#alluka took the pic
ask-killua-kun · 7 years
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Closed!! Thank for everything!
As we’re moving on to the new year, I think it’s about time that I officially close this blog.
I know I said I’d try to answer all my remaining questions, but they’re all really old and in the end there’s adventures to be had! Thank you, honestly and truly, for everything you’ve done for me in this community, and for sticking with me through it. I’m glad that I could share this time with you, and for the many friends I’ve made here!
It’s been a long 3 years, and I hope that you all will approach the new year 2018 with a lot of love and vigor. May you always be surrounded by good people, who’ll help you get the happy endings you deserve, no matter where you’re at now.
Bye!! And remember-- take the little detours!
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disastergaykillua · 4 years
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Alluka just wants good things for her big bro and if that involves telling his deep dark secret about liking hugs then so be it
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pipskippy · 2 years
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finally took a pic of that alluka i colored a while ago ^_^
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helenawa-art · 3 years
How I think the main 4 would celebrate Xmas 🎄
My loooong list of hcs I have of them reuniting 🥰
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They all agree to meet up on Leorio's house to spend some days there and be together on Christmas 🥰
Since they're all on different places they have to plan how to get there!!
Gon tells Killua and Alluka to meet up and go together from there!
Melody agreed to take Kurapika to Leorio's house on a car ride since it wasn't that far away.
When Killua and Gon reunite they give each other the biggest hug ever! (There were some tears Killua will deny) On the way they tell each other's their journey and Alluka joins them ofc!!
Kurapika is the first one to arrive to Leorio's house whom would welcome him with a bone crushing hug.
Meanwhile the kids arrive they have time to tidy the house and decorate it! They also talk about well, everything that happened on the black whale 🙄 (they survived! Yay! Let's pretend they fixed their problems too)
When the rest of them arrives they both welcome them too, lots of hugs kisses and "don't ruffle my hair I'm not a kid anymore"
Leorio shows them the room where they'll be staying and they start laying everything down.
Leorio and Kurapika share bed because I want them to.
Gon took with him a polaroid camera and compulsively takes pic of everyone all the time, he says is "for the posterity!" 📷
The rest of the days they spend it doing a lot of activities together!
One of them is going ice skating! They're all terrible at it. The only ones who are a bit safe are Gon and Kurapika. They lost their privilege once they wanted to start moving tho 😅
They also made gingerbread houses together! It started as a innocent activities although Killua would start getting competitive and they ended up making a contest (Nanika was the judge, they all lost)
Xmas dinner ends up being BURNT. Guess who did it 🙄 they end up having take out, no regrets because it's good. They watch Grinch while eating because no one aside from Leorio has seen it?!? Unacceptable.
Even tho Kalluto isn't here we didn't forget about them nononono. On Xmas day they all facetime them and talk about how's everything 😊 they show them the Xmas tree too, which is full of decorations and pretty much tacky.
The gifts!!! 😱😱😱 They woke up the next day and there's presents under the tree yay!!!
Killua gets a new switch 🥳 from second hand tho, wonder why
Gon gets one of those bug anatomy books which he adores 🦟
Alluka and Nanika get those diaries with invisible ink because if you didn't have one of those as a child what are you doing!! 📒
Kurapika got a crochet kit, he tries to do some steps and is surprisingly good at it, good for him
Finally, Leorio got a limitededitionSunGlasses300withgolddetailandenxangablelenses. A banger of course. 😎
One day before they come back, it starts snowing!!! They all have a snowball fight and end up transforming Leorio into a snowman (with his tie and all!) Kurapika was laughing until they transformed him into another one.
Killua Gon and Alluka have sleepovers all the nights, Leorio and Kurapika want to get mad at them but honestly how could they 🥺
Finally is the day of the goodbye noo 😞 but it's fine!! Cause the kids go together to live more adventures and Kurapika stays in Leorio's house for some more time for the sake of my mental stability 😊😊😊 a win for everyone!
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orphanedsource · 4 years
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hi everybody thank u for 1k followers!! idk what ppl like to do for that on here!
this is alluka centric au pic (alluka thru the looking glass hehe) 
i like to imagine that she’s lost nanika from their shared physical form so she and killua work their way against the grain of even THEIR strange reality to she where she’s gone off to. Gon’s all about imminent peril so he’s on board before they even find any substantial information. and they need the emotional support
hisokas the bold new management who took up the crown when he learned that queens get to swing a sword around whenever they want (which is also why their LAST queen is no longer with them) He’s the opposite of helpful. 
illumis on holiday while a sort of custody battle is worked out on whether hes a human zoldyck (according to any other human) or a really powerful Bug (according to other giant bugs who live in the same area) Fortunately, he Knows Things (unfortunately they have to Ask Him for those things)
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insomniasymphony · 3 years
Same Vibes
ATTENTION!: This work of fiction contains explicit sex, incest and is underage. 
Fandom: Hunter x Hunter Pair: Illumi Zoldyck x Killua Zoldyck Wordcount: 11.120
So, here is my first finished bingo-trope. For this one I chose “Age Difference” since Killua in here is 14 and Illumi 24. This little bingo-game was created by @fanfic-writers-bingo​
I know finished one thing, yay! (One Shot starts below the pic or click here to read it on AO3)
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                                                   Same Vibes
                                              Welcome home, brother~
His gaze lingered on the amused laughter of Alluka, his little brother who didn't fit into this picture and belonged even less in this family. Alluka was nothing more than a danger that Illumi would have liked to have put aside earlier – but Alluka was also special. Blessed with a power that could perhaps be used. He would just have to get behind the secret Killua already knew.
His dearest brother, who understood nothing of what the family was all about, and yet, in Illumi's eyes, there was something fascinating about him. Killua was perfect, in an inexplicable way. It irritated him. Although the world was perfectly logical at his feet and nothing was left unseen, far too often he couldn't explain the younger one to himself. That made him exciting – perfect as the future head of the family. He would take their father's place and Illumi would serve him in his own special way. Because they were family and it was necessary to put family first. Even if Killua was reluctant to do so.
The wind swept gently through the leaves of the trees that adorned almost every inch of the property, making it harder for strangers to enter and easier to set traps. Illumi had taken advantage of it to take refuge behind one of the trunks and watch Alluka in the sandbox where Killua had once played too. All he could do was observe. Thanks to Killua, Alluka had become bolder and hadn't failed to mention at any moment that he didn't like Illumi. There was no room for him between the two.
“I'll show you!” Alluka's childish voice reached Illumi like a high-pitched squeal he didn't want to hear, and yet he couldn't take his eyes off as his little brother jumped up and picked up one of the balls Killua had already offered him some time ago. With difficulty, he took a swing and threw the ball as far as he could with all his feeble strength. Straight in Illumi's direction, where it landed a few inches from the assassin and rolled a little further. His eyes followed it a bit before he looked back at the other two. Alluka had proudly put his hands on his hips before pointing demandingly in Illumi's direction. Presumably, he wanted Killua to retrieve the ball.
With a sigh, he took a step back from the trunk. The slim blossom of hope that sprouted within him drew his gaze back to the ball. Feelings were nothing but poison to an assassin, but he loved Killua, had loved him for ages. Because they were brothers, a family, and if he had to side with his brother to get closer to him and, in the best-case scenario, plant a new needle in him – for the sake of his own safety – then he would do so.
His steps led him silently to the small ball, which was just waiting to return to the others. The blue paint was worn. Old. A fragment of distant memories.
“What are you doing?” Killua's movements were no less gentle than his own. Something that brought a thin smile to Illumi's lips. Killua had learned to be silent from a young age, solely to get past Tsubone and lay a hand on the biscuits hiding in the kitchen. By now it didn't matter anymore, but little seemed to have changed in all these years.
“How long do you plan to keep him busy?” Slowly Illumi turned to his brother, the ball loosely in his hands. “Wouldn't it be easier to put meaningless ballast back where you found it?”
“Don't talk about her like that.” Killua's calm radiated something utterly absurd: serenity. He was usually easier to provoke, but the more they spoke, the colder he became. And although Illumi wanted to be happy about it, the piercing emptiness remained. It was nothing more than a farce.
“Then how do you want me to talk about him?”
“You could start by thinking of our sister as family,” Killua suggested in a mocking undertone, his hands casually hidden in his trouser pockets. Short and blue, so that his pale legs made an inconspicuous transition into his purple shoes. “Give me the ball.”
Illumi's attention shifted back to the round rubber in his hands. Alluka wanted this ball. Perhaps he wanted it within the limits of his ability. A request that Killua had to grant in order not to die. New hope, to which Illumi paid no attention. Instead, he held out the ball to Killua in control, the smile on his lips twisted into an honest, well-intentioned grimace. “You can have it if you can take it from me.”
“Are you kidding?”
“Do I look like I am?” Honestly irritated, Illumi tilted his head. “Or can't Alluka wait?”
“I don't have time for this.” With a throwing away hand gesture, Killua turned away. Seconds in which everything in Illumi yearned to replace his brother's stoic side with shock to preserve the moment.
“I can just give it to our brother myself.”
“Don't you dare take a step near her!” Gruffly, Killua turned to face him. “If you lay so much as a finger on our sister, I'll kill you.”
“Will you?” The smile on Illumi's featured promised triumph, secret mockery that his little brother immediately grasped and by a simple reaction turned the circumstances in the elder's favour. The veins of his hands stood out as his fingernails sharpened and grew claw-like in length. He was ready for war and somewhere, between the otherwise calm convolutions of the Manipulator, faint bliss erupted. Killua could no longer ignore him.
Without further ado, Illumi pulled the ball towards him and gestured to his brother with a curt hand gesture to play this game with no end in sight. They were family. It was against the rules to kill each other. But Illumi would die for Killua if it meant that from that day on he could think of nothing but his big brother. The idea had charm and based on brotherly love, it was perfectly logical. He would be doing him a favour. More than one.
“As you wish.” Killua's subdued rage visibly seethed beneath the controlled surface that made him seem like a worthy assassin. No expression on his face, just murderous lust that created gentle waves and made the leaves of the trees rustle in awe. He had grown up. Magnificent in every aspect.
For an unspoken eternity, silence adorned the scene, bringing tension that made Illumi fixate on his brother's every movement, no matter how insignificant. Then, all of a sudden, he disappeared.
Killua's movements had become so fast over time that it seemed as if he were dissolving before the naked eye. But his thirst for blood betrayed him even before Illumi felt any real surprise. Quick as a flash, he raised his left arm, just in the nick of time as Killua's fingers reached for the side of his throat. Instead of hitting his target, his claws dug into his brother's bare forearm instead. Pain that dully pearled away. The torture he had suffered from a young age like all the other Zoldycks had devoured that feeling. It was no more than an inconspicuous sting, to which he paid no attention before tossing the ball aloft and grabbing Killua by the collar of his purple jacket in the same instant. With momentum, he tossed his little brother aside, sending him crashing against one of the nearby tree trunks, so that the crackle of wood echoed among the foliage. A manoeuvre that couldn't stop Killua.
The moment Illumi let go, Killua pushed himself off the trunk with his feet – ready to cut his brother's throat and forget the ball that was slowly falling back down. His hands shot forward like lightning bolts, fixing his face, but missing Illumi by a hair's breadth. The Zoldyck jerked his head with each attack so quickly to the side that he hardly noticed it himself and only the fine smell of blood woke him from the swaying movement that seemed present even after the last blow.
Illumi didn't need to glance at his cheek to know that Killua had barely caught him. It was no more than an insignificant scratch. And, more importantly, less effective than the flat hand he forcefully thundered against Killua's neck during the brief pause between them. Barely missing the spot where the Adam's apple was slowly protruding. Still, the rattling sound of his brother didn't escape him.
Noisily, Killua landed back first on the ground, from which he rolled off in a fluid motion, gaining distance that Illumi didn't bridge. Should he flee, gain some air. Think better of his abilities.
Slowly, the older of them stretched his arms from himself, opened his hands, only to catch the ball hardly a second later.
“You used to be stronger, Kil.”
Killua's reply was silence, a sign of his distress on features that were usually so concerned with neutrality. Quite, he had grown up, but he still had much to learn if he was to lead this family one day.
Carefully, Killua picked himself up again. The breath on his lips calmed. A plan seemed to be manifesting in him, one that very well met with clear emotion in Illumi. The anticipation to see what his brother had learned on his journey with this useless boy to whom Hisoka's interest clung. Seconds in which the air he breathed seemed to fill with electricity, causing a spark to leap across Killua's skin and die out the very next moment as Alluka stumbled between them.
“Stop that!” He raised his hands with effort before spinning in a circle once, letting his long hair sway along. Only then did he bravely stand in front of Killua, glaring defiantly at the older one. “Don't be mean!”
Illumi could do no more than glare at Alluka. He was so young, so fragile, so childlike and full of emotion because he had never received the same training like all the others. His nature didn't fit into this family and yet he belonged in it – was more deadly than any of them. He lacked the strength to protect himself, but his abilities could lay the world at someone else's feet and as much as Illumi didn't want to admit it, Killua was the only one who knew how to use Alluka's ability without wiping out the family.
Yielding, he lowered his eyelids for a moment. Attacking Alluka or provoking Killua further would only drive his little brother further away from him. But he wanted to get closer to him, gain his trust, shape him and become the first point of contact in case of problems. So he let go.
In one easy movement, he tossed the ball to Alluka and turned away. A gesture of understanding that even Killua would understand.
Illumi's footsteps were muffled by the soft carpet that lined the upper floors and contributed to his mother's comfort – relaxing hours that everyone divided for themselves.
In this area of the house, in addition to two bathrooms and his grandfather Zeno's room, there was also a guest room of no use and two other rooms full of weapons available for free use. Small things, from guns to knives and swords when things had to be done quickly. Relics, over half of which seemed useless.
His legs carried him forward, past fine wooden doors and ornaments that were polished every day. Another extra, however, that they had his grandmother to thank for.
The soft splashing of water drove Illumi on, near one of the bathrooms where Killua had settled. He preferred the upper floors for showers, rather than using the hot water in the fired kettle at ninety degrees, or devoting half an hour to the ice water in the fourth torture chamber. He liked the comfort. Just like his mother.
Outside the door of the bathroom, Illumi paused. Aura with In suppressed to zero so his brother wouldn't notice him, he placed a hand on the handle and waited. Then he eased off, pulled the wrinkles on the red top under the green crop top in place, and put his hand on the handle again. He didn't want an argument. Fighting with Killua hadn't worked from the start because he wasn't interested in simple, safe logic. So if Illumi wanted to get closer to him, to be the brother who had some degree of power, he had to take a different path. Something that went against his nature: he had to encourage his little brother in all his idiocies.
Did he want to go travelling again, with Gon by his side? Illumi would support it.
Did he want to integrate Alluka better into the family? Illumi would side with him – not least because Killua had this thing under control.
Every good word, every approval, would bring him closer to his goal. It was not for nothing that he was a Manipulator. A nature he also mastered outside of the pins and needles attached to his top.
Determined, Illumi pushed down the door handle and opened the barrier a crack. He would hand his brother a towel and make him an offer. He would set the stage to get his way. But his movements faltered even before he could take the first step into the slightly foggy atmosphere.
Behind the pattering of the shower, frighteningly quiet, as if trying to stifle it with all its might, a soft sigh reached his ears. A breath that had something of pain about it and at the same time contained a completely different sub-note.
Had Killua hurt himself?
Quietly, Illumi slipped inside and crept across the dazzling white tiles straight to the milky glass wall that separated the bathroom from the shower. Killua had left the fragile sliding door open quite a bit so that the steam could spread better and wouldn't rob him of too much air to breathe. The white, heated clouds flowed haltlessly from within, while the sighing grew sporadically more intense, only to die down again. So Illumi moved closer, positioning himself to the side of the opening so as not to cast a conspicuous shadow inside.
At first, he tried to classify his little brother's movements. Behind the clouds of mist, Illumi couldn't make out more than Killua's back at first. Then the picture became clearer. He kept one hand pressed against the wall of the shower, while the other remained somewhere on the front at waist level. Head lowered, nothing seemed to move except for a steady motion of the front hand.
It took two or three breaths before Illumi had gone through all the options in his head. There was no blood, no real sounds of pain, the water washed nothing down the drain. The only thing he had left was lust. Arousal that his little brother had felt more than once. Killua was quite used to this, considering that he had already seen various sexual films when he was eleven, because Milluki had been careless, but on the other hand he was still a boy. By now he was fourteen and those ten years separating him and Illumi had made it clear to the older that lust wasn't something to be simply ignored. Killua was at that age. The stage where sex seemed a lot more attractive than one would like to admit.
The ice-cold, calculating side of Illumi watched the spectacle with pale acceptance. But the sight itself made his heart beat a little faster. A gentle nuance that he perceived all too clearly. A feeling he classified under love – under the desire to want to be close to Killua, to press him against him until he was on the verge of suffocation. The desire to hand him the towel faded a little more with each passing second as a new plan formed inside him.
Sex brought people closer – physically as well as emotionally. If he helped Killua with his lust, then for a brief moment they would be on the same level. It would force his little brother to accept him and thus put him in a better light.
He confidently reached into his pocket with one hand and brought out one of the needles that always accompanied him. It would make Killua obedient, at least until he understood that Illumi had no intention of seriously hurting him.
Only then did he start to move and get closer to his brother. The water had by now stained his snow-white skin red in some places and although part of Illumi's care told him to turn off the water first, he preferred to devote himself to his perfidious plan. He wanted to be sure. Put the needle in his brother no matter what.
But the circumstances changed abruptly when Illumi lashed out and Killua turned around at the same moment, stricken with unease. Surprised blue eyes met him with the same astonishment that settled unintentionally in Illumi. But the moment of shock didn't stop him. In one fluid motion, he jabbed the needle halfway into his brother's shoulder before Killua grabbed his wrist and forced him to let go of his tool. Exuberantly, the younger one jerked Illumi's arm aside before wincing in the same breath and taking a step backwards, only to bounce against the misted tiles of the shower. The water flowed over his hair into his face, drawing long trails across his skin, distracting the older Zoldyck for a split second.
“Illumi!” A mixture of rejection and anger bubbled up inside his little brother. Feelings that rolled off him because all that would change once he proved he only meant well. Still, Killua rebelled. With difficulty, he tried to lift his arm to reach the needle but failed in his first attempt.
“You won't be able to pull it out,” Illumi revealed to him. “It blocks your nerves, your muscles. A simple paralysis.”
“You damn...” Killua faltered for a moment before his eyes narrowed to slits. “What are you planning?”
Illumi skipped a reply. He would much rather feel his brother in his hands, watch him give himself completely to him, to regain the control that had been easily taken from him once before. His slender fingers gripped Killua's penis at the thought, and it was so much smaller than his own. The growth of early youth had made it just big enough to fit safely in one hand, even if it looked almost a little lost in Illumi's. Still, the veins stood out under his skin and the pale liquid that shimmered on the tip, being washed away by the water, made him seem almost grown-up.
Excited at the chance to do his brother an unwanted favour, Illumi focused pressure on the touch, hearing Killua gasp in surprise as the hand moved slowly back and forth. Wet drops clung hotly to the older Zoldyck's skin, speckling his green pants and shoes. At the same time, Killua kept his gaze lifted to Illumi's face so that he could take in his brother's every little reaction. Pressed lips avoided letting a sound escape, though Killua's breathing was becoming heavier. Eyes closed, he laid his head to one side as if he didn't want to have to look at Illumi. A delicate movement that joined the soft blush of his cheeks. No matter how hard Killua tried not to let any pleasure leak out, none of these things escaped his brother's notice. Illumi noticed every tremor in his shoulders, felt the twitch of Killua's cock in his hands, and also noticed how thick moisture squeezed between his grip and the other's skin.
His little brother's pale nipples hardened steadily, seeming to want to wrestle the pleasurable sigh from him more and more, so Illumi accepted the unspoken invitation. It was fascinating. For the first time, it seemed they understood each other without words and it was too good to not doubt it for a tiny moment. So Illumi took one of the nipples between his thumb and index finger, only to squeeze it unabashedly, almost crushing it, until Killua let out a soundless snort.
“Hey!” His voice was nothing more than an indignant complaint, while his eyes, clouded with lust, sparkled slightly and the restlessness within him visibly grew. It was intoxicating, absolutely, uniquely, captivating in a way Illumi couldn't usually relate to. But here it was his beloved brother, lying defenceless in his hands, depending on him. On his touch. On the brotherly love, he had otherwise so strongly pushed away.
How gladly he would have rammed a needle into Killua's skull in those seconds, to turn him into the obedient puppet that never left his side.
How he would have loved to try every single needle on him, just to send caressing pain through the younger one's nerves.
But he had to restrain himself.
Exposing Killua to the full imagination of a Zoldyck – the very thing he pushed away the most – would once again take control away from him. If Killua turned away from him in those seconds, there would be no hope of regaining power over him and, with it, perhaps using Alluka to his will. He had to be patient. Loving. Not too harsh. So he pulled on Killua's nipple, letting his fingers slide off slowly so that shivers of expectation danced through his brother's body.
With firm movements, Illumi let his hand rub up and down around the penis more intensely. As he did so, the soft gasp that kept slipping over Killua's lips as if it were forbidden to make even a sound, escaped him not once. He used the compliant moment to get closer to the other's slender body, to feel the hot water all over himself, so that in the end they were barely a hand's width apart and Illumi could let his free hand wander all the way from the hips to the boy's ass. A fluid movement that pressed surprisingly soft skin against his fingertips and spurred the tingling inside.
Being able to be so close to Killua without being attacked triggered warmth in him that rushed through every fibre of his body – all the way to his loins. Desire that whispered soft wishes in his ear. Lust that awakened in him the idea of how passionate it must be to tear the other's skin open in order to let his own essence flow inside. So that they would become one.
His lids lowered at the thought as he stroked his brother's firm behind several times until he advanced to the centre and grazed the entrance. Instantly, Killua flinched, moving closer to Illumi so that the wetness of his body was absorbed by the assassin's clothing. Intimacy that lasted only a few seconds until Illumi felt his younger brother's razor-sharp nails on his neck.
“Ah...” Shallow surprise met with inward pride that was equally matched by disappointment because he didn't want to let go. Not yet. But the needle was missing and Killua's blue eyes pierced him with murderous lust that radiated stubborn charm behind flushed cheeks.
For a moment, nothing moved between them. Stiff uncertainty, which Illumi took advantage of to poke a finger awkwardly against the entrance a few times. An act that chased the shiver across Killua's slender body and made him push away from the older to gain distance. As he did so, his back bounced against the shower's handle, causing the showerhead to turn off in the heat of the act.
“You can't do that!” escaped the boy barely a breath later. Exactly the emotion Illumi had hoped for. If he got his actions right, Killua would be all his, willingly locked in a golden cage that no one else could touch.
Stoically, he looked down at his long fingers, eyed them for a moment. “No?”
“Wha-” Irritation stretched across Killua's features before he shook his head with a sigh. “Of course you have no idea. I'd be surprised if anyone here had any idea at all.”
“Show me.” In feigned uncertainty, Illumi tilted his head before bridging the distance with a short step and getting far too close to his brother once more.
“Absolutely not!”
“You have to ask that?” With his back to the wall, Killua raised his hands defensively. The desire to kill had disappeared from his eyes and had turned instead into the conventional look of a normal boy who had nothing in the least in common with a killer. It made him a perfect phantom, someone who didn't stand out in the crowd. Enviable, Illumi had to admit, as he bowed his head so that the black strands of his hair fell like a curtain to both sides, compressing the world solely to him and Killua.
“Didn't you like it?” Stubbornly, he stared down at the younger one as one of his hands once again reached for the cock that had been so suddenly taken from him. A small bridge between them that drove Illumi on. He wanted more.
Killua didn't come to answer. The lust made him tremble, grow restless under the steady movements Illumi's hand forced upon him again barely a breath later.
“Illu...mi... Stop...that.”
The answer was a silence that ran through every fibre of the assassin's being. Only the undivided attention remained, which kept reminding him how fascinating Killua was. How appealing his yielding manner. He could have attacked, certainly, and yet they both stood there now, close together, with excitement between them.
The fingers, irritated by his brother's body, slid back over his hips to his backside, positioning themselves at the entrance he stroked more than once.
“You can't...like this...” Killua's claws dug into Illumi's waistband without consideration, leaving a squeezing sensation that he didn't even notice. But the tension eased and the only thing he was given as instruction was the hint of the word “wetter”.
He obeyed. Almost instantly Illumi withdrew his hand and brought his fingers to his mouth, while the steady movement at the front remained. His tongue licked wetly over the tips, leaving so much saliva that it slid waterily down the length of his fingers.
Only when two of them were so wet that they slid off each other did he turn his attention back to his brother's ass. The carefulness that his mind brought to the fore, however, faded in the face of Killua's body, causing Illumi to ram one of his fingers into his brother's insides without warning. The twitch that passed through the younger one's slender body in the same breath unfolded in Illumi like honey.
This constellation, the power he held in his hands, was perfect.
He could inflict suffering on Killua under the cloak of brotherly love. Well-intentioned pain that would make him stronger.
At the same time, Illumi heard the snort of the other nestling warmly against his torso through the fabric. Arousal that gripped him as he slowly pulled out the inserted finger, only to thrust it back in a little harder. With each movement a little faster, a little firmer, a little more unyielding, until Killua's sigh slipped willingly across his lips for the first time. The restlessness in his young body brought movement to his position, made him move his hips slowly along. Always towards Illumi. Always away from him. Back and forth in a barely noticeable manner until, in a moment of carelessness, the older forced the second finger on him in a fluid motion as well.
“Illumi!” The protest in Killua's voice wasn't half as strong as all the threats he'd made over the past few years. Lust made him compliant, bit by bit. Desire, triggered by Illumi. Hunger that drove the older to press Killua tighter against him, focusing completely on the uneven movement of his fingers. His grip loosened on his brother's penis, instead fixing his hand firmly on his lower back to prevent escape.
Illumi only really became aware of the heat inside Killua in those seconds. The way his brother's body nestled around his fingers, tight and with slight resistance until pleasure loosened the muscles, also spurred Illumi's breathing. In the same beat as he thrust in and withdrew.
How tightly would his brother tighten around his penis?
The very idea made Illumi pause, listening to Killua's pounding breaths before he withdrew his fingers completely. Seconds of his brother glancing irritably over his shoulder, nearly losing his balance as he was jerked around. The heated skin felt far too gentle in Illumi's hands, caressing every single nerve that wasn't supposed to react. But he pushed it aside, not caring about the lustful tingle that traced demanding paths under his skin. He simply complied.
For a moment he let go of Killua, allowed his brother to have more freedom than he really deserved. But the younger Zoldyck didn't move. Instead, his hands supported him from the tiles of the shower and his lowered head expressed a measure of patient acceptance. Illumi watched it as he opened the rough fabric of his trousers to reach past his underwear to his own cock, which pressed hard against his hand in the very same breath. Reducing the pressure by pulling it out released relief inside, to which Illumi paid no attention. His focus was far too fixed on his brother.
When had he ever seen him so obedient after understanding that he possessed a free will?
When had he ever surrendered to him like this?
All those things seemed so far away that this time seemed like the first time, and Illumi couldn't help but devour Killua's pale skin and slender body with his eyes. He was still too young to take over the family, but the years had given him adult features. His back muscles were clearly noticeable and his legs had also gained mass – albeit only slightly. Even his toned abs proved that he valued fighting and training, but none of this made him anything other than his little brother. In his eyes, Killua was still the little boy who had played with the car in the sandbox. The child he had loved more than all his other siblings from a young age because Killua was the closest thing to his father. A man whose strength clearly proved what made a Zoldyck.
“Hey!” Killua's voice snapped him out of his trance as he looked over his shoulder indignantly. He could find no more words. Instead, his expression told him everything. He didn't want to admit, didn't want to direct what was going to happen next, but he wanted it. This one time, with the probably pathetic excuse that he was doing it for Illumi. A give and take, a business deal, without any sentiment.
He was making it too easy for himself.
Illumi turned unerringly back to his own aroused cock, whose foreskin he had skilfully pulled back. With his still free hand, he exposed Killua's entrance. At the same time, he became aware of the obstacle between them. Killua was too small, not tall enough to allow a comfortable position. Treacherous, Illumi realised in those seconds, before he grabbed his brother's wrists and simply pulled him upwards.
“What are you doing?” his little brother hissed at him angrily but fell silent in the very next breath as Illumi put his hands together in one and reached for his penis again with the other. Even without opening Killua, it was frighteningly easy to reach the entrance, attach and penetrate with a firm tug.
The first thing to escape the younger boy's throat was the suppressed croak of pain that probably ran through his entire body, clenching the muscles around Illumi's dick so tightly that he couldn't help but gasp in Killua's ears. A sigh full of pleasure. Killua was his, all his own. And with it, the favour of this family. The firm position alongside a worthy successor he could manipulate and control, love and protect as befitted a big brother.
To be in Killua was power. An acknowledgement of the younger one and a step in the right direction.
Moving steadily, Illumi pressed into him, pulled back again, finding pleasure in the tightness that welcomed him and wouldn't let him go. This was the true nature of the body that otherwise pushed him away so stubbornly. Killua loved him the same. His body desired this closeness Illumi gave him and for a moment the image seemed quite logical. His brother's snivelling sighs faded into the background, only loosely breaking through the fictional thoughts. Instead, the clear picture of understanding came to the fore. Killua was a Transmuter. He was like Hisoka. Never completely honest. He'd just never been able to admit in all that time how much he wanted to be close to Illumi. How much he loved his big brother. How important that closeness was to him. The act fell.
“I-Ill...umi... slo...w...down.” His brother's pressed words tickled his ears, reminding Illumi how close this intimacy was and how good the acceptance his brother was giving him felt. So he thrust harder, slower, but with so much more force that Killua's pelvis slammed against the tiles of the wall several times.
“You want it this way, Killua,” he breathed into his little brother's ear, focusing his Nen around his body, hoping it would envelop them both. So he could devour him skin and bone.
“I don't!”
“You desire it.”
“Go...to hell!”
“You want more.” Each word escaped his lips so tentatively that it seemed for a moment that each sound would shatter as it hit against his brother's static. Electricity gathered and repelled Illumi's Nen. A clear sign of resistance he refused to submit to. They weren't finished yet. He hadn't yet proved to his brother that the love between them was worth it.
Thus he pressed closer to him, accepting the tingling of uneasy shocks with a heated sigh and not sparing Killua's ears with a single sound. His brother tried to fight back from the iron grip, to somehow regain the control he had once so willingly relinquished. But Illumi didn't ease up. Not for a second as his penis thrust deep into his brother and the heat rose in his body. He hadn't felt this warm, this alive in a long time. The last time that thrill, that superiority, had erupted inside him was when he'd found out there had to be more to Killua and Alluka's connection. More power that could be controlled if only the right conclusions were drawn.
He had to have Killua. Had to make him his puppet.
With another hard thrust, Illumi felt the lust overtake him, the Nen bursting out and the murderous lust overflowing. For a breath, it seemed as if a dark curtain was wrapped around them both, driving them closer together as the heat slid forward between his loins and he noticeably came inside his brother. He buried his nose loosely in the crook of Killua's neck as he did so, enjoying the smell of skin, neutral shampoo and sweetly bitter sweat. For seconds before his brother's breathing calmed and all that was left was a curt “Let go of me, now!”.
It took Illumi's body time to really comprehend the demand and follow. His grip loosened with difficulty from Killua's wrists, which literally slipped from his fingers. Immediately he moved away. No more than two steps, to give his brother some breathing space, because the emptiness inside him didn't know what to pick up first.
He had poured himself into his brother, had created a connection that Killua would never have allowed otherwise. And though there was now this lovely bridge between them, the gulf still seemed as large as before.
For a brief breath, Illumi didn't know what was going on inside him. The desire for power faded as did his desire to be able to control the powers of Alluka and his illness. The only thing that still mattered was the coldness he was left with. The dismissive, icy shoulder he was so horribly accustomed to from everyone in this family, even though a part of him craved warmth. He was a killer, he could only keep reminding himself. But when no one was looking, there was this little spark, this tiny desire to have someone to lean on. Someone other than Hisoka, who would probably try to cut his head off in the same beat.
The wondrous idea of taking Killua in his arms and pressing him so tightly against him that his spine was about to break apart sent a shiver through his skin as his younger brother rushed past him without a thought. Illumi turned after him, pulled out one of his needles at the same moment, but didn't dare to lift it in any breath and ram it into Killua's skull. Yet it was the best opportunity he had been given. In those seconds, the younger man paid no attention to his back. He was the perfect victim, would notice the attack too late.
The trembling in Illumi's fingers was crushing. The calm that usually accompanied his every move was blown away. Only the discord within remained, pressing against his nervous system, which remained tense to the breaking point. But the rigidity remained. Killua would slip away from him this time too, no matter how much he disliked the feeling.
“Ah,” as if realising something all at once, Killua turned once more to the older one, who couldn't help but notice the sudden throbbing in his chest clearly. “Don't think of that happening again. Next time I will kill you.”
Another death threat. Nothing new, but not what Illumi had secretly hoped for either. It seemed the bridge had crumbled the very moment it had come into being. Or Killua couldn't admit it.
He couldn't accept this love.
That had to be it.
He was a Transmuter, after all.
But the serenity Killua exuded promised otherwise, even if it spoke against all of Illumi's logic. The logic that had underestimated his little brother, again and again, sometimes failing to see exactly what matched his brother's twisted facts. The younger boy simply slipped into his clothes between all the fragile minutes of two-ness Illumi still clung to and buried his hands in his trouser pockets before heading for the exit, leaving nothing but hot, humid air that wrapped around Illumi's still exposed cock like a second skin.
He couldn't give up. Not until Killua was his, playing by the rules he'd made up.
Looking up at the ceiling made him think again and again of Killua's suppressed moan, which had reached his ears so timidly and yet had barely dared to leave his throat. He had accepted the love and pushed it away immediately afterwards.
It stirred discontent in the assassin to think of his beloved little brother playing with him as if he held the dice. As if all this was his game when it was nothing more than a charade he was putting on to escape the truth.
In thought, Illumi closed his eyes. The blackness behind the lids lulled him, made his body feel lighter than it really was. At the same time, he felt like he was taking two steps backwards in time. His brother's soft skin lay in his hands, muscles played under the movements pressed into him, and his voice echoed softly off the imaginary walls. Here Killua belonged to him. Here they were one, bound together as he had always imagined.
Here he could put his hands around Killua's neck and squeeze.
Let him gasp.
Collect his tears for himself.
See him break, hear him beg, see those beautiful blue eyes drown in sorrow.
Suddenly Illumi opened his eyes again. His thoughts had gone too far. If he wanted to feel Killua in this way, he had to get closer to him on a normal level first. And that could only be done with gentle attempts at faked politeness until he was trusted. He had to be like Gon. A bit like that boy who didn't fit into this image – not at his brother's side.
With a push, he slid his legs over the end of the sofa. The cushion was worn by now, and yet a piece he had never replaced. Like everything else that found itself in his room. Besides the bare walls and rattling ventilation shafts found in the basement alongside dozens of others, there was nothing more than a simple army cot, a wardrobe for his clothes, a box with all the needles that served as his spare and this sofa on which he sometimes sat staring holes in the air.
As a hitman, it was necessary to carry light baggage. Everything that wasn't needed, wasn't necessary to own. Small things could be ordered quickly. Even though the family mansion had been in this place for years and no one could find their way in and out, they always had to be prepared for anything that might happen. One thing only half of the Zoldycks adhered to.
Leisurely, yet upright, Illumi dragged himself to the exit of his room, only to find himself in the poorly lit hallway beyond. Alluka's room was at the end of the hall, behind a door that could hardly be heavier, hardly bigger, than the one they'd had reinforced years ago to lock that thing away.
Presumably, Killua was staying right there. Among dolls and cuddly toys, demoted to just another toy that Alluka would get rid of if he no longer complied with his wishes.
Briefly, he shook his head.
Killua had Nanika, that thing inside Alluka, under control. He was the only one who would not fall victim to this curse – that was the really scary part of it. Killua trumped them all, cradled them in his hands like marbles. It couldn't be any other way. His game had started when he'd scratched and cut their mother's face like it was paper. It had become more intense when he had managed to convince their father to let him have a friend. And it had become more dangerous when he had won Alluka over.
Illumi wavered between pride and sheer imperiousness in all of this. He wanted to have the same, wanted to possess Killua and all that lay beneath him. He wanted to be needed, to be preferred by his little brother and asked for advice, to subliminally impose his own will on him.
The thought just wouldn't let him go.
Alluka's door was getting closer and closer when he heard his brother moan again. The stifled sound just wouldn't leave his senses, had settled into his head like a dangerous mantra and replayed itself over and over again. It seemed almost real, breathing softly over his skin and settling electrically in his nerves.
He would build that bridge again if he could, just to hold it this time.
None of it unbalanced him, changed anything about his posture or his body. But Illumi still couldn't help but stop and listen to the sound in his head a little longer. The noise continued to unfold to his left as if it were coming from his father's room. The only living space that lay between his and Alluka's.
For a moment Illumi calmed his breathing, lowering each breath to a minimum to focus fully on the groaning.
Instinctively, his head jerked to the side, to the door that stood ajar. A sign that someone was inside. Something Silva Zoldyck had subliminally taught them all. They all avoided closing the door when they wanted to talk to him and they all refrained from giving it a second thought. A banal instinct that Killua also possessed and that gave him away in this place.
Illumi moved closer, footsteps merging silently with the shadows in the hallway. Then he glanced into the room, which brought his father's seat to the fore in the dim shine. The small cones of light on the floor left the room away from them almost empty. Even the naked giant dogs his father was only too happy to keep with him were absent. Instead, there was his brother who had settled down on the cushions of the only seat to fight another urge for pleasure.
His hand had wrapped around his cock, sliding up and down, somehow making it harder with each movement. It twitched sometimes under the pressure, while the soft sigh on Killua's lips escaped almost silently. But unlike his behaviour in the shower, he was more open in this place. Legs bent, at the same time spread, he had leaned against the soft fabric of the pillows, rolling his head from right to left as if madness were pervading him. As if he wanted to leave his scent in this place, to leave a clear mark for Illumi.
Perhaps he was even doing it for that very reason.
Illumi could feel the saliva sliding down his dry throat. His body was responding to his brother's lust, wanting to join him again, to finally create a bridge that would allow them to stay connected. And if he had to squeeze Killua's neck so tightly that the bones cracked and his throat swelled until only a neck brace would save him from choking, he would accept it. Because it would bring them closer together.
Without further ado, Illumi withdrew, averted his eyes and pressed his lips together. The most important thing about a killer was that he was in control. But Killua kept bringing a part out of him that fought its way up and stuck scratchily to consciousness. It clouded the logic he had so indulgently fallen for and set it in a light that could hardly have been more deceptive. If he wasn't careful, he would lose his little brother completely, burn off every connection single-handedly and end up completely alone.
Another swallow brought the wavering composure back into balance before Illumi found his way back to the root of his plan. If he connected with Killua, sided with him completely, everything else would work itself out. All he had to do was play dumb.
With this resolution, he turned back to the door and opened it, stepping inside without giving a second thought to the subsidiary problems.
Almost instantly, Killua pressed his legs together at his presence, while a flat “Illumi” escaped him that he couldn't keep to himself. The bewilderment in his eyes lasted only a brief moment before he tucked his penis away in a flash and jumped up with a mixture of anger and agitation. “Are you following me?”
Defensively, the older raised his hands. “I just happened to be passing by.”
“Just happened to be passing by? There is nothing here except our father's room and Alluka's. You know the former is on a mission and we both know Alluka can't stand you.” His gaze cooled, chased as a cold shiver across Illumi's skin, to which he paid no attention. “What are you doing here?”
He was paying attention, the older had to grant him that. Despite the strangely tense situation, the obvious facts hadn't escaped him. That was commendable and at the same time, a quiet voice in the back of Illumi's mind wished that he had simply overlooked all these details.
To continue fibbing got him nowhere. So he lowered his hands and put his head to one side in an honestly irritated manner so that the long hair tickled his bare upper arms and at the same time fell to the waistband of his green pants. “I was looking for you and thought I would find you with Alluka. A mistake...”
Slight blush settled on his little brother's cheeks as he turned his head to the side indecisively and gritted his teeth, clearly overwhelmed with an answer. A pitiful second that Illumi used to his advantage.
“You shouldn't let me bother you.”
“What?” Hectically, Killua looked back in his direction, raising his brows in surprise.
“You're imitating things from the videos Milluki gave you. I remember-”
“Shut up!” In a flash, the younger one had bridged the distance between them and pulled Illumi down by the collar to press a hand over his mouth. An act that this time settled the surprise like a breath on the older's features as Killua listened sharply. “Do you want anyone to hear us?”
The pressure on Illumi's mouth lasted no more than two breaths before he could reply, “If anyone else were here, your own behaviour would have made them aware of us.”
“Idiot.” Tensely, Killua looked past him to the door, waited a moment longer before finally letting him go and breathing a sigh of relief. Then he wiped his slightly sweaty hands on his purple jacket. The, this time, light blue shorts were merely adjusted at the waistband before his legs sauntered past Illumi with disinterest. Controlled, because he more than obviously didn't want to let on how pathetically the situation lingered in his bones. Illumi simply took it in with rigid interest.
“Milluki will be interested in your behaviour.” He knew it was nonsense. These sexual videos were nothing more than a pastime that Killua paid too much attention to some days. Surely he had already shared a few of these recordings with Gon. The boy with whom he probably shared everything. But in this situation, it had to be shame playing its upper hand.
“As if!” hissed Killua, annoyed, as he stopped halfway.
“You're right.” Almost thoughtfully, Illumi put a hand to his chin. “Mother and Father are more appreciative of your progress.”
“Are you kidding me?”
Illumi's reply was nothing more than a curt silence that met with his brother's disapproval.
“What do you want?”
The one thing that wouldn't let him go – the first thought that whispered in the older's ear.
The obscene moaning met with the same blank disinterest in Illumi that haunted him during a murder. The moving images of two men caressing and touching each other left nothing but a yawning emptiness that he couldn't get anything out of.
It was a different story with Killua.
Out of the corner of his eye, he kept seeing his little brother pressing the handy pillow he had placed in his lap at the beginning firmly against his abdomen. A simple reaction that made him adorable in his own special way.
Silently, Illumi leaned back against the bed which was so different from his own. Killua's room was generally completely different from the room he himself slept in. Here, the walls were painted a light blue, the sleeping area was large and soft, there was a television, a desk, a carpet and a small table on which a few opened snacks could be found. There was actually something comfortable about all this.
How long had it been since he had been in this room?
Ever since Killua had begun to loathe this family, he hadn't set foot over the threshold of this room and in all those years, things had indeed changed. To be allowed to infiltrate his brother's refuge after so long was a small gain. A step towards the desired end.
Stretching his legs out in front of him, Illumi fixed the tips of his green shoes for a brief moment. Killua had made himself more comfortable, taking off his shoes so that his bare feet peeked out from under his cross-legged limbs on either side.
It had all been so easy.
Pushing Killua into this situation had been nothing more than an act of simple choices. He had given his brother an option and he had decided. Either he would show Illumi one of those films because he was so frighteningly inexperienced, or the word would spread throughout the house. Nothing more than a simple bluff. No one in this house was interested in the other's pastimes. But Killua had believed him, especially since their mother had something exuberant about her when it came to her favourite.
The result was satisfying.
His attention found its way back to the screen where the boring act continued to sprawl, dragging Killua along. Perhaps because there was something about the presence of another that made an erotic film more stimulating than it really was. It was a clear weakness of Killua's that he could use to prove to him once again that they were both perfect together – because they were family. The ability to function together in any situation was ingrained in them.
Eyes fixed firmly on the film, Illumi took the liberty of letting one hand wander slowly to his brother's knee. It didn't take long before he felt the bare skin under his fingers and the hypothermic heat emanating from it. At the same time, he also felt the gentle twitching in Killua's body that allowed no further movement. Restlessness, which the elder let grow by not moving an inch. He preferred to wait, to savour the power that lay in his hands in those breaths. For two, three minutes he listened to his brother's breathing. Irregular puffs of air that didn't know whether to expect more.
Far too slowly, he let his hand slide further up, to the shorts that covered his thighs. Maybe a little further. Until Killua's reaction snapped and his hand grabbed Illumi by the joint. Firm and unyielding.
“What do you think you're doing?”
“Isn't that what you want?” Tilting his head sideways, Illumi gave him a look that reflected nothing but defensiveness in those wondrous blue eyes. Still, he couldn't help but see a measure of love in it all. Killua was undecided. For him, being a Transmuter made it hard to admit the truth, and Illumi understood that. He could understand it, saw the logic behind it all, which was denied to his brother, and tilted his upper body slightly in the other's direction. At the same time, he kept his eyes fixedly open, wanting to perceive every twitch on Killua's features. He wanted to see the weakness, the secret fact that he still possessed power over his brother, even without a needle. Because his brother felt the same way and perhaps, deep down, thought about his family far more often than he would have liked. Perhaps he also expressed this love through twisted thoughts of violence – an aspect that made them all a little more headstrong.
In one fluid motion, Illumi brushed one of his front strands behind his ear and came so close to Killua's face that he could feel his warm breath being reflected from the other's pale skin. “What do you say, Kil?”
“I...” For a moment, his little brother didn't seem to know what to say.
“What do you really want?”
“What... I don't know.” Hastily he averted his eyes. “What does it matter to you?”
“I can help you,” Illumi revealed to him. In those seconds, he needed to be supportive, to help out, to prove that he had changed, even if it was nothing more than a cheap farce. “You want to be free, don't you?”
“I'm tired of...killing.” Shaking his head, Killua tried to pull his leg away but failed under the weight Illumi was putting on him. He couldn't let him go. Not in these seconds. “I just want to be normal.”
They were normal. A perfectly flawless, harmonious family with rules. The only thing that perhaps made them different from people like Gon was that killing was their profession. A simple way to make money. And what was the problem with that? As a Hunter, one killed an endless number of people along the way who had no value whatsoever. That was normal. So why not take the opportunity to profit from it, when it was what everyone craved: The thrill between life and death?
But Killua had a different view, didn't understand the simple connection of these little things, because he was young and perhaps a little rebellious. There was nothing of a Manipulator about him. And that made him frighteningly valuable in this family because he was different. Outstanding like their father.
“I remember,” Illumi returned. He had stored his brother's words in his mind some time ago. “What was it? Just being a kid. Hanging out, doing things with Gon. Nothing more.” Against Killua's grip, his hand continued to wander upwards. “Experiencing new things...”
The younger boy's vision turned again to the tense situation, while the moaning in the background seemed to blur. “You almost act like you understand.”
“I'd be lying if I said I did. But I've realised that I can't hold you if it continues with force,” Illumi replied, sticking to one part of the truth. In those seconds, he would have said anything to cloud his brother's senses. Just a little more, just a few more key points and his brother's defenceless body would succumb to him. He would finally be able to dig his fingers into Killua's flesh, lick the blood from his hands and mark every inch of the boy as his own.
The anticipation of this moment made the corners of his mouth twitch. He wasn't allowed to give himself away, needed to ignore the exuberant joy inside that nestled lustily against his Nen, spurring on the threat.
“You would let me go?”
“Whenever you want.” Almost automatically, Illumi bridged the last few inches to Killua's lips, pressing his own to them to draw closer to the warmth. There was something gentle about the other's soft skin, a kind of love that he didn't know in this form. So Illumi savoured the seconds, pressed harder against the touch and imagined he could taste his brother.
Inwardly, he discarded the thought. He wanted to taste his brother.
Unyieldingly, he opened his mouth a little, let his tongue slide wetly over Killua's lips, which instinctively clawed into the older one's shoulders. At the same time, he gave in, noticeably letting himself be lulled by the idea of knowing Illumi was on his side. Nothing more than a distant wish that Illumi allowed him.
Killua's mouth opened, granting entrance, which he tasted. His tongue found its way straight inside, grazing the other's tongue, ensnaring it in circular motions that Killua didn't play along with. Part of him seemed too shy to follow the frail play, so Illumi withdrew and tasted the saliva for himself. His brother's flavour could hardly have been sweeter.
He swallowed, watching Killua close his eyes to come to terms with himself about something before he gave an exasperated snort and pushed Illumi off him. This time with not half as much seriousness as the last few times. Killua simply placed him back in the same position they had lingered in side by side for minutes. All only to lean sideways over one of his legs and place a hand on Illumi's crotch.
“Kil?” Irritated, the older tilted his head. The sudden change, the fact that Killua was bowing to his will, was unfamiliar. It settled on Illumi's shoulders in menacing attentiveness, while his little brother kept his gaze between his legs, gently stroking the same spot. Illumi felt the fabric rubbing over his skin, the hairs on his arms standing up, and also the thoughts fading in the back of his mind. Instead, every fibre of his body clung to Killua's tender movements, completely alien to him.
“I-I think I can...show you.” Killua's words brushed Illumi's consciousness, stirred desire he couldn't escape. Tense, it ate through his muscles, settling between his loins and making his pants a little tighter. A simple sign for Killua to open the waistband and let Illumi's stiff cock literally jump out.
For a moment, neither of them moved and, against all the rules, Illumi could feel his heart beating. A mixture of joy and desire triggered tingling warmth in his chest. In the very next breath, Killua reached out. His slender fingers took Illumi's penis in his hands, rubbing up and down two or three times before his little brother traced the veins in gentle movements. It was a barely noticeable sensation that spread, and yet it was enough to give Illumi the certainty of feeling even more desire. It pooled between his legs, craving more, and twitched impatiently as Killua opened his mouth to let saliva drip onto his bare skin. At the same time, he continued the stubborn movement up and down with one hand, possessing the perfect pressure to give the impression Illumi was moving inside him. A thought that made the older one close his eyelids to enjoy the imagination.
Soft skin wrapped around his penis in half-awareness, moistening its tip with dancing movements and licking so intensely over the glans that Illumi could barely attach himself to an image in his mind before he opened his eyes again and caught sight of his brother's white mop of hair between his legs. With one hand he steadied himself on the older's leg while with the other he continued to massage the lower part of his cock. His lips had settled firmly around the upper area, his tongue traced each contour and for a blink, Illumi was sure Killua was sucking the cum out of him.
He felt it find its way deeper into the younger boy's mouth, the wet muscle bedding his penis and also heat building in his abdomen.
Killua's head slid back and forth several times, making the skin moister, bringing soft smacking to the fore and making the pressure almost unbearable as he suddenly let go and released Illumi. The instant cold made his penis even harder in anticipation, so horribly willing that it almost hurt how all the blood seemed to gather in that one spot.
“I think...this time it might be better.” Keeping his gaze fixed on Illumi's cock, Killua stood up. Illumi watched as he did so, noticing his little brother unzip his shorts and let them slide, along with the boxers, to the floor. He kept the jacket on, however.
The first thing Illumi noticed was his brother's erection, which stood eagerly but received no attention from the boy. Killua, for his part, concentrated fully on Illumi's cock. Determined, he climbed over the other's legs and lowered himself to his knees. He seemed to want it face to face. Another stimulus Illumi kept a waiting eye on as Killua reached behind him and bent forward to insert his own fingers – first one, then two – inside himself. It looked so easy that Illumi couldn't help but wonder if he had already started doing it in their father's room.
In the end, it didn't matter. Killua's cheek nuzzled against Illumi's collarbone, bringing so much togetherness with it that the older one didn't want to wait any longer. Instead, he reached for his brother's bottom and adjusted it, right to the tip of his cock, which was merely tolerated with a sharp intake of air.
Hastily, Killua withdrew his fingers, reaching instead for Illumi's hardness and placing the tip right at the opening. Then he slowly lowered himself down.
The tightness in which Illumi entered ran through his body with a sudden twitch that he couldn't help but feel. Killua slid down on him so slowly, letting him so deep inside that self-control began to crumble. His little brother's moans added to it, exciting every nerve in Illumi so that his hands automatically slid from his ass to his hips, shaping the act to his liking.
With a jerk, he pressed the last few inches inside Killua. Head thrown back and teeth clenched tightly, the boy clawed at Illumi's upper arms in return, not letting go and only tightening his grip as the assassin forced him back up. His penis slid quite a bit out of his brother's comforting tightness, only to penetrate harder and press a helpless groan across Killua's lips. A lovely sound of pleasure and pain that he hadn't even let escape like that in the shower.
“I-Illu...mi... Not so...tight.” Killua's plea barely got through to him as Illumi kept pushing him up and pulling him down, making skin collide with skin and a slapping sound travel through the room. He wanted to penetrate his brother harder, deeper, more intimately, to believe for just a moment that they would become one if only it would intensify, which was why he leaned forward slightly and found Killua's head against his shoulder.
Almost subconsciously, Illumi let out a sigh. Sweat was forming under his fingers and he didn't know if it was coming from him or Killua. His body was warm, almost hot, while Killua's jacket stuck to some points of his torso. His brother was overcome with lust in waves whenever he was forced to sit – the brief meeting of two bodies before they parted again. By now, his nails had bored so deeply into Illumi's bare upper arms that thick blood traced trails downward, leaving blue marks on the skin. Little things that all slipped into Illumi's subconscious while he thought of nothing in the affect of those seconds. For that moment he let the world pass, sinking into the fog that crept in front of his logic and unspoken desires. It seemed as if the surroundings melted away, allowing only Killua, whose eyes were barely half-open and whose captivating blue seemed washed out. He was so wonderful that Illumi couldn't help but release him.
His hands eased from his little brother's waist before he wrapped his arms fully around him and hugged him tighter. In those breaths, he left it to Killua to move, sliding up and down, in slightly circular motions, at his own pace. A little gentler than what the older had enjoyed, but charming in its own way.
“Illu..mi,” was breathed towards him. At the same time, Killua's arms wrapped around his chest. Intimate and caring, the way it had always been supposed to be.
And for once, in honest breaths that Illumi couldn't repress, it didn't seem wrong at all to let Killua go. To let him live the life he craved, as long as there was a chance they would see each other again regularly. So that the possibility remained to spin threads that would make Killua exactly what everyone saw in him: the perfect new head of the Zoldycks.
And at the same time, Illumi would have his back, taking on the basic tasks himself and leading this family in his brother's shadow. To be in his favour.
To experience that closeness more often.
Affection that only Killua could give him.
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fallinglntokillugon · 4 years
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Today I was typing up a brand new KilluGon fanfic (because I totally need to start anotherrrrr one) and I really liked this scene between Killua and Alluka. So I took like 5 minutes to draw it and like 30 seconds to take pics of them. It looks so dramatic, especially being all scratchy in pen.
Even in modern day Japan, these Zoldyck siblings were brought up a little weird. And Killua can’t help but want to shelter his beloved sister from bad things, even though she’s old enough to understand. Though I like to write her sometimes, I still personally don’t like Alluka...
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hunterxhell · 6 years
Sorry to bother you but did you get clarification on what Alluka said regarding "giving Killua back" to Gon?
yes! i took a pic of my manga and then forgot to post it... sorry
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alluka is saying here (very politely/formally), “After I’ve hogged my brother for a little bit I will be releasing him so please play with him again.”
she uses 解放する (kaihousuru) which means to set free/release, haha.
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