#all my creativity went into writing the actual story itself XD
rhys-ravenfeather · 1 year
A moment of silence for the days where I could actually come up with creative/clever titles for my fanfic chapters.
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
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blake and yang losing 50 spots on the fandometrics 2022 ship list just shows that it’s only relevant because rwby is airing. when rwby finishes the ship is gonna get off the charts so fast 💀
A lot of ships and fandoms will be really popular during the height of the show/franchise, but the fandom will shrink after the end of the show/franchise. Something can blow up, and then grow smaller when the trend is over. This doesn't happen with all of them, some of the really big fandoms stay up and running, never quite dying no matter how long it's been. Like, the ship between Arthur and Merlin in BBC's Merlin went up 7 points, nearly ten years after the end of the show, and Spock and Kirk from Star Trek the Original Series went up fourteen points. You can never tell exactly what's gonna happen, what's gonna remain popular, what's gonna end up getting completely forgotten, etc. Fandoms are both fickle and freaking wild and unpredictable.
A part of me says that once RW/BY ends, a lot of the content creation and shipping and praise towards the show is gonna peter out and the fans are gonna move on to other things. But a part of me thinks that... It might stick it out. Here's why: Fans have put so much effort into this show, whether through rewrite AUs and fleshing out the world building, putting endless work into fanfics paying attention to character development and dynamics between people, or even sacrificing their time to debate and defend RW/BY and come up with explanations for all the BS that the writers do. In my opinion, the fans have put way more work into making something good than the writers have, they have to in order to just make RW/BY make sense. A fandom where the media itself isn't very well put together and needs a lot of work and doesn't have very much in terms of world building and character development and dynamics and story execution where the fans put their love and creative expression and work into it... That has just as much of a chance to last for a long time as a very well made labor-of-love high quality piece of media.
I do think that the fandom will lose a lot of casual fans after it ends and probably will drop in popularity, but there's every chance that it's gonna last at least a little and the bigger fans are just gonna stick around, because... Well, I would. There are very few pieces of media I ever drop completely even long after they're done no matter how disappointing or badly done I thought it was. And Bumble/by is the enforced ship in this fandom, it's the John/lock. It very well may stick around, especially if the writers stop dragging their feet and actually confirm it, because Bumble/by is kind of... The only thing that's keeping RW/BY on the map in my opinion. XD And on top of that, the Bumble/by fans are the ones who have actually made them into anything good or compelling. The fans are the people who write the fics where Blake and Yang actually talk about how Blake left, the fans are the ones who make the fan art showing Blake and Yang actually kissing or going on dates or getting married, the fans are the ones trying to keep the faith in the ship when RT and the writers let Yang be written to refer to Blake as her sister in Arrow/fell. So with how much work the shippers have put into this ship, I'm not sure they're gonna let it die that easily. They're a bit like John/lock fans, I think I could see them feverishly writing AU fics where their faves finally kiss looong after the show ends. XD
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tinkertoysdamn · 1 year
Hello! Hope you're doing well! So, on Ao3 I subscribed to you as a user which, as we all know means every time you update I get an email - and holy Toledo do you update things fast!!! You are cranking fics and chapters out like crazy!! I checked my email and audibly went "whoa Another update!?" Please know this isn't a critic I'm just Floored!!! Your stamina!! What brand of coffee are you drinking and where can I get some haha Anyways hope you're doing good!
Thank you, I'm more of a tea drinker actually. XD (Earl Gray and it's variants)
Honestly, I've also been shocked at how productive I've been writing wise. Some of it is just that the source material has been so inspiring. I went to see Vol 3 in the theater back in May and the ending hit me like a ton of bricks.
I think if I haven't taken the risk on "I Read It In the Papers" I wouldn't be writing anything for GotG. The positive responses and comments have also been super encouraging. Sometimes the right comment at the right time can fuel a creative burst to get more out there.
In terms of process, some story concepts take a while to develop, I'll just let them sit there in the back of the brain and by the time I'm ready to sit down at the computer (or sometimes I write nonsense long-hand if I'm feeling extra crazy) and parts of it will feel like the story is writing itself.
I actually saw a tip for getting around writer's block a few weeks ago that I thought was so silly I had to try it. Turns it out really helped in getting Uncle Taserface turned around quickly. XD
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8, 25, 46, 54 please? Not to be greedy but...😁
Do you prefer the beginning, middle, or end of a story? Middle. Hands down. Middle chapters of trilogies are almost always my favorite... and usually when I'm writing, the first few scenes I start imagining are usually somewhere in the middle. It'll be an important scene that's the crux of the fic without being like... the climax or a major conflict. Something really crunchy that is the seed of all the other action in the fic. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on? Hmm. I mean, I'm like any writer and I love to have eyeballs on my work, and love interaction/response to said writing even more. So... I could cheat and say all of it, because that would certainly be true. But I also know that because I'm a fandom hermit, I definitely don't like... put myself out there to get eyes on my writing. I kinda just come down off Mount Fic with my story chiseled on a tablet, throw it into the ocean and then flee back to my cave. I could probably... I dunno... advertise myself better? But... that means I have to be social and I sometimes really struggle with online interactions. Is it possible to have social anxiety for online communication? Questions for later... But anyway. That said... Here's some fics I'd love to see more views/response to. "We Might Be Exactly Like We Were" MCU Steve/Bucky. Explicit. Post-Winter Soldier, Pre-Civil War alternate story. I was in a dark place when I wrote this, and I actually feel like I wrote my way out of it. The fic itself starts dark, but ends more optimistic and I'm just... really proud of how accurately I got my feelings on the page. There's a lot of sadness... both about my life and also the direction the canon went with these characters. But I tried to bring the joy that I wished for at the end. And as big as the fandom for Stucky is, I wish it had gotten more eyeballs. I'm really proud of it. "Crawling Down the Avenue" The Newsroom Sloan/Don. Explicit. Spoilers for... Season 2 I think? When I came back to fic writing after about a decade of hiatus, I started off writing fic for the show The Newsroom. It's great. Everyone should watch at least the first couple of seasons. Honestly... I probably don't wish for more engagement so much as just that the show still existed and had a bigger audience. But anyway, here it is. I really had fun writing this and loved this pairing. "Widow's Walk" NBC Hannibal, Hannigram. Explicit. Check the tags. Spoilers for the end of Hannibal. I was really pleased by the murder mystery I crafted here... though I could probably do better if I went back to give it a rewrite. Thank you for the excuse to shamelessly plug my stuff. <3 How would you describe your style? (Character/emotion/action-driven, etc) Oof. I honestly don't know. Probably character/emotion-driven. I actually asked @kaminaduck. He says that I tend to focus on characters' relationships to themselves as well as others... lots of asking about who they are and what that means to others and the wider world. Lots of self-determination... I tend to not be very action focused. It's a lot of time in the characters' heads. I also tend to write very percussively. I like for my writing to have poetry and rhythm, especially for dialogue or inner monologues. And there is some creative use of punctuation. And I also love me some pretentious vocabulary. It's just who I am as a person. I like words with texture and crunch. My therapist says she learns a new word from me every session. There's a reason I found a lot of success in the Hannibal fandom. XD What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
It's usually finding that flint-on-tinder moment. I'm mulling and thinking and thinking and mulling and I know that there's something amazing buried around in the canon and then suddenly... the lightning strikes. The neurons connect. And now there's an idea. I've found some sort of connection or idea that gives a whole new dimension to a relationship or character or event and that's what really drives me. Other really good moments are when I have sketched out some of the important scenes and I get to the part where I can link them together. Like... for instance, when I was writing "Girl in the Garden" I wrote all of Natasha's scenes "inside the Soulstone" first. Not completely but just a few lines to capture what I wanted that scene to be... and it was always so satisfying to connect them as I'd get to them while writing in chronological order (which is how I write 90% of the time).
Thank you for the questions, sweet friend! Much love!
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kcscribbler · 4 months
Hello, dear Author!
For the love of all creative!) Thank God you are available here. Resently I've found you took down your beautiful account on FF.net, though thankfully we can request a resque!
Allow me please to express my feelings a little) Your account, alive and active for so many years, became a source of re-creation and warmth, very human warmth. You are a brilliant author, very inspiring. And your stories are so good now, in my opinion your talent went through overwhelming growth! However you feel about those early fics :-), they are - somehow - a part of my poor little heart (sentimental? yeah, but they just don't deserve to be lost and forgotten). I am very greatful you left your long time fans with a chance to have your old works. 15+ years, thank you so much! *hugggg you! if I may* So, please, send me a copy of your delited stories of ACD-Holmes (and Sherlock, if they are not on AO3) , including the one you took down fist, the elaborated version of Holmes and Watson meeting and moving in together. It was written in the form of a diary (sorry, I have forgotten it's title, though remember much of a story itself xD). And the sequel, even though it was unfinished. And the stories you've written in collaboration with Protector of Grey Fortress. )))
And that story about Watson going to war, when he left hidden messages for a friend crazy with worry - I remember that fic appearing, me reading apdates and waiting for the next chapter. ;) Ahh, memories. Though you said you don't want to go there again and you don't really like those stories anymore, but they are very sweet and charming and so kind. Hope I did not overload you with my wayward emotions, but you don't write to one of your favourite writers every day) And I wanted you to have that "review" here so you'd know how nice is this thing you are doing.
Thank you again. And I am so glad to have an opportunity to come for new tales. ) Those you are writing for Loki... my gods. You are GOOD.
Aaaah, this is such a sweet ask!
Thank you so much for sharing all of that with me, it really made my day!
I haven't connected with PGF in years but will always look back on that era fondly. I left all collab stories up on my FF account, by the way, so you should be good there - I believe most of our collabs were actually posted on hers.
For the rest, feel free to send me a DM with an email address or a way to share links with you (or another ask, which I'll answer privately) and we'll work something out. :)
Thank you again for the lovely message!
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soulephant · 1 year
It's been a while, what with Fire Emblem Engage as well as Advance Wars Rebootcamp happening, but my creative endeavor without definite name has not been standing still. I've expanded on religions and beliefs, though I'm not ready to give much information there yet. In part thanks to The Worldbuilding Corner (give that channel a watch, it's pretty good), I'm closer to a solidified structure for the C3 itself. Then, there's a couple of Croican media names lying around. World also has a name now, can't forget that.
There's also a couple ideas for other exposition as I get closer to the actually daunting task of writing the actual stories. One of those will likely involve at least the Ariocester Seal, or possibly other Croican newspapers. Those exposit events like you would expect newspapers to (to a degree that Gaspar couldn't). The other surrounds the process of creating the monster-powered soldiers known as Fiends, including some really important characters. That’s really more of a springboard into the first story.
The main reason for posting though is I've updated pretty much all of Gaspar Breisgau's diary entries, usually for basic writing improvements. Most importantly, I've updated the third with actual (albeit still basic) information on how Fiend Engineering works and what is used for it. This might as usual still be subject for change but more than likely I can chalk up inconsistencies to, well, magic.
The process of figuring this out also helped me along finding an actual name for this entire series. The vital subset of mushrooms is called Wildchalice, and Fiends are shaping up to be pretty important throughout. I was reasonably confident that this name wouldn't be taken for an IP. So on I went replacing C3 WIP in my temporary docs with Wildchalice, and had just done the same with the #c3 wip tag on my blog. (EDIT: The tag is now #Wildchalice)
...Then I googled Wildchalice just to be sure.
I was correct in it not being an existing franchise. I was incorrect about no IP using it at all. Turns out the Kamen Rider series had some sort of "ultimate form" known as Wild Chalice. Sharing names with a franchise and sharing names with a small part of a franchise are different things (something I think Japan would agree with), and to boot Wild Chalice had a space where Wildchalice would not. Still, I am now unsure of what to do.
I could also go with Shaulsglass, the type of Wildchalice most commonly used. I googled that too and there's just things called Saul's Glass. Not that I checked but it looked to be a brand thing. Shaulsglass would be almost certainly safe for that reason alone, especially with there being a H in there. However, I don't like it nearly as much as Wildchalice and my heart just wants to go with that so...
...yeah, that's the state of things right now. I hope to make a definite call on the name thing soon, because I find it increasingly awkward to literally title my work WIP. XD
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havethetouch · 2 years
Do you have an OC with a funny/weird/unusual creation story? (not the story of the character itself, but the way the character happened / you suddenly got attached; any character you didnt plan on keeping around, but then kinda did?) Tell the story!
[FINALLY - I tried to answer this ask for days now but always had an error I thought it was just my ask in general but made a test and that worked but this ask would not so i had to edit my full answer in piece by piece and for some reason that worked but not posting the whole thing as is. XD But I am dedicated to answer so here we go.] Oh that one is easy.... tho I must say the one OC kicked off the creation of many more but let me explain...
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So... the character we gonna talk about is Taivo.
Oldschoolers might still remember her from the Animexx days and the one wolf comic I had, which only exists because of her. So it goes like this I'm what... 16 years old, I'm not doing so great because the times were rough and i happened to be in therapy at the time, group therapy to be exact with one dude and one girl who were in similar boats as me as for the reason we were there. There was a fourth too for a while but she wasn't ready and went back to solo sessions. Anyway, our lil group decided we hang out outside of sessions, try to support each other in our daily life and at some point after each session (which was in the evening) we went out together to a pub/bar that was in the area and kinda had some metal/goth/punk/scene aesthetics and clientele going on. There we enjoyed some companionship and mead and absinth and other stuff and tried to function like normal youths that weren't spiraling. (mind back then in my days the drinking age was down at 16, smoking age too) I was known for doodling random stuff to manage myself especially when I got sensory overloads and my companions understood and thankfully did not think hat I was ignoring them - sometimes when I was a bit tipsy they used to ask me about my art and stories bc sober you could not ask me to share such things without shying away thinking it was not interesting and/or would be torn down by negative reactions etc. etc. it was hard, mind you I was not well at the time, far from it actually and would be for a while. and on one such occasions when we were all drunk I was going back to my drawing pad and my male companion pointed out that there is no way i can draw or shit as drunk as I am and I took it as a challenge and drew the first sketch of Taivo, bent over the body of a dead pup. It looked great if I might say so, at least for my level at the time. And thus I had proven that even drunk I can fucking create. But then they were like "so is that one of your OCs or like.. random? New? Whats her deal? Why is there a dead puppy? What is going on?" And that was the point were I grabbed my notebook, held up a finger and said "give me a sec" And then i wrote down half of the plot of my wolf comic Eternal Winter which happens to revolve about Taivo and her whole story bc she is the protagonist and once I got going I made even more notes and started thinking about the cast and secondary characters and I was in a creation frenzy on steroids and I mean I had Absinthe that evening so maybe the green fairy suckerpunched me in the creative zone who the fuck knows? Either way the comic is on hiatus these days because given how old the story is it naturally evolved and changed and imma wait until I have everything back in order and maybe continue or write it out because the comic is really old and doing comics is hard and i like it but there are so many stories I wanna tell and things I wanna draw and short comics I wanna do that might be just some scenes I illustrate but that also takes time and idk if I can commit myself to Eternal Winter right now or the near future because.. even if I made a comic page each week which is absolutely doable it will still result in "only" 52 pages a year and given how the story grew and evolved and how much time I already "lost" in all the year is laid dormant I kinda feel like idk I don't want to right now? XD Going back to it and sticking to it would be some years of commitment and nah... my hyperfixations take me through my stories and it's hard to stay instead of stray ya know?
But yeah this is how Taivo got made! In some bar, upon a dare that wasn't even a dare but I took it that way and it took me to that wicked bitch and her origin / anti-hero story that resulted in a Comic and a shitton of wolf characters and kinda also lowkey inspired a Prequel story from characters that existed prior to Taivo that play a bigger role in Eternal Winter and were i was like "oh yeah origin story time lets make that a comic too" So... yeah, while almost each of my characters came about under different circumstances, Taivo came up bc I was hella drunk and nobody believed I was still coherent enough to do most things.
Also was not believed I could walk in a straight line, which I could, and I did, and my companions were loosing their mind bc apparently i was magic and actually despite all the shit it was a pretty good night :)
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fairytales-magic · 4 years
Hiya! So I’m just getting into musicals after my friend sent me two songs that were absolute bangers from Heathers and I’m pretty sure you like musicals so do you have any recommendations? 👀 if not that’s totally fine!
Oh. HOney.
Do i know musicals?!?! (i’m so sorry in advance, but you’ve opened pandora’s box)
Strap in, i’m your humble tour guide!
A Beginner’s Guide to Musicals
Now, its hard to organize these all but i’ll do my best. I orignally had MANY others on the list, but it seemed smarter not to overwhelm you with too many different genres, so i kept it simple. I also will recommend some songs out of order before listening to the show from the beginning, but that’s just
Some are gonna be movie musicals, so just bear in mind, but if you want the broadway version i can oblige! A couple personal favorites i highly suggest are:
The backstory of the Elphaba, the Wicked Witch of the West, and Glinda the Good, before the events of the Wizard of Oz.
 Listen, if i had to choose one show to see on Broadway, its this one. When the u.s. tour came to my city, i was beyond excited. And when my in-laws got orchestra seats for us to see it in, i all but cried. :D I could quite literally write an entire essay about the show deep diving into the costumes, the set and stage design, the tech and lights, the script adaptation, etc...
The music is iconic in its own right, and its just so much fun and full of heart! Start right at the beginning with No One Mourns The Wicked and The Wizard and I are brilliant places, but legit with any of these songs you can’t go wrong. There are even reprises in the show they didn’t put on the soundtrack but 1000% should be there, its just that good!
Full soundtrack available here!
Phantom of the Opera
 Ah yes! An oldie but a goodie. Its almost all singing, but boy is it worth it! I actually recommend watching this, cause it’d end up being the same runtime and you get the added benefit of seeing everything going on. But the whole movie soundtrack is available on YouTube, of course (the prologue is super slow, just fair warning, its a lot more for visuals than musical). The Phantom of the Opera title song is a great starting place. Music of the Night (immediately following POTO) and Think of Me are some of my top favorites, but really this whole soundtrack is just *chefs kiss*. Oh! And All I Ask of You just melts my heart! Also, of you want a great stage production soundtrack, the 25th Anniversary at Albert Hall starring Sierra Boggess and Ramin Karimloo is fantastic as well!
Also also, i know where to watch both movie and stage performances, so just lemme know if you’d like that. :D
 Ok now hear me out! I honestly also didn’t like Hamilton when it first came out. And i didn’t for a long time. I’m a more traditional broadway connoisseur, plus the only rap i really listened to was Eminem. But even there i’m super selective, and i made the mistake of listening to the intro song first.
Don’t be me.
Sometimes you need the familiar first before you get to the place where they branch off (in this case, throwing in some rap verses).  
Hamilton in 7 Minutes is an amazing a cappella compilation of the entire soundtrack, plus the animatic someone drew for it is phenomenal. After that i highly HIGHLY recommend Helpless and then You’ll Be Back, oh and The Schuyler Sisters! This show is just as quirky and sweet as it is emotional. And i get its not for everyone, but i’d be remiss if i didn’t at least mention it.
Inspired by the real-life happening of the Newsboys going on strike in 1899 New York.
Oh man, how do profess my love to thee? Mainly an all boys cast (but the ladies who have songs in it are *chefs kiss*), the choreography is as incredible as the music itself, and boy howdy is the music great! Jeremy Jordan is the butter on my bread and as Jack Kelly, just lives rent free in my head on repeat. If he sang to me every night, sleep would never be an issue. xD Carrying the Banner, King of New York, and Watch What Happens are great ways to start off this party. And here i shall grace you with the whole Live soundtrack (i didn’t like the audio quality for the regular recorded one i found, but its still the same cast so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).  
The whole stage show was professionally filmed and lives on Disney+ currently btw! (so go watch it! The tap numbers and spoon playing in it give me LIFE)
Heathers the Musical
The darkly delicious story of Veronica Sawyer, a brainy, beautiful teenage misfit who hustles her way into the most powerful and ruthless clique at Westerburg High: the Heathers. But before she can get comfortable atop the high school food chain, Veronica falls in love with the dangerously sexy new kid J.D. When Heather Chandler, the Almighty, kicks her out of the group, Veronica decides to bite the bullet and kiss Heather’s aerobicized ass…but J.D. has another plan for that bullet.
 I’m so glad you already like this! The music really is a great banger and the story surprisingly manages to be both edgy humor-wise and serious when the moments call for it. Its a lot of fun and i’m surprised by how much i like it. If you haven’t already listened to them, Beautiful is the intro and is really good, and also Candy Store & Big Fun!
The Little Mermaid Musical
 The movie and musical that need no introduction! I was really surprised by how much i liked Broadways soundtrack for the show, and how short-lived its time on stage was. It really doesn’t get enough credit for how much creativity went into everything. And what an all-star cast too! All the original songs from the movie are there, and i think they did a really good job expanding them even more, especially Under the Sea. Her Voice (10/10 just melts my heart) i’ll also recommend beforehand but honestly you don’t need too much. Just go straight from the start and head onward, you’ll really enjoy it!
The Sound of Music
 Man i’m getting nostalgic. Another oldie but goodie! My mom, sisters and I loved watching this movie growing up (along with Oklahoma, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers, Singin’ In the Rain, My Fair Lady, Fiddler on the Roof, and just...every musical in our collection ;P). Funny, sweet, romantic, heartwarming, its got it all! The Sound of Music kicks everything off, and from there you can’t go wrong, but this is another movie musical i highly encourage watching! Also i just wanna throw in The Lonely Goatherd now cause its so much fun, so why wait?! ~~
Ok whew! I think that’s it (for now). It took a while to find links for everything, but we did it! Please holla at me if you have any questions or concerns. :)
Oh yes, and if you would like to see any of these masterpieces via recording, i may or may not have such knowledge for your viewing and/or audio entertainment.
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thelionshymnal · 4 years
2020 Creator’s Self-Love Extravaganza
Boy howdy, but it has been a year. So much so that I felt the need to dig up this meme so I can lavish myself with a little TLC, ‘cause you know what? I deserve it! And so do you. This year has been tough, and even in the best of times it can be a real struggle to remember that, instead of being your own worst enemy, you should strive to be your best cheerleader. Remember to be kind instead of cruel, to forgive rather than condemn yourself. Creativity is hard, and it is always a journey, never a final destination, so let’s take a moment and sight-see where we’ve been this year, yeah???
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works (fics, art, edits, etc.) you’ve created this year and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world in 2020. If you don’t have five published works, that’s fine! Include ideas/drafts/whatever you like that you’ve worked on/thought about, and talk a little about them instead! Remember, this is all about self-love and positive enthusiasm, so fuck the rules if you need to. Have fun, and tag as many fellow creators as you like so they can share the love! <3
1) you are the light in my eyes [Kingdom Hearts - Kairi/Namine - Explicit] Look, sometimes I despair that I haven’t gotten any better at writing. That I have, in fact, lost whatever spark I had that made my writing worth reading. But that fic right there is a rewrite of a work I wrote in 2006, and while sure, there was a solid idea there in the original and an occasional phrase or way or wording that made me jealous of my past self, for the most part? It was a mess. And I didn’t really realize how bad it was until I reworked it all the way through. Writing is harder for me than it used to be, but that’s actually a good thing.
2) i want you to be happier [The Magicians - Quentin/Eliot - Mature] Okay, technically speaking I wrote most of this fic in 2019, but I finished it this year. And let me tell you, that’s only the second time I’ve finished a multi-part fic that wasn’t, like, 10k at the max! I am proud as fuck that I succeeded, especially because my main goal for getting back in fandom has been to learn how to finish things! I uncovered a lot about what I struggle with and why by completing this fic, and they were things I never could have learned if I hadn’t seen this fucker through to the end.
3) take your time [Katekyo Hitman Reborn - Reborn/Tsuna - Teen] I first started writing this fic in February, but very quickly wound up putting it on the back burner. I wasn’t sure what to do with it, and didn’t have any confidence in what I’d already written. Fast forward to May, when I’d spent several weeks genuinely contemplating giving up on writing entirely. What was the point, I wondered. I was never going to get better and I was certainly never going to be good enough. And you know what? That may be true, but thankfully I had a friend who told me I couldn’t quit, because they wanted to keep reading the stories I wrote. In a fit of ultimate fuck you to my own insecurities, I knuckled down and finished this gift fic for them. (’: It went places I didn’t expect, but I stuck with it long enough to call it complete, and while I still had zero confidence in how it had turned out, I posted it up anyway. Guess what? People like it! And even though I still struggle with confidence and will no doubt ask myself is this worth it? again and again, this fic was a good reminder that even if I’m not perfect, it doesn’t mean I have reason to quit. 
4) #wannabe heroes r us - [Kingdom Hearts - Sora/Riku - Teen] Focus is one of those things I struggle with, just in case you weren’t aware. XD; This fic is on the list not just because I have loved the KH gang for...half my life? Or even because writing adorkable social media fic is pure mad fun! But because I’ve been taking measures to help my brain focus more, and it’s been interesting, to say the least. This is one of the first fics that I managed to actually go back to again and again, not because I was hyper-focusing, but because I chose to focus on it. I love it for itself, and I also love it for what that means for me.
5) my defeated heart (has got nothing to hide) - [Final Fantasy VII - Cloud/Reno - Mature] Y’know, I was gonna put a different one up that has another exhausting story about internal struggle. And like, this one had it’s own share of that! All I wanted was to write a damn pwp, but could I? NO. I started seven fucking fics, okay, I felt like screaming in outrage! But the long and short of it is that I just really like how this one came out, and that’s why it’s on this list. :D I’m going to tag less than I could because I trust you all to hit up the Usual Suspects lol, but also if you happen to see this then feel free to hijack it, tagged or not! And remember you def don’t need to do it how I did, okay? This is YOUR show! SO INDULGE IN THE SELF-LOVE, DO IT DO IT <3 @bubblesthemonsterartist @zacekova @hauntedfalcon @puppetmaster55 @beautiful-thensad-thensadder @ruleofexception @pink-contrail @rigb0ner @akai-vampire @countlessuntruths
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kitkatwinchester · 4 years
Happy FFWF! Do you like using OCs in your story? If yes, who's your favourite OC?
Happy FFWF! 
Okay, fair warning, I was not intending for this answer to be as detailed as it was, but as I started typing, I kind of got carried away, so sorry about that. XD 
I do, yeah! I only have two as of right now. One is for Supernatural, and one is for X-Men, and they both originated on QuoteV. Because I can, I’m gonna share a little bit of background on each of them. I also linked each of their names with biography cards I have written for them on QuoteV. 
My Supernatural OC is Seraphine Kris Parker, nickname Sera. Her parents were killed by demons when she was only six and she was put in an orphanage, which she eventually ran away from and, in doing so, stumbled upon Singer Salvage Yard where she met Bobby and the boys. She winds up basically growing up with them as a “Third Winchester” and their sister (her age is right in between Sam and Dean’s, so she’s two years younger than Dean and two years older than Sam). 
My X-Men OC is Olivia Rae Summers, nickname Liv. She’s the younger sister of Scott and Alex Summers (I used ages from the new X-Men, so Alex is the oldest, Scott is the middle child, and Liv is the youngest). Like them, she’s a mutant, but her abilities are vastly different, because she has ice powers (kind of like Bobby Drake, but a little different). She finds out about her mutant genes at the age of 17, and she goes to live at the Institute with her brothers and the rest of the X-Men. From there, she learns to fight and hone her abilities and joins them on several dangerous missions, coming into herself and her powers in the process. 
With all of that said, despite the fact that Supernatural is my most prominent fandom, I actually love Olivia Summers more. 
Obviously (and I’ve said this multiple times), I have a thing for sibling relationships, so both of these characters are siblings to canonical characters because I wanted to play with sibling relationships and the undying love they have for each other. 
I started writing fan fiction in the Supernatural fandom, so my first OC was Sera, because I wanted to incorporate more sibling relationships between her and the Winchesters with a little more creative freedom by incorporating my own character. That said, because of my love of the show and Sam and Dean’s relationship, as well as my constant efforts to keep characterizations realistic, Seraphine’s role in the story wound up feeling a little forced and stilted. While there were a lot of things I liked about her character, trying to find a way to fit her into Sam and Dean’s backstory was almost impossible. I started it with a story called “The Third Winchester”, but once she actually met the boys, I found it hard to figure out how to work her into their lives. This became especially true after I took my unintentional break from fan fiction and came back with a better idea of writing. When I look at her now, I love the character of Seraphine and the backstory I created for her, but I think, if I want to create a story for her, it has to be her story and not one directly tied to the boys--at least not in the same way--because it messes with the core of Supernatural too much and that bothers me. So, I love the character, but her story line needs some re-writing. 
That said, let’s talk about Olivia and why I love her so much. 
Liv actually started as part of a roleplay with one of my ex-friends. We started watching X-Men: Evolution together, and she decided she wanted to do a role play for it, so we both made characters and started going for it. That’s how Liv and her back story was born. That said, in the role play, she wasn’t as developed as she is now. She was still Alex and Scott’s younger sister, but since we were role playing, a lot of the subtle details were figured out as we went along. After a while, our role play kind of got boring and started taking directions I wasn’t 100% in agreement with. When the friendship itself eventually ended, I decided to take the character and expand the story we had created into my own thing as an actual full length story. When I did that at first, the story was honestly practically a word for word of my portion of the role play (with my friend’s permission, obviously), but that meant filling in gaps where my friends’ character had been involved in the role play, and that started to get complicated, so I kind of slowed down on writing that story. However, what made Liv’s story different from Sera’s is that I gave myself complete writing freedom. Since X-Men has so many different versions and so many different story lines, I felt like I could pull resources and canonical ideas from tons of different areas, which left a ton of room for me to do whatever I wanted. Plus, X-Men isn’t based around the sibling relationship between Alex and Scott. In fact, since in any story, Alex is usually dead sometime in the story line, we don’t get much of their relationship at all, which means I have the world in front of me to develop it and bring it together as I wish. I can spend Liv’s story putting as much sibling whump, angst, comfort, and everything in between involving her and her brothers without feeling too tied down to a specific canonical story line or characterization, and it’s awesome. 
In fact, because of that, I’m actually re-approaching the original story line for Liv with my older, wiser 20-year-old self and re-writing the few chapters I already had written with future chapters in mind, and I’m planning to post them on AO3. This is definitely gonna be my longest story yet, and because of this creative freedom, my tags are basically going to say “screw canon, I took the characters and that’s about it”. My intent is definitely to include some canonical background, but honestly, most of the story is going to be my own, and I feel like I have the liberty to do that with Liv in a way that I didn’t with Seraphine--not right away anyways. 
So, to try to sum all of that up in a way that’s more concise for those of you who didn’t want to read all of that (sorry sorry sorry!! I got carried away!!), I love my X-Men OC, Olivia Summers, the most, because I feel like I can do the most with the relationships between her and her brothers because we see so little of it in the X-Men story lines as is--the visual ones, at least. And since I’m working on her story right now, keep an eye out for my OC in the coming weeks. :) <3 
Thank you so much for asking this! I’m sorry I got so into it, but I honestly really loved this question, and I loved talking about the characters I created, so thank you for giving me that opportunity! <3 <3 
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pepperstrawberry · 5 years
Verdant Flame (working title)
Okay, I’m running with the suggested title.
This post is going to be just putting thoughts out there about how I’m going to do this project, possible ideas of how to publish, and what major changes I’m going to roll with.
I’m going to put it all under the cut so I’m not wreaking havoc on your dash. X3
Before the cut: For those somehow not in the know (like, how could any of my followers on Tumblr or Twitter not have caught wind of the bonfire of gnashing teeth much of the Magic LGBT+ community is dealing with right now, I don’t know, but just in case, and especially if this post is seen later): WAR Forsaken dropped and with it Gruulfriends went from canon to retcon in a way I didn’t expect: Biphobia and erasure among other issues. I’ll talk about the mess itself later, but for now, lets adress what we are doing as a community and what I”m doing in particular.
The basics is that we are kinda rebelling against Wizards in what small way we can; but being creative, interesting and having fun with the canon. Take the means of production, canon is ours now!
But for me in specific, I’ve been playing with using Chandra and Nissa as well as the world of Magic to create frame works for stories I wanted to tell, but until now I boiled down everything to its basics because I just wanted to use frame works and use tropes as jumping off points. But now? Fuck that, I’m thinking about pulling an E.L. James, but good.
What does that mean? Well, E.L. James literally wrote a fanfic, changed some names, and published it. So screw it, going to do the same over here. I’m going to take a step or two further back then she did, since 1) Wizards/Hasbro might not be as nice as Stephenie Meyer and 2) I feel like I can be a better writer then E.L. James.
So, how will this project play out? This is where I make a cut and we get down to business:
First: How to publish?
I think if I’m going to make this a thing, I’m going to have to go with self publishing and do these in short stories. I’m not sure how short, but I feel like once I get the ball rolling, I want to just keep going. If I’m taking years to put out one book and you guys are waiting that long for it, I’m going to loose steam and you are going to loose interest. This is definitely a ‘strike while the irons hot’ situation.
And the iron is near melting right now.
Second: What is going to be the basics and how will it differ from MtG Lore ‘Canon’?
First and most obvious is that I need to figure out what I can keep and what needs to be changed.
As I said above, while I am definitely in the mood of ‘you know what, this is ours now, fuck off’, the fact is, the law is the law. If your work is too similar to another, you can get in some heavy trouble.
I’ve covered some of this in my other posts about this, but I’m pulling this into one spot with the new info to make it easier for me and others to find.
World: I’m going to use analogs of each of the planes of MtG to make countries and kingdoms. It’s a lovely short hand and will make the world building go that much faster... Tricky part (much as the characters) is renaming things and setting it enough apart that it isn’t exactly the worlds and what not from MtG.
The main ones I’m going to use are:
Zendikar: Still going to be the land my ‘Not-Nissa’ hails from. First step is to just fully expunge the eldrazi history and effect. I am thinking about having some sort of ancient thing buried there, but in a very adventure-y feel of like an old dragon or some other powerful creature.
Kaladesh: Still home to ‘Not-Chandra’, still a place of one-ness with nature and artifice. Debating on how much I should carry over the sense of Indian aesthetic. Like, I don’t want to be window dressing like the actual Kaladesh is, but at the same time I’m not sure how well I can make it feel ‘right’ in that regard. I think I’ll keep the plot idea they started, but carry it through right.
Theros: Not-Gideon and Not-Elspeth will definately have history here. There won’t be actual gods, though a great power they attribute -to- gods will exsist. Which brings me to wonder how I should handle the cosmology... especially when we are talking about
Innistrad: I envision a very gothic, germanic country side, probably bordering Not-Theros. There will be a cult that worships a great power hidden on the moon. I’m going to use this as an opportunity to do a thing that came to mind when Emrakul locked herself away...
Vryn: I’m not sure if or how I’ll use this since we know so little about it. Might just cut it and have my ‘Not-Jace’ come from somewhere else. Hell, might just cut to the chase and make him connected with my Not-Ravnica. And speaking of...
Ravnica: Obviously a major trade hub and likely a center piece of the setting. Not-Jace, Not-Vraska, Not-Kaya, and Not-Ral all would be seen here. I think i’d also take all of the Fiora stuff and fold it into this so that I don’t have too much going on in the world and can pull together a lot of neat characters from that set too. Not-Marchessa might be fun as a side... well not ‘villain’, but definitely not helpful to our heroes... usually. X3
Ixalan: Pretty easy; coastline adventure. Just use any ideas from the block for pirate based shenanigans. Not sure if I will write enough to get to this sort of craziness, but it would be a lot of fun if I do.
Amonkhet: Not sure if, when, or how I am going to use this. Though a desert region might be fun. Might combine this with Regatha and that plan that Teyo comes from.
Kamigawa: I mean, really, this is ‘japan: the setting’. They went so hard on the Japanese lore here that it’s not going to be hard to make my own with little effort or consideration. Do expect there to be a Not-Tamiyo. X3
Alara: To be honest, I was never too big on this plane, but then it was a big deal years ago and I never really ‘set foot’ there. I mean if I did use it, I could use it to sorta map the bigger world’s zones? But that feels too much like the silly ‘elemental nations’ angle. Worked well for Avatar, but won’t work here.
Eldraine: I’m thinking about using this as a rough overlay of the main areas and goverment and what not tied to and surrounding my not-ravnica. Not sure. I haven’t finished the book yet, and it’s hard to get a solid bead on the details of the world without the old uploads, the clear posting of lore that used to happen (remember how we all knew what was going on with the color pie/race spread of Kaladesh?) and just having mostly the cards to go one leaves me wanting a bit. Not to mention they aren’t making the art books anymore. FUCK. I liked those. They needed to be improved not canceled T3T ... anyhoo...
Dominaria: Given what Dominaria now is to magic lore, I think I’ll set it as the history past. This world IS my Not-Dominaria.
I’ll figure out other planes as I go along, though I might just stick with what I got here. Adding in more is going to muck up the world I’m crafting. I may be taking parts that aready exist and remixing it (which, if we are honest with ourselves, is really how we tell stories in the first place, I’m just leaving my ‘mix’ lumpy XD), but I do need to concetrate more on the characters. I can’t introduce a new land every book. I need familiar ground, routes that readers can follow, places characters can be from that matter.
Speaking of characters:
Characters: Again, the idea here is that you should be able to recognize them to some extent, but I sitll have to work with the ‘legally distinct’ Not-Gatewatch... So here is what I got so far:
Chandra: What we keep: Fire based magics, brashness, cute. What we change: Not much. Most of her changes are going to be involved with the way I change the world around her. I think the big difference is instead of having her ‘planeswalk’, when her family gets hunted, they end up traveling toward the border, and she ends up running, getting lost, and finding herself on the steps of a (monastery). Also... no one would hate me for going ahead and making her trans, would they? Like, by the story proper’s start, she’ll have a woman’s body (or maybe that could be a part of her quest?), but I do like the idea. X3 It adds more of a personal touch to my Chandra.
Nissa: Debating on if I should keep her an elf. Keeping her an elf AND keeping the nature magic might be too alike. If not Elf, what should I make her? Still, the basics of her story are that she is looked down on, shunted to the side. stuff that leads her into being more comfortable on her own. Chandra is going to help her out of her shell, but only due to her honesty and clarity.
Gideon: No inviciblity. But definately going to keep him being the classic hero type, but with a genuine heart of gold. Going to change up his armorments from the sural to a short sword, buckler, and a lance/javalin? something like that. Hails from Not-Theros, has taken residence in Not-Ravnica
Jace: Trans man. Doing that right from the start. I know it was some folks head canon for a long time, and I see nothing wrong with making it canon here. Going to have to play with his past a bit. I think I’m not going to bother with the memory erasure. Instead, he trained as a spy with some mental powers and illusions. After betraying his original handler (someone that was a part of a different country), he defects to the not-ravnica and gets wrapped up with that stuff, eventually going out to help other nations in an effort to unite the continent or something... I’m kinda forming stuff as I write this. XD
Liliana: Still a necromancer. Going to cut out the deals with the devils. Maybe one, but not four. Might still have marks, but it will be more from her own magics rather then a contract. Still served a terrible master, but maybe with less strings attatched (or at least she thinks so). A friend in a discord suggested I have her have a binding on her bother as a lich vampire hunter. I’m warming to the idea, but still need to work out the details. I like the idea of her regaining her youth, that might even be the first story where Not-Chandra and Not-Nissa interact.
Vraska: Will end up in a relationship with Not-Jace... but I’m not too keen on keeping her a gorgon. I like the look of her ‘hair’, but I might just go with straight up dreads. Someone suggested making her some form of Naga, and though I’m not big on taking away her legs, the idea of some snakish relation is not out.
Ral: Inventor. Jackass. Friend of Not-Jace, has a Gay lover? yep, keeping all that. I think most of his changes, like Chandra, will be more about how the world around him shifts do to how I write rather then actual character changes.
Kaya: Keeping the Assassin, and can fight Ghosts. Still fleshing this one out. Likely to have ties with whatever I do with the Orzhov still. I adored the whole being hired by Teysa and ending up in charge thing, though I’m not sure I’ll go quiet that far? Mmm
Jaya: Still a mentor to Chandra. Less mystery around her though. It’s going to be less ‘she was the founder of our group’ and more ‘an adventurer that chose to settle down in her old age’ or something. And yes, the cookie scene I drew a comic for a while back will be in the story X3
Karn: Golems are a thing in fantasy, I don’t see a reason to stop now. But the Urza history is going to be retired. I think he might be an invention of someone in the current world and ends up as a helper to Not-Chandra and Not-Nissa at some point. 
Jhoira: I’m thinking grand daughter to Not-Jaya. I like her and I want to keep her, but I like the adventure her. Might have a rivalry between her and Not-Chandra. like a friendly one. She might even have a bit of a chip on her shoulder as she doesn’t have fire magic, but Not-Chandra does.
Rat and Teyo: Might might not. The cast is getting big already, we’ll see. Might have them as a duo from the start with a sort of ‘adventures in the sewers’ thing going on.
Ugin: Not a dragon, but definately a powerful being. and still has that stick up his ass. Often wrong about what he thinks should be done, but his heart is genuinely in the right place. Going to make Not-Mizzet his son maybe?
Nicol Bolas: Bastard, got a plan, and it will be similarly a slow build, but he is going to be less ‘has his hands in everything’ and more a ‘mmm, I could use this’ sort.
Alesha: Fuck timelines! This woman is a friend of Not-Chandra and helped her discover herself. Whether she rides with her people near... wait... OH GOD I LOVE IT: Something I literally thought up while writing. She and her nomadic bandit team travel the roads between many lands, and they find young not-Chandra. After coming out as being a girl, Not-Alesha is what helps solidify her sense of Identity. After showing off her fire magics and how uncontroled they are, adding in how young she still is, they drop her off with the (monastery) XD I’m loving this change already.
Oviya: Still Chandra’s Auntie. Big change? Her lover is still alive, because fuck that noise.
Olivia: Plans. Hungry. 
Avacyn: Doesn’t exists at the start of the story, but thinking about having her be created during it.
Sorin: Not sure....
Still thinking about a lot of other characters. I’ll get to them as I go.
There is also the Guilds of Ravnica to consider... With those, I think I’m going to keep the identity but not quite the orginizations. At least not so directly. Like not all of them are absolute ‘guilds’. There is less straight up organization. But there are definately a strong sense of jobs and a loyalty to those you work with...
And then there is the story itself. I think I’m going to start it with Not-Chandra meeting Not-Gideon much like before, but the goals are that he is traveling on a mission to see what is going on in Not-Zendikar. The seers/mages/whatever have been sensing some shit going down in that area and it’s close enough to the boarders of not-ravnica to check out. He and Not-Jace pass through and Not-Chandra gets curious and follows. She is going to meet Not-Nissa on the way. The four become a team and face down a nasty threat to the land and uncover a old history of Not-Zendikar that might need to be followed up on.
That can be book one.
Book two can be Not-Liliana’s introduction. The four, having worked so well together, are made a team by Not-Ugin and charged with trouble shooting all around the realm and seeing about maybe making more allies for Not-Ravnica. They find an old woman and they help her regain her youth... and in her they find an old villain. But the world has changed since last Not-Liliana walked the lands outside her keep. And it turns out that Not-Olivia, a vampire queen, has been making a name for herself. There are other darknesses afoot in her territory. For now, she would offer the team aid... as long as it suits her.
I think that can be book two
A return home would be the third story. Yes, this is kinda following how the stories were flowing at first, but after this one things are going to shift. The return home will bring Not-Chandra in direct confrontation with her past. The big changes I made to that and to Not-Kaladesh become big here. I’m thinking this is also where Not-Jhoira hangs out. The war behind the scenes is brewing, but it’s only starting. The all out mess won’t be till a later book.
What will happen in the story though is the confrontation with Not-Baral, Not-Chandra almost nuking herself in grief, and Not-Nissa being the anchor she needed. This will be the point of confession.
And so on... I’m not sure how far I’m going to go with this, but I want to try to push as many stories, but with as high quality as I can. Can I do it? I have no freaking clue.
I’ll post more as I go. For now, the working title is Verdant Flame. If I change it, I’ll continue to use the title to tag all the stuff I do till I go back and add the new title to old posts.
Now to transfer these notes... and figure out names. you don’t know how tiring it was getting adding ‘Not’ to everything.
And for those really keeping score: Why yes, some of this -was- what Dragon Quixotic was. There is enough difference between the two worlds that I feel confident that I can keep them as separate stories now.
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ren-c-leyn · 4 years
QnA tag game
I was tagged by @hyba​ to play this. Thank you very much.
rules: post your answers, and tag some pals.
1. When did you first learn you enjoyed writing?
Honestly, I used to hate writing. It wasn’t fun, it was boring school essays and annoying prompts on exams. That being said, I had always enjoyed storytelling, and had been telling stories since before I could remember.
How I reconciled that gap between the written and the spoken was I went through a really shitty period of time in my life and I took up poetry to help vent. And it was so freeing and fun that I kept with it.
I had been doing that for a while when I decided to try writing some fantasy story that popped into my head, though I can’t quite recall why I bothered to try. It wasn’t a very good story, but I filled up like an entire notebook with it and started writing it on another, and I discovered ‘hey, writing can be fun... if it isn’t about something boring.’
And over the years, fantasy has over taken poetry. I still write poems from time to time, but not like I used to.
2. Tell us about the first project you ever wrote.
It was one that tried cramming way too much into one story, but there’s elements of it that I still use a lot of. I can’t remember the exact plot I had in mind for it, because it was all over the place, but I remember there being some sci-fi, a lot of fantasy weirdness, and a chosen one who was both angry and horrified that her world ended when she had the power to save it, because no one knew what she was or that their world was in danger. It never got finished, but I had fun with it while I was working on it.
3. How does your favorite media shape who you are as a writer?
In ways I don’t even realize it did, I’m sure. Particularly since I binge read without really analyzing the writing techniques of people. My writer brain turns off and reader brain takes over. Which many people say is bad, but it works for me. That being said, I can draw some obvious parallels between things I’ve read and my own works.
I know that Tolkien was a big influence for my ‘this string pulls on this person’s string, which does that, which leads to a poor hobbit having to lose his finger to throw a cursed ring into a volcano and save the world’ kinda plots. I also enjoyed his world building, but, and this is just my opinion, it slowed the Lord of the Rings triology down a lot and made it a little clunky to read. So it taught me both what I kinda wanted to see in my world building, but also how I didn’t want it to come out in the story. Plus, The Hobbit is the book for me. It is one of the first ones I got when I finally learned ‘oh, reading can be fun’ (because child me hated reading like she also hated writing boring essays), and it’s the one that got me stuck on fantasy.
Douglas Adams, there are many who will probably consider it a crime I have not read The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and yet still list his name in this, but my favorite book of all time is probably The Long Dark Tea-Time of the Soul, and it was the way the characters existed and the hidden easter eggs that I’m still finding like 7 read throughs later and the pacing and red herrings. I learned from and loved a lot about that book alone.
There was also J.A. Jance, the author of many of the murder mysteries my grandmother loaned me, and it was from her and other mystery authors that I finally, finally figured out how to set up suspense and tension. They were also really good studies in character motivations and how a character’s mindset can change the way they perceive the world and the things they notice and miss.
Video games is another thing I know has influenced me. I like story and lore rich games. Dungeons and Dragons is another thing I play a lot of and has followed me through my writings. The stories that get told can be every bit as awesome as a book, and the mechanics are also part of what helped me learn to structure my magic systems. Because if the wizards didn’t have rules, who would play a fighter who does? The same idea got translated into my writing very early on, ‘if I don’t give my wizards rules, why would warriors exist?’
And I can keep rambling, but I think I’ll leave it at this for now ^^
4. What’s something you’ve wanted to write, but aren’t sure you could? (A tv show, a genre, a style, a time period, a video game, etc)
I had an idea for a fantasy world inspired by various Asian myths, and even had a basic map drawn out in my head and some ideas for a magic system, but I’ve been too terrified to actually do anything with it, and it’s been so long since then that I don’t remember anything about it. Plus, I had no plot to use for it at the time.
I also wanted to write a mystery, but when I tried I found that while I has suspects and everything, I couldn’t think of the crime or how the heck anyone would just kinda figure it out from a bunch of random things normal people could just play off or not notice XD
5. What is the thing that keeps you from writing the most?
Procrastination is sometimes a problem, and I do occasionally need to kick myself in the shin. But there’s also life and plot snags and just days when a story isn’t working for me.
6. How do you deal with an inner editor?
That depends. Sometimes the inner editor saves me a lot of headaches later, and sometimes a tiny mistake can break the flow of writing. I normally don’t have an issue with fixing things on the spot, but on nights I need to focus on writing I just keep myself from reading back.
7. How long have you been writing?
I mean, they make kids write really young for school, so begrudgingly that long. Creatively and for fun? I’m not sure. I can’t quite recall how old I was when I started with the poetry. But considering the notebook I have the earliest pieces in is falling apart, I think it’s been a long time. lol
8. What is your general writing process? Do you write chronologically? Do you do a lot of planning?
I normally get this idea that shows up out of the blue as a daydream or a random thought. Then, there’s at least a month. If it’s still there, it gets considered. If it’s grown and expanded into something resembling either a world or a plot by then, it’s probably getting written.
After the idea finally bugs me enough, I’ll start world building and building a bare-bones plot, complete with bare-boned characters. I never flesh anything out completely, since I do most of that while I write and having strict outlines suffocates my story.
If the world building, characters, and whatever I have of a plot are interesting, I’ll start chronologically and keep moving from there.
9. Assign a scent to your writing style.
A scent for my style? Um... that’s kind of a weird question and I have no idea how I would even begin to think of an answer for that. Like, how do you translate comma usage and word choice into a smell? I mean, I use roses a lot in my stories, so maybe that would work?
10. One book you hope everyone reads?
I have to agree with hyba that I hope everyone just finds their version of the book. The one that gets them through a hard time, the one they really need, and that that book won’t be the same for everyone.
11. What is it about your least favorite genre that makes it your least favorite–and how might you change that to better appeal to you?
Oh that’s simple, it’s because horror does it’s job. That’s it. It’s nothing particularly about the style or anything besides that the genre is what it is.
12. Design a “collector’s edition” for your first novel. Include items that might be of interest to your audience.
Never thought about it, but I guess I could throw in the world map I drew for The Plight of a Sparrow into it.
13. If one thing was real from your project, what would you want it to be?
Nothing in particular? I can’t think of anything that would make sense to transfer from my projects to the real world, because I don’t want magic to be real, because my magic systems tend to be brutal, but also, we have stuff like or better than a lot of what doesn’t run off magic. Maybe some of the creatures would be cool, but I don’t know how that would affect ecosystems.... probably not for the better.
14. What’s something you always include in your work? Do you have any other Easter eggs?
As far as easter eggs, I can’t think of anything off the top of my head. If I do, it probably wasn’t intentional.
15. What is your favorite passage from your own work?
I still am not really comfortable with sharing things out of my WIPs on here. As far as things I’ve written for the blog itself go, there are quite a few pieces and passages that turned out really good. I think one of my favorites is from a really old piece I did back before I was doing fusion stories. It’s from this one specifically, if anyone would like to read the full tale, it is a grim one, though.
The very edge of the forest was about as welcoming as a gallows. Crows watched us hungrily, like we were dead men about to sway. None of them made so much as a peep as their dead eyes followed our trek through the knotted mess of brambles, ivy, knotted shrubs, and gnarled trees. We hacked at the plants, and they hacked right back at us. We traded blows like it was a war. hatchet and sword blows countered with sharp thorns and parried with thick branches.
I’m going to leave this an open tag, jump in if you’d like to. =D
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disregardcanon · 5 years
A decade in fanfiction
The meme template was made by me myself and I! Please, if you’re interested go ahead and do it! I would love to see other people reflecting on their writing right along with me :) 
Where can we read your fic? Please give us a link so that we can check these stories out!
my early fics can be read on my ffn The Ficsmith 
on ao3, my pseuds are sunkelles and fullmetal anime
I also have lots of short things here on tumblr. i would try searching a favorite fandom of yours and au on my blog and something might pop up. 
How many words of fanfiction have you written this decade?
On ao3, I have posted  1,031,824 words. I would bet that I posted 40k on ffn before i started posting concurrently to my ao3, and that i’ve posted maybe 80k of stuff just to tumblr? If I estimate that way and don’t think about unfinished works and wips, I’d say 1,151,824 words thereabouts. 
How many stories have you written?
I’ve posted 338 stories to ao3. I am not going to go do the math to add on my stories from ffn as well. 
Have you written on multiple websites? If so, which website is your favorite and why?
ao3 is my favorite website for fic because it’s just so EASY to search through, post to, and get your stats from. plus it’s very visually appealing. 
Have you used multiple pen names? If so, list them and tell us the story behind the name
on ffn, i used a lot of pen names over the years, but i only remember 3 of them 
1. thee sun. this was my first pen name on the internet and it was because back then, my friends and i had series of nicknames going where we were each a part of the solar system. one of my friends suggested that i should be the sun because i was happy and bouncy and the friend group “orbited” around me. it wasn’t really accurate then or now, but sun ended up sticking. 
2. sunless skies was my emo change to that pseud 
3. the ficsmith is my current name there as i thought the word “wordsmith” was badass and decided that ficsmith sounded very, very cool 
on ao3, my primary pseud has always been “sunkelles”. half of it’s the old nickname and half of it’s another nickname i won’t get into. it’s a very personal handle for me that i love dearly 
my second pseud is fullmetal anime, my anime pseud. fullmetal alchemist was one of my first anime when my old roommate got me onto my weeb phase in my twenties, and i thought that sounded too badass to pass up. 
What is the first story you posted this decade?
I Will Never Leave You Alone: this is a percy jackson fic set after the lost hero. It was my imaging of how the meeting in son of neptune might go if percy didn’t get his memories back. it’s bad, but it was my first attempt at fanfiction. i think that it could have been a lot worse. 
What is the last story that you posted this decade?
Not Willing to Wait for it: this is a tangled the series fic about cassandra. it’s not really my favorite thing i’ve ever written, but it’s not a terrible thing to end the decade on either. 
What is the longest story that you have wrote this decade?  
The Poetry of Time and Space: this is a pipabeth fic with annabeth as the doctor and piper mclean as rose tyler fic that i wrote back in 2013 at the urging of my first internet friend. coming in at 27,842 words, it’s the longest fic i have ever written. 
while i wouldn’t call it some of my best work, i’m still fairly proud of the thing. writing it helped me make a friend (even if we don’t keep in touch anymore), it helped me find some cool poetry, and i did a lot of fun historical research for it! 
i learned a loooottt about the history of spain for this fic and it was really cool. 
What is the shortest?
A Good Listener coming in at 192 words, this pipabeth fic is at the polar opposite end of the spectrum. 2013 was a wild year, my dudes. 
What’s your favorite?
I think that choosing a “favorite” would probably be too hard, but the one that I come back to the most is Over the Shadowy Hills. This fic could have been just good, but my friend was like. girl. you need to sort your shit out. and then i deleted it, worked on it with her help, and fixed it into something that i can still be really proud of. I’m glad that I decided to stick with it and give this fic the time and attention that it needed. 
What story do you feel was your biggest challenge?
I don’t have a fic in particular I would say is my biggest challenge, but one challenge has been the growing pains of becoming a better writer. I’ve moved into a point where I need to tell more thorough, longer stories, but I also don’t have the time needed to do that at the moment and my desire for instant validation is fighting against my desires to not do work and be a better writer. 
I know that right now I’m growing as a writer, but I’m not exactly sure what direction I’m growing in and how to deal with it. 
Which story was your most creative?
All Katz Go to Heaven is certainly an idea that no one but me would have come up with XD the premise is “all of hannibal’s victims from the show hannibal die and are reincarnated in brooklyn 99″ 
Which story do you think demonstrates the greatest growth?
I think that Paint a New Horizon demonstrates a lot of my progress as a writer. 
1. coming in at 23k, it’s one of my longest fics ever 
2. it has some of my best visual descriptions ever, as i decided to write sansa as a painter and it make visual descriptions a FAR bigger part of the story than they normally are when i write 
3. it handles dark subject matter, but i feel like i go into well. i’ve found myself dwelling in this universe a LOT, and i think that i might actually go back and write more of it over this next semester or summer because i just. like being in it. even though it was dark, it was also homey and lively and interesting, you know? 
4. it’s the best romance i’ve written this year, hands down. 
Here, have a snippet 
She dared a glance forward and met Margaery’s eyes- a deep, chocolate brown. They were warm and inviting and Margaery’s little curly bangs framed her face like a heart. Margaery’s head went over the back of the booth and it seemed to almost be floating against the flowery wallpaper. It looked like Margaery was lying out in a field of flowers- the Maiden gazing up at the clouds and trying to make shapes of them.
She could imagine Margaery telling her that this one is a flower, like Tyrell, and this one’s a deer, like Baratheon, and this one’s a dick, like Joffrey. She giggled nervously again and felt her cheeks flush. She’d never felt this giddy and unsteady in her whole life.
“Are you alright, Sansa?” Margaery asked cautiously. She reached across the table and laid a hand over Sansa’s own. The touch was warm and tender, and Sansa felt the blush from her toes to the tip of her head.
“I’m perfect!” Sansa nearly screeched. Margaery laughed at that, but her look was kind.
“Yes, darling,” she said with a smile that was wide and fond, “I think that you are.”
Lesbian. The word wasn’t supposed to fill her with such a warm, hopeful feeling, was it? She wiggled awkwardly in her chair, trying to get situated and stop feeling so silly and excited and vulnerable, but it didn’t fix anything. She felt Margaery’s leg brush against hers under the table. It sent a jolt through her.
Sansa took a shaky breath. She thought to herself that there might be something to that.
Tell us about your writing process.
my writing process is quite frankly all over the board. sometimes, i’ll sit down and just hammer out a fic start to finish in one sitting, but when i don’t do that i’ll make the thing come together in patchwork. i’ll normally start with some vivid pieces of dialogue that i want to write and then i’ll figure out where i’m going and how. often, since i write in a nonlinear fashion i might end up having to change what i’ve written for the middle or the end, but when i get there and it doesn’t feel right for what i ended up writing, i always decide that i’m better off with what feels more natural. 
Tell us about how you come up with fic titles.
I have 3 different systems for determining fic tiles 
1. come up with a cool title to write a fic around. i wrote Chasing Annabeth solely because i thought that would be badass title 
2. try to find something external to the story, like a saying, a lyric or quote, that works with the message or mood of the story. for If You Believe in Me (I’ll Still Believe), I realized that both Memoria by Nirvana and Holland Road by Mumford and Sons shared a distinct feel with what I was doing with the fic, so I went through the lines of both and identified some possible titles. 
Then, I decided that the line “if you believe in me I’ll still believe” felt the most right. I thought that it best conveyed how much Jeyne believing that Theon could become better again contributed to him actually going through with it, whereas some of the other options didn’t have either the external influence or faint hope that I felt the fic deserved. 
3. find something from the fic itself or the source material! often times, i’ll end up with a motif in the fic that makes a perfect title, or i’ll have something to draw on from the source material. this feels different from the 2nd option because whereas that first one is going outside the world of the fic, this 3rd one is going inside the world of the fic. 
Have you ever used an epigraph? Tell us about your reasoning.
I use epigraphs for the same reason that I use outside sources for fic titles. While sometimes I have that lyric or quote in mind while I am writing the fic, like Washing Machine Heart, sometimes you get to the end of writing and realize that you’ve created something that would be enhanced if you were to have your readers mulling over the theme brought up in a song while they’re reading, like Unfinished Business. 
I don’t know, these are probably the reasons that ANYONE uses epigraphs, but it’s cool to see other people’s thought process. 
What are some of your favorite lines that you’ve ever written?
Here’s a few of my favorite exchanges from my older or more underrated fics!
She swallows the spit that has started to pool in her mouth and continues, "We'll all end up dying and meeting the void face to face and blah blah fucking blah, but the thing is that's tomorrow. This is today. You remember Thalia, so she matters. And you matter because you're alive. Your heart's still beating. You can still do shit. See shit. Be the shit. Annabeth Chase, you can still do anything."
Chasing Annabeth (2013)
Annabeth tsks as she laughs, “You’ve always got to steal the attention for yourself, don’t you?”
Piper laughs and then pretends to glare, “Borrow. I borrow things.”
“Borrowing BMWs is still frowned upon, my friend,” Annabeth says and then everything is back to normal. The future is forgotten, if only for a moment in the company of a friend.
The Fates Smiled (2014) 
“I guess,” Arya mutters, and she walks straight over to the trash. She pops the lid, and dumps the enormous plastic cock unceremoniously into it. Then she lets the lid close. She and Shireen look to the trash can in horror.
“Do you think that we should burn it?” Shireen asks.
She pauses a moment before she adds, “I’m afraid it’s going to attack us in our sleep.” Arya bursts out into laughter.
“I can hear the news anchors already,” Arya says, “women murdered in sleep by haunted dildo.” The Kids Are Alright (2015) 
"I think huckleberry just came out too," Maya stage-whispers back, "two gays for the price of one."
"Bi one get one free," Riley says with a shit-eating grin 
A Guide to Coming Out (2015) 
"Do I look like a man with a plan to you?" He tries to look as crazy as he can. Rachel isn't buying it. "You impersonated a member of the mayor's honor guard, you predetermined and informed us of every victim before you killed them. You're a planner, Joker. You're even a good one." The Joker shrugs. "I'm not a schemer, though. Don't hang my hat on whether or not things work out." In that moment, Rachel understands this man. Rachel understands why he does the things that he does, even though she thinks that he's the scum of the earth. "You wanted to let us know all our plans would fall apart. You wanted chaos." "You're a smart woman, Ms. Dawes," The Joker says, cracking a smile, "you know what I did to you and your boy toy was nothing personal. It was just to turn the schemer's plans on their toes.
The City of Bats and Clowns (2016) 
Zatanna crosses her arms over her chest as she leans against Bruce’s black SUV. The “parking lot” at this camp is a glorified field of grass. It rained last night, and there are muddy ruts left all throughout the field and little muddy puddles scattered everywhere. It’s disgusting and rundown and everywhere that Zatanna doesn’t want to spend three weeks of her summer.
“I don’t want to go to this stupid camp.” Endless Summer (2017) 
Rose feels a twist in her gut. This might be worse than finding out he wanted to desert. This is knowing the reasons behind it, having to see him as human in his mistakes and understand why he made them.
Oh how heroes fall and then stumble back up again.
The Spark That Will Light the Fire (2017)
Sloth is all the memories you have and never asked for, all the feelings you don't know what to do with.
Sloth is your feelings towards two boys who aren't your sons- can't be- because you never wanted them in the first place.
You never asked for this, to be born half-formed and hungry. To be born somewhere between not caring and caring too much, to just go along with what you were told because you don't care enough not to.
You never asked for those two boys to look at you the way they do, like you're something hideous and beautiful all at once. Like you're their sin to bury, their damsel to save. All you've ever wanted is for it all to stop.
The Seven Deadly Almost People (2018) 
What are you favorite characters to write. 
I don’t really have “favorite” characters to write because I bounce around so often. I’ll have a new favorite next year, but my favorite me character that I wrote THIS year was Dabi. 
Which story was the most fun to write.
Out of all the stories I’ve written, Dicks in the Wind comes to mind as being the most fun. The soulmate au where whatever your soulmate draws on their skin appearing on yours might not be my all time favorite, but the idea of spitefully drawing dicks on your own face to spite the soulmate who hurt you while also hurting yourself is both really fun but also really interesting? I really liked getting to explore the implications of that idea, the humor, Sabine’s relationship with Kanan, and the possibility of a reconciliation between her and Ketsu. 
If you use ao3, tell us about your fics with the most
Kudos: The Matter of Soulmates 1,049
Comments: Her Heart’s Duet 63 comment threads
Hits: Golden Cages, Silver Linings 15,272 hits
Subscriptions: The Matter of Soulmates 105 subscriptions
If you could have written one story this decade that you didn’t get around to, what would this have been?
There’s lot of fics that I wish I would have gotten written this decade. I think that if I could have written ONE fic that I didn’t get around to this decade, though, I would have turned my tucker turns ed into a chimera instead of nina tumblr post into a real fic. 
Do you write original fiction as well?
Sometimes! I don’t write it as much as I’d like, but I’ve written some short stories and I have some longer wips. 
Did you ever do nanowrimo this decade? If so, tell us about your projects.
I tried nanowrimo in both 2017 and 2018. My 2017 was a story idea about magic pirates. My 2018 was a story based on a fic idea I had where ed HAD created al like al thought he did in fma 03 for a while. it would feature prominent relationships with characters inspired by winry, wrath, and lust. both of these have about 15k to their name. 
What have you learned writing in the past decade?
I’ve learned a lot about myself as a person. For better or for worse, the easiest way to get to know me would be to go through my ao3 and just start reading. 
I also feel like I’ve learned that I CAN be a writer. While I have a long way to go if I ever want to become any good at original fiction and develop a thick enough skin to get it worked up to publishing shape, I know that I have the skills to at least give it a try.  If I don’t, I’ll always have these stories that I hold closely to my heart and this hobby that’s brought me a lot of joy. 
What are your writing goals going forward?
At the moment, I’m not entirely sure. I feel a little bit like I’ve stagnated and I need to figure out a way forward, but I’m not entirely sure what that way forward IS. I think that the way forward is longer projects (maybe even more original fiction) but I’m going to need to figure out a way to not devote all my mental energy to these projects at a time and also not let them wither and die. 
In the past, I’ve only been able to do proper, well written long fics when I had a LONG time to dedicate to getting the thing done. Like, days and days off that I could devote multiple hours to the writing project. In the future, I don’t think I’ll have that. I just need to find a way to not get SO into it that I can’t do anything else, but also maintain the energy and drive to keep coming back to it. 
Tell us about what aspect of your writing makes you the most proud.
I feel like I excel at word choice. People frequently comment on my fics that there’s something about the wording that just FLOWS, and I would have to agree. I feel like I’m good at choosing words that both sound good and hit emotionally. 
Tell us anything else that you’d like! This is your reflection post, so end on whatever bang you would like!
Thank you to everyone who has supported me over these past nine years! I haven’t been on tumblr for this whole time (i’ve only been here since 2012), but i grown a lot, both as a person and a writer, over this decade.
if you had told me when i wrote my first fanfiction that by the end of the decade i would write the order of the phoenix more than 5 times over in fanfiction, i would never have believed you. 
not every fic that i wrote was fantastic, but every fic that i wrote was MINE, and it’s a memory that i get to come back to when i’m feeling sad or lonely or like i can’t do something. so, thank you fanfiction, for always being there for me. even if you might be there for me a little too much XD
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sambart93 · 6 years
Touken Ranbu The Movie [Review]
It’s finally here! It’s finally arrived! We waited so long and it’s finally here! I’m hoping I can see it at least one more time before it stops at the cinema because it is so good!
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NON-SPOILER REVIEW Overall: This was amazing! I absolutely adored and loved so many parts of this movie!! I loved the story, I loved the reinterpretation of history, I loved the twists and surprises (there are so many that you don’t expect!), I loved the action, I loved the colouring, I loved the cinematography and the camera shots, I loved seeing their pretty make up and their pretty faces on a big giant screen! They all looked amazing!! My honest to god only complaint is that (1) there is a very obvious voice dub within the first 15 minutes of the movie; (2) some of the editing and transitions between scenes were just not smooth at all. The editing was really rough compared to how amazingly produced everything else is in this movie. A few cuts really pissed me off and some transitions were so jarring. I do have one more complaint but it’s spoilery so I’ll list that below. But everything else was amazing! Cannot wait for the DVD! Rating: 8/10 if only the editing had been better.
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We are back at Honnouji no Hen trying to stop the Jikansokougun from interfering with it. You know the story if you’ve read the history and/or watched the first stage.
Now to the spoilers...
The TouDan think they’ve finished off the Jikansokougun and go back to the Honmaru, but in fact there was still one left who grabs Oda and takes him to a safe place. When Oda wakes up he has the whole Jikansokougun army within his grasp and one of the commanders ‘Mume’ can talk to him and stays by Oda’s side. The TouDan realise what’s happened and goes back. While there Jiji actually saves and rans away with Oda. Everyone feels betrayed but they continue their mission of keeping and eye on Hideyoshi. Jiji takes Oda to Azuchi where Hideyoshi raids and tries to burn down (as per the correct history) but again the Jikansokougun interfere.
I’ll stop there so you’re not too spoiled if you did carry on to read more.
Using the star format as usual so it’s easier and quicker for me to get through reviews. 
General Comments
☆ This was so BEAUTIFULLY SHOT! Some of the shots are so well done and they all looked so damn pretty! They must’ve had a very nice budget for this movie because it’s visually beautiful, the colouring used is beautiful, so many shots are just PERFECT!
☆ I loved the close ups of all the swords! Being able to see their pretty faces  (which had a lot lighter make up than what they wear on stage so their natural beauty shined out more!) so close up was just wonderful ^_^
☆ Also their makeup! I absolutely adored their make up in this!! All of the swords except Nihongo have eyeliner half way across their bottom lashes (yeah this is how good the quality is and how well you can see the makeup and how goddamn observant I am xD). And they all looked SO NICE! 
☆ NIHONGO’S ONSIE for uchiba/Internal Affairs is freaking ADORABLE!!!! It’s a freaking Onsie! A ONSIE! I was losing it!! And he looked so good in it too!! It was this freaking adorable great onsie!! I can’t get over this... I can’t! xD
☆ Jiji has plot armour in this movie too as expected because he’s always givemn bloody plot armour. He REALLY should’ve died in this one. Scientifically and by Touken Game standards he SHOULD have died. But alas ‘we can’t hurt the fan favourite precious Jiji’ oh fuck off, hurry up and kill him already! Fuck sake.
☆ I really liked Fuma’s Honebami. Just like the stages, we didn’t get enough time with him. We didn’t really get to know him. But I think something between His and Mitsuya’s Hone is what I expect Hone to be so I like Movie Hone. BUT, Hone should’ve died too by the way. Just from the dire situation he ends up in, he really should’ve been killed and died. It’s not like we can’t bring these swords back!
☆ I died a little when Uguisumaru said his famous line!
☆ Tomoki as Uguisumaru was perfect JUST as I had predicted! He was great! I loved the looks between Jiji and him where they completely understood each other without having to speak! I absolutely adored how soft his voice was, very nicely matching Ugui’s image. 
☆ Also I did start laughing at one point when I remembered Suzuki and Tomoki had been in YowaPeda together. I just imagined Suzuki’s Arakita and Tomoki’s Makishima dressing up in their sword outfits. Them looking like TouDan but with their Peda character’s personalities just cracked me up SO MUCH!
☆ You can definitely appreciate the amount of LEG shown by Yagen and Fudou in this movie! The camera itself really loved focusing on Yagen’s legs! Many times there are obvious shots that are there JUST for his legs xD and there’s a scene at the honmaru where Fudou goes to sleep and you can see all the muscles in his legs and it’s beautiful ^_^ highly appreciated and thankful for these shots!
☆ I do like movie version of Hasebe. I liked him somewhat in this one. There wasn’t so much forehead acting from Wada in this (thank god) so I liked Hasebe this time around. 
☆ And I guess movie version of Jiji wasn’t as much of a dick as he is in the stage too. I do like Jiji quite a bit in this one too, but he still got that god damn plot armour.
☆ In some shots you can see the knee support around Maki’s right leg - he was still receiving rehabilitation on his knee after his surgery when he stupidly went off to film this.
☆ I am here for the utter and complete tag team of Yagen and Manba! I absolutely adored all their scenes together! I was SO down for this pair up! They were great together!
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☆ If you’ve never seen the Eiga Dorobo video, I highly recommend you see it! It’s often shown in movie theatre before the movie starts and it’s gold! (see here) so for Touken Ranbu they made special ones with the cast joining in! They even had the Jikansokougun too! So far there have only been 2 episodes out and a third one should be coming. So for the two different episodes we had the appearance of:
Eiga Dorobo 1: Uguisumaru, Fudou, Hasebe
Eiga Dorobo 2: Honebami, Nihongo, Yagen
☆ Watching the movie, I had this huge moment of ‘fuck, I love Touken Ranbu’, because there are so many versions of it and anyone can make any version they want because the creators of the game gave so much leeway as to how to interpret the swords, the personalities, how they defend history, the lore of the Jikan, there is just so much god damn potential in this series and there’s so many ways and stories you can write with these boys! I just got so happy and proud while watch the movie. We can literally make up whatever shit we want so long as history goes back to normal at the end! It’s GREAT!
☆ However, as already stated above, there were some super dodgy editing in this! I really need to find out who the editor is and send them an email because some of the editing was cringe worthy. We literally had one shot where Jiji walks out but the shot is focused on Jiji’s feet for about 5 seconds while Jiji talks. No shot of Jiji actually talking, no shot of Jiji’s face, just his FEET! HIS FEET! What the hell was that shot of Jiji’s feet at the beginning of the movie?! I’ve watched this movie TWICE and I have absolutely NO idea what the point of that shot was! That was the worst one. 
☆ Other things like in the very first opening scene we are have a VERY OBVIOUS audio dub over one of the guys. Why they dubbed over the man with different lines to what his mouth creates, I don’t know why, but it does not sync up at all and it is very obvious.
☆ And the transition between scenes/days and the cut backs to older stuff in the movie was just very poorly edited too. If a scene ended, it would fade to black and for like 2 seconds there would be nothing, no music, just a black scene and then suddenly a new song would start, it felt VERY stage-y and not like a movie at all! It was cringe worthy and really wasted precious seconds we could’ve spent on the movie. Also we had some ‘flashback’ scenes and the music and sound immediately cut off from Cut 1 -> Cut 2 would be the flashback and be absolutely silent, no music -> go back to Cut 1 and suddenly the music has restarted again. I REALLY didn’t like it! It REALLY pissed me. LET ME FUCKING REEDIT THIS GOD DAMN MOVIE! The post production for most of this movie SUCKED. The editing and the sound mixing SUCKED. Ugh... that person needs firing.
☆ Also, this movie was WAY too short! We get 3 hour long stages from Marv, so why is the movie less than 2 god damn hours?! It’s barely 1 hour 45! Give me more gungi! Give me some comedy! (There is NO comedy in this besides ONE line from Hasebe!) Give me them enjoying time at the god damn honmaru! 
☆ Upon looking back, I realised that they did not show one of the bigger fights at all that happens towards the end of the movie. I really wish they had shown that fight scene rather than having it happen off screen. There was so much potential and so much you could’ve done with that fight scene. You could’ve easily had swords pop up here, there, everywhere and they could’ve done it in a real stylistic way if they didn’t have the time or money to get actual actors. They could’ve just done close up shots of swords’ costumes, or their feet landing next to the Jikan, or show two swords clashing, or a danshi jumping into the fight etc. You could’ve easily ‘brought in’ many swords into that fight scene without actual hiring any actors (especially if certain actors did not have time) and it could’ve been very creative, stylistic and interesting and it would’ve been a big flail for the fans.
☆ Also MAJOR SPOILERS HERE: the ending part with the new sword? Don’t just IGNORE that for fuck sake! Give him and the audience an explanation! Let him speak! Let him have his moment as to what happened to him and where he’s been and what he went through shit! God damn don’t just NOT explain that! Don’t just have him pop up, save the day, say his name and FINISH! What the fuck.
Wow the more I think about this movie, the more dissatisfied I get... okay, last one!
☆ Also Nishii Yukito had SUCH a small role!!! I was hoping he’d have so much more screen time than what he actually got. He has about 1 minute max *so sad*
I DO pin a lot of my complaints and nitpicks on the fact I have a cinematography background; I studied film, I’ve made films, I’ve always watched BTS of making films, I love the process of film making. And I think because of that, that’s why I’m being so particular on HOW it was made and on post-production and how I would’ve made the movie. So if you’re not into the whole film making side of movies then none of these are gunna bother you. If you’re not into this stuff then I really think you’ll enjoy this movie a lot! You will definitely have a good time and be satisfied and enjoy it so much!
Okay now onto:
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☆ I loved this version of Saru and how he isn’t just a nice guy and isn’t just the idiot that history leads us to believe. In this he’s cold, and mean, and turned against so many people! I loved Saru suddenly going against Hasebe too! It was such a plot twist! He invited Hasebe and Nihongo into his clan but as soon as our swords let down their guard, Saru’s men attacked them and they had to run! It was such a shocking twist! And Hasebe getting shot because of this ambush too was insane!! I know it’s spoiled in the trailer but seeing it happen in that moment! I was not expecting it at all!
☆ Also I am glad I got to see Hasebe actually almost physically harming Jiji, and Manba straight up being like ‘yo I don’t trust you Mika,’ and Yagen siding with Manba! Oh my! It was such a great scene! I loved all the suspicion going on around them and them not exactly wanting to agree or listen to Jiji. Argh! SO GOOD! I was like ‘HIT HIM HASEBE! DO IT!’ and I guess this is another reason why I like Movie Hasebe much more than Stage Hasebe.
 ☆ Seriously! I absolutely loved the teaming up of Yagen and Manba!! And now I want them forever on my team in the game now too! xD
☆ My heart hurt a little when Oda called Jiji ‘Munechika’, I was like ‘YOU HAVE NO RIGHT CALLING HIM BY HIS GIVEN NAME!!’ because clearly Jiji deserves more respect than Oda xD but I think it’s purposely put in so we do feel this way.
☆ I absolutely loved the twist for Oda’s story: he didn’t die at Honnouji, he actually died at Azuchi Castle and only Jiji knows the true hsitory because he was the only one there at the time! Such a great twist! And how Jiji tricked Oda into going to Azuchi, making Oda think he’ll be fine there and making Oda think that they are changing history together! Such a good plot twist! I loved it!
☆ Even though I was spoiled for the new sword, it’s very heavily implied throughout the entire movie. Especially when Akechi uses him in defense again the Jikan, and suddenly the danshi’s (who is clothed in Jikan armour and wear)  eyes turn bright yellow (Jikan’s eyes are all a glowing red). It’s a really good and random reveal!
☆ As Jiji tries to leave Azuchi castle, Honebami meets up with him. But fucking Oda pullings his sword on Hone and pins it at his neck! He tells Jiji to work with him or he’ll kill Hone and Jiji is like ‘I can’t help you, this is how it’s supposed to be’, just, I was like YESSSSSSSSSS!!!! But in the end Oda let’s Hone and Jiji go -__- I’m sorry but Hone SHOULD HAVE been killed there!
☆ One of my favourite lines from the movie is from Jiji (surprisingly) where he says: 守りたいことが増えばっかり。 // Things I want to protect just keep increasing. Which shows just how different of a Jiji we have in this version! He actually fucking emotionally cares in this one!
☆  The very last scene has ALL the Stage swords who have appeared in TouStage up to now were ALL at the Honmaru in this final scene. Except Daihannya & Ookanehira. Those two swords were NOT in this final scene. As for the actors; every one of the TouStage actors, except Hirose Daisuke and Kento, were as their Swords, in their costumes in this final scene. Ichigo and Tsurumaru ARE in this seen but are clearly NOT the actors. They clearly had body doubles / standins in this scene and their faces were out of focus. Also in the final ending credits, these two actors' names were not listed. I was flailing so hard!!! This was a HUGE shocker and I am so happy how many of them were able to come back for this one scene! So this is the scene where the new Saniwa is revealed and we finally got a female Saniwa!!!! I was like ‘YES JUSTICE!!!’ I spent most of the movie like ‘why the fuck is it always a Male Saniwa?!?! Why not hire someone ambiguous like Yuzuki or Toman as the Saniwa?!’. But alas we got our girl at the end!! The very very very last scene is absolutely ADORABLE! The saniwa (she’s like 3 years old) grabs onto the back of Jiji (he’s sitting down and drinking tea) and holds him for a piggyback, he smiles, picks her up and piggybacks her around the honmaru! It’s ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!! I was in absolutely tears at this scene! Ughhh someone give Suzuki babies!!! I was in a MESS of tears. And the very very very last line is him where he says ‘ Aruji.... the stuff I want to protect just keeps increasing’ arghhhh my heart!! *dead* IT’S SUCH A GOOD ENDING!!!
And that’s all! I hope you enjoyed this review and I hope you watch, buy and enjoy the movie!
As stated, I feel like a lot of my complaints come from my cinematic background so general people who just want a good movie are really going to enjoy this!! ^_^  Also if you ever see spelling mistakes, don’t ever hesitate to yell at me! xD
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fvkisla · 5 years
hi. I’m v sick at the moment so this should be interesting xD enjoy the sassy sarcasm that is my existence!
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PREFERRED NAME — Lo. I really dislike my full name so I shorten that shite.
PRONOUNS — she/her
AGE — as old as time itself if time started 24 years ago.
PINTEREST — okay, I’m a bad rper and female in general and I don’t understand pintrest. like I open it and my face looks like this
DISCORD — it’s historicallo something but again, I’m never on because I suck. 
TUMBLR (PERSONAL/MUSE/RPH) — historicallo.tumblr.com !! I’m never on it but its like an archive of baby Lo
OTHER SOCIAL MEDIA YOU’D LIKE TO SHARE — *shamelessly plugs my art instagram* follow loartx !!
HP HOUSE — Ravenpuff all the way
ZODIAC — gemini
DO YOU BELIEVE IN ASTROLOGY? — YES. I am a gemini through and through (if you think gemini’s are the worst then you are reading trash zodiac shite xD) and I have found my friends and family have lined up quite accurately with that. 
HOW OLD WERE YOU WHEN YOU STARTED RPING ON TUMBLR — 16! (thought I did roleplay on neopets when I was 12 because I’m fucking cool)
WHAT YEAR WAS IT? — 2012????
NAME A RANDOM ROLEPLAY THAT STICKS OUT IN YOUR MEMORY — notanotherhighschool rp because I feel like that’s when I really fell into my character development. 
WHAT WEIRD ANIMAL WOULD YOU HAVE AS A PET IF IT WAS REALISTIC — FENNEC. FOX. I love them??? I got to hold one once and I cried. I went to see them at the zoo after a hard falling out of a friendship and I cried. they own my heart. his name would be reginald and we would be glorious.
NAME A BOOK YOU HATED THAT MOST PEOPLE LIKED — lord of the motherfucking flies. kill it.
WHAT TV SHOW DID YOU RECENTLY BINGE? — black mirror. ugh, I love it.
FAVOURITE QUOTE — “though she be but little, she is fierce”
DO YOU WRITE OUTSIDE OF RP? WHAT DO YOU WRITE? — I got my degree in Creative Writing :3333 I specialize in historical fiction and realistic drama. my medium I specialized in is script/screenwriting yeeet
THREE YOUTUBERS YOU STILL TRUST — farfromsubtle (all of those bastards), superraedizzle, booksandlala, safyia nygaard, shane dawson
EVER MEET A CELEBRITY? SHARE YOUR STORY — no BUT the beach my family has a house at, adrian brody also has a house there so ????
WHAT’S YOUR PICTURE-PERFECT NIGHT? — literally watching bootleg theatre shows with friends while drinking and talking about different theatre things until 3 am.
A CONSPIRACY THEORY YOU KINDA BELIEVE IN — none actually. Idek why that is.
ARE ALIENS REAL? — FUCK YES!! we can’t be alone in this universe ok we simply CANT !!
DO YOU COLLECT ANYTHING? — alice in wonderland copies and memorabilia, books, student debt, and fennec fox stuffed animals
WHAT’S SOMETHING YOU WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT BUT YOU’RE TOO LAZY? — except for languages or instruments because I don’t have the dedication, I’m a very much a person who loves to learn. I sometimes research for fun........#nerd
THREE LANGUAGES YOU DON’T SPEAK, BUT WISH YOU COULD — french ( I speak some), sign language (same), japanese (literally know like three words)
MOVIE YOU’VE WATCHED MORE THAN 5 TIMES — coraline. I actually saw it 3 times in theaters and a billion times on dvd.
HOBBIES BESIDES WASTING AWAY HERE? — video games, reading about and participating in theatre, reading, art, writing, procrastinating on writing, makeup and improv comedy.
WHOSE BRAIN WOULD YOU LIKE TO PICK, ALIVE OR DEAD? — anne boleyn or henry the viii 
TEAM EDWARD OR JACOB? — team fucking anything else. TEAM SATAN
LAST MOVIE SEEN IN THEATRE — the new lion king movie. it was meh.
IF SO, WHAT ARE YOU CURRENTLY READING? —  Salem 1692 which is a day by day account of the witch trials. it’s a big boi. I’ve been reading it on and off since june.
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orihara-infobroker · 5 years
On Writing Fanfiction
Especially of the NSFW Variety
I’ve been thinking about this a lot recently. I’ve been writing since I was a child. It’s always something I’ve enjoyed doing but, outside of some assignments that I did in high school, I’ve rarely shown my creative writing to others. I’ve always been too self-conscious to do so. Back then, they were all original works. I think I still have some of them kicking around. A few of them were shorts but the longer pieces all went unfinished.
I only wrote original works for a few reasons. At first, it was because I didn’t know fanfiction was a thing. Some of them were probably derivative of the books I may have been reading at the time. I loved other peoples worlds and it was easy to imagine original characters (self-inserts? Yes, definitely.) creating their own stories in these worlds. Creative writing classes like the one I did in high school teach you to create your own works, not write about others so it never even crossed my mind to write stories based on other peoples characters and works.
When I was introduced to fanfiction, it was through “slashfic”. At the time, I genuinely had zero interest in writing anything that was solely about two characters and their relationship. It just didn’t hit my creative spot. I still don’t like writing solely about relationships; I need plot and action and adventure. So, to me at the time, if this is what fanfiction was about, I wanted no part in it. It struck me as self-indulgent fantasy. (Nothing wrong with self-indulgent fantasy, just not my thing at the time. I also wasn’t into fantasizing about celebrities or any other stereotypical romantic/relationship things.)
Eventually, I learned that fanfiction was more than just slashfic but by then I had been struck by the “real authors don’t write fanfic” prejudice. I genuinely believed that no one would take a fanfic writer’s work seriously because “they’re just ripping off other peoples works”. It’s a stigma that’s still prevalent, an elitist attitude that I’ve grown to dislike because it hinders growth in young writers who start learning to write through fanfiction. 
There is a gap of years where I stopped writing because I had very little time for creative things. I would still write bits here and there but nothing consistent and nothing I would have considered posting. When I started writing Sex and Violence in 2017 (I can’t believe I’ve been doing this for 2 years) it was kind of scary because I actually put it up for people to read. I had no idea how people would receive my writing, still hung up on the idea that fanfiction wasn’t “real” writing and I didn’t want any of my irl friends to see it. So, of course, I created this whole account hidden away from the rest of my social media. Ao3, separate Tumblr, separate Discord etc. All because I was terrified of how the people in my offline life might view my writing. One might even say I was ashamed of it. Especially because I write nsfw. And not tame nsfw. S&V is heavy in the realm of BDSM. On top of that, it’s mlm which, in and of itself, has a lot of judgement attached to it. 
So I created a bubble wherein I basically only exist as a fanfic writer, completely separated from my real life and I can’t help but think in hindsight that it’s a bit sad that I felt the need to do this. It’s strange to think that these people are my friends but I don’t feel comfortable sharing with them something as personal as my (gay bdsm) writing, for fear of judgement, but that I’ll throw it out onto the internet for a bunch of strangers to judge. I can’t imagine I’m the only writer who has done this. I suspect there are probably a lot of fanfic writers who hide their writing from their irl friends. Fanfic has certainly grown more acceptable since I was a teen and that makes me hope that people writing fanfic now don’t face the same sense of anxiety, shame, embarrassment etc. that I do/did. 
Anyway, this got long and pointless. You may now return to scrolling through memes... XD
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