#allen very well may kick it with kanda
haleigh-sloth · 2 years
d-d-d-D GRAY MAN for the ask game!
the first character i ever fell in love with: KANDA, seriously it was love at first sight
a character that i used to love/like, but now do not: Idk 🤔 All the characters I used to like I still do. If anything I've come to like more and more characters.
a ship that i used to love/like, but now do not: Idk if I ever shipped anything in DGM. AllenxLenalee I think is the main ship but I am not super invested (not sure of how likely it is they'll be together even though they're the main guy and girl, we'll see)
my ultimate favorite character™: Kanda
prettiest character: Kanda (I'm sorry but it's true)
my most hated character: Idk if I HATE him cuz my memory right now is hazy but Malcolm Lvellie I am not a fan of (the central branch is just eh) and Apocryphos I do actually hate. But he's barely a character so.
my OTP: Yuulma
my NOTP: I don't have a negative reaction to any of them.
favorite episode: Favorite chapter is 199, when Allen helps Kanda escape with Alma, Kanda thanks Allen and smiles at him, and Kanda falls onto Alma hugging him. Yep. Makes me SICK
saddest death: Alma Karma, god
favorite season: the anime is...disappointing
least favorite season: all of it
character that everyone else in the fandom loves, but i hate: ? None really
my ‘you’re piece of trash, but you’re still a fave’ fave: Marian Cross. Like, he's trash. He sucks. He's amazing. I love him. I want to suffocate him in his sleep.
my ‘beautiful cinnamon roll who deserves better than this’ fave: Kanda, Allen, Lavi (the boys); I have a feeling that Tykki will fall into this crowd later
my ‘this ship is wrong, nasty, and makes me want to cleanse my soul, but i still love it’ ship: ?? None really
my ‘they’re kind of cute, and i lowkey ship them, but i’m not too invested’ ship: AllenxLenalee
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icharchivist · 5 years
(1) In Kanda's backstory, it is shown that he often sees the illusion from his past memory. The lotus he often sees is also part of those past memories/illusions. He also sees the woman (past!Alma) and his past self's death and they are overlapping with the present scene. On top of seeing them, he's also hearing them as well.
(2) Do you think he still sees/hears them even now? If so, then it must be pretty tough for him when the illusions are overlapping with the things he is seeing at present. Do you think that's the reason he often looks confused?
oooh yeah those illusions!
i think the visions were at their worst anytime he was near Alma tbh. Alma was often the one to trigger said illusions (one that comes in mind is when Alma does his round of hellos to the pools, and Past!Alma appears and says “we wanted children didn’t we”) and i could see that at least the Past!Alma visions stopped with Alma’s “death”, but not the lotus’s.
While I do think they were less frequent however I completely believe Kanda still had them for multiple reasons:
1) First the fact Zhu repeats to him a lot that the flowers are illusions and that we have a flashback to that when Kanda is an adult, far before the Alma’s arc. To me it sounds set post-Incident, of trying to have Kanda get used to it. Why? Because the reactions the scientists had to Kanda’s illusions in their past wasn’t “it’s just illusion”, it was “we need to kill him and restart his reincarnation process again”.
The fact that Kanda remembers his past life was something the scientists considered dangerous. It’s implied that it’s not the first time they had to work through that actually, that they consider that once the ressurected gain their memories back, they become unstable and likely to rebel against them and hurt them. If anything, Kanda’s major crisis and well, Alma’s breaking point were proof enough that it was true. (even if.... We will never know if, if they had told them what happened, prepared them, didn’t infantilize them to the point of also telling them they’re not really humans... Yeah I don’t think they handled it the best even if it’s to be expected the horrors of their past would be coming back).
Every Kanda’s illusions were treated by the scientists locking him up, getting him away from Alma who yet was an emotional anchor for him, considered drugs to numb him, and when Kanda was sure he remembered, planning on killing him. 
They realized the horrors they put those kids through toward the end, which is why they let the massacre happen (a bonus specifies that they forbid Fou to interfer, i suspect it was also to dissuade the rest of the Order to carry on their experiements. Irony would have that Bak’s mother died protecting Lenny who ended up being the one in charge of the Third Exorcist Projects...)Zhu, specifically, and the rest of the Chan family seen by Bak, have a lot of regrets with letting all of those happen and have extended those regrets by extra care of Kanda.
So imo, once Kanda was back in the Order under Tiedoll’s protection (so the Order couldn’t touch him anymore), Zhu would have accompagnied Kanda in a path of recovery to try to not be haunted by the visions. Because there’s no wonder those had haunted Kanda (that AND the PTSD of not only having to kill Alma, but to litterally have to tear Alma into pieces over and over to make sure he wouldn’t regenerate. Because yeah. That was a thing. That was the point that made Johnny puke. I mention it bc a translation i’ve read online missed the point. Fun fact the sound effect of that was added in the anime :) )
2) My second major proof of that is the fact that in Kanda’s room, there is a lotus flower in a hourglass- an actual one.
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(it’s an omake from volume 9 btw, but i don’t find a good scan online for the whole thing)
it could be interpreted as a way for Kanda to remember the flower after the illusions ceased, but imo i think it more as an anchor type? Of knowing “this one is real, the others are not” if he’s having an episode? This could work a lot for Kanda to at least try to work through his episodes when he has to.
While i’m at it, said flower is right in front of Kanda’s bed and is the only object it Kanda’s room. So it is pretty important for Kanda to have around. while the emotional value or reminder of his goal cannot be disguarded, I think the fact it’s right in front of his bed is relevent especially after nightmares. After waking up from one and all, having this one anchor to reality.
If we reach too, the Room bonus also emphacize that Kanda doesn’t seem like he will be fixing the windows of his room anytime soon, which makes me wonder if Kanda just... ended up breaking windows by accident. We know he doesn’t train in his room - there’s training grounds around the Order for that and his room barely have space for sword practice. So unless some are due to random anger moment that have nothing to do with his trauma, I could see a harsh reaction after a nightmare or a particularly bad hallucination that left Kanda panicked enough to kick around the place.
3) Another major point toward this theory is the fact that Kanda sees the flowers again in front of Alma yet manages to remains locked into his denial that it couldn’t possibly be Alma. While it could be interpretted by... just major denial, a relapse after allt hoe years (and honestly the amount of flowers seems abnormal regardless) I could see it because Kanda had been used to see those illusions from time to time so he might think “this one is a particularly bad episode and it cannot be because of Alma.” (also we do see more illusions later during Alma’s death which make me think again Alma makes the illusion worse).
4) I also think that the fact Kanda’s Mugen abilities all are based on Illusions showcase that those illusions never truly went away. Kanda has a particular bound with his innocence dating back from that time, and I think there is something to say about how he is weaponizing the very illusions that drove him forward in life, thus i wouldn’t be completely disregarding that the illusions are still there and a fuel for Kanda.
5) Also i’m almost certain we see Lotus Flowers during Zhu’s death, way after Alma’s death, when Kanda get Mugen back. I fanything it goes forward to prove Kanda still see those flowers everywhere.
The flowers are our best physical representation of Kanda’s illusions since those are those we have proof about. But I personally would bet he had others illusions and some could have been worse than others.
I’m tending to think he perhaps stopped the That Person illusions once Alma “died”, because they were too tied to what Alma was doing at all time. at best, they faded away, each time further out of reach, so much further than they used to be. Enough to carry Kanda ahead, but still fainted enough because Alma is not around. Past!Kanda’s death seemed mostly present when Kanda didn’t know he was a man who died before, so I could see eventually those calming down after he realized what happened to him. However I think those illusions could still take him, in front of nightmares or particularly nasty akuma.atmosphere that could bring him back there. (kinda dying to see what Kanda’s reaction to be in the Campbell’s wheatfield will be like since it looks like the place he was killed (and probably is the place where he was killed).
The flowers and sounds, yeah I definitly think he still has them. I think he might have had them a l o t. Which could explain some of his habits to be more quiet and stoic, in case an illusion would interrupt and disturb him. It would explain his confusion sometime, some moments where he knows he’s having an episode but can’t make sense of what’s BEHIND that episode. Which would be a mess to have say in the middle of important conversations or in fights. Tbh that could also explain why Kanda’s patience could run thin in some settings and not in others, if some illusions makes him annoyed enough to be done with the previous conversation. I just hope the episodes are never bad enough when he’s doing an important fight.
And it’s not to count again, everything that comes from Alma and not just the past life. But those would be just supposition, but his time with Alma must have left some scars to him. Even if i think it was just a supperposition to show us it reminded him of Alma, the fact we see baby Alma near Johnny when excited from Kanda’s perspective before Kanda smiles softly loks like Alma still haunts Kanda in some sort of ways, and it would be unlikely to think it’s not the case toward the rest of the series. (mainly, Mattell, any mention of the Exorcists Projects (2nd and 3rd), his whole insistance on how “anything that is human can die” to Skinn as if to push himself to remind himself Alma died human, or having to consider killing companions in arms before they become a harm to the whole facility (I believe Kanda’s distaint of Allen by the Paris arc was a part of that tbh. Of “one day he’ll snap and it will be like Alma all over again”.))
I’m willing to bet that Kanda has all sort of nightmares and triggers, that he has a lot of illusions. 
I’m tending to believe that first, around Alma, they get more vivid, more frequent, those are where Kanda sees That Person the most. Memories of his death popping up once in a while. After he killed Alma and left, there is the time Kanda spent with Marie and then Tiedoll that is to take into account and there’s no way Kanda was emotionally stable there, even if i count on the others two to have helped. I think those illusions may have got particularly painful because too interwinded with the PTSD from Alma’s death.Then in the Order he was still adjusting himself when he got into it, and as time went by probably started to develop some coping mechanisms, some anchors, from Zhu’s reminder and the Lotus in his room, in order to deal with the episodes that would be bad.Developping Mugen and its illusions may have been a way to sieze control over those episodes in some way.But mainly, he still has them enough that he can still be in denial in front of Alma when the flowers start to bloom all over him.And he seems to still have them after Alma’s death, so they haven’t stopped. He probably just found more peace with them.
... hope that makes sense? but yeah basically what i think about it dkjhf
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exorcistcupid · 6 years
How would the main four + Link react to their crush being a feminist (not the crazy kind, just very into empowering women without putting down men)?
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Allen is right there with you on those beliefs. Some of the strongest people he knows are female, so he knows that they are so much more than how society treats them.
Plus, well, he didn’t have the greatest male role model growing up, so he tends to avidly disagree with all of Cross’ ideals, and he also didn’t much care for how the only time he interacted with any women growing up was when Cross was trying to woo them.
SO BASICALLY he supports you and agrees with you 100%, and is glad that you don’t put down men, just because, well… He is a man. If you did, he’d be sure that his chances with you would be 0–which is okay and all, just a little saddening. 
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Kanda doesn’t really have an opinion on it. He doesn’t focus on gender norms and stuff like that, nor does he even really…notice it, honestly. He judges people solely on their character or actions.
Or should I say he treats almost everyone equally: with disinterest. Well, except for you. 
He knows women can be strong. Lenalee is strong, and has been ever since he first met her, so he doesn’t disagree with your opinions. 
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Lavi “All Women Are Queens” Bookman may be a big flirt but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t respect women. Hell, he flirts with guys and those who don’t identify with either gender as well. Equality. 
So he absolutely agrees with your opinions and supports you 100%. Hell, he might even be one as well, or could become one after listening to your thoughts on the matter. 
He’s also really glad that you’ve taken the non-extreme approach. Like, he’d love you no matter what, but he’s a very giving man, and would be a little put off by the idea of you putting down men, just because–like Allen–he, too, is a man, and is worried that might somehow get wedged into the relationship.
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Honestly I bet Lenalee is one too, and is definitely not the extreme type. So that means you have one more thing in common!
You guys can have discussions about it. She’ll think of any reason to talk to you, really. The fact that you have something to talk about is a good stepping stone!
Really, she’s glad that you are one, because that means that you won’t treat her like a little girl, or like a porcelain doll. 
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Link agrees and supports you. He knows how strong and important women are, and hasn’t ever agreed with societies opinions.
The girls he grew up with could kick his ass. He absolutely respects them. And even those women who don’t actually fight, they are all strong in their own ways.
He also knows not to judge a book by its cover. People have layers and facades. People aren’t just cardboard cutouts. 
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howardlinkedin · 7 years
Debriefing (And Other Bad Jokes) Part 5
Part 4 here: X Summary: Link.exe is broken while the author once again enjoys making Lvellie look the fool. Things are a mite serious, featuring: Cross Marian with phone games.
The other grunted. There was a sudden weight on his bare back, much to his frustration.
His very tired frustration. It was near one in the morning.
“Get off my back.” He tried to growl out and sound generally menacing, but due to the pillow under his face, Kanda only could garble out a very muffled “GETUFFMUBISH.”
Allen kissed his partner's neck, which soothed the other exactly half an ounce. “But I like your back. It’s a very good, strong back.”
Managing to lift is head an inch over the pillow so he could speak clearly, Kanda huffed. “What do you want? We have work in four hours.”
“Or, you could be like me and arrive two hours late.”
“Yes, but then I’d be you.”
Allen hummed and nosed Kanda’s mess of hair. “Good point. I do like you significantly more than myself.”
The bed shifted, and Allen found himself flipped over and under the other. The room become quite, only because the white haired officer had his mouth covered in a very heavy, languid kiss. All too soon it was over, and Kanda trapped him with his arms (and Allen also loved those arms, yes he did) and reburied his head into the pillow. “Shut the hell up and go to bed.”
Allen pouted, but let himself be trapped. “I’m going to tell everyone tomorrow that you like to be the little spoon.”
Kanda only made the accusation a fact by rolling into the other’s chest, tucking himself under Allen neck. He also shoved his hand over the pouting face. “I said sleep.”
At exactly five in the morning, Officer Yuu Kanda, with bags under his eyes and a scowl longer than usual, literally slammed himself down in his chair.
Said chair was catty-corner to Detective Inspector Howard Link, who also sported, if not deeper, shadows below his eyes.
The air practically crackled with sharp electricity the moment they made eye contact. It was ominous, foreboding, and anyone with enough self preservation would know not to get close.
Unless your name is Lenalee Lee, who has no fear over her fellow man, and is actually quite good at mitigating her coworkers nonsense.
“Both of you quit it!” By mitigating, this meant she would tap a clipboard over both of their heads and Frown with Disappointment at them. It wasn’t a hard tap intended to hurt, but a very heavy and pressing tap all the same.
Link felt like every divine presence in the universe just judged and found him wanting.
The female officer huffed at them, demanding. “Why are you both so grouchy this morning?”
Both men grunted, then glared at the other.
“Aww, Yuu, is shorty having insomnia again?” Lavi, who took that moment to plop and spin in his cubicle seat, pestered. Lenalee began to look worried for her white haired friend. “Is Allen alright Kanda? I heard about that homicide a few days ago.”
Kanda shoved his face into his fist and irately booted up his computer to work. “He’s fine. You know how he is, bullshit’s just gotten up in his worried head again.”
The tall red head in the room snapped his fingers and pointed at Link’s face. “Which is part your fault.” The detective, who’s frame was beginning to morph into that of a solid board the longer the current conversation continued, forced himself to look only up at the ceiling. “I am simply doing my job Bookman, which is what you too should be focusing on.” “Why is it Link’s fault?” Lenalee quired, her dark eyes boring into the side of the blonde’s face.
“He’s been investigating Allen.” The Profiler answered, all grins.
Link swore every emotion in the female officer’s face shut down and the silence that followed filled him with dread. One side of him, an overly happy Bookman who did not actually exude an aura of joy, and the other a very dark looking Kanda with the most razor sharp smile ever witnessed to mankind.
“Get fucked.” The dark haired officer mouthed.
Commissioner Komui Lee’s door was surreptitiously flung open and cracked against the opposite wall.
It quite literally cracked.
Lenalee, light of his life, amazing officer of the Order, and darling baby sister dragged in a very disgruntled and frazzled Detective Inspector by his shirt collar.
She looked down right lethal, and Komui couldn’t be more proud.
“Why is Allen being investigated! What crime did he commit?” With each punctuation, Link was shaken vigorously.
With a sigh, Commissioner Lee gave Link a very tired look. “Really?”
Link sniffed indignantly. “I’ve already informed my superior of this compromise. He will contact you shortly to discuss how to proceed.”
At seeing how her brother knew exactly why Link was in their Order, Lenalee loomed over him, demanding answers. “Brother! What has Allen done!”
“Now Lenalee, it’s a difficult matter and-”
The sister set herself directly in front of the Commissioner Table and stared her brother (and boss, but at the moment it was neither here nor there, and Link made a mental note to explain to his superior how Lee most obviously plays favorites) down, refusing to be moved.
“Explain it to me.”
Let it be known to all that Lenalee Lee, for all her dainty appearance, was one of the most forceful and ruthless Officers in the Black Order.
She was also the resident Mother Bear to all who wore their uniform.
Unfortunately for Howard Link, he never got his uniform in the Order, and thus was not unanimously on the Approved List.
Also, apparently making Allen Walker’s life difficult sets someone high on Lenalee’s Shit List, and Link was doomed to never have his name erased by this point.
A loud chortol in the room interrupted the intense Lee Interrogation Session, and all who occupied it turned to stare at the couch near the right of the room.
Sitting like he owned the room, a mess of red hair and the cockiest facial expression Link had ever had the dismay to witness, was General Cross Marian.
“So this is the punk HQ sent to bother my pain in the ass child.” Cross chewed on the end of a lit cigarette, much to Komui’s ever disdain. “Please don’t smoke in my office General.”  
Cross only huffed smoke in the Commissioner’s direction.
Kanda, who was being a creepy shadow this entire drama, took a picture of the room and sent it to Allen.
That will get the beansprout here fast enough.
Needless to say, Komui’s office became a little more scrapped up than it actually never was, and he may need to get a new couch.
Allen, who had hijacked Kanda’s sword and stabbed it millimeters from the General’s arm through the couch, seethed.
The General looked unphased by this display of violence and took another drag of his nicotine. “Hello brat, miss me?” “About as much as I miss the flu. Where have you been!”
“So you did miss me.” The sound Walker made could only be described as verbal keyboard smashing. Kanda took his sword back and tossed his partner over his shoulder and left the room entirely.
“We’ll have a meeting in ten Kanda!” Their boss called out.
The officer grunted and kicked the door closed. It cracked more.  
Lenalee followed suit, dragging the ever growing irritated detective behind her. The door slammed and cracked some more.
Cross flicked the now dry cigarette in Komui’s direction. “That went well.”
“Oh shut up.”
It was Lavi’s turn to bring snacks to the lounge, which meant that Allen was very aggressively eating a bowl of trail mix and popcorn. Though, let it not be said that even when in a terrible mood, Allen Walker wasn’t kind, which was punctuated when he shared very generously with Aleister Crowley, another Officer and friend.
The meeting had called everyone in the Order to be present, thus the largest meeting room was used.
No one asked the reason for the usually calm and cheerful officer’s negative mood. What with a very obvious Cross Marian in the room - who many have never even met during their time at the Order, but only heard rumor of.
Miranda, sweetheart she was, offered Allen some candy. Suddenly the officer was all a-sparkle. “Yes please!”
At the head of the table, a throat cleared and all attention was drawn to it. Except Cross, who just took out his phone and began to play Candy Crush.
Standing beside the leader of the meeting, Howard Link glared at the General’s blatant act of insubordination.
Director Malcolm C. Lvellie, who essentially was in charge of overseeing all of the police stations in the Order, sat the table head. On one side, Link stood ramrod straight at attention, on other, Komui stood and looked like he’d rather be taking a nap under his desk than be in the room at this very moment.
Unlike Link, Komui knew his people. And he knew what kind of sordid drama was about to unfold.
God help his soul.
Sitting nearest the Commissioner was his sister, who’s look of contempt only intensified upon Lvellie’s arrival.
It was no mystery that Lenalee Lee also hated the Director with the intensity of one thousand suns, and she made it known in every way possible whenever the man paid their station a visit.
The rumor mill says that the man’s very image sends the female officer into a frenzy of baleful words.
When asked why, the only response given is a sharpe glare and, “What is there to even LIKE about him?”
Needless to say, not many actually try and venture for that piece of information.
“Greetings all,” The Director began, as though this were a social event. “I have asked Commissioner Lee to hold this meeting today to discuss some very important developments within our district.”
Holding out his hand to the detective at his side, Lvellie took the offered stack of files from Link.
“Allen Walker.” He addressed, flipping through the papers.
“Some months ago, it was you who apprehended the Noah, Tykki Mikk.”
Allen raised his eyebrows as if to say ‘yeah, and?’ But for the sake of being polite, he responds with a simple, “Yes.”  
“If I remember the report correctly, you were the one who was able to infiltrate and dismantle the entire compound in which Mikk was hiding away in. What was it called again?”
“The Ark.” Allen answered, curt.
The arrest of Tykki Mikk was a messy and dangerous one. For the entire time of Walker’s employment until his apprehension, the Noah was fixated on the officer.
It escalated when the criminal began leaving love letters on the doorstep of the Order, and bloody, gruesome gifts.
Then, one day, Lenalee was abducted in broad daylight to lure Allen out. It affected the Order fiercely, causing many who cared about their own to act together as the team no one knew they could be.
Lenalee was alive (a bruised, broken and exhausted mess, but alive), and Allen dragged a restrained Mikk away to the Maximum Security Penitentiary.
That was the short version anyway.
No one spoke of how Kanda laid waste to any physical obstacle in their way. No one asked why Lavi refused to smile for days.
No one mentioned how broken Lenalee’s legs had become.
No one went into detail how Miranda and her staff had cried over all of them at the damage done to their bodies.
And most of all, no one spoke of what Allen Walker had revealed that night.
“Yes, the Ark. This is also what you had been investigating, wasn’t it General Marian?” The Director glanced at Cross who swiped at his phone screen, uninterested. “Yes, yes, we all know this. I went undercover, managed to download a bunch of files, blah blah.”
“And it just so happened that you finished that assignment the very same night your subordinate managed to arrive and do your job for you.”
Allen left eye twitched at being associated as Cross’ underling.
“Yeah sure, let’s go with that.”  The General admissioned.
Commissioner Lee rolled his eyes and groaned. “Cross please.”
“My detective, Inspector Link, has been assigned to monitor and investigate Officer Walker due to the suspicious circumstances centering him during the Mikk Assignment.” Lvellie revealed, point blank.
“For years, even as someone as knowledgeable as Cross, the Order has been trying to take down even an inch of the Noah, and suddenly in one night, one of own was able to do just that. Now, many of you may be thinking that this should be a glorious feat, one awarded with fanfare and even a promotion.”
“I’d like a raise to be honest.” Quipped Walker, because he was a mouthy little shit in any circumstance. “Sir.” He tagged on at the end, to keep his facade of a polite gentleman.
Lavi snorted and Lenalee looked at him half amused, and half stressed.
Kanda...well Kanda was doing a very good impression of a gargoyle with how well he was silently ignoring everyone and everything at the moment.
Ignoring the white haired officer, the Director bulldozed on, obviously on an accusation high.
“Noah are notorious for their complicated security systems and hiding their locations. Yet the moment Miss Lee was taken, you knew exactly where to head. There was no warning or hint from Mikk as to where to find them. But you knew.
The question is Officer Walker, how did you know? And what did you do exactly to crash the Noah’s Ark system so easily?”
Lvellie may think he was fooling everyone in the room that he didn’t know what the Ark System was, but he wasn’t.
The Ark was known as the Noah’s mainframe of high end and custom security. It was where they housed their lead members of the Family, as well as any and all major finances. For years the Order has had been trying to crack into it, much less find a clue as to where it was located, but to no avail.
It was indeed suspicious that Walker was able to do it all so easily. (If one were to call the confrontation at the Ark “easy.”
It was a bloody mess, but Walker still knew where and when to step and how exactly to act to completely crash it all down.)
At the silent accusation of his character, Allen just looked at the director, unimpressed, and shoved a handful of corn kernels into his mouth. They crunched loudly and obnoxiously.
Kanda broke his statue like state so he could give his partner a withering stare, because that was just plain disgusting.
Aleister raised his hand, timidly. “Um, sir? Are you saying that Allen has an affiliation with the Noah?”
More crunching.
“That is exactly what I am saying Officer Crowley. If not, he may be a direct member!”
Miranda coughed into her hand, Lavi suddenly looked bored, and Cross let out a loud exclamation at reaching a new level of Candy Crush.
“Just, excuse me again sir.” Aleister interjected. “I thought this was all common knowledge.”
The crunch of the next particular handful of kernels was punctuatingly loud just then.
Director Lvellie became whiter than a sheet while Detective Link choked on his spit.
While the Order’s staff milled out of the room, Komui slid a document under his boss’ gobsmacked nose. “This is the Order of Immunity from Commander Hevlaska on the situation, Director.”
“She also states that Detective Inspector Link is to stay on the Order’s staff, since we still really do need a detective.”
Considering the Detective had originally come to the Order to investigate and ultimately catch Walker red-handed (no pun intended), to have it taken out right from under his feet was quite dizzying.
And mortifying.
Link felt very out of sorts at having, what many would call, his ‘thunder’ stolen.
In a daze, he opened the Document Room, to put all his hard researched files away once again, only to forcefully pause mid-step in the doorway.
Against three filing cases, a very half dressed Allen Walker was having his neck attacked by a shirtless Yuu Kanda.
“Oh.” Allen breathed, having noticed the detective, eyes bright. “Hello Detective, want to join us?”
Kanda stopped his ministrations to whip his head around, long dark hair fanning the air and then his lean, bare back to stare heavily and warningly at the blonde.
Link slammed the door closed, because okay naughty side of his brain, it was time to calm down now.
At his feet, Timcampy trotted up and sat down by the door, a squeak toy in his little doggy mouth.
Detective Inspector Howard Link worried for his sanity.
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zarinthelwrites · 7 years
Blooming from the Mud Pt. 8 (Bleach/DGM)
“You don’t even know where you’re going,” Kuchiki says, moving in front of him. 
“You’re going to walk into a wall with your nose that high in the air,” mocks Kanda.
“You’ll trip over your own shadow with your feet so twisted,” Kuchiki snaps.
“You’re about to trip over the dog--” Kanda warns, just a second too late as Lizard darts out in front of the man and he goes sprawling.
Kuchiki scrambles to his feet, dusting off his clothes even though the entire Seireitei is cleaner than a hospital room floor.
“Why are the dogs even coming,” says Kuchiki, eyeing Lizard darkly.
“Why don’t you look where you’re going,” says Kanda, reaching into his new, convenient ration pack and giving the dog a treat. Fishbone whines a bit at not also receiving one, then turns to eye Kuchiki with a hopeful expression.
“No,” says Kuchiki, firmly. Then he wilts a bit as Fishbone’s eyes get wider and his tail starts to wag.
By the time that they arrive at the West Gate, Fishbone is happily munching on his own share of the rations. Kanda is expecting to have to summon whoever is in charge of lifting this particular waste of a door, but either Kuchiki is more influential than Kanda realized or no one cares who leaves the Seireitei, only who enters.
The end result is Kuchiki leading Kanda and the two happy dogs through a smaller, regular sized door cut to open from the inside. Kanda casually memorizes its position. This trip has paid off already.
The gifts just keep on coming as Kuchiki’s pace quickens the minute he enters the Rukongai. In addition, he hangs his head just a tiny bit forward, so his hair drifts forward in a shamefully bland attempt to hide his face.
“Avoiding someone, Kuchiki?” Kanda asks, lips twitching.
“You don’t know anything,” Kuchiki murmurs from the corner of his mouth. He draws himself stiffly up, pretending as if his previous attempt to hide his stature had never happened. “The Five Noble Clans of the Seireitei were each given the option of living within or outside of the Walled City, but only the Kuchiki and the Shihouin were courageous enough to leave behind their ancestral lands. The Shiba Clan chose to remain living in their territory, the first 3 Districts of the West Rukongai.
“Three Districts for one clan?” Kanda asks, amused but also nostalgic for the Chang Clan that had raised him in that place hidden from the sky.
“The Shiba Clan has a certain....specialty that makes many speculate that they would not...ah... do well in an enclosed space.”
“Claustrophobia?” Kanda suggests.
“Claustro--” Kuchiki blinks at him. “No, Kanda. Explosions.” An uncomfortable looks flickers over his face. “I dislike calling you so familiarly,” he added. “Give me your family name.”
“That is my family name,” Kanda snaps. His only family did not share the name, though. The scientists had not let him use Karma as his last name.
“Ah. Then what is your first name, then?”
“Fuck you,” says Kanda. “And fuck--”
“Hey look! I can’t believe it! Sojun Kuchiki, in the flesh,” a voice cries from the nearby town that they are having this argument directly in front of.
“Kukaku Shiba,” says Kuchiki, eyes widening in horror while his tone remains mild and polite.
The lady in question is wearing a red and white sleeveless robe that is very deeply cut down the front. The tattoo on her left arm only serves to make her wooden right arm more obvious. Both of her hands rest on her hips and she is grinning in a way that gives Kanda a sudden, visceral overlay of Allen in the midst of a prank gone horribly right.
“Dropped by unannounced for a personal visit, Sojun?” She winks at him. “You know that no matter how pretty you are, I’m truly only into the ladies~”
“Kukaku, your house moves,” Kuchiki points out almost plaintively. “It’s impossible for me to have just happened to arrive.”
“And yet you did!” Kukaku points out gleefully. “There I was, blowing up a pond, minding my own business,”
This lady definitely reminds Kanda far too much of his fellow Exorcists.
“When I spot you-- you, the hikikomori--”
“I am not a hikikomori--”
“And this brat--”
“I am not a brat--”
“Arguing, right in front of my own front door! The shock I felt! The wonder! The pure, concentrated joy so great that I could bottle it all up and set it on fire!”
“Please do not.”
“Aww, Sojun, I know you are just sad that I’m not available, but there’s nothing I can do about your habit of bottling up your feelings til they explode. My methods are much more fun. Anyway, what’s brought you away from your true beloved, your paperwork?”
“More paperwork,” says Kanda. He is going to need to just grap Kuchiki and run if this goes on for much longer. Getting sucked into the pace of someone like Kukaku Shiba is something that needs to be done quickly, or you end up binding yourself to them for all eternity or stupid shit like that.
Kukaku cracks up, sides shaking with laughter.
“That’s perfect,” she pants. “That’s the greatest thing I’ve ever heard. Though I wasn’t aware the 6th Division recruited brats.”
Kanda crosses his arms over his chest.
“I’m 11th Division,” he says, then grabs Kuchiki by the arm and bolts, dogs streaking behind him. Kuchiki may be chained by the requirements of manners, but Kanda sure as hell isn’t.
He doesn’t let up on the pace until they enter the 4th District.
“When it comes to people like that, you need to know when to cut your loses,” Kanda informs Kuchiki, willfully ignoring the fact that he has never once followed this advice in his long, terrible life.
“I was engaged to marry her when we were children,” says Kuchiki, sounding dazed. “Then her brother became the Shiba Clan head, and he broke it off.”
“Good for him,” says Kanda, not sure why he has to listen to this.
“She wants me to bring Byakuya out here so he can meet her.”
Kanda has no clue who this is. Who any of these people are, really.
“I’ve been holding out, but with the Shihouin Clan Lady exiled, he’s just been moping around the grounds, looking miserable. I don’t understand what was fun about playing tag with the Flash Goddess, but my son is a genius....”
Despite the fact that living with Allen had forced Kanda to grow inured to people whose explanations made less sense the more they explained, he had hoped he’d been done with that part of his life.
“He’ll be fine,” says Kanda, dismissing the entire explanation to the part of his brain he reserves for things only Lavi would care about.
“Yes,” Kuchiki agrees, returning to his more usual blank face mask. He stares forward towards the forest and sighs. “50 more Districts to go, then.”
Fishbone barks in agreement.
“We could always just fight more Hollows on the way,” Kanda suggests.
“Why would that help us go faster?” Kuchiki asks.
“We wouldn’t be bored,” says Kanda. “And Fishbone and Lizard need exercise.”
“Fishbone and Lizard,” Kuchiki repeats. “The dogs. Those dogs.” He points at them.
“Yes, those dogs.”
“Their names. Ah...seem a bit unfitting.”
“That’s what they looked like,” says Kanda.
“What they looked like.”
“But now they look like dogs.”
“And they always were dogs.”
“I take back what I first said to you,” says Kuchiki abruptly.
Kanda can’t remember what Kuchiki first said to him, and can’t imagine it was that important.
“What?” He asks anyway.
“You do talk like a member of the 11th Division.”
Chapter Four: The Second Generation
As it turns out, Sojun Kuchiki could use shunpo. He couldn’t maintain it long enough to actually cut their travel time, but he could and did use it to avoid getting splashed the first time Fishbone and Lizard took their bath in the nearby river.
“Tch,” says Kanda. He’d known how far away to stand, but Kuchiki had been close enough that Kanda had hoped he’d fall in and get soaked.
“I do have a younger sister,” says Sojun dryly.
Every time Sojun bringings up something new about his family Kanda wants to take another step farther away. The only big family he’s ever dealt with were the Noahs. So far, Sojun has a father, a sister, and a son? While looking about 22. Though Kanda would be the first person to tell you that what age you look like in Soul Society doesn’t mean shit.
“People age in Soul Society, right?” Kanda checks.
This does the double duty of getting an answer and distracting Sojun from dodging away from the muddy dogs as Fishbone promptly dives in between his legs. This wouldn’t have caused Sojun to fall except that he was so worried about hurting the dogs that he’d rather fall over than chance kicking them. It never gets old.
“Yes, people age,” Sojun says, giving up on getting back up from the muddy ground and instead petting Lizard and trying to prevent the dog from licking his zanpaktou. “You’re the type that retains memories from when you were in the Living World, correct?”
Kanda nods.
“Souls like you tend to age based on two variables. Memory milestones, and reiatsu. Reiatsu above a certain level can slow the aging process to an unbelievable degree-- some of the Captains are over 1,000 years old, easily. And then there’s...ah..the milestones. I’ve only seen this happen once, mind you. When someone I knew was reunited with their wife, who had survived them by... almost 30 years, I think it was. It seemed like they had aged years over night. They told me later...it was as if the world was only truly real for them once she was there with them.”
The food here tastes like dust.
“There’s a long way to go,” murmurs Kanda. When he was truly nine he had dreamed of being so alone, so free. How fitting, that he would know of that freedom only to miss his clanking chains.
“You’re so urgent, Kanda,” Sojun says gently, lightly jumping back to his feet. “We’re halfway there already!”
Kanda blinks away the lotus flowers hiding behind his eyes.
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49scribes-a · 7 years
Fantasy AU {1}
Witch Junior started the chat 45 seconds ago
Princess Colette (Witch Junior) joined the chat
Queen Alma (Princess Colette) joined the chat
Knight Doug entered for the first time
Witch Lavi entered for the first time
Kelpie Crown Clown entered for the first time
Tengu Kanda entered for the first time
Kelpie Crown Clown I'm a beautiful horse
Witch Junior that you are
Kelpie Crown Clown a very pretty horse
Knight Doug u m Knight Doug pretty horse, yes
Kelpie Crown Clown trots around the forest looking for pr-er, friendly faces
Thief Nea entered for the first time 8 seconds ago
Witch Junior riiiight Witch Junior "friendly faces"
Witch Lavi is munching on an apple
Knight Doug bitch if you come anywhere near the princess, ur dead Knight Doug @ nea Knight Doug stay away from the precious smol
Witch Junior: Okay so }
Kelpie Crown Clown pretends to eat the grass but ew, plants
Thief Nea uhmmm are you stereotyping me??? Thief Nea i dont steal princesses you ignorant fuck
Knight Doug bitch i might be Knight Doug u wannA GO?!
Knight Doug aAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Knight Doug wait a minute- did you just
Tengu Kanda Children plz.
Knight Doug did you just call me tin man?
Thief Nea uh, yeah?
Knight Doug ur gOIN DOWN
Kelpie Crown Clown tin humans are easier to d-MAKE FRIENDS WITH
Witch Junior: BASICALLY -- There are two major kingdoms that have been at war for forever. Doug and Colette are part of one. Alma is recent queen of another, recently inherited from their parents' passing. After Queen Alma became ruler, she extended an offering of peace and now the kingdoms are meeting in the port trade city of Palance for a peace treaty thang, which is fairly neutral territory and home to those from all walks of life. Big old party n shit going on. Do whatever and be wherever 😎 }
Knight Doug: ;; NICE NICE Knight Doug listen, every single one of you can mcfuckin fight me
Thief Nea: || gotcha
Princess Colette don't fight, we're here to stop the fighting aren't we? :'(
Knight Doug ,,yes Knight Doug desole
Thief Nea for 8000 gold pieces a month, I will Stop
Tengu Kanda: ( Also don't fuck with Alma because Kanda is her vanguard. -fingerguns- )
Knight Doug you'll stop if the princess tells you to, you slut
Kelpie Crown Clown why fight when we can all get along. I'll give you a nice ride. We can go for a summer stroll in the forest.
Thief Nea not my princess
Knight Doug :I Knight Doug hey, colette Knight Doug can i like. stab this guy?
Princess Colette noooo no stabbing people :'( You'll make me cry
Knight Doug ,,,alright
Witch Junior look at this great big party. Lavi we should crash it
Knight Doug is most likely by colette's side, back straight and eyes locked ahead
Witch Lavi we should definitely crash it, Junior
Knight Doug try me, witch Knight Doug t r y m e
Witch Junior is that a challenge
Witch Lavi I think it was
Knight Doug maybe, maybe not
Princess Colette is watching all the people and the pretty decorations and festivities like oooooooo
Kelpie Crown Clown changed name to Horse Crown Clown
Knight Doug takes a small glance at colette and smiles softly
Thief Nea wow look at all these important people and all their important jewelry
Tengu Kanda Of course he is being anti-social while leaning on a wall, but keeping an eye out on the entire party near Alma but boy does he stand out.
Queen Alma softly nudges him Queen Alma: Don't be so grumpy, Yuu~ Its a party. A day for celebration!
Tengu Kanda A huff softly leaves his lips, while it was he was not so easily swayed from his guard. Tengu Kanda: "I am doing my job Princess Alma, this may be a peace party but I need to keep an eye out."
Princess Colette is kind of excitedly watching all the performers that are setting up inside the city
Witch Junior hums at Lavi
Knight Doug takes a deep breath and chuckles softly, keeping his pike on the ground, but not letting his guard down for a single moment
Witch Junior: You going to come with while I mingle in with the performers?
Witch Lavi looks over at his twin Witch Lavi: Think it'd be a good idea? Might draw a lot of attention
Queen Alma shrugs a little bit Queen Alma: True, I suppose. You did come as my vanguard. Still, you could try not to look so sour. Queen Alma she just laughs softly tho
Witch Junior: Hmm... true. One of us stands out well enough.
Knight Doug you both stick out like a sore thumb Knight Doug :I
Horse Crown Clown walks a bit closer to the town in the distance. It won't go inside and it tries to stay hidden but h-uh, the urge to seek a friend was making it desperate.
Witch Lavi: I'll mingle, you go with the performers
Tengu Kanda: "This is how I naturally appear, Queen."
Witch Junior: Sounds like a plan. Witch Junior gives Lavi a little shoulder pat and goes to slip in amongst the performers
Queen Alma: I suppose you're right
Thief Nea is honestly just lurking around
Queen Alma she's going to go take an interest in the food stands because it all smells so good. Much better than the food aboard the ship.
Thief Nea like a rude ass lurker
Tengu Kanda: "Besides, humans are not too keen on Tengu and I on humans for the most part, it is for the best I remain distant."
Witch Lavi: [Have fun~]
Knight Doug looks at colette again, closing his eyes for a brief moment before opening them again, voice muffled from the armor around his face Knight Doug: this is nice.
Witch Lavi smirks before slipping into the crowd of people
Horse Crown Clown changed name to Traveler Allen
Princess Colette nervous little head nod. THERE'S SO MANY PEOPLE and she is a smol
Thief Nea guys the food here is rlly good Thief Nea like holy fuck
Traveler Allen he's has a patch over his eye, he's got a costume and makeup on, and he's in the thick of the entertainers, balancing on a ball and juggling! Festivals, what a great way to get money!
Knight Doug kneels down and places a hand on colette's shoulder Knight Doug: ...whatever happens will be fine.
Queen Alma: Yes, but you are here with me as an envoy of the queen, aren't you?
Knight Doug: i'm right here.
Witch Junior is just gonna slip in through the gates among the performers being let through, looking all dressy-like like another performer
Tengu Kanda: "That I am, but that does not stop the hateful glares I keep receiving. Through I suppose it is warranted, Tengu and humans have never had a good relations."
Princess Colette nods timidly and eyes the performers Princess Colette: ...Can we go closer?
Knight Doug grins and nods Knight Doug: of course.
Traveler Allen he's balancing the balls on his head while he balances on a giant ball with great concentration.
Knight Doug stands up once more and glances around before taking colette's hand gingerly and beginning to walk slowly and carefully
Queen Alma: Well, anyone who has a problem with it can take it up with me.
Knight Doug: ...just hold on to me.
Princess Colette nods and holds onto his hand before following along kind of peeking around him
Tengu Kanda: "No need for that Queen Alma, I am used to it and find it amusing by now. I can deal with glares all that matters here is your safety."
Queen Alma hums quietly and resumes looking at and trying food stalls Queen Alma: As you wish.
Princess Colette is watching the performers balancing on balls and flipping and doing acrobatics with great interest
Knight Doug: it's quite beautiful, isn't it? Knight Doug hums softly,,
Witch Junior hums and kind of looking over all the performers with a searching eye
Princess Colette little head nod Princess Colette: ...mhm...
Traveler Allen carefully but gracefully does a handstand on the ball with stuff still balanced on his head.
Thief Nea why is this Ball Guy so flashy
Tengu Kanda A nod is given in response while glancing at a few other people here, but he does not look to one place for long anything could happen here.
Traveler Allen I Want Money
Knight Doug: perhaps we'll have parties like these more often.
Thief Nea then just Take Money
Knight Doug: now that there's finally peace.
Traveler Allen I am an honest man
Witch Junior that is quite the flashy performer
Knight Doug hands some money to allen before nodding to him
Traveler Allen collects the money in his Money Hat and gives the knight a bright smile.
Witch Lavi: [See anything interesting over there?]
Witch Junior: [Yeah. I do.] Witch Junior: [Gonna have myself a little bit of fun~]
Witch Lavi: [I see something pretty interesting too.]
Princess Colette gives the performer a sheepish little smile
Knight Doug nods to allen once more, holding tightly to his pike with his free hand Knight Doug glances at colette and grins
Witch Junior hears a drop in the festival music going into another song and lightly taps the flashy performer on the shoulder
Witch Lavi hums quietly while eyeing some guards through the crowd.
Traveler Allen he's up on his feet again and thinking of what to do next when someone taps him on the shoulder. He spins on his toe towards the tap, blinking rapidly.
Witch Junior smiles and offers his hand with a small bow Witch Junior: Care for a dance? Witch Junior: I dance well.
Knight Doug Watches TM Knight Doug s q u in  t s
Witch Lavi ooh, this food smells great
Knight Doug gives colette's hand a gentle squeeze before continuing to walk
Princess Colette shyly ducks behind her knight
Witch Junior: also, because Junior's a slut for dancing to it, the song is gonna be this one B ) } Witch Junior: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xxkgpm }
Knight Doug: ;; N i c E Knight Doug: ...would you like me to take my armor off for a bit so that we can dance?
Traveler Allen well, it was a festival, he might as well have fun! He'd gotten a lot of money, anyway. He hops off the ball and dumps his things into a hidden pocket. The ball was supplied to him, so he kicks it back gently to the side.
Knight Doug looks at colette and quirks a brow
Traveler Allen: "Sure!" *He takes Junior's hand.*
Princess Colette kind of looks at him in surprise Princess Colette: Can we?
Knight Doug nods and takes off his helmet Knight Doug: ...of course we can.
Witch Junior hums and takes Allen's hand, starting to lead the steps to the music, starting off with some slow basic back-forth steps
Queen Alma oh, it looks like there's dancers! Queen Alma can't go anywhere without her vanguard tho so just grabs Kanda's arm and tugs him along
Princess Colette happy Colette noises
Traveler Allen humors Junior by stepping with him, bouncing between steps.
Tengu Kanda glances over at the two now dancing, perhaps more will follow suit and start dancing too -- When he's pulled there's a bit of a surprised expression, but he follows without resistance.
Witch Lavi slips between food stalls casually, startling a few guards before he grinned and uncovered his magic eye. It doesn't take long to hypnotize them, quietly giving them their orders as he covers up his eye again. The guards nod and Lavi leaves them be, blending into the crowd again.
Knight Doug laughs quietly before quickly guiding her back so he can remove his armor and picks her up to rush back to the dance, setting her down Knight Doug: may i have this dance, mademoiselle?
Witch Junior just kinda warms up into the slower parts of the tune until it gets into more of the fast beats and picks up his pace : )
Princess Colette giggles a little bit and takes his hand Princess Colette: Mhm!
Queen Alma stops at the edge of the crowd to watch the dancers happily
Traveler Allen is happily picking up the pace, he's hip-shimmying in excitement occasionally, come on, let's spin around! He's trying to stay at a pace Junior's comfortable with, although.
Queen Alma: Isn't it wonderful, Yuu?
Knight Doug spins her around before picking her up and holding her close to him as he bounces around to the beat
Witch Lavi watches as the guards as they leave while they chat as though nothing was wrong, their visors down as they head off to orbit near their queen, Alma. Lavi hums quietly, he supposes that'll be good enough for now. They were technically guarding their queen along with that tengu.
Witch Junior Kek. Its fine. I'm a high energy dancer : ) Picks up his pace again to the music and jingle-jangles all his little bangles and gold rings to add to the music
Tengu Kanda: "It is interesting at least, I have never seen so many people enjoying themselves before."
Witch Junior Everyone lookit me dance!
Witch Lavi: [Do you see the Tengu, Junior?]
Knight Doug "accidentally" bumps into junior Knight Doug: ah! excuse me!
Witch Junior does a little twirl and-- Witch Junior stumbles a bit but recovers and offers a small bow Witch Junior: No trouble, my lord!
Knight Doug glances him over before dipping his head
Witch Junior: [...yeah. I do.] Witch Junior: [Hard to miss.]
Knight Doug goes back to twirling around with colette :I
Traveler Allen gives a short bow to that handsome tipper and soon he's back into the music, gosh, he should buy some more bells with how pleasant his partner's bangles sounded with the music!
Witch Lavi taps his fingers while humming along with the music. (Get closer, boys.) The guards move to be a little closer to their queen, after all, even if her vanguard is there, it's a big crowd.
Knight Doug whispers to colette Knight Doug: perhaps it's time for us to go. Knight Doug: after this dance...
Princess Colette and now you get the big child whine
Witch Lavi: [He's the Queen's vanguard from what I gleaned off the guards. Interestin' choice.]
Princess Colette: But why?
Witch Junior goes back to dancing and twirling Witch Junior: [Interesting choice indeed.]
Queen Alma hums curiously Queen Alma: Have you ever learned to dance, Yuu?
Guard (Queen Alma) joined the chat
Tengu Kanda he seems to be watching the guards moving closer, did they not have a different patrol route? That was strange to see them come close, so he walks much closer to Alma. Tengu Kanda: "No, I have not."
Queen Alma: Its a little bit more... dramatic than what I'm used to doing, but perhaps I could show you a little bit?
Knight Doug: ...there was something in that man's eye. Knight Doug: the one i just bumped into. Knight Doug: i don't like it.
Witch Junior wow, rude. My eye is gorgeous : (
Knight Doug mhm Knight Doug sure
Traveler Allen spins Junior around, was he a bit distracted? The idea of the end of this dance sort of saddened him, but he enjoyed it while he could.
Witch Lavi: @Guard [You don't want the peace. Do your duty for your kingdom.]
Tengu Kanda: "Perhaps, but not right now my queen not until I am sure of something."
Witch Lavi peeling an orange now.
Knight Doug starts twirling away from the dancers Knight Doug something's about to go down
Witch Junior dances a bit closer to the edge of the crowd and jingle-jangling the bangles. He playfully reaches out and swipes a hand out to tug a strand of Tengu hair out and let it drop playfully, giving a little one-eyed wink
Knight Doug i'm certain of it Knight Doug hHHHH Knight Doug TWIRLS A LITTLE FASTER
Queen Alma gives a little laugh
Knight Doug: we need to go.
Traveler Allen Well uh that was mighty brave of ya, touching the bird man.
Queen Alma: I think that one isn't so against Tengu at least
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Pfft, nice one.]
Princess Colette whiNES MORE Princess Colette: But I wanna watch the dancers!
Knight Doug hhhhh Knight Doug s tops and pants for a moment
Witch Junior: [Thank you, I try~]
Knight Doug: ...alright.
Tengu Kanda The action causes his eyes to narrow upon the action at was taken aginst him, he would have already swipped the man's head off with his sword but this was not the place. So he does not even bother to look at the man, merely reach out and take Alma's arm and lead her off to a different area.
Witch Junior pouts and just goes back to dancing thEN fine be a stranger
Knight Doug: can we at least let me get my armor, princess?
Princess Colette hums and pouts Princess Colette: I suppose...
Queen Alma indignant squawk Queen Alma: Yuu! Where are we going?
Knight Doug hums nervously and starts walking back
Traveler Allen gonna just, end up doing some cartwheels and flips he's still so pumped up.
Knight Doug: i don't trust them. Knight Doug: i'm very sorry.
Princess Colette kind of smol nervous look Princess Colette: Are they bad?
Tengu Kanda: "Away from the guards who have left their designated posts my Queen, I do not like what is going on here and your safety is the utmost importance. I do not trust it, even if it seems silly." His voice is quiet while whispering to her.
Knight Doug: i'm not so sure yet. Knight Doug: just... the look in his eye.
Queen Alma huffs a little bit and pulls her arm free, crossing her arms over her chest Queen Alma: Maybe they are chasing thieves or some other thing? Queen Alma: There are many people here. Surely there are thieves too. It does not mean I am in any danger.
Knight Doug sets her down to put his armor back on and just... soft hhhhhh
Tengu Kanda: "Unless they consider me a thief I doubt it, I have been the only one near you thus far."
Knight Doug: please stay close to me, princess.
Princess Colette nods a little bit Princess Colette: Okay...
Witch Lavi hums to himself, he guessed that those two wouldn't be much use. He mentally ordered them to go about their 'routes'.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [The Tengu's skittish as hell. Ugh.]
Queen Alma: Are you truly so worried? Queen Alma you're making her nervous now Kanda
Knight Doug takes colette's hand once more and guides her back to the dancers, holding to his pike closely
Witch Junior goes back to dancing with Allen and grabs his wrist to twirl him around
Tengu Kanda: "Just stay close to me, that is all I ask I will protect you no matter the cost my queen."
Knight Doug Watches That One Redhead
Witch Lavi closes his eye and mentally reaches out to another while eating his orange and tapping his foot to the beat.
Witch Junior: [Not making this easy, huh?]
Traveler Allen twirls around easily, and then jumps up to twirl the taller stranger back!
Witch Junior twirls and dips Allen when he comes back so their faces are close together and his little eye cloth thingy hangs out but its fine his hair is in the way. Hi how ya doin, like my magic eye?
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Not one bit. I might have to get a few more guards or maybe even one these 'lovely' people to do the job.]
Princess Colette slightly happier to be watching the dancers again
Queen Alma nods a little bit
Knight Doug has to go back into serious mode and just. squints at junior Knight Doug Something Tells Me To Arrest You
Queen Alma: You did come along even though you didn't have to to ensure my safety... I trust your judgement. Shall we head back to the festivities or elsewhere?
Witch Lavi: @Guard [When you do strike, make sure that you get her on the first hit.]
Traveler Allen oh, an odd-eye?! Don't worry, he'll keep quiet about it. He's wearing an eyepatch himself! He sticks out his leg and arm during the dip for flair.
Knight Doug hhHHH Knight Doug HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Knight Doug glances at colette Knight Doug looks back at the dancers
Witch Junior Not shy? Good. I've got a little job for you, street performer.
Tengu Kanda: "Yes, that seems much better in the grand scheme of things my queen, I don't trust this area now the air feels off." A part of it reminds him of the fude that took place at his home it was sickening.
Guard faint nod at Lavi's command.
Traveler Allen is trying to figure out if he can lift Junior into the air. Probably, but would he stay balanced?
Knight Doug fidgets nervously hhh
Queen Alma: Where shall we head, then? Queen Alma going to follow Kanda
Witch Junior don't strain yourself
Princess Colette is just kinda happily bouncing to the music at Doug's side, holding onto his hand and smiling
Tengu Kanda: "..." That was a good question where should they head to, well it should not matter if they merely stayed near. "How about that stand over there?"
Queen Alma nods and smiles at him Queen Alma: It seems as good a place as any so long as you are at my side.
Traveler Allen If he failed he could always try to uh, cushion Junior's landing with his own body, would he be up for it?
Witch Junior I mean, you're pretty small, dude. Like I said, don't strain yourself.
Knight Doug glances at her, and yes, he's glad she's happy, but... Knight Doug watches junior again
Witch Junior just going to keep dancing and twirling, making playful flirty motions at a few people in the crowd. Kinda plucks a more enthusiastic girl out and into the dance for a few steps before continuing to be playful with the rest of the crowd's edge
Tengu Kanda there is a small hidden smile only she could see, before leading her over to the stand in question.
Knight Doug growls softly,,
Princess Colette a little bit hoppy Princess Colette: Can we dance again too?
Knight Doug looks at her Knight Doug: ...yes. Knight Doug it'LL BE HARD TO DANCE IN ARMOR BUT Knight Doug for the princess
Traveler Allen is gonna do it. If his partner jumps into his arms he'll-wait, aw, he was dancing away, but he meets more dancers and dances his way through after him.
Princess Colette yay!
Knight Doug sets his pike aside and takes her into his arms again Knight Doug taKES A DEEP BREATH
Witch Junior smiles and twirls on over to the armored knight and taps his shoulder pauldron, offering a hand to dance Witch Junior: May I have this dance, my lord?
Knight Doug starts twirling around with her even if he does almost lose his balance a few t- Knight Doug: ... Knight Doug slowly glances back Knight Doug hhh Knight Doug: colette, go wait where it's safe. Knight Doug: i'll be there as soon as i can.
Princess Colette gives him a confused blink and kinda backs away a few steps at a time, nodding shyly
Queen Alma is just humming to the tune happily and watching the festivities from a safe distance
Knight Doug swallows hard and takes off a few pieces of armor before humming Knight Doug: yes, you may. Knight Doug smiles softly
Witch Junior bows his head down and takes his hand Witch Junior: I am honored~
Knight Doug blinks a few times before chuckling Knight Doug: aren't you polite? Knight Doug i still don't trust you
Witch Junior: I do try, my lord Witch Junior pulls him into a dance
Tengu Kanda There's another glance at the area before reaching out with his hand to lift something from one of the stalls they walked by, offering what looked to be a rose colored like a rainbow to Alma.
Queen Alma blinks in surprise before smiling softly and taking it and admiring it. Its so pretty~
Knight Doug soft noises of surprise but follows after him into the dance
Queen Alma: You spoil me so, Yuu...
Tengu Kanda: "Not so much." Through he does smile at her again out of other's sight.
Traveler Allen there was the stranger! holding out his arms to him, telling him to come towards him with his eyes, and so he darted forward, his hands moving to his pockets to grab his ribbons, it would be a grand pickup, and suddenly his darting forward passed by his partner and his hand was grasping a knife and it was buried within a girl's neck. He was being lifted!
Princess Colette loudly squeaks in surprise!! And-- Princess Colette down she go
Witch Junior dances for a bit before the gasping and screaming "draws" his attention and he gasps in feigned horror Witch Junior: Oh no-- Witch Junior: Lordship!
Witch Lavi keeps himself from smiling and dons a confused face as he looks towards the screaming crowd where his brother is.
Knight Doug: colette!
Queen Alma perks up a little bit. Oh, did something exciting happen? It sounds like there's ooing and awking maybe?
Witch Junior my work here is done. Kek. Witch Junior quietly slips into the panicking crowd
Princess Colette is coughing blood and whimpering
Tengu Kanda: Snaps his gaze over to the screams and gasping before he reacts swiftly. "Those are not sounds of excitment my queen, they are fear and panic." Quickly he turns and picks her up from the ground, this place was dangerous.
Knight Doug k NEELS DOWN BESIDE OF HER, HANDS HOVERING OVER HER Knight Doug: c-colette.... Knight Doug: colette, please...
Princess Colette: ...S-sir Douglas... Princess Colette she's bleeding a lot
Knight Doug: i'm here... Knight Doug: i'm here, shh... i'm here...
Queen Alma yelps in surprise
Knight Doug swallows hard and just.... feels tears gathering in his eyes
Queen Alma: Yuu?! What's happened?
Knight Doug: it's... it's going to be alright.
Princess Colette: ...m-m-m... scared...
Knight Doug: shhhh...
Traveler Allen the cheers were so loud, what an amazing lift, he twirled around with the bloodied hands, the blood spatters looking like streamers to him.
Knight Doug rips a piece of his shirt and presses it to the wound
Guard mobilizes along with the other guards as the panic starts to guard their queen
Tengu Kanda: "I do not know but we can see, I hope you don't mind heights." With a small smile his wings unfold and he darts up into the air where they could see what just transpired.
Knight Doug doesn't dare move her and just Knight Doug stays strong for now lma o
Witch Junior hums and watches all the chaos and screaming and rage unfold in the streets and also-- ope, there goes the Tengu up into the sky
Princess Colette whimpering and holding onto his wrist with a terrified, glassy look
Knight Doug pets her hair and swallows hard Knight Doug: shhh... Knight Doug: it's... it's okay. Knight Doug kNOWS THERE'S NOTHING HE CAN FUCKING DO NOW
Knight Doug: je t'aime.... je t'aime.....
Traveler Allen these cheers were turning into panic, and he was somehow on the ground instead of in the air. Why was his hands wet? He wiped it on his pants onto to see... blood?
Tengu Kanda there's a small bemused smile but his hold on the queen is tight, he would not drop her no matter the cost before his eyes land on the horrible sight. "... Princess Colette is bleeding with her knight standing above her, it looks fatal."
Witch Lavi glares where the Queen was taken before slipping through the crowd. Time to get back up.
Princess Colette softly whimpers and chokes a few times before falling very, very still
Queen Alma a gasp catches in her throat and she just looks utterly horrified
Knight Doug stares for a long moment
Queen Alma: Why? Why would anyone do that? Queen Alma are those tears? Those are tears
Knight Doug fe els a tightness in his chest and picks her up
Queen Alma: @Lavi [How are things on your end?]
Witch Lavi finds some archers, it's so easy to get them under his command and he motions towards their target before leaving them to be somewhere else. He needed a good spot.
Knight Doug: EVERY GUARD IS TO SEARCH FOR THE REDHEAD! Knight Doug: AND WHEN YOU FIND HIM, KILL HIM! Knight Doug so b s and looks down at he r
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Annoying. He flew up into the sky with her]
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Noticed.]
Witch Lavi: @Junior [I got back up on it.]
Witch Junior oooh so. That's a thing. Thought he was less obvious than that but oh well.
Knight Doug f eels something... snap Knight Doug hands her off to another guard and grabs his pike
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Good. We have to make this quick. They're onto me a little faster than I'd hoped.]
Knight Doug has blood all over him now but
Tengu Kanda: "Someone clearly does not want this peace treaty to go through, you are not safe here." Glancing at all the people running along the ground he thinks about leaving, but instead he merely flys up higher to move in the direction of the gathered crowd.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Paranoid guards. Always the most troublesome.]
Knight Doug: i'll do it my damn self.
Witch Junior: @Lavi [Indeed.]
Traveler Allen he feels a heavy weight on his chest. Oh dear, oh dear, something odd happened around him again. He stayed with the crowd, putting up his hood.
Witch Lavi: @Junior [Maybe I should just do this myself.]
Queen Alma is getting a little bit a i r si ck oh gods they are very high up Queen Alma: Y-Yuu I must confess... I think... I am a little less used to heights as you are--
Tengu Kanda: "Forgive me." With a swift motion he lands on the ground next to the terrible little crime, setting Alma on the ground while looking to Doug. "What happened?"
Knight Doug doesn't speak, just keeps walki n g
Queen Alma give her a moment to just.... catch her breath oh lords
Witch Lavi: @guard [Now!]
Witch Junior is just gonna quickly head along through some alleyways and crowds with a little bit of hurried spring to his step. Good thing there's people running EVERYWHERE.
Guard charges out of the panicked crowd and draws a sword, swinging it towards Alma Guard: FOR THE PRINCESS!!
Traveler Allen is gonna leave this town before more people freggin die. Little does he know.
Knight Doug quickly turns Knight Doug: DON'T YOU DARE!! Knight Doug: THAT'S NOT YOUR TARGET!!
Guard sorry he ain't listening
Tengu Kanda the sound causes him to turn and rush an arm in front of the queen, but he can't get his wings up in time.
Knight Doug th ough t s o Knight Doug: STAND DOWN!
Guard swings his sword at Kanda then if he's going to get in the way
Witch Lavi throws his knife in the air, controlling the knife as it cuts through the air and sinks into the back of Alma's neck.
Queen Alma she jumps startled at the guard charging at her and Kanda getting in their way Queen Alma: Yu--!!! Queen Alma and she just cuts off and chokes. Down she go now
Tengu Kanda The sword swing hits as he was not going to move out of the way of Alma, because he was distracted with the guard the flying knife wasn't even noticed. But he does hear her voice and glances back to-- NO.
Witch Lavi hums as he slinks away into one of the alleyways quickly. Witch Lavi: [Got her, Junior.]
Witch Junior: [I knew you could do it~]
Knight Doug you know those tears in his eyes earlier? they're gone
Witch Lavi: [Had to use a knife I nabbed earlier but it did it's job.]
Queen Alma feebly kind of pushes herself up and then slumps back down choking horribly Queen Alma: Y-Y--
Knight Doug is just... staring
Witch Junior: [Good. Now its time for us to get out of here. Just pissed off two kingdoms in one day. I'd say that's an accomplishment, right?] Witch Junior kek
Traveler Allen more QUICKLY leaving town goodbye Traveler Allen those screams did not bode well
Tengu Kanda: There seems to be a demonic growl eliminating from his chest, it's enough to echo in the small area as his eyes turn just as red as the blood now staining he floor. "You..." With a swift movement of his hand he stabs it clean through the guard in front of him.
Guard screams and goes down bloody
Knight Doug j u s t s t a  r es
Witch Lavi: [It's a record. I'm almost out. You?]
Knight Doug all the king's horses and all the king's men couldn't put me back together again
Tengu Kanda With the guard down he swiftly turns to Alma, he can't do anything but he tries to hold her in a comforting postion the best he could both wings now covering them.
Knight Doug is tempted to stab kanda because that was one of his men but
Witch Lavi goes through the town gates after a while.
Queen Alma is only faintly breathing and choking
Witch Junior: [Just passing through a gate now. Easy peasy~]
Knight Doug slumps, pale eyes burning with hatred and anger
Traveler Allen decides to take a shortcut through an alleyway and with his head down and eyes on the ground and terrible sense of direction he may or may not slam into somebody
Tengu Kanda: "... Alma, I cannot save you I am sorry I failed." Lowing his head in shame he couldn't bring himself to even look her in the eye.
Witch Lavi: [Same. Pretty sure I pissed the Tengu off but, oh well~]
Knight Doug turns and starts walking again
Witch Lavi glances around looking for his brother while he moves away from the town.
Witch Junior: [Think we pissed off more than that, just not necessarily knowingly at us~] Witch Junior he's just skirting around the outer wall towards the other gate to find his brother
Knight Doug oNE WAY Knight Doug OR ANOTHER Knight Doug I'M GONNA FIND YA
Witch Lavi: [True~]
Witch Junior: NO } Witch Junior: XD }
Knight Doug: ;; LA UGH S
Witch Lavi: || OH MY GOD
Tengu Kanda: ( LOL )
Knight Doug: ;; N O R E G R E TS
Queen Alma: Y-y--
Tengu Kanda: ( I LOVE YOU DEAK )
Queen Alma chokes a few times and falls still, her eyes glassing over
Knight Doug: ;; 💗
Traveler Allen nearly gets knocked over from someone and goes with the crowd again. A crowd's fleeing the town, he easily blends into the entertainers rushing out.
Witch Lavi spots Junior!
Witch Junior spots Lavi! Witch Junior skippidy skip
Knight Doug hah u fuckers Knight Doug uR DEAD Knight Doug die, die, we all die
Tengu Kanda: "..." Shakes his head slightly before standing up and taking Alma with him, a part of him wondered if he should have just stayed in the mountain to avoid this.
Witch Junior you and what fucking magic
Witch Lavi pats Junior's back.
Knight Doug my fucking pike
Witch Junior makes a rolling wrist motion towards the woods and grins Witch Junior: After you~
Horse Crown Clown (Traveler Allen) joined the chat
Witch Lavi: Why thank you~
Knight Doug nOT SO FAST U FUCKERS Knight Doug NO
Horse Crown Clown hey you people need a ride
Witch Lavi practically skips towards the woods
Witch Junior practically nothing. LITERALLY skips towards the woods.
Witch Lavi smirking while they go.
Witch Junior is so proud of us
Witch Lavi very proud of us
Knight Doug r eaches the outskirts of town and glances around
Witch Junior oh hey its a horse-- Witch Junior well
Knight Doug g r o w l s
Witch Junior kind of a horse
Horse Crown Clown looks at them witches and struts towards them heyyy
Witch Lavi is already in the woods and looks at the....kind of horse.
Knight Doug: ...........
Horse Crown Clown you need a ride boys. Can a horse wink? Yeah, it winked.
Knight Doug glances back at the town
Witch Junior: ...that thing just winked at me
DS Timcanpi (Tengu Kanda) joined the chat
Knight Doug starts back into town
Witch Junior kinda skipped around it and is skipping backwards and watching the kelpie
Witch Lavi: That's....new. But c'mon! Let's head home. The old man probably misses us.
Horse Crown Clown no I didn't grazes peacefully even though grass tastes like shit
Witch Junior: Mhm~ Boy d'we have a story fer him!
Witch Lavi: Heh
Horse Crown Clown *Allen's hiding in the forest somewhere, washing the strange blood off his hands.*
Witch Junior just skipping along alongside Lavi Witch Junior: Hey, y'think Gramps knows anything about winking horses?
Knight Doug comes out the other gate Knight Doug >:I
DS Timcanpi don't mind the small dragon piratically tackling into Juniors shoulder.
Witch Junior better skip fast Sir Knight
Knight Doug ur dead
Witch Lavi we're far from your sight Witch Lavi: Uh, Junior
Knight Doug still dead
Horse Crown Clown hey sir knight need a fantastic horse
Witch Junior small yelp!! and jumps to the side HI there little dragon thing where did you come from--
Witch Lavi: Small dragon
Horse Crown Clown tosses head proudly.
Knight Doug n o Knight Doug walks past Knight Doug the,,, horse thing
DS Timcanpi squeaks at them both and just climbs on Junior's shoulder, things were pretty noisy.
Knight Doug not today, satan
Horse Crown Clown follows doug. I'm a horse I swear. Feed me your... carrots.
Witch Lavi: It's kinda cute
Witch Junior scratch scratches the little dragon head
Witch Junior: Kinda like Tatsui only... less... flamey
Knight Doug: back!
Witch Lavi searches pockets, he knows he nabbed some-- Aha! Pulls out a bag of jerky.
Witch Junior wow rude don't swing weapons at random horses didn't your mother ever teach you manners
Knight Doug turns and keeps walking
DS Timcanpi flops over and paws at Juniors hand, tickling him with the feathers he has rather than scales.
Knight Doug leave me alone
Witch Lavi: Want some food, lil guy? Witch Lavi holds out a piece of jerky.
Knight Doug are u fuckers standing still?
Witch Junior I guess so?
Knight Doug good
DS Timcanpi glaces at the jerky being offered, reaches out with his tail to bring it closer and nibble on it.
Witch Lavi nah, we're gone
Horse Crown Clown huffs and follows Doug at a greater distance.
Witch Junior its so adorable~
Knight Doug quickens his pace a little bit
Witch Junior: Where'd you come from little guy?
Witch Lavi it's very adorable
DS Timcanpi squeaks at Junior through the mouse like nibbling, his tail pointing to the woods they were walking through.
Witch Junior scratch scratches and follows the tail point
Horse Crown Clown you can't outrun a horse angry boy
Witch Lavi: Guess he was lost?
Witch Junior tilts his head Witch Junior: I think its... pointing?
Knight Doug s tops and just stares for a moment
Witch Lavi shrugs at Junior before offering the little one another jerky.
Knight Doug: ...she's dead. Knight Doug glances back at the horse Knight Doug: she's dead and it's my fault.
DS Timcanpi jumps up on the should, bounding around slightly before latching onto the jerky like it was being hugged.
Witch Junior: ...I hope its not trying to lead us somewhere cuz I'd be a little suspicious right after... Witch Junior trails off
Knight Doug ,,holds the pike against his chest, turning his attention ahead once more
Witch Junior: you know
Witch Lavi scratches the dragon's head a little. Witch Lavi: You're always suspicious
Witch Junior gives Lavi a look
Horse Crown Clown snorts in sympathy.
DS Timcanpi Gives Lavi's hand a little face kiss.
Witch Lavi gives Junior a smile
Knight Doug: .....she's dead.....
Witch Lavi is quite charmed by the little dragon. Wut.
Witch Junior: ......
Knight Doug la ug hs  qu i e t l y Knight Doug: dead. dead, dead, dead, dead, she's dead........
Witch Lavi it's adorable, okay? Can't help it.
Witch Junior sees that charmed look and you are definitely gonna get shit for it Lavi Witch Junior: you gonna marry it now?
Witch Junior kek
DS Timcanpi stares at junior with little dragon eyes.
Horse Crown Clown sniffs at Doug. He smelled so much like blood that it can't leave him alone even if it wanted to.
Witch Lavi: You mean like how you married Tatsui? Nah
Knight Doug narrows his eyes and keeps walking, snickering quietly
Witch Junior: ...You'll never understand our love Witch Junior fake sniffles
Witch Lavi offers more jerky to the cute dragon. Witch Lavi: Woe is you
DS Timcanpi rejoices at there being more jerky! Squeaks in delight!
Witch Junior: Anyway, shall we be off? Before all the kings horses and men come running. Witch Junior: You can take your new honey with you Witch Junior snickers
Witch Lavi fond eye roll at Junior Witch Lavi: Yeah, yeah, let's head out.
Horse Crown Clown trots on after this knight kiddo at a leisurely pace.
Witch Junior skips--
Witch Lavi holds the small dragon now, wow it's got some soft feathers.
Witch Junior head tilt
Witch Lavi: Hm?
Witch Junior: Did'ja hear that or am I goin' crazy?
DS Timcanpi paws at Lavi's hand sofly, even going so far as to nuzzle into his hold and curl into a feather ball.
Witch Lavi: No, I heard it.
Witch Junior: Time to skippity doo daw way awa-AAAAAAHH
Witch Lavi pets the small dragon--
Witch Junior he leaps aside SHIT that was CLOSE
Witch Lavi eye narrows angrily
Knight Doug pa nts and stops, grinning Knight Doug: you killed her. Knight Doug: you killed dearest colette.
DS Timcanpi uncurls to glance over where the pike flew from, but he stays in Lavi's hold.
Horse Crown Clown hey, a battle in the forest, fresh meat!!! Shifts from hoof to hoof excitedly nearby.
Witch Junior: ...oh. Witch Junior: Him.
Witch Junior: D'you want the honors or should I? Witch Junior talking like he's not even there tbh
Knight Doug s obs and clenches his jaw
Witch Lavi: I got it Witch Lavi telekinetically throws the knight's pike back at him at an alarming speed.
DS Timcanpi climbs up onto Lavi's shoulder.
Witch Lavi pats the small dragon
Knight Doug gets hi t?? Knight Doug g a sps and g rips his shoulder Knight Doug lowers himself to the groun d
Witch Lavi: If you want to stab him with a branch, be my guest. It was funny the last time you did it.
Witch Junior: ...branches are fun Witch Junior: everyone underestimates them Witch Junior snickers
Witch Lavi: Same with roots
DS Timcanpi nuzzles into Lavi's hand from the pat, he knows to stay out of a witches hands in times of battle.
Knight Doug looks at lavi and junior
Witch Lavi mentally twists the pike in the wound
Witch Junior just kinda finds a branch and pins it under his boot while he pulls until it snaps into a nice, fine point and saunters forward. He's gonna have a little fun
Knight Doug h is s e s and doubles over, panting
Witch Junior: Oh Sir Knight~ Won't you please dance with me again?
Knight Doug narrows his eyes
Witch Junior he's just idly twirling his branch around like a baton all casual like
Witch Lavi chuckles at the display, tilting his head a bit
Knight Doug: ...i'd... love a dance. Knight Doug looks up at junior, eyes soft
Witch Junior: Mm... good. I wouldn't want it ta be too one-sided now...
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails while watching the display.
Witch Junior squints a little bit tho Witch Junior looking a little too nonchalant about dying for my tastes there buddy. Needs more dramatic
Knight Doug dips his head Knight Doug places a hand on the pike's shaft
Witch Lavi: [Illusions? Maybe to rile him up?] Witch Lavi: [He's way too docile. Less fun.]
Horse Crown Clown trots back and forth in the background
Witch Junior: [Hm. Maybe.] Witch Junior: Oh... that livened things up a bit
Witch Lavi: A little bit.
Knight Doug and there's blood spilling everywhere now, ew
DS Timcanpi cants head to the side a bit at the sight.
Witch Lavi: [Maybe he'd like to see his little princess again]
Witch Junior smiles a bit
Knight Doug forces himself to his feet
Witch Junior: Hm... and t'think... you scream more than a little girl...
Knight Doug: l...let's da...nce. Knight Doug ch uc kle s Knight Doug: aren't yo...u.... funny?
DS Timcanpi something a bit off about that one, but he's not going to move from his spot it's nice and warm for now.
Witch Junior grins a bit and hums, stepping off to the side. Is that a dead little princess revealed right behind where he was standing, bleeding everywhere? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. Who can say where she came from~
Witch Junior: As a matter of fact I am...
Knight Doug stares Knight Doug looks at junior, vision darkening
Witch Junior: No. Scratch that. I'm hilarious~
Witch Lavi pets the little dragon, watching the show.
Knight Doug: wha...t kind of... sick joke is this....?
Witch Junior feigns surprise Witch Junior: You said you wanted funny?
DS Timcanpi cue another face kiss to the hand, curls up into a dragon ball head poking out like a snakes as his tails hang off the back of Lavi's shoulder.
Knight Doug stumbles towards him, weakly swinging the pike at junior
Horse Crown Clown neighs impatiently in the background before catching itself and dropping its head to try to hide behind a bush.
Knight Doug pa nts, dropping the pike and gripping his shoulder
Witch Junior dances out of the way nimbly before casually inspecting his nails and humming, still holding his branch and twirling it Witch Junior: Tough crowd... and here I thought that one would be a real show-stopper. My apologies.
Witch Lavi hums fondly at the little dragon, keeping an eye on things still.
Witch Junior casually walks over and stabs the branch through the illusion, "killing" collete again Witch Junior: I guess that joke's dead...
Knight Doug: libera... me... de ignem....
Witch Lavi snorts.
Knight Doug h is s e s Knight Doug is shaking and just. stares Knight Doug: please stop.
Witch Junior: Stop what? Witch Junior feigns innocence
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails a bit at the display, tilting his head a tiny bit to the side.
Witch Junior: This? Witch Junior stabs the illusion again Witch Junior this time it screams
Knight Doug: what you're... Knight Doug fl inches Knight Doug: stop...
Witch Junior lifts his pointy branch up and points it at Doug Witch Junior: Make me.
Witch Lavi eats some jerky, sharing it with the little dragon too.
Witch Junior: [Doug voice] "I'll get you and your little dragon too" kek }
Knight Doug: ;; p mU CH
DS Timcanpi: ( Lmao )
Witch Lavi: || LOL
DS Timcanpi nibbles on the jerky that was offered to him, coils up with it happily.
Knight Doug pi cks up the pike again and tries to drive it through junior's shoulder, breathing heavily as his vision continues to darken
Witch Lavi mentally diverts the pike from his brother, no no, sir knight.
Witch Junior twirls and dances away, jingle jangling all the way
Knight Doug f alls forward and pa nt s
Witch Junior awws Witch Junior: Done already? How sad.
Knight Doug tr ies to push himself up, growling
Witch Lavi: I did make him lose a lot of blood. He's gonna run out of it eventually.
Witch Junior: ...true...
Witch Lavi: I could always just Witch Lavi snaps his fingers as a way to say 'set him on fire'
Witch Junior getting tired of sitting on the sidelines?
Knight Doug is shaking so much tho before he just. falls to the ground Knight Doug is out
Witch Junior: ...oh... now he's suddenly looking very hot Witch Junior .... and down he go
DS Timcanpi huffs out a small fire ember just to slightly cook the jerky in his claw-paws.
Witch Junior goodbye sir knight
Witch Bookman joined the chat Witch Bookman: haven't you had enough fun for today?
Witch Lavi: Gramps!
Witch Bookman :I Witch Bookman: that's enough.
Witch Lavi turns to look at the old man with a grin
Witch Junior: When have we ever had enough fun?
Witch Bookman :I Witch Bookman looks at the knight on the ground Witch Bookman takes a deep breath
Witch Lavi: Heh, alright. I'll head back~
Witch Bookman: which one of you killed him? Witch Bookman: no. Witch Bookman: stay.
Witch Junior: ....uh Witch Junior: not me.
Witch Lavi: Hm Witch Lavi: He died of blood loss Witch Lavi: So neither of us.
DS Timcanpi Oh look it's the old man Cross knows about! Time to flutter to him.
Witch Bookman: ...hm
Horse Crown Clown walks on over to Doug
Witch Bookman: fine.
Witch Junior is gonna just creep after Lavi's heels
Witch Bookman: we can't just leave him here. Witch Bookman: junior.
Witch Lavi: You sure I can't fry him?
Witch Junior freezes and gives Bookman a pout Witch Junior: Yea?
Witch Bookman: get the... whatever he is. Witch Bookman: we'll bury him at home.
Witch Junior: ...I guess
Witch Lavi: Ew. Can't we just give him to the Kelpie
DS Timcanpi lands on the knights back and paws a little at him.
Horse Crown Clown come onnnn pleeeassse Horse Crown Clown just give him to meeeee
Witch Bookman: no. we're not giving him to the kelpie.
Horse Crown Clown puppy horse eyes
Witch Bookman: and if he's alive....
Witch Junior: puppy horse eyes }
Witch Bookman looks at him Witch Bookman: ...we'll figure something out.
Witch Lavi: Whatever, gramps. I'm goin' home.
Witch Junior: If he's alive, he'll want us dead...
Witch Lavi leaves.
Witch Bookman: not if we erase his memory somehow. Witch Bookman si g h s
DS Timcanpi squeaks a few times he can tell this man is alive, just passed out cold PAWS MORE INTENSELY.
Witch Junior: ...again, I guess Witch Junior unhappy witch bro noises Witch Junior: ...can I go now? Witch Junior hopeful look
Witch Bookman: carry him. Witch Bookman: i can't. Witch Bookman turns and starts walking
Horse Crown Clown lowers head in unhappiness, it's so hungry... Horse Crown Clown I'll carry him
Knight Doug d e d but not really
Witch Junior and if you listen not at all closely you'll hear a really loud U G H
Witch Bookman hums,,
Witch Junior pushes the probably dead anyway knight over and unlatches some of his armor cuz he ain't carrying all that weight no sir
DS Timcanpi flys off the knight and lands in Junior's hair to get out of the way.
Knight Doug groans softly, flinching and twitching
Witch Junior also he's going to use a little fire to cauterize those wounds b/c he doesn't want to be bled all over RIP if ur still at all conscious
DS Timcanpi: ( You could say Doug is smokin hot )
Knight Doug rIP Knight Doug: ;; lAUGHS
Witch Junior: feelin' Hot Hot Hot }
DS Timcanpi: ( He's burning up )
Witch Junior aaand up he go because APPARENTLY they can't just let the idiot die noooo they gotta save him or bury him or some shit instead of just give it to the KELPIE
DS Timcanpi Oh setting the knight on fire he can help! You knwo for such a small dragon that's quite the plume of burst fire he just breathed at Doug.
Witch Bookman: ...the knight's name. Witch Bookman: it's douglas.
Witch Junior ....kinda glances back at the Kelpie... if ur real quick to eat him up maybe you could have a meat snack after all...
Witch Bookman hums,,,,,
Witch Junior: And y'know that becaaauussse?
Witch Bookman: don't ask questions.
Witch Junior: ....but that's all I ever do
Witch Bookman glances back at him with a sharp glare
Witch Junior kinda inching over to the Kelpie like HEY THERE buddy you want a snack?
DS Timcanpi squeaks in Bookman's direction.
Witch Bookman: i just know.
Knight Doug bitch, don't you dare feed me to that kelpie
Horse Crown Clown oh hell ye just put him on it's back!!!
Witch Junior : >
Horse Crown Clown kneels on the ground and everything, come on
Witch Junior Bookman's not watching right?
Witch Bookman: junior. Witch Bookman i'M WATCHING
Witch Junior: ...... Witch Junior: yeah...?
DS Timcanpi swishes his tails as if snickering.
Witch Junior innocent look Witch Junior: Did'ja need something?
Witch Bookman narrows his eyes Witch Bookman: ...in front. now.
Witch Junior sweats Witch Junior: ...fine. Fine...
Horse Crown Clown innocent horse blinks
Witch Junior real quick not-so-stealthy whisper at the Kelpie Witch Junior: Come by my place later
Witch Bookman: as soon as we're home, i'll wipe his memory of everything he's ever known.
Witch Junior aaaand he's following Bookman like a Good Little Witch yep
Witch Bookman: besides his name.
Witch Junior: If that's what ya want ta do~
Horse Crown Clown snorts, you got it.
Witch Bookman: ...and he'll be our servant
Witch Junior: .......... Witch Junior: so.... Witch Junior: I'll have someone that does anything I want 'em to?
Witch Bookman nods slowly
DS Timcanpi he's just going to brush out Junior's hair with those claw-paws carefully, trough he does drop a tail in the witches face in the process.
Witch Junior oh the possibilities Witch Junior blows that tail out of his face Witch Junior follows along behind Bookman towards home
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howardlinkedin · 7 years
Debriefing (And Other Bad Jokes)
Summary: Police Department AU where we begin with some actual policing, while Allen offhandedly seduces everyone but Kanda (or he would like us to believe anyway).
Part 2: X
Inspired by hatteeho’s work: http://hatteeho.tumblr.com/post/163371928373/police-au-anyone-let-me-introduce-you-the
The night had aged, creating the illusion that the sounds of the club were permanently stuck in the air.
The base from the speakers long ago reduced to a consistent hum. Lights turned hazy and the air was thick with alcohol,  mischief, and hunger.
For those who were drawn to the nightlife, the hunger was for dance, good music and the desire to forget the world beyond neon lights and moving bodies. It was easy to get caught up, intoxicated on more than just what the barman served.
Though, many would not mind being drunk off said barman this night. A real dichotomy of handsome and beautiful, wrapped in long lines and sharp eyes. Pity that he constantly rebuffed any and all advances.
Party goers, fancying themselves grade A detectives, thought this rebuff and disinterest was due to the other vision many found their attention trapped by in the night. It was hard to not be distracted by eyes as bright as the glitter on their lips and dance-tousled hair.
Or was it the tight, dark jeans that had to be painted on his seductive thighs. Or the bare fact that his unbuttoned shirt was practically falling off his shoulders, teasing the world with collarbones and lean, damp skin.
Needless to say, after the long of night swaying bodies and high spirits, this one was a very desirable person of the evening. Said desire was currently leaning, sultry, on the bar with dancing eyes. He tapped two painted nails in the counter top. “Two more darling.”
If his body and moonlit eyes didn’t attract anyone, then it was definitely the accent. That accent was endgame for many. It was smooth and teasing, light on the sex and heavy on the promise of it.
The barman grunted, roughly setting two cool glasses of clear liquid millimeters from the other’s hands. The Accent huffed, almost delighted, left damp bills in place of the drink and left. The barkeep may or may not have stared at the other’s legs as they left, but that was neither here nor there. No one judged in any case.
Everyone had been staring.
Swaying to the music, the vision of this night made their way to his conquest. To the disappointment of many, he had chosen who would take up all of his lovely attention.
Filipp Popov was a relatively handsome and rich man. Money alone could attract anyone as beautiful to himself, and he was not ashamed to flaunt. Others, in a darker enticement, were attracted to the taste of danger surrounding his name.
Anyone who had a clue of the underground market, knew who Filipp Popov was.
Sitting in the leather seat like it were his throne, just as beautiful woman on either side, Popov accepted the drink from the young man who had been working his attention all night. Said young man lifted his lips prettily and caged the other’s legs between his own.
He tilted his head, soft hair falling along with the pulse of light, bright eyes becoming a smokescreen of invitations.
“What do I have to do to keep you, Zvezda?” Star, Popov called him, as he ate with his eyes. The dubbed star chimed a laugh full of promise.
“What are you willing to give?” The question was curious. A loaded endgame, if Popov didn’t answer correctly.
Rather than give a verbal reply, the Russian leaned close, tucking a finger’s worth of hundreds in the young man’s waistband.
Eyebrows raised, the man’s eyes flashed with pleasure and smile turned cheshire. “Well, can’t say no to that.”
The star lead the bad hungry man to the back rooms.
Coincidentally, the barman was nowhere in sight.
Popov covered his temptation with his slightly larger body over the bedding. “What should I call you, Zvezda? Or do you prefer that?”
The star-like man chuckled, wrapping lithe legs around the other’s torso humming in mock contemplation. “I’d prefer my own name, if you don’t mind.” voice like silk.
“Allen Walker, Black Order Police.” “What?”
Surreptitiously, the Russian was tossed into the wall by surprisingly strong legs.
The wall rattled, and Popov would have immediately lifted himself up if it weren’t for 1.) his shocking discovery that his hands were cuffed at his front, and 2.) the apparent police officer had his four inch heels pressed on his chest.
“Filipp Popov, you are under arrest for illegal arms dealing. You have the right to remain-”
“You won’t get away with this! I have men stationed at every entrance of this club!” The criminal seethed and spat.
Allen looked put off at being interrupted. “Wow, rude, after I took all this time to seduce you.”
There was a thump and the door was kicked open. Popov was at first elated, then immediately devastated that instead of his guards it was the handsome barman dragging in a bloodied and unconscious brute in a suit.
“All clear. Ready when you’re done being a tramp.” the obvious not-barman scowled.
Allen leveled the other with a dry stare. “Kanda, if it’ll make you feel better to know, my innocence is still in tact thank you very much.”
Kanda snorted. “What fucking innocence?”
“I am surrounded by so many rude men, this is a huge turn off.”
Popov tried to use their distraction to overpower the smaller man and sit up. Officer Walker was having none of that and shoved him back down with a his heels. “No.”
The sun was rising as Popov and his well-beaten men were piled into jail cars.
Officer Yuu Kanda glared at his partner who had the gall to count the wad of cash the criminal had shoved into his pants.  “Why the fuck are you keeping the money?”
“Excuse you, I earned this.” Allen blew his white hair from his face.
“I thought you were an officer not a damn sugar baby.”
Allen stopped staring at his money and turned his gaze to his partner. “I am amazed “sugar baby” is even in your vocabulary.”
“You’re just a horrible influence.” The other sneered.
A beat of silence and staring.
“Here.” The smaller officer stuffed a hundred into Kanda’s front pocket. “Compensation for your tainted mind.”
“Get fucked Walker.” “Later darling.”
Officer’s Allen Walker and Yuu Kanda were a special type of force that the Black Order Police Department should be thanking every god out there that both decided to use their skills for the greater good rather than not.
At least that’s what many of the Order’s PD liked to believe.
Many learned not to question the duo’s dynamics, due to their constant bickering and often aggressive (or passive aggressive in Allen’s case) interactions with each other.
“Walker did you eat my fucking soba?” “Yes.”
It also didn’t help that Allen Walker sure did love to antagonize his partner.
Chairs scraped linoleum as many onlookers moved out of their way the moment Kanda yanked Walker by his shirt collar. “And why did you eat my food?”
“I was hungry, why else do I eat?” Allen replied, as though Kanda grabbing at him wasn’t a concern.
Which is most likely wasn’t for the white-haired man.
He probably liked it, if one were to be honest.
“You had THREE FUCKING dozen donuts!” Kanda growled.
“Yes, they were delicious.”
“Why the fuck did you even take my lunch, out of everyone else's in the damn refrigerator?!”
“Kanda, I’ll be honest with you.”
The two had a short stare down as Allen paused his explanation for dramatic effect. He was obnoxious like that.
“The only reason I ate it was because it was yours.”
A pause.
Kanda took a breath, which really sounded more like a hiss. Allen expertly twisted out of his partner’s hold and ran away.
Howard Link was first greeted to the sight of the Order’s top officers on the entrance steps as two white and dark blurs running down the street.
From the window both jumped from, a young woman poked her head out with a sigh. Noticing the blond man, Officer Lenalee Lee gave an “Oh!”
“Are you the new inspector?”
“I am.” Link answered.
The first time Link met Allen Walker on his own, was when Commissioner Komui Lee was giving the new detective a tour.
“This is where our temporary cells are,” Lee explained, opening the secure door to the row of prison bars. It was empty save for a drunk sleeping off his intoxication and Allen himself.
Both the Commissioner and Detective stopped and stared at the white haired officer. Allen, noticing he had an audience, posed languidly on the cell’s metal slab of a bed. “Gentlemen.”
“Allen, did Kanda throw you in jail again?” Komui had to ask, even though he already knew the answer.
It wasn’t a normal week at the Order if Yuu Kanda didn’t toss Allen Walker into jail at least twice.
“Yes.” Said officer seemed to sparkle with pleasure at this affirmation. “He even frisked me.”
Link did not understand what was happening, and it threw him off his groove, just a bit.
“Do you need to be let out?” The Commissioner, who batted no eye nor did he seem put off by his own officer behind bars, rummaged through his pockets for the master keys.
Walker shook his fluffy white head and rolled to his feet in a smooth motion. “Nah, I picked the lock already.” To prove his point, the man opened and closed the cell door with a grin.
Link found the officer’s mouth and hair distracting and he honestly didn’t know what to do about this revelation in his life.
“ANYWAY!” Piped Walker, motioning at Link. “Who’s this? He’s cute.”
Link sputtered, his eyebrows pinching.
“This is Detective Inspector Howard Link, he’ll be replacing Chaoji.” Commissioner Lee introduced. “Link, this is Officer Allen Walker, he’s one of our top policemen.”
The introduction went flat, seeing as said top policeman was in a jail cell.
Allen stuck his hand out. “Welcome to the Order!” His smile turned charming and Link was getting whiplash between feeling attracted and repelled. He shook the offered hand regardless.  
“Thank you for having me.”
“Oh, so you’re mine now?”
Komui sighed. “Allen no.”
Allen decided to follow his boss and the new detective around during Link’s tour after introductions. Komui seemed more than willing to allow his officer to take the reigns in introducing Link to everyone.
“This is Lavi, he’s clingy and suspicious and usually smells good.”
Lavi Bookman, the Order’s Profiler, whined while not disproving the clingy remark as he draped himself over Allen shoulders. Which, was a sight in itself seeing as the redhead was a human shaped tree and Allen was barely an inch above Link. “Allen, I’m not suspicious, why are you trying to make me look bad?”
Allen, who did nothing to shake the whining manchild off of him (in fact, he looked like he enjoyed the attention), patted his head. “You do that on your own, without my help.”
“This is Miranda, she’s our Police Medic. She’s easily surprised and has a pretty smile.”
“This is Lenalee, the best officer in the Order, and most beautiful creature in existence.”
Lenalee gave Link a wave, saying “Hello again.” before giving Allen a generous kiss on the cheek and walking off to do whatever queens do when at work.
Link was beginning to see that Allen Walker didn’t know how to not flirt with anyone within in speaking distance.
It was concerning.
What also was concerning was that Commissioner Lee threw a chair at Allen over the kiss, because apparently Lenalee was his sister and Komui had a distressing complex.
The detective began to wonder just what he had gotten himself into.
“Lastly, this is an asshole.” Allen was all-a-sparkle as he introduced Link to Kanda.
The dark haired officer did not look insulted in the slightest.
Instead Kanda glared down at the detective, because like Lavi, Kanda was A Tall Person and was significantly more rude about it. “What this thing?”
Very, very rude.
“This is Link, he’s replacing Chaoji.” Allen explained.
“I hate Chaoji.”
“We know Kanda.”
“I’ll probably hate this one too.”
“Kanda no.”
Link bristled at the slight against his person. “I do not see how you can make an assumption of my character within two seconds of meeting. If that were the case, then I would take Walker’s assumed joke and believe that you are in fact an asshole, an uncouth one at that with no tact or manners.”
“What the fuck did you just say?” Kanda snarled, hand twitching.
Allen, who has zero self preservation, laughed. “That sums him up pretty well actually.”
Kanda tried to swipe the white haired officer’s feet out from under him. Allen jumped and shoved Kanda down the hall.
The dark haired officer rolled to his feet and tackled Walker down the opposite end of the hallway.
Link, baffled and unimpressed, watched as the two started to violently wrestle on the ground.
“Well, now that’s out of the way, I’ll show you to your desk.” Commissioner Lee said, cheerfully as though his own underlings weren’t trying to rip each other’s heads off.
Apparently the detective Link was replacing was not that well liked in the Order.
From the gossip mill, he gathered that Chaoji had been transferred after Kanda crushed both of his hands with a door.
When Link asked why, Miranda, who was a personable enough person, despite her overall nervous demeanor, coughed into her hand. “I-I don’t know all the details, but s-somehow it involved Kanda’s partner getting injured on th-the job.”
“Who is Kanda’s partner?” Link quired.
Miranda blinked, frowning in befuddlement as though Link should already know the answer. “You mean you don’t-? It’s Allen.”
Link’s new desk was part of a cluster of cubicles with the team he was supposed to work the majority of his time with.
Currently, the only persons at their own desks was 1.) Bookman and 2.) a small dog.
Bookman was currently feeding said dog treats.
The canine was a yellow corgi, that also wore a blue vest with the Order’s insignia on the side.
“Timcampy is Allen’s.” Lavi explained, giving the corgi some good head scratchin’s. “He’s actually trained!”
“Trained in what, exactly?” Link couldn’t see this little creature doing much in the field.
“He’s a drug dog.” “Ah.” Link could kind of see how this made sense.
Kind of.
Very small understanding on the detective’s part, if he were being honest. He was comprehending very little of the social dynamics of this department as a whole.
“He’s also trained to be an Allen Finder.” Lavi continued, now sounding amused.
Apparently Officer Allen Walker, when not working, was prone to wander and easily got lost on a regular basis.
Thus Timcampy was trained to track his master down.
Such as right now.
“Tim, find the beansprout.” Kanda ordered.
Timcampy also apparently understood who “beansprout” was, and like a good boy, hopped off the desk and scampered out the dog door the department had installed for just this very occasion.
Link would have appreciated the ingenious of it all if the situation wasn’t so damn ridiculous.
Just as Allen returned with half a hotdog in his mouth and hands full of falafel, Timcampy at his heels, everyone in the general vicinity sans Kanda pulled out a confetti popper.
Link was then doused with popped confetti streamers. Lenalee brought out a cake and set it on his desk.
“What on earth?” He looked owlishly at everyone. Allen handed him a falafel. “It’s a welcome party!”
“I thought we were celebrating at finding someone shorter than you to work with.” Kanda sassed from his corner.
“Eat me Bakanda.”
Howard Link deduced that the cake was good at least, and the dog was tolerable enough that maybe, just maybe he won’t go crazy working here.
As though sensing his thoughts, and aiming to prove him wrong, Allen slid into his own seat, which was directly across from Link’s and let loose a full, 100% watt smile his way.
Link squinted in reflex, it was so bright.
“I look forward to our time together detective.” That accent held promises that Link wasn’t sure he wants.
He also wasn’t sure he didn’t not want them either. Link felt his ears turn red, while Kanda looked at him unimpressed from across the room.
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howardlinkedin · 7 years
Group Project: Part 7
Running Title: Group Project. Part 7 (End) Part 6: Here Sequel to Shelter Summary: A family can’t be a team, because with teams, there’s always a winner or a loser. With family, there are no losers. That’s what Timothy Walker believes anyway. 
Lala’s song is “Not Alone” by Otto Knows.
Link looked from their pets, to the exotic plant, to his children enjoying lunch at the counter. Timcampy was a wheezing delight at his human doppelgänger’s feet, as they boy kept sneaking the dog bits of food. Which, thought the father, the son did not need to sneak at all, seeing as Allen had been spoiling the canine rotten with human food since the day Cross dropped into Allen young arms.
Lala was absentmindedly petting Atuuda between her lunch and reading a book. The cat purred, contented at yet another human to shower her with attention.
Rosemary the Man Eating Plant, which really was just a title given to her by Toukusa all those years ago (and it stuck), well. Link just fed her a rat, so he assumed the unconventional houseplant was happy.
“Hmm?” Allen shoved another sandwich into his mouth, looking at his husband.
“We have five.”
Lala and Timothy watched their Dad almost choke on his food, laughing up a storm. Their Papa looked downright smug.
“Adults are weird.” Said Tim.
Lala nodded. “I concur.”
When Timothy was seven and a half, he was abandoned on the doorstep of Hearst’s Orphanage in the middle of a cold December night, by a father who never loved him.
He was as bitter as the wind at the time.
Fast forward two years later, and Timothy gained two fathers at the same time, who will never stop loving him.
Or his sister. Or each other.
He may be young, but Timothy was observant. He saw a lot of love in his family, even he was too unwilling to outright admit it at times.
But what makes a family?
Cross walked into his office, late as usual, coffee in hand, only to almost spit it all over himself.
Set smack dab in the middle of the room was a brightly colored, obnoxious standee of his brat.
“What the fucking fuck?” The police officer choked.
A tell-tale jingle appeared down besides him, and the redhead looked down to see his grandson, shaking his swear jar expectedly.
“Why the he-eck are you here?!” It hurt to correct himself, but damn if Cross didn’t want to lose anymore money, and stuffed the damn jar with a dollar (just in case).
Placated, the boy answered, “Dad dropped me off, saying we needed to bond.”
Marian Cross could practically hear his brat’s cackle from wherever the hell he was.
“Let’s go bother the nerds in Forensics.”
“Will I get to see a dead body?” “Probably. Don’t tell your parents.”
Once, just once, a cameraman tried to bother their way into getting a surprise picture and scoop of Allen and Lala.
The father and daughter just left Anita’s cafe, and the instant Allen saw the flash, he was on the nosey man in a second.
“Hello! I understand that you are only trying to do  your job, but could you please not do that?” Greeted the singer, all smiles and blatant charm. The would be photographer was dazed, then aghast to discover that Allen had use his left hand to crunch the camera into a pieces.
“What the hell beansprout?” Kanda groused from the cafe door, looking as menacing and as Kanda as ever. Lala had retreated back into the shop to grab her father’s friend, just incase. Said girl was hiding behind the long haired man, peeking behind his arm and glare at the interloper.
The cameraman began to sputter while Allen whipped his head around to give his friend a scathing look. “It’s ALLEN.”
“Che.” Kanda turned his steel gaze at the stranger, which if the cameraman knew Kanda, they would know that this was Kanda’s usual expression. “Go away.”
Not needing to be told twice, the stranger scampered away, crushed camera and all.
This kind of incident never happened again.
Since leaving France with his new family, Timothy had kept in contact with the Head Mother who cared for him during his stay at the orphan home.
They both emailed back and forth, sharing stories and the nonsense that often happens from having a diverse family or running a home for children.
“Dear Mother Hearst,” he would always begin, because if there was one thing she had taught him, it was manners.
“I have learned something really important, and I want to tell you about it.”
“Afternoon Colonel.” Greeted Weever, eyes weary.
Cross huffed around his unlit cigarette. “Don’t give me that look, I’m just here to see the new evidence.”
“Right.” the assistant forensics chief sighed and headed toward the evidence table, about to explain what had been and had not been concluded.
Except Assistant Gill decided to scream and pass out on the ground. Komui, being the good boss that he was, had kicked the rolling surgical table out of the way, less Gill would have had a very nasty fall.
On the body table, half covered by a film sheet, was a grinning ten year old, who was very much alive.
Cross pointed and laughed like the hooligan he was.
“Why is there a child in the surgery lab?!” Yelled Weever. “Cross!” He pointed accusingly.
The man in question was leaning on a deck, wheezing like his kid’s damned dog. “Just-” he gasped, and more laughter. “Let me have this moment.”
After the terror of the forensics lab left, ten year old hefted like a grinning sack of flour, Komui looked at his chief assistant. “That was funny.”
“No it was NOT!”
“Daddy.” Lala tugged her father’s white hair to get his attention. Looking upside down at his daughter from the grand piano, Allen grinned. “What’s up?”
He noticed right away she was red in the face, and pinching her fingers together. Usually, this meant that Lala had become very shy, despite being a very blunt young lady.
“There’s a song.” She mumbled, then looked cross at herself for it and tried again louder. “There’s a song I want to write. But I don’t know,” she tapered off, almost quite. “How.” 
Allen jumped up from the piano bench and engulfed his daughter in a hug, almost lifting her off feet off the ground. Almost, because as she was just mere centimeters away from his height.
She squeaked, caught off guard. “Daddy!”
“Let’s go see Miranda.” Allen said, elated and fond all at once. He knew exactly what to do.
He had once asked Mother Hearst what a family was, nose scrunched and mouth petulant. He was far from the only child at the Home, and all of them continuously went about wanting a family.
Timothy had no idea what that was. So he never asked for it.
“Family holds different meaning for everyone.” Hearst had answered, smoothing his wild hair back. “You will simply just have to find out what yours is.” She tweaked his nose and he blew a raspberry at her in annoyance. 
Now, though, Timothy thinks he knows.
“You see, lots of people keep saying a family is a team, like in books and movies and stuff. But that can’t be right because teams usually mean there’s a competition and there’s gonna be a loser.
But, like, with a family there aren’t any losers. There shouldn’t be anyway.”
Alma sprawled over their couch, flipping through what they thought were old photo albums overhead. Upon further inspection, they realized it was one of Kanda’s scrapbooks. “Yuu, did you know your books are mixed with the albums?”
“What?” Kanda poked his head from the hall, tying his hair in a topknot. His eyes widened at what exactly Alma was looking through. “No shit, put that away!”
Face turning impish, Alma began flipping through the pages with more intent. “Why, what are you hiding?” “Nothing! Put it down!”
Kanda stomped over, but was too late for a red piece of paper to slip through the pages and land onto Alma’s face. Their husband snached it away and hid it behind his back. Alma blinked. “Was that-”
Grumbling and pink nosed, Kanda showed them.
A bit stunned, Alma gaped. It was the valentine heart from second grade! “Yuu, we both go zeroes on that!”
“It was a group project!”
“You said it got thrown away!”
It was well preserved, if not a little gaudy with all the decorations and glued on glitter. It had looked like a masterpiece in second grade, regardless.
“Why?” Alma asked, confused. They were also a mix of amusement and exasperation.
Kanda mumbled and glared at the wall.
“Yuu, I can’t hear you.”
“BECAUSE,” he shouted, then realized his tone and tried again. “It was your heart.”
Alma thoroughly kissed Kanda stupid into bed faster than a blink that evening.
They were so very lucky to have this marshmallow of a husband.
With the start of his children entering school, Link took it upon himself to join the PTA. It was the duty of a parent to help out at their child’s school, and to stay up-to-date on the events there.
For some reason, all of the mothers there kept giving him food to bring home.
“They think you’re a hot single dad.” Allen teased over the phone. He was away at yet another interview. “Trying to win your heart with their cooking.”
Link gave the tupperware of green bean casserole a frown. Suddenly, the food was menacing. He’ll just feed it to Rosemary.
“Lala’s recital is coming up.” Link decided to change the subject.
“Yeah! How is she? Is she excited? Nervous? I’m coming home in another two days!” Allen rambled and exclaimed. “Hey is she there?”
Wordlessly, Link handed off the phone to their daughter. “Yes.” she answered for herself.
Timothy leached himself at his Papa’s side. “Me next, me next!”
Looking around the bare walls of his new classroom, newly graduated Exceptional Student Services teacher Kanda Yuu frowned. Well. More than usual.
He didn’t know the first thing about setting up a classroom.
Okay, so he had an idea. But where to start?
Alma busied themselves with unpacking his boxes of supplies. “Don’t worry. I called for backup.”
“Backup?” Kanda narrowed his eyes. “What backup?”
Suddenly Alma had yards of fabric in their hands and Kanda felt nervous.
The door burst open and in walked Chaoji, two drink carriers in hand. “Hello, I’m. Well.” He laughed nervously. “Alma said you’d need help.”
“Oy, oy little brother, this desk is shit. I’m gonna fix it.” Next thing Kanda knew, Diasya was there with a tool box. “Daisya what the fuck.”
Link walked in with a stack of baked goods and a blue haired child. Behind was the beansprout and Lenalee.
Kanda pointed at Allen. “No. Not this one.”
“Up yours Kanda.”
“I’ll shove this pencil sharpener so far up your-”
Somehow, the room got set up and decorated to fit the needs to middle school students. But not before Allen and Kanda got into a paint fight.
“In school, we have to sometimes do group projects. I think family is like that.”
Sometime during the school year, Link was unable to pick them up and Allen was away at a recording, and the city had an emergency that kept Cross unavailable.
Long story short, despite having a myriad of other people who could have come to pick them up that day, it was a strange man in a limousine, who was somehow on their school contact list (even though both children had never heard of him before) and allowed to sign them out from school.
“Call me great grandpa.” He giddied.
To which both children gave a blunt, “No.”
Lala ushered Timothy to the crosswalk while the weird man sobbed on the ground. They could just walk to the bakery.
After handing out the last of large order, Link was surprised to see his kids walk into the shop. He blinked, then frowned. “Your...Allen had called for Neah to get you. Where is he?”
Lala squinted. “Who?” “What’s a Neah?” Asked Tim, also squinting. Was it the weird crying man?
The door rammed open, a different man than the one who had come for them huffing with an enraged look on his face. “I’M NEAH.”
All three Walkers stared at the man as he roared in the entrance. “That old man fucking shoved me in the CLOSET AND TOOK OFF!”
Lala and Timothy gained a Neah that day, and somehow a great grandfather that they never knew about.
Though, being family meant that little Timothy could exploit the menacing looking man.
After a long shift at work, Anita laid on Cross’ couch and set her feet in his lap, exhausted. On autopilot, the man began to knead and rub her feet.
She groaned and threw her arm over her eyes. “I love you.”
“I know.” The Colonel said, smug.
Just for that, Anita shoved her foot against his face.
“Everyone gets a job in the group, and we all have to work together to make something. And it can’t be a group unless there’s at least two people.
Sometimes there’s like, five or more though.
Family is like that. It’s made by people who work together.
It’s a group project!”
The night of Lala’s recital, many PTA mothers were heartbroken to find that handsome Mister Walker was not a single father.
Their husband was just as handsome in his own right, even with the shocking white hair.
Timothy thought his Dad looked weird with the fake glasses, but whatever. He understood that Allen needed to disguise himself, otherwise people would disturb the show, wanting an autograph or sneak a picture.
Of course, Lala sang beautifully.
It’s a long, long way to a miracle, Just to let you know,
You’re not alone.
Allen smiled at his son, who was attempting mouth the words to Lala’s song. He looked up at his husband who looked just as proud has he felt.
The music around them bowed and flowed in the air, and if he could see it, Allen knew it would be gleaming.
Ping, ping, ping went a piano, and Allen found himself no longer admiring the flood of music. There was no piano on stage, just Lala and her voice.
His ears tickled and Allen looked around the room. He knew that sound.
Noticing a familiar silhouette by the theater windows, Allen felt his heart go to his throat.
The memory beamed and waved. And when Allen blinked back the water in his eyes, it was gone.
“Allen?” Link asked. “What is it?”
The singer cleared his throat, “Nothing.” He turned to his husband and curious son, face splitting from the joy in his smile. “I remembered something, that’s all.”  
It's a long long way to miracle But I promised my soul that I'll make it back home.
“That’s what I think a family is.
Also, Mother Hearst, you’re part of it too. Thank you for being the first person in my family.
Love you, and junk. Timothy.”
“Mother? What is it?”
The older nun sent the email to the printer, tears running down her warm face. “Don’t worry dear. I just need to wash my face.”
What a lovely beginning.
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howardlinkedin · 8 years
Shelter - Part 14
Running title: Shelter Part 14 Summary: I just love happy endings, don’t you? Part 12: Here Part 13: Here
noun a place giving temporary protection from bad weather or danger.
Life is full of storms. Both literal and metaphorical. A shelter can be the home one retreats to get dry from a sudden downpour. It can also be a place of safety after a terrible day, where comfort is found.
A home is a place where people reside, and are welcome. A home, incidentally, can easily be a shelter.
Shelter can be meeting the young woman who owned the repair shop, who was so inherently kind, that your heart couldn't help but flutter whenever you hear her voice.
It can be the greenhouse across the street, filled with beautiful and exotic fauna, ran by an eccentric, but not unkind man with a rather wobbly smile.
Shelter is the home for a young man who struggles with understanding the majority of the world and how it works, but they are endlessly supported by a father and brothers who were willing to guide him.
Or it’s said young man, who became the rock for another, who needed that extra push to become who they wanted to be.
It’s stepping out of the elevator, and seeing familiar faces who always greet you with warmth and welcome, while your brother becomes ecstatic at your presence.
For a lonely little boy, shelter was a clown who didn’t stop laughing. Shelter was the love the boy continued to feel long after his father left. The assurance that he would never be alone again.
At the recording studio, Allen took a calming breath. He could do this.
His eyes caught Link on the other side of the sound room, and smiled bright. He definitely could.
Lavi, at the recording booth, gave him the signal. “Right-o Allen! Ready in 3, 2, 1!”
Allen finally, finally sang his song. It was about time.
I could never find the right way to tell you
Have you noticed I've been gone?
'Cause I left behind the home that you made me
But I will carry it along.
When the song officially released on mainstream radio, it quickly hit the top five charts. When Allen got his cut of the profits, Lenalee looked over his shoulder at the check and whistled. “If this keeps up, you’ll be set for life!” She declared.
From the dining room, Cross snorted. “He was set for life the moment he took out that damned swear jar of his.” He made a point by stuffing it with a quarter without prompting. “Cussing is bad manners Cross.” Allen retorted. “What are you going to do with all that money anyway?” Lenalee asked, scratching Timcampy behind the ears. The little dog wiggled with joy. Allen looked thoughtful as Atuuda demanded to be picked up with a meow. He answered as he hefted the large fluffy feline into his arms. “I was thinking about a tattoo. For my arm.” The index finger of said red arm booped the cat on her pink nose. Atuuda chirped and swatted her tail in his face.
While Lenalee looked excited about the idea, his guardian squawked from the other room. “TATTOO?” “Cross it’s rude to eavesdrop.”
--- Marian Cross was less irritated about his kid wanting a tattoo - because he honestly did not give a single steaming hot damn if he did, and more so that all these years, he was basically being conned by a child to fund his need for ink. Mafia or not, Allen Walker would have fit right in if he had wanted.
And it's a long way forward, so trust in me
I'll give them shelter, like you've done for me.
--- Across the city, at the Central Building, Madarao held appointment with Head General Hevlaska Karma. He stood stiff and at attention in his suit. Hevlaska raised her brows at the young gentleman, “You do know, that there is a selection process I have in place, for choosing my intern from the University Mister Madarao.” It wasn’t a question. All the same, Madarao gave his assent. “Yes. I am aware General. Regardless of your choosing myself as your candidate, I also believe what I have compiled will be of great help for you and your police force.”  He set a neat, and ordered stack of files on her desk. They were all dated, and color coated by tabs. The leader of Central’s largest and strongest police firm steeped her hands together, assessing first the files then back to the young man who had been requesting for her ear for the past month. “And how will this assist me Mister Madarao?”
So he told her. ---
At eighteen, Allen graduated high school. Arm in arm with his best friend, he and Lenalee marched off the stage, diploma in hand. “Congratulations Miss Lee.”
She laughed. “Congratulations Mister Walker.” At the floor, they spotted their family and friends respectively. Alma and Kanda, who had graduated the year prior, were there. Alma was waving them down rather enthusiastically, hand holding Kanda’s. In Kanda’s free arm, he had Timcampy, who seemed content at being held like a limpet. “Congratulations!!” Alma hollers, and hugged them both. The new graduates laughed. In the bleachers, Cross puffed smoke from his cigarette and glared balefully at the man beside him. “Why are you here?” He outright demanded. Neah stuck his tongue out at the redhead. “Did you forget that Allen is my cute nephew? Have you gotten senile in your old age?” “I am not old you goddamned-”
“Ah-ha! Language! There’s innocent ears everywhere.” Chided the Campbell, wagging his finger as though Cross were a child to be scolded. Cross snorted. “They’re all teenagers. Since when are teenagers innocent?” Behind them, Road pressed her heeled shoe into Neah’s head. “Will you two shush! I’m trying to get good audio with the video and no one wanted to hear you old man bantering!” “Road you’re practically my age.” Said Neah, ignoring her foot on his head. She decided to kick him then. Cross pointed and laughed. --- Link presented Allen with a bouquet assortment of colorful flowers. “Crowley had arranged them. He attempted to explain their meaning to me, but...I was unable to completely follow.” Link frowned, as though admitting he was unable to outright memorize something was a slight against himself. “Regardless, I was assured they are positive in their meaning.” Taking the offered present, Allen was certain he was smiling like an idiot at that moment. (Later, Kanda would state this as a fact, quite bluntly too). “Best boyfriend ever.” The blonde cleared his throat, Allen notice that his ears were red. Lenalee looked between the two with an “o” expression and took a respectful few steps back. She had a feeling this was going to be a rather important moment. “Not boyfriend.” Link started, rather awkwardly. “But, fiance, if you’ll have me.” He gestured to the top of the bouquet. Behind them, Alma squealed outright into their hands, and began shaking Kanda’s arm. Kanda looked unimpressed with Link, because he didn’t understand why the had to be so flustered about it. Everyone knew it was a solid Yes.
With wide silver eyes, Allen finally spotted the velvet box set on the flowers. He looked between the box, then Link in rapid succession. At first his mouth gaped open, as though he was going to speak, then he would snap it closed. Instead he hugged the bouquet to his chest and grabbed Link by the ear with his free hand and gave away both of their firsts kisses right then and there.
In the bleachers, Neah screamed a rather loud “WHAT?!” While Road let out a yell of excitement. Cross sat back and looked smug. You go kid. Lenalee was taking pictures with her phone.
Pulling back, Link looked rather dazed. Eyes wide and blinking slowly, his brain caught up with the moment. “I-”
Allen kissed him again. “!!”
---- “You never actually said yes.” “Oh my gosh Link shut up and get back to kissing me.” Link shut up and went back to kissing him. ---
Allen Walker discovered that he really, really, really, really liked kissing.
--- And I know, I'm not alone, you'll be watching over us
Until you're gone. --- Next, Howard Link, twenty-three, graduated college with high marks and his degree. Allen celebrated with him that night with a song and homemade chocolate cake. Eventually, his uncle called him in for his own congratulations. “I’m very proud of you Link.” Lvellie praised, looking every bit smug. Link nodded. “Thank you Uncle.” “It just so happens that there is an open position here.” His uncle preened, waiting for Link to show any sign of ascension to the idea. Arching an eyebrow, Link inquired. “Position?” “Well yes! You will be working for you dear uncle, won’t you?” Really now! Thought Lvellie. As though he wouldn’t hire his own flesh and blood. After a pause to gather his thoughts, Howard Link takes a step forward, and presents his uncle with his degree. “I am sorry uncle but I believe you are under the impression that I wish to work for you.” Lvellie stared openly at the embossed, framed paper, uncomprehending. “You see, where you believed me furthering my education with criminal justice, I actually gained my degree in business management, along with a minor in culinary.” “C-culinary?!” The Commissioner choked. “I have spoken with Mother and Father and they have granted me access to part of my inheritance so that I may open a bakery.” Lvellie looked white with disbelief. “But-” “I am sorry that your plans for me were not what I wanted.” Link was honestly anything but sorry; regardless it seemed to be the only thing he could say on the matter. Tucking the frame under his arm, Link bid his Uncle good day and started for the door. “Oh.” He paused and turned around to address his uncle once again. Lvellie was still gaping like a fish out of water. “Also, In half a year’s time, I will be binding myself to Allen Walker. Please look for the invitation, should you still be free and out of prison at that time.” With that, Howard Link left the the office. “Prison?!”
--- When I'm older, I'll be silent beside you
I know words won't be enough
And they won't need to know the names or our faces
But they will carry on for us.
A month later, Malcolm C. Lvellie was arrested and marched out of the Precinct for withholding and tampering of evidence for the Guilty Murders, therefore placing him in suspicion for working with the Cardinal. The Cardinal who, ironically (and still uncertain how and by whom) was found murdered. It would later be revealed that Lvellie himself knew all along who the murder was, but held the information away for himself, hoping to find the right moment to reveal it all. His goal was to manipulate the circumstances enough that Head General Hevlaska Karma’s ability to lead Central would be scrutinized enough, that Malcolm would be chosen to replace her. Standing besides Head General Karma was Madarao, newly accepted intern, who watched passively as the man was taken away by police car. He decided that he would call Lavi, and inform him of his new location. The hyper red head would certainly be ecstatic at having himself closer to home.  Lavi needn't to fear over any more mafia nonsense now that Madarao had his foot in the door. 
Colonel Yeager crossed his arms, and huffed. “Good riddance. I never liked that man.” Claude Nyne watched Cross walk back into the Precinct and gave her own affirmation. “You’re not the only one.” Inside, Marian Cross kicked down Malcolm C. Lvellie’s ex-office door, and flipped the desk over. Socalo, the curious and nosey bastard, poked his head in. “What the shit?” Marian tore a framed important something or other off the wall and threw it across the room, into the other wall. It shattered. “Either you join me or fuck off Winters.” Ever the one to enjoy chaos rather than run from is, Socalo joined in on defacing the office.
--- Soon, the Precinct found itself under a much needed overhaul of staff. The majority of the forensics and tech department was left virtually untouched, but some officers had been let go or left due to further investigations of Lvellie’s misdirections as Commissioner. Froi Tiedoll walked into the now bard Commissioner office, looking surprised at the dents and holes in the walls. “Oh my.” He hoped whatever happened in here was therapeutic enough. “Welcome out of retirement, new Commissioner Tiedoll.” The man hummed and smiled with his eyes over at Colonel Nyne. “Thank you Colonel. I do believe I feel a good change in the wind.” The policewoman nodded, and turned to address her own new intern. “Tokusa, help the Commissioner get proper office equipment.” She ordered. Newly graduated Tokusa bolted upright, babbling. “Yes sir! Ma’am! Madam.” “No.” “Yes….Colonel?” “Better. Now hup to!” Tokusa turned heel to find out where he can get a desk and chairs. --- Tiedoll hung a picture of his sons on the wall, looking proud. One his desk was a framed photo of Kanda and Alma, dressed in white.
--- And it's a long way forward, so trust in me
I'll give them shelter like you've done for me.
--- “You don’t have to call to wake me up every morning you damned brat.” Colonel Marian Cross grouched into his phone. He was currently waiting in line at a coffee shop, hoping to fuel his need for liquid energy. Ever since Allen went on his tour, he still took time to call Cross and bother his ass about his morning routines. He swore his kid got a sick enjoyment out of it. “Are you at that cafe again? Cross I thought you got a new coffee maker.” His kid ignored his previous statement and chose to instead nag him on other things. “Correction, you got me a new coffee maker and it busted.” Just two more orders and Cross would have the excuse to hang up on his child. It was rude after all to talk on the phone while ordering.
“How can you bust a Keurig?” “Correction, it busted on its own.” He grumbled. “Riiiight.” Thank the Lord it was his turn to order. “Look, kid I gotta go. Fuck off and nag that husband of yours instead.” He heard Allen snort on the other line. “Yeah, yeah, okay. Bye Cross. Talk to you tomorrow.” The Colonel found himself grinning, despite his bravado. He was fond of the little shit, and will always be fond. “Whatever, leave me alone you brat.” Allen laughed before hanging up. His barista looked at him, an amused look in her dark eyes. “Brat?” Marian huffed. “My kid. He’s a brat.” And that’s all he would rather say on the matter. It was hard to bring up that yes, he has an adult child, and said child happened to be Allen Fucking Walker, singing sensation. Last time he let it slip out, he had nuisances at his door for a month. He strung his order to the (very pretty, but Cross always noticed pretty things so this wasn’t too surprising) barista. After ringing up his order, she introduced herself. “Anita.” Cross looked from her hand to her (still very pretty) face, flummoxed. “What.”
She laughed, and Cross noted that her laugh was also very pretty. “This is the part where you give me your name and I start to flirt with you.” “Oh.” Oh.
Years later, Allen Walker, 24, walked through the streets of Paris. He had just slipped away from Lenalee that morning after doing an interview about his upcoming concert in the city. His best friend and sole security would most definitely be lecturing his ear off later over this, but sometimes he needed time to himself. With a green beanie hiding his very noticeable white hair, and thick sunglasses that he hoped were dark enough to keep his anonymity, Allen wandered aimlessly. If someone had told him as a kid back in the circus, that he would be a singer songwriter, whose name was practically known by everyone, he would have been disbelieving.
Then he would try and pick their pockets. He digressed. There was also the whole, married and in love thing. Child him wouldn't have even been able to comprehend.
He was about to wander to a crepe stand, his stomach thinking for him with anticipation, when he heard it. The sound was high, and distressed, and young. It had all the potential to reach lower notes, but at the moment it’s owner was rather stuck on piping out the high tones. Allen would recognize the sound for what it was anywhere, no matter what notes it played. Allen Walker followed the sound of a distressed pipe organ, away from the crepe stand and into an alley between the buildings. It was still the middle of the day, so the ally itself wasn’t in anyway dark or ominous. Along with the organ, Allen heard tell tale sounds of a foot kicking a trash can. “PWEEEEEEEEE!!!”
Oh, now that was a very distinct cry, Allen thought. He never heard someone actually produce their sound verbally before. Kicking the trash can in the alley was a young boy, Allen guess about nine, maybe ten. He had wild brown hair that looked like he had tried to dye the ends with blue kool-aid and wore an orange jumper with frayed jeans. “I’m so mad I’m so mad!” was the boys mantra. “Why are you mad?” Allen asked, kneeling next to the angry boy. Said boy was startled and made a wild swing at Allen head. “AAAAH!!”
--- After whopping Allen, the kid ran off. Only a little winded, Allen followed after, undeterred.
He felt a vague sense of deja vu, and grinned.
“Hey wait!” He called after. ---
“Why won’t you leave me alone huh?!” Demanded the angry boy.   Allen shrugged. “I don’t want to.” The boy looked at Allen like he was the most bizarre person he’d ever met. Which, may very well be true. Allen would admit that he was indeed, very odd.  Link also took joy at pointing it out to him. Regularly.
“Well get lost!” The boy stomped his foot. “I don’t need some weirdo following me around!” “How about you tell me why you’re so mad, and maaaaybe I’ll leave you alone.” Allen weedled. The kid looked unimpressed at this. “Maybe.” he repeated. “Yeah. Maybe.” They both had a stare down. Allen more amused while the boy simply refused to back down from the impromptu staring contest. Eventually, there was no winner, as the boy’s stomach used this moment to growl rather loudly. Allen’s own stomach felt sympathy. “Are you hungry?” The boy, who looked like wanted to cry again, but was holding it back, only glowered.
Howard Link, 28, came back to the rented suite he was staying at with his husband, arms full of bags of fresh bread and boxes of pastries. He had been taking his time in Paris to sample and buy all the baked goods he could, and seeing if he could garner new recipes. It was a very riveting experience for him. He was also certain that Allen had been enjoying all the fresh eats he kept being with him. “Welcome back!” Allen called. “We’re in the kitchen.” “We?” Link asked. Was Lee here as well?
The blonde made his way into the suite’s kitchen, and instantly noticed the boy making headway into the pumpkin pie Link baked that morning. Sitting beside him was Allen, who waved his fingers cheerfully at his husband, his own plate sparse save for the pie crumbs left behind. “I see we have a guest.” Link lead. Allen patted the boy on the back. “Yeah! This is Timothy. Say hi Tim.” “He’wwowoooo!” The boy, now Timothy greeted best he could with his mouthful. Link nodded, and set down the baked goods in his arms at the counter. He went over and held out his hand. “Hello Timothy, I am Link. It’s a pleasure.” ---
And I know, I'm not alone,
you'll be watching over us.
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icharchivist · 5 years
Honestly at this point I'm wondering how likely it will be to pry Kanda from Allen's side? When Tiedoll offered to make Kanda a general in order to investigate the Order's corruption. Kanda accepted and you think that was his out to leave. But as soon as Allen tries to ditch them Kanda's immediate response is to grab and follow. Post flashback arc, I'm wondering if Kanda will be even more likely to throw away the chance to be General if he deems Allen and Johnny need him more. -
2 Basically we might get Kanda leaving w/Tiefoll to go back undercover and liberate Lenalee and Marie from detainment. Leaving Allen and Johnny alone on their journey (until Lavi joins). Or we'll get Kanda rejecting his promotion and joining the official fugitive squad alongside Allen and Johnny. Leaving Tiedoll making a official report but secretly reporting what he learned to Allen's allies (which kicks off Lenalee being the main pov of a investigation arc). I'm personally more down for the-
3 the latter outcome. 1) Lenalee would get to shine in a arc concerning the corruption of her world while she tries to help Allen from afar. 2) Lets be real. Between Allen being a disaster and Johnny being a normal non combatant human in a world of monsters. Does anyone think those 2 will last long w/o Kanda? They were only together for a day and Kanda already had to save Johnny from being killed by the 14th and is now playing therapist for Allen. You think Lavi could do that? No (sorry Lavi).
Honestly i don’t think Kanda will let go of Allen anytime soon, not now. 
Kanda is still interested into diving into the Order’s corruption plot, though, which is why I expect that once a few things are.... settle, Kanda may be the link to the Lenalee’s centric arc about the Order’s corruption (i’m convinced it will be Lenalee’s. but also the fact she’s Kanda’s childhood friend and is around Marie, another of Kanda’s childhood friend, gives a lot of reasons for Kanda to get himself involved, and be our narrative tiein in between the current storyline and this future one, just like Cross leading Allen to the Mansion Bookman is at is a tiein to Lavi’s incoming arc.)
But  not know. Kanda made a promise. Kanda owes Allen this much. I mean... Kanda is interested in the Order’s corruption because it would give him answer about what his life had been all about (it’s not for nothing he looked like a child again when confronting the innocence after meeting Apo - a child in his lab clothes. Confronting his past again.), but the whole reason he didn’t die with Alma was that he had an unfinished business with Allen, that he felt guilty for triggering Nea’s awakening, and that he owed this much to Allen after all he did for him and Alma.
So Allen is Kanda’s priorities. He didn’t come back to the Order to find answers, he came back for Allen. Even if finding answers is something that interests him now.
I feel like Kanda can also try to play both sides, after all we know the generals have a far more leaway than anyone else, they’re less tracked down than your usual exorcist. tbh I think it might even be a reason for Tiedoll’s offer (since everything about this offer was done too to protect Kanda - just like Tiedoll always did). Hell the fact Tiedoll had been involved to give Allen an escape, I’m pretty certain Tiedoll was on Kanda’s side, not the Order. Else they would have waited for Krory and Chaoji to show up with the Finders. But they didn’t.
Kanda is too important for Allen’s mental stability at this point, and Johnny cannot handle everything on his own. He will stick with Allen as much as possible and i personally don’t think he would leave unless he considers Nea is under control - which isn’t likely to happen anytime soon and that I’d personally could see it happen only after the Bookman arc. 
The only other reason for Kanda to leave is really if Lenalee and Marie’s situation get worse, but i doubt it. Again I just think it would be a narrative tie in to have Kanda at least from affar giving some sort of support to Lenalee to kickstart her story.
But I genuinely think this arc won’t start until at least when we get very involved in the Bookman’s arc and as of now, Kanda’s focus is 100% on Allen.
Besides,if Kanda has questions about Apocryphos linked to how he wants ot tackle the Corruption of the Order arc, the Bookman may have answers that would lead Kanda to at least a few conclusions he could forward to Lenalee - might give Kanda an opportunity to get out of the plot for more organic reasons just at least to raise stakes by having Allen without Kanda as an anchor in a difficult time (after all if Allen opens a door for Kanda what could have been “a few days, please don’t fuck yourself up in my absence” can be a narrative framing to open Lenalee’s storyline and Allen’s stakes while keeping Kanda as a link to the two stories). 
As far as Kanda being General is concerned, I’ve.. talked about it somewhere on my blog (i talk so much i don’t know how to find most of those anymore orz), but Tiedoll offering Kanda a new crossroads, a path, is exactly what happened to Cross and Allen. Both Masters who had set their pupils on their original path, coming back in their pupils’s lives when they strayed from it, and giving them first one path they can decide to pick- the easy path (giving up to Nea/becoming a General and come back, protected, to the Order) (funnily enough, it would mean Allen would have had to give up to his suffering while Kanda opens more a “making sense of this suffering and changing it). We’ve seen that Allen rejected this path, so Cross gave him an alternative, and Allen is now making his own. Kanda had officially accepted Tiedoll’s path, which could be the “parallel with Allen that stops at how they make their decision” or it could mean Kanda could, like Allen, make his own path outside of what Tiedoll proposed to him.
The problem is that both path works very well on a thematic level - it’s like what we mentioned the other day with Lenalee and Kanda’s arc paralleling each other, to the point of now having a person sacrificing their freedom for their wellbeing, except that it pushed Lenalee to chain herself to the Order because of how her brother got chained into it, and Kanda to become a fugitive to protect Allen from the Order. Both had similar arc but a drastic different path separating them.
And it’s the problem thematically speaking is that any of Kanda’s choices would work on a thematic standpoint - by accepting Tiedoll’s offer, he choses a drastically different approach than Allen. By refusing it, he continues to parallel Allen. 
I think it’s too good of an opportunity to not let Kanda sieze it, but i do think it’s just not the timing for that. That Kanda will prioritize Allen before indulging more in the thoughts of being a General, and that he might be able to sieze that opportunity again later. For now, his focus is on Allen though. But the parallelisms with Allen down to him making his new path all along works too. Hell perhaps even just doing a detour to stay loyal to Allen before eventually accepting the General offer works as well for a “drastically different” approach than Allen without specifically betraying either sides. If that makes sense.
So yeah no, as much as the General thing is still up in the air, and that yeah the Corruption arc should be Lenalee’s, Kanda is too much of a good narrative tool at this point to not use it, both on the parallel it set up with Allen and the link he can be with the others storylines far from Allen. To give a proper reason to show those storylines to us with the narrative flow. 
But as of now, his focus is on Allen, and will remain so. I believe he will at least stick around until the Mansion, like i said the only way i see him leave before the end of the Bookman arc would be knowledge about Apo he would need to forward in some way. But that’s litterally the only thing and it doesn’t exactly balance against “Allen is losing himself and i made an oath” that is going on atm.
If that... whole rambling makes sense orz
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