#all the love to malec
you dont know that magnus’ magic is the same striking blue as alec’s eyes
you dont know alec’s eyes are the same color as the ancestors of a family so intertwined with his
you don’t know that magnus sees ghosts in the blue of alec’s eyes
you don’t know magnus is two inches taller than alec
you dont know that alec loves that magnus is taller than him
you don’t know that they dated in secret for months
you dont know alec’s wardrobe is absolutely hopeless and he only wears years old worn out sweaters with holes in the cuffs and magnus loves it
you dont know that sometimes magnus wears his worn out sweaters
you dont know that they didnt get married for years until alec became consul and they could get married in warlock blue and shadowhunter gold under his new law
you dont know they have two kids, before they ever married
you dont know their first son is named after alec’s brother max, who actually died during the war
you dont know that max’s skin is blue, and his eyes are just a shade darker than alec’s
you dont know that alec loved one man so much he changed the world for him
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booksandmore · 13 days
reminder that the malec age gap does excist and does HEAVILY impact their relationship
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lurafita · 3 months
Magnus "it followed me home" Bane
Ragnor: "I said no pets as long as we have to live together."
Magnus: "Look Ragnor, me having catnip in my pocket and making psspsspss sounds while walking, does not mean I brought a cat home. It followed me. You said while we live together, I'm not allowed to bring in pets. You didn't say anything about strays following me and deciding they would like to stay."
Catharina: "The Alpha from the Toulon werewolf clan asked me to give this to you." hands over a Father's Day card
Magnus: "Sentimental pup. Did I ever tell you how I met her?"
Catharina, eying stack of similar cards on the living room table: "I can't recall. But I have a feeling it's a familiar story."
Magnus, eyeing Catharina eyeing his cards: "… They all followed me home."
Dot, surprising Magnus with a visit, only to find a bunch of shadowhutners in his apartment.
Magnus: "-"
Dot, holding up a hand to stop him from explaining: "Let me guess, they followed you home."
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chibi-tsukiko · 10 months
Thankful for you ♥️
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This post is just to say thank you to all of you who follow, like, reblog, comment, and share my works.
It gets hard sometimes to continue doing what you love between the algorithms, bad days, and state of the world. But despite my irregular posting schedule and lack of overall presence online…you’re still here.
Even on my low days, when all I manage to do is criticize myself and stare at the dwindling numbers that matter so little, yet consume my every thought sometimes…I’m grateful for you.
I love being able to share what I do with you.
So thank you ♥️
Your support means the world to me.
Tag list : @littleturtle95 @zfoxdraws @bookworm-jedi @magnus-the-maqnificent @beclynn-herondale @khaleesiofalicante @my-archerboy @youngreckless @thomaslightwood @runecarstairs @high-warlock-of-brooklyn @panicatwallmaria @banesbitch @alexandergideonslightwood @ofsandstonebodies @la-lune-chaotique @starlight-in-my-eyes @tamaraheartz @anarchistbitch @iightwoodbane @icycoolslushie @zemiraa @raziyekroos @radisv @elettralightwood @axoloteca @queenlilith43 @astriefer @thomastaircompassrose @ibrushmyteeth-donttellanyone @rinadragomir @carelessflower
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Magnus Bane, the man that you are,
Thank you for being an inspiration to everyone. To being the most chaotic, funniest, smartest person in the world. You’re a proof that people do not just have to stick to one thing. They can be funny and smart and beautiful and idiotic all at once.
If you die at the end of TWP, I will simply burn the entire world but, before me, Alexander Gideon Lightwood or the warlock gang or your two heathens would.
To the best, most-idiotic man, friend, mentor, father, lover and husband, you’ve been a permanent fixation since I was 13 so I don’t know what the heck you were talking about in the bane chronicles.
I love you ❤️🌻🌈
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magnus-the-maqnificent · 11 months
Was thinking of Magnus today.
How his love for Alec seems almost desperate sometimes. The way he reacts everytime Alec gets hurt or worse, hurts himself. If Alec died... I have to think I wouldn't be like that. How he feels awed by Alec’s Angelic goodness even though from nearly everyone else's point of view, he's the one shining brighter. Some would call it the presence of God. He just thought of it as Alexander Gideon Lightwood. The many many spells he put in Alec’s ring. The way everyone knows Alec’s bow protects Magnus Bane but they never see the blue fire coming. The way he's spent hundreds of years living, loving, the many novel experiences, but never finding peace till he meets Alec. However long or short my life may be, it seems to me that I could never find time enough to love you as you deserve.
There's this quote from Emma by Jane Austen which perfectly encapsulates the way Magnus loves Alec, I think. If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more.
Anyway, I got caught up in feels and made a playlist. Enjoy.
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peace by taylor swift is so obviously magnus and alecs SONG from tda forward it literally makes me cry.
alec saying when he proposed “I wish I could promise you a completely uneventful, peaceful life at my side. But I have a feeling we’ll always be surrounded by adventure and chaos.” is LITERALLY “id give you my sunshine give you my best but the rain is always gonna come if you’re standing with me”
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faejilly · 1 year
I know I am going to regret this, but « You're throwing away our history like it meant nothing. » for the prompt game? *insert puppy eyes*
I am going to be fickle and write you FLUFF for that one. Auctioneer!Magnus AU for no particular reason other than I think it's hilarious.
(It's a car auction. Because Jace is a car salesman. A very nice one who does not cheat people! But still. For context, a car auction like the one I'm writing is basically a giant hanger with open doors on both sides that the cars that are for sale drive through. There's an individual auctioneer at each lane; they have a stand in the middle so they can look down on see all the potential bidders.)
All the dealers know Magnus' name. (Everyone in the building always knows his name.) Even if he wasn't him, even if he didn't say hello to everyone and learn their names and dress to impress -- with a lift of his chin whenever someone starts to get that look in their eyes, daring them to say something about his clothes or his make-up or his attitude, gifting them a toothy smile when they wince and back down -- Magnus always introduces himself at the start of every sale and whenever he moves to a new lane of cars, just like he's supposed to.
Though he makes sure he announces himself extra loud and clear and proud and with a wink towards his favorite buyer whenever he's there.
Alec, from Lightwood Motors. Magnus always says his full name, Alexander, watches to see the tiny hint of a smile that tucks in the corner of Alec's mouth when he does.
Magnus likes the way it rolls off his tongue, never uses just 'Alec' or his dealership's name like the other auctioneers who recognize him every week, never references him by his shirt or jacket or the color of the adorable knit beanie and finger-less gloves he wears when it's cold, not even by any of the bidder numbers he puts on the back of his binder, a neat grid against the dark blue leather, no leftover bits and pieces from last week's badges behind them like half the other dealers.
Alec is meticulous. Precise. Focused on his plan, on what he's doing, on exactly how much he thinks a vehicle is worth. He'll make a counter-offer occasionally when there's no one else bidding against him and the seller wants a little more, but he never jumps back into the bidding after he says no. Never lets another bidder push him up just one more time when he's bidding on a popular vehicle. It's the worst possible trait in a buyer from the auction house's perspective, of course, but Magnus finds it charming.
Magnus finds everything about Alec charming. His height, the contrast between his pale skin and his messy black hair, his ridiculous eyelashes that Magnus can't even blame on mascara, the way he can either scowl or smile just with his eyebrows. The incredibly neat handwriting Magnus has glimpsed when he's taking notes, how he double-checks the run list in his binder for every car, every time, just to be sure, the slight hint of teeth visibly pushing against his bottom lip whenever he's doing extra math in his head, the fact that he's never on the phone with the owner but always has final say on his bids himself.
The way he has never once made Magnus wait for his next bid, ready with the faintest tip of his chin (up with an echoing lift of his eyelids for yes, down and to the left as his eyes almost close for no) as soon as Magnus is looking at him.
Well. That's not quite true. Magnus always has half an eye on Alec. But Alec always bids as soon as it's his turn, always keeps track of who else is bidding, whether it's online or someone else on the floor, never gets behind, never loses his place. Not even when the auction is training a new clerk, and the display is periodically a step or two behind.
(Magnus suspects that Alec is, in fact, completely focused on Magnus, that he enjoys seeing Magnus as much as Magnus enjoys seeing him, but Magnus refuses to attempt to quantify it to prove himself right. He's certainly never going to ask.
Because then he might prove himself wrong, and that would be... unfortunate.)
He refuses to admit to anyone here, or himself, refuses to admit even to Cat or Ragnor on the rare occasions they pretend to care about cars, (only because they care about him, as they're much more likely to appreciate his stories about estate sales or art auctions, but those are specialty events, and he quite likes the steady loop of car auctions every week, NYC to Jersey to Delaware and back), that every time he sees Alec in his lane there's a greedy little voice in the back of his head saying 'mine'.
Which is stupid, he knows it's stupid, he knows Alec buys other cars from other sellers, not just the ones Magnus works for, that he is only in Magnus' lane every week because it's his job, but Magnus can't seem to stop the voice.
And the other buyer from Lightwood is never in his lanes.
Lydia is always impeccably put together, cool and pale and blonde and beautiful, wearing sleek slacks or a pencil skirt most weeks regardless of the weather, an engagement ring glinting on one finger and a single gold chain around her neck. She doesn't quite reach Alec's shoulder, even in her sensible pumps, and the sight of them standing side-by-side comparing notes would be slightly amusing on those grounds. Except they can both judge someone with a single lifted eyebrow at 10 paces, and there are few people with the nerve to survive that.
Magnus only works with Lydia if he's giving a break or covering for an auctioneer on leave. And even then he sometimes thinks he sees Alec in the lane across the way, glancing back as if he's thinking 'mine' too, as if he'd rather be there than let his co-worker bid with Magnus.
Magnus is ridiculous, is what he is, but that's alright. Alec doesn't seem to mind. He's still got that almost dimple every week when Magnus introduces himself at the start of the sale.
Until Alec's not there.
One week happens, now and then, and Magnus sighs sadly to himself and does his (less pretty than usual) job.
But Alec's not there the next week either, or the one after that, and Lydia is, Lydia is bidding in his lane. She doesn't stay there like Alec mostly did; he was tall enough he could cover two lanes only by switching which way he leaned, and only occasionally bothered to walk somewhere else.
Lydia is hopping lanes, walking back and forth, looking for whatever vehicles she's saved on her list. She occasionally even looks flustered, which is a rare occurence for her, she's generally terrifyingly competent, but she is trying to cover all eight lanes by herself, and that is, for most of the larger dealerships, a two or three person job. (Big Mike's usually has four buyers, but that's because Mike Jr. is a terrible micromanager and takes up half their time second-guessing them.)
Magnus is afraid to ask her about Alec, isn't sure how to approach her or what he'd say even if he did: 'Hi, we've never technically met, but where's tall, dark, and handsome, I miss him?'
Obviously he could just ask why she's covering by herself, but he's afraid he'd fail entirely at sounding casual, and then he'd be right back at 'please share personal information about your co-worker with a sort-of stranger?'
He looks up the Lightwood Motors website on his break but there's nothing out of order there, and Alexander's head shot is on the about page; he's a Lightwood too, fancy title and general manager of something or other, and Magnus clicks it closed, too flustered to read it properly.
Not just some random buyer, not just Magnus' favorite, it probably all had been in Magnus' head, and it ought to be a relief that he'd never said anything to anyone, never approached Lightwood directly, never embarrassed himself by acting like they knew each other when it was just sales banter, only professional camaraderie while surrounded by car exhaust.
Too much car exhaust over the years had damaged his judgement?
He didn't quite believe himself, but he tried. What else was there to do?
Magnus got a call from the Florida office of his management agency; Lorenzo was out for some sort of family emergency, could he cover an auction down there for a few weeks?
It was the day after his Delaware auction, which was the shortest one already, and Florida was an easier flight than California, which he'd done when Malcolm retired until they could find someone more local, so he said yes.
His first week he got moved off the lane he'd prepared for, and ended up selling for Lightwood Motors. The agent on the floor was from the auction, so no luck there, and the seller from the dealer was online.
Just his luck. Jumped south six states and he was still getting teased by the lack of his favorite pretty boy. “And who do we have with us from Lightwood?” Magnus asked before their first car. “I don't suppose it's Alexander?”
The online agent literally keysmashed in the chat box, and Magnus tilted his head. The clerk at the computer even let loose a giggle; she'd apparently never seen that before either.
[Sorry, this is Jace.] The second chat message was more normal. [Alec doesn't do sales, just buys. But it's nice to meet you, Magnus.]
“You too,” Magnus managed without sounding at all disappointed, and once again he did his job.
It was only later that he realized he hadn't introduced himself after Lightwood Motors had gotten online; they'd been the third seller in his lane. Had that 'Jace' just been listening to the lane before he signed in, or had that keysmash meant more than Magnus realized, did he recognize an auctioneer who knew Alexander rather than Alec?
Was Magnus being even more ridiculous this time? Or was it maybe not just in his head?
Only now he had to wait three whole days until he'd be back at the NYC auction and could make himself ask Lydia directly.
Only when he got to work on Monday, he didn't have to look for Lydia. There was Alexander, leaning against the wall beside the employee entrance, all long legs and ducked head and hands rubbing together.
Magnus almost tripped over his new boots and stopped with a mortifyingly audible stutter of heels against concrete.
Alexander looked up, and his expression softened, but it wasn't a smile, not quite, Magnus didn't know what it was, or what was happening, or why Alexander was specifically here where the dealers generally weren't and, "what?"
Alexander shrugged, making Magnus realized he must have said something out loud, even if he couldn't now remember what.
"Could we?" Alexander's head tilted, just as eloquent with his eyebrows as he'd always been when bidding, and Magnus followed him over to what had once been a smoker's nook, an old empty ashtray around the corner with an ugly green awning to protect it from the worst of the wind or rain.
"Mr Lightwood," Magnus began, which wasn't at all what he'd wanted to say, but he wasn't sure how to start anything else. He stopped as soon as Alexander winced.
"I suppose I deserved that."
Magnus opened his mouth, and shut it again. "I am very confused, Alexander."
That time he got a smile, and he couldn't help but smile back.
"Is it weird to say I've missed you?" Alexander glanced sideways at him, his hands still pressing against each other in what seemed to be a nervous tic. "I mean, we've never even introduced ourselves, but..."
Magnus reached out, and let one hand slide between Alexander's long fingers. His smile widened as he felt Alec's thumb start to rub against one of his rings rather than digging into Alec's other hand again.
"You're throwing away our long and meaningful history! I introduce myself to you every week, and you're just ignoring that? I'm offended."
Alexander snorted, and Magnus grinned in delight, ignoring how his hand felt almost chilly as Alec's fingers slipped free now that he'd stopped fidgeting. "There you are, I thought you had a sense of humor."
"You're probably the only one."
"I don't know, Lydia smiles when you roll your eyes at the other dealers, that seems promising."
Alec's head tilted, and this time Magnus couldn't tell what his eyebrows were saying. "You noticed that?"
I always notice what you're doing. Magnus wasn't sure he should say that. He just hummed instead.
"So I was, uh." Alec stopped. He was, perhaps, flushing very slightly pink. "I kept wanting to send you pictures while I was gone, but I don't, we don't. I only even know your last name because you're registered on the website, I mean--"
"Alexander!" Magnus cut him off, not sure he'd be able to survive any more of the delight that was rising up through his chest as if to drown him. "Did you look me up online?"
Alec's eyes widened, and his mouth opened but nothing came out. He was definitely starting to blush, but he looked almost horrified rather than anything more enjoyable for either of them, so Magnus kept going before Alec thought that was a problem. "I did that too, how did you think I knew you were an actual Lightwood rather than just a Lightwood dealer?"
Alec's mouth closed, and there, there was that almost smile again, the edge of his mouth tucking in tight and giving a hint of a dimple. "We're maybe a pair of idiots."
Magnus laughed. "I guess we are. Give me your number, pretty boy, and tell me more about those pictures, and all mutual idiocy will be forgotten?"
Alec handed over his phone, already open to an add contact screen, and shook his head ruefully. "I don't even know how you managed to say 'pictures' like that."
"It's a gift," Magnus said. He finished putting in his number, sending a heart-emoji as a message to himself before he gave the phone back so he'd have Alec's number too.
Alec glanced down, his smile widening for a moment before he put his phone back in his pocket. "I hate to disappoint you but I was driving cross-country with my little brother for one last 'adventure' before moving him into his dorms, so the pictures are entirely child-friendly."
"Aww," Magnus let out before he could stop himself. "That's so sweet. Did you take pictures of giant balls of twine and slightly out of focus mountains and diners surrounded by fields of corn?"
Alec blinked. "That's pretty accurate, actually."
"And you wanted to send them to me?" Magnus' voice was softer than he'd intended, not really teasing at all. "Really?"
"Every one." Alec reached a hand out and Magnus held it, both of them clearly doing it on purpose this time. “Join me for an early dinner after the sale, and I'll show them to you?”
Magnus almost swooned, and didn't even attempt to hide it. "It's a date, Alexander."
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smallboyonherbike · 7 months
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dayque · 5 months
Magnus after his first date with Alec
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I don' even know her (him) right/enough
A kiss means friendship, sex and love
Anywhere in the world, no matters the religion
For a kiss of their mouth I go to heave I talk with God
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cam-ryt · 7 months
When ‘every fucking time Magnus’ becomes Magnus gifting this to Alec from a mould of his hands 😭
Alec: baby!!!
Magnus: 😬
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Omg this is genius !! 😭
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i-have-not-slept · 9 months
Problemalec 2023
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Week 1: Power Imbalance/Ex/Mafia
@animalecfest @carelessflower
TW: Mentions of blood, death.
He’s a dangerous one, Alexander Lightwood.
Magnus knows that, of course. He’d be stupid not to know it.
He knows about the things Alec gets up to during the day, while Magnus is at work. He knows about the traces of blood Alec scrubs from underneath his fingernails when he thinks Magnus isn’t watching. He knows that, every night, he shares the bed of a killer.
Continue reading here.
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booksandmore · 17 days
hot take alec lightwood listens to olivia rodrigo
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lurafita · 9 months
Magnus' heartbeat
Sometimes, when it's been especially stressful, Alec likes to lay on Magnus with his ear right on Magnus' chest. Because when that whole thing with the magic transplant from Lorenzo almost killed Magnus, his heart stopped for some time. So now Alec likes to listen to its beat.
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random-bean-allie · 2 years
i stg i need to stop bookmarking fics on ao3
i literally have like a fucking billion of them just there chilling in my bookmarks. but do i even look at them when i want to read something??
Like c'mon man
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darcyolsson · 1 year
kind of crazy to me how sooo much of alec & magnus' story happens off-screen in the first tmi trilogy??? we literally dont get any proper alec povs until cofa which is so crazy looking back like what do you mean there's not a SINGLE scene where the 2 of them are alone????????
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