sherwood-forest-witch · 10 months
Allan A Dale has always thought mostly about himself. Jennie has always felt so alone. Until they met.
Betrothed to the horrible nobleman Sir Arthur Allston of Northampton against her will, Marian and Robin's gang help to rescue her from the wedding. She then decides to join them in helping the poor. Will she find more than just friendship among the outlaws? What does Allan's eventual betrayal mean for the both of them? Will there be a wedding in the end after all? ** Mostly canon in the broad scheme, in terms of series of events. But some lines/actions of Djaq will be from Jennie (OC) instead. And there will be lots of changes moving into Series 3 territory because BOY did they do everyone so dirty. Also forgive the beginning, I know it’s a little iffy. **
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adveanture · 2 years
tswift tag drops:  allan a’ dale,  bbc robin hood pt. 2
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   robin.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   the  gang.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   guy.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   marian.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   djaq.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   kate.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   will.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   much.
╰   ––––––– ✧   ALLAN  A’  DALE!      :      ft.   john.
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damngoodbabysiitter · 5 months
*I know Marian isn't officially with the gang/physically living with them for the majority of the series, but I put her on this poll because her actions and her beliefs align more with them
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Robin Hood AU: Guy kills the Sheriff PT 2
This has loosened me up to do more writing than I have in ages and for that reason I'm going with it
2.2k words. Guy of Gisborne and Guy x Marian orientated. Allan A Dale shows up. Lots of fun.
(this is PT 1) (and PT 3) (wow it was cool finding out how to do that)
Guy could move about the settlement unstopped by the Saracen guards. He was headed towards the house of the Sheriff’s accomplice, a Saracen man who had been preparing to pose as Salah al-Din’s messenger, with the intention of regaining the Sheriff’s carriage and horses which were stowed there. He strode through the sandy streets, a tall black figure contrasting with the square white buildings. Leather was certainly too hot to be wearing in the Holy Land.
Guy slowed his pace as he noticed an agitated group of Saracens blocking the road ahead. He could vaguely hear them talking in their own language and considered slipping into a side alley to pass them by, but his interest was drawn by the atmosphere of impending conflict. His steps quietened on the gravelly road surface so his approach was unnoticed.
Within a second the group of Saracens became hectically dispersed and Guy could see the thrashing of swords and arms as some violence broke out. It seemed a group of men had ambushed and were fighting their way through. There were a fair few of them, all causing men to fly outwards and collapse in states of injury.
Guy was preparing to duck into a side alley when he saw a fast-flying arrow knock down the nearmost Saracen. That was when his suspicion grew that he had been right when he thought the cries he heard were English-sounding. Many men were good with a bow and arrow but there was still one who especially sprung to mind. This only further encouraged Guy to slip into hiding.
Robin Hood and the outlaws, having beaten down that group of Saracens, were progressing along the street, walled in by white, their weapons readied. Robin led them; Much, Little John, Will, Djaq and Allan were rallied behind, and they were all determined to pass through this Saracen settlement and reach the King’s camp. Before the Sheriff did, they hoped.
Robin observed men ahead and sent John and Allan to check for alternate routes out through clearer alleys while the rest of the group assessed if they could pass on the central road. Allan slipped between two high walls, listening carefully for movement. He ran as quickly as he could, trying to note the labyrinthine winding of the alleys and find a break onto the open desert landscape.
With unexpected speed a man shot out from the shaded arch of a doorway. Allan felt himself thrown roughly back against a wall, his feet scuffing in the sand, and his head thrown back to observe the bright, close sky as a sword touched his neck. In the second afterwards, Allan became aware of the identity of his attacker.
‘Sir Guy,’ he said, his voice shaking slightly despite his efforts to adopt a light tone.
‘You’re a bit late,’ Guy snarled, his sword firmly retaining its position. He had been surprised to think Robin Hood might be here – Robin Hood, supposedly dead – but once he had accustomed himself to such a possibility Guy wasn’t so surprised that Allan A Dale would be with him. Where else would Allan have gone, when he ducked out of the quest to kill the King? But Guy had assumed that Allan was killed as soon as he reached Nottingham.
‘Look,’ Allan said, ‘I’m not on your side anymore, Guy. But please let me go. Robin will come after me, I can tell you.’
‘Robin Hood is here,’ Guy said flatly. ‘And alive. How?’
‘Well, not to take the credit, but I did help him out of his tight spot in Nottingham.’
‘By betraying me,’ replied Guy contemptuously.
‘I’m not being funny, but, you could hardly have not expected it.’ Allan swallowed uncertainly, feeling the sword’s pressure on his throat. ‘I mean, I betrayed Robin in the first place, so what was stopping me betraying you as well–’ As Guy’s face became angered, he stopped.
‘I don’t care that you betrayed me,’ Guy said evenly, after an exhalation, ‘I only care that you, and Robin Hood, leave me alone now.’
Allan shifted uncomfortably, his back straining against the wall. He wondered how long it would take for the others to turn up and find him.
‘Well, it’s alright you saying that, but Robin’s here to save the King, and so are we, and if you and that Sheriff are after him­–’
‘We’re not. The King is safe, and for once Robin Hood played no part in that.’ Guy smiled at his own mocking. ‘You can go along to Hood and tell him if you like, and he’ll disbelieve you, but tell him this: the Sheriff of Nottingham is dead.’
‘What?’ Guy lowered his sword and let Allan stand up straight now. ‘How’s the Sheriff dead?’ Allan demanded incredulously.
‘I killed him,’ Guy smiled, with a tilt of his head. Allan wasn’t sure he could believe that, but he didn’t want to challenge Guy, even with his own sword at his side.
‘And the King?’ Allan questioned.
‘I don’t want to kill him.’
Allan struggled to comprehend this reversal in plan, but kept his mouth shut. He weighed his options; taking his leave politely, making a dash for it, striking Guy with his sword. Then a thought suddenly came to mind:
‘Where’s Marian?’
A change came over Guy’s posture then; he stiffened, and his sword lifted slightly. Allan misinterpreted this and became fearful that Marian too had been unexpectedly done away with, and he almost cried out.
‘She is safe,’ Guy said, before Allan could become excessively panicked, though his tone showed irritation. ‘She’s with me.’ With me did not make it clear that Marian was his wife-to-be rather than his prisoner.
‘And,’ Allan suggested carefully, ‘you won’t part with her?’
‘She won’t part with me, I don’t think,’ Guy said indignantly. He didn’t want to have to share what had passed between him and Marian and he didn’t like remembering that Allan had been somewhat in league with her. More significantly, he had misgivings about Robin Hood seeking Marian. He would not like Marian to discover that Robin was in fact alive; Guy feared her enthusiasm for him may wane. He feared he was only second best.
‘Guy, listen,’ Allan said, falling into a friendly, confidential manner of speaking. ‘If everything you say about the Sheriff and the King is true, then still, Robin loves Marian – he’d die for her – he came here to save her too – and he won’t leave without her.’
It was as Guy feared. Would he have to kill Robin Hood too, to have Marian? He had tried before. He had tried many times. But this time it scared him, because he knew Marian would not want him to.
Guy discarded these thoughts and quickly pointed his sword at Allan’s chest again. Allan raised his eyebrows and jumped back, putting his palms up.
‘Stay away from Marian. Stay away from me.’ Guy spoke menacingly. Then he shrugged theatrically: ‘Or I might just have to kill the lot of you. So go to the King, stay until you’re sure he’s safe, if that pleases you. And I will have no further quarrel with Robin Hood.’
Decided, Guy shoved Allan back in the direction he’d come, and Allan complied, taking off at a run with his hand on his sword hilt. He was confused, fearful and desperate to join Robin and the others. What would Robin think about the Sheriff being dead? They would have to make sure. And what about Marian? It was clear they couldn’t leave her in Gisborne’s possessive clutches, and they would have to risk their lives to take her by force.
Guy was shaken but continued on his initial mission. He needed to leave for England as soon as possible – ahead of Robin Hood. When he came to the right Saracen house, he barged in without announcing himself and made his orders for the carriage to be returned. The Saracen man asked if they were going out to meet the King already.
‘The Sheriff has no more business with the King, or with you,’ Guy said sharply. ‘You are no longer needed. Bring the carriage round to our lodgings, employ a driver, and you will be paid generously.’
‘But, Salah al-Din’s messenger, the insignia – it is all unneeded?’
Guy reassured him that it was so, on the Sheriff’s orders. There was to be no assassination.
Guy went outside to watch the horses being brought out of their stables and prepared. He was almost amused by his power. All the things he had controlled as the Sheriff’s right-hand man, he could continue to control without anyone knowing the Sheriff was gone. He had some apprehensions about returning to England. He could become Sheriff of Nottingham. But the Black Knights would still stand and Marian would not allow it. How could she expect Guy to overthrow Prince John?
Meanwhile, Robin Hood was planning on meeting the King, putting him on his guard, then seeking out Gisborne and Marian.
‘But what would make Gisborne kill the Sheriff?’ Much said as he walked beside Robin. The desert was open around them, but in the distance the white and red canvas of the King’s camp was visible.
‘Power, I suppose,’ Allan interjected. ‘He’s desperate for it. Wants to be the new Sheriff of Nottingham, I reckon.’
‘But Gisborne could have killed the Sheriff any time,’ Much said.
‘Not so easily,’ Robin replied, ‘among the guards of Nottingham. What I can’t make out is why Gisborne wouldn’t choose to kill the King too.’
‘Maybe Gisborne’s joined our fight,’ Djaq offered brightly, only half serious. ‘He’s started protecting the King and England.’
‘After trying to kill the King once before,’ Robin said, ‘that would be a change of heart.’
That night Marian came across Guy tearing through the Sheriff’s room on his knees, emptying chests, strewing gowns and clashing metals. She stood in the doorway for a second unnoticed, silently admiring his body in his suit of leather. Then he lifted his head without turning it, froze, before leaping up and brandishing his sword. Marian was taken aback, and seeing the unfeeling, ferocious look in his eye she felt her stomach drop.
‘It’s only me, Guy.’
His dark hair swept over his eyes and he blinked at her through it.
‘You shouldn’t be out of your room unattended, Marian,’ he said to her, sounding like his teeth were gritted. Marian felt sickened, disorientated; it was like he was looking at her as a prisoner again. There was no affection in his demeanour and the fond longing which had encouraged her to seek out his company faded within her.
‘I’m not a prisoner,’ she said coldly, ‘and I can look after myself.’
‘No.’ Guy sheathed his sword. His voice rose, became almost condescending, as he said, ‘There are dangerous men – criminals – around, and you are in an unfamiliar land, and you are still a vulnerable, beautiful woman. You don’t know how many men would take you and use you if they could.’
Marian did not like having her femininity used against her.
‘I’m not so defenceless, and you should know that, Guy.’
Guy sighed and came towards her. He gently put one arm around her waist, resting his gloveless hand on her lower back.
‘Allow me to protect you. For my sake at least.’ He glanced back over his shoulder at the mess of the room. He had been trying to gather anything to defend himself against Robin Hood; whether it be a weapon, or a valuable to bargain with. He couldn’t tell Marian how on edge he was with Hood at large. When she had appeared behind him he had feared she was some outlaw intruder.
Marian was surprised by the attraction she felt as Guy held her. Although she found his coddling irritating she was willing to forget it if he would pull her closer. But he seemed distracted and would not even look into her face. She lifted one hand so she could touch the hair which was fallen across his forehead. She carefully pushed it back and aside, stroking his brow with her fingertips. This was enough to make his eyes meet hers and their mildly aggressive look appeared to be directed towards her. It was a familiar situation. He had tried to kiss her from this position of fierce possessiveness before, though his lips themselves were always tentative. Marian watched his lips now.
Guy stepped back, breaking the stillness and shifting his hand to enclose Marian’s forearm.
‘I will take you back to your room. And you can stay there until I fetch you in the morning.’
He escorted her out with his hold on her arm. In her room, he loosened his hold, but then impulsively lifted her arm and bent to kiss the inside of her bare wrist. Guy did not anticipate the flame of longing which would be ignited just by indulging this impulse. He let his mouth linger on Marian’s skin, his head ducked. Rushed ideas of undressing her and staying the night crossed his mind. But the image of Robin Hood’s arrow piercing the Saracen’s body earlier that day pervaded. He would eliminate the threat of Robin’s proximity first, to make his victory greater.
Marian’s disappointment was strong as Guy gave her a strange lustful look and slipped out of the room. He locked the door behind him.
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remembertheskittles · 5 months
top 5 robin hood ships (including platonic/queerplatonic / ot3s)
mwah thank you!!!! 💖
much/eve (i know they were only in one episode but that's fine)
ask me my top 5 things
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mygangtome · 1 year
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That’s it.
That’s the show. No one dies, everything is amazing, Allan’s with the gang, DJaq and Will never leave.
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buildarocketboys · 5 months
top 5 robin hood characters!!
- Marian
- Guy
- Allan
(look these three are pretty much tied at this point)
- Djaq
- The Sheriff? Or maybe Much?
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robinhoodrevisited · 2 years
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skatingthinandice · 1 year
For the TV ask: Robin Hood 🏹
omg thank you! 💛
favourite character: guy of gisborne and allan a dale, my failsons
funniest character: all of them have some brilliant lines, but the sheriff and allan
best-looking character: guy and marian
3 favourite ships: allan/djaq/will, guy/marian, allan/guy/marian
least favourite character: sorry kate (i liked her slightly more on our last rewatch but i can't escape my historic irritation lmao)
least favourite ship: robin/kate
reason why i watch it: peak nostalgia once again, s1 and especially s2 are just banger after banger of an episode, and s3 is hilariously buckwild, i adore it
why i started watching it: the classic saturday night tv while mum was out playing badminton
TV asks
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svartalfhild · 2 years
Svar Watches BBC Robin Hood for the First Time - Season 2
Some of you may have seen my reactions to watching Season 1 for the first time. Well, here we are with Season 2:
So I see we're starting off strong with a continuation of No Rights For Marian Ever. Fucking RIP.
Holy shit Guy has gone off the deep end.
But wait! What's this? Guy finally getting a wake up call in the form of Marian saving his sorry ass from drowning because the Sheriff gives zero (0) shits about him? Amazing. I expect it will take approximately 15 seconds before the Sheriff manipulates him into backsliding.
Well, would you look at that. There he goes. Backsliding. This is probably the most heartbreaking it's ever been too. "I have no one" fucking killed me. Like Guy was this close 🤏 to becoming a better man. He was literally in the process of disobeying the Sheriff for the first time ever to save Marian, but then the Sheriff showed up, manhandled him, and reminded him of the power he holds over him, and boom, it's back to square one.
Allan out here like Don't Put Me In A Situation and then immediately proceeds to be put in several situations. Well done, dude. Get got. Nice jerkin though.
Aw, Guy, if you're going to be 0.5% nicer, don't be stupid and spoil it by getting pushy and possessive again. That's a solid 👎 from me, buddy.
I see we are continuing the trend of every man ever trying to tell Marian what to do and put her in a box. Once again, Robin is just as guilty as Guy of having his own idea of who and what Marian should be and trying make her conform to that ideal.
At this point, I think Marian should just be allowed to go feral and kill Prince John and the Sheriff. I know it won't happen, but it's what I want for her.
Allan you dumb bitch.
Okay but I did like that Little John was the one motherfucker who was like "Marian needs a hug".
Oh. Oh the Sheriff truly is an evil theatre kid. He's getting excited about doing a fake beggar bit with a bandit lady and her kids to fuck with Robin.
Now do it again, I dare you, you emo bitch.
The fact that he's back to marching to the Sheriff's tune the moment he's returned makes it even clearer how abused Guy has been by him. Abuse victims often fall back to old habits and people no matter how much it hurts them, because it's familiar and figuring out how to exist outside that system is terrifying, especially when they don't have much in the way of positive support.
Okay, so Guy finding out that Marian is the Night Watchman is fucking complicated, cause like on the one hand, Marian is a fucking hero and sentencing her to death instead of protecting her is fucking evil, but on the other hand I can definitely see how Guy arrived there because now he knows that Marian lied to and manipulated him, and that means he has no friends and can trust no one and of course he's going to fall back on every evil impulse the Sheriff taught him, because to his mind, the Sheriff has been proven right about everything. That's so fucking tragic.
Lmao the Queen Mother is so thirsty for Little John. Looks like she's another kind of queen.
GUY MADE ANOTHER GOOD CHOICE!!!! Oh but Marian bungled it but rashly trying to kill the Sheriff. Goddamnit. Like yes kill the Sheriff but not like that.
Oh fuck yes call them all out, Much! They do take you for granted! And they're pretty mean to you a lot of the time.
Holy shit are we acknowledging Robin's PTSD?
Allan redemption arc? Okay, I guess he's earned it.
Jesus fucking christ Guy stop waffling you're killing me.
Well this got super fucking sad and tragic
So England is saved but Guy really went about as far off the deep end as it's possible to go, like this was me when he stabbed Marian:
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Honestly didn't see it coming. What the fuck is gonna happen now???
I guess stay tuned for my Season 3 thoughts soon to be coming down the pipeline.
Edit: here's Season 3.
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The Pirates of Sherwood
by Sneetlejuice
Stede Bonnet and the crew of The Revenge have docked in England after narrowly escaping Viking pirates in the North Sea. Having heard all about Nottingham’s fearsome noble-turned-outlaw Robin Hood, Stede is on a mission to find him, to learn from him and to help him steal from the rich and give to the poor, but is he up to the challenge?
The crew trade in their sea-fairing ways for forest living and swap their swords for bows however, not everyone is happy to give up their old life and some wonder if there are alliances to be made within the walls of Nottingham Castle.
Words: 1983, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Our Flag Means Death (TV), Robin Hood (BBC 2006)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, Multi
Characters: Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Israel Hands, Jim Jimenez, Oluwande Boodhari, Lucius Spriggs, Black Pete (Our Flag Means Death), The Swede (Our Flag Means Death), Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Wee John Feeney, Roach (Our Flag Means Death), Buttons (Our Flag Means Death), Spanish Jackie (Our Flag Means Death), Robin Hood, Guy of Gisborne, Marian of Knighton, Sheriff Vaisey of Nottingham, Much (Robin Hood BBC 2006), Little John, Will Scarlett, Allan-a-Dale, Djaq (Robin Hood BBC 2006)
Relationships: Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet, Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez, Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs, Guy of Gisborne/Marian of Knighton, Marian of Knighton/Robin of Locksley, Marian of Knighton/Mary Bonnet, Allan-a-Dale/Lucius Spriggs, Wee John Feeney/Frenchie
Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Alternate Universe - Medieval, This takes place in Nottingham, and Sherwood Forest, the crew are now in the 1100's because I say so
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/47156260
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sherwood-forest-witch · 4 months
alright alright alriiiiight! we got lucky chapter 13!!
ehehe things are about to pop off from here lemme tell you...
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BBC Robin Hood + Text Posts // Part 2 of ?
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Found this on Pinterest via DeviantArt, and it’s brilliant! 😍🏹
It was this TV show, BBC’s Robin Hood, that inspired me to write fanfic during lockdown. And it was fanfic that finally gave me the confidence to publish my poetry books.
Next step is my Robin Hood-inspired novel.
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Favourite parts of Robin Hood season 2
1. Sisterhood - Guy is cruel to Marian and burns Knighton Hall, Robin saves himself without help from the snake pit
2. The Booby and the Beast - the strategic strongroom heist, Guy is jealous of the Count wooing Marian, the whole Sheriff-Guy-Marian-Count dynamics in the games room
3. Childhood - actually a top tier episode, Guy catches kids but won't kill them, Marian walks in on Guy undressed but he's not charmed, the gang's plans are foiled by Allan's secret pub nights with Guy, the Sheriff takes the rocks out of the box, Guy fights in a ridiculous suit of armour, Guy cries like a baby as Robin tries to drown him, Marian threatens the armour-maker's life, Guy is dirty with wet hair but slightly less spiteful to Marian
4. The Angel of Death - Will turns pale and evil, Joseph poses as the Nightwatchman, almost poisons the gang with soup, Guy and Marian talk through the door, Robin pretends to poison himself to break Will, they give the Sheriff the antidote because they love him so much
5. Ducking and Diving - Robin can't trust anyone, the messenger speaks nonsense ('pork!'), Matilda is saved when being ducked by an underwater tube, John forms a bond with the birthing daughter, Robin hits Will to draw out the traitor and is ruthless in attacking Allan
6. For England...! - Guy gives Marian pretty dresses, the gang masquerade as musicians, Allan nags Guy while he's dressing and gets his own costume, Robin's ready to die and thinks he killed all the Black Knights for a second, Lord Winchester is no one's ally, Guy did not agree to the Sheriff selling Marian, Guy almost helps Marian escape but can't resist the Sheriff's persuasion, Robin and Allan battle it out over the cauldron, Guy and the Sheriff save Marian before Robin and Marian rides on Guy's (beautiful) horse
7. Show Me the Money - Marian stops Robin killing Allan and gains Allan's allegiance, Edward gets some courage and the Pact, Marian grieves and Guy tries to comfort her, she runs to Robin instead
8. Get Carter! - Guy is desperate to find Marian, the gang pretend Carter has killed Robin, Guy almost stabs Robin to make sure, Guy confesses his desires and Marian her sympathy, Marian gives him a good kiss and Guy thinks he's won in life
9. Lardner's Ring - which fool told the King's messenger about Robin's exile? The Fool, the Fool annoys Guy and the Sheriff over dinner, Marian is dangled from the tree as a hostage and Guy gets her down ('you're coming home with me' à la Thornton), the Sheriff gets a hawk to kill the pigeon
10. Walkabout - the Sheriff out and about in his silk pyjamas, Guy is left in charge of scrabbling to find the Sheriff, Marian is too headstrong to leave with Guy, the army closes in as the sun sets, Guy finds nobility and stays for Marian, the Sheriff thinks everyone incapable
11. Treasure of the Nation - Marian rebukes Guy for his changes in character, Guy unmasks the Nightwatchman and sees the stab wound, Marian pleads for Guy to spare her, Allan poses as the Nightwatchman, Guy bears the Sheriff's knife on his throat, Marian is thankful and stays for Guy
12. A Good Day to Die - Marian tries to kill the Sheriff, Robin and Much address their bromantic issues, an awkward roadtrip to the Holy Land, the Sheriff calls Guy Gizzy, Marian sleeps in the barn, Guy tries to ask Allan if Marian's single, the Sheriff, Guy and Allan share a dorm and Allan's bed is empty in the morning
13. We Are Robin Hood - Marian gives Guy a chance to be a good man and her husband, Guy won't kill the Sheriff, the King believes Robin is against him, the gang are left to die in the heat, the Sheriff leaves Marian with them without telling Guy, Saladin's phony messenger confronts Robin the phony King, Marian crushes Guy's heart, Guy runs her through with his sword, Marian and Robin wed last minute, Marian pulls the sword out herself, Robin carries Marian to her desert grave, Will and Djaq stay to be homemakers
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mwhahaha right back atcha! robin hood for the ask game xx
i knewwww you were going to do this xx
Favourite character: much, my love and light of my life
Funniest character: literally all of them have their moments, most of which we still quote on the daily and i actually can't pick between them, i refuse
Best-looking character: guy
3 favourite ships: allan/djaq/will, guy x marian, allan x guy, guy/marian/allan (i'm a simple woman)
Least favourite character: kate (it used to be robin but he redeemed himself on the rewatch)
Least favourite ship: kate x robin, isabella x robin... basically anyone with robin
Reason why I watch it: nostalgia, and also it's the best show ever
Why I started watching it: k used to watch it, and i joined her to watch season three, i was too smol to watch seasons 1-2 live so we went back and watched them together - our saturday night entertainment whilst the parents were playing badminton
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