#se raquel
lifeinpoetry · 2 years
the poets i read are dying like the kelp. i say they are dying because their ghosts live in the trees, and the men are cutting them down with model xxx axes, in order to build a country.
if you kill a ghost, you kill poetry. (the witches say i’m right.) if you kill 2 ghosts, you kill poetry.
this word is plural.
los poetas que leo se están muriendo como el alga marina. digo que se están muriendo porque sus fantasmas viven en los árboles, y los hombres están cortándolos con hachas modelo xxx para construir un país.
si matas un fantasma, matas la poesía. (las brujas dicen que tengo razón.) si matas 2 fantasmas, matas la poesía.
esta palabra es plural.
— Raquel Salas Rivera, from “a door that won’t close because the wood has expanded/una puerta que no cierra porque se expandió la madera,” x/ex/exis
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peaceeandcoolestvibes · 10 months
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I don't care if you're far away. I'll be there. So please wait. I'll be there soon!                           Be safe. Be happy. Tell me what you see. I can find you.                          I love you
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mclzandaya · 2 months
Hello. I was wondering if you're still gonna do Sweet Elite guides?
hi! to be honest i didn't plan to as i thought they'd never continue lol. i will play the latest chapter tho to see if it needs a guide but idk if i'll be able to do it for all characters or just axel! and btw here's chapter 14 guide, sorry forgot i did one lol
EDIT: i did chapter 15's guide lol, even if there's no real need. i'll make sure to progress on my raquel acc for next chapter!
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namelessexistence · 6 months
Todo mundo nessa novela é horrível , é impressionante. Cada vez que o Marcus faz qualquer coisa, reforça minha opinião de que ele mereceu tudo o que a Raquel fez e me faz querer defender a Raquel
"Raquel é hipócrita, é cheia de truques" isso está longe de ser a pior coisa que um personagem desse novela pode ser. Eu acho que a Raquel deveria foder com a vida dele e sair sem consequências, seria justo. Os pais dele também são lixos humanos, então não tem problema se a família do Marcus sofre também, todos eles merecem
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tecontos · 3 months
Virei a puta do quartel kkk.
By; Raquel
Meu nome é Raquel. Tenho 32 anos, 1,64 de altura, 55 quilos, pele branquinha, ruiva, sou casada. Marido nem sonha que eu vivo minhas aventuras (rsrsrsrs).
Há algum tempo, tenho um caso com um oficial da polícia que aqui vou chamar apenas de Capitão, por ele ser bem conhecido de minha cidade. Eu o conheci como professor de cursinho. Foi paixão à primeira vista.
Sempre que nos encontrávamos, rolava de tudo. Anal, oral, ele acabava com minha bucetinha bem gostoso.
Um dia, eu estava com tanta saudade dele, sozinha em casa, que eu resolvi fazer uma surpresinha para ele no quartel. Vesti um vestido vermelho curto e soltinho, bem provocante, e fui até lá.
Quando cheguei, dois soldados me recepcionaram e me comeram com os olhos. Confesso que fiquei, a princípio, meio constrangida, mas a situação era mais excitante que constrangedora. Depois, meu Capitão chegou, todo suadinho, fardado, e eu disse pra ele, na frente de todos:
- “Vamos tomar banho?”
Ele me pegou pela mão e me levou até a sala onde ele trabalhava. Lá, começamos a nos beijar gostoso, ele tirou meu vestido, e eu coloquei aquele cacete gostoso pra fora. Comecei a dar um trato bem gostoso. Como era ele quem comandava o batalhão, não tinha ninguém para impedi-lo…
Só que tinha outros fardados querendo brechar a gente. Um deles, inadvertido, encostou na porta que só estava meio fechada. Quando ela se abriu, eu, que só estava de calcinha vermelha fio, me assustei. O Capitão olhou para os demais, e eles ficaram com medo. Só que eu tive uma surpresa…
Pegando-me pela mão, só de calcinha, ele me levou até uma sala maior. Nos seguiam outros 6 soldados. Chegando lá, ele disse:
– Você vai viver aqui o que nunca viveu antes, vai gostar e vai pedir mais…
Não sei o que me deu, mas eu o chupei com mais vontade ainda. Ele foi tirando a farda aos poucos, e os outros também. Fizeram fila, e eu pedi permissão ao meu Capitão, depois eu fui a cada um chupar também. Gente, 7 cacetes só para mim…
Enquanto eu chupava os dois últimos, os demais foram buscar um colchonete. Meu Capitão deitou, e eu montei sobre ele, cavalgando gostoso. Outros dois chegaram para eu chupar, e um quarto me penetrou, por cima, a bucetinha que já tinha o cacete do meu Capitão…
Eu nunca tinha feito isso na vida… Eu gozava feito loucaaaa… Em cima, houve revezamento, todos me comeram gostoso.
Depois, um soldado moreno deitou, e eu escolhi deitar de costas para ele, colocando meu cuzinho à disposição. Os outros soldados me comeram a bucetinha, e meu Capitão só observava, se masturbando.
Só sei que, naquela tarde, eu gozei váááárias vezes. A partir de então, eu não só saía com o Capitão, mas virei a putinha dele e dos amigos.
Enviado ao Te Contos por Raquel
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killmcpills · 11 months
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claramente había juzgado más a raquel porque definitivamente en aquella misión habían querido matarlas a todas y todavía no sabía si leo y anya serían capaces de revertir la hipotermia de carol y hacer que latiese de nuevo su corazón. ¿cómo les había traicionado de esa forma? mientras ella, maëlys y yelena peleaban, el soldado de invierno, que estaba casi segura de que se trataba del hermano de leo, antes de ser capaz de llevarse a la ucraniana, le golpeó con un cuchillo de acero en su único punto débil. la hoja debía de estar bañada en algún químico que le impedía regenerarse rápido y de no ser porque tanto ruth como leo, tonya y anya les obligaban a llevar torniquetes profesionales en los cinturones, probablemente se habría desangrado. prácticamente llevaba el brazo colgando del pliegue del codo y es que esa era la zona donde tanto se inyectó en el pasado que la fuerte corrosión que creaba la heroína le había quedado como su talón de aquiles. ruth se encargó de curarla mientras ella estaba sentada, intentando calmar a maëlys. “ruliña, estoy bien. tranquila, estoy bien, no me va a pasar nada.” y es que sabía que en cuanto le suturasen, se recuperaría con facilidad. annora, fynn y raquel, que estaban mirándoles preocupados -o al menos los dos primeros- se quedaron sin palabras cuando raquel se atrevió a soltar por lo bajo. “si tarde o temprano iba a perder ese brazo la pedazo yonki.” // @qvimcra​
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caostalgia · 11 months
"Sé que me costó trabajo verle... su belleza me dolió, me dolió la vida que había vivido sin mí, me dolieron las manos que la tocaban, los brazos que la abrazaban, los labios que la besaban, me dolió la tristeza de no haberla tenido antes, de no haberla tenido siempre, y sucumbí a un impulso turbio e interior, cuya naturaleza era tan desconocida para mí como la violencia con la que se manifestaba. Entonces me dije que nunca podría separarme de esa mujer, que nunca consentiría que hubiera otro imbécil en su vida, que lo único que quería era hacerme viejo a su lado, ver su rostro al despertarme todas las mañanas, ver su rostro un instante antes de dormirme cada noche y morir antes que ella. Eran sólo palabras, o ni siquiera eso, frases hechas, sobadas, desprovistas ya de sentido por el uso, pero yo las pensé, las compuse como si nadie las hubiera pensado o sentido antes, y miré a Raquel, y la vi mirarme, sonriente primero, luego más seria, como si pudiera adivinar lo que me estaba pasando. Hasta que se inclinó sobre mí, y la besé, y la Tierra giró sobre sí misma y alrededor del Sol entre las cuatro esquinas de su cama."
Grandes, A. (2007) El corazón helado.
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didiribeiro · 5 months
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"Calça teus pés com fé e segue em frente. Leve sempre teus sonhos nos olhos pra não perdê-los de vista. Nunca se esqueça que Deus te conhece...Ainda que nada digas, Ele vê tuas motivações e as tuas lutas...É Ele que deve te guiar. É nEle que deve estar fincada tua confiança."
Raquel Paixão
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armatofu · 5 months
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Al comienzo de los años 20 del siglo XX, (1924) la cocaína y la morfina eran de consumo  habitual en cabarets y locales nocturnos  de ciudades como Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia. Francia parecía ejercer una perniciosa influencia sobre nuestras fronteras. Se temía un contagio de una modernidad sobre la que poco se sabía realmente.
 Sexo y droga, una combinación difícil de superar, ni siquiera para el dictador Miguel Primo de Rivera que no supo librarse de sus embrujos y fue capaz de destituir a un juez que detuvo a su amante favorita, una prostituta andaluza conocida como La “Caoba” que además mercadeaba con la cocaína.
La “Caoba” frecuentaba el tablao flamenco, Villa Rosa, que nació de la mano de dos banderilleros y un picador como freiduría de” pescaito” y finos, entre la calle Gorguera y el callejón Álvarez Gato en 1911, y que en 1924 contaba con buenos cantaores como Antonio Chacón.  En los reservados del Villa Rosa solían perderse la elite política, militar, burgueses y el rey Alfonso XIII.  
Pero el protagonista del escándalo fue el  general Miguel Primo de Rivera, que sirvió en Marruecos, Cuba y Filipinas, estuvo seis años casado y tuvo seis hijos, su esposa Casilda Saenz de Heredia  murió precisamente de parto.  En su viudez, el general se convirtió en asiduo de casas de juego,cabarés, music halls, se rodeó de numerosas amantes como la cupletista Raquel Meller,  prostitutas, sobre todo, de la ya nombrada, la “Caoba” que fue detenida y procesada por tráfico de drogas y chantaje a un empresario.
Fue procesada por el juez, don José Prendes Pando. Es entonces cuando el dictador Primo de Rivera indica al magistrado que deje libre a su amante,  aduciendo que él era protector de jóvenes alegres. No cejó  hasta que el juez fue enviado a Albacete, expulsado de la carrera judicial y el  presidente del Tribunal Supremo, don Buenaventura Muñoz, que respaldó al magistrado,  fue jubilado anticipadamente.
 Hubo quien se atrevió a criticar abiertamente al dictador, como El Colegio de Abogados de Madrid, quien en junta general alzaron sus voces enérgicas y condenaron la intromisión del Dictador, emitiendo una nota de protesta. También se criticó en los círculos intelectuales alrededor del Ateneo de Madrid. Así lo hicieron su presidente, don Rodrigo Soriano y un miembro tan destacado como don Miguel de Unamuno, entonces vicerrector de la Universidad de Salamanca.
La “Caoba” salió de la cárcel y a ambos ateneístas la crítica les costó el destierro a Fuerteventura. Dicen que la última frase del catedrático en su clase de la Universidad de Salamanca fue: “Para el día próximo, lección siguiente”. El Ateneo fue clausurado.
 El Heraldo de Madrid, habló tambien sobre el tema, pero para evitar represalias contó que el suceso se había producido en Bulgaria y el protagonista era el primer ministro de este país. 
Unamuno al año del exilio publicó De Fuerteventura a París. Diario íntimo de confinamiento y destierro vertido en sonetos por Unamuno, una colección de textos y referencias a una España que se le negaba. También habló de La Caoba :
«Famoso se hizo el caso de la ramera, vendedora de drogas prohibidas por la ley y conocida por La Caoba, a la que un juez de Madrid hizo detener para registrar su casa y el Dictador le obligó a que la soltase y renunciara a procesarla por salir fiador de ella.
Cuando el caso se hizo público y el Rey, según parece, le llamó sobre ello la atención, se le revolvió la ingénita botaratería, perdió los estribos — no la cabeza, que no la tiene — y procedió contra el juez tratando de defenderse en unas notas en que se declaraba protector de las jóvenes alegres.
Aquellas notas han sido uno de los baldones más bochornosos que se han echado sobre España, a la que el Dictador ha tratado como a otra ramera de las que ha conocido en los burdeles. Se ha complacido en mostrar sus vergüenzas y en sobárselas delante de ella«.
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latinotiktok · 1 year
Perdoname pero la mamá de Mafalda tiene nombre se llama RAQUEL por favor me dejan de faltarle el respeto a esta Señora
Al fin alguien feminista.
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bunnicherie · 2 months
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# cherie-reblogs: reblogs on fanarts, random posts.
#Bunstorming: headcanons brainstorming.
# asks? Why yes! : answering asks.
# mon cherie words are like fantasy : my fics :3
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՞ ՞ ⠀This account will have some heavy NSFW content, sometimes some dark topics too. So be careful if you choose to follow me. I will also NOT be referring to any wrestlers by their real names. ᐢ..ᐢ
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୨ৎ : Here's things you need to know about my fics !
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՞ ՞ ⠀I do not write about : r@pe, piss kink or anything similar with that, reader and heavy gore, jd bubblehead.
՞ ՞ ⠀What I do write about : smut/lemon, fluff, angst, no happy endings, fantasy, supernatural, horror if I'm feeling up to it, mild gore, heavy topics, song fics, kink fics, etc.
⤹ I will also write mainly about ever after high, Judgment Day, JoJo's or any other fandom that I am in the mood writing for.
୨ৎ ﹕Here's all my currently favorite ships !
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⤹ Favorite ships in WWE : Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley x Damian Priest, Rhea Ripley x Liv Morgan, Rhea Ripley x Raquel González, Rhea Ripley x Charlotte Flair, Rhea Ripley x Roman Reings, Rhea Ripley x Drew McIntyre, Rhea Ripley x Jey Uso, Rhea Ripley x Becky Lynch.
⤹ Favorite ships in Danmeis : Wangxian & Xiyao & Xuanli & ChengQing [MDZS], Hualian [TGCF], Bingqiu [SVSSS], Ranwan [2HA], Wenzhou [WOH].
⤹ Favorite ships in Animes : Sasunaru & Naruhina & Itadei & Obidei & ShikaNeji & SaiIno & PainKonan [Naruto], Sabigiyuu, Sanegiyuu, ObaMitsu, GiyuuMitsu & TanjiKana & ZeniNezu[Kimetsu], Banmara [Patalliro].
⤹ Favorite ships in Ever After : Dexven, Huntlynn, HeartLockes, Dappling, QueenKnight, RavenSparrow [DoubleBird], Dizzie, etc.
⤹ Favorite ships in JoJo's : Bruabba, Giomis, Fugio, DiaDop, TizSqualo, DiaDio, JolySui, Gyjo, etc.
⤹ Random ships : BBRae [Teen Titans], Damirae [Teen Titans], Robstar [Teen Titans], RobRae [Teen Titans], Malec [Shadowhunters], Cleuce [MH], DracuClawd [MH], etc.
୨ৎ ﹕You can find my works on here!
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՞ ՞ ⠀⠀Archive Of Our Own: Moranguita.
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୨ৎ ﹕Here are some of my masterlists !
🌸 Rhea Ripley: The Big Masterlist PT 1.
🌸 Bun's not-so-secret library.
🌸 Bun's fanfic collection.
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୨ৎ ﹕Here's a little bit about me in case you're curious !
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՞ ՞ My Name is Fleur! It's the name I go by here, and I would appreciate it if you all called me by that.
՞ ՞ My pronouns are she/her, but I also do not mind he/him pronouns. I'm genderfluid. I'm 18 years old.
՞ ՞ Some Fun Facts About Me are that I am Brazilian! 🇧🇷 Fala ae meus camaradas! Se você fala português, se sinta livre pra gente bater um papo. I consider myself a slytherin. My favorite foods are noodles and donuts, and I love mangos as well ! I am also a very picky eater and hate a lot of stuff lol.
՞ ՞ ⠀Kinks are breeding, inflation, daddy/mommy, praise and humiliation, dom/sub, pain kink, edging, pet names and nicknames, ageplay, etc.
[ ⚠️ ] I don't talk about my kinks here, but most of these I incorporate when I write smut. I'll always put warnings when writing a fic with it tho, so don't worry.
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૮꒰˵• ﻌ •˵꒱ა
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nordschleifes · 6 months
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chapter fourteen — epilogo
➝ when the nature of their relationship is revealed to the world, fernando and charlie end up having a serious conversation about the direction they want to take.
➝ word count: 2,2k
➝ warnings: spanish media, insecurity
➝ author's note: tagging @christianpulisic10, @alonsogirlie, @he-is-the-destined, @sunnytkm23 and @enaticosencantados as requested.
Sitting on the couch with the remote in her hand, Charlie frantically scanned the channels on the television. Probably none of them would be broadcasting Brighton's game in Spain, after all, if the team wasn't facing one of the big clubs in England, nobody really cared. But, it wouldn't hurt to take a look to confirm.
However, she stopped on one of the channels when she saw a familiar image on the screen that made up the program's scenario.
— Las redes están alborotadas con esta imagen que finalmente lo confirma — the presenter announced in a happy voice — Fernando Alonso está de vuelta en las pistas y muy enamorado. El piloto asturiano, que sufrió una fractura de tobillo en el último Gran Premio de Las Vegas, fue visto en el circuito que lleva su nombre intercambiando abrazos y caricias con una mujer. Hablemos con Marina Rubel, que está en Oviedo, con más información. Marina?
The screen split to a live entry of a dark-haired woman who appeared to be in a park. Dropping the controller on the couch, Charlie couldn't stop watching, even though she didn't understand anything that was being said. But in a way, she didn't even need to.
— Hola Anne, buenas tardes. Esta es la confirmación de que el dos veces campeón de Fórmula 1 está, de hecho, en una nueva relación casi un año después de su ruptura con la periodista austriaca Andrea Schlager — the reporter said — Además del video que circula en las redes sociales, el propio Fernando publicó en su cuenta de Instagram una imagen de su nueva novia luciendo un mono y un casco de su escuela de karting, con el pie de foto "de vuelta a la pista".
— Hasta el momento, no se sabe quién sería esta misteriosa mujer, ¿verdad?
— Bueno, no se sabía. Sin embargo, nuestro equipo hizo un gran trabajo de investigación y tenemos, en exclusiva, el nombre de la nueva novia de Fernando Alonso. Descúbrelo en el informe.
A familiar photo appeared over the screen. Charlie's stomach twisted.
— La nueva novia de Fernando Alonso es un soplo de aire fresco en su lista de conquistas amorosas. Tras su matrimonio con la cantante Raquel del Rosario y largas relaciones con la presentadora Lara Álvarez y la modelo Linda Morselli, la nueva chica del "Nano" es su ingeniera de carrera, la inglesa Charlotte Whitlam — the reporter's voice said, as videos and photos of the podium in Suzuka were played — Puede que no la reconozcas por su imagen, pero Charlie, como la llaman, es la voz que escuchamos en las interacciones por radio entre Fernando y su equipo…
Suddenly, the television turned off.
Charlie let out a gasp of protest, before turning around to see Fernando's serious gaze. She felt like a naughty child who had just been caught doing something she shouldn't.
— Why were you watching this? — he asked.
— I wasn't — Charlie stammered, feeling his face heat up — I was looking for the Brighton match…
— That didn't look like the Brighton match, Charlie — Fernando said.
— I know…
He walked around the couch, crutches clicking on the floor as he stopped beside her and sat down. Looking down at her hands, Charlie couldn't shake the discomfort she'd been feeling, not just at being caught watching a news report about what had happened over the past 24 hours, but at being exposed like that.
The day before, after visiting the museum, Fernando took her to the circuit, where the go-kart shed used by students from the school he had set up there was located. After meeting the crew that maintained the equipment, showing her how he tightened the wheels as a teenager, and hearing more about how they took care of the engines, Fernando asked her if she wanted to go for a ride on the track.
— Can I? — Charlie asked, almost as if she were a child delighted by the possibility of playing with a new toy.
— Of course.
Changing into a set of the school's blue overalls and a helmet, Charlie could see through the opening in the visor the smile that Fernando had on his face. Asking her to wait a bit before sitting in the kart, he took his phone out of his pocket and took some pictures of her, telling her that she looked like a real Formula 1 driver.
After the last instructions, Charlie put her foot down on the accelerator, leaving the garage in the direction of the track. Allowing herself to experiment on the asphalt, she couldn't help but laugh when she caught too much of one of the kerbs in one of the corners or when she almost lost the rear at the last chicane. Driving the kart around made her feel strangely nostalgic, especially when she thought back to the times she and her grandfather had gone to a track in Northampton for a few laps.
When she pulled up in front of the garage, Charlie found Fernando with a wide smile on his face, leaning against the wall.
— So, what do you think? — he asked.
Charlie walked over to him as she took off her helmet and balaclava. 
— It's amazing, the kart is very well adjusted and the track is excellent! — she exclaimed, smiling, while the driver took one of his hands to her forehead, fixing her disheveled bangs  — And you, what did you think?
— You still need some lessons — Fernando replied, receiving a playful pat on the chest from Charlie — But you've got potential, nena, lots of potential.
After laughing, she gave him a soft kiss, one hand on his face, caressing the driver's cheek. A moment Charlie wanted to keep forever inside her heart and not have it recorded and posted to the entire world. The sensationalist headlines were already sketching in her mind, one worse than the other.
“Fernando Alonso takes his own engineer to bed”.
"Meet Charlie Whitlam, Alonso's newest girl".
"Charlie Whitlam: how an ordinary engineer got one of Formula 1's most eligible bachelors".
— Look, Charlie — Fernando said, breaking the silence in the living room — I already knew this was going to happen.
She glanced in the driver's direction with a raised eyebrow.
— Did you?
— Well, when you achieve a certain notoriety in Spain, let's say your life becomes the object of scrutiny by the press, such as…
— Tabloids? — Charlie asked. She was familiar with abuse in the British press, especially by the tabloids. It was not uncommon to see journalists crowding around the drivers in Silverstone, in search of an image or a bombastic statement to put on the covers of their newspapers.
— Yeah — Fernando replied — The point is that, in one way or another, they would connect the dots between us. And then they would come after us, wanting more and more, just…
— Like it was with all the other girlfriends you had — she completed.
— Yes. I never felt really bad for them because they were people who were used to it. They lived off their own image, so showing up with me wouldn't hurt them. In fact, they even took advantage of this to boost their own careers, which seemed stupid to me…
— You know you can't judge them, right?
— Why not?
— Because you also live off your image and appearing alongside them wouldn't hurt you either. By the way, didn't you pose for a magazine cover with one of them?
Fernando gave an embarrassed giggle.
— Yeah, I did. But… How do you know that?
— I watched your documentary — Charlie murmured.
— Did you? When?
— On the flight to Vegas. By the way, I thought that magazine cover was shit.
He looked shocked.
— But the cover…
— It has a clear power imbalance between you and her, with the clothes and all. I would even say that it was sexist.
— I was shirtless.
— Wearing a suit coat and with her body covering your chest. It was ridiculous, Fer.
The driver stared at her for a few seconds before smiling, squeezing Charlie's hand.
— Okay, I admit, the idea was ridiculous.
— Sexist — she corrected.
— Ridiculous, sexist, any other descriptions you'd like to add?
— Disgusting. Idiotic. An offense to good taste.
— Okay, Charlie, I get it — Fernando sighed— The point is, you're different from them. You're not exactly a known person...
— People know my voice, they've seen me on television with you...
— Charlie, it's not the same as being my girlfriend. For these guys, you stop being a mere engineer to be a source of income. You stop being a person to be a character in their stories. And — he stopped, looking frustrated — Fuck, I didn't want that for you.
— No?
— You don't deserve to live in this scrutiny, in this monitored life, without any privacy, just because I love you — Fernando continued — I want my love to be something safe for you, to be something good and not a source of stress and fear.
Charlie looked at his hand thoughtfully.
— Where are you going with this story? — she asked quietly.
— I want you to know that you don't have to live through this if you don't want to.
— Are you giving me carte blanche to break up with you?
The driver's eyes widened.
— No, no, I don't want you to break up with me, Charlie. In fact, I want you by my side forever. But I don't want my life and everything that comes with it to become a burden on you.
— You would never be a burden, Fer.
— Maybe I'm not, but the spotlight is. Maybe the attention, the comments on the internet, the things people will say in the paddock, all of that is a burden. And I couldn't bear to see you fade just because I love you — he murmured — I want you to keep shining, Charlie. And I want to wake up every day with your light illuminating and warming me.
Something in his words made Charlie feel her eyes fill with tears. She had avoided love at all costs over the years. It was something too difficult, too terrifying for her. It wasn't worth investing in something that would only make her suffer and cry, clutching a bottle of wine and watching some sappy romance movie.
Then Fernando appeared in her life again. It was as if fate wanted them to settle the disputes that one had with the other. And the moment Charlie gave the driver a second chance, she allowed herself to discover a fantastic man, dedicated and loving, who cared about her and would do anything to see her happy.
Love was still difficult and terrifying for Charlie.
But, loving Fernando was the best thing that had happened in her life.
— I'll never fade as long as you're by my side — she said, with a small smile — I love you. And it won't be one article talking about me that will make me give up on you.
— Not even two?
— Not even a million — Charlie said, before approaching his face, giving a peck on his lips — Nothing in this world will make me give up on you.
Staring at her for a few seconds, Fernando smiled.
— You mean I can tell the whole world how much I love you?
— Well, it's not like nobody knows.
— But it wasn't me who said it, it was a bunch of nosy journalists. But, I think it’s time for me to say something and break the news on my own terms — he replied, taking his cell phone out of his pocket. Charlie almost immediately concluded what his plan was.
— Are you going to post a picture of us?
— Two, actually — the driver said, as he selected the images — If they want to know, they'll know.
— But — Charlie hesitated, looking at one of the photos — Do you need to post this one?
Fernando looked at her, one eyebrow raised.
— Don't you like this picture?
— I look terrible in it, Fer — she replied — Look at my hair, it's all messed up, I'm not wearing any makeup, and…
He chuckled, placing a hand on her face, his thumb lightly brushing her skin.
— You can be either way, I'll always find you beautiful — Fernando murmured — The most beautiful woman I've ever seen.
After searching a little more in the phone's gallery and finding a photo that showed the moment they were introduced to each other for the first time — with a Ron Dennis watching the moment attentively — the driver thought for long minutes before typing something in the telephone.
— “Two people never meet by chance” — Fernando said, looking at Charlie — What do you think?
— Are you talking about fate?
— Well, let's just say you made me believe in it.
She laughed.
— So it's my fault?
— Well, not only yours, but — the driver hesitated for a few seconds — There are only two ways to explain why we're together right now. One is careful planning and a crystal ball, which I believe is not the case. And the other is fate.
— So it was fate?
— Always has been, nena. You have always been my fate — Fernando said, before clicking the 'post' button.
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raquel-lopez · 10 months
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~Una buena forma de vivir en armonía y libertad, es actuando con honestidad, evitemos mentir y engañar, cuando lo hacemos, causamos un impacto que daña las relaciones con otras personas, se pierde la confianza y nos convertimos en seres realmente repugnantes. Respetemos el amor, la palabra dada y el compromiso adquirido. Evitemos causar y sentir dolor o sufrimiento. Seamos fieles y leales. Buenas noches. Namasté 🤍🙏~Ingrid Raquel
~A good way to live in harmony and freedom is by acting honestly, let's avoid lying and cheating, when we do, we cause an impact that damages relationships with other people, trust is lost and we become really disgusting beings. Let's respect love, the word given and the commitment made. Let's avoid causing and feeling pain or suffering. Let's be faithful and loyal. Good night. Namaste 🤍🙏
~Ingrid Rachel
"Cheating on someone is the most disgusting thing, from a chat flirt to something physical. Cheating is hurtful and disrespectful, especially if you do it to someone you say you love. If you are unhappy, leave, because those things tear the soul of someone who really loves you."
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huellas-poeticas · 9 months
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Ezequiel Zaidenwerg es un traductor y poeta nacido en Buenos Aires, Argentina, en 1981. Reside en Brooklyn. Escribe, traduce, enseña y saca fotos. Ha publicado los libros de poemas Doxa (Vox, 2007), La lírica está muerta (Vox, 2011; Cástor y Pólux, 2017; Lyric Poetry Is Dead, en traducción de Robin Myers y con dibujos de Carmen Amengual: Cardboard House, 2018), Sinsentidos comunes, ilustrado por Raquel Cané (Bajo la luna, 2015) y Bichos: Sonetos y comentarios, en colaboración con Mirta Rosenberg e ilustrado por Valentina Rebasa y Miguel Balaguer (Bajo la luna, 2017). Su libro más reciente es 50 estados: 13 poetas contemporáneos de Estados Unidos (Bajo la luna, 2018; Ediciones Antílope, 2020; Kriller71 Ediciones y Fulgencio Pimentel, 2022), una antología novelada de poesía estadounidense. Envía diariamente por email poemas traducidos a través de su newsletter, El poema de hoy.
Lo que anida
en Indiana;
lo que nada
en la nave
de la vena;
lo que, dañino,
y va
lo que se ancla
al temple
de la sangre
y la encabrita
sus ancas
de cangrejo;
lo que sopla
de canas
la cabeza;
lo que besa
con afición
la médula
y la vuelve
un humedal;
lo que, en su avance,
a quien financia
el postre
en la oficina
de la infancia;
lo que de pronto pudre
lo que nutre,
pero siempre
renueva lo que
Ezequiel Zaidenwerg
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Buenos días🌞☕️
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loopscereal · 3 months
Soy yo de nuevo, ah. Perdón pero me surgió una duda y quería saber: ¿Cuáles son las edades de todos los personajes en su AU (OCs incluidos)? Porqué mencionaron que algunos personajes eran mayores y toda la cosa pero no sé si el resto de personajes mantienen todos sus viejas edades o también hicieron algunos cambios con ellos.
Nunca te disculpes, adoro oír de ti y me encanta contestar cada pregunta que tienes. jdhdhs no muerdoooo eres bienvenido, eres bienvenido.
okey las edades
La mayoría mantienen sus edades de la serie (16) pero algunos tienen 15 por el simple hecho que su cumpleaños no ha pasado. pero siguen en el mismo año escolar,
15-16 todos. Agosto-Junio. yeah. Todo los estudiantes tienen 16, los unicos que no han cumplido son Joy, Cami, Toddy, e Eak, por el puro día de su cumple.
aquí están los que cambiamos
Los nightmares:
Onnie (19) Deuz (19) Maggie (19) y Onxy/Oxy (18)
Spring (24). Vincent (25), Leticia (25).
Los Ocs, si quieres saber:
Los salvaged:
Mar (19), Bébe (19), Raquel (19), Scarlet (18), Avani (18) Ennard, Lolo (lolbit), Leslie (lefty) y Red (ese oc de ojos rojos, piel palida, y pelo nego) son estudiantes y tienen 16
Lo último que quiero agregar es algo sobre Fred. En su ficha dice que su edad es "???" y no me gusta eso, xq se supone que toda su existenca ha sido al lado de Freddy asi que deberia tener 16. No me gusta que le dieron "???" no se. me da sabe que. De todos modos, ahora tiene 13. Lore. 💞💞💞
¡Aqui tienes una tabla que hico mi gradiose amige Pi, para ayudar visualmente!
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La Lana escrita en la tabla no es la misma que Esta Lana, son personajes distintos. corazoncito
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