#all these flirty amazing people on anon
ilyelan · 2 years
waiting for my anons to realize to that you can like one thing in fics without hating everything that isn’t that one thing
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onepiece-fics · 1 year
Sanji x picky eater!Reader
Description: Reader is a picky eater and doesn’t dare to tell Sanji. The chef, however, needs to get to the bottom of why you’re giving Luffy all your shrimp. Gender-neutral reader.
Word Count: 1187 
Warnings: Slight angst (mostly fluff though), Sanji is very flirty, mentions of difficult food habits.
Requested by anon<3
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You feel bad about it, but as you sit by the dinner table you can’t help but pick at some of the food on your plate. Dinner for tonight was shrimp paella, cooked by the amazing chef himself. Of course, anyone who knew of Sanji knew how amazing he was at cooking, there was no question about it, but having been born a picky eater you felt immense guilt with how you felt about some of his food. You hadn’t even told him the things that you can’t bring yourself to eat, scared that he would take offense, or maybe even try to force you to eat it like so many other people had tried in the past. 
You tried to pick away the shrimp on your plate and focus on the rice and vegetables instead, but of course, knowing that it had touched the shrimp was enough to put you off. 
“Ah? Y/N? Are you not having your shrimp? Can I have it?” the enthusiastic captain asks you from across the table. You nod and with a blush on your face, you shovel off the shrimp from your plate to his. You notice Sanji looking at the two of you from afar, and not being able to read his face makes you nervous. Is he taking offense? Do you look silly? Is he gonna think you’re being childish? You sigh and continue trying to eat the rice and veggies on your plate. 
When dinner was done Sanji came to pick up everyone’s plates like he usually did but when he came over to you he gave you a look.
“Could you please stay for a while Y/N? I’d like to talk to you for a minute” he says, a slight smile on his lip but a confusing look in his eyes. You nod and stay in your chair as everyone else leaves. When you notice he’s moving to wash the dishes you rush up and silently offer him your help. He starts handing you the wet dishes to dry off and stack neatly. 
“Do you not like shrimp?” he says suddenly, breaking the silence between you. You tense up a little, unsure what to say.
“Uhm, yeah, sorry, I’m not really that big on seafood in general…” you say quietly. He stops what he’s doing and looks at you, eyebrows raised.
“Why haven't you told me, Y/N? I don't want to make you food that you won’t enjoy… I’ll happily modify your dinner for your tastes!” he gives you a big smile and your face heats up. “Wait… Do you also not like eggs? And… Broccoli? Oh, and the spinach!” he says, his fist hitting his palm like he finally understood something. Your face is fully flushed and it’s so warm you swear Sanji could actually cook a full meal on it at this point.
“I- I’m so sorry Sanji. I know I should’ve told you a while ago but-! I can be really picky with food sometimes and it’s like super embarrassing and I don’t want to be rude or insult your cooking- and I don’t want you to think I’m childish or something either. It’s just how my tastebuds work! I can’t help it but I’m really so sorry, I’ll try to learn to eat those things, I promise!” You ramble suddenly, catching the chef off-guard. He looks at you with big eyes and moves to put his hand on your shoulder.
“Y/N…” he starts. “You don’t have to worry my dear, I know you would never intentionally be rude or anything. I have been worrying for a while that maybe my cooking skills had gone downhill… But this explains it all!” his hand moves from your shoulder to cup your cheek.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, everyone’s tastebuds are different and I totally get that. We all have things that we can’t stand to eat, if you just write me a list of things you don’t like I promise to make you the best food you can imagine, alright?” he smiles at you. You just stare at him in shock, a single teardrop falling from your eye which he quickly catches with his thumb. 
“S-Sanji… Are you sure it’s alright?” you ask him and he chuckles. 
“I’d much rather cook you food that you genuinely enjoy than keep feeding you things you just hand off to Luffy” he teases you. He pulls you in for a hug and kisses the top of your head. “I could never judge you Y/N, you’re way too kind to me for that” he whispers as you put your arms around him. 
Your emotions suddenly sweep over you and before you know it, you’re staining his suit with your tears. Even though you knew how kind Sanji was, a part of you thought that he was going to react the same way people had in the past. Far from everyone is kind to those who struggle with picky eating, no matter the reason for it happening in the first place. The fact that he was even offering to cook you your own personalized meals… You pull away from him, cringing as you see the wet spot on his shoulder from your tears.
“I’m sorry about that…” you sniffle and it makes him laugh. The sound of it brings you to a smile and you giggle with him. He takes one of your hands in his and raises your chin with the other one. 
“Now. No more being shy about food habits, alright?” his smile is dazzling and it leaves you breathless. You nod for a response and he smiles and leans closer to you. “I really mean it Y/N. If I get to cook extra food for such a beauty as you… It only brings me joy” he whispers. You bite your lip when you realize the position you’re both in. You leaning against the kitchen counter with him in front of you, leaning into you more and more. A blush spreads across your cheeks again and you gulp. You’re just about to lean up when– 
“Y/N!!!!” Chopper barges into the kitchen, opening the door wide open, scaring both you and Sanji shitless. He jumps off of you, hastily moving to do the dishes once again. “Usopp needs you! He’s convincing Luffy not to prank call the Marines! Please help us!” Chopper begs you. With your hand covering your blush the best you can, you look back at Sanji, a blush spread over his cheeks too, before giving a nod to the doctor.
“I- I’ll be right there Chopper! Steal the den den mushi if you have to!” you tell him. Chopper nods and runs back to wherever the captain is.
You look back at Sanji who’s shaking with laughter as he’s rinsing out a plate. 
“I’m expecting a note with all your least favorite foods by tomorrow” he tells you and winks. You nod and awkwardly move to leave the kitchen.
“Oh, and that note better include your favorite foods too, by the way. I want to make you only your favorite meals from now”. 
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writeandsurvive · 11 months
Hi. I’ve been reading your work and it’s been sooo funny. It’s my first time asking for fic. Could you write a fic where Gibbs and reader is in the secret relationship in the bullpen. And one day they’re having breakfast or lunch or anything and they’re cute, sweet, and so in love each other and then being caught on the scene by someone in the bullpen.
Thank you so much for good works!
Hello anon, thank you for the request and your kind words, it means so much to me ❤️ I hope this is what you were looking for!
Busted ~ Jethro Gibbs
It's not easy to give a relationship secret, but it's even worse when it happens in the workplace, and the people you're the closest with are all trained investigators. However, you and Gibbs have been doing a great job at hiding it. It's a lot thanks to him, to be honest; the man has one hell of a self control and when he puts his mind into something, he never fails.
Most of the times you were almost caught was because you couldn't keep your hands off of the man you love. A stolen kiss here, a lingering hand there. The closest to being busted happened when a lawyer was clearly hitting on Gibbs, and your jealousy went over the roof. You trust Gibbs more than anyone, you know he'd never do something like that, but seeing this woman being too comfortable with your man, touching his arm, and giving him flirty looks, that was hard to handle.
However, it led to the first time Gibbs allowed himself to let go in the office. Noticing how jealous you were getting, he got you to follow him to autopsy, taking the elevator and shutting it down. He immediately grabbed you and kissed you intensely. Then he looked deep into your eyes, silently asking if you got the message. You smiled and nodded. Gibbs was a man of a few words after all.
Weekends off were a very rare thing for the team, so when the boss said 'see you on Monday' by Friday night, it was a race to the parking lot. Obviously, a few minutes after you got home, Gibbs let himself in and you immediately jumped into his arms. "An entire weekend, just you and me?"
"Why else would I let everyone go this early?" He kissed you.
After spending the Friday night at your place, ordering takeouts and simply relaxing together, you went to his place on Saturday. Gibbs feels more comfortable there, and he likes to work on his boat while you're reading a book in the armchair he specifically brought into the basement for you.
But Gibbs wanted to spoil you. He knows he's not the most outgoing and adventurous man, and there's this tiny voice in his mind that keeps telling him you're gonna get bored of him and the relationship. So, he used all of his computer skills to search for the best and fanciest restaurants in Washington. He wished he could've asked McGee for this, but how would he explain it? 'I want to take my girlfriend on a fancy date, and spoil her the way she deserves, cause I'm afraid she'll get bored and leave me. Also, my girlfriend is someone you love like your own sister.'
It was a nightmare to do this research, but Gibbs was satisfied with himself when he found the perfect place to take you.
"Your burgundy dress is still here, right?" He asked, joining you after he took a random shower.
"I think so, why?"
He kissed your forehead. "Go get ready, we're going out."
"You're kidding? Where are we going?"
You excitedly got up from the couch. "Okay, but I need to take a shower too!"
He looked at his watch. "You got an hour, good enough?"
"Yes sir!" You quickly pecked his lips and rushed upstairs.
You don't remember the last time you got into a fancy restaurant like this, you kinda felt out of place. But it was amazing to see Gibbs being this romantic with you, holding doors, pulling out the chair, he even ordered your first alcohol drink, for the both of you instead of going with a beer or bourbon. "You're spoiling me," you shyly smiled. "And you look extra handsome tonight. I still love the polo shirts and hoodies though."
"You deserve to be spoiled." He grabbed your hand and brought it to his lips. "Had to clean up nice so people don't wonder why the hell you're doing with me, more than they already do, at least."
It was amazing. The food was exquisite, the conversation flew smoothly between you, and Gibbs kept complimenting you, and not just physically. He hinted several times how lucky he felt that you were with him, loving him and standing by his side no matter what. "Jethro," you looked at your joint hands on the table before getting lost in his wonderful blue eyes. "You don't have to do this to make me happy. I'm happy as long as I'm with you."
He stayed silent for a moment, processing what you were saying and looking for the right answer. When he opened his mouth to answer, a voice came out from behind you. "Boss! Wow, fancy seeing you here!" Tony DiNozzo. Great. You couldn't get out of this, could you? "Who's your da--" he reached the table, and finally laid eyes on you.
"Hi Anthony," you teased. "Didn't recognize me from behind? That's offensive from you."
Tony kept looking between you and Gibbs, mouth open. "I think he's having a stroke." You joked to Gibbs, who softly chuckled. He had accepted that the cat was out of the bag.
"DiNozzo, you gonna keep standing here or let us go back to our date?" Gibbs asked.
"I, um, wow. I got some many questions." Gibbs gave him his famous, which got Tony to solely look at you. "I got many questions." He said, lower.
"I can still hear you, DiNozzo, and most importantly, I can still see you."
You nodded to Tony with a smile, silently telling that you'll indulge his curiosity.
"Well," you laughed after Tony was finally gone. "I guess we're no longer in a secret relationship."
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rosemariiaa · 3 months
~Tiktok Tease-
paige x azzi
made sure to proofread
summary: (anon request) pazzi fic where azzi jokingly gets mad about Paige posting thirst traps on TikTok so then she posts one and Paige gets really over protective about everyone drooling over azzi, then they are good and so in love. If only someone would make one like this 💭 lots of fluff!
warning: teasing, fluff
Paige couldn't help but chuckle as she scrolled through her latest TikTok comments. She was getting a lot of positive feedback, as usual. She loved making videos, especially ones that showed off her confidence and creativity. Her girlfriend, Azzi, had been teasing her relentlessly about them lately.
"Another thirst trap, Paige?" Azzi quipped, leaning over her shoulder. "You just love making the fans drool, don’t you?" Paige rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, come on, Azzi. You know it's all in good fun. Plus, the fans love it."
Azzi raised an eyebrow, a mischievous smile spreading across her face. "I know they do. But you're going to give them heart attacks at this rate."
Later that week, the team decided to take a break from their grueling training schedule and head to the beach for a much-needed day off. The sun was shining, and the waves were perfect for a refreshing dip. Paige and Azzi were among the first to arrive, along with their friends KK, jana, and the rest of the team.
As they settled down on the sand, Paige volunteered to get drinks for everyone. "I'll be back in a bit," she called out, making her way towards the beach bar with KK and Jana in tow.
Azzi watched her go, an idea forming in her mind. If Paige could have fun posting thirst traps, why couldn't she? She pulled out her phone, positioned it on the perfect angle, and started recording a playful, flirty video. She danced a little, made a few cute faces, and ended with a wink.
Once satisfied, she posted it with a cheeky caption: "beach look 🐚🌺”
The rest of the day was filled with laughter, swimming, and sunbathing. By the time they got back to their hotel, everyone was exhausted. Paige fell asleep almost immediately, but Azzi stayed up for a while, checking the notifications on her phone and grinning at the reaction to her video.
The next morning, Paige woke up early, feeling refreshed. She reached for her phone and decided to check TikTok. Her eyes widened as she saw Azzi's new video. The comments were full of praise and admiration, with fans gushing over how amazing Azzi looked. There were even a few edits already made, highlighting her best moments from the video.
Paige felt a pang of jealousy and protectiveness. She knew it was silly, but seeing so many people fawning over Azzi stirred something inside her. She glanced over at Azzi, who was still asleep, her face beautiful, peaceful and relaxed.
Unable to resist, Paige leaned over and gently nudged her awake. "Azzi, wake up," she whispered. Azzi groaned, rubbing her eyes. "What time is it?" she mumbled.
"It's morning," Paige replied, trying to keep her voice steady. "And you have some explaining to do." Azzi sat up, blinking in confusion. "What are you talking about?"
Paige held up her phone, showing Azzi the TikTok. "This. When did you decide to become a TikTok star?"
Azzi's lips curled into a playful grin. "Oh, that. Just thought I'd have some fun while you were busy. Looks like the fans loved it." Paige pouted, her arms crossing over her chest. "I don’t know how I feel about everyone drooling over you like that."
Azzi chuckled, reaching out to pull Paige into a hug. "Are you getting jealous, Paige? That's adorable."
Paige huffed, burying her face in Azzi's shoulder. "Maybe a little. I just... I don't like sharing you with the world."
Azzi kissed the top of Paige's head, her voice softening. "You have nothing to worry about. It was just for fun. Plus, you're the only one I care about impressing."
Paige looked up, her eyes meeting Azzi's. "Promise?"
Azzi nodded, her gaze sincere. "Promise. Now, how about we go back to sleep for a bit? We have the whole day to ourselves."
Paige smiled, feeling reassured. "Okay. But no more surprise TikToks without me knowing."
"Deal," Azzi said, pulling Paige closer. They cuddled under the blankets, the warmth of each other's presence soothing any lingering doubts.
As they drifted back to sleep, Paige felt a sense of contentment. She knew that no matter how many fans fawned over Azzi, their bond was something special. And that was all that mattered.
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bones4thecats · 10 months
Hi! Can I please request some hcs of Apollo with a caring and down to earth S/O who has been by his side from the time he was “an ordinary god” and has supported him every step of the way? A scenario where he’s very loyal and faithful to her despite all the woman and fans he’s surrounded by would be great! I’m just a huge sucker for the trope of the popular guy who you think is a playboy but is actually really sweet and incredibly dedicated to their true love 💖
A/N: I love writing for Apollo so much, and this was so much fun to write about, the dynamic that this had was amazing, and by far one of my favorite ones in media. I hope you enjoy this, Anon, and have a good day/night!
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☀️ Apollo, one of the most arrogant Gods in existence
☀️ Because of his playboy style, many never expected him to find anyone who would ever marry him
☀️ Until they heard the announcement
☀️ You, the God of Life and Agriculture had known Apollo ever since he was a young and fairly unknown God
☀️ He was still planting his feet in the world of the Gods, and you were there to help lead him to be a well-respected one
☀️ Apollo wasn’t treated the best as a new God, but nobody really is
☀️ He and you really helped each other out when it came to work
☀️ He represented the Sun and Music, while you represented Life and Agriculture, I think you should be seeing the connection by now
☀️ The God of the Sun and you seemed like an unlikely pair, as his worshippers grew, his ego did as well, but he never let the promise of fame and a following cloud his judgment of people
☀️ Ever since you and him were young, he judged, not by physical attributes, but by personal attributes
☀️ And that was what he used when he proposed to you
☀️ He loved you not because of how you looked, but by how much value you had given him
☀️ You were the one who pushed him and got him to where he is now
☀️ And despite the mass amount of nymphs, humans, or Gods that seemed to want him for themselves, he always stayed true and loyal to you
☀️ Marriage has sacred vows that pledge one to another, and he wasn’t about to let 4 days worth of headaches from not knowing what to write for you go to waste
☀️ Though, he does still have a hint of a flirty personality, so when he winks at someone, you just roll your eyes and smile at his idiocracy
☀️ He’s your lovable idiot
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wcbblife · 2 months
Hey! If you’re taking requests can you write a hc/drabble of juju x fem reader being fluffy at first on a date or something then having an argument at they apartment cause someone was being flirty with juju but she ain’t peep it at first. Then juju being mad nonchalant about it cause she ain’t think it was a big deal, butttt reader gets mad/dramatic and just leaves and juju kinda blows up her phone but reader isn’t going for it rn. But all is well in the end cause reader realizes that she was doing the most but juju just reassures her that she only wants her.
My fault I ain’t think the request would be that long 😅
a/n: hey anon! thanks for the request. I actually liked that it was so descriptive and long since it makes my life 10 times easier. make sure to come by again if you like my writing!
warning: reader and juju kind of have a toxic and dumb fight.
Date Night
“You ready, baby?” Juju’s voice comes from behind as she wraps an arm around your waist, her warmth making you smile at your reflection. The black dress you’re wearing fits like it was made for you, and Juju's approving gaze confirms that.
“Yeah, let’s go.” Your grin stretches wide, your excitement almost bubbling over. After weeks of conflicting schedules and games, the idea of a night out with your girlfriend feels like a dream come true.
Juju keeps her hand on your hip as you leave her dorm room. “I’ve been waiting for this all week,” she admits with a soft chuckle.
You gently bump her with your hip as she hurries ahead to open the car door for you. “I bet you did,” you tease.
The drive to the restaurant is serene, the city lights painting patterns on the car windows. Juju drums her fingers rhythmically on the steering wheel, her other hand intertwined with yours. Occasionally, she lifts your hand to her lips, pressing soft kisses on your knuckles.
“How did the week treat you?” you ask, savoring the moment.
Juju laughs, turning the car off once you two arrive. “I’m sore all over,” she admits, getting out to open your door. “Coach was pissed about our last loss I guess.”
“Really?” you ask, starting to massage her shoulders as you walk inside.
“You should've seen her,” Juju groans playfully. “It wasn’t any different than military training.”
You’re guided to a cozy corner table, the atmosphere perfect. “When we get home, I’ll help with the soreness,” you offer with an innocent smile.
Juju laughs, shaking her head in disbelief at your boldness. “You’re something else.”
The restaurant is dimly lit, with soft music playing in the background. The setting makes you feel like you’re the only two people there. Juju’s eyes sparkle as she looks at you, her fingers playing with yours across the table.
“You look amazing tonight,” she says.
“So do you,” you reply, squeezing her hand. “I missed this. Just us, no distractions.”
Juju leans in, her gaze never leaving yours. “I missed this too. More than you know.”
Just then, the waiter approaches, a bright smile on her face. “Good evening, ladies. My name’s Maria, and I’ll be taking care of you tonight.” Her eyes linger a bit too long on Juju, a flicker of recognition sparking. “Hey, aren’t you Juju from USC’s basketball team?”
Juju nods with a modest smile. “That’s me.”
“Oh wow, I’m a big fan! You’re incredible on the court,” Maria gushes, her attention entirely on Juju.
You feel a twinge of irritation but keep your expression neutral. “Thanks, Maria. Can we start with the house special and a bottle of your finest red wine?” you interject, trying to steer the conversation back to the purpose of your night out.
Maria finally acknowledges you with a quick glance. “Of course. And for you, Juju?”
Juju smiles, clearly oblivious to Maria’s flirting. “I’ll have the same, thanks.”
“Great choice. I’ll get that started for you right away,” Maria says, giving Juju one last lingering look before walking away.
Juju turns back to you, her eyes warm and full of affection. “So, how’s work been? I know you’ve been swamped lately.”
You sigh, grateful for the change in topic. “It’s been a lot, but I’m managing. My boss is being a total ass to deal with lately but he pays me too much for me to complain. I just wish we had more time like this.”
Juju nods, squeezing your hand gently. “We’ll make it work. We’ll find time for us.”
As you continue to talk, Maria returns with the wine, pouring it with an overly enthusiastic flourish. “Here you go, Juju. I hope you enjoy it,” she says with a smile that was way too flirty for your liking.
You bite your tongue, forcing a smile as you raise your glass. “To us,” you toast, ignoring Maria’s lingering presence.
“To us,” Juju echoes, clinking her glass against yours.
It's nice. After what seemed like a frustrating week for you two, having some alone time was absolutely necessary. Juju toys with the rings on your fingers like she always did as she explained what her schedule would look like for the next week.
A little while later, Maria returns with your food, still sporting that overly bright smile. “Here’s your dinner, ladies,” she announces, setting the plates down. “Enjoy!”
Juju grins and makes a joke about the portion sizes. “Jesus, are they trying to fatten us up for the winter or something? Coach is gonna kill me if she sees how I'm eating.”
Maria laughs, a little too enthusiastically, and places a hand on Juju’s shoulder. “You’re so funny, Juju.”
You notice the pink tinge on Juju’s cheeks, a clear sign that the alcohol is starting to affect her. Juju has always been a lightweight. She looks over at Maria and laughs a bit awkwardly, trying to suppress the urge to shake the feeling of the waiter's finger from her shoulder.
Trying to keep the evening focused on the two of you, you smile politely at Maria. “Thank you, Maria. We’ll let you know if we need anything else.”
Maria’s smile falters slightly, but she quickly recovers. “Of course. Enjoy your meal.” With one last lingering glance at Juju, she finally walks away.
So fucking desperate that one.
You turn back to Juju, who’s already digging into her food. “This looks amazing,” she says, oblivious to the tension.
You take a deep breath, letting the moment pass. “Yeah, it really does,” you agree, focusing on the food and the company.
You and Juju enjoyed your meal together and as you finished your dessert, Juju casually reached for the bill, her usual playful insistence on paying despite your protests. With the bill settled, you stepped outside into the cool night air.
The ride back to campus was quiet. You stared out of the window, feeling a bit frustrated. You couldn’t shake off how Maria had flirted with Juju, and Juju’s apparent obliviousness to it.
Once you reached the apartment, the silence was heavy. As soon as you were inside, you couldn’t hold it in any longer. “I can’t believe you didn’t say anything to her,” you burst out, your voice tinged with frustration.
Juju looked at you, confused. “What are you talking about?”
“Maria! She was flirting with you the whole time, and you didn’t do anything about it,” you snapped, feeling your final emotions bubble over.
Juju frowned, clearly taken aback. “I didn’t even notice. If anything, she was just being friendly.”
You crossed your arms, starting to get a bit pissed off. “Friendly? Oh please. She was practically all over you!”
“Chill.” Juju sighed, running a hand through her hair. “Look, I really didn’t think it was a big deal. She’s just a fan, probably excited to see someone from the team.”
You threw your hands up in exasperation. “That’s exactly the problem, Juju! You never think it’s a big deal. But it is to me.”
Juju’s calm demeanor only fueled your frustration. The look in her eyes rubbed you the wrong way. “I don’t understand why you’re so upset. It’s not like I was flirting back or anything.”
You stepped closer, your voice rising. “That’s not the point! The point is you didn’t even acknowledge it. You just let it happen. Right in front of me!"
Juju’s eyes narrowed slightly. “So what? You want me to make a scene every time someone is nice to me?”
“No. I just want you to show them you’re taken.” you shot back, feeling tears of frustration prick at your eyes.
Juju shook her head, her voice growing colder. “This is ridiculous. I can’t control how other people act when they like me or recognize me. And I’m not going to start being rude to every person who shows me attention just because you’re insecure.”
Your heart clenched at her words, the sting of them hitting hard. “Insecure? You think I’m being insecure? Maybe I just want to feel like you actually care about us, about me."
Juju’s expression softened slightly, but her frustration was still evident. “I do care about you. But you’re blowing this way out of proportion. I didn't even talk to her!"
You shook your head, feeling the heat of your emotions rising. “It just felt like you didn’t care.”
“I care about you, not some random waitress I've never seen in my life,” Juju insisted, her tone still casual.
Feeling overwhelmed, you grabbed your jacket.
“Where do you think you're going?”
“I just need some air,” you muttered, heading for the door.
“Wait, don’t go,” Juju called after you, but you were already out, the door clicking shut behind you.
Outside, you took a deep breath, trying to calm whatever it was that had settled in your chest. This usually never happens with Juju. And you know that it's really nothing too big but remembering the way they both seemed to just smile at each other without a single care had irked you the wrong way.
Your phone buzzed repeatedly with Juju’s name flashing on the screen, but you ignored it, needing space to think. Numerous calls and texts made your phone buzz every second.
As you walked, your mind replayed the scene in the restaurant, and slowly, your anger began to fade. You realize you had overreacted; Juju was naturally friendly and way too nice to tell people off. It didn’t help that she had an image to keep now.
After some time, you sat on a bench, the cool night air helping to clear your mind. You finally checked your phone, seeing a string of worried messages from Juju:
“Please baby it’s getting late.”
“You’re going to catch a cold.”
“Please come back.”
“I’m sorry, okay?”
"You know I'm only yours."
“I love you.”
You sighed, the last message making your heart ache. Maybe you were doing the most, but you just wanted to feel secure. Especially with such a wonderful person like Juju on your side.
Taking a deep breath, you headed back. When you opened the apartment door, Juju was pacing, her face lighting up with relief when she saw you.
“I’m sorry,” you said softly, meeting her gaze. “I completely overreacted.”
Juju crossed the room in a few strides, wrapping you in a tight hug. “No, I’m sorry. I should’ve been more aware. I should've told her to back off."
You leaned into her embrace, feeling the warmth radiating off her body. “I just…I don’t know why I felt like this. I’m sorry.”
Juju pulled back slightly, looking into your eyes. “I only want you, baby.”
Her words were a balm to your insecurities, and you smiled, leaning in to kiss her. “Thank you.”
Juju smiled back, brushing a strand of hair from your face. “Always.”
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got-ticket-to-ride · 10 months
hi sorry but do you have any soft mclennon moments to share too :') the post you made about 22 seconds of longing hurt oh my god
Sorry for the delay in reply anon. I'm actually just a corporate collar acting my way as a temporary secretary every hard day's night, jobbing like a dog, 8 days a week in an English garden to afford a tan in the rain.
Hope this finds you well! Here are 22 McLennon moments as compensation for Johnny's 22 agonizing seconds in the pining video.
1.) "I'm Happy Just to Dance with You" scene when they both looked at each other at the same time. And the director had to pan out the scene because it would've been too straight. I know dilated pupils when I see it.
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2.) Inviting your favorite boy to a solo trip to Spain but you stayed in Paris because it was so romantic, sharing a bed, picking out clothes for each other, slurping all the banana shakes, you know normal roommate things according to historians.
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3.) Getting a solo invitation from a hot photographer and bringing along your best boy because you are attached to the hip and can't be separated.
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4.) Their need to constantly touch each other
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5.) Scene in Help (1965), where John is using all his strength to carry George and Ringo's weight and not crush Paul (because boyfriend things)
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6.) Holding hands for mental support during a recording. (John is needy, please forgive him)
7.) Walking Martha like a couple in 1967 - outfits coordinated and all
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8.) Impressions by people who met them:
"[John and Paul] sort of had their own way of communicating. Hardly anything was spoken, they just knew what the other wanted or was getting at and they had the most amazing talent."
"He was like a different animal with Lennon. When they were together they became something else, more than just the two of them together. That communication was incredible. It was like two high-speed computers just fizzing between each other."
9.) John is hiding his cigarette behind him, because he doesn't want to bother Paul with the smoke. (You know, boyfriend things).
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10.) A portrait, king and princess up front. John's thigh just casually resting on Paul's (yet again).
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11.) The spider fingers during a press conference, because they are actually both 12
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12.) That very flirty jam session in Austria in 1965 that was cut short, but they probably continued after anyway
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13.) The way they talk about the day they met sounds like "how I met the love of my life" Happy Honeymoon <3
14.) Quote from Emerick
The lights in the studio were turned off to set the mood; the sole source of illumination was a table lamp next to the wall. The two beatles, lifelong friends and collaborators, sat on high stools, facing each other, studying each other’s lips intently for phrasing.
15.) When they answer each other's songs
Paul in Can't Buy Me Love: "If it makes you feel alright?"
John: "I Feel Fine"
17.) “I could even hear what they were saying off-mike; ‘Oh Paul, you’re so cute tonight’ was met with the reply, ‘Sod off, Lennon.’” — Joan Baez on accompanying the Beatles to their concert in Red Rocks Amphitheatre, Denver. 26 August 1964
18.) Paul looking at John like he wants to eat him later after finishing with "I'm a Loser"
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19.) Giving instructions on how John's hair needs to "look"
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20.) Paul acting as John's walking stick
21.) Paul's heart eyes during this 1966 conference (also that lip bite... eat you later?):
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22.) John the worried boyfriend who checks on Paul in the middle of an interview and doesn't believe him when he just says : "oh, yeah..."
John internally: "come on now, why aren't you laughing at my joke babe? You're unwell!!!"
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The Bottles over and out.
Thank you for this ask. This was quite fun! Would love to hear your thoughts too <3
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noroi1000 · 1 year
Hello Noroi ! I’m the anon who requested vengeful love. it was amazing i loved it. i hope you’re doing well. Could i get a gojo oneshot where it’s like biker!gojo and a part time model reader who’s very famous in the campus. so like they’re in university. so the main plot could be fake dating w gojo but then it’s kinda different where gojo falls first but harder too lmao ? yeah. but yeah no smut really needed BUUUUT you could add suggestive flirty moments where gojo is the shy one :P. ( sorry i’m a virgin bitchless gojo preacher forever ) also for attitude of reader it can be similar to the reader in vengeful love but more extroverted/outgoing and a little mean in a playful/harmless way. Yeah that’s all ig
Have a good day Noroi 🌻 lots of love ur way
Popular boy who looks at you
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Summary: There was this one popular boy who suggested you go out fake. But for as long as you can remember, you've seen the way he looks at you. How he gets distracted around you. Because this "playboy" isn't really one.
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You remember these people's words from the beginning of school. "Gojo Satoru is looking at you!"
Who exactly was Gojo Satoru?
He was that popular boy at school who had been keeping an eye on you since your first day here.
Your friends squealed when they saw him. They bought magazines with his photos.
A man who has a part-time job as a model. And not just any model... The model of the largest companies!
He is a student at the same university. As far as you know, his family is rich. He drives his own motorbike wherever he likes. This dark blue bike with purple lightning bolts on the side. All you had to do was walk past this bike and you felt like you were standing next to a beast. Two large motorbikes standing next to each other, and no one will even dare to go there and touch the expensive vehicles. Blue and purple and black and gold with a dragon. Didn't they, some friends, become a bard?
You and your best friend only had the same key chains on your bags.
To be honest, you weren't the queen of the school. But people respected you and liked you. That was the most important thing.
But since blue eyes are constantly focused on you, you make other girls jealous.
Gojo Satoru who often bumps into someone because he is looking at you and not the road in front of him.
Gojo Satoru who even hit a pole in his path because he was watching you talking to your friends.
But why should you care about some high school playboy who supposedly "has had so many girlfriends that their number is greater than the number of students at your university?"
Oh yes, you could believe it, but you weren't entirely sure. After all, he talked about how he had so many relationships.
Even though there were school speculations that he was lying.
However, there was one thing that became true.
That popular boy who had been looking at you for so long, he asked you if you could be his fake girlfriend.
Your brain was like "wtf?!" But your friend has decided. She convinced you to do it.
And you became the fake girlfriend of the most popular boy in school.
His reason was that his parents wanted him to have a girlfriend who didn't just want his money. You were nice, and he didn't think you were. Plus, you weren't empty like the others.
And his parents... They believed in your relationship! They were so happy! It was so nice to see the smile of the woman who was his mother. But there was doubt in you. Because at some point your fake relationship has to end.
He knows you and you know him. This was for you the most important thing. You could keep this game going as long as you need. But you're tired of playing his girlfriend.
Even though he looks at you with that look, he avoids it when you return the look. He turns away from you.
Is he bored with this game?
Even better for you. You won't have to worry about him, you'll just find a boy who will truly love you!
Can a person who plays badboy and playboy really fall in love with you? You didn't want to hurt his mother who was happy about your 'relationship'...
But unfortunately, on the day you wanted to end it, or even tell his parents the truth, you didn't have the heart to do it.
Because before you could do anything, your heart clenched as you learned the truth about Gojo Satoru.
Gojo Satoru, the playboy from school. A model, someone who often even causes trouble. There were rumors that he would be a good fit for the mafia. Despite this, he had exemplary grades and excelled in exam results.
But in reality, Gojo Satoru is a boy who can flirt, but he is a loner by nature.
You learned everything from his mother.
After all, you are his 'girlfriend'.
Since he was born he has been a special child. But he had to grow up fast. His childish behavior is manifested by the fact that he began to play like a child at an older age. Addicted to sweets... He didn't like people who assumed they were weak right away. Everything he does works for him. His appearance is the reason that he became a model to start doing something. Slowly he was on the covers of magazines. He seems very confident, and he is. However, there was never anyone in his heart. He only has one friend who really understands him. There are no people who understand him. Because the world (physical and mental) he lives in makes it impossible for them to keep up with him.
However, his mother saw the change.
There is no longer Satoru whose smile is unwavering. He most often embarrassed someone. He was having fun, irritating someone, teasing someone. Always without a changeable smile. Gojo Satoru knew no fear. He didn't care what people thought of him. He only cared that he was a person who was different from everyone else and no one could threaten him.
Well, it was true. He was the best at everything...
Even though you weren't afraid of him, you felt small next to him. Just because he's tall and muscular.
And then you found out something that made you giggle or be surprised.
He never had a girl to bring home...
And he...
"Gojo Satoru is a Virgin?!" your friend screamed, almost choking on her drink.
He put a finger to his lips to silence her and looked around to see if anyone was watching or listening to you.
You're not cruel enough to spread rumors about your private life. Everyone thinks you're together.
"Shh! Maybe it's funny, but keep it to yourself! I do not know if it's true!"
If it were true, you could laugh at him just like when he laughed at you for feeling embarrassed to kiss him at school...
But then you got angry and you pulled his clothes to kiss him passionately.
So what if people were watching? You kissed him so suddenly to spite him. To at least try to embarrass him. And when you pulled away, you didn't see much of a change in his face. But it looked like he was holding something back. And his ears were pink...
Earlier you wondered why he left so quickly...
Isn't he embarrassed to kiss someone and be dominant, and when someone dominates him in a kiss, he suddenly starts blushing?
Don't say that... Gojo Satoru has that virginal innocence that shows when a girl initiates intimacy?!
Could it be that he likes to see others blush? But it's when you're direct and sudden with him that makes him blush?!
Can you shame him?
Isn't he sweet...?
"Earth to (y/n).” your friend called out, waving her hand in front of your eyes.
"Did you look like you were starting to smile? Are you thinking about your handsome virgin boyfriend~?” She laughed.
"... Tell me... When did you know that you and Kento were in love?" you asked.
"... You know, Kento is different from Gojo... Kento is a serious, but internally soft person! That makes him perfect!"
"Did I see that Gojo may have fallen in love with you? Yes! Girl, can't you see the cute little steps this guy is making?! Who would have thought that a guy as confident as him would be shy as shit when he falls in love with someone!
"Wait wait! This is not a real relationship! It will end the moment he realizes that this is the case!" You said quickly.
"I don't see him ever wanting to end it~." She wagged her eyebrows. "A proposition for you, take the first step and he won't be able to stand it and will confess everything to you! You just know... Take care of the situation and he will admit everything ~."
"Does this sort of thing work on Nanami–."
"These are my secrets! Take care of your boy because I think you like the thought of this big guy as your sweet boy who is madly in love with you." She whispered in your ear before walking away, leaving you with your thoughts wandering.
All you could think about was what had just happened. Does she really see what's going on between you?
Gojo is often weird! But you can't say anything else about you... You're weird because you agreed to become his fake girlfriend.
And now you find out that he fell for you?
What were these events in your life?! It didn't make any sense! It was supposed to be an ordinary arrangement that could never last forever! So why do you feel like this arrangement between you is no longer real?
This has been going on for... Almost a year, right?
His family treats you as one of them... He acts so naturally around you...
And then there was the matter of why he chose you as his candidate for a fake girlfriend...
It was also something you might have wondered about.
There are so many girls like you or even better! Why did he choose you?!
The narrator is rushing you to answer now.
Because ever since he saw you, he felt his heart start beating faster. Your smile when you talked to your friends. Your slight dark side which clearly showed that you are not a shy girl. You're not afraid to get a little carried away. But you weren't the kind of girl who would do anything for fun either.
You were just perfect.
What's more, you didn't pay attention to him like others did.
He was the most popular at school. Every girl had hearts in their eyes when they saw him. But not you.
Sure, you thought he was handsome. But it wasn't like adoring him for nothing. You were nice and natural to him.
Everything you did was beautiful. You were beautiful.
That's why he couldn't take his eyes off you.
That's why he wanted you.
But despite this, he pretended to be unfazed by what was happening between you. He was trying to do this to see if you could like him as much as other girls.
His plan to play macho almost backfired when you were one step ahead of him, making his cheeks begin to blush.
It's a different feeling kissing someone just like that and kissing someone you have feelings for. This is something completely different.
That's why when he got a boost of self-confidence, he went to you.
He knew you were talking about something with your friend who later left. He paid no attention to her. Because he was thinking about what he had to think about. About what he should do and say.
But when you didn't turn around once as he walked towards you, he felt that this might be a little harder than it seemed...
Standing behind you, he placed a large hand on your head, waiting for you to look at him.
With his eyes almost closed, he saw your eyes move to his. And he gave you a big smile.
"Hey, baby. Shall we go for a ride?" he asked, pointing his thumb at the school gate.
You knew what that meant.
And to clear your mind you had to agree.
The motorbike engine wasn't so loud when you were thinking about something else.
His helmet was on your head while he was riding without it. Your arms wrapped around his waist as you didn't even pay attention to the flashing lights around you.
You didn't even know where he was taking you.
But you thought you could do a little test.
Your hands slid lower, drawing small patterns on his stomach before moving down to his lower abdomen.
"(y-y/n)...?" He called out loud enough for you to hear him.
"Focus on the road." you said, pressing one finger on the muscle above your belly button.
Did you have the impression that he really started breathing differently?
Did his heart beat a little faster when you held your cheek on his back?
It was sweet...
You couldn't see much from this angle with you being behind him. But you were sure he wasn't unmoved.
Because Gojo Satoru blushes when you're direct.
You may not have seen it, but his face became nervous and red. Your smaller fingers rubbing his stomach? You touched him as low as ever! And you've never even had sex with him!
He was almost unfazed when he saw women on the beach in very revealing swimsuits. But the one time he saw you in your underwear, he had a pants party...
He couldn't stop thinking about you until he put his hand down his pants and went to the bathroom.
But he still remembers the sight of your body in black underwear you had. He didn't even come into the room while you were changing, only he saw a small fraction of it.
But after days of fantasizing about you, when he finally saw you in person, his reaction was intense.
Because this high school playboy is so in love with you that the fact that you are closer to him for a little while will make him do somersaults with happiness.
But it doesn't change the fact that he is surprised by your brave gestures. Especially when you do it specifically to irritate him.
Just like now your fingers were massaging his stomach.
It would be easier if you accepted his true feelings! Then he could act as he wanted as your boyfriend! And now you have established boundaries! He didn't want it this way! He wanted you to be his girlfriend and his closeness would be there for you anytime and anywhere! He would provide you with everything!
Once you accept it...
For a year he has been showing his area at school. For a year he has been marking the territory that other boys can enter. And he is highly respected at school.
No one could approach you because he was with you and yours.
Like a guard dog.
He was dangerous to protect you. But with your sweet words and touch, he became a puppy. So eager for what you have for him. He melted. He was a mess.
Cheeks slightly pink when you complimented him or touched him.
Maybe it was weird, but it was the real Gojo Satoru. A man who loves your attention too much. Even though he was dangerous all around, because he fell in love with you, he became a shy boy who brings a gift to his crush.
And you... You were his love...
Seeing a three-second gap between the moving cars, he accelerated and took a sharp turn into a smaller street, driving there as if he had known this road for years.
The higher you were, the more trees you saw. And that seemed as weird as it did cool to you.
Your arms were wrapped around him as you began to look to the sides, realizing that you were higher up, in a small forest.
Until suddenly he stopped and turned off the engine.
"Where are we?" you asked, taking the dark helmet off your head.
He nodded towards the open space to your left.
You got up from the bike slowly and walked to the metal barrier to see the panorama of the city in the sun.
"I didn't know there was a place like this here." You told him, looking at the distant buildings.
"Maybe we should spend more time together then. I know a lot of places you don't know about." He said.
Looking at him, you saw his small smile as he leaned against the seat of the bike. His dark glasses low on his nose.
"We already spend a lot of time together and you've never shown me anything!" you laughed and took a few steps towards him.
His hands reached for your waist and he moved to him, placing your legs between his knees.
"I want more." He replied, looking into your eyes.
"You want more?" You hummed and leaned down, grabbing the collar of his red t-shirt.
Suddenly you kissed him and then pulled away. Your fingers stroked his chest.
You giggled at the sight before you. Running your thumb over his lower lip, you licked your lips.
"You look quite cute when your cheeks are rosy." you told him, and then he realized that he was blushing.
Yep... It's when you're direct that it makes him a mess.
His mind processed your words for a few minutes before he blushed a little more.
And your hands rubbed his thighs.
You were alone here. Could you...
His face became redder and the muscles in his thighs trembled under your touch.
Even though he seemed a little against it, his body was showing you that you could do whatever you wanted.
He wanted your first intimate encounter to be at some romantic moment. In a moment of euphoria. And not when you just want to have fun.
But he couldn't say no to your touch. Because your hands felt so nice on his body. Always been like that.
You fit his arms perfectly. And your smaller hands always felt so good on his body. Even though all you did was accidental touches, holding hands, hugging, sometimes kissing. He felt something like that.
But he could imagine your hands roaming all over his body, without exception.
How would you react to his body?
Your index finger stopped just above his belt buckle and you stepped back, looking at his red cheeks and ears.
Just like you thought, you touching him like that means a lot to him.
"(y/n)..." He murmured and reached for you with his hands.
"First tell me what you want from me now." you said with a small smile.
You didn't know what exactly to expect.
But you couldn't have expected what he actually said.
"I want you to be my girlfriend." He said, looking straight into your eyes.
"...I'm already?" you laughed lightly.
"No no. I want you to be my real girlfriend."
He must be joking, right?
You feel good with him and you don't have any intrusions when he is your boyfriend. But did he of all people have to say it?
You thought he might say he wants sex now...
"I want you to be with me for real. Because I love you…” The small pink in his cheeks didn’t fade as he waited hopefully for your response.
With a small smile, you leaned into him, placing a kiss on his forehead.
And before you saw the disappointment in his eyes, you kissed his lips, letting him hold you as close as he wanted.
Love is not a hare, it will not run away. You are sure that you will love it as much as he truly loves you.
And he showed it to you in these little steps from the beginning. To now finally show you all this in three words.
This is the end of your fake relationship with the popular boy at school who looked up to you.
He fall in love with you. So you can fall in love with him. And this will be really quick.
Because you already started loving him.
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skinnywalker · 2 years
Um..hello are you taking request ?? If you are then can i have more of kid!rz Micheal x kid! male reader. If you don't have any ideas, I can give you some . Imagine it has been years Since micheal have seen him(the reader) one day the reader finally visit micheal. It's been so long that micheal has forgotten the reader face and he saw a nurse flirty with the reader and that was the last straw so he finally breaks out and plans to make the reader his.
Hope you have amazing day and/or night - night-anon
(Micheal Myers x Male reader)
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"God this hospital is ugly" he muses as he follows the doctor down multiple eye buringly white hallways towards the lower floors. There smelled like bleach and sweat. He wrinkle his nose before covering it with his sleeve.
"How can they let people live like this?"
It doesn't feel like a hospital, it feels like a freakshow without the trimmings. The joking, the pointing, the mocking, it's all there. It makes him feel sick.
He is lead into a small dining room. No one is there expect some nurses and a lone figure dressed in light blue and white. Long blonde locks down the back.
He knew at once it was Micheal. Those were the curls he used to braids to AC/DC on Friday evenings. The soft curls he used to weave his fingers through while they both read comics on his bed.
He never forget that.
"Can we be alone?"
The doctor nods and leaves the room. It falls deathly quiet.
"It's me. They wouldn't let me visit you."
He walks closer and looks into those baby blue eyes.
They shown with unshed tears.
"He never talks."
He whips around to see one of the nurses had decided to come up to the table.
She giggles, a high, ugly cackle.
"Hasn't spoken in 15 years sweetheart. You'd be better off speaking to the dead plants."
He feels his anger creep into his ribcage.
"But if you really want to see a useful mouth I'm right here."
She pushed herself up against him nearly tipping him into the table.
"Get off me! I don't know what's wro-"
His face turns red in seconds as the nurse's head is ripped straight from her shoulders. Micheal stands above her corpse ripping her to scrapes like a wild beast.
He stares at Micheal in horror.
He throws the bits of the nurse out of the way and towers over the smaller man.
He croaks. So weak and raspy that it's almost inaudible. But he hears it.
"forever mine."
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pensat-i-fet · 1 year
Lesson learned (Rúben Dias x Reader)
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**So one of my anons suggested the idea of holidays with Rúben and then a flirty tour guide shows up. And of course, it was too good to pass so here we have some jealous Rúben. Enjoy!! ❤️**
Word count: 1735
"There is an exhibition I would like to go to. I can go by myself if you're not interested".
"We're on holiday together. Where you go, I go".
"That sounds a bit stalkerish, Rúben. And honestly, we can have some time alone. It'd be what? An hour? Two?"
"Too long. I already have to be away from you the rest of the year because of my travelling and yours. You're staying with me all the time during our holiday".
I laugh at Rúben's little pout. And he's right. I want to spend all my time with him too.
"Ok then", I say, sitting down and patting the space next to me so he sits there. "The website says it's free admission. But we can pay 2 euros and get a guide".
"Do we need a guide?", he asks, now sitting next to me and putting his arm around my shoulders.
"Having one won't hurt and it's just 4 euros. The ice cream we ate last night was more expensive than that".
He laughs, remembering my face when I saw the price for a simple vanilla ice cream. "Alright then, book the tickets. I guess that'd be good to move around the place quicker so we have more time for other activities".
"Done. Tomorrow at 11.30. How exciting! I love this designer".
"Anything else you need to check or can we go to lunch now?"
"Take me to lunch, Dias", I tell him, getting up from the bed and offering a hand he kisses before intertwining his fingers with mine and leading us out of the hotel room.
The next morning I wake up super excited about the exhibition. J.W. Anderson's work for his namesake brand and for Loewe has been such a joy to follow for the last couple of years. I can't wait to see some of those pieces up close and to hear more about his design process.
"Would it be too on the nose if I wore a Loewe shirt?"
"I don't know?", Rúben is still sleepy and not ready for harder questions than do you want breakfast?
I laugh and shake my head. "I'll just wear this other blouse and shorts. I want to be comfy".
"Well, I don't know who made those shorts but I love the way they look on you".
"And I would love the way a lot of the Loewe menswear collection would look on you", I say, walking closer to where he's sitting on the bed.
"Yeah?", I nod and he starts to caress my thighs which are now exposed because these shorts are very short. "I still won't look as good as you but I guess I could try".
As it's happened every morning since our holidays started, it's a struggle to leave the room. But we have to or we'll be late.
"There it is. That entrance is for the people without tickets and…over there! That's our entrance!"
I almost drag Rúben to the door because of how excited I am about this exhibition.
"Your tickets, please?"
"Perfect, please go over there and wait for your guide. He should be here any minute. The previous tour just ended".
"Amazing, thank you".
Rúben and I start to read the itinerary on the walls to pass the time but only two minutes later, a young man stops near us and introduces himself.
"I'll be your guide today. Follow me, please".
"Is it just the two of us?", I ask.
"Yes, the other people who booked the tickets didn't show up".
"Their loss. Let's start".
We go to the first room where there are some of the first designs Anderson did years ago. It's so incredible to see them while Thomas, our guide, explains to us the designer's story. I already know most of it but I still nod every couple of seconds so he knows I'm listening.
"Let's move to the next room", he says, opening the door and holding it for us to walk through.
I smile at him but Rúben doesn't. He looks very serious but I guess he's just bored.
While I'm looking inside one of the vitrines and reading the description, I call Thomas so he can come closer.
"Why are you calling him? He finally left us alone for 5 seconds", says Rúben and I frown.
"I need to ask a question and he's our guide, he has to be near us. What's your problem?"
"Yes?", Thomas gets there before Rúben can say more.
"I was reading this and I have a question about this part", I say, pointing to the paragraph. "I read something different once".
Thomas moves closer to me and places his hand right next to mine, which I don't even notice because I'm busy reading. But Rúben does.
"I wish I had an answer, sorry. I just memorized the stuff for the tour. But I could ask other guides when we are done".
"Oh no, please. Don't worry. I just thought you could help but it's fine. Isn't this your main job, then?"
"No. I'm a tour guide but I do hikes with people. This is just a side gig to earn some extra money".
"Really? We love hiking!"
"We do?", asks Rúben, now both annoyed and confused.
"Well, I do and you follow me like a good boy when I want to go", I joke, making Thomas snort and try to cover it with a fake cough. And Rúben doesn't like that reaction at all.
"If you're free this weekend, you could come to that tour. I promise I'll answer all of your questions there", he winks.
"We could try and find the time…".
"We're really busy", interrupts Rúben.
"During the weekend? No, we aren't".
"Maybe I had plans I didn't tell you about yet".
"Then you can do that and I'll do the hike. I told you it was ok for us to separate for a couple of hours".
Thomas tells us to move to the next room and when we do, Rúben walks next to me and leans down to whisper.
"You're not going on a hike alone with him?"
"What's that supposed to mean? And I'm sure the tours are formed by groups of people, not just by one person".
"I don't care. You are not going".
"You don't get to tell me what I do, Rúben. I thought you would have learned that by now".
I walk faster to join Thomas and Rúben just follows us, glaring at anything our guide says.
"This dress is incredible. I would love to wear one like that one day".
"You'd look fantastic wearing it".
That compliment should have come from my boyfriend…but it came from Thomas.
"Thank you, Thomas", I say sweetly. "And about that hike…".
Even if I'm not looking at Rúben, I can imagine his face right now. I know what they say about poking a bear but I'm feeling feisty. I don't get to go on a hike if I want to go…huh! He's going to be taught a lesson.
By the time we're done, I'm surprised Rúben hasn't said a word. But I can sense his eyes on me the whole time.
"See you Saturday".
"See you then, Thomas. Thanks for the tour, it was perfect".
Rúben is still silent when we walk outside the building and I can't help but laugh.
"You're so stupid, actually".
"Me? He was flirting with you the whole time!", he says, trying not to raise his voice.
"There it is, the jealous rant".
"Would you like it if an attractive woman flirted with me in front of your face?"
"So you also thought Thomas was attractive then?"
I know that's a step too far but his face makes me laugh again.
"Yes, it's really funny".
"Rúben, attractive women flirt with you in front of my face the whole time. But you don't give them the time of day so why should I?"
"You loved Thomas' attention, don't lie".
"No, I didn't. I was just nice to the person who was doing his job and showing us the exhibition we paid to visit. It's called good manners. Or should I just smile at women from now on just so your insecurities don't ruin the day?"
"But he flirted with you", he really is running out of arguments.
"Of course he did, look how hot I am. Wouldn't you flirt with me too?"
He shakes his head and keeps walking. But I swear I saw a little smile on his face that he tried, and failed, to hide.
Once back at the hotel room, Rúben throws himself to the bed, face first.
"Sooo dramatic!"
I take my shoes off before going to the bed too and I sit on his lower back.
"What are you doing?", he asks, trying to turn his head to look at me.
"I've got two options", I say, placing my hands on his shoulders. "I could give you a massage to get rid of all this tension you got after your little tantrum. Or…I could strangle you for being so silly. You choose".
His eyes soften when he looks at me. "Can I choose the massage even if I deserve to be strangled?"
"Magic words?"
"Words? Please is just one word".
"No", I shake my head. "Not please but I'm an idiot".
"Can this idiot get a massage from his beautiful girlfriend that he doesn't deserve?"
"Of course".
I start to massage his upper back and it really feels tense. I'll need a massage myself after all this work.
"That feels really good", he mutters. "But do you know what feels better?"
"You massaging me?"
"That means I get to touch you so sure. But I meant something else", I stay quiet waiting for him to tell me. "That Thomas won't get a massage like this".
"Well, there is always the hike…".
I'm about to laugh when Rúben flips us so he can be the one on top.
"That's not funny. And I'm coming on the hike too".
"But you don't like hiking", I tease.
"I don't like when you use my jealousy against me either yet here we are", he says, now kissing my neck.
"I was just teaching you a lesson".
"Really?", he says, staring into my eyes. "Maybe I should teach you a lesson".
Yes, it's a struggle to leave the room during this holiday.
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hobie-enthusiast · 1 year
Hii quick question HOW DO YOU WRITE HONIE TALKING SO WELL, like i’ve learned basic british and roadman vernacular and i’ve watched a bunch of Daniel Kaluuya’s interviews and stuff to try and better pick up how he talks and now that i’ve gotten all that I DONT KNOW HOW TO WRITE FOR THE ACCENT, so if you have any tips or you could explain it a little i would appreciate you so so so much 🙏
also i love your work, like seriously it’s so amazing i’m obsessed
hey anon! so honestly, i can give a rundown of what goes through my head but this is all what works for me so dont feel like u have to use it!
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so first, to figure out dialogue and what he would do, i figure out his characteristics. hobie is a cool punk guitarist and anarchist; he’s anti-authoritan, laid-back, and overall a chill guy as long as ur chill with him. so i take that into consideration when writing his dialogue. this is a good example;
{person}: why don’t you and i split up to catch them both
bad example: {hobie}: “sure, i can do that. be careful.”
good example: {hobie}: “not safe that way. c’mon, we’ll catch them.”
so, after all dialogue is done with hobie in my fic, and the fic overall is done, i go back and fill in his accent. to explain, i basically remove some letters from some words, add some british slang, and some dialect for how hobie talks. here are some examples of that:
important -> impor’ant
sweetheart -> swee’heart
darling -> darlin’
them -> ‘em
it’s -> ‘s
alright -> alrigh’
fucking -> bloody
clue -> scooby doo (in some cases)
hobie -> ‘obie
am not -> ain’t
WIKIHOW IS ACTUALLY A GOOD SOURCE!! if u need extra help on how to write it this is a good source i’ve used before!
it’s also important to note that hobie brown is made to be “effortlessly cool”. so whatever he says is natural, rolls right off the tongue. he’s quick with what he says and is just overall a natural charmer. SO UTILIZE THAT!! make his words flirty in a romantic sense, make his words quick and comforting in those situations, make him quick on his feet when in Spider-punk situations.
one last thing is that hobie is not a toxic guy who would neglect someone in a relationship. he very obviously cares about those he meets. HE KNEW MILES FOR 10 MINS AND HELPED HIM. hobie can be a very suave and romantic guy, so it’s best to write him as such. a lot of the time, people struggle to write characters because they arent writing them right and mischaracterize them!
hope this helped! <3
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Healed by the sight of you- Nikolai Lantsov x reader
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Anonymous asked:
Hey same anon here (👀💙) with another request cause I'm excited and u are amazing~
Ok since Nikolai is a soldier he'd have PTSD ye, so like smtm when he was serving the army and the reader is a healer who he visits frequently and kinda have a flirty rs so one day he gets severely and is unconscious but the reader doesn't want to leave him alone so they stay with him and he has kinda like nightmares and they comfort him or smtn
It's okie if you don't want to write or if u wanna just take small parts of it anything is fun! But enjoy writing ye!! Have a nice time 💙
Warnings- Slight mentions of blood nothing too explicit, PTSD, nightmares
A/N- I apologize for taking so long to write this. Life's been pretty shitty at the moment. So, I hope you like it!
You grabbed your coat as you went out of your tent. You have been serving in the first army as a healer for about a few months now.  The job had been quite hectic and tiring but a certain golden-haired boy had made you like it. He was quite a charmer and flirted with almost everyone but despite everything, he was a deeply caring and comforting person who never failed to make you smile. And he also happened to be the youngest son of the Ravkan king.
"Take off your shirt"  you told him, as you attempted to treat the wound on his chest
"Huh?" he looked at you with his eyebrows raised
"Believe me, I can look at your bare chest without swooning over" you responded with an uninterested expression
"Okay if you say so, but I won't be surprised if you do. Many people couldn't handle the sights of it"  he gave you a chivalrous grin
You rolled your eyes and began treating his wound without saying anything else.
His troop had been sent away for some battle with the fjerdans, though you didn't have much information on that. They'd been gone for about a week now, and they had came back.  You rushed to the infirmary after you were told that several soldiers had been badly injured. Your mind quickly went to Nikolai and you worried if he was okay. You went inside the infirmary to find out that Nikolai had been severely injured. You rushed to his side and found him to be unconscious and bleeding. He had several wounds near his abdomen and shoulders. You quickly took off his jacket and gently moved your palm around his wounds, as a wave of panic filled in your body.  What if he doesn't make it? you thought to yourself, but quickly pushed the dark thoughts away and applied all your strength in attempts to stop the bleeding. You had to save him, you needed to.  After a great amount of effort, you finally managed to stop his bleeding.
You went to help some of the other soldiers, but came back to him after you were finished with the others. He was still unconscious and his shiny golden hair wair was covered in dust, with a few strands falling on his eye. You brought out your hand and gently ran it over his hair.
You sat by his bed until the sun had went down. You had no realization of what time it was.
"Y/n, what are you still doing here? Our work here is finished, let's go" Your friend Felice gently placed a hand on your shoulder
"You should go Felice, I think I'll be staying here" you respond.
You couldn't leave him alone, especially when he was in such a state. You needed him to be okay, and a part of you felt like he needed you to be with him, by his side.
"Would you be okay here, this isn't really the best place to spend your night at" Felice looked at you with a concerned look
"Yes I'll be alright, don't worry, go" you respond as you gave a dismissive wave of your hand
She gave you a glance before she went out of the infirmary. You sighed as you placed one leg on top of the other and grabbed the edges of the chair.
Your heart had been aching to see him in such a state. Even though you had put a lot of effort to heal him, he still didn't look too well. At that moment, you only wished to see his bright blue eyes and his chivalrous grin once again.
You sat on the soft grass as the moon gleamed all around you. The soft voices of the crickets filled your ears as you  continued to question your worth. You were too indulged in your thoughts too hear the footsteps behind you.
"Y/N, What are you doing here at this hour?" You heard a familiar voice behind you.
You turned around too see Nikolai coming towards you with soft footsteps. His white shirt hung perfectly over his shoulders and a few strands of his golden hair hung loosely near his ears.
"I could ask you the same thing" You responded as you slightly tilted your head
"Well I'll tell you, only when you do" he sat beside you with his legs folded near his chest
"Just uh, couldn't sleep. Nightmares...you?" You sighed as you looked down at your feet
"Same thing"  He responded as he looked at you. "Well we could give each other company"
"Yeah" you spoke in a low, getting lost in your thoughts once again
"What are you thinking about?" he raised his eyebrows and looked at you with great concern
"Nothing, it's just...I don't know what I'm meant for. I mean, I am a healer, but that isn't something too rare. I could be easily replaced. I'm not very skilled at, anything really. I don't know if I'm worth anything, Nikolai" you responded as a  heartbroken look washed over your face
"Oh dear, Y/N, how could you possibly say that?  You do you think so little of yourself? You are worth so much more than you think." 
"I don't know, Nikolai. What exactly am I useful for? I'm just, yet another healer" you looked away as  your heart began to ache
"No, y/n, you're not just, yet another healer" He softly held your chin and moved your head  in his direction. "Sure any healer could heal my physical wounds. But you, you posses the ability of healing my heart, my soul. You have the ability to make me smile with every word you speak.  And if I would have to listen to you talk for the rest of my life, I'd do it with great pleasure . Only you posess the ability to bring the light in my darkest days. "
Your eyes widened as you heard what he'd just said. You were the healer, but right now, he'd been the one to heal your broken heart. And you couldn't help but smile at his words.
"Okay wow, that is a lot, even for my standards" you slightly grinned
"Have I finally won you over, then?" he raised his eyebrows and cocked his head to the side
"Not just yet. It'll take more than sweet romantic words to win me over" your face slightly perked up
"I promise I will, someday. And you couldn't help but fall for my charms, my dear" He grinned
"I'd like to see you try" you gave him a confident expression
You had fallen asleep on the chair you were sitting on with your head on the table beside you. You were bolted awake when you heard panicked breaths near you. You lifted up your head to see Nikolai wide awake.
He was sitting up and was breathing heavily as he looked around him. You quickly rushed to him and held his shoulders
"Nikolai, are you okay?" You asked him, as a wave of panic rushed in your veins.
He didn't respond and continued to breathe heavily, as if he'd lost the ability to do so. His face was covered in sweat and his eyes filled with dread.
You moved up your hands and grabbed the sides of his face as you met his gaze.
"Hey hey, it's okay, it's okay. I'm here, I'm right here" you spoke in a hushed voice as you attempted to soothe him
His breathing began to slow down and his body began to ease up as he looked deep in your eyes. 
"Y/N" he finally managed to speak in a low voice
"Yes, it's me, y/n, I'm here" you nodded in agreement
He looked at you for a moment before wrapping his arms around you. You were shocked by the sudden gesture, but wasted no time to return it. You gently placed your arms around his back and gently rubbed your hand up and down.
You remained in that position for a while, before he slowly pulled away from you. 
"Nightmare?" you asked him as he looked in your eyes
He nodded before he spoke, "Why are you here?"
"Well because someone, couldn't keep himself from getting shot, yet again" You responded in a mocking tone
"Don't worry, my wounds have been healed by the mere sight of you dear" he grinned weakly
Even after getting badly injured and having a dreadful nightmare, he hadn't lost his cocky sense of humor, even for a while.
"No, you're healed, because I worked my ass off in doing so" you gave him an annoyed look, trying your best to hide how delighted you were to hear his annoying pick up line once again
"Well that much is true" he smiled as he met your gaze
"Yeah" you responded in a low voice as you looked down. What if I had failed to save him? What if I fail to do so, the next time? He's okay, I shouldn't be this worried. Why am I so worried?
You were too indulged in your thoughts to notice him looking at you with great concern.
"Y/N, are you okay?" He finally asked
"Yeah it's just, try to, I don't know. Try to get lesser into near death situations. I won't be able to heal you all the time you know?" You express your concern
"Well if I don't, how will I get to spend some time with you, my dear?" He returned back to his cocky demeanor, yet again
"That doesn't mean you're going to get yourself hurt, just to 'spend your time with me', Nikolai" you let out an exasperated sigh
"Are you that much concerned about me dear?" He raised his eyebrows
"Yeah well if you die in my care, then I'll most likely lose my job. Considering the fact that you're a prince" you tried your best to maintain a confident look. 
You'd said those words but you knew that they were entirely false. You couldn't have ever bared the thought of losing him, no matter what status he had. You had cared for him, more than you ever wished to. But you didn't have the courage to admit it.
"Is that so?" He cocked his head to the side. "Last I checked, your job doesn't include you to spend your night besides me, even after you've completed your work"
He was most certainly correct, and you didn't have anything to counter that. 
"Fine, I guess I do care about you being alive. Besides, who else is going to annoy me with their hideous pick up lines" you finally swallowed your pride, and admitted.
"That means you do quite enjoy hearing them" he grinned softly
"Maybe" you lifted your eyebrows
"Told you I'd win you over" 
"Oh you're still pretty far away from that. But you've made some progress" 
He lifted up his hand and brought it to the side of your face, as he tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. "I would keep trying for an eternity, if it meant for me to" he looked you in the eye as his voice got lower
"Let's see if you succeed in that, my dear" you smirked.
"I promise I will" He smiled as he held your hand in his
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animeomegas · 2 years
Imagine the omegas with like- civilian alphas
Sasuke’s heart going all a flutter over a bartender alpha who beat the shit out of a creep who was harassing him while he was out with Naruto and Sakura and proceeded to flawlessly report Sasuke his drink that spilled
Shikamaru’s obsession is just a desk clerk at shinobi headquarters; who always gives him files with a smile and is sure to be punctual and he just follows them throughout the building to continue their conversation
Neji desperately trying to court a trader who make an imported goods store in the village and gives him hefty discount of whatever he wants from the store as a means of flirting, who flirtily blows smoke from their cigarette at his direction whenever he walks into the store
Shino who frequently visits an alpha nurse at the hospital during their rounds to share fun science facts and make cheesy joke to to aleveate the strain of their job
Haku who finds a fellow forager/hunter on the outskirts of the leaf village who lives their life and solitude and rarely goes to town, and he’s immedietly enamored by their quiet and sturdy nature and their kind eyes
Just food for thought
I love this!!
Honestly, I was about to say 'I don't think Sasuke would go for a civilian', but then I read it properly and I think I was wrong, because I love him with a super strong and badass (but still civilian) bartender. Sasuke loves someone strong, fearless and confident, but you're so right that that doesn't mean they have to be a shinobi.
Shikamaru really would come to appreciate the paperwork ninja as he got older, because they keep things organised and make his job so much easier. Like, he was so happy to see this alpha completing all this stressful paperwork, and they smiled so brightly at him, and it was over. His Obsession triggered right there lol. He would totally slip little coded notes in the paperwork for his obsession too. Nothing explicitly romantic because he's too embarrassed, but stuff about what they plan to do on the weekend, or asking what their favourite ice cream flavour is. He gets hot and flustered if this civilian manages to decode them.
I can totally see Neji falling for an expensive goods trader, like luxury goods, because he's a sucker for good quality items lol. He has expensive taste in every sense of the word, and while he's suspicious at first about all the discounts, he gets a happy blush whenever the vendor says something flirty and offers a price cut. I don't think he'd be the type to find smoking sexy though. He's too much of a 'you know that's bad for you' kind of person.
Yessssss!!! Shino with a medic s/o, I love that so much! They would take turns sharing biology facts about either people or bugs, and that would be flirting for them. Their dates would sound so weird if anyone were to eavesdrop. shgsjgfsa this is so cute, Shino needs a medic s/o pronto.
Haku really would go for a sturdy, stoic, but deeply kind s/o. I don't know if you know anything about the Arcana game, but I feel like he could end up with someone like Muriel so easily. Haku really respects skill, but he's not the sort of person to look down on civilian skills. I imagine the civilian alpha being amazing at woodworking or something and making Haku little charms, that would be so sweet!!
Thanks for your ideas anon, I loved them! <333
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iamnotoriginalphil · 2 years
Hey you - your writing style is amazing and I'm so happy to see your little icon every morning at the top of my push up notes.
Maybe you have an idea for Larissa x reader and this line:
“The only place I enjoy being tied up is in bed.”
I think it could be the first impulsive line Larissa ever said and only then reader notice her deadpan humor. Things get out of hand really fast after that.
Or maybe this line breaks the camel's neck so to speak and reader just grabs her neck and kiss her.
I hope you enjoy this one, Anon.
Larissa Weems was easily the hottest woman you’d ever seen. You wished that was an understatement but it wasn’t. Women like her shouldn’t exist. It was doing your head in, trying to keep it from effecting your work and your sanity.
But then she did things. Things like touching you. Fingertips brushing over your shoulders as she walked by. Fingers wrapping around strands of your hair. Brush of lips against your cheek. Things like heated glances and half smiles in your direction. Things like looks that made you think she was mentally undressing you.
Then there were the flirty comments. Suggestive comments. Comments that had you flushing and turning into a stuttering mess under her amused gaze.
Someone that hot shouldn’t be allowed to flirt with you. She definitely shouldn’t be allowed to be so good at it.
You probably shouldn’t have encouraged it, either. But it was so much fun and it certainly gave you a confidence boost when you managed to make her cheeks flush. You just wished it would lead to more than a few lingering looks and touches.
“Only one person has ever tried to kidnap me,” you said to her one day as you cleaned up after a seminar on stranger danger for the students, “but they were not good at tying me up and we were in an open space.”
“The only place I enjoy being tied up is in bed,” Larissa replied, shooting a wink in your direction.
That shouldn’t have been the straw that broke the camels back, but it was. You lunged forward, letting the chairs in your hands clatter to the floor. You grabbed her by the face, pulling her down to your level. Her eyes widened before you kissed her.
Maybe that was the straw that broke her camel’s back, because she wrapped her arms around you tight, backing you up until your back hit the wall. You gasped into her mouth, letting her kiss you long and deep, and hotter than anything else you’d ever experienced. And she was still dressed in about a million layers of clothes.
Her hands grasped your hips before lifting you up. You wrapped your legs around her waist, shamelessly moaning into her mouth. She pressed you harder against the wall, kissing you with a skill you could only dream of. Hot people shouldn’t be that good at kissing.
Her lips trailed down your neck, leaving smears of lipstick in her wake. Your fingers dug in to her shoulder as she sucked on your pulse point and a curse fell from your lips. Her own hands were gripping your ass hard enough to leave bruises. You wanted to have her leave all kinds of bruises on your skin.
“So fucking hot,” she murmured into your skin before her teeth sunk in.
“Fuck, Rissa,” you hissed, “so good.”
“Want to fuck you right here, baby girl,” she whispered, lips brushing the shell of your ear, “want to taste you.”
“Oh god,” you groaned.
“Oh no, baby girl, you’ll be seeing god later,” she murmured, “once I show you exactly how well I can tie you up.”
You kissed her again, desperate for her touch. Desperate for her. Sanity be damned. She could have it all, as long as she did exactly what she said she wanted to. Because you wanted it too. Very badly.
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ryuichirou · 4 months
Thank you for all your asks… I’ll reply to everyone at some point. Happy Saturday!
Talking about Fellow Honest, Rookvil and Sebek’s grandpa… the first asks are kind of spicy lol
Anonymous asked:
i just realized most of the boys in the playful land event u hc as tops so pls consider: NRC boys x fellow gangbang
(reverse gangbang for gidel and the two bottoms idk)
Anon, this is so hilarious; when we first realised that this was an almost top-only party, I wept. Rollo was lucky… Poor Fellow! And he almost got every single HORRIBLE one, too! Was lucky enough not to get Rook though; he wouldn’t leave his fluffy tail alone lol
Also bold of you to assume that NRC boys x Fellow gangbang wasn’t our minds CONSTANTLY while we were watching the event 😭 Those nasty brats…! It’s painfully easy to imagine them going “let’s mess this bastard up~”.
I haven’t drawn the gangbang itself, only some sketches implying it, but… I really should 😭 Let’s hope.
Haven’t thought about Gidel with Vil and Leona though! Surprisingly… he would scratch a certain itch for both of them I think lol
Anonymous asked:
Games are over, it's time to get serious! Tell me, which one of the boys ended up hooking up with Fellow during the playful land event? I know that the funniest and best answer is definitely "all of them", but I wonder if you have anyone in mind... Also, poor Fellow, there were so many tops in this event! He suddenly feels a hand on his shoulder and turns around to see Riddle form the Stitch event, who just shakes his head and goes "It never gets any easier...". On another note, does this mean we're going to get the fox's slut-istics eventually?
ANON OUT THERE ASKING REAL QUESTIONS, AND shooting me in the head instantly because I really wanted to say “all of them”!! 😭 But let’s consider that the great NRC gangbang didn’t happen, let’s humour the idea, let’s think about it…
I think the ones that are the most likely to hook up with Fellow are Lilia (he knows a nasty bitch that lacks training when he sees one), the Tweels (they are determined to enjoy themselves today, so Fellow should play with them!), Ortho (he’ll make Fellow uncomfortable with how un-innocent he is), Ace (he got super ballsy by the end there, tbh my money is on him) and Kalim fucking Al-Asim. Although the last one sends mixed messages as always because he is at the same time very openly flirty and very weirdly platonic lol Still, he seemed to really, really liked Fellow, so anything could happen.
God I love the word “slut-tistics”… If you mean the sluttiness chart that I did some time ago, then yes, Fellow absolutely deserves one! Let’s see… I think, it’d be something like this:
Promiscuity: 4; Flirtiness: 4; Sex-drive: 2; Kinkiness: 3.
Total: 13
He isn’t super loyal to anyone, but he also isn’t 100% promiscuous; to Fellow, having sex with someone and being loyal are two different things. He is loyal to someone he loves dearly, but this is its separate thing <3 Sex is survival, to be honest, he doesn’t do it for pleasure all that often. Still, because he had to go through the hands of so many deeply perverted people, his body developed some kinks that he didn’t even know he could have…
Flirting is an instrument of manipulation for him, but I feel like he also enjoys it genuinely.
Sooo if he is 13, that would put him just below the total slut tier wow impressive lol
Anonymous asked:
Hi! I love your blog sm and your art is amazing aaaa i loved that savannahclaw Rook you did, so handsome!! That description on the picture made me wonder, how would you say Rook and Vil would have first gotten together ? Did Rook ask Vil out or was Vil the one who dropped hints on wanting to get together? Do you think they went on dates or just straight up jumped into the bushes? LMAO ive always been curious on headcanons on how you would imagine them first dating before they became the silly couple we all know and love
Thank you so much, Anon!! <3 I am very happy you liked it!
I love talking about these two and especially the earlier stages of their relationship lol I talked about it in this post + wrote some hcs about their first time too.
I feel like they were getting closer and closer very quickly as they continued talking to each other every day, and then at some point the tension just got too strong. Maybe there would be sense for them to talk about their feelings, but it was the kind of situation when it was obvious even without words. So none of them really asked the other one out, but at some point they just started “dating”…
Maybe this isn’t how Vil imagined his first proper relationship to start, but it’s not like he wasn’t just as passionate as Rook was lol
Their little chats were their “dates” technically. But I think they had their first “proper date”(=going somewhere) after they started making out and having sex.
Anonymous asked:
Just out of curiosity, would you ever consider having head cannons or maybe even doing artwork of Sebek's grandfather, Baul...?
Like, in your eyes, is he a bottom or top? Do you ship him with anybody? Or does he just not interest you that much? Cause that's okay too! I'm just really curious, I really like Baul lol. 💚
We absolutely would whenever we actually get to read ch7 and know him better! I have no doubt that we are going to like him a lot, so at least one portrait sketch is a must. His design is cool, and I love his armour. He is one handsome croc :”3
We don’t ship him with anyone yet because we haven’t seen anything of him, but based on things we already know, it feels like he is going to join the top squad. But until we actually see him and learn how he interacts with others and what dynamics he has with people around him, we can’t say for certain.
Even if we end up not shipping him with anyone, I’ll write some solo hcs about him if someone wants to read them! By the time we actually get to know him, of course. It’ll take a while lol sorry about it.
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jimmy-snuggs · 1 year
logan finding out and getting mad - twin sister anon!
the GOLDEN rule - (j.snuggerud ft. l.cooley)
(just fiction of course!)
paring: cooley!sisterxj.snuggerud
type: fic!
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no teammates.
the no.1 rule that logan had for his little sister.
little as in two minutes younger than him. the cooley twins have never been apart. y/n followed logan all across the country for hockey, and college didn’t stop it. the twins were gifted in sports, but the one thing that they were the best at (and stuck with) was hockey. they were truly elite at what they did. both being incredible hockey centers for their respective USA teams, and now both playing for the minnesota golden gophers.
y/n never really got to know logan’s NTDP teammates, but it certainly wasn’t for the lack of trying. she would always be hospitable and try her best to talk and mingle — as one good hockey player and sister would do. but all the boys knew her, she was just simply amazing, gorgeous, and was a stellar hockey player. logan warned all of the boys off as he didn’t want one of his teammates perusing her.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
now, months later, y/n and logan are finally in college. logan is the cool brother who lets her do what she wants, with minimal big brother talk. except date a teammate. the golden rule.
now, normally this wouldn’t be a problem, as many of logan’s teammates in the past were egotistical and just wanted to show off y/n as a prize.
but there was a problem.
6’1, blond ish brown hair…. mr. #81, jimmy snuggerud; logan’s best friend, roommate and teammate. he was and is severely off limits, but man, did he have charm. he knew of the rule logan had set for her, and man he wanted to be the one who broke it. y/n thought he was perfect; he was kind, thoughtful, funny and incredibly gorgeous. on top of the fact that he played hockey. she knew that he was on logan’s usa team before, but never had the proper chance to meet or get to know him. jimmy looked at her like she had hung the moon for him. she was just so incredible. she was witty, feisty and smart — had a ton of knowledge that just complemented her charm, and she was truly a beast on the ice. the chemistry was suffocating.
being logan’s best friend, they were around each other constantly. the snarky comments, flirty side glares, ganging up on logan when he messed up… those two were quite a pair. everyone knew there was chemistry, except logan. he was clueless, and that’s how everything worked out perfectly… until it didn’t.
it took jimmy a month to work up the courage to ask her out. they both had a class together and would always pass notes. y/n loved those silly rom com movies (which he remembered) and wrote her a
“I’m not heath ledger but I would find a marching band and sing-ask you out if I could. coffee?”
- J
she was estatic and has been ever since that coffee date. he has treated her like a queen since day one, being there for all of the ups and downs.
three months pass by and the season is in full start. less and less alone time and it has gotten way more complicated to hide their relationship away from logan. the teams already knew about those two (knies is a blabbermouth) and always help them with hiding it from cools…….. until one day.
-ˋˏ ༻❁༺ ˎˊ-
It was an off day for the teams and for the school. a weird monday holiday which gave y/n & jimmy some alone time. y/n invited him over to her dorm to cuddle and watch movies all day. they were both big movie people and it became a little ritual for them. every other time, one would bring snacks and the other would pick the movie. being y/n’s turn, she picked the movie.
“babe! I picked star wars for movie day.” she said to him as he walked in, pecking him softly on the lips as he set down the snacks.
“In order or out of order?” he asked, knowing her tendencies to always — “empire strikes back first, love! like normal!” he laughed as they got comfortable, cuddling into the dorm bed as the movie started.
comfortable silence took over them as they intently watched the movie. it was now at the part where han is about to get frozen in carbonate. jimmy knew that y/n loved this scene, so entranced by her.. he didn’t even feel their phones light up next to them.
“y/n/n?” he whispered to her, grabbing her attention to her boyfriend instead of leia saying “I love you!”
“yeah?” she whispered back, getting closer to those pretty brown eyes.
“you know I love you right?” jimmy says pulling a piece of hair behind her ear leaning in to kiss her. it was the first time the L word had been involved in a conversation. they both knew it, but no one has said it.
“really?—-“ she says as the door slams right open, revealing a very shocked logan cooley.
“REALLY? HOLY!—“ logan booms as he goes straight to jimmy, pulling him up by the collar. “I had ONE! ONE FUCKING RULE!” slamming him into the wall, y/n jumps up, pulling logan off of jimmy. “you have NO RIGHT! this is my dorm, logan! I don’t care if I broke your stupid rule. don’t treat your best friend like this! YOU ASSHAT! your LINEMATE!! god.” y/n lectures to him as logan turns red.
“I texted both of you! but Y/N! you’re kidding me right now??? WHY! ONE RULE! especially JIMMY!” logan complains frustratedly as he brings his hands to his forehead, flabbergasted at finding his best friend and sister like this.
“because logan, it’s JIMMY! have you been around him?? seen him?? do you blame me?” y/n halfway jokes trying to relieve the tension.
“thanks babe. look, logan, you know I wouldn’t try to hurt you or your sister. I really didn’t mean for this to happen. I just couldn’t help it, I love her, man. she has been one of the best things that has happened to me since coming here.” he said to him, hoping that his best friend wouldn’t beat him up. logan’s eyes softened, looking to his sister who looked at jimmy with such admiration. he was stupid, blind even. they were good together.
“do you love him, sis?” he asked his younger sister softly, no longer frustrated or mad. just genuine.
“yeah I do. he literally is an angel, loog. the amount of stuff this man has done for me is insane. it hasn’t even been four months yet and this man has done so much for me. I don’t deserve him to be honest.” she said, looking over to jimmy turning pink.
“like what?” logan asked, sitting down at her desk instead of in a “I’m about to fight stance” against jimmy. he is in a “tell me more” pose.
“okay well one time he helped me sneak into the rink and practice my shot because coach got mad at me one day for me being off. there was one time that jimmy went to three different grocery stores to find the ice cream I like. he picks up on things that no one else does, loog. he knows how I always go on runs and then gets waffles after, he knows the way I like my coffee, he gets me flowers spontaneously like in the movies, he makes me laugh. he is my jimmy.” she spilled to him, causing jimmy to turn an embarrassingly shade of red instead of pink.
“my best friend, turning into a full simp for my baby sister? god who would have thought?” logan shook his head and stood up from the desk chair. the pair moves out of the way so he can walk to the door. jimmy stops him. “I love her, cools.” logan extends his hand out to shake it.
“I know. see you at the dorm, snuggs. bye sis! no babies please! DON’T WANT TO BE AN UNCLE THIS EARLY!!” he screams as he runs down the hall and out of sight.
“god that went better than I thought. I thought he was going to kill me for breaking his golden rule.” jimmy jokes as they get back to where they were before logan came in.
“that did go better than I thought, but it’s just because he knows you super well. he trusts you.” she tells him as she snuggles into his shoulder.
“I know. I’m glad because I wasn’t going to give you up that easily.” jimmy hums the tune of “never going to give you up” by rick astley.
“I love you even though you just rick rolled me.” she kisses his cheek as the lightsaber fight continues on the screen.
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