#all three times my answers were deleted 💀
Then book shopping n it’s all cute n stuff 😻😻‼️
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Bernard's & Noble
(see what i did there)
Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Word count: 749
Alexis speaks! : hey guys! thank you for the request (the more requests, the more stories i post 😉) i'm honestly not very proud of this one, but i've deleted it four times already and this is the best i got 💀 once again, comments and likes are greatly appreciated, it helps me know if yall like my style or if i need to change anything! pls don't steal my work, love yall!
"Matttt?" i whined from my spot on the floor. i was bored out of my fucking mind. Matt wanted the day to be a 'lazy day' and by that he means he wanted to scroll social media and youtube all day. that was not my idea of fun, i've always been a hands on person whether that be going outside for hours, to the lake, reading, anything other than being lazy at home.
"whattttt?" he mocked, sitting up from his bed, his hair all messed up and funny looking.
i chuckled. "your hair looks great." i smiled, climbing to straddle his lap and fix his bed head. "better" i smiled, kissing him on the cheek. "i have a business proposal."
matt sighed, "what do you want." he rolled his eyes with a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
i hopped off him, standing at the foot of his bed. "i vote we go to barnes and noble today, my book case is baren." i joked. four out of the five of my bookshelves were full completely. but you can never have too many books.
"y/n you have more books than i think i've ever seen anywhere else in my life." he laughed. matt pretended to be annoyed, but he knows the answer is yes. and not just to this scenario, the answer is always yes to everything y/n wants. she had him wrapped around her tiny little finger. "when do you want to go?" he gave in.
i jumped around the room a couple times, silently celebrated with myself. "right now silly." i said. i trotted into his bathroom where i have my own drawer of toiletries and such. i touched up my makeup and threw on my shoes. "ok i'm ready." i beamed up at him. matt basically towered over me. he's 5'8 and i'm 5'3, so there's a pretty noticeable height difference.
he slipped his own shoes on. "i'm ready." he smiled, grabbing his keys.
i just looked at him. "matt babe." i looked at his outfit. "we are not going anywhere when you are wearing basketball shorts and a wife beater. please change." i said, false seriousness evident on my features.
"oh my god i'm literally gonna shit my pants i love barnes and noble." i said, climbing out of the passenger seat. I made matt carry my three tote bags i have designated for my favorite hobby, book shopping.
"do i really have to come in." matt complained.
we had been at barnes and noble for an hour already, two out of the three of my tote bags were full. so full we had to put them by checkout because they were too heavy to carry. About 15 minutes in i had made a joke that i thought was hilarious, matt didn't really think so.
"haha, bernard's and noble." i chuckled to myself, but matt heard me.
"y/n i swear to god i will leave you here."
i was finally ready to go, the final tote bag full. i couldn't find matt though. i wandered through the multiple sections of books, matt no where in sight. "maybe he did leave me here." i mumbled under my breath. until my eye caught matt. he was crouched down, one hand on the shelf, the other hand occupied with a book.
"whatchya readin?" i smiled over him. my heart melted when he looked up at me, a small smile on his face. i took this time to take in his beauty. the way his slight curls fell over his eyebrows, the way his middle part accentuated his face shape, the way his blue eyes went so well with his outfit. he was wearing the white shirt with 'whatever' in bold print written across it, and baggy light wash blue jeans, his keys dangling from his belt loop.
"some poetry book, i might get it it's kinda fire." he smiled.
"you read poetry?"
"i like finding the good ones and printing them out, i like to look back on the really influential ones." matt said. he stood up and took my bag, his hand resting on the small of my back.
"matt i don't deserve you, you're so sweet." a cheesy grin creeping onto my lips.
"y/n you deserve the world." he smiled down at me, kissing my forehead.
"ok now how are we gonna get all of these in the car?" i laughed.
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lookismaddict · 2 years
My 3rd Dream of Gun Park✨
GOOD MORNING!! OK SOOO… I had another weird dream with Gun in it. Three times the charm, right? 😭 (SORRY, I HAD TO DELETE THE PREV POST BC I REALIZED I ACCIDENTALLY PUT “Post” INSTEAD OF “Save”. I’m dumb 😓) AND WHY IS IT ALWAYS HIM IN MY DREAM? I MEAN, I’M NOT MAD ABOUT IT BUT AT LEAST PUT SOMEONE ELSE IN IT FOR ONCE. Like Goo, or Jake, or EVEN SAMUEL. Alright, but this time, he isn’t being a total butt. He was actually nicer. A LOT nicer than the last dream I had with him in it. This was what he was wearing:
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But his hair wasn’t fixed like that. It was the other hairstyle that had his hair parted onto one side. For some reason, he decided to buy me a ticket to go see an American hockey game at night. I’m not even a hockey fan btw and I wasn’t even interested whatsoever. But, I decided to go with him because I’ve never seen one either. He wanted to go because he was curious to see what was the appeal for Americans to watch a sport where they use sticks to score points for a team. (This was because Goo mentioned this to him before during work and he found it ridiculous. He should’ve thought about croquet too. They use mallets or something, I don’t know.) The ticket that he got for me were FRONT SEAT TICKETS TOO!!! LIKE WTH??? Big flex, but ok…? 💀💀💀 Honestly, I was getting interested in the game but on his end, he seemed kind of bored. TOO bored. It wasn’t even half-way into the game, and he already wanted to bail. I felt his hand slid onto mine as he gave it a tight squeeze before standing up from his seat and said, “Let’s go.” Confused, I got up as well and followed right behind him out of the arena with his grip still on my hand. Once we got outside of the arena, he dragged me away from the parking lot where I was expecting him to take me back to his car, but we were heading around the back of the arena. “Gun, where are we going?! Isn’t the car the other way around?!” With one swift pull, my back landed against the wall and he planted his hands strongly on both of my sides. Anxiously, I looked at both of my sides and asked nervously, “W-what the hell do you think you’re doing…?” When Gun’s face leaned in closer, he whispered, “What do you think I’m doing?” My eyes widened in surprise as I gasped and asked him loudly, “ARE YOU SERIOUS?! HERE OF ALL PLACES?!” Gun put his index finger onto his lips briefly, hushing me to be quiet. “If you stay quiet, then this could work.” Blushing furiously, I hissed at him saying, “Are you crazy?! Why do you want to do it here? Couldn’t this wait until later? I thought we have somewhere to go after this!” Gun chuckled mischievously as he replied with, “Dinner can wait. We’re too early anyways, so we still have a lot of time to kill.” Scrunching my eyebrows in disbelief, I answered, “But what if we get caught?” Gun shook his head with that foxy grin still displayed on his face. “We won’t.” I looked at him skeptically until he repeated himself once more. “Trust me, we won’t. If you stay quiet, then we won’t.” You protest again saying, “Ok, but what if-” However, the rest of my words were silenced with an unexpected kiss. From the night sky above, the moon revealed itself from the dark clouds that was previously shrouding it, shining moonlight down onto me and Gun. The nightshade illuminated Gun’s handsome facial features underneath the moon’s wakening. With my arms wrapping around his neck over his shoulders, entangling onto his soft hair from behind his head, I pulled him closer, letting the night naturally take us wherever this might go…
Gun and I managed to arrive at the place where we were supposed to have dinner at. The restaurant was painted in light pink carnation walls and decorated with gold plated trinkets, but the atmosphere was harboring romanticism, with its dimmed French-styled chandeliers suspended up above wherever I went, as if I was walking through the Palace of Versailles. Thank god, we both made it in time after [CENSORED]. We were both seated at a table with a romantic display of a vase holding a flower bouquet of roses placed at the side of the table, with a small candle flickering softly beside it. Once the two of us took our orders, the waiter left us alone for us to exchange words about our earlier escapade.
“How was it?”
“How was… what?”
He smirked at my obliviousness, as if I had forgotten that we [CENSORED]. While I was observing the flowers, I realized what he was talking about, as my head slowly turned towards him with my face gradually shifting to an embarrassed caricature.
“And you’re going to bring that up… NOW?”
With that devilishly attractive grin of his, he took a sip out of his tea. Before setting it down in such a sophisticated manner, he crossed his arms and leaned back in his chair with pride plastered on his face.
“What? You didn’t enjoy it? Last time I remembered, you were-”
Already dying in embarrassment, I quickly leaned over the table and clasped my hand over his mouth to prevent him from continuing any further.
“Just shut up, will you?!”
I felt his hand gently grab onto my hand that was covering his mouth then slowly pulled it away from himself, relieving himself from my sudden abruptness. With a “Hmph.” I returned back to my seat and crossed my arms in return.
With his right arm now resting on the arm rest of his fancy chair, he leaned and rested the side of his head onto the back of his hand, while observing my very movements. Admiring my physical facial features, my facial expressions, and my eyes bashfully averting his over the candlelight, he gave me a warm smile.
“Every time, you never fail to amuse me.”
With my eyes now glaring at him, I said through gritted teeth, “Shut up and just wait for the damn food to come…”
The two of you sat there in comfortable silence, until the food arrived. The majority of the time when we ate together, we conversed in various topics about each other’s lives. How was work? How was school? Is work treating you well? (“Of course it isn’t. It’s Goo, we’re talking about.”) By having dinner and talking about the little things with this simple-minded man before me, was already enough to make me feel contentment. His constant complaints made me laugh, which made him admire my happy face over dinner. Leaving him feeling satisfied over a wonderful and successful night out with me…
(Damn, that was a lot. I’m sorry that this became a long STORY TIME. 😅 Also, I’ll leave the censored parts to your imagination. 👀 Thanks for stopping by to read all of this. I wish you guys a good rest of your day!!! 🖤🖤🖤)
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larrydoinglaundry · 2 years
2022 writing self-evaluation✍️
Thank you @greenblueish for tagging me 💜
1. Number of stories posted to AO3 this year: 4
2. Word count posted for the year: 189 907 (woah)
3. Fandoms I wrote for: One Direction
4. Pairings: Larry
5. Story with the most:
Kudos: love is a word, you gave it a name
Bookmarks: love is a word, you gave it a name
Comments: love is a word, you gave it a name
6. Work I’m most proud of (and why):
I mean it has to be love is a word you gave it a name because that was a journey and somehow I finished it😭 and obviously because I took a biiig bite with that. The whole gender aspect, internalized homophobia, mental health issues, falling in love... there was a lot going on and three chapters in I wanted to give up so bad. But I didn't !
7. Work I’m least proud of (and why):
this does in no mean I am not proud of this work, I just wish I would have been able to write more for it. so it has to be I'm insatiable it's all your fault
8. Share or describe a favourite review you received:
I love every single comment on ao3, I am beyond grateful for every single person who reached out in dms on twitter, and everyone who keeps hyping my fic up.
I can't share a favorite, I have so many.
9. A time when writing was really, really hard:
Chapter 3 in love is a word. It was constant writing, deleting, crying, writing, deleting, crying... 💀 there wasn't even anything particularly difficult to write in that chapter ! It just didn't seem to flow at all. I had never wanted to give up so bad.
10. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you:
Didn't really surprise me per se, but I finally dared to put cunningulus and vaginal sex in my abo 😂 I had been hesitant to be very descriptive about it before, being too worried it turns my readers off. But I loved every second of it ! Pussy, folds, lips... 🤭 and judging by the comments and kudos, people didn't hate it.
11. A favourite excerpt of your writing:
"I won’t forget you. And that you were, will always be, my first love, and my baby. My sweetest dove," Louis murmurs, fingers softly digging onto Harry's jaw. With a soft smile, he whispers, "Will always be my bumblebee."
Harry should be able to say something equally sweet, something just as beautiful, but he can’t, because his brain is short circuiting, and his throat is burning again with the sobs that will probably never end.
Much to his relief, Louis sees it all, and chooses to kiss him to spare him from having to come up with something to say.
12. How did you grow as a writer this year:
hmmm. I think my general skills as a storyteller developed a lot. I feel like on some parts IIIAYF is written way better than LIAW. And while I haven't published my wip yet, I think for the most part it's a lot better than anything I put out this year.
13. How do you hope to grow next year:
I hope, again, that I could stop being so hard on myself but that will probably never happen.
14. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
@stylesthebrave my beloved, and everyone I met on twitter this year.
15. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
hehehehe. Always. Yes. Something. One shall never know what.
16. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
Don't worry about cliches, stories that have already been written, authors that are getting more attention... The story that's planned in your head is unique, and no one else can write it the way you do. Your mind is beautiful.
And most importantly, your worth is not measured by statistics.
17. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
Finish the sequel to LIAW ! Hallelujah ! And starting my cliche fic heheh.
18. Tag some writers whose answers you’d like to read.
I feel like everyone has already done this so I don't know :(
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fiadorable · 2 years
100 Great Things in "All Those Who Wander" (SNW)
Star Trek Strange New Worlds season one episode nine... 🧀🧇🥓☕🥶🦖😱💀 nobody talk to me after this
Strange New Worlds | Children of the Comet | Ghosts of Illyria Part 1 & Part 2 | Memento Mori | Spock Amok | Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach | Serene Squall | The Elysian Kingdom | All Those Who Wander
Adding a cut because this is long and mostly me being verklempt and overusing the words "tension" and "growth" in unsexy ways.
I had to delete the first three things on my list because they weren't great things about this episode they were me complaining - so good job me on keeping this positive while dying on the inside 👍😊👍
I am in love with this opening shot, the slow push through the breakfast spread 😍
Love the simulation of morning in Pike's quarters. The forest background is configured to be sunrise instead of night as we usually see it. The shades are up on the windows to let in the light of whatever star they're nearby, and it looks like that's most of the lighting in there right now. It's very cozy and ambient and I could very easily forget they're on a starship.
Uhura's personal log is a nice beginning to the end of her season one arc - she's still questioning her place on the Enterprise, even though she has served with distinction during her time with them and the entire crew has embraced her.
Number One taps her wrist to signal Pike that it's time to wrap things up even though I haven't seen a wristwatch in Star Trek… like ever (someone prove me wrong!). Reminds me of the way I still use my thumb and pinky to mimic answering a landline telephone.
Number One is the stage manager of the Enterprise and I love her for it.
I tried so hard not to meta myself out of the story in this episode the first time around, but it's really hard with a setup like this. WHAT DO YOU MEAN THERE WAS ANOTHER CADET HERE THIS WHOLE TIME? She's toast.
Pike looking directly at Uhura as he talks about being bonded together forever by the family that is Starfleet
Also Pike is a jerk with that intro to Duke's promotion, but I love the way everyone crowds around Duke as he puts on the new rank stripes, congratulating him. No formal ceremony or pomp and circumstance. This crew is a family and big announcements are made at the family barbecues.
Uhura hides behind protocol with Ortegas the same way Number One does with Pike sometimes. Also this scene made me a big ol' Ortegas/Uhura shipper. 😍
Ortegas gracefully extracting herself from the conversation as Pike comes over. Dad will get her straightened out.
"There will always be a place on Enterprise for Nyota Uhura" 🥹
Number One immediately extracts herself from the party to join Pike once Spock comms.
BREAKFAST TROUBLESHOOTING fangirling intensifies
I love the breakfast briefing. Everything about it. I love everyone helping wash up. I love The Look Number One gives Pike when she says (rightly) that Starfleet needs to give the mission to someone else because the K7 mission is already a Priority 1 mission. I love Grumpy La'An fresh off a counseling session coming into the briefing all prickly and slowly unwinding as she's force-fed love and caring from the command team with an assist from M'Benga. I love Pike's "I'm so proud of you" smile as La'An gives in and eats breakfast and enjoys it, doesn't just eat it, but really enjoys it (People survive. Well there's surviving and then there's living). I love Spock's self-conscious glance at La'An as Pike tosses the apron over his head. M'Benga's sass about emergency landings never being scheduled as he works through his breakfast (I imagine he's also working through some Things after last week's episode, taking advantage of the Healing Power of Pike's Food). Una knowing that La'An is stumbling around looking for more cheese. La'An's sass as she lays out her recommendation that Pike has already decided on, probably, and Pike doling out bacon like gold stars. Una's "the fuck you mean 'us' Chris, where the fuck you think you're going?" okay, you're the boss, but I got a bad feeling about this and being completely unimpressed with his little smile and nod that it will be fun little road trip for them all. (RULE #1: IT IS NEVER A GOOD IDEA TO SPLIT UP THE PARTY). Pike's insane dad energy with the tongs and "do not make me turn this car around" and La'An's completely unimpressed teenager look as a response gives me life.
The mission brief is not only on the PADD La'An is holding during breakfast, it's also on the forest screen. Also, close up shot of a mission brief!
Peregrine was off grid, gathering data in uncharted sectors. Were they looking for something? General exploration? I need to know. Somebody write me a fic about the doomed mission of the Peregrine (I love the ship's name, too - what an elegant way to class up a Constitution Sombra class ship)
Splitting up the mission with the captain and first officer is an incredibly smart thing to do, although it absolutely should have been Una on the planet and Pike going to K-7, but for the particulars of this story, it needed to be done as it was. Good job not unloading the entire senior staff onto the planet.
THE ART IN THIS EPISODE IS SO GOOD omg seeing Peregrine on the planet is GORGEOUS 😍
Uhura dying in the cold as Hemmer is like "oh what a nice spring day in ice hell" is everything, and I absolutely adore the grumpy person and their sunshine friend role reversal here
I don't know much about science, but ions seem to be the next biggest threat to Starfleet after the Borg and Illyrians
Human drinking games. Where are the challenge coins?
Gaaaaah the ship looks so freaking cool I cannot get over it!
M'Benga and the time honored tradition of shaking your tech when it doesn't work
Wow, already at 25 things and we're just now to the opening credits. The title sequence is also very beautiful. I have missed it. waits impatiently for season two
Always fascinated at the ways you can gain entry to a starship from the outside
Shipwreck troubleshooting!
Peregrine's crew fought hard against the Gorn. There is blood everywhere, yes, but there are so many last ditch attempts to survive and keep others safe. I salute their crew. I mourn their loss. I am asking again, somebody write the story of the Peregrine and her crew.
Jump Scare! Love seeing Pike unnerved behind the command mask as La'An climbs into the ship. Mount does such a great job showing Pike's humanity underneath the role of the captain.
La'An bringing the captain's commbadge to Pike
"Captain's Log, Stardate… I'm not even sure" 😭
Holy shit, I mean, I have seen this episode a few times now and the part when they're listening to the captain's log is always so tense and wonderfully done. And Pike directing M'Benga and Spock to go get the others from outside always gives me Jurassic Park's Muldoon vibes.
Pike immediately turns to his security officer and asks her what she wants to do. I love it. I'm here for it. So different from Memento Mori where she had to convince him that she was right. And you can see her growth so much in this episode in everything she does, from the counseling to acknowledging that yeah she wants to kill all the gorn but she understands getting survivors off the planet is what they should focus on and then to her interactions with Oriana throughout the episode, and then eventually her leave of absence at the end. This season was La'An's journey just as much as it was Uhura's.
I LOVE THE BLUE ALIEN SO MUCH. I could not tell if he was CG or makeup at first, but I believe it's entirely makeup and costuming and it is PHENOMENAL he is my FAVORITE alien in season one.
La'An 😠: "The universal translator isn't processing it. Uhura, do something." Uhura 🤨: "That's not how linguistics works!"
Uhura taking the lead on this encounter vs trying to hide from it on the comet is beautiful. Pike and La'An both trust her at this point. Uhura is able to walk out in front of the captain and calmly, confidently get Buckley to back down. She is growing into herself as a bamf Starfleet officer whether she recognizes it or not 🥹
Chapel and Spock lamenting over Duke's inattention
The way Spock says "one does not take pride in logic" communicates the exact opposite and Chapel finds this endearing
Hemmer and Uhura having a moment together. He is such a good mentor for her. He calls her on her bullshit and sees exactly who she is and lays down some heavy, heavy advice that is good for us ALL to remember, that we are stronger in our love for one another than separated and alone and that pain is a part of life 😭😭😭 ignore me
La'An and M'Benga's traumas clashing in sickbay before everything goes to hell. I like the continuity that M'Benga is very much Not Okay after his daughter's… nebulafication? And I like that he is the one that pushes La'An to help Oriana, to reinforce the fact that La'An has changed, she has grown, and she will be able to help Oriana in a way that M'Benga or anyone else on the ship cannot.
Good god I never want to see Spock afraid again I cannot handle the tension (I do not watch horror movies often because the amount of dramatic irony in a lot of them initiates a warp core overload and melts down my dilithium matrix, and to cope I pick apart and over analyze everything which just pisses off everyone around me)
M'Benga teasing Spock about being jumpy… has everyone on board figured out that teasing Spock is hilarious?
Oh fucking hell, my favorite alien is toast as well
I might be wrong, but I think Buckley is trying to tell them he's infected with the eggs. He says that same pattern of words earlier, too.
Traumatized child running away as the alien gets more and more sick is the first sign that you should RUN THE HELL AWAY
Buckley has this little spherical amulet necklace thing with some inscriptions on it that we get to see right before the chest-bursting scene. It feels religious to me? And I love seeing the character building they put into him even though he is the delivery mechanism for the horror plot.
JESUS FUCKING CHRIST THE GORN ARE XENOMORPHS (that's a direct quote from me on my first viewing) and they are ugly as sin freshly incubated
Also, Chia, darling, sweetheart, run. I'm begging you, ru—oh, oh no, yeah, she's, yeah… has anybody in a red shirt died this season or is it all blues and yellows golds?
Chapel freaking out as the baby gorn ransack sickbay, well done Jess Bush
Gorn vision!
Sam Kirk and M'Benga scolding and teasing Duke and Pike and Spock trying to cheer him up
Also Duke sitting in the hatch made me so nervous and I am very vindicated that this is how he meets his demise
OH SHIT those little baby gorn ripped Duke right out of Spock's hands. Also, the flip from Pike ordering them to hold Duke still so that he doesn't hit the lieutenant to firing blindly as he's dragged away because he'll either save him or give him a more merciful end (might be reading a bit much into that part, but this is my post and my head canons)
Spock looking at his hands afterward. Reminds me of: "They look like big, good, strong hands, don't they? I always thought that's what they were." -Rockbiter in the Neverending Story
Chapel is in shock and La'An is surprisingly kind about it, taking over scanning for the biosignatures. Also I am curious about La'An's statement that the gorn have found a way to evade their sensors as it implies this wasn't only the case? Is she suggesting the Gorn have evolved in such a way, in such a short time, that renders them invisible to Federation scanning technologies? Uh, because shivers. I don't think that's the case, but there are a few moments from her character this episode that don't mean what the writers intend them to mean imo.
Oriana confirming that the Peregrine's crew sacrificed themselves to kill the rest of the gorn
La'An connecting with Oriana and getting her on their side, earning her trust, overcoming that PTSD flashback and focusing on Oriana, on the present in a way she struggled with during Memento Mori, using her lessons from Pike on how to get a miracle out of your crew and THEN QUOTING PIKE'S SURVIVING VS LIVING FROM EPISODE ONE AND I AM NOT OKAY 😭😭😭😭
oh shit, I just realized Hemmer and Uhura have no idea about the baby gorn at this point when they turn the power back on, presumably at the same time Duke is meeting his end
M'Benga offering to sedate Kirk 😂 and Pike gently insisting that he's fine
I admire the calm, even tone Pike has when telling everyone to get back to sickbay
The gorn falling out of the ceiling like a pile of bricks in Engineering will never not be funny to me 🤣
Hemmer pushes Uhura out of the way as the gorn starts to spit the acid egg slime. He yells, "No!" and he is so worried that Uhura will get hit by it, you can hear the way his voice trembles. He shoves her and takes the hit. He saves her life. He does it willingly and intentionally. He is the best of them. 😢😢😭😭
Watching the crew in this pressure cooker of an episode is really fascinating. Nothing bothers or flaps Hemmer. Kirk gets angry. Spock shields himself in knowledge and logic. M'Benga is quietly sarcastic. Uhura gets shaky but brilliant. Chapel gets quiet.
Pike yelling "Hey" when the kids start fighting in the backseat and regaining control, constantly reinforcing, like Hemmer, that they are stronger together and they will only make it out of here alive by working together.
M'Benga carries Oriana on his back and then puts her in the captain's chair 😢
Pike and M'Benga are dadding up the bridge omg
This is a positive post so I am not going to expound upon everything that is wrong and irresponsible about Pike's command codes, but just so you know it fills me with rage
Also M'Benga knows Pike's command code from way back when and I need more stories of them from way back when
"…I will do what I must to protect the lives of this crew." I don't know if he suspects what's wrong at this point or not, but Hemmer… Hemmer…. 😭
Watching everyone get ready for this plan is like watching Macauley Culkin rig the Home Alone trap, but with Alien music instead of Christmas!John Williams.
Gaaaaah the gorn is crawling sideways on the wall
Kirk yelling "We got one in the chute!" is very funny to me for some reason, but I think it's just all the tension making me a bit slap happy at this point
Kirk telling Uhura she really is good at everything and Uhura just being like "mf-er shut up I just outran a gorn let's get out of here"
Spock has Buckley's weapon! I love it so much. I want to use it in a video game. It's amazing. So much more interesting than the phasers and the compression phaser rifles Starfleet uses.
Spock releasing his anger is… intense. I get chills every time I watch it. Ethan Peck slams it right out of the park. I watched this scene so many times to write a fic and it does not lose its power on repeat viewings. And even once the gorn are trapped and fighting each other you can tell he is Not Okay.
Kirk having a moment listening to the gorn turn on each other, just as they were starting to do earlier before Pike pulled them all back
La'An literally facing her past, her fears, her trauma. La'An screaming in the face of danger and that which has controlled her life for so long. La'An remaining in control despite all of this, saving her crewmates. La'An taking back her life as she shatters the frozen gorn. La'An is doing so good. 🥹
Freeze dried gorn 🥶
jesus fuck the look on Pike's face when we cut back to the bridge and M'Benga says "It's dead, Chris" and Pike has to look at him to confirm he heard right
Hemmer locking the door so no one else can get in and try to save him. He knows he's a dead man walking. And I think he knows that La'An will be able to kill him if he's not able to get himself away quick enough. And La'An knows that, too. The trust between them in this scene is not stated at all through the dialogue, but I can feel it in the acting.
If the Enterprise wasn't at K-7, then they might have been able to save Hemmer. Maybe. But that's a stretch. Because if this season has taught us anything, it's that Starfleet medicine is not the be all end all it's portrayed to be in later Trek series, and taking chances with the gorn? I don't know. I don't know. This is a crew desperate to save their friend, though, and they would have tried hard.
The goodbyes. The… the goodbyes. Spock acknowledging the logic in Hemmer's decision. Hemmer's last advice to Uhura, to open herself to others and find joy more than sadness, and Uhura's quiet Hemmer, please, please as she cries for her friend, her mentor, and Chapel just wraps her up in a hug.
just. like. andoria.
just like andoria
Hemmer turning around to face his crew, his friends, the people he loves most. Making eye contact with La'An. Her turning away as he lets himself fall. The exterior shot of him and the ship and the planet and light. It's a lot. A lot a lot a lot. Of both good and bad things, but this is a post about good things, so thanks for the emotional throat punch, Paramount.
That wide shot of the bridge and Pike slumped in the captain's chair 💔
Enterprise towing Peregrine away also make me giggle, but that is 100% just because I am in severe emotional distress and my body can no longer process appropriate reactions at this point. Although I really do love this shot, the way Enterprise feels solemn as it tows escorts Peregrine, the way Peregrine's warp nacelle is busted to hell and the deflector dish doesn't even exist anymore. It's a very quiet, calm shot after a lot of frenetic energy in this episode, and it feels comforting. Enterprise came back. And it wasn't in time for all of them, not by a long shot, but they came back and now they are going to go home and tell everyone what they saw, what they experienced.
I love Ortegas' speech. We never got to see her and Hemmer interact, but it rings true.
Uhura's speech… Uhura's… I can't 😭😭😭😭
Uhura has literally lost every single person in the world that has meant anything to her except for her grandmother in the last five years. And instead of becoming bitter and using Hemmer's death as an excuse to continue shielding herself from the pain of living and connection she lives his purpose: to fix what is broken, by surrounding herself with people she loves. And while we do not condone fridging people for character growth... she would have gotten to this point eventually with Hemmer alive. It may have taken a little longer, but she was already on this path.
Angry Spock and Conerned Chapel. Goddamn he punches the shit out of that wall panel.
Its subtle, and I'm not sure if its supposed to be a Thing or not, but during their confrontation in the hallway, Spock has some serious five o'clock shadow verging on actual stubble going on, which is Very Unlike him. He is always very clean shaven. That is a Vulcan cry for help.
Chapel and Spock hugging in the hallway, and Spock's relief at the momentary validation of his feelings that Chapel grants him in this moment before he slams the door shut and walks away.
Pike drinks a lot in season one. He drinks liquor like Picard drinks earl gray and I really need it to be commented on because at this point it looks like he is self-medicating with it. Blah blah blah the gorn blah blah blah deserves to relax after that blah blah blah look it's a thing and can become a crutch and an addition without you even realizing it and it deserves to be acknowledged.
La'An and Pike's conversation. 😭 Pike telling La'An that however long it takes to help Oriana find her family, to come back to the Enterprise, come back to them, come home. La'An calling him Chris for the first time, thanking him for everything. Such a good scene. And if you compare it to their conversation in the first episode, it's such a great bookend for their relationship. In the first episode, they don't know each other. He is the captain, she is the security chief with a chip the size of the Federation on her shoulder. Other people are challenging for her, she says. He folds her into the flock. Mentor, mentee. And here in this conversation, there is such a great sense of time passing, the weight of their shared experiences coloring their interactions. It's quieter, more meaningful. They are more like equals than captain and subordinate. They are friends. Marvelous acting and writing here.😭
Uhura stepping onto the bridge again, filled with wonder, and, I hope, a sense that she belongs there, that she is included in that exultation of greatness and achievement represented by the Enterprise crew she spoke about in her opening personal log.
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maxverstepponme · 2 years
Juicy anon like admin said here🧃
I’ll do the same again to make it easier.
Like did you guys in the "army" ever had like a game plan on who to attack online? From my part no, simply because I know harassing someone for their opinion is only going to make it worse and the last thing you want is for your idol to be affected negatively. That’s how I saw things at least. But they do mass report whenever there’s an account they don’t like.
Recently all the gossip accounts that clearly made their feelings known disappeared before most of them got their accounts back. Not all. It was also when the max account that refuses to post Kelly (bless her at least one account you can follow in peace) posted several times that someone is trying to hack her. You think it was all Sara/Kelly herself or were more minors Kelly stans involved? I don’t have an answer for that, but what can I tell you is that between fan pages the possibility of it being her it’s talked about because everyone knows Sara is capable of anything when it comes to Kelly, even defending her racist actions. “Everyone makes mistakes so it’s not fair to be harder on others when everyone makes them” is what she said about the racist accusations. Like I stated before, they mass report accounts when they don’t like certain things. This is what happened with adoringkellypiquet, kellypiquetmemes2.0, just_another_e.g_account but they managed to get it back. They have tried to mass report maxverstxppen at least three times but I think they haven’t been successful. I think it’s because the account has almost 50k so maybe it’s more difficult to get rid of, but they absolutely despise that account. They don’t like the fact that a big Max fan account isn’t giving Kelly attention and that Jos follows her. That’s why they started the rumors about her being involved in a none appropriate way with Jos. They even tried looking for their private account but were unsuccessful as well. I personally love the account and the girl behind it is also really nice.
Also can you verify the one group chat that just another posted where Kelly said "I think he will propose soon" Is that how she talked to you guys? Giving intimate information about Max? My account was already deleted by the time those screenshots came out and my friends didn’t hear from it. I don’t know if it was a smaller group or fake. I was never added to the group but since my friend was there, I got to see some of the things she said. She will talk about him and sometimes even send pictures on Instagram but those that you can only view once. According to my friend she once said the sex was a bit boring, but I don’t know if she said it as a joke or what.
It's funny how earlier a stan was in tantrum about calling Kelly out for grooming but by your own admission you were all teens and this very much sounds like grooming to bid her fights. Definitely. I never fought her battles because sometimes I wouldn’t even realize there were any since I wasn’t in the big group, but again, my friend will tell me about what was going down. Sometimes she would write things like “I wake up thinking about what’s next, how far they’ll go” and everyone would be like “oh Kelly” 🥺🥺 and do as she pleased.
More questions. How did Kelly/Sara react to the different stories online? Serendipity. Her allegedly cheating on Max on her birthday. What happened in February when it seemed they broke up for a while? The way you saw it. She kept saying it was fake. I don’t think she would’ve been that dumb to cheat on Max while being in Monaco. Some people like to talk even if she’s not as famous as she pretends she is. They didn’t break up but according to what I heard, she was worried because things weren’t that good. Nothing a bit of manipulation couldn't fix 😂
I’m logging off for the night because I have class at 8am. If there are any more questions for me I’ll check whenever I’m able to. Have a great night 🧃💚
Oh my Supermax 💀 Thank you nonnie, but I’d like to know what they say about me. Probably that I’m a bitch and all that but I still want to know 👀
Have a great night as well ❤️
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acefaun · 2 years
My phone will sometimes recommend me articles to read, and this time it was “How to Sleep Better According to Your Astrological Sign” which, things like that are always so vague that even if the answers don’t fit you exactly you can still find a way to see that it applies to you, anyway..
So I scroll down to my sign and got slapped in the face I tell you, it said “try binge-watching fictional drama rather than replaying the exaggerated drama in you head” 💀💀💀RIPP, “also s3x will help” 🧍🏼… I was about to go to bed I wasn’t asking for a WAKE-up call 🤦🏼
The Gemini one though, really most of these were just shocking but ♊️: “the break from blue light is essential oh curious one” “turn off almost EVERYTHING””you need a distraction from your distractions””if silence is TOO CHALLENGING try a 🎉 NOISE 🧨 MACHINE 🤖”
That Yahoo article writer pulled absolutely ZERO punches
OMG THE AQUARIUS ONE: “Go ahead and watch a couple episodes of ‘Ancient Aliens’ and affirm that you were put here on Earth by ancestors from Venus” “Or listen to Halloween music if that’s your thing” HOW ARE EITHER OF THESE REMOTELY RELATED—-
The fact that it’s 1:30 in the morning and I was half asleep reading this. And I’m here reading the part that says “also s3x will help”.
But my brain is going so slow I sat here for five minutes going “… s…3…x…? What’s that?” And I kept repeating it over and over as three separate things. “S” “3” and “X”. And my stupid brain has no clue how to put them together. Like this had to be a code for something. So I reread it about ten times before it clicks and I just sit up and scream “SEX” into the silence of my apartment.
And dear lord I’ve never related more to Gemini advice. These past few minutes proved very well that I need a distraction from my distraction.
But I’m also not good with a noise machine so maybe I should take some Aquarius advice and listen to Halloween music. And then have the sounds of screams and howling to keep me up all night instead.
As another note: I spaced out for a minute and was rereading what I typed… only to stare blankly at the word Aquarius for a few minutes. Then I decided “That doesn’t look like it’s spelled right… Huedhaut isn’t an Aquarius.” And I was deleting it to fix it, but the minute I corrected it to Aquarium, I realized I had it right the first time. Because... Huedhaut isn't an Aquarium either. Is it offensive to call someone an Aquarium?? Even if it's a god???
Heh 😵‍💫 I need to sleep. It’s ironic you send me this when my brain isn’t working. HAHAHA A perfect moment in the night!
Have s 3 x with a zodiac god, my dearest. 🥰 It'll help you sleep better, apparently.
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astroluvr · 2 years
Hi !! i loved the fic with jack and urb spoiling sage its so cute, could you write a blurb of them taking her out and an older lady mistakes them for a gay couple?💀💀 i feel like that would be so funny, urban would probably play along for the laugh
-🌎 anon
this is really short, but i thought it was entertaining! thanks for your request (that im getting to a century and a half later) i hope u enjoy!
Sage was more than happy to be going out with her father and uncle for a day. Jack got you out of the house to have a day for yourself and smoothly failed to mention that Urban would be tagging along. As usual, Jack oversaw picking out Sage’s outfit to make sure that it matched with his.
“Daddy, I look like you!” she squealed, tugging at her white shirt and holding her leg up to show her blue jeans.
“You’re the prettier me.” he scooped her up and kissed her cheek, making her break out in giggles.
“Show Mama!” she leaned over to pull his phone out of his pocket and swiped it to her camera. Jack was positive that Sage’s pictures were the reason he was always buying more storage on his phone, but he wouldn’t dare delete them.
Jack smiled and pressed his cheek to Sage’s and snapped the picture. “Duck lips?” he asked, and Sage nodded before puckering her lips out.
“We’re so cute, Daddy.” Sage giggled when he scrolled through the few pictures the two of them.
“So cute.” he laughed and put Sage back on the couch. “Once Uncle Urb gets here, we’ll leave, okay?”
“Okay!” Sage responded happily, diving for her bowl of cereal.
It wasn’t much longer that, after much arguing, Sage, Jack, and Urban were out and about. They stopped to grab a sugary breakfast of doughnuts upon Sage’s request and Urban’s ability to irritate Jack into doing anything before winding up at the mall.
“Yo, these are fire.” Urban whistled, picking up a pair of sneakers off the wall.
“Let me see.” Jack said, turning around to look at his friend with Sage on his lap. Urban showed them and Jack nodded in approval. “I like them.”
Urban smiled in agreement before walking to the counter where a cashier was standing. “Can I help you?”
“Do you know if y’all have these in a men’s size?”
“U-uh, the other store might have them because we’re a children’s store. We only carry kids’ sizes.”
“Urban.” Jack groaned, causing Urban to walk away with a snicker. “Stop harassing people, man.”
“I was just messing with him.” Urban threw his hands up in defense. “You know I was messing with you, right?”
“For sure.” the employee let out an awkward chuckle and Urban and Jack shared a humored look.
“Okay, walk to Urban and see how those fit, baby.” Jack patted Sage’s thigh and she got down happily to march towards Urban who was smiling at him.
“You are working these.” Urban laughed and Sage grinned when he lifted her up.
“Can I have them?” she turned around to ask Jack who had come to stand next to them.
“Of course, you can.” Jack said as if she asked a ridiculous question.
“How about you pick out another pair and then we can go get you some toys, hm?”
“Thank you.” she said politely, reaching out to kiss Jack’s nose. Him and Urban laughed as Sage hopped to the ground, rushing towards the wall of shoes that displayed the glittery shoes.
As Urban and Jack watched, they heard a throat clear behind them. They both turned around slowly, hesitant to take their eyes off of Sage who was happily browsing. “Excuse me, but is that your daughter?”
“Yes.” Jack answered, not even thinking before answering given that he never missed a chance to claim the little girl as his own.
“Why?” Urban asked, raising his eyebrows and lifting his shades to the top of his head. “She’s been here with us the whole time, so-”
“No, no.” the elderly woman gasped, placing a hand on her chest. “I’m just saying that you all make a very lovely family. I was browsing for some shoes for my grandson and couldn’t help but notice that you three remind me so much of my son and his husband.” she smiled and Jack blushed before Urban smiled.
“Actually, I have a wonderful wi-” Jack began, but Urban’s devious smirk cut him off.
“Thank you so much. We are all very much in love with each other.”
“Urban.” Jack warned when the blond’s arm came around Jack’s shoulder and squeezed him tight.
“Isn’t that right, honey?” Urban smiled as if he were lovesick and the woman giggled fondly.
Jack put his hand on Urban’s hip and made sure to squeeze tight before locking eyes with his counterpart. “That is so right.”
“Daddy, I want these ones!” Sage ran up and immediately scrunched up her face at the position of the two men. “What are you doing?”
“Nothing.” Jack said quickly, scooping up Sage and avoiding the look of the woman who had approached him. “You want these ones?”
“Mmhmm.” Sage placed the pink, light-up sneakers in her father’s hands.
“Well, I’m sorry for interrupting. I just wanted to compliment your family.”
“Thank you so much.” Urban said while Jack slipped away as quickly as he could.
At the register, Jack glared at Urban who was only trying to contain his raucous laughter. “I’m going to hurt you.”
“I was just playing,” Urban mumbled, pulling his shades over his face before landing a smack over Jack’s jeans. “Jackie, boo.”
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irevanity · 3 years
Hi! 15, 21, and 26 for the ask game 😊
AIGHT LETSS GOOO!! Also sorry for any weird wording problems lol I just woke up and its 8 am
15. What’s the weirdest fandom you’ve ever written for?
Oh boy. This is bringing back some wild memories. I don’t know if this counts, but I was a diehard k-pop fan back in 2017-2019 (or something like that.)
I know it doesn’t sound bad, but consider this: I was a diehard kpop fan with wattpad. The amount of shit I saw there traumatized me. 💀💀 And lets not talk about my horrible attempts at writing smut. I stopped reading/writing those kinds of fanfics now, and I’m more of a casual listener to kpop. If someone brought up how I acted back in 2017-2019 I would literally jump off a cliff. THATS HOW BAD IT WAS LMAOO
I’m so glad I grew out of that…but I hope that answers your question!
21. Favorite pairing to write for? Platonic or romantic.
OKAY SO! I don’t exactly have a favorite, but if I were to choose it would be between lawlight/mikalight/mikavanni. There’s so many scenarios that would actually work for these three. And their dynamics(?) are pretty interesting, too. You have a serial killer x detective, god x worshipper (is that even the correct term LMAO) and another serial killer x detective (sorta) but one is stalking the other. 💀
For platonic, I love me some Mikami/Kiyomi! They’re bros in canon, despite Mikami literally murdering her lol.
26. Is there anything you’ve wanted to write, but you’ve been too scared to try?
OH MY GOD! I’m so glad you asked that. Theres too many, but I’ll list the ones I love the most.
A Death Note Demigod AU. I read most of the Percy Jackson books, and those books are literally my life and my soul. If you don’t know Percy Jackson, it’s basically a story that revolves around the children of human x greek god couples and their quests. I would love to write a fanfic about this, BUT, the amount of research I’d have to do makes me cry. At this point, I’ll just plagiarize Rick Riordans work and replace all the names lmao.
A Death Note AU, of course, but this time they have powers! I wrote a fanfic on this and posted it on AO3 before. I think it was called, “Powers of the 4.” And the main characters were Team Kira. I never finished it, and looking back, it was so bad I deleted it LMAO. I really didnt check over my own work.
Anyways, I’m talking about powers like telekinesis, cryokinesis (ice powers), pyrokinesis (fire) and etc. I think it’s so fun to play around with concepts like this.
A Death Note AU, but this time in the Attack on Titan universe. It sounds so fun until you get into all the details of everything. It’s gonna be a “what realistic thing would Light Yagami say in this situation” and I’m pretty bad at sticking to character, so thats gonna be a challenge.
And no, I’m not talking about plopping in the DN characters with the AOT characters, I’m talking about the Attack on Titan story with the DN characters. I’m not gonna be stealing the already canon Titan powers and slapping them onto a random character from DN, I’ll make my own Titan powers. Which is gonna be a challenge LMAO! Out of all of the ideas listed, this one will probably never be started on. It intimidates me bruh 😭😭😭This one will just stay in my day dreams
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anqelically · 11 months
wait angel, I couldn't find anywhere who your favs are, so could you tell me who are your favs in bsd, jjk or other animes you like? if i come across something, i would like to send it to you :3
for aot i know...mr butthole 🙄🙄
I’m like a q 2.0 so anything you send her can probs be sent to me 90% of the time LOL. i just listed the animes/manga that first came to mind btw so i dunno if you’ve seen them all 😭
bsd: tecchou, dazai, ranpo, yosano
jjk: yuta, yuji, megumi, gojo
aot: armin, eren, colt, porco, and ofc mr booty 😍
csm: aki, yoshida, reze
bllk: nagi, rin, kunigami, sae
hq: atsumu, oikawa, semi, osamu
and then there’s stuff like fruba, tokyo ghoul, noragami, etc. where you can just send me anything skdjs
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