#alot of info
sunlit-mess · 8 days
I wanna hear more about this guy and his lore!!
Why did he fall?
What’s his connection/relationship with Lucifer?
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KOKABIEL ( Angel of the Stars / Star of God / The Burning Light )
I just thought of him being created with the sole purpose of knowledge and duty ( being affiliated with the stars and astrology ), being a high-ranked angel but not enough to be one of the archangels. Having the titles, it's as if he's similar or close to Lucifer's role (before the fall) or maybe an extension. He does everything to fulfill his purpose. However, the downside is that he always gets compared with Lucifer (pre-fall).
So what he does is look up to him, idolizing someone he has never met, he's practically devoted at some point, nearing a follower. But oh so bitter and sour because all he gets is to be COMPARED.
Cherry on top that he wants to impress Michael, but Michael can barely look at him because all he sees is Lucifer.
All of his hard work feels like it's going to waste because he'll always be a shadow of someone he never knew. And that created grudges, created hate, created his rage. Thus, it's the reason for his Fall. Bro's identity revolves around a dead person (Angel Luci). That's why he's a narcissistic asshole with fucking identity and anger issues.
What's worse is meeting Lucifer himself, the person he looked up to all his life, doesn't know him.
It's not Lucifer's fault though.
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accio-victuuri · 5 months
i’m someone who can’t get enough of (fake) stories from the time of cql shoot. so when i see a “story” that i haven’t before ( or maybe i did but forgot about it ), i get excited. lol. even if it’s not a juicy kind of information— i’m cool with it. 🤍 i like this one cause OP seems closer to wyb, it’s more of a short analysis of him & his relationship with XZ during that time.
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the usual disclaimer: these are all fake and treat it as fanfiction. obviously, this content is for cpfs. if you don’t like it then scroll along. if you are somehow offended by stuff like this, it’s your problem. feel free to unfollow or block me.
i got the screenshots over here. enjoy!^^
W often catches up on sleep as soon as he gets on the car because he has a lot of engagements. He doesn’t talk much. Last year, he was not in good health. He had a cough and fever and went to get an IV drip at night. Many fans knew about it, so he talked even less in private. Later, I found that he talked a lot on the set. This is a matter of opinion. He needs to refresh himself when he is so tired.
But he does have a good relationship with X. He is not very outgoing, so he should not have many friends, but he is not the kind of person who really looks down on others and does not talk. Many times he does not know what to say (personal feeling hahaha), so he does not start a conversation. Some people are like this, thinking that it may not be meaningful to say it, so they do not say it. He has changed a lot in recent years, and this drama he has successfully made friends with X.
W didn’t communicate much with me. After all, we had never met before, so I could understand the distance. Once, I was discussing tomorrow’s arrangements with the coordinator. He had just finished shooting a scene and passed by me and suddenly asked me if I had a hemostatic patch (this is a consumable item in the crew, and I had just used it up and didn’t bring a new one). I was shocked. I said no, and he didn’t say anything and seemed to go to the bathroom. Later, I don’t know where he asked, but it was a very girly pattern. I feel that he may have asked around, but I didn’t see him use it. That day, I saw a new hemostatic patch on X’s leg, but it wasn’t the one that was used by the transporter?! When I was chatting with the coordinator, I found out that someone had given it to X first, and W saw it and quietly put away the one with the girly pattern. At that time, he had just joined the crew not long ago. Because we were really not familiar with each other, he might have felt that it was too obvious and a bit embarrassing.
W and X have a lot of scenes together. As the main characters, they interact a lot, much more than what is shown. X is not as talkative as the footage shows. On the contrary, he is a person who cares about other people's feelings. In the footage, we can only say that he was: 1. He fainted from the heat (he almost had a heat stroke), 2. He was too tired, and 3. He didn't expect that everyone would exaggerate it. W was the same. He was just joking and making faces, just like everyone would have some such pranks when they were in school. When he felt something was wrong, he quickly changed the subject.
The main reason was that it was really tiring and hot at that time. Every time I went to the scene, I felt that I could get a heat stroke at any time. They also wore long robes with wide sleeves, which was very hard (W didn't dare to eat too much to maintain the fairy feeling of the character) In short, although this matter fermented a lot, it did not have any substantial impact on the relationship between the two. At that time, the crew also knew that this was their childish behavior and was used to it. After all, they were like this all the time. The two are ordinary people who are more casual in private. If they have a good relationship, they will definitely play around, but they will not be fussy about such trivial matters. W's personality is very interesting. He will suddenly act weird and then return to being calm. When he acts weird, he acts seriously. When he is silent, he is serious. I later thought that this kind of personality may have something to do with his love of street dance, motorcycles, and skateboards. Whether it is physical, emotional, endurance, psychological quality or anything else, he wants to try to touch or even challenge the upper limit in all aspects. He is a true adventurer. Most of these people are quite opinionated. He also said that he is a male chauvinist and has a strong desire to control himself and the outside world.
A double-edged sword, not a weakness. Being serious is good, but it is always difficult for people to grasp the precise degree. If you exceed the limit, you will develop a conditioned reflex of vigilance, which will prevent you from revealing too much of yourself, and on the other hand, you will be wary of outsiders' attempts.
This kind of self-defense is actually related to his experience. One is that he left home very early to work hard, and the other is that he went to Korea for training. You must have heard about the trainee system there, which is fiercely competitive and full of intrigues, and it is easy to fail. Many young trainees don’t have much life experience. No matter how cautious they are at the beginning, they may not be able to play better than the older or Korean people. The habit of not offending others for many years has become one of his personality. I am not so familiar with W, so it is difficult to remind him, but I found that he has improved in his relationship with X. It is very subtle. It is generally a good thing. Hahaha. Maybe it is also due to experience. X’s past is relatively simple. He entered the circle a few years after graduating from college. Before entering the circle, it was relatively smooth. It’s not that he has never experienced setbacks and lows, but it is definitely not as shaky and cautious as W faced during adolescence. It directly changed a person. I believe that W is still a positive and enthusiastic person in his heart, but he doesn’t show it easily. He needs someone to guide him.
What I really found strange was one time when the two of them were standing on a downhill slope. The scene was built in a studio and was a bit high. X walked in front of W and slipped. There was a few steps between the two of them. W rushed forward in two steps and quickly grabbed X's waist. They both almost slipped. He intended to grab his arm with his fingers spread out, but he miscalculated and poked X's lower back. We shot that scene in two or three takes and it was passed. After that, W's hand was a little swollen. I found some ice cubes to apply to him and it stopped swelling, but it looked painful. There were still a few scenes that day, but he didn't tell me because he didn't want to delay the progress. He applied ice when he left the camera. Because he had to go to the hospital for an IV drip after work, I thought I would deal with it together.
The strangest thing about this incident was not his behavior, but that X did not see W come down to apply ice, and came over to ask if his hand was okay. W directly stretched out his hand to show him, twisting it vigorously, shaking his fingers flexibly, trying to prove that he was fine, but X grabbed his wrist and looked at it clearly. X said that it was swollen, and W said it was caused by the intravenous drip. X muttered a few words of doubt, and saw that there were indeed many needle holes on the back of W's hand. He believed it a little. I was about four or five meters away at the time.
The director often asked them to be more ambiguous. At the beginning, it was quite awkward because they were not familiar with each other, but it was fine after they got used to it. X made a lot of small moves, and W would shout his name when he couldn't stand it anymore. W was very smart and could find the door. He didn't lose to X at the beginning. It was forbidden to move. It was common for them to insult and fight each other.
Many people are talking about the drinking scene, so I'll share another one. After the day's shooting, W took off his makeup and walked unsteadily. After walking out of the studio, he was looking for something. I said the car was over there (the exit was narrow and the car was a little further away). He said he knew, and then he turned around and pounced behind me, which scared me. I subconsciously turned around and hid, and found that X also came out, but he hadn't taken off his makeup yet. W stuck to him like an octopus. X was also scared, and his wig was pulled by W, and X screamed in pain. His assistant came out the next second and quickly pulled W away. I reacted and supported W. X was not angry, and told me that W had secretly drunk some more later and might be really drunk, so he asked me to make some honey water for him to sober up. I said okay, thinking where would I find honey water in the middle of the night. W is very thin, but very strong. X's assistant couldn't pull him away completely.
I am a little anxious, but I can’t say anything, I can only worry.
X was in a good mood, and cheerfully patted him and said, "Isn't W laoshi known for not getting drunk even if he drinks a lot?"
W didn't refute, and hugged him so tightly that I felt X was about to suffocate, and then X said: "It's late, see you tomorrow." W let go as if he had suddenly lost his temper, reluctant to let go, wanting to look at X but not daring to. I don't know why, but I felt that he was a little sad.
X joked with him: "Go back after you graduate from kindergarten.
W said sullenly: "I will definitely beat you next time."
X changed his tone of voice and complained: "W wants laoshi to win everything. save me from losing a few times, okay?"
I went back to the hotel and asked X's assistant who the winner was. She said that the two of them competed to see who could talk in the other's ear without blushing, and the loser would drink a small sip. I was speechless. No wonder he rarely played mobile games last night, and went to sleep after chatting on WeChat (he got off work earlier yesterday). It turned out that he was saving his energy to play this today (wrong). I asked again, "No one took the photo (mainly referring to the fans who were waiting there.)" She said that it should not be possible, because the place where the two people were standing was difficult to take a photo.
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ganondoodle · 5 months
struggeling to draw anything for the totk rewrite bc i know the most popular stuff is some cool cutscenes or something and me working on detailed mechanics is mostly a waste of time :/
like i have alot of stuff worked out by now but it would take ages to draw concepts for all those new menus and mechanics when few people are interested in that- and while making a giant text post about it would be more efficient ... who the hell would read all that ._.
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funkinmadnesss · 1 year
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Sparkledog Spiderman *Explosion.jpeg*
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lightofunova · 7 months
Light of Unova’s 200 Follower Event!!
Reshi’s Slumber Party
Hello! I want to say thank you so so much for 200+ followers! It means so much that everyone really enjoys my story and characters! In the works for awhile now is my first ever hosted community event!! I hope everyone really enjoys it!
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What is it?: Reshi has decided to host a slumber party at Dragonspiral Tower! Pokemon and Legendaries/gijinkas alike are encouraged to attend to have a fun night of games and relaxation!
Activities may include makeovers, gossiping, trying new/foreign snacks, musical chairs, and Truth or Dare*!
Guests are free to roam the tower as they wish, however are restricted from a few key areas. The Forces of Nature will be patrolling, the grounds as well! Rambunctious guests, or guests found in off limits areas will be warned once before being asked to leave. It seems like the trio are in a bad mood, and will not tolerate any funny buisness!
*Due to Reshi being able to tell if a character is lying, Truth or Dare is opt in only! (She also cannot lie herself tho so hopefully this balances that out haha)
When is it?: The event will begin on April 1st and last until May 1st. As needed, the event may be extended.
Who may join?: Anyone within the Pokemon Askblog community is encouraged to join! Paticipants are encouraged to wear their most comfortable pyjamas and bring snacks a la potluck style, and bring pillows/blankets aplenty!
How can I participate?: Interacting with anyone during the event nets you a ticket in automatically! If you would like to recieve a formal invitation, please dm me or reply to THIS post and I will send them out asap!
Extra info: This event will have plot relevance for Light of Unova. Premade backgrounds will be provided for the event upon the start! Along with those, a discord server will open for anyone participating to chat and discuss ideas!
The tag to use for the event will be #LoUsleepover
If you would like to participate in Truth or Dare then be sure to use the tag #LoUTruthnDare for your first event post!
As a thank you, the event will conclude with a raffle for 1 premade character design and 1 icon drawn by yours truly!
Thank you all so much for 200 followers! I hope to see you all there at the sleepover soon!
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alieliscious · 26 days
Life gets so much more fun when you remember Terry and Korvo are also replicants
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Kinda struggling to put my thoughts into a coherent sentence so bear with me
So in S2EP1 it's said that Shlorp has an unseen ruling class reigning over Shlorp with the majority of it's population being workers bred for duty and servitude
This leads me to believe the best and the brightest workers were heavily encouraged to replicate under the lie that their genius is to be passed down from generation to generation and be remembered for centuries when it was really the ruling class breeding out obedient workers to keep their utopia up and running
Whilst Arden welcomed the idea of a replicant with open arms, Knavish did not
Bonus art under cut cuz I didn't want to post just the refs
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pastelprince18 · 2 months
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ihaveforgortoomany · 3 days
2.2 rambling (major CN spoilers)
Again we literally have Mr Karson playable, literally the guy who was erased by the 1929 is now in our suitcase, sure he is not exactly the same (see the Mandela Effect ramble I made earlier) BUT
(The copium is SO strong now, literally she has no reason not to appear again in the story, maybe we get to go to Italy in the future?)
But really holy shit wydm I have to wait a couple months just to fully understand this chapter? Im looking forward to seeing Matilda in 2.3 (lawd knows whats gonna happen to her) but the fact that were not gonna see a direct continuation is driving me up the wall you cannot drop a bomb like that and expect me to be normal.
(Also I didnt mention this but hello Sotheby got swallowed by a fish? Um? Completely forgor since well everything this patch??)
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theyamjam · 5 months
if you were to turn off the wifi on your computer would kinito just…. not have access to a whole lot of knowledge for the time being? how would that affect him?
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ff7boi · 8 months
can you imagine being tifa and thinking you're the only one who survived the attack sephiroth did to your hometown and one day you suddenly run into a childhood friend who also survived but something is clearly wrong so you take him back with you and offer him a job and place to stay but something is still so wrong but you don't say anything, you're to scared to say something about that night and the few times you do, this friend breaks into headaches and just mumbles random cryptic stuff so you're afraid to push further and you go on this whole journey and you keep watching your friend just break and break and realize that not even shinra could allow you to have this childhood friend, this last piece connected to your past, because even they went as far as to break him as well
What if I exploded guys
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deeloveskiss · 8 months
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ace frehley - 1995*
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wyn0rrific · 3 months
Vitus Lore Masterpost Thingy
i've finally decided to make a singular post dedicated to all the lore i have for (one of) my space marine oc Vitus!
Adding all the info under the cut since it's lengthy but I do hope yall enjoy reading about my lil guy!
Gen. Info:
Name: Vitus
Pronouns/Gender: He/She (Bigender)
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 6'11"
Affiliation: Loyalist Emperor's Children Apothecary (Pre-Heresy)
Early Childhood/Pre Great Crusade
Vitus was born on Chemos, several (Teran) years after Fulgrim's discovery. He was born with a hearing impairment that left him unable to speak properly, teaching himself how to read/write as his parents neglected him due to the constant work-to-survive cycle. Vitus and Fulgrim eventually meet after many instances of Vitus watching him from afar, amazed by Fulgrim's inhuman growth/adaptability. The interaction was awkward at first as the two couldn't understand each other. Eventually, Fulgrim understood Vitus' impairment, offering to learn/teach Vitus proper sign language as she only knew her own made up signs. Vitus was taught different forms of texts/cultures from Fulgrim, while they both learned Chemosian sign language (They essentially developed it themselves). The arrival of the Emperor overwhelmed Vitus, shocked by Fulgrim's reaction and the reveal of his status as a primarch. He begged him to bring Vitus back to Terra, exclaiming her interest in staying by his side and wanting to help the Imperium. Fulgrim eventually agrees, bringing Vitus with him, starting both of their paths in the Emperor's Children Legion.
Great Crusade Era
Vitus eventually ranks up to becoming one of the legion's apothecaries. He worked passively, spending more time in the flagship's apothecarium as requested by Fulgrim as he was worried for Vitus' safety. Within leaving Chemos and becoming an apothecary, Vitus was given hearing aids built by techmarines. This allowed Vitus to hear (somewhat) properly. However, this caused higher frequencies to sound 10x louder than normal, resulting in overstimulating him. Even with the aids, Vitus remained mute. Vitus being mainly in the apothecarium allowed him to get closer to Chief Apothecary Fabius Bile. She admired Bile, wishing to know just as much as he did while not understanding his evil intentions. During the early days of the legion, Fulgrim joked Vitus being Bile's "mini-me" as the two were seen together often/acted the same. Because of the similarities, most of the astartes stayed away from Vitus, refusing to acknowledge his impairment. Out of the entire legion, only Fulgrim, Fabius, and the Brotherhood of the Phoenix understood Vitus' signs (some were taught high gothic sign as well).
Horus Heresy Era
After the crusade on planet Murder, Vitus was sent back to Chemos to assist with the recruitment of astartes. During his absence she missed key events such as the Laer expedition and Isstvan III, dodging the fall to Slaanesh most of his brothers faced. He eventuality returns to the 28th expedition as requested by Fulgrim. He was invited by the primarch to view the opening of the La Fenice. Once arriving back, Vitus noticed many changes within the legion. Things felt... off. One of the main giveaways of the legion's corruption was the way Fulgrim treated him, being overly touchy (more than usual) and forgetting that Vitus was unable to speak. He chooses to ignore these changes, noting to speak to the primarch privately on these matters at a later time (which never comes). During the Maraviglia performance, Vitus' hearing device began to malfunction, forcing him to leave the performance hall in search of a tech marine. This results in him missing the entire performance, another bullet dodged.
The Dropsite Massacre slowly approaches, Vitus being confused by the event but not allowing his suspicions to grow as he trusted Fulgrim greatly. Isstvan V opened Vitus' eyes to the horrors of his own legion and the man he once loved/admired. He witnessed Fulgrim slaughter his own brother Ferrus Manus, frozen in horror as his entire existence flashed before his eyes. In response, Vitus attempts to flee the planet, severely overwhelmed/numbed by the battle. He runs into loyalist astartes, begging them to take her with them. Many were reluctant as Vitus beared the armor of the now traitor legion, but was taken as prisoner for questioning. Originally being sentenced to death for being a heretic, Vitus retaliated, exclaiming he'd fight for the Imperium until death as he stole a blade from a nearby astartes. He gouged out one of his eyes, attempting to mutilate himself more until he was stopped. After being probed by a Librarian Vitus is eventually kept alive.
Post Heresy/Current
Vitus' current status is unknown (at least to the public). He does everything he can to stay incognito, dyeing/cutting his hair, self mutilation, etc. Many say he is now dead/self-exiled, while other rumors speak of him serving as the Chief Apothecary of the Imperial Fist chapter, Sons of the Phoenix. He now has a deep hatred for the Emperor's Children, though he doesn't hate Fulgrim. Some say he is actively seeking out the primarch, in hopes that he's still out there alive and healthy.
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emzi-148 · 1 year
Not that I'm complaining, but why are most DR fanfics/videos about Jay losing his memories mostly includes how Nya reacts? Like, what about Cole, his best friend? Or what if he met Ed and Edna first before any of the guys? I get that Nya is Jay's Yang, but I just need a wider variety (and platonic Bruise content).
More rambles at the tags
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st4rstudent · 10 months
Ok the fandom wiki is back to normal as of earlier, so if you accidentally stumble upon it, it'll be fine.
However please make sure to keep using the New and Improved Wiki, which is not only easier to navigate and is more pleasant, but also the new preferred wiki. (Not only to mention the various issues that Fandom wiki has). Bookmark it or something if you need to.
As future reference, it should be noted that vandalism on the fandom wiki will not help take the wiki down due to fandom's policy, despite previous otherwise thoughts (myself included) and the continuous vandalism only brings traction to it. As well as, mentioning the new wiki will have the possibility to demote and ban the current mods of the fandom wiki.
As silly as the entire thing was, please make sure to use the new wiki and refrain from going back to the old one. Especially since last night made the fandom wiki get a lot of traction.
As a reminder, here are some extensions you can use to help avoid using the fandom wiki: 1 (redirector) 2 (wiki.gg redirector) 3 (wiki indie buddy)
and here's the reddit post about it
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lienspien · 5 months
Modern James would LOVE cars.
He'll go on and on about BMWs or Mercedes and why it's an amazing and top-quality car.
When going on a walk with Regulus, he doesn't look at other people. Nah, he does a double take when he sees a good car.
When asked what's his goal in life he'll simply say "i want to buy a Mercedes SLR300" He probably wouldn't get it till the day he dies but its a nice dream and he buys other cars to make up for it
He loves speeding up on the highway. He does not care that it's over the speed limit. He thinks that it's such a waste if he doesn't use his speeding car for speeding, so he hits the gas hard which is why no one let's him drive
Imagine he goes to another country for a trip, while his friends are looking around the sights, James is too busy pointing out cars and their speeds and their quality and the cars that is just as good or even better than it.
He would choose sedan cars over SUV's any day. Said that it's more aerodynamic and easier to speed up in.
He would get so mad when people say that all car brands are the same. He will go on a full rant on why koenisegg and pagani are different, which cars are better, and which ones he would assign to someone depending on his opinions on them.
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amaranthdahlia · 8 months
still thinking ab how i made a whole shipping wiki page for kudoichi/ichinii on the fandomwiki site cus 1. the hyperfixation rlly took over 2. there wasnt one for them yet
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