#all of mc’s attempts at flirting utterly failing
messysketchyobeyme · 8 months
“Hey, Lucifer,” you say, holding something behind your back, “do you want to see a magic trick?” You step up next to him and bounce on your heels. “It’s a classic from the human world.”
Lucifer, who had just been trying to make himself some breakfast, raises an eyebrow before saying your name in a mildly annoyed tone. “You’re a sorcerer. You can do actual magic. Why would I want to see you do some crude human world trick?” He grabs a carton of milk from the fridge and closes it.
You puff out your cheeks. “Uh, because it’s fun?” Your smile doesn’t falter, but it does tense slightly.
He places the carton on the kitchen counter and rolls his eyes. “Fine, just get it over with.”
Your grin brightens up the room as you pull your arms out from behind your back. Lucifer scrunches up his eyebrows when he realizes that you hadn’t been hiding anything in your hands this entire time. You reach out behind his ear and flick your wrist.
Something red crosses his field of vision. Lucifer blinks…and blinks again. You pull out a rose from behind his ear and hand it to him. You shake the flower slightly when he doesn’t immediately reach out to take it.
Lucifer tentatively plucks the rose from your hand and stares at it. The petals are a fresh, vibrant red color, and the smell is subtle but sweet. A couple of thorns are scattered along the stem. He pokes at one with his thumb, taking note of the indent left behind in his glove.
“Neat trick, huh?” you say. You then prance out of the kitchen, leaving Lucifer alone with his thoughts.
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childrenofcain-if · 10 days
Jumping up and down, biting down on my pillow while I wrestle my neighbor that came to complain about the noise that I'm making while running on my walls. EHEM I meant patiently waiting for the release date :batting eyelashes innocently:. Though I'm curious, how would the ROs react to an MC that's overly flirtratious but in a wet girl/boy/person loser kind of way + uses too many pick up lines/finger guns as a genuine way to flirt when nervous. Loving the premise for your if till now, it's been awhile I've loved all the ROs!!!
aw bonnie, i do hope your neighbour isn’t trying to write you a noise complaint now 💀 i need you to stay out of prison for the release date 🙏🏻
you stood in front of them, wearing that ridiculous grin, eyes bright with a kind of nervous mischief that C had come to recognize too well. it was the prelude to something. and sure enough, it came—finger guns, of all things, pointed directly at them.
“are you french? ‘cause eiffel for you,” you said, your voice wavering slightly, betraying the nervous energy they were trying so hard to mask with charm. you knew damn well C was indeed french, and then the worst part—those finger guns again, paired with a wink that was so exaggerated it made their chest tighten in something like exasperated fondness.
C stared, a muscle in their jaw ticking. it should’ve been infuriating. was infuriating. the way you seemed to lose all sense of dignity the moment you felt nervous, drowning in a sea of bad pick-up lines and gestures better suited for a caricature than a real person. but god, the way your lips curved up at the end of each line, the way you stumbled through your awkward attempts, as if trying to flirt was some kind of dangerous game— it was impossible to look away.
“really?” C raised an eyebrow, trying and failing to hide the faint amusement threading through their voice. “that’s what you’re going with?”
you blinked, clearly flustered, but doubled down. “you know… if you were a vegetable, you’d be a cute-cumber.”
C ran a hand down their face, trying to stifle the laugh threatening to break free. “you’re terrible at this.”
“yeah, well,” MC shrugged, attempting to play it cool but visibly unraveling under C’s gaze, “i’m not trying to impress you, or anything.”
“really?” C stepped closer, and the temperature of the room seemed to shift. their pale green eyes flickered, sharp and predatory, and your breath hitched, the sudden proximity taking away any semblance of ease. “because you’re trying very hard not to look like you’re about to pass out.”
your mouth opened, then shut again, your bravado failing you for a split second. your hand wavered in the air as if debating whether to throw out another absurd gesture, but you were frozen in place under C’s intense stare.
C tilted their head, voice dropping into something darker, more amused. “do you actually think those awful lines are working?”
you swallowed hard. “well, you haven’t walked away yet.”
there it was—the loser charm, the half-baked attempt at deflection, the way you always seemed to bumble your way through these moments, as if too much self-awareness would be your undoing. and somehow, it was disarming. endearing, even. like a puzzle C couldn’t quite solve but found themself fascinated by all the same.
C stared at you for a moment, then blinked, a slow, deliberate thing. their lips quirked up, barely—a ghost of a smile. “you’re... utterly pathetic.”
your lips twitched, trying for a smile but faltering. “and yet… you’re still here.”
C’s gaze softened in a way they couldn’t control, something worryingly close to affection flickering behind their eyes. “i don’t know whether to kiss you or strangle you.”
“hopefully the first one?” your voice cracked just slightly, your attempt at humor failing as C’s hand came up to gently brush a thumb across your cheek.
“god, you’re hopeless,” C murmured, their voice barely a breath between you now.
your eyes fluttered shut, as if waiting for C to close the distance, to turn this fumbling, awkward mess into something real. but C stayed where they were, hovering just inches away, savoring the tension.
“i’m trying, you know,” you whispered, their voice softer now, less ridiculous, more honest. “i just—when i’m around you, i don’t know what to do. it’s like… my brain stops working.”
C smiled—a rare, genuine thing that made the dimples on their cheeks prominent. it had your heart skipping a beat. “maybe stop using finger guns next time.”
you let out a shuddering laugh. “yeah, i’ll… work on that.”
C tilted their head slightly, eyes tracing the curve of your lips. “you’re lucky i like you.”
you swallowed hard. “you do?”
C finally, finally closed the distance, pressing their lips to yours in a way that was both gentle and consuming, their hand curling around the back of your neck to pull you closer. when they pulled back, just barely, their voice was a low murmur against your mouth.
“yeah,” C whispered. “i do.”
V stood there, their gaze flicking nervously between the floor and your face, the faintest blush painting their cheeks. they were always like this—soft-spoken, devout, painfully kind in ways that made you feel like a storm in comparison. and today was no exception. they watched with wide, uncertain eyes as you nervously lifted your hands, finger guns aimed directly at them.
“are you religious?” you asked, your voice pitched higher than usual, betraying the nerves. “because you’re the answer to all my prayers.”
it was ridiculous, really. childish and awkward, with a smile so forced that it threatened to shatter into laughter at any moment. you knew it. you could feel how stupid it all sounded. but when you got nervous, this was the only way you knew how to act—filling the air with jokes, pick-up lines that clung too hard to the air between you and V, desperate for something solid to land on.
V blinked, their brow furrowing slightly like they weren’t sure how to respond. their fingers went instinctively to the small cross around their neck, clutching it like a lifeline, as if the gesture would tell them if you were losing your marbles. “um... thank you?”
your grin wavered, and you swallowed hard. another one, then. you had to try another one.
“are you a magician, then? because when i look at you, everything else just disappears.” you accompany that with a ‘poof’ motion to add more flair.
V’s breath caught in their throat, an embarrassed flush creeping up their neck, the kind of warmth that had no business being there. they blinked, staring at you like they were trying to make sense of a particularly difficult verse, something too foreign to easily translate. it wasn’t that they were hating it—no, it was something else entirely. something in them unfurled, but they couldn’t quite catch it, couldn’t grasp why.
you were fidgeting now, sensing the silence had stretched too long. “uh… not good? i’ve got more.”
V’s mouth twitched, something between a laugh and a sigh escaping them, though they quickly pressed their lips together. they didn’t want to be rude, didn’t want to laugh at you but how did they even respond to that?
“i—” they hesitated, voice quiet and soft as always. “i’m not sure that’s…”
you shot them another look, and there it was again: the finger guns. “is your name google? because you’ve got everything i’ve been searching for.”
yep, that’ll do it. V felt the warmth turn into something dangerously close to laughter, but they caught themself, biting down on the inside of their cheek. they didn’t want to encourage it, didn’t want to make you feel worse, but you were so earnest, so terribly bad at this, and yet so... you.
“i—” V tried again, cheeks flushed deeper now, eyes darting away because they couldn’t look directly at you without the nervousness creeping up their spine. “i think you’re—” they paused, unsure of the right words. kind? ridiculous? wonderful? none of it seemed right, and all of it seemed too much.
you were looking at them, a little too intently now, waiting for some kind of sign, some approval or rejection. you were always looking for something, even in your silliness, and V could feel that weight.
“does it ever work?” V’s voice was smaller now, their eyes dropping to the ground. “you know, those… lines?”
your face lit up with a kind of hope that tugged at V’s chest. “oh, absolutely not. not even once.”
you said it so sincerely, so shamelessly, that V couldn’t help but laugh then, a quiet, breathy sound that made them immediately cover their mouth, as if they’d broken some unwritten rule.
they shook their head, a smile creeping through their repressed amusement. “i don’t know what to do with you.”
you shrugged, clearly a little embarrassed now but still holding onto that grin. “i’m trying. just, you know—” you vaguely do the motions of jazz hands, and V swore they could feel their heart jump while stifling a fit of giggles. “i get nervous, and then… this happens.”
“i think it’s sweet,” V said after a while, more sure of themself this time. “you don’t have to be perfect all the time. not with me.”
you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, and your grin softened, became something more honest. “you think i’m sweet?”
V’s eyes flickered up to meet yours, the blush still warming their cheeks, but this time they didn’t look away. “yeah, i do.”
you stared at them for a long moment, feeling that nervous energy dissolve, replaced by something far more terrifying—a deep, aching tenderness you didn’t quite know how to express. you wanted to reach out, to touch V’s hand, to offer something real instead of your usual barrage of corny jokes. but all you could manage was a quiet, “you’re not so bad yourself.”
V bursts out laughing again, and this time, you laughed with them.
W’s eyes, usually half-lidded with perpetual exhaustion, blinked in bewilderment as you approached them with an awkward bounce in your step. their sapphire gaze traced the way your fingers wavered, the unmistakable flourish of finger guns punctuating each hesitant attempt at flirtation.
“do you believe in love at first sight, or should i walk by again?” you asked, biting back the urge to laugh at yourself.
you watched as W blinked once, then twice, a momentary pause in their steady demeanor. they tilted their head slightly, considering you as if trying to figure out if you were serious. you were, in that embarrassing, frantic way only you could be.
the pick-up line hung in the air like an ill-fitting coat, and W’s mouth twitched, unsure whether to laugh or sigh. the line was delivered with a clumsy earnestness that made W’s heart ache, a mix of tenderness and exhaustion at the forefront of their expression. they rubbed a hand over their tired eyes, as if to clear away the fog of confusion that clung to them.
“um, no,” W said softly, their voice nearly a murmur. “i don’t think that’d be necessary.”
your smile wavered, a shaky thing like a candle in a draft. you laughed, a sound that was too loud, too eager. “well, that’s okay. i guess it already worked the first time, right?”
W swallowed hard, their gaze falling to the ground. if only you knew. but no matter, they thought about playing up the ‘exhausted and sleepy’ part so you won’t mind their silence to that question.
before they could say anything, however, you piped up again. “if i could rearrange the alphabet, i’d put U and I together.”
this time, W face started going red. they opened their mouth, closed it, and then opened it again, clearly unsure whether they should laugh or feel embarrassed on your behalf at this point. they had the air of someone caught in a sudden rainstorm, unprepared for the onslaught, trying to find cover but too polite to complain about getting wet.
your heart stuttered in your chest, unsure if you were supposed to be pleased by the way W’s lips trembled in the smallest of smiles or if you should simply bury yourself in shame at the way they’re turning red like they’re holding in a laugh.
W’s gaze dropped again, their thumbs rubbing nervously over each other. they smiled through their tiredness, but it was shy, careful, like they were afraid it might be taken the wrong way. “that’d be nice. you’re nice.”
and there it was—the words that always unraveled you the most. that delicate kindness, that indulgent air in W that made all of your jokes feel so hollow in comparison. you didn’t deserve someone like them, not with your clumsy attempts at flirting, not with the way you turned every silence into some absurd joke that made all the involved parties uncomfortably awkward.
you cleared your throat, but your voice cracked as you spoke again. “do you… do you have a map? because i keep getting lost in your eyes.”
a pause. W bit their lip, their face now a full shade of ripe tomatoes, and they let out the faintest sound—a stifled laugh, maybe, or something close to it. “i don’t… have a map.”
your heart skipped a beat. it was working! or maybe it wasn’t, but W wasn’t running away. they were standing there, red-faced with the dark circles under their eyes, and you realized that for all your blundering, W wasn’t retreating. they stayed, almost frozen in place, a slightly amused flutter in their gaze but no sign of discomfort. maybe it wasn’t such a ridiculous plan after all.
“elmo?” you asked, your voice quieter now, soft in the way you knew W preferred. “you’re not… mad at me, are you? for being like this?”
W looked startled by the sudden change in tone, their demeanor turning protective. “mad? no, never. why would i be mad?”
“because i’m such a loser around you. i always have been.” your hands twitched, the shadow of finger guns hanging awkwardly in the air between you. “i thought you’d have gotten tired of me by now.”
W’s heart softened, the edges of their amusement fading in the presence of your vulnerability. “i’ve never ever thought or felt like that. if i’m being honest, i think i even prefer this side of you at times.”
you blinked, something anxious flickering in your eyes. “really? i wouldn’t have guessed you’d have a thing for corny losers like me.”
W’s gaze softened even more, and before they knew it, they had reached out, their fingers gently brushing against your wrist, a tentative connection.
“i like you,” they murmured, their voice soft and barely more than a whisper. “cheesy pick-up lines and all.”
your breath caught, and for once, you didn’t have a quick response. instead, you stared at W with wide eyes, something genuine and quiet passing between you in the absence of words.
“you don’t have to do anything,” they whispered, “except stay.”
D watched you with that signature half-lidded stormy gray gaze, the one that always felt like it held a secret; as though they were privy to something no one else was. their arms are crossed loosely over their chest, a lazy smirk tugging at the corner of their mouth.
you, meanwhile, were fumbling. your usual bravery melted into something far less cool, your hands twitching in an exaggerated motion—finger guns, of all things. D almost laughed then but swallowed it down, amused at the absurdity of it. this wasn’t their first time witnessing you stumble over your own feet, and it wouldn’t be the last, but there was something undeniably endearing about it, like watching a bird try to fly while forgetting it doesn’t have wings.
“are you from tennessee?” you asked, your voice catching in the back of your throat. you shot the finger guns again, and D had to suppress an eye-roll at the cheesiness of it all. “because you’re the only ten i see.”
D didn’t react immediately. instead, they watched you with careful precision, letting the silence hang just long enough to feel like a challenge.
“i’m from texas actually,” D’s voice was a low southern drawl, honeyed with amusement. “common mistake, eh?”
you shifted nervously under their gaze, all the awkwardness evident in your stance.
“yeah, i know. i just... thought it was cute,” you answered, almost defensively, your hands still hanging in midair, unsure what to do now that the moment was spiraling out of your control.
a quiet laugh slipped from D’s lips, smooth as silk, barely more than a breath. they uncrossed their arms and stepped forward, closing the distance between you in a way that felt deliberate, dangerous.
“you think this is how you get my attention?” their voice was low, teasing, but there was a flicker of something that hinted at just how carefully D was watching your every move. “cute little lines and finger guns?”
you flushed under the intensity of that stare, scrambling to regain control of the situation. “well, i— yeah, i thought maybe... it would work?” you winced at your own words. god, could this get any worse?
D leaned in just close enough to make your pulse race. “you think i go for cute?” the words were laced with a challenge, a dare for you to keep going, to push past your limits.
you swallowed, every instinct telling you to back down, but instead, you doubled down on the only defense you knew.
“you remind me of a dictionary,” you grinned, forcing out another pick-up line, desperate to keep from crumbling under D’s pinning stare, “because you really do add meaning to my life.”
this time, D did laugh—a rich, joyful sound that seemed to unravel the tension between you in one graceful swoop. they pulled back just enough to catch your eye, shaking their head in disbelief. “you really don’t know when to quit, do you?”
your face burned with embarrassment, but there was a flicker of something softer beneath all the practiced allure and playful flirtations. they weren’t mocking you, not really. in fact, there was a hint of appreciation buried in their amusement, a quiet acknowledgment that you, as ridiculous as you were, had managed to catch their attention in a way nobody else could.
D’s fingers brushed lightly against your wrist, the touch fleeting but electric. “you’re lucky i find this... entertaining. otherwise, you’d be in way over your head.”
you blinked, thrown by the sudden shift in energy. you opened your mouth to respond, but D’s hand was already moving, their fingers ghosting up your arm in a way that left you breathless, speechless.
“i think,” D continued, their voice almost a whisper now, “i like watching you try. you’re terrible at it, no doubt about that, but... there’s something about the way you stumble through it.” their eyes locked onto yours, something unreadable flickering in the depths of their gaze. “i’ve never met someone like you. that much, i can admit.”
you felt your heart skip a beat, your words catching in your throat. all the cheesy pick-up lines, the awkward flirting—none of it seemed to matter anymore, not under the affection in D’s gaze, not when they were standing so close that it felt like the world had shrunk down to just the two of you.
“maybe i’m just a uniquely jumbled mess,” you muttered, your voice barely audible, but D’s hand slid up to cup your cheek, pulling you closer with a softness that was almost unnerving.
“you definitely are, dragă mea,” D agreed, their lips ghosting over yours, so close that it felt like a kiss, but not quite. “but it’s one of the little things i like about you.”
and with that, they kissed you, slow and deliberate, like they’d been waiting for this moment longer than they’d ever let on. you melted into them, every nerve alight, the awkwardness and self-doubt slipping away in the warmth of D’s touch. this, right here, was what you’d been gunning for all along.
M had never known someone quite like you. there was something so bafflingly endearing about you, as if you existed to disrupt V’s neatly ordered world with your awkward charm and unbearable nervousness. it wasn’t that you meant to do so, but the way you flirted—if you could even call it that—made M’s head spin despite their usual stoicism.
they could see it coming a mile away, the way your eyes darted from the floor to M’s face and back again, like you were gathering the courage to throw yourself off a cliff. and then it happened.
your finger guns shot up, aimed clumsily at a literal heir to the british throne. “well, here i am. what were your other two wishes?”
M blinked, incredulity washing over them. seriously? again?
there was a moment of silence that hung heavy in the air, before you, still flustered, tried again. “if you were a fruit, you’d be a fine-apple.”
M sighed, pressing the heels of their palms to their eyes. it was like being trapped in a bad dream, except it wasn’t bad, not really. it was you, standing there, losing your composure in a way that made you seem so painfully human. so vulnerable.
“you’ve got to be kidding me.” M’s voice was low, restrained, an edge of amusement barely detectable. they crossed their arms, leveling you with a look that was part disbelief, part... something else. “is this really your idea of flirting?”
you winced, but it was clear you were trying to save face. “what, do they not like compliments in england?”
“compliments?” M’s laugh was sharp, but not exactly mocking. “you’re telling me those were compliments?”
“okay, maybe not my best,” you admitted, rubbing the back of your neck, your voice dropping into something that sounded closer to sincerity. “but… i mean, you’re kind of distracting, your majesty. you can’t really blame me.”
W narrowed their eyes to hide their barely suppressed delight, studying the way you fidgeted, the way your hands couldn’t seem to stay still. it was always like this—you trying so hard to be smooth, to make M smile with these ridiculous pick-up lines that felt like they belonged in a teen rom-com from the 90s and early 2000s.
“distracting?” M repeated, taking a step closer, watching as your breath stuttered. “how so?”
you swallowed, eyes wide, trying to keep it together. “like… you know… hard to think straight.”
a beat passed, and then M did something unexpected—they laughed. a soft, surprised sound that felt different from their usually polite, regal chuckle. and yet, it somehow sounded better. you blinked, as if unsure whether to be relieved or even more nervous.
“before i met you, i never thought i’d see the day,” M murmured, stepping even closer, the laughter settling into a smile, “when someone would try to flirt with me using finger guns.”
you smiled back, sheepish but hopeful. “well, i aim to please you with my moves. call me twinkle-toes.”
M shook their head, but the smile that tugged at the corners of their mouth betrayed them. they didn’t want to admit it, but something about the whole thing—the terrible pick-up lines, the way you stumbled over your words, the sheer awkwardness of it—was getting to them. softening them, in a way nothing else had.
“you’re a bumbling idiot,” V said quietly, but there was no malice in it. just a strange sort of fondness.
you started to grin. “but i’m your bumbling idiot, right?”
“maybe,” M whispered, voice like a velvet secret. “but i’d suggest you not throw those words so loudly in public.”
your laugh was shaky, but real. “noted. i’ll—uh, keep that in mind, your highness.”
M smiled softly, warmth flickering in their chest despite themself. “just call me by my name, meri jaan. i’d prefer it more right now.”
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qaanngi · 6 years
Hideyoshi is the most wonderful human being that we poor mortals have ever laid eyes on and his precious soul is the most beautiful thing in the world. He's kind and forgiving and protective but not in the slightest weak-willed, he knows what he wants and what he wants is to protect what is dear to him he'll do anything for his family and friend once you're on his side he won't leave you he's the most reliable and supportive person down here
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas anon you
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I’m actually a little sad he’s so underrated because he seems boring/his romance is the very opposite of turbulent/dramatic. That’s the general opinion, and to each their own. When I was younger I was more into the Sasuke of the Uchiha variety myself (still kinda have a fondness for the emo/angsty bad boy type in fiction ngl). Idk when I started having the big soft spot for the soft ones.
But Hideyoshi is just so warm, approachable (at least after the initial suspicion, which is fair), and utterly reliable. It’s both unbearably sweet and heartbreaking that he constantly feels the need to prove that he’s strong and reliable and enough for the MC because he absolutely is. And like, when he’s called Azuchi’s most eligible bachelor/biggest flirt, it’s not because he flirts shamelessly like Shingen or is really forward like everyone but Ieyasu, but rather he’s just kind. He remembers/notices things, he carries stuff for you, he literally dedicated a whole day just to apologize to our best girl, and a point of conflict is that he’s always busy (not to say the others aren’t, but they seem to make time easier than Hideyoshi can), so he made the time for that. Just to apologize and start over. And when he does, he pays so much attention, it’s so freaking sweet. And then it’s implied that he constantly goes out with MC for her shopping trips or tea. Everyone in town loves him - men, women, children, animals, minerals. He’s probably the guy who remembers everyone’s birthdays, and even if it’s super late he’ll show up with a gift and a quick hug if he missed someone’s day.
And you know what else I really love? In nearly every guy’s route so far they make, at some point, an attempt to push the chatelaine away (Ieyasu does it to send her back to her time, Shingen does it/sends her back to Team Oda, Nobu tries for like 2 parts in one chapter??? Doesn’t really do anything lmao, and Masa doesn’t really do it [edit: I forgot Yuki but do I have to say it because his was pretty bad e.e]) but Hideyoshi doesn’t quite do any of that. He does everything in his power so that he doesn’t cross any lines. It’s so damn respectful.
Of course he fails and he and MC share a kiss and he asks her to forget it, but it’s just really refreshing and incredibly nice that he tried to not overstep, and to avoid any hurt feelings before they develop, rather than after. Because Nobunaga might be interested in her (and if it’s Nobu’s route, he is, so Hideyoshi really does keep that distance), because he cares, about her, about Nobu, about people in general that he can’t do a relationship because he wants a free world and he’s so committed to it. And here’s a big thing that really makes Hideyoshi wonderful: compare him to real boys/men. Real guys use friendship as a stepping stone to get in a woman’s pants. This is the Sengoku period where feminism is centuries away. Say MC doesn’t like Hideyoshi and he falls in love with her anyway. He goes out with her all the time. He looks out for her. He absolutely wouldn’t cross that line or cry Friend Zone™ if/when she rejects him, and she does, in Nobu’s route. And I remember either at the end or in the epilogue of his Romantic route he says that the MC belongs to herself.
And because I could talk about Hideyoshi for days, I’m gonna :P (thank you in advance for sending me a message about Hideyoshi Anon sdfhsdfsdfsdkf 🖤🖤)
I absolutely love everything about his character and I’m sad it’s overlooked. As a light/distant history fan I enjoyed reading into all the warlords but I appreciate that Hideyoshi, both real and IkeSen’s, was a commoner who rose through the ranks (I’ve always been a sucker for the underdog trope though). While I was reading up on him he never struck me as a villainous sort of person, so when the character previews/interviews came up and Sasuke compared IkeSen’s nice Hideyoshi to history’s tyrannical one I was so, so, so intrigued. That little tease of what happened had AUs blowing up in my mind, but then it’s actual history - he did conduct a sword hunt and he did burn a ton of money for invasions near the end of his career/life.
And I love IkeSen’s reason for why.
Nobunaga is like, the poster guy for the game (even though Masa’s the icon lmao), but his involvement in Hideyoshi’s route is so important. The whole cast appears in each route in some capacity, but as far as I can tell/remember, other guys have a limited role/level of impact because the route focuses on the relationship between the MC and her suitor.
Nobunaga is so important in Hideyoshi’s route. The climax of the story revolves around him.
I’m disappointed Mitsunari didn’t have a larger role in Hideyoshi’s route (I’m actually really hoping his relationship with Hideyoshi is expanded upon in his route on the level of Hideyoshi and Nobunaga’s), but Nobu’s impact on Hideyoshi’s life is revealed in one poignant flashback, and then little glimpses that are so telling just by implying. It’s really good writing to me. It’s always a point of humour how much Hideyoshi loves Nobunaga, but when he disappears you can see Hideyoshi’s world just crumble. He lost the one person who told him that he can make his life whatever he wants it to be, to challenge social classes and a system and society that pushed him into banditry and where he was ready to just die because he had nothing. As Hideyoshi said, his life really started when he met Nobu. He had that much of an impact on his life. 
Everything turned around for him when he met Nobu, and like you said Anon he’s so incredibly loyal he’s always ready to die for the person he believes in, and others, of course. Hideyoshi’s made fun of for this but this is the guy who gave him the opportunity to have something and be someone and to make an actual difference, and Hideyoshi has no sense of self worth, even by the end of his route (and I feel for him, because he was raised in an environment where everything and everyone told him that he was worthless, and it’s a hard feeling to shake) his sense of value is still dependent on the MC. It’s a little problematic, but ends on a hopeful note because she wants him to see his own worth and he’s starting to feel it.
When he shares his history, we get to see how his character has grown - not fully, but it’s implied, and it’s a lot of change. He was an outcast, then a criminal, then he worked his way up to being Nobu’s right hand, and the way his principles developed from resorting to banditry to bowing to Kazu in the market to apologize as if he’d done something to hurt him. This is a guy everyone in town loves (enough to be considered Azuchi’s Black Friday Event) because he is so kind and puts himself out there and looks out for everyone because he wants a world where everyone is treated equally.
And then the wormhole teases what could happen to him, to this wonderful, loving person who works so hard, suddenly becoming entirely merciless and greedy. I actually kind of would pay a lot of money to see that in like an animated movie form. It’s a compelling story, even if it would smash my heart into a million pieces. And because we spend so much time getting to know how sweet he is, when Sasuke says that he’s supposed to be like that, it’s just got that much more impact. What a tragedy to lose such a beautiful, wonderful, warm, and kind person. And after all he’s been through, all he’s worked for, all he’s done to change himself, to do something meaningful, to mean something to so many, his heart on his sleeve turning to ice and then dying alone among greedy vultures. It’s only teased, but it suggests such a sad ending. It was so powerful.
sdkfhsdlfsd I just have so many feelings about Hideyoshi thank you again Anon for hitting up my inbox. I can literally scream about him forever xD
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amemixfan · 7 years
Iseul pushing Imohn and MC together because they like each other
Name used here is Hannah. ——“I swear I have tried everything! Those two are like shy school children and it is frustrating. Do you know how hard it is to try and set them up?” Iseul groaned. His head fell into his hands and he grit his teeth. Saerys and Reiner glanced at each other, amused before Reiner cleared his throat. “What exactly are you talking about, Iseul?” He asked. Iseul rapped his knuckles against the table and raised his glass of fairy mead to his lips. Taking a languid sip, he glared across the room. His sibling, Imohn, was seated next to his friend, Lady Hannah, yet was trying not to look in her direction. Their gaze would wander everywhere but at her and their body was tense as if nervous. Even at such a close proximity, they refused to make a move. Iseul bit his cheek in frustration. “Imohn and Hannah like each other. Lady Hannah told Altea in private a few weeks ago and Imohn let it slip to me that they favored Hannah. I’ve been trying to get them together ever since yet they refuse all of my attempts. Do you know how hard it is to set up two people who are painfully oblivious?”Saerys raised an eyebrow, clearly entertained, and bit back a smile. “What have you been attempting exactly?”“What haven’t I been attempting is a better question,” Iseul corrected. He shook his head and made a face. “Three times I’ve tried pushing them together and three times I have failed.”“Three times?” Reiner repeated. Iseul nodded and raised up three fingers before wiggling them. “A few days ago, Lady Hannah was practicing archery. I could tell her stance was wrong and was causing her to miss the bullseye. I almost went to her myself before remembering that my dear sibling would be a better teacher. I told Imohn to go and adjust her stance and they agreed. I was hoping they would wrap their arms around her and adjust her position, a trick I’ve done myself several times that tends to get the person I am interested in, in my bed, yet Imohn just stood to the side and gave instructions. They didn’t touch Hannah, they didn’t flirt, they just stood their with their arms behind their back and droned on as to how Lady Hannah could adjust her stance. Do you know what that means?”There was a brief pause where his two companions gave each other amused stares before shaking their heads. Iseul pinched the bridge of his nose. “It means they’re even more hopeless than what I thought. After that little failed excursion, I decided on another task. Once when I was enamored with a faerie, a friend of mine set me up on a date with them without telling me. She arranged for the boy to meet her in a restaurant then invited me as well. When the day came, she never showed so I was alone with the faerie who later became my lover. I tried this approach but guess what happened?”Reiner raised his glass to his lips. “It didn’t work?” He attempted awkwardly. Iseul nodded and threw his hands up in exasperation. “Yes! It took me days to convince her to go into town with me, and when I never showed, she came right back. She and Imohn left town without even spending a few moments there simply because I told them I was feeling under the weather. Imohn came to watch over me to make sure that I was not ill, and Lady Hannah came to scold me for planning an outing and never showing up. None of them took the bait.” Iseul puffed at his cheeks and drowned his mead. He went quiet for a second in which he took the time to vent mentally. When he was done, he tapped his knuckles against the table again. “That happened in the span of a week. By that time, I was utterly frustrated. I decided to pull one more trick out of my sleeve. A wise person once told me that jealousy goes a long way. I decided to make my sibling jealous in the hopes that it would be enough to coax out a confession. I took them and Lady Hannah out for a night at a bar. Altea came with me to help. Together, we schemed one final plan. While we were drinking, Altea made sure to set the mood of a romantic party. Then, I made sure to introduce my sibling to a few people that would enjoy their company. I managed to get them surrounded by possible lovers then tried to assess how Lady Hannah felt. While she looked off put by Imohn’s sudden popularity, she refused to take the bait. She told me she was glad Imohn might find someone for themselves and was entirely excited for them all evening. It was utterly maddening. Altea and I could tell she was heartbroken, yet she didn’t rise to the occasion. Had it been me, I would have marched over there and whisked them away from all of their suitors with a love confession. It is mind boggling,” he murmured. Reiner digested the information. “That is a good thing, that Lady Hannah was not envious. It shows maturity, Iseul,” he then dropped his voice to a father’s scolding tone, “What is not mature is to get involved in other people’s affairs. Perhaps if you stepped back from your meddling, things could run their own course?”“Their course runs slower than molasses. With my help, I can speed it along,” Iseul protested. “If I were them, I would hate for you to intervene. I would tell you to stay out of it. When Lady Hannah and Imohn realize you’ve been scheming, I doubt they will be very pleased,” Saerys took his chance to reprimand him. Outnumbered by them and frustrated, Iseul raised his glass to his lips, remembered he had finished it, and set it down with a huff. There was a color to his cheeks brought from the alcohol although he wasn’t feeling very tipsy. Despite this, he was becoming frustrated by his companions’ lack of understanding at a faster pace than one he would have had, had he been sober. Seriously, couldn’t Reiner and Saerys see he was the only hope Imohn and Hannah had? They were both too oblivious for their own good so now Iseul had to rise to the occasion otherwise he’d have to put up with two very lonely single people star-crossed by their own shyness. Iseul jabbed his finger at Saerys’ chest and frowned. “I know my sibling, my friend. Imohn is rather reserved when it comes to their emotions. It took them forever to even admit they were in need of companionship. With their thought process, it would take them a full century before they even braved asking Hannah for a chance to sit next to her let alone court her. Without me, the prospect is hopeless,” he protested. Reiner gave an amused smile and made a sound at the back of his throat. “Are you sure it is hopeless? Maybe your meddling is not needed.”Iseul spun on him next with exasperation spilling from his tone. “It is needed! With a few more attempts, I can manage it. I just need a solid plan, something that’ll work. I’m at my wits end with those two and need fresh ideas. Do you have any?”Reiner made no comment, the amused grin of his growing. Saerys glanced at him before echoing his smile. “One, let things proceed naturally. Fate has a way of playing out by itself if we let it. Just step back and watch it happen,” the demon counseled. Iseul rose from his seat at the table as irritation gnawed at him. He picked his glass up and signaled for a refill. “You both don’t get it. Hannah and Imohn are two of the most hopeless people I’ve ever met. Without me, there is no chance. Alas, it looks like I’ll have to proceed with my plans alone.”He stressed out the final word and made a move to turn around. Reiner and Saerys rose to their own feet. Moving around the table, Reiner clapped a hand on Iseul’s back and chuckled. “How confident are you that Dragon Master Imohn will not be able to manage things them self?” He inquired. Saerys appeared at Iseul’s other side and grinned similarly. “I bet you another pint of ale things will work perfectly on their own. Do we have a deal?” He extended his hand. Iseul glanced at it, sniffed, and took it. They shook on the bet and Iseul smirked. “Looks like you will be paying for my new drink,” he waved his empty bottle around. Reiner let out a laugh and Saerys smirked. “Not quite, turn around, dear Cupid,” he voiced. Iseul gave him a look before turning around. He glanced around the room without realizing what he was meant to see before freezing. There, tucked away at the side of the dance floor were two people. Lady Hannah had her arms around Imohn’s tall frame and was dancing with them. Their movements were elegant and perfect, beautifully in tune with the music. It was breathtaking and surprising. Iseul opened his mouth in avid surprise, spluttered something about ‘not believing it’ and Saerys tightened his grip on his shoulders. His voice, dripping with sarcasm and amusement at the elf’s expense, sang in his ear. “Looks like your meddling was not needed after all,” he smirked and pushed his empty glass into Iseul’s hand, “now…about that drink?”
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my-mystic-messenger · 8 years
Hello! I love your writing and would love to request a little ficlet/scenario from you, if possible! I'd love to see your take on the RFA & Saeran drunk dialing MC and saying "I love you" for the first time? (or vice versa, MC calling them and saying it).
This one was very fun to write. Had I not gotten sick I would have been much quicker and the quality would be better, but I hope you enjoy it as it is nevertheless :3
In which drama never happened and MC had months to get to know everyone going after anyone in particular...until now...
He’dbeen jogging around the part, enjoying the cold air of the nightcooling his heating body. It was quiet, empty and peaceful, nothingbut the music from his headphones to be heard. Zen had beencompletely engrossed in the song, quietly humming along when suddenlyin broke off. For a moment he wondered whether it was his headphones,when suddenly the music was replaced by his ringtone. A call then,but not just any. You were calling. He fished out his phone from hisjogging pants and instantly accepted the call. “Hey, gorgeous,what’s up”, he asked, a little out of breath as he was stillrunning. “Zen. Zenny. ZenZen. Zennyboy. Prince Charming. Thefairest of them all”, came your reply, words slurred into thephone. He couldn’t help but laugh, cheerful and breathy. “Are youdrunk, by any chance”, he asked. “I don’t get drunk! I getawesome.”
Zenlaughed again, utterly amused at your state. You were so obviouslydrunk and yet denying. It was kind of adorable and yet worrisome atthe same time. Hadn’t you said that you didn’t drink, let alone getdrunk like that? Was everything alright? “MC, is everythingalright?” There were undefinable sounds coming from your end of theline when suddenly you spoke again: “I’m peachy!” You did soundpeachy, but Zen couldn’t shake the feeling that there was somethingyou weren’t telling him. “What are you doing right now, gorgeous?Nothing dangerous, right”, he asked, slowing down a little so hecould make out exactly what was going on. You just chuckled. “Nothingdangerous, I promise. Just lying in bed, thinking about you.” Therustling of sheets…so that is what he’d heard just now. Zensmirked. “My Lady, that is quite the naughty thing to say to a man.I told you we’re all beasts and one could misunderstand your words.” 
“And what if I meant them?” Zen tripped and stumbled, barelyable to keep himself on his feet. He froze for a moment, taken abackby your words. Did you mean it? No, that couldn’t be. You’d nevermade such advances before and he’d been mercilessly flirting with yousince the day you joined RFA. Maybe it was just your drunk mindpulling a prank on the two of you. He was ripped from his thoughts bya loud sigh from you. “I knew I shouldn’t have called. Saying Ilove you over the phone is really not romantic, right? Silly me”,you said, chuckling sweetly like it was nothing while Zen wasbordering on having a heart attack. “MC I - “, he spoke quietly,ready to return the sentiment when suddenly you cut him off. “Ohshit, bladder is acting up. I gotta take a whiz. Bye bye”, yousing-songed, blew a kiss at the phone and ended the call as abruptlyas you’d started it.
Zenstood there for a good minute, fingers still pressing against theearplug like he was trying to hear you better when you’d hung up along while ago. His heart was beating so rapidly in his chest Zenfeared he might faint from it. He walked to the nearest bench,slumped down onto the cold wood and buried his heated face in hishands. You’d just told him you loved him in the most unromantic waypossible. You were drunk, you did it over call and you didn’t evenlet him reply because you had to pee. None of it was in any way sweetor nice like he’d always imagined it so why…why on earth did hefeel like the air had just been sucked out of his lungs, stomachfilled with those little, fluttering butterflies he hadn’t felt inyears?!
Hisphone went off in the middle of a round of LOLOL. At first heconsidered not picking up. The fight was at its peak and if he letdown his guild members now they wouldn’t forgive him for ages and hemight have to make it up to them by giving away some of his rareitems. It’d happened before and Yoosung was still salty about it.However, as he glanced as his phone to see who was calling – todetermine just how important the call was – he caught a glimpse ofyour name. Without a second thought he reached for his phone to pickup. In the chat you’d mentioned that you were going to a friendsBachelorette party and while Yoosung didn’t know much about what wenton during those parties, he knew that alcohol was generally involved.A quick glance at the time told him it was already pretty late andYoosung got worried that something had possible happened to you.
Whenhe picked up he was greeted by loud music in the background, shrilllaughter and you desperately trying to shush everyone whilesuppressing your own chuckle. “Oh shit, he picked up. Shut upeveryone”, he heard you hiss, quiet as if you were covering yourphone to muffle the sound. He frowned for a moment but then yourvoice was back and this time obviously directed at him. “H-Hi,cutey-pie”, you spoke, voice slurred and followed by laughter formnot just you, but all the women with you. “How you doin'”, sheasked, for some reason earning even louder laughter from her friends.“I’m fine, just playing some LOLOL, but how are you? Is everythingalright?” There was some muffled talk in the background with youtrying to shush your friends once more before you yet again returnedto the phone to talk.
“So my friends and I were playing truth ordare, you see, and I picked dare”, you spoke, obviously drunk. Somuch so that sometimes you needed multiple attempts to say a word.Yoosung was having a hard time following, especially as he was tryingto game at the same time. The phone was tugged between his shoulderand ear to keep his hands free. It was uncomfortable, but he couldn’tjust hang up on you. “Okay, sounds like fun. As long as you’realright, I’m glad”, he said. “No, no, no, wait”, you saidquickly. “Don’t hang up yet. I still have to tell you somethingimportant.” There was loud snickering in the background and Yoosungwas getting the feeling that he was being pranked. Usually Seven’scalls started much the same and it always ended poorly for himsomehow. “Listen, if this is some sort of -”
“I love you,Yoosung.” You broke into a fit of chuckles while Yoosung couldpractically feel his brain breaking apart at the same time. “Thegirls had me – hey, no, give me back my phone. Don’t be like that”,he heard you say, your voice getting quieter and quieter with everyword you said. Instead the music and laughing were getting louder.“Goodbye, cutey-pie”, the all screamed into the phone, laughingmanically before the connection was cut and Yoosung was leftcompletely speechless, without the chance to so much process whatyou’d just said, let alone reply. His eyes were trained on the screenof his computer, watching his guild being slaughtered as hischaracter stood motionless in the middle of the battlefield. All ofthem were cursing Yoosung and he knew he’d have a lot of making up todo, but he just couldn’t care. Not when the one girl he’d beensecretly crushing on for months had just admitted to loving him. Andthe idiot he was he hadn’t immediately said it back!
You’dbeen very quiet in the chat for a while and Jaehee becameincreasingly worried about your well-being. Whenever she asked you,you either avoided the question or gave her some half-hearted answerabout some minor thing that was bugging you. She knew better though,knew that there was something much, much bigger that was making youfeel so down. The worst part about it was though, that she had noidea what the possible reason might be. Everything seemed perfectlyfine. Everyone in the RFA loved you, the cafe was doing great, youhadn’t fought and if anything the two of you living together made thesituation much more relaxed and fun. You shared the rent and thechores, reducing the stress levels in both of your lives a lot.Jaehee didn’t know what to do anymore. Usually she was all forrespecting peoples privacy, but she was legitimately worried for you.
Afteryet another failed attempted of asking you Jaehee turned to the RFAmembers. In the chat she told them about the situation and everyoneagreed that you had been acting rather strange. However, when sheasked for a reason no one seemed to know what was going on either andshe left the chat not the smarter. That was until about two hourslater she got a call from Zen. Apparently he’d been worried too butas opposite to Jaehee, you’d actually opened up to him. Apparentlyyou’d just broken up with your boyfriend of multiple years anddespite the whole thing not having been a messy break-up it stillhurt to let go of something like that. Jaehee thanked Zen for sharingthat with her – as she felt glad to finally know what was up –but didn’t in any way prolong the conversation, instead ending itrather soon, surprising both Zen and herself at the same time.
Jaeheedidn’t fully understand her behaviour either. Usually she would haverejoiced at a call from Zen, done anything to make it last longer.This time, however, she felt somewhat bitter and disappointed insteadof cheerful like the usually would. Upon thinking about it Jaeheerealized it was because of you. She was hurt because you’d chosen totell something as important and monumental to Zen instead of her. Shethought she was your best friend and yet you went to Zen first. Whathad she done wrong? Were you mad at her? Did you possibly havefeelings for Zen and wanted to let him know you were on the market?!For some reason that one hurt her the most. She couldn’t exactlypinpoint why, but it did. That day she didn’t join any chats either.
Shedidn’t feel like talking to anyone until she saw your name flash onthe screen of her phone and just couldn’t hold back. With a sigh shepicked up, ready to hear what you had to say. “Heeeeey Jaeheeeee”,you called into the phone and it didn’t take a genius to figure outthat you were intoxicated. Which in itself was quite strange, as youusually never drank, let alone to excess. “MC, Zen told me aboutyour break-up. I am sorry you’re so hurt by it.” What followed wasa bitter laugh on your part and a snort like it was the mostridiculous thing you’d ever heard. “I’m not hurt by it. I was theone who broke up”, you laughed. Now that part had Jaehee ratherconfused. “But then…why haven’t you been in the chat and why areyou drunk”, she asked you. “Because I’m in love with you.” Sucha simple reply and yet it shook Jaehee to the core. Especially whenshe realized that…she felt the same? She hadn’t been jealous of youtalking to Zen, she’d been jealous of him talking to you.“Oh…I think we should talk about this when you’re sober. I wouldlike to say it back with you remembering it.”
Juminhad told everyone that he was on an overseas trip, so they shouldrefrain from calling him. So when his phone went off, in the middleof a very important meeting at that, he was admittedly ratherirritated. At first he didn’t even consider picking up. Jumin didn’teven look at his buzzing phone. If this deal didn’t go through hewould be in big trouble with his father, as he’d been very adamantabout what an important client that was. Funnily enough it wasactually the client that looked at Jumin’s screen and smiled at him,telling him to pick up. He’d seen your name and figured you wereJumin’s girlfriend. While his assumption was wrong, he was right inthinking that Jumin would care for your call. Somehow, over thecourse of the last couple of months, Jumin had completely fallenunder your spell. He’d never dared to voice as much, always remainingat a comfortable and polite distance, but whenever you reached out tohim he found himself compelled to follow your call.
When he pickedup the phone, a gentle smile on his face, the first thing he heardwas you singing. It was loud and off key, like you weren’t reallytrying. Turns out that you were just really drunk. He liked theoccasional glass of liquor himself, everyone knew of his love forwine, but he was also very clear on setting certain limits. You’djust overstepped one. “MC, are you alright? Is everything okay”,he asked, frowning and trying to ignore everyone at the meetingstaring at him. He could hear gasps and nervous screeching from theother end of the line, quiet cursing as you apparently turned downthe music a little before finally returning to the phone where Juminhad been waiting. “H-h-how much did you h-hear”, you askedbetween hiccups. Your voices sounded a little off as well and notjust slurred. It was almost strained and Jumin deduced that you’dbeen crying.
“Youwere singing that song we danced to at the last party”, he replied,face now somewhat pained. He was just happy you couldn’t see it. Theway he knew you, you would have worried. It was a little embarrassingto show this side in front of clients, but he’d been asked to pick upthe phone and he could hardly hang up on you when you were in such astate. “You… you re – hic – member”, you asked. Jumin wassurprised to realize that he felt physical pain upon hearing how shyand sad you seemed to sound in that moment. What was going on? “Ofcourse I remember. It was a lovely evening, but that doesn’t matterright now. You’ve cried, haven’t you? What happened, MC. You know youcan tell me.” He’d expected a lot of things. Everything from adeath in the family to you having been fired or such. Never in amillion years had Jumin considered that he was the reason for yourpainful tears, but as it turned out, that was precisely the case.
Youwent on explaining how the song had come on and how you’d somehowbroken down crying because of it. “I’ve been in love with you forso long now and I though…I guess I hoped that-that you felt thesame, but you never made any advances and I - oh God, what am Idoing? I’m so sorry, Jumin. You’re on a business trip and I’m drunkdialing you. I’m so sorry. I should go. Please forget I ever called.Bye.” You hung up so fast he hadn’t even been able to beg you notto. You were in love with him. In your most vulnerable and honeststate the first thing on your mind was to call him to tell him youloved him. Had he known of your feelings you wouldn’t have beencrying in the first place. Well, luckily there was more than enoughtime to remedy that. Jumin instantly got up, frantically gatheringhis things. “I am so but I will have to cut this meeting short. Thewoman that has bewitched my body and soul just admitted to loving meand I find myself in dire need to return the sentiment.”
Inhindsight he should have seen it coming. You’d tried to talk to himmany times over the course of the last couple of months, but whilethe moment had never been right time and you’d never actually utteredthe words he should have been able to deduce them. What was hismastermind good for if he couldn’t even understand as much as themost basic human emotion? At first he’d been happy about it, as hestill considered himself a dangerous person for anyone to be around,let alone someone as kindhearted, fragile and breakable like you.Then days of not really talking started to turn into weeks and Sevenfound himself rather lonely.
He tried to evaluate what hadhappened, why you’d suddenly stopped talking to him when you stillseemed to be alright with talking to everyone else. Even moresurprising, however, was the fact that he could not for the love ofhim understand why it hurt him so much. He’d perfected letting go ofpeople over the years. His job demanded such petty relationships, aseverything else was dangerous. However, he started to realize thatdespite his better judgement, he’d formed a deeper bond with you. Onehe could no longer ignore as it threatened to consume him. He missedyour silly message sessions of just exchanging memes, missed the twoof you teasing the rest of the RFA members together, missed yourphone calls late and night talking about the silliest things. Hemissed you and there wasn’t a single robot he could build that wouldchange that.
Heattempted to reach out for you once, in a weak moment late at nightafter yet another exhausting and draining day at work. He’d calledyou multiple times, dying to just hear your voice for a minute. Youdidn’t pick up. Not only that, but you even pressed away his call. Inthat moment Seven realized just how much he’d apparently fucked upyour relationship. The problem was though, that he wasn’t quite surewhat he’d done. Surprisingly, however, he needed to know though,urgently, and so he went through all your texts and chats and callsto find the reason. Seventeen times. You’d asked him whether youcould talk in private and in person seventeen times and every singleone of them he’d been bury with something ‘more important’.
Atthat moment he couldn’t even feel hurt about you ignoring him. Hebrought it upon himself. Despite it hurting, Seven gave up onreaching you in that moment. He was about to make peace with the factthat you’d never talk to him again when his phone chimed with thering tone he’d picked for you. When he picked up you soundeddrunk…and frustrated? “Now listen here, smartass, because I havesomething to say and this time I won’t let you off the hook”, youstarted. Seven tried to stop you, begged you not to say the words heknew you wanted to say, because he knew he wouldn’t be able to resistand it was just too dangerous.
“Shutup! I’m so tired of your excuses so you’ll listen. I love you,Saeyoung. I love your shitty jokes, love your dumb mistakes and sillyglasses. I love every last thing about you other than the fact thatyou’re trying to push me away all the time. What’s up with that?Anyway, I’ve had it. I know that you know where the apartment is sotomorrow at eight sharp you’ll come and pick me up with a bag ofHoney Buddha chips as a gift, you’ll take me to the arcade, let mebeat your ass in everything and kiss me goodbye at the door aftersetting a date for our second date. Understood?!” And really, whocould say no?
Thething is, most of your communication happened over the phone. It hadall started out with that one fateful text that had led you straightto the RFA. After that your life had been turned upside down and sohad his. In amidst all the drama – and his fable attempts to kidnapand recruit you for Magenta – you’d somehow managed to bond.Messages exchanged here and there, but a connection had graduallybeen build. To the point where he’d been willing to accept your helpover his own brothers for the longest of time. You’d been the phonewho’d gotten him into a mental institution and for the first coupleof weeks texted him very single day just to check up on him. He’dnever replied and yet you’d never lost your calm or kindness. Ifanything you’d showered him in it even more, never giving up on himlike everyone else in his life had. 
Somehow he’d fallen for youover the span of a couple of months and while he didn’t allow himselfto pursue you, he eagerly waited for every message of yours. Still,Saeran didn’t reach out to you for a multitude of reasons. One of thereasons being that he didn’t feel stable enough to start therelationship with you that he wanted. Then they actually took hisphone away in the clinic and despite missing your messages, Saerandidn’t stop them. He had long way to go to be the man you deservedand he would have hated it had he craved and texted you back beforethe due time. Luckily it was no longer an issue and when he wasreleased a couple months later and got his phone back the first thinghe did was check for messages. You’d texted him every day, withoutfail and Saeran eagerly read through every single one of them,smiling down at his phone as he did.
Of course he would later denyever having done so, but he knew better. However, he hadn’t quitereached his goal yet and so once more he decided not to reach out.Not when he still had a long way to go. Another couple of monthspassed. Saeran had joined his twin in the agency, working as both ahacker as well as a field man depending on what they needed for thecase. His doctors had deemed him mentally stable, he was earning goodmoney on a more or less proper job and he finally felt like he was ina good place in his life. Of course his first through had been tocall you, as you’d made all of it possible. The thought of being withyou had kept him sane over the past couple of months. There wasnothing else he desired to achieve other than having you in his life.
Whenyou called a mere hour later it was almost spooky, even to him. Itfelt like you had some sort of connection and the thought alone madeSaeran laugh out. Still, it seemed like a sign. Him realizing that hewas stable with you calling right after had to mean that it wasalright to go after you and so he picked up the phone. Admittedly hehadn’t thought that you’d be drunk out of your mind, but at least theconversation was funny that way. “MC, I think you should reallyconsider sleeping it off”, he’d suggested after you attempting toserenade him for the third time, assuring him just how much you lovedhim. “Who are you? My Mommy?” For someone who’d played mother henfor him and the rest of the RFA for so long you sure soundedjudgemental. Saeran couldn’t help but laugh.
“No,but I’d like to be your boyfriend”, he’d replied easily, smirkingas he waited for your reaction. “Wait…what?” You’d sounded soutterly confused, it had been extremely hard not to burst outlaughing. In fact, Saeran had been forced to cover his mouth, take adeep breath to calm himself. It was almost as if you hadn’t evenconsidered the possibility he might return the feelings. “Nothing,just go to sleep goddamn it ”, he’d said attempting to sound sternand failing miserably. Lucky for him you were drunk enough that you’dnot notice.“Jeez, fine. Bye mom. Love you.” He’d hummed, hung upthe phone and that was that. Come morning he would definitely teaseyou about that conversation, but he wouldn’t be any less pleasedabout it. After all, he’d just officially made you his.
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