#alltheglowingeyess asks
alltheglowingeyess · 3 years
About Aristotle and Dante!! Why do you think Ari was into that girl (I forget her name)? Do you think he is bisexual or was he just confused or what?
With Dante, it makes it clear that even when he was kissing a girl, he wished he was kissing a boy. But I don't know if that was ever clarified about Ari. I'd love to know how you interpreted that!
ooooo i'm not sure; i personally had thought he might have been bisexual (last time i reread it seemed pretty ambiguous as to giving his sexuality a label).
but otherwise i also thought it might have been ari looking to fill the space left by dante in a way. i think that this was around the time dante had settled in after moving and began writing about his own experiences with girls and exploring his own sexuality. i don't really remember if ari responded to all of the letters (at least from what we saw), but maybe ari decided well if dante is growing up and moving on like that, i should too.
ari also might have not blatantly stated that he wished he was kissing a boy instead of illeana (i think that's her name!), but we have to remember that it's from ari's pov and he's what i think could be considered an unreliable narrator. so we might simply not get that sort of insight.
ari also was still clearly thinking about dante while being with illeana. i distinctly remember this scene where ari describes a dream he has. he's driving his truck and by the end of it, hits dante with his truck i think. but everytime, he hits dante with his truck because he was looking over at illeana. ari's dreams throughout the novel are really telling of his deeper feelings, so i interpreted that dream sequence as illeana being a sort of "welcome distraction" away from everyhting he's feeling for dante at the time - he doesn't want to deal with what he's feeling.
at the same time, there was that moment nearing the end of the novel where ari goes swimming again, this time meeting a girl and briefly talking to her before leaving. he didn't say much about how he felt about her, so i kind of looked at that moment as a way to contrast his first conversation with dante. with dante, the two kept talking and were engaged in getting to know one other. this girl wanted to be able to talk to ari too (she smiled at him and started the conversation i think), but ari wasn't interested, which really just goes to show ari's growing unconscious feelings for dante, in my opinion.
idk though jfhdkdjf; this went really off topic, but tl;dr - i think it's possible ari might be bisexual, but i also really could see that ari was looking for ways to channel his feelings for dante in another way.
(thank you for the ask!! this was so much fun to actually think of and basically spew out interpretations on JHKDFHJ-)
EDIT: i’ve been made aware actually that the author, benjamin alire sáenz, confirmed that ari is gay! here are two asks that notified me of this, and ty for letting me know
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ethannku · 4 years
Okkk this might be a little dumb but like could you write some headcanons for after BoO, campers throw their own PRIDE at Camp because they were busy with the war that summer?
omgomg okay ok:
after nico comes out and everybody kind of acknowledges that he and will are dating, nico gets really curious about the culture and he starts reading up about it. he wants to know how they got from hitler and mussolini to mostly social acceptance.
he’s absolutely devastated at what he finds, like the lavender scare, the stonewall tiors, alan turing’s suicide, dont ask dont tell, and all the other terrible parts of lgbt history.
he just breaks down one day in the hades cabin, with all these books open around him, and will finds him like that. will asks him whats wrong and nico just says that he missed so much, and people aren’t really accepting of lgbt people now days, gay marriage was just legalized in america
will just smiles, and he’s like “that’s not all thats happened in lgbt culture. come on, lets go to lunch."
and they walk out and the camp is completely covered in rainbows and nico is just like “???”
“this is pride, nico. this,” will gestures to the various flags pinned up in the pavilion, “this is our history. we don’t have to hide anymore, we get to be proud. terrible things have happened to us, yes, but we can get through them because we are a family.”
percy comes up and he has rainbows painted on his cheeks and he slaps a rainbow flag sticker on nico’s back, and piper is braiding some bi ribbons into reyna’s hair, and nico just starts bawling.
will panicking and being like “this was suppoesd to make you feel better!! not! cry more!!” and nico laughs through his tears and kisses will on the cheek and will is in shock because not only are they in public, nico has the biggest smile on his face will is still in shock as nico gets some rainbow cake from one of the wind spirits.
sorry if that sucks lol it turned out a lot more solangelo but uh. yeah! i really like nico discovering lgbt history and how much has happened in 70 years, but unfortunately there are some bad things in those 70 years :/ 
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miramimar · 4 years
Drew Tanaka?
Drew has every right to not like Silena, because at the end of the day, Silena hurt other people, and knowing your older sister, someone who you trusted, did that, must have been hard and Drew had no time to process that because she instantly became camp counselor, meaning she had to take care of her siblings, and yeah, she didn’t do it very well, but she is a teenager who had no choice in the matter. I wish we could have seen a little bit more about her and a better relationship with Piper, they are sisters after all 🤧
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chasing-the-persea · 4 years
Top five favorite moments in the Riordanverse books?
Thanks for the ask! Kinda long but:
1. For the longest time I was obsessed with the part in TLO when the East and Hudson River gods try to kill Percy with garbage but he stops most of it with a water shield and everything else doesn't hurt him because of the curse of Achilles. Like that's definitely not the most powerful Percy scene but two gods just tried to kill Percy and he's just like nbd, you can't kill me
2. I could list several from BotL but I’ll go with when Percy cleans the carnivorous horses stable by drawing sea water to the middle of Texas. He does it again in Mount Etna/St. Helens when he, y’know, blows up a volcano (this is technically two shhh)
3. In TLT when Percy falls from the Arch into the Mississippi. I have a post specifically about this drafted because I’m still working on it but I’ll post it eventually. I especially love how soft and gentle that part is, from his fascination about how his powers work to thanking his dad
4. The part in the Kane Chronicles: The Serpent’s Shadow when Bes and the old forgotten gods save Carter, Sadie, and Zia. I was so happy and surprised because I knew that the Greek and Roman gods would never have done something like that. The Egyptian gods really are superior huh
❗️Spoilers for Tower of Nero below❗️
5. Apollo in Tower of Nero. That’s it. jk I love how he acts after he wakes up on Olympus. Like there’s so many scenes I could list but the one that keeps going through my head is “Ugly weeping would not have been appropriate for a major Olympian god, so that’s exactly what I did.” So many times after his godhood was restored he did the opposite of what the gods thought a god should do, in favor of what he knew he should do. I’m so proud of him, he’s really going to be keeping his promise to Jason
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Can you make a doodle of how you picture Lou Ellen, Cecil, and Will?
I gotcha covered, friend
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cecil and lou ellen are forces of chaos. will is the possessor of the one (1) brain cell between them and even sometimes he loses it.
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65binary · 3 years
Hiiii ✌🏽
I think I got you confused with Vanessa at one point so...... (don’t kill me both of you are amazing). I liked the new PJO mutuals I’d gotten,  and at one point it was a pleasant surprise that you were also into tua
VS now- I love your art and writing, you’re super chill, and apparently we’re in perpetual limbo of wanting to chat but being too awkward 
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doremifasolangelo · 4 years
Gorgon and Minotaur?
Gorgon: Last thing you ate?
Um, I think it was strawberry lemonade. I know it’s Winter, but I- um...have no good explanation for why I’m drinking lemonade in Winter. 
 Minotaur: Last time you were truly happy?
It took me a while to think of one, but it was like 2 days ago when I read this AMAZING fic that just made my heart lift and I am so mad at myself for forgetting the name. (yes it made me truly happy, that’s how much I loved it) I’m probably gonna spend the next hour trying to find it again now.
Thanks for the ask <3
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thebigqueer · 3 years
idk who or what bilco is and atp I’m too afraid to ask 🏃🏻‍♀️
Come join us, Bilco is beckoning you.
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But if you want a master post for it, @/alltheglowingeyess made a great one here.
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alltheglowingeyess · 3 years
evil glow be like 'im going to reblog pjo posts'
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alltheglowingeyess · 2 years
HI GLOW saw you mention me on that post and youre litelraly amazing i thank the lrod eveyrday for you okay hi <3 okay bye now <3
babe i had a stroke reading this /lh
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alltheglowingeyess · 2 years
I don’t have anymore cursed asks have this
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this is all i ever want to see in my ask box
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alltheglowingeyess · 2 years
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my head is so wmpty i saw this and was like OOO SHINY BUT WHY WOULD U
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alltheglowingeyess · 2 years
21. Favorite word?
emmeleia - a solemn and stately dance used in ancient Greek tragedy
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alltheglowingeyess · 2 years
49. First love?
my old bsf!!! will always remember her coming out as bi to me during a sleepover in fifth grade and me being like "wait 😳". it didn't end well sadly, but i'm far enough away from it that i realize how incredible it was to feel <3
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alltheglowingeyess · 3 years
69 for the Spotify thing
look who's inside again by bo burnham
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alltheglowingeyess · 2 years
Good morning glow
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i'm gonna cry
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