kitkatopinions · 2 years
You want to know what I think about why they haven't confirmed Yang as queer yet or had either Yang or Blake explicitly say anything about be attracted to women (unlike our "hetero" characters)? Because the writers know the bees are the beginning and end of their gay representation. We can have Arkos, Renora, some Rosegarden and maybe some White Knight now (bc framing), but when it comes to sapphic couples, the bees are it. And they see no problem with that either.
As I'm answering this ask, I will be heavily criticizing RW/BY and Bumble/by. Fans of the bees, please beware. If you can't stand to see criticism, just move along.
Here's what we have for confirmation of attraction to the opposite sex from our main characters:
Weiss asks out Neptune. Blake goes on a date with Sun and she and Adam had a prior romantic entanglement. Yang openly leers at shirtless men and verbally says that she approves of their shirtlessness. Jaune is romantically interested in Weiss and kisses Pyrrha. Nora kisses Ren and openly says she's in love with him. Pyrrha kisses Jaune. Ren 'melts into' the kiss with Nora and talks about his feelings for her. Qrow goes on about how he was undone by the sight of a female waitress's skirt length. That's eight out of ten main characters (the other two being Ruby and Oscar,) and if you count Sun and Penny as main characters, that's nine out of twelve because Sun asked out Blake.
The majority of this happened in season two. In the second season of the show, people were asking out people of the opposite sex, and the only characters that didn't have their interest in the opposite sex confirmed within the first three seasons were Ren and Nora. When Ren and Nora kissed after they were hinted at being romantically interested in each other for seasons, they were far and away not the only main characters to have confirmed attraction to the opposite sex and weren't even the first kiss between characters of the opposite sex. If someone wanted to prove that the ship between Jaune and Weiss was going to happen, they don't have to say 'Jaune looks at her, he was upset when she almost died, they go out with a group one time,' they can say 'Jaune has confirmed romantic attraction towards her' and 'At the very least, Weiss has expressed canonical interest in men.''
Here's what we have for confirmation of attraction to the same sex from our main characters:
Nothing. Literally nothing.
We have two very small side characters who appeared in a couple episodes of season six, a villainous character who is in love with her former friend who is described by her voice actor as straight in what looks like official RW/BY merch, and a transgender character who has only existed for two seasons as a more minor character. And then we have Blake and Yang, who have been coded as queer for years now with no canon confirmation so that even though they're clearly meant to be perceived as romantic by queer people, homophobes can pretend it's not happening and Yang can still describe Blake as her sister in side content like video games while Rooster Teeth the company with a huge history of bigotry can sell pride shirts. This is behind the curve of heavily censored cartoons made by big companies like Cartoon Network and Disney. There's no excuse.
When people say that there's nothing queerbaity about Bumble/by and that it's just a slowburn like Re/nora and therefore we should all say nothing about it, they're really ignoring that Re/nora is the exception, they were some of the only main characters who hadn't expressed confirmed interest in the opposite sex, while even Ruby and Penny had seemed to want to talk about 'cute boys' in season one. And even Re/nora at this point is far more confirmed than bumble/by. People like saying that Bumble/by is a slowburn, but that doesn't mean that Blake and Yang couldn't have been confirmed as queer looong ago. Like, people act like Jim and Pam had zero confirmed romantic interest in each other or any other people until they got together and were shown dating in season four. Most slowburns don't look like this.
And people also are pretending like no outside meta matters at all, whether that's the history of a lack of representation for queer characters or considering the company's history of bigotry or the biphobia of one of the creators and lead writers Miles Luna. Despite the fact that there's no queer main characters in ten years, despite the fact that Blake and Yang's progression is unnatural because their tender moments are not allowed to be backed by even a discussion of feelings, despite the fact that the first male character who was coded queer was brutally murdered, despite the fact that there was wild heteronormativity in the early seasons where several characters just casually talked about their attraction to the opposite sex while the creator of RW/BY said that he'd be willing to include queer ships eventually maybe if he thought they were earned, despite the fact that Blake was described as straight by her VA as late as 2019, despite the fact that RW/BY is the biggest money maker for a company that is not only seemingly always struggling with funding projects but also constantly having controversies often about displaying bigotry and needing to get back into people's good graces, despite the fact that they've tried to sell Pride merch and Bumble/by merch that said like 'maybe they're a couple,' despite all of this... No one is allowed to suggest that there might have been intentionally stringing queer audiences along, or that it's a bit suspicious, or anything like that. No queer person is allowed to side eye a bigoted company. Because then we're 'ignoring the slowburn' and just being really unfair to Miles Luna the man who told an 'anecdote' about how hot he thinks watching girls make out is. No queer person is allowed to think that Bumble/by is badly done, because we'll literally get attacked, no matter how much we might like tons of other queer ships, including the canon queer ships from other shows like Adventure Time, Owl House, or Steven Universe.
I think that it is because Blake and Yang are likely to be the end-all-be-all as far as their confirmed queer characters, I think that's why fans are so defensive. Blake and Yang as a ship had juice before volume six and had a lot of people who shipped them, I'm not saying that the only reason they've been shipped is because they're likely to actually be confirmed. But. There's a habit in most fandoms to take what's either the only confirmed queer ship or the queer ship that's most likely to be confirmed and then instead of asking why there aren't more queer ships, people start acting like any fan who doesn't ship it or has any problem with it is trying to hurt queer people. Like if the content creators hear that the ship might not be popular, they just won't do it. Like we'll be punished for not being grateful for the scraps. So fans take it upon themselves to be knights and guardians for these ships, because instead of having grievances against the content creators who make queer ships so rare (and sometimes, badly done,) fans often seem to act like other fans are the enemy for not liking the one ship we have or might get. There's this element of...
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A lot of rwde posters who care about queer rep wouldn't care very much about the relationship between Blake and Yang if they weren't the end-all-be-all of the main character rep in the show. If Weiss and Ruby or Weiss and Penny had been a thing, or Jaune and Neptune or Jaune and Ren or something, or other queer ships involving the main characters existed, then Blake and Yang's own status as queer wouldn't be as important because they wouldn't be the only (coded as) queer characters. Like, Lapis Lazuli and Peridot in Steven Universe weren't in an official relationship, but we had Ruby and Sapphire, and Pearl had been in love with Rose Quartz, so I at the very least didn't feel strung along by their 'roomies' language.
Another thing to note is that once again, what I at least care about is whether or not Blake and Yang are confirmed as queer, not whether or not they're in a relationship. People accuse rwde posters of not being happy with a slowburn queer ship and that we think that queer relationships should all be rapid paced (the defense against comparisons to Disney's the Owl House or Arcane having Vi out and out say that she thinks Caitlyn is hot.) But in actuality, this is willfully ignoring that they could've been confirmed as queer without getting in a relationship, just like Jaune talking to Ren about his feelings for Weiss doesn't mean they're destined to be together, and Weiss asking out Neptune doesn't mean they need to have an emotional journey with each other and have a passionate kiss at the end of the show. Yang could've gone to the Vytal dance with Velvet instead of with no one. Blake could've had feelings for Ruby before she had feelings for Yang instead of going on a date with Sun. Ruby could've had feelings for Penny before the Fall of Beacon the way that Pyrrha had feelings for Jaune. Neptune could've had a crush on Jaune during the Vytal dance, instead of having only turned down Weiss because he couldn't dance. Clover could've actually been confirmed as queer and wound up in a relationship with Qrow. But instead all we have is... Ten years of nothing but side characters who don't get much screentime and two main characters nuzzling foreheads and a bunch of fans screaming at us for saying 'we want more.'
It's disappointing.
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I’m thinking about the “yeah...Ruby” scene because it was brought up in the sub recently. All I can think about is that if I brought up a situation like this to my therapist he’d say that we’re having a thought that our partner is upset at us for (temporarily) leaving and we’d go through the CBT steps and arrive at the conclusion that there is no evidence that our partner is mad at us and either: a) they aren’t upset, they understand that we had to leave to do our jobs, and they’ll be happy to see us return or b) they are upset with us for leaving and that’s an issue that has to be discussed but not at the moment. My point is Yang needs a therapist.
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klaudia96art · 1 year
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Autobot or decepticon ?😈
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peachi-blossom · 3 months
Non-Hazbin Hotel characters that are better than Angel Dust
Content Warning: SA implied, child abuse, and child death
Note: Angel Dust was a hard one for me because the characters I picked are not sex workers except for Primrose at the beginning of the first chapter of her story. So I did something different just for this post. I wrote each character's situation on their image description since they were played off as serious while Angel's was fetishized. So feel free to read them.
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I'm just so confused by Angel's character. Like I know he's an abused sex worker, but he sexually harassed Husk multiple times and didn't even help Sir Pentious AT ALL. How are you supposed to sympathize with him and root for him? If other SA victims relate to him, that's fine. I just don't understand, okay? Not to mention Vivienne Medrano made him nothing more than her plaything.
Next, I'm gonna go find characters that are better than Husk, which should be easier.
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zionistsinfilm · 2 months
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When you buy or stream Pitch Perfect, The Edge of Seventeen, Ender's Game, Begin Again, Bumblebee, Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Arcane, and Dickinson, you're giving money to Zionists. Hailee Steinfeld lived it up on Palestinian's land but has said nothing to stop their genocide.
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sid471 · 4 months
Back to my roots
Shipping and RWBY, let's do it :3
"I just don't see it man, it came out of no where" "I dunno it felt forced to me 🤷🏻" "their only even slightly romantic was after they killed Adam"
Okay lemme stop you get it. This post is about Bumblebee :3... And that last one is giving antis too much credit I've seen people even calling Yang tenderly holding Blake's face and pressing their foreheads together a purely platonic gesture 😊 Now, I’m gonna show you some screenshots, and 1 gif, and you tell me if they look like Just Friends, okay?
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Mm hmm, mm hmm, got your answer? Good. If you chose ‘Nope they’re still just friends 🤷🏻’ then you are both wrong AND delusional, I’m sorry, would you like to try again ☺️ Hehe I still get giddy when I see the kiss :3
Anyways, let’s go pic by pic. The first one, you don’t cup your friends cheek tenderly to steady and hold their gaze. I dare you to cup your friends cheek and tilt their head up. And if they’re not weirded out, they’ll think you were confessing your feelings. And if that happens congrats on your new relationship 😊. The second one. LOOK at how Yang is looking at her! ._. Those are the most obvious ‘FUCK ME’ eyes I’ve ever seen .-. The third one. I once again dare you to cup your friend’s cheek and press your foreheads together. It’s just… objectively NOT a platonic gesture 😶. The fourth one. Look at how content and relieved Yang is to see Blake and have her in her arms. The fifth one… Now I know y’all are not the brightest but I REALLY doubt I have to tell you that that’s not a platonic moment between besties 😊
And that’s just with pictures. I haven’t even gotten to the thing I can write about .-. So, shall we? :3 Who remembers the scene after Sun is stabbed and Blake rants to him about why she’s always alone and pushing people away? Good, good. Now, if you rewatch that scene, you’ll notice that throughout the speech she IS emotional. But her voice only breaks and wavers when she says Yang’s name. The same thing happens with Yang when she talks to Weiss about Blake. It becomes clear that she's not really angry at BLAKE. She's angry because Blake didn't TELL her anything. Because sheeee...? Loves her and wants to support her, very good. Blake and Yang are the DEFINITION of pining in volume 5 .-. Like, look at how they look at each other at the end of Volume 5 when they see each other again ._.
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Sheer AWE. I don't even think they had this much awe on their face when they saw Jin and Ambrosius. Ya know... Who are basically Gods?
In conclusion, please LORD stop being delusional about the Bees. It's FINE if you don't ship them, as long as you're not a douche bag about it, it's FINE if you prefer Black Sun. It's FINE. No one CARES what you ship. It's a PROBLEM when you're an ASSHOLE about it >_> You can ship your ships while ACKNOWLEDGING that Yang and Blake are canonically girlfriends now.
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ammy246 · 7 months
Adam Taurus from RWBY is what illiterate people think Bakugou Katsuku from My Hero Academia is. They completely ignore Bakugou's entire character arc including the apology then go and claim he is an abuser. Meanwhile, they'll turn around and call Adam an anti-hero when he literally stabbed Blake multiple times and hurt the one she loves (Yang). These people got poor grades in their English classes, and it shows.
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wetsocksinbed · 1 year
I really hope the Bumblebee Movie and ROTB are a reboot of the Live Action Transformers Universe because the Bayverse is my ultimate enemy and I would pay real money to have a Transformers Universe where women weren’t turned into jokes or used as overly sexualised props to the point of being useless to the plot
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as8bakwthesage · 3 months
“Oh bUt TfA BuMbLeBeE iS iN tHe MilItArY” logic doesn’t apply when in the US, there have been countless cases of minors joining the military in history. Child soldiers exist outside of the USA and Autobot society isn’t exactly healthy about its militarisation. Autobots literally take young bots in order to put them into military training first and foremost.
You cannot tell me that child soldiers don’t exist, you fucking morons.
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kiruliom · 9 months
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no spoons for ID
bumblebee transpecies flags
the coiner is anti radq and anti pro-c paras, transpecies as a term is older than transids and these flags use the original definition
please do not reupload without permission and credit
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kitkatopinions · 2 years
Heyyy so yangs VA never shuts up and said it has been building for ‘ten years’ but I have a bug in my brain bc wasn’t there a rwby art book from around the 15-16 era with an official statement from Blake’s VA comparing Illia and Blake’s relationship as ‘the lesbian pining after her /straight/ friend’ (their words, and the absolute toxicity of that dumpster fire of lesbian rep) Let alone the recent RT game still using ‘sisterhood’ language *think*
Yep! Here it is:
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Honestly when it comes to Barbara Dunkelman who was name-dropped as a bad RT higher up amongst all the recent scandals coming out and who said she "got it" when her coworkers were defending their misogynistic objectifying 'connect the hots' game who also starred in the horrifically bad Internet Box... When it comes to her, I neither like nor trust her. If they did plan Blake and Yang from the beginning, I think it was probably more likely a tossed out idea that just was a 'yeah maybe, but don't talk about it' kind of thing, and never got any firm planning because... Very little in rwby seems to get any firm planning. If it was planned from the beginning, they shouldn't have done things like have Blake referred to as straight as late as 2019, and like have Yang refer to Blake as like her sister late last year. But tbh, whether or not it was planned from the beginning really doesn't matter to me.
Main characters being queer - whether or not it was planned from the beginning - is a good thing. I wish it had happened at the start, I wish more queer characters existed in RWBY, I literally do not care if it was something they set out in the planning for the course of the show, because if it wasn't then it should've been, and if it was, it still shouldn't have taken this long (because Blake and Yang's 'slowburn' does not mean the characters had to stay unconfirmed as queer for ten years.)
The ship between Blake and Yang - whether or not it was planned from the beginning - was not very well done imo. My opinion on it actually gets worse with the knowledge that it's been planned from the beginning because I feel like in ten years they should've figured out how to write it better. I literally do not care though if it was endgame from volume one or not, I only care if it's well done. It's made lots of other people happy, but it wasn't made in a way that I personally wound up liking it or thinking it was well written.
Like if it wasn't planned from the beginning for them to be queer or together, then okay. Glad they eventually decided to include main character queer rep whether or not it was in their original plan. And if it was planned, then okay. Wish it was done differently, but in the end it literally makes very little difference to the end product whether or not it was something they came up with when they were in the early stages of concepting the show or as recently as volume 6.
The result is the same. Queer rep that's better late than never, and a romance that I feel like could've been done better.
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Bumblebee after they kiss in V9
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drscribblesmusic · 6 months
Top 25 Iconic Female Supervillains and Anti-Heroes in DC Comics #top25
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peachi-blossom · 2 months
Non-Hazbin Hotel characters that are better than Cherri Bomb
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Vivienne Medrano trying not to write one dimensional female characters challenge
Finally, I'm done.
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tingus-nob · 2 years
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Don’t y’all just LOVE NFTs’ and AI art?
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Seeing some insane drama about the bees in the tag so I thought why not share this tweet I stumbled onto a few days ago. The fans are not both insisting Blake is actually confirmed bisexual and the bees will be confirmed in V9 and I have to ask….what exactly made anyone think Blake is for sure bi or anything but straight? She has not expressed any interest in someone besides Sun so why are we so certain she is bi? We had members of CRWBY in the volume 5 (or 6?) commentary referring to Blake as Ilia’s straight friend she fell in love with. Yang refers to Blake as like a sister in Arrowfell. We have NOTHING that confirms Blake is romantically interested in Yang and everything we do see is stuff that homophobes can argue friends do. I just don’t understand why fans are acting like this.
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