#alpha lefty
thatliminal-wanderer · 6 months
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Squiggles (Generation Loss) ID Pack
Requested by Anon
Ace, Adam, Albert, Aldan, Alden, Aldon, Aldwin, Alexandria, Alfred, Alice, Alpha, Alvin, Alvis, Alvy, Alwyn, Amit, Amity, Andrew, Angelica, Anissa, Ann, Anna, Anne, Anthony, Archie, Arthur, Arwin, Ash, Ashna, Audrey, Austar, Baldwin, Barney, Bartholomew, Bellamy, Ben, Billy, Bit, Bob, Bruno, Buddy, Buzz, Cad, Caden, Cass, Ced, Cederick, Cedrick, Cedrik, Charlie, Chester, Clarissa, Dakota, Dakotah, Damien, Darwin, Darwyn, David, Edwin, Einstein, Elliot, Elwin, Ernie, Ferris, Frank, Gamba, Graham, Harold, Hedley, Horatio, Irwin, Jordan, Kadeen, Kahil, Kaira, Kaleel, Kalid, Karah, Khalee, Khaleel, Khalil, Khalilah, Lefty, Lewis, Liz, Lucky, Maitreya, Marble, Margaret, Marty, Marx, Mary, Meet, Mitra, Mitul, Noddy, Patrick, Pete, Quicky, Rafee, Rafiki, Rob, Rosemary, Ruth, Ruthie, Samara, Sedric, Sidney, Snap, Soumil, Stephen, Takoda, Wade, Wayne, Willow, Yadira, Yara, Zach, Zamil
ar/archive/archives, camera/cameras, cassette/cassetes, dark/darks, distort/distorts, file/files, footage/footages, fourth/fourths, fun/funs, game/games, glee/glees, goober/goobers, laugh/laughs, lost/losts, luck/lucks, mascot/mascots, radio/radios, record/records, rewind/rewinds, scare/scares, show/shows, signal/signals, silly/sillys, spook/spooks, stalk/stalks, static/statics, talk/talks, tape/tapes, wall/walls, watch/watchs, 🌐/🌐s, 🎞️/🎞️s, 🎭/🎭s, 🎮/🎮s, 🎰/🎰s, 👁️/👁️s, 👤/👤s, 📞/📞s, 📺/📺s, 🦝/🦝s, 🪡/🪡s
Showfall’s Little Face of Joy, The False Joy, The Joyful Watcher, The Judge of Life or Death, The Mascot That Loves The Viewers, The One Who Knows About The Show, The One Who Let’s The Viewers Choose, The One Who May Write The Script, The Show’s Mascot, [prn] Who Speaks to The Audience, [prns] The One Who Watches
Analogender, Analoghorrorgender, Foundfootagehorroric, G!squigglesgender, Genderlog, Horroraveil, Humornoxic, Oldinternetfriendic, Redroomic, Sweetnsillygender, Videourawarec, Vitciwatchic, Webhorroric
Other mogai
Alderanalora, Chat Omninoun, Error Omninoun, Horrorvior
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soft-stxrlight · 5 months
the calling of wolves and vipers, chapter 2
unexpected guests of all varieties
ao3 link: the calling of wolves and vipers
tumblr masterlist: the calling of wolves and vipers
pairing: Draco Malfoy x Theodore Nott x Hermione Granger
description: draco, theo, and hermione navigate growing affections as they fight for werewolf rights. there are forces, however, which will stop at nothing to ensure their efforts are for naught.
word count: 4222
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Hermione sat at her cluttered desk clutching her pen tightly. Theo was out sick with some kind of flu and she had to catch up on work for their proposal. He took his work home, but she was pulling more weight because she hadn’t wanted him to stress while he was ill.
When lunch rolled around Hermione figured she’d just work through it and snack on the grapes and cheese she had brought with her. She would’ve gone to lunch with Ginny but the morning sickness was hitting her hard and she couldn’t leave the house much this week. 
Two strong raps came upon her office door. “Come in,” Hermione yelled, but didn’t look up from her work. 
“Oh, is Theo still out?” Draco’s deep rumble brought her out of her intense focus. When she met his gaze, she suddenly felt self-conscious of her curls knotted with her wand, askew atop her head and cardigan she wore that drooped down one shoulder. She promptly jerked the sleeve back up and smoothed back her hair only for a curl to spring right back into place in front of her eyes. Draco merely chuckled. 
“Yeah, um, he is,” she muttered, blushing furiously. Draco looked straight out of a magazine with his crisp black slacks and eggshell cashmere sweater. An expensive looking watch sparkled on his right wrist. Draco is a lefty, interesting, she thought. His white-blonde hair was the longest she’d seen it and he’d abandoned the slicked-back look of his childhood. It settled as though he’d just carded through it and stayed that way. With his slimmed features and sharp jawline, he was particularly dashing. 
“I guess I’ll leave you be then.” Draco’s eyes dropped toward the floor and he toyed with his watch. 
“You could stay?” Hermione chided herself for the way it sounded more like a pleading question than an offer. “I mean to say,” she cleared her throat, “we’re both close with Theo, it’s time we at least make an attempt at bonding.” Hermione knew her face was hopeful and vulnerable. Open. She felt drawn to him lately and itched to explore it. The flutter in her gut agreed.
“Hm, I suppose you’re right,” Draco drawled, pulling the door shut as he stepped inside. “Where should I sit?” Draco motioned to the paper covered desks, then to Theo’s chair with her personal items on it. 
“Does the floor work?” She asked, “When Theo and I eat together we do it on the floor for obvious lack of desk space.” She gestured at the surroundings and blushed again. Surely, Draco Malfoy could afford a big enough desk and office space. He was an auror afterall. They got better funding. 
“I’m well aware of that little quirk of your workspace. The floor will do fine,” Draco’s smile was teasing, but warm. Hermione returned it, and tossed in an eyeroll to boot, ignoring entirely that the very first thing he did was agree with her.
It was comical watching a large alpha werewolf fold in on himself and spread out his lunch on the floor of her office. His long muscular legs were crossed and his back hunched to reach his food on the floor. Everytime he leaned over Hermione could see how wide his shoulders were, making it look like his anatomy was more suited for wings and flying than suits and offices.
“How’s work going?” she asked him cautiously. It was the awkward small talk of acquaintances who are only just slightly familiar with one another, but don’t know anything specific enough to have a conversation of substance. 
“I like it. It’s fast paced, aside from the paperwork, obviously. I get to put away the wizards who want us to go back to how we used to be.” He tucked back into his sandwich, brushing a crumb off his lip with his knuckle.
“Oh, that’s really good,” she mumbled, a small piece of cheese flying out of her mouth directly onto her jumper. A sheepish grin and she slapped it off.  
“Has McLaggen bothered you anymore?” Draco asked nonchalantly, eyes fixed on some finite grain in the floor. She wouldn’t have thought much of it, save for the irritated tick in his jaw on the name.
“No, I haven’t even seen him recently.” 
Draco’s eyes darkened for a moment. He shook his head and looked to her as pleadingly as a Malfoy could–which is to say his composure remained while his eyes pierced her, “I’m not joking, Hermione,” a thrill ran through her at the sound of her name on his tongue. 
“If he so much as looks in your direction you come to me or Theo.” The thrill collapsed into cold discomfort as she thought about Cormac. Draco’s inhale was audible and he cocked his head. She saw his hands flex as though nails begged to rip through the skin of his fingertips.
“I’m okay, really,” she tried to comfort him.
He spoke through clenched teeth, “Please don’t humor me, I can smell your fear. The mere sensation grates on my baser side.”
“Alright, he unsettles me,” she admitted, “but I’m safe and I don’t really think he’d do anything,” She was fairly sure her words were true, but Draco’s eyes narrowed acutely. “Besides, I have an alpha and a beta ready at my beck and call, right?” Hermione raised her chin in a teasing flourish.
Her attempt to cut the tension was fruitless. Draco should’ve bristled at such a comment, to equate his alpha to no more than an attack dog. It should’ve been a playful insult. He was supposed to grumble under his breath about silly witches and she’d laugh him off. Instead, he nodded solemnly, gaze intent.
“You need only point,” his words were a blistering promise. Hermione was rendered breathless. Her mind scrambled for some inane small talk to diffuse such a proclamation. No, she didn’t want to ruin the tenuous verity that wound between them. 
A gulped fortifying breath, and then she asked, “Draco?” His head perked up, silver eyes boring into hers. His name was foreign in her mouth, always Malfoy, but he was a new man and deserved a new name. “Can I ask you some personal questions?” 
“Considering all you’ve done for wizarding kind, I’d say you’ve earned the right to bypass small talk. Ask away.” He gestured with a sweep of his large hand.
“I know you apologized to me and I know you’ve changed. I guess I’m just wondering why? There’s no doubt you were an indoctrinated child, but I’m still curious as to why you chose to go against what your parents so deeply believe?” The words rushed out before she could stop them.
Draco gently placed the remainder of his sandwich down and took a deep breath, before looking at her with such searing vulnerability that her stomach roiled. Her eyes begged the reprieve of looking away from his scouring gaze. Surely some ancestral magic had bestowed him with a sort of enchanted look that laid all one’s secrets bare to his discretion.
“I saw you brutally tortured. In my home. I never wanted to be a part of their cause, but my parents forced me. It became horribly real though when you writhed bloody on the drawing room floor. My aunt had a unique penchant for inflicting agony. When I didn’t–” he winced, “well, I chose never to freeze again.” He nodded to her. Like that was that. Then raised his forgone sandwich and resumed eating as though he hadn’t just dredged up both of their long-held trauma. 
The inner Draco, however, was far from composed. His baser side was clawing at his skull, his sternum. The discomfort was palpable and his instincts screamed at him that he’d failed her. Despite not having been turned at the time of her torture, his alpha instincts balefully whimpered that he’d failed his most important purpose. Her protection. The urge wasn’t purely chivalrous, it had a dark edge that wove through his muscles and settled like an unbreakable vow. 
She wouldn’t sustain such torture ever again. Not if he was still breathing. Draco would sooner gut himself and offer her his intestines wrapped in a bow for her to strangle him. Hermione Granger could not be harmed.
“I suppose that’s a,” she coughed subtly to clear the lump forming in her throat, “fairly terrific reason.” 
Draco gave her a warm look that stirred the floaty feeling low in her belly. One that brought the edges of his lips up in a subtle curve and accentuated the crinkles around his eyes that she’d not noticed before. His silver eyes seemed to soften even more as they held her own, and his blinks were slow and measured. Hermione felt caught up in his ethereal gaze, entranced by the, dare-she-say, tender moment. 
The door swung open and Hermione’s eyes shot to the head of disheveled black hair that had popped in. Harry’s green eyes went wide and darted between Draco and Hermione, then repeated. Draco had schooled his expression into cool indifference a moment too late. Harry surely witnessed whatever just happened.
“Sorry,” he cleared his throat awkwardly, “I was looking to see if you wanted to come to lunch with me, but I see you’re already occupied.” Harry nodded once to Draco. 
“Yes, um-” Hermione started, brain still mush from his simmering molten gaze. 
“Right, well. Bye.” Harry closed the door as quickly as he’d opened it. He’d already managed to deconstruct the moment between them with his inept grace though. Hermione couldn’t bring herself to be mad at him. Her best friend could be thick sometimes, but even he couldn’t be blind to the downright visible tension radiating between them. She rather thought the surfaces in the room blurred and fizzed like concrete in the dead of summer.
“Do people normally burst into your office unannounced? Have I made a fool of myself by knocking?” Draco drawled, clearly mocking Harry’s poor manners. It was harmless in a way that pleasantly disarmed her. They were… joking.
“No, those are just Harry’s delicate manners at work. You’d know all about those right? I’m sure you had a lesson dedicated specifically to entering a room gracefully.” Hermione bowed her head at him in faux respect and tucked back into her grapes. 
“I certainly did, in fact, I’d say I’m an expert on entrances.”
His eyes burned into hers and a wicked grin split his lips. It took her a moment to recognize the innuendo for what it was. Was he flirting?! Hermione threw a grape at him and the motion made her miss the way his eyes flashed with a supernatural obsidian glow before settling back to his silver hue, he snatched it from the air and popped it in his mouth. His seeker reflexes had not dulled in his years since teenagehood.  
“You’re an expert on idiocy.”
Draco and Hermione settled into the rest of lunch that way. Eating between comfortable conversations, with the occasional joke or jab. She found that as she stood, stretched, and bid him goodbye, she truly didn’t want him to leave. 
Hermione stood in the doorway and watched as his broad shoulders disappeared into the crowded halls of the ministry, but not before he glanced back over his shoulder and shot her a wicked grin when he saw her watching. Her stomach fluttered traitorously. She leaned her forehead against the coolness of the door frame after he rounded the corner and sighed. Godric help her, since when was she a simpering school girl.
Hermione’s mom always made her pastina when she was unwell. 
So there Hermione stood, brow beading sweat over a pot of boiling chicken stock and pastina. She adeptly poured in the measured cheeses and sighed happily as she mixed them in. Warm memories bubbled to the surface of her mind with the steam. If she focused hard enough, she could feel her mother’s hand guiding her own in wide clockwise sweeps. Her throat caught with emotion but she diverted the thought back to Theo. 
She didn’t even know if Theo liked pastina. 
Ginny had insisted it was a great idea and a good way to show care for her friend, or maybe more. And if it succeeded in comforting him, then that was enough. Lunch with Draco had made Hermione even more confused, as she told Ginny, but she was still just as interested in Theo. Ginny then told Hermione that wizards were more progressive than muggles in the senses of sexuality and potential partners, insisting it was fairly common for triads or polyamorous couples to become bonded or even married. Hermione scoffed at Ginny’s implication.
Hermione had never been interested in two men in this way before. And it was far easier for her to look the other way and pretend the Draco factor was no more than a passing fluke than to acknowledge these potential budding affections for the mysterious man. Theo had quietly been on her mind for months now, snaking his way around her very heart and sinking his slow-acting venom in until she was paralyzed, prone for him.
The pastina was meant to be a gesture of her love. Hermione’s subtle way of saying, you’re always on my mind and I want you to be well. 
There were three main ingredients in pastina, warm chicken stock to bring a hearty taste, the pastina itself which swelled into sweet little stars, and pecorino romano cheese which melted and tied it all together decadently. Of course there was also some salt, pepper, olive oil and butter as well. Once the cheese was melted, she grabbed a container and began spooning it in. 
By the time she was en route to Theo’s flat–he’d long abandoned living in his family manor–she had three very full containers in her arms. Theo’s flat was further into wizarding London than hers, and she had to take the tube to get there. She couldn’t floo because they didn’t have an established connection and she couldn’t apparate because she didn’t know the area well enough to be sure she would arrive somewhere sans muggles.
Hermione hesitated briefly on Theo’s stoop, hand poised to knock, second guessing her gesture and worried it would be too overbearing. But she forced herself to gently thump at his door and plastered on a pleasant smile.
It took a moment for Theo to get to the door. She could hear his slow shuffles. As the door peeled open and Hermione got a good look at him, her heart melted at his puzzled head tilt. 
His usually bright forest eyes were dull with poor sleep, deep bruised pockets beneath them. His cheeks were pale and colorless, where they were normally flushed and full of life. Indulgently, Hermione thought of the stubble that crept along his jaw and considered how it would feel running along her skin. A pair of muggle pajama pants printed with cartoon panels of spider-man hung low on his hips. But, the vulnerable way he had one of Hermione’s crocheted blankets wrapped around his head and body so he looked like a tall sickly nesting doll had her cooing. 
“Oh, Theo,” Hermione adjusted the containers where she stacked them on her hip. His eyes widened innocently, relishing in her doting indulgence. Hermione knew at that moment Theo would milk this for all it was worth. And she’d let him. This sweet, kind, dramatic man she cared for so much. Because maybe she did? Maybe she’d cared for him for a while, and only now she could admit it.
“What are you doing here?” Theo rasped, his voice clearly overused from coughing. 
Hermione held up the containers and gushed, “I made you pastina. In my opinion, its healing benefits are better than chicken soup, but maybe you won’t like it? I mean you don’t have to eat it-” 
“Take a breath Mione, I’m sure I’ll love it.” He gave her a toothy grin, which was interrupted with a chest rattling cough. He ducked his head into his elbow and then smiled sheepishly at her this time.
“Aw Theo, that sounds awful. And is that the blanket I gave you for Christmas?” She tugged it a little tighter around his face, finally allowing her fingertips to trail his clammy cheek softly. Theo’s eyelids fluttered and he leaned into the warm touch.
“Mhmm,” he groaned, “it brings me comfort, reminds me of you.” His eyes snapped open, Hermione thought he might not have meant to say that last part out loud. 
“I’m glad then.” She grinned at him and passed him the pastina, “I don’t want you standing too long so you should go rest.” She began to turn away but Theo’s fingers caught on hers handing him the containers.
“Go on a date with me,” he said, seeming to startle himself with a jerk. He shook his head and color finally came to his cheeks, pale but there nonetheless. He straightened, “I mean, would you go on a date with me when I’m no longer sick?” His eyes were marginally brighter now, vulnerable even. Hermione’s stomach did somersaults and her brain became pure static. 
All she could do was nod.
Theo insisted Hermione allow him to walk her to their date. So, she sat in her living room and stared at the small clock on the bookshelf. If she didn’t know better, she’d say it was broken, moving as agonizingly slow as a sloth and holding her future time with Theo hostage. 
It was two minutes to five on a warm Sunday afternoon in October. Hermione had opted for a creme colored floral maxi skirt with a ruffled hem paired with a forest green silk front-tie, quarter sleeve top. She wouldn’t admit it, but she selected it for its similarity to his eyes. Her favorite brown double breasted jacket hung off her shoulders. Her favorite necklace from Ginny hung just below her cleavage. She’d chosen a loose braided coronet to tame her hair. She felt beautiful. 
Finally, a soft pattern tapped at the door and Hermione shot up, nervously smoothing a hand over her skirt before approaching the front door. As the door creaked open, it revealed Theo’s glowing smile. Hermione could’ve sworn his teeth sparkled like a cartoon prince. His curly dark brown hair fell haphazardly in handsome waves along his brow. 
“You look absolutely lovely Hermione,” His eyes twinkled as he seemed to savor her appearance. Hermione’s stomach turned inside out in the absolute best way. Theo always managed to make her feel like a young girl again, giddy and lovestruck.
“Theo, you look so handsome,” Hermione replied, breathless. 
“Thank you, love. Are you ready to go?” He offered her his elbow gallantly.
Hermione took it, eager to unravel their mystery date. Theo wouldn’t tell her a word about what would occur, only that she would be “dazzled and hopelessly in love” by the end. That had earned him a soft smack to the ribs in jest. 
He steered her toward the street at a slow stroll, “We have to take a portkey to the location of the date. Is that alright?” he asked gently, a flash of uncertainty crossed his face. How sweet, Hermione thought, he’s nervous too. 
She nodded immediately and he pulled out a pretty rose from the basket dangling from his elbow. “It’ll activate in a minute so grab on and then we’ll be there.”
They stood in serene silence, gripping the rose together in a side alley by Hermione’s flat. Theo snorted awkwardly when the silence went on too long, Hermione’s answering laugh was cut short by the whirling of the portkey travel tugging behind her navel. Their landing was smooth with Hermione never releasing Theo’s elbow. 
When the world stopped spinning, Hermione glanced around her to find the rolling green hills of Scotland, clearly not far from Hogwarts. There was rumored to be a fairy pack that lived in this region. Hermione had always wanted to see the fairies but the conditions had to be just right, they had to feel safe to show themselves. 
Theo brought her a few steps forward and then pulled his wand out of his pocket. He winked at her, “Revelio.” A shimmer of sparkles parted the air and revealed a beautiful picnic facing where the sun would eventually settle over the mountains in the distance. 
“Theo, this is brilliant,” Hermione exclaimed. She dropped to her knees on the picnic blanket and inspected the food. It was obviously being kept warm by a warming charm, as heat emanated from the containers. The scents wafting out smelled delicious and looked… “did you make the food?” 
Theo grinned, “With my own two hands. Nothing but the best for the Golden Girl,” nudging her shoulder with his thigh. He knew she hated being called the golden girl but could never seem to scold him for it. Maybe it had to do with the amount of reverie in his tone every time he said it?
“Sit down wolf-man, I want to try all this delicious smelling food.” Theo rolled his eyes as he dropped down and languidly spread himself out on the blanket. They started in on the food and some small talk. Mostly recounting their weekends and going over favorites. Hermione’s favorite color, lilac, Theo’s, sage. 
Going over childhoods, Theo’s mother died when he was young and his father died in the final battle, Hermione’s family was tight knit until she obliviated them. Now they don’t trust her. Touching briefly on work, Theo’s pursuit of the shifting houses and Hermione’s inquiries into rights laws. 
As they ate the little tea cakes Theo proudly proclaimed he had painstakingly prepared, Hermione laid down on her back and watched the sky as it blossomed lilac and tangerine. 
“Theo, what’s it like being in a pack?” She turned to face him and propped her head on her hand. Theo was on his back as well, arms crossed behind his head, the picture of utter relaxation.
“It’s a natural urge. The pull to those like you and a rank that suits your character. I trust Draco as a leader and he trusts me as a second. It’s kind of a duty hardwired into your blood.” His brow furrowed as he considered his words carefully.
“Maybe this is stupid,” Theo looked at her, as if to say nothing she could ever say would be stupid, “but do you ever like it? Being a werewolf I mean?” 
“Sometimes. It’s brought me things I wouldn’t otherwise have,” his eyes darted to Hermione where she’d resumed staring at the sunset, “my, uh, pack and stuff, and the power is exhilarating, when I’m not afraid I’m going to tear someone to shreds.” he chuckled. His eyes darkened and he threw an arm in the air as if to say c’est la vie. 
“Does it scare you?” His voice was quiet and he avoided her eyes.
“Never,” her reply was certain and swift, “I trust you implicitly. I know you’d never hurt me.” Theo’s eyes flashed a beautiful cyan. Betas have cyan colored eyes. Hermione noted and filed the piece of information away.
“I don’t think I physically could, Hermione, you’ve got me utterly bewitched.” He smirked, trying to mask the vulnerability of his statement. 
Hermione didn’t understand just how much he meant it. Theodore Nott had always been an easily distracted child. Hyperactive, some would say. But suddenly he understood singular focus. His had turned on her as his subject. She is mine, I have her now, I’m not letting go. The voice in his head took on that tone that it got when his baser side was influencing him. 
Theo was more wary of his instincts than Draco. He did not relish his newfound possessive urges toward Hermione. Though, when his inner wolf would urge him to lay himself at her feet and give in to her every whim, he was decidedly less reluctant. Hermione possessed him, body and soul, and he’d have it no other way. 
Hermione sat up then, eyes searching his for something she must have found, because the next moment her mouth was hovering just centimeters from his and with her eyes questioning. Theo answered by gently pressing his lips up against her soft, velvety ones. The kiss was sweet as butter melting into a muffin, all fluttering eyelids and subtle passes of tongues on lips. Comforting arms encircled waists and wandering hands found purchase on chins and tangled in hair.
The bliss of the moment was enhanced by Hermione’s gasp released upon opening her eyes and finding little glowing figures inspecting their basket and playing with the curls of their hair. Fairies. 
Hermione sat up and slowly held up a small piece of bread. Tiny, fluttering fingers snatched it from her, only to hum happily and then zip up to her cheek and give her a petite kiss. The fairy’s touch was like being tucked into your bed, pure and warm. Their beauty encapsulated the lovers like crisp air after a fresh rain. 
They spent the remainder of their evening observing their ethereal dinner guests, their soft pink light rivaling the newly risen stars in the sky, and pressing chaste, exuberant kisses to one another simply because they could. Content in their company and lovely evening.
hermione and theo are getting a headstart, maybe draco will get his shit together soon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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kimrinzleycreations · 10 months
Every bisexual male lefty youtuber is aesthetically 100 times hotter than any "Chad" alpha male.
Iunno, guys with dyed hair look way better than guys who shave their heads to pretend their hairline isn't absolutely pathetic cough andrew tate cough.
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weirderscience · 11 months
saw a guy on sl who legit walked into a lgbt club sim in a hazbin hotel knockoff ass avatar with a profile that was like "VOICE VERIFIED FEMALES ONLY!!! I AM AN ALPHA MALE WITH PENIS AND FUCKS GOOD!!!" and then i look at the next page in his profile and it is literally "i remain the only sane person in the world. im so fucking lonely. all these woke lefties are out to make me miserable"
i wonder if those thibgs are all connected tbh
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molter-writes · 3 months
1. With Laena? WITH LAENA?!?! Why would you do this to me, I trusted you!
2. “Like this is father to son—like, alpha genetics, right, one to the next, so like I’m sorry to the—I dunno, test tube lesbian Lefties but if that’s not actually her fucking baby then like that’s not her fucking—”
Excuse me I don’t think I have ever wanted to punch a screen more.
3. oof blackmailing her with the baby, good one. Go, Alicent, you deserve it. Also, why do you want to destroy me, specifically? Do you think the new season isn’t going to hurt enough?
4. FUCK OFF. Why????? This is a beautifully written punch in the gut but to be honest, mate, I don’t know if I can handle the pain.
with LAENA 🗣️🗣️🗣️
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dogflowerz-self-ships · 11 months
f/o list :3
bolded are from special interests, italicized are from current hyperfixation
❥ Allan (Barbie 2023)
❥ Arnold Markdown (Epithet Erased)
❥ Barb (Trolls 2: World Tour)
❥ Billy (Burn, 2019)
❥ Clapton Davis (Detention)
❥ Curt Mega (Spies Are Forever)
❥ Davey Jacobs (Newsies)
❥ Derek Danforth (The Beekeeper)
❥ Donatello (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : Mutant Mayhem)
❥ Eloni / Green 1010 (No Straight Roads)
❥ Emmett Forrest (Legally Blonde, The Musical)
❥ Eve / Nadia (No Straight Roads)
❥ Franklin Fox (57 Seconds)
❥ Gary Goldstein (Hatchetfield Musicals)
❥ Gideon Graves (Scott Pilgrim)
❥ Gorgug Thistlespring (Fantasy High)
❥ Howdy Pillar (Welcome Home)
❥ Hobie Brown / Spider-Punk (Spiderman : Across The Spiderverse)
❥ Hunter (The Owl House)
❥ Ickett Del La Rosa [Original Character, Village]
❥ John (FNAF Novels)
❥ Josh Futturman (Future Man)
❥ Jonathon Ohnn / The Spot (Spiderman : Across The Spiderverse)
❥ Jeremy Heere (Be More Chill)
❥ Kermit The Frog
❥ Kevin Price (Book of Mormon)
❥ Kurt Hummel (Glee)
❥ Laser Allgood (The Kids Are All Right)
❥ Luka Coffaine (Miraculous Ladybug)
❥ Mayday (No Straight Roads)
❥ Marvin Gardens (Falsettos)
❥ McGregor Houghton (Jungle Cruise)
❥ Mike Schmidt (Five Nights At Freddy's [Movie])
❥ Miles Morales, Earth-42 (Spiderman : Across The Spiderverse)
❥ Mera Salamin (Epithet Erased)
❥ Paul Matthews (Hatchetfield Musicals)
❥ Prince Frederick (The Cursed Princess Club)
❥ Principal Of The Thing (Baldi's Basics)
❥ Rick Shades (Epithet Erased)
❥ Richie Lipschitz (Hatchetfield Musicals)
❥ Robotus Alpha Beta (Inside Job)
❥ Ryan Evans (High School Musical)
❥ Superman (Holy Musical B@tman!)
❥ Toby Mitchell (Tragedy Girls)
❥ Travis Wilker (Ape [Short film])
❥ Tybalt Capulet (Romeo + Juliet, 1996)
❥ Victor Van Dort (Corpse Bride)
❥ Wiggog Y'rath / Wiggly (Hatchetfield)
❥ Zach Varmitech (Wild Kratts)
(any tags for romantic f/os will just be their name followed by coded. ex : 'mike schmidt coded')
☆~ Lefty (FNAF:PS) [Parental]
☆~ The Puppet/Marionette (FNAF) [Parental]
☆~ Roxie Richter (Scott Pilgrim) [Cousin]
☆~ Miguel O'Hara (Spiderman : Across the Spiderverse) [Father]
☆~ Yinu (No Straight Roads) [Cousin]
☆~ Yinu's Mom/Mama (No Straight Roads) [Aunt]
(any tags for familial f/os will just be '(their name) is my (figure)'. ex : 'miguel o'hara is my father', 'the puppet is my parental figure')
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This Week’s Horrible-Scopes
It’s time for this week’s Horrible-Scopes! So for those of you that know your Astrological Signs, cool! If not, just pick one, roll a D12, or just make it up as you go along. It really doesn’t matter.
If I had done a themed Horrible-Scope, this is where I’d tell you about it. …yup. Right here. Except that I didn’t have NEAR enough time to do what was suggested; super-special One-Off Characters from Star Trek. So here we go. It’s gunna be a bo-o-o-oring set this week.
Respectability is something you strive for, and with good reason. You want to be the “Asks Permission” type rather than the “Begs Forgiveness” one, but only because you have an ulterior motive. We’re onto your little charade, Aries! You want to be able to get away with something BIG later. And we respect you for that level of planning. This week, practice your poker face again.
There ain’t no stoppin’ you now! After the last few weeks of crappy weather and air quality, it’s time for you to be out there and learn how to water ski. Sure, the lake water’s still cold, but that’s just encouragement for you not to fall in. Just remember the first rule - when you fall, let go of the tow rope. This week imagine what it’s going to feel like when you don’t let go and your eyes stay open. SPOILERS… they’re gunna feel like they’re literally floating in their sockets.
You want things to happen in a specific order, with well-established cause-and-effect progressions, because you’re a creature of habit. But you know what? Some things will happen, always, no matter what you want. And this is a good thing - it means there’s a power out there you have no control over, like gravity. And nuclear fission… and Neutron Star Starquakes. This week, contemplate the vastness of the Universe… contemplate it and feel how small you really are.
Cancer Moon-Child 
What was the last spy movie you watched? Believe it or not, it was 2016’s Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. You think it’s NOT a spy movie? What’s the premise? Work for a hostile power, get the Secret Plans, escape with them, and deliver them to the hostile power. Simple, right? This week… break out your Nerf Alpha Strike Claw QS-4 Blaster, keep it hidden in your belt, and take out your friends one-by-one. And drink your Grimace Shake.. Shaken, not stirred.
English sucks. I mean… the expression, “How Do You Do?” Do what, exactly? Do the Dew like in the advertising campaign? Otherwise it just sounds like an unfinished interrogative sentence. English is a linguistic thief, shanking other languages in a dark alley, leaving them damaged but still alive, rifle their pockets for anything of value, taking anything they can find, including lint, then running away. This week… I don’t know, man! Just learn how to say “Hello” in three different languages. REAL languages this time! None of that Lord of the Rings crap this time.  
This week you’ll have luck beyond your wildest dreams. Cars will avoid hitting you, birds will miss dropping ‘stuff’ on you, and horses won’t step on your foot. Want to have it proven? Find your jigsaw puzzle and shake it up and down, hard for twenty seconds. Then open it. You’ll find that parts of the puzzle will have actually fallen into place! This week realize that the puzzle you tried to do that with wasn’t YOUR puzzle. It’s got agency and purpose of life. It’s got feelings! Stop thinking everyone is your plaything.  
Remember when you played little league baseball as a kid? How much fun it was to be up at bat, swinging for the fence every time. But when you switched sides where were you placed? Yup - Right Field. And what did you do? Watched the dandelions grow. Because Little Leagues don’t have lefties that pull. So this week, get back to your roots… and make some Dandelion Wine! Or Dandelion Salad. You know, just.. Chew the grass. 
You need to learn how to maximize your spending these days. Can you tell the difference between a real diamond and a Cubic Zirconia? Yeeaahhhh… No you can’t. A real diamond is about $7,000 a carrot. Cubic Zirconia is more like Thirty Bucks per. And you can buy them in bulk! This week, just… buy ALL the fake stones, enjoy throwing your fake bling around, and find out who your real friends are.
Your neighbor is having a party this week and you’re invited. So bring on your casserole and potato salad… but please, please, PLEASE remember that you are NOT going to blow anyone away by adding raisins in it. So please… Just.. Ok, look. Your great-aunt Mildred’s recipe might be the best you’ve ever had, but we’re not your family. This week, BUY AND FOLLOW A COOKBOOK’S RECIPE!
You get to be the Final Arbiter of Opinion for professional firework displays. Should they be just “Whatever”, meaning just set them off in a way that just Feels Fun; should they be synched to a musical score, so like to some popular musical song; or should a 25-minute’s collection of stuff just all be set off at once, lighting up the skies like an active war zone, blowing it all in under a minute? And remember… this was done once already. And if you choose wrong we’re all coming after you with Roman Candles built into Phaser Rifle replicas. Choose Wisely.
The electrical junction box in your house used to be called “The Fuse Block”. These things were death traps just waiting to happen. And you know why? Ok, so.. For you youngun’s … the fuses in these things were threaded screw-ins, kinda like the bottom of a light bulb. And in the dark you were expected to be able to figure out which one had blown, unscrew it, find the right replacement, then screw that one in. You know what people used to do instead? That’s right, press a penny into the bottom to bypass the 20 Amp fuse with a 600 Amp hunk of metal. This week check your pockets for pennies. Then throw them at the seagulls as you eat Burger King outside.  
Math Hard. Philosophy Convoluted. Chemistry Dangerous. Physics Counterintuitive. Dean’s List ACHIEVABLE! You’ll make it if you’ve studied and interned in Computer Science… You’ll know how to edit the Student Records database if you look up the XKCD Comic and look for the input on how a database gets dumped. Good Luck, Joshua!
And THOSE are your Horrible-Scopes for this week! Remember if you liked what you got, we’re obviously not working hard enough at these. BUT! If you want a better or nastier one for your own sign or someone else’s, all you need to do to bribe me is just Let Me Know! These will be posted online at the end of each week via Tumblr, Twitter, Facebook and Discord.
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foxlawed · 1 year
∆ MASSAGE ∆  -   sender works the stiffness out of the muscles of the receiver’s hand with a massage.
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he really shouldn't be doing this. like, he really shouldn't be.... enabling this, or ... exploiting patrick's ... well, his sense of duty. he knew patrick thought he owed him for keeping him out of jail & he knew that because of that patrick felt like he had to do a lot he shouldn't have to do. nathan was... well, part of him felt like patrick did owe him, but not because of the deal - no. because he broke his damn heart. that's why.
over the years they'd worked out this comfortable routine, which worked incredibly well, but if one was to sit down & think about it ... nathan couldn't keep it up without patrick. the amount of paperwork, the meetings, the phone calls, the trials - yeah, nathan did the job of many & it was only because of patrick that he didn't go entirely insane. or skipped too many meals. or spent every night at the office.
he still occasionally collapsed from exhaustion, but that wasn't patrick's fault ... it was a mixture of his own carelessness, his perfectionism & the voices that liked to chat him up at night. at the office, he'd pass out during paperwork & some mornings he miraculously would find himself on the couch, but at home .. he had no paperwork (he couldn't keep carrying it back & forth), so the transition to sleep was ... more complicated.
still, stress & loads of paperwork, because apparently someone in the government of the united states was a sadist, did not do his muscles well. his hand had been acting up for the past week, but this morning it just ... hurt. patrick found him.... being miserable & took it upon himself - as per usual, to fix the problem, which was why nathan was sat on the couch in his office with the alpha right by his side, clasping his left hand - yep, he was a lefty, in both of his - his fingers working over the back of his hand, pressing down on sore tendons & abused muscles with finesse.
it hurt, but nathan knew that was the point. besides, he had a whole world of different worries right now. the alpha's scent was more intense today, wafting over as he moved - surrounding him, luring him in & demanding he stayed. rut? maybe. although he'd tell him when it started... right? maybe he just wore a new aftershave today... yeah.
but as time passed & patrick brought his hand up to press a little kiss to the back of it, nathan couldn't help a little ....gasp, his eyes glowed golden.... oh shit.
"uhhh, i think i'm fine now. thank you. just uh, mmmm yeah. we're uh.. i should go back to work now."
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j-august · 4 years
He only re-reads these days, but not literature any more, which is a flea market of frailties. People love literature without realizing that such a love is a surrender to the tastes of alpha cultures, patriarchs and leftists. But millions choose to surrender, unflagging in their search for a mention of themselves in the works of others; something, anything that reminds them that the world, despite everything, is about them. Most of reading is probably a mere selfie.
Manu Joseph, Miss Laila, Armed and Dangerous
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alphadood · 4 years
if we get lefty in fnaf ar we get more lefty voice lines
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gothicprep · 2 years
the fact that every video essayist and their dog has made something about "the probelm with lefty debate livestreamers" (debate bros) is a bit confusing to me. there's a historical error underpinning the bulk of it, and the most common criticism is one that, to me, is sort of logically inconsistent.
for one, this isn't anything all that new. if you look at really early videos from, say, shaun and hbomberguy, you'll notice that a lot of them are structured as response videos to other creators on youtube. the main thing that differentiates a debate livestream from something like "sargon of akaad can't read" or "the sarkeesian effect: a measured response" is the format, length, and minor differences in the affect. even if seeing a guy dunk on another guy probably isn't the best way to learn something new, enough time has passed that i think we can state pretty confidently that these videos played a contributing role to manosphere fans eventually course-correcting.
there's also this thing people will do where they'll treat the progressive party in the conversation as largely incapable of having an effect on anyone's worldview, but someone with right-wing or full-on fascist proclivities has ideas that are so radioactive that they have the power to convert anyone who comes into contact with them. if i had to wager why, it seems like a critique for, like, ben shapiro misapplied where it doesn't quite fit. ben's "debates" with college students were structured much differently – the entire audience is hostile to the people challenging him, only he has the podium, etc. these elements are sort of neutralized when it's two livestreamers arguing with one another.
the reason i'd say the format has value in principle is that the righty manosphere types are symbolism over substance. their main thing is marketing an aesthetic of strength to high school-ish aged boys, and this demographic group isn't attracted to them based on a set of principles they reasoned their way into. why do you think so many of these influencers are body builders or use statues as avatars? it's all symbolic, baby. so, if you're watching your favorite pickup artist alpha chad daddy getting cucked in a debate with a beta soy whatever... i can see how something like that would shake a viewer's confidence in their commitment to all of this. it might not be overnight, but "this probably isn't as badass as i thought it was" is the first thing you need to sell. and even if this sort of debate is nothing more than pageantry, it's capable of accomplishing this.
i'm sure i'd be able to come up with some alternative criticisms if i could ever justify sitting down and watching 12 hours of vaush shit. i'm also someone whose ideas have very little influence in any polical conversation, so i'd require a hell of a lot more attention in order for me to justify that.
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ofmymuses · 3 years
under the cut, you’ll find a total of 578 name ideas for furry friends sorted in alphabetical order!!   if you find this post useful, please consider giving it a like / reblog so i know ♡♡
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abby, ace, angel, annie, allie, angus, apollo, aries, athena, autumn, avery, alvin, amour, aspen, archie, artie, ava, alice, alpha, aslan, almond, alfie, axel, appricot
baby, bailey, basil, bella, bean, bandit, betty, birdie, betsy, bear, beau, bonnie, blossom, biscuit, blue, bo, boomer, brownie, bingo, bambi, bacon, billie, bubbles, bitsy, boots, bb, buddy, buster, bowser, barbie
candy, callie, chanel, chloe, cinnamon, cleo, coco, cricket, captain, cash, champ, chunky, chancey, charlie, chester, chico, chief, cooper, chipper, cookie, campbell, clove/r, coffee, coconut
daisy, dakota, delia, diamond, dixie, dolly, duchess, dane, dexter, diego, diesel, dodge/r, duke, dexter, darcey, dawn, dainty, dora, dizzy, decker, dallas, dagwood, dew, drusilla
eden, ella, ellie, emmy, eddie, elmer, eli, emmett, echo, elvis, eva, enid, eiffel, easter, elfa, edsel, evita, elzie
fiona, foxy, fern, fanny, finn, flash, frankie, fritz, fairy, fang, fancy, ferris, fey, flo, fluffy, fly, fudge, fuzzball, finch, foster, figo, fidget, frodo, flick, frieza
gaia, gumball, gumdrop, goldie, griffin, gus, georgie, gordon, garfield, glitter, gollum, goose, grover, gremlin, gem, gidget, goober, grumpy, gulliver
ham, harry, hope, hickory, harley, henry, hazel, holly, happy, hunter, hopscotch, hershey, harvey, honey, honeybee, hilda, hutch, hyde, hugo, hiccup, hawthorne, hades
icy, indie, itchy, isla, itsy bitsy, izzy, ivory, indigo, iggy, izzy, ike, ima, inigo, ira, isabella, iman
jabba, jade, jax, jj, jiffy, joey, july, juniper, june, juno, jackson, jagger, jasmine, jedi, jellybean, jack jack, jubilee, jonesy, jimbo, jock, jenkins, jinkies, jazz, janie, jaws, jennie, jiggly puff, jiggles, jodie
king, kai, kaijo, kermit, karma, krabby, kraken, kylo, koko, kali, kash, kane, kenny, kiddo, kimmy, kip, kisses, kit kat, kitty, kiwi, klaus, kleo, koda, kona, kylie, kooper, kimbo
luna, lola, lily, lady, lucky, lovey, loki, linus, lilo, lightning, leapfrog, lemon, lemondrop, lacy, luigi, lavender, lilac, leia, levi, lenny, lewis, libby, little, link, little foot, leftie, lulu, lurk, lydia, lynx, lars, lovebug
m&m, mabel, macaroni, macy, mae, midge, milo, midnight, marshmallow, maisie, mischief, mocha, monster, monty, munchkin, muppet, magenta, magoo, magic, maggie, malibu, maxwell, maximus, max, meeko, melody, mellow, mickey, millie, mimi, minnie, mint, missy, moon, moxie, muffy, muffin, mystic
nana, nanette, nanny, nani, newbury, natwick, nico, noah, nixon, nymph, nyx, nacho, nacia, nibbles, niche, noisy, nessie, nugget, napoleon, nanook, nutella, nellie, neon, neptune, nightmare
oatmeal, ozzy, octavia, october, oddball, olive, oreo, oscar, odie, olaf, oasis, oceana, o’hara, oakley, odessa, odin, ollie, olympia, omega, onyx, otis
panda, pumpkin, pops, popcorn, patches, prince, princess, precious, pepper, paige, pongo, poppy, penny, prudence, polly, priscilla, prancer, paris, pooh, peanut, potato, piggy, peppermint, pancake
ralph, ribbit, riley, rio, raphael, rebel, rex, roo, river, rocket, rosie, ruby, rey, ranger, raven, razzle, red, reese, retro, rhino, rigsby, ringo, rizzo, rocky, rogue, rolo, romeo, ross, roxie, ruckus
spencer, spyro, sadie, sage, sabrina, sugar, scout, sass, sky, sunny, sally, storm, stevie, sammie, scarlet, snickers, sweetie, snow/y, snoop/y, suzy, sookie, sapphire, sushi, sedona, skittles, sparkle/s, sweetpea, skipper, spot, sterling, sox, scar, scottie, scooby, sprocket
tinkerbell, tank, tango, tigger, teddy, taz, turner, toto, tess, topaz, tulip, tomika, tycoon, toki, trinket, tootsie, tarzan, trouble, twiggy, tetra, tia, thunder, thor, thumper, titan, toby, twinkle, twizzler
ursula, unit, urian, ulana, unix, utopia, urmina, unique, ultra, ufo
vesper, velvet, vanilla, valentine, vito, victory, voodoo, vallisa, vallie, valino, vanessa, vandooh, van goh, vega, vee, varro
wolfe, wolfie, wagner, whiskers, wendy, willie, worm, winnie, waldo, woody, warlock, wildfire
x-tray, xandor, xampus, xandrana, xandy, xanta, xara, xena, xera, xisco, xylo
yzma, yoda, yaki, yahoo, yogi, yeti, yenga, yumi, yello, yamana, yeska
zeus, zombie, zara, zoe/y, ziggy, zeke, zelda, zero, zola, zane, zorro, zia, zazu, zip/per, zella, zsa zsa, zadie, zoro, zorra, zephyr
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holylulusworld · 4 years
Alpha mine
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Summary: A bad blind date, you not being a prostitute and hurt balls. What can go possibly wrong?
Request: Can I have Alpha Dean? I don’t have a specific idea. I just want Alpha Dean and some angst. Maybe smut too. Happy ending please.
Pairing: Alpha!Dean x Omega!Reader
A/N: This is an AU setting.
Warnings: language, arguments, smut, unprotected sex, knotting, claiming, true mates, blood, use of handcuffs, hurt testicles (it’s painful, poor Dean), awful names for balls/a dick, fun, crack!fickish, mentions of medical eximinations, A/B/O
Sequel to: Omega for rent
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“I am going to knot you good…god…” Dean needs to stop walking as the pain in his groin becomes unbearable. “I think you made sure I’ll be…” Choking Dean has the feeling his stomach fights the breakfast.
“What’s wrong?” Walking out of your bedroom you must watch Dean whine again. He keels over, curls up in a fetal position as you kneel next to him. “Dean?”
“My balls feel like the little pup-producers are bruised.” You want to hold back a chuckle but seeing the tall alpha whimper and curse at the same time let little snorts escape your lips.
“Sorry. I’ll help you, Dean.”
Carefully helping Dean to get up you take small steps to help him sit on your bed. He hisses in pain, whining again as you help him lie onto your pillow.
“Okay. I’ll help you out of these tight slacks. I think your balls need more space. Hang free and all…” Giggling at your words you hold back the snorts.
“That’s not funny.” Dean grunts. “I wanted to knot you…”
Ignoring Dean’s words, you remove his shoes. “Breathe slow and even. I will open your pants now and try to be as careful as possible. Just relax.” A smirk on your lips you unbuckle his belt.
“I won’t kick you again, alpha.”
“You ruined my dick…” Watching you drag his pants and boxers down Dean gasps as he sees a tiny bruise at his left testicle.
“Oh—crap! You ruined leftie!” Now you cannot hold back the snort as you have a close look at his balls.
“Dean, that’s a fuzz.” With skilled fingers, you removed the fuzz and the tall alpha sighs. “Looks good to me. I suggest you lie flat on your back, cover your body with the blanket and I’ll bring you water. We need to replenish your fluids.”
Dean eyes you warily, not trusting you at all. “You want to make little Dean fall off. I know it.” Eyes narrowed Dean looks around your room. “I’ll sue you if I lose my dick!”
Giggling you sit next to Dean to pat his chest. “I know what I am talking about, okay. “
“Why? Do you kick a man in the groin every day? How many balls did you damage so far? You hurt leftie. I am not sure rightie will forgive you.” Lips pressed into a hint line you try to suppress the giggle bubbling up, but you can stop it.
Pressing your face into Dean’s neck you peck his mating gland before you burst into laughter.
“Honestly, you are the second guy - no wait the third. The first was a boy in high school. He tried to grab my tit and I kicked him.”
“That’s justified…” Humming you check on his balls. “What are you doing? Do you want to ruin me some more?”
“I am checking on your balls, now be silent. I said that I know what I am doing. That’s my job after all.” Dean’s eyes narrow again as you look at his crotch.
“You have a thing for my balls…” While you try to cover Dean with a blanket, he’s busy giving you one of his cocky smirks.
“I am a proctologist, Dean. Now let me…” Dean shoves your hands away, shaking his head furiously as you try to help him.
“You are one of the guys shoving a finger into a guy’s ass?” Face pale Dean clutches, the blanket to his chest to protect his anus for dear life.
“We are not doing this all day, Winchester. Now let me get you something to drink and some painkillers. Relax. I won’t kill you, idiot.”
“How can you do a job like that? I mean…” Choking on his words Dean scratches his head. “…Why did you choose a job which includes poking a guy’s ass!”
“Dean, we do not slide a finger into your ass to have fun. It’s a needed examination to check on your well…anus…” Not convinced Dean scrunches up his nose. “I know men do not like it, but we save lives.”
“By fingering my ass?” Throwing your hands up in surrender you take a deep breath. “Cancer, Dean. We do this to help people. Do you believe I like poking my finger into random guys assholes?”
“I do not know you long enough to answer your question.” This time Dean needs to hold back a chuckle. “You look like a kinky chick.”
“Gosh, you are one of those idiots making fun of my job. I chose it as my dad died of cancer. If he would have gone to see a proctologist before the pain became unbearable he could be still alive. Now shut up and let me help you…”
Grumbling you storm into the bathroom to wash your hands and get painkillers for the annoying alpha on your bed.
“I…I am sorry, Sweetheart. Uh—it’s just.” Chortling Dean bites his finger. “Imagining you shove a finger into my ass…”
“Did you forget my name again?” Poking your head into the bedroom you give Dean a dirty look. “Winchester?”
“Y/N. Your name is Y/N and I’d like to knot you again, even though you hurt leftie…”
“You’re unbelievable, Dean. One minute you whine about your hurt balls and the next moment you want to knot me. Hell, you are a rollercoaster of nonsense…”
“You forgot charming! I am adorable and charming!” Dean insists as you place the painkillers onto the nightstand.
“I will not encourage you, Winchester. Now stop wiggling your naked ass on my silky sheets.” Leaving your bedroom, you hear Dean purr into your direction. “Won’t get you any…”
“You will fall for me sooner or later.” Laughing you shake your head as you walk back toward the bedroom. Food, water, and a sports drink in your hands you watch him rummage in your drawer.
“Uh-huh! Dirty girl, kinky too.” Holding handcuffs, a vibrator and lube in his hands Dean looks like the cat that got the cream. “You will not need that tiny thing any longer, but we can keep the handcuffs and lube.”
“Can you not make fun for a few minutes? You need to drink a lot, take some painkillers and then we will have lunch.” Lower lip trapped between his teeth Dean looks at the food on the tray.
You warmed up some Chinese leftovers and he can barely hide the rumble of his empty stomach.
“You know how to get the guy. Naughty sex, perfect scent, and food. You want to bribe me…” You would roll your eyes, but Dean looks up at you, a soft smile on his lips and you remain silent.
“Drink, Dean and then give me a break.” Humming Dean gulps down the sports drink, not taking his eyes off you as he follows your advice. “I hope your balls feel better soon…”
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It’s a restless evening as Dean didn’t stop to hit on you. Followed by a restless night as he tries to rut his aching crotch against your ass, whining as it still hurts.
“Dean, give up. I am tired and tomorrow is Sunday. I want to sleep without an  alpha keeping me awake.” Not giving up Dean ruts closer to you, rubbing his cock against your ass, ignoring the pain.
“Want you…”
“You’re a needy bastard, Winchester. If you stop keeping me awake, I let you knot me when you are better. Now let me sleep.”
Dean’s arms wrap around you as he is nuzzling his nose into your neck, but he stops to rut his cock against your ass.
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“What’s that green rubbish?” Shoving the broccoli off his plate Dean retches as he spits parts of the healthy vegetable into his napkin.
He is residing on your couch, two pillows stuffed behind his back, feet propped onto your couch he watches you narrow your eyes.
“Winchester! I do not believe you one bit that your balls are still hurting! I know you are lying to get my attention. Needy bastard.” Humming to himself Dean looks at the food you cooked for him.
“You are taking good care of me.” Dean’s voice is barely above a whisper when he looks at you. “I’ve missed someone taking care of me.”
“Dean, we barely know each other. All we know are certain body parts. You can’t occupy my apartment for longer than needed.” Your fingers slide through his hair and you need to hold back a purr as he sighs every time you touch him.
“I…I don’t want to leave you…”
“How about a deal, Dean. Playing with his short locks you press a soft kiss to his ear shell.
“If you can walk, you can knot me, Winchester. You can stay till tomorrow morning and then we will see where this will lead us to…” Dean’s eyes darken, and you feel his hand cup your tit as he smirks up at you.
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He’s wild, loud and full Alpha again.
Your face pressed into the cushions; hands restraint behind your back with your handcuffs you can only take what the man you barely know offers.
“Such a good girl now…” Purring the words Dean smirks as he can feel your slick cover his dick with every thrust. “I could fuck you for days.”
“How’s leftie?” Giggles leave your lips, but Dean does not seem to care. While you try to push back onto him, he grips your cuffed wrists.
His brows are knit together as he watches his cock disappear inside of your slit. He can read your body; can sense you are close to your high.
“You feel perfect around me, Sweetheart. I think…” Pushing against your shoulders Dean causes your body to fall flat onto your mattress.
Helpless you wiggle against him as he holds you down with his weight.
“Dean…I want to cum.” You would scratch or bite him, even kick the cocky alpha again but the handcuffs around your wrists and his hands holding you down, bending you to his will, make you immobile.
“Sweet, so sweet for me…” His tongue slides over your mating gland and you shiver, knowing what Dean is up to. “Going to make you mine.”
Before you can give him a snarky comment his hips start moving again and your body gives in. Walls clenching tightly around him, sucking greedily at his thick length you can feel his teeth sink into your neck.
“Fucking asshole…” Dean does not care about your insults or that his orgasm hits him hard.
He will not let go of your neck, even holds you down to mark you as his omega.
“At least you can fuck like a stallion…”
“Love the way you say, ‘I love you’.” Dean grins before his tongue soothes the light sting. “The wound is already closing, Omega. Looks good on you. Perfect bite mark.”
“I guess this means your cute alpha ass is all mine now, including leftie and rightie. Now release my wrists and let me have a look at the mark. I dare you if you ruined my look.”
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“It will heal completely and looks good at your neck.” Dean cannot take his eyes off the mark, wants you to not put a band-aid on it but you slap his hands away.
“Let me put a sterile band-aid on it before I kick your balls.” He is looking at his mark one last time. “Barely any blood. Did you do this more than once?”
“No…I swear, Y/N. You’re my first…” Your hand slides over his naked chest and you look up at Dean, a dirty grin on your lips. “I was your first, lover boy?”
“That is not what I meant, Omega. Now be good and behave.” Face straight, eyes focused on the mark at your neck Dean tries to play the dominant alpha, but you simply pat his cheek.
“Oh, sweet alpha. I think there was a failure in our communications from the beginning. It’s more that you alpha are mine now…” Amused Dean drops the towel around his waist, gives you a dirty grin before he steps closer.
“All yours, Y/N. Now - where do you want me?”
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salomewithfeather · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo/CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives/Hardcase, Alpha-17/Obi-Wan Kenobi, CC-2224 | Cody/CT-7567 | Rex/Ahsoka Tano, 104th Battalion | Wolfpack Battalion & Plo Koon, Rancor Battalion & Shaak Ti, Colt/Shaak Ti Characters: CC-3636 | Wolffe, Alpha-17 (Star Wars), Obi-Wan Kenobi, Plo Koon, CT-21-0408 | CT-1409 | Echo, CT-27-5555 | ARC-5555 | Fives, Hardcase (Star Wars), CC-2224 | Cody, CT-7567 | Rex, Ahsoka Tano, Colt (Star Wars), Shaak Ti, Rancor Battalion - Character, Sinker (Star Wars) Additional Tags: Au-gust, AU-gust 2021, Day 16, Hippies, living in a commune, Slice of Life, Jedi as Found Family (Star Wars), clones are Vets, Jedi are Hippies, it started with Alpha and Ben, because Obi-Wan might be a Hippie, but hes a vet all on his own, not my finest work, Drabble Summary:
Turtleback: a lefty Commune of brothers and sisters, who sometimes maybe sleep with each other; half of which are very spiritual and had the commune established beforehand; the other half of which are war-vets and looking for a gentler way of life and finding refuge with the odd spiritualists when no one wanted them
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tfrarepairing · 4 years
Hello everyone! Mod eerian here, with another edition of TF Rare Pairing's Weekly Request Prompts.
I'm so, so sorry I took four weeks off with no heads up. I wasn't dealing with grandma's passing+work+other family stuff very well and it left me exhausted and not motivated for much of anything. But I've had a few days off with no company but a few plushies and I'm feeling a little better. Thanks for being patient with me. 💖
Unrelated to Rare Pairing specifically (except, of course, that I will theme the prompts for that week) there is a Jazz Week interest check live on my Twitter right now. If you could give me a bit of feedback, I'd appreciate it. https://twitter.com/eerian_sadow/status/1305154737805963265?s=19 (This is a short poll and I'll do another later this week to narrow down the top 2 responses.)
Now, onto the prompts!
We'll start with TFA this week.
Prowl / dealer's choice - elevator
Optimus Prime / Grimlock - feign
Blackarachnia / Bumblebee - Needle in a haystack
Jazz / Arcee - unusual
Slipstream / Sentinel Prime - On the ropes
Second, a little bit of Bayverse/the Live Action Movie franchise!
Shadow Striker / Flareup - rider
Bumblebee / Barricade - No ifs, ands, or buts
Sideswipe / Mirage|Dino - double trouble
Carly Spencer / Bumblebee - capable
Sentinel Prime / Epps - No-brainer
Third, IDW 2 (2019-present) comics!
Arcee/Greenlight, run
Cosmos/Blast-Off, in person
Chromia/Nautica, missed opportunity
Geomotus/Landmine, the shape of you
Wheeljack/Termagax, fault
Fourth, Cyberverse!
Soundwave/Teletraan X - Who has the better theme music?
Shockwave/Wheeljack/Lefty - “I didn’t think that would work”
Hot Rod/Prowl - Drunken morning after
Jawsy/Backbite/Sawtooth - Should we eat it?
Maccadam/Alpha Trion - Whiskey & wisdom
And finally, we'll finish up with the Marvel G1 comic series.
Cloudburst/Landmine, night on the town
Dreadwind/Darkwing, down and out
Ratchet/Megatron, as time goes by
Skids/Charlene, bubble bath
Springer/Carnivac, tension
Before I go, I'd also like to repeat the Eternal Plea. We need prompts, especially for IDW 2, Shatered Glass, Unicron Trilogy & the Netflix War For Cybertron series. Please send prompts to mod eerian via DM/Pm on tumblr/dreamwidth/twitter/pillowfort or email to [email protected]
Have a great week, everyone!
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Kingdoms ch. 70
Mary Jane, Queen of Arachne, ducked a blow that would have severed her head from her neck  as she just barely managed to get behind her throne. The bronze sword slid across the bronze throne with a squeal. The assassin made no noise.
Her heart beat quickly in her chest. She had been trained to rule, trained to negotiate, trained to maintain a serene facade no matter the circumstances—but she had not been trained for battle. She was seeing how inadequate her training really was.
And where were her guards, the ones who were trained to fight? The ones that Harry had assigned to her before leaving for a training camp? Had the assassin killed them too?
The assassin tried to push the throne out of the way—but it was far too heavy. It was built into the very foundation of the palace, after all. For the moment, the two of them were in stalemate. He couldn't get to her behind the throne and she couldn't leave. However, it could not last for long.
The air began to hum and her pulse, already quick, quickened enough to leave her feeling faint. She recognized that sound! The Crystal Gate was opening again! A vague memory of the huge, heavy bags the High Priest and Acolyte had taken with them crossed her mind and she cowered behind the throne for a very different reason as a heavy thud and a small whoosh of air told her that one of the bags had hit the assassin.
She didn’t peek around the throne, however. Just because the assassin had been hit by a bag didn’t mean he was incapacitated. She heard the hum increase again.
“Oh, man. What dragged you back into this shit?” demanded the rough, welcome voice of Wade.
“Watch out!” screamed Mary Jane in warning.
“Whoa!” She didn’t see what happened, but she heard a thud from her hiding spot. “Check on MJ, Petey,” said Wade.
The distinctive red and blue spidling darted under the throne and climbed into her lap as Peter cautiously made his way around the room. “I wasn’t gone that long,” he complained lightly. “Did assassins become a new trend?”
She gave him a shaky smile. “Something like that,” she said wearily.
He sobered suddenly. “Where’s Harry?” he asked.
Both of them knew that she was far enough along in her pregnancy that, if anything happened to her mate, all of her resources would be diverted to the child she was carrying. “Training. Took the new recruits out this morning.” Peter frowned and she knew what he was thinking—that someone had lured Harry away, that it was a trap. “It was a sudden decision,” she told him quietly, trying to ignore the wet sounds from the other side of the throne.
“Oh, man, there goes that hand. Hope you’re a lefty, or no more happy time for you,” quips Wade.
Peter sees her shake and reaches into the small niche behind the throne to touch her shoulder. “Don’t worry,” he said confidently. “Wade is the best.”
“It’s an assassin Peter,” she whispered.
“So was he,” Peter said calmly. “Once.”
“All right!” called the alpha in question. “It’s safe to come out now!”
Peter held out a hand to her and Mary Jane took it, allowing him to pull her out of her hiding place as they stepped into the throne room proper. She stopped and stared, eyes wide at the blood. There were streaks of it all over the room. Half of a hand was stuck to the ceiling, in the middle of the intricate mosaics. She did not ask how it got there. Or why it was still there.
“Former Ambassador Nathan,” said Peter in a cold, icy tone that Mary Jane had only ever heard from him twice. Her eyes dragged from the half of a hand on the ceiling and towards the figure that Wade was keeping pinned with a single foot.
The once tall, proud alpha is now a slowly dying body. Despite bleeding out on the floor he managed a glare at Peter. “You,” he growled, “have no idea what you’ve done.”
Peter’s expression never changed. “You,” he responded slowly, with carefully pronounced words devoid of his usual expressions, “attempted to break into the temple—”
“He what?” asked Mary Jane staring at him in shock.
He ignored her. “—to kidnap one of the acolytes—”
Mary Jane looked at the man on the floor in confusion. Why would he try that? Acolytes were sacred and, at the time, Reaper had firmly worshiped all five goddesses.
“—and intended to set the stables on fire to cover you as you escaped,” Peter finished, still keeping his voice absolutely expressionless.
Wade, boot still keeping the assassin down, frowned. “I didn’t know about that last one,” he admitted.
“I didn’t tell you. I handled it.”
Looking at the expression on his face, Mary Jane wasn’t willing to ask how. From the way that Wade didn’t ask either, she figured he was feeling the same way. Her attention returned to the assassin on the floor. If he’d gotten on the wrong side of Peter, if Peter had handled him with that icy demeanor—why would he risk being in Arachne again? Was it because he’d known, somehow, that Peter wasn’t there? But how?
“The prince needed to be returned to his home,” snarled the dying alpha on the floor.
“Listen to me now,” said Wade, all humor gone from his voice. His voice was cold and hard, a tone that Mary Jane had never heard from the man before and she stared at him in shock as, for the first time, she felt frightened by him. “I am not a prince anymore. I am an acolyte. Father was paid, like the families of all Arachnid families are paid, for my entering the priesthood. He. Has. No. Claim. On. Me.”
“And,” added Peter with a surprising (or, not so surprising given what Mary Jane knew of the king) viciousness, “he should be grateful that I didn’t claim satisfaction.”
It took all of Mary Jane’s training to keep her from gasping. Priests were supposed to be above petty concerns of the general populace, and didn’t demand satisfaction. They could be gone to, in order to make sure that the demands weren’t extreme (like a very memorable case she’d overheard where a woman’s chicken got eaten by a spider and she wanted to eat the spider). So, on the rare occasions where it was a priest that demanded satisfaction—it wasn’t satisfaction for the priest, it was satisfaction for the temple. And if the High Priest demanded satisfaction from Reaper’s king—she was just glad he hadn’t.
Of course he hadn’t. Peter understood politics better than she did. He’d never do anything to threaten Arachne.
“He has certain duties that he has to perform.”
“Oh, I remember those ‘duties’,” snarled Wade. Mary Jane blinked in surprise at the raw emotion—a mix of anger, humiliation, and helplessness—on his face.
“The King of Reaper—”
“Is no more.” A new voice and Mary Jane turned to the new intruder. The hooded figure walked into the room casually and threw back the hood to reveal—the former ambassador Vanessa. She looked at the dying alpha on the floor with a narrowed glance, similar to the one Mary Jane used when her spider caught a particularly horrifying looking bug, before turning her attention to the Queen. She bowed. “The King of Reaper,” she said grimly, “has been taken by Ajax. They claimed they were going to turn him into a vessel for their new god.”
Peter and Wade exchanged a look. “Well,” said Wade, “this isn’t good.”
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