#all ill say is that i wanted to include their wedding rings but neither ring finger is visible
clembian · 2 years
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"to love is to endure"
rbs appreciated🌷
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favefandomimagines · 4 years
Then Let Me Go (g.w.)
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Summary: you’ve been with George since your third year at hogwarts and you wondered if he’d ever propose
AN: this was inspired by a season 3 episode of glee where emma talks to will about marrying her and her OCD and i switched it up and used anxiety instead which is something i deal with all the time
You and George were the epic love story. You beat the odds, survived a war and had reached a mile stone of almost a decade together.
And yet you were at a stand still. Everyone around you was either married or engaged to be married.
Fred had just gotten back from his honeymoon with Angelina, Ron just got married to Hermione and Harry proposed to Ginny two months prior.
And then there was you and George. The epic love story that was grinding to a halt. That thought alone made your anxiety and overthinking worse than it’s been.
Being a half blood, you knew what anxiety was. Your mother had it when she was your age and it was something you dealt with every day. Your boyfriend had known about your illness early into your friendship, long before you were dating.
He was always there for you but now that he was the thing causing your anxiety, you didn’t know who to turn to.
George not proposing made you second guess everything you did. Thinking that the smallest wrong thing would lead to George to admit he didn’t want to marry you.
You were beginning to feel self-conscious and almost like you not revelling in the greatness that is pre marital or post marital bliss, you were a burden.
No one who’s married or engaged wants to hang out with the only person who’s not.
Angelina’s birthday was coming up and Fred had entrusted you in planning the event. Which you said yes to because not only was she your best friend, it distracted you from the constant mental chatter.
You were sitting at your kitchen table, going through the various ideas you had for Angelina’s party.
“Hello, darling.” George greeted you as he entered your shared home. “Hi, Georgie.” You replied, eyes not leaving your plans. “Are you still planning the party?” He asked.
The redhead sat across from you as he watched you hyper focused on your work. “Uh, yes. I just want everything to be perfect. I feel like there’s something missing.” You answered.
“Y/N, it’s going to be perfect. You just have to relax.” He said. “I can’t relax, George.” You muttered, hating the way he told you to relax.
“What’s really going on? I know there’s something wrong, there has been for months.” He commented.
You stopped your movements for a moment before looking up at him.
“D-Do you want to be with me? As in husband and wife?” You questioned. “Of course I do. But planning a wedding and having kids can be a lot for your anxiety, love. I don’t want you to be in that kind of environment.” George answered.
Though his answer was caring, thoughtful and putting you first, you were frustrated by it.
“George, I’m more than just this disease that I have. Every single day is riddled with anxiety but that doesn’t stop me from pursuing the things I love. I got a job at the ministry for Merlin’s sake, despite the constant feeling of not being good enough and that I don’t deserve it.” You started.
You paused to keep your emotions in check but George knew you like an open book.
“I want to marry you, George, I want to be your wife. But if me being so irrevocably in love with you isn’t enough and you only see my anxiety, then you need to let me go. Because this whole time I’ve been watching everyone in my life have what I want. And it’s not fair to either of us to stay in a relationship that’s come to a stand still.” You finished.
You cleared your throat and stood up from the table, heading into the guest bedroom. Locking the door behind you.
George inwardly groaned has he put his head in his hands. The truth was, he had decided he was going to propose to you a long time ago but then he had a conversation with one of his old friends from school and their words got in his head.
Your anxiety would just get worse if you had to plan a wedding and having to care and worry for a child would add on to that. But he was so incredibly wrong for letting that get to him.
It had been a week or so since the truth was revealed and Molly had invited you and George to the Burrow for a family dinner.
You and George hadn’t really talked since that day. He made it clear to you that he didn’t want to lose you or end the relationship that you both had jumped through hoops to keep.
The conversations were the usual, normal ones. Neither you of mentioning your previous conversation but the tension was very noticeable.
The whole Weasley family could tell something was off. The extended members included. You and George were usually the couple everyone wanted to be like and now, they couldn’t be happier they weren’t.
Before dinner was ready, Molly had asked if you could help her prepare dinner. 
Now you’ve known Molly for years and she rarely asked people for help in the kitchen. The last time she did, it was holiday break and George asked you out the next day.
“Is there something going on with you and George?” She asked you. That was when you broke. No one had been upfront enough to ask you and the fact that someone had, was enough to make you let down your walls. 
“I asked him if he thought about marrying me and he basically said he didn’t want my anxiety to ruin it. I didn’t think it was that much of an issue that he didn’t want to marry me.” You cried to the woman. 
Molly wrapped you in a tight embrace and cooed you as you cried. “I don’t know what else I can do.” You added. The Weasley matriarch feared for your relationship. 
Not only had you had a positive impact on his son but her family as well. Her and Arthur saw you as another daughter and they loved you as if you were their own. She didn’t like seeing you hurt especially at the hands of her son. 
After a few minutes of her consoling you and cleaning yourself up, you helped her bring dinner out on to the table and took your ‘assigned’ seat next to George. 
He could tell you had been crying. He knew that when your eyes were a little puffy and your eyelashes were damp, that you had been crying over him.
You had three types of crying; the crying over a book, which usually involves a couple stray tears. The frustrated crying, that involved you yelling and sobbing at the same time. And the crying over a boy. Which was quiet and sad, and he knew it quite well because it had been reserved for him for the past decade.
Under the table he placed a comforting hand on your thigh and he felt you tense under his touch before softening slightly. 
Dinner soon came to an end, after the hour of grueling wedding talk and questions about when Fred and Angelina were having kids. 
Everyone could see the distant look on your face as they talked about it. The only two people who knew what was actually going on was Angelina and Ginny. 
While you were helping clean up the table with Ginny and Hermione, Molly pulled her son aside to have a much needed conversation. 
“George, what is this I hear about you not wanting to marry Y/N?” She asked. “I-I know how it probably sounded to her. I made it sound really bad. But, I do want to marry Y/N, mum. I just, don’t know how to ask her.” George answered. 
He stuck his hand in his pocket and pulled out the small ring box. “I’ve had the ring for a while I just couldn’t find the right time. It has to be perfect because she deserves nothing less than perfect.” He added. 
“Sweetheart, Y/N will think it’s perfect because the man she loves is asking to spend the rest of his life with her. That’s all she wants. She wants you to want to marry her, flaws and all.” Molly told him. 
George nodded his head as he looked at the ring in his hand. He quietly muttered an ‘excuse me’ to his mother before going to find you. The Burrow was important and significant to the both of you and if that wasn’t the best place, he didn’t know what would be. 
“Y/N, may I borrow you for a second?” He asked you. You looked from him to Ginny as she nodded her head and took the plates from your hand. George intertwined his fingers with yours as he led you outside. 
The two of you walked a ways away from the house, down the path of tall grass before you had come upon the clearing. The sunflowers were in full bloom around you and the air was warm, a slight breeze blowing. 
“What did you need to talk about?” You asked him, avoiding eye contact by looking at the sunflowers blowing in front of you. “Y/N, I need you to know that I love you. I have loved you since I was 14 years old and I have loved you more every day since then. You’re perfect even when you don’t think you are,” George started. 
You didn’t know where he was going with his declaration of love. “It’s like that line from that muggle poem you always say, uh what was it?” He stammered. “We loved with a love that was more than love. It’s from a poem by Edgar Allen Poe.” You interjected. 
“Yes! That’s it! You and I, Y/N, are the epic love story just like that. And that is why I want to marry you. All of you. I want to live my life with you. I want to have kids with you, preferably twins but I’ll love them all the same. My point is,” George paused, getting down on one knee. 
“Marry me, Y/N. Please.” He finished. Your answer to him was wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him deeply. He didn’t hesitate kissing you back. 
The two of you parted and George looked at you with a smile on his face. “Is that a yes?” He asked. “Of course it’s a yes.” You laughed. George laughed in relief as he took the ring out of the box and slid it on to your finger. 
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thefandomlesbian · 4 years
Ship Questions!
Domestic 🥰
(Also, I’m a huge fan of all your writings! Thanks for sharing 💜)
Thank you! ❤️
Sorry, this got pretty long!
1.) If they get married, who proposes?
Aaron does. Spencer is very comfortable not being married ever, and it's Aaron's drive to ensure Jack is in good hands in the event of his death that pushes him toward marriage. Spencer doesn't exactly want a wedding, but he knows Aaron is traditional and it's important to him, so he goes along with it.
2.) What's the wedding like? Who attends?
This could go one of two ways. 1.) They elope to Las Vegas so Diana can attend and invite literally no one else.
Or, more likely, 2.) They throw a BAU wedding in DC. JJ is the maid of honor and Derek is the best man. Rossi walks Spencer down the aisle and Gideon officiates. Rossi cries. Jack is the ring bearer and Henry is the flower girl.
A mostly unfamiliar face shows up, strolling up during the reception after the ceremony while Spencer is talking to Rossi and Derek. Spencer recognizes him first. "I don't want you here."
William is holding a brochure, pointing to where Rossi's name is listed as the father of the groom. "I would've come if you had called."
"I didn't want you to."
"You could've called," he insists. "You didn't have to write me off like this."
Derek goes to intercede, but Rossi catches him by the arm. "Hey, Reid," he says, looking quite mild. "There's one fatherly lesson I haven't taught you yet."
"What's that?" Spencer is confused at this assertion.
"How to throw a right hook."
William is on the floor, Aaron is covering Jack's eyes, Emily is cheering, JJ is trying to drag Spencer away, Gideon is getting Rossi some ice for his hands, and Strauss is pressing the bridge of her nose trying to decide if they can somehow make this a lawsuit for the bureau or if this is going to create more paperwork for her somehow.
Aaron invites a handful of old lawyer friends and Sean, who does reluctantly show up. Spencer invites his professors and teachers and Ethan. Several of them greet him with, "Oh, I haven't seen you in so long! You've gotten so tall!" which yields the question who was that person, and the answer is always, "A professor from my first doctorate."
3.) How many kids do they have?
In most timelines, only Jack. Spencer doesn't have any desire to spread his genes with his sketchy health history, and while Aaron wanted a bigger family with Haley, he knows it wouldn't be fair to do this to another child, the inconsistent hours, the lack of presence, and besides, Jessica wouldn't agree to free childcare for another kid. Spencer is okay with not being a father in the traditional way, and he's still someone who is very important to Jack, not to mention Henry and Hank and (insert baby name because I reject JJ naming her second child Michael).
But there is another timeline where they've discussed it. Spencer wants to be a father, and he tells Aaron that, and they aren't really sure how to proceed—with their line of work and histories, they aren't eligible for adoption. They look into surrogacy, but Spencer again doesn't really care to pass on his genetic material, and Aaron is having a very hard time shaking off his Catholic upbringing that makes him feel super duper icky and weird about something of his growing inside a woman he doesn't actually know that well and then that child being his and not part of her. They're at an impasse when, on a case, there's a break when a woman is found disemboweled in the dumpster while her newborn infant is wrapped in a plastic bag. There is no family after identification. Social services comes to take the baby, and they both feel like maybe this is some sign from the universe and they're missing out. Later that night when neither of them can sleep, Aaron rolls out of bed and calls the social services contact, and the baby is still floating around the office, not having yet found a foster family. So they take her.
It's several years of paperwork as they transition from foster parents to adopted guardians of Haley Diana Hotchner-Reid. Spencer steps down from the BAU to become a research professor full-time, and he finds cures for antibiotic-resistant bacterial illnesses. He invents a vaccine for tuberculosis. He has a routine schedule, so he's available for the kids all the time, and Aaron doesn't have to leave his job to have the family he wants.
4.) Do they have any pets?
Usually, no. Aaron is afraid of dogs. Animals don't like Spencer. Aaron grew up in rural Virginia, so he likes the idea of having horses like he did when he was young, but they don't have anywhere to put a horse or farm animals, and while Spencer fantasizes about having a farm, he thinks horses and cattle up close are terrifying. But occasionally they wind up with a cat, or even two cats if they're adventurous, and Spencer does a lot of research to start appropriate fish husbandry with a giant, well-kept aquarium where he teaches Jack all about how to properly care for fish (ie, goldfish and betas don't go in bowls, no fish go in bowls).
5.) Who's the stricter parent?
Neither of them are all that stern. Aaron doesn't know how to appropriately discipline a child. He knows what not to do, but he isn't sure about alternatives, and whenever Jack acts out of turn, he feels like it's his fault for letting Jack down and letting him experience so much trauma that twisted his ability to process his emotions in a healthy way. Aaron doesn't know how to provide structure and support in a positive way, and he tries, but it's hard.
Spencer also didn't exactly have any good parental role models. He does have the ability to learn everything there is to know about a child's interests through reading, and he does that to make connections. Sometimes it works. Sometimes it doesn't and Jack has still graffitied the side of the school building and Aaron is having to pay out damages and is trying very hard not to raise his voice and Spencer is like, "Is this what Ash Ketchum would do?" and Jack responds, "I'm thirteen, I haven't watched Pokemon in five years, grow up." Then they enlist a family counselor.
6.) Who kills the bugs?
Neither have bug fear. Spencer will squish roaches and pest bugs as he finds them. However, he thinks unique bugs are quite interesting, and he doesn't kill ants or spiders or crickets. Instead, he studies them. Spiders he always captures and takes outside. Once, Spencer has a piece of paper and a cup and is working very hard on entrapping a beautiful black widow, and Aaron sees it without realizing what he's doing and mushes it. "Why would you do that? Why would you kill an arachnid? She was protecting our home." After that, Aaron lets Spencer handle all the bugs and doesn't interfere since he never knows which ones deserve to live and which ones don't.
7.) How do they celebrate the holidays?
If someone is hosting a Christmas party, they'll attend, but otherwise, they'll stay inside and decorate the tree as a family. Sean is invited to Christmas dinner; he rarely comes. Jessica and her family go to her parents', and Aaron doesn't want to make Spencer uncomfortable by taking him there, so they avoid such gatherings. They make it special with just the three of them, unless another member or two of the BAU wants to squeeze in. Aaron likes to go to midnight mass, and he usually manages to convince Spencer to sit through it one night of the year.
On Halloween, they all go trick-or-treating together.
Easter is the other day of the year Aaron insists they go to church because, "I am nothing if not a Chreaster Catholic." Aaron takes Jack alone while Spencer stays home and sets up a wild egg hunt somewhere in the city, and when church ends, Aaron brings Jack to look for the eggs. Sometimes the rest of the BAU's kids join in.
For Memorial Day and Fourth of July, Aaron grills. Spencer tries once and they spend Memorial Day in the ER and Aaron has to buy a new grill. Likewise, they agree Spencer should not come within three feet of any firework materials, including benign sparklers and the like.
8.) Who's more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Aaron likes to get up early to brew Spencer's coffee the way he likes it, warm the house up, and start breakfast. Spencer never asks him to come back because he enjoys having the house warm and breakfast ready when he rolls out of bed. But if Aaron isn't feeling well and Spencer gets out of bed to do those things, it only takes a couple petulant grumbles on Aaron's part to convince Spencer to slide back under the covers.
9.) Who's the better cook?
Aaron is a much better cook. Spencer, to his credit, tries sometimes. But Aaron has a better understanding of how palates work and also how not to set things on fire. Spencer knows cooking is technically just a science, but it's a science that baffles him, he'll admit, like paranormal science or theology.
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My Best Friend’s Wedding
Billy Hargrove x Reader, Steve Harrington x Reader (One Sided), Robin Buckley x OC
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Word Count: 7,363
Warnings: Crying, heartbreak, true love!!!!!
Author’s Note: Um...hi. So, I’m back. It’s been awhile. How are you? I’m okay, little nervous to post since my last story flopped really badly, but again I’m confident in this one and that you’ll like this story. I sure do! As always, leave some comments if you like it and criticism if you don’t I like both! I love hearing what you think!
Tag List: @hotstuffhargrove @moonstruckbucky @thechickvic @alex--awesome--22 @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @so-not-hotmess @hawkeyeharrington @sunflowercandie @kaliforniacoastalteens @songforhema @spidey-pal @mickmoon @buckybarneshairpullingkink @baebee35 @myrealloveissleep @allfandomxreader
Steve Harrington was getting married. What a douchebag thing to do. Marrying the first girl to say that she loved him. You’d been doing that for twenty-one years. And he decided to marry a girl that he hadn’t even introduced to you yet. You’d been his best friend since birth. You couldn’t believe it.
He told you on your winter break. Both of you had only been home for a few days. Steve had gone to Gary to train at their police academy and you’d gone to Indianapolis for college. You both returned home for winter break. You were hoping to enjoy a couple weeks back with your best friend. You’d planned your whole break around it. But you couldn’t even get him to leave the house for ten minutes the first week home. You hadn’t met her yet, but you’d heard her voice when you called. Steve said her name was Cathy. She sounded like she was fifteen. She literally answered the phone by saying ‘yellow?’ like a damn character in Valley Girl. What a fucking joke.
To say you were jealous was an understatement. Steve was your guy. Your best friend. Your one true love. He didn’t know that part yet, but it was obvious. You had the chemistry, you had the mutual attraction, and you had the spark, that bit of electricity Steve had been in search of since you were thirteen. You were it. But there Steve was with Cathy. He brought her to dinner. She was a freshman at Ivy Tech. She was studying nursing. She had mousy brown hair and high cheekbones. She looked like Nancy Wheeler, but with a sweeter, easier going personality. She didn’t know that Steve pissed his pants after seeing Poltergeist. She was everything Steve thought he wanted. He’d be bored of her in five years.
You pouted through that dinner and the rest of the break. Steve barely paid you any mind, he was too busy flashing his hot new soon to be trophy wife around. Her round cut diamond ring on its ugly notched yellow gold band flashing in the sunlight on her pale, milky skin making your blood boil. You just knew he bought her a new ring, his grandmother’s engagement ring was much smaller and classier than what she had on. She made him buy her a new ring. God, what a fucking bitch.
You went back to Indianapolis enraged. You flew through the small towns in your crappy car to get back home. Your roommate, Robin, made it back to your tiny apartment before you did, which meant that Billy Hargrove had his feet up on your coffee table. You let out a beleaguered sigh when you saw the soles of his dirty white tube socks waving to you from atop your psychology textbooks.
“Hargrove, feet off the books. They cost more than you do.” You groaned, dropping your army style duffle bag by your door. Billy chuckled, doing as you asked. You felt his eyes run over you, which you didn’t entirely get the point of. You looked the same, although slightly greasier from your long drive home.
“You don’t know my rates, kid.” He replied, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You rolled your eyes, waving a polite hello to Robin, who was watching the scene with a bemused look from the kitchen. You headed to your bedroom without another word, hoping for solace in the solitude of your private space. You felt like dying the second your knees hit the mattress. He was leaving you.  He was leaving you for a boring brunette named Cathy. He was leaving you for someone who didn’t even laugh at his jokes. The love of your life was marrying someone else. It hit you like running full force into a brick wall. Your brain felt like it was shaking in your skull, your nose crushed into your face as tears began to carve burning streams down your face and your nose turned red and stuffy. You were very aware of the fact that people were in your apartment, that if Robin was home then she’d call Beth and the three of them would probably spark up and would coming knocking on your door soon. But in that moment, you needed to cry. You needed to let go of every ill feeling that had been clogging your chest since Steve had told you of his plan.
You didn’t know how long you’d been in there for, your only sense of time being the markers of when the stereo turned on and off. When you heard a knock on your door, you didn’t move. Whoever was on the other side would just invite themselves in anyway.
“Hey, we’re going to get some food, you coming or-” Billy’s sentence came to an abrupt end when you lifted your face from the pillow, mascara streaking your cheeks. “Oh shit.” He shut the door fast. You both heard Robin yelling from behind the door for him to hurry up, but neither of you moved. Billy didn’t seem quite sure of himself, as if he didn’t know what to do now that he’d closed the door.
“I’m good, go on Hargrove.” You sighed, wiping hard at your damp and warm skin.
Billy didn’t move. “Are you gonna be okay?” he asked quietly.
“Does it look like I’m okay?” you bit back bitterly. You wished he would leave you be. Billy was the last person you wanted to see you cry, much less to be there to comfort you. He wasn’t your damn friend, you hardly knew him. He was just the guy who hung out in your living room and ate your food. He was Robin’s friend, not yours.
“What happened?” he asked, venturing closer to you.
You let out a sigh. Well, at least he wouldn’t tell Steve about this. “Harrington’s getting married.” You replied, your voice cracking. You needed a drink of water or something, crying had truly drained you.
“Isn’t he your age? You can barely drink.” He scoffed. It was almost refreshing. He seemed to not believe it as much as you did.
“Yeah, he is and he’s marrying a near stranger. They’ve only been together like eight months.” Your mouth turned up in a nauseated scowl. Billy watched your lips as they curled up in disgust. He smirked, trying to hold back a bubble of laughter. You looked so genuinely turned off by the thought, it was funny.
“So he’s an idiot. Why cry over him?” Billy asked, sitting down carefully on your bed. You pulled your legs up to your knees, wrapping your arms around them, tucking your chin behind them.
“Because he’s my idiot…” you muttered softly. Billy raised an eyebrow, egging you on. “I love him. I’ve loved him since I was ten years old…”
“Damn…” Billy breathed out.
“I know…” you replied, wiping your eyes on your long grey sleeves.
“You have awful taste.” He said. You gasped, throwing a pillow at his head. It hit with a smack, sending him falling back a bit, his big callused hands sliding back to support himself. You burst out laughing as it hit, you usually had pretty bad aim so you were shocked when it hit. You clasped a hand over your mouth, your eyes crinkling as you tried to hide your glee. Billy rolled his eyes, but his infamous smirk pulled at his lips.
“You don’t know Steve like I do!” you giggled, dodging the pillow as it came back at your head.
“And you don’t know him like I do.” Billy replied. He didn’t actually aim the pillow near your head, he knew he’d hit you square in the head and he didn’t want to hurt you. Your bedroom door flew open and Robin stood in the doorway, adjusting her leather jacket around her shoulders, the hood of her bright red hoodie poking out of the back and over the collar.
“Nerds are you coming with or are you having a sleepover? Beth and I are starving.” She asked, crossing her arms over her chest with a stern expression.   You could see Beth pulling up her long brown hair behind Robin, her emerald green fitted coat buttoned up as high as it would go and her burgundy scarf tucked into it. The weather must have turned on them, the temperature dropping again.
“Geez, yeah gimme a second.” You grabbed your lavender coloured cardigan from its place on the bed next to you and pulling it around yourself as you climbed out of bed. Billy followed behind you, shrugging as Robin raised an eyebrow at him.
From that point on, Billy became your wedding confidant. As the date was set and began to loom closer and closer, he stood by you, listening to you rant about Cathy and Steve and their fucking bliss. You were going to be a bridesmaid, Cathy asked you since Steve’s mother wouldn’t let him make you a groomsman. They were having a June wedding. It was going to happen in Carmel, in the same hall his parents had gotten married in. Steve’s parents were paying for everything, including your awful magenta taffeta nightmare. Billy listened to everything you could come up with, every awful insult you’ve come up with for Cathy. He watched you laugh, you cry, you scream at the sky. For the first time in knowing you, he genuinely felt for you.
In March, you got your invitation to the wedding, along with a note from Cathy. Apparently, all her other bridesmaids had dates and that you should bring a date too, so you wouldn’t be awkward. You wanted to strangle the girl. Billy was sitting on your couch when you walked into your apartment, dropping your heavy book bag on the floor, invitation still held in hand and mouth agape.
“Hey, what’s up?” Billy asked, flicking his gaze away from the magazine in his hands.
You looked up briefly “Shouldn’t you be in class?” Billy was in trade school. He was supposed to be learning to be an electrician. Instead, he had his dirty feet on your coffee table.
“I don’t feel ready yet. What’s that?” he pointed to the eggshell coloured expensive paper in your hands.
“Oh, just my invitation to the Harrington-Bray wedding and a lovely note from the bride herself.” You smirked, kicking off your tennis shoes before joining Billy on the couch. He immediately wrapped an arm around your shoulders and you leaned into him, resting your head on his shoulder.
“What’s she bugging you about now?” he asked, unable to hide the small, satisfied grin that pulled at his lips as you snuggled into him. He was glad that your attention was still on the invitation.
Yeah, he was utterly fucked over you. He wasn’t ashamed to admit it to himself. He would never admit it to anyone else, but he wasn’t going to pretend that he didn’t have feelings for you. He did. Sometime between finding you crying in your bedroom and now, he’d fallen head over feet into a pit of mushy gushy feelings that he hadn’t had to tackle before and he couldn’t escape. Before you, women fell into about three categories: old ladies in charge, women he could fuck, and women he wouldn’t fuck. But you didn’t fit into any category. Well, I mean you fit very neatly into the women he’d fuck category, but you were more than that. He wanted to make you happy, to help you when you’re upset and to harm anyone who hurt you, and to protect you from harm’s way. You felt precious and special to him, something he didn’t quite know how to tackle. So, he ignored it. He hoped you couldn’t feel the way his heart pounded in his chest as he looked over the invitation you held loosely in your right hand.
“Well, Cathy has informed me that all her other bridesmaids have dates and that, to not stand out, I should bring one too. Because wouldn’t it be fucking loopy if I didn’t have a damn date.” You huffed out a breath, crossing your arms over your chest.
Billy paused for a moment. Then, squeezing his eyes shut, he took a risk, his first in months. “I’ll go with you if you need a date.” He said.
You furrowed your brow “Why would you want to go? You hate Steve.” You asked.
“Well, for one thing watching Harrington make the biggest mistake of his life in a monkey suit will be pretty funny.” He said, earning a smack in the chest from you. “And for another, I want to help you out. You need a date, I’m there.”
You picked up your invitation, looking it over sceptically. “Are you sure? I mean it’s in the beginning of June, I don’t want to drag you away from your finals or anything, I don’t know when you’re done school for the year…”
“Yeah, it’s not a big deal, my exams are in a couple weeks anyway.” Billy replied with a shrug. Even if his finals were during that week, he would’ve skipped them to go with you. He wanted, no he needed to be there with you. He didn’t give two shits about Harrington, he could make mistakes whenever, but he had to be there to hold your hand when you needed him to.
“You’re gonna have to wear a monkey suit too you know.” You said with a small smirk.
“Its fine, I think mine still fits from my dad’s funeral.” He replied. You sat up, pulling a pen from the spirals of one of your forgotten notebooks and checked off the ‘plus one’ option on your invitation.
“Chicken or Steak?” you asked, checking off the chicken option for yourself. “Oh and also? You can’t laugh at me in my dumb dress. I got sent pictures of it and it’s bad. It’s really bad.”
“Steak and I won’t. I’ll be too busy laughing at everything else.” He chuckled, earning another smack in the chest from you before you checked off the plus one card Cathy’s expensive invitations had provided.
For the next two months, you did everything you could to ignore Cathy’s calls. She invited you to the bridal shower and the bachelorette party, both of which you refused with the same excuse. Steve called you twice to bitch you out. The third time he called to complain, you actually fought back.
“Y/N, can you please try with Cathy? She’s trying to be nice.” Steve groaned. You were sat on the couch, having forced Robin to turn down the radio so you could actually hear Steve on the other end. She and Beth were just making out anyway; they didn’t need to have it up so loud anyway. Hearing Debbie Gibson on top volume didn’t make anything more romantic.
“I am trying; I’m in her bridal party aren’t I? I’m coming up three days before the wedding to help her get ready. Isn’t that enough?” you tried, twirling the phone cord around your fingers.
“She was really upset that you didn’t come up for her bridal shower or her Bachelorette party.” Steve replied.
“I had exams during her bridal shower and I couldn’t afford to take the time off work for the party. I’m not rich like your families are Steve. I have rent to pay and classes to pass. If I fail, I don’t have a soft place to land like you do Steve.” That wasn’t exactly the kindest thing to say in the moment, but you were tired of this conversation. You felt like you’d been having it for weeks.
“That’s not fair, Y/N, you know that’s not how my life is.” Steve said.
“Oh really? Then why are your parents paying for your whole wedding? Why is your dad holding a job for you at his company? Why is Cathy already invited to the country club with full membership? Why does she spend her breaks at her family’s ski lodge in Aspen? Steve, you’re not as put upon as you like to act. I’m doing everything in my power to be there for you and Cathy, but my life and experiences are different than yours.”
Steve hung up without a reply, effectively ending the conversation there. You hung up the phone with a slam, crossing your arms over your chest. What a fucking jerk! He didn’t have the right to treat you like shit, especially over damn Cathy. You’d been his best friend for over a decade and you’d been trumped by a little skinny Minnie with no tits. A rich bitch with a collection of tennis skirts and preppy pastel blazers to rival Princess Diana herself. She wasn’t supposed to be his best friend, his choice for the rest of his life. That was supposed to be your job. You were supposed to be the person who made him happy, not some country clubber. And yet your place was glowing in the horizon. Behind the holy Cathy, your spotlight dimmed and left behind to wail your song alone under the ghost light. Except your song was bursting from your broken heart.
You wouldn’t stand for being left behind for some bitch named Cathy.
There was only thing to do. It was something you were avoiding doing since you were twelve years old.
Billy came to pick you up for the long journey to Carmel even though he didn’t have to be there until the sixth. You both refused to stay in Hawkins, too many bad memories there. He was staying in the same hotel as you. You were going a couple days early for your dress fitting and to tote Cathy around. But that wasn’t the reason you were nervous sitting in Billy’s leather seats. You had to find Steve once you got there.
Of course, Billy was nervous too. This trip was going to end in heartbreak. You were going to watch the love of your life marry someone else. And Billy was going to watch you cry knowing that he would never hurt you like this. He would sit there and try to not let it show how much it hurt to watch you be in pain. The ride to Hawkins was tense and silent, safe for Billy’s static filled radio switching between talk radio and the hits of the day, depending on what frequency it picked up. Neither of you try to fix it. You both were too anxious to bother.
When you arrived in Carmel, Mrs. Harrington and sweet little Cathy were at your hotel. You were whisked off to your fitting and then lunch in Carmel. You left Billy in the dust that day, forced to grapple with the town that tried to kill him twice and almost succeeded. He spent the day in his hotel room and you spent your day trying to get to Steve.
Day two was a free day, safe for the rehearsal dinner that night, beginning at the church. You were told implicitly to bring your date to the dinner, as Cathy had laid out a spot for you both at the wedding table. There you met her three other bridesmaids, her sister Jessica, her cousin Ellen, and her best friend Kelly. All three of them looked nearly identical, with matching shoulder length hair cuts and pristine white pleated tennis skirts. All their boyfriends looked the same too, with their pastel polos and white padded blazers. They all shook Billy’s hand as if it was dirty. The girls looked at the pair of you like you were white trash.
You didn’t find Steve first, Billy did. The meeting didn’t exactly go well. You’d gone to the bathroom and when you returned Billy and Steve were staring each other down with the same intensity that they did in high school. You parted them quickly, smiling at Steve sympathetically.
“What is he doing here, Y/N?” Steve asked through gritted teeth.
“He’s my date, Steve, he’s a friend of mine.” You replied simply, pushing Billy away as he tried to come back into the situation. Steve scoffed loudly, but turned away without another word. You turned to Billy quickly. “What the hell was that, dude?”
“I just came over to say hello and he got in my face!” Billy cried, pointing at his back as Steve stalked away.
“Can you just keep your chill for a day? Please? For me?” you whispered, squeezing his hand gently.
Billy’s expression softened instantly and he nodded, swallowing hard. “I’ll try.” He said.
“Thank you,” you said “I’m going to try to talk to Steve, hang tight okay?”
Billy nodded and you headed towards where you saw Steve go. He had headed out the main entrance, to where Cathy would be sent when they were ready to begin the rehearsal. You wiped your sweating palms on your royal blue skirt. You took in a deep breath through your nose and pushed open the heavy wooden doors, to find Steve Harrington practically ripping out his hair.
“Steve?” you asked quietly. He turned to look at you, his expression not changing when he saw you.
“You couldn’t have brought anyone else, could you?” he bit out, pulling his hands through his hair one more time before crossing his arms over his chest.
“He asked, I agreed. He’s not the same guy he was here.” You replied, adjusting your purse strap.
“Bullshit,” he chuckled coldly “He’s still the same douche he was a couple years ago. Nobody changes that much.”
“You did.”  Steve went to retort you, but closed his mouth without speaking a word. You pressed on “Robin trusts him, they’re pretty much best friends, and I trust him. He’s been really good to me these past few months. Been my friend while my best friend was missing in action.”
Steve was silent for a moment. “I’ve been busy, Y/N, I had to help plan a wedding.” He muttered.
“And I’m supposed to be my best friend. That doesn’t change when you get a girlfriend. You promised me that, remember? After Wheeler that was our deal. And you broke that with her.” You replied.
“Don’t call Cathy ‘her’. She’s not just some girl.” Steve snapped.
“Why didn’t you introduce me before you got engaged? You had the time, it wasn’t like you just met her. I didn’t even know that you were even seeing anyone seriously.” You replied, matching his tone.
“Because, sometimes a man likes to have his secrets! What, Hargrove over there not keeping anything from you?” Steve cried. The large church doors opened again and revealed Cathy, shuffling in her Mary-Jane’s with a shy expression.
“Honey?” she asked, drawing Steve’s attention and softening his expression instantly “We’re ready to start if you are.”
“Just, give me one second, okay sweetie?” he said, his tone softer and kinder with her. He turned to you with a less than kind expression, nodding for you to head to your group. When you didn’t move, he spoke “You should go with Cathy, go learn your job.”
You left without a word. The rest of the rehearsal went by in a blur. You were put second in line to enter the church, supposedly and were given the role of train fixer before Cathy walked into the church. You were given specific instructions on how to hold your bouquet of yellow roses and baby’s breath in front of you. You went through the walk in and then listened to the pair go over the ceremony with the pastor in charge of marrying them. Supposedly they’d written their own vows. You looked to Billy, who looked utterly bored with the other boyfriends. When the rehearsal ended, you were all told to join the Harrington’s at their home for dinner.
Steve grabbed your arm as you were leaving the church. You hung back without a word as he told Cathy to go on without him. “Look,” he began once his fiancé had passed “I’m sorry I got mad at you. I was out of line. I was just surprised when I saw you and Hargrove together. It weirded me out. But I’m okay now.”
“Look, it’s whatever, you don’t like him and that’s fine. I’m a bit tired, will you apologize to your mom to me? I’m gonna bail on the dinner.” You replied with a small shrug, wrapping your arms around yourself. It was seventy-five degrees outside but you were freezing.
“Are you sure? I don’t think it will be a big deal…” Steve said, his warm hands coming to your bare shoulder, warming your skin and melting your heart.
“Nah,” you chuckled “Besides, you don’t really want Hargrove in your house anyway, right? Just tell your mom we went home.”
Steve laughed “That’s fair,” he released your arm “I’ll see you tomorrow, right?”
“Duh, I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” You elbowed him in the arm before heading off. Billy was watching from the sidewalk, hands shoved in his pockets, eyes trained on the ground. You ran up and wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“Let’s blow this pop stand.” You said with a cheeky grin.
“Where’re we going, princess?” he smirked, wrapping an arm around your waist. He usually wouldn’t do that, but then again you didn’t usually wrap yourself around him in public. He took the chance on you pulling away for a moment to hold you.
“Benny’s? If it’s still open, I guess.” You replied. The idea of Benny’s not being open anymore hit you like a truck. How much had Hawkins changed since you left?
Evidently, not that much. The Harrington’s still lived on Pine Street and Benny’s was still open, its owner having been dead for almost seven years. You found yourself in its yellowed dining room, eating greasy burgers and fries while discussing the old days here. You weren’t friends with Billy in high school and you hardly paid him much mind, so all his stories were fresh to you. He told you all about his whoring days and his wild child moments. How he broke into the library to screw around with Diana Krass and denied breaking a window when the police came around. He was the reason the library got security cameras. You nearly died when he told you about catching Melissa Rankers and Caroline Spears writing out someone’s phone number in the boy’s locker room. A ‘For a good time call’ situation. You made him laugh his ass of when you told him it was yours and all the crazy calls you got that year from desperate boys looking for phone sex. He couldn’t top your story about how Tommy Hanson called you after his breakup with Carol and would not believe that you weren’t a phone sex operator. The fact that you knew what his sex noises were disturbed you both. You spent your evening laughing and joking with Billy.
It felt like you were hanging out with Steve. But different. You closed down Benny’s and drove around till almost five in the morning. You barely made it to bed.
You were woken up at ten by your hotel room phone ringing off the hook. Mrs. Harrington, Cathy, Ellen, Jessica, and Kelly were all here in room two thirteen. You had to join them to start getting ready. Apparently, there were mimosas. The call made you feel more exhausted than you felt when you woke up. But you went, grabbing your makeup and the robe the hotel provided, padding over to their room.
The group was rowdy. You were introduced to Cathy’s mother, who hugged you like she meant it. She seemed to have already indulged in a few mimosas before you’d even arrived. You spent your morning mostly drinking and waiting around. They only had one makeup artist and one hair stylist who were styling everyone and no one had decided on how you should look. You ended up looking like a clown, your hair too big and blown out for your face and your makeup hair too bright. And your dress was worse in person. You’d tried it on in the shop, but in natural lighting you got the full picture. Horrid satin and taffeta all the same shade of sickly magenta, with a tulle filled a-line skirt and scratchy puff sleeves and a square neckline. This dress did nothing for your chest and hips, not that your hair and makeup was helping. You pulled a bit of baby’s breath out of your bouquet and tucked it into your up-do. Apparently, you were supposed to bring your own jewellery and hair accessories, so the bit of greenery would have to suffice. You tucked your feet into the matching heels and smoothed your skirt, looking over the other bridesmaids. Jessica looked alright in the dress, but overall all four of you looked a bit like clowns.
And then, Cathy appeared. And she looked just as bad! She seemed thoroughly disappointed, but trying to hide it with a tight lipped smile. Her dress seemed to be modeled on Princess Diana’s, with its off the shoulder cream puff sleeves and sweetheart neckline, but where on Princess Diana it looked royal on Cathy it looked cheap. Her skirt seemed a bit too big to move in and the big bow on the small of her back seemed silly. She didn’t look happy with her dress, but she simply adjusted her veil and fixed her cherry red lipstick, nodding at her reflection. Her mother appeared behind her in a bright purple sparkly number with a matching jacket, complete with shoulder pads. Her eyes were misty. Clearly, this was the most beautiful sight in the world.
Your little group headed downstairs to your town cars and you headed to the church. You hoped Billy had made it to the church on time. You hoped Robin and Beth had made it into town and that no one had stopped them or shunned them for being gay. Most of all, you hoped you could hold it together through this thing.
The ceremony took a long time to start. You contemplated going to find Steve. To tell him how you feel, to convince him to run away. But something kept you right where you stood in the church’s entrance way. You couldn’t do it. You couldn’t ruin his happy day. Steve loved Cathy today. Maybe he wouldn’t tomorrow, in six months, in a year or twenty-but today he loved her. And you wanted him to be happy. So you’d shut your mouth and let him have this. But as the ceremony started and you began your walk up to him at the altar, your heart shattered. In another life, that would be you he was waiting for. But it was Cathy. You couldn’t watch them during the ceremony. You kept your eyes on Billy, who was only watching you. His steely blue eyes on yours kept you calm as tears bubbled in your eyes and emotion clogged your throat.
When it all ended, you rushed to get out of the church. Billy’s arm came around you the second he found you. He let you cry into his white dress shirt and ruin it with your makeup filled tears. He held you till your breathing evened out, then he wiped your cheeks and led you to his car.
“Did Robin make it okay?” you asked, your voice hoarse as you adjusted your skirts. Billy stood holding your door, waiting to shut you into the car. He narrowed his eyes, looking you over the same way he did when he first found you crying over Steve all those months ago.
“Is that really what you’re worried about right now?” he asked.
You smiled, your expression still watery. “No, but it’s what I’d rather think about.” You said. Billy frowned, shutting the door and walking to his own, popping it open and climbing in.
“Yeah, they made it in fine. They sat in the back and, according to Beth, they spent the whole time making fun of Cathy’s butt bow. And your dress.” He explained, turning on the engine.
“I look awful, don’t I?” you asked. You weren’t sure whether to laugh or cry, your mind was all over the place.
“No!” Billy corrected, looking into the rear view as he backed out of his spot before turning out of the parking lot. “You look like a beautiful Kool-Aid man.” You smacked him hard in the shoulder, gasping loudly. Billy laughed at this, looking you over. You really did look beautiful, despite the awful dress. Nothing could muffle your beauty.
“Your makeup…um…it ran a little bit. There are some tissues in the glove compartment…” he added, looking away. You flipped down the mirror to look yourself over. Your tears had carved black stripes down your cheeks, washing away your foundation and destroying your blush and eyeliner. You sighed, popping open the glove compartment and pulled out a handful of tissues, wetting them with your own spit and wiping away the makeup as best you could.
“Oh god, I look awful. I can’t believe I walked around like this.” You groaned, rubbing at the garish pink blush painted like rosacea on your cheeks. That makeup artist had something against you.
“You look fine, don’t worry about it. Cathy looked worse than you, her hair looked like it hurt.” Billy replied as you wiped away the bubblegum pink lipstick from your lips. Billy tried not to watch you and your puffy lips, focusing hard on the road ahead.
“I look better, now that I’m getting this shit off my face.” You replied, focusing on getting the shit brown eye shadow off your lids. Once you toned it down, you felt a bit better. They’d already taken all the pictures they needed outside the church, you didn’t need to keep up appearances now.
Billy pulled into the parking lot of the reception hall and let you out quickly. He offered you his hand before you walked in and you didn’t let it go until dinner was served. Throughout the couples making the rounds to the tables during cocktail hour and the speeches before the meal was served, you squeezed his hand whenever you felt yourself getting emotional, grounding yourself to him and to something safe. You made your rounds to Robin and Beth, who looked much better than you. They laughed at your little ensemble and made you do a full spin to really show off the skirt. They laughed far too hard at you, but Billy didn’t even chuckle. As soon as you were done, his arm came right back around you. Robin and Beth exchanged a look that you couldn’t quite interpret. You returned to your seat when dinner was served and sat through a nauseating round of the newlywed game while they served dessert. Billy made sure to distract you when the questions got too lovey-dovey, cracking jokes in your ear and, when in doubt, covering your ears.
But he couldn’t protect you from the first dance. As it turns out, Jessica fancied herself a singer and was tasked with performing the couple’s song. Steve and Cathy went to the dance floor as the slow piano intro to Elvis Presley’s I Can’t Help Falling in Love with You began to flow through the room. Jessica’s nasal voice took the lead vocals, crooning out the opening lines “Wise men say, only fools rush in. But I can’t help falling in love  with you…” the song was so cliché for the wedding. You tried to mock it to keep away the emotion, but it was all too much. The tears began to fall as Cathy’s head came to Steve’s shoulder.
“Like a river flows, surely to the sea, darling so it goes; something’s were meant to be…”
Billy’s hand squeezed yours. His heart was breaking, watching you try to hold back tears as Steve and Cathy danced in their own blissful bubble. As the chorus came around again, you broke away, rushing to the nearest exit. You both knew that you couldn’t take anymore. Billy followed behind you without a second’s hesitation.
He found you in the lobby, hands crushed to your face. He wrapped his arms around your neck, pulling your back to him. “Oh, please, leave me alone Bill. I need to be alone…” you sobbed.
“I won’t leave out here to cry alone, Y/N, you’re not alone.” He replied, holding you tighter.
“I love him, Billy…” you cried, turning in his arms to press your face into his chest “Why doesn’t he love me?”
“Because…because he’s an idiot, Y/N, any man would be lucky to have you love him.” He replied, petting your hair softly. It felt stiff from hairspray, but he didn’t care. As selfish as it was, this was the best part of his day. Having you hold him like you loved him.
“What does she have that I don’t have? I’ve been there for him his whole life. And suddenly this girl is his whole world. I’ve spent so long trying to maintain a place in his life and this girl can just show up and get a spot without question.” You muttered. That felt selfish to say, but you felt as though you earned a bit of selfish thinking.
“Because Steve lives in his own world. And we just orbit it. But you? You deserve to be someone’s whole world. You deserve to be the first person someone thinks of in the morning and the last thing they think of at night. You deserve all that cheesy shit because you’re worth it.” He said quickly, pulling you away from his chest to look you in the eye. You looked so small and vulnerable in his arms.
“Why am I always trying to love someone who doesn’t give a damn about me?” you chuckled sadly, running your hands up and down the smooth material of Billy’s suit jacket.
In this moment, Billy had a choice. He could go the easy way or the hard way. Billy chose the easy way most of the time, he coasted through life without trying very often for anything. If it didn’t come easy, then he wasn’t going to work to have it. But today, for the first time since he came back the second time, he chose the hard choice.
“Y/N, watching you moon over Harrington is the single hardest thing I have done in my life, that man is an idiot,” Billy said firmly, squeezing your waist slightly to ground himself to the moment.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to burden you with all of this, I-”
“He’s an idiot for not loving you.” Billy cut you off, silencing you with a look. He looked anxious. You’d never seen him anxious before.
“He’s an idiot because you’re so easy to love. I fell in love with you two weeks after I found out about Harrington and I don’t love girls. I don’t. I didn’t think it was in my damn DNA but here you are, with your pretty eyes and your jokes and your smile and I fell for you so fast. And watching you chase after Harrington, cry over Harrington, rant and rave about that damn asshole killed me! Because he’s not worth it! Look, I don’t care if you don’t love me back, you probably don’t, but please move on from him. You deserve the world, not a stupid spot in someone else’s.”
Billy was out of breath when he finished his little speech, staring into your eyes as your tears dried and your mouth fell open.
“Your…you’re in love with me?” you asked slowly. Your mouth felt dry and arid, your heart was pounding loudly in your ears.
“Yeah, shocking I know.” Billy chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck. He tried to pull away from you, but you refused to let go. Your hands came up to his cheek, stroking the skin there briefly before placing a feather light kiss on his lips, tentative and slow. You were unsure of yourself, unsure if you were even in the right mind to make this kind of choice, but all your worries melted away when your lips touched. It wasn’t the fireworks Steve had been describing for your entire adolescence, it was safe and comforting. Your heart filled with joy, you worries fell away. Suddenly, without warning, you were home. You were home in his arms and you were home on his lips. You hadn’t felt at home since Steve hugged you goodbye when you made the trek to college. But home wasn’t with Steve anymore, he had his own home with Cathy now. But home could be with Billy.
He pulled away first, pushing you back by your shoulders. “You don’t have to do this, Y/N, it’s okay I understand-”
“Billy,” you silenced him instantly “I don’t kiss anyone unless I want to. I wanted to kiss you. I want to kiss you. Look,” you sighed, scuffing the toe of your ugly wedding shoes  on the linoleum, looking up at him through your lashes. “I don’t know how I feel about anything right now, I’m not certain, but I feel safe with you. I like you. Platonically and romantically.  And all I want is to feel safe with someone. So, can we try?”
Billy looked your face over, his big callused hand coming to your cheek, wiping a stray teardrop from your lower lashes. You nuzzled into the warmth of his palm. He moved his hand to under your chin, pulling your lips to his, kissing you harder and deeper than before, wrapping his free arm around your waist, pulling you flush with him.
This was all he wanted. The moment he dreamed of. Thinking about you made him feel weak, like a pathetic child. But having you in his arms, it made him feel like it was okay to be weak. That he didn’t have to be strong all the time. You made him feel strong, even when he was acting weak and vulnerable. He felt secure with you. That wasn’t a luxury he took for granted.
The kiss awoke the last bit of feeling you were missing with him. Billy was golden haloed, bright like the sun and shining. He was solid and present, a lighthouse in a storm. He was your rock. You hadn’t realized that you’d been clinging to him until he almost disappeared. He didn’t know you like Steve, but that wasn’t a bad thing.
When Billy let you go, the smile that spread across your face was impossible to hide. Billy’s expression matched yours, a genuine smile from a guy who rarely did more than smirk. The look melted your heart even more, turning goo into pure liquid.
“Are you sure?” he asked softly.
“Are you sure? You don’t exactly do this every day.” You countered, smacking him in the chest lightly.
Billy rolled his eyes “Oh shut up, I’m trying here.” You smiled, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Come on, let’s go back in before people start asking questions. I don’t want Cathy in my business, she’s so nosey.” You grabbed his hand, squeezing it in yours.
“Oh, total Carol? I heard her and Tommy talking shit in the back about your dress. Want me to beat him up?” Billy replied, following you back into the hall.
You gasped “No!” Billy laughed loudly, shaking his head. The band had started up again and the leader asked for all the lovers in the room to join the bride and groom on the floor. “I just want to dance, alright?” Billy nodded and let you lead him onto the floor. You wrapped yourself in his arms again, placing your head on his chest and listened to his heart beat.
The day wasn’t perfect, and it certainly didn’t end the way you expected it to, but in Billy’s arms, you felt okay with how it went. You weren’t with Steve Harrington, but that wasn’t something to cry over anymore. Billy Hargrove was here to make you feel invincible again.
403 notes · View notes
wild-aloof-rebel · 4 years
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Back in December, I took a pause on doing these round-ups all the way through the end of S6, so I want to go back today and highlight some of the fics I particularly enjoyed during that time period. This isn’t going to be everything I would recommend from that time period because the list would be obnoxiously long, so this is just some of it. (My masterlist is fully up to date and includes everything else that isn’t going to fit in this post.) 
Since I’m doing this list today instead of recs from the first half of June, all those fics will be included in one big June round-up at the end of the month.
1 - 3k words
All-Natural Care, Locally Sourced by Siria (rated T) In which care packages are given and received. Set after 5.11. 
Breakfast Can Wait by schittposting (rated E) Patrick's making pancakes for breakfast. David has other ideas.
A Face Mask by WellSchitt (rated G) “I want to look good for the wedding,” Patrick blurted out, then cringed. “I mean. Uh. I want David to think I look good.” “Ew, Patrick.” He rolled his eyes and plowed ahead. “But I'm not good at stuff like this. I mean, I have a moisturizer now, and conditioner. But I still don't do much, uh, grooming." "No, I know," Alexis said, matter of fact.
i fell in love (next to you) by patrickbrewer *Alexis/Stevie* (rated G) She’s a constant juxtaposition, a clash of bold personality and silky touch. Stevie is so terrifyingly in love with her. 
A Little Twitchy by modern_leper (Not rated) Patrick asks for Stevie's blessing to marry David, and it's only slight less nerve wracking than actually proposing to David 
Salve by agreatwave (rated T) “This is ruining our romantic eye cream ritual,” David mopes. “What, this isn’t romantic?” Patrick teases, moving on to David’s forehead. “It’s kind of romantic, I guess,” David grumbles. “Like as romantic as a rash can get.”
3- 5k words
It’s Coming on Christmas by MadAlien (rated T) David and Patrick choose and decorate their Christmas Tree
Kit Kat Girl Number One by unfolded73 *Twyla/OFC* (rated T) The story of the Schitt's Creek production of Cabaret told from the point-of-view of Kit Kat Girl Number One.
A Little Bit by returntosaturn (rated G) While packing, Alexis finds the DVD copy of her limited reality series, A Little Bit Alexis. A watch party ensues.
Mixtape by sunlightsymphony (rated T) For their second monthiversary, Patrick gives David a mix CD.
Taking Inventory by GCLane (rated T) “Shana tovah,” David remarks, turning off his phone’s screen and looking at Patrick. “I’m sorry? ”“It basically means ‘happy new year,’ except Jews don’t believe in happiness, so it’s really more about goodness? A good year.” “Say it again.”
5 - 10k words
A Case of You by DoubleL27 (rated T) Five times Patrick gives David an utterly ridiculous gift for Valentine's Day and one time David does something really romantic
Given Unsought by odofidi (rated G) When David gets sick, it occurs to Patrick that he's never seen David ill before.
In the Temple of Artemis by MoreHuman *Stevie-centric* (rated T) Of course she’s still in love with him. That part’s not a mystery. She got over it, she’d had to get over it, but no one falls in love with David Rose and falls back out again. Stevie’s pretty sure there’s only one other person who’s ever done it, and she knows he would agree.
Looking for Light on the Floor by nameless_bliss (rated T) After the barbecue, Alexis visits Rose Apothecary.
Odd Man Rush by samwahmbam (rated M) After the game, David intercepted Patrick on Patrick’s way back to the locker room. Stevie snapped photos as Patrick pulled David into a kiss. He held onto his stick in one hand, the wood precariously close to knocking David in the head, and the other pulled David into him by the ass, the glove lost in the blue and white of the jersey David was wearing, the name “BREWER” stamped loud and proud on his back. Or, David is a hockey BF.
one hundred micrograms by thingswithwings (rated E) It’s great; it’s wonderful. It’s great that David’s feeling so much better, just from that tiny pill once a day. But there’s a side effect that makes―that Patrick―there’s a side effect.
Tea-Kettle Love by ArabellaStrange (rated G) Patrick thinks about New York. How do you plan to be unhappy? How can you avoid it?
Time After Time by Sholio (rated T) Stevie and David get married on a whim during a time loop. It would really be a shame if the loop ended at that point, wouldn't it?
10k+ words
All The Roads We Have To Walk by MeadowHarvest (rated T) "I wonder what would've happened if we'd met in high school?" Patrick Brewer is ready to conquer the summer of 1999 at Camp Cedar Glade. He's in for a surprise, though, in the form of one David Rose.
All the Songs I Sing Are About You by missgeevious (rated E) “Does that mean you’re open to entertaining my offer?” And David can’t help himself, he leers at Patrick just a little bit when he says it. Patrick blushes and laughs, “Okay, David. Let’s write a song together.” Inspired by the movie Music & Lyrics.
The Best Man by barelypink (rated T) David is the best man at Patrick and Rachel's wedding.
A Fabrication of Appeal by saekokato (rated T) David was gifted a vacation from Wendy as part of his separation package. Patrick was going on the honeymoon-that-wasn't on Rachel's insistence. Neither of them knew what a little harmless flirting at the airport would lead to, but vacations were for adventures, right? It had nothing to do with the free upgrades or how attractive their 'husband' happened to be. Right? Right.
He Sees You by Distractivate (rated E) Patrick gets glasses and thinks about identity. David helps.
if not for you by goingmywaydoll (rated T) On a Wednesday he breaks up with Rachel. The next Tuesday, he leaves on a road trip with David.
maybe if by magic by earlylight (rated T) Some people bring in consultants to help get their new business off the ground. David Rose, entirely by accident (or so he claims) gets a fairy.
Pot o’ Gold by ahurston (rated E) The love story of a leprechaun and the guy who bought his magic rings. 
Romantically In Business by sullymygoodname (rated E) Starting something new, something you've never done before, can be daunting. It helps to find the right partner.
sustineo by rockinhamburger (rated E) An alternate universe where David is a famous, reclusive modern contemporary artist and Patrick is the art critic who is interviewing him about his new exhibition.
they paved paradise by blueink3 (rated T) Patrick wakes up five years in the past. He reacts accordingly.
Une très bonne table dans sa catégorie by cromarty (rated T) Patrick is a Michelin Guide reviewer and David is a Toronto chef hoping for the first Michelin star awarded in Canada.
wait for a slow song by wardo_wedidit (rated E) David and Patrick break up, learn to be business partners, date other people, learn to be friends, grow up, and get back together.
We Could Turn the World to Gold by middyblue (rated T) Nine weeks of following Patrick's c25k running app, picking up from where the Season 5 finale left off.
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blizzardfluffykpop · 5 years
Marry for Love
Summary: If you love someone let them go, if they never come back they were never truly yours. But if they come back, they were meant to be. 
Yugyeom X Reader
This is kind of based off of Krogstad and Mrs. Linde’s relationship in “The Doll’s House”.
When I was younger I fell in love with the sweetest man of my life, things were wonderful, we even got engaged. Things took a turn for the worst, my mother fell ill and I needed to take care of her. I dropped everything including the engagement to care for her and my baby sister. My heart broke the minute I had to tell Yugyeom that I could no longer be with him, we were high school sweethearts that lasted. And here I was flushing that whole relationship down the drain. It broke my heart to pieces he would write sometimes hoping I would change my mind. I would read them earnestly and then they just stopped coming. I was torn, it was my fault I would never reply because I had too much on my plate. I love Yugyeom to pieces but that was years ago now, I had married for money while juggling two jobs. The man was older than hell, and he had left me with nothing when he died. No children to keep me laughing, and by then my mother was long gone, and my baby sister had her own family. I was left on my own, no grief to take my heart just the sounds of my own hollow heart.
The last job I had dropped me for someone younger, I was 28 how much younger did they want? Turns out an 18 year old can do a better job than I can. I moved to a new town my heart in shambles. With nothing to keep me going, moving seemed to be the only option for me. The day I moved, my old friend Nari took me in until I was stable with a job and a place to live. 
Who would have guessed that my high school sweetheart would have had kids, and was now widowed. Certainly not me but when I saw him on the streets and his three little ones trailing behind him. My heart sank, he would never see me the same. And as I stared he turned his neck looking dead at me. I ducked under the windowsill, too late, but maybe he would think it was a figment of his imagination. 
Still after all this time he made my heart pick up. He had changed though, he was now something otherworldly; and he still had to care for his kids while being a vampire. He didn't want his kids to suffer the same fate. He was hanging out at his wife's grave when he was turned, she had just recently past. It still kind of hurt, even if he didn't marry for love, and he had married for status. While he was sitting there, they shoved against the gravestone, drained him of blood and poisoned him to become just like the monster they were. 
He has desperately tried to conceal it from his kids, but you can't hide much from a child. They found out quickly, but promised to keep it a secret if he would take them flying. How could he tell his kids no? And so he did, and it became a monthly thing out in the woods. For they had nothing to fear as long as daddy was there. He was thankful for his kids keeping him on his toes and happy even with his disease. 
To see (Y/n) in his town made him feel terror and it made him reminisce in the past. For his heart still belonged to (Y/n) even if his heart no longer beats. His heart caught in his throat and he quickly took his kids home. Investigating if this was really who he saw, sneaking around the town was easy for him with his lightning fast speed. He didn’t use them often to appear normal in the small town he was currently living in. Seeing them standing there in the little shop, awoke his heart, what could he do? Avoid the situation at all costs? Or run straight into the problems and deal with the repercussions later. Wealth and status no longer mattered to him, did it matter to them? All of these questions were running through his head, he sighed deciding to avoid it till another day. Turning back and heading home to his three little ones, he needs to care for. But that would come later it would seem because there they were, standing right in front of him. “Is it really you Yugyeom?” His breath caught in his throat, if his heart could beat it would be beating out of his chest. He nods, “I didn’t expect to see you,” “Nor I…” 
He catches his breath, “Where’s your wedding ring?” They look at him, “I can ask the same of you” “Widowed?” They nod and he agrees to his own statement. “Did he give you any children?” “No, what about your lover?” “Three” They nod, and with that they were gone with the wind. They left as fast as they came in, if he was actually paying attention they went around the corner, and put a hand over their heart. Their heart beating out of their chest, to see Yugyeom again, put so many things into perspective. Thinking that he has three little ones from someone else hurts. But the world is not like that huh? It does not let you live your stupid fairy tales, just because you want to. No, it is much more horrendous than that, he moved on, and I guess I should too. If only my mother hadn’t gotten seriously ill, maybe we could have been wed, and had our own three little ones, adopted or not. For I could not marry him, neither him or I had a stable job, when I got one he was still going through practice to become stable enough for a successful job. And I couldn’t wait, my heart ripped out when I sent him that letter, nothing else in the world could ever hurt as much. For I could never be who he needed, and at the time he couldn’t be the man I needed. But now all my thoughts are caught up in the fact that I could be with him. 
Shit I fucked it up didn’t I? Yugyeom internally screams at himself, I should have not asked if they had kids, that was messed up of me. But I had assumed, that they loved that man more than me, that they would have kids. With a broken heart, I became a dance instructor eventually finding a woman close enough to my dreams. I married her for the noble status she had, for the fact that she would be able to give me kids to succeed me in the business I opened for dance. I was so greedy and selfish about it, not being able to be with (Y/n) made me heartless. Maybe that was why it was so easy for the vampires to turn me like them. Because I too, was heartless since they left me, that I was already that much closer to being a monster. I had tried so desperately to love my wife, and when she died from a sickly disease my heart didn’t weep as much as I thought it would. It mostly weeped for my kids, who would be left without their biological mother. Without the loving nature she always had for everything, sitting at the gravesite and supposedly talking to her, cleared up bits of my conscious and gave me the confidence to raise my three little ones. But seeing the love of my life, or what once was, brought all my feelings back, all the memories of when I was once content with my life. With them destroying my heart, I felt nothing but despair, although I had happy moments, nothing could compare to them. 
If they knew that I was a vampire she would leave me quicker than I can move. They were my everything, and now I’m left with nothing, for all I am is a monster trapped in a human body. I drag my feet to my home, my kids running up to me and talking to me. I smile at them, for some reason no matter the mood I am in, they can always bring me back. I sit on the couch and we gather around the television and talk about anything they can come up with. Delving into deeper topics, then they ask the question, “Who was that you went looking for?” I sigh, “Do you three really want to know?” “Please, Daddy!!” I roll my eyes, they don’t even have to plead to know, they truly own my heart, other than that person who was standing in the little bookstore. “Daddy knew them a long time ago, way before you three would be born. They were Daddy’s high school sweetheart, the love of his life,...” “What happened?” I look down at my lap twiddling my thumbs, “While we were engaged, their mother fell ill, they had to care for their mother and their baby sister now, they were anything but selfish. But Daddy was broken when they broke off the engagement to marry to a man with money.” “But Daddy, you have money now” Darrian, my oldest tells me, “I know sweetheart, but that’s not the point. Your Daddy wasn’t well off when he was younger, he came from a poor family, your mother was rich and wealthy beyond my dreams. Why she married me was because her father didn’t like the idea, and wanted to prove something to him, while I married her for status. My sweetheart was the same way in the sense of money, to be rich and lonely is poisoning to be poor and in love, is worth every struggle. I want you three to marry for love and nothing less, if you do not love them, do not marry them okay.” “Daddy,... what are you gonna do now?” “I’m not sure, my internal heart says to chase after them and give them my everything. But my brain is saying no, because they still probably love their deceased lover.” Fred looks at me quizzically, “If you love them, go after them-” “Do you forget what I am?” “That does not matter in love’s eyes, Daddy!! Love is blind and if they really love you they won’t care about that” My little girl, Areum tells me crossing her arms and sternly nods her head. “What if-” “Don’t you dare second guess yourself, Daddy!” Areum says with a glare, “Jeez I raised you kids right” They laugh at my expense, and I grab them up into my arms, “Let’s head to bed okay, and we’ll talk about it in the morning” “Fine” Darrian scoffs at me, these kids are gonna be the death of me. Once they are set to bed with a bedtime story, I go downstairs and pull out a blood bag from the fridge. I slump into a chair, and groan at myself, I could have just told them how I felt. That my nonexistent heart still beats because of them, but that would have been creepy wouldn’t have it been. 
I could have just talked to him about everything, maybe on another day, and we can figure out our feelings. Nari looks at me when I come into the house, “Is something wrong?” “Remember Yugyeom?” “Oh yeah, you two were high school sweethearts, those were the days…” She smiles softly at me, “Yeah they were--I saw him today” “Oh, he does live in these parts” “Um that would have been nice to know, you know…” “Oh, I’m sorry dear that completely slipped my mind, but did you two talk?” I nod shoving my face into my arm, “I wish I would have just married him, back then…” “We all make mistakes dear, after all, if I hadn’t tripped and fell right in front of my wife, I would have never met her…” I sigh, “Yeah but that was a cute mistake--” “Not when it happened, but yeah, you’ll make amends don’t worry dearest, things happen for a reason. Now do you want to help me knit a scarf for our soon to be son?” I nod, helping her, at least I landed a job, that means I can rent an apartment, and start my life back up. 
First day at work, and I’m excited that this will be a change of pace for me. They teach me the ropes and I catch on fairly quickly, it’s quite easy to run this little bookstore. On the first check, I manage to get my own apartment, and I have yet to see Yugyeom since I ran into him the first day I was here in town. Which that I’m glad of, but at the same time, my heart is anything but content, always searching for his black hair and his long black trench. He still wears the trench I bought him for our first anniversary, the big hole on the left elbow being the biggest indicator. He slipped and fell on the ice in front of my porch ripping it and crying about it, he was so sweet, not wanting to damage something that meant so much to him. I laughed it off and helped him patch himself up, everything but the coat, to see that he still wears it made my heart flutter. But I wasn’t about to say anything, for fear of what he could say. 
I got off later than usual, my eyes droopy and tired, I go home the fastest way, down the side streets. I was doing fine, I’ve never been scared of the back-ways, but this, this was about to change everything. Yugyeom sitting on the ledge of a fence, a dead cat in his hands, and his mouth to it. The next thing I know is that I'm not in my apartment, and this place is freaking me out. What happened last night? Wait, could that be reality? And I didn’t just dream that up? I mean I could have, but then it can’t be, because that was so vivid, and did I really pass out because of that? I sit up on the couch and there stands Yugyeom in pink robe with pajamas on, “I can explain!!” He waves his hands in front of him, “Um?... You should…” He sighs and sits next to me, “You see a lot has changed since we parted ways… Now believe me or not, but after I was widowed I was sitting in front of her grave, trying to figure out how I was gonna care for my three little ones… I was slammed against a gravestone and turned into a vampire…” I click my tongue, “I can believe it, but it seems a little far-fetched, my soft Yugyeom is now a vampire?” He nods, ready for me to walk out of the door, and I softly put my hand on his cheek, “Can you show me?” His eyes glint red as his teeth sharpen, I nod my head, well, he wasn’t lying that’s for sure. “Do you want to talk about everything?” I ask softly, and he nods.
A little girl runs down the steps, “Daddy!! It’s almost time for school!” “Go get ready and wake up your brothers for me okay?” “I will, but who are you?” She pertains the question to me, “I-I-I… I’m (Y/n)” I say not expecting the question, she gasps and looks at Yugyeom before quickly running up the stairs. “Um? Okay?” “That’s Areum for you” He laughs, “She’s my baby girl, the youngest of the three” I nod, “She’s cute” He grins, “I know” I roll my eyes, “So…” “Yeah?” “I wish I never left you,…” I say softly, “but I guess you’ve moved on.” He shakes his head, “That’s where you’re wrong.” I tilt my head, “I tried everything to get over you, I married for goodness sakes. Although it was the money and status, and for her it was to prove her parents wrong…” I look down at my hands, “So you did the same I had?” “In a way” I look up at him to see him staring at me, “I… If you’ll have me maybe… We can start over again?” He tilts his head at me, “Why do we have to start over?” Words leave me, “When we can pick up where we left off?” I looked at him quizzically, “What do you mean by that?” “I mean, um,... that we can become friends and then something more… That we don’t have to completely start over again, because it’s not like we don’t know each other…” It catches up with me what he means, I smile at him, “I would like that…” 
His sons come rushing down the stairs, their sister in tow, when a kid puts his hand out to me, “I’m Darrian!” I smile, “It’s nice to meet you, Darrian, I’m (Y/n).” He grins, Fred and Areum introduce themselves to me. And I grin, “You guys are so cute, much like your father” “Yeah Daddy is the best ain’t he!!” Fred grins at me, I nod, and Fred high fives Areum, and Yugyeom is gone and back in his clothes, “Let’s go kiddos” And without a further word they climb onto him, and he takes them to school, and I’m left all alone. 
I’m in Yugyeom’s house, and I feel uncomfortable, but I don’t want to be disrespectful, thankfully I had my phone and respond to a few texts. And scroll through social media to hear the door open again, and there is Yugyeom. Standing in all of his glory, “It feels lonely without them…” He sighs, I look over at him and nod, “Yeah I understand” He sits next to me, “I’m sorry I didn’t take you to your apartment, I didn’t know where you lived exactly…” I nod, “It’s okay, I’m sorry I fainted.” “If I was in the same situation I would have fainted…” I giggle, “You were always faint of heart like I was” He pouts, “It’s changed me…” “Do you want to talk to me about it…” He shrugs, “The minute you left me I felt heartless anyway, what brought back parts of my heart were my little ones. They kept me happy, always bringing me up, if it weren’t for them I don’t know where I would be now… It was funny because I was already like a vampire, heartless, soulless, although the wound started to scab over, it was too late. It’s not your fault, its mine for never having the heart to get over you. To only reminisce, when I was turned I was expecting to hide it from my kids for as long as I could. But you can never keep secrets from kids, they catch on quickly. And now, they make me fly them in the woods every month to keep it as a secret. Because vampire don’t exist, at least to the average person.” “But you’re sitting right next to me, also your kids pulled the same exact thing you did.” He looks at me with a weird look, “What do you mean by that?” I giggle, “You don’t remember?” He shakes his head at me, “When I ruined the new clothes mom got me by accident, by falling on my ass in mud, and it ripped a big seam. I got you to shut your mouth by writing you love letters every week. I fixed the dress, of course… you did the same thing your kids do now” He laughs, “I remember that, and you were so pissed at me… But you didn’t stop, even after you fixed the clothes… I kept them all.” I blush, “Remember when we broke up and you still kept mailing me love letters?” He nods, “I kept them and read them until they ripping at the folds, and the tear stains were ruining them” He brings me into his arms, “I’m sorry if it’s too soon… I just wanted to feel you in my arms again… That’s all I wanted to do for eight years.” My arms wrapping around him, “I loved you so much, it ripped up my heart, my mom was so mad at me when she found out, she didn’t talk to me for three weeks… I should have just went back to you, but I was already married to the old fogy… You writing letters didn’t help either, the nightmares didn’t stop for years. I tried everything in the books, before I started holding that little teddy bear you gave me… I never got over you either, Yugyeom. I’m sorry for what I put us through…” Putting my head in my hands, ashamed of myself, I loved the man so much, but I couldn’t wait, and my mother said she’d rather die than let me be unhappy. She did, just before the old man would die, he had me as his show and tell, look what I got, and you don’t have. My heart was torn from that, I wish I just stayed with Yugyeom, my baby sister thankfully didn’t make the same mistakes as me. Marrying for love, but it seems neither Yugyeom or I made that decision. 
I didn’t notice the tears streaming down my face, I’m so ashamed of my decisions, until I feel Yugyeom pulling me further into him and tear droplets hitting my face. We just stayed there crying for a good amount of time, before I softly tell him, “Yugyeom?” A broken ‘hmm’ comes out of his mouth, “I still love you, and I can’t change that…” He lifts my face to look him in the eyes, “Say that again…” “I still love you--” He kisses me, and my heart feels this complement it hasn’t felt in years. I turn myself around, to wrap my arms around him, when we break away from each other, our foreheads touching. He tells me softly, “Areum was right,... Love is blind…” I laugh, “Love is a cruel mistress too” He shrugs at me, “You’re here that’s what matters… You really don’t care that I’m a vampire?” I shrug, “That makes you hotter even if you’re cold blooded now.” He laughs and kisses my nose, “If you’ll have me, and my kids, they seem to like you, would you want to be with me?” I give him a grin, “I would love too, Yugyeom, you’ve been my dreams for years, if you and your kids want me here,...” He kisses my nose, “I do value their opinion a lot” “I’m glad, you should look out for them first.”
Two hours went by and we talk about everything, from what happened to our high school sweetheart days. He picks up his little ones, and they look at me, “Are you gonna break Daddy’s heart again?” Darrian says with a steely gaze analyzing me, “Never again” Fred looks at me with the same gaze, “Why did you decide to come back into his life? Now of all times?” Oh man, these kids are gonna eat me alive, it makes me smile internally that they are so protective of him, “I was married to a man I didn’t love, my heart always belonged to Yugyeom, but divorce in these parts will brand you, and I wouldn’t be able to get a job. That marriage was to take care of my mother and my baby sister, my job couldn’t support either of them. Yugyeom was still finding his way, and it broke my heart, my mother was mad at me for marrying that man. She had a right to be, she couldn’t be as mad at me as I was at myself. For I had lost the love of my life, my mother preached back and forth to not marry for money but to marry for love. She told me after that fact, but I had no other choice, I thought, I wanted my mother to live a long and happy life. But she wasn’t happy if I wasn’t, she would pass before I got out of that man’s grasp. I was left with nothing but an unhappy heart after he left me. I come to Yugyeom now,... I didn’t expect to see him ever again, I was sure he moved far away and started a beautiful happy family. Never to remember me, for me to be just a distant memory. Everything came flooding back when I saw him in the bookstore, my whole world went upside down… You see I’ve never loved someone like how I love Yugyeom. He’s been my only true love, for twelve years if you add our high school days. My heart never truly left him, seeing him again brought everything back. He has always been the one, and after talking to him in streets, that first day and not seeing him for weeks… Killed my heart, it left me in shambles, and he scared me to pieces when I was taking side streets home, and there he was… I will never believe that I got a chance with him again... “ 
I trail off, they take a minute to process what I said, before Darrian asks me again, “Do you really love him or are you just saying it to get his money?” I look deeply into Darrian’s eyes, “I’m in no need of money, I’m in need of happiness, love, and a family. My family left me a while ago, my husband and I were never in love; and I never had any little ones to care for. My mother said to only marry someone for love. That is better to be poor and happy than rich and lonely…” Areum whispers something to Fred who whispers to Darrian, and Areum speaks up, “Why do you love our Daddy?” 
“It started a long time ago, when I first met Yugyeom when we were thirteen… And he bought me an ice cream,... and to a thirteen year old, that meant that we were friends. My heart fell for the simple act, and it only blossomed from there. I started writing him love letters and he would write them back, and my heart was sold. That he was the only one for me, and the last thing he ever wrote to me was a love letter… My heart still aches because of that…” They nod, Yugyeom looks at me and carefully grabs my hand, “I still read your love letters, like you do with mine…” I blush at him, “Mama used to say that you can tell if a couple is meant to be, when they form a perfect heart together…” Areum tells me, “And you two,... form a perfect heart… Daddy and Mama used to form a triangle…” 
Fred looks at me and shrugs but with a daring look in his eyes, “I’m willing for you to be apart of our family, but if you break Daddy’s heart. You have another thing coming… Daddy says he’s a monster, but we’re his little monsters, and we’re 10x worse” I grin, “You remind me so much of your dad, Fred” He laughs, “I’ve been told.” 
I entered that family that night, we were dating for another four years before I popped the question to him. He squealed in delight, and we married a few months after, Darrian, Fred, and Areum our flower kids, his friend Jinyoung being his best man, Nari and her wife being my best women. If my mama could see me now, I wonder if she would smile and be proud. For I’m happy now, with Yugyeom, and his three little ones, his vampire qualities not even bothering me, even if he does drink too much from me. Thankfully, he knows how to drink properly and always wipes his mouth afterward. Darrian is always the best dressed no matter the occasion, Fred likes to make people laugh, and Areum is our little dancing queen. Damned and determined to take over her Daddy’s company, Darrian always goes shopping with me, and Fred likes to write little letters for people. And he has a crush on the jock in his school, learning how to write love letters from looking at ours. Which we still write everyday to each other, reminding each other constantly of the love we have for one another. 
Yugyeom is the man of my dreams and to think that after all that time, I finally ended up with him, makes my heart flutter to this day. Even though we have been married for three years now, he still makes my heart forget how to function. I always tell him this, and how no matter that he is a vampire that I love him dearly, and nothing could ever change that. Waking up to him, brings a smile to my face, without even trying he makes me smile. I’m glad that love in the end decided to treat me right, letting me have this, for as often as she is a cruel mistress, she is a kind woman when you treat her right, and she will never lead you down the wrong path. She does just right in my books now, I say as I carefully brush my fingers through Yugyeom’s hair, and kiss his nose. Love gave me hope, a family, and love all over again, and for that I’m thankful. 
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freddiesaysalright · 5 years
As a fellow writer who adores your writing, I think the most flattering thing to mention is how much you’ve inspired me creatively when writing! I was wondering if you I could request a one shot where y/n and Rami dance to ‘Jealousy’ by Queen and y/n has to tell him that she’s ill and doesn’t have much time left. The song has helped me through so much and I know the subject is quite melancholy so if it makes you uncomfortable then you can include something happier. All the best love! S x
holy FUCK this is angsty and sad :(
You and Rami swayed together in your living room, your vinyl of Jazz was on the turntable, playing softly. Freddie voice warbled through the speakers. Rami held you close. He started to lightly sing along to “Jealousy,” a favorite of you both. You smiled. You knew you had to tell him, but you hated to ruin such a moment. But if you didn’t tell him, you would go crazy. Plus, you needed to give him the opportunity to go if he wanted.
“Rami,” you said gently. “There’s something I need to tell you.”
“So tell me,” he said, smiling at you. 
You took a shaky breath. You weren’t sure you had the strength to set him free. But you loved him. You loved him too much to tether him to you when you could offer him no future.
“Baby, what is it?” he pressed, brow furrowing as he slowed to a stop.
“I’ve been going to the doctor a lot lately,” you began. “And I got my diagnosis today.”
“What is it?” he wondered.
Tears came to your eyes. “It’s cancer.”
He blinked. “W…what?”
“Cancer, Rami,” you said. “In my brain. It’s in the late stages too.”
Tears welled up in his eyes too, and it broke your heart. Then you reached over and took your engagement ring off your finger.
“Hold on, what are you doing?” he wondered.
“I can’t keep you, Rami,” you said. “It’s selfish of me, when...well, when I won’t be around for much longer.”
“Why are you resigning yourself to death?” he demanded. “There’s treatment. There’s hope.”
“Not for me,” you told him. 
“What do you mean?”
Your heart rate picked up. You swallowed the lump in your throat. This was the part that was hardest to say.
“I’ve decided not to get treatment,” you explained. “It won’t buy me much time, and time time I would have would be miserable.”
“Y/N...please,” he said. “I don’t want you to go.”
“I’ve made my choice,” you said firmly. “I’m letting you off the hook.”
“No,” he returned. “I made my choice too when I gave you that ring. I’m not taking it back. I don’t want to be off the hook.”
“What do you want to do?” you asked.
“I want to marry you,” he said with an almost childish stubbornness. 
A beat passed where neither of you said anything. The only sound was Freddie singing the next line of the song. Rami took your hand, plucked the ring out of it, and returned it to your finger.
“Let’s get married,” he said. “I’ll make an appointment at the courthouse. We’ll just go and be married.”
“Rami, I can’t do that to you,” you said, and a tear finally escaped and slid down your cheek. “It’s so brutally unfair. You’ll be a widower before our first anniversary.”
“I’d regret not marrying you,” he said. “As much as I’ll miss you, I’d never forgive myself.”
Your heart was torn. It seemed a cruel thing to do to him. But he was firm in this. 
“Are you sure?” you whispered. “I’m telling you it’s okay to go now and save yourself this heartache.”
“I’m telling you, I’m not leaving you,” he replied. “I love you, Y/N. When I proposed, I committed to you. Til death do us part. Even if -” he choked up. “Even if it’s sooner than we anticipated.”
You let out a sob and fell into each other’s arms. It was an emotional night. You continued to talk about your options well into the evening. Many tears were shed. But finally, you relented and decided to get married. 
You went to the courthouse later that week. Rami had gotten you wedding bands and everything. His brother served as your witness. It was a sweet, although very private affair. Then, as you predicted, time passed all too quickly, and Rami lost his wife. He never listened to “Jealousy” again.
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jinxedcrow · 5 years
send me 💍 + how can i not give me fairgame snow rip me apart
Wedding Starters // Selectively Accepting
In the Chickadee verse…
where they get married: They probably first get married in Atlas, during the fight with Salem, because they’re afraid it’s the only chance they’ll get. Later, Qrow would want to have the ceremony in Patch, though he’d insist it’s a small one. It’s probably not too far from Tai’s house. Everything below (unless stated otherwise) will be referring to the Patch wedding.
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. ):  In Patch, they would get married in the morning, then celebrate through the afternoon and into the night. He’d probably want to get married in late spring.
what traditions they include: Qrow would want to bring in some traditions from the tribe (I could write a whole post about how he relates to tribe traditions). Worked out with @nightmarebcrn​/@dcstinythief​, Qrow would want to include the tradition of being tied to the would-be partner for a day and a night before the wedding, as well as the weaving of a sort of braid that symbolizes their union. He would also like to write personalized vows that are particularly meaningful because he’s sappy like that, but he wouldn’t force Clover to do the same if he didn’t want to. Qrow just wants to get up there and gush over Clover a little bit, probably make fun of him a little too.
what their wedding cake looks like: Qrow has no preference over what the cake looks like. It’s probably homemade, big enough for whoever they invited to partake. Qrow isn’t a big fan of sweets so he doesn’t really care one way or the other.
….who smashes cake into whose face: Lets face it, either Raven does it to both of them OR Qrow trips and falls into the cake. Alternatively Qrow almost trips into the cake, Clover catches his arm, its laughs all around. Then the leg snaps off the table and it just dumps into the grass. Just their luck.
who proposed to who first: Clover proposes on the battlefield.
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither ): I don’t think either do, I think they both meet at the altar.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like: Qrow’s is simple, crisp, black and grey suit with a red tie– and this is the only time you will ever see him without his ratty cape. He also adds a green scarf tied around his left bicep. I imagine Clover is in something white and green with pops of blue, and the red bandana tied on his arm.
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have: They probably don’t have much of a color scheme because the get married outside (weather permitting, you better use your semblance on the clouds Clover) and don’t decorate much. They have chairs set up in the grass along with flowers (in probably pinks, purples, etc) and a few black feathers gathered at the altar.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? ): Red ranunculus (radiant charm), Purple anemone flowers (both bad luck/ill omens, AND protection against bad luck 👀), and Ferns (confidence and shelter),
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ): Qrow agonized over his vows in the days leading up to the wedding. He’s never been a wordsmith, he’s no poet, but he so deeply wanted to express how he felt and how grateful and gladdened he is to have found Clover. The morning of he wrote out everything on note cards only to find that his suit pocket had a hole in it when he went to grab them. Instead he ended up improvising them. He started with humor (’how did I reel this one in’ and other such jokes that would make even Yang groan) but eventually got into the sappy stuff.  He’d mention that he wants to stand at Clover’s side, that they would be each other’s shelter. That he’s not good at feeling good, but Clover makes him want to learn. How during good times and bad, through the fear and uncertainty, he would be there for Clover. No matter how many card games he lost, he’d stick around to play another round.
if anyone’s late to the wedding: They were very nearly late to their own wedding, but they managed to make it.
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other: Qrow has Mercury ( @nightmarebcrn​ again) as his best man, with Raven, Tai, Yang, and Ruby also in his party. Clover probably has the Ace Ops in attendance
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing: Whatever they want, Qrow and Clover aren’t insisting on people matching or even following a specific color scheme.
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? ): Mercury gives the first speech, followed by Robyn’s. Mercury’s speech is soft and nice, meanwhile Robyn drags Clover within an inch of his life (all in good fun, surely). Qrow thinks he’s safe, until he realizes that Raven and Tai have prepared words and he’s about to get the same treatment.
who catches the bouquet( s ): Hmmm…. I really wanna say Tai or Raven and they renew their vows
what their wedding photos are like: They take one serious one with everyone lined up like a sports team picture. There’s one of Clover hooking Qrow with Kingfisher and reeling him in, one of Qrow lifting Clover up with the sun behind them and they’re just lost in each others eyes. The rest are all silly candid shots that take place during the party, not just of them but everyone in attendance.
what sort of food they have at the reception: Probably potluck style, whatever people wanted to bring, they wouldn’t get it catered.
who cries first during the ceremony: Oh man, that’s a good question… Honestly? Probably Tai is the very first to cry. Clover wells up too, Qrow nearly holds it together but his voice breaks during his vows and he’d probably have to wipe his eyes during Clover’s vows.
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc.): I imagine they have a sober reception for obvious reasons. Qrow insisted it would be ok if people wanted to drink, that he would be alright, but nobody (including Qrow) really wanted to test that theory. Also nobody wanted to make him feel left out at his own wedding. That said, it’s still a fun reception. I imagine they’re on a lake so there’s swimming to be done and feasts to be had, its a real party even if everyone there is sober.
what their rings are like: I don’t know if they exchange rings exactly, unless Clover wants to, but Qrow would get another ring for him. Something like this probably with a green stone inlay. If he wanted a ring, Qrow would probably get him something like this
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. ): Maybe personalized tins of tea leaves or something? Custom playing cards?
where they go for their honeymoon: Oh man, Qrow has traveled all over Remnant already. He’d probably ask where Clover wants to go, someplace he’s always wanted to go, and take him there.
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony: Uhh, maybe Qrow gets thrown into the lake while still wearing his suit? Clover either rips of his sleeves of gets his sleeves torn off at some point during the reception.
who officiates the ceremony: Well, Robyn officiates the first wedding during the fight (she’s a council woman, right? she can totally do that). Their ceremony in Patch is probably officiated by Raven, if Clover is ok with that.
what song their first dance is to: fuck this is the only question i really don’t know
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle: If there’s any giving away at all, Tai probably gives Qrow away (if Raven is busy officiating), Robyn or one of the ace ops probably gives Clover away.
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godsickk · 5 years
A few more things about weddings in Nina’s setting that I couldn’t fit into the last post:
Instead of exchanging rings during the wedding ceremony, people here give each other scars on the palms of their hands. Each person takes a knife in their left hand and cuts into their partner’s right; they then take each other’s hands and suck the first welling of blood from their partner’s wound. They then kiss with each other’s blood still wet on their lips, while at the same time pressing the cuts on their palms together, symbolically sealing the marriage with an exchange of blood.
Sterilizing and treating the cuts is worked into the ceremony itself because who the hell wants to contract sepsis on their wedding day
Once healed, the cuts become scars that serve the same purpose as wedding rings. Some people choose to apply dyes, abrasives, or other products to their cuts during the healing process to make their scar stand out more; others prefer to let it heal naturally.
Things considered bad omens for the marriage include (in more or less increasing order of severity): the couple failing to cut each other’s palms at the same time; hesitating to make the cut; flinching at being cut; cutting too deep or too shallow; cuts becoming infected or otherwise failing to heal properly; contracting an illness specifically from contact with your partner’s blood.
Families frequently own a knife specifically for marriage cuts; it’s common for a mother to gift her eldest daughter the family blade on her wedding day.
Marriage cuts aren’t technically required by law, but culturally, they’re pretty much a necessity. Your marriage will be looked down upon and considered less than legitimate by society at large if you don’t go through with this ceremony.
Couples at weddings aren’t placed in front of the guests, but at the center of the room. Guests are seated in rows on either side of them, with seats angled auditorium-style so that everyone can still see the ceremony. The couple enters at opposite ends of the room, with the ceremony largely taking place in profile before the guests. Depending on how many guests there are and the social status/wealth of the couple’s respective families, arrangements can be anything from just a few rows of seats on either side of the room to honest-to-god arena seating, shit like this:
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What I’m saying is that the higher-profile the wedding the more obvious it is that weddings are set up to parallel executions
Where to seat people at a wedding can already be a gigantic pain, but Tauhrelian-style seating arrangements make it just. SO much worse,
Organized religion and churches don’t really exist in this setting, so neither do church weddings. A few examples of places people in this society often get married instead:
At the family home of one partner. This is most common at the lowest ranks of society (because $$$$) and the highest (because their homes have enough physical space that they can just have their big, fancy wedding right there if they choose to). People in the middle classes typically have the funds to rent a place, but not enough physical space to accommodate the amount of extended family (as well as non-blood-related friends and neighbors) expected to attend weddings. (And you’d better believe that in this society, a wedding = a blanket invitation to literally all blood relatives. Every one of them. You can’t NOT invite them, it’s just not done.)
The closest equivalent to a church wedding would be having one at a rooftop garden or astronomical observatory. While organized religion has largely faded away, a lot of people in Nina’s society still feel strongly about the idea of having the stars look down in witness, especially for something as culturally significant and life-changing as a wedding.
Botanical gardens/arboretums, aquariums, and aquatic gardens are all popular choices as well, for the same reasons as they are here (natural beauty, atmosphere, etc). The latter two are especially favored because of their affinity with water; Tauhrelian society considers water to be the blood of the living world, making it an auspicious and thematically resonant element for a ceremony about tying one bloodline to another.
Beachfront and other outdoor weddings are popular, in spite of the near-constant rain and thunderstorms that characterize this world’s climate. Hard light often comes into play here as a means of keeping the weather out, especially since it can be removed right after the ceremony. (No shelters to construct beforehand! Nothing that needs to be torn down afterward or that will leave a mark on the environment!) (Bonus: you can adjust the color, brightness, and opacity of hard light to make things look exactly the way you want.)
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celtics534 · 5 years
Natural Chapter 14!
It’s time for the next installment of Natural!
Also read on: FF.net and AO3
Harry’s mouth trailed down Ginny’s neck and across her chest, not stopping until just above her navel. He allowed his attention to focus solely on her. Nothing else mattered. The world could combust and it wouldn’t make a difference as long as he and Ginny were still together.
“Harry?” Her voice was delightfully husky.  
“Hmm?” He didn’t stop his ministrations at her abdomen.
“We can’t keep avoiding our parents.”
And that was one way to calm his randiness; mention their parents. Harry rolled off her and fell back against the messy sheets. “They haven’t asked any questions yet.”
Ginny turned to face him, lifting her head up on her elbow. “That’s because we keep claiming we have practice or the flu, but I know my mother. If we dodge another family dinner she’ll just show up at the house.”
Harry brought his hands up to scrub his face. Even after two months, the cool metal that rested on his left hand still both startled and thrilled him. They had been married for two months. Two amazing months, filled with quidditch and honoring their nuptials, though they both took off their rings when they went out in public, hoping to keep a low profile. If either of them was spotted with gold on their fourth fingers, it would be on the front page of every newspaper you could think of (and some you wouldn’t expect).
But even being unable to wear their rings out on the town hadn’t brought them down from their high. No, the only regretful thing that had been nagging at them over the past sixty days was the lack of family time they’d had. Neither of them wanted to tell their parents they had gone out and gotten married without including their families. So instead of going to the Weasley family dinners or luncheons that Harry’s mother (and Sirius, whenever he felt posh) hosted, the couple had begged off, claiming hectic schedules or bouts of illness.
No one had argued with them (both families knew how crazy quidditch and life could be), but the end of the season was almost upon them. The Harpies had their final game next week, having been unable to clinch a season win without the help of their new star chaser for most of their games. Puddlemere, however, was in the lead for the title. Their final regular season game was next week, against Holyhead.
Ginny bopped her husband on the nose. “Earth to Harry. Focus, luv. We have to tell them before some reporter snoops around and finds our certificate.”
Harry knew she was right, but fuck, he didn’t want to upset their families… He didn't want to imagine his mother’s face, let alone Molly’s! He took a deep breath and turned so he faced her. “How about we invite everyone out to dinner the night of the game?”
She considered it for a moment. “That could work. And if we’re in public our mothers can’t scream too loudly.”
“That was my thought as well.” He leaned over and kissed her. “Because I came up with the plan, though, I think you should be the one to tell them.”
Ginny let out a snort. “In your dreams, Potter.”
“You are in all my dreams, Potter.”
Harry was rather proud of that line, but Ginny’s jaw just dropped. “Oh… I sometimes forget my last name is Potter,” she admitted.
“I don’t.” Harry gave her a wicked grin and turned them until he reclaimed his position above her. His mouth grazed her ear. “I love calling you Mrs Potter.”
A sudden thought hit him as he made his way from her ear to her cheek. “Next season, we can make it so your jersey says Potter on it.” Harry couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face. “I can’t wait to see you with my name on your back.”
“I didn’t know you were so possessive, Mr Potter.” Ginny’s tone held bite, but Harry looked into her eyes and saw no anger. Actually, if he was reading her right (and Harry was sure he was), Ginny was more than a little turned on.
“Possessive makes me sound so egotistical. The others can look, but I reserve all rights to touch.”
Ginny leaned back and let one eyebrow raise. “Who gave you that kind of power?”
Instead of giving her a verbal reply, Harry closed the distance and kissed her, letting his teeth pull at her bottom lip when he drew away. “Feel free to tell me no whenever you want.”
The way Ginny drew him back to her was all the response he needed.  
“What a presentation we’ve had today!” Mothers said for the third time since the final whistle had blown. The game had seemed so one-sided from the moment the two teams had mounted their brooms. “Weasley was in perfect form. Twelve goals and seven assists. Incredible!”
“Too true, Phil,” Gregory agreed. “The Harpies came out looking for blood.”
“And there was a bit of that. Morgan’s health report has just come in and the healers are saying he’ll make a full recovery before the first game of the playoffs.” Mothers let out a little chuckle. “I can count the number of times a keeper has knocked a beater out of the game on one hand.”
Gregory laughed along with his fellow announcer. “We all knew Hansen had a strong arm, but now Morgan now knows better than most.”  
“One final recap before we change over to the Kenmare and Falmouth. Puddlemere has won their final match of the regular season by a mere ten points. The score being two hundred and seventy to two hundred and eighty.”
“Potter made a spectacular catch!” Gregory praised. “He was perfectly in tune with the chasers and their position. If he had caught it a minute sooner they would have lost. I don’t think we’ve had such a nail biter all year!”
“Not for the Harpies at least. With Weasley back, the vibe has changed.” Mothers tapped his fingers on the edge of his desk. “Weasley has become such a staple in their lineup. Leading her team with -” He paused as a mane of red hair walked out of the Harpies tunnel. “Hold on now. Speak of the devil. Weasley has come back onto the field and -- yes! -- that's Potter exiting the Puddlemere pit.”
The two announcers watched the couple meet to the by the Puddlemere tunnel. “Every time these two play against each other, we get a lovely scene,” Gregory told the listeners.
“Our local hopeless romantic, folks.” Mothers chuckled fondly. “Wait… Hey, Dan, did you see that? The gold in Potter’s hand. Do you think he kept the snitch?” The average listener was able to hear Mothers shuffle things around. “My trusty pair of omnioculars.”
Mothers zoomed into the display before him, Potter and Weasley embracing. “It seems to be… No way!” He shoved the omnioculars into his partner’s hands. “Is that a ring?”
“Now who’s the hopeless romantic.” Gregory’s laughed, but accepted the proffered item. Five seconds passed before Gregory turned to look at Mothers. “That’s a ring. And Weasley has one too. Are we looking at the Potters?”  
Molly Weasley considered herself a fair woman. She liked to think the punishments she’d given her children over the years had been just and appropriate.  And she’d never judged someone for something they couldn’t prevent.
But if that was true, why had her daughter (her only daughter!) gotten married without her? And then, why had her child let her find out about her nuptials through two quidditch announcers? What had she done to deserve such treatment?
Molly stared at the two guilty young adults. “Care to explain?”
“Mum,” Ginny started, but seemed unable to elaborate. She looked towards her husband. Husband! Molly’s daughter took a deep breath before starting again. “Mum. It was a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing.”
As much as Ginny had hoped that would placate her mother, those words had only rekindled her fire. With a voice both quiet and filled with rage, Molly began speaking. “Even if that was the case, why didn’t you come and tell me after? Why is that you’ve waited… how long was it?”
“Two months,” Harry muttered, not meeting her eyes.
She gave a sharp nod. “Two months. Two months my baby has been married. Not even Fred and George have done something so-” Molly couldn’t even think of a word.
It was Harry who chipped at her wall of anger. “I’m sorry, Molly. We should have told you.”
“Damn right you should have.” Molly pointed between the two. “I want to know everything, and don’t think for a second this means we won’t be having a wedding.”
Ginny exchanged a quick glance with Harry, as a smile slowly spread across her face. “Wouldn’t dream of it, Mum.”
“Good.” Molly stood to go make a quick stew for dinner. “Now, Harry, go get your parents over here. We have some things to discuss.”
Once Molly walked out of the room, Ginny released a tense sigh. “That went better than I thought. But I’ve got to say, that quiet tone is much scarier than her yelling.”
Harry nodded fervently. “I thought she was going to skin us alive.” He looked down at his hand. “How could we forget to take off our rings before the game?”
Ginny shrugged. “We were kinda too busy with our… pre-match ritual... to think about jewelry.” She gave him a light push so he stood from the sofa they’d been sent to the moment they’d arrived.  “You best go fire-call the Potter brigade.”
“Such a lovely day for a wedding,” Arthur commented as he and Ginny stood by the back door of the Burrow. It had taken only a week for Molly and Lily to be satisfied with the wedding plans. The real challenge had been finding a date that worked for both families. That had taken a few months, but they’d finally found a day where everyone in the whole Weasley-Potter clan could be in attendance. In that time, Harry’s team had been able to clinch the championship title and Charlie’d filed all the paperwork to travel from Romania. And if you believed in serendipity (which honestly Ginny might because of this moment), they were having their wedding party on the day she had Harry had met just a few years ago.
Now after months of listening to her mother excitedly chatter about all the perfect placements and ideal seating charts, it had finally come to life -- and Ginny couldn’t help but feel a little more than grateful for the obsessive discussions between Lily and Molly. They really had created her dream wedding. Simple, yet elegant.
“You know,” Arthur mused, brushing a stray hair from Ginny’s face. “I always imagined this day differently.”
Ginny turned to her father. His face had a look that she only could describe as bittersweet. “What do you mean?”
“Well for starters, I didn’t think you’d already be married to the man I’d be giving you to.”
They both chuckled at his joke. Over the course of the last few months, the fact that Ginny and Harry (now called Hinny by the numerous articles penned about them) were already married had become a running gag between the two families. The only people who didn’t participate in the jokes were Molly and Lily, both of whom were still a little peeved at their children.
“What else?”
Arthur smiled at her. It was the same smile that he’d had when she had run up to him as a little girl, a frog clutched in her tiny fingers. She had been so happy with herself on that occasion and all she had wanted to do was show her findings to her dad.
“I’m so proud of you, Ginny.” He pulled her into a tight embrace and pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “You’ve grown into a remarkable young woman and I know you and Harry will continue to make each other happy. That’s all I’ve ever wanted for you, happiness.”
Ginny had promised herself one thing: That she wouldn’t be one of those brides who cried during her wedding. She was already married to the man for starters, also she hated tears. But Merlin, her father had gone and fucked up that plan.
“Don’t cry now.” Arthur held her at arm's length and moved his thumbs to brush at the slowly falling tears.
“I love you, Dad.” She moved closer to kiss his forehead. Taking a final deep breath, she forced herself to stop being sentimental (at least for a bit), and backed away just in time to see Bill approach them.
“Hey, you ready?” Bill smiled at her; he’d had inherited that smile from their father.
Ginny tucked her arm into Arthur’s, using her free hand to check for any stray tears. “More than ever.”
“And we now would like to present, the not exactly newlyweds, but our couple of honor... Mr and Mrs Potter!” Lee Jordan, the twins’ friend from school, called out from his DJ perch.
The crowd laughed and clapped as Ginny took Harry by the hand and led him to the dance floor. Harry gave her a small grimace but took charge once she situated herself in his arms.
“I wish I didn’t have two left feet,” Harry complained as he swayed them to the gentle beat of their first song.
“Well, my two right feet make up for it.” Ginny leaned up and gave him a quick kiss, much to the delight of the people watching. It wasn’t a large group of people really. Just both their teams, their families and school friends (some of Harry’s had come all the way from America).
"Ah, the true linchpin of our marriage. Together, we make one passable dancer."
Ginny laughed and rested her head over Harry’s heart. Somehow the beat of the song matched the rhythm of his heart. Thud - thud - thud. She let the words wash over her as she used Harry as the bass drum.
When you say You love the way I make you feel Everything becomes so real Don't be scared, no, don't be scared 'Cause you're all I need
“This isn’t so bad, I guess.” Harry’s head had been resting atop her head and she  felt more than heard him speak.
“I would hope getting to hold your wife would be at least acceptable,” Ginny teased as she tilted her neck to look at him.
He was smiling in that way he reserved for only her. “Trust me, I always appreciate getting to hold my wife. I just appreciate what happens when I hold you in private a little more than dancing like a ponce in front of everyone.”
“Now, Mr Potter, don’t start talking about such naughty things when my mother is a mere fifteen yards away.”
That caused his smile to become a coquettish smirk. “Your mother being nearby has never stopped us before.”  
Ginny had to hold in her chuckle. “Don’t start something you can’t finish, Harry.”
“Trust me, I have every intention of both of us finishing. You may even be able to take a second lap.”
This time she couldn’t contain herself. Ginny laughed and kissed her husband. “I love you.”
Harry’s hand came up and caressed her cheek, his eyes never wavering from hers. “Ditto.”
“Does this mean you’re taking a second honeymoon?” Max (one of Harry’s old school mates) asked, his eyebrows wiggling suggestively. After a few bouts of dancing, the married couple decided to sit down and rest their much abused feet. They had already made rounds to thank guests and they’d eaten the perfectly-cooked meal Lily had selected. Now, they were sitting at the head table, joined by a bunch of friends.
“We never really had one the first time around,” Harry admitted as he took another bite from the most delicious cake he’d ever had. His mother really had outdone herself with the catering selection.
“Where are you guys going?” Neville, Ginny’s friend, questioned.
“I picked the island of Tenerife in Spain.” Ginny leaned closer to Harry and opened her mouth for a forkful. Harry rolled his eyes fondly before cutting her a large bite and presenting it. She patted his cheek in thanks and blissfully chewed her dessert.
“Oh, I’ve had reports of high numbers of Crumple-Horned Snorkack mating on the Canary Islands around this time of year.” Luna Lovegood watched them with a dreamy look that slightly alarmed Harry. No matter how many times he had talked with Luna, Harry was still surprised by the woman’s words and actions. “Are you going to join them?” Luna added serenely.
And somehow she’s topped herself, Harry thought. He exchanged looks with Max and Duncan. They both were biting their fists to hold in their laughter.
Ginny, however, took it in stride. “Maybe they’re gonna join us.”
Harry turned to his wife, unable to even think of words; his old school mates gave up trying to hold in their chuckles.
Luna nodded understandingly. “Yes, you would want to be the dominant species. Good thinking, Ginny.”
Neville just shook his head, used to the way his two friends worked. Harry blinked rapidly for a few moments before pulling his laughing wife to her feet and leading her to the dance floor.  
“¿Quieres otra copa?” the waiter asked as Ginny sipped the last of her tinto de verano.
“Sí, por favor.” She handed him her empty cup and he walked away. Ginny took the opportunity to lean back in her sunbathing chair and look over at her nicely-tanned husband. His wide-brim hat was pulled over his face, shielding him from the Spanish sun.
Ginny reached across the almost nonexistent gap between them and started walking her fingers up his arm. She could feel the goose pimples rise as she made her way up to his shoulder. Moving her mouth next to his ear she murmured, “Hola, guapo.”
It took a moment for Harry to respond, but when he finally spoke, Ginny could hear the smile in his voice. “Are you flirting with me, señora Potter?”
“Sí, eres muy caliente.”
At the speed of lightning, Harry took off his hat and kissed her. “Te amo, mi amor.”
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legion1993 · 5 years
Thunderstorm Wedding
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AN: this is for @until-theend-oftheline for Kari’s Summer challenge. Girl, hope you enjoy this cause this is all on the fly work! enjoy the rolleroaster ride! there is another AN in the story to explain how i came up with a certain part of the story. hope you like it!
Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader
Prompt: Thunderstorm
Summery: there isnt one!
this was it, your wedding day was TOMORROW. everything prepared and ready, bows and decorations laid out for everyone to see, people from all over arriving too witness your wedding. 
oh yeah, your marrying the guy who made you fall in love with the MCU even more than you already were. you were marrying Chris Evans. 
of course this wedding was gonna be avenger themed. obviously considering who your marrying. there was gonna be an entire skit and everything. you were completely hopeful that you would have the perfect-ish wedding. 
you were at the hall with Chris going through the dress rehersal, and making sure all the decorations were in place along with props and that everyone knew what to say, when to say it, and what to do and when.
then you and Chris were dropped off at the same hotel but each of you taken to seperate rooms. Scarlet stayed with you playing cards, she knew you a little too well, this was what you had always dreamed off, to get married, to start a journey of love and passion with someone kind, sweet and amazing.
Scarlet: “what is it YN, you have that look in your eye?”
YN: “i dont know Scar, its just some nerves i guess. but weird thing is i don’t actually feel nervous.”
Scarlet: “well did you get some mojo recently?”
YN: “i did open a fortune cookie a couple days ago, it said ‘when the hammer is lifted, thunder rolls, words of affirmation finished, while the truth realized.’ i guess thats what is freaking my body out right now. and i believe i win.”
Scarlet and you both looked down at your hands. playing blackjack is fun, especially when you happen to always have an especially lucky hand. Scarlet laughed as she chugged the rest of her wine. 
Scarlet: “we should get some sleep… it will be a long busy day tomorrow.”
you and Scarlet had always shared a bed, even when she and you were roommates, it didnt matter, and no it was never anything freaky like that. it was just that she was your Best Friend and there wasnt anything neither of you wouldnt do for the other. 
so removing your house coat, you crawled into bed getting comfy while Scarlet finished turning off the lights, she crawled in beside you. cuddling together you both drifted into unconsciousness.
Chris however had been taken to his room by Robert. now normally this would have been something to behold for the theatrics. but it was a different situation. 
Rob: “YN seemed really stoked about the wedding.”
Chris: “i know, the only other time ive seen her like that was when i proposed. its like a massive reality spikes her adrenaline. but oh well. i guess if this goes well, the wedding of the year award will go to me & YN.”
Rob: “i suppose it will, but did you ever think about what kind of mark your wedding will leave on the community…”
Chris got up and started pacing…
Chris: “dont start an argument with me Rob, please man im getting married to an amazing girl, with you as the best man. come on bro, please just dont question this decision.
Chris and Rob after about 5 minutes each took 2 shots and went to bed knowing that it was gonna be a long and busy day.
Scarlet woke up shortly before you, like always she tried to give you as much sleep as possible. she checked the weather and happened to see the 79% chance of a thunderstorm starting right around the middle of the ceremony. 
Scarlet woke you up, gently and calmly. you opened your eyes fluttering them a bit before they stayed open, you sat up as Scarlet handed you your cold caffeinated cola. 
there was nothing that you imagined would ever ruin this day. it was YOUR WEDDING DAY! of course nothing could ruin the day. Scarlet started pulling out the straightener and the wedding lingerie, setting up everything and calling room service to bring you ladies some breakfast.
Scarlet: “breakfast is being made, and will be delivered soon. lets have you sit up and ill brush your hair out and place in the extensions before you go shower.”
you sat up in the middle of the bed and pulled out your laptop firing it up and making sure you have all the correct papers and such. 
YN: “Scar, what kind of day do you think this is gonna be?”
Scarlet was unsure of how to answer that question…
Scarlet: “i think this day will turn into the perfect of awesome weddings.”
you kept going through and making sure all the documents you needed to have filled out, were filled out and making sure there were backups of all the documents in case one of the things needed replacing.
Scarlet: “will you give the documents a rest? nothing is gonna go wrong. trust me. now you continue to hold still and throw on some music while i finish these extensions.”
Scarlet waited for the music to start before she started the extensions. once the music started she started to attach the extensions. there was nothing which made you happier than listening to the soundtrack of yours Chris’ love. 
this was the start of a very very long half an hour.
Chris woke up with Robert a few hours after you and Scarlet. this was the start of a lot of paranoia.
Robert: “how do you feel about today Chris?”
Chris: “i feel good, but if all goes well this storm will hold off till after the ceremony.”
Robert and Chris just sat in the room also ordering room service as they sat there toasting and cheering and praising each of their individual acomplishments.
Scarlet was finally done your hair, you went to the bathroom with your robe, lingerie and a towel. you started the shower and undressed yourself, you made your way into the tub and let the hot water maul over you for several minutes before washing your hair. 
you washed your hair, you werent used to how long it was. but that would soon be obsolete, for your mind now came to the thought of being MRS. EVENS LATER. you were now at peace in your mind. 
you finished in the shower about 15 minutes later. you got out and heard the sound of Scarlet singing out side, but you also heard your phone ringing. Scarlet of course answered it. 
Scarlet: “YN’s phone…”
Chris: “hey Scar, what would you say to me wanting to speak with my girl!”
Scarlet: “you can just give me a moment.”
Scarlet said as she saw you exiting the washroom. she handed you the phone after you sat on the bed so Scarlet could make your hair wedding worthy. the convo between you and Chris went a little like this:
YN: “hey Chris!”
Chris: “babe, im so lucky to get to marry you.”
YN: “im lucky too, at first i wasnt sure a guy like you would ever fall in love with a girl like me but now i know this is destiny.”
Chris: “i know but this is real, and your gonna be beautiful… hows the getting ready going?”
Scarlet: “im just doing her hair now Chris… don’t worry she will be recognizable when im through with her.”
YN: “just braid my hair Scar…”
Scarlet started putting in the french braid, she also intently listened in on yours and chris’ conversation. the braid was gonna be long but thats what you wanted. 
Chris: “i missed sleeping next to you last night!”
YN: “the bed felt not the same without you… but after today we wont ever have to sleep apart again. ill see you in 2 hours babe.”
Chris: “i love you…”
YN: “i love you too..”
with that the call disconnected and Scarlet had just finished the braid with its own twist and accessories. a little bit of hair bling. this was it, this now was the time. it was time for the rest of your outfit. this included now fully putting on your lingerie, and your shoes while Scarlet went to pull out your Dress. 
ah yes the dress that you had picked to specifically go with the superhero theme. the one dress to rule all dresses. 
you slipped into it and smiled as the fabric slid over your skin. 
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you twirled several times loving how the dress felt and looked. now you and Scarlet had to walk to the ceremony location to make it there before the guys did. 
walking down the roads the photographer followed you ladies, photographing alot of really great shots. simple ones but still capturing your beauty and elegance. 
this was how you knew today would be perfect. Scarlets dress showed her black widow side very well. which was what u both wanted, especially for the skit. the avengers may not have been real but their counters are very much like their avenger counter parts.
this was the moment when the final approach to the venue was in effect. your day was now looking up. your only goal was not tripping over anything, that was the last thing you needed. 
photographer: “how bout it ladies we get some shots in the park? like on the path and mock shots?”
you and Scarlet knew exactly what kind of shots the photographer meant. 
Shot 1: the best friend proposal!
Shot 2: the maid of honor carries the bride!
Shot 3: the double cheek kiss. 
Shot 4: the forehead mash in sunlight!
Shot 5: maid of honor releasing her best friend into the light!
Shot 6: the ‘im never letting go of my girl’!
Shot 7: out of every walk we’ve taken this one will be the most important!
Shot 8: get into position its time!
this was it, the moment that was forever to change your life, you were lining up at the end of the path behind the trees. your only worry was there were clouds in the sky, seeming like they were gonna roll on top of ya’ll and pour it all down!
Scarlet: “i see the look in your eyes don’t worry girl! your wedding will go off without a hitch. now Robert is coming back here to walk you down that isle unless you want someone else to do it.”
Robert had come round the corner just as Scarlet had finished speaking...
Robert: “you know that im the best man technically im supposed to be up there with Chris! Scarlet why dont you walk YN down that isle!”
Scarlet could only stare at you as you took a peak behind the tree at the crowd of people, the press, and the one person who made this day yours. Chris, standing at the alter, where you of course would be walking to in the next 5 minutes but first you have to make the choice of your life.
Scarlet: “what do you say girl? ready to take the most important walk of our lives... together?”
You turned to face her and Robert as you exhaled the breath you took in.
YN: “get out there Rob before you mess up the plan and be ready to switch positions when we fully get up there!”
Scarlet: “and make sure the director is ready to marry his favorite avenger and his lady!”
Robert made a salute and walked back up the isle. you got into position and waited for Scarlet to join you behind the camoflauge. you both waited for the words of the Director to begin.
Samuel: “ladies and gentlemen, fellow agents, and of course the avengers! welcome to the wedding of the century! welcome to the wedding of Chris Evens & YN! also known to the public eye as Captain America & his Lady! please rise to honor the bride as she walks her way down the isle!”
the crowd rose you locked hands with Scarlet, the camoflauge opened up, you and Scarlet made it per-tenant to step into the light! the photographer who was behind you guys captured the first look of Chris and the Crowd at you and Scarlet!
Chris’ face was totally priceless! it was like he was looking at you for the first time all over again! Samuel just smiled knowing that you and Chris were truly gonna be the wedding of the century never mind that forever....
Samuel: “i say a round of applause is in order for the beautiful Bride!”
you walked beside Scarlet knowing that all eyes were on you, but you didnt care cause your eyes were on Chris. you were smiling all while Scarlet did everything in her power to keep you from falling flat on your face.
you and Scarlet got to your point of stopping, now it was time for the skit to begin.
Samuel: “whats wrong. are you gonna finish your journey forward?”
YN: “after i say one small thing... i discovered this a while ago but thought nothing of it. i have Stark blood flowing through my veins.”
the entirety of the avengers line-up were playing out their respected roles. 
Robert: “Steve did you know anything about this?”
Chris: “i had no idea... YN how much stark blood are we talking?”
(*Authors Note: i am writing this part as if the actors are using their roles for the speaking during the ceremony but the actors names will be the ones leading their lines... just so no one gets confused... any questions at all feel free to ask*)
YN: “im Tony’s long lost cousin on his dads side...”
the crowd went berserk sort of they started mumbling but silenced when you guys started talking again...
Hemsworth: “dont worry young one, for i Thor God of Thunder still support this union...”
Samuel: “i Nick Fury Director of SHIELD still support this union.”
Scarlet: “i Natasha Romanov still support this union.”
Mark: “i am Bruce Banner and i still whole heartedly support this union.”
Jeremy: “i Clint Barton still wholly support this union.”
the avengers gave 3 cheers and then it came down to your fiance and Robert. both of whom now approached you.
Robert: “after all this time, how long have you known?”
YN: “about 2 weeks, i was too scared to say anything about it. i didnt know how you would react. so i used my own skill of keeping things from people to avoid any angry situations before the wedding. im so sorry guys, ive lied to all of you... especially you Steve im so sorry, i wanted to tell you guys so badly but i knew if i did there was a chance that you guys wouldnt accept me after that.”
Robert: “i Tony Stark, humbly still support this union Cuz!”
Chris comes up to you and smiles!
Chris: “what do you say YN ready to finish the walk of our lives and make it to that alter?”
Chris of course held his hand to you and smiled when you took it, both of you now making it to the alter, Samuel now cleared his throat to continue his duties as the minister.
Samuel: “Marriage means alot of things to alot of people, but to the Avengers and to SHIELD it only means our family is growing, its expanding in more ways than one. Marriage is what unites the Hearts of Steve & YN and Marriage is what brings us all here today! now i already know how the avengers and SHIELD agents respond to this but now i have to ask everyone else, is there anyone in attendance to this wedding that objects to this marriage?”
a loud snap against the stone pathway echoed through the corridor... everyone turned to see Tom in Loki form. Chris held you while everyone else got into defensive around you guys. 
Tom: “i object to this disgusting union... ugh weddings make me sick... ah brother you need to work on your touch... that cell you all left me in was easy to escape from... now if you all would excuse me id like to get the girl and leave... so i can take all the knowledge she has inside her tiny little brain and build myself a portal back to somewhere that isnt here.”
Rob: “your not taking her anywhere, Loki! Avengers Assemble!”
Samuel: “SHIELD agents on the mark!”
Chris: “Thor can’t you do something!”
Hemsworth: “i can but if this works he will be sent to a stronger prison this time...”
Hemsworth shot his hand straight into the air and within moments a blast of thunder bolts came down from the sky... the thunder continued to rumble as the Avengers and SHIELD agents all stood guard while Samuel continued the wedding.
Samuel: “Steve & YN say your Vows we will make sure he doesnt approach any closer...”
Chris: “YN you have changed my life. you have changed my world. that day all those years ago made me realize that i had been missing out on. i love you YN i always have and i always will. i vow to on this love, honor, cherish, respect, and train with you every single day for as long as we both shall live in Sickness, in Health, for Richer, for Poorer, to Comfort you in Times of need, to Be there for you in all things, Always & Forever!”
YN: “Steve your my entire world, i wouldnt even be who i am today if it hadnt have been you id ended up falling for. i love you Steve i always have and i always will. i vow on this day to Love, Honor, Cherish, Respect & Train with you every single day for as long as we both shall live... In Sickness, in Health, for Richer, for Poorer, to Comfort you in Times of need, to Be there for you in All things, Always & Forever!”
Samuel pulled the rings out of his jacket pocket opening the box and holding it to you & Chris he said his next bit...
Samuel: “please repeat after me... one at a time of course... YN your gonna go first... please take Steve’s ring and repeat after me!”
you took the ring out of the box and held it to Chris’ finger... 
Samuel: “i YN...”
YN: “i YN...”
Samuel: “Take you Steve!”
YN: “take you steve!”
Samuel: “to be my husband!”
YN: “to be my husband!”
Samuel: “in life and death!”
YN: “in life and death!”
Samuel: “as an official Avenger for as long as we both shall live!”
YN: “as an official Avenger for as long as we both shall live!”
you slide the ring on Chris’ hand as Chris now takes your ring and mimics your actions...
Samuel: “now its your turn Steve. Please repeat after me! I Steve...”
Chris: “i Steve.”
Samuel: “take you YN”
Chris: “take you YN!”
Samuel: “to be my wife!”
Chris: “to be my wife!”
Samuel: “in life and death!”
Chris: “in life and death!”
Samuel: “as the most amazing avenger couple in the world!”
Chris: “as the most amazing Avenger couple in the world!”
Samuel: “for as long as we both shall live!”
Chris: for as long as we both shall live!”
Loki: “dont you dare finish that ceremony, or i swear i will reign hell down on the earth for as long as i shall live!”
Samuel: “it is my esteemed honor to present you both as Husband and Wife! Steve you may now Kiss your Bride!”
this of course was when Chris pulled you close and kissed you passionately! earning applause from the whole crowd! including the avengers and SHIELD agents which were not looking at you guys fully. 
then you and Chris turned your attention to Tom who was still really deep into his role.
Chris: “give it up Loki, you dont win today!” 
Loki: “thats what you think... isnt that right brother?”
Tom rose his staff to the sky, earning a loud thunder clap from above, which then turned into a lightning strike... you dove with Chris into the chairs of people who scattered, along with everyone who didnt know that something was definately fishy...
you coughed a bit after sitting up as Chris got up helping you... both of you being approached immediately by the rest of your team! Chris helped you dust off as you did him.
Chris: “are you alright?”
YN: “im fne but whoever did this is paying the dry cleaning... does anyone have any thoughts! Hemsworth, Hiddleston... what happened?”
Hemsworth: “no idea but to my knowledge id guess that it was a freak bolt of lightning...”
Tom: “id guess either what hemsworth said or our gifts and talents from our acting has suddenly become reality...”
you took one look around and then saw something out of the corner of your eye, you left Chris’ grasp and ran to the sight of the crash and dropped to your knees as it started to storm thunder, lightning, the whole entirety. 
the others of course followed you and found the symbol of the asgardian gateway on the ground where you all were once standing. 
Samuel: “i dont know what the explanation is for this but we need to re group and figure this all out and see if anything is different. lets get someplace safe first though...”
Chris: “Me and Robert will go with YN we all probably need to talk anyway... cause if im not mistaken YN when you said your first thing you were telling the truth... weren’t you?”
you couldnt form words, but was able to nod yes! 
Samuel: “we will meet at the set of the Avengers and figure all this out...”
Samuel and the others except for you, Chris and Robert left. you finally spoke after several minutes! 
YN: “my fortune cookie fortune came true... this is all my fault...”
Chris: “what did it say...”
YN: “when the hammer is lifted, thunder rolls, words of affirmation finished, while the truth realized.”
that of course is when Chris and Robert also spoke...
Chris: “for its within the thunder, disaster strikes...”
Robert: “for the world you know, is not it at all...”
You got up off the ground once more and turned to face Robert & Chris!
YN: “robert yes your my cousin, im sorry i didnt say anything to either of you... Chris i am happy we are married, but im kinda pissed that our plans got ruined. our fortunes all line up with eachother... who would seperate a prophecy into 3 seperate fortune cookies?”
Chris: “dont worry we will get answers but for now Rob do you want to say it or shall i?”
Robert: “lets not have this argument and just let YN say it!”
you faced the 2 guys most important in your life and held your hand in front of them... they placed theirs on top of yours as you smiled slightly...
YN: “Avengers Assemble!”
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Something old, something new, something borrowed & something...lavender...?
Hi guys!
So I actually had a queer analysis planned for today, I’m in the midst of writing it as you read this, but I’ve found myself unable to focus because of the news I woke up to today, Karlie is engaged to her beard. 
I’ve been lurking in the tag for a few hours now and I see posts ranging from “I guess we were wrong and delusional all this time” to “Kaylor’s dead”  I even saw some posts condemning Karlie and I understand, I really do. I understand all of the anger, disappointment and confusion that’s gripping the community right now. 
I understand the fear that the hets who ridiculed us and sent us hate all these years were right. I understand that you’re all fearing: “what if we are wrong, what if Kaylor isn’t real and never was?”
While I understand those worries I can personally say with confidence that I believe this engagement to be 100% PR.  
A few questions do pop into my head however, why now? Why with Josh, who is undeniably part of one of the most controversial and shady families in US history with close ties to a corrupt, treasonous political administration? 
What does Karlie gain by having her name and brand dragged through the mud in association with the Kushners? 
Regardless of if they’ve hinted that it’s coming for a very long time (which they have) this engagement is very ill-timed and a natural follow-up question might be: does Team Karlie even know what they’re doing at this point or have they completely lost control of this train-wreck of a bearding stunt?
I’m not going to sit here and pretend that I understand PR better than people who work with it full-time, or people who have it as an active part of their everyday-lives, because I don’t. I’ve learnt about PR from this very community and from doing research into queer history in the entertainment industry and the bearding and PR that came and still does come along with that. It’s something that interests me tremendously, but obviously I am in no way an expert, despite this I’m going to try and address some of the worries and questions mentioned above, both to gather my own thoughts on this and to hopefully help the community better understand what’s going on.
I think that the first thing we need to keep in mind is that this is an engagement not a wedding, while it might be tempting to listen to Speak Now on repeat and cry your eyes out I’d advice you not to, at least not yet. Josh and Karlie aren’t married yet, nor are they ever likely to be. People break off engagements before a wedding can take place all the time, it is my personal belief that they’re never gonna go through with the actual wedding. 
They’re doing this so that people will shut up about how weird it is that Josh is in his 30′s and has dated the same woman for years without putting a ring on her, they’re doing this to put a stop to Josh’s rampant gay rumors and they’re doing it because it’s most likely part of Karlie’s contract.  
When Josh and Karlie started bearding together it was most likely a comfortable arrangement, the bearding made them both look straight and Karlie’s various professional projects benefited from Josh’s economic investment in them. 
It was so comfortable that Team Taylor even got involved and proceeded to make plans for how to work Josh into the “squad” as a friend of Taylor’s, given how close she is with Josh’s “girlfriend” it’d be only natural that she also hung out with her bff’s boyfriend, right? The most famous attempt at this, publicly was that embarrassing pap walk with Taylor’s brother Austin , but then came the 2016 presidential election that no one could’ve foreseen the outcome of and as quickly as it had started Taylor’s public association with the Kushners (and even Karlie) went dead. Karlie however kept her association with Josh Kushner alive and continued to allow him to invest in her business and now she’s engaged to the dude, why???
Well, Josh still needs his beard and I think that perhaps in the era before the election when Team Taylor were still involved Karlie may have signed something she’s still held to that includes an engagement. While I have no proof of this that is the only reason I can think of as to why Karlie would continue to associate herself and her brand with someone whose family name and business dealings are  so toxic. Karlie is losing people’s respect and instagram follows with every PR move she makes and yet she holds onto Josh, to me she seems trapped, unable to get out of the contract without having to deal with some very expensive lawyers who are most likely professionally trained to deal with Trump-level bullshit. 
I’ve always personally held the belief that neither Taylor nor Karlie would ever get lavender married, I’ve always thought they’d come out before their closeting process goes that far and I still think they will, remember Karlie isn’t lavender married, just lavender engaged, there’s still time to get out before everything goes to absolute shit both legally for the Kushner clan and in terms of closeting for Karlie and I really, really hope she can and will get out before that point.
I know it’s hard to do right now given how incredibly stupid this PR decision looks from the outside, but all we can do is hope that Karlie’s team isn’t screwing her over completely and actually know what they’re doing and that Taylor will have her girl’s back should something go wrong. (Personally I can think of about 200+ things that could go wrong with this plan, but again, I’m not a PR professional, so what do I know?) 
I know it’s easy to get mad at Karlie in this situation, my first reaction was “what the hell is she DOING, does she WANT to be implicated in a politic scandal????!!!” too, but then I took a deep freaking breath and remembered that being closeted is scary and Karlie’s just doing what she has to. 
As hard as it is to believe right now there is a bigger plan behind this and assuming that everyone involved know what the heck they’re doing it’ll all work out for the best. Karlie is not doing any of this for fun, I bet she’s as frustrated as many of us find ourselves right now, but, as far as I’m concerned this is lavender, nothing more. While I must confess I have no idea what they’re doing and how this will help in the CO  we can only hope Team Karlie hasn’t completely lost control of this train just yet. 
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newwayastrology · 5 years
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LEARNING THROUGH WENDY WILLIAMS If you are unfamiliar with Wendy Williams, she is a former radio broadcaster who came to fame as one of the prominent voices on the very popular WBLS radio station in New York City. Williams was so popular during her stint with “BLS” that she was eventually offered a live audience TV show named after her. Williams’ name has been in the news lately because of personal problems that center on her husband’s alleged philandering and her reaction to it, which, unfortunately has been rooted in alcohol and apparently drugs. She has been staying in a downtrodden building that serves as a sober house for her. She cannot abuse herself through alcohol because she is under constant watch. Williams tapes her shows and is then driven back to the sober house. Things were going well until just a few days ago. Wendy’s husband’s name is Kevin Hunter. Hunter’s “other woman” gave birth to a child, a child that he is alleged to be the father of. What makes this really sticky is that Hunter has always been his wife’s agent and is the producer of her show. She is the big bread winner in the relationship so, the marital issue also threatens her career. There are four things that you never want problems with: severe illness or loss of a child; loss of a cherished marriage; loss of career; critical illness of your own. She has two of the four and inasmuch as she has been ill enough to miss a substantial length of time on her show, she is certainly not as healthy as she should be, both mentally and physically. HER ASTROLOGY The Williams horoscope has a northwestern hemisphere emphasis that we can see as a first impression. In layman’s terms, this suggests an orientation to the world centered on a giving of oneself to others that is linked somehow to unfulfilling factors in the formative years of development of her life. Instantly, you see Saturn Rx. That shines a spotlight on the father and it can be because of one or more reasons: he passed away early on; there was an early divorce; he was passive, autocratic, abusive, or just wasn’t around enough. Whatever the case may be, what happens, psychologically speaking, is a sense of inferiority. These feelings give rise to defenses, self-esteem concerns and much more and, as an adult, the stage that these issues play out on is usually relationships. We see Wendy’s Saturn being opposed by the 7th House Uranus from the 7th. This immediately links relationship and identity factors in a tug of war. That she has Uranus and Pluto in the 7th adds more to the profile being built here. Let me detour for a moment..... Have you ever thought about why you have the horoscope you have? I mean, have you ever really given it any thought? If you haven’t, you should because there is a reason why and it is helpful to keep in perspective what you are about to read. A horoscope is your gift from the universe. Look at your life here on this planet as a training ground for the growth of your soul. Your horoscope is your playbook. It tells you what you need, what you excel at and most importantly, what you need to work on to be the most evolved you can be. You learn about your role and purpose through the hard aspects in the horoscope, among other things (especially the Nodes). Back to Wendy. This is the horoscope of someone who learns greatly about herself though others, especially in personal relationships. Uranus is quindecile the Ascendant, an indication of relationship upsets due to too much of a need to project herself as a unique, individuated, even wild person (Marilyn Monroe had this, too). As well, the Uranus-Pluto pairing invites relational turbulence as the low expression of their paired energies. Finally, that the ruler of the Ascendant is in the 7th House tells us that relationships and the public are supposed to be the areas of life where she best finds and loses herself. As unpleasant as what has been happening is, she is supposed to experience relationship turbulence! Relationships, for her, are how she learns who she is and who she is not. It is unpleasant but so is lifting weights and look how great a body can look after dealing with so much resistance. Well, instead of lifting weights, Williams lifts personal and public relationships to get her soul in shape, to evolve. Her marriage to Hunter is her second marriage. The first one broke up primarily because of the bizarre behavior she seemed to constantly display due to the, then, hidden addiction problem she had. As well, she was unfaithful. The horoscope shows a T-square. Mercury squares Jupiter’s opposition to Neptune. On one hand, this symbolism refers to her imaginative communication skills. It also shows the mindset bound up in idealism, which easily becomes delusory. That Mercury rules the 4th House shines yet another light on parental dimensions tied into the idealism (which often easily includes self-deception and dishonesty to others). Mercury also rules the 5th 7th House. Parents-Home-Idealism….they are tied together. Deception is a solid part of her relational index. She was the deceiver in her first marriage and now, she has been deceived. Looking at all of this – the Neptune factor, it becomes easy to see how drugs could easily be a major outlet for her tensions. Venus and Mars are conjunct and are both unaspected by other planets. They are on an island, so to speak, and therefore have a dominant position in the horoscope. Venus-Mars has a sexual focus. In Gemini, the focus is cerebral. Venus also rules the 8th House. The Moon, ruler of the 5th and 7th Houses (co-rules the 7th) The sexual profile is pronounced and since fantasy is such a strong part of it, we can deduce that there is much pleasure in masturbation, that the fantasy part of sexuality is a turn-on. Jupiter’s rulership of the 11th House within this suggests tension about how she feels about herself in terms of lovability, attractiveness and those sorts of things. The Sun in Cancer links the life-energy strongly to emotional and family security. This central energy is expressed in a personality that needs to have control and do so by knowing as much as possible about what it wants to know. This is the combination of the person who needs to be thought of as deep and significant. Emotions run deep. This blend is filtered through the image of the Aquarius-Pisces Ascendant, which combines individuation, social justice interests, and a helping nature with compassion and deep sensitivity. Idealism is all over this horoscope. LOOKING AHEAD One of the mistakes that is often made in astrology, especially when it comes to relationship concerns, is that the person who is having problems now is doing so because of what a planet is doing now. For starters, a planet didn’t make Mr. Hunter have an affair. A planet didn’t make Williams cheat on her first husband. Planets indicate, they don’t make anything happen. Secondly, what is happening to Williams now is part of a process that started before now. If Hunter’s mistress just had a child, that relationship started awhile ago. The new mother didn’t just meet him 9 months ago and start a relationship. When you go back to 2017, you find two strong transits: Uranus squaring the Sun and Saturn opposing Venus, neither of which bodes well for a person in a troubled relationship. It might have been 2017 when this side relationship began or perhaps it was the onset of problems that led to now. Inasmuch as it has been reported that Williams has tossed her wedding ring, it looks like the marriage exists in name only. For Mr. Hunter, perhaps that’s the way it has been for some time. Right now, in 2019, the astrology isn’t life-changing. You don’t see anything that you would expect to see and it stays that way until June. In December, there is SP Moon square Saturn. December is when the aspect peaks but the effect of it begins in June. The significance of this aspect (occurs every 7 years) is that one’s main needs are in conflict with what reality is offering. It forces a person to make a concrete change in life of some kind. As previously mentioned, Hunter is William’s agent and he produces their show. We know that that professional relationship will end. With the Tertiary Progressed Moon going over the Ascendant on October 13th, that will probably be an important time period from, say, the 11th through the 15th. This SP Moon=Saturn contact introduces transiting Saturn opposing the Sun for all of 2020. In lieu of the reality as it exists now, 2020 will probably be pretty challenging for Williams. SP Moon will go over her Midheaven in March, 2020, certainly adding to the hustle and bustle that will no doubt exist as she deals with the marriage and career chaos. She is going to be jogging uphill for the foreseeable future. SUMMARY When I started in astrology, the person who introduced me to it said that with my Sun square Saturn, that I couldn’t expect much to happen in my life, that it will be difficult. I wonder what he thinks when he sees Oprah’s horoscope, with her Sun-Venus in the 2nd squared by Saturn. Imagine how he would look if he had told a young Oprah that she’d always struggle with money. Our hard aspects are CHALLENGES to varying degrees. They are not BAD. There are always things like acts of nature that happen or a neighbor falls asleep with a cigarette that ends up burning down your house, too. There are things that happen beyond our control but for the most part, it is bad decisions that causes our problems. Magic Johnson's career as a player ended early, not vecause of a planet but because he went nuts with indiscriminate sex in Hollywood and other places. Mr. Hunter did Williams wrong but she also did wrong to her first husband. She needs to learn about herself through relationships, both personal and with the public. Perhaps she will make beter choices in the future. None of us would be here if we didn’t make wrong choices. That’s what it’s all about. That’s how you learn and it’s so great that the universe gave us astrology as a roadmap to understanding the whole process!
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veritas-roleplay · 7 years
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B I O G R A P H Y :
Alastor was never going to be a unique child. The first and only son of Scottish Aurors Callum and Seren Moody, it was already preordained exactly where Alastor would fall in the family dynasty. His parents were set in their traditions and their careers, and determined to raise their son to be the perfect blend of high society pureblood and renowned Auror. Not to mention that Alastor was the heir to the family fortune and name fell squarely on his shoulders, setting Alastor up for a life that would either make or break him. Alastor grew up in a house where his best was never enough, and there was always room for improvement. The birth of his younger sister Bronagh gave him some competition, and someone to compete against as the expectations of their parents only rose and rose higher. But Alastor complied; he knew how much his family name meant, and he knew that if anyone was going to be the best, it was going to be the son of Callum and Seren Moody. Alastor’s vision of his future was a simple one: he would become his father. He would study hard, graduate from Hogwarts, and join the twelve generations of Moodys that had filled the ranks of the Aurors for centuries. It was a mindset both of his parents were proud of, and one that Alastor shared with Bronagh as well. The two of them thrived on the rivalry between them orchestrated by their parents, eager to compete for their father’s attention and prove they were each worth it more than the other.
It wasn’t until he boarded the Hogwarts Express that Alastor started to have doubts about his future. He knew very little about Hogwarts– neither of his parents were ones to talk about their earlier years; their lives had started the day their parents had arranged their marriage and they’d started Auror training together. Everything before that was irrelevant– but the little he actually did know was all that Alastor had to cling to and set his expectations up against. He wandered into a compartment at random, and rode the whole trip to Hogwarts fretting about his future. But he needn’t have worried. The Sorting Hat barely touched his head before it was calling out “Slytherin!”, and Alastor found his seat among the sea of green and silver, where he was welcomed with open arms.
It was much easier than he’d thought it would be to fit into Slytherin house. Alastor had always been an ambitious person, and he was quick to make friends in his new house. It was easy to fit in there, and having been raised on purist ideals, everyone assumed that Alastor was one of them through and through. For the sake of friends, Alastor was willing to pretend that he was, even if privately, his views were anything but purist. The longer he was in school, too, the purist ideals that he’d been raised on proved to be more and more ridiculous to him, and the flawless image of his father swiftly tarnished as he came to realize just how wrong the older man was when it came to so much. Alastor’s first time debating his father on matters of blood purity and equality was one of the ugliest in the small family, ending in a fight that was one wrong word from turning into an all-out duel. Seren, for the sake of peace in the house and outwards appearances, banned Alastor from talking about his differing opinions. But behind closed doors, his father saw it as fair game, and Alastor was nearly always in conflict with the man when he returned home for holidays. After Seren and Bronagh had to break up a physical fight between the two of them, Alastor and Callum decided it was best if they simply avoided each other as much as possible.
Alastor’s final year and his homecoming from Hogwarts was far from what he expected it to be, however, when it was not just his family there to welcome him home. Greylyn McTavish was from a well-respected family, two years Alastor’s senior and a pureblood through and through. Her parents and Alastor’s were well-acquainted from pureblood social circles, and had been planning a match between their families for some time before they decided to tell Alastor or Greylyn anything about it. It wasn’t the sort of high society, lavish match that bartered money and power for connections; it was an attempt to become part of a higher order of thoroughly working class purebloods. The Moodys were by no means poor, but they would never be welcomed into high society, a fact that they tried to make up for in spotless reputations in every other facet of their lives, including their son’s marriage. By the time Alastor even knew about it, his parents had all but solidified the engagement. Alastor was furious that he’d been left out of such plans, and furious at his parents for making them, but his mother all but outright begged him to follow through on the plans she and Callum had made. Callum had fallen ill during the final months of Alastor’s sixth year, and Seren confided in Alastor that his father would not recover, and it was only a matter of time before he passed. The family legacy was what mattered the most, and with the fall of the former patriarch, Alastor was the one that was expected to fill that void, and solidify a future through an heir. And it was Alastor’s responsibility as the eldest; an heir himself, there was a duty he had to his family and to the long and unbroken line of Moodys that had come before him. Alastor debated the issue for some time, and finally decided that, for the family, he would agree to it. Greylyn was a good woman, as he came to find, and the marriage– though not her idea of a perfect match either– would suit her in her ambitions as well. The marriage was not for them, but for their parents, and Alastor had been raised from a young age to put family before anything else.
That January Greylyn became Greylyn Moody, and Alastor reluctantly postponed his plans to begin Auror training when he graduated so that he and Greylyn could remain in Scotland to grow accustomed to their new marriage. Their parents were desperate to try and make something social of the match, but they quickly discovered after a few preliminary tests, that no one actually cared about either family, except– in the case of the Moodys– if one of their relatives had been arrested by the offending individuals. Alastor and Greylyn were married regardless, however, and they agreed to make the most of the situation. It was a somewhat businesslike and distant match at first, purely for an heir and for their parents, though there was an understanding between the two of them that Alastor couldn’t see as being anything else but love. Passion was not something either of them felt towards each other, but that didn’t matter. Their marriage was a friendship and a partnership that was stronger than Alastor had ever shared with another person.
There was only one real hitch. The idea of becoming a father was one that haunted Alastor, and he couldn’t say there was any aspect of it that he looked forward to or wanted. But they agreed it was something that they needed, and on Greylyn’s part, at least, something that they wanted. Alastor and Greylyn decided to retreat out of the reach of their parents, and bought a house in northern Scotland where they settled for the time being. In September 1962, Kieren Rhiseart Moody was born, and in August 1963, Saoirse Catriona Moody followed.
Alastor’s parents called for the new family to return home to Aberdeen and rejoin the legacy with the two newest Moody children. But Alastor refused. Sorcha and Kieren weren’t a responsibility to own up to or complete for the sake of his family. Sorcha and Kieren were reclaiming part of himself that he’d lost before, buried somewhere in the family obligations that had controlled each part of his life. But Kieren and Sorcha would grow up with a freedom that he never had, and the harsh responsibilities that had fallen upon him and Greylyn with their own families would never touch his children. He returned to Aberdeen briefly, and the fight that he had with Callum was enough for Alastor to promise that they would only return to Aberdeen for Callum’s funeral. Alastor returned to the home in Scotland with Greylyn and the children, and embraced his life there.
Alastor’s life seemed to be settled into one of peaceful mediocrity until the death of Callum Moody just before Alastor’s twentieth birthday. Alastor came back from Callum’s funeral a changed man. He and Greylyn agreed that it was time for them to resume the lives and careers they’d always planned on pursuing. Two days later, Alastor’s bags were packed, and he moved to England while he completed his Auror training, while Greylyn resumed her career as a language analyst in Scotland. Their lives– in the public eye, at least– would end their association there, and Alastor refused to acknowledge Greylyn’s existence to anyone after that point. For all intensive purposes, Greylyn Moody died the same day his father did. He moved his wedding ring to his right finger, and he set out into the world once again.
The England he returned to was not one that Alastor had ever thought would exist. Scotland had been much more subdued about the beginnings of a war, but Alastor entered London and found that the careful peace that had only ever been broken by shouting matches with his father was completely gone now. Suddenly tensions were building, and things like blood purity truly seemed to matter. Alastor’s return into many of his old social circles after his three years of voluntary exile found him just as quickly tossed out again, as he came to terms with the fact that he was a blood traitor, without a single doubt in his mind. It was difficult for Alastor to fathom, that the friends that had welcomed him back with open arms after three years with no word from him would turn their backs on him for something as simple as a clash of beliefs on what should be a simple issue. The opinions of the purists and their opposition to his beliefs did little to deter him from his own, however; Alastor became much more of a loner than he’d been before. But he soon discovered that while the door had closed on his old friendships, a number of new options had arisen. He didn’t have to be a loner, not if he didn’t want to be. And Alastor found, much to his surprise, that he didn’t want to be. Weekends that he didn’t spend back at home with Greylyn, Sorcha, and Kieren were spent tentatively trying to make and solidify his new friendships.
Auror training was a whole new experience for Alastor. An incredibly skilled wizard, it was not hard for Alastor to quickly rise in the ranks of his fellow trainees, easily becoming the top of his class. But it didn’t take him long to realize that the Aurors could only do so much when it came to fighting the dark wizards that had started plaguing England, and the fact that he was limited frustrated him greatly. So when Albus Dumbledore came to him and told him about the Order of the Phoenix, an organization that would work outside the Ministry and the law to try and bring an end to the war, Alastor was one of the first members to join. By the time the war officially began, Alastor was a member of the Order, a position that he held with extreme pride. He returned to his training with new sense of purpose, and was also trained by Albus himself in more advanced defensive magic that he would in turn pass on to the new Order members. Alastor was a quick and natural study, and the time he had outside of Order and Auror training was spent training, and reading up on all types of dark magic to better understand what it was he would be up against.
Alastor was soon after promoted to a Junior Auror, and put under the mentorship of Senior Auror Mitchell Willard. Alastor and Willard had similar personalities, and after some warming up got along with each other rather well. Willard was by no means an exceptional Auror; he was older, worn from dealing with the war at the tail end a thirty year long career, and had no particular interest in what other people thought of him at all. But one good thing that could be said about him was that he genuinely cared for Alastor. Having worked with Alastor’s father Callum when he was still alive, Willard took Alastor under his wing as if he was his own son, and under his somewhat unconventional training, Alastor rose even more quickly through the ranks of Aurors. Willard also filled that space which had been left in the aftermath of Callum Moody’s death, and he and Alastor developed a close father-son bond that Alastor had never felt with his own father. Willard, after all, wasn’t a purist as Callum had been, and was able to connect with Alastor on a level that Callum never could.
Things were fairly calm in Alastor’s life for the following year, and it wasn’t until right before his twenty-second birthday that things were thrown into chaos again. Alastor and Willard were assigned to check out a lead on a potential Death Eater meeting place–nothing difficult, something they’d done a thousand times– and were ambushed. Alastor was seriously injured, and this was the first time that he was hit with an Unforgivable Curse, but Willard was hit with a cutting curse to the throat and died while Alastor desperately tried to get his mentor to hang on until the mediwizards arrived. By the time reinforcements and aid arrived, there were two bodies– the body of Mitchell Willard, and the body of the man who had killed him, shot down by Alastor as he’d tried to flee the scene. The head of the Aurors had offered Alastor his sincerest condolences and urged Alastor to take as much time off as he needed to grieve over the loss of his mentor. But Alastor was there the next morning, same as always, ready to work.
After having lost once again one of the few people in his life that he felt he could truly trust and turn to for advice and guidance, Alastor fell back even further into a reclusive and secretive life. The little progress he had made with a return to normalcy with Willard was destroyed with the loss of his mentor, and once again Alastor turned all of his attention towards work. He became obsessed with solving the riddle of the information that had led Willard and him into an ambush, and less than a month after Willard’s death, Alastor led a raid on a Death Eater safe house, found buried within the information that had led him to the ambush. It was a brutal conflict, and Alastor came through it missing an eye and completely out of sorts. But, three days after the raid, Alastor was named a Senior Auror, and took Willard’s place in the department at the age of twenty-two.
The news of Seren Moody’s death in February of the same year and the painful recovery from his injury brought Alastor back to Scotland. His superiors at the Auror office had been urging him to take some time off following Willard’s death and the completion of the operation related to his death, and Seren’s funeral provided the perfect segue into Alastor taking more time off. Alastor returned to Scotland, and agreed to remain at the insistence of Greylyn and his children. It was almost too easy to fall into the comfort that his little family brought him, but Alastor could never let his guard down. His paranoia had only grown since Willard’s death, and he insisted that none of them went by his last name or acknowledged any relation between them and him anymore. Moody carried the weight of fourteen generations of dark wizard catchers, and Alastor was shaping up to be the worst among them. He couldn’t risk anything happening to them. Greylyn had always been resistant of the idea, but when Alastor asked this time, she agreed without argument.
Alastor remained for several months in Scotland recovering, and the life of husband and father was one that he settled into temporarily as he rested in their Scottish home. Alastor found that he enjoyed the time with his family, but he knew that it couldn’t remain that way. He had work to get back to, and as much as he found he wanted to, he couldn’t stay. It was six months before Alastor returned to London, and finally took up his position as a Senior Auror.
The next few years passed by as a bit of a blur for Alastor, as he worked tirelessly in the war effort and at his job at the Ministry. He developed quite a reputation; a skilled Auror, he was responsible for putting a large number of Death Eaters in Azkaban even at the young age of twenty-three, but everyone knew that he worked alone, and there were a few rumors floating around the department that he was half-mad. Alastor ignored the rumors and the occasional jibes and worked in solitude. His private life and his choices were not up for discussion; no one knew anything about him, and he was content to keep it that way. It was safer that way, not just for him, but for Greylyn, Kieren, and Sorcha if he kept them out of the picture. His life in the eyes of others was rumor and piecing together a haphazard story based on the few things they could tell– he was a widower, and wore his wedding ring on his right hand instead of his left; he’d lost his eye in a duel against Voldemort himself; he’d been hit with the Cruciatus curse so many times that it had driven him insane. The stories got more and more absurd in his opinion, but he let them continue. There was no point in correcting them, and why would he want to? The mystery suited him, and what did it matter what people said?
The beginning of school terrified Alastor, as Sorcha and Kieren left the safety of their Scottish home and attended their mother’s alma mater, Durmstrang. He was deeply paranoid and agitated by the separation, and he and Greylyn relayed any scrap of information that they got from their children to each other. Summers and holidays were spent with Alastor sneaking back to their Scottish home every evening to make sure that his family were alright, safe, and happy. He wanted to be a more present part of his children’s lives than his own parents had been, and more importantly, perhaps, he wanted to be sure that they grew up believing in equality and fairness rather than the preachings of the radical few that would grow to become Death Eaters one day.
In May of 1978, Alastor Moody was named Head of the Auror Department by Minister Minchum. This was a moment of great pride in Alastor’s career, having coveted the position since his father had been named Head Auror towards the end of his career. Finally, he was in a position that would allow him to actually do something of use, and perhaps even help out the Order in their missions now that the Aurors were his. And while he’d never been one for roles of leadership, he had found during his training with the Order that while he didn’t like it, he was good at it, and being Head Auror gave him the freedom he needed to do his work for the Order.
D E T A I L S :
☛ CANON INFORMATION : [ Alastor Moody ]
☛ AFFILIATION : Order of the Phoenix
☛ BLOOD STATUS : pureblood
☛ AGE : 34
☛ FORMER HOUSE : Slytherin
        Positives : clever / discerning / observant
        Negatives : paranoid / deceitful / distant
☛ OCCUPATION : Head Auror
C O N N E C T I O N S :
RUFUS SCRIMGEOUR : coworker, can’t stand, agitated by
SIRIUS BLACK, LILY EVANS, EDITH PEASEGOOD : sees potential in, mentors
ORPHEUS HAWKWORTH, CORBAN YAXLEY : former school friends, estranged
FRANK LONGBOTTOM, ALICE BARNETT : former trainees, protective of
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talesofnecromancy · 7 years
May 2017 #100
H: (coughing) Darlin’.
Me: You okay?
H: It’ll pass.
Me: Is it just pollen and dust or…
H: Mostly, yes.
Me: How’s your day been, darlin’?
H: The kits woke me early, agitated by something; but I could not find the cause of their concern. That rather put me on edge, lending the day a tense tone.
Me: I guess there wasn’t any writing or drawing then. Did you ride Tennyson?
H: Yes. Tennyson was restless, although I believe that was caused by the weather. He is always full of snap in late spring and early autumn.
Me: Storm season?
H: Yes.
Me: How was your ride?
H: I gave Tennyson his head. He nosed counter to my trail; he headed up the rise. We stood for a time on the ridge and watched the sky.
Me: What did the sky look like?
H: Changeable. Indigo grey. Chalybeous.
Me: You know I suck at Latin.
H: Not Latin darlin’.
Me: Now I feel ignorant.
H: Means steel coloured. Like the blue of a gun barrel.
Me: Not really sure how I can work that into causal conversation but I’m willing to try. The ride was uneventful?
H: Yes.
Me: Anything else? Or did you just attend to chittens and household things?
H: Yes. What about you darlin’?
Me: Finished the tattoo design I’d done for a friend - she was very happy with it. Everything else is dull and normal here. Pick a number.
H: One hundred and…
Me: No, between one and thirteen.
H: O… 6. Why?
Me: Because I made a list of random questions for the hell of it. Six is ‘What place did you wish to visit when you were younger or where would you visit now?’
H: Now? London. When I was young, Arabia. I was told the best horses were to be found there. And cities of sand caught my imagination.
Me: Another number?
H: What about you?
Me: When I was young there wasn’t anywhere real I was particularly interested in. Now I’d opt to visit you or Kal - although one risks deportation and the other death so neither is the ideal travel spot. Pick another.
H: 9.
Me: Food you hated or loved as a child?
H: A dull retort but peaches have always been my favourite. As for the worst… invalid’s food. Everything rendered to a gruel or a tincture…
Me: Tincture?!
H: Toast or oats or bones or roots, cooked and steeped in water like tea.
Me: So you didn’t get actual toast or porridge, you got toast water?! Jesus, how the hell did anyone survive any illness? Pick another.
H: 8.
Me: Mm, I know the answer to this. Who was your childhood sweetheart?
H: M, indeed, from the age of four or five. What of you?
Me: There were two boys who fought over me when I was 3 - one wanted to give me a Superman wedding ring. They were both idiots, although I liked Christopher less; I knew he only wanted me because that would mean Waleed didn’t have me. Nice to know I recognized a power-play when I saw it…
H: What did he do?
Me: Christopher? Nothing. Waleed told me I was made of glass and he was made of steel so I had to be good and he would protect me. Being good included not speaking to my best friend Danae or anyone else and always putting him first without question. When I defied him he threw a complete fit and told me he’d send sharks to eat me. I was inconsolable. All these stupid adults telling me not to be scared of his imaginary sharks… I knew he didn’t have a shark army. I was 3, not an idiot. I was upset that he hated me enough to say those things and mean them. I was upset I liked him and he was so hateful… H?
H: (tightly) …I did not think I had so much temper to lose…
Me: And you call my trigger finger twitchy! Don’t worry about it darlin’, I learnt young, and it gave me cold iron eyes, so I’m told.
H: And still they turn towards me.
Me: Told you - you’re a special case. Pick a number.
H: 4.
Me: Pick another.
H: Why?
Me: 4 is ‘Regret?’
H: Not so deep as a well nor so wide as a church-door, but 'tis enough, 'twill serve… What about you?
Me: There’s a boy I shouldn’t have shagged. There’s something I shouldn’t have said to my sister. There are several situations I should have burnt and walked away from. And there’s an unlikely bloke in Greenwich I really should have talked to. Draw again… You okay, H?
H: Tired. (coughing)
Me: Where are you?
H: (coughing again)
Me: Are you ready for bed?
H: No. Kits…
Me: Oh?
H: I am being spoken to. Severely.
Me: ?
H: I think they are through.
Me: What was that about?
H: I am not entirely sure, yet I feel like a landlord with a cabal of unhappy tenants.
Me: Are any of them coming with you?
H: Yes, looks like.
Me: Okay, I’ll deal with the candles…
Next Conversation
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All of them then thank
YAAAAS, thanks, friend. :D
1. Have guitar lessons with John or have drum lessons with Ringo
I feel like Ringo would be the better teacher though quite honestly I’d prefer to learn how to play guitar than drums, but I’ma go with Ringo. (And no other biases there, wow! ...okay maybe a little.)
2. Date John, Paul, George, or Ringo
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Okay wait, here’s a simple solution: I’ll tell you who I WON’T date, and that’s John or Paul. :)
3. Take LSD with George or smoke weed with John
Sorry but both. I feel like smoking weed with John would be fun and taking acid with George would be really...is meaningful too weird to say? I mean, god damn, just listen to “It’s All Too Much” and tell me you don’t wanna take acid with George Harrison.
4. Attend the Shea Stadium concert or watch the Rooftop concert
5. Meditate with George or spread peace and love with Ringo
Spread peace and love with Ringo. ♥ No offense to George, but it’s just that, for one thing, how useful is it to meditate with other people around? Would that not be slightly counterproductive to the whole point of meditation? I mean...I dunno, I just think it might be kind of a distraction. Also hi I can’t meditate, myself, or really know how, so there’s that, too. :)
6. Early 60s, mid 60s, or late 60s
I’m gonna believe this is music-wise in which case I’d say late ‘60s hell yeah.
7. Go to the hair salon with Maureen or get your nails done with Cynthia
I don’t even really like doing stuff like getting hair/makeup/nails done in the first place, but I’d go to a hair salon just to hang out with Mo. Fuck yeah I would. I love her. ♥
8. Eat dinner with Brian Epstein or eat dinner with Mal Evans
Oh, man...I wanna say both so bad! I appreciate both of them a lot and I find both of them to be so endearing, but maybe...for this I guess I’ll say eat dinner with Brian.
9. Listen to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band or listen to the White Album
Um................................................I guess the White Album...as long as it’s not on vinyl so I can skip a bunch of songs. LOL I’m the worst kind of Beatles fan in that am I really a Beatles fan if I don’t like all their songs? Haha, fuck you, that’s the answer. Anyway. If you’re gonna be up their ass at least make sure you can still see the sun-OKAY I’LL STOP
10. Spend your birthday with Paul or spend your Christmas with Ringo
Even though I don’t really celebrate Christmas I’LL SPEND IT WITH RINGO ARE YOU KIDDING ME OMG.
11. Go to Japan with Yoko or go to India with Pattie
JAPAN WITH YOKO, FUCK YEAH. I’d totally love to hang out with Yoko, anyway. Imagine hanging out with such an influential artist, singer-songwriter and feminist? BRO, I thought being in the same room as Angela Davis was cool as fuck, but YOKO ONO?!?!?! MY MIND IS NOT BREATHING
12. Read a McLennon fanfic or a Starrison fanfic
*COUGHS* I was gonna make that all I said about this but then I changed my mind. :) Starrison. Everything. Even the McLennon/Starrison ones but I skip the McLennon because I Really Don’t Care About McLennon. NOBODY KNOWS WHO I AM ANYWAY HAHAHA GOOD
13. McLennon or nah
Nah, man....nah..........okay how old am I who’s going to understand that one
14. Wear John’s iconic round glasses or wear Ringo’s St. Christopher Medal
Ringo’s medal or anything that Ringo wears wait what but especially a necklace WAIT WHAT or his rings okay yeah I can see that
15. Save John from dying or save George from dying
I hate this question and my immediate answer was just gonna be “FUCK THIS QUESTION” but suddenly I’m starting to feel coherent, so try...John. Because I desperately think that if John were still alive, or if he’d at least lived longer than he did, he could’ve done more. The idealist in me, somewhere, believes that really hard. Plus, George was able to live a longer life than John, so I’m just suggesting, George did what he wanted to (presumably) and was able to with the time he had, whereas I think John didn’t have that luxury (sorry to say that in that way, but if it supports my reasoning...). I’d just definitely save John. (While meaning no ill-will toward George.)
16. Meet old man Paul or old man Ringo
Ringo! Remember that dream I had about him, or did I tell you all about that? It was definitely old Ringo in my dream, though...and it was such a random dream, too. Ringo would probably approve of it and also laugh his ass off about it for fifteen minutes because WHY A GROCERY STORE-anyway...
17. Listen to Revolution 9 on repeat for 30 minutes straight or stare at John and Yoko’s nudes for 15 minutes straight
I don’t really care about either, to be honest. Which is not a neither answer, it’s an either answer. My feelings about either is just kinda “eh.” Wouldn’t really affect me either way. (Staring at people’s nudes would be weird and awkward at first but think about it - the shock would go away soon enough that you’re like ‘kay, when’s the next one coming up’ no pun intended I mean WHAT. I fully admit to being The Worst and that my mind makes its home in the gutter.)
18. Have Ringo’s adorable big nose or have George’s bushy eyebrows
I guess the eyebrows since I have a nice set of eyebrows, myself (or so some people have told me), though I have a really small nose already so maybe that’d be an interesting change? LOL I dunno.
19. Have Paul sing Till There Was You at your wedding or have John sing It’s Only Love at your wedding
I’m not really a fan of either but I guess I’ll go with “It’s Only Love”?
20. Wear Beatle boots or have a moptop
Beatle boots!!
21. Have John’s jawline or Paul’s puppy eyes
Uh...this is a weird question. Paul’s eyes, I guess?
22. Ride in John’s Rolls Royce or ride in George’s Mini Cooper
As long as John is not driving the Rolls Royce. LOL I’m already not the greatest passenger just ‘cause I get anxiety, so between John’s driving because he’s blind and George’s need for speed...
23. Punch Ringo or slap George
I’d slap George. Ringo hasn’t done anything to elicit a punch (as far as I know/am concerned with) so I’d give George an admonishing slap. Although wait I should also say, WE SHOULDN’T SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS WITH VIOLENCE, CHILDREN...maybe I should answer “spread peace and love with Ringo” here now instead. LOL Ya know if this question included John I think my answer would be a lot different.
24. Have Paul write a song about you or have George write a song about you
UM, GEORGE, FOR SURE. “For You Blue” always makes me SWOOOOOOOOOOOOON.
25. Listen to Wings or the Plastic Ono Band
Plastic Ono Band, actually. :)
26. Bungee jump with George Martin or skydive with Neil Aspinall
Egad, neither. LOL How about “hang out with George Martin or Neil Aspinall” in which case I guess George Martin?
27. Have a girl’s night with Cynthia, Olivia, Jane, Maureen, Linda, Yoko, Pattie, or Barbara
Look at me I added one because y’all forgot her. :) Okay I’m choosing three, though, and you can’t tell me otherwise: Olivia, Mo, and Yoko. :D
28. Make mashed potatoes with Paul or do a bit of light gardening with George
LOL “A bit of light gardening,” isn’t that the more proper term for cooking? Or wait...maybe my mind’s mixed up. Anyway, if Paul is gonna make mashed potatoes then I’ll go with Paul.
29. Be a vegetarian like Paul, George, and Ringo or still eat meat like John
I’m not currently a vegetarian and don’t really have plans to become one sorry so I’LL JUST HANG OUT AND EAT BACON WITH JOHN sorry if that was a cringe-worthy cliché like the only reason people aren’t vegetarians is because of bacon except
30. Sing with the Beatles or play an instrument with the Beatles
Oh my jesus, neither. ONE CANNOT DO THAT. ONE DOES NOT DO THAT...unless you’re Eric Clapton or Billy Preston. BUT SINCE I’M NEITHER, NO. Although in less seriousness (or is that more?) I can’t really play an instrument so I’d have to go with singing but I’d be way too fucking intimidated to sing with them so YEP.
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