#alpha legion shenanigans
medical-anon-whau · 5 months
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!
@egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams
I was able to talk to the Alpharius who was spending time with his bonded about making an alliance against Stalker the Dark Angel. He had been under the impression that Stalker and I had Bonded and he was being rude to them to prove some sort of point.
As far as I know, I'm not bonded with Stalker and told the Alpharius as much. And how he's been tap-dancing on my last nerve by randomly scaring the fuck out of me for over a month now. The Alpahrius said that he would talk with some of his brothers who live in town, but that he couldn't give me a clear answer.
I figure he wants to talk with however many Alpharii live with this client and maybe have me observed to make sure I'm not trying to get them into trouble? But I am somewhat hopeful that they might agree to help me with Stalker - I've heard them hiss and growl at Stalker whenever He gets too far into the boundary line of the property they live in.
I also spoke with the Fallen Dark Angel about Stalker. He's pretty cagey and skittish about the whole thing, and considering he was nearly kidnapped and/or arrested I don't blame him.
The Ultramarine noticed my increased anxiety and asked about it. And… Long story short, I've been told that I have a meeting with one of the Ultramarine Captains who live nearby about my crabby stalker… Hooray? Trying to ask about the Interrogator Chaplain at the entrance of the astartes bases only got me shooed off The last three times I tried. :/
Oh! And the glitter bombs I ordered off the internet have come in. Stalker did his usual grab and slam routine after materializing out of nowhere. I got him good with a glitter bomb.
Enjoy the hot pink sparkles in your armor, asshole!
Did I get glitter everywhere too? Yes. But it was worth it for the utter confusion on his dumb handsome face
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egrets-not-regrets · 2 months
Of Fin and Feathers AU: Keed (Alpha Legion mer) takes Lana, his bonded harpy, to the Trail of Stars Cove for a stargazing date, following Mara’s advice.
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Author’s Note: FORMATTING IS FIXED NOW. SORRY FOR THE MESS. Collab with @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan. Thanks for letting me use your Alpha Legion boys, Lana, and your Gray Knight in this fic. It was fun writing this follow-up fic with you!
Tagged: @shadowfirecat , @kit-williams , @bleedingichorhearts , @barn-anon , @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
@sleepyfan-blog, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @bispecsual , @ms--lobotomy , @whorety-k
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Keed was glad he escorted Mara to meet the warsmith. Learning about the social and cultural significance of the Trail of Stars Cove from the old harpy was a nice bonus. He reminded himself to tell his brothers to perhaps spend more time with the gannet elders in order to learn more about this area of Ancient Terra. It might not logistically be useful information, but you never know when certain pieces of knowledge came in handy.
Like this one. If the sight at the cove was as beautiful as Mara described, then he had no doubt that Lana would love it there. He planned to take her to the cove to go on a night of romantic stargazing with him. Keed kept Mara’s suggestion close to his chest and out of his mind to avoid that annoying Gray Knight psyker from finding out about this place. He was going to take Lana there first, damnit!
He waited until it was the Gray Knight’s scheduled time with their beloved Lana to approach his brothers in order to not have the psyker overhear the information that he was about to tell them. After the brothers gathered, Keed quietly relayed the information to them about the cove; about how it was a socially and culturally important spot for the harpies, and how Mara suggested the place for romancing their bonded; his brothers had perked up at that piece of information.
“Thanks for bringing this up to us,” Zariel said, “I suppose you want to take her to this spot first?”
“Yes sir,” Keed confirmed, “And- if you would keep him away while I’m with our Lovely Lana, I’d be very grateful.”
Zariel nodded, “I and the rest of the squad will do our best to distract the wretch.”
“Thank you sir,” Keed said with a grin.
“And we’ll help set up a romantic picnic under the stars for the two of you,” Talos added with a smile, already having recipes to make something special for this picnic running through his mind.
“We, Alpha legion, will do our best to help each other out.” Zarius punched his brother’s pauldron lightly with affection.
“Thank you, brothers.” Keed was ever thankful and looking forward to this stargazing date with their beloved Lana more than ever.
As his scheduled time with Lana drew closer, Keed was filled with anticipation and excitement. Talos had already started catching and gathering ingredients for the picnic. Zariel started planning a way to keep the obsessive Gray Knight off his back. Zarius, who’s scheduled time was the day before his, had given their bonded a heads up about the date night so she would make sure she could stay up that night.
Kalium, an Iron Warrior mer he was partnered with, noticed his upbeat mood during their patrol together, “What’s got you so excited?” He asked curiously.
“I’ll be taking my bonded stargazing tonight. It calls for a clear night.”
The Iron Warrior had a good idea where Keed was referring to, “You mean at the cove where Warsmith Formicas and your harpy leader met?”
“Yes!” Keed replies with a bright grin, “It’s a culturally and socially significant place for harpies- it’s a romantic spot that is traditionally used to have courting requests.”
“Really now?” Kalium asked, sounding rather skeptical.
“Yes- Mara said so, and she’s not one to lead us astray. She knows how much effort and care we have for our Lovely Lana,” Keed answered. He wasn’t going to let the Iron Warrior poke holes into his bubble of joy with his Iron Warrior-ness.
His fellow mer-Astartes made a dismissive hum that dissolved into vexed muttering, “Mara said that… huh…I’ll have to tell Erriox. Damn it. He tricked me into taking his extra patrol shift!”
The Alpha Legion Mer snickered, having heard about the bet between the two Iron Warriors on whether Mara was the warsmith’s bonded. He agreed with Erriox, there wasn’t a bond between the warsmith and the old harpy despite how amiable, almost flirtatious, the two had been with each other. One did not need to be bonded in order to be attracted to another after all.
“Erriox didn’t trick you though. It doesn’t look like Mara and the warsmith are bonded, otherwise she would be behaving differently as well.” Keed explained, remembering even with their weaker bonds, it still had an effect on Lana. “That doesn’t mean a healthy respect and old people flirting can’t happen.”
Kalium let out a loud guffaw, “By the Four! That was exactly what I was watching while we were waiting for them to be finished with their negotiations.” He then insisted “Maybe they’re good at hiding their reactions. Formicas is famous for that kind of thing.” A conspiracy theory building in his mind.
Keed shook his head, “You believe what you want to believe. Don’t blame me if you get assigned shit jobs because you can’t drop that theory of yours. Trust me. Mara is not acting any different and I am sure she is not as stoic as the warsmith.” He swam faster, slightly outpacing the Iron Warrior, “Let’s finish this patrol already.”
Kalium laughed and swam after the Alpha Legionary.
Keed activated his air swimming ability to quickly fly up the cliffs of the colony’s temporary home. It was finally his scheduled time with Lana! He saw their beloved laughing over something Zarius told her.
“My lovely Lana.” He cooed, embracing the harpy from behind, wrapping his arms around her stomach. She giggled as he pressed a kiss to her temple. Smiling, he purred and pressed another kiss to her jaw, down her neck and then back up again, “How I have missed your warm embrace…” ignoring the glare from the Gray Knight. Of course, he was here too. That paranoid bastard. He thought irritably.
Lana laughed and gave her silly Alpha Legionary another couple of kisses, “I have missed you as well, dear Keed.”
“I have a wonderful surprise to show you,” Keed murmured in her ear, his voice practically humming with excitement.
His brothers set up the picnic beforehand, and ensured that there were some cold runes in the picnic basket to keep the food at a proper temperature, while the blanket was weighed down by stones on each corner to keep it from blowing off before they arrived at the location.
“Please close your eyes and trust me, Lovely Lana!” Keed said as he gently scooped her up in his arms and twirled her a little bit. The harpy trilled happily and did as he asked, nuzzling against his armored chest.
He gave a single handed gesture to his brothers who all nod in unison, two heading off to start immediately talking to Draco and snarking at him- slowly having Draco turn his body so he had his back to Lana and Keed while the other two Alpha Legionaries snatched up Claude and Jophiel, who Draco had been trying to convince to let him train them.
The boys were visiting the Gannet Aunties and cousins and had been… almost pounced on by Captain Shiny Gray Knight (he was so obvious). How he thought he could ever be subtle or stealthy with such unusual armor; none of the Alpha legionaries had any clue.
“Give them back!” Draco roared at Zariel and Zarius.
“Never!” They laughed mockingly as they spirited off with the large Scouts. “We’re telling Erriox that you were bullying Claude and Jophiel, trying to force them into training with you alone. Again.”
“Don’t you dare,” Draco growled.
Claude and Jophiel were just letting them carry them off, as they knew just how fighty both the Scout-ling Blood Angel mix and the Alpha Legionary Mix could get.
After being told that people knew about his true form, Claude would usually show up at the gannet harpy colony in his true form. Zariel and his squad were finally slowly, painfully slowly, gaining Claude’s trust- and the trust of his rag-tag bunch of Primaris Marines. His tentacles clung to Zariel as he watched Draco with large eyes.
“Then catch us, you shiny jerk!” Zarius called out, “If you can, you big- slow- motherless chaos chum bucket.” Jophiel, curled over his shoulder with his wings folded tight, couldn’t help but snort and laugh.
They sometimes played this game of keep-away-the-Primaris-Scoutlings since it served to irritate the Gray Knight. Zariel and his brothers knew the two scouts would have to eventually undergo training to learn to control their psyker powers. But until they could find another decent psyker to train them or the Gray Knight would agree to be supervised, that day wasn’t today. So playing keep-away it was.
The rest of the Primaris Scout squad would usually show up and team up with the Alpha legionaries on their shenanigans- until they could steal away their brothers, and then they were their own team with their own game, which was to keep away from the First Born Marines.
“I am not Chaos Tainted!” Draco roared at them, enraged and not noticing that Keed and Lana have slipped off to somewhere else.
“You have to let Erriox or others that he designates to watch you train with Claude and Jophiel.” Cedric rumbles, deep, and low in his chest.
While Roland and Arnault had several pointed questions to ask about a lot of different topics, they had been a bit more understanding that they had hoped for and had reacted a lot better than they feared they might have. Even willing to be one of the designates to watch over Draco’s training sessions.
“I agreed to the rules and punishments,” Draco scowled at the uppity Primaris Apothecary.
Cedric scowled back, “It doesn’t mean we trust you not to go too far like you did before.”
Elsewhere, Keed deposited Lana gently onto the blanket of their picnic spot.
“Can I open my eyes now?” She asked.
“Of course you can, love.” He chuckled.
Lana gasped and laughed delightfully as she took in the sight before her. The sun was just dipping below the horizon, the fading light casting a thin orange glow at the ocean’s end. The crescent moon with its pale shine reflecting clearly in the calm waters. More and more stars appeared as the light faded.
“Keed! This is wonderful! I almost forgot about this place!”
The Alpha Legionary preened at her happiness and curled himself around her, “I’m glad you like this surprise.” He replied.
Lana took his face in her claws and kissed his lips, “This is so lovely. Thank you.”
Smiling, Keed wrapped his arms around her and kissed her back, “Anything for you, my lovely Lana.”
He placed the picnic basket between them and took out the containers of finger food that Talos prepared; a mix of both their favorites. Keed smiled at Lana’s brightened expression; his brother had been incredibly thoughtful in making these dishes.
“These look delicious. Did Talos make these?” She asked.
“Yes.” Keed grinned.
“Of course. I’ll have to thank him when I see him.” Lana smiled.
Keed took off his gauntlets and playfully tapped her nose, drawing her attention back to him, “I’ll remind you to do that, but tonight is for us. Open up.”
The harpy giggled, opening her mouth as the mer fed her a piece of pickled herring. Lana trilled in delight at the burst of flavor. Opening up the container she held in her lap, the harpy picked up a piece of smoked cod and held it to his mouth. She grinned, “Say ‘ahh’.”
Keed laughed and did as he was told, letting the harpy place the piece of cod in his mouth. He chewed on the meat, tasting the distinct savory and smoky flavor of the fish. Talos really outdid himself. Both he and Lana would have to thank him for this delicious food.
“You should have a taste. This is very good.” Keed picked up another piece of the smoked cod and fed it to Lana, his eyes fixed to her as she picked it delicately off his fingers with her teeth.
“You’re right!” Her crest feathers fluffed cutely as she ate the smoked fish.
The last container held thin rolls of cured fish wrapped in delicate pieces of seaweed. Keed took a piece and sang, “Say ‘ah..’ Lana.” Watching her mouth intently.
Lana grinned and opened her mouth to receive the seaweed roll. Only to fluff her feathers in surprise when Keed pulled her to him in a sneaky, but passionate kiss. Lana melted into his kiss, closing her eyes and losing her in the moment. They slowly pulled away from each other’s lips with a smile.
“How was that for a treat?” Keed chuckled.
“I don’t know… between your kiss and that seaweed roll? I might need a sample of both….” Lana answered coyly.
Keed laughed, “I suppose that could be arranged, dear Lana.” as he gently placed the seaweed roll in her mouth, waiting for her to bite into it. He then gently bit down on the other half of the roll that was sticking out, meeting her mouth in a sweet and savory kiss.
Lana trilled in delighted surprise at the kiss and the delicate flavors of the cured fish and seaweed. She giggled, “That was much better. Both samples were delicious.”
Keed grinned and stole a few more kisses from her before feeding her another roll of cured fish.
He pressed some sweet kisses to his Lana while feeding her and getting fed the delicious treats at the same time. He’s so very happy to be able to spend time with her. Despite the path that took him here, he’s thankful that in this moment and time, he's on Ancient Terra with his lovely Lana.
They continued to feed each other and watched the myriad of stars appearing as darkness deepened in the night sky. The stars in the sky reflected in the water, making a continuous trail of stars stretching from sea to sky as the cove was named after. Bioluminescent plankton glowed and sparkled when animals moved through the water, adding to the “trail of stars” effect.
“Have you been to this cove before?” Keed asked, remembering that Lana mentioned about almost forgetting this place; curious to know more about his beloved harpy.
“When I was younger,” Lana started as she looked distantly as memories played across her mind, “The Flock came here to watch shooting stars. Seeing the stars shoot across the sky… it was very pretty.”
“Have you seen shooting stars before?” Lana asked, after snuggling with Keed for a few moments, enjoying the quiet, but also feeling rather curious.
She’s heard them speaking about swimming in shoals in the void-sea, which they refer to as the black of space. She’s also heard them say something about the mad void-sea. Whatever that was. She asked them about that, and they would grow quiet, with Zariel asking her not to ask them that. They didn’t want to lie, but it was not something they liked talking about either.
Lana’s allowed her curiosity and concern about the mad void-sea slide, as she could tell how much it upsetted them to think and/or try to talk about with her… or anyone who didn’t know what they meant when they said that phrase.
“I have seen shooting stars before,” Keed said, while joking, his teal eyes sparkling jovially, “and for some of the people on distant planets, I was a shooting star.”
He scratched his cheek a little bit as he nuzzled Lana in his arms while he gathered his thoughts, “Shooting stars that fall about two to four per hour, while not impressive, are certainly safer than when the stars shooting across the skies increase to almost blinding the night sky. That had not been a fun mission.” He explained.
She paused and turned to Keed, tilting her head, “You came from out there; beyond the stars?”
Keed hummed, “Beyond stars and the black of space, through time and… well. Yes. The Space Marines come from beyond the stars, as you know them, lovely Lana.”
“What is it like?” Lana asked curiously, “To go to distant stars?”
“The journeys can be far, and finding ways to entertain yourself while traveling so far can be hard sometimes, ‘hurry up and wait’ can get terribly dull at times. The distances between stars, between planets are vast, and almost impossible to comprehend,” Keed started, rolling The Rules through his head to ensure that he doesn’t say too much, while also giving her a good story, “One time, when I was about Claude’s age, I had been sent to a distant planet. You see that fuzzy star near the ‘big dipper’ constellation as you call it?”
Lana tilted her head and looked in the direction he’s pointing at and narrowed her eyes and nodded, “Yes, I do.”
“Orbiting that star is a planet,” Keed explained, “Where the sky is more purple than blue, and the flowers sing in the wind. There are some bioluminescent fruits, about the size of a pineapple, the colors of a strawberry, that taste like… peaches with a hint of lime.”
“Oh?” Lana gasped, “How fascinating! Were there oceans like this there as well?”
Keed nodded and grinned, “The ocean of that planet was slightly purple. And we had to breach for the surface more often, less oxygenated air, and more nitrous, even with our armor on- some of my younger brothers got very, very giggly.”
She giggled at the picture he painted in her head.
He curled into Lana and murmured, “I’m so very glad to be here on Ancient Terra with you though. Meeting you has changed my life for the better.”
Lana turned away from looking at the stars to looking at him, “I’m very glad you’re here with me too.” She said, reaching up, kissing his lips. Keed hummed appreciatively and kissed her back tenderly, tightening his embrace around her. They went back to admiring the night sky and the dancing of the bioluminescent plankton, all cuddled up with each other and sharing the occasional kiss.
The couple had been watching the shimmering lights of the plankton for a while when they both noticed a large shape swimming languidly along the outer reaches of the cove. Lana tilted her head, asking, “Keed, you see that large creature way out there?”
The Alpha Legionary knew exactly what, no, who that was. He wants a show, I’ll give him a show… he thought, feeling rather petty. He nuzzled into Lana’s neck, nipping at a particularly sensitive spot, “I thought I was the only large creature around here.”
The harpy whined and shuddered, starting to lose focus as he laid small kisses up her throat, a few of his tentacles winding up her leg and around her waist, “Keed… be serious…”
“I am serious; serious about you…” Keed murmured as he kissed her deeply and passionately, pushing Lana onto her back, not giving her a chance to reply. Lana hummed blissfully and relaxed as she reciprocated his kiss. Her wings wrapped around him, drawing him closer.
Keed felt a sense of petty satisfaction upon hearing the distant angry splash of a tail.
They stayed nose to nose when they broke apart.
“I love you, fierce, bright, love of mine.” Keed whispered, looking at his harpy full of adoration.
Lana smiled and gave him a quick peck, “I love you too, my dear sweet, clever Keed.” She giggled, “Now could you confirm the large shape swimming out there?”
“Of course, my love.”
Keed’s tentacles curled and uncurled as he put on his helmet for greater vision to see who’s in the water; confirming his suspicions.
“Hey Lana, I think we should head back home,” he suggested, “A large predator is hunting in these waters; and I’d rather not end our date on a sour note.”
Keed helped pack up the picnic blanket, basket and what little was leftover of thefood. He casually pulled something out of an armored pocket, tapped a button on the orb-like device. and then tossed the object into the water and smiled sweetly at Lana.
“Let’s go home, dear Lana!” Keed chirped, sweeping his harpy into arms.
Lana laughed, “Let’s go home.”
The flash-bang won’t hurt the stalking fuckhead, but it would mess up his senses, causing his ears to ring and his night vision to go to shit for an hour. The damage that it would cause to the lurking Gray Knight would be fully healed by the time Lana and Keed are back at the temporary home that the Gannet Harpies had set up. Which was a mild enough punishment for stalking someone else on a date.
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sleepyfan-blog · 4 months
Author’s Note: Deimos part three! I hope you enjoy :D first. Previous
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @the-pure-angel@whorety-k 
Warnings: threatening, blackmail, Alpha Legion Shenanigans
Summary: Deimos speaks to one of the human representatives during the negotiations. He gets what he wants. 
Deimos had been watching the negotiations between some of the leaders of the most powerful Astartes pods speaking with representatives of the human countries of Terra for the past several days. At the end of each day. Deimos would send coded information as to how things had been going to his handler, and waiting to see if his instructions would change based on the information that he had gathered.
He also spent time pretend-obliviously making one of the human representatives squirm and sweat each time they saw the face or heard the voice of the Blood Angel Sergeant he was pretending to be, as Representative Pearson was part of a least two different human organizations who had successfully captured different Astartes in order to dissect and experiment upon them… And because the sergeant he was pretending to be had recently been captured by one of Pearson’s groups using information that the human had himself given them. 
The Alpha Legion had been content to let their cousins flounder in confusion as to what was happening to some of their legions/chapters. If they weren’t aware enough of the dangers that baseline humanity could be to them, that wasn’t their problem… That had been until one of these groups had captured a hybrid hydra pup, the first Alpha legionnaire born on Ancient Terra to a converted human mate and stolen a week ago.
That was the last mistake any of these groups would make, not that those who were outside of those facilities were aware of the storm that had swallowed most of their resources in righteous fury. All captive astartes were being tended to by Alpha Legion Apothecaries and would be released after the conclusion of these negotiations. Deimos glided gracefully after Representative Pearson, who had finally worked up the courage to ask for a private meeting between himself and the baseline human.
“What is it that you wanted to speak with me about?” Deimos asked, using the lilting tones of the Blood Angel he was pretending to be, amused at the way that the baseline human froze, blinking off the siren-like qualities a moment later.
“You are an imposter. You should leave quietly, or I will escalate the matter to security.” Pearson accused, pointing his finger dramatically at Deimos.
The Alpha Legionnaire almost broke character and started to cackle. If this was the way that Pearson wanted to play things, Deimos was happy to indulge him. “And just why do you think I am an imposter? What proof could you possibly have?”
“Because I received a report earlier this week about a mer matching  your precise description being badly injured and brought to a medical facility for treatment. I have heard of the incredible healing factors you astartes possess, but the injuries that Astartes had suffered could not have healed as fully as you appear to be in such short period of time. Which means you are an imposter and should leave these negotiations.” Pearson explained, radiating smug satisfaction.
Deimos’ couldn’t help the small, fanged grin that appeared on his face as he purred “And?”
“And if you do not leave immediately I will alert security as to you being here under false circumstances and -” The baseline human blustered.
Deimos interrupted Pearson’s rant with a laugh “What makes you think that I have no right to be here? Especially since you were the one to leak the battle brother’s whose face I am borrowing’s location to the butchers and kidnappers who tormented him… Ah, but he is no longer in their grasp. None of the astartes that the little groups you work with are still captive. My brothers have rescued them all. Your little groups of maniacs fear that we astartes will try and take dominance of this world from you. Because of our strength and our abilities. But you're wrong. If we wanted dominion over this world we would have it already and none of the weapons nor all your military might would be enough to stop us.”
“I.. You accuse me of-” Pearson started, huffing up in indignation and distilled terror.
The Alpha legionnaire interrupted the baseline human again as he pulled out a series of pictures proving that Person was knowingly and willingly involved several of the Astartes kidnapping groups, setting them down on the table between them as he spoke “Drop the pretenses. I have more evidence of your crimes and wrongdoing on me, and there are copies in case you attempt to destroy this evidence.” Deimos was one piece of the Hydra. His legion worked in the shadows and gathered information. They knew all and saw all. “Step down from your position now, and publicly resign in front of the press at this event and explain your crimes and your true loyalties… If you refuse I’ll tell the World Eater and Black Templar representatives who you truly work with.”
“... If you do that, those blood-thirsty monster swill try-” The human protested.
“Will kill you for your crimes. Of course. That would be a mercy. Some of the pods represented here would make your death a long and agonizing spectacle. World Eaters and Black Templars both tend to make their kills swift.” Deimos rumbled, cutting off the human yet again and smirking down at him.
“How dare you threaten and attempt to blackmail me like this? Photos like this can be altered to seem incriminating!” Pearson blustered, fear and fury radiating off of him in waves.
“There are ways to check for tampering. Besides, these photos are the least of the proof I have for your crimes. Do as I say, or you will die by the end of this day. This is not a threat but a promise. Besides, you won’t be the only wretched mortal to die for your crimes today if you refuse to step down.” Deimos hummed, pulling out a small laptop, opening the video conference software and calling out “Alpharius, I have the human representative with me.”
“Well done Alpharius.” His captain praised, swimming into frame with two of the other leaders of the organizations being dragged into frame with him. Behind the older Alpha Legionnaire were dozens of gagged and bound hand to foot humans, all members of the kidnapping organizations in the room the captain was in. “You see, we have many of those involved in the kidnappings who still yet live. You have a simple choice, Representative Pearson. Confess your crime sin front of the cameras and our fellow astartes, and submit yourself for judgment…. Or you and all of the humans here will die.”
“I… You… How… How have you done this?” Pearson asks, helpless rage and terror wafting off of him in waves.
“We are Alpharius. We are the Hydra at the heart of everything. No detail is too small to escape our grasp. Our eyes see all, as our ears hear all. If we wanted to control this world, we’d have it already. So,  representative, what is your choice?” The captain purred, smirking.
“I… I’ll…” Pearson swallows, staring at the other humans bound and at the mercy of astartes. He hangs his head and growls out “I’ll do as you’ve demanded of me, you bastards. Damn you all to hell!”
“Been there. Got bored. Came back.” Deimos cooed, smirking. “No time like the present, let’s go. Be seeing you, captain Alpharius.” with that he shut the laptop and placed it in a pouch before scruffing the unhappy human by the collar and dragging him bodily out of the chair, swimming out of the room and over to where the press were gathered. He knew that the other Astartes would be able to hear Pearson’s confession… This was going to be fun.
Five minutes later found Pearson standing on his own two feet, Deimos staying just close enough to encourage the human to speak without tipping off the press of just what the human was going to confess to.
“I… have… I have a confession to make. I have been working with a secret group of scientists, doctors and hunters to capture and study Astartes. I am well aware of the fact that these kidnappings have made Human-Astartes relations worse the world over… The organization’s goals were to assess the threat posed by Astartes, as well as to try and figure out the keys to their longevity and high healing factor. To be able to synthesize either of those abilities for humanity to use. We also hoped to be able to take apart Astartes’ technology and reverse engineer it for profit.” Pearson confessed, having hid his hands behind his back, to hide the way they trembled “I have realized now that this was wrong, and am stepping down from my position as representative, and submit myself to the justice system of my home country.”
Deimos had expected that Pearson would try to pull something like that. It was almost cute that he thought he was living past this next hour as a free person, and that he would be allowed to be tried by one of the human legal systems. Already the Alpha legionnaire could hear furious shouting from loyalists, chaos and renegade astartes. He could smell their rapid approach to this conference room, the scent of their fury and determination heavy in the air as they barrelled into the room.
All of them stopped dead, seeing Deimos in the guise of a Blood Angel as he stood directly behind the violently shaking and terrified human. Before any of them could try and demand something he said on external vox “As Pearson has wronged the Astartes more, his request for being tried by humanity is rejected. I will be taking him to where he will be tried and punished for his crimes.”
The assembled humans burst into dozens and dozens of loud statements and noises, each desperately trying to get his or the other astartes attention. Not that Deimos was actively listening to what they were saying, just making sure that they weren’t trying to get close enough to grab Pearson and attempt to get away from him.
He waited a beat before broadcasting his voice to the voxes of his fellow astartes alone, his eyes deliberately flashing teal as he purred “Hydra Dominatus.” Before he scooped up Pearson and swum off at his top speed, cackling to himself as the human in his arms whimpered and shook.
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chillinglikeavillain · 9 months
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POV: You're fighting the Alpha Legion.
I rise again from the depths to make another shitty meme.
Now I return below.
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clonememesfrikyeah · 1 year
Alpha-17: “We’re gonna have to name this kid eventually, suggestions?”
Fordo: “Killer?”
Alpha-17: “No.”
Fordo: “ Skull crusher!”
Alpha-17: “No, something nicer.”
Fordo: “Fine, dream killer. How about Elroy? Or Bitsy? Or Arnold? Bugsby? Crawdad? Scissor hands? DeVito? Antidisestablishmentarianism? What about Bieber? Do any of those tickle your fancy?”
Alpha-17: “What The hell is wrong with you?”
Fordo: “Ive got it! Marlboro!”
Alpha-17: “Absolutely Not! We’re naming a person here, not a pet! And even if this was a pet they deserve a more dignified name than those!”
Fordo: “God, you’re such a fun sucker. Well, that and… other things.”
Alpha-17: “The fuck did you just say about me!?”
Fordo: “Oh, noting but the truth.”
Alpha-17:”….your lucky there’s children around or else I’d shove your own foot so far up your ass you could taste it. Get tf out of my nursery.”
Fordo: *flipping him off as he walks backwards out* “This is why Jango doesn’t love you.”
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mothask · 1 year
So Anakin who is the biggest eater out the 501st?
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Yeah alpha can eat.
Pretty sure he'd put those eating contests to shame.
Also I've been thinking I think I'm gonna change Alpha's moth to a giant wood moth seems more accurate 😂.
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moodymisty · 6 months
hi! i hope you feel better soon!
i was wondering if you plans for continuing your ‘legions reacting to their primarch’s partner’ series ?
have a good one :) 🐊
Part 1, Part 2
Author's Note: Sure, here's the rest of them :3
Relationships: Implied Leman Russ/Reader, AlphariusOmegon/Reader, Sanguinius/Reader, Lorgar/Reader, Ferrus Manus/Reader, Mortarion/Reader, Jaghatai Khan/Reader, Horus/Reader, Fulgrim/Reader, Corvus Corax/Reader (A NOTE: almost all of these are gender neutral, but a few might have the term mother or another female term in it, so fair warning)
Warnings: None really
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➧ Space Wolves:
Pretty average. They're definitely one of the better legions to be around if you're a baseline human, as they're not only pretty chill, but actually somewhat... nice? By Astartes standards.
You enjoy listening to them tell battle stories around the bonfire or whatever you're all camped around, and they like how easy it is to impress you with their feats of strength. Evenings can quickly devolve into one on one duels if you're around, and there's enough Mjød involved. Impressing Wolf Mother with your spur of the moment honor duel is the height of accomplishment, for a hammered Space Wolf.
You would hope Russ would stop these shenanigans, but you’ll find yourself disappointed when he joins in, brawling his own Astartes for your attention that he already has.
They also all find it absolutely hilarious when you use one of their tamed Fenrisian wolves as a mount, as it puts you at eye level with them.
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➧ Alpha Legion:
Your relationship with Alpharius & Omegon is as ambiguous as how the Alpha Legion Astartes feel about you.
They don't like the twins having a potential weak spot that can be exploited by enemies, and their myriad of plans and spiderweb of secrets could get easily unraveled; But if the twins brought you into the inner circle, they’ll place trust that they did it for a reason.
It's just a bit, disorienting having so many men- some of which look very similar- coming in and out of your life. The twins know that you can tell them apart from their legion lookalikes (somehow and it pisses them off), but they still find it funny to try and slip things past you.
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➧ Blood Angels:
As one of the kinder chapters, you being brought into the fold is of little resistance, largely because they see how happy Sanguinius is when you're around. They may be battle hardened warriors, but they find it difficult to express their worries when their Primarch has never looked happier holding your much tinier hand.
However the Blood Angels already have a protective (border-lining on obsessive) nature with their Primarch, and that is something that now extends in fold to anyone Sanguinius is close to. Being you.
Do not expect to go anywhere with any less than three fully armored Blood Angels. They will glare at anyone who comes close, they will scold anyone who speaks to you without proper prose, and you will have to deal with it. Some may have a developing soft spot for their kind Legion Mother which allows you to order them around, but they are very strict in this regard.
And Sanguinius will not stop it; Because he feels the same way as them, he's just better at hiding it.
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➧ Word Bearers:
Largely neutral at first, but over time they begin to warm up to you as Lorgar's loving gazes and borderline worshipping talk wears on them. It also helps that they have some non-violent experience with other humans.
There are some however who don't approve of your closeness to Lorgar; Especially as it becomes more obvious that Lorgar's priorities are changing, and his distractions are getting worse. You becoming the idée fixe of Lorgar's mind is more than a bit concerning for some members of the legion, particularly ones touched by Kor Phaeron.
They hold their tongues, but you know they don't like whenever the two of you are alone. You've heard the word 'temptress' uttered more than once.
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➧ Iron Hands:
Extremely blunt, and to the point. like the Imperial Fists, but without the protective streak. Iron Hand brutal efficacy doesn't exactly mix with the slow nurturing of what one could consider romance.
But you show genuine interest in the practices of the legion and don't impede on their chapter traditions, so the Iron Hands suppose it could be worse. They'd much rather their Primarch not be distracted however, and that is a theme that will remain present in any conversation regarding you for a long while. Expect them to basically ignore you for the first portion of your relationship with Ferrus.
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➧ Death Guard:
The Death Guard are one of the legions that is definitely more conflicted about the whole thing.
On one hand they say that he will end up distracted, eyes pulled away from his crusade to more frivolous things like romance. But on the other hand, if it does away with some of Mortarion's depressive moue, then they can bite their tongues about it. Either way, they definitely aren't fans of it, and you'll more than hear about it.
Legion meetings are, more than a bit stressful. Mortarion often times comes back ragged and angry after being told he should be rid of you.
Things are strained. You hope they'll level out with time.
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➧ White Scars:
Probably one of the better legions to be in. Helps that they don't despise baseline humans, and actually know how to smile sometimes.
It's refreshing to be around Astartes who are a little less, stuck up, something you say under your breath not long after being officially introduced to them. They find it absolutely hilarious.
You have a few Astartes you're a bit more familiar with that Jaghatai trusts to be your personal guard, in the rare moments he isn't close. Pretty chill all around.
Unless there's about seven of them all eagerly surrounding you trying to teach you different Chogoran words, then it's significantly less chill.
Also jetbike rides sound rad af
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➧ Luna Wolves:
They have their doubts as all legions do, but given Horus' charisma it isn't long before they toss those doubts aside, and quickly welcome you into the fold at Horus' side.
Also similar to the Blood Angels in that they get near feral protecting their genefather's beloved. It's like his obsessive nature somehow has somehow manifested or has been genetically implanted in them. Horus always makes sure you have a guard at your side, no matter where you go.
It was all fine at first, but now you're beginning to feel a bit like a prisoner.
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➧ Raven Guard:
The Raven Guard are pretty tame all things considered. While conversations tend to be respectfully brief, you've noticed overtime that it's less so disinterest, and more a so near nervous formality. It's almost like they don't know how to talk to a baseline human woman for more than a few moments. It's, cute.
Nykona doesn't seem to mind you though; Largely because he overheard you mumble that you think his armor is the most impressive out of all of the Raven Guard Astartes during a sparring session between him and Corax.
Overall, they’re happy Corvus is happy, and as long as his main mission isn’t compromised, they’re content to have you here.
While most legions say ‘Legion Mother’ however, the Raven Guard tend to use the title ‘Raven Mother’ instead when being formal. When they started saying that instead of just legion mother, you noticed how it intertwines with how they refer to Corvus.
Once you realized you got a little bit too excited they’d finally started accepting you, and scared the shit out of no less than three guards by abruptly crying.
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➧ The Emperor's Children:
They do enjoy being around humans that can appreciate the arts, and they don't hold much ill will towards you as the jewel of their Primarch's eye. If anything, they seem almost pleased their Primarch is able to pursue such things. You're welcomed into the fold with little fanfare, and Legion business continues on with nary a peep about Fulgrim's new wife.
Many of them create things for you, which while incredibly sweet, makes Fulgrim a little miffed if you show too much joy about it. He just gets a bit jealous, but it's harmless. You find it kind of cute.
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pallysuune · 2 months
Summary: The twins were identical in almost all ways. But in the bedroom is where you can always tell them apart. Pairing: Alpharius Omegon/fem reader
Warnings: Smut, rough sex, could make the argument for manipulation. Not yandere, but imprisonment, I guess? Primarchs being primarchs. Uh, twins' bedroom shenanigans and sharing a partner.
A/N: Don't judge me. XD
The twins were identical. Even more so than those of the Alpha Legion who had undergone surgery to change their faces and look more like their primarchs. It was said that they were one soul split into two bodies, and you could actually believe that. They even acted perfectly alike, seemingly without any practice or trying to. They could communicate with just a glance. They made themselves interchangeable.
The Alpha Legion in general did everything possible to obfuscate all information that they could.
Which made the fact that they took you on as a rememberancer more than a little strange. Yes, you knew the Emperor was encouraging all of his sons to take ones with them, but the ease with which Alpharius agreed should have raised alarms. Now, you knew that he had agreed so easily because he had no intention of ever letting you go.
He took you on, and he let you learn things no one else could ever know.
Which, if you were honest, kind of endeared him to you. He - and his twin - were both charming, and seemingly opened themselves up to you and you alone. Perhaps they had some plan in telling you, or perhaps they simply wanted someone to know the truth of things, even if it could never be public. You doubted you'd ever know the truth. All the same, you found yourself drawn in by them and, before you knew it, you were far more than just a rememberancer to them.
You had heard from their own lips their histories, their upbringings, and it was knowing these that helped you come to recognize them better.
You see, Omegon had told you that he had grown up on an uninhabited planet and only encountered other people when he was already an adult, where as Alpharius grew up around, but unseen by, the courts on Terra. Why was this important? Because Omegon fucked you like a beast.
You were pressed face down into the massive bed, your forearms bracing you just enough to keep your face from being smothered by the sheets. His hands circled your waist, holding your hips angled perfectly for him to pound into you, filling you to the limit again and again. He was hunched over you, his huge frame shadowing you, the heat from his body almost suffocating in a way that made your head spin. He was intoxicating. Omegon peppered nips over your shoulders, teeth dragging over your skin. He bit down a little harder on the back of your neck, giving a nearly inaudible groan against your skin.
It was hard to think of anything other than him. Everything was heat and sweat and that pleasure-pain of being so very, very full.
He pulled out of you with a suddenness that left your head spinning. A soft gasp tore from your lips. A second later, the searing heat of his release painted your back in thick ropes of cum. He groaned again, deeply. Deep enough you thought you could feel it in your bones, but that may have been your imagination.
One thing that wasn't your imagination, though, was the throbbing need that still pulsed through you. You were so close to cumming, and he had so cruelly pulled away.
There was a soft chuckle from the side, and you felt the bed move at your side before there were hands on you once more. A cloth was dragged halfheartedly over your back to clean you up before those hands settled at your waist, drawing you up. "I keep telling you to be more considerate of her," Alpharius admonished, tutting. His voice was laced with amusement.
It was a game for them. Leaning into Omegon's desires and turning it into a play with their bed as the stage. You knew that, but there was still something about it that you enjoyed.
You were lifted up into Alpharius' lap, your legs stretched on either side of his, his hard cock sliding against your wet sex. But he didn't push into you. Instead, he curled an arm around your waist to hold you there while his other hand slid down, fingers tracing your slit lightly. Dazed, you lean back against him, your head tipped back against his shoulder. Omegon sat in front of the two of you, naked and smirking, very clearly enjoying the sight before him.
"And how would you be considerate, then?" he asked, his voice deep and husky still, with a little more of a growl to it than normal.
A thick, slick finger brushed oh-so-softly over your clit. Even that light of a touch pulled a gasp roughly from your lips and caused your hips to buck, grinding unintentionally against the hard cock still resting against your sex. Alpharius chuckled again.
"Watch closely and I'll show you."
You realized you were in for a long night.
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My Sorrows
Author's notes: Alpharius in Living Water AU
Past =-= Next
Warnings: Alpha Legion Shenanigans
Summary: Lana gets Rejected by a Black Templar, but another one who's almost identical shows up to speak with and start to bond with her.
Tagged: @barn-anon, @bleedingichorhearts, @c-u-c-koo-4-40k, @egrets-not-regrets, @kit-williams,
Tagged continued: @sleepyfan-blog, @whorety-k, @ms--lobotomy @bispecsual @thevoidscreams
Tagged continued: @i-am-a-dragon34, @gra93fruit-blog
Lana had felt a pulling, singing sensation within herself, the place within herself that she had been taught where her magic, and part of her soul resided. She’d seen some mer-astartes with black and white and a touch of red and gold colorations like young Cedric has, but from the scars on their scales, they were much older. 
She flew to a nearby outcropping, suddenly feeling like this might not have been a good idea to follow the almost whale-song crooning now that she could see who was calling out to her. 
The pod surfaces- and one of them seems to be searching, looking, rubbing at their chest as he looks straight at her and he tilts his head a little as he swims out of the water and ‘swims’ through the air, as young Jophiel calls it.
“No,” He says. There is a coil of confusion, disgust, and rage in his voice.
The beautiful whale song becomes discordant, and it feels like something- a connection is splintering, fracturing, and it feels like he’d just gutted her. Surreptitiously she touches her chest, and is glad as she looks down.
And then back at him and his pod that he hasn’t actually stabbed her with his claws or blade as he dives back into the sea and leaves her behind, uncaring of what he’s just done.
It took her a few moments to breath through the pain and gather her wits about her to fly back to the Gannet Rock. Mara notices that something seems to be bothering her, and the elder heads over and gently fusses over Lana.
It takes her a few minutes to explain what had happened- even she’s confused on what exactly was going on. Lana doesn’t know why, but tears drip from her eyes. She didn’t even know that strange, large, and dangerous mer-astartes who, with a word, had wounded her so.
“That sounds like some part of Mer-Astartes magic interacting with you dear, “Mara hums as she listens and gently pats one of her hands as she speaks, “I’ll see if young Jophi or one of his brothers knows what's going on. If they don’t, perhaps Lenora’s Erriox might have a better idea.”
“Alright,” Lana says, she’s still mostly reeling from what happened to her. ‘How could a stranger hurt her so?’ She wonders to herself.
She gets the answer in the form of a concerned Jophiel peering down at her with large sanguine eyes- with Cedric, who’s an Apothecary- a form of healer who’d asked if he could check her over, if she was alright with that.
Lana allowed it, because the boys generally were good tempered fledglings that meant well. Jophiel’s eyes glow- with his Magic, (the Warp-craft) as she’d heard it referred to, to check on metaphysical things, while Cedric checked on her physically.
The boys told her about Bonds- and how an Astartes could randomly come across a human, or harpy, or some other Sentient being upon Ancient Terra, and their souls would call to one another due to The Warp.
“The bonds come in a variety of strengths and potential Implications,” Cedric says, recalling words that Older Brother’s Roland and Arnault had told him and Ramiel about bonds, “The Astartes is the one to sense and feel the Bond most strongly at the beginning.”
“Perhaps,” Jophiel offers after a moment or two of contemplation, “It’s because Harpies are more sensitive to Magic and the Mysticism of the universe that you can sense it more?”
Jophiel shakes a little and apologizes, “I’m Sorry Lana- I’m… Still in training with Magic. Perhaps If I could talk to a friendly older Librarian I could learn more… but the Bonds are… New to us.”
“Thank you for what you’ve told me,” Lana says gently patting one of Jophiel’s hands with her own. “It’s more information than I had before.”
Several days later, after the boys had left, they went back to their own tasks that they had delayed to check up on her and the rest of the Gannet Harpies on the Rock, to ensure that they are alright as well.
She spotted a large black and white colored figure, resembling another Black Templar? Lana’s feathers ruffled as she focused on the Mer-astartes. A First Born as Cedric, Claude, and Jophiel would call him from the way his form was scarred and older looking than the fledglings.
She hops and flies away from him a bit, mers generally tend to be hostile to Harpies, and Lana didn’t recognize him as one of the friends of her colony. He pauses as he watches her, there is something a bit…off about his colors.
“Hello,” He calls out to her carefully in one of the Common Trade Languages, his voice is surprisingly lyrical. “I go by Zarius.” 
“Did you need or want something, Zarius?” Lana asks him warily. Even as she feels something weakly starting to form.
The smallest whispers of whale song, rather than something that had sung almost so strong through her bones that it had almost had her falling from the sky. Lana frowns a little at him in dismay. 
‘Perhaps it’s another Bond,’ She thinks, and that has her heart sinking in dread, as she starts to build her walls up, waiting for him to Reject her like the other one had.
“I felt… called to you,” Zarius says almost shyly. “... And I wondered if you’d want to- get to know one another?”
She blinks at him, and part of her soul is crying out in joy to accept his words as quickly as possible. However, a larger part of her is more cautious, and a little suspicious as well.
“... Alright, we could start to get to know each other,” Lana says carefully, “I go by Lana.”
Zarius seems to perk up at that and has taken off his helmet, and he starts to ask her getting-to-know-you questions, while answering her own questions. He swims around her, but not within easy grabbing distance, but comfortable speaking range which helps ease some of her concerns. 
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wxnheart · 1 year
I am fond of the brat taming trope and I would love to see what some of the Primarchs would do with a human reader who dares to be bratty to them. Especially the Lion, the Khan, or Perturabo
Horus - Would indulge your brattiness because he'll more than tame you tonight. Does it with the most placid expression imaginable; you later realize that he reacts with the sole intention of riling you up even more.
Leman Russ - Doesn't take you seriously lmao. Has a tendency to hit you with the most feral of grins because it leaves you breathless and moist as fuck while you're being a brat. Bastard.
Ferrus Manus - Will methodically ignore you to the point he cockblocks you. You're seething in sexual frustration because while he looks completely unfazed, you see the mirth and victory in his eyes.
Fulgrim - See, my dear, you can't out-brat The Brat™. Becomes a contest to see who can out-brat the other. Usually culminates in hate sex. Real Bratty Fulgrim shit.
Vulkan - Thinks your brattiness is endearing and does not tame you. You actually have to spell it out that you WANT him to tame you. With hugs. Preferably in bed. Naked. With hugs. 😊
Rogal Dorn - Surprises the fuck out of you by pulling out the Pain Glove. NO THANK YOU, DORN. The sides of his mouth quirk up slightly and you realize you've been tricked in pure Dorn fashion. But then he really punishes you with a round of orgasm denial. Teehee.
Roboute Guilliman - You actually piss him off enough and the next thing you know your clothes are in tatters on the floor, you're stark naked on his office desk, and it's his turn to tease you. You're told to stay quiet (keep in mind you're in earshot of his dear Ultramarines) or he'll stop. Congratulations on the Ultrasex, m'dear!
Magnus the Red - Gets your ass back with Warp shenanigans. You're a needy, horny mess begging for him and he's sitting back watching it all happen.
Sanguinius - There's a reason why he meditates. That glint in his eyes stops you in your tracks. Let's just say that the next day you dressed to cover the hickeys that decorated your ENTIRE body.
Lion El'Jonson - Ferrus Manus cockblocks you intentionally. Lion does it by accident. You yell at him out of sexual frustration. Still, he does nothing. He'll get the hint once you TELL him to fuck tame you.
Perturabo - Do you... do you really want to know? He has a lifetime of pent-up frustration and resentment that he needs to get out and, well... Emperor bless.
Mortarion - *stares in Death Guard*
Lorgar - Your brattiness actually makes him realize he has a bit of a corruption kink. He wants to fall prey to his baser instincts, his lust, and punish you for your unbecoming ways. You kinky whores, you. 👀
Jaghatai Khan - Tames you by going fast. Make of that what you will. 😏
Konrad Curze - You're being a brat, Konrad takes amusement in your attempts and rewards you by giving you absolutely nothing, and Sevatar is in the background nonplussed by the situation while also wondering why in the fuck you'd even want Konrad Curze to... 'tame' you.
Angron - He silently judges your ass so bad you don't even try anymore. Chuckles like a motherfucker, too, when you give up. Spiteful bastard. You realize you said that out loud and haul ass.
Corvus Corax - How does he tame you? By running through the Imperium with his woes. Like... his actual woes. You know how that shit go. lmao
Alpharius Omegon - Uh... GOTTA TAME 'EM ALL! ALPHA LEGION!
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medical-anon-whau · 4 months
Another update!
@bleedingichorhearts @kit-williams @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
I’m back everyone! Sorry for the hiatus, I got really sick for a couple of weeks and didn’t have the time or energy to update. But I’m feeling much better now, thankfully. 
Good news: The dark angel has backed off a little, which is nice. He’s stopped startling me quite so much, though I do see him observing me from time to time… And given how stealthy that giant green bastard is, he’s probably letting me know he’s watching me.
The Alpharii have stopped being menaces entirely since they’ve completed the layperson training courses offered by my agency… and also the fact that I’m willing to give them glittery paint bombs in exchange for pictures of whoever they’re targeting with them. One of them showed up on my doorstep about a week into me being Horribly Sick, and was clearly worried about how I was doing and why I hadn’t shown up when expected.
When he saw me all croaky and gross he gently shoved me away from my door and made me a giant pot of soup, which was very nice of him and I thanked him for it. He patted me on the head and told me to take a nap and I did.
The Fallen Dark Angel checked on me too, while I was sick and I may have seen one of the Ultramarines as well during one of the days I was feverish and doing spectacularly poorly. I’m not going to question how all of them know where I live. I feel it’s for the best. 
Stalker left me food on my doorstep while I was sick. I’m pretty sure it was him because I saw him lurking nearby while I dragged it inside. 
Bad news: The Dark Angel Chaplain showed up with his goon squad again, three days after I started working with the Fallen’s human again. They scared the absolute hell out of him and it took me hours of mediating between the two of them while tending to the human patient to get both sides to somewhat calm the fuck down. Apparently there’s been some kind of unrest going on with the Astartes? Some sort of treaty? 
I’ve been taking duolingo lessons on how to speak/understand at least one of the languages that the astartes talk about. It’s been slow going, but it allows me to understand them better - I think? But that’s what I could understand. Fallen wants to take his human and bolt.
After the Chaplain and his goon squad were well and truly away, I reminded Fallen that one of the things my agency does provide is assistance with moving if it’s needed. I’m not sure if they can make sure that the chaplain + goons can’t find them again easily, but it’s better than vanishing into the night with a chronically ill and fragile human. It’s got to be.
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kit-williams · 8 months
(Hey sorry for double sending this, my connection went bloop so I wasn't sure it sent. Please use this version of the ask if possible. You make great stuff!)
Hello! I'm the person who sent the original Cuckoo ask. I'll go by Cuckoo Anon. I'm glad people liked the prompt.
Alpha Legion are complicated because they're whole deal is being a clusterfuck of spying, secrecy, and betrayals. Here are my theories why they can't bond easily with humans.
1. They're all Alpharius and can only bond with humans He could bond with. Unlike other genefathers, Alpharius and Omegon literally turn their space marines into perfect copies of themselves. This is an inherent ability of their blood. So perhaps the warp fuckery causes it to only form bonds with people the Primarchs themselves could bond with. Much smaller pool we're dealing with.
2. Alpha legion can't make up their minds. Did you know there's an army of hibernating alpha legion under the imperial palace? Well you do now and the way you set their loyalty is by what code word you give them upon waking up. Its why alpha legion seem to be on both sides of everything in 40k. This causes them to literally be unable to Decide who to bond with on a subconscious level.
3. They Could find bondable humans, the problem is they're so used to infiltration they keep doing their Cuckoo bird act. Alpha legions might only be able to bond with a human, who in turn Can't bond with any other space marine type. But because they keep going after humans who Can bond with other space marines they are Doomed to misery until someone figures it out.
Nice to meet you cuckoo anon
So I'm not opposed to this but I'm also not a huge fan of making angst for the sake of angst. Yes my setting is still quite grim but its also the 21st century or M 3 (or however it is labeled as)
But I can agree that Alpha legion are tricky perhaps they do struggle to bond because their pool of potential bonds is much smaller which would leave them the ability to bond.
I know about the boys under the imperial palace. This is another viable option where they don't know how to act. Perhaps the warp shenanigans does something wacky with the Alpha legion where they are painfully aware of how odd this all is but have a desperate need to forge a bond with a human. But....
I like the 3rd idea a lot. Perhaps a lot of the people who aren't affected by the warp shenanigans actually are bond candidates for Alpha legion. But I raise you an idea of that they might be able to supplant a bond
Take the gal who went to the Alpha legion. She might have a bond out there she might not but what if the alpha legionary can "force" a bond. This kinda touches on the parasitism (though its brood parasitism for cuckoos) so either someone who never was suppose to get a bond allows an alpha legionary to hang around he can slowly make a bond happen.
At the end of the day I don't want to say that a whole legion is unable to bond (cuz this is a wholesome tag) but I can allow for some intrigue.
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sleepyfan-blog · 3 months
Helping Hand
Author’s Note: This is another fic in Cedric’s Adventures in Astartes Husbandry! First. Previous. Next Thank you to @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan for allowing me to borrow her OC Zariel! 
Tagged: @egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams @bleedingichorhearts @whorety-k
Warnings: past physical punishment, descriptions of physical punishment, panic, Alpha Legion Shenanigans, cw panic attak
Summary: Cedric and Zariel have a little chat after he returns to base after having a wonderful day out with two of his older brothers.
It was amazing how fast a person’s mood could change, depending on where they were. Cedric had spent the rest of the day with two of his firstborn Brothers and his anxieties over making a good first impression and how they might react to his existence had entirely melted away by the end of the first hour that he’d been blessed to spend in their presence. The young Apothecary hadn’t noticed the hours slip by until they’d guided him back to the base, well after sunset.
Apothecary Zariel was waiting for him at the entrance of the base, a small smile on the Ultramarine’s fair features as he waved a cheerful goodbye to Brothers Arnault and Roland. “There you are, lad. I was beginning to wonder if they’d decided to steal you away from us.”
Cedric shuffled his feet a little and blinked in confusion at the older Apothecary “Why would they? Neither of them is part of a Crusade of wandering Black Templars. They live with their bonded humans, and we’ve only just met.” He’d not make such a decision to leave lightly - especially not since Jophiel was still recovering in Cedric’s assigned quarters on base. He hadn’t quite informed anyone else that he’d found the injured Primaris Blood Angel… But given how weird they could be about Jophie’s wings… He felt that it was a bit too much of a risk just yet.
Besides, the firstborn marines knew about the other three Primaris Marines on base! And once Jophiel was back to full health, he’d promised to introduce himself to Captain Ash’val at least. 
“I suppose that’s fair. How was your outing with your older brothers?” Zariel asked, the warm smile on his face brightening a little further.
“It was great! They showed me to some of their favorite places around the city! I got to stretch my legs and see  more of Ancient Terra and I got to talk to firstborn Brothers who-” weren’t disgusted by me and wanted to kill me on sight. Was the rest of Cedric’s sentence. He bit that off, Claude’s warning about the Teal in Zariel’s armor ringing loudly “-were really nice and friendly!” He really hoped that the older marine hadn’t noticed the brief pause in his speech.
The slight narrowing of the other’s eyes as the older apothecary guided him with a hand pressing against the small of his back caused Cedric’s hearts to sink a little. As was the fact that the other led him to his office “I’m glad to hear that, Cedic. Now, there’s something that I’d like to ask you about. A little incident that happened earlier today, in fact.”
“Oh, what might that be?” Cedric asked, tilting his head a little as he looked at the other.
“Well, as you’re well aware, the only humans allowed on base are ones who are bonded to a marine. As much for their safety as our own. This base is one of the places where we can truly get privacy, but that privacy only exists when our boundaries are properly enforced.” Zariel explains, gesturing for Cedric to sit down in one of the chairs in his office as he closed the door behind the younger Astartes.
“... Is there a reason why you are reiterating this, sir? I am well aware of all of the rules and regulations in this base, unless something has changed while I was out with my older brothers?” Cedric asked, deliberately staying still, not allowing his eyes to widen in anxiety, nor to hide his hands behind his back, or fidget them in his lap, betraying his rising anxiety. 
So he had been seen on one of the cameras with the teenage humans, despite his best efforts. Damn. But why talk to him like this, rather than order him to confess by one of the chaplains, where his punishment would begin? He could hear the whistling-crack and the familiar sting of an electro-whip across his back and chest already, and was silently bracing for the pain, before mentally dragging himself back to the present.
“I happened to be in the security camera room, as one of our watch officers had a minor arrhythmic episode with both his primary and secondary hearts - he has since recovered from that episode and is in the infirmary for overnight episodes for further monitoring. While I was tending to him, I just so happen to catch you, running as fast as you can with four baseline human teenagers holding onto you. Considering the speed at which you were moving, and the fact that I’d only seen you scurry around on a couple of camera edges… I can only assume you were sprinting around with the intent to not be seen. Care to explain yourself? I’m sure you had good reason, I just… I’d like to hear your side of things before I escalate this issue to captain Ash’val, or to one of the chaplains on base.” Zariel asked, his smile warm, his voice pleasant… 
And his armor ever so slightly the wrong shade of blue. 
This was not the kind of situation that Cedric wanted to be in, especially as he had no idea if this was an attempt to give him enough synth-rope to hang himself, or a trap to snare him in, or a mixture of the two. Should he try and deny everything? But with… Him potentially still being on base and available to Pry The Truth from his lips should Cedric decide not to cooperate… And his Primaris brothers unaware of the.. Of the… of Him potentially still on base, waiting to find them like the threat he had categorically proven himself to be… Cedric’s mouth went dry and he hung his head, eyes on the floor. “I am absent of reason or excuse, sir. I found four baseline teenagers who had snuck into the base and aided them in leaving, rather than bringing them to holding to be properly processed.”
That was true enough. Cedric didn’t want to admit to the cowardice he’d shown in fleeing with them, rather than facing the monst-... Honorable Firstborn Brother Chaplain with them in tow. 
“Now Cedric, please don’t make things more difficult for us both. I know very well that there is nothing that you do without deliberate reasoning and intent. For example, I know for a fact that you are taking more dry rations than you normally do because you have hidden an injured Brother in your personal quarters. Again. Please tell me the truth, I can help you if you do. Explain to me what was going through your head, what made aiding these baselines the best decision in the moment.” Zariel sighed, shaking his head a little, one cool hand touching Cedric’s chin and forcing him to look upwards into the Firstborn’s eyes.
Eyes that were more teal than true ocean blue. 
“I… I heard Chaplain Feldarim speaking to someone nearby who I… I was not prepared nor ready to face. Who is heavy handed in his punishments of others and who would have taken a keen interest in the harmless intruders, even if I had taken them to another superior officer to be processed properly, sir.” Cedric explained, hating the fact that his eyes were swimming with treacherous tears that he refused to let fall, that his breathing was fast and shallow and that his hearts were beating rapidly at the back of his throat, making his voice small and trembling.
“... I see. What were you concerned that this… Strict disciplinarian would have done to these baseline teenagers, had he known that they were there and in need of punishing? If, say for example, they were neophytes who’d misbehaved to the degree that baselines had.” Zariel presses, raising an eyebrow at him.
“A thousand electro-whip lashes, followed by a salt and vinegar treatment of their injuries, orders to not seek treatment for those lashes and harsh physical labor and additional training, sir. Not just for them, but for their squads if they were from separate squads, sir. They would have been trained until they dropped where they stood and whipped awake after an hour of rest for weeks, with minimal food and water to sustain their basal metabolic systems.” Cedric answered in as a calm, measured tone of voice as he could manage. “I have no idea what he would do to Terran born baseline humans and had no desire to find out. He’s… I’ve been put in charge of the clean-up of his past… Punishments before. Before both of us were brought to Ancient Terra, and I’d rather not… Not do that again.”
Zariel let out a low whistle, and finally let go of Cedric’s face, gently patting him on the head. “Thank you for telling me about that. I’ve heard that Black Templars are particularly strict with each other, but I hadn’t known for sure, as I haven’t interacted with many Black Templars before, other than you, and by the Reputation of your chapter alone, I know that you are unusually gentle and kind. This particular disciplinarian, I suspect he’s going to be staying in this base for a couple of days… Which would make it difficult for you to avoid him, if you remained here.”
A low, panicked wheezing sound filled the room for several seconds. Cedric slowly started to slide out of the chair in abject embarrassed horror when he realized that he himself was making that sound. 
“Woah… hey, hey, hey… It’s okay… Okay, floor time, huh? Breathe with me, nice and easy. Follow my breathing pattern, okay young one? I’m not about to allow anyone to hurt you. Especially not someone who scares you this much. Shhh, shhh.. Shhh… it’s alright… Just breathe with me… In… and out… In… and out…” Zariel soothed as he knelt on the ground next to Cedric, slowly lowering him the rest of the way to the floor. He grabbed one of the younger medic’s hands and placed it on his chest, so that he could track more easily how he was breathing. One of his hands kept Cedric’s on his chest, the other started to rub soothing circles into the younger marine’s back.
It took Cedric minutes to calm himself down, and he found himself leaning into Zariel, face hidden in the other’s shoulder, tears soaking into the other’s scrub top.”S…Sorry sir… I… I didn't mean to lose composure like that.”
“We all have our moments of being overwhelmed, young one. Now, let’s get you out of this base for a couple of days, yeah? Hura needs help wrangling a panicky loyalist thousand son freshly transplanted to Ancient Terra, and I’m quite certain that you would be the best fit to check him over and help him calm down.” Zariel murmured soothingly. “The sooner the better. You wanna go in about… Ten minutes, give or take? I’ll fill out the formwork to give to the commander, and Hura will escort you to the Chaos Base the Thousand Son is at. It’s gonna take a couple of days to get there, and the wandering warband of Templars never stays in one place for more than three days if none of them are injured.”
Cedric nodded “I… Alright. I don’t… I don’t mind helping Apothecary Hura with tasks like that.”
“Good lad! I’ll go vox him. You stay put.” Zariel ordered him with another pat on the head and an encouraging smile. “Yes sir.” The young Black Templar agreed with a nod, content to wait, even if he was struggling with feelings of guilt and the creeping sensation that he was being cowardly by not facing him.
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I got Tagged
I got tagged by @evolutionarypsyche. I don't get tagged in stuff too often, and usually when I do, I never know how to respond. This one seems easy enough though!
Last song you listened to: Waiting On The Sky To Change by Starset, feat. Breaking Benjamin
Favorite color: Green, especially the greens of late spring/early summer. It makes me happy. Orange is a close second, also a very happy color. Blue is third, it's relaxing.
Currently watching: Helluva Boss, Hazbin Hotel, The Acolyte, and a million daydreams.
Sweet/savory/spicy: Sweet or savory. I generally don't do spicy because I hate the taste of peppers. Not the heat, but the actual taste.
Relationship status: I haven't been in a relationship in ten years. I've had crushes in that timespan, but just about everybody I've ever crushed on is already in a relationship, and I'm not a homewrecker. I stay far away when I find out somebody I like is already spoken for, and eventually the crush fades.
Current obsession: I've got three, all based on fan characters for the two franchises that are currently occupying my three braincells: Animorphs and Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel. Long story short, I want to write long fanfics centered around OCs that serve as a way to play with the settings I love, but I have the attention span of a goldfish and the commitment of a moth. Always drawn to the next shiny idea before I can get the current ones down. Ima list the ideas here: -Future Andalites play keep-away with the Time Matrix because one of the future Andalites has ended up in a Jake Situation where their dear older brother turned out to be a puppet for an alien, only this time instead of Tom, the bigger brother is Aximili, and instead of Yeerks, the main threat is a malprogrammed Chee doing their best impression of the robots from The Matrix. That's my explanation for TOWIM. Caretaker robot gone bad, wants to end all suffering forever past present and future.
-Animorphs AU where, because of Ellimist shenanigans, a group of OCs get dragged into the events of book 20 and become Animorphs with David, and subsequent strangeness that ripples through the rest of the franchise. Currently I'm stuck on a big Megamorphs-sized idea involving these OCs getting whisked away to an Andalite listening post in the Alpha Centauri system and helping figure out the Yeerks-On-The-Homeworld plot that never got resolved.
-Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel stuff mostly focused on a young Goetia OC named Phenex, a Human OC named Cal, and the shenanigans they get into. Notable conflicts include: Phenex is 18 or 19 and has just been put in charge of 20 demonic legions, but would rather spend time helping Cal pick classes for his next semester of college. Cal finding out what Heaven and Hell are really like, and not knowing where he'd like to go when he inevitably dies. And family drama on both sides.
Last thing you googled: Pictures of doves to use as a reference for a picture of Cal holding his pet dove.
I don't know who I would want to tag. I'm sorry. I've been on Tumblr off and on for over 10 years and still don't know who I'm allowed to tag for things. :C
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egrets-not-regrets · 7 months
Greetings fellow Bird. It's Cuckoo~
I saw what you did with the Thousand Son mentioned in your Iron Warrior fic.
I never expected anybody to take my head canons and run with it like this but it was awesome to see it mentioned regardless.
I'm loving your Iron Warrior series so far!
Hi Cuckoo! Thanks! I love your headcanons for the space marine husbandry tags. It makes me smile and laugh. Those Alpha Legion bois are really becoming one of my favorites. The potential shenanigans that they could get into…
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ordo-scriptus · 2 years
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Some games are just too nail-biting to photograph. Today, the Dark Angels saw their first game in the flesh. Underprepared is certainly the word for it, as I was still gluing models onto bases twenty minutes before we were due to meet up - but even so, the game was amazing. 2000pt Ambush deployment saw the Angels surrounded by a beautifully painted Alpha Legion force. My first turns were punctuated by some awful rolls, and some harsh lessons in the effectiveness of the Alpha Legion movement/range shenanigans. My Leviathan and Tartaros Terminators were shot off the table turn one. My Veterans and Command Squad were charged by Contemptor Dreadnaughts, and my shooting squads were always just out of range. And then the dice turned. A slew of lucky sixes saw one Contemptor hewn in half by the Calibanite Warblade of a Veteran Sergeant, and the shredding chainswords of the Command Squad finished what a Terranic Greatsword had started. Stuck into melee, the Angels of Death took an obscene toll on whatever unit they engaged, but all the while their already limited numbers were slowly chipped away. Going into turn four, I only had seven models on the table. But those seven models had each slain four times their number of more valuable enemies. Be it the lone Veteran Sergeant who single handedly removed 9 Tactical marines (before a Power Fist Sergeant nailed him in retaliation), or three Power Fist Indomitus Terminators that deleted a whole ten man squad of Seekers and their Saboteur leader, running them off the table without taking so much as a wound in return. Every man was a Hero - but Heroes don't win battles. It takes men to hold the field, and mine were exhausted. It took one lost volley of Nemesis Bolters and Lascannons to bring an end to my rampage, and I was tabled at the end of turn four. What a game! #warhammercommunity #warhammerbattlereport #darkangels30k #alphalegion30k #horusheresy #horusheresy2point0 #hobbystreak #hobbystreakday449 (at Wakefield) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoddyrWNUvJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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