#all the 'aro' playlists I found are either not that aro or hating on romantic love it's not good enough there are other topics guys
triplefool · 8 months
Good day to share my love for my (and a lot of people, I'm sure, let's be poly and share) true Valentine - music! 🎼✨❣️
Here's a spontaneous little list of some of my favourite songs/pieces which are NOT even about this weird thing called 'romantic love' (yet some like "Bohemian Rhapsody" are considered part of the very best songs of western culture).
Enjoy & add/share your list if you want (with more different languages/cultures, please)! (and remember: make (play)lists not war)
"Cut me", Moses Sumney (or ANY song from him, aka the ARO KING HIMSELF 👑 💚🤍🩶🖤)
"Klarinettenkonzert" (A-Dur, K. 622:2. Adagio), Mozart
"Cut My Lip", Twenty Øne Piløts
"Bohemian Rhapsody", Queen
"19.10", Childish Gambino
"Syracuse", Henri Salvador
"Припустим" (Pripoustim), The Unsleeping
"Gioventù Bruciata", Mahmood
"Across The Universe", The Beatles
"Safe and Holy", Christine and the Queens
"Metamorphosis", Infinity Song
"Existential Crisis", Temmie Ovwasa
"bâtard", Stromae
"Self-Love", Lubiana
"Freaks", Eddy de Pretto
"A Word of Wisdom", M83
"Forest Gump", Cro
"Sininen", VIRTA
"Je sais pas danser", Pomme
"Working for the Knife", Mistki
"Baise le monde", Orelsan
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aro-and-tired · 3 years
Aromantic Experiences in Fandom: Survey Results
As this is the second part of the discussion regarding results of this survey, I suggest checking out Part 1 before this.
This post will discuss how aromantic content creators in fandom feel when it comes to creating aro-specific content, and how aromantic fans feel when it comes to shipping and their preferences for it. There will also be a space for additional comments.
Content Creators Questions
The first question here was a check asking respondents whether or not they ever created fancontent, such as fanfiction, fanart, etc. 76.5% (701) of the respondents stated that they have created fancontent, while 23.5% (215) stated they haven’t. Non-creators skipped the rest of this section.
Question 1: Which kind of content do you create in fandom? 
Starting with the options I had given, from most to least picked we have:
Fanfiction - 71.3%
Fanart - 58.8%
Memes - 44.4%
Meta - 22.3%
Playlists - 16.3%
Fanvids - 7.3%
Merch - 1.9%
Furthermore, many people mentioned other kinds of content they create. This includes headcanons, edits, moodboards, roleplay, cosplay, podfic. translations, fan music and ask blogs.
Question 2: Have you ever made content focusing on aromantic headcanons, or other kinds of aromantic content?
Yes, in addition to other kinds of content - 57.2%
No - 41.5%
Yes, I only make aro content - 1.3%
Question 3: If you have created aro content, would you say it got more or less attention than your non aro content?
52.6% of respondents declined to answer or stated that it wasn’t applicable. Excluding these respondents, the results were
It got less attention - 68.1%
It got the same amount of attention - 29.5%
It got more attention - 2.4%
Question 4: Have you ever felt discouraged by your fandom when it comes to making aro content?
Yes, because I didn’t think it would get attention - 42.6%
Yes, because I was afraid to get hate for it - 35.7%
No - 39.2%
Question 5: Have you ever received hate because of the aro content you made?
40.7% of respondents answered saying they have never created aro content. Excluding these respondents, the results were
No - 81.5%
Yes - 18.5%
Shipping Questions
The first question was a check that asked whether or not the respondents were at all into shipping. 88% (806) said they enjoy shipping, while 11.2% (103) said that they are not. 0.8% (7) said that they are not into shipping, and not involved in fandom. Respondents who picked the last option skipped the following section, and were taken to the end of the survey.
Question 1: How important is shipping to you when it comes to being in fandom?
Shipping is my primary form of engaging with fandom - 7.1%
Shipping is fairly important to me, but I’m also into other sides of the fandom - 22.5%
Shipping is about as important to me as other sides of the fandom - 38.8%
Shipping is not particularly important to me, I prefer other sides of the fandom - 29.7%
Shipping is the least important part of engaging with fandom - 2%
Question 2: Do you consider non-romantic shipping (shipping characters as queerplatonic partners, friends with benefits, etc.) to be a valid form of shipping, or do you think shipping only refers to romantic situations?
I think shipping can be both romantic and non-romantic - 71.2%
I think some types of non-romantic situations can count as shipping, but not all of them - 21.7%
I think shipping only refers to romantic situations - 7.1%
Question 3: When it comes to your ships, do you prefer content that focuses more on the romantic or sexual aspect of the relationship?
I prefer content focusing on the romantic aspect, I dislike sexual content - 33.1%
I prefer content focusing on the romantic aspect, but I also enjoy sexual content - 23.2%
It makes no difference / I like both equally - 31.9%
I prefer content focusing on the sexual aspect, but I also enjoy romantic content - 9.4%
I prefer content focusing on the sexual aspect, I dislike romantic content - 2.4%
Question 4: Would you say fans place too much importance on romantic shipping, leaving too little space for other kinds of discussions?
Yes - 84.7%
Unsure - 10.7%
No - 4.6%
Question 5: Here I will give you a list of tropes commonly found in shipping fan content. I ask that you pick 5 that you consider your favorites. You can pick less than 5 if there aren't enough tropes that you like, but please try not to pick more.
As a disclaimer, this question is not meant to judge whether or not someone is a “valid” aromantic or anything of the sort. It also does not necessarily indicate that liking the more popular tropes picked is an aro thing, especially since some of these are also popular in fandom spaces at large. It is only meant to highlight general trends in the community.
The five most popular tropes picked were:
Mutual Pining - 46.8%
Domestic Fluff - 46.5%
Slow Burn - 44.8%
Enemies to Lovers - 40.6%
Friends to Lovers - 38.2%
All of those tropes were picked by more than 300 people. Following these, the only trope picked by more than 200 people was Established Relationship.
Tropes picked by more than 100 people were, in order of popularity, Soulmate AU, PWP, Fake Dating, Getting Together, Porn with Feelings, and with the same popularity Friends with Benefits and Telepathic Bonds.
Tropes picked by less than 100 people were, in order of popularity, Unhealthy Relationships, Unrequited Love, Hanahaki Disease, Arranged Marriage, Hate Sex, Friends with Benefits to Lovers, Jealousy/Possessiveness, First Dates, Break Ups, and least popular Love at First Sight.
Question 6: Here I give you the same list of tropes, but this time I ask that you pick the 5 tropes you dislike the most. Again, you can pick less than 5, but please try not to pick more
The same disclaimers as the previous question apply.
The five most disliked tropes were
Jealousy/Possessiveness - 52.9%
Unhealthy Relationships - 48%
Hanahaki Disease - 42.9%
Love at First Sight - 42.4%
Hate Sex - 40.6%
All of these tropes were picked by more than 300 people. Following these, tropes picked by more than 200 people were Soulmate AUs, Break Ups, Arranged Marriage, PWP and Unrequited Love.
Tropes picked by more than 100 people were Fake Dating and Porn with Feelings.
Tropes picked by less than 100 people were Friends with Benefits to Lovers, Telepathic Bonds, Domestic Fluff, Friends to Lovers, Friends with Benefits, Enemies to Lovers, Established Relationships, First Dates, Slow Burn, and least disliked with the same amount of votes Getting Together and Mutual Pining.
Once again, there is no judgement on anyone who hates popular tropes or loves hated tropes. The aromantic community is not a monolith, there is great variety between us, and no aromantic people is made up only of their aromanticism. There can be all sorts of reasons why one would like or dislike a trope.
That being said, some considerations can be made from these trends. For example, various aros have said that since romantic attraction is confusing we don’t quite get how can someone fall in love with people they barely know, or why is falling in love with a friend considered strange and not the norm. Many of the popular tropes involve characters who have known each other for a long time (Mutual Pining, Friends to Lovers, Slow Burn) while things such as Love at First Sight or First Dates are less popular.
We can also look at tropes various aros find arophobic. Hanahaki Disease is often mentioned as making many aros deeply uncomfortable, and we can see that here few people have it as a favorite, and many pick it as one of their most disliked tropes. Another one that is often mentioned in those discussions is Soulmate AU, that people are more ambivalent about - it’s both the sixth most disliked and seventh most liked. Maybe because it has much more variation than Hanahaki Disease, or maybe because people find it less arophobic as a whole. Or maybe simply due to personal tastes.
Question 1: Is the reason you don't enjoy shipping connected to the fact that you are aromantic?
Yes - 87.4%
No - 12.6%
Question 2: Would you say fans place too much importance on romantic shipping, leaving too little space for other kinds of discussions?
Yes - 97.1%
Unsure - 1.9% (2 people)
No - 1% (1 people)
Question 3: Do you think you would be more into shipping if people more often shipped characters in a non-romantic way, such as writing about queerplatonic relationships?
Yes - 82.5%
No - 17.5%
Additional Comments
People were allowed to leave additional comments here about anything that wasn’t covered previously.
Many people remarked on the general amatonormativity that is present in fandom spaces, in particular how it often seems as if fandoms are not interested in character dynamics that don’t involve romance. Some people also talked about often aro headcanons overlap with gay/lesbian headcanons because of the similar traits that can count as coding for both identities, and this can cause conflict within fandom. Overall, many people felt that aromantics are often a subcommunity within the larger fandom communities.
Some people also stated that they feel smaller fandoms are more open to aromantic interpretations than bigger ones. Various people mentioned fandoms that they felt were more or less friendly, often saying that small fandoms with few people tend to be more welcoming to aro fans.
There was also some discussion regarding the concept of non-romantic shipping. While many people agree that they enjoy viewing their ships as, for example, queerplatonic relationships, some also feel that using shipping terminology is inadequate for them. Shipping is by default assumed to be romantic by most people, and some don’t like having to using that word or words derived from it for non-romantic situations.
Part 2 Summary
Many aromantic content creators have felt discouraged by fandom when it comes to making aromantic content, either because they are afraid of not gaining any attention for it or because they fear receiving hate for it.The first concern seems quite valid, as a majority of people who did create aro content found that it got less attention compared to their non-aro content. When it comes to receiving hate instead, less than a fifth was a victim of it. This being said, there’s also a good number of aros who don’t overall feel discouraged when it comes to creating said content.
Out of the aros who enjoy shipping, most of them consider it neither the most nor least important part of their fandom experience, usually also enjoying other ways of engaging with fandom. Most prefer romantic content over sexual content, or enjoy both equally, with a minority favoring sexual content over romantic content. The majority also feels that fandom spaces can be too dominated by shipping.
An even higher percentage of aros who do not enjoy shipping find it too prevalent. A good number of them believe that they do not like shipping because they are aromantic, with many also saying that they would be more favorable to shipping if there was more space for non-romantic shipping.
Thank you for having paid attention so far! You can contact me if you have any questions. As I said in Part 1, I am also working on a couple more posts to look for potential differences in the opinions of a few groups, I will publish them in upcoming days.
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cheetahleopard · 7 years
 I was tagged by @yes-campaign!! Thank you so much friendo!!
Rules are you answer these and tag 20 people but I’m not going to tag that many people
The Last
1. drink: Caramel Frappiccino  2. phone call: My bro Braidy 3. text message: mah boi Karma 4. song you listened to: I’m playing my ship songs playlist rn  5. time you cried: Last night 6. dated someone twice: No. 7. kissed someone and regretted it: Never kissed anyone. 8. been cheated on: Nope. 9. lost someone special: I guess the mutual separation of me and my old gf  10. been depressed: All the time 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: Nooo
3 favorite colors
12. Seijoh Teal 13. Fukurodani Gold 14. Johzenji Yellow
In the Last year have you
15. made new friends: DISCORD WRITERS CHAT AND BAND CAMP AND I HAD FRESHMAN ORIENTATION YESTERDAY SO HOPEFULLY I’LL MEET SOME NEW PEOPLE 16. fallen out of love: Not romantic love 17. laughed until you cried: Of course. 18. found out someone was talking about you: SO I SWITCHED SCHOOLS FOR HALF A YEAR AND COULDN’T GET MY LOCKER SHELVES OUT AND APPARENTLY AT THAT SCHOOL PEOPLE TALK ABOUT THAT 19. met someone who changed you: Yes, my skype gc. I wouldn’t be here without them. 20. found out who your friends are: I guess? 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: Don’t use facebook, still haven’t kissed anyone
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: I don’t use facebook 23. do you have any pets: Kinda a cat at my dad’s gf and I hate my dad and don’t go to his house often. 24. do you want to change your name: Fuck yes. Avien for life 25. what did you do for your last birthday: Nothing special 26. what time did you wake up: Four am 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: On the internet 28. name something you can’t wait for the announcement for: HAIKYUU!! SEASON 4 HAIKYUU!! SUBBED STAGE PLAYS SEIJOH OVA WITH SUBS  29. when was the last time you saw your mom: 5 hours ago 31. what are you listening to right now: My ship playlist 32. have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I think so  33. something that is getting on your nerves: People. Discourse, Bigotted ideals, etc. 34. most visited website: Tumblr and ao3 35. hair color: Blond, pinkish (used to be purple/blue but the kool aid is coming out), green 36. long or short hair: Short rn. To my shoulder on one side, pixie-cut length on the other, undercut 37. do you have a crush on someone: I love my girlfriend as much as my aro ass can!! And also,, Kind of? I want to hold someones hand but I don’t romantically have any inclination towards him? 38. what do you like about yourself: My eyes, freckles/moles, muscle, brain ig This one was hard XP 39. piercings: I wish 40. blood type: IDK I’ve had bloodwork done but not tested =[ 41. nickname: Birb  42. relationship status: In an open relationship with my lovely gf!! 43. zodiac: Aquarius 44. pronouns: They/Zey/He. (I’m toying with the idea that I’m a boy, not nb?)  45. favorite tv show: Haikyuu!! (obviously lol) 46. tattoos: I wish 47. right or left handed: Left handed but I’m training my right hand as well 48. surgery: No. I’m hoping to get Top Surgery in the next 2-4 years though! 50. sport: Volleyball and marching band although I couldn’t do either this year 51. vacation: I don’t like to travel 52. pair of trainers: What? Like sneakers? Any way about it I don’t understand the question (prompt? whatever)
53. eating: I generally,,, don’t? It makes me want to through up most of the time. 54. drinking: Water rn 55. about to: Procrastinate writing more, start my next leg of school 56. waiting for: Inspiration and ideas to write the long ass mhiok thing I been working on 57. want: To write the long ass mhiok fic 58. get married: I’m panpolyalterous so like,,, If I have a partner that really wants to marry me sure 59. career: Gender Therapist is my dream job
60. hugs or kisses: If it’s me initiating hugs but I guess kisses anyway? I have no experience but chaste kisses and forehead kisses would be my weakness ig 61. lips or eyes: Eyes  62. shorter or taller: I WANT TO BE TALL 63. older or younger: I don’t understand this one? 64. nice arms or nice stomach: Idk? If this is like... abs v biceps I’d rather have big biceps than abs ig? 65. hook up or relationship: I don’t like sex... Relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: A bit of both because I have reached a level of fuck it where it really depends on circumstances
67. kissed a stranger: Nah. 68. drank hard liquor: when I was in like 2nd grade my mom thought it’d be smart to put vodka in a water bottle high in the freezer... I was taller than she thought and I used that particular water bottle a lot so I ended up drinking some. 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: Yes 70. turned someone down: Yes, back when I was romance repulsed 71. sex on the first date: Ew never 72. broken someone’s heart: I’m like 80% certain that I haven’t 73. had your heart broken: I have huge trust issues and I can’t feel romantic attraction. So resounding No.  74. been arrested: Nope 75. cried when someone died: No 76. fallen for a friend: In a non romantic way
77. yourself: Pfffttt nah 78. miracles: Depends 79. love at first sight: I believe that it can happen with very certain circumstances 80. santa clause: Nah  81. kiss on the first date: I mean it depends what kind and how long you knew each other before the date etc. 82. angels: Depends
84. eye colour: Marbled green 85. favorite movies: WE’RE GETTING A HAIKYUU!! MOVIE
If you want to do it say I tagged you!! Also @frenchibi @fragile-euphoria @thewritersquad(any who want to do it)
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