#alina talks
I heard you wanted to wear two hats at the winter fête...good disguise. should I wear two hats? 🤔 - Mal
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alintric · 4 months
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is anyone else getting these ads. love~n~light. unlock your dna. elevate your spirit. 5d ascension art. how is the cat contributing to this
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theweeklydiscourse · 4 months
We’re going through this phase of fandom right now where people willfully ignore the sexist implications of female characters being shafted into housewife/mother roles or disempowered by the end of their stories. If you dare to criticize such writing decisions, you will be accused of sexism and be hounded for not “respecting their choices” as though these characters are actual people and not tools of storytelling. As if the cliche of female characters “sacrificing” their powers or having them stripped away exists in a vacuum and isn’t influenced by any larger cultural factors.
They’ll say: “Not every character has to be a girlboss!!” Or “Let women be soft and traditional!!” As if that’s some revolutionary way of thinking and not the norm. It’s an extension of choice feminism, dismissing any dissent about the quality of the narrative to make it make sense and avoid the uncomfortable truth. Diminishing the agency of female characters and cramming them into traditional roles is a common occurrence in many stories, and we should be allowed to criticize them without being silenced.
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booker-le-livre · 2 years
So, apparently Leigh Bardugo has mentioned several times that the SaB Netflix series will be like a fanfiction of the books and if that is true IT BETTER BE A EVERYBODY LIVES/NOBODY DIES TYPE OF FANFIC AND I MEAN THAT FOR ONE CHARACTER AND ONE CHARACTER ONLY, I-
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agent-tempest · 7 months
I love the grishaverse fandom so much. Six of crows and Shadow and bone are trending for no reason really (I'm not complaining) and here I thought something was being announced. Let's keep going guys. Because that's what we do we will never stop fighting for our beloved characters and show
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lynxfrost13 · 14 days
LSTR-S2301 and the maintenance tunnel ARAR are best friends to me even though that Elster was only on sierpinski for a seemingly brief time, they’re bros who fuck around on the clock during work. I think Elster was probably more willing to put extra time in however she’s also very “okay you’ve given me a list of tasks I did them. They’re done and done well. That’s it, my time now.” Whereas I see Ara being more of a slacker (very valid of her) or at the very least just a bare minimum type of gal when it comes to work.
Idk I tend to imagine them fucking off in the middle of shifts to go find weird lonely corners of sierpinski to hang out in. They don’t even talk half the time but they love it.
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spideymichelle · 1 year
me explaining through my tears that zoya's and the darkling's dynamic goes way deeper (in the books) and it says a lot about zoya's relationship with authority and power but also safety as a whole because of the (almost) parental nature of their relationship like the darkling is already playing favorites with her by the time she is 13
they are close enough for him to pick her over a lot of the older grisha's at the little palace for the possibility of getting an amplifier something we know is so special and not something just anyone could have yet he gave zoya that opportunity and when she felt like she failed him for protecting and releasing the cubs it broke her in a million pieces because she doesn't want to disappoint him
the darkling represented grisha's as a whole. he was their leader, their protector in a world that hates them and wants them eradicated, for a power they were born with. it is the way the little palace was meant to be a sanctuary for grisha's to feel safe, a place where zoya felt safe, yet it was the darkling was the first to completely destroy it and kill any grisha that wasn't on his side he was their biggest protector and he killed them in cold blood like that absolute betrayal
it wasn't just about her losing her aunt, he took away her home, the home she made with her aunt and lada and the one she made at the little palace the friends she made he took everything from her because she believed him when he said they would change the world together like she put so much trust in him, she gave him her power and he broke it so easily that wound just festered on because the darkling betrayed her just like her mother did in the past
and it just parallels the darkling with her mother so well because as a young child just wanted to make her mother happy which meant getting the highest grades, eating only half her meals so her mother could eat the rest, and stealing fruit from the duke's garden so her mother could eat them something she could get severely punished for by the duke zoya a young commoner girl who is from suli descent like she could have died but her mother never stopped her from taking them again and again and didn't her mother truly never saw her other than a pretty face that she could capitalize out of
zoya didn't make a sound on her wedding, didn't cry a single tear on her wedding, and never spoke out because she couldn't bear making her mother angry until the only person who ever spoke up for her was her aunt who almost beat to death for speaking up for her and even then could only be spent little over 2 months with her (mostly on the streets) before being separated for the next 7 years when she first goes back when she is 16. (they did write to each other)
the only adult that "cares" for her was the darkling he had continuous access to her, to groom her, to make her his perfect little girl. she is so desperate to impress him, to be around him, to be noticed, and worst of all he does. he gives her privileges, the important missions and she gets to ride his coach with him like he makes it known and clear that she is special, unlike her mother he gives her the attention she wants. but it doesn't really mean anything to him
he has no issue switching her out with alina sending her faraway as a punishment just like her mother had no issue selling her to a man old enough to have grandchildren of her age
zoya being stuck in a vicious cycle of being abused by people who should be protecting her
and it just speaks volumes that is zoya is the one who advocates for the darkling's victims because if she doesn't speak for alina, genya, liliyana and baghra who will
it speaks to her relationship with nina, her worries, her concerns about her, i wonder if all she sees is a beautiful and powerful girl with a deep love for her country with no support, no family i wonder if she sees herself so desperately trying to prove herself to the world
basically zoya co-wrote would've, could've, should've
*will be edited after i had a good night of rest and crack open the books again
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Can we talk about Jesper Fahey unintentionally being one of the most powerful Grisha in the Grishaverse? (Bear with me)
Okay, agreed, Jesper struggles with doing basically anything intentionally. Makes sense - he was never trained.
But if we consider what he can do; controlling the path of bullets. Taking tiny chunks of metal moving at ~120-370 m/s, and directing them. And not just a little bit. He literally managed to make his bullet curve 90° around a right-angle corner. This is a skill we see no other Fabrikator able to do, and you would have thought, if it was a common ability, or even ever seen before, the Darkling or the Triumvirate would have utilised it in the Second Army. They have not. The only people known to use it are Jesper and his mother.
(And let's just give an honourable mention to Aditi Hilli, who could extract poison from the bloodstream of another person. You remember how the tidemakers in the Ice Court needed to be on Parem to mess with a person's blood? But Aditi Hilli? ...I don't want to say no problem, because she did die, but she saved Leoni too, so... half-marks? I'm just saying Jesper has some serious badass genes.)
Actually, talking about the tidemakers on parem, Jesper, with no training and having all the blood in his body sucked out of him, still managed to kill them with dust. A rather dark trick, but one we've never seen David Kostyk, or Leoni Hilli, considered the two most powerful Fabrikators alive during canon, replicate.
But the real reason Jesper is so powerful has very little to do with that, so much as HOW he does it. Every grisha alive used their arms to direct their abilities. After being captured by the Darkling in S&S, Alina has her hands bound, and says something about how she can summon, but not direct light without her hands, so she's basically powerless. It's obviously a common tactic, because the Druskelle do the same thing with Nina and the other Grisha they captured, and only after they get their hands freed on the sharp edge of a broken cup can they use their abilities again.
The only people we see not using their hands for the small science, in fact, are Adrik, who has to relearn his technique after he loses an arm, and, of course, Jesper Fahey, who can direct bullets with his mind - no hand movements required.
If anything, it's probably this ability that makes him so good at directing bullets. After all, at the speed a bullet is going, you don't have time to be waving your hands around to control it. What's especially funny to me is that before Wylan pointed it out, he had no idea he was even doing it. He was using an ability no other Grisha can, and Didn't Know. Can you imagine him mentioning that to Nina... or basically any Second Army Grisha.
("You can control bullets?"
"...you can't?"
"I'm not sure. I mean, my mother sort of taught me, but also I didn't really realise I was doing it until my boyfriend pointed it out, you know?"
This is, of course, all book canon, but somehow the show takes it even further. It hasn't been officially revealed Jesper's Grisha in the show, but there are enough clues - Jesper repairing Kaz's cane, Ivan's cut-off comment after their fight, not to mention the fight itself - that I'm taking it as canon. In this, it is accepted NO ONE can use their grisha abilities, except merzost, without first touching their hands together. Not The Darkling, not Alina, no one. Except, of course, Jesper Fahey, who can shoot his bullets and direct them to the exact same point on a kefta, after deflecting them off random objects first.
Tl;dr: Jesper Fahey is amazing and crazily powerful and should be appreciated.
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nighhtwing · 4 months
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leigh bardugo, siege and storm
thinking abt this quote in relation to dick. because, well, i am who i am. i just think dick grayson’s innate nature to perform bleeds into so much of him bc yes he is socially adept and charming but he’s also a hard ass and stubborn as fuck and yet the precedent for people to follow him is crazyyyyyy. like yeah he DOES bloom where he’s planted actually idek what i’m saying anymore i just wanna kiss dick’s forehead and give him a solid 8 hrs of uninterrupted restful sleep
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ragnarssons · 2 years
“oooooh but nikolai gave his compass to alina because he has feelings for heeeer” meanwhile, nikolai:
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greensaplinggrace · 1 year
god I fucking wish the darkling was as good at manipulation as people seem to think he is
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are oncat and genya ginger sisters?
yes >:3
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alintric · 3 months
it just occurred to me that there’s not a lot of chilshi on ao3 because it makes more sense post canon and a lot of people are anime only
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jazzkrebber · 9 months
the things I would do for this woman (she's murdered a lot of people and looked fabulous doing it)
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yourdarlingalina · 8 months
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This man just does things to me
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aleksanderscult · 4 months
Bardugo said something anti??
Bardugo in the beginning was supportive of every ship (Nikolina, Malina, Alarkling). But it seems that the sensitive part of her fanbase (those who think that it's immoral to support "toxic" ships) have influenced her and she has stopped talking about Alarkling.
Whenever a discussion is about this ship, she's very vague and sarcastic and never answers a question about them in a straightforward manner.
Here's an example from when they asked her if the Darkling loved Alina: https://twitter.com/malyenism/status/1614050925181542401?t=Issh_QIUgmHlgwH69SBE7w&s=19
Instead of appeasing the growing hostility between Darklina and Malina fans, she makes it worse and she no longer seems to accept the former fanbase.
(personally I couldn't care less. Nothing will make me stop loving this ship and that particular character)
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