allforafro · 5 months
Jurassic park is trending om
I love jurassic park
I watched og trilogy a 975323899853247032488 times
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ikamigami · 1 year
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Cake made by @allforafro
Decorated by me @allforafro @kuu-onisama @woolrulesintheworld
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Do you know were there any other animations related to xiaolin besides xs and xc? And how high do you think the probability is that next year they will officially announce a new series related to xiaolin
Currently there are no other official tie-in series, movies, webisodes, or other media that I am aware of in live action or animation. There are no official comic books, comic strips, graphic novels, or written novels to my knowledge.
A 300+ page graphic novel was planned as part of a now cancelled Kickstarter campaign back in 2015/16, but I do not believe any scripts for it were ever written. Let alone published anywhere online.
However, there is currently an interest check for Xiaolin Reanimated. A collaboration between artists and animators to recreate a section of the first episode of Xiaolin Showdown. You can show your support and sign up to participate with the form linked in this post. I strongly encourage you to reblog the post so others can show support too.
As for a new series, I think it would be excellent to announce something new at the 20th anniversary mark for Xiaolin Showdown, but Hui has been doing low key interest checks for the last three years and nothing has come of it. Instead she has taken a break to pursue other interests in telling stories. Her most recent projects are 9 Dragons Tea and a children's book about female WW2 airplane pilots, both based on her travels.
If you like Xiaolin, please support the creator's other projects, but do not harass them in reviews or comments about not making content specifically for you.
The best thing to do is show support by buying products from the official Xiaolin Chronicles RedBubble store, streaming or buying the episodes from legitimate platforms, and leaving POSITIVE reviews asking for more Xiaolin content on those platforms.
I hope that helps.
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kuu-onisama · 3 years
Rysunek dla @allforafro 😘
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Every like is a candy for Satonyan ~🍬
If you reblog you give him a cupcake ~🧁
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allforafro · 3 months
new doctor x afo fanfic
I hope you like it guys
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allforafro · 6 months
When I was watching Star Trek, I didn't think much about it. It was new to me, apart from general knowledge of what Star Trek is, I didn't know about this, I hadn't watched the old series. I knew these films weren't masterpieces but they worked for me, it was ok. When I started watching Heroes last summer, I developed an embarrassing phase of liking Zachary Quinto (I better not mention anything about his eyebrows because this post is already embarrassing). I started looking through stuff and came across ZQ!spock. I thought I'll look at a ship I used to like spockxnyota (I don't know what it's called) and I thought I didn't remember it being that nice. Basically, the essence of this post is that I like this ship.
I think spock is sweet
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allforafro · 11 months
something like a table of contents to make searching easier or a guide to my thoughts
see below as the list is quite long and I don't like long posts on my desktop
boku no hero academia:
traitor theory (polish)
about spoiler for 336 leaks (polish)
bnha 342 spoiler
bnha 334, this afo is a clone theory
ikamigami theory about overhaul (not mine)
is one for all is evil?
to the rescue of the villains of lov
about theory afo is a glowing baby
my anti dfo post:
anti dfo post 1
100 post, anti dfo post 2
bnha other:
dabi origin story
afo name
kamino afo supremacy
sometimes I get tired of Caleb and his team translating
who is gay in bnha poll
afo doesn't smoke
afo loves yoichi bnha 407
jujutsu kaisen:
about this special video about gojo in the prison realm
sugusato headcanon, husband au
complaining to people about their perception of maki
appreciate nanami kento
jujutsu kaisen theory:
theory and prediction
jjk 236
geto won't come back
loose thought regarding ep8 s1
season 1 and 2 opinion
season 3 live reaction (ep. 1-6)
season 3 live raction (ep.7-9)
season 3 live reaction (ep. 14 - 25)
yakusoku no neverland
review of The promised neverland
shameless advertising
moon knight:
Moon knight review
miraculous ladybug
my few thoughts about Zoe
darkwing duck
darkwing duck reciew
my 2 cents about toga
I love ikamigami take on bnha
goncharov quiz
doctor loves afo
complaining to people about thei perception of maki part 2
lmk sun wukong character analysis (love this!)
about shadowpeach apology
petrelli brothers as a twin
great post about SWK defending
what effect could laughing gas have had on jeremiah
sylar plus Catholic symbolism
my fanfiction:
boku no hero academia:
soulmate is not always the one that fate has chosen for us
Last friday night
roadside assistance
another day, another tragedy , chap.4, chap.5
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allforafro · 7 months
Summary: Matt, Mohinder and Molly decide to go camping to rest after everything what happened. When their car breaks down, they are helped by the person from whom they would be the last to expect help
sigh - the summary is weird, don't pay attention to it
This time I put a lot of work into making it sound good, let me know if anything seems weird. I hope you like it
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allforafro · 1 year
finally published my first fic on my newly created account on ao3
take a look if you're interested
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allforafro · 11 months
I am starting to write a series of drabbles, onshot ect. the first fic is already here
golden kamuy fandom, so far
includes my OC
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allforafro · 1 year
I decided to post this fic here (thus postponing for the thousandth time in a few years setting up an account on ao3) before I consider it a failure and decide never publish it
All for one and doctor ujiko fic for all fans of this ship
Just in case mention of a character's death
It's another day in a row that Shigaraki comes to my office with an unreadable expression on his face, sits on a chair and says nothing. We sit like that for a while in silence, each lost in his own thoughts until I break the silence. Usually I don't mind Shigaraki listening to what I say, it's nice to know that someone appreciates my views, but I have a feeling that these days are different from our usual routine. His eyes don't show that flash of excitement about the things I'm talking about, usually talking about meta abilities brings a smile to his lips. It's one of his favorite topics, after all. Everything changed after his brother death. Since then, every day he seems more distant, more cold. In the beginning, I gave him space to organize his thoughts and whatever people usually do after losing someone close to them. I don't understand it because I don't have such sentiments myself, death is inevitable. I know that Shigaraki usually doesn't have such sentiments himself, but the loss of his brother was something especially painful for him. Even if I find it weird considering that from the outside, they didn't seem to be close, but I know that it's not for me to judge, especially since I haven't had such a close relationship with anyone myself. I may not understand their relationship but I know what connects me with Shigaraki and what is hapenning right now is not what I want. I still don't know how to breake this new routine, but I know I have to do something before it gets to the point where something irreversible happens.
So when Shigaraki came to my office and sat on the empty chair, I looked at his blank face and knew it was time to do something, now or never. However, for some unknown reason, I felt very nervous. It must have showed on my face how I was feeling because Shigaraki gave me a reassuring smile. A feeling of warmth spread throughout my body as I got up from the table in search of something different from our daily routine. Somewhere in a heap of forgotten things lay sparklers. I don't know how they ended up here, but they're just as good a distraction as anything else. Tensely, I turned back to him and showed him the sparklers in my hands. Surprise on his face was almost comical.
- It is true that the new year has passed a long time ago but it would be a pity if they were wasted, don't you think? - I was the first to speak again and Shigaraki was silent but seemed more relaxed than before. I sat back in the chair, not a moment passed when I jumped in the chair suddenly plunged into darkness. I realized with affrighted that I hadn't turned on my computer or the lamp on my desk today. I don't have windows here because my office is in the basement so I couldn't see anything with the lights off. I'm not afraid of the dark, but the sudden darkness and the silence that accompanied it seemed unsettling to me. The sudden warm touch on my cold hand made me scream in horror. However, the hearty laugh that followed my scream calmed my nerves and I realized that it was Shigaraki who was trying to take the sparklers from me. I felt ashamed of myself. I wanted to stay in the dark longer to hide my embarrassment but Shigaraki lit sparklers for us and handed me for me.
- Why did you do that? - I wanted to repeat my earlier explanation but Shigaraki dismissed it with a wave of his hand - You don't have to lie, I know you too well to know that you don't care about such trivial things. So what is it about?
I smiled at his affirmative that he knew me well. In the light of the sparklers his face looks almost ethereal. - You seem upset lately, so I thought I would cheer you up Shigaraki - sama.
Shigaraki laughed slightly. His laugh is the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.
- I'm flattered that you're trying so hard to take care of my mood, but I'm fine. Don't worry about what you don't need doctor.
I wanted to say that his well-being and good is what I care the most but when he looked into my eyes I couldn't say a word. The intense gaze of his golden eyes made me dizzy.
- And if I remember correctly, we talked about my name. My name is no longer Shigaraki, I'm All For One.
Shigaraki is a beautiful name, it's my friend's name after all. But All For One fits him too. This name is the embodiment of his dreams, ideas, who he is and who he supposed to be, after all, everything has to be for him.
- I'm sorry - I whispered, my voice as quiet as fading sparklers. If All For One heard it, he didn't care.
We sat in blissful silence, even when the sparklers burned out, we were not bother by darkness. I stared at All For One the whole time and my thoughts revolve around him. All For One was still sitting in his chair, absorbed in his thoughts not caring that I was staring at him. I like to think that All For One likes the way I'm devoted to him and how much I admire him.
I didn't notice when the light was turned back on and All For One stood relaxed in the door way
- See you soon, doctor - All For One gave me a small smile before leaving.
- See you later All For One - I replied in a similar tone.
For some time I stared at the door behind which All For One had disappeared, still processing what had happened earlier. I feel happy. Thinking about how wonderful All For One is, I went back to work.
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allforafro · 9 months
I can't believe that a fanfic with all for one and doctor ujiko is more read than a mylar fic
like what dude? I thought afo and doctor were not likeable characters from bnha
although on the other hand, mylar is not the most popular hero ship
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allforafro · 10 months
Having read various opinions over the years I've spent in the fandom from afar and in the wake of the 60th anniversary and the reinstatement of RTD, I decided to write my opinion on a few things in Doctor Who
At the outset, I prefer to point out that I have not watched classic who, and new who I have only watched three seasons and a few episodes from each of the later doctor
Doctor Who is a good, fun series but it didn't draw me in enough to want to watch it in its entirety maybe someday I'll keep watching but for now it didn't thrill me
After watching most of the RTD era and knowing spoilers from special episodes and seeing some information about 15th Doctor, I find that it can be nostalgic. this in itself is not bad, a large part of television is based on this, these days especially. But maybe I will be positively surprised as I was with the 13th Doctor.
Since we are already at 13 doctor I have to say that I personally think it would have worked out for the better for the series if 13 doctor was not a continuation
I don't like 12th Doctor
The 11th Doctor could be, I think if I watched it all the episodes one by one I might like it
The 10th Doctor is…let me put it this way I like him but I changed my mind while watching and my favorite doctor got 9th Doctor
I like tenrose but the second season had more episodes that I didn't like than the first, even if the first was worse in terms of execution than the second. ninerose dynamics more to my liking than tenrose
I haven't watched season 4 donna seems like a nice character but I doubt I won't change my mind season 3 will be my favorite of the whole rtd era
this season has a lot of flaws, a lot of people have written about it probably better than I would write but I'll just comment that the ending of The last of the time lords was like TV magic than a well-written ending. I say this even though I like the episodes with the master
this series has better and worse moments like most long-running series but it's even good to watch
I don't know how to end it because I don't even know what I wanted to achieve by writing this, I guess other than to share some of my opinions
so thanks for getting to the end
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allforafro · 2 years
Ok, so far I have only watched 3 seasons of miraculous (I'm curious about next seasons but what is written about them in the fandom kind of discourages me from watching them) so I don't have a full picture of the portrayal of the characters in question but nevertheless I wanted to share one thought I had at the time of the season 4 premiere (mainly what I saw on the internet)
I am referring to the character of Chloe and Zoe.
Chloe your typical rich mean girl, who has a few moments that give hope that the character will change and maybe even become a friend of the main character. As you know, there have already been many such characters in movies, TV series and cartoon. Nothing out of the ordinary. It's just that her character development at the end of the season is canceled.
My thoughts: wtf, seriously when did her character start getting interesting.
And then in season 4 it turns out that Chloe has a sister Zoe. Ok, fine, cool. It's just that the various things I've seen with miraculous have given me the impression that the creators have given us Zoe as a replacement for Chloe. There will be no character development for Chloe but instead we will give you a similar only nicer person who will have miraculous bees.
Sure Zoe will turn out to be nice and I'll like her, but I won't get rid of the feeling that the creators created this character only because they don't like Chloe.
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allforafro · 1 year
Hi I saw your tags a) saving hope is beautiful and super interesting do continue. Also smallville!! One of my all time faves. Shanks comes in a little further down the line but those two are so good together across all 3 of those shows!!!
I will admit that I started watching saving hope because michael shanks played there. I only watch first season and then it happened that I didn't watch the rest. It was so long ago that I don't even remember why.
Daniel Jackson was my favorite. I liked all of sgc but daniel was my favorite.
I'm not quite sure in which episode erica appeared because it's been a long time since I watched stargate. Maybe I'll rewatch stargate again someday
I just started watching the fifth season of smallville and I love lois. Erica Durance plays her brilliantly.
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allforafro · 1 month
finally tumblr started suggesting gabriel gray tag whenever i start writing this
finally, after like 50 reblogs later, finally
tumblr before: "gabriel gray" who?
tumblr now: gab... Did you mean gabriel gray?
yes! all this f... time
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