#all of them were so nice and relaxed šŸ‘
vacancy90 Ā· 2 years
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Happy Andi today šŸ˜ƒ What an absolute pleasure šŸ˜
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viviennevermillion Ā· 1 year
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āœ§ É“į“į“›į“‡źœ±: yayyy my first commission! 7.2k words of pure jing yuan fluff. want the entire fluff alphabet for your fave too or just a very long fic for any character of your choice? check my commission info! this took me 6 hours so reblogs would be appreciated! šŸ‘
āœ§ É“į“į“” į“˜ŹŸį“€ŹÉŖÉ“É¢: this jing yuan song
āœ§ į“”į“€Ź€É“ÉŖÉ“É¢źœ±: none
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A = Affection
(How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)Ā 
Jing Yuan first and foremost is someone who easily adapts to you. If youā€™re a rather reserved person who doesnā€™t initiate affection a lot, Jing Yuan is more likely to give you space and show his affection more subtly through quality time spent together, doing things you enjoy, or just idle moments spent in each otherā€™s presence whilst doing your own stuff and him reaching for your hand every once in a while to show you how much he enjoys his bonding time with you and that heā€™s thinking of you even when he looks busy.
If youā€™re a very affectionate person, Jing Yuan definitely indulges you and makes sure to initiate affection equally as much as you do. Heā€™ll often reach for you, wrapping his arms around your waist while pressing little affectionate kisses to your neck or your cheek. Jing Yuan also likes to make your day a little easier, surprising you after a long day of work with a nice meal he made for you. He lets you sit on his lap if you want to while he works, because he loves having you this close to him even when he canā€™t focus all of his attention on you.Ā 
Sometimes youā€™ll enter his office hesitantly, not wanting to bother or distract the busy general from his duty; but the doubts fade away as soon as he notices you and turns his head to look at you, greeting you with the warmest smile only reserved for you. Jing Yuan doesnā€™t hesitate to open his arms to you, letting out a relaxed sigh when youā€™re finally in his embrace. ā€œThese little visits are always the best part of my dayā€, he hums quietly and presses a soft kiss to your lips. You know then, heā€™s been missing your affections as much as you missed his.
B = Best friend
(What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)Ā 
Jing Yuanā€™s friendship with you is a wild card. It could start with the two of you working together, just as a lot of his relationships with other people started. Or it could be something totally unexpected; like both of you reaching for the last copy of a book you were looking forward to read in a shop and deciding that you could just share it. Jing Yuan is a gentle soul and somehow, even after all heā€™s been through or perhaps because of it, he never closes the gate to his heart.Ā 
Where Dan Heng and Blade became reserved and distant after everything that transpired with the High Cloud Quintet, Jing Yuan found the resolve to value the people in his life even more and treasure his time with them, even if it might not last. Similarly, Jing Yuan as your best friend is attentive and selfless; heā€™s hyper-aware of what you add to his life and what he learns from you, something he believes is the essence of what we gain from social relationships, and heā€™s grateful for it. You could show up on his doorstep at 2am in the pouring rain, unsure of where else to go, and he would smile at you gently and invite you in; ready to give you the sense of safety and care you deserve. Jing Yuan is always trying his best to be kind and understanding but he will also definitely be the voice of reason whenever you need a reality check. Heā€™s really good at finding the balance between validating your feelings and simultaneously disagreeing with you. Jing Yuan is easy to befriend and easy to get along with. Heā€™s a good friend and you can be glad to have him by your side.Ā 
C = Cuddles
(Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)Ā 
Jing Yuan loves cuddles! His favorites definitely are when both of you have cleared your schedules and can just lay down in bed and cuddle for a while. He loves being the big spoon and hugging you from behind. His fingertips would run up and down your arm and heā€™d end up playing with your fingers or massaging your hands. Heā€™ll often press a kiss to your neck or the shell of your ear. Sometimes he asks you to turn your head to him a little more so he can reach your cheek with his lips.Ā 
Jing Yuan also enjoys when you rest your head against his chest. He sleeps with his shirt off and he enjoys the feeling of your cheek resting against his skin. Jing Yuan always has a comfortable warmth to him. He also gets very clingy in his sleep. Youā€™d already be cuddling when he falls asleep but once heā€™s off in deep sleep, heā€™ll drape his leg over yours and try to pull you even closer into his chest. You had to wake him up from time to time to time to tell him to stop squishing you so much. Heā€™ll have a bashful expression on his face and will apologize. ā€œIā€™m sorryā€¦ seems I got a little carried away in my dreamsā€, he chuckles and presses a kiss to your forehead. ā€œAs cute as you are when you get clingy, unfortunately I canā€™t fall asleep if you squeeze me in your arms like thatā€, you sigh with a smile on your face, running a hand through his messy hair.Ā 
D = Domestic
(Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
If Jing Yuan starts a relationship with you, itā€™s with the intention to make it last. He has been the General for a very long time now and he knows heā€™ll retire from this job eventually. And when he does, he wants you to still be there by his side to spend the rest of his days with him.Ā 
Fu Xuan has definitely jokingly referred to Jing Yuan as a househusband before because thatā€™s how he acts around you, despite having a job and responsibilities. Jing Yuan is very good at cooking and you always love it when he makes something for you. Youā€™re definitely looking forward to being able to eat his food for the rest of your life.Ā 
He does clean but thatā€™s something heā€™d rather do together with you. Heā€™ll often feel unmotivated to do it, although he gets up to clean anyway if it needs to be done, but heā€™ll prefer to take some time with you to throw on a nice song both of you like and clean together whilst conversing about whatever comes to mind. It can make an activity he usually dislikes actually fun for him.Ā 
There are a lot of domestic moments with Jing Yuan throughout your daily life that you definitely would not want to miss out on, be it keeping him company while he cooks; wrapping your arms around his waist and leaning your head against his back; or cleaning sessions being randomly interrupted by Jing Yuan asking you for a dance in the living room.Ā 
E = Ending
(If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)Ā 
If he breaks up with you, it would always be for your own good; either because your safety is compromised by associating with him or because he notices heā€™s no longer good for you. If he does plan to break up with you, Jing Yuan definitely spends a couple of sleepless nights trying to find the method that would hurt you the least; because even if he no longer sees a future for the two, youā€™ve still been an important part of his life for so long and it breaks his heart to see you cry.Ā 
Heā€™d definitely do it during a time where neither of you have any plans for the rest of the day or even the next day. Heā€™d sit you down and tells you thereā€™s something he needs to talk about with you. He tries to keep it together but he canā€™t help tearing up when he tries to actually get the words out. He only hopes you will still be on good terms even after the breakup and that you will be happy again.
That aside, Jing Yuan handles breakups terribly. Not as horrible as some other characters (i.e. Blade), but everytime he meets you now, heā€™ll accidentally end up saying something sentimental thatā€™s reminiscent of your time together and just makes both of you sad again or makes the whole situation awkward. Jing Yuan definitely wants to continue being your friend after you break up but heā€™s very bad at moving on so that might not be possible, leaving you with no choice but to keep him at a distance if you really want to move on.Ā 
F = Fiance(e)
(How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)Ā 
Jing Yuan is all for commitment. If thereā€™s anything Jing Yuan is good at, itā€™s commitment, so you have nothing to worry about in that department. He adores you with all his heart and he wants to keep you by his side for as long as possible.
So for a member of a long-life species, Jing Yuan doesnā€™t take very long to propose to you if heā€™s really sure about his future with you. His proposal is super sweet too. The ring he gets for you has so much symbolism and detail in it that you have to raise an eyebrow and ask him if he designed it personally at that point. Jing Yuan just chuckles and pats your head; telling you he just has a tendency to get carried away when it comes to you, especially when itā€™s about something as wonderful as marrying you.Ā 
Heā€™d probably propose like 2-3 years into the relationship if there arenā€™t any outside matters that could prove to be an obstacle to your happily ever after. And he plans the proposal for weeks. He rents a location that means something to both of you and puts a lot of effort into the decorations to make sure the whole thing feels romantic. Think: swimming candles, fairy lights and lots of beautiful flowers. You know whatā€™s coming the moment you see him standing there with a bouquet of white roses in his hands, smiling at you like youā€™re his whole world (you are) and just immediately pulling you into such a slow and loving kiss. But you decide to indulge and act surprised.Ā 
G = Gentle
(How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Very. In fact, heā€™s so gentle that you could yell at him and point a pitchfork at him and his first attempt at handling the situation would probably be to ask you what he has done to anger you this much and whether youā€™d like to sit down and talk about it. From the moment he met you heā€™s always been so polite and understanding towards you, that you couldnā€™t help but be draw to his gentle nature. Jing Yuan in general is very hard to hate and very easy to love.Ā 
Emotionally, his gentleness comes out the most when youā€™re feeling down. Everything about how he treats you then, from the feeling of his arm wrapped around you and his hand softly rubbing your shoulder to his quiet whispers about how everything is going to be okay are so soothing to you that itā€™s really hard to be with Jing Yuan and still feel devastated at the end of the day. Even if he canā€™t get rid of your pain or fear, he always manages to ease it enough to calm you down and have you get your well-deserved rest in his arms.
Physically, thereā€™s very few moments where Jing Yuan isnā€™t gentle. Of course he has his times where his kisses become more passionate and eager, especially when he missed you or when he was worried about you and is relieved to see you alright; but most of the time Jing Yuanā€™s gestures are just really soft. Heā€™s the type for littering your skin in butterfly kisses and holding you like youā€™re made of porcelain.
H = Hugs
(Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)Ā 
He loves hugs. He definitely always hugs you as a greeting. Sometimes he playfully lifts you up and spins you around, pressing a kiss to your lips when he puts you down again. ā€œSomeoneā€™s excitedā€, you smirk as he wraps his arms around you once more from behind and sways lightly with you to the movement of the wind, pressing his cheek against yours.Ā 
He also adores when you sit on his lap and wrap your legs and arms around him or hold his face in your hands and keep pressing kisses to his lips the way he does so often. Jing Yuan will then bury his face in your neck, gently nuzzling your skin or just close his eyes and bask in your love.Ā 
When you need his support, he also wonā€™t hesitate to pull you into his embrace. Heā€™ll rest his head on top of yours and rubs your back, letting you cry into his shoulder if you need to. Heā€™ll hold you the whole night if you need him to.
Jing Yuan adores your hugs especially when you initiate them. The more excited you are about it, the better. Heā€™s absolutely whipped if you just run towards him and jump into his arms because youā€™re just that happy to be reunited with him. It makes his heart flutter and he makes sure to let you know that. Another thing heā€™s weak for is when he sits at his desk and works and you hug him from behind while youā€™re standing behind him, your cheek leaned against his soft hair. Work can wait for a while thenā€¦
I = I love you
(How fast do they say the L-word?)Ā 
Fast. In fact, right when he confesses, because he only lets you know about his intent to date you if heā€™s sure heā€™s in love with you and wants you to stay by his side. Once he is, thereā€™s nothing holding him back from telling you. He wants you to know how he feels about you and he feels like thereā€™s a more stable foundation for your relationship if youā€™re certain that heā€™s serious about you and loves you with all his heart. Jing Yuan is not someone who lets worries or fear of rejection hold him back from being honest with you about his feelings.
He also tells you that he loves you whenever he feels like it. Thereā€™s many moments throughout the day where he just looks at you and is reminded exactly what it was about you that made him want to stay around for the rest of his life, and the words slip from his lips without even thinking; even if itā€™s about something super mundane or even silly. He also always says it back when you tell him you love him.Ā 
If he has what you have started to refer to as ā€œJing Yuanā€™s clingy 5 minutesā€, heā€™ll just pull you into his lap and kiss you over and over again, whispering those 3 words you love to hear so much against your lips before he pulls you in for another kiss. He smiles against your lips and tells you he loves you more with every day that passes. If you ever doubt his love for you, he makes sure to really drive the point home and reassure you that you have his whole heart.
J = Jealousy
(How jealous do they get? What do they do when theyā€™re jealous?)Ā 
Jing Yuan isnā€™t really a jealous person. He trusts you and he expects you to do the same. If he does get jealous itā€™s usually because thereā€™s actually something wrong; either because his suspicions are correct or because youā€™ve been keeping him at a distance because of issues you havenā€™t addressed with him all whilst growing closer with someone else; even if thereā€™s 0 romantic intent behind it.Ā 
Jing Yuan is mature enough not to let jealousy get the better of him. The only thing thatā€™s different is that he looks after you with a worried and sad expression when you head off to meet the person heā€™s jealous of or sees you talking to him. He usually just needs some reassurance that everything is alright between you, which is why in the rare moments he does notice jealousy rising up within him, he seeks you out when youā€™re alone to talk to you about your feelings.
Usually it ends with an open discussion about the underlying problem, for example that something has happened in your life that made you worried about the future or that he has accidentally said something that hurt your feelings and you havenā€™t found out how to bring it up with him yet. Jing Yuan can talk everything out with you if you let him and once the problem is resolved, his feelings of jealousy are gone too. Overall, Jing Yuan getting actually jealous is super rare and when he does, he handles it really well and it doesnā€™t present a cause for relationship drama if you donā€™t let it.Ā 
K = Kisses
(What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)Ā 
As said before, Jing Yuanā€™s kisses are usually gentle and very loving. A lot of times theyā€™re the typical lazy morning kisses but all throughout the day. And he often prefers a lot of small butterfly kisses over straight up making out. He feels like that conveys the way you make his heart flutter a lot better. Jing Yuan always pulls you close when he kisses you.Ā 
His favorite places to kiss you include your lips and your neck. When heā€™s feeling playful, he often presses kisses to the corner of your mouth or picks at your lower lip with his, while he has a soft smile on his face. Jing Yuanā€™s lips are super soft and they always make you swoon. He loves to bury his face in your neck which often comes with repeatedly kissing the skin there and spoiling you with his affection. Another spot he often kisses are your fingers when he holds them in his hands like theyā€™re the most delicate thing ever.
Jing Yuan himself loves kisses to his cheek. Just all of the idle moments of you passing him by and pressing a sweet kiss to his cheek or telling him that you think heā€™s cute before doing this. Additionally, heā€™s a bit weak for when you sleep in his arms and wake up and you press a kiss to his chest before even opening your eyes because itā€™s right next to your face. He thinks youā€™re adorable. He instantly wraps his arms around you tighter and lets you wake up to his affections.Ā 
L = Little ones
(How are they around children?)Ā 
Jing Yuan would totally be up for having children with you if thatā€™s something you want; whether itā€™s adopting them or having them yourself. I mean, at this point youā€™re practically already Yanqingā€™s parents. I always imagine Jing Yuan as a father to be kind of like Mufasa (without the tragic death). Like ā€œYour son is awakeā€; ā€œBefore sunrise heā€™s your sonā€. And heā€™d definitely teach his kid a lot of life lessons that will make people say ā€œYour father is a very wise manā€ if they ever tell it to someone else. Jing Yuan has a lot more wisdom than he realizes and when he passes it on, it tends to stay with his child until way into adulthood.Ā 
He also is totally the type to indulge and support his kidā€™s imagination. Like, theyā€™d pull out their dolls or figurines and make up little stories with them and Jing Yuan would listen attentively and join them in playing; offering his own ideas. Youā€™d observe them sitting on the floor of your kidā€™s bedroom, playing with the figurines. ā€œAw, this one fell into the mud and I canā€™t get it clean anymoreā€¦ and it was brand new too, I havenā€™t even named it yetā€, your child would say about the newest addition to their collection. ā€œHow about ā€˜Mr. Cleanā€™ then?ā€, Jing Yuan suggests ironically. ā€œThatā€™s a horrible nameā€, you butt in before moving on with whatever you were doing before. ā€œItā€™s notā€, Jing Yuan insists, ā€œthey just donā€™t have taste.ā€ ā€œI heard thatā€, you call out from the other room, ā€œdonā€™t forget I picked you.ā€Ā 
M = Morning
(How are mornings spent with them?)
Mornings with Jing Yuan are a long endeavor and yet he always makes them feel way too short. Usually one of you wakes up slowly and is already kissing the other before even opening their eyes. Either itā€™s you turning your head to plant kisses on his chest or Jing Yuan searching for your lips in the dark. He loves when you wake up before him and kiss him awake. Youā€™ll be pressing soft kisses to his lips and he comes to his senses and opens his mouth to get a taste of you first thing in the morning.Ā 
Jing Yuanā€™s mornings are lazy. Heā€™s the type you have to pull out of bed by his arm because he keeps saying ā€œjust 10 more minutesā€ whilst trying to convince you to stay in his arms even if you need to get up for work. ā€œHow have you had this position for this long if youā€™re this irresponsible?ā€, you sigh and Jing Yuan stretches like a lion cub before dozing back off to sleep. You shake your head. Heā€™s a hopeless case, you think. What eventually motivates him to get up is the fact that he misses your warmth so while youā€™re brushing your teeth or preparing breakfast, your sleepy boyfriend is slouching over you, clinging to you with his head resting against yours. ā€œJing Yuan, could you not put your entire weight on me? Jing Yuan?ā€, you sigh as you notice the dozing general had already fallen asleep again. You play with the thought of just shaking him awake but how could you when he mumbles how much he loves you and that he wants more kisses in his sleep?
N = Night
(How are nights spent with them?)
As I said, Jing Yuan has a habit of getting clingy while heā€™s asleep. Sometimes youā€™ll wake up to him squishing you in his embrace. Heā€™ll try and fail to press kisses to your skin wherever he can reach; oftentimes just pressing his lips against your skin without the actual kissing. You think itā€™s the most adorable thing ever. It always makes you smile even though you have to push him away sometimes to be able to sleep yourself.Ā 
Sometimes, especially on the weekend, you and Jing Yuan stay up late and take a walk through the city or have a nice dinner at a restaurant together. He enjoys walking across the plazas with you when itā€™s so late that thereā€™s hardly anyone on the street anymore and itā€™s just you, him, the stars above you and the idle sound of the water in the fountains or the trees swaying in the wind. Sometimes youā€™ll sit down on a bench reminiscing about some old memories you shared together or watching the constellations above. Or rather, youā€™re watching the constellations and halfway through Jing Yuan just starts looking at you instead. He has lived a long life and he has seen the stars over and over again but he could never get tired of seeing the love of his life and reaching out to hold your hand.Ā 
O = Open
(When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)Ā 
Itā€™s not so much the fact that he doesnā€™t trust you with his past or feels doubtful youā€™ll see him the same way afterwards; itā€™s just that thereā€™s a lot of things Jing Yuan hasnā€™t talked about with anyone in a long, long time. He needs to warm up to the idea of confiding in you and putting all cards on the table. In the beginning of the relationship, questions about his past will often be answered with very vague statements before Jing Yuan switches the topic to make it less awkward, which can be frustrating for you and may feel like he isnā€™t being truthful with you or purposefully withholding things.
But as time goes on he eventually notices heā€™s ready to share the whole truth with you and he finds that talking about it with you actually helps him make peace with the past. Youā€™re relieved to know that his reserved demeanor when it came to topics he didnā€™t want to talk about had nothing to do with you personally and more with Jing Yuan needing time to speak about it at all. The deep conversations where you learn more about Jing Yuanā€™s past and his feelings in response to that usually happen when youā€™re cuddling at night. There comes a point in time where Jing Yuan feels comfortable enough that if you want to know something about him thatā€™s still unclear to you, you only have to ask. Things get a lot easier from there on out.
P = Patience
(How easily angered are they?)Ā 
Jing Yuan is the most patient person you've ever met, which can actually be counterproductive in situations where youā€™re genuinely upset or angry. Itā€™s very difficult to get an emotionally charged response out of him. Jing Yuan thinks distressing situations are best approached with a calm demeanor and civil conversations so he actually chooses to remain calm and practice restraint even if he ends up being angry or sad. Depending on your perspective on the whole thing, this has the potential to feel like heā€™s simply not as affected by the situation or doesnā€™t really care about an emotional outburst if you ever have one; but Jing Yuan is really just trying to calm you down and reassure you, which would be hard to do if he started impulsively responding to his emotions.Ā 
So even when Jing Yuan gets angry, itā€™s usually not visible unless he straight up, calmly, tells you heā€™s mad at you and heā€™ll need some time to sort this out. In general, Jing Yuan is someone who responds with sadness rather than anger to an upsetting situation. He doesnā€™t like himself when he gets angry and he understands that youā€™re upset too and he first and foremost wants both of you to be happy again. He does not want to make you feel worse.Ā 
As for things that do make him angry, even if he doesnā€™t show it on his face; itā€™s either you being reckless and putting yourself in a dangerous situation despite his pleas not to or when he can tell something is wrong and you have a problem with him but refuse to communicate with him about it. This can be frustrating for him and cause him to feel a little burnt out from the whole thing, which might make him withdraw for a while. Even though Jing Yuanā€™s seemingly never-ending patience can feel a little invalidating when youā€™re expecting an emotional reaction from him, most of the time it works in your favor and Jing Yuan is very good at keeping the peace in your relationship.
Q = Quizzes
(How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)Ā 
Jing Yuan is a good listener and heā€™s attentive. He remembers a lot of details about you. Given how long he lives, heā€™s bound to have some of them slip out of his memory but theyā€™re never truly gone. A century could pass and then he sees something that reminds him about a random detail you told him about yourself; something he would have expected himself to have forgotten long ago, and he can imagine the conversation that led to him learning this fact as vividly as if it was yesterday.
Youā€™re often surprised when you witness this happening because sometimes Jing Yuan will bring up things even you forgot you ever told him. ā€œYou remembered this?ā€, you raise an eyebrow with a smile on your face. ā€œHonestly, Iā€™m as surprised as you areā€, Jing Yuan shrugs and takes your hand into his, ā€œthen again, Iā€™m also not. Itā€™s a memory I share with you after all. So no wonder it stayed somewhere in my subconscious, waiting for the right time to emerge again.ā€ ā€œYouā€™re so cheesy sometimesā€, you laugh and ruffle his hair. ā€œIsnā€™t that what made you fall for me?ā€, he teases and pulls you onto his lap; placing soft kisses on your neck again.
Oftentimes when Jing Yuan remembers things you told him you liked or enjoyed doing a while ago, this sparks gift ideas and date ideas in his head and he canā€™t wait to surprise you with the fact that he not only remembered this casual bit of information you told him, but he also went out of this way to get you a comfort food you didnā€™t have in a while or set up a nice afternoon for you based on something trivial you forgot you even mentioned.
R = Remember
(What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Thereā€™s so many moments in your relationship that Jing Yuan wouldnā€™t trade for the world and theyā€™re memories he deeply values and treasures. But if he had to pick; itā€™d probably be a moment that recurs every now and then. He canā€™t possibly pick a single memory as a favorite for one of the most important bonds heā€™s ever had, so what truly are his favorite moments in your relationship are seeing each other again; whether it was after being apart for days or just a couple of hours. Having you jump into his arms or cupping his cheeks to press your lips to his, telling him that you missed him and that you just had to come see him.
Theyā€™re the moments you reunite after battle, the moments you slip into bed with him for cuddles and kisses after both of you have been stressed for the past few days and the moments when heā€™s supposed to be working and you visit him because you just craved his affection that much. Theyā€™re the moments after arguments, when everything has been forgiven and forgotten and heā€™s back in your arms, kissing you deeply as if heā€™s been starving from your lack of affection and theyā€™re the moments when he thought he might have lost you and there you are; kissing him breathless like youā€™ve been apart for a thousand years.
S = Security
(How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)Ā 
Jing Yuan is very protective of you. He understands if you want to fight alongside him but heā€™s a General and most of the time his mindset is that he can handle these things himself. Losing you would be the worst thing he could imagine, so the urge to keep you safe is what pushes him beyond his limits on the battlefield. It doesnā€™t make him careless but it does make you worry that heā€™ll compromise his own safety for yours. Jing Yuan would never leave you behind even if it seemed like he couldnā€™t win a battle at all odds. Heā€™d protect you even if heā€™d have to pay with his life.
Additionally, Jing Yuan gets protective when someone else tries to hurt you with words or rain on your parade or when youā€™re uncomfortable in a situation. He doesnā€™t hesitate to stand up for you and give someone a piece of his mind if they dare to bother you. If a situation is distressing for you, he makes sure to lead you away to a place where you feel safer and can gather yourself in the comfort of his arms.Ā 
Jing Yuan absolutely loves when youā€™re protective of him. The whole situation could have the vibe of an angry chihuahua trying to defend godzilla from a drunk man with a gun and Jing Yuan would still think youā€™re a dream come true. He might not be in danger at all and perfectly capable of handling the situation himself but seeing you so serious about keeping him safe and comfortable gets his heart to beat faster. He makes a mental note to pay you back for that with his affection later.
T = Try
(How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
The answer is; a lot of effort. After youā€™ve been together for a long time itā€™s a little lost on you how in the world Jing Yuan still manages to come up with so many meaningful dates and gifts for you but youā€™re certainly not complaining. He loves you with all his heart and love has the tendency to make Jing Yuan surprisingly creative.
He makes sure to take you out on a date at least once a month even if youā€™ve been married for a hundred years, he always celebrates your anniversary every year and gives you gifts. And all of this is so well thought out that sometimes you feel a little bad for not having as many ideas like that to surprise him with. But Jing Yuan is more of a giver in a committed relationship. Heā€™s at his happiest not when he receives affection from you but when he sees your reactions to the things he does for you. When he buys a gift or plans an anniversary, heā€™s already imagining your smile or your grateful kisses or the compliments that slip from your lips between them when he surprises you with the final result and it makes his heart beat faster and makes him giddy and excited internally even if youā€™ve been together for years.
For Jing Yuan, all of that is worth every bit of effort. He loves making you feel loved and happy. He doesnā€™t feel like any gift or gesture could ever convey the full extent of his feelings for you and your importance in his life but he will try nonetheless.Ā 
U = Ugly
(What would be some bad habits of theirs?)Ā 
For one, Jing Yuan worries too much. He doesnā€™t restrict you in any of your choices but he doesnā€™t work well with a reckless person. He has lost so many people as the centuries went by and he feels so deeply for you that he canā€™t sleep without knowing youā€™re home or at least in a safe place. If you go out late in the evening and you donā€™t text him when youā€™re back home or back at the hotel etc.; Jing Yuan does not sleep. If this is a regular occurrence, the man might ironically end up with insomnia. Instead of settling on the fact that you probably just forgot to tell him and or passed out in bed from exhaustion and are sleeping soundly, his mind sometimes tends to catastrophize which is detrimental to his psychological well-being if it carries on for long enough. Jing Yuan needs a person who will tell him everything is alright before they go to sleep at night and takes the time to inform him when theyā€™re late.
Additionally, Jing Yuan often fails to realize when you need your space. Arguments are something that stress him a lot and continuously for as long as they last, so heā€™s the type of person whoā€™d rather resolve them immediately. Jing Yuan doesnā€™t need space when youā€™re fighting, he needs to solve the problem and make sure heā€™s back on good terms with you. Sometimes the fact that you might be someone who doesnā€™t approach conflict like that flies over his head. He thinks he can talk everything out with you immediately and sometimes he unintentionally makes it worse with that.
V = Vanity
(How concerned are they with their looks?)Ā 
The man has birds in his hair. I think this is all you need to know to answer that question. He cares enough to look presentable at his job but other than that, looks donā€™t matter to him.
However, he does remember when he wears an outfit that makes you want to kiss him over and over again or tries out a hairstyle that gets you to swoon over him and he will try to do this more often because he loves your reaction to it. Having you call him pretty or stunning is an added bonus to the affection he already gets from you but it certainly boosts his mood and makes him soft.
W = Whole
(Would they feel incomplete without you?)Ā 
Oh, definitely. Once youā€™re a part of Jing Yuanā€™s life and have been this close to him, heā€™s very emotionally over-attached. Not to an unhealthy degree and he doesnā€™t really act on it, but emotionally he definitely pines for you long after your relationship has ended. You know those people who keep having an inkling of feelings for someone even after not talking to them in a decade which can re-ignite into a flame just by seeing you again? Thatā€™s Jing Yuan. Thatā€™s what heā€™s like.
Thatā€™s why despite the fact that he doesnā€™t feel like he has to hide his feelings from you before getting together with you, he waits to actively approach you or initiate anything until heā€™s certain that what you have can last because he is aware that he has these tendencies and he knows itā€™s not good for himself if it turns out that your relationship wonā€™t work out. So thatā€™s why it can still take quite some time to finally make things official with Jing Yuan.Ā 
Heā€™d absolutely feel incomplete without you and thatā€™s an experience he dreads if your relationship ever threatens to fail, because he knows heā€™ll be stuck with it for a long, long time.
X = Xtra
(A random headcanon for them.)Ā 
This is another flaw to him when it comes to romance, but if heā€™s not dating you yet, he has a tendency to delude himself a little bit. For example, imagine youā€™re traveling for two months and you promise to go on a date with him once youā€™re back to the Xianzhou. In those two months Jing Yuan will probably have played every single scenario about how this date could potentially go in his head without even realizing and sometimes that makes him lose touch with reality a little bit. Not to an extent where the way he now behaves towards you drives you away from him but rather thereā€™s a sudden change in the way he interacts with you from your perspective.
Heā€™s not overbearing but he may surprise you with suddenly being a lot more comfortable and open with you than you expected him to be at this point in time. Like, youā€™ll be on polite speaking terms and occasionally flirt a bit when you leave and you come back to Jing Yuan having gained the comfort and feeling of closeness with you that he now talks to you like youā€™re his good friend heā€™s been through hell with and itā€™s a shift that catches you off-guard. This might actually work in your favor if you have a huge crush on him but if it feels too weird, you might need to ask him to take things slow. Heā€™ll listen and apologize for getting a little too ahead of himself.Ā 
Y = Yuck
(What are some things they wouldnā€™t like, either in general or in a partner?)Ā 
Aside from the obvious things like cheating or the recklessness I previously talked about, I feel like one thing Jing Yuan would really struggle with is someone who does not communicate properly with him or sends him mixed signals. Heā€™d rather have you yelling at him or venting your frustrations to him in an emotional outburst, because that is something he can actually approach, than for you to just not tell him whatā€™s bothering you even though something clearly is or you not being truthful with him about things in your relationship. Jing Yuan wants a relationship where you two can be comfortable and fully open with one another and that does not work if he has to play guessing games all the time about whatā€™s going on in your head even after he asks you about it. Jing Yuan is a ā€œletā€™s talk it outā€ kind of guy and thatā€™s his first approach to resolving conflict so when thatā€™s not an option he doesnā€™t really know how to deal with it and he feels a little unsteady about whatā€™s supposed to happen next. Jing Yuan is always open to correcting his mistakes or meeting you halfway when anything he did hurt your feelings but he absolutely cannot deal with someone who does not bring these things up to him until they essentially blow up in his face.Ā 
Heā€™d also hate feeling like a trophy boyfriend. Yes heā€™s probably pretty popular and has quite a few admirers since heā€™s also such an important public figure and heā€™s undeniably handsome; and heā€™s happy and feels honored when you are genuinely proud to be with him and hype him up, but if he finds himself in a social situation where he feels like heā€™s just there to for you to impress people with your relationship or he hears you talk about how handsome he is to someone else and brag about it like you won him in the lottery, thatā€™s something that would make him really uncomfortable.
Z = Zzz
(What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
A lot of these Iā€™ve already touched upon. Mostly getting very clingy while heā€™s asleep and squeezing you in his arms, prompting you to push him off you a little bit so you can sleep comfortably as well. When heā€™s just in a light state of sleep he tends to mumble about how much he loves you and that he wants cuddles and kisses.Ā 
Sometimes sleeping next to Jing Yuan can be challenging because he has his clingy times but he also has times where he suddenly takes up all the space in the bed and hogs all the blankets and pillows and you have to pull them out of his grabby hands, cursing him internally for still having so much strength even whilst being sound asleep. He does not wake up from that. Surprisingly, however, he wakes up immediately when you leave the room. Itā€™s like he senses youā€™re not there with him any more and his eyes open to see light in the bathroom or the kitchen. He knows youā€™ll be right back so he waits for you to return before going back to sleep. Youā€™re surprised to find him awake every time this happens. As soon as youā€™re back in bed, Jing Yuan wraps his arms around you again and nuzzles your neck affectionately. ā€œI missed youā€, he mumbles with a sleepy voice. ā€œIā€™ve been gone for 5 minutesā€, you whisper back and chuckle. He doesnā€™t reply as he has already dozed off again but he does smile when you press a good night kiss to his forehead.
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fandomzwriterk Ā· 2 months
Can you write about Smoke x female reader and Smoke trying to ask the reader out on a date?
A/N: I gotchušŸ‘ Also weā€™re starting the trend of ā€œtodays chapter is brought to you by****ā€ Anyways this chapter is brought to you by the song Lose My Breath by Stray Kids & Charlie Puth
Warnings: none just fluff
Early morning at the Shirai Ryuā€¦
You were up and walking around one of the training rooms, stretching and trying to get relaxed and not stiff like you just laid on a ton of bricks. You had fallen asleep once again on the floor from last nights training. How you ended up in your bed, you didnā€™t know but regardless, you had things you needed to do. You were the only one up, not even the Lin Kuei brothers were up this early. At least thatā€™s what you thought. You had just gotten a wooden dummy set up, making strikes at the stomach, legs, and the neck which was nice since you couldnā€™t get hit back, just learning to control speed right now. You did this at least ten times, three minutes each just making combos on the wooden figure.
ā€œSomebodyā€™s up early.ā€ You heard behind you
You spun around after knocking the dummy back onto the ground. You didnā€™t mean too, but the strength you held back and the shock of being caught boosted your ability to let go of what you were holding back. There, right behind you, was Tomas standing with his arms crossed and his eyes staring you down. He was leaning against the wall, watching you with such intent.
ā€œHow long have you been there?ā€
ā€œNot long. I knew someone was up this early, so I just wanted to see who it was. Didnā€™t expect it to be you though.ā€
ā€œWell I want to train away from Johnny and Kung Lao. Elder gods forbid they let me have one day without them making a mess or distraction.ā€
Tomas moved to walk towards you in the center of the room, seeing his eyes focus on you and not what you had been doing.
ā€œIf you and your brothers were around more Iā€™d ask you for help but you three are gone so much I-ā€œ
ā€œWell Iā€™m here now arenā€™t I?ā€
You nodded. Tomas wanted to see what you were doing so why not indulge him? Itā€™s not like heā€™d hurt you either. Out of the three brothers, it was obvious Tomas liked you the most. Whether out of intrigue or friendliness, youā€™d yet to figure that one out.
ā€œCome on, I promise I wonā€™t hurt you.ā€
You only nodded as Tomas charged you, causing you to jump to the side. You pushed the dummy far away, almost making it hit the wall as Tomas spun around and swung with his karambit aiming for your body. He was pulling his strikes, which wasnā€™t normally how he trained. You blocked his arm and pushed his dominant arm that held the blade. He took a step back, smoking about five feet away from where you were and posed to have you attack him.
ā€œCome on Y/n I know you can go harder than that.ā€
He wasnā€™t teasing with his words, he wanted you to train with him right now. You took a step as he used a smoke bomb to get closer to you, quickly closing the gap as you went to punch at him. You noticed his blade wasnā€™t sharp as you both clashed and were pushing each other with your forearms. Tomas was pushing forward just as much as you were, trying to see who was stronger. You kicked his calf, causing him to move his leg forward while he grabbed your gi top, pulling you back to him whole you both tripped each other. Tomas hit the ground first, you falling on top of him, sitting on his waist. He held his blade up near your throat while you readied a punch. You both froze, realizing you had gotten Tomas down first.
ā€œHa! I got you.ā€
ā€œYeah yeah I was going easy on you.ā€
You rolled off of him, letting him sit up as you sat next to him. He was out of breath, quite quickly which was odd since he was good at keeping composed all the time.
ā€œGod itā€™s so hard to breathe.ā€
He pulled his mask off, tossing it behind him as you saw his face red and burning. He was panting hard, how did he lose his breath so easily?
ā€œYouā€™re just out of practice.ā€ You joked
He wiped his forehead with his arm, turning his head to smile at you.
ā€œMaybe I have other reasons too.ā€
ā€œAnd what might that be?ā€
ā€œIā€™m not going to give in that easy.ā€
ā€œOh do you want me to beat it out of you?ā€
ā€œGo ahead. Iā€™m not pulling back this time.ā€
You both rolled away from each other, now standing face to face with a large gap between you two. Neither of you moved, your eyes drifted around as Tomas swung his karambit around in his usual ā€œIā€™ve so got thisā€ type of attitude. You might be smaller than him, not as strong as him, but your small size made up in speed. If you tried hard enough, you could definitely beat him.
ā€œCome on Y/n I thought you wanted to beat me.ā€
You ran up, readying your own small practice blade while Tomas did the same. You both clashed in the middle, putting weight on each other with your forearms once more. You watched Tomasā€™ eyes as they followed up and down trying to find a way to hit you. He pushed you back, his leg swinging for your head. You did the same, kicking his leg with yours. Tomas swung his karambit to hit your nose, but you quickly blocked the side of your head by covering it. You went to punch his stomach while he pulled out a smoke bomb to move behind you. He was ready to strike, but you were faster. You squatted down and kicked your leg behind you while you spun to face him. The hit to his ankle made him stumble and you noticed he was quickly out of energy as his stomach hit the ground hard.
ā€œYou alright there Smokey?ā€
No reply and Tomas jumped at you, holding you close as he rolled over you, taking you with him as he hit the floor. Your face was mashed into his chest while his arms held you tightly.
ā€œWhatā€™re you gonna do about it-ā€œ
You grabbed one of his smoke bombs, setting it off right on top of him making him let you go as you ran a little ways away. The smoke was thick enough to fill the room, so you tried to move as quietly as possible. The faint outline of his dark grey hair could be seen, so you went to move behind him since his vision was unclear, and now it was your turn to fight back.
ā€œThat was a cheap trick Y/n. I didnā€™t know you play dirty.ā€
He was looking around for you as the smoke began to clear. He was right in front of you, his back to you not noticing you quite yet. You jumped forward, sending both of you down to the ground. Just as you touched his back with only the tips of your fingers, Tomas grabbed your wrist, pulling you into a hug while he rolled over you with him above you.
ā€œNice try.ā€
His hands held down your wrists while he had one leg between your legs and the other on the outside of your leg. You struggled against him, but his weight was fully on top of you and had you pinned on the ground. His smile had that classic smug expression, noticing you had lost and he had all the power.
ā€œI know we said that if you won Iā€™d tell you but I think Iā€™m going to tell you anyways even if you lost.ā€
His eyes softened, letting you go and sitting back on his heels. You crawled a little bit away from him, doing the same as you both stared at each other.
ā€œYou know Y/n, Iā€™ve never said anything remotely close to what Iā€™m going to say but-ā€œ
His face was red again, holding something back in his mind.
ā€œI think youā€™reā€¦ beautiful. I think youā€™re the most beautiful woman Iā€™ve ever met.ā€
He held his hands out, his palms up as a gesture to say he wanted you to put your hands on his. You did, feeling that funny little feeling youā€™ve had for Tomas all these years. His eyes drifted from your hands to your face. You were sure he was staring into your eyes.
ā€œIā€™ve loved you for a long time, I just never had the courage to tell you afterā€¦ you know.ā€
He was talking about Shang Tsung and his so called ā€œreign of terrorā€, but you all had won so thereā€™s no need to worry anymore.
ā€œAfter all of that, mostly from watching Bi Han betray usā€¦ I knew I needed somebody like you to be by my side. No, not needed, more like wanted. What Iā€™m trying to say is-ā€œ
You quickly move up and placed your lips on his, stopping his words right then and there. He kissed back, but you knew he was in shock. You pulled back, intertwining your hands together.
ā€œIā€™ve always loved you Tomas, and of course youā€™ll always have me.ā€
He smiled, his eyes bright and shinning with the excitement of something you couldnā€™t quite place. He pulled you into his chest, placing his arms around you in a warm and tight hug. He buried his face in your neck, and you could feel his smile on your skin.
ā€œWould you like to go on a date with me?ā€
The Endā€¦
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed! Iā€™m so sorry it took so longšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
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soapyghostie Ā· 1 year
Heyy I love these Sawyer brothers postsšŸ‘ can you do a Sawyer brothers and a ventriloquist S/O? Alive Nubbins?šŸ™
Hey Anon! Iā€™m so glad you like my Sawyer posts. A lot of people tend to love TCM so thatā€™s mostly the asks I get. Moreover, hope you enjoy!
Drayton Sawyer
You have talent hmmmm? Thatā€™s niceā€¦ Now get back to work! Drayton doesnā€™t have time for you to do all this voodoo hoodoo: there are chores to be done and food to be caught. Including you. Time for you to put down that doll and come help with chores. You know that every Sawyer has to do their part right?Ā 
Whenever you do have free time, you love to practice with your doll. Of course, thatā€™s probably around the end of the day and even then Drayton is still working. He has to cook for the family; he canā€™t just let you and his brothers starve. However, he secretly loves when you are in the kitchen with him, practicing your ventriloquism. Itā€™s not lonely or boring for him anymore: he can cook and listen to your mini puppet show.Ā 
Heā€™ll every once and awhile ask your puppet a question or respond to one of your jokes just for the fun of it. Drayton never really has time for anything fun so heā€™ll make the most of what heā€™s got. He finds your jokes amusing, but never laughs at them. Heā€™s not much of a laugher.
Drayton isnā€™t the one for giving compliments for your information. If youā€™re looking to receive compliments, youā€™ve got the wrong audience. Well, since you are his S/O, maybe heā€™ll give you a compliment or two. Itā€™s not over the top, but itā€™s better than nothing. Drayton will never tell you this, but he thinks you're super talented and is hoping you keep at it. He thinks, if you showed your talent off to the world, youā€™d make big bucks.
Nubbins Sawyer
OMG! You can make that puppet talk?! Surely he can do it too! Takes an animal carcass; takes out all the insides; takes his hand and stuffs it inside the animal carcass, making the animalā€™s mouth move. Grossā€¦Ā 
Besides Nubbins trying to mimic you with his dead animal puppet, he wants you to put on a mini show for him all the time. He loves all your jokes, singing, and anything else you make the puppet do. He thinks youā€™re magic and, secretly, is trying to find out your tricks for bringing the puppet to life. Spoiler alert! The doll isnā€™t alive at all Nubbins: you're just really talented.Ā 
Nubbins loves participating; heā€™ll clap, sing, and joke along with you and your puppet. His favorite are the dad jokes; most of the time, heā€™s telling you those jokes because heā€™s a pro. Heā€™ll hand it to you that you have some pretty good ones that have made him laugh, but, sorry to say, no one can beat Nubbins in a dad joke contest. Choptop is probably the only one who could rival Nubbins and actually beat him.Ā 
Heā€™ll beg you non-stop to teach him ventriloquism. You eventually just give in and teach him. If you were a teacher, Nubbins is not a student youā€™d want in your classroom: he gets distracted easily and he likes to do his own thing. That is literally what he does with you when you try to teach him ventriloquism: gets distracted with his photographs, doesnā€™t follow your instructions, and gets frustrated when he doesnā€™t understand it right away. Yeah, letā€™s just say he never ended up learning it.
Bubba Sawyer
You are so talented! Waitā€¦ your puppet is sooooooo cute!!! Bubba wants to dress your puppet up. Do you have any clothes for your puppet? No? Donā€™t worry! Bubba is a phenomenal sower and outfit maker. Heā€™ll make your puppet the most perfect outfit. OMGā€¦ maybe he can make you, your puppet, and him matching outfits!!! Heā€™s so excited, heā€™s screaming.Ā 
Bubba loves your mini shows. After a long day of work, itā€™s nice to relax and have fun. Bubba really enjoys when you make your puppet sing: he loves music and your voice is so soothing to him. Youā€™re so focused on your mini puppet show that you donā€™t even realize Bubba fell asleep.Ā 
Bubba will babble compliment after compliment; he needs you to know how perfect and talented you are. After every performance, heā€™ll jump up off the couch and clap for like five minutes. Then heā€™ll come running over to you, giving you the biggest hug with so many kisses. He never wants you to think he doesnā€™t appreciate you and your talent so heā€™ll shower you in affection to make sure you get the memo.
Bubba likes to take care of your doll. Heā€™ll polish it, dust it, brush its hair, change its clothes: anything to keep it nice and clean. He has your puppet show ready for every time you use it, even if itā€™s just him watching. You appreciate it a ton. Itā€™s the least he can do for everything you do for him.
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good-beanswrites Ā· 1 year
Hi there!! Your milgram drabbles are actually giving me life. If you're still taking requests (if not, totally fine!!), how about Haruka and Colours? :)
Aww thank you so much!!! :D Thank you for the request ooh, it's such a fun prompt for him! I ended up going with something for him and Muu between the first two trials, but I still wanted the main focus to stay on his voice and growth šŸ‘
ā€œThis is your wardrobe?ā€ Muu's eyebrows raised. ā€œThat's all there is?ā€
ā€œW-well, I don't own much else that I, I really like to wear. Sorry." Harukaā€™s mind whirled into a panic. His new friend had been in his cell for less than two minutes and he was already a disappointment. She knew a lot about clothes and fashion, but he didnā€™t know a thing about that. Theyā€™d have nothing in common. Sheā€™d grow bored of him, and hate him, and --Ā 
ā€œAw, you don't need to apologize! The warden should be sorry for making you wear this. Muu will have to fix it.ā€Ā 
ā€œFix what?ā€ He bit down on his thumbnail. He knew there was a lot of him that needed fixing. Thatā€™s what heā€™d been told as long as he could remember. But what did she plan on doing that no one else could?
ā€œAll white does not do you justice. I'll request some things for you, okay? Letā€™s seeā€¦"Ā 
She spun away from the clothes to examine him. He squirmed under the sudden, intense gaze. She looked him up and down, without saying a word. He hugged his arms to his chest. He had too many painful memories of people looking at him like that. But at the same time, he hoped she would never stopā€¦
Her lips twisted into a gentle pout. ā€œSee? You poor thing, you donā€™t feel confident in that at all.ā€
ā€œW-well, itā€™s only that --ā€
Ā ā€œ-- Donā€™t worry about a thing. Muu will get some neutrals, and a few accents. That will help bring out your eyes.ā€
ā€œMy, uh, my eyes?ā€
ā€œMm, they're your best feature.ā€ She said it as if he were crazy for not knowing. His mouth gaped. He had a best feature?Ā 
ā€œSpeaking of, I'll have to grab some pins to keep your hair back, so you can actually see themā€¦ā€ She reached out to brush some of his hair aside. He flinched, but let her touch him as she tried out a few things. While poised over his face, she looked at him seriously.
ā€œHow do you feel about purple?ā€
He swallowed. How did he feel about purple? Haruka thought it was a strange question, but if Muu was being so nice to him, he should trust her. He should respond perfectly. He went back and forth on what the right answer could be. How did everyone else feel about purple? How did Muu feel about purple?
ā€œNevermind.ā€ She put her hands on his quickly raining shoulders. He relaxed them. ā€œI think Iā€™ll go with green.ā€
He sighed with relief. ā€œOh! Okay!ā€
Muu continued muttering to herself about different colors and styles, to which he nodded along. If she thought it would help him, he believed her.Ā 
He stepped into the dining hall for breakfast. The prisoners were used to their routine by now, so nothing really caused disruption anymore. It was why Haruka was unprepared to be a disruption himself.
ā€œHaru~ā€ Mahiru called. ā€œWow!ā€Ā 
His eyes widened. As he scrambled for a reply, Mikoto nodded from another table. ā€œSo colorful!ā€ All the eyes turned to him. Even Es turned from where they were speaking with Jackalope in the kitchens. They all smiled at him.
ā€œHow fashionable!ā€
ā€œIt suits you well.ā€
ā€œAw, look at you!ā€
The sudden praise forced his hands up to cover the huge smile on his face. ā€œMe?ā€Ā 
He could feel his cheeks redden, but his heart raced in excitement. At their request, he did a stiff turn to show off the whole outfit. ā€œAhā€¦ itā€™s only because of Muuā€¦ā€
ā€œAnd it looks like I did a great job!ā€ She appeared beside him, pressing her palms together. ā€œYou look wonderful.ā€
With so many kind eyes on him, he couldnā€™t help the giggle that spilled between his fingers.Ā 
ā€œBuuut Muu canā€™t take all the credit,ā€ she said. ā€œOr your clothes. This is you. You look happier. Youā€™re holding yourself differently.ā€
ā€œI didnā€™t knowā€¦ā€ He hadnā€™t meant to do that. That was a good thing, right? Haruka felt his legs shift, as he thought too hard about how he was standing.
Is this why he was forgiven? People were finally seeing him. Es really looked at them during his interrogation. The prisoners had noticed him more and more. Even the voices that whispered in his cell at night had taken a strong interest in him. And now, everyone was showering him with their praises. Muu was right, it was more than the bright colors he was wearing.
ā€œYeah, you seem more confident.ā€Ā 
He lowered his hands to return her beaming smile.
ā€œIā€¦ I think I am.ā€
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italeean Ā· 1 year
Hello ^^ Iā€™m honestly pretty late, but may I partake in the event?
Nameā€” Suzuni or nickname of Suzu
Descriptionā€” I enjoy writing stories (though I more often than not find myself daydreaming about what I could write instead lol) and artistic activities such as painting/art & ceramics. Ofc I suck at my hobbiesĀ šŸ‘šŸ‘Ā (I think so anyway)
I like,, honestly I have no idea. Daydreaming/picturing scenarios in my mind? I do it rlly often lol, so ig I probably like it? As for dislikes, myselfā€” And rudeness and arrogance lolĀ 
I try to surround myself with people who are both playful/teasy but also decently observant (Warning for mental illness mentionā€” I have depression and consequently may make darker comments at times). I also tend to use a lighthearted and casual tone when talking about serious topics relating to myself (e.g., warning again here, self-death)
Oops that got long, sorry about that :ā€™l
Iā€™m a lee, and as for fandom, either Haikyuu! or My Hero Academia if thatā€™s alright ^^
Relationshipā€” romantic because why not lol
Preferably a male character
Anyhow, have a nice day/evening ^^
Hiiii!! Sorry for the inactivity... again šŸ˜… istg this period is driving me bonkers but I'm also having lots of fun!! Anyway, thanks for participating, I hope you'll like who I matched you up with ā¤ļøšŸ” *hands you the usual dango to eat while you read*
šŸ”® So, for my event your pair is... SHINSOU
Tumblr media
šŸ”® Why did I choose him for you?
1. Sneaky, fairly smug and a little mysterious. Perfect ler material if you ask me šŸ˜Œ 2. I see him as a very caring and careful soul, who doesn't bond with everyone but holds extremely close the ones who manage to gain his trust 3. He would be able to understand if you need help or are struggling mentally, and he'd be there 24/7 for you 4. He could use his quirk to induce relaxation and/or make you fall asleep... obviously if you're comfortable with it and give your consent 5. He would totally get involved in your hobbies! I already see you two painting or doing ceramics together 6. You probably have made a "couple sculpture"... like a heart broken in half and each one of you keeps a half in their bedroom 7. He trained with Aizawa. He knows how to be silent. Expect surprise tickle attacks from any direction at any time~ 8. He'd be extremely happy to read your writings and give you a review about them!! He'd probably use tickling to convince you to let him read them hehe 9. Tickles whenever you say that you suck at what you do! He doesn't tolerate when someone talks badly about someone he loves (even when it's you talking badly about yourself) 10. He finds it extremely cute when you space out and daydream, so instead of interrupting you, he would cuddle up to you and hold you in his arms while you imagine any kind of scenario 11. He probably volunteers cat shelter, and sometimes you join him. Seeing how gentle he is with cats made you fall in love with him all over again. 12. When his insomnia hits hard, he comes to your room and you two end up hanging out together all night long. Or if you fall asleep, he just cuddles you and watches over you, as if he could keep bad dreams away.
šŸ”® Tickle scenario
Everyone liked weekends, but you surely had one more reason to enjoy them. Both you and Shinsou were free from school, which only meant one thing: date!
You always did something different: watching anime, making sculptures, painting, chatting, taking walks... one time you even tried to crochet, but he made a mess and got so grumpy that you decided to drop that activity.
That Saturday, you two decided to go at the cat shelter to do some volunteering. It was a really unusual date, but you loved spending time with each other and a ton of purring furballs. Also, the happy, adoring expression on Shinsou's face was so endearing...
The owners of the shelter were extremely nice with you, and they adored how you spent your free time on "volunteering dates". Obviously they made you work a little, but then they let you play with the kitties as much as you wanted! Actually, they let you play until it was closing time... or else you would've never gone back home.
"Hey baby I'm done with Kai, we can go home." Shinsou called for you after leaving a 5-month-old kitten to sleep, but he got no response. He saw you sitting on a chair, your back was facing him. "Baby didn't you hear me? We got-" "Shh!" You suddenly interrupted him.
He raised an eyebrow and approached you, and he couldn't believe his eyes. The new refugee of the cat shelter, who refused even to approach the sweet owners, was cuddled up on your lap and peacefully asleep. "Would you look at that..." the tall teenager smiled, "seems like this little rascal finally chose someone to trust." He was overjoyed to see that furball finally open up.
"Too bad that this human is already busy with someone else~" He reached out to grab the kitten and put him back in his sleeping pillow, but you swatted his hands away. "You're not ruining this moment..!" You whisper-yelled to not disturb the sleepy little angel, "It took me the whole day to get to this point, now we're staying here." You stated, more assertive than ever.
Your boyfriend raised an eyebrow, clearly amused with your antics, "Oh really? Then it would be a shame if a sudden earthquake disrupted your peace~"
You didn't have time to ask him what he meant. A tingly feeling spread throughout your body, making you almost jump and throw away the poor kitten. "Shinsohohou!! Stahap ihihihihit!!" You did your best to keep your legs still and not wake the little furball, but at the same time you desperately tried to swat Shinsou's hands away from your sides.
"But I'm doing nothing, honey... it's just the earthquake." He mused, close enough to your ear to make it tickle, and then blew a raspberry on your neck for good measure. He had to admit, he was a little surprised by how much you were resisting the impulse to squirm away. In other circumstances, you would've already jumped away and hidden somewhere, maybe curled up in a ball.
"Wow, not so squirmy now that you have the little rascal on your lap, huh?" He asked as his fingers played with both sides of your ribcage as if it was a piano, "I think we should name him Giggles... a fitting name related to a wonderful memory like this one..." He thought out loud with the clear intent to tease.
However, the fun had to come to an end. The owners were closing up and you two had to go back to school. He chuckled evilly and without wasting time, he drilled softly under your arms. This time, you couldn't hold back the squeal, which woke up the cat.
"Ah... you're finally awake, Giggles. Did you have a nice rest on my girlfriend's lap?" The violet-haired guy slowly approached the cat, "Now it's time to go to your actual bed, though. But we'll be back soon, alright?" He picked up the little one and laid him on his sleeping pillow and waited for him to fall asleep, then he looked at you and helped you up.
"Come on, say goodbye to giggles and get ready to go, or else I'll let you alone in Aizawa's clutches if we arrive late to UA." He told you with a smug grin on his face. You quickly got ready, not wanting to be scolded by the strict teacher, said goodbye to the owners and got on your way with your boyfriend.
"So... did you have fun on this date, Giggles 2?" Shinsou asked, laughing at how red your face turned, which made you smack his arm in utter embarrassment.
"Shut up..."
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afraidparade Ā· 2 years
"More Human"
Word count: 1,892 Content warnings: just a teensy bit of angst (this one is really short and kind of aimless i just needed something domestic and cozy šŸ‘)
Afternoons like these werenā€™t entirely uncommon, but a welcome addition to any day as far as its two participants were concerned. Autumn breezes had steadily replaced the hot summer air in the past few weeks, and according to Luka, this was the ā€œGoldilocksā€ area of perfect temperatures to keep the apartment windows cracked open. Not so hot that he couldnā€™t wear that oversized hoodie he insisted on donning even during the most sweltering days, but not so cold that they would wake up in the middle of the night shivering, even under several blankets. That was all well and good, but Faust still didnā€™t know what a Goldilocks was. It sounded edible, so he chose to believe it was delicious.
Admittedly, the tiny realm-hopper hadnā€™t taken much time to note the appeals of this season the first time he witnessed it. In his defense, Faust was somewhat preoccupied with other matters; adjusting to life on a foreign and gargantuan planet, concocting plans on how to destroy said planet, dealing with his all-too curious and annoying caretaker every minute of every day, the likes. Hell, he hadnā€™t even understood the concept of seasons until his first snow day. So it was nice to observe it this time, now that things were peaceful and Luka wasā€¦well, slightly less annoying. And as it turned out, there was a lot to like about fall.
The leaves had all blossomed into wonderful warm hues and gave off an earthy scent that Faust was quite fond of. It was somewhat hypnotic to watch them all twirl in the air whenever a particularly strong gust passed through the street, and if he was lucky, sometimes a stray leaf would land on the windowsill to their bedroom. Heā€™d begun toting them inside and forming a rather formidable pile (well, formidable to a three-inch imp, perhaps), but in the interest of cleanliness and blah-blah-blah, Luka collected Faustā€™s findings and pressed them between the pages of a book. That was stupid. A scavengerā€™s bounty was meant to be displayed, not hidden from view in some dumb word prison. Humans truly knew nothing about honor. Or maybe Faust had just been watching too much anime.
On this particular afternoon, the pair had made themselves comfortable by laying across the bedroomā€™s mattress, not touching each other or sitting next to the other as they often did, but laying in opposite directions with their heads positioned close enough to converse comfortably. And perhaps they would be conversing, had they not both slipped into a relaxed silence without really intending to. Luka had put on a playlist of mellow yet catchy music a while ago, which filled the air as it played softly from his phoneā€™s speaker at the foot of the bed. Neither was doing much in particular to occupy their time, content with staring up at the ceiling, lost in thought but reassured by the otherā€™s company. And that was fine until it wasn't, an antsy Faust had decided. Luckily, he never found an issue when it came to breaking silence.
ā€œHey, itā€™s too quiet. Letā€™s talk about something,ā€ the demon piped up, raising his arms upwards in a brief stretch before resting them beneath his head.
He could hear the human behind him shift a bit. Faust momentarily wondered if Luka had fallen into a light sleep during their period of quietness, and that the demand for conversation may have woken him up.
ā€œAlright,ā€ Luka replied, ā€œWhat would you like to talk about?ā€
Faustā€™s lip curled into an annoyed frown. ā€œI dunno. Thatā€™s why I brought it up to you, genius.ā€
There was an airy chuckle. ā€œAh, right. Sorry.ā€
A stretch of deliberate silence passed after that, only adding on to Faustā€™s frustration. ā€œWhy do I even bother with you?ā€ he sighed with a click of his tongue. Seeing that Luka would be of no help whatsoever, he paused to think up a conversation topic on his own. He hummed a moment, staring up at a spot of light that reflected onto the ceiling in a prismatic halo. ā€œAlright, how about this: if you could travel to any place on Earth, where would you go?ā€
There was a brief moment of wordless pondering. Faust wondered if Luka was staring at the same sunbeam he was. ā€œHmmā€¦ Iā€™m already here,ā€ was his simple answer.
The imp frowned, then considered the potential underlying meaning with that statement, and frowned even deeper, though this time a warm blush accompanied the scowl. ā€œThat doesnā€™t count. You know thatā€™s not what I meant.ā€
Luka huffed a laugh through his nose at that response, clearly amused by the otherā€™s flustered grumbling. ā€œWell, Iā€™m not really the adventurous type. I suppose it would be nice to stay in a woodsy cabin, maybe on a mountain. Somewhere peaceful and secluded, so you could explore freely, too.ā€
ā€œCome on, Iā€™m asking where you actually want to go, not just where itā€™s realistic and safe! Take me out of the equation and give me a real answer,ā€ Faust pressed further, agitated by his companionā€™s inability to make a hypothetical decision.
ā€œWhy would I do that?ā€ came Lukaā€™s immediate reply. It made Faust freeze in place; something about the humanā€™s tone seemed much more genuine than the light-hearted banter from a moment prior. ā€œI wouldnā€™t want to go anywhere without you. Thereā€™s no more of a ā€˜realā€™ answer than that.ā€
There was a pause, and Faust was suddenly grateful for the soft music still playing from Lukaā€™s phone that filled the silence. He wasnā€™t supposed to say that. And Faust hated that he did. Not because the sentiment upset him in any way; it was the opposite, really. Because he wouldnā€™t want Luka to go anywhere without him either, and the feeling of being truly, genuinely wanted ā€” needed, even ā€” was something so wonderful that he could have easily gotten drunk off of it. But even for as idealistic as Faust was, he knew that it wasnā€™t healthy. That he couldnā€™t alienate Luka from his own kind by depending on his constant company. That there was no future that allowed him to be so selfish.
It wasnā€™t the sentiment Faust hated so much, but the guilt that came from it. He was no stranger to the feeling, yet that never stopped the icy churning in his gut whenever it appeared.
ā€œIs that really okay?ā€ the demon asked in a small voice. Even if they were closer in size, a mutter like that would be difficult to hear, so he wasnā€™t sure the remark would reach Lukaā€™s ears at all. But Faust didnā€™t really care. ā€œDonā€™t you ever feel likeā€¦Iā€™m holding you back?ā€
The mattress creaked and shifted, and even though Faust kept his gaze affixed to the ceiling, he could tell Luka was craning his neck to stare at his tiny roommate. ā€œIs that what you think?ā€ he asked softly. Not sternly, not sadly, justā€¦somewhat hurt. And that made the writhing feeling double in intensity. The brunette sighed, taking the lack of response as a confirmation, then rolled to lay on his side.
ā€œI think you might be overestimating me a little. Didnā€™t I just tell you that Iā€™m not the adventurous type?ā€ Luka asked with a sheepish laugh, ā€œYou canā€™t hold me back from something I donā€™t do in the first place.ā€
Faust crossed his arms, squeezing them tightly as he shrugged to himself. It made sense. He already knew Luka was a chronic introvert. Yet the guilt persisted regardless, as if his brain was trying to convince him that by merely existing, he was snuffing out any potential his companion had for a normal, fulfilling life. A human life. Something Faust could only dream of.
ā€œThatā€™s a naive way of thinking,ā€ the smaller grumbled. Perhaps it was a tad harsh, but it wasnā€™t as though heā€™d ever had a problem speaking his mind before. ā€œJust because you donā€™t doesnā€™t mean you wonā€™t. You might change your mind someday. Might realize youā€™re taking it all for granted. Thereā€™s this whole world ā€” an entire gargantuan planet ā€” of humans, and theyā€™re all different. Insane, confusing, uniqueā€¦fascinating. And you may think to yourself one day that you wished you could talk to them, be with them, connect with them like humans were meant to. But you donā€™t, and you canā€™t, becauseā€¦ā€
ā€œFaust,ā€ Luka interjected. Faust already knew what he would say, so he bit his tongue. ā€œAre you sure weā€™re still talking about me?ā€
There was another lull of hushed stillness between them, the space of the bedroom filled only by the current song that faded to its conclusion and the rustle of dried leaves in the wind. Afternoon had begun to slip into evening, and the air seeping in from the narrow opening in the window became cooler. Soon that spot of light on the ceiling would be gone. The music would be turned off. Theyā€™d get up from the bed to have dinner. It was an inconsequential end to an inconsequential activity, yet something about it felt so bittersweet to Faust. Maybe the guilt came from wishing he could keep everything exactly how it was in that moment forever. Or perhaps it came from the selfishness of daring to wish for more. He didnā€™t know the answer, and he was certain Luka didnā€™t, either.
ā€œYou knowā€¦ā€ Luka spoke up at last, shifting again. He lifted his arm above his head, stretching it until his hand slid next to Faustā€™s position on the mattress. It wasnā€™t outstretched in command or suggestion, simply relaxed as a form of option. A reassuring gesture, regardless of whether Faust chose to acknowledge it or not. ā€œSometimes I canā€™t help but think that youā€™re more human than I am.ā€
That made Faust smile. It was a bitter, reluctant grin, but a smile nonetheless. It was stupid ā€” especially considering how often he pridefully denounced humankind and its foolishness ā€” but somehow the thought brought him comfort. Because if that was how Luka saw him, it meant they were equals. Not an unwilling caretaker and his burden of secrecy, but two friends simply enjoying an autumn afternoon.
Faust flipped onto his side and brushed his forehead against the base of Lukaā€™s index finger, lightly grasping onto the tip of it with his own, smaller hands. He was warm. He felt like safety, and it made the writhing in Faustā€™s stomach finally die down. It wasnā€™t an answer. It wasnā€™t even a direct response to his worries, but that warmth was still something real, something undeniable, and that would suffice.
ā€œSo what about you?ā€ Luka asked after a moment.
Faust lifted his head, straining his neck to shoot the human a confused glare. ā€œWhat about me?ā€
ā€œWhere would you go if you could travel to any place on Earth?ā€
Ah, right. That was what started this whole tangent in the first place, wasnā€™t it? Faust supposed this was what he deserved for getting cocky and running his mouth earlier. He hummed for a moment, gazing toward the window as he contemplated his answer.
ā€œI guessā€¦someplace where every day is like this one. I think thatā€™d be nice.ā€
Luka smiled, curling his fingers ever so slightly around the demonā€™s touch as he joined him in observing the golden light beyond the apartment walls. ā€œYeah,ā€ he replied softly, ā€œIt would be.ā€
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gunilslaugh Ā· 1 year
hi! I don't know if you like harry potter or not but can I request a hufflepuff jungsu x hufflepuff reader? childhood best friends turned lovers maybe? thank you!
Thank you for requesting! Unfortunately it has been some time since I've watched the Harry Potter movies so my knowledge is quite rusty, but I hope that I did it enough justice. šŸ‘
Kim Jungsu
Harry Potter AU
Summary: With the help of his friends Jungsu finally works up the courage to ask you to go to the yule ball with him, as more than friends.
Warning:grammar, very rusty Harry Potter knowledge
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photo not mine credits to owner
Jungsu and you were next door neighbors. This quickly leads to the pair of you becoming best friends as children. That title never changed as you guys grew up together. Standing by each other's sides as you learned about magic and casting spells. For every spell that went right and every spell that went horribly wrong. The day you both received your acceptance letters to Hogwarts will be a day you never forget. It was the beginning of a new journey. One you and Jungsu would be invoking on together. You still vividly remember the day you and Jungsu set off, finding the train platform 9 Ā¾. The bustling excitement and nervousness surrounding the both of you as you made your way inside the enormous structure that was Hogwarts. It was no surprise when the sorting hat sorted both of you into hufflepuff. You guys had expected it based on your bright personalities.
Itā€™s hard to believe that all that happened four years ago.
Jungsu and you had just finished up your herbology class and began walking to the cafeteria to meet up with your friends for lunch. After getting your food you sat at a table surrounded by Gunil, Seungmin, and Hyeongjun who sat across from you. Jungsu was on your left, Jiseok on your right and Jooyeon beside him.Ā 
ā€œThe yule ball is coming up,ā€ Gunil said.
ā€œAre any of you guys gonna ask anyone to go with you?ā€ Jiseok questioned in a teasing manner. His eyes specifically eyeing Jungsu.Ā 
ā€œWhy are you eyeing Jungsu like that? Obviously he and y/n are gonna go together; they're automatic partners in life,ā€ Seungmin stated.
ā€œIā€™m kinda jealous of them for that, it must be nice to have someone like that,ā€ Jooyeon pipes up with a bit of a pout adoring his face.
ā€œI donā€™t know,ā€ you begin to speak. ā€œHe hasnā€™t ask me yet, so anything can happen,ā€ you finish playfully
ā€œSo I could ask you then?ā€ Gunil says flirtily, reaching a hand across the table to grab one of yours.
ā€œNo!ā€ Jungsu exclaims immediately, slapping Gunilā€™s hand that held yours making him retract it. This causes you and the others to laugh.
ā€œOk, relax I was just joking,ā€ Gunil puts his hands up in surrender.Ā 
ā€œI have homework to do, so Iā€™ll see you guys around,ā€ you said after finishing up your lunch. After you exited from the cafeteria the boys instantly started pestering Jungsu.
ā€œYouā€™re gonna ask them right?ā€ Hyeongjun questioned.
ā€œYou know that theyā€™ll say yes so itā€™s really no big deal,ā€ Jiseok expresses.
ā€œI know theyā€™ll say yes, but I want to ask her to go with meā€¦..as more than a friend,ā€ Jungsu mumbles at the end of the sentence.Ā 
ā€œWhat was that last part?ā€ Jooyeon quizzes, ā€œI couldnā€™t understand you,ā€ Jungsu took a deep breath.
ā€œI said as more than a friend,ā€he repeated, staring down at his plate.
ā€œDude that still isnā€™t a big deal. We know theyā€™ll still say yes to that,ā€ Jiseok says.
ā€œI want it to be special though,ā€ Jungsu explains. The boys all look and each other exchanging looks.
ā€œWe can help you with that,ā€ Gunil voices.
ā€œI donā€™t know about that,ā€ Jungsu feels aĀ  bit uneasy seeing the looks in his friends eyes.
ā€œJust trust us. You know you can trust me at the very least,ā€ Hyeonjun comments. Jungsu sighs, but nodded before speaking.
ā€œJust donā€™t make me regret this,ā€ all of them lean in towards the table speaking to another, coming up with the ā€œperfectā€ plan for Jungsu to ask you out.
You were currently in your room sitting at your desk finishing up work that you needed to get done. When a knock at the door broke your focus. Turning your attention away from your work and looking at the door. You see something slip under the door. Getting up and walking over to the door you notice that itā€™s an envelope with your name written in cursive on it. You pick it up off of the floor and return to your desk, sitting down as you begin to open the envelope. Reaching inside you pull out a piece of folded paper. Unfolding it you began to read.Ā 
ā€œMeet me at the Pomona Sproutā€™s garden at 9:00pm :)ā€
-Jungsu <3
A smile quickly adorns your face upon reading the message. You take a glance at the clock and see that it displays the time 8:30pm. You had 30 minutes to get ready, only you didnā€™t know what you were exactly getting ready for. Once you deemed that you looked presentable you took another look at the clock with the numbers 8:55pm displaying. You decided that you should start heading out.
Upon arriving at the garden you look around for Jungsu, but instead youā€™re greeted with Gunil and Hyeongjun. They're quick to notice the confused look on your face.
ā€œPlease, right this way,ā€ Gunil gestures as he begins to lead you through the garden. Gunil and Hyeongjun lead you right to Jungsu who stands with your favorite flowers in his hands.Ā 
ā€œEnjoy your night,ā€ Hyeingjun tells you before he and Gunil take their leave. You canā€™t help but lightly giggle at the scene evolving before you. Nonetheless you walk your way over to where Jungsu stands.Ā 
ā€œFor you,ā€ he told as he stuck out the flowers.
ā€œThank you,ā€ you reply, grasping the flowers from him and holding them close to you. Taking a moment to smell their fragrance. Jungsu carefully takes hold of your free hand, interlacing it with his own.
ā€œY/n,ā€ he begins to talk.
ā€œYes,ā€ you respond brightly.
ā€œI wanted to make this special. I rehearsed what I should say way too many times,ā€ he chuckled. ā€œAnd all those words have seemed to disappear now that Iā€™m actually doing this. Weā€™ve stuck byĀ  each other for as long as we can remember and I want it to always be like that. Youā€™re the best-est best friend I could ever ask for, but I want you to be more than that too. I like you y/n and i would like to escort you to the yule ball as more than just a friend. If you would let me?ā€ He finishes his confession.
ā€œOf course I want to go to the yule ball with you Jungsu, Iā€™ve been waiting for four years,ā€ you admit. Now, untangling your hand from his to wrap around him in a hug, careful not to crush the flowers.Ā 
Suddenly very loud cheers and clapping fill the garden as your friends come out from where they were standing (hiding).Ā 
ā€œFinally our duo of hufflepuffs areĀ  a hulffle cuffle,ā€ Jooyen vocalizes as he wipes away fake tears.
ā€˜Huffle cuffle, really thatā€™s what you come up with,ā€ Jungsu groans.
ā€œWhat? I wanted it to rhyme and cuffle sounds close to couple so,ā€ Jooyeon defends
ā€œCuffle isnā€™t even a word though,ā€ Sungmin brings up.
ā€œI made it one,ā€ Jooyeon states. You all roll your eyes, but also laugh at his antics. Enjoying the rest of your time in the garden together before having to go back for curfew. You went to bed that night with a smile painted on your face, even more excited to attend the yule ball with your now boyfriend Jungsu.
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skyward-floored Ā· 9 months
hotel california lyrics :3
On a dark desert highway Cool wind in my hair Warm smell of colitas Rising up through the air Up ahead in the distance I saw a shimmering light My head grew heavy and my sight grew dim I had to stop for the night
There she stood in the doorway I heard the mission bell And I was thinkin' to myself "This could be heaven or this could be hell" Then she lit up a candle And she showed me the way There were voices down the corridor I thought I heard them say
"Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place (such a lovely place) Such a lovely face Plenty of room at the Hotel California Any time of year (any time of year) You can find it here"
Her mind is Tiffany-twisted She got the Mercedes-Benz, uh She got a lot of pretty, pretty boys That she calls friends How they dance in the courtyard Sweet summer sweat Some dance to remember Some dance to forget
So I called up the Captain "Please bring me my wine" He said, "We haven't had that spirit here Since 1969" And still, those voices are calling From far away Wake you up in the middle of the night Just to hear them say
"Welcome to the Hotel California Such a lovely place (such a lovely place) Such a lovely face They're livin' it up at the Hotel California What a nice surprise (what a nice surprise) Bring your alibis"
Mirrors on the ceiling The pink champagne on ice And she said, "We are all just prisoners here Of our own device" And in the master's chambers They gathered for the feast They stab it with their steely knives But they just can't kill the beast
Last thing I remember I was running for the door I had to find the passage back To the place I was before "Relax, " said the night man "We are programmed to receive You can check out any time you like But you can never leave!"
Ahhh gotcha, spooky song, hotel you can never leave šŸ‘
huh... kinda like the roach motels
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your-local-baguette Ā· 1 year
Broooo i got the request but then I didnā€™t like send it to you I posted on my accountšŸ˜ž hereā€™s the whole thing again ā€œHEYYY ITS ME AGAIN but this time with a different character okay so Leonardo Luna and reader get into a fight about like him flirting with other women as a joke but reader doesnā€™t like it and like it starts up a big fight and Luna goes out to calm down and leaves reader alone crying sad heartbroken and he later comes back and reader is still crying on the floor of the living room and Luna feels instantly guilty and like apologizes to the reader and starts hugging kissing her and they make up (you can change the end it was a bit rushed)ā€ OMG THAT TOOK SO LONG TO REWRITE BROOOO and my also called me so it took even longeršŸ˜žšŸ˜žšŸ˜ž
But like girl/boyyy, how do you come up with these, like i got rid of all my imagination with wattpad so like, thank you sooo much. But i picture Luna doing that so much, he absolutely loves and adores the reader. So yea enjoy šŸ‘
You and luna were walking down the streets, a few folks here and there waved, recognizing the football player. You spotted a public restroom and indicated your lover to wait for you here, he nodded , hand on his hip.
Just has you entered the bathroom, another one grasped the chance, she walked up to him and extended her hand, to which he raised an eyebrow" i loved your play, it was amazing. Im ( insert bitch name), nice to meet you!" He nodded, shaking her hand hesitantly, when he let go, she slightly squeezed it.
She talked and talked, going deeper into a conversation, the woman was clearly flirting with him, he flirted back, taking in the opportunity' why not make y/n jealous'
You walked back to them, you extended your hand to the woman, asking her if she knew him. " Who might you be ?" She said which such confidence " y/n leonardo, nice to meet you!" She froze on the spot and apologized" im sorry, I didn't know he was taken" you lift an eyebrow brushing it off, you knew it was a complete lie, the shining ring on his finger, the fake smile as he talked to her. You waved toward her, waiting for her to far away" really ?" You asked bit even sparing him a glance" come on~, relaaax. It's just for fun" you rolled your eyes playfully, grabbing his hand" come on lets go" you tilted your head towards the direction. He nodded following you..
It was after a good hour walk and lot kf flirting with other women that you started frowning and doubting what going on. You made it back home, you pushed his shoulder to the kitchen, he sat down and you did as well, facing him. " Luna. If there something in our relationship bothering you. Tell me, i'll do my best to fix it and help with whatever you're going through" you said worryingly, he didn't expect you, the chillest partner ever, to take this so seriously.
" it's nothing to worry about really. Im alright"" i Trust you luna, but if something bothering you, i want to know so i can help okay ?" He nodded...
His behaviour kept on going for quite a while.
You were standing arms crossed in front of your chest." Luna. Could you stop flirting with other women. Especially in front kf me. I don't like it" " babe. Relax, it's nothing" you held back the tears, they were fighting for balance at the corners of your eyes." No luna. You don't get my point. You're hurting my feelings when you do this" " okay?" You gritted your teeths, tears starting to fall down." I swear. You drive me fucking mad like this" you muttered, you tried to keep your composure, not to yell at him. Hurting his feelings was the last thing you wanted to do." Please luna. Stop it, my heart breaking everytime you're doing this. I can't take it anymore. I want you to acknowledge my feelings! God damm it!" There it was, you yelled at him" wait luna, sorry i didn't mean to yell at yo-" he stayed silent" say something for goodness sake!" The tears started falling down even faster, he turned his back walking out and taking some fresh air. He left you crying in the corner of the living room, sobs were the only thing heard in the whole appartement, only to reach no one's ears, only the faded.
His fist hit a wall,' shit! It went too far' he was mad st himself, he had never seen you so mad. He was planning only to flirt a little but it went way too far, he had to go back but he can't stand your teared up face, eyes silently begging for help.
The door was heard, your sobs reaching his ears. His eyes laid on your figure, hugging your knees, crying your heart out. His big hand reach the top of your head, petting it awkwardly, he was awfully bad at apologizing. He turned his head away, not bearing to see you're crying face. He felt your cheek leaning in his touch, that's when he knew; you were willing to hear him out....
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vicciouxs Ā· 10 months
SIMBLR ASK GAME ! tagged by @machinegrl <3 tsym ily šŸ’
I remember leaving school, probably in the summer, and arriving at my grandmother's house, where my older cousin was with a friend. I always played with them and that day a classmate had lent his friend the sims (spoiler: they never returned the game to the classmate šŸŒž)
by my cousin's friend šŸŒžšŸ‘
the sims
many years, after that I played the rest pirated and the only one I bought was the sims 4 when they came out
the sims and the sims 4, I would also like to say the sims 2 or 3, but since I played them pirated sometimes my computer crashed and I couldn't fully enjoy them either šŸ¤” but well, the truth is that I enjoy the cas and the construction mode of the sims 4 and I love the sims because it was the first one I played
can I say all of them? like, before they were sims they are my ocs so I have a special affection for all of them, but, lately I love zahria, eiran and kaitlyn sm
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the goth family and the vatore siblings, like, even when I don't do anything my sims always have a love bar with lilith or caleb; and I love the goth family since the sims. I can't say much about the rest of the sims either because I focus so much on my little pixels that I don't pay attention to the lore of the sims, sorry šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
I have it, but I don't post a photo because I'm remodeling it. and I play with ir, but in dress-up game way, I use it to recreate outfits and get an idea of ā€‹ā€‹how to change my hair šŸŒž
every time I can because it relaxes me a little, like, I don't have to do anything, it doesn't have clear objectives, there are no missions, I can do what I want whenever I want without pressure, and don't forget that I really like to visualize my ocs and their stories, so every time I can I play
all of them, they all have a small part of me, but without a doubt, the ones who are most similar to me are knox and genji.
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none? like, idk, I am incapable of doing any because there are always things that I dislike or that do not inspire me and in the end I do not do any šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
I regret not having studied astronomy every day, so I would choose astronaut. I love space and the universe sm
socially awkward, gloomy, art lover, bookworm and geek. I can't choose just three, sorry
I don't know how to draw, so I really like to recreate my ocs. also decorate and create sims in general
it doesn't matter if it's a game or real life, winter will always be my favorite season, especially because of the snowy scenarios. you don't know how much I love the snowy scenarios of red dead 2
not really šŸ˜¢ sometimes we discuss new expansions or create our roleplay characters in the sims, but I can count those times on one hand and I have fingers to spare
86,2 gb šŸ¤”
I don't know exactly why I did it, but a part of me wanted to find people to create our little sims together and talk about sims; I also feel like I've always liked watching other people play, we all play the same game, but none of our sims are the same, each one has their own style and aesthetics and I really like to see that, plus all the people I have met here are so nice šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’
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muckmagister Ā· 11 months
6 11 25
do you use a watch?
not until very recently! just over a week ago i bought a heath tracker under the instruction of my cardiologist who wanted me to have something i could use to check my heart rate easily and often just in case, y'know? and well naturally this fancy gizmo also tells the time ^^ so i guess i wear a watch now even if it's primary purpose is to tell me my heart rate and how well i've slept lmao
anything from your childhood you've held onto?
a big fart. sorry, i'm- it's- i've answered this question in two previous asks if you wanna look ffjdjsjsšŸ˜­ no but if i hadn't gone to bed already i would go take photos of my cool rock collection that i've had for ages and if i remember in the morning i'll reblog this and add them on šŸ‘
would you say you have good taste in music?
i like the music i listen to it's nice :)
honestly everyone else seems to know what they're doing when they listen to music but istg i started like 10 years late. like as in. for almost half my life i just didn't listen to music at all. i mean obviously i heard music but i don't remember ever having any real opinions on the stuff i heard or any desire to go out of my way to listen to anything, at least not until way later than all of my peers seemed to.
yeah it's the autism i know, but i still don't think i've met someone who's had the same experience with music that i've had, or keep having.
ok i'm rambling now but honestly i don't often listen to music in general. it's a very present thing to me, like i can't listen to something if i can't sing along to the lyrics and jive with it y'know? which means at lot of the time i'm more comfortable in silence.
like, music is something i put on to Listen to and not to just like have in the background. idk sometimes when my brothers cooking breakfast he puts some music on, and it's nice and i enjoy it too but that's just something i'd never think to do if i were in the same position. and like a friend of mine loves to drive around and listen to music and i could never do that, like the music would just be distracting me from driving, it'd be downright unsafe lmao. when i listen to stuff at my computer i actually tend to just end up on an open tab with the lyrics there to just sing along even if i already know the song.
one of the only situations i can think of where i choose to listen to music and do something else at the same time is when i'm playing a specific type of videogame, where the music helps me get into that sort of flow state. and i think that's just cause it helps relax/distract the parts of my brain that aren't engaged with the videogame in a way that actually helps me stay focused on the game. like if i'm playing tetris a part of me is gonna get bored and look for something else to do, but if i listen to music and distract that part of me with a song to sing along to, then the tetris playing bits can focus even deeper on playing tetris. media symbiosis. i no idea. ok now i'm stopping myself here and putting all this shit behind a read more fjdhjskskksšŸ˜­ oH but here's my tetris highscore btw #humblebrag
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also you can just. play tetris, btw. for free. it's just on tetris.com like that's literally the link too and it's all there it's great. i was double checking it just now and it even works on mobile browsers it's fantastic. i love tetris
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newdayzinthepark Ā· 1 year
My thoughts on misamoā€™s mini album bc why not !!
Do not touch - My least fave, only bc I think itā€™s below the level of the other songs. I find Momoā€™s rap rlly cool. Theyā€™re my fave parts. I love her deep tone!! Some ppl say she ruined the song with her higher voice, but I think thatā€™s too far. I donā€™t have much to say except I love the elegance and how catchy and light (?) the chorus feels. The message is nice !!
Behind The Curtain - omfg this song is so afhgjhsjs !!!! Itā€™s so jazzy and groovy, like retro sounding. Minaā€™s voice shines a lot imo, it fits so well with the mysterious vibe. Momoā€™s rap is so fucking cool and her raspy voice is perfect for this type of song. The whole atmosphere is luxurious but also fun. It deserves a place in a musical or something. I canā€™t express in words just how much I love it but yeah šŸ˜­
Marshmallow - I love these type of slow and mellow songs!!! Iā€™ve heard some ppl say itā€™s boring, but I think itā€™s relaxing and nostalgic, it feels like a hug. The chorus feels kinda familiar, and the lyrics are so comforting šŸ˜æ again Iā€™m in love with Momoā€™s deep voice, itā€™s a great contrast with the instrumental in the verse. This song belongs in a cafĆ© !!!
Funny Valentine - I got flabbergasted by this song!!! Like I canā€™t explain how perfect it is šŸ˜­ The bridge got me shaking and crying afhdshjs I love when thereā€™s classical ish influence in kpop songs. Itā€™s just magical!!! Sanaā€™s voice is insanely gorgeous, her high note is immaculate. Thereā€™s just something so attractive in her voice especially in this song <3
Itā€™s not easy for you - at first I didnā€™t like the chorus much, but after listening again, I got used to it. Thereā€™s something so hypnotizing about this song. It just has a peculiar vibe. I love the electric guitar !!! I donā€™t have much to say abt this song but I really like the atmosphere. Itā€™s unique.
Rewind you - I love the melancholy. Itā€™s the type of song to listen to when driving at night imo. Itā€™s smooth and satisfying, and I love Minaā€™s part I think itā€™s the pre chorus but Iā€™m not sure?? Itā€™s just so pretty. Momoā€™s ā€œI miss youā€ makes me feel things šŸ˜µā€šŸ’«
Bouquet - This song makes me cry. The chorus just hits my heart in a way I canā€™t understand. The lyrics are so beautiful, theyā€™re kinda sad and so relatable. Itā€™s also rlly nostalgic. It has a special place in my heart <3
Overall opinion - I think itā€™s a lovely mini album with songs that are captivating in their own ways. Almost all of them have the mature and elegant essence that they were going for. This mini album will be on repeat for a few weeks šŸ‘
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endermahn Ā· 1 year
Oh my god writers block for fhe IFHY series is beating my ass rn bc i lost my reference.
(Still expect a new chapter, just expect if sunday night or monday early early morning like 1am or something my time/my country time.)
So have a little Wednesday Boxer Au where shes selective mute šŸ‘
Idk how to start itā€¦
TRIGGER WARNINGS: none really, some violence but its VERY minor, just like ā€œShe knocks them out!ā€ Stuff like that, saving all my detail for the series. Oo theres some mention of blood though. VERY BREIF mention of needle?
This is unchecked over, like all my other work.
No specific music, dont stop believing started playing though, so maybe its a sign?
Wednesday stepped into the changing room and got dressed quite quickly.
Her match was up in 3 others.
She was used to the weighted feeling in her stomach, the feeling that tingled up her spine and left through her arms, sometimes creeping up her neck to give her an involuntary twitch to be rid of it.
The ravenette quite enjoyed it, though. The horrible feeling it gave quite euphoric, making her feel even more weightless than usual.
She heard the first match end, with that the feeling grew, attempting to escape out of her mouth.
The soft, droning chatter kept her grounded, the talk of who was next, people trying to see their opponent early or just having general conversations as if they werenā€™t about to knock each other out a moment later.
Thing tapped softly on her thigh, and with that she looked down.
Her eyebrows questioned his actions and he signed to her
ā€œI found your opponent.ā€
And with that the second match was over, cheering, clanking and over all screaming could be heard from practically miles away.
She signed back
ā€œWhere are they?ā€
ā€œFollow me.ā€
Wednesday got up, leaving the space with her bag and water bottle behind.
After quite the short walk, she spots the character thing was describing on the way over.
Blonde, the bottoms being dyed opposing colours.
Fangs being exposed while she was laughing, intimidatingly needle like.
ā€œThis her?ā€ Wednesdayā€™s hand started signing, making quite klunky sounds on the table next to her.
However, she didnā€™t get to finish as her opponent noticed her.
She turned around and happily skipped toward.
Wednesdayā€™s eyes were glued to her, skeptically eyeing her and checking her out to see how she could beat her.
ā€œHey!ā€ She shouted out ā€œAre you my opponent? My friends pointed you out to me a second ago!ā€ The blonde chuckled, huffing out air. ā€œIm Enid, pleasure to meet you. And to fight you, of course.ā€
The raven like girl backed up a bit, slightly frowning at such a bubbly girl.
Her hand didnā€™t hesitate or leave a beat to pass as she signed:
ā€œYes, I am your opponent. My name is Wednesday. It is a pleasure to fight you. Thing told me about you.ā€ She struggled a bit with the last parts, not being sure how it were to translate properly.
ā€œOhhā€ Enidā€™s eyes were struck with realisation. ā€œOkay I get you, Its really nice to meet you, Wednesday! And hello, thingā€ Her eyes calmed a bit as she said the other girlā€™s name, her shoulders slightly relaxing.
Thing waved to Enid happily.
ā€œIt really is nice to meet you, sometimes I go into the ring not knowing the opponent and the look in their eye kinda scares meā€ The taller girl huffs put happily now.
Wednesday signed quickly, now more knowing of Enidā€™s abilities of reading sign. ā€œPersonally I find their look of pure murder relaxing, it makes me become much more relaxed when I see that break down as they run out of stamina.ā€
ā€œAh, well its a selective likeness, I suppo-ā€œ The bell rings out and another floor of cheering fills the gaps in the air.
ā€œWeā€™re on.ā€
ā€œWe are. Well it was nice speaking to you, and just so you arenā€™t disappointed, be aware my flame definitely isnt going to be put out.ā€ Enid smiled at this, giving the other girl a wink, then she walks out and to her side.
Thing signs on the remaining girlā€™s shoulder.
ā€œI like herā€
Nothing could tear Wednesdayā€™s eyes from Enid Sinclair.
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russilton Ā· 2 years
16 and 31 šŸ‘
16. Is there a driver who you made you drastically change your opinion of him?
I mean I used to not know who George was and now Iā€™d die for him, but thatā€™s a cop out answer
Weirdly I think itā€™s between Latifi and Ocon. Both are drivers I didnā€™t really pay much attention to, so I often only noticed when they werenā€™t doing well. Itā€™s only when I got into f1blr I started coming across people who loved them, and thus got to learn who they were behind the cars. Latifi is just a nice dude! He brought out a relaxed kind of joy in George, and he took a lot on the chin even for a back-marker driver.
And Esteban is justā€¦ chaos, in the car and out of it. Double overtakes all over the place, calling Perez insane, driving Fernando out of alpine, faces for days. Heā€™s got so much story AND heā€™s funny. He looks like tiny Freddie Mercury. Love the guy.
31. Do you have a favourite driver rivalry? If so, which one and why?
Sewis! I feel like I canā€™t answer anything but them haha, itā€™s chaotic but respectful, thereā€™s lore, even when they were battling they still teased each other
Send me F1 asks?
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atypicalsouda Ā· 8 months
it's britney bitch šŸ˜¼šŸ”„ I'm feeling silly don't mind me being a goof. šŸ¤£
for the f/o ask game, orange šŸ§” and purple šŸ’œ for them both? šŸ”šŸ‘€
Hi silly loveyy!! Thanks for the ask!! šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜šŸ˜˜
šŸ§”- ā€œIs there somewhere youā€™d like to visit with Sal? What would you do there?ā€
I mean itā€™s not like we have the fucking time for travel. But, if I were to pick somewhereā€¦Iā€™d choose Italy probably. Itā€™s real romantic and Iā€™m sure Sal would like the atmosphere and food there.
Other than that, Iā€™d also love to just go to Japanā€™s countryside and relax alone somewhere. Maybe a nice hotel and a beach. Honestly, I need the break.
I wanna go so many places with Sal!! Iā€™ve never been able to go anywhere like the movies, for example. Iā€™d love to eat at restaurants more with them both too.
Iā€™d love to go to some sort of carnival or theme park with Sal! Mostly for the games! āœØ weā€™d win prizes for each other. šŸ˜
Anywhere is good though, as long as Iā€™m by their sides. šŸ‘
šŸ’œ- ā€œHave you and Sal ever worn matching clothes or accessories?ā€
In a lot of ways, sure. We matched during our wedding, you could say our rings themselves match. A lot of our clothing is either Kuzuryuu clothing or we wear a pin. It makes sure all clan members can be recognized when weā€™re out during business meetings with other gangs.
Yeah we do sometimes! Matching beanies, matching bracelets, matching earrings šŸ„°
We match too if Sal decides to help me at the workshop heh. āœØ
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