#dark angels 40k
dingusmccringus · 3 months
Ok so, back in the day…
I say this and it was only a year ago, but I had a heavy HEAVY crush on my boi Azrael when his Primaris model came out. Like… c’mon, look at that hunk of muscle 👀…
Anyways, here was a video to show just how unhinged I am about the Dark Angels (Azrael specifically)
In case you wanted to see what it looked like-
I swear one day I’ll redraw him… I was really proud of my work despite the fact that it took me forever and I’ve never drawn the Lion’s Helm…
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medical-anon-whau · 1 month
@bleedingichorhearts @kit-williams @egrets-not-regrets @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan
I've got another life update for everyone. Per suggestions, I was able to ask the Ultramarine how I should dress when meeting with the person in charge, and dressed accordingly, which was semi-formal. I had to run out real quick to get an appropriate pair of dress shoes before the meeting, but I managed alright.
I was rather surprised that Stalker did, in fact, show up to the meeting, but it'd definitely possible that they contacted him via Mysterious Astartes Methods. He accused me of a number of things, and here are the list of "charges"
1) aiding and abetting a "Fallen" Dark Angel
2) refusing to allow an Interrogator Chaplain to complete his sanctioned duties
3) defacing astartes armor (Jerk is still covered in glitter. I have the paint and glitter bombs on my person right now in case be pulls some more nonsense)
4) Colluding willingly with an Alpha Legionnaire to torment a Loyal Astartes
5) Distracting A Dark Angel during the course of his duties.
Now, I'm no law expert, but I figured he might pull some letitigous bullshit and have been doing some research on my own. I wasn't entirely sure what the Ultramarine Base Commander was going to say in response, but I pointed out that;
1) In the country that I am living in and so are they, the lawful government does not, to my knowledge, recognize the authority of Astartes Chaplains when it comes to crimes accused or actual committed by an astartes BEFORE THEY CAME TO EARTH
2) they did not involve local law enforcement before attempting to take the Fallen in question who has been the primary caretaker for a chronically ill and weakened human in good faith for the better part of a decade. I also got statements from both the human and their neighbors about the character of the Fallen and his daily activities, as well as from my patient's family
3) he has been harassing and willfully intimidating me with the intent to scare - which are both actual crimes - for over two months now. I have been keeping as accurate an account of each instance and brought a copy of that journal with me to the meeting (I have several copies of all the information I brought with me, in case Jerk tries anything. I also left this Intel with both Fallen and the Alpharii) for the base commander or whoever to read through at their convenience.
4) talking with other people who he's also deliberately antagonizing to try and get him to stop is not a crime, and the Alpha Legionnaire (I did not reveal that I know for a fact there are at least three of them in that house - more about the third Alpharius later) is concerned for the long term effects the stress of Jerk tormenting me will have on the care I'm able to provide to his sickly patient, and had suggestions on how to get Jerk to back off when I asked for them.
Noooot that I deliberately cursed Jerk in front of the base commander. I almost cussed him out several times though. The giant fucker is tapdancing on my last nerve.
The base commander was quiet and seemed thoughtful at the gathered evidence I had provided for him. He began talking in a language I don't understand, and Jerk periodically answered back. He started getting agitated the longer the Mystery Talk went on.
A half hour of conversation I did not understand later and the base commander said that he was going to be restricting Ghaliel (Jerk's Actual Name, apparently) to base for the next month, and to report him if he breaks his restriction.
That was two days ago. So far, Jerk hasn't been trying to scare me... I was also able to speak with one of the Librarians after the meeting with the base commander.
Apparently, I have a weak bond with an astartes. I really hope it's with one of the Alpharii. They're fun, playful and caring.
Oh right! The third Alpharius!
I happened to stumble across all three of them whispering to each other, the day before I was gonna meet with the base commander, during my shift with their human family member. I'm pretty sure they did that on purpose, as alpharius number 3 handed me the last of the character testimonies I was hoping to get for Fallen in exchange for two glitter-paint bombs.
I don't want to k ow what he plans on doing with them, his cackling was terrifying.
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jean-deaux · 10 months
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Watcher in the Dark
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lazywriter-artist · 3 months
A page of doodles of marines :)
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astriskssketchbook · 4 months
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Leetlest lions.
Very grumpy lions
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sorormaior · 6 months
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It’s Cary sketchdump time. Hehehe
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sharenadraculea · 3 months
My Fallen-OC Annie!
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I realized I forgot to post Annie here, oops.
Anyways she is a Dark Angel turned Fallen and decided becoming a pirate is more fun than figthing for the Imperium.
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dakameme-again · 6 months
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I've been putting off The Lion for some time now. Should be nearing the finish line. I want to be ready for Asmodai and Belial.
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johnneal99 · 1 year
If I started posting ab my 40K homebrew stuff would anyone be interested in that? 
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dom-miguels-miniatures · 11 months
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Brother Bethor
Dark Angels
Devastator with Plasma Cannon
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wh40kartwork · 2 months
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by Ivan Klimenko
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dingusmccringus · 3 months
Hello everyone!
Here is a small introduction about myself! My name is Dingo, I’m from Tiktok originally (if you know me, I apologize profusely). I decided to come on over and just kinda create a blog so you can keep up with my daily shit posting. I might post some of my fanfics here. This will mostly be my Warhammer blog so… yeah! We’ll see how it goes!
I also make shitty niche Warhammer shitposts about Dark Angels because I am a slut for them. Hopefully this can keep my Warhammer hyperfixation in place and I hope I can entertain!
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medical-anon-whau · 1 month
Good morning/afternoon/evening everyone!
@egrets-not-regrets @kit-williams
I was able to talk to the Alpharius who was spending time with his bonded about making an alliance against Stalker the Dark Angel. He had been under the impression that Stalker and I had Bonded and he was being rude to them to prove some sort of point.
As far as I know, I'm not bonded with Stalker and told the Alpharius as much. And how he's been tap-dancing on my last nerve by randomly scaring the fuck out of me for over a month now. The Alpahrius said that he would talk with some of his brothers who live in town, but that he couldn't give me a clear answer.
I figure he wants to talk with however many Alpharii live with this client and maybe have me observed to make sure I'm not trying to get them into trouble? But I am somewhat hopeful that they might agree to help me with Stalker - I've heard them hiss and growl at Stalker whenever He gets too far into the boundary line of the property they live in.
I also spoke with the Fallen Dark Angel about Stalker. He's pretty cagey and skittish about the whole thing, and considering he was nearly kidnapped and/or arrested I don't blame him.
The Ultramarine noticed my increased anxiety and asked about it. And… Long story short, I've been told that I have a meeting with one of the Ultramarine Captains who live nearby about my crabby stalker… Hooray? Trying to ask about the Interrogator Chaplain at the entrance of the astartes bases only got me shooed off The last three times I tried. :/
Oh! And the glitter bombs I ordered off the internet have come in. Stalker did his usual grab and slam routine after materializing out of nowhere. I got him good with a glitter bomb.
Enjoy the hot pink sparkles in your armor, asshole!
Did I get glitter everywhere too? Yes. But it was worth it for the utter confusion on his dumb handsome face
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alternativeminiatures · 9 months
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Source @Splitmind90
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jinian-ginias · 5 months
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Modern AU Lion
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Dancing Toothless: "How to train your dragon recap" by Cas Van De pol.
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