#alistair drew se
crispinablr · 6 months
The lion the witch and the audacity of this bitch
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lavellander · 3 years
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“tamlen? then...he was the one who was with you when you... i’m so sorry.” 
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cecesunshine · 3 years
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— Sweet Elite, Chapter 9, Party scene (Alistair’s route)
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otomes-and-tears · 4 years
Hey Bee! so,could i ask for some fluff hcs w Allistair discovering Scholar was bullied on their old school? plz feed us with fluff Bee - 🍪 cookie anon
A/N: Hey, Cookie! Thanks for the request :) Nice to see you here!
Alistair finding out that Scholar was bullied at their old school   
They made a comment in passing about being a victim of bullying in the past;
Scholar still struggled with the effects of what happened, but they were in a much better place mentally;
Enough that they were able to talk about it;
 Arlington had served as a fresh start, and even though things weren’t exactly easy in the beginning;
They now felt like they belonged somewhere;
Even if what their bullies said and did to them never truly went away, they could breathe easy knowing that their new friends would have their back if anything happened;
So, they mentioned being bullied and didn’t think too much of it;
Scholar didn’t even think Alistair would care;
But well, the tight hug they received in response proved them wrong;
Alistair seemed very worried at the possibility that their past bullies were still bothering them, and very relieved when they guaranteed they weren’t;
He was also sad and angry that someone he cared about had to go through something like that and he wasn’t there to protect them;
He swore that they never would have to deal with something like that alone again;
From that point on, he would make sure no one bothered them, and they felt wholly loved and supported;
He would respect their choice to not talk about It in detail if they felt uncomfortable;
But if they wanted to tell the whole story he would be there to listen;
In general, Alistair would be very kind and attentive, even more than usual;
He just wants to make sure that Scholar’s okay, and they know how strong and amazing he thinks they are!
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aria-writes · 4 years
Hey Cat, I want to thank you for deciding to share your talent with us ❤️. I’m looking forward to reading more of your genius fics! They are funny and so well written. Would you mind taking my request? I’d love it if you would write an Alistair x fem!scholar drabble of Alistair eating spicy food (and dying cause he’s not used to that unlike scholar?) please 🥺
Thank you for my very first ask, I’m so excited! Love you fren!! 🖤 This is a double drabble, aka 200 words– somehow I ended up with that many exactly so I hope you enjoy!
“Here we are!” Scholar chirped as she set two plates down on the table. She turned and beamed at Alistair, hands loosely clasped behind her back.
Alistair shook his head and smiled back. “Is there anything you can’t do?”
Scholar slid into the seat across from him. “Uh, I can’t rap.”
“Haha! This looks so good.” Alistair scooped a hefty bite up in his fork and shoved it in his mouth. His expression quickly changed from excitement to horror.
Scholar reached out towards him in concern. “Oh no, is it bad?”
Alistair clamped his hand over his mouth and leaned over to dig through his backpack, frantically searching for a bottle of water.
“Spicy...” he managed to mumble, tears quickly forming at the corners of his eyes.
Scholar slid a glass of milk across the table to him, which he took gratefully and downed in one gulp.
Alistair wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and sighed in relief, sagging backwards in his seat. “Thanks.”
Scholar couldn’t stop herself from giggling once the worst of it was over. “So wait, you mean to tell me that you eat those terrible sriracha bars but can’t handle a few peppers?”
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kasu-meow · 4 years
⭐SE Headcanons - The Main 10 during a zombie apocalypse:
@xfangirl-trashx gave me this wonderful idea :D I hope it turned out well. Under the cut because of length, but before continuing I also have to warn you about characters death, and suicide. Please proceed at your discretion.
Assuming that all the main 10 miraculously survived the initial outbreak, and consequently formed a group:
Would quickly step up and take the command
He has experience in leadership positions and logistical planning, is used to being under stress, and is good at keeping everything in check
Not everyone is happy to have him as their leader though, and he often butts heads with Axel
He doesn’t complain about that too much though, as he has no idea how to proceed in this situation, so he recognizes that he has to set his pride aside and listen to other people’s opinions and ideas
He never thought something like this could happen in real life, and is unprepared to deal with the situation to its fullest
Tries to compensate by keeping track of everything they learn about their situation, be it the characteristics of the zombies, which weapons are best or which roles need to be fulfilled
When making a plan, he always accounts for everything, and prefers not to take any unnecessary risks
He is among the worse fighters though, the only reason why he doesn’t die right away is because he usually leads the operations from afar
When dealing with a zombie apocalypse, there is always one thing you have to keep in mind, though: if a place is safe today, it doesn’t mean it’s going to be safe tomorrow
So, when their refuge inevitably ends up falling, he is not fully prepared to deal with it
He dies trying to make an escape route for the group
He acts as Tadashi’s advisor and the group’s peacemaker
Since Tadashi is not the best at communicating, Alistair always steps up to smooth things over and calm everyone down during fights and difficult situations
He does a great job at keeping a level head and cheering people up, but he is secretly dying inside
He has not been able to contact his family since the outbreak and he is worried sick, but he tries his best to block the bad thoughts for the sake of the group
He is one of the best fighters in the group and has great physical abilities, but he is not fit to be a gatherer, so, he acts as a soldier and a hunter
His job is to keep things running smoothly in the group, and he always leads the way when they have to move elsewhere, making sure to eliminate any zombies blocking their path
He frequently offers to be the lookout whenever there is a need for one, and he is responsible for hunting and providing for the group
He has some of the most dangerous roles in the group, and he always offers to lead the way to protect others, so he is constantly exposed to danger
His big heart is going to be the end of him
When things go south, he puts other people’s safety above his own, and would even go to the extent of jumping in-between a zombie and of the group members
After getting bit, he would ask someone to end his life before he turns
He is afraid of dying, but he doesn’t want to risk turning and putting the group in even more danger, and he tells whoever gets chosen to do the job that he was more than happy to sacrifice himself for his friends
Is secretly glad to die, because at least this nightmare will be over. He just hopes is family is okay
Axel is well-liked, he is smart, and he is good at leading people, so he takes over after Tadashi’s death
He is also the entertainer of the group along with Tyler, he tries his best to keep the morale up, especially after losing someone
After seeing Tadashi fall despite his thoroughness, he is honestly scared, and doesn’t know if he is the best person for the position
It would take him a while to warm up to his new position, but he quickly gains everyone’s trust, and is glad for the support of his friends
At least he knows he is not alone in this, and if he screws up, they have his back
Axel is a decent fighter, and would offer to lead expeditions with Alistair, especially after becoming the leader
When planning for operations, he makes sure to hear everyone out so even if the plan is not perfect, they can cover for each other
He quickly learns from his and Tadashi’s mistakes, and always tries to prevent more deaths from happening
That is not always possible, but he does a pretty good job at protecting the group
Because of all these factors combines, he manages to stay alive
The medical specialist of the group
Her gentle heart would never get used to the situation
She does her best to treat everyone and avoid any deaths, and when one occurs, she is beyond heartbroken
When someone is bitten, she spends all of her time and effort to heal them, even if she knows it’s not possible by now, she still has to try
If she has access to advanced medical equipment in their settlement, she will try and work on a cure on her own, and will blame herself for failing
Is that one person who constantly asks herself if it’s right to kill zombies, if they are just sick, and if they would go back to normal after they find a cure
She puts all of her trust in the government, she keeps hoping they will do something or find a cure but with each passing day, a little bit of her hope dies
She considers the option of suicide, but she knows her group needs her and she would never do that to them
Unfortunately, she is not much of a fighter and she is incredibly kind, so when the zombies override her group’s settlement, she hesitates to fight back and dies in the chaos
She acts as both a scavenger and an engineer
She is small enough to fit everywhere, she can run quite fast, and she is very observant, which makes her perfect for a supplying job
When it’s a small job, she likes to go alone with Tyler, as it’s actually safer
You need to be silent and sneaky during a gathering job, so a lot of people or big athletes like Alistair would actually make the operation more dangerous
Ellie knows how to be careful and adapt, so even if the situation gets dangerous, she can take advantage of her small size and hide till things get better, so she makes it back safely every time
She is also incredibly cunning and an amazing mechanic, and her skills prove useful whenever there is a generator to tinker with, or a radio to fix, making the group’s life much easier
Thanks to her repairing equipment, the group can benefit from working radios and walkie talkies, so keeping in touch wouldn’t be an issue
Ellie has every quality needed to survive
Communication specialist and fellow engineer
Him and Ellie would team up a lot to repair useful pieces of technology, and try to keep in touch with every member of the team
Is responsible for communicating with the scavenging team whenever they are out, and tends to pretty much run the operations from the inside along with Tadashi, then alone
If there is any way to stay updated with what the government is up to, he is also in charge of that
He is also always in touch with the lookouts even at night, so in case of emergency, he can alert the entire group
Is probably the worst fighter out of the entire group and is not much of a runner either
So even if he stays in the refuge most of the time, if a large group of zombies attacks it, I don’t see any way for him to survive it
Wanted to be the commander, but will accept a lower role if Tadashi ends up becoming the leader
Is a bit difficult to deal with, because she does not easily cooperate with people she does not deem worthy
However, she is very smart, so she understands very early on that she will have to make compromises if she wants to survive
Would quickly make an esteem of who will be useful to her and who won’t, and she makes sure to keep the people belonging to the first category close
She is pretty much devastated after Tadashi’s death, but still tries to keep a strong front
She closes up even more and becomes even harsher, and she won’t accept the fact that Axel is the leader now
While it’s true that Karol is smart, she is also hot-headed and stubborn
So when the people she deemed useful (Tadashi, Claire, Tegan) die, she makes a plan to separate from the group, and asks Neha to go with her
Neha tries to stop her from going off on her own, as that means certain death, and tries to convince her to stay with the group
She refuses, as she is convinced of her decision, and leaves in secret at sunrise, to prevent others from stopping her but also because leaving at night would have been too dangerous
No one can survive a zombie apocalypse alone for long, though, as there are just too many things to account for (shelter, protection, food and water…)
She gets attacked by a group of bandits who see an easy prey in her, and she dies
She has an incredibly difficult time dealing with the situation
She is good at adapting though, so she tries to block the negative thoughts, much like Alistair
Her job is to manage supplies, and she is a bit of a tradeswoman
Initially, Claire should have been in charge or rationing the food and distributing it equally, but she is too busy with her medical work
Neha is fair in judgment, very good at keeping track of things and a decent cook, so she is in charge of managing their stocks, sending scavengers out to get things if necessary and cooking balanced meals
Her sewing skills are not the best, but they are more than enough to make necessary adjustments to clothes and other items
She does well in the settlement and has one of the most vital roles, but things go south when Karolina approaches her with her plan
She does not believe leaving would be a good idea, but she can’t convince Karolina to stay
When she discovers she took off on her own, she starts feeling guilty for not being able to stop her, and even thinks she should’ve gone with her even though it was certain death
Neha will secretly try to get ahold of Karolina and tries her best to find traces of her passage on her own time
When she finds clear signs of what happened to Karol, she is inconsolable
Cannot deal with the guilt of having let Karolina die, and commits suicide
Tyler is an extremely useful tool for the group
He has all the necessary characteristics to be a scavenger, and his artistic ability and photographic memory make him quite a skilled cartographer
He can keep track of shortcuts, dead ends and escape routes and thanks to him, the gathering missions are all very successful
Him and Ellie are used to working together and cooperate incredibly well, and he also has a good relationship with Raquel, the other scavenger
He also joins Axel as an entertainer from time to time
He understands that in this situation, it’s important to keep the morale up, so he does his best to make everyone else have fun even when he is scared himself
After Neha’s death, he offers to take care of the stock and basically becomes Axel’s second in command
He is always careful, trusts his friends and has a good team to back him up
That is why I think he would also survive
One of the scavengers, and she frequently offers to be the lookout at night
As an athlete she is very confident in her physical abilities
Her job is to keep an eye on the surroundings and alert the team if any groups of zombies get too close to the settlement, or to the other scavengers
She can put up quite a fight so she wouldn’t have trouble taking out small groups, and as a football player she values teamwork, so she understands that she has to rely on the group and therefore doesn’t die that easily
She is always one to take unnecessary risks, and frequently improvises when she is out scavenging and the situation becomes difficult
Because of that habit, she tends to butt heads with Tadashi, for as long as he is their leader, at least
She is a bit reckless, so I can see her getting too confident, which is the most dangerous thing you could do in this scenario
She ends up taking a risk and making a mistake, ending her life
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dalaeni-fanservice · 4 years
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They’re so bad at this I LOVE it
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romatoria · 5 years
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I drew a sketch of Alistair and my scholar, Leila. I love them so much~! >з<💜
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toxikgato · 6 years
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I love all about this screenshot: Al’s shy blush, the fact that my scholar and his crush won not only the Department portion but also the individual prize, the fact that TWO scholarship students are the ones representing the best of Arlington
this is just a fun replay to get the achievements but damn, i wish Alistair could win with Fer in his real gameplay
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crispinablr · 4 months
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cecesunshine · 3 years
Oiiii vim pelo confissões
Você poderia fazer a prompt 1 e 10 (acho que elas combinam bem uma com a outra) com o Alistair? Não sei se tem que especificar pronomes, mas poderia ser ela/dela se não incomodar?
It’s done, sorry for taking so long! Espero que você não se importe que eu tenha escrito em inglês. Beijinhos anjo <3
The Only Thing | Alistair Drew
Summary → The only thing that makes early morning practice tolerable for Alistair is when Scholar watches it. It’s time for him to have courage and confess his love for her.
Pairing → Alistair Drew x Scholar
Warnings → None
Word Count → 1830
Prompts used → 1. Can I kiss you? + 10. That was unexpected.
A/N → As requested, Scholar uses she/her pronouns! Also, English is not my first language, so I apologize if there are errors or if something doesn't make sense.
As soon as autumn arrived, with it came the cold wind and the endless rain. Alistair rolled his eyes as he saw the cloudy sky that waited for him outside through his window. His bed was warm and it was Saturday, which intensified his desire to stay in bed.
Alistair forced himself to get up, feeling the cold of the floor as soon as his feet touched the floor. He took a quick glance at Tadashi, who was still sleeping. Poor guy, he needed a break after everything that happened between him and his father in the last few days. Alistair walked silently to the wardrobe that he shared with his roommate, taking out the red Athletics Department shirt and black sweatpants and leaving them on the top of his bed. Alistair grabbed his shower products and left the room, heading to the bathroom.
The dorm was relatively quiet, as it was 5:40 in the morning. Alistair loved his department, and he loved everything he did but god, he envied the fact they could sleep into late hours of the morning. As he entered the bathroom, he saw that he wasn’t alone. There was Scholar, fixing her hair with a concentrated look on her face.
“Good morning, Scholar.” Alistair greeted her, going in her direction and leaning into the wall.
“Alistair! Hi, I didn’t even see you coming in!” Scholar greeted him back, quite startled at the sudden salutation given to her. “Why are you up so early?”
“I have practice, the real question is, why are YOU up so early? It’s Saturday, you need to rest.” Alistair asked, studying her features. If there was something that he liked about Scholar, it was definitely her eyes, always wandering around the room or simply focused on something. He had noticed how she would avoid eye contact and look around at random stuff when she was nervous.
“I want to do the homework that Ms. Rodriguez gave us early so I don’t have to worry about it during the rest of the weekend.” Scholar replied, staring at herself in the mirror again. “Also, I didn’t know Coach worked on the weekends.”
“He doesn’t, the Athletic Department students do it voluntarily, it’s part of the job. Although sometimes the only thing you want to do is sleep until late afternoon.”
“Well, shouldn’t other students from your department be up already?”
“We talked about it in our group chat, the other girls from the soccer team had a game yesterday and they are super tired, so they’re not coming. Raquel sprained her ankle so she’s not coming either and some of the boys said that they will be ditching practice today.” Alistair told her, then started counting on his fingers. “So taking me, Rick and some other guys, there will be probably 6 or 7 people at the gym today.”
“Got it. Well, good luck for you and the guys today.” Scholar said as she was making her way to the door.
“Scholar, wait!” The words left Alistair’s mouth almost immediately. “Do you want to...I don’t know...have breakfast with me?” Very slick, Al, he thought.
“I would love to. Meet me in my room when you're ready, ok?” She said and finally left, leaving a red Alistair alone in the bathroom, still processing what happened.
Alistair showered quickly, feeling his hands trembling as he ran his finger through his blonde hair. He needed to be nice and clean for her.
He made his way back to his room, dressing up in his usual practice outfit, trying to style it so it would look better.
"Wow man, never seen you so worried about how you look for practice." Said Tadashi, who had just woken up.
"I'm not only going to practice, I'm going to have breakfast with Scholar." Alistair announced, fixing his shirt. "Tucked in or tucked out?"
"In, obviously. You don't want her to think that you don't care." Tadashi joked. “I mean, she probably knows that you like her. Is not like you are very discreet about it, you’re always walking around her, complimenting her, flexing your muscles to her. It's cute to see, you’re like her personal golden retriever.”
Alistair didn’t reply, he just shot a serious look to his friend, so he would stop. Not because it wasn’t true, but because Alistair wasn’t aware of how other people looked at him every time he would orbit around Scholar. After finishing dressing himself, Alistair grabbed his varsity jacket and quickly said his goodbyes to Tadashi, who was planning on getting more sleep.
In the dorm hallway, the blonde boy knocked into Scholar’s room door, who came out seconds later. She was wearing black jeans, a white knitted sweater and her famous red scarf and was carrying her purse.
“Hi Al.” She greeted him once again. “Are you ready to go?”
“Yes. Let’s get some food, I’m starving.”
They both made their way quickly into the cafeteria, which was surprisingly empty. As Scholar sat down, Alistair went to the counter, where he got a coffee and a strawberry cake for Scholar and an energetic and a protein bar for him.
“Thank you.” Scholar thanked Alistair, as he put the table on the plate. “You know, I was very surprised you’d ask me to get breakfast with you. I thought you were mad at me or something.”
“What? Why?”
“I don’t know, after I congratulated you for the Athletics Department’s presentation at the competition you looked…” She stopped talking, as she was looking for the right words. "uncomfortable. I thought that maybe I said something wrong and I didn’t want to bother you so I decided that I wouldn’t ask you what I did wrong because I didn’t want to upset you even more, so when you asked me for breakfast I was shocked.”
“Scholar, it’s impossible for me to be mad at you. You are the sweetest person I know.” Alistair said, reaching to her hand, grabbing it gently as Scholar looked away blushing, clearly embarrassed at this caring gesture.
They both ate the rest of the meal quietly, sometimes exchanging little smiles and stealing glances that ended up with both blushing or laughing quietly. If anyone else saw them, they would say they were a couple, but they couldn’t see it as they were both oblivious.
The time to leave finally arrived, where Scholar offered to walk Alistair to the gym, which he happily accepted.
As Alistair presumed, the gym was almost empty besides some boys who were doing push-ups and seeing who would be the first to give up.
“I guess this is your stop. I need to go do my homework so I’ll probably go back to the cafeteria.” Scholar pointed to her purse, where all of her supplies were, and then looked to Alistair, who seemed sad about the fact that she was leaving. “Or...I could do my homework while you practice, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah, absolutely.” Alistair agreed almost immediately, giving her a smile. For him, this was an opportunity to impress Scholar. She would see him doing the thing that he does the best.
As Scholar sat down at the bleachers and started taking her stuff out of the bag, Alistair started stretching, warming up his muscles and took off running around the gym. He was really excited to work out in front of Scholar, as this was probably the sneakiest way to show off to her without exactly showing off.
Scholar was supposed to focus on her homework, but at that moment, she could only focus on Alistair, who had stopped running and was now participating in a push-up contest with the other boys of his department.
As the boys gave up and left, Alistair started laughing. Alistair wiped his sweaty face with his face, showing off his abs and his muscular form. God, had he always been that handsome?, Scholar wondered and quickly brushed up that thought as Alistair was walking towards her.
“Everything alright?” The blonde boy asked, taking a sip of his water bottle. “I’m sorry if seeing me training is boring to you.”
“Nothing is ever boring with you Al, and I love being around you.”She said, making Alistair blush. ”Are you finished yet?”
“Finished? I barely even started. I still need to take the boxing supplies out of the storage room and set them up and then I’ll start the boxing practice. Do you want to help?”
Scholar agreed, setting her things down. Already in the storage room, they both started to take out the things and setting it up in the gym, sometimes touching hands and blushing madly.
With everything set up, Alistair began punching the punching bag, always keeping an eye on Scholar, who gave up on doing her homework and was now just watching him. Alistair smiled, his plan was working.
“How do you not have a girlfriend or boyfriend?” She abruptly asked, taking Alistair by surprise.
“W-What?” Alistair spoke, his voice trembling and betraying him at that moment.
“How are you not dating someone?” Scholar questioned again. “Tell me, how is Alistair Drew, one of Arlington’s most attractive boys, single?”
“Well, it’s complicated.” Alistair took off his gloves and his headgear, sitting next to her. “I’m only single because I’m a coward.”
“What do you mean coward?”
Alistair looked at her, staring deeply into her eyes. He needed to tell her, it was time to finally be brave. He held her hand caressing it with his thumb. Scholar reciprocated, also looking into his eyes, giving him a confused look.
“Scholar, I like you.” He finally confessed, still looking at her. “I’ve been trying to tell you this for a while but I was always looking for the right moment. But the truth is, I was just afraid of telling you how I feel because I didn’t know how you would react. You are the most incredible person I know, you’re simply the best.” Alistair got silent for a few seconds and then spoke again. “I really like you...and I hope you like me too.”
After his confession, none of them knew what to say. The silence between them was uncomfortable, in a way that neither of them could put into words.
“Well, that was unexpected.” Scholar said, trying to help the situation. “Look Alistair, that day during the competition, I was going to say the same thing.”
“What?” He questioned.
“I was going to confess to you. I feel the same, Al.” Scholar announced, smiling shyly. “I like you.”
Now, the silence between them was comfortable. So comfortable that they were now closer than ever, as Alistair placed his hand on Scholar's chin, looking at her like she was the only person in the whole world.
“Can I kiss you?” He asked for permission, waiting anxiously for an answer.
“Yes Alistair, you can.”
And their lips touched, as both were involved in a loving but innocent kiss.
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sweeteliteguides · 6 years
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Sweet Elite, Chapter 1 Illustrations
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Alistair: *Is a white blond American jock and good guy™*
Me: Lmaooo you're so BASIC, what kind of dumb bitch would choose YOU out of all the main 10, huh?
Alistair: *Is a tall Teddy Bear who despite of being buff and stronk would never hurt a fly, one of the few students who comes from a middle class family like Scholar, also whenever he's a bit embarrassed he becomes super awkward and soft*
Me, the dumb bitch: I'm so sorry, it's me. I was the stupid bitch all along. I love you.
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aria-writes · 4 years
4. If your parents/bff could pick a LI for you, who would it be and why?
Definitely Alistair, no contest. He’s the beautiful, wonderful, perfect, all-American boy that almost anyone would be proud to bring home to their family.
Some favorable points of note include his humble southern personality and background, firm handshake (no mentions in-story yet but I’m certain he has a good one— dead fish handshakes in my family is an immediate boot), love of dogs, well-mannered disposition (he’d definitely refer to them as sir and m’am if asked without backtalk, which... they might ask), being a totally ripped but sweet teddy bear (for protection...just in case), being hardworking (parents have made it very clear if I date a do-nothing loser who languishes around the house all day I’m in for it), naturally sunny attitude (to balance out my sullen, sarcastic self), and also most likely to be accepting of having a chaperone present on dates (which is probably non-negotiable).
Also, I mean, look at him. A single look is all it takes and you can just tell he has no bad intentions whatsoever.
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yuuki-musume · 6 years
Alistair: It’s late and you’re exhausted... Go to sleep
Tadashi: You know it’s bad enough I have to be a slave to capitalism all day long, and I come back here only to have you push your mainstream societal views on appropriate times to go to bed down my THROAT
Tadashi: ...fuck you, I hate it when you’re right. Good night
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