#all the good content is gone
bergselise · 1 year
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rushinintolove · 3 months
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Not even the god that I told to quit
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" ... Hah?"
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" Eheh... eheheh... I... I don't think anyone's gotten to wound me like this in a long time..."
He's smiling, not the good, happy kind of smile though. It's more like a smile twisted with pain.
" Ahahahah... Oh wow! It really hurts! Guess that's what losing an arm does for ya! Hahahaha!"
It hurts.
It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurts. It hurt-
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" ..."
" A-ah... Kenzie..?"
" Such violent actions towards us is not permitted upon this blog."
carefully, she scooped Shadow Milk into her hand. Carrying him away from the impaled anon, though it didn't seem like he was bothered by the impalement, more like the Silver Knife used to do that.
" Come on, let's get you fixed up."
It seems that Mackenzie and Shadow Milk will be gone for a while...
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slavhew · 3 months
If you're not too busy, would you mind listing some of the things you think count as death flags for Mr. Spender?
There's the obvious fact that he's the "old" mentor to group of young protagonists, but what else do you think would count?
OHH BOY ok so I'd think I'm a crackpot for this but since we're talking about Zack "Foreshadowing" Morrison. I have some thoughts
No harm in leading with the (chronologically) first thing that jumped out at me:
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This one IMMEDIATELY made me antsy whenever I came back to it after my initial read, and considering Zack has referred to it on twitter in the past as one of their favorite jokes it's definitely not been forgotten about.
Second, the sheer amounts of near-misses, jokey or not, of Spender narrowly avoiding specifically lightning
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Again, not much, but it's weird that it happened thrice, latter two of which had real gravitas rather than an one-off joke.
And third, Spender himself. He's repeatedly shown himself to be kind of a self sacrificing idiot, as well as prideful to a fault. Granted, it's both him and Mina trying to take on all the responsibility of saving Mayview and its inhabitants from their fate.. But Spender is exactly that right measure of doesn't-value-himself-enough (chest footprint aftercare or lack thereof), having an obscene amount of power (enables his loner act + pride) and poor judgement that has the capacity to put him at great risk. And it has!
Spender has not only shown low enough self-esteem to view himself as the de-facto scapegoat for the safety of the town, but also prideful enough to make very bad calls that end up in people, often himself, hurt (COUGH FORGE INCIDENT COUGH)
This is all conjecture, but it's definitely enough to make me worried about him :') Even if all this doesn't mean he'll necessarily die he's definitely getting (even more) seriously injured at some point. I love the guy but he's so far doing a horrible job of convincing me he wants to live bad enough to circumvent at least that
#not art#admin answers#paranatural#pnat#richard spender#pts-fic-notes-and-blog#before i continue on with tag ramble i just want to say tysm for leaving an ask!#none of my friends read this so ive been stewing on these thoughts for some months and i loved finally sharing them#this isn't exactly proof but the hijack possession seemingly being the final nail in the coffin for his and isabel's relationship.#idk it feels significant to me. thats one more tether to support kinda gone. someone who knows him well enough to know he's unwell#he seems not exactly content but fr incapable of not burning bridges as he is now. and considering how rashly he acts he REALLY needs those#to not do stupid shit all the god damn time with no buffer other than Lucifer. who for his measured approach to rick's hotheadedness#has honestly shown himself to be pretty lenient and kinda bad at controlling spender's more (self) destructive tendencies? so he dont count#to be clear i love spender to bits but he is dumb as rocks and has all the self preservation of a fruit fly. it needs to be said#also the lightning man... idk its WEIRD like especially on the reread its the thing that most consistently threatens him! it repeats#sure he gets chewed by a bat and banged up by forge but?? he somehow always comes back to lightning. catnine has it out for him#its something i didnt even really put together until i continued reading the flashback chapter AFTER getting this ask and went OHHHGNHF#which the only reason lightning is such a non issue is lucifer's powers. which belong to his sunglasses and not to the spirit in him#so its not like they can't be taken away he's just got a really good excuse for having those on all the time#TAGS GETTING SO LONG. ANYWAYS. i hope this is comprehensible lol
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plantanarchy · 7 months
today there was a) an annoying holiday event and b) a furnace failure that required the emergency evacuation of 550 poinsettias to the main greenhouses. i had some help but frankly not a clue how i got that done. the scooching for small amounts of space. extreme poinsettia tetris.
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qprstobin · 7 months
Honestly I think I could handle how much I dislike the way some of biggest ships in the fandom were handled if this fandom still actually produced gen fics. Almost every single fic out there right now is only there to push people towards a ship in the end. Even the fics where it's TECHNICALLY gen always feels the need to sprinkle in a mention of a ship or crush. Like this show has always been about the friendships? The found family? How horrific things can bond you together? And with one season and within a year it feels like it's been completely wiped out from this fandom. it's honestly depressing at this point
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strawberrus0da · 11 months
Me: oh look a cute little standalone indie game
Me: oh look that indie game has 2 playable minisodes, 2 sequels(with a prequel to one of those sequels), 3 comic dlcs, an alternate universe playbook, plushies, a soon to be released beach episode, a kickstarter launch for a card game, they're planning an animated movie at some point-
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deeva-arud · 6 months
I'm the paranormal activity on your dash :]
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jannelle-o · 2 years
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It's been about 8 years since I've stumbled across Rhett & Link/GMM/Mythical content ~ (´∀`σ)σ ・。:*゚;+.
Thanks a whole bunch for enjoying my silly drawings and for the support/kind words throughout the years, I appreciate it so much and hope they brought a little bit of joy~ 🥺💙💜💖
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myfairkatiecat · 7 months
I just got caught up on SOS by @nobodysdaydreams and I am literally SCREAMING
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imflyingfish · 7 months
Honestly i dont like sculk spreading/corruption storylines theyre really boring with a few exceptions
#at least make it MEANINGFUL. OR AN ALLEGORY SURE#but a lot of thr timr its just like#augh... ohnoo... thr sculkk.. its spreading and taking me ovrr.... fukkkkk.....#and then its either like poof all better now or oops fuck everythinfs dead the end#i just dont think theyre cool unless they have a specific meaning#like cub's sculk arc? that was really boring man ur not even from that server and ir didnt like do anything#i mean its funny from a 'its cub' pov but aside from that ehhh..... nah......#The corruption from s1 esmp was cool however but more because it served an actual function it was a good mass server event not caused by a#specific player but instead a mass storylune and players got to interact with it in interesting ways#but also there was never the threat of oh.... noo.... the entire world will become corrupted it was more WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS BIGASS PLANT#DOING HERE#and it tied into very nicely xornoth and that#esmp2 ALSO kind of had a corruption line with the fae but like.... what was that even.... i literally dint remember and i was there.....#it was boring......#oh and also owens nlsmp corruption storyline.... sigh....#there was so much potential for Sparrow and that storyline and i wish Owen had just gone 'okay i need people to roleplay as online for this#narrative' like Oli does#like u cant really do long term storytelling on what is a short term server if you arent ready to direct people and allow yourself to#control YOUR story the whole sculk spreading thing just seemed like a copout due to the server ending#where i think owen should have put his own content above what is technically true#its roleplay#like owen does roleplay well. but the difference is on the POW servers is that theres a set time and most people are on at the same time#but that just doesnt occur so much on youtube based smps and thats why i think until owen is able to direct more (outside of shared rp with#scott specifically) he's probably better suited towards streamed roleplay later edited#idk sculk storylines are boring basically they can work but only in an active server i feel#like with owens it was like 'oh fuck the sculk is spreading i have GOT to stop this!' meanwhile everyone else on the planet is like already#dead following his videos like idk man just didnt hit#there was also no specific defeat or true responce to the sculk either like ik there was the vault but idk#like overall. it was fine and i enjoyed it but thst doesnt mean i like sculk storylines
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noelashe · 20 days
Both 27 year olds in wh go crazy age regressing Charlie in a more physical manner (literal 10yr old body and for example her penchant for plushie-collecting) Ashe it just happens to him tragically mostly when talking to Noel it's not his fault he happens to trigger the most vulnerable emotions in Ashe on accident every single time (sorry i mentioned them once but then i went off about them in tags.) Charlie and Ashe parallels are so intriguing for real. Something is wrong with you guys
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firebuug · 11 months
honestly at this point id be fine with projmoon just axing limbus in general bc 1. how the fuck are you going to go on after you axed THE cg artist, the artist illustrating 99% of your visual novel gameplay and making it good, therefore giving the people attacking you what they WANTED and giving them the power to do this AGAIN in the future, 2. the gacha model is NOT IT and exploitative and just overall the shittiest possible way to make money from your community and 3. its going to take forever and it will Kill and strain the existing artists to have more work shoved onto them because of the mistake genius crowd control move of firing THE CG ARTIST, and its never going to look or feel the same 4. I Do Not Want To Play A Game Ran B People Who Bend And Give In To Incels And Misogynists And Essentially Career Murder A Woman For Private Tweets Made As A Teenager
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infizero · 1 year
showing my growth by rejecting the “every ship gets happily married and becomes wonderful parents to lovely children” mindset and admitting that many pairings should just not be parents
#long gone are my days of woobifying shadow and sanitizing sonadow down to aw cute hedgehogs and one of them is traumatized#they are RIVALS and shadow will never be that lovey dovey with sonic even if they have been dating for 30 years thats just not who he is#they can find happiness/contentment in each other like i imagined but that sprinkle of toxicity would never rlly go away#and again even if theyre perfectly happy existing like that. not a good environment for a kid!#i dont even imagine them getting married anymore like i still like my idea of the ''cat orphanage w a chao garden'' house that they live in#but they wouldnt be married. they'd be partners and sonic would live there. but he'd ''live there'' in the same way he lives with tails#in that. its a place to come back home to when needed but a lot of the time hes just elsewhere exploring and having adventures and stuff#and shadow would probably tag along on a lot of these adventures. but not all of them#also feeds into part of my idea for the future which has always been present which is just. sonic being romantically involved w a couple#other ppl (knuckles for example)#those relationships dont have a label theyre just friends and then sometimes theyll kiss or go on dates or something#he and shadow are partners. thats concrete. everything else is just fluid/undefined (also should clarify that this is in like a poly way lol#shadow is aware of these relationships and has no problem with them and sonic knows that)#anyways i didnt mean to ramble but i have been thinking about this recently#how i'd modify my older idea of sonadow in the future#thats the end. ps once again promoting the poly sonic agenda. if you look at him and you dont think hes poly. youre just wrong im sorry#(excluding aroace sonic enjoyers for obvious reasons lol)#serena.txt
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420blazethecat · 2 years
sonic twitter takeover 6 summary
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bugsbenefit · 7 months
it's admittedly really funny to see the primary content of st day be miniature builds of sets or edits of the show (aside from the play teaser they dropped first thing in the morning). it's expected obviously, but still really interesting to see in comparison to how they usually get to market the show with bts or actor interviews. I really hope some investors are seeing the drop in engagement to previous years because if the studios had resolved the strikes before they happened and were reasonable earlier, they could have been months into s5 production and could have sold out today
like this st day could have been such a pull for the show from a marketing perspective if they were 5+ months into filming the final season. they could have had so much bts and things they could hint and tease at. because even if they started filming by next month, the next st day is a whole year off and by then they're already so close to/in the actual s5 marketing campaign that it won't serve as a "keep the fandom engaged" event anymore the same way it would now. from a logistical pov they could have used today as a such a good pull through day but because of studio greed they fumbled their major opportunity and all they can present is a teaser for the play 99% of their audience won't be able to watch in person and arts and crafts, maybe a second episode title if they're generous/scrambling for crumbs. like it's dire out there
and st is obviously not the only show where it's already super evident how the strike is negatively impacting marketing, but I think its one of the biggest promo events targeted at fandom engagement that's this obviously struggling. yeah sure, its just a matter of time until investors and the studios have to face that "waiting it out" doesn't work, the same way it didn't for the writers. but it IS quite satisfying to see the strike actually be so obvious today
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