#allyssa in the kitchen
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chili lime pan fried salmon bites with coconut rice, mango, and cucumber 😀
recipe from allyssainthekitchen on tiktok/instagram!
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allyvampirelass29 · 4 years
Don’t Call Me a HERO
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A HEROES Fanfiction Sneak Peek  By: Allyssa J. Watkins
"She's gentle, Bennet, too gentle, too pure for this kind of life, this violence, this horror, she deserves more than to be the girl in love with a monster...…."
"NO! STOP IT!" Sylar roared, slamming both of his fists into the wall, his slanted eyebrows screaming murder as he looked sideways at Noah. "I'm NOT Gabriel, anymore, don't you get it!?!? His trigger finger shook as he pointed it at his own forehead, and Noah froze, looking wary, slowly taking a step back, hands raised.
"Gabriel ISN'T here right now-" Sylar pressed his finger into his forehead, looking crazed, his voice both raspy and singsong. "You can't leave a message after the beep!!!"
"Sylar, take it easy, calm down."
"YOU DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN!!!! I'm not one of your stupid teenage kids, Bennet, and you're NOT going to treat me like you're some damn father figure, pat my back, call me Champ, and make it seem like everything is going to be okay!!! YOU did this!!!! You KILLED Gabriel!!! She could have had him, instead of me, she could've been happy, and safe with him, instead of getting TORTURED, DYING right next to me!!! His and hers cells, how romantic, right? DAMN IT!!!
Sylar screamed again, bringing his clenched fists to either side of his forehead, as flashes of Ally surrounded him, and instead of seeing her crying face, her red, swollen eyes, the blood dripping from her arms, hearing her screams, he was haunted by the beautiful images, the moments that had stopped time, the light he'd kept tucked away in his pockets, and it was so much worse...…. Ally, looking over her shoulder at him, grinning, her hair catching the New York Sun, Ally laughing and dancing with him in his kitchen, Ally gazing down at him, her eyes gleaming with blissful tears, as she watched him sleep, not knowing he was just pretending, watching her right back through his own nearly closed eyes, just to see what she did when he wasn't looking.
He fell back against the white concrete wall, slowly sliding down it, the tears burning his eyes, stinging with the pain and the anger, one thought knocking the air from his lungs.
"No...… No, you're right. It was me. I did this. I killed Gabriel Gray, and now I'm killing her...…. She's my final victim. She was the best damn thing that ever happened to me, but I am the WORST thing that ever happened to her. I should have left her in that alley. I never should have taken her."
Noah approached him with great unease, like an animal that was even more dangerous for having been wounded, and Sylar flinched as his once worst enemy sat beside him, while he cried.
"If I act like a damn father figure, and give you some advice, are you going to take my head off? I promise not to call you Champ."
Sylar swung his head to look at him, and the fear Noah found there, in his black, empty eyes, took him by surprise, and for the first time, he felt bad for the guy, this monster, that hurt, and bled just like a man. This ruthless, mocking killer, looked just like a little boy, scared out of his mind.
"Sylar...… Okay, look, every bone in my body wants to blame you for what's happening, condemn you for the death you have wreaked like havoc across this unfortunate world."
"Wow, you're so good at this," Sylar snarked, rubbing his nose.
"Would you shut up, and let me be nice to you?"
"I don't know, the world might end, aren't we trying to avoid that?"
"Shut up. Listen, I hate to be the bearer of good news, and god forbid try to say anything that would comfort your tar black soul."
Noah looked at him sharply, clearly done playing, and Sylar cracked the smallest smile. "Okay, fine. Let's see what, "nice," thing you could ever scrape up to say to me."
Noah looked at him over the top of his horn rimmed glasses, his eyes focused hard, completely serious.
"You saved her life that day in the alleyway."
Sylar choked on his own inhale, clearly having not expected that, and shook his head. "Wh- What did you-?"
"I mean it, Sylar. I hate saying this, but if your greedy, selfish hands hadn't snapped her up, Danko's men would have taken her, experimented on her, and eventually, by accident or by order, they would have killed her, and y'know what? Nobody would have come. Nobody would have cared. She would have died alone, for nothing."
Noah watched the tears stream silently down Sylar's face, his brow knit together painfully, his teeth clenched in anguish.
"The only, and I mean the ONLY reason that girl means anything to them now, is because she's yours."
Sylar lay his head back, taking a deep breath, the tears making his face cold and wet, and then he looked back at Bennet with his own intense severity.
"Do you really mean that? Or is it just another line from your company handbook, under the chapter, "How to talk down your volatile partner?"
Noah half smiled. The guy could be funny. "You're not nearly as volatile as you think you are. We're not partners either."
"Hell no, we're not," Sylar insisted vehemently. "We're-"
"Slightly less antagonistic."
"Enemies with Benefits?"
"Please GOD, don't call it that."
A moment passed between them then, these bitter rivals, both Hero Hunters in their own way, that could have almost been mistaken for that paternal kindness that Sylar was so adamant in his hatred of, and yet somehow he didn't hate it. Much.
"If we're not partners, you've going to have to stop being my damn cheerleader, it's really starting to freak me out."
Noah grinned as Sylar arched an eyebrow. "Don't I know it! Since when did I become YOUR cornerman?"
Sylar smirked. "Since I went from villain to antihero, trying to save the world, instead of destroying it."
"Well, knock it off."
"Promise. Just don't call me a hero."
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la-appel-du-vide · 3 years
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12•25•21 - CHRISTMAS
Christmas comes faster and faster every year, and I am already feeling the post-Christmas blues. I HATE waking up the morning after Christmas and remembering that it's all over. Hurts my heart. But it's only because Christmas is the happiest day of the year. I'll miss the lights, the excitement, the feeling in the air...
We got up at 8:45, and started with presents! Mom drugged the dogs on both Christmas Eve and Christmas this year so they'd be a little calmer with everyone around (so rude haha). But it worked pretty well. They were still happy enough to open their presents, my favorite thing to watch, and enjoy, but they didn't fight or jump or anything like that.
We do presents one at a time, and try to enjoy the moment. I gave Whit a Loungefly Eeyore backpack and Halloween Mickey ears, since we always talk about how cute the backpacks are and she's never had one, plus she couldn't get new Halloween ears this year since Disneyland wasn't selling any for some reason. She's excited about it, and it was a total surprise. I gave Aubrey a Skims cropped sweater and matching sandals, which she asked for, but still loves. Dad got a golf bag that Isaac helped me pick out, which I think he's excited for. I gave mom a full interior car detail. The boys got duck toys, which they ripped the heads off of rather quickly, so now they have two headless ducks. Isaac and Allyssa didn't come over until later in the day, but I gave Isaac a massage gun and a golf hat he asked for. He seemed pretty excited about the massage gun.
Mom and dad helped me pay for my wedding dress as my Christmas gift this year, but I still got a couple of gift cards in my stocking. Aubrey and Whitnie gave me lululemon leggings, a planner, and some giant scrunchies haha. Grandma gave us each a calendar - mine is Queen Bee themed.
We got six new games this year - Listography, Sequoia, Wavelength, Sequence, Deer in the Headlights, and I Should Have Known That. We spent all day learning and playing them. Brayden and Derek came over later to play as well. I think my favorites of the year are Wavelength and Sequence. In Wavelength, you get a spectrum - like hot to cold. And then you give your team a clue to get them to guess the right area of the spectrum. (So like, if my line fell really close to the cold side, I'd say something like "snow" to get them to lean that way. Or if it was in the middle, I might say "home"). At one point, when it was Allyssa's turn, her spectrum was smells bad to smells good. Her clue was "blanched tomatoes." We all died laughing. What a random, specific clue that no one knew how to interpret.
I love, love, love our Christmas breakfast - German pancakes, Jimmy Dean breakfast sandwiches, sausage, eggs. hot chocolate... it's the best. I love Mom for putting it all together for us.
Around 5, Isaac and Allyssa left to go to her parent's house, Derek and Aubrey left for his house, and Whit had to work. That kind of stuff never happens! Usually it's all of us sitting around the kitchen table all night. I hate that everyone is big now. But B and I stayed and played, and ate cheese and crackers, for a few more hours.
Then that night, we did our own presents, and he did presents with Beach also. He gave me a cute little yellow lounge sweat short set, emerald green pajamas (my favorite Christmas pajamas), a poetry book about dogs, a game we looked at getting in France called Dinner in Paris, and some thigh-high black boots! I gave him a black denim jacket, a flannel shirt to wear with it, a Vinyl record of Mama's Boy by LANY, and an I Owe You for a new professional record player. He'd put it on his list. and when I went to order it in November, it said it was back-ordered. I called the company to ask if it would be here in time for Christmas if I ordered it, and the lady I talked to said it would be in the next week, and would definitely make it in time - so I ordered it. What lies. It's the 27th now, and it STILL hasn't arrived in stock. I'm mad. I could have gotten him something else from his list so he could enjoy opening it on Christmas, but here we are. Just waiting. RUDE.
It was a perfect Christmas Day.
I spent the day after Christmas cleaning to avoid the sadness of it all being over - plus cleaning and organizing always feels good. And then Mom made a delicious, basically Thanksgiving dinner, for our Sunday Christmas dinner. It was so good. Dad smoked his first turkey on the Traeger and it turned out awesome. Then we played the rest of the games Whit didn't get to try on Christmas since she had to go to work.
We really did have ourselves a Merry little Christmas.
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glitterrhowell · 6 years
Chapter 5
Title: Seized
Pairing:  Daniel Howell & AmazingPhil (Phan
Word count: 1.7k
Warning/Genre: Rape/extreme violence/ depression/PTSD/Degradation/torture/ Non-consensual pretty much everything/Little!Dan/Daddy!Phil/Kidnapping
Summary: What starts out as a day in the Park for Little Dan and Daddy Phil turns into something terrifying when Dan is suddenly kidnapped. Will Phil be able to find and save him before it’s too late? Heavy trigger warning
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HEAVY TRIGGER WARNING! Violence! Degradation
EDIT:  EDIT: A huge thank you to my beta Allyssa (phan-of-the_pen) for putting up with my sloppy messy writing and helping me turn it into something readable!
Dan wasn't sure how long it had been since he was taken, but what he did know was he was cold, scared, and hurt all over. He pulled the thumb that he had been absentmindedly sucking on out of his mouth and he tucked his head into his hands and let out a low groan. He had to get out of here himself, because apparently, Phil wasn't coming to save him. He let out a sob thinking about his boyfriend. Phil was probably happy to be rid of him, Dan thought. He knew he was a pain in the ass most of the time. Making Phil take care of him like a baby and on top of that, he had to deal with Dan's depression and mood swings. Phil edited and uploaded most of their videos and he took care of the bills and other adult stuff that made Dan uncomfortable. He was just a worthless burden to him, Phil had probably forgotten all about him by now, maybe even getting himself a better boyfriend than him. Dan violently shook and let the tears continue to fall as he thought of Phil with someone else, someone who didn't require him to take care of him, someone who was better than Dan. Dan was still lost in his thoughts when he heard the locks on the outside of the door unlock and the door swung open.
"Hi, princess, ready for round two? " Roger said smirking at him. "No, please, not again." He managed to choke out as he attempted to shrink himself further into the corner. Roger chuckled as he stepped into the room and made his way over to Dan, and right behind him was Seth. "Please! No! Stop! Don't!" Dan screamed over and over, but his pleas did little as each man just ignored him and grabbed one of his arms and hoisted him onto his feet. Dan had no energy in him left to fight, so he allowed himself to be led out of the room and across the basement. When he had been lead into the basement the first time he had not noticed quite how big it was, but now he was able to. There was another door on the other side of the basement, and they drug him through the door into another room where he tried to take in his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was a metal table sat menacingly in the middle of the room, and the next thing he noticed was a strange looking machine that was sat next to the table. He tried to pull back and out of the room, but he was roughly pulled up onto the metal table.
"Stop it, let me go!” They held him down and Dan felt straps go over his ankles and wrists. Once they had him bound to the table they both stepped back to admire their work. "Look at the slut, crying like a fucking baby." Seth sneered. "He's crying now, but just wait until we give him something to really cry over." Roger grinned sinisterly. "Where's your daddy now, slut? Didn't you know he practically begged us to take you, said he was tired of putting up with you. Told us all about how stupid and worthless you are."
Dan was trying really hard not to believe them, but between the abuse he had already been through and slipping in and out of little space he was finding it hard not to. Tears fell silently from his face he attempted to hide his face in his shoulder, not wanting to give his captors the satisfaction of seeing him cry anymore. They chuckled and joked back and forth between each other as they messed with the machine next to the bed. There were wires connected from the machine to the table he was strapped to. What he hadn't noticed when he was forced into the room was a bucket sitting on the floor, and Dan didn't even have a moment to wonder what was in it before one of the men dumped the contents of the bucket on him. He spit and sputtered, and it felt like he was drowning. He coughed and shook his head—the bucket must have been filled with water. Dan shivered. The water was cold and he was still not wearing any clothes. He turned his head and tried to glare at the men, but he was slapped in the face before he had even gotten the chance. His head hit the metal table and his vision started to go blurry at the edges and his head and ears rang. "Seth, you have the wires? Are you ready?" "Fuck yeah I'm ready to do this!"
His vision was just starting to clear when he felt electricity shoot through his body. His muscles locked up and he was unable to move. The pain was nothing like he had ever experienced before and was so unbearable that it was the only thing he could think about. It seemed like the pain lasted forever, but a tiny part of his brain still trying to make sense of everything that was happening to him reasoned that in reality, it was probably only 10 seconds. But when it did stop he was able to finally able to scream.
"Look at slut, he pissed all over himself!" "Listen to him scream, Seth, such a fucking baby." Dan didn't even have time to stop screaming when his scream froze in his throat again and his eyes bulged, and it felt like his body was on fire once more. He didn't even know how many times this cycle went on, but by the time it was over, he didn't have any more water left in his body to produce tears. He let the men quite literally drag him back to his cell like a ragdoll. They threw him down onto the dirty mattress on the floor and left without saying anything to him. He had pee dried on his thighs and everything hurt—he was in unbearable pain. He didn't have any energy left, so he simply laid there and waited for the darkness to take him.
"Mr. Lester, is it true your flatmate has been kidnapped?" "Phil, what do you have to say to the people who kidnapped your friend?" "Is it true you made up the story about Mr. Howell's kidnapping? Is it because you are in the middle of a lovers spat?" Those were the type of questions that Phil had become accustomed to over the last week. No one knew how the press had found out about Dan's kidnapping, but they sure weren't doing anything to keep them from harassing Phil. It had gotten so bad that Phil hadn't tried to leave the flat since day two. He had tried to leave to help his friends and both his and Dan's families look for him, but the second he had opened the door the lights flashed and the press were pushing trying to get to him. It was so bad he had to push one of them out of the front door of the building just to shut the door. It was even so bad that PJ, Louise, and their families had taken to coming up through the back alleyway of the building. As it seems, the press hadn't found out about that way into the building yet, but Phil was still terrified to leave, afraid that Dan might just show up at home. He knew this was not a rational thought, but no matter how hard he tried he just kept hoping. Hope was the only thing keeping him going.
"Youtube star Dan Howell is still missing after a week. There are still no leads and his boyfriend Phil Lester, also a youtube star, has not been seen in days. Is it possible he has something to do with his boyfriend's disappearance?" That was the type of thing Phil had become used to hearing over the last few days. People had been blaming him for Dan going missing and that is all the news had been talking about. He hadn't been on twitter or social media in days, but PJ and Louise said his and Dan's fans were being supportive of him, but he just hadn't had the courage to look at what people were saying yet.
Sighing, he turned off the TV and he walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water and something to eat. He hadn't eaten or slept much since that day, but he knew he had to keep up his energy if he had any hope of finding Dan. Since the news had broke to the press he was forced to tell the police about the texts he had received. He had only received one more over the course of the week, the picture showed Dan strapped to a table, he had bruises, cuts and what looked like burns all over his body. But what haunted Phil the most was the look in his boyfriend's eyes. They were empty, like Dan wasn't inside anymore. He had been crying almost non-stop since first receiving the picture. Louise and everyone had found it nearly impossible to comfort him, so much so that they had stopped trying. Instead, they focused all their attention on finding Dan.
Anger boiled inside of him, making the muscles in his body tense and his jaw clench. Here he was stuck in the flat, unable to help search for his boyfriend, and the police had been telling him every day that he had to be patient and that they would call him if they learned anything new. The glass cracked and broke in Phil's hand and he cried out at the sudden pain. "Shit! Shit!" he cursed as he grabbed a towel to wrap his hand. He was on the way to the bathroom to patch himself up when his phone rang. All thoughts of his hand flew from his mind as he flung himself to the couch and quickly answered the phone, not even bothering to look at the caller ID. "Yes?" He asked breathlessly. "Mr. Lester? This is Officer Temple. We need you to come down to the police station right away we think we know who might have taken Dan." Pushing off all the questions he had Phil thanked him and hung up the phone. His hand would have to wait until later. He grabbed his keys and coat as he exited the flat through the back alley, determination and desperation in his steps.
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aisclassof2026 · 3 years
By Any Means Necessary
by Miguel Ángel Gonzalez
Allyssa was running to get to her new meeting with the Nasa representatives to announce her first mission as an astronaut. She was so excited that her heart was beating faster than a greyhound winning the race. When she arrived, she finally knew who was her crewmates going to be and she expected to see them at the meeting but in the end, Nasa told her that since they’re going to last a long time far away from the Earth, they wanted it to be a kind of a surprise for them to know themselves. After 5 days passed, it was time for the crew to get right to the Space Station since that was all about. She wasn’t allowed to turn her head during the takeoff for safety, so she didn’t see her team faces, yet, but it didn’t last that long as if they had arrived in just the blink of an eye.
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The group finally reached the atmosphere and they were ready to show their faces and introduce each other for the first time. Allyssa was the first to remove her helmet while the others watched how big and shiny the planet was, but when everyone looked at her, there was a short silence that seemed to last for years and she didn’t know what was happening. Everyone was frozen by how beautiful she was with her long black hair, blue eyes, and cheeks just as red as apples. Then the rest took their helmets off and started to introduce themselves. There was Lukas, skinny and a little small to be precise. Additionally,  there was one more girl on the ship called Lily and she was pretty too with a good sense of humor. At last, there was Oscar who seemed to be shy since he didn’t pull out his helmet when they already did, but a great scientist. 
Getting straight to the mission, all the crewmates got dressed again in their spacesuits to get out of the ship and fix the giant space station. They had to throw a special rope to climb and reach the station because it was safer than landing the ship on it. While they were climbing the large rope, out of nowhere, a giant nuke bomb burned every single part of the world in a couple seconds, sending from it a strong wave that hit them but they all held on tight to the rope before it happened, at least that’s what they thought. Slightly, Oscar’s suit was slipping off the string and slowly he was detaching himself from the team without even realizing it, but when he did, he was no longer able to attach himself again. The only thing he felt he could do was just scream but Allyssa didn’t give up that easily and holding Lily’s hand, she pushed herself a bit to get Oscar before it was too late, and finally, she grabbed his foot and threw him to the station gate. He was paralyzed while the others were arriving but as soon they got inside the station, he took off his suit and hugged Allyssa.
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4 years later
The entire ship was decorated and well organized by the whole crew. There was a water fountain, a cafetorium, and rooms for 50 people in total, the place was huge. Oscar was no longer shy anymore because he got close to everyone inside, and the rest didn’t change at all more or less. The only problem was that the ship was running out of oxygen and supplies, so their only option was going back to the Earth and start a new civilization or finally, live over there according to what Lukas proposed. Since they were only 4 people in the whole station, food and co2 last for a while when it was designed to keep alive more than 40 lives, but now it was time for them to leave the place and scavenge for living things or food if it survived once they’re down there because everyone agreed to Lukas plan. Allyssa, Oscar, Lily, and Lukas got inside the escape ship that was down below the space station and they fasten their seat belts, hoping that everything will go well and that there will be no more radiation on the planet.
Allyssa inserted the key to confirm the launching of that tiny ship with them on it, but they didn’t expect that the rocket would take off instantly once she turned it on. Everything was going so fast that even Lukas and Lily threw up at the same time which was ugly and painful for them, but it was just a simple reaction to the fall. They landed quickly with no scratches so everything was fine, and when Allyssa gave the signal to open the door, a strong light of the sun hit them with a fresh and clean air that by breathing it, you could faint because of how good it felt to breathe it.
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They didn’t expect the Earth to be in a good condition but after all, they were wrong, at least where they fell, there were giant trees, butterflies that somehow shone too bright and plants that according to our Stephen Hawking, Oscar, those flowers were a magnificent thing that due to the radiation, they took a new mutation in their cells that made them look sticky and shinier. That being said, they all stopped moving around the forest before dark to search for supplies to survive the night, so Allyssa and Lily went to the north while Oscar and Lukas went to the south so that they have a better chance of finding things by dividing into groups. Furthermore, the girls found a big old cabin and decided to enter there, while the boys didn’t find food but things to make a bonfire. The night came faster than they thought and it was cloudy but they didn’t care because the 4 of them already finished scavenging and returned to the ship. Oscar and Lucas already had the fire lit when Allyssa and Lily arrived, but it was then that Lily dragged from behind two camping tents they found in the cabin, and everything was getting better and better, more or less.
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When they were listening to the best jokes Lily had, a strong horn sound that scared the crew and they all went to get inside a single tent because of the fear they had, but that was a mistake since a weird red gas entered the vent of the tent and left them unconscious.
The group woke up in a fancy place. They were in white beds in a yellow room locked waiting until a red bar above them get to the top to extract the radiation from outside for safety. Indeed, the door opened by itself and that’s where the leader was with arm men behind but told them not to worry because he sent his men to rescue them from the outside. After all, they were in a bunker. Everyone believed him, except for Allyssa who despite everything she had her doubts about the leader, but then he showed them the place, which was too big with hundreds of people that seemed to live happily underground. The trip was over and Lily, Oscar, and Lukas tried to make friends over the cafetorium but Allyssa was more focused on seeing if something was wrong because she knew that it was too good to be true, so she went to search room by room and didn’t find anything. She thought she was overreacting and decided to go and find her friends but when she arrived, the leader was taking the 3 crewmates to a cage where they could extract their whole blood for something. Allyssa was extremely scared, she didn’t know what to do to rescue her mates from them now, however, she saw that the cafetorium kitchen had a stove, so she turned it on and burned part of the place to lure the bunker people and free her people. Her plan worked and she got to rescue Lily, Oscar, and Lukas and then fly to the system room she found when she was looking for them, but one man from behind aimed for them and almost shot a bullet but the leader came and ordered him to not open fire because they needed their blood intact.
Once inside the room, Lukas blocked the door with things around the room while the others were thinking about what to do.
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Lily pressed a random button that let them see the cameras from every single place, including the hallways that led to the system room, so Allyssa turned a microphone inside and yell to them why were they doing that, and the leader with confidence looked at the camera while his men were trying to break the door and tell her that she and her friends have special blood because it wasn’t affected by the nuke radiation and that’s how they were able to stand on the ground without burning to death, so his men and he were going to extract all their blood and give it to all the people on the bunker. The crewmates were terrified but Allyssa found a way to deactivate the vents from outside the bunker and let the radiation get inside but I would kill every person in the bunker except for them. She was stressed because she didn’t know what to do once again, but suddenly the men entered the room, by hitting with a special tool the door that pushed hard Oscar and Lukas to the ground. Time froze as if it was recorded in slow motion and when the leader came inside telling them that this was the end, she had no choice but to trigger the vents to let the radiation finish with all the bunker people burning them to death. The crew got mad at Allyssa for what she just did but there was no other option for them to escape alive from the bunker. Without talking to her, they all left the room to look for the exit, while she stayed behind, hoping that one day they would forgive her and realize why she did what she did.
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funnynewsheadlines · 4 years
The Struggles And Joys Of Parenting During The Coronavirus Quarantine (44 Pics)
Schools are closed, you're working from home, and you can't have your kid stay over at their grandparents' place. This situation means that parents are spending more time than ever before with their adorable munchkins. Now, they're getting into all kinds of trouble and driving their parents bananas!
Bored Panda has collected some of the very best pics showing the struggles and joys of parenting during the quarantine. Life can be very fun(ny) when you're with your kids all day, every day. However, that means that having activities to keep your children busy is more important than before.
Scroll down, upvote your faves, and share your own stories about the coronavirus lockdown in the comments below, dear Pandas. When you're done enjoying this list, be sure to check out our post with some great advice on homeschooling your children during the quarantine right here.
#1 Y’all I’m Dying! This Is Ben’s Journal Entry From Monday About Our First “Home School” Day. That Last Sentence
Image credits: Candice Hunter Kennedy
#2 I Know The C-Virus Is Scary, But Try Working With A 4 Year-Old Dressed Like Spiderman Perched On The Kitchen Table Behind You. Day 6
Image credits: Puddinhead2U
#3 Working From Home As A Parent
Image credits: Bufger
You're trying to finish your report right before the deadline, but your kid is running around pretending to be a superhero. Or you want to sit down and watch some TV, but that's the moment you realize that your toddler broke it. Ah, the wonders of parenting! It's a challenge, but there are things you can do so you can focus on your work.
For instance, Allyssa McCabe, a psychology professor at the University of Massachusetts, told The Atlantic that it's easier to keep kids busy during the workday without supervision the older they are. But for those readers out there who have young kids, don't panic just yet!
“For young children, independent play is tough. They really need social interaction. Parents will be tempted to hand over an iPhone or iPad or the like. This is understandable, but parents should also know that the younger the child, the worse this is for their language and cognitive development.”
#4 Day 10 Of Quarantine. I Think My Kid Is Up To Something
Image credits: case2000
#5 Day 2 Of 6 Week Break And My Kid Already Broke Our TV
Image credits: thatoneperson1000
#6 Day 2 Working From Home With This Little Terror
Image credits: psgenius
Instead of making your kid sit surrounded with electronic devices all day long, it's best to go for something that will actually help with their development. Give them art supplies or Play-Doh to get them creating!
Meanwhile, Michelle Martin, a professor at the University of Washington's Informations School and the founder of a children's summer literacy program, recommended that parents play their kids some audiobooks.
You'll be able to focus on work and your child will be engaged and learning. And the best part? While your kid's listening to Harry Potter, you can sneakily listen in, too, when you're taking a break. Now that's a win-win situation if we've ever seen one!
#7 So, My Daughter Did A Magic Trick With Our Last TP Roll
Image credits: ranman247
#8 I Guess That's How People Will Go Bankrupt
Image credits: edcumming
#9 We Went From “Home-Schooling” To A Roller Skating Party Real Quick
Image credits: corychilds07
#10 Using My Tears To Clean The Crusted Green Paint Speckled All Over Our House
Image credits: kenzmunson
#11 While The World Is Fighting Over Toilet Paper, My Toddler Is Giving Ours A Bath
Image credits: dmclb
#12 The New Office View
Image credits: Nahalido
#13 Tolerance
Image credits: iujohn3
#14 Quarantine Day 6
Image credits: Sawyer_EU
#15 My Son Discovered That I'm Not Really At Work, But Am Working From Home
Image credits: fleetmack
#16 Isolation's Going Well
Image credits: clare_doc
#17 The Children Are Home From School For Two Weeks. Send Help
Image credits: jshev418
#18 Maybe I Shouldn’t Have Outsourced My Home-Schooling
Image credits: kmascasa
#19 Came Across This On My Morning Walk
Image credits: Angus-Mackenzie
#20 Quarantine Day 3: This Is Fine. We Are Fine
Image credits: rambler335
#21 Work From Home
Image credits: ativir_shah
#22 Tired Of Your Kids Barging In While You Try To Get Some Work Done At Home? Underwear On The Doorknob Works Wonders
Image credits: BohsNOhs
#23 Working From Home
Image credits: redditnihilist
#24 Break Time. Homeschooling
Image credits: profanityswan
#25 Wife And Kids Have Been Bonding Over Art During The Quarantine
Image credits: notgoodwithmoney
#26 Schools And Sports Are Cancelled. Social Distancing. I Have Three Kids. Our Cozy Fort
Image credits: 7bottlesofwine
#27 Keep The Kids Busy While At Home
Image credits: Stephanie Craig
#28 "Daaaad, We're Bored!" (Day 1 Of Lockdown) "Ummm Ok, Strip This Laptop Down, And This Desktop, And Then Rebuild Them"
My god it's the most peace and quiet I've had all week!
Image credits: tardiusmaximus
#29 Day 2 Of Quarantine. Mud Is Good For The Soul
Image credits: ELGUANO
#30 So Home Schooling Is Going Well
Image credits: shittinkittens
#31 My Kiddo Cut His Hair Yesterday, Then Agreed To Let Me Have A Little Fun With It Before We Fixed It
Image credits: KThingy
#32 Day 7 Of Quarantine. Wearing Minnie Mouse Ears Whilst Bench Pressing Kids
Image credits: stretchasmile
#33 I Run A DnD Campaign For My 5-Year-Old And 3-Year-Old. Here Is Our Health And Initiative Tracker
Image credits: d00110111010
#34 Spent The Day Teaching My Son About The Importance Of Social Distancing. Mixed Results So Far If I’m Honest
Image credits: joelkes
#35 9 Year-Old Homeschooling Day 1. He Was Supposed To Write A Story. Apostrophes Are Important. Weed vs. We’d. Homeschool Fail
Image credits: RUBraveEnough
#36 I'm Regretting Panic Buying $100 Worth Of LEGO's To End Up With My Children Ignoring Them And Instead Playing With A Cardboard Box And A Can Lid For The Last 2 Hours
Image credits: YossarianC022
#37 The Kids Are All Home, Need To Home-School For The New Economy
Image credits: petitveritas
#38 My 5 Year Olds Teacher Asked Us To Take Pictures Of Our Kids With One Word That Expresses Their Feelings During This Time
Image credits: Yecal03
#39 My Wife Is Handling The Kids Being Home From School Like A Champ
Image credits: fromsky610
#40 We Had One Roll Left. Kids
Image credits: RK-Today
#41 Looks Fun. For Them
Image credits: megan_from
#42 It's A Trap
Image credits: AnecdtlBrthCtrl
#43 Our Daughter Showed Us The Reason Why People Are Hoarding Toilet Paper. In A Pinch, You Can Always Eat It
Image credits: thunder_shat
#44 Day 12
Image credits: csittenfeld
from Funny – Bored Panda https://ift.tt/2WM3rzm via IFTTT from Blogger https://ift.tt/3bGui4j
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makabayandishes · 6 years
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Bicol express is a Filipino dish that is very popular in everyone especially here in our country, Philippines. We all know that some Filipinos are fond in spicy cuisine, that’s why this dish will relish to their taste buds. This dish represents Filipinos from being brave and fearless (chilies), and also for being pure (coconut milk). Everyone assumed that the name of this dish is originated in Bicol but as we’ve done our research, it put us into a chaos.
The information that we’ve got states that “The history narrates that this dish is originated in Malate, Manila in Tita Celly Restaurant and the name of this dish derived from a train that passes their house which travels from the northern part of Luzon to the southernmost part of it, Bicol. The province is famous for their spicy dishes, and since Bicol Express is a food that is base on chilies, The name Bicol Express is born”.
We can see this dish in every restaurant, carinderia or even in international kitchens. Bicol Express alleviate the Filipino cuisine because of its name . Every time foreigners would ask where it comes from, Bicol region will come first in our mind but then the flavor of it gives the popularity of the food.
Also, Bicol Express is not hard to cook. It’s quite simple to prepare too. That’s why the absence of this food is quite rare in everyone’s home. The ingredients of this food is easy to find and also the spiceness and a liitle bit of sweetness support the fact that Bicol express is very famous in every tounge and stomach of Filipino families.
Bicol express was able to express our nationality, and indentity as Filipino who serves dishes with all our heart that penetrates into everyone stomach.
2 lbs pork belly; cut in slices ½ cup of chili pepper (siling labuyo / siling haba) 3 cups coconut milk ½ cup sauted shrimp paste (bagoong alamang) 6 cloves garlic; minced 1 small onion; minced
Cooking Preparation:
In a saucepan, sauté garlic, onion, and chili pepperñ
Add pork and saute long enough until all liquid is gone. 
Add shrimp paste and continue to saute, making it sure pork renders a little fat!
Add coconut milk, little by little in the amount of your preference. 
Simmer in low medium heat until sauce becomes oily. 
Group 5
Marife L. Pamittan
Jason Rojas
Jan Louise Allyssa Sumagaysay
Louis Rañon
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negativefate · 7 years
sex/indian coin art dream 05/11/17
Have sex with Allyssa Try to act sweet and kiss in kitchen Roommates come home One is Kelly F I try to explain to her that I found her on the deep Web on a website that said she spelled everything wrong She asks how often I have blood on my hands I say it is period blood There is another girl roommate there, not sure who though Then some old fat guy is trying to explain this thing he is holding which is like a bunch of coins nailed together so that it looks like they appear to form a complex scene but I can’t tell if the coins are fake Then the scene is about India and something about how the Indians did indeed keep records of public meetings between 200-400 A.D. but not much else
The sex with Alyssa part was really weird though
She had red hair, beady eyes, booty shorts, was doing the dishes in kitchen Then we are on a huge couch and she keeps sinking into it and I try to use pillows to prop her up but keeps sinking into couch and I get period blood everywhere
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voltron-savior · 7 years
hi my name is allyssa
A traditional white house with black accents. A porch stretches across from the garage to the right side of the house. It’s spring but feels like fall. Through the entryway you pass the stairs to enter the kitchen. A girl and her mother are there. The girl twirls her long black hair idly, sitting at the island. The mother leans against the counter. It’s a pleasurable conversation. The light turns from afternoon to evening.
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josephdavidgraves · 7 years
A Confession: Reflections From Our Good Friday Service
Last night for Good Friday we took time to confess our sins. It was a bold move for a new church, especially as our first service. Maybe a bit risky, but it happened, and God showed up. If nothing else, our new church will be grounded in a call to humility, and for that I’m thankful.
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During the service, we talked a lot about how our sins are scarlet being made as white as snow. This line comes from Isaiah. But it was the verses read right before this that really stood out to me last night. If you were there, you might remember:
 "Your hands are full of blood! 
Wash and make yourselves clean. 
Take your evil deeds out of my sight; 
Stop doing wrong. Learn to do right; 
Seek justice. Defend the oppressed. 
Take up the cause of the fatherless; 
plead the case of the widow."
 Have you ever wondered why sin was described as scarlet? This passage makes it clear. The people had blood on their hands. Not just because of what they had done, but because of what they had left undone. They failed to stand up for what was right. They failed to provide for the most vulnerable.
 This hit particularly close to home for Allyssa and me. 
 We bought a house in Franklinton. It's a beautiful neighborhood in Columbus with many challenges. Unlike anywhere else I’ve ever lived, I’ve gotten to know so many of my neighbors. In fact, I talk to just about every person who walks by my house. And with a bus stop down the street, that's a lot of people. What I found interesting is that nearly every person I talk to asks me if our house, or one of the apartments in our house, or one of the rooms in our house, are for rent. 
 I'm not exaggerating: nearly every person who walks by; nearly every time I'm outside, whether walking my dog or going to my car, wants to rent some part of our house.
 Most people rent in our neighborhood. And most houses in Franklinton have been split into apartments. The house we bought isn't, but it's a rather large house for this neighborhood so everyone just assumes it's got apartments or at least extra rooms for rent. 
 I've never lived in a neighborhood where it was socially acceptable to ask a stranger if you can rent a room in their house. It’s almost like the people walking by are saying: “Wow, that’s a big house. You and your wife and kid don’t need all those rooms. People are looking for places to stay! Why won’t you share?”
 Of course, they aren’t saying that. I’m just thinking it. Or maybe it’s God speaking to me. Either way, it’s convicting.
 Jesus says to love our neighbors as ourselves. I have a new appreciation for what it means to love myself, especially as we fix up an old house: I want a roof over my head, a clean bathroom, a working kitchen, a comfortable bed, and a place to relax in front of a TV. That’s what it means to love myself and to love my family, and I’m working my butt off to make it happen.
 But what does it mean to love my neighbor in the same way?
  The benefit of living in a middle-class neighborhood, the country, or in the suburbs is that we often never really get to know our neighbors and typically if we do, they aren't looking to live in our house with us. So when Jesus says to love our neighbors as ourselves, we tend to interpret that abstractly. We turn it into a metaphor. And in many ways, it becomes so abstract that it doesn’t really mean anything. That's not the case in Franklinton. 
 Jesus’ command to love my neighbors as I love myself is now unavoidable. We have no choice but to make room in our house for those who need it. 
 Now, I understand, it’s not as easy as just that. I want Allyssa and Finn to be safe. There are ways to help people that do more harm than good. Taking up the cause of the fatherless and defending the oppressed is nuanced and takes wisdom. But that doesn’t mean we should do nothing. This kind of thinking can’t be used as an excuse. So I will say this: we are committed to finding a way to open our home to people who need it. We have a plan, and we’re going to work with people who have a lot of experience in this regard, including local shelters, and friends and mentors, Keith Wasserman and others.
 That’s not even the point. Here’s my point: We spent a lot of energy, time and volunteers to put together the Good Friday service. We used a lot of resources. It took a lot of time to put it all together. And it was worth it. It’s worth organizing services to meet new people and ultimately worship God. But worshiping God isn’t just about music, scripture reading, and creative responses.  The worship God wants from us is to sacrifice on behalf of our neighbors. So here’s my declaration:  If we don’t invest equal amount of energy, time, and volunteers to “seek justice, defend the oppressed, take up the cause of the fatherless, and plead the case of the widow,” as we do on weekly gatherings, we don’t deserve to be a church. It’s a bold claim, and maybe impossible to live up to, but I could never be more convicted about it.
 We need to be a church that does more than just gather together. We need to be a church that loves our neighbors as ourselves. And I would go one step further: we need to be a church that puts ourselves in places where our neighbors become the people who need our love. Which is why for every connect card that was turned in at Good Friday, we’re donating $5 toward our local missions—we’re not sure what that will be yet, but we know that God is calling us to love this city.
 If you want to become a part of a church like this, then I’d invite you to join us for our next launch team meeting on April 30th at 2:00PM at 1150 W 5th Ave. We’ve got a lot of work ahead of us, but we know that God is going to do in and through us far more than we could ever think or imagine.
 You can learn more at www.centralcity.co
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la-appel-du-vide · 3 years
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12•24•21 - Christmas EVE
I love Christmas Eve. It's exciting to know that Christmas is just around the corner, but not quite here yet!
We started off with our tradition of going out to breakfast. Brayden and I took one for the team and got to the restaurant early to get our names on the list. It's not every day that you willingly get up at 6:30 haha. We ate at Jeremiah's and had festive hot chocolate, and delicious food.
Then I took a 30-minute power nap, cleaned my room up a bit, and then went to take my pups on a Christmas Eve walk. We walked through the new development near my parents' house and B and I dreamed about what our house will look like - SOON!
Then we played some Christmas trivia with my parents (Dad beat Mom twice, despite her insistence that she would obviously win), let the boys have the toys from their Christmas BarkBox (I laughed so hard when Archie got the squeaker out of Rudolph and it said "Game over, your dog won" on it), and then we packed up to go down to Grandma's. We didn't get to go last year, so it was good to get back to tradition. Isaac and Allyssa weren't there, but everyone else was able to make it. We had our soup bar, meaning I ate Zuppa until I thought I might die, along with Grandma's famous ham and pumpkin bread from Kneaders. Yum. They read the Christmas story to us, and we sang some Christmas songs before heading out for the night. Grandma doesn't remember meeting Brayden all those years ago, but she told me she thought he was cute hahah. I love her.
We went home and watched a Christmas Story (Brayden's first time!) while we waited for everyone to make it back so we could do Christmas Eve pajamas. Mom had us all match again, and gave everyone an "Elf Name" on our shirts. B and I were "The Engaged Elves," Walt was "The Tired Elf," Mom was "Hot Mama Elf," Dad was "Hot Daddy Elf," Isaac was "The Bearded Elf," Allyssa was "The Shortest Elf," and Aubrey was "The Cat Mom Elf." We took pictures, which is always fun with the animals, and then Arch and Zion also got their first blankets. So far, they just want to tug with them. Not quite what Mom had in mind, I'm sure haha. But they look cute when they'll wear them or cuddle with them!
B and I went our separate ways at this point, so I could spend the night at my mom's and he could go to his dad's house for Christmas morning. I had a very rough night, sleeping on the basement couch with Archie. He'd change from the floor next to the couch, to on the couch, about every 20 minutes. At 5 AM, he started crying, and Aubrey got up with him (her and Whit were sleeping on the other couch) to let him out. When they got back, he started crying again. I asked her if he'd gone outside, and she said that he'd been out there for 10 minutes. When I got up, he immediately ran to the back door. I didn't want to wrestle that one open, so I took him upstairs and opened that door to let him out. He just stared at me. I got him some water, but he wasn't interested, so I made my way back downstairs to go back to sleep. He followed me, and within a few minutes, he was back whining in my ear. So I got up with him again. This time, I committed to his whole routine. I let Zion out of his kennel and fed them both breakfast. Then I let them both outside. When they came in, Archie tried to kill Zion for no reason, so I had to distract them with treats. I locked them both in the kitchen and tried to go back downstairs to bed, but Zion kept jumping over the gate to follow me. So I had to leave him a pile of ice to work through while I ran away. UGH. Those boys. I think Archie is super anxious when he doesn't get to have his normal routines, and because Shane gets up so early, he's used to also getting up that early. But I got not great sleep that night, per Christmas Eve usual.
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