#all of your work is great!!! hungry hero is still my all time fav but every one of your aus always grab my attention
doodleduds · 1 year
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Small thing for @sonicexelle-junkary 's contaminated!AU !
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Late Night Trip | Shoto Todoroki x Reader
AN: So, I got this idea from a photo a friend had sent a picture of Todoroki in this BNHA discord server I'm in! I was in Walmart and the idea just hit me. So I wrote it this. It's my attempt at fluff! I hope y'all like it! Length: 1.7k words Pronouns used: She/her
Summary: You're hungry late at night! So you and your husband take a trip to the store!
Full name: (f/n) Todoroki Quirk: (y/q) Age: 24 Hero Name: ((h/n)/none)
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(f/n) turned her body on the large bed letting her arms and legs drape over her husband, who chuckled a little. Her leg tightened around his waist, while her arm laid across his chest, her hand poking his cheek.
"Todoroni," She mumbled adorably, giving him her puppy dog eyes.
"Yes, love?"
"I'm hungry." She said, inching closer so her face was close to his. He placed his phone by his side and turned to her.
"Would you like me to make you something?" She fell in thought for a moment, before her (e/c) eyes looked up at him and she shook her head.
"Let's go shopping!" She cheered, throwing her arms up into the air. He groaned and pulled her into him, burying his face in her shoulder.
"All the way to the store?"
"That's where the groceries are, Sho." (f/n) giggled at his laziness. She wrapped her arms around him, breathing in his scent, feeling all her stress and worries practically melt away.
"Yeah, but it's so far."
"Come on! It'll be fun!" She said, sitting up and straddling his waist. "I'll buy you whatever you want!" Shoto laughed, the back of his hand covering his mouth.
"I know what you're doing, (n/n), and it's not working." He assured, letting his hand fall above his head. (f/n) bent down, placing her hands on his chest and her chin on top of her hands. She tried to give him her best innocent, puppy dog eyes, knowing full well it would sway him into agreeing with her.
"I'll buy you soba~," (f/n) said with a hopeful smile. Just that little look and the tone of her voice made Shoto automatically agree with her. Gosh, it was so difficult to say no to that cute face of hers.
"(f/n)..." Shoto whined and his hands moved to rest on her thighs. "That's cheating!"
"It'll be fun!" (f/n) countered. "Oh! We can buy pocky and play the pocky game!" He rolled his mismatched eyes at her enthusiasm- her cute enthusiasm that just made him want to melt into a puddle.
"But you can kiss me whenever you want."
"Ok, but like... there's a treat involved." Shoto's eyes widened and he placed a hand on his chest, pretending to be offended. He even added a little gasp.
"I thought my kisses were the treat." (f/n)'s eyes widened and she frantically shook her head.
"N-no! I didn't m-mean it like that! I swear! I was... just..." (f/n) trailed off when she saw her husband start laughing, which prompted her to sit up, cross her arms, and pout. "You're teasing me, aren't you?"
"Are you the most adorable wife on the planet?"
"I can't help it," He laughed, then smiled up at her. "I'm sorry, love." She leaned forward, pressing a short kiss on his lips.
"I'll bite your lip off, I swear."
"Oh, I'm so scared." He taunted playfully. She sat up, holding her hands up. "No, no, no please!" Shoto pretended to be scared and immediately held his hands up in surrender. "Have mercy, my love!"
"Go on! What were you saying?" (f/n) threatened, pretending to glare at him. He reached out and gently took her wrists and looked up at her.
"I surrender." She smirked, holding her head up high.
"I demand a kiss as a sign of surrender."
"Come here," She shook her head.
"Nope. You come up here." He shook his head and pulled her wrists, making her fall forward. He caught her shoulders and gently pressed a kiss to her lips. When they pulled away, she glared at him.
"Well, now you know how it feels." He teased, making her grumble.
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, IcyHot."
"Come on, let's get changed. It's late anyway so we shouldn't waste too much time." Shoto said looking at his phone, it was currently 12:38 am and (f/n) wanted snacks from the store. Nothing surprising, honestly.
(f/n) rolled off of him and let him sit up properly. The two quickly got changed and gathered their necessities.
"Wanna drive?" Shoto asked, holding the car keys up as he walked to the front door with (f/n).
"Sure!" The two got into their car putting on their seat belts and (f/n) started the car up. "What store? Wanna go to my favorite? The far one?!"
"Why would we do that?" Shoto asked, looking at her.
"Why not?!"
"Because it's midnight... and we should be asleep."
"Or, hear me out. We could drive to that one store that has (fav snack)."
"That's like 40 minutes away." Shoto said, a little shocked she was willing to drive that far for (fav snack).
"It's not that far," (f/n) said, placing her hands on the steering wheel.
"Not that far- that's almost two hours of driving! For a bag of (candy/chips)!" He argued but he could see it didn't really phase her.
"We don't have work tomorrow."
"Baby," He frowned. "What happened to wanting to sleep early?" (f/n) giggled nervously and looked away then back at him.
"Start tomorrow?" He sighed in defeat which made her squeal in delight as she quickly pulled out of the driveway. Shoto chuckled, shaking his head. Yep, this was one of the many reasons he married this nutcase. Late night trips to a faraway store for her favorite snack.
"Play something! Something fun!" (f/n) said, keeping her eyes on the road. Shoto nodded, connecting his phone to the car and playing her playlist, which contained all her favorite songs.
As they drove on the highway, (f/n) sang and "danced" to all the songs, singing most of them since she knew every lyric by heart. Shoto just watched with adoration, sometimes lip-syncing some words with her.
The 40-minute drive flew by and before they knew it, they were at (f/n)'s favorite store. She excitedly got out of the car, running into the store.
"You forgot... to lock... the car," Shoto muttered as she disappeared through the doors. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and walked towards the entrance, jumping a little when the car lock behind him. "Good lord." He chuckled.
Shoto had finally found (f/n) in one the isles and his eyes widened when he noticed the already full basket in her hands.
"Hey, babe! What about this?" She held up a pack of gummy worms. He took the basket from her, looking at her with wonder.
"You were in here for maybe 40 seconds. How is this thing full already?" She smiled, waving his question off.
"Pick baby."
"I don't like gummy worms." She shrugged, putting it back before turning on her heel and walking away from him. Shoto quickly followed behind her, grabbing another basket, since she'd already filled up the first one. (f/n) grabbed different types of juices and snacks, nonchalantly throwing them into the basket her husband held.
"You should've grabbed a cart," He informed, holding up both of the overflowing baskets. "Why didn't you?"
"Eh, the baskets were closer!"
"I'll go get one." He said, placing the basket next to (f/n), while walking to the front. (f/n) continued on her quest for more snacks, gathering a bunch of candies, chocolates, chips, and whatnot in her arms. "I can't leave you alone for ten seconds." He said, making her turn around, one of the bags of chips falling to the floor. "Ten seconds, baby. Ten whole seconds, all you had to do was stand here. You still managed to get stuff." (f/n) only giggled, throwing her stash into the cart.
"You love me."
"To the moon and back, but you astound me with your abilities, (f/n). You truly do." She winked at him as she picked up one of the baskets and spilled the contents of it into the cart.
"(Fav flavor drink/1) or (fav flavor drink/2)?" (f/n) asked, holding up the two separate drinks.
"Whichever you want, love," Shoto answered, before looking at his phone. It was 2:17 am and (f/n) was still packed with energy. This came with its own list of pros and cons. Sure, she had an easier time staying up so night shifts for her were easy. But then again, she couldn't sleep early and would wake up later in the day, which was a bad habit. This little trip of theirs was a pro and a con. Sure, he loved spending time with her and it was kinda fun to drive this far. But then again, it was late and they should've been asleep. After a few more moments of watching (f/n) debate between the two drinks, Shoto spoke up. "Just get them both."
"Oh! Great idea!" She giggled, before dropping the drinks into the cart, which made Shoto reach down and adjust them so they wouldn't crush the other snacks. A few minutes of walking through all the isles, they'd decided they had enough stuff. "Let's go!" (f/n) said, running ahead while Shoto followed behind.
The cashier was just as surprised as Shoto as she slid every snack and drink across the register to scan the items. Shoto paid and they both walked out to the parking lot and threw all of their delicious snacks into the trunk before getting into the car.
"At least we won't be coming back for a while," Shoto commented, pulling his seatbelt down.
"Who said that?" His mismatched eyes shot to hers.
"Because we bought so much stuff." (f/n) giggled.
"Bold of you to assume it won't all be gone by the end of the weak."
"NO!" He yelled, his eyes widening. "Don't do that, you'll get sick!" (f/n)'s giggles turned into laughter as he went on about how dangerous it was to eat all of the junk food they'd bought.
"Relax, baby!" She yelled, between her fits of giggles. "I was kidding, of course, I'm not going to eat it all in a week." (f/n) drove them back home, which was, of course, filled with singing and lots of giggles.
(f/n) jumped on the bed after changing into some comfortable clothes, spilling all the candy and snacks onto her bed. Shoto stretched before sliding under the covers next to her.
"You seem like you're planning to stay up. Eating all this junk food before bed isn't healthy either."
"But, babe." (f/n) whined, turning to her husband and pouting.
"It's 3 am." He said, grabbing the remote.
"Come on! It'll be fun." There was a moment of silence as Shoto debated on whether or not he wanted to actually stay up all night. When his eyes met his wife's... he couldn't deny her.
"You're a bad influence, you know that?" She squealed in delight, wrapping her arms around him in a tight hug. Her lips pressed against his cheek quickly.
"I love you, Shoto!" She giggled, her (e/c) meeting his.
"I love you too, (f/n)." He replied, leaning down and pressing his lips against hers. "To the moon and back."
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kikosaurscave · 4 years
The Cheater and The Bear Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
10/6/21: PLSSSSS THANK YOU FOR THE SUPPORT ON THIS FIC BUT I HATE IT. I love the plot but i hate how i brought on the story towards the end, its boring, quick and sloppy as well, sorry for that. Ill touch it up...later🦖🦕
A/N: Kinktober, I dont know when Ill be encouraged/inspired enough to finish it, besides its obviously already overdue. This was written in a little under 5 hours and I think its pretty good.
The Angst isnt too bad, a bit of a weak ending but its alright.
F/F= Fav Food F/A=Fav Animal F/C=Fav Colour F/D=Fav Drink
Fandom: Boku No Hero Acadamia (My Hero Acadamia
Genre: Angst
Warnings/Contains: Angst. Slight/mentions of; Insomnia, Cheating, Abuse and Death(Reader), Sicknesses(Unspecified) and Suicude(Not directly)
Word Count: 1,934
Angst Level: 2-3
Bakugou and Y/n have been dating since they graduated college, they live together and Bakugou has been coming home late because “his boss is asking him to do extra hours” y/n being a good girlfriend, stays up and waits for him to get home so she can help him calm down from the foul attitude he’d usually have.
Trying not to fall asleep most the time, she would rarely get some sleep just to make sure he’s alright.
What he really does while his GIRLFRIEND is slowly falling ill for his sake is gradually getting closer to his coworker, spending the late nights with her and not his own girlfriend.
Slowly, week after week he starts recognising the late hours he’d yell at y/n for ‘Not minding her own business’ when she asks ‘Where he was’ or ‘How he was’, he’d notice his coworker being nothing like y/n, for example; when y/n would hug him, he’d feel warm inside, not with her.
When y/n would compliment him, he could tell she meant it, but she didnt even bother to. When y/n would wait for him and care for him, though she didnt? It just wasnt the same at all, it felt useless, he felt weird, sad in fact, he didnt know how he felt but he knew that if he looked into the e/c eyes of the person he loved; he would practically fall apart.
Checking the mail when he arrived home to see a letter from their local doctor to his y/n and opening it to see that his girlfriend had a bad condition with no possible ‘cure’ or ‘last resort’ to help with her condition caused by stress and insomnia he was scared, he rushed inside the house, stressfully slamming the door shut and walking into the living room to find his what looked like a now fully alert girlfriend with dark bags under her widened eyes with her hair a little messy, she tried to keep it tamed, but the first thing she still asked him was if he was alright, then she checked his forehead for a temperature while he stared speechless at her, mouth ajared and eyes wide with regret, sadness, anything in remorse “Youre sick and you didnt tell me?” He managed to mutter out after grabbing a soft hold onto her hands, something he hadnt done in a while because all his touches to her were violent and dangerous, the way he just spoke to her was the calmest in weeks, months even because he had been noticing the raggedness in his throat whenever he left to work.
She looked down, sadly, “I tried telling you but you told me I was just lying and being selfish..” his breath hitched realising that she wouldn’t live because of him.
Sure she told him she was fine and he didnt need to worry or that it wasnt his fault but that only made him realise how selfless she was, how much she really loved him and how idiotic he was, he finally realised what an idiot he was, a dirty unloyal cheater is what he called himself, undeserving of the very person he vaguely remembered promising to himself that he would give his life and propose to, because, because? He didnt remember because his mind was poisened with the thoughts of the nights he spent with someone else.
He knew that the memories would rush into his mind either after she died or while he tried his best to care for her during her last few days, when he couldve been doing this for until they grew old together.
He didnt remember why he did what he did but he knew that would be the greatest regret of his life; destined to burn into his mind while he recited her very words about moving on and living his life as strong as he always did or at least now could-though she didnt say that last part herself, he knew its what he knows wont stay out of his mind.
And so the days went by, he had stayed home from work to comfort her while in denial about the inevitable death ((Unus Annus👀)) coming to her.
He gave as much love to her that he could, made her the food she desperately needed, made her feel as needed as she was to him, bathed her himself and made her feel comfortable.
Even when she knew he was cheating on her she never stopped loving him, making sure HE was alright even when her very own health was slowly dropping as the weeks passed.
She knew what he did and she still didnt stop caring for him and his health, not her own. She shuffled and shivered in his embrace, causing him to adjust the blanket on her while smiling softly, the other rested on her back hugging her closer to him.
When her breathing evened once again he continued thinking, ‘Was it worth it?’ He would sometimes think to himself while brushing her hair.
He remembered the time he asked her if he was that worth it that she would sacrifice her health for;
‘Was I that worth it?’ He asked her while he adjusted the f/a bag on her back, to which she sadly looked down and said ‘You werent supposed to find out, When that letter arrived I was supposed to leave after seeing how bad my condition is,’ he stared down at her in shock as she continued,
“If I had gotten to the letter before you and left it would all be a little better..you wouldve forgotten me and moved on, I know you wouldve. I didnt want to bother you anymore, so I figured it’d be better if I left and probably went and lived with Hanta or Jirou instead of dying and leaving my body for you to find..I didnt want to cause so much trouble for you..’ His eyed watered and so did hers when she looked up at him..
Driving her to what she knew would be her last festival and what he denied it to be, he held her hand as if it would be the last time he would ever get the chance to.
She pulled him weakly by the hand, taking him from ride to ride—while he complained about how it might not be safe enough for her to ride, she didnt listen though, she still dragged him on, the cycle kept on going with y/n taking him on rides wether he worried about her safety or not, she took him to get some food and candy from time to time, she even asked him to win the f/c bear for and he nodded.
They watched the fireworks with her arms wrapped around her new bear and her bag and his wrapped around her, he watched as she looked up at the bright lights in the sky, he noticed how they reflected in them.
When they got home, she didnt tell him that she felt more unwell than usual, she just told him that ‘I had a great night, ‘Suki. I really love you, you know?’ She hugged him while he wondered where this came from but didnt take much mind as he listened with a smile on his own, she then continued ‘When Im gone, I dont want you to be sad,’ she whispered, ‘Dont say that.’ He shook his head, arms wrapping atound her and hugging her close ‘Youll be fine, you told me youll be fine..’ ‘I know..I just want you to know that, I love you and I want you to be happy and smile, dont dwell on the past, I forgive you, you know that right?’
He nodded, picking her up and taking her to their room, undressing her and putting her pyjamas on then the same with himself while she climbed under the cover and continued, ‘I mean it okay? So dont think it was your fault’ ‘But it was’ he muttered, sadly. ‘It wasnt.’ He didnt argue, he just stayed quiet, contemplating and dwelling on how he knew it was. ‘Are you hungry? Ill go make you some f/f..’ he left the room, not waiting for an answer, leaving you to look down disappointedly.
He didnt want to listen because he knew what you were going to say. Weakly closing your eyes, your hands wrapping around your torso, you opened your eyes a few minutes later, you felt awful, you felt your time closing in you, you swallowed some saliva or at least tried to, you heard Bakugou walk back in and the smell of f/f invaded your senses, you looked up and he walked over with two trays, both holding f/f and f/d, you smiled a small smile that weakly faltered when he put the trays down on the bed and grabbed the remote to the tv in your shared room.
That night when he held you in his arms and ran his finger through your hair and you slowly faded away, youre heart beat faltering, to which only the bear you held—between you two chest to chest—could hear.
‘I love you so much you know that right?’
‘I know..I love you too y/n’
You smiled, hearing him as he spoke genuinely, he really did love you, he just didnt remember or realise that he did so much until he woke up the next morning, your time had come and gone, your heart—
—‘Y/n? Baby wake up, its time to get up’ he shook you softly, you still clung to both him and the bear between you both—faltered that night, it had finally given up and you had lost your last game—
—‘Y/n wake up!’ He checked your breathing, your pulse, anything he could think of to try and give himself some hope that you weren—
You didnt want to die unhappy but you didnt want to stress him or frustrate him when or if he found your body had you stayed and he didnt read the letter.
—t dead, to try and give himself some hope that you werent dead, but the large lack or little to none of heartbeat and the fact that you werent breathing only made the tears fall from his eyes faster—
Its not the time to dwell on the past anymore, you just had to focus on not being scared of what was to come next, so instead you took in as much of Bakugou as you could, you latched closer onto him and took in his warmth and tried to focus on the bear, the calm bear that basically had no idea what was happening around it.
—‘Please wake up, Please wake up’ he repeated while dialling Emergency Services—
At least Suki would have it to take care of him while you were gone. You closed your eyes, and let out one last breath, feeling his grip tighten on you, a tear ran down your cheek as death took you with a gentle touch.
—‘I love you’ Bakugou whispered to your grave, tears running down his face as he hugged the bear the won you at the festival the night you died in his arms..when the found his body and a note saying,
‘Bury me with the bear next to her -Katsuki Bakugou’
It turned out he really did love you?
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nabtime · 7 years
Reasons I Very Much Disliked the 10 Years Later Video Butch decided was probably profitable and decided to post. Like.... Let’s start with characters...
Jazz. My sweet fav Jazz. All of the designs felt pretty wrong and out of character but this one felt the most so. Butch didn’t even mention psychology, which offended me the most, and it’s like, yeah maybe Jazz grew out of her love for psychology by the time 10 years later rolled around but considering how central it was to her character? Doubtful. Like??? Butch do you know these characters at all? How in any way shape or form was Jazz technologically inclined? To the point she’d be as hooked up to wires and such as she was? That didn’t make sense at all. Maybe for Tucker, the most tech savy person ever, but not for Jazz. 
Yes she wanted to help her brother out and nearly desperately wanted to be part of team Phantom but I don’t think she’d give up everything she loved for it. Also Jazz would absolutely not want to be on the side lines. Even when she was messing up with the weapons she was still right there in the middle of the action. We also know she can kick butt physically, like her mom, even if she’s bad with weapons, like her dad. 
Honestly? I would see Jazz as a top researcher on the Psychology of Ghosts. She would most definitely have the drive and the passion to be able to not only spearhead a new avenue of research based on everything about a ghost’s brain/feelings/thoughts/etc but also be a sort of permanent head of that department. Ghosts are a sentient species that are also completely separate from humans. That’s GROUNDBREAKING. 
Not to mention that it’s a way she knows she can help without completely resorting to violence. Jazz is compassionate and nosy. She’s a busy-body that wants to fix everyone’s problems. She’s both sensitive and insensitive. She’s aggressive about being caring. And I don’t think that would be something that would just go away. I know Butch has already stated that Ghosts aren’t Ghosts but Monster (Yeah, okay man) but ignoring that I think Jazz would most certainly offer Ghost Therapy sessions Pro Bono to help them pass on. And even with the Monster thing, I still think she’d offer therapy, even if it’s just to offer comfort and the ability to integrate within human society. 
Anyway, I was real mad about how badly Jazz was treated. Her entire character was made some two-dimensional sidekick with no substance. The depth of the female characters is what made DP so great, Butch, we don’t need you ruining that just to make things look cool.
Jack. I... guess I agree with him that Jack would think being a half robot is cool, but like... Why? Why would he have gotten that scarred up? Yes, I get it, the usual “When you’re famous you make a lot of enemies.” But like.... I dunno I think the show wouldn’t necessarily take such an edgy dystopian turn like he wants us to believe. He kept just... talking about action and action scenes. And, honestly? That’s incredibly boring. And completely unnecessary. Action scenes are good but you have to have something to propel them. Something to make you care. One would think that Danny and his crew would be working to make the world a better place. To make it more peaceful. That’s what heroes are supposed to do. Not gratuitously get into fights with anyone who’s trying to pick one. Like??? 
Also this completely would take away character growth, both with Jack’s design and Maddie’s. Why are they still treating ghosts like subhumans? Like evil monsters? Since they’re literally wearing the DP insignia I’d assume they know about Danny’s half-ghost persona, so why would they still be hunting ghosts the same way?????
Honestly, with the way the show was headed before it ended you could tell there was a lesson in there about how there’s humanity even in beings you think are monsters. These mecha-ultra-action-oriented designs leave no room for that. I want to see a peaceful ambassador Danny trying his best to negotiate between ghosts and humans! I want to see Jack and Maddie supporting him! The conflict shouldn’t come from random fight scenes, but from things going awry! Let me see negotiations go sour because Jack accidentally said something loud and obnoxious. Let me see him resolve it after some character growth. One of the things about the original DP was that the grown ups had no accountability. Let me see them grow too. Show me that even adults can learn from their mistakes. 
In the end Jack looked like a horribly colored Santa that’s too trigger happy. Also? With the way everything was action oriented and revolving around violence... I dunno, when you treat your enemies like targets and forego all compassion, are you really the hero anymore? Even if he escaped the fate of Dan, it seems to me like Danny is still a bit of a villain like this. :/
Maddie. Just. Let me. AAAAAAA. No. First of all that haircut. Maddie would never. There’s no reason for her to change her hair that drastically and just, ugh. And those clothes on a 50 year old woman? I dunno, women can wear what they like at any age but it just doesn’t fit Maddie’s style. Anyway. Also, Butch totally degraded Maddie’s character to just “bad-ass action woman that fights a lot, has big weapons, and is bad ass.” Totally taking away her maternal side. Totally disregarding the fact that she’s often the brains of the operation behind the weapons. And totally making another awesomely dimensional female character flat and without substance. Congrats Butch.
Secondly, can we talk about those ghosts on a leash? Omfg. Whoo boy. Let’s talk about how many things wrong with that there are. Just. Yeah, remember a few paragraphs ago I was talking about the “humanity in monsters” bla bla bla. WELL. One: cruel. Two: weird. Three: wrong. Like on a basic moral level. Anyway, like I’m going to stop there with that because I don’t want to think about it anymore. Eugh.
Vlad. Lmao, let’s take one of the best motivated, best background story given child’s cartoon character and say his most interesting trait is his being a Greenbay Packers fan. Like, yeah it’s a pretty cool thing about him, but come on Butch. 
Also, i like how even you are ignoring Phantom Planet and you made that horrible mess. You dug your grave now lie in it. 
A clone??? Can we talk about the moral implications??? Like yes, I know Vlad is a villain and he does bad things but like??? We already went through this as a plot point we don’t need to go through it again. Vlad may be obsessive but he’s smart enough to know when to give up a failed plan. He’d start a new one. But anyway the moral implications of a clone. I’m not talking about Vlad, I’m talking about society. That is obviously a clone of Danny. That was obviously unconsensual. Vlad would blow his cover as a civilian and be revealed as a villain to the public this way, assuming he still has a cover. How does he live?????As a constant villain??? Wouldn’t he be arrested??? I just. Logistics man. And with the weight of Danny as a trustworthy superhero now, and the fact that its pretty obvious everyone knows Danny’s identities, Vlad has no leverage over Danny to keep his secret. Danny could full on spill everything about how evil vlad is. And what about team Phantom?? Wouldn’t they try to take the clone away from an abusive asshole like they did with Dani?? How does the clone feel??? This is a literal whole new character!!! 
I’m not even going to talk about the tiger.
VLAD. DOES. NOT. WANT. TO. BE. A. KING!!!! That’s so totally not his villain MO!!!!!! What was so great about Vlad was that he didn’t want things like that. He wanted power, yes. But only to further his plans. He wanted three things: Maddie, revenge on Jack, and Danny as his protege. That’s what made him interesting!!!!! Not every villain has to be power hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Medieval vlad having a sword so he can just go into battle and just smash things. Wow, okay, right back to the action with no substance and also totally ignoring the classiness and finesse that vlad usually utilizes in fights. but okay. 
Oh! Well look! Phantom Planet actually mentioned!!! Also the alien enslavement thing was actually a pretty cool plot thing so KUDOS TO YOU BUTCH SOMETHING I LIKED!!!! But, how, may i ask, are you going to deal with aliens existing? are they going to never be mentioned again?? are they going to come looking for vlad on earth? how will they clash with the ghosts? will danny have to reluctantly notice that his once archnemesis is not who he used to be and take pity on his wretched new state in order to help fight against the aliens? will vlad beg for dannys help or want to fight him for revenge? that’s some good plot right there.
Side note: “Maybe if I do a Danny Phantom 10 Years Later part three video, I’ll do an aged up version of Young Blood.” Butch. The whole point of Young Blood is that he’s young. Like forever young. BUTCH. THIS IS YOUR OWN SHOW. BUTCH!!!
Anyway. Dani. Is she evil? She was under the influence of Vlad after all. NO???!?!?! Literally that was the whole plot of her character arch Butch. She was taken away from that influence and allowed to roam free, If anything I think she’d gain lots of wisdom and worldly experience from her travels. 
“I kind of buffed her up”  👀 👀 👀 👌 👌 👌 👌 💯 💯 💯 🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 !!!
But also back to, “By party I mean she likes to destroy ghosts” BUTCH. I already went over this. Everything action oriented like this totally takes away from the original series and makes everything boring with no purpose. No drive. Also while yes I love her design, i think its ignoring whatever experiences she might have had while traveling. and makes her yet another flat female character. She’s there to look sexy and hit things and thats it. there’s, again, no substance. Whatever.
Also, how does she make a reappearance in the series??  Has she integrated into the family? (Thatd be rad). Does she just pop up from time to time? is she there for back up in case theres a need for reinforecements?
i have questions butch.
this has been long. bye
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thecoolerx-blog · 8 years
Top 10 Furry Animated Villains!
Rules: they have to be from an animated movie be able to talk or behave like humans! as the minimal anthropomorphic idea so ferals enter can be any franchise or studio and it was to be on animation and they will be rank into how evil or how much of a kill count they got or could have if their evil plans had unfold also only one per movie or franchise series etc. as always remember this is my own opinion based on my experience with other furries and in the fandom i had belong for over 18 years to date and counting so if your fav is not here i am sorry  is not here im sorry 
#10) The Weasels (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)  This villains are the representation of pretty much all the cartoon villains in series such as the classical Warner Brothers or Hanna Barbera etc they are goofy silly and as every good villain of such cartoon style not as bright and intelligent as the heroes are for pretty much giving the idea to kids that you got to be a dum guy to be a bad guy, and you want to root and be the hero instead. it work but we still love them as villains. 
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#09) Bibop & Rockstedy (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) This two numskulls are the henchmen of the mighty shredder and also mighty powerful mutants that fight against the teenage mutant ninja turtles even been more violent into their operation mode they still are used as comedy relief and from other many thugs that the main villain uses to get his way that usually do come in numbers of two this are the two that take the cake at times even saving the say by accident. 
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#08) Steele (Balto) This one is a classical example of if its not my way then it no one’s way, steele is overly proud and overly aggressive loves to be the dominant of the pack with out even been a good leader to start with, lies about a lot of things and making a name for himself based on that, but when wolfdog Balto comes his way in between the lovely Jenna who simply is not interested in his musky ways he goes on to even try to let balto die in the cold of the Alaskan Ice and sabotage his way home in the middle of no where, he ends up sad and alone and from town wanna be hero to a nothing but zero.
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#07) Carface (All Dogs Go To Heaven) This is the first of the list who actually kills his partner in business to get all the business Charlie Barking for himself and even kidnaps an orphan girl that can talks to animals to help him win on the rat races, crazy as this may sound he does try to kill his victim again ones he comes back from the dead with little success he is not lower upper on the list cause his motives to kill and do his doing are just money and wealth, been just a very greedy dog. 
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#06) Shere khan (The Jungle Book) His motives are pure revenge and hate against humans and even if he does not kill the young human cub at the end he still is the most feared one in the jungle making obvious this naughty but delightfully polite and charming feline has a body count we are not exactly sure how big it is and thats why he is not higher on this list.
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#05) Prince John (Robin Hood) this big mean one its silly and its very comical but still he achieves to over throne its older brother and takes the crown and all England in his paws the only one in his way is an outlaw fox and his merry men that steals from his tax money and gives it back to the pour, he is hungry for power and even sent by hypnosis his brother to die on the front roads of a crusade in the middle east he may not have a death count but he still smart and sneaky as he is a coward.
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#04) Jenner (The Secret of Nimh) he has seek his way up to the senate of the sapient rats and mice that escaped the human laboratories and as far as we know also killed Mrs Brisby’s husband and Maximilian the wise old wizard, all he wants is to gain power and make the rats do his bitting, with out caring if the humans find them and destroy the world they had built under the farm. A fears politician and a dangerous self center personality this one is a gentle rat that will not count to 3 before he stabs you in the back.  
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#03) Ratigan (Basil The Great Mouse Detective) This one is similar o Jenner but he never had killed any one so what puts him up on the list? well precisely that he is incredibly intelligent and he likes to brag about it and even tho he is just a dirty rat he desires more in life feeling he deserves more and makes a almost infallible plan to over throne the mouse queen and take over his wits and brains actually makes him achieve this until his evil scheme is reveal by basil this is a bad guy that proves that been smart is a way to obtain your goals, how ever his methods are not very honorable at all.  
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#02) Scar (The Lion King) this one has a body count as he plan and successfully killed his own brother the king to take over but still charming and very well mannered as he is royalty  uses his inteligence and political skills to make the hyenas do his dirty work overtaking the pride lands and pretty much actually succeeding on his plan and winning even if it was for a short time, thats what makes him be so high on the list, but he fail to kill his nephew who comes back time later to over throne him with the help of his oppressed lionesses. he is not higher on the list since his motives are very classical but not really as evil as it is our #1.
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#01) Cat R. Maul (An American Tail: Fievel Goes West) this one is all a good villain should have: style, charm, apparent incense, political skills, intelligence, polite, great inter and external human relations and a very well made plan, he does not intent to become king he is greedy yes but also he is a heartless soul who will pretty much enslave by convincing the whole town he is going to make the town great again (sounds familiar?)  the mice to exploit their own lands and built themselves a mouse trap that will literally turn them all in to burgers, committing what in a mother era would be consider genocide, this cat does not care if its a young old or baby mouse thats killed as long as he gets what he wants then pretty much kill all the witness by actually making themselves get killed, turning him into a cold blood serial killer, sadly his plan is foil by Fivel and his friend cat (that thinks he is a dog) but if he had succeeded he would had got a body count far higher than any other villain in this list.
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hemcountry · 7 years
It’s not too often that you get the opportunity to speak to someone like Jim Lauderdale, where most of the names that come up in conversation have all secured their own places in the music history books, too. Harlan Howard, Buck Owens, Ralph Stanley, Buddy Miller, Robert Hunter, Patty Loveless, George Jones, Harry Chapin, John Oates, Lucinda Williams, Rodney Crowell, John Levanthal, Emory Gordy Jnr. And for good measure, a tale relating to John Lennon that almost steals a beat of your heart when you think about it for a moment. Nope, it’s definitely not too often that you hit lucky enough to chat with someone like Jim. Hardly surprising, though, given the fact that there aren’t many like Jim out there. In fact, when we talk about Jim Lauderdale, we’re into talking about once-in-a-lifetime talents territory. And it was my good fortune, and great pleasure, to talk to the man himself recently.
Jim Lauderdale, one of country music’s true songwriting legends.
Sadly, when we spoke it was only a few days after the shooting at Jason Aldean’s concert in Las Vegas, followed by the untimely death of a true rock and roll icon,Tom Petty. It would have been impossible not to begin by touching on both for a moment, so I asked Jim if he’d like to share what was going through his mind on either event?
“Yes, oh my gosh. It was mind-numbing, both of those different tragedies. What happened in Las Vegas was just unfathomable. I’m still, and I think everybody is really, we’re just reeling from it. And then Tom last night. I mean, he’d just wrapped up a very successful leg of his tour and seemed to be very healthy. His music really brought a lot of enjoyment to millions of people. He was a real master [entertainer] and he’s really gonna be missed.”
‘London Southern’, OUT NOW
Jim’s new album, ‘London Southern’, is his 29th, an extraordinary output by anyone’s measure. It includes a song co-written with John Oates, called ‘If I Can’t Resist.’ Now Jim has described Oates as being, ‘More hungry than most guys that are on their way up.’ I put it to Jim that, given his vast back catalogue, that same could be said of him. And I asked him, what keeps him hungry to keep on writing and recording?
“It’s just the desire to get these songs out as they come to me, or if I’m collaborating with others. It’s just a need I have. Something I have to do is to write, and then to sing. So I stay in the studio frequently and I tour more and more these days. It seems like both the recording and the touring has continued to grow through the years, and I’m really glad about that. So writing songs and recording them, it’s just such an intense, challenging, but wonderful process. And like I said, I just have to do it.”
I’d read somewhere once that Jim never ‘refuses’ a song if he feels one coming on, even if it has nothing to do with whatever specific project he might be working on at that time. If the song comes to him, Jim takes it.
“Yes, that’s right. And I often wonder if my mind plays tricks on me, that when I’m working on a particular project, that’s when I get song ideas for a different style of music [laughs]. If I’m working on more of a soul type thing, then I might get an idea for a bluegrass song, or a traditional country type song, or vice-versa. But that’s o.k! I let my mind play those tricks! [laughs].”
Jim with stars of the ‘Nashville’ tv show, Chris Carmack (L) and Sam Palladio
Whenever I’m thinking of buying an album by an artist I don’t really know much about, one of the first things I do is check out the song titles and the songwriting credits. That’s how I first discovered an amazing Texan artist called Sunny Sweeney, she has three of Jim’s songs on her ‘Heartbreaker’s Hall of Fame’ record. In other words, if I see a Jim Lauderdale song on an album, that’s good enough for me: sold! And Jim is often referred to as a ‘songwriter’s songwriter.’ I wondered what it meant to him to be the subject of such a description?
“It’s very flattering. But I try not to…well, I feel like I’m still in the beginning stages of my career, so I don’t let that stuff go to my head because I’m always onto the next project. And it’s always challenging for me to get through those projects and come up to the level of other writers that are out there. So I’m always kinda doing the next thing and not thinking too much about my past work.”
As a writer Jim is nothing short of prolific. A few years back, he released a staggering FOUR records in just ONE year. How does something like that work on a business level?
“[Laughs] It doesn’t! It doesn’t work that way [laughs]. And even though I get told that by people trying to advise me, I just do it anyway. And actually, this record that’s out now, ‘London Southern’, those records came out after I’d recorded ‘London Southern’ and I was waiting for the right home for it. So these other things were kinda coming out, these other songs and project ideas, and I thought, well, ‘London Southern’ will hopefully be out in the spring-time so I’ve got to clear the decks and get these others out. And this went on for three or four years. So finally, I found a home for it which is in the U.K, on a label called Proper Records, that really liked the album a lot. I knew from their enthusiasm about it that it was in the right place at last so I’m really happy about finding that home for it.”
In the heart of the moment….
Another area in which Jim moves at an astounding pace is when he co-writes with Robert Hunter, lyricist of The Grateful Dead, with whom Jim has recorded and released a number of albums. Once, they wrote EIGHTEEN songs in just EIGHT days, and another time, a phenomenal TEN songs in a day and a half! In those instances where Jim and Robert write together, are they going in with ideas ready to bounce off each other or does every song start from scratch?
“Starting from scratch, usually. In the early days when Robert Hunter and I started writing, I was doing my first album with one of my bluegrass heroes named Ralph Stanley. So I contacted Robert just on a whim, thinking, you know, he’s probably not going to return my message but I’ll at least try. But I think he and Jerry Garcia were such fans of The Stanley Brothers that he agreed! So we went from there. And either he would give me a completed lyric and I would write the music to it, or I would give him a melody. And when we’re in each other’s presence he would either hand me a lyric or a melody would just come out, which I would record quickly and send to his computer. Then he’d work in one room, while I’d work in different room coming up with another melody. Usually one or the other of us gives our contribution to the other to get things started. But during those circumstances we’re both usually pretty fast with each other. And it’s something I still have to pinch myself about, to realise that I’ve written with Robert. I think we must have written about one hundred songs together.”
Now if that ain’t a view….! Jim on the Opry stage again.
J.T Osbourne, of The Brothers Osbourne, observed recently that he feels like Nashville songwriters these days might be thinking too much about what they think people want to hear, and not enough about what they, as songwriters, actually want to say. What was Jim’s take on this?
“He might be onto something there. I think that there are so many talented songwriters in Nashville. And I think that it’s hard to know what’s going on in their creative process. But in a lot of circumstances when you’re co-writing the goal is to get someone to record that song. So I think that’s sometimes how trends happen in the music market, when one thing is successful then it’s followed by a lot of things that sound like it, whether it’s melodically or thematically. So, it could be a conscious or a sub-conscious thing with writers sometimes. But there are just so many talented songwriters that end up in Nashville and write with each other, and with commercial music in general, even the most mundane type songs will be written by great writers who are still more than capable of writing profound and deep songs. But these other ones ended up kind of making it through the cracks and somehow being commercially successful. But those writers, there’s more than meets the eye as far as their abilities go. Does that make any sense?”
Jim and Buddy Miller backstage at the Ryman.
One of my favourite songs of Jim’s (and one of my fav country songs, come to think of it) is ‘The King Of Broken Hearts.’ I love the story of how Jim wrote it after hearing Gram Parsons describe George Jones as being just that; the king of broken hearts. But what’s always intrigued me is the story of how George himself came so close to recording the song….
“That’s right, that’s right. I was working on an album that was being co-produced by Rodney Crowell and John Levanthal and I got a call at the studio from Emory Gordy Jnr., who’s married to Patty Loveless, and is a very talented producer and bass player, and he told me that George wanted to record the song. So I was totally overjoyed. Then Emory said, ‘But there’s a problem. George is having a hard time singing this part of the song, could you change the timing of it?’ So I thought for a minute, and I think I said well, yeah, sure, sure. But then I think I thought for another minute more and I said, ya know, it just won’t work. Unfortunately. That’s like such a huge part of the melody of the song. So I had to say gosh, ya know if there’s any way he can do it that’s great, but I can’t change it. And it wasn’t a matter of principle or stubborness or anything, it was just that it would it would totally change the song. So it wouldn’t be what it was if I did that. But I did get to perform that song in front of him at one of his birthday celebrations at the Grand Ole Opry house so that was really special. And there was a play that was in Nashville at the Ryman Auditorium, about Tammy Wynette, and I actually portrayed George Jones in that. And that was a real thrill for me. And he came to the show, too. I’m a George Jones…freak, I guess [laughs]. I just love his music so much, and his voice.”
Jim with Ricky Skaggs
Harlan Howard, even today, some fifteen years after his passing, is still regarded by many as the master of country music songwriters. And naturally, there’s another great story here about Jim, and when he and Harlan wrote together. I’m sure there’s probably far more than one, indeed, but one I particularly love concerns the song ‘You’ll Know When It’s Right.’ Essentially, Jim was telling Howard his story of one particular heartache and Howard reassuringly replied, ‘You’ll know when it’s right’, and went on to craft the song from the rest of the details of Jim’s pain! That, folks, is songwriting genius! But what was it, in Jim’s view, that made Harlan Howard so special as a writer?
“Well, he was very in touch with mankind. He had worked in a factory in Detroit before he ended up moving to California for a while, He was roommates in California with Bobby Bare and kind of got into getting cuts with Buck Owens and things, so eventually moved to Nashville. But I think that when he worked at an auto-factory in Detroit at like a eight-to-five job, that he had a strong work ethic. And he wanted to get away from that kind of life and just be a songwriter. But one thing he would tell me when we wrote, was that he really wanted to go abroad, to places like the U.K, and Ireland, and just sit at a bar and talk to a guy who drives a truck. He said, ‘I just want to sit there and talk to the everyday working man.’ I just feel that he had such an understanding, and an empathy, with the everyday person, somebody that didn’t have great wealth or a title or whatever. He was more comfortable in that kind of situation. I think his understanding of the human psyche really, is what came through in his songs. He had a very conversational way of writing as well. He was really a great guy, who was very passionate about life and about music. It was a great experience to write with him and to be his friend.”
Pattly Loveless once said that Jim, as a songwriter, knew how to, ‘Gut an emotion, head right to the truth, and keep going.’ Is that an instinctual ability, or something that can be learned?
“Well, maybe both. I know that songwriting is something that, for me, parts of it are effortless and come easy. But then other things take a lot of effort on my part to finish. The melodies are always the easiest things for me. And sometimes titles are as well. But to really get into a song and make it work is the challenge for me.”
Sometimes all you need is a comfy chair, your guitar, and some peace and quiet….
So how does Jim know when a song is as bare as it can be, how does he gauge when it’s ready?
“I just kinda know. I have that feeling. There’s an expression, ‘Stick a fork in it’ [laughs], so I think you just kind of instinctively know. It’s like, o.k, I’ve said it, I’ve gotten the point across, and it doesn’t need to be edited or tweaked, or added to. Mind you, with most songs I worry if something is over five minutes! Buck Owens used to say, ‘Well, you’re only two and a half minutes away from a hit!’ Meaning that at any given time, not me personally, but a person can write something and it lasts two and a half minutes and hey…it’s a hit song! And radio has changed a lot, and records have changed a lot. They don’t have to be as short these days. But that was kind of a formula for many years in pop music and country music, that songs were roughly that length or less.”
My last question was one I tend to end with whenever I can. One about advice for songwriters. Michael Weston King, the British singer/songwriter, said the best piece of advice he ever received came from the legendary Townes Van Zandt, and it was just two simple words: Keep going. Now Jim himself has said before that whenever he’s feeling bad or going through something a little on the tough side, he tells himself that he needs to write himself out of that situation. Which, when you think about it, isn’t too far off what Townes advised. But what is the best piece of advice Jim has ever been given?
“I was living in New York city years ago, and Buddy Miller had moved up there at the same time. And interestingly enough, there was an influx of country music writers and singers and musicians that converged on New York city, of all places! Buddy Miller calls it The Great Country Music Scare of 1980 for New York city! [laughs]. I had just gotten a job in a house-band at a large new country venue in Jersey, and they would have national acts come and play there and we’d be the opening act. So that was a big deal for me, and I though this was my big break. But I had auditioned for a play where I was playing the banjo and the guitar – the play had a small bluegrass band – and one actor ended up being called Cotton Patch Gospel. And Harry Chapin, the singer/songwriter, wrote the music. So I auditioned, but I didn’t get it. But the man who did couldn’t fulfill his duties in the show so they offered me the role, but I turned it down. Because I said I had this new thing where I had to do my own music. And Harry Chapin said to me, ‘Well, you’ve got to do your own songs, and don’t forget that.’ He was very gracious. He said you’ve got to do your own things, don’t just do other peoples.’ And that’s what I really wanted to do, but he really reinforced it. He said, ‘Keep that fire in your belly.’ In other words, that passion, that urgency about things. And I thought that was really good advice. I was very fortunate years ago, I used to sing on Lucinda Williams’ albums back when her ‘Car Wheels On A Gravel Road’ album came out, and she had allowed me to open the show playing solo acoustic, then be in her band singing harmonies. So during that time I had already recorded an album and I was ready to put it out. But hearing her songs, and singing them night after night, I realised that the record I had just wasn’t up to par. Not that I wanted it to be like her record, which it couldn’t be, because nobody could do that. Now she didn’t say this to me about my record, even though she had heard it. But for me, from being around people like her, and Robert Hunter, and Harlan Howard, it’s almost like osmosis..it’s like your own kind of understanding of their process, and what they do, or the end result of their work. And in that case, with Lucinda, I just knew that I had to try harder and dig deeper. Because her songs were such masterpieces. I knew I had to go back to the drawing board, so I did, I scrapped that album. You’ve got to be honest with yourself.”
Jim Lauderdale, a master songsmith.
Before I let Jim back to the studio (he was recording on the day we spoke) there was one other thing I had to ask him about. I’d read before, but I was never sure if it was true or just a myth, that Jim had actually been outside The Dakota Hotel in New York on the day John Lennon was shot….?
“That’s right. I used to have to pick up and deliver camera equipment for Annie Leibovitz, so that was the tragic day that she did that last photo-shoot with John and Yoko. I had a gig the night before, a country gig, and I had one [coming up] that night, and I was really tired. I was waiting outside in the hope of catching a glimpse of John and Yoko, and I waited for a while but then I thought I only live a couple of blocks down the street, I’m gonna see him again, ya know.”
And did he really believe that he had actually seen Mark Chapman, standing there, waiting, as it would later transpire, to carry out his evil plan?
“I did, I did. I know I did because part of my thoughts were was I gonna stand around like this other guy waiting for an autograph, and he had an album in his hands at the time. And there was a woman standing with him at the time, but I think she was just another bystander.”
* Jim’s new album, ‘London Southern’, is out now.
Jim’s new album, ‘London Southern’, is out now
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