baldwin (Belladonna Cove)
Runde 2 (Jahre 6-10):
Da es immer wieder Probleme mit ihrem Appartement gab und dort eh mit vier Kindern so langsam der Platz eng wurde, beschlossen die Baldwins sich ein Haus in Belladonna Cove zu kaufen.
Isabel Baldwin hatte den Wunsch etwas zum neuen Haus beizutragen und ein bisschen Geld zu verdienen und nahm eine Stelle in der Faulenzerkarriere an.
Nach dem Einzug herrschte reges Treiben im Hause Baldwin. Die Nachbarn Herbert Goodie, Connor Weir und Kimberly Cordial besuchten die Familie. Außerdem brachte Isabel ihren Kollegen Dirk Dreamer von der Arbeit mit.
Dirk kam nahezu jeden Tag mit Isabel nach Hause und später stellte sich auch heraus warum. Er hatte wohl ein Auge auf Sofia geworfen.
Die Zwillinge Zachary und Quendolin hatten Geburtstag
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Isabel wünschte sich eine Katze, also wurde Kater Enzo adoptiert.
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Benjamins Kollege Lazlo Curios kam mit seiner Freundin Chrystal Vu zu Besuch. Isabel und Lazlo haben eine sehr hohe Anziehung. Auch wenn Isabel schwach wurde und einen Flirt mit Lazlo wagte, sie liebt ihren Mann Benjamin und entzog sich weiteren Annäherungsversuchen.
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Während Isabel mit Lazlo beschäftigt ist, vergnügt sich Sofia mit Dirk. Zweimal habe ich die beiden schmusend in ihrem Bett erwischt, aber beide Male "flüchtete" Sofia, bevor mehr passieren konnte.
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Benjamin erinnert sich nicht, aber irgendwas muss passiert sein, als er zuletzt die Sterne beobachtete. Nachdem sein Bauch schmerzhaft rumorte, tauchte plötzlich ein kleines grünes Baby auf. Sein Name ist Eloise. Herzlich willkommen in Belladonna Cove!
Die Freude über ein neues Familienmitglied wurde allerdings schnell geschmälert, als Isabel eifersüchtig und wütend anfing mit Benjamin zu streiten. Ihre Beziehung und auch ihre Liebe leidet sehr unter diesen neuen Umständen.
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Marcus hatte Geburtstag
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Benjamin erklärte Isabel, dass Baby Eloise nicht aus freien Stücken entstanden ist - zumindest soweit er sich daran erinnern kann. Sie versuchte herauszufinden, was wirklich in diesem Raumschiff passiert ist und wurde prompt ebenfalls von Außerirdischen entführt. Erst als sie selbst schwanger und zurück auf der Erde war, konnte sie ihm glauben, dass die Schwangerschaft nichts mit Liebe und romantischen Handlungen zu tun hatte und verzieh ihm.
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Und dann gab es den Geburtstagsboom. Eloise, Zachary, Quendolin und Sofia alterten alle am gleichen Tag.
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Benjamin brachte Lazlo von der Arbeit mit nach Hause. Und der hatte nichts besseres zu tun, als die von der Schwangerschaft erschöpfte Isabel beim Schlafen zu beobachte. Creepy Lazlo!
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Und dann war es soweit, Isabels Alienbaby wollte seine neue Welt sehen. Herzlich Willkommen Franklin!
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Überraschenderweise bekam Isabel nicht nur ein blaues Baby, sondern noch ein zweites. Herzlich Willkommen Norton!
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Und auch hier war die Freude über neue Familienmitglieder nicht besonders groß. Denn Isabel starb bei der Geburt von Norton.
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Benjamin flehte um ihr Leben...
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...und verlor Isabel an den Sensenmann. die beiden hatten nach ihrem Streit über Eloise keine Zeit mehr sich zu versöhnen, und das ist für ihn wohl das schlimmste.
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Fortsetzung folgt...
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Haushaltskasse: 20.816§
Schuleden: 0§
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skullsmuldon · 1 year
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Make a wish!!!!!! It’s your birthday!!!!!!!!!
Hope you have a fabulous day 😘
Why do I only see this now?!?! WTF tumblr!! @alienbaby-babymama 💛💛💛💛
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astridncs · 2 years
Little Miracles
Fictober 2022 — Day 16: “Check that again, are you sure?” (from this list); tagging @today-in-fic @xffictober2022; also on AO3
First part of this fic is inspired by @alienbaby-babymama‘s Day 7 Fictober fic <3
“Check that again, are you sure?” She asked after what felt like a lifetime of just staring at the screen.
The doctor smiled, “Yes, Dana, I’m pretty sure.”
“Like a hundred percent sure?” she asked again. “Is that what I think it is?” her voice trembled and her hand shook as she reached out to point at the visible figure on the screen.
“Yes, Dana. You’re having a baby.” The doctor told her once again. “Are you okay?”
Scully took in a deep breath, her heart raced, and she couldn’t fathom all of what was happening. Yet, a watery smile bloomed on her face.
“Yeah,” she sniffled. “I just can’t believe this. My husband and I have been trying…maybe miracles do happen.” She said, laughing a bit through tears that had started to spill from her eyes.
“Miracles do happen, Dana. Not always, but when they do, they’re the most amazing thing ever. Congratulations.”
Scully smiled at the doctor’s words. It truly was the best thing ever, and she couldn’t wait to tell Mulder and Emily. Oh how she knew those two would be delighted.
continue on AO3
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sinninghowlter · 2 years
Sooooo.... I had a weird dream....
In it, Dan made a video announcing his pregnancy and in it he was just barely showing under the bamboo jumper. He announced they were having a boy. All of us were like "oh yay!!! You guys are going to be amazing parents!!!" and like we all kept watching his video and it was trending and stuff and then we all went "Wait, he's a guy... How is he pregnant!?" and then #danhowelltrans and #alienbaby went viral on twitter and everyone was freaking out. And then my brain tried to logicize it and caused me to wake up
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sandymans-world · 1 year
If you get this, answer w three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! Anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog :)
I've travelled to alot of Countries
I'm recently Vegan
Political junky
@baronessblixen @srtrustno1 @skullsmuldon @edierone @randomfoggytiger @alienbaby-babymama
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burritoscully · 1 year
15 questions 15 mutuals
Thanks to @frogsmulder for tagging me!
1.  Are you named after anyone?
I am! 
2.  When was the last time you cried?
Can’t quite remember but probably after an exam that I thought had gone badly
3.  Do you have kids?
noooooo I’m a young phile. Ask again in 10 years and maybe the topic will have come up
4.  Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I do and not always in the right moments
5.  What sports do you play/have played?
I was a high level (in relation to my age) competitive swimmer until I was 13 and then I switched to gymnastics, which I still do and still competitively 
6.  What's the first thing you notice about other people?
Their hair and their demeanour/energy 
7.  What's your eye color?
Green but it looks like a weird shade of brown in some lights. I like to call it goose shit green
8.  Scary movies or happy endings?
both, I like movies in general and it really depends on my mood to be honest
9.  Any special talents?
I don’t think I have any special talents, I’m just quite stubborn so I can teach myself a skill and get good at it if I stay at it long enough
10.  Where were you born?
Milan! I have since moved country though
11.  What are your hobbies?
Lol that’s a tough one. My main hobbies are gymnastics and whatever form of art I’m hyperfixating on at the moment but I also love music, I sang for 5 years and singing is to this day my most reliable way to relieve stress. I also love reading and consuming media, so much so that it has bled into my studies and made me enjoy them so much more. I love to draw and to listen to music and podcasts, there are a lot of things I enjoy doing. If you’re looking for one specific answer, though, that would be gymnastics
12.  Do you have any pets?
I do, I have three cats and they’re the best
13.  How tall are you?
165 cm or 5'5"
14.  Favorite subject in school?
Physics and Maths for a long time but I broke up with maths in my last year so PE and German became my favourites 
15.  Dream job?
I haven’t quite admitted it to myself yet, but I’d love to do research in comparative literature. It’s the dream, though. I can only hope it will become a reality but I’m trying not to get my hopes up
Tagging: @mypanicface @baronessblixen @xxsksxxx @scullysexual @silhouetteofacedar @agirlcallednarelle @enigmaticxbee @dreamingofscully @leonardbetts @brownies-and-tea @neednottoneed @scullyverse @alienbaby-babymama @jewish-mulder @smalldisbeliever 
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madamenordica · 7 months
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skelemen · 2 years
17 Questions for 17 People
Tagged by @sheseestheghosts. It's been so long since I've done one of theses.
1. Nicknames: Kat, skeleman, the skelemanager
2. Zodiac: Aqua Sun, Pisces Moon, Gemini Rising
3. Height: 5'3" (probably actually 5'2" but give me that extra inch)
4. Last thing I Googled: Prophylaxis Dental -- I just had a dentist appointment today 
5. Song stuck in my head: fuK u lol by Corpse
6. Number of people you follow: 48 -- I'm still getting back into the swing of things
7. Amount of sleep you get: It really depends. I can sometimes sleep for 10 hours for a few days, and then the next few days I only sleep like 4 hours.
8. Lucky numbers: 16
9. Dream job: Published author that gets to write for a living and rely solely on that income
10. What are you currently wearing: Corpse hoodie, no pants, socks, a blanket. I'm big chilling.
11. Movies/books that summarize me: I honestly have no clue. I would say the books I write myself would summarize me the best since I put pieces of myself into each one.
12. What is your favorite instrument: I have no clue. I'm very much not musically inclined
13. Favorite song right now: Out of Touch
14. Describe your aesthetic: Alt? I guess. I don't know what my aesthetic is. I wear all black, my hair is usually colored most of the time. We can go with alternative trash panda.
15. Favorite author: Probably tied between Neil Gaiman and Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
16. Favorite animal noise: NOISE? Uhhhhh..... I guess tiny kitten squeaks.
17. Random fact about myself: I have never broken a bone before, but I really want to know what it feels like. I don't want to actually break a bone, but I want to know what it's like.
I definitely don't have 17 people to tag, so I will tag who I can:
@alienbaby @eternalawakenings @escuinclebrandon @earthdomdirtbag @kisssatoru @yourblackhearts
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theindyreview · 3 months
Banger of the Week: Shazy Hade - Alien Babies
Banger of the Week: Shazy Hade - Alien Babies A short, sweet lo-fi punk banger that was almost lost #newmusic #shazyhade #alienbabies #shortwaverecords #indie #lofi #punk #alternative #grunge #powerpop #rock
The mash-up of two of Madison, Wisconsin’s most prominent independent bands, Shazy Hade live by punk edicts, writing tracks that are irreverent and never showy or overwrought. Mixing in a bit of 60’s garage and psychedelia, the band recorded three albums, with the third lost for years only to be rediscovered and remastered to finally get released. One of the stand-out tracks from this session is…
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Well...yeah, that happened. Welcome, Daisy. 
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skullsmuldon · 2 years
Years ago there was a fic called Where there’s a Will. Where Mulder became guardian of two young children and Scully moved in to help him raise them. There was a second fic There’s a Way. But I can’t find the second fic anywhere. Do you know what happened to it. Thank you
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Can anyone help that sweet anon out? @lilydalexf @baronessblixen @edierone @alienbaby-babymama anyone else?
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