#also I am now expected to go to this thing at his house next month where the dress code is cocktail attire
queerhawkeyes · 5 months
just had lunch with the kind of older white gay man that hosts fundraisers for pete buttigieg at his house
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ithebookhoarder · 11 months
Truth or Dare (Anthony Bridgerton x Wife!Reader)
Summary: Married only a few months, you are very much one of the Bridgerton brood - something that often drives your poor husband mad, especially when you happen to be every bit as chaotic and unruly as his siblings... Also known as, you, Benedict and Eloise take a game of ‘truth or dare’ a bit too far. 
A/N: What can I say? It’s well and truly fluff-tober over here on my blog 😅
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Warnings: Alcohol, mild smut, swearing, Anthony losing his mind, typical Bridgerton sibling shenanigans 
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There weren’t many nights Anthony spent away from your side.
They were few and far between, but that didn’t lessen how irksome you found them when the odd occasion called for him to leave you over night. You didn’t know what it was exactly, but you never truly slept well without your husband there to hold you.
Of course, it had to be one of those nights that you truly found yourself in a spot of mischief. Though, in fairness, it had all started rather innocently.
Un-beknowst to you at the time, it was Benedict that had been first outside on the garden swing, sipping from a stolen bottle of whiskey he’d pilfered from the kitchens. He’d been sat there perhaps ten minutes by himself, staring at the stars and lamenting about some problem or other.
Then Eloise had come along.
As was her habit - you later discovered - she had been swift to follow her brother’s example, sneaking out of the house in her nightgown for a reprieve in the night air… and a cigarette or two. Apparently her second-eldest brother was something of a soft touch when it came to her, not that you could blame him for it. You doted on Eloise too.
Then, finally, completing the eclectic cast of characters, there had been you.
Now, in your defence, you hadn’t intended on going out into the garden that night, but had found no other alternative suitable given the blasted summer heat. It was worse tonight that it had been all week, and without Anthony in bed beside you, you saw little point in enduring with the effort of trying to get any rest.
So, you’d decided to make your way quietly through the house and sit outside a while, and pray for a breeze. You hadn’t, however, expected to find both Bridgerton siblings already sat there, having had a similar idea.
“My, what do we have here? Another night owl?”
It was Benedict who spoke first, smiling warmly at the sight of you appearing out of the darkness. He was quick to rise, offering you his swing as a perch to rest upon, beside Eloise.
You were about to protest that it wasn’t necessary and that you could find somewhere else to sit, but a warning glare from Eloise was enough to silence you.
She was all too eager to pat the seat next to her in invitation, looking remarkably pleased to have another addition to their little party.
“Come. Sit,” she ordered. “We were simply discussing how tedious Lady Tremaine’s luncheon will be tomorrow and how we could possibly avoid the whole thing. Now that you’re here, you can help us plot our escape. Benedict’s only suggestion thus far has been some kind of contagious summer cold.”
“I think I actually said that I would use such an excuse, sister,” Benedict corrected with a teasing grin. “Not that we would share it.”
“Hardly. It is every man - or woman - for themselves. Right, Y/N?”
“Alas, I think your mother would be rather suspicious at all three of us suddenly being absent,” you sighed by way of explanation as both their eyes turned to you. “Besides, I only came outside because of this heat, not to join some conspiracy.”
“Hardly,” Eloise chuckled. “We simply had the same idea, but I am rather glad you came to join us. Perhaps we should form some secret kind of club - Bridgertons against boredom?”
“And do what? Constantly find excuses not to attend social events we deem too tedious or odious to be dragged along to?”
“Sounds like a marvellous idea to me.”
“It would, sister dear,” Benedict teased. “You always have a talent for causing chaos and anarchy. You’d suit the cause perfectly, even if we both know our mother would never stand for it. She somehow sees through even our best efforts.”
“In which case, it’s time I take a leaf out of your book, Benedict. After all, you always say social events become far more bearable after a good drink or two,” Eloise smirked, gesturing towards the bottle of whiskey Benedict had been steadily nursing. “Perhaps I should follow my brothers  example and learn to hold a drink, maybe then things will be more fun.”
“Oh no.” Benedict was quick to shut down that idea, holding the bottle possessively to his chest and shaking his head. “No. I am not allowing you to start drinking. Mother would have my head if she caught you, not to mention Anthony would have all ours heads on a platter in no time.”
The thought of it made you laugh. Your husband was hardly a tyrant, even if he’d been known to have a temper but he was easy enough to handle. A few soft words in his ear or a kiss on the cheek and he was putty in your hands, helplessly and completely in love with you. Just as you were in love with him.
“Don’t tell me you’re scared of Anthony, Benedict?” you giggled, causing Eloise to join you. “I assure you, he’s more a kitten than a lion and he’d probably prefer you to allow Eloise to sample alcohol here, under your supervision, than when she inevitably decides to rebel and has her first drink later on, in the middle of some public ball…”
The warning was clear and you all knew very likely true. Still, Eloise was beaming in victory as Benedict cursed to himself, muttering about Bridgerton women and the likely death he’d receive should Anthony ever find out he had allowed Eloise to sample whiskey. “Just a few sips, El. I mean it.”
“Oh hush,” she snorted, taking the bottle before he could change his mind. She was quick to throw back her head and down a rather brave mouthful, causing you to laugh even harder as she scrunched her face up in disgust. “Oh! That is revolting.”
“I told you.”
“Now you, Y/N,” Eloise grinned, turning and offering the offending item towards you. “Go on. Join us trouble makers - I won’t say a word about it if you don’t.”
“Oh, for goodness sake… Give me that then,” you sighed, earning a cheer from them both, knowing it was better to simply surrender rather than try and fight their mischievous whims. It only increased as you took an ambitious swig from the bottle, wincing at the acrid burning sensation it left in your throat.
If only Anthony could have seen you. He’d have probably had some kind of seizure - especially as you took another quick swig before handing the bottle back.
“There. Your turn again, brother dearest.”
“My my. You really are quite surprising,” Benedict sniggered, before winking up at you in admiration. “Who knew it? You can hold your drink better than Colin. He seems cursed to choke any time he drinks anything stronger than a brandy.”
“Well, it is your sex that falsely deemed us the weaker,” Eloise quipped. “It’s not our fault you were ignorant.”
“I’d like to remind you I wasn’t part of that decision and you also looked ready to choke a moment ago, El.”
“Doesn’t matter, you’re still one of the enemy,” she giggled, earning another raucous laugh from you. Oh, you loved her. If you’d ever been so blessed to have had a sister, you hoped she’d have been just like her. “Now, it is your turn again, brother.”
“Oh … joy.”
“Else we shall have to have some kind of forfeit.”
“A forfeit?” you scoffed, finding the idea absurd. “Like what?”
“How about… truth or dare?”
Benedict froze. “Oh no. Not again. Pall Mall is one thing but we swore we would never play that game in this family again-“
“But Benedict-“
“What’s truth or dare?”
Your innocent question ceased their bickering instantly. Their eyes widened as they turned to you, a knowing and nervous look passing between them. Somehow, you knew this evening was about to get wildly out of hand.
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Sometime later, you’d been fully apprised of the rules of ‘truth or dare’. In fact, you’d been something of a natural at it, even if you knew the copious amounts of whiskey you’d all consumed was more than likely the responsible culprit. Else, you’d probably have known better and snuck back off inside before you could make a fool of yourself.
By the end of the night, Benedict had climbed a tree, confessed to being oddly scared of spiders, and been forced to sing the national anthem in French.
Eloise had also made an admirable effort, despite her obviously lower tolerance for drink. She still permitted Benedict to try and arrange her hair, before daring to steal a sock from Colin’s room whilst he’d slept. Then she’d loosened a leg on a dining chair. (Alas, none of you could remember which one but that somehow made it even funnier - even if it would not be come morning when you were forced to sit at the table for breakfast in some kind of roulette.)
You could only pray you didn’t choose said seat.
You could also only pray neither of your conspirators shared your contributions with your husband. You weren’t exactly sure how Anthony would feel at the fact you gone for a midnight paddle in the pond, nor that you’d mixed up the papers on his desk, all before finishing the night with a final dare that involved stealing several cakes from the kitchens… you still swore Mrs Reynolds would notice, come morning, that there were no longer twelve perfect cakes.
That, and Benedict had somehow knocked flour all over the counter, causing you all to erupt in drunken laughter as you’d bolted back outside.  
Needless to say, you all looked a sorry sight as you lay in the grass together, staring at the approaching dawn. Had you not been so tired, or drunk, you may have suggested retiring back to your rooms before the house awoke shortly.
“Now that… was fun.”
“Fun? That was more than fun. I haven’t laughed like that in ages.”
“Told you it was a good idea.”
You hummed in agreement with your sister in law.
“I can see why you all favoured this game so much,” you sniggered, winking at Eloise as she sat in the grass beside you. “I can also see why you all agreed to stop playing it… I don’t know what Anthony would say if he saw what we’d been up to.”
“Something sensible and disapproving most likely,” Benedict sniggered. “Our brother, and your husband, can be a right prig, no offence.”
“Oh hush. At least I didn’t let my sister dress me up in her petticoat when she was five.”
Benedict’s jaw dropped.
“Who told you about that?” he demanded indignantly.
“I have my sources.”
Benedict’s eyes narrowed as he turned his head to glare at his younger sister. “Well, you can tell your source that she’s going to have to find someone else to fetch her lemonade at the Cowper’s ball tomorrow night unless she apologises. You can also tell her that I’ll accept either a verbal or a written apology as long as it’s suitably abject. And that means very, very abject,” he added darkly.
“Tell me, Benedict, was it a lacy petticoat?”
With a wordless grunt of annoyance, Benedict groaned, but it was hard to hear over the laughter echoing from you and Eloise. You resembled more a pack of hyenas than two noble ladies - you probably looked just as feral after your night of mischief.
And of course, as was always your luck, that was exactly how your husband found you mere seconds later.
How Anthony had arrived without any of you hearing a carriage pulling up to the house at this time of the night - morning? You couldn’t be sure - was a mystery. Yet, there he was, hands on hips and looking thunderous as he stormed towards the three of you with all the fury of an exasperated headmaster.  
“What in God’s name are you all playing at?”
You all froze.
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It was as if someone had poured a bucket of ice water over you as your eyes widened, and you all turned to stare sheepishly at him.
“Oh, darling. You’re home?”
“Don’t ‘oh darling’ me,” Anthony sighed, attempting to scold you but without much success. His attempt at seriousness was somewhat undermined by his brother’s heckling, singing ‘here comes mother’ and that ‘someone’s in trouble’. That, and with the way you were lying, he was upside down. “What are you doing up at this god forsaken hour? And why are you … is that flour? And why are you soaking wet?”
“I went for a swim.”
“A - you went for a -“
“And Benedict did my hair,” Eloise interjected suddenly, waving her arms about as she gestured to the tangle of hair upon her head. “Isn’t it marvellous?”
Anthony’s expression very much said that he did not think it was marvellous. Nor did he find any of this vaguely amusing.
In fact, by the way he took a long deep breath, you knew he was doing his best not to lose his temper and wake the entirety of the household. His brow always creased like that when he was faced with dealing with his family, but the expression only made him seem more adorable and handsome to you, rather than authoritative. However, you’d never told him so, knowing it would hardly be deemed a compliment in his eyes.
You also doubted he’d appreciate your usual response right now, which was normally to kiss said brow until it eased back into its relaxed form.
“We were just playing a game to escape the heat, darling,” you soothed. “We couldn’t sleep and all had the same idea to seek refuge outdoors… we simply got carried away passing the time.”
“What game?”
“I said, what was the game you were all playing?” Anthony suddenly quipped, the warning clear in his tone. That, and his eyes landed squarely on his two siblings, who at least had the decency to look sheepish… and afraid. “Because there is but one game I can think of that would result in a mess like this one, and I’m confused, because I know for a fact that we banned that game under this roof, and any other roof that houses the Bridgertons.”
No one moved.
No one even breathed.
It was as if you were all too scared to risk answering Anthony, even if the empty bottle of whiskey did most of the talking by itself.
“I don’t recall the name,” you blinked. “Right, Benedict?”
“Oh, uh… we… we were just- Eloise?”
Eloise froze, the guilt written all too clearly on her face for her to even try and salvage the situation - though that could also be down to the whisky she had consumed… it was honestly hard to be sure at this point.
“Well, dear brother,” she began, only to trail off as Anthony lifted his hand.
The silence was instantaneous. 
No one dared to say another word, let alone move. 
You’d never seen Eloise or Benedict so still in your entire life. Hell, you weren’t even sure they were breathing - probably out of fear Anthony would decide to inform their mother about their mischievous exploits. 
If Anthony Bridgerton was scary when vexed, then Violet Bridgerton was a nightmare brought to life in human form. After all, as the matriarch of a family of eight children, she had learned a long time ago how to keep her unruly children in line - a harrowing experience you had only had occasion to witness once or twice since your marriage into the Bridgerton family. Once had been when Colin and Gregory had broken a priceless vase when racing around the house, despite being explicitly banned from doing so. The other had been when she had caught Eloise and Benedict smoking outside on the terrace one night. 
It was easy to say where your husband had inherited it from. 
“Not. Another. Word,” your husband growled, bending down and sweeping you up into his arms in a move that made you squeal in surprise. “Right now, I am taking my wife to bed and I suggest you two do the same - after you clean up your mess. I’ll deal with the lot of you in the morning.” 
A laugh escaped you as you tried not to look like you were enjoying the sudden turn of events too much. After all, you doubted he’d be too happy once you were more sober and he discovered the true extent of your nightly activities. 
It was why you were only too happy to let him put you to bed, grumbling all the while about letting his siblings run wild. He really was most handsome when he was flushed - a fact you were reminded of as he hastily changed for bed, flashing you a tempting glimpse of his bare torso in the process. 
You could tell without asking he was tired from his journey home, as well as fighting the urge to rip his hair out over the chaos he had found upon his return. 
Thankfully, his need to be in your arms outweighed the need to scold you over letting yourself be drawn into his siblings’ schemes. All it took was you pulling him down onto the mattress, and climbing into his lap to turn him into a needy, lovestruck puddle. 
You’d equally missed having him in your arms, but you’d be lying if you said that your sudden forwardness wasn't also due to a mixture of the whiskey you’d drunk, and the residual giddiness from a night of mischief. A confidence radiated from you as you began to run your hands over his bare chest, taking care to graze the areas you knew made him groan. 
“You’re lucky I love you so much,” he teased breathlessly, visibly unable to refuse your advances. 
“Is that so?”
Anthony chuckled, nodding as he surged his lips towards yours. “Yes, so come here, my delinquent drunken wife, and let me kiss you before you and those doe-eyes of yours drive me insane. Now.”
Your laughter and surrender was immediate. “As you wish.” 
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Alas, for poor Anthony, that was not the end of the ordeal. 
In fact, it was the next morning as you made your way into breakfast that you faced the final consequences of your delinquency. 
Despite wishing to remain abed for the entire day, you’d been granted no such reprieve as your maid had entered your room at the usual appointed time and proceeded to open the curtains with no regard for the fact that you had slept a mere handful of hours. Whereas you would normally greet the day with a reluctant smile, you were in no state to manage much more than a groan as you were harshly ripped from your slumber.
If you had somehow not yet come to the conclusion that last night had been a bad idea, then the sudden flare of pain in your head at the bright intrusion was all the proof you needed. That, and the sudden churning in your stomach. 
You would never let Benedict or Eloise coax you into drinking with them again. 
You had not realised, despite how the idiom went, that what went up was sure to come down again - and you had come crashing down. 
“If you’re ready to dress, my lady, then breakfast will be served shortly,” your maid chirped, a dress already picked out for you to wear. She either couldn't detect your fragile state, or didn't seem to care as she continued speaking at a painfully loud volume. “My Lord sent me to wake you as he is finishing business in the study. He was up frightfully early, I could scarce believe it went the housemaids told me they’d already found him awake when they went to start the fires this morning. Gave young Samantha a right fright he did, scribbling away at his desk.” 
“Oh?” you croaked. 
You hadn’t even noticed the empty space in the bed bedside you until then. 
Clearly Anthony had risen early, if he’d even gone to sleep at all. Why were you not surprised? Your husband was perpetually in motion, always claiming there was something or someone that needed his urgent attention as the head of the Bridgerton clan. It was just one of the things that made you love him so much.
“Is he still there?”
“Yes, Ma’am,” the young girl continued, breezing about your room. “And that’s not the only strange incident this morning. It will tickle you rotten when I tell you the latest drama, but you see, Mrs Reynolds was ranting and raving about how she swore she had made three trays of fruit tarts last night, yet this morning, there were only two. The youngest kitchen maid, Betsy, is convinced it must be a ghost but my money is on Carter - the groom’s boy - he’s always snooping about the kitchen...” 
You winced. Ah. Maybe you hadn't been as stealthy last night as you’d hoped after all...
With as much enthusiasm as you could muster, you began to peel yourself from the mattress, trying to appear as if you were listening to your maid’s theories as she dressed you for the day. It then took all your resolve to make it downstairs and to the breakfast table without tripping over your own feet, or emptying the non-existent contents of your stomach. 
To your relief, only Eloise and Benedict had so far taken a seat at the breakfast table - and both looked about as miserable as you felt.  
“Good morning,” you mumbled, taking your usual chair next to the head of the table. You were quick to accept the steaming cup of coffee Benedict handed you, shooting him a thankful look. “Dare I ask how we feel?” 
“I think better than you and my dear sister here,” Benedict chirped, gesturing at a miserable looking Eloise. She had her head in her hands and was desperately trying to look at the plate of food in front of her with something other than repulsion. “Then again, I must admit I am somewhat more experienced in the art of late-night mischief than you both. I also did not have to deal with my brother before going to bed - thank you, again, for that noble sacrifice.”
“Your welcome,” you chuckled, a faint heat rising in your cheeks as you remembered the exact events after you and Anthony had gone to bed. “I just feel bad that you both got left to clean up the mess.” 
“Don’t be. I think we got it all.”
“You say that but I can’t remember anything after you started singing in French,” Eloise groaned, massaging her forehead once more. “I have the oddest feeling we may have forgotten something.”
You paused. You could only hope for your sake she was wrong. 
However, you were saved from such discussion by the arrival of the rest of the Bridgerton bunch. All conversation about your night-time escapades were quickly forgotten as Colin, Hyacinth and Gregory entered the room, bickering about something you couldn’t quite make out. They were swiftly followed by Violet and Francesca, who both looked unfairly cheerful for so early in the morning. 
You could only wish to look so fresh and composed before your first cup of whatever caffeinated beverage you could get your hands on. 
Then, finally, came your husband. Entering the room last, he turned and shot you a warm smile. Clearly, your shenanigans had been forgotten - for now - replaced instead by the memory of your other activities, much to the relief of you and your co-conspirators. 
In fact, you swore you saw Eloise exhale a breath of relief when Anthony didn't immediately launch into one of his lectures. Instead, he chose to join the rest of his family in helping himself to the awaiting breakfast spread, laid out on the sideboard for them, listening to some ongoing debate between his mother and youngest brother. 
“-but you said we could visit the park this afternoon.”
“I know, sweetheart, but I have to take Francesca and Eloise for their final fittings at the modiste. We shouldn’t be too long, and we can go after? Unless, perhaps your brothers will take you. Colin? Benedict? Anthony?”
Benedict looked physically pained at the idea of an afternoon at the park, what with his current delicate constitution and all. You honestly couldn't blame him. “Well, I uh - have a drawing class, this afternoon. Very last minute. Sorry.” 
“And I... um, have a meeting at the club?” Colin stammered hastily. “Anthony?” 
“Please, Anthony?” Gregory begged, all but pouting at his older brother as the pair made their way to the table. “I promise I’ll do all my lessons this week without complaining if you say yes. I’ll even let you have my pudding tonight.”
“As you asked so nicely, brother, I don’t see how an hour or so at the park could do any harm -” Anthony began, pulling out the chair next to you and lowering himself onto the seat in a moment that felt like it lasted forever as a horrifying sensation swept over you. 
You remembered what you’d forgotten. 
The chair.
“Anthony, wait-!”
The sudden crash was startling, as was the sight of your husband being sent flying backwards as the chair collapsed beneath him. 
No one moved. 
No one said a word. 
Benedict looked across at you and Eloise, the horror clear in his eyes as he choked the word you felt on the tip of your tongue: “Run!”
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whateverloomis · 1 month
What if you did a Billy x reader x Stu where they’re like IN LOVE in love w reader but the readers just super oblivious and when they kill their girlfriends readers just like “oh shit I’m next” but they confess they’re love also reader could be gender neutral
(I’m sorry if this sucks I am NOT good at requests)
Don't worry anon, it's totally okay! I feel like I got way too dramatic with this lmao, but we need a little bit of drama to spice things up once in a while :P
Warnings: Hopelessly romantic Billy and Stu (lol,) stalking, mentions of murders, touchy feely Billy and Stu, kissing (nothing too intense here,) unedited
Word count: 1.3k
Reader: GN, no pronouns used
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Casey, Tatum and now Sidney. You're most likely next. No, you are next, 100%. Why would the ghost face killer spare you? You're part of the friend group and you sure as hell aren't special. At least that's what you told yourself, but Billy and Stu thought different.
They were both painfully in love with you. They couldn't handle having anyone trying to hit on you and steal you from them. They were possessive and with each day it got even more intense and fucked up.
They's kill whoever showed any kind of romantic interest in you. It was unbearable to know there was someone else other than them who felt for you.
Billy loved to follow you to your house and make random apparitions when you least expected it. He thought it was so adorable when you did that little jump when he scared you.
"Billy! You scared me!" You said after gasping.
"Aw I didn't mean to." He said, eyes dark with amusement.
You looked around, anxiety evident since he triggered your fight or flight. What if there was someone else following you? What if the killer's stalking you without you realizing it? If Billy, your close friend who you could easily recognize could do it then a masked killer could do it too. You were terrified.
"It's okay I... Can you walk me home? It's getting kinda dark already." You asked and Billy smirked. He got exactly what he wanted.
"Sure thing."
Somewhere along the way he placed his hand around your waist while you guys walked. You didn’t think much of it since he obviously didn’t mean anything by it, so you thought. Instead, you expressed to him how scared you were because of the kills taking place in Woodsboro. It had been months since your friends were slaughtered and you got pretty good at suppressing your emotions and continuing your life semi normally, but it still got to you inevitably from time to time.
Billy and Stu were your primary source of comfort. After the kills took place they didn’t waste any time and became as close to you as they could.
“I understand your worries and fears, YN. Really, I do, but…” he trailed off. Billy didn’t want to exactly dismiss your words, he just wanted to play around with them a little bit so everything was in his and Stu’s favor.
“…but you have me now. Me and Stu. We’ll protect you no matter what. You’re safe, I promise.” Billy reassured and smirked in satisfaction once he felt you relax under his shoulder.
“You’re right,” you said softly as you climbed up the stairs to your front porch.
Billy stood in front of you, one step lower and leaned against the wooden rail. He looked into your eyes and for a second your heart skipped a beat, but you blinked quickly and looked away, composing yourself.
Billy is undeniably attractive but you couldn't go there, plus there was no chance in hell he'd be interested, so you brush any weird feelings away.
"You home alone tonight? I can keep you company if you'd like," the boy suggested and you definitely wouldn't have minded one bit. Being home alone wasn't your favorite thing especially after the murders. Much less being alone an entire week thanks to your parents being away on a work trip.
You hesitated for a moment, not knowing if it would be best to be alone or with someone in the house. What if Billy got killed instead of you? Or worse, what if you both got killed? In your own home? The irrational thoughts ran wild and Billy could see that you were lost in them.
"Hey" he said softly and grabbed your hand reassuringly, secretly seeking more physical contact with you; "It's okay if you don't want me to-" - "No, no it's not that I just..." you trailed off when you felt Billy touch your cheek with his free hand, looking into your eyes. Was he going to kiss you? It definitely looked like he was, but the boy got interrupted.
"What's up kiddos!? We having a party at YNs?" Stu broke Billy's moment as he approached from behind. The boy bit his lip in annoyance and glared at Stu as he made his way towards you and hugged you tightly, lifting you up in the process.
You inevitably giggled at his playfulness and placed your hands on his chest as he set you down.
"C'mon! Let's have a movie night or something! You got popcorn here?" Stu asked excitedly and you nodded. His cheerfulness made the idea sound perfect, so you took his offer and invited the boys in.
"Ugh, why is there always a lowkey love interest in horror movies? Everyone is gonna die anyways." You said related to the film you were watching.
Billy craned his neck to the side and looked at you, lifting an eyebrow in intrigue; "Why wouldn't there be? It makes things more interesting." He said and Stu hummed in agreement, lost in the sex scene that was taking place on the screen.
"Well, yeah but what's the point? Honestly." You replied and Billy gave you a confused expression.
"I mean, have you ever been in love? If you analyze it, it does make sense." Billy said and you thought for a second before replying; "Mm, no. I don't think I ever have."
At your words Billy shifted on the couch to face you completely. Stu paused the movie, too shocked to continue watching the film.
"Are you serious?" Billy asked and Stu looked at you in shock, his head resting on Billy's shoulder.
"No. It's not a big deal guys. Plus, nobody has ever been in love with me either so it doesn't really matter."
The boys tensed up at your words. Were you really that oblivious? The tension, the touchiness, the compliments, all their love languages spilled on you wasn't obvious enough?
"What if I told you that you're wrong?" Billy asked, his voice soft.
"The signs have been in front of you the whole time, YN!" Stu said, losing his patience.
You couldn't read their expressions or understand what they were trying to say. Were they admitting that they both love you? There was no way that could be true, right?
"Wh- What are you guys saying?" You asked and Billy had enough of your games, even though you had no idea they felt challenged by you.
The boy leaned in and kissed you. His hand immediately fell on your thigh and you couldn't help but kiss him back.
Stu stood up and sat behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and placing kisses on your shoulder.
You felt chills all over your body at the sensation of both of their lips on you. You never thought you'd ever be in this position, much less with your best friends. The only ones left after everything. The only ones who were there for you.
Your emotions were overwhelming. You were confused, excited and turned on all at once. Maybe you have feelings for them too and didn't even realize it.
"You don't know how much I've been waiting to get my hands on you." Billy whispered against your lips and kissed you a few more times before continuing; "Show you how much I feel for you... Fuck, how much we both feel for you." He bit his lower lip and kissed you again.
You moaned into Billy's mouth, his words were so promising. So real.
"Mhmm." Stu hummed softly in agreement next to you; "It's been driving me crazy, YN... Both of us." He continued and turned you around. It was his turn to kiss you now. You played with each other's tongues and moaned softly into each other's mouths before he finally said it; "We love you." He kissed you once more before continuing; "So fucking much." He finished as he squeezed your sides in excitement.
Billy wrapped his arms around you from behind, his limbs resting above Stu's; "So... So much, baby." He whispered in your ear and you just about melted.
You had so much to figure out. So much to address with yourself and so much confusion circling in your head, but all you could think about was how much you wanted them. How much you needed to feel them and explore their feelings further. How much you needed Billy Loomis and Stu Macher.
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zegrasdrysdale · 5 months
jamie and reader looking through baby names :((
[ what’s in a name ] j. drysdale
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paring : Jamie Drysdale x fem!reader
summary : Jamie and his girlfriend try to find the perfect baby name
warning(s) : none really
author’s note : this is very dialogue heavy btw. it’s very conversation based. also kinda short oops
Baby Drysdale is due in a month and they still don’t have a name. The nursery in their new house is Voorhees got done before they found a baby name.
There was a time where she knew what she wanted her baby's name to be. She was also ten. Now she’s an adult and is in charge of naming an actual human being.
Today is the day though. She and Jamie are going to sit down and pick out their baby’s name. Baby Drysdale will have a name before coming into the world if it’s the last thing they do.
Jamie sits at the kitchen island with a notebook while she runs around the kitchen to cook dinner. She’s been craving a baked dish so she’s making lasagna for them.
“Do we want a neutral gender name?” Jamie questions. “Since we don’t know if the baby’s a boy or a girl. We can come up with names for both a boy and a girl if you want too.”
She gently stirs the large pasta noodles as she thinks. “I think gender neutral is good,” she replies. “I do have one request though.”
“If we have a girl, her middle name is Marie for my mom.”
She looks up to look at her boyfriend and Jamie smiles at her. “Absolutely,” he says. “I won’t say no to that.”
Her mom died about three months before they found out they were expecting Baby Drysdale. It’s like she sent them the little angel growing in her daughter’s belly. That is why Baby Drysdale’s middle name will be Marie if they are a girl.
Jamie scribbles down the idea. “Okay, we have a middle name,” he comments. “If we have a girl. What about if we have a boy?”
She wracks her brain as she tries to think about a middle name if Baby Drysdale is a boy. “What about your brother or dad?” she asks. “Maybe a grandfather that meant a lot to you? Any of their names?”
Her boyfriend sighs behind her. “I mean, my dad’s name is Gary and my brother’s name is Charlie,” he replies. “I wasn’t super close to my grandfathers so I wouldn’t want to name our baby after one of them.”
“I like Charlie as a middle name,” she comments. “Would he mind if we stole his name?”
Jamie laughs. “I don’t think he’ll mind,” he tells her. “He would probably love it.”
“Then Charlie as a middle name if Baby Drysdale is a boy,” she says.
She pours the cooked pasta into a strainer in the sink so she can start layering the dish. “Now we need a first name,” Jamie says. “Especially a name that goes with both middle names we picked out.”
There’s movement behind her and she glances back. He is grabbing is laptop and bringing it back to the island. “What are you doing?” she questions.
“I am going to find a list of names and we are going to go through it until we find one we both like,” he says as he types something. “And the baby’s name isn’t going to be something basic and common either. We’re going all in.”
She laughs and layers the dish. “Alright,” she sighs. “Hit me with some names.”
“We got Avery first on the list,” Jamie tells her.
Avery Marie or Avery Charlie. “I’d like it better as a girl’s name,” she admits. “Avery Marie sounds very pretty.”
Jamie scribbles that done. “I agree,” he replies. “Next we have Taylor.”
She thinks about it as she licks some sauce off her finger. “I like it,” she says. “For both.”
More scribbling as she throws a layer of foil on top of the dish. “Next we have Wyatt,” Jamie says. “I will say that I am not a fan of this name. It doesn’t go well with either middle name.”
“Agreed. Next.”
There’s a moment of silence between them as she puts the dish in the oven and timer. She walks over to Jamie and wraps her arms around him from behind so she can see over his shoulder. “How about Silas if Baby D is a boy?” he asks. “It just popped up at a separate list at the end.”
Silas Charlie. “I love it,” she replies. She watches Jamie write it down.
“So I think we have our names,” Jamie comments. “Avery if Baby D is a girl and Silas if Baby D is a boy.” He looks up at her.
Without realizing it, tears well in her eyes. “We have our names,” she echoes. The tears spill onto her cheeks.
Jamie turns in the high stool and faces her. “Baby, you don’t have to cry,” he coos as he uses his thumbs to dry her tears. “This is supposed to be a happy moment.”
“I know,” she laughs. “I can’t help it. I’m a very emotional person right now.”
He pulls her into a hug and rests a hand on her belly to give the baby a hug. “I love you both,” Jamie says. “Emotions and all.”
She laughs and rests her cheek on her boyfriend’s head as he gently rubs her belly.
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literaila · 6 months
okay but like do you think gojo and oc would ever have a baby of their own, giving tsumiki and megumi a sibling, or are their adopted children enough?
sometimes i like to think oc would agree to become a teacher just to feel like all her students are also her babies.
i am personally of the belief that satoru wants a million children. and he says this, verbatim, when you get together.
“oh, just by the way we’re having ten kids, kay, love ya!”
but then there’s the fact that he doesn’t care where they come from. biological children, adopted children, curse wombs, mahito’s silly little transfigured humans… you got ‘em, he’ll take them.
you, on the other hand, have always been… wary about kids. i mean there’s no doubt that you adore them, think they’re precious little angels to be bestowed on only the best of beings—i mean, really, the reason satoru sought you out to help with megumi and tsumiki is because he knew you liked kids.
still… there’s that doubt, that worry that you could never be enough for a child. that you could never give them a childhood that you wanted and deserved.
teenage you is the gloomiest of them all, and if you asked her, she’d probably say no.
but then a stupid man brought home two children unannounced and swore he was going to help with them (he does… occasionally).
so, without warning, you gets the kids you’ve always (secretly) dreamed of. and who could ask for more than megumi and tsumiki, really? who even could?
(so obviously that fear is quickly washed away. i mean, there’s days, weeks, months of doubts where you’re sure that you’re doing everything wrong. sure that megumi is never going to be able to live in society as a normal human being, and that tsumiki is going to suffer from her soft, easygoing heart.
luckily satoru is also there to prove that if you think you’re doing anything wrong, he’s doing it ten times worse.
and sometimes he sweet talks you. but only for the rewards, of course.
you both learn that parenting is less about being perfect than adapting to the needs of the tiny beings, bending at their every will…)
still, even though you love megumi and tsumiki like they’ve crawled into your veins and strained all livelihood from you, having your own biological kids is a bit different.
satoru is all for it, no doubt, but he doesn’t push. he understands your hesitation—especially with how difficult everything’s become as the kids get older. the increase in curses, the rising fear that the world isn’t a safe place as is, and could never be a safe place for another baby.
(but don’t expect him not to stare at you when you’re helping a lost little girl across the street. or holding the baby of a friend. really, he’s just reminiscing… he’s not planning anything… probably…)
though, it doesn’t help either of you that satoru teaches the first years. in hindsight, you shouldn’t have let him make that decision, but it’s too late now.
satoru tries to bring every student home. even if they’ve got two healthy, loving parents—he’s calling a lawyer to draw up legal paperwork the moment yaga tells him there’s a new student about to come to jujutsu high.
what? the house is big enough for a guest, isn’t it? why do you think satoru was so pushy for all of those extra bedrooms?
(and you’ll scold him when there’s a another place set at the table. you’ll ask megumi to show the new student around the house, pointedly, and then you’ll make him recite the lengthy list of things he’s not supposed to do with every kid he meets (again)
but really, you don’t mind.
you’ve always thought that hearts were rather expandable things, and your son and daughter have only proven that fact.
and there’s a little part of you that can’t deny the admiration you have for satoru. his need to coddle every student of his, to comfort them endlessly, even if they don’t want it.
if you had to guess, you’d say that satoru’s heart is the stretchiest.
so you only tug on his hair a little. and then you’ll sit right next to him at dinner, letting him hold your hand under the table).
and there’s been a couple of times where you bring someone of your own home. just as a little payback, of course. no other reason….
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canirove · 6 months
Mason Mount Imagine | seven
Author's note: I hadn't written an imagine in ages, but yesterday after seeing these gifs of Mason at that charity event the other day I got inspired, and here we are 😁 Hopefully this will give me the last push I need to finish my next story, who also happens to be about Mason 👀 As always, I hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜 Little summary: Your dad works at a chairty auction and has asked you to be his plus one. You expect to bore yourself to death, but a cute guy with a dimple has other plans 👀 (Female reader/pov)
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“Dad, do I really have to go?”
“Yes, honey. You must.”
“But it is going to be so boring…” I complain. “What am I going to do at an auction full of old people?”
“Thank you for the compliment” he chuckles. “But you will be supporting your father after months of hard work. And there will be young people too.”
“Sure” I snort.
“There will be. Now c'mon, I can't be late.”
“Chop, chop, honey.”
“Ok, fine” I sigh. “Just promise me you won't call me honey in front of everyone.”
“I won't” he smiles, opening the door of our house. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thank you, dad. But I feel like I may rip this dress any moment now” I say as I walk past him, crossing all my fingers so it actually doesn't happen, and I end up making a fool of myself in front of all his work colleagues and some of the richest people in the city. 
“Ok, this is your seat, hon… Your seat” my dad smiles after I give him a murderous look. 
“Aren't you sitting down with me?”
“I still have to take care of a bunch of things.”
“Are you leaving me alone? And surrounded by strangers?”
“You'll be fine, honey” he chuckles. “I promise I'll come and have a drink with you. Now try to have some fun.”
“But dad…” I start, not being able to finish my complaint since he is already gone. "Great" I sigh.
“So, do you come here often?” someone says, taking the empty seat next to mine.
“I beg your pardon?” I say, turning around to face the owner of that voice. 
“That was bad, wasn't it?” he laughs.
“Worse” I say, my eyes fixed on him. On the cutest guy I have ever laid eyes on. 
He is wearing a classic black suit with a black tie, nothing too shocking. But paired with the smile on his face and the dimple on his left cheek… wow. Simply wow.
“What are you doing at an event like this, tho?” he asks me. “I wasn't expecting to meet anyone younger than 50” he chuckles, his dimple showing once again. Is it possible to fall in love with something like that? Because I think I just have.
“My dad convinced to come as his plus one and support him tonight.”
“Is he part of the auction?” 
“He is the guy running around like a headless chicken to make sure everything is ok” I laugh, looking at him when he suddenly shows up running up and down the stage.
“Yep, that's him. Do you know him?”
“I do. He is a really nice guy.”
“I may be a bit biased here… But he is, yes” I smile. “He has put so much work and sleepless nights into today's auction… Like, I don't know how many coffees I made for him while he tried to convince this football player to be part of it.”
“A football player?”
“Yeah, a super famous one, I can't remember his name. He kept telling my dad that he was super busy with other commitments” I snort. “What commitments could have a guy who makes a living from kicking a ball? Spending lots of money in ugly clothes just because they have a certain logo, and buying huge cars?”
“Don't forget about the ugly haircuts and tattoos” he chuckles.
“That too.”
“Aren't you into football, then?”
“Nah, not my thing. What about you?” I ask him, finally daring to look him in the eyes. Which is a big mistake, because even in the kind of dark light of the room, I can see that he has the most beautiful brown eyes ever. Eyes that are currently giving me a mischievous look I can't understand. 
“Not my thing either. Footballers are a bunch of twats” he says, making me laugh. “Anyway... I know we just met, but I'm gonna need your help with something.”
“Yours” he says with a smile that matches the look on his eyes. “I'm about to be auctioned.”
“You what?”
“It sounds bad if you say it like that, but people are basically going to bid money to have a personal experience with me.”
“That isn't making it sound any better.”
“Oh, you dirty mind” he smirks, making my cheeks start to burn. Thank God he can't notice with the low light. Or can he? “But some people here may be expecting that kind of experience. Earlier I overheard a couple of women talking about me and looking at me in a way that… Well. You can imagine.”
“I don't blame them, tho” I say, speaking before thinking.
“Thank you” he smiles, that dimple I'm definitely in love with showing in all its glory. “So, what I need you to do, is to win my auction.”
“What? With which money?”
“What?” I say again. “Is that allowed?”
“I don't think so. But since it is for charity, I think your dad can look the other way and allow it. What do you say? Will you win this for me? I promise you you will have the best date ever.”
“A date?” I say, almost choking with my own words.
“Unless you have a partner and I'm making things weird.”
“No, no. There is no one” I quickly say, my cheeks burning once again, and especially when I notice how I've made him smile.
“Great” he says. “It'll be very easy. They will say a number and you…”
“I know how an auction works.”
“Yes, of course. Of course you do” he apologizes. “Will you do it, then? Pretty please?” he pouts, making me focus on his lips. Lips that look so kissable and so…
“Fine, I will” I sigh, giving up and focusing on a different part of his face. But even his hair looks attractive.
“Thank you” he smiles once again, kissing my cheek. “And that's my cue, I have to go. Don't worry about the amount of money, ok? I can pay whatever they offer.”
“Ok” I nod, my brain still thinking about the feeling of his lips on my cheek, on how my skin tingles.
“And you have number 19 on your bidding paddle, that's my lucky one. Everything will work out, you'll see.”
“Yes” I nod again. 
“See you in a bit” he winks before leaving our table and me trying to understand everything I'm feeling and that just happened.
“And now for our next bidding… Mr. Mason Mount, Manchester United player and football star!” a voice announces from the stage.
“What?” I say, snapping out of whatever is going on with me and focusing on the guy walking up the stage. “No way” I gasp.
It's him. The cute boy with the dimple who just convinced me to bid for him and win this auction… It's Mason freaking Mount. The football player my dad spent hours trying to convince to attend tonight. The one I basically called a twat to his face.
“Remember that the winner will get to enjoy a personal experience with Mr. Mount. Not that type of experience...” the auctioneer chuckles as some women start giggling. “Are we ready? We'll begin with £1,000.”
The moment he says that number, a bunch of bidding paddles are raised. 
“Ok, what about £2,000? Does anyone offer £2,000?”
More paddles around me. People definitely are eager to spend some time with him, with Mason. And once again, I don't blame them.
I've spent five minutes with him, and you could say they have been some of the best five minutes of my life. And not because of how handsome and cute he is or because I'm in love with his dimple. There is something about him, about the way he talks, looks and listens to you, that makes you feel… I don't know. Comfortable.
“What about… £5,000!”
Still the same amount of paddles. No one is giving up. And it keeps being like that as the number keeps going up and up until it makes it to…
“£50,000! Does anyone offer £50,000?” 
People start whispering among themselves, trying to decide if they should make an offer or not. And then, a blonde woman raises her bidding paddle. 
“We have an offer! Anyone else?” the auctioneer says.
That woman is going to win, and Mason doesn't seem to be too happy about it. The look he is giving me from the stage is saying it all, and also reminding me that I should be bidding for him too.
“And we have another offer!” the auctioneer says when I raise my paddle, Mason smiling from ear to ear while my dad looks at me as if I've grown another head.
“What the hell?” he mouths.
“Trust me” I say back.
“Ok, what about £51,000? Does anyone offer £51,000? Ladies?”
Once again, I can feel Mason's eyes fixed on me.
“And we have £51,000 from the lady in the back!” the auctioneer announces when I raise my paddle, everyone in the room looking my way. “£51,000 at one… £51,000 at two… £51,000 at three! We have a winner!” he says, hitting his little hammer so loud that I can feel it in my bones, Mason pointing in my direction with a smile that could make anyone's knees feel like jelly. Dear God, what did I just do? 
“Honey, what did you just do? Are you drunk?” my dad says, suddenly showing up next to me.
“I can explain everything, I swear.”
“Miss, could you please join us on stage?” the auctioneer says.
“You better. Now let's go, they are waiting for you.”
“But dad, wait. I can't. I can't go in there.”
“You won the auction, honey. You must go up there” he says, helping me get up.
“Dad, I can't. I…” And then, I hear it. The back of my dress ripping. “Dad!” But he isn't listening, already dragging me to the stage where Mason is waiting.
“Please let's give a round of applause for this young lady!” the auctioneer says.
“Thank you for… Hey, are you ok?” Mason says as he takes my hand and helps me up the stage.
“I'm pretty sure I just ripped the back of my dress” I say while everyone claps.
“Oh, shit” he says, looking at my back. “I'll help you, don't worry.”
“Do you have magical fingers?” I say with a nervous laugh. “Like fingers that can sew” I quickly add after seeing the smirk on his face.
“I do have magical fingers, and among other things, they can do this” Mason says, putting his hand on my back to make sure the dress doesn't open, the feeling making me gasp. 
“Thank you very much for your generosity, Miss” the auctioneer says, unaware of everything that is going on. “We hope you enjoy your time with Mr. Mount.”
“Thank you” I manage to say, my brain only being able to focus on Mason's hand on my back, on one of his fingers touching my skin. I'm pretty sure he can feel it burning.
“Now, onto our next bid!” he announces as we leave the stage, my dad already waiting for us. 
“What have you done, honey? £51,000! We don't have that money!”
“But I do, Martin. I asked her to bid for me” Mason explains. “Here, put this on” he says, taking off his jacket and putting it around my shoulders. “This should help cover the back of your dress.”
“Thank you” I mutter, missing the feeling of his hand and especially that one finger on my back. Though it doesn't last long. He is so close to me while helping me with his jacket, that I can smell his perfume all around me, and it smells so good… 
“What do you mean you asked her to bid for you?” my dad asks, completely ignoring that I may be melting.
“I didn't want one of those women to win. I don't trust them, to be honest” he chuckles. “And this is for charity, isn't it? It should not matter if the money comes from me or them.”
“I guess, yes. But…”
“Martin? We need you” someone says behind my dad.
“Yes, of course” he tells them. “We'll continue this conversation later” he says, looking first at Mason and then at me. 
“That went well” he chuckles as we watch my dad walk away.
“Did it?”
“It did. They now have £51,000 they will definitely put to good use, I am free from that woman, and you just got yourself a personal experience with Mason Mount” he smiles.
“Hasn't all this been an experience already?”  
“It definitely has, yes” he chuckles. “But the one I'm offering you will be more enjoyable. We could go shopping for ugly and very expensive clothes” he says with a teasing smile.
“I could actually do with a new dress seeing that this one… Well. It has seen better days.” 
“You look beautiful, tho.”
“Thank you” I mutter, looking down and starting to play with one of the buttons on his jacket to hide that my face is about to burst into flames. “Sorry about what I said earlier, by the way.”
“About what?”
“About calling you a twat.”
“I called myself a twat, you didn't. And if someone has to apologize, that should be me for not telling you who I really was.”
“I guess...”
“I think this makes it a tie in the apologies department. Don't you agree… honey?”
“I beg your pardon?” I say, finally daring to look him in the face.
“Ok, ok. Forget that I said that” he laughs. “The look you just gave me is scary as hell.”
“You deserve it. That is my dad's nickname, and no one else can use it. Sometimes not even him.” Like tonight, for example.
“I'm sorry. I truly am” Mason says, getting serious. “I just thought it was really cute.”
“When you are a kid, maybe. But I'm not five anymore.”
“I'm sorry” he says again. “I guess I'll have to think of a good nickname for our date. Something that doesn't sound too childish and that…”
“Wait, wait, wait” I interrupt him. “Our date?”
“Or personal experience, call it what you want” he shrugs.
“Are we actually doing it?”
“Of course we are. You paid for it, didn't you?”
“You paid for it” I correct him.
“Small details” he replies. “But you and I are going on a date, and I promise you it is gonna be an experience you won't forget” Mason says, taking my hand on his and kissing it, the way he is looking at me when he does it, plus the smile on his face (dimple included) and the feeling of his lips on my skin, making me feel things I can't explain.
I'm going out on a date with Mason Mount. The Mason Mount. A freaking football star.
And oh... my God.
Authors note: I know some of you may now be like, I need a part 2, I need to know what do they do on that date! 😅 But I've run out of ideas, so if you can think of something they could do or where they could go, let me know and I'll try to write something. Though I can't promise anything.
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unangelic-thoughts · 9 months
Forgive me...I want you. (Joel Miller x AFAB!Reader)
Summary: After a drunken mistake where you expose yourself to your aunt's boyfriend, you unknowingly start something between you beyond your wildest dreams…
Warnings: NSFW smut 18+, infidelity, age gap, masturbating while being watched, phone sex (sorta?? but more like window sex??)
Word Count: 3k
Author’s note: A specific part in this is loosely inspired by taylor swift's 'you belong with me' scene where they see each other through their bedroom windows…hehe…;)
Reblogs and interactions are most appreciated <333
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I walk as quietly as I can up the stairs of the house I currently live in with my parents so as to not wake them at one thirty in the morning. Although I'm in my mid twenties and would love nothing more but to have my own place, rent is ridiculously expensive and I'd rather save up for as long as I can. Thankfully for me, I get along with them both and we respect each other's privacy - so it works.
I shut the door to my bedroom quietly, extending my hand to the wall beside me to switch the light on. I take my cross-body bag off over my head and throw it on my bed with a sigh. Running my hands through my hair, I think back to today's unfortunate events. From deciding to surprise my girlfriend on our six month anniversary, to catching her in bed with my best friend, to going from bar to bar with my sweet Angel of a cousin to try and forget it all; I am completely and utterly emotionally and physically exhausted.
The makeup I put on earlier today is patchy and smudged but I feel too numb to care. Walking into my on-suite bathroom, I stare at myself in the mirror while my arms rest on either side of the sink. Black streaks of mascara cover my cheeks from where I'd been crying. I take a deep breath, grabbing a makeup wipe and take it all off.
Once I'm done with skincare, I walk back into my bedroom and pick out a clean pair of undies and oversized tee from my closet, setting them out at the end of my bed. I begin stripping from my clothes, starting with my top, then my skirt and tights. I stand up straight, my hands reaching behind my back to take my bra off when I lock eyes with Joel and I freeze.
Joel is my next door neighbour. He is also my dad's sister's husband. In my current messy state, I  completely forgot to pull my curtains shut and that Joel's office literally faces my bedroom. In my defence, I wasn't expecting him to be up this late.
The initial state of shock begins to subside but neither of us has attempted to look away first. I'm reminded of the very innocent crush I've had on him since the day my aunt introduced us to him five years ago. Of course, I knew it was futile - considering the whole Joel-is-now-technically-my-uncle thing as well as the age gap thing. I never let myself think about it too seriously except for the times late at night whenever I've struggled to fall asleep. Thoughts of him laying on top of me, kissing down my neck while his hands caress my body intrude my mind more often than I'd like to admit and I feel so guilty, but I can't help it.
It feels like I've been standing there half-naked in front of my window for hours when in reality it's only been a second or two. I spot my dressing gown draped over my swivel chair in the corner of my eye and I quickly grab it to cover myself as best as I can.
When I look back at him, his eyes have fallen to the laptop in front of him and I instantly feel the loss of his intense stare. A pang of disappointment hits me, missing the feel of his eyes on me and the way it ignited a fire in my lower belly.
Desperate to get his attention, I loosen the grip I have on my dressing gown and let it fall in front me, exposing me once more. His dark brown eyes instantly meet mine again and it makes my insides flip.
I swallow down the lump in my throat, deciding to ignore the warning lights and sirens going off in my head that are telling me how terrible of an idea this is. But in this moment, I couldn't care less. I just want to feel wanted.
My hands find their way to my bra for a second time and unclasp it. I hold the cups of my bra against my breasts, a moment of hesitation washing over me but I shake that feeling away as I shake off my bra.
Joel goes very still and it feels good to know I'm having an effect on him, so I continue. My hands drop to my panties, my thumbs hooking on either side as I slowly slide them down my legs and step out of them.
I feel so empowered and in full control of the situation, which is exactly what I need right now. I turn around, grabbing my clean undies and slipping them on followed by my oversized tee. I walk to my window, wishing I could reach out to touch him but instead, I pull the curtains shut knowing I've already gone too far and put an end to whatever this is.
I've avoided Joel for two whole weeks since that night; not that it has been hard to do since he's definitely been avoiding me too. He hasn't even spared me a glance when we've passed by each other in our adjacent driveaways, oftentimes me going out and him coming home at the same time.
The anxiety of what I'd done was eating me up the first few days, worried that he'd tell my aunt about it. But the longer it's been, the more confident I feel that he's not planning on telling a soul. God, if anyone found out about my drunken mistake, it would completely destroy our family.
I've thought of countless of ways I could apologize to him but none seem good enough, worried it'll just make things more awkward; if that's even possible. Sometimes it's better to pretend like nothing ever happened and things will eventually fix by themselves with time. Yes...I just have to give it some time and it'll soon be a distant memory...
The chime of the doorbell distracts me from my current seated position on the sofa, one hand holding the book I've been reading and the other stroking my cat, Felix. I place the book next to me and cradle Felix in my arms like the little baby that he is and head to the door.
It's my aunt, Tess. "Hi hun, are you enjoying your weekend alone?" She extends an arm to rub Felix under his chin.
"Yeah, it's been nice having the house all to myself. Mum and dad won't be back until late Monday evening so I still have a couple of days of peace." I say, chuckling.
"That's great! Although I'm about to disturb that peace, but not for long. I promise! I just need a small favour." She cautiously smiles at me.
"As long as it doesn't involve screaming kids or maths, I'm happy to help." I respond lightheartedly.
"So, I ordered a couple of new sculptures of Athena and the delivery driver just dropped them off outside our door. He ran off before I could get the chance to ask him to help bring them in." She sighs.
"Oh my God, more Greek sculptures? You're obsessed! Don't you already have like 50? How do they all fit in the house?!" I say half-serious, half-laughing while I shake my head. For the past year, Tess has developed a fascination for Greek mythology and the house has basically turned into a museum of Ancient Greece.
"I know, I know." Tess replies, swinging her hands back and forth to dismiss my accusation. "Anyway, I've hurt my back so I can't lift anything and Joel needs another person to help him. Would you mind lending  him a hand?"
"Yeah, sure." I somehow manage to say nonchalantly even though inside I'm screaming. The last thing I want to do is be near Joel but I can't tell Tess that. "I'll be out in a minute" I say, forcing a smile and nod my head as I step back into the house to slip into something more appropriate. 
Once I've pulled my shit together and reassured myself that this isn't a big deal, I make the short walk over to their place. The door opens before I reach the steps, both Tess and Joel coming out at the same time. She places a quick peck on his lips before making her way to her car. "Just going to do some grocery shopping, I won't be long. And be careful with my sculptures!" She calls out as she shuts the car door after her.
I notice the silence between us immediately, fiddling my hands nervously. "Where do these need to go?" I ask as I point to the sculptures in front of me, desperate to be done with this as quickly as possible.
Joel doesn't hold my gaze however, and it makes me think that what happened is still bothering him. "One in the living room and one in the bedroom."
Once we've figured out how to carry the first one, we manage to place it in the living room with relative ease. The second one however is much trickier, needing to be carried all the way to the upstairs bedroom. I can feel myself building up a sweat but I try my best to keep my breathing steady. Once we reach the room, we set it down in its new spot. Not even a second later and I trip over my own foot, falling towards the direction of the sculpture. Joel is there before I know it, one hand holding Athena and the other steadying me. The feel of his arm around me feels different to any other time we've hugged, I notice.
"That was close." He says, pulling back once I've got both feet on the ground.
"It was. Thank you. Tess would kill me if anything happened to it." I exhale, widening my eyes in horror at the thought of breaking the sculpture.
"And I'd be right there with you too. She can be a scary woman when she wants to be." He jokes, an uneasy smile on his face.
"I'm sorry." I blurt out as I fix my gaze on the sculpture rather than Joel.
"Don't worry about it, nothin' broke so we get to live another day." He shrugs his shoulders as his hands rest on his hips and laughs.
"Not about that...I'm sorry about what happened that night. I was drunk and it was wrong of me." I find myself saying before I can stop myself, the guilt finally getting to me.
The grin on his face immediately drops and I brace myself for what he has to say.
"It was a fucked up thing to do and it's best that we forget about it." He says, his tone razor sharp.
"I know and for that, I sincerely apologize." His words sting even though I know they shouldn't. I mean, he didn't look away either. It can't just be all on me, he could've easily left. He had plenty of opportunity to do so.
"You put me in a really uncomfortable position. What would Tess say if she found out? What would your parents think?" His brows are furrowed together in anger and I regret ever bringing it up.
"I-I wasn't in a good place mentally and I definitely wasn't sober but I don't think it's fair to put all the blame on me." I defend, shaking my head.
His eyebrows shoot up in surprise, "And who should share the blame? Me?"
It's my turn to furrow my brows, not liking where this conversation is going. "Well, yeah. You clearly didn't dislike what you saw. You could've left at any time."
"I think you should leave." He responds firmly, crossing his arms.
"You don't have to tell me twice." I scowl. Turning on my heal, I strut out of the room and slam the door shut behind me. Regret fills my chest, not for my drunken striptease, but for my stupid attempt at apologising to that asshole.
*** He tries to apologise to me twice this week but I blank him both times. He tells me that Tess noticed something has been off with us and confronted him about it. He told her it's because he yelled at me when I almost broke one of her statues and now I'm mad at him. That's the only reason he wants to apologise, so that everything seems normal in front of everyone else; not because he's genuinely sorry. So no, I'm not ready to forgive him that easily.
I'm having one of those late night closet clear outs, deciding whether my denim midi skirt is staying in the keep pile or the donation pile when my phone rings.
My breath hitches as the name of last person I thought would be calling me right now pops up on the screen. At first I think it might be a mistake, but as it rings for the fourth time, I have to decide whether to answer or ignore it.
He's never called me this late before and the curiosity takes over, so I swipe the green button on the screen and put the phone to my ear.
"Joel?" I ask hesitantly, even though I know it's him calling.
"Can we talk?" His voice low on the other end of the line.
"I'm busy right now." I reply, finally tossing the skirt I've been holding to the keep pile.
"No, you're not. I can literally see you in your bedroom." With that, I turn around and look up. Lo and behold, Joel is standing in front of his office's french doors and he's looking right at me.
"What do you want?" I ask, my heartbeat increasing tenfold.
I watch as his hand trails up his shirt, his fingers starting to unbutton it from the top.
"Tell me to stop at anytime, and I will." He whispers as I stand there completely dumbfounded.
Once his shirt is unbuttoned, he shrugs it off his shoulders, letting it fall on the floor behind him. It exposes his soft chest and belly, and I can't take my eyes off of him.
His hands move on to his belt, swiftly removing it from his jeans and popping open the button. He stops just before he pulls his zipper down and I feel a pang of disappointment until I hear his voice once more.
"Do you want me to stop?" He asks simply, as if he hasn't just asked me such an incongruous question.
I shake my head from side to side ever so slightly, it's barely noticeable.
"I need you to use your words darlin'" He's looking at me intently and it makes me feel lightheaded.
I don't want to say it out loud but if I-
"Don't. Don't stop." I surprise myself at how sure I sound, not realising how badly I've wanted this since I exposed myself to him until this very moment.
I notice his chest contract as he exhales in relief; Like he was hoping I'd want this just as much as he does.
He continues then, removing his jeans completely and takes a seat on the chair behind him while still facing me.
"Your turn." It takes me a minute to process what he's saying. He wants to see me naked. Again. Part of me questions whether this is a prank but the part of me that has secretely wanted to do this since forever decides to push the doubts aside.
I hesitate only for a second before I remember that I've done this before and he's already seen my exposed body, and then I strip down to my underwear - just like he has.
His hand reaches inside his boxers and he begins to stroke himself. My panties are soaked within seconds. His breathing becomes shallow as he increases the speed of his hand on his member. My hand is on my breast, squeezing it hard as my thumb and index finger stroke my nipple.
"Touch yourself." He orders and I immediately oblige, my hand gliding from my breast to my soft tummy and finally underneath my panties. I hiss as my fingers touch my bundle of nerves, making circular motions. I'm already so wet at the sight in front of me that it doesn't take long for me to slide my fingers through my contracting walls. I pump my fingers with the same rhythm that he strokes his cock as I close my eyes to imagine that it's him inside of me. It feels so good and yet it's not enough, but I know that this is going to be as good as it's ever going to get. This won't ever happen again. I shake those thoughts away and decide to savour the present moment.
Opening up my eyes again, my gaze is back on Joel. His mouth is parted lightly and his eyes are half shut as his head rests on the back of his chair. His movements under his boxers become more frantic and I know he's close. It drives me to go faster and I yelp as I unexpectedly hit a sweet spot, "Fuck!"
"Keep going baby." He urges me on as he grunts in pleasure. My eyes shut tightly and I bite my lower lip, fastening my pace which causes squelching sounds from my dripping pussy.
"Atta girl." He praises, seemingly satisfied by the sounds travelling through the phone.
I whimper in pleasure as I feel the orgasm build inside of me. I stare back at Joel who lets out a "Fuck" at the same moment that I do. We both come apart together, moaning and whimpering in unison; creating a sweet melody of pleasure.
I never, in a million years, thought that I would ever get the chance to see and hear him coming undone but it's the most mesmerizing thing I've ever witnessed. 
"Am I forgiven?" He asks once his breathing has returned to normal.
"I think you already know the answer to that." I say, as a smile creeps up on my damp face.
Thank you for reading! I'd love it if you let me know your throughts <3 (Uuumm personally, I would jump straight through that goddamn window and onto his lap...fuckkkk)
Lots of love, Elki xoxo
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tangerinesilk · 1 year
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tangerine is going on a solo mission… well, at least he thinks he is. with lemon missing by his side, he’s left with one other option that is supposed to make his job easier. unfortunately for him, you’re not the easiest to work with. stubborn, strong-minded and feisty. you’re both so alike yet nothing has made your bloods boil more than each other. 
rating ✷ r (18+ minors dni!)
warnings ✷ (very quick) smut: fem receiving, kisses all over bodies, a needy but quick hj, p in v, dirty talk, praising, implied rough (consensual) sex / others: cursing, drinking alcohol, mention and use of guns and violence, male hurting female (?) but not between main characters, mentions of blood and wounds.
tropes ✷ enemies to lovers!!!, person a is all talk no bite + person b knows that but still pushes them, playful banter, hiding together in small spaces, fake dating (?), if one is hurt– the other goes a bit crazy, says ‘i dont care’ then cares 5 seconds later. 
word count ✷ 6k!
songs that fit the vibe ✷ i can see you - taylor swift | moth to a flame - swedish house mafia + the weeknd | king of my heart - taylor swift | attention - charlie puth | nonsense - sabrina carpenter
a/n ✷ so i made a poll a months ago and this trope + pairing won! i’ve honestly been wanting to write a dave lizewski one as well and got a request idea. so.. we will see lmao. i will probably post then maybe edit later if there's still things i don't like... also, if you couldn't tell but im kind of a swiftie so i will love to write fics inspired by whole ass albums y'all.
but i hope this is what u guys expected and wanted. i actually do love writing for tangerine. just gives into my delulu thoughts. also, if you guys would like a plain pwp fic and not all of this fluff and dialogue stuffed inside, pls let me know bc i am definitely into that idea. 🫡
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“You had to go and get yourself shot… then you wonder why you have to wear a bulletproof vest. Fuckin’ hell.” 
Tangerine kept his voice at a hushed tone, basically talking under his breath as he strutted through the grand hall of the hotel. Golden light glossed over his figure, passing by couples who were at standing tables with their cocktails.
“Well, Thomas said-”
“Thomas didn’t say shit. Don’t get me fuckin’ started now.”
Lemon already knew Tan was in a bad mood. Another Thomas the Tank Engine factoid wasn’t a playful move right now.
“Hey, mate. Don’t get all fussy wit’ me. You’re just mad about your new partner for the night.” Lemon rolled his eyes.
“Can’t believe I can’t be held accountable of myself. I can handle it on my own but you had to call the fuckin’ princess-” 
“She’s good. Your denial is obnoxious, bruv. It’s only a night, you get in and get out.” Lemon replied, holding his wounded side as he laid in his bed back in England, “What happened between you two that you’ve got beef like this?”
“No time to explain nor do I have the patience.” He arrived at the small bar to the side of the room, “If I leave her behind, can I take half the pay that’s supposed to be hers?” Tangerine asked.
“She’s supposed to be wearing a red dress. You’ll see her there… and please don’t cause a scene.” His brother begged.
“No promises.” He replied before hanging up. 
Tangerine blows a sigh past his lips, quickly asking for his drink of choice before scanning the mass of people around him. His blue eyes could only search so fast for the man that the hit was called on, causing him an instant frustration when he’s already worried about you ruining things regardless of how long you’re together.
“He’s next to the woman in the tacky gold ballgown… about two feet away from the ice sculpture.” Your soft voice suddenly spoke next to him, “But, I didn’t need to tell you that, right?”
The smirk on your face burned at his nerves and you noticed the clench in his jaw.
“Well, if it isn’t the fuckin’ Queen herself.” He said in a stern tone, “What? Germany was too borin’ for ya? Had to figure out a way to ruin someone’s operation?”
“Lemon is the one who called me in, and it isn’t about you. It’s about the pay out… you’re bound to screw something up with your ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ tactic.” You trailed, rolling your eyes as you turned your head away.
“And I’m certainly not afraid to use that tonight and not your fucked up, painfully long mind games like some fuckin’ psycho thilling killer.” He spat as his drink was place in front of him.
You narrowed your eyes at him, “Fuck you.”
“Darling, I’m flattered, but we have more important things to do right now.” He lowly groaned, purposefully looking at his target so his back was facing toward you.
Behind his tall stature, you glimpsed past his shoulder and saw your target chatting up a woman. 
He won’t be smiling for long, you thought.
“Alright, I’ll wait for him to slip away, follow him and you go through the kitchen.” Tangerine said under his breath, keeping quiet for only you to hear him.
“To go where?” You ask, walking around him to stand face to face.
“Erm…” He sighed, “Whatever car or vehicle you got here in, drive yourself back to whatever place you’re staying and I’ll figure out how to wire you the money.” He shrugged, downing the rest of his drink.
He took a step but you placed your hand on the center of his chest, “Not so fast. I’m not going down if you make a mess of this.”
“I don’t make messes. Well, actually, I get away with them once I’ve done ‘em so, I don’t need to worry about a liability.” Tangerine smirked, a bit of a tilt to his head. Cheeky bastard.
“The only liability here is the one who is ready to pull the trigger in his back.” You said before huffing, “I’m not sorry for what happened in Paris, but that was my choice. So, I’m going with you because it’s our operation. You know… I don’t need a fucking helping hand either.” You practically growled.
The two of you held a long gaze, creating a tense eye contact before he sighed, “Didn’t even say anythin’ about Paris, but if you’d like to assume I’m still mad ‘bout that, be my guest, princess.”
His shoulder bumped yours, making you clench your jaw before quickly following behind his tall stature. While he seemed persistent, you grabbed his hand which made him stop in his tracks in the middle of the dance floor.
He turned, “Am I your babysitter?”
“No, you’re my date. Hold my hand, you idiot.” Your eyes pierced through his.
As he looked down at your hand, he slowly grasped it, your fingers intertwining with one another’s before he proceeded through the glamorous crowd.
Couples swayed and waltzed between each step you took, assuming you were unnoticed by your target. Tangerine kept his eyes on him, easy to with the frosty-white full head of hair he had slicked back. The woman in the tacky dress ran her hand down his shoulder, pressing her lips to his ear to whisper something which made you and Tangerine veer to the side at a standing table.
“Are they movin’?” He asked, facing his back toward them.
Your eyes smoothly shift, taking a quick glance at the assumed couple. You ran your hand down Tangerine’s arm, accidentally feeling how toned his bicep was through the thick fabric of his suit jacket. You almost glanced down, wanting to give another squeeze before clearing your throat. A heat rose on your cheeks as you turned your head to face away from him.
“Y-Yeah, near the bathroom. There’s also a backdoor that leads up to the second floor… lots of private rooms for reasons that are obvious.” You said in a hushed tone, moving away from him to the other side of the table.
“Alright, since you wanna tag along, I’ll follow them and you cover the door.” Tangerine suggested once again.
You furrowed your eyebrows, “You do understand what teamwork is, yes?”
He chuckled, “Yes, I go up there, shoot a few rounds, then we make a getaway.”
“Will you just trust me?”
“Your trust means nothing… I need to know you’re not going to fuck anything up. Just like in Paris.”
You smirked, “So you do have that against me.”
“Well, it’s not like it was your best. Leave me with a shot in the arm, Lemon on the ground and you, little miss greed, get away with your cash. If we all did this job for money, we wouldn’t be riskin’ our lives just runnin’ around killin’ or resucin’ people just for someone’s dime. You obviously do though.”
You narrowed your eyes, “You don’t know me…”
“Nor do you know me so…” He huffed, “Let’s just do what we have to do.”
There was tension between you, as if there was more fo a protective instinct than hate toward one another. You couldn't figure out Tangerine’s deal. Why was he so hostile toward you? Yes, what happened in Paris was fucked up, but he wasn’t the type to hold a grudge. He didn’t take shit from anyone, so why were you getting under his skin?
“Shit!” He grunted under his breath, seeing your target disappear into the hall.
The two of you hurry, yet still try to act casual to not raise eyebrows, and exit into the same hallway. As you push open the door, you hear the two talking in the stairwell before another door closes.
“You got your gun on you?” He asked as his hand slid into the back of his pants.
“Of course.” You scoffed, tearing up the slit in your dress. He saw the small pistol strapped to your thigh, making his mouth a bit dry.
He nodded, “Good…” 
Taking a quick breath, Tangerine opened the door. You slipped through and he followed behind, your backs facing one another as you scanned the hallway. It wasn’t narrow but if anyone slipped out of one of the rooms, they were right in your sights.
“I’ll take this one, you take that one.” He whispered, pointing his gun to the opposite door of his.
With your heart in your throat, you slowly crack the door open and don’t see anyone before a body flies from behind and slammed the door open from Tangerine’s side. The woman lied dead on the floor, blood all over his dress, and just as you turned around, a punch slid across your cheek. 
Instinctively, you ducked to dodge the second jab and swoop under to get on the other side of the man as Tangerine wrapped his arms around the guy to pull him to the ground.
Tan loudly grunted as he tried to gain control, basically attempting to straddle him in order to push his arm against his neck. Even with all his strength, the man gripped his hands around Tangerine’s arms to throw him off along with trying to push his knee between his crotch.
“Watch the door!” Tan directed to you. 
You nodded, catching your breath with your back against the wall by the door. The adrenaline ran through your veins and heard your heartbeat in your ears as one tear of blood dripped down your cheek. The crack of bones made you turn your head, seeing the man’s body go limp as Tan began to stand over him.
He quickly walked over the man, as if he was in the way, and comes to your side.
“He nicked you bad. Lemme see.” Tan said, your eyes meeting his as he held your cheek. The touch of his hand seemed to be some comfort, his thumb wiping the blood away and trying to see how bad the wound was.
“Bastard.” He muttered, “C’mon, let’s go before someone comes up.”
Without a word in, he grabbed your hand and dragged you behind his lead. You two headed for the exit door down the other side of the hall as you heard footsteps rumble from the other stairs you came up.
“Wait a minute.” Tan said, fiddling with his belt buckle.
Your eyes widen, “What on earth are you doing?”
He smirked, “Relax, darling. You flatter yourself too much.”
You rolled your eyes as the sound of his belt slid against the fabric of his belt loops before curling the leather strap around the door to keep it locked. The two of you fled down the stairs and suddenly found yourselves in the kitchen area. A few eyes followed as you both ran through, very obvious that you were running from something, but still aimed to get to some kind of exit.
With sudden luck, Tangerine saw his car across the street, instantly knowing which way he was supposed to go. Without skipping a beat, he grabbed your hand once more and the two of you ran across the street. Hopping into the passenger seat and Tan taking off was like a blur, just happening in seconds.
“Y/N?” Tan saying your name woke you from your trance.
“Huh?” You asked, shaking your head.
He quickly turned his head, “You alright?” He said with concern, one hand on the steering wheel and his foot easing off the gas.
“Y-Yeah, I’m okay. I don’t know what happened back there.” You trailed, a bit embarrassed. You were never one to let your guard down, well– enough to get hit right smack in the face.
“Are you sure?”
You turned your attention to him, “I’m fine, why wouldn’t I be?” You asked rhetorically.
“‘Cause of that big cut on your cheek.”
You narrowed your eyes, “Alright, what’s your big plan now, Einstein? Were just going to sleep in your car and hope we don’t wake up decapitated?”
He half-chuckled, “You truly think so little of me, don’t you?”
“Is that rhetorical?”
Tan rolled his blue eyes, “We’re goin’ somewhere safe.”
– – –
You wanted to believe you were strolling into some kind of trap. The lobby had a classic aesthetic to it, pale gold wallpaper and a wall of keys behind the person at the small front desk. You two placed your go-bags on the red carpeted ground as Tangerine checked into a room.
“Hello Mr. Tangerine.”
Oh, great. He’s some guest of honor here.
“‘Ello, Colin. My usual room.”
“Is that what you say in front of all the girls?” You tilted your head, standing behind him.
He rolled his eyes, “‘Cuse her.”
The man chuckled, crinkles by his eyes, “How many nights are you staying this time?”
This time. You could scoff out loud but you didn’t want to hear the tude from him.
“Just overnight. Nothin’ too serious.”
“Well, enjoy your stay, as always.” The man nodded before Tangerine thanked him.
The two of you head toward the old elevator, watching him quickly press the up button before you stand by his side. You half chuckled, “I’ve never seen you act so kindly toward anyone, tell me, does he see you bring girls through here all the time or-”
“Has anyone ever told you to shut your pie hole?”
“Hmm, not verbally. But, those eyes of your say enough for me… you’re too predictable, sometimes, Tan.”
He gave you a lingering look as the door opened, passing him into the elevator. The two of you make your way to the fifth floor and the hall is eerily quite for a hotel full of private contractors and assassins. You had your hands behind your back then patiently waited for Tangerine to jiggle the key into the lock, opening a door to a huge room with a surprisingly wide view.
“You’d think the curtains were closed.” You muttered as he walked over, closing them anyways.
Suddenly, he stripped from his suit jacket and you couldn’t help but see how tight his button up was around his biceps and chest.
“Did you get that a size too small?” You ask as you chunk your heels into the corner.
“Well, I certainly can’t kill fuckin’ bloaks wearing baggy clothes now.”
“But, you can in a three piece suit?” You cocked your eyebrow.
He licked his lips, “As if your dress is a flexible material.” Tangerine said as he pulled his rings off, placing them on the night stand.
“I can say the same for your pants.”
Tangerine wanted to look down but didn’t give into your comment. You place your bag down on the bed, grabbing your silk pajamas nearly folded on top and changed in the bathroom.
“God, just go to bed. We’ve got a long day tomorrow.” You somewhat groaned.
You sit on the top of the bed, unfolding the duvet before shoving it off to get underneath them.
Tangerine paused, “What the fuck do you you’re doin’?”
You furrowed your eyebrow, “This thing called going to sleep. Try it sometime, you’d be less grouchy.”
He rolled his eyes, “I know that, smartass, I mean what’re you doin’ in the bed that I’m goin’ to be sleepin’ in too?”
You rolled over, putting your weight on your elbows, “I know you’re dramatic but this takes the cake for top performances.”
He faked a laugh, “If you don’t get your ass out of that bed in two seconds, I’ll throw you in the tub with a pillow.”
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to. Fine, do it.” You said before laying flat into the mattress, staring straight at the ceiling.
He didn’t care for your equal amount of sarcasm, but he just gave you a cocked eyebrow.
“Okay, fine. I’d rather sleep on the floor anyways.” He said, stretching his arms up and behind his head. Your eyes quickly admired his muscles before turning back.
“Be my guest, princess.” You scoffed, slipping on your pajama shorts, “I’ll enjoy my big comfy bed.”
You pulled the heavy duvet over your waist, curling up with the dense pillow beneath your head. 
Tangerine stood there, biting the inside of his cheek as he watched you roll on your side. He tilted his head back before unbuttoning his shirt and tossing it on the desk chair. Although your eyes were closed, his side of the bed sunk in and you tried to hold back your smile at his faded stubbornness.
With your backs facing one another, you two just listened to the silence of the city. It gave you a moment to think of Paris– the last time you were with one another or much rather supposed to be against each other. You were a double agent, not exactly proud of it but you let greed take over your motivated justice. 
Having to scam Lemon and Tangerine wasn’t your finest hour either, you thought about it for months and finally coming face to face with Tangerine (out of the two, he wasn’t the one you would want to bump into again), all the guilt came rushing back like the snap of an elastic band.
– – –
The morning sun runs through the thin silk of the curtains, shining over your bodies in the bed. You wake up to the sound of light snoring, happy that you could sleep through it, and Tangerine in a deep slumber with his arm over the bed. He suddenly looked like innocence, so soft and tender, simply laying there like it was any other day.
You sit up, putting your hair out of your face then head to the bathroom. When you turn the light on, you’re almost surprised to see your reflection. Forgetting about the scar against your cheek, you look more rough around the edges. You sigh as you run your fingers over it, remembering the way Tangerine did last night.
After washing up, you go back out and Tangerine is now standing up and stretching his arms above his head. Your eyes quickly shift up his body, admiring the tattoos in their random places and how the band of his briefs rest on his hips. You sealed your lips from smiling at how sharp his v-line was accompanied by the happy trail disappearing into his pants.
“Sleep good with that stick in your ass?” You retort, passing him.
He rolled his eyes, “...You’re annoying, ya know that?”
“Oh, you’ve made that clear.” You mocked him as you closed the curtains more, “That’s why I love to do it.”
Tangerine flicked on the lamp, giving the room a warm glow.
“Alright, I say we lay low today. Better to be out of sight and–”
You cut him off, “Stuck in this room together?... are you trying to kill me t–”
He then put his hand over your mouth, looking deep into your eyes, “Yes, stuck in this room where we can keep an eye on each other and you can’t screw me over again.”
Your heart stopped for a split second, as if he couldn’t have been more of the controlling one. He took his hand away and you gulped, “Yep. Fine. Fair.”
Tangerine pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek before you go to your bag in the chair that’s pushed in the corner of the room. You slightly bend over to look inside your duffle and his icy eyes can’t help but look up the back of your thighs and straight at your ass and lower back. How he could easily put his hands on your hips and make you hold onto something.
He shook his head, feeling like he was coming down with something to even imagine that thought.
You pulled out an old novel and sat yourself back on the bed, hoping that the hours would pass as you sank further into the broken-in mattress.
Tangerine sat down in the chair nudged into the corner, adjacent from your view, and he pulled out his gun that was conveniently tucked into the back of his pants.
“Are you actually holding me hostage?” You furrowed your brows, but didn’t take your eyes from your sentence.
“Whatever fantasy you’d like you believe.” He trailed, opening his gun and emptying his rounds into his palm.
– – –
Suddenly, you leaped out of a deep sleep. Your book laid open on your stomach while an extra pillow was between your legs. Your eyes fluttered open, thinking the past few days has been a dream, until you noticed Tangerine wasn’t sitting in the chair. You quickly looked around before hearing the bathroom door open and he stepped out, shirtless and in new dark slacks that rested on his hips.
Your mouth became dry. How could you dislike him so much yet here you are, ready to jump his bones as he crossed the room.
“What are you getting dressed for?” You asked, rubbing your eyes.
He half-chuckled at your groggy voice, “I want a drink.”
“Oh, like you’re not just going to abandon me here like I did you?... Where you go, I go.” You warned him.
He rolled his eyes, “Don’t be so dramatic.”
“A bit hypocritical coming from you.”
Tangerine just ignored your smart comment and opened the door, letting you through first before he followed. His eyes, once again, trace your lower back and trailed down your legs. His cheeks flushed pink as he quickly looked away, clearing his throat as he caught up to you so you two were walking side by side.
You pushed the faded down button as you pushed a big breath past your lips. Tangerine put his back against the wall and crossed his arms, his muscles basically restraining in his light button up. As you turned around, you rolled your eyes– but not at him, just at yourself. How could you have any little feeling for someone who also annoyed you to your core?
He took your silence as a bit of a tease. To be fair, you two didn’t really know one another. You met once before and then you simply betrayed him. Quickly, you were dead to him, but now you’re forced to be together and it raised an important question to himself too. Why was he helping someone who obviously can’t be trusted? 
Tangerine furrowed his eyebrows at that thought, knowing he would have thrown you to the wolves last night after you closed your eyes. He played with his watch a bit before the elevator dinged and caught both of your attentions.
After entering, the low-sounding shifting mechanics of the elevator were the only sounds between you two. You heard Tangerine sniffle, seeing him stretch his neck out of the corner of your eye, but you kept a straight view to the doors. While Tangerine thought you were continuing to give him the silent treatment, you were lost in your own thoughts of the past.
You flashbacked to your last night in Paris together, and remembered how the guilt creeped up on you knowing that, in a few hours, you’d have to betray both Lemon and Tangerine. Before knowing them, you didn’t care, but now that you’ve realized how hard you were falling for Tan, it felt like a double edged sword. If you didn’t do it, maybe you could stay with him– have a life together. But, if you went through with your selfish heist, you’d lose the guy who made you comfortable with being vulnerable after a long time. 
Obviously, you regretted your decision.
“Is this what you want?” You simply asked.
Tangerine quickly turned his head, “What?”
You rolled your eyes before facing his direction, “This.” You gestured between the two of you, “The weird animosity and constantly arguing and nit-picking?”
He never thought you’d be so bold to point it out, “I mean, we don’t like each other. Simple, isn’t it?”
“I guess…” You trailed, facing back toward the doors.
Tangerine licked his lips, wondering if he should utter the words on his tongue.
“...But, that doesn’t mean we can’t start over.”
You looked over your shoulder once more before turning around to him, “You mean that?”
He arched his eyebrow, “Should I regret it now?”
Just as the elevator dinged, the doors slowly opened and the hotel lobby appeared empty. You smirked to yourself, “Why don’t we catch up over that drink, huh?” You sort of teased– not sure if it had purpose.
– – –
Your drink tasted smooth, easily trailing down your throat as you leaned your head back to finish off the rest of the liquor in your glass. Once you tilted your head back straight, you were met with Tangerine’s signature eyebrow arch.
“Don’t worry, I’m paying for my own drinks.” You sighed, placing your glass back down on the wooden table top.
“As long as I don’t got to carry you back up to the room.” He sighed, sounding more defeated than witty, then his blue eyes glanced down then back into your eyes.
You hummed, running your finger along the rim of the empty glass. 
“‘right so, what’ve you been doin’ since we last…” He cleared his throat, “saw one other?”
You crossed your leg over the other, “Not much. Actually, it’s the first time I’ve been out for a while. After leaving you guys, I laid low in Tuscany.”
“For how long?”
You shrugged, “Five months? I was on the countryside and I wanted to be alone…” then, you smirked, “I heard that you were in Kyoto.” 
Tangerine could chuckle about it now, “For a bit. Had a job to do for some psychotic, fucked up family. The dad called in us, they were all turin’ on each other. Whole fuckin’ thing…”
“As in…” You trailed, “Against one another? The whole family?”
He just nodded before taking a sip of his drink.
You raised your eyebrows, “Wow… and you got out with no bruises or cuts? Bullet holes?”
Tangerine licked his lips before he presented the side of his neck, lighter skin over his tanner tone to show the scar. You carefully reached out, brushing your fingers against it which made a tingle go up his spine. You sit back down as he turned back in his chair, and he seemed to tense up.
“Amazing you survived it.” You sealed your lips.
He crossed his arms, “I supposed…”
A comfortable silent fell between you, the light, jazz music playing at a low, and Tangerine’s eyes trailed up the side of your bare leg. He didn’t mean to stare this much, but he felt more vulnerable than usual. One thing you knew is that Tangerine was a layered person, you had to take time to get to the center of him and realize he’s not so cold once you get to know him.
“Five months in Tuscany, I bet that was lovely.”
“Not really. I isolated the whole time… I wanted to be by myself, but I felt bad about what happened… what I did in Paris.” You admitted, but didn’t look into his eyes, fearing that he would turn on you in a second.
Tangerine sighed, “You had to do your job, we did ours… that’s ‘bout all that can be said.” 
Assuming from the lack of eye contact and his tone, he seemed hurt too. You could easily let it boost your ego, but, you actually felt a relief. This hatred you’ve held against each other has finally come down and even though it wasn’t actually said, both of you can feel hostility leave the room.
You bit the inside of your cheek, “Remember, we’re starting over. Clean slate. I hope I’m making a good impression so far.” You raised your eyebrows, lifting your glass again just to drink the mixture of watered down liquor. 
He chuckled, “You’re just lovely.”
The comment made your face get hot. You blame the accent and how it can just get under your skin.
“I don’t think you’ve ever called me something so nice.”
Tangerine smirked, “Funny since we’ve just met, darling.”
It was the first time you heard it as a term of endearment then pure spite.
You rolled your eyes, but you could humor that Tangerine was going along with it. This new cheeky side of him was something you didn’t think existed– maybe it was the liquor talking, but you hoped it wasn’t just that simple.
“So, what brings you here?” You continued to tease, placing your elbows on the table, “Business… or pleasure?” Your hand laid on top of his, brushing your fingertips along the chunky rings that perfectly fit his fingers.
Multiples thoughts sounded through both your minds.
“Maybe it’s the liquor.” “Maybe we’re a little over our heads.” “Maybe we’re bored.”
But, Tangerine held your hand on top of the table, gently holding it as his thumb grazes over your knuckles.
“Depends…” He trailed, now leaning in too, “What are you here for?”
– – –
In just a few minutes, you two were back in the room you felt trapped in for hours.
Tangerine pressed your back against the wall, a tingle running up your spine from the coolness of the wallpaper. Your lips pressed together over and over, tilting your head before biting his bottom lip. He effortlessly lifted you up with his hand under the back of your thighs, and your ankles meet around his back.
He needed so bad, desperate even… and the feeling was mutual.
He put you down on your feet again, pressing a kiss against your scarred cheek then another on your jaw. His light kisses run down the middle of your breasts as his hand lifted up the end of your skirt. You pushed your hips out as your back was against the wall still, watching him pull down your panties in an instant. You kick them to the side and Tangerine placed your leg over his shoulder, kisses along your inner thigh and your hand ran through the front of his curls.
Suddenly, his tongue ran over your swollen clit before sucking on it. With one hand in his hair, the other caressing your breast and running your thumb over your nipple.
Tangerine panted, moving his hand against your pussy lips. He pushed them apart, showing your tight hole and how you clench around nothing. He lowly groaned, running his fingers over your clit before sliding his two fingers into your pussy. You bite your bottom lip to hold back the moan stuck in your throat, watching him suck your clit and finger you at the same time.
Just as your climax neared, he felt your cunt tighten around his fingers. He couldn’t end it like this so, he took them away. You let your leg down, watching him come back up and tower over you.
“If I’m goin’ to make you cum…” He sighed, “I’m gonna be deep inside you when you fucking crumble.” He said so low before pressing his fingers against your tongue, and you tasted yourself.
You pulled his hand back, running your thumbs over his tattooed hand.
“Not if I make you cum first.” You trailed, moving his hand down so you could kiss him.
He could drop to his knees in an instant, but Tangerine surprisingly kept his composure. 
You smirked as you pushed him toward the bed, the back of his knees hitting it to make him sit down. As you stood in front of him, he leaned on his elbows as he watched your dress drop to the floor. It pooled at your ankles and when his eyes shifted back up, so glossed over, your bare body was the center of his attention.
“Hmm, I don’t think you’ll last.” You taunted.
As much as he could snap back, you straddled him and pulled apart his tightly buttoned shirt. Your hands ran over his toned and tatted chest before reaching down to his pants, unzipping the fly and he shuffled a bit to shift them off his hips. His cock was hard, restrained from his boxers and you felt flattered.
You giggled, leaning forward to share a slow kiss with him. Your bare pussy rubbed against his cock as you moved closer to him. A low groan mumbled between your makeout, and you pushed him back so you two both fell on the bed.
Your hands pressed into each side of the mattress, gaining strength to help yourself grind against his hard. His big hands tightly held your hips as you continued your smooth momentum, whimpering at your clit being rubbed by your harsh grind.
As heat rose in the room, your right hand dipped between the two of you, and ran over his hard cock once more. Tan’s lips now desperately met your jaw before taking a light bite at your neck. The feeling of your hand caressing through his boxers could make him release right there.
Becoming more impatient, you finally pushed your hand into the band of his boxers and he once more moved his hips to shift out of them. 
“Fuck, your cock is so big… can barely hold it with my hand. God, I want you to stretch me out…” You moaned, “Is that okay?”
You purposefully let him believe that he was in charge, and you were falling into the submissive role. Tangerine gained a bit of confidence from your desperate comments, and he sat more up on the bed.
“Fucking christ…” Is all he could say.
He moved the swollen and red tip against your wet slit, also aching and needing your walls to wrap around him now. At first there was pressure, pushing the tip inside your hole then slowly guiding your hips down to completely take in every inch of his cock. 
Once he bottomed out, your body lightly shook as your lips brushed against his. He was fully inside you, the tight and warm feeling making him wither beneath you.
Tangerine moved his hand, kissing your shoulder, “God, you feel like fuckin’ heaven.”
“Don’t stop. Please…” You huffed.
– – –
Then, it was morning. 
The rising sun peaked through the small split of the curtains. As you tried to shift, your body ached throughout every muscle. A small groan left your lips, but you were pulled back by a strong arm wrapped around your waist.
It snapped you back into reality. Last night really happened… and you were okay with that.
Tangerine’s tattooed arm unconsciously tightened around you, holding you close still as he still slept behind you. You barely look over your shoulder and saw his face, his eyes still shut and his curls looked wild.
You faintly smile as you turn around to face him, and that’s what woke him up. He pulled his arms back and rubbed his eyes from the brightness of the sun coming in. You run your finger along a curl on his forehead, pushing it to the top of his head and your heart melted from the sight of those blue eyes.
“Did last night really happen?” You mumbled, but with a faint smile on your lips.
He placed his hand gently on your cheek, caressing his thumb against your jaw. 
“I think the real question is…” He trailed, “Do we stay another night or go back to pretending to not know each other's existences?”
You bit your bottom lip, lightly giggling, “I think we pick secret option three and go somewhere else. Get away for a while… see where this is going. Don’t you?”
Just at that moment, Tangerine’s phone vibrated in his pants that were on the floor next to the bed. He turned over on his other side, reaching down to pull it out and reading a text Lemon just sent.
“Got a call about a job in Budapest. Are you in or overstaying your weekend?”
Tangerine smirked at himself, then felt your lips press against his neck. You placed another kiss on his shoulder, leaving a tender love bite before he turned back around to kiss you. Maybe it was the natural thrill of the chase, but you loved the not knowing. 
Whatever was next, you could only hope that he kept it interesting.
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smooth-perceval · 1 year
“My love, my life.”
You stupid boy
Max Verstappen x Fem!Reader
Max Corner
Summary: [Max and reader crossed the line in their 3 year friendship, resulting in 2 positive pregnancy test. And 1 baby on the way.]
Max and reader get an early scan to find out the gender… and at a private gender reveal, someone accidentally reveals all to the world.
Warnings: swearing, soft max, Google translate, NO PROOF READ!!
Key: Y/N (Your name) Y/L/N (Your last name)
Word count: 2,356
A/N: We are finally back with maxieee 🫶🏼 I did rush- because I got so many ideas I’m sorry :(
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“Dad-” picking my dress up I chased after him back up the steps towards the house, Max trailing right behind.
“Will you slow down-” watching each step I take, glancing up every so often.
“Your mother is not going to believe this!” Pointing his finger in the air… more like a wag really. Shaking his head he then reached the top of the garden, mum and Lando sitting on the garden furniture engrossed in conversation.
“But dad-” Max hand was pressed against my back- giving me the little support I need, our pace slowing down as we got closer to mum.
“Darling! You are not going to believe this.” By the random outburst, mum was quick to scan over us all making sure we was all okay.
“No, your mother deserves to know!”
“Know what?” Confused she looked between us both.
“Who the father is!”
“It’s Max!” Cutting her off, he turned his face glaring at Max.
“I know…” waving a hand in front of her she smiled over at Max.
“No no… not I know! This is the sleezeball I swore if I found I’d strangle him!” Turning his full attention now to Max.
“You won’t do nothing.” Stepping more infront of Max, I crossed my arms over my chest.
“He abandoned you Y/N!”
“We’re working on that.” Looking down at the floor, I shuffled a little under his gaze.
“Please dad… just be glad we know who it is right?”
“I’m sorry… I shouldn’t have ran away like I did-” stepping aside, Max moved closer to my dad.
“I was silly, and scared- and had a lot of things to be dealing with family wise…”
The silence was deafening… I was waiting for a punch up honestly- more my dad lunging on Max… I mean I didn’t have a great word to say about him when he left and my dad got the earful of it all.
“I’m really am sorry…”
“You should accept- Max doesn’t ever say sorry.” Looking over I shushed Lando shaking my head.
A loud sigh left my dad as he stepped back, if looks could kill. Well Max would be a goner.
“I do not forgive you for what you put my daughter through these past few months.”
Point a finger at Max, who was quickly nodding his head. “I haven’t forgiven myself yet-” he was agreeing with him, I finally was able to relax, moving over and sitting down next to Lando.
“But Y/N seems too.” Side eyeing me he then quickly looked back at Max.
“So I will tolerate you for the sake of my grand-baby.” Stomping off indoors he then turned back around on the patio.
“I wasn’t expecting you to be like this Max. Not to my little girl.” And then he hid away indoors… the silence growing sickly.
“Yay! The parents know.”
We all snapped our heads to Lando with a scowl, “Shut up” me and Max spoke in unison shaking our heads at him.
Before we had knew it- time flew by. I was officially 18 weeks pregnant, and Max was finally on summer break.
During that time- we had told drivers around the paddock- and made them swear to secrecy. Also- Max and Kelly had called it quits, behind closed doors she was absolutely furious I was having his baby… and I couldn’t blame her any woman would be.
Apart from them main events, nothing major happened- max was winning his races, helping look for good apartments in England. Overall he was fantastic… too fantastic that I’m on edge waiting for the moment he ups and leaves again… I shouldn’t think so low of him but can you blame me.
Dads grudge didn’t last long, he even took it upon himself to congratulate Max after every race win. Which was another worry off my shoulders.
“Y/N- come on, everyone is waiting on you.” Turning away from my mirror, I looked over at Max.
“I don’t look silly?” Eyes scanning over me, maybe lingering a little too long- he quickly cleared his throat.
“Not at all… you look amazing actually.” Nodding his head, his cheeks flushed a little red.
“Well you do scrub up well-” smiling I then moved past him tapping his arm.
Making my way out into the garden, a loud cheers erupted. A mixture of “there she is-” “Let’s get started!” “Where’s max”
“I’m here- I’m here.” Max hand found the bottom of my back as he followed behind.
And as always one by one people gave us both hugs and gifts. A few drivers were here, Lando obviously, Daniel, Charles, Carlos, Checo - yeah I was kinda surprised too, Nyck. It was full-
“Look how big you got!” Gesturing to my growing belly, my brows furrowed.
“I didn’t mean-” with wide eyes he waved infront of his mouth. “Charles I’m kidding-” smiling, laughing a little, I looked down at my belly.
“Bigger by the day- soon I’ll be waddling like a penguin.” Laughing also, Charles looked over at Max who was in the corner speaking with his mum.
“How’s Max been with it all?” Looking over at Max also, I hummed.
“It’s been an experience so far that’s for sure.” Smiling again, nudging Charles shoulder.
“Wouldn’t be Max if it wasn’t somewhat eventful, right?” Agreeing with me, he smiled again.
“What we talking about?” Carlos slid in joining our conversation. He was wearing a pink badge, pink wrist band, pink sash- pink everywhere.
“Oh hi Barbie.” Widening my eyes, I stepped back getting a full glance at him.
“Mate, you think it’s going to be a boy?” Charles laughed a little, also looking him up and down.
“No… a girl-” pointing at the pink badge, with furrowed brows.
“His pulling your leg Carlos.” Rolling my eyes playfully, which only caused Carlos to tut.
“Where did you find all that anyways?”
“On the table over there-”
Charles looked around before patting Carlos back “thanks mate-” , before running after the table of accessories. Shaking my head at him, I looked back at Carlos.
“So your thinking girl huh-” nodding my head a little, taking a sip of my drink.
“I knew it as soon as use told us, I just had to look at you and knew it was a girl.” Nodding his head sure of himself.
“What are you thinking?” Humming I looked back down at my belly, “is it bad I have no idea…”
“Of course not! Makes it more fun right?”smiling Carlos touched my arm in a comforting manner leaving me alone, sighing I looked around before making my way to Max.
“Hi girls!” Smiling wide, I was brought into a tight hug from Sophie- followed by Victoria.
“Hey you, how’s the baby been?” Smiling wide, Sophie reached her hand out touching the baby bump.
“Nothing new… still morning sickness- the doctor gave me some anti-sickness tablets, but there as much use as a chocolate kettle.” Rolling my eyes, my frown soon replaced with a smile.
“Buttt, baby is all healthy so why should I complain!” Max smiled throwing an arm around my shoulders.
“Shall we get the reveal going?” Nodding my head enthusiastically, he lead us over to the display he had arranged to be set up- as always with max go big or go home.
“Right everyone- just before we do this.” Everyone’s attention was drawn to Max, even mine, I told you his like a magnet!
“We do ask that if you want to take photos you can! But please keep them to yourselves- we don’t want anything on social media, not until we are ready.” Looking around at everyone he raised his eyebrows “understood?” A few nods and yes’s were heard around the group.
“Oh who has my mum and dad?” Glancing between them all, Lando then waved his phone- “their on FaceTime.” Smiling wide I waved at the camera before looking up at Max.
“You ready?” Breathing out a big breath I smiled reassuringly at him.
“Weirdly enough I’m terrified.” Taking his hand, agreeing with him we both turned to everyone.
“Countdown from three-”
With a tight squeeze to his hand, everyone looked up at the sky…
And there it was painted in blue smoke.
Once again the garden filled with shouts of excitement.
“We’re having a boy-” without hesitation Max picked me up into his arms, jumping on the spot a little before setting me down. He clearly didn’t know what to do with himself… me? I was in shock-
“Oh my- we’re having a boy…” my hands came up to rub my temple- a wide smile broke out onto my face- the realisation finally setting in, I was quick to hug Max once again.
“Max we’re having a boy…” maybe it’s the hormones I don’t know- but the tears spilled once again- all I am lately is just a blubbering mess. I mean the other day I cried because the size of baby socks… baby socks!
“We are schat.” (Darling) Rubbing my back soothingly, he placed a delicate kiss to the top of my head- soon our little bubble was popped.
“And you thought it was going to be a girl!” Charles laugh was then heard and when everyone turned and looked he had a finger pointed at Carlos, bent over slightly. “Mate you look so silly.” Shaking my head at him a little smile on my face I looked up at Max. “These are your friends?” Shaking his head quickly, a smile also on his face. “I don’t even know them.”
Glancing back over I watched Lando bringing my mum and dad over, (on the phone of course), Sophie and Victoria with the two boys now slowly making their way over with wide smiles.
Another mini max… the world really isn’t ready.
Once congratulated- Waving byes to my parents, I blew them a kiss ending the phone and giving it back to Lando.
He pocketed his phone and then hugged me tight. “I’m so happy for you.” Leaning back he dragged max away from his family bringing him in the hug.
“And you- I’m so happy for you both.” Squeezing him tight, we all slipped away, me and max doing our rounds.
“Bet he feels like a boy now?” Smiling up at Carlos, who had his arms outstretched pulling me into a tight hug. “Congratulations!”
Smiling wide I pulled back, “thank you, and strangely enough… yeah.” Laughing a little I looked down at the tiny bump and back over at max.
“Think his happy?”
Carlos followed where I was looking, Max was grinning ear to ear, retelling how he felt when he see blue for the third time already.
“I would say so.” Laughing a little I then left him be, Charles now finding me. “I knew it!” Shaking my head with a smile, he then hugged me tight. “Congratulations.”
“Thank you, you know I thought you was thinking girl by what your wearing.” Leaning back I looked at all the blue items.
“No… I’m wearing blue.” Shaking my head once again, I laughed a little “I’m now pulling your leg Charles.”
“Oh- I’m stupid.” Laughing along with me, Max then slid at our side. “You both okay?”
Nodding our heads charles patted max on the shoulder saying congratulations to him again before leaving us be.
“How are you feeling?” Subconsciously he raised the back of his hand to my forehead, before brushing some loose strands back… I couldn’t help gazing up at him- I’ll be honest them feelings never go away- the butterfly’s in my stomach, the blushed cheeks when his nearby… I couldn’t help it my body seemed to call out for him.
“Still in shock-" laughing a little, max smiled in return. “I can’t believe we’re having a boy…” whispering between us both like it was our own little secret.
“Truthfully I can’t believe we’re having a kid.” Max rose his hand to his chest taking a step back. “I’m going to pretend that didn’t hurt.” Rolling my eyes with a smile, I found my hand reaching for his forearm. Like I needed to be touching him somehow.
What is wrong with me…
Truthfully I couldn’t tell you what happened at the rest of the gender reveal, all I know is now, me and max are laying on the floor in his apartment going through baby names already.
My head was rested against his arm, my legs kicked up onto the sofa. Max was laying outstretched listening to me reel off names.
“Okay what aboutttt… Charlie?” In response a loud groan came from max.
“No that reminds me of Charles.” Laughing a little I flicked the page of the book scanning through.
“What about… Micky?”
“Like the mouse?”
“That’s off the table-” rolling my eyes at him even though he couldn’t see me.
“I like the ‘Mmm’ though- for the first letter.” Humming in agreement with him, I scanned the pages more.
“What about Milo-”
I dropped the book backwards, tilting my head back to see max, who seemed in deep thought.
“I like Milo…” smiling up at him I sat myself up, turning to face him.
“Milo… Emilian”
“You want my middle name?” Max also sat up, resting on his hand, keeping him propped, I nodded my head slightly.
“If that’s okay with you…?”
Enthusiastically he nodded his head in return. “I think it’s simply lovely.” Bursting out into laughter we both fell back into laying positions, my head now laid against his stomach.
“Another MEV.” The silence was loud-
“Verstpapen.” Whispering just loud enough that he could hear me.
“Are you sure?”
“More positive than a pregnancy test…” both laughing a little, his hand reached down touching my cheek.
“Thank you-”
“You-” I was cut off by both mine and Max phones blowing up.
Both looking at each other we could only wonder what’s going down now…
I had millions of notifications from more instagram- when I clicked on. I felt my stomach drop.
“Max are you seeing this…” looking up at him, he only nodded his head slightly.
“I’m gonna kill him…”
Lando Norris posted to his story
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drewharrisonwriter · 1 month
On the Mend - Ch 4: Starting All Over Again
No Outbreak Joel Miller x Female Reader
Read this on AO3 | On the Mend Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Summary: Just as you and Joel are finding and settling into a new rhythm of cohabitating in the throes of your bed rest, the phone rings, suddenly disrupting the fragile peace.
Word count: 1,681
A/N: Hey everyone! Here is chapter 4 of On The Mend. Thank you for your patience, it has been a tough couple of months, but I am back and already halfway through the next part and really positive that I'll be able to post it almost right away lol Again, thank you for your DMs, I appreciate you all 💕
Tagging these wonderful people: @tuquoquebrute @vickie5446 @softiedingo @theoraekenslover for this update. If you want to be tagged for the next ones, just leave a comment ^_^
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“Hurricane Miller”
"Hurricane Miller?" she repeated incredulously, shooting Joel a look that could melt steel.
Joel looked up from his book, his expression innocent. "What's wrong with that? It's strong, powerful, unforgettable!"
She rolled her eyes, trying to suppress the laughter bubbling up inside her. "Joel, I am not naming the baby after a natural disaster."
Joel shrugged, undeterred. "But think about it! Hurricanes leave a lasting impact–"
She shook her head, cutting him off, unable to even entertain the idea any longer. "No way. This child deserves a name that won't scare people away." She placed a hand on her stomach. 
Joel grinned, setting his book aside. "Alright, alright. No Hurricane Miller then. Though, I bet Tornado Miller is a lot coo–”
She threw a pillow at him, laughing despite herself. "You're impossible, Joel Miller."
It was pretty easy to fall back into a certain level of friendship with Joel. 
She found herself feeling more grateful for his help and his presence the past few days he spent at her place, more than she expected at first.
Their first evening back home after picking up Joel's things from his place post-hospital was awkward. The fear of something happening to her baby, going to labor earlier than expected and the fact that he broke her heart months ago still aches, casting a shadow over the week ahead.  (Flashback)
The drive back home was filled with a palpable tension, both Joel and her lost in their own thoughts. Joel's mind raced with the implications of the unexpected phone call, while she grappled with the conflicting emotions stirred by Joel's presence and his offer to stay with her.
As they pulled up to the curb outside her house, she let out a sigh, her hand instinctively resting on her swollen belly. "Thank you for driving me home, Joel," she said softly, breaking the silence that had settled between them.
Joel nodded, his expression serious yet tinged with a hint of vulnerability. "I meant what I said, you know," he replied, his voice gentle. "I want to be here for you and the baby, however I can."
She met his gaze, her heart fluttering with a mixture of apprehension and longing. "I appreciate that, Joel," she murmured, her voice barely above a whisper. "But I also don't want to impose on you or disrupt your life."
Joel reached out and gently squeezed her hand, his touch warm and reassuring. "You're not imposing, darlin'," he said softly. "You're family. And family takes care of each other, no matter what."
Tears pricked at the corners of her eyes as she absorbed his words, overwhelmed by the depth of emotion in his simple yet heartfelt declaration. 
She had spent so long trying to prove her independence, to show Joel and everyone else that she could handle everything on her own. 
But now, faced with Joel's unwavering support and his genuine desire to be there for her, she found herself letting go of her stubborn pride and allowing herself to lean on him, if only for a little while.
"Thank you, Joel," she whispered, her voice thick with emotion. "I... I would really appreciate your help."
A soft smile tugged at the corners of Joel's lips as he leaned in closer, his warm breath brushing against her cheek. "Anytime, darlin'," he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper. "I'll always be here for you."
With a gentle nod, she unbuckled her seatbelt and opened the car door, Joel following suit. 
(/End of Flashback)
That was five days ago and they were able to reconnect and rekindle their friendship a little easier each day. She forgot how easy it was with him and couldn’t help but let her mind wander into the what if’s each night. 
She had braced herself for a quiet week, prepared to coexist in silence. Setting a firm expectation in her own mind that he is just helping her because he felt obligated to help her out so he could be involved in their child's life down the line. 
After all, he did say that he didn't want a life like this with me. She thought as Joel walked into her bedroom carrying a tray of food with a small smile on his beautiful face. 
A life like this…
One where they build a family and spend the rest of their lives together. 
Joel set the tray of food down on the bed, glancing at her with a small, almost shy smile. They had fallen into a rhythm over the past few days, one that felt both familiar and strange. There was still a lot left unspoken between them, but tonight, the silence that hung between them seemed heavier.
As they ate, Joel broke the quiet first, his voice tentative. "You know, I’ve been thinking a lot about what happened between us."
She looked up from her plate, meeting his eyes. There was something different in his tone, something more serious than their usual light-hearted conversations. "Yeah?" she prompted, keeping her voice neutral.
He nodded, taking a deep breath before continuing. "I said some things… things I shouldn’t have. And I’ve regretted every word since."
She swallowed, the memories of that painful night still fresh in her mind. "Joel, we both said things. It wasn’t just you."
"But it was me who pushed you away," Joel cut in, his voice firm yet laced with guilt. "I thought… I thought I was doing the right thing. That you deserved better than what I could give you."
Her heart clenched at his words, and she set her fork down, giving him her full attention. "Joel, it's fine... we're trying to move on from it... for her..." She said, placing a hand on her swollen belly to make her point. 
He looked at her, his eyes filled with a mix of regret and something deeper, something that made her chest tighten. "I wanted to marry you," he confessed quietly. "I still do, if I’m being honest. But back then, I was scared. I didn’t think I was good enough for you. I’m just a single dad, scraping by. How could I give you the life you deserve?"
Her breath caught in her throat at his admission. She had dreamed of this moment, of hearing those words from him, but now, it felt bittersweet. "Joel," she began softly, "I didn’t need you to give me the world. I was happy with what we had. I was happy with you... It just really hurt me to hear out loud that after everything we've been through, you still looked at me as an outsider."
He closed his eyes for a moment, as if bracing himself, then opened them again, the pain in his gaze clear. "I know I hurt you. I can’t take back what I said, but if I could, I would. In a heartbeat."
She reached out, her hand finding his, and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I was hurt," she admitted, her voice trembling slightly. "But I understand why you felt the way you did. I just… I really wish we could have talked about it then, you know? Soften the blow a little." She managed to chuckle. 
Joel nodded, his grip tightening around her hand. "I’m sorry for my insecurities. And for how I lashed out because of them. I didn’t mean any of it. You deserve to know that."
They sat in silence for a moment, both lost in their own thoughts, before she finally spoke again, her voice soft. "Maybe… maybe this is just where we’re at now, you know? Maybe this truly is what was meant to happen for us... just two people trying to figure out how to be good parents, how to be friends, even if it’s hard."
Joel gave her a sad smile, nodding in agreement. "Yeah. Maybe."
The conversation left them both feeling raw, yet oddly at peace. It wasn’t a perfect resolution, but it was a start.
Later that afternoon, she was resting in bed when she noticed a phone ringing on the nightstand. Assuming it was hers, she picked it up and answered. "Hello?"
There was a brief pause before a woman’s voice came through the line. "Hi, is Joel there? I just wanted to check if we could move our dinner to Saturday instead of Friday?"
Her heart stopped, the realization hitting her like a ton of bricks. This wasn’t her phone. This was Joel’s.
Struggling to keep her voice steady, she slightly stammered in reply, "O-oh, yeah sure. I’ll let him know."
She hung up just as Joel walked into the room with another tray. He frowned at the sight of her holding his phone. "Everything okay?"
She handed him the phone, her expression carefully neutral. "You should call her back. She wants to reschedule your dinner from Friday to Saturday."
Joel’s eyes widened slightly in surprise, but he quickly masked it. "Thanks," he mumbled, pocketing his phone.
As they sat down to eat, the easy rhythm they had found was suddenly gone. She was distant, her responses to his attempts at conversation brief and unengaged. Joel noticed, of course, but didn’t push. He knew her well enough to realize that something had shifted.
The atmosphere between them remained tense through the rest of the evening and into the following morning. Even during the drive to the clinic, she kept her responses short, her mind clearly elsewhere.
When they arrived and were called into the doctor’s office, she finally turned to Joel, her voice soft yet firm. "Thank you for everything, Joel. But you don’t have to come in with me. You should go home and get ready for your dinner."
Joel stared at her, dumbfounded by her words. "What? No, I want to be here for you, for the baby."
She gave him a small, sad smile, her eyes reflecting the hurt she was trying so hard to mask. "I appreciate it, but I’ll be fine. Really."
Before he could protest further, she walked into the doctor’s office, leaving Joel standing there, still reeling from the sudden change.
Next Chapter 👉🏻
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iamasimperyk · 1 year
I saw ur post about wanting some requests for Dylan O’Brien characters.
I’ve got an idea if ur interested.
The classical one bed trope with reader and Stiles (one or both having a crush on each other/ or having been in a past relationship) and the line: “I miss your arms around me as I sleep, I know it’s embarrassing but u make me feel safe.” And it ends in a fluffy happy ending.
If u don’t wanna write it, that’s totally fine and I hope u have a nice day tho :))
Safe and Sound
Warnings: fluff, not proofread
Thank you for your request, and I hope you like what I made out of it:)
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Of course. It was obvious that the teacher would put you together for this project.
Stiles and you had a short thing for a couple of months until he was too busy with his friends, and you were too busy with school. The two of you broke up on good terms, but after that, you hardly spoke, and every time your friends got together, there was an awkward tension.
It took a lot of courage for you to ask Stiles when and where you would work on your project. "Well, my father works all day, so we can go to my house. Only if you want to, of course." Stiles said as he stumbled over his own words.
And that was the reason why you were sitting on his bed now. Stiles, meanwhile, sat on the floor, his books spread out in front of him. Actually, you were a good team, and your project was almost finished.
"I think that's enough for today, my hand already hurts." You whined and let yourself fall onto the bed.
You heard a little laugh from Stiles, "You know I wrote, and you read."
You were quick to throw a cushion at him, "No one needs to know that," You laughed and got up from the bed,
"I think I should go now." You mumbled before you got up from the bed.
Stiles quickly got up as well and looked out of his window. It was dark outside, "It's 11 p.m., do you really want to walk home?"
"I have no other choice. Somehow, I have to get home." You laughed a little and took your bag.
"I would drive you, but as tired as I am, we would probably have an accident. You could stay here for the night. You can take the bed, and I will sleep on the floor." He suggested.
You didn't expect him to ask you to stay, but honestly, you didn't want to walk home in the dark all by yourself, so you accepted his offer.
"Also, you don't have to sleep on the floor. I don't have a problem with sleeping in the same bed as you." You said quietly, fiddling with your fingers.
You saw him smiling a little before he walked out of his room to get a spare blanket for you.
You two lay next to each other. Stiles turned to the left and you to the right. The two of you didn't say a word, both a little uncomfortable with the situation, but at the same time, it felt like something you used to feel.
When you were about to fall asleep, you heard the sound of thunder. Since you were a child, you were scared of thunder, and Stiles was aware of that.
He was quick to turn to you, "Y/N? Are you okay?"
"Y-yes, of course," You tried to sound brave, but in reality, you were about to cry.
You've always been embarrassed by being afraid of something as normal as thunderstorms. Stiles, however, has always found it cute how anxious you were. He liked the way you snuggled up to him when you heard the sound of thunder.
"You wanna cuddle?" He asked quietly.
All you could do was nodding, and Stiles was quick to wrap his arms around you.
Suddenly, you felt safe again. It was like the thunder just disappeared. Everything just disappeared.
“I missed your arms around me as I sleep. I know it’s embarrassing, but you make me feel safe.” You mumbled without thinking, and before you realised what you had said, you fell asleep.
Stiles, on the other hand, was wide awake now. He missed you all those months, and he couldn't believe, that you lay in his arms right now. Everything was just perfect, and Stiles would make sure that it stayed that way.
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Storm
What is this?! Two drabbles a day?! (it is more likely then you think @spotaus)
Just this once. mostly because the other one give me ideas for this one! :D It was just meant to be a tiny bit of an intermission or a quick overview to show a bit of where we left off... I got no chill as always.
Ironically this is happening a week after Godly Lessons. Timeline is: Nightmare got deaged 6 months ago. The guys have been in Farmtale for 3 months.
First Drabble Prev Drabble Next Drabble
Also ssshhhh don't worry about the few implications in here. Maybe I am just being silly. Maybe stuff will be expanded on. :3
Dust feels the static in his being. His magic is charged and he needs to move. It has been building a while now and it needs to be released.
He regretfully lets go of Nightmare and manages to maneuver his way out of their nest. He stands by the side for a moment to make sure all four are still asleep.
They sleep on and Dust quickly leaves towards the exit and their small porch.
Dust holds the railing tightly as he breaths out. He glances up and sees the clouds start to circle and swirl. That is probably not good.
Yeah he can feel his magic building. He needs to go release some and-
Dust stops and turns around "Nightmare. You should still be in bed."
Papyrus snarls in his ear, soft with Nightamre this close but almost like static Great job! you woke the baby! Once to be expected! Just wait until he goes near and you hurt him-
Nightmare is suddenly by him and hugs him. THen he looks up sleepily at him. He rubs his socket and yawns "Storm?"
There was never another option. Dust leans down adn picks him up before giving him a tight hug, careful to make sure Nightmare doesn't lose his small octopus doll, "Yeah. I think I am making it worse." Nightmare is wearing Cross's shirt this time. It looks way too big and more like a sleeping dress than anything. It is cute.
Ngihtmare frowns but seems to get it "Overcharged?" he pushes closer against Dust.
Dust looks to the side but nods "Yeah. Need to release some steam." he puts Nightmare down again.
Nightmare frowns "Can't i come wiht?" he reaches for him again. Dust wants to pick him back up so badly.
Dust laughs and shakes his skull "probably better if you don't."
Nightmare frowns as he rubs his side "I can't help?"
Dust nudges him back to the door "It is okay. Easy fix for me. I will be back real soon."
NIghtmare frowns at him "promise?" a pinkie held up with a stubborn look on the tiny face.
Dust nods as he finishes the pinkie promise "promise."
That puts Nightmare at ease a bit and Dust walks off the porch and by the side of the house. He follows the path deeper into the field nearby.
Dream hugs himself in his sleep. A storm going over Omegaverse and he hates the sound.
He always hated storms and lightning and thunder. He hated it even more now that he doesn't have Nightmare with him anymore.
Nightmare used to hold him through ever storm. To reassure him it was fine and that mother would keep them both safe.
He is gone now.
Dream shakes his skull as he holds the sides "he isn't gone. he isn't gone. he isn't gone." he can't be gone. he can't be!
there is no way right?
Dream rolls unto his back and stares at the ceiling. tears still leaving his sockets as he hears another crash from thunder.
He messed up but he can't even apologise. everything is falling apart around him nad he doesn't know how to pick up the pieces or even start fixing the things that are broken.
He had searched the last few days for any sign of Nightmare. Or any of the gang. but no one.
Blue had offered that if Nightmare was wounded or sick that it would make sense for them to stay put. For them to remain in their base or hideout or anything. If only he knew where-
He sits upright. Wait. If the magic of the apples is disappearing... and if it is gone for as long as they don't pick a new domain... Does that mean that whatever hid his universe shoudnt hide it anymore?!
Dream focusses for a moment and feels the magic of the multiverse. he thinks of his brother. the one that had kept the balance and guarded the negativity. the one who took others in and made a team-
It connects. He feels a path along the multiverse.
Dream feels his hope return as he rushes around his small house to get ready. he grabs his things and his staff, mostly to help him focus his magic, and grabs his phone. he calls Blue as he gets dressed.
One short conversation later and Blue is next to him, just barely dressed and looking a bit dishuffled as he yawns but there!
Dream lets the portal connect as he rubs down his clothes nervously. He packed food and medicine and extra clothes and he isn't sure what his brother will need but he is going to sit by him. apologise. listen to nightmare yell and scream at him for being a blind idiot. apologise again and hopefully they can talk.
Blue rubs his shoulder as the portal opens up.
They step through it together and enter a dark forest. it looks old and a glance upwards shows it is dark but still stormy.
Dream feels shaky as he hugs himself "makes sense! Night loved the rain and storms!" he rubs his arms. deep breaths. deep breaths.
Blue takes his hand "You sure this is a good idea?" he looks worried "If he really is hurt as you think he is the others may not take kindly to you barging in and.. .well... you are weaker... don't you want to clal Ink as extra backup?"
Dream shakes his skull "ink can be... insensitive... if Ngihtmare is hurt he won't like to be seen like that by others..." probably. Dream doesn't get why he thinks he still feels like he knows his twin.
Blue frowns but accepts it "Just as long as you are ready to leave. if things go wrong..."
They follow the path and it leads to a beautiful old castle. but it looks really old and poorly maintained and... and... abandoned..
Dream walks closer quickly and opens the unlocked door. A glance around confirms what he had thought. It was the right place, or it had been as it was now empty.
The storm outside just grows louder.
It didn't make sense.
Reaper goes to the next universe as he does his job to reap the souls. weird another storm in this one.
Reaper shakes his skull nad concentrates on the actual issue for now. He had been thinking about what Dream had said. about what he had feared.
He even checked with his brother.
Nightmare isn't dead. That much he is sure.
Nightmare is a god, if he had been dying it would have been his job to reap him. As any god dying is a big deal. Especially if they are talking about permanently dying and not just reviving again which a lot of gods do.
Meaning he isn't dead. And Asgore already said that Dream isn't a god of balance anymore. Meaning that most likely neither is Nightmare.
But where is he?
That part doesn't make sense.
From the view interactions Reaper and Ngihtmare had had Reaper had always thought that Nightmare was rather on top of knowing his duties as god and what he was suposed to do.
Reaper would assume that would mean that Nightmare would know that he would have to decide on a new domain.
Then again, Dream hadn't known so maybe Nightmare doesn't know this part of god knowledge either. Hell Reaper didn't even know this was possible.
If that is the case and Nightmare just thinks he finished what he needed to do he is most liekly hiding somewhere. Either alone or with his gang.
Reaper does regret not trying to figure out how close the gang is now. It is possible that they are very close and are still all together moving as an unit. The other option is that Nightmare noticed what was happening and decided to leave on his own after disbanding the gang.
But then why wouldn't that already be old news at this point? Gang members have been seen around the multiverse, at least a few months ago still. But no one ever said a word about nightmare and people just assumed they had been doing missions for him.
Reaper flies over the runaway soul and reaps it before it can try to escape again. job done.
He sighs as he portals away again. leaving the sound of thunder behind to search for the next universe he needed to do stuff in.
It is a matter of time before the multiverse realised what happened. and reaper is not looking forwards to that mess.
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vikkirosko · 11 months
Hi, I was wondering, if your requests are open and this was ok with you. Can I ask for, what would it be like for Slasher characters Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Norman Bates, Chucky, Stu Macher, and Billy Loomis were dating female s/o that was like Esther from the movie Orphan. How would they feel about having a dwarf girlfriend that was a killer? What would the relationship be like? I hope I didn't overdo this request. If you're not interested in doing this delete this.😁✌🔪
So. Regarding the characters. Until recently, I didn't know who Norman Bates was, and I didn't plan to write about him. However, now I have watched the first movie, I plan to watch the rest and the Bates Motel series (as it turned out, an actor who I like plays there). I liked Norman and I plan to write about him not only this request, but also something else. However, I can't say that about Chucky. I am not interested in this character at the moment and therefore the part with him is missing here
Headcanons Orphan
🔪 Michael Myers x fem!Reader 🎃
You and Michael met at the sanitarium. He didn't think much of you at first. You were brought there when he was a teenager and he didn't pay attention to a girl younger than him. Other people didn't interest him much, and he rarely paid attention to them, including you, until one day he saw you with blood on your hands. You killed an orderly who often mocked you and you clearly did not regret what you had done
He overheard the doctors discussing you and was genuinely surprised when he found out that you were a couple of years older than Michael. Because of a congenital disease, you stopped growing and looked so young and you took advantage of it. It intrigued him and pretty soon you started noticing that he was looking at you. He saw that you did not give up trying to escape and used a variety of methods for this
You ran away a few months before him and he doubted that you would ever meet, but he was wrong. When he snuck into one of the houses and killed a married couple who lived there, he heard your voice. When he turned around, he saw you with discontent on your face. Even though you didn't know about it, he was pleased that you met again. You were deprived of a foster family in which you planned to stay longer, so you decided to go with Michael and, if possible, get as much benefit as possible. Next to him, you were sure that you were safe
It was difficult to characterize the relationship between you in any way. Both of you didn't have a proper understanding of romantic relationships, but you stayed close and protected each other. You were physically weaker than Michael, but no one expected you to attack them and you took advantage of it. You were the perfect murderous duo and you were both sure that it wasn't the only thing that could connect you
🪓 Jason Voorhees x fem!Reader 🏕
When Jason first saw you, he was surprised. He thought you were a kid who got lost and ended up in an abandoned camp, but your clothes were different from the usual ones. It was more like a hospital gown. He came closer while you were hiding in one of the cabins, and only then was he convinced that it really was a hospital shirt and saw that there was blood on you, although he doubted that you were injured. When he saw a crashed psychiatric clinic car and several dead orderlies in the woods, he realized what had happened to you
He came to you the same night and was surprised when you were not sleeping but sitting holding a scalpel in your hands. You were ready to defend yourself, even though Jason was much bigger. However, he didn't feel any negativity towards you. Jason raised his hands to show that he wasn't going to hurt you. Only after that did you calm down a little. He even treated you to dried meat and brought you clothes from the bag of one of the tourists he killed. It was only when you cleaned yourself up that you quietly thanked him and told him about your name, that you were supposed to be transferred to another psychiatric clinic, and also that you and Jason were the same age, but you looked younger and were much shorter due to a congenital disease
You stayed to live in one of the huts and Jason often came to you. He cared about you and he was sure his mom would approve of it. When there were new tourists who decided to relax by the lake, Jason saw how you killed several of them at night. One of them, a big guy, tried to grab you, but Jason wouldn't let him do it, killing him. You weren't afraid of killing, you were a murderer yourself, and as a sign of gratitude for your help, you kissed Jason on the cheek, which caused him to blush on his cheeks
Jason often stayed by your side. He would put you on his shoulder without any problems and carry you with him. You killed people together, even though you were motivated by different motives. There was a warm relationship between you. You took care of each other and helped each other. Apart from each other, you had no one and your life in the forest suited you both
👻 Billy Loomis x fem!Reader 📞
You and Billy knew each other because of his father. He was friends with a married couple who adopted you and at first he was sure that you were just an orphan girl with oddities. He was sure of it until your foster father was killed. Everyone claimed it was the same killer who was operating in their city, but Billy knew it wasn't him, because neither he nor Stu did it. That's when he started to get suspicious about you
His theory was confirmed when he snuck into the house where you and your foster mother stayed to live. He intended to just watch and maybe find out more about you, but he saw how you stabbed your foster mother. You grumbled obscenities and even cut yourself on purpose to deflect suspicion from yourself. Billy couldn't help but chuckle and you quickly turned to him. You understood that he saw everything and he understood that you were not who you seemed, so he set you a condition. He won't reveal your secret if you honestly tell him who you are
He listened to your story with genuine surprise. You turned out to be a couple of years older than him, and you spent several years of your life in a psychiatric clinic. Because of your congenital disease, you looked younger than your age and took advantage of it. Billy was intrigued by you. Looking at you, smeared in someone else's blood, who shamelessly deceived and killed, he realized that he could not let you go so easily. Especially considering that you also weren't going to let go of the person who found out your secret
His father temporarily took you under his care, and Billy, in front of others, played the role of a caring older brother who sincerely empathized with your loss. However, in fact, he let you get very close to him. You quickly guessed who exactly he was and now you had a common secret. You were both murderers and this secret seemed to bring you closer together
👻 Stu Macher x fem!Reader 🔫
You and Stu have known each other since your first day in town. You were adopted by a couple who were friends with his parents. He heard that they couldn't have their own children, so you became an important family member for them. Several times they came to their house for dinner and Stu tried to communicate with you many times. He was amused to watch you, a girl who behaved not like a child, but like an adult. It seemed funny to him. When your foster parents needed to leave town, they asked Stu's parents to look after you. However, he found out about it only at night, when he returned home covered in blood, confident that everyone was asleep
He climbed into his room through the window and planned to go to the bathroom, but in the hallway he bumped into you. You looked at him with absolute calm, as if there was blood on him. However, he caught sight of a scar. There was a scar on your neck, as if from some kind of belt, usually it was hidden by the collar of your dress, but now you, apparently, did not expect to run into someone. Before he could say anything, you grabbed his arm and dragged him into his room. Despite your calm expression, he noticed a mocking twinkle in your eyes
He expected to hear words of concern, but instead he heard discontent that if he really decided to play the killer, he should at least come home clean and not attract too much attention. Stu was surprised by this, and also by the fact that according to you, you had much more experience in this than he did. During your late-night conversation, he found out that everything he knew about you was a lie, your name, your age and your story. You were a few years older than him, you spent part of your life in a psychiatric clinic and you kill people. You didn't hide that you were planning to kill your foster parents, but now you had a more interesting task. You wanted to see if you could make a real serial killer out of Stu, since he's already started killing people
Stu didn't tell Billy about you, realizing that he could be against it or use you in his plan. When you and Stu were alone, you didn't hide your true identity and he liked you much more like that. He hoped that he could get to know you even better and when his and Billy's plan came to life, you could become a part of their company and his life
🔑 Norman Bates x fem!Reader 🔪
You met Norman when you and your foster mother arrived at the motel. You looked like a young girl in a dress with a high collar and long sleeves. Your mother checked you in and Norman had a little chat with her. She did not hide from him that you are her adopted daughter and that you plan to move to the nearest city after her husband disappeared. Norman was smiling at you in a friendly way, but your face remained calm. He assumed that the reason for this was an emotional shock. Your foster mother rented two rooms, one for herself and one for you
You were quiet and didn't cause any problems, unlike your mother. Norman's mother was angry and she didn't like her, so she got rid of her. When Norman regained consciousness, he hurried to hide the traces of blood and figure out how to explain to you that your mother had abandoned you, as he heard your calm voice. You told him that you were grateful that he helped you. Turning around, he saw you, with a slight smile on his lips. You went up to him and kissed him on the cheek as a sign of gratitude and calmly began to help him get rid of you by your foster mother, as if her death had absolutely no meaning for you
When he asked you how you could stay so calm, you told him that you originally planned to kill her, just like you killed her husband, and a large number of people before them. You told him that you were about the same age as him, that you looked so young because of your illness and that you spent a long time in a bad place where they hurt you, claiming that they wanted to cure you. He understood what place you were talking about. He was surprised that you were the same age as him, but looking at you, looking at you and knowing that you were being harmed, he wanted to protect you. He suggested that you stay at the motel at least for a while, mentally deciding to try to convince his mother to let you stay with them as long as possible
Despite the fact that you looked quite young, you really were an adult woman. Pretty quickly, for the rare visitors to the motel, you were his little sister, a sweet girl who helped him look after the motel and your sick mother. However, in fact, you were much closer to him. You were the only woman his mother was willing to accept and who was willing to accept him and his mother. Maybe you've finally found the family that really would finally be yours
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rose-colored-tarot · 5 months
What is the latest belief or thing you added to your faith?
Faith specifically? That godhood is a title bestowed or earned, not an intrinsic aspect of an entity. This is a slight expansion of Stag's "spirits in silly hats" theory.
So last year I started my journey, maybe not on the crooked path, but next to it? within eyeline of it? Idk, I started seeking out The Witchfather. And things went really well, we have a good relationship going, I've expanded my craft significantly in just the 6 months since I made my pact (that sounds WAY more serious than it is, right now I have a year and a day deal going with him, we will reassess on my birthday). I also went into this relationship relatively blind to literature and prevailing ideas surrounding him. I wanted to get to know each other before I started researching him in depth.
As the weeks and months passed, I started to realize he was rather limited in power relative to what I thought a god should be able to do. Most of what we did together was tied to the forest behind my house, and his ability to act outside of my property was minimal. I have since come to the conclusion he is the spirit of that forest, not The Witchfather (capital T capital W, big daddy God [which I'm sure is a cultural Christian expectation anyway]) that I thought he was. He was simply MY witchfather. He only became a deity because I decided he was one, and from what I can tell, he does not give two shits if he is considered a god or not. He simply is a Guy who answered when I called out. I am the one who put that crown on his head, and he wears it indifferently.
So I think a lot of what makes godhood is how we as people/worshippers/whatever you wanna call us treat the entities concerned. Aphrodite is not the goddess of love, sex and beauty because of any inherent quality she possesses, the ancients just gave her that domain and she ran with it (and she's doing a wonderful job as far as I'm concerned).
This whole change in philosophy was super freeing with regard to my idea of faith and devotion. It takes the pressure off of my ideas of divinity. It is easier to approach someone when you think of them as "just some guy with a fancy title" god instead of "behold my radiance, look upon me and weep" god.
Thanks for the ask! It was nice to actually write this all out and get it to be coherent.
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mechaknight-98 · 7 months
Rough Housing Part I
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Author's note: A Little break from The Gathering as I have no idea what to do next, and this has been floating in my drafts for a while so I figure I actually finish it.
When Xavier got a call from his college buddy about a rugby tournament in South Korea he was certifiably skeptical, but hey Will (the college buddy in question) said it was legit so Xavier prepped himself. He had six weeks to get back in athletic shape ( a task not impossible but difficult). So Xavier began training once more, and because the team was being made on the fly it would just have to do.
The six weeks pass without a hitch and Xavier is ready (as much as he can be) for the tournament. His flight and all of his legal documents are prepped and ready to go as he flies out to South Korea. On the flight, he is seated next to an extremely attractive brunette to his left. As he looked at her she looked at him. They looked at each other and the brunette began to nervously smile at Xavier. Xavier’s eyes softened and he smiled back before saying “You’re exceptionally pretty.” The young lady begins to smile confidently at Xavier.
“Thank you.” She says giddy
“You’re welcome, now before I say anything else stupid can I ask your name?”
“Ah my name is Jinsoul, and you?” The young lady answered
“Oh, Xavier. Nice to meet you.” Xavier nodded
“You too.” After that, the duo was silent towards each other for the first hour of the flight but during the second Xavier pulled out his Switch and began playing an indie game called Gigabash. Jinsoul’s eyes widened. “You like Gundam too?” Jinsoul asked. Xavier nods to her a bit confused until she points to his bag with all the Gundam pins on it. Xavier smiles as does Jinsoul. Jinsoul leans in and watches him play two hours pass before both end up falling asleep in each other’s embrace. They wake up at different intervals of the flight never really lining up together except during the meal when they both order the same dish. During this small moment, they asked each other about what they were doing in Korea
“Oh I'm going to a rugby tournament,” Xavier says
"My friend invited me so I am helping him out as a favor. Plus I had like a month of PTO and nothing to burn it on." Xavier explains
"Oh interesting," Jinsoul says
Xavier smiles and puts on his best charming and unassuming tone, "But enough about me. What is a pretty lady like you flying out from the States?"
“Oh nice I'm from here but I just won a martial arts tournament.” Jinsoul smiled as she twirled her hair while answering Xavier
“Oh, where I follow the scene quite a bit,” Xavier asks trying to see if he recognized her.
Jinsoul blushed not expecting Xavier to care about her. This made him a bit more interesting to her, “Oh the USAMA one that just happened,” Jinsoul said and it finally clicked for Xavier, he was talking to the martial arts star and K-pop artist named Jinsoul also nicknamed JinFury (due to her ferocious kicks and martial arts prowess) she was part of the K-pop group ARTMS. Xavier's eyes widen. Jinsoul laughs.
"Hey what's with the look?" she says slyly.
"You're Jinfury of ARTMS," Xavier says confident
"I am surprised you recognize me," Jinsoul says slyly
"You're a megastar," Xavier responds casually and calmly.
Jinsoul laughs, "Oh so you know me?"
Xavier shrugs and says, "Well the name gave it away."
"Oh, so I shouldn't have told you then?" Jinsoul asks in a cooing tone. Xavier shifts position off of his switch now giving his full attention to Jinsoul. Jinsoul smiles having Xavier's full attention.
Xavier smiles and furrows his brow, " Really?" He asked "I mean it's up to you but hey I'm just glad to meet one of my favorite stars." He added
"Really. you seem so calm. you seem the swooning type." Jinsoul teased
Xavier raised an eyebrow. he wondered if this was Jinsoul flirting with him (She was) but due to obliviousness he just replied, "Eh, I don't swoon it's not my thing. I'm more the type to be chill about everything."
"Really?" Jinsoul asks smiling before putting her hand on Xavier's chest. She can feel his heart race. "it feels like you're swooning." Jinsoul teases.
Xavier smiles, "Well yeah why wouldn't I when such a pretty girl puts her hand on my chest." Xavier teased back
Jinsoul rolls her eyes to Xavier's sweet talk, "Oh I bet you say that to all the girls."
Xavier shook his head to Jinsoul's surprise before saying, "You are the first. So at this time, it's only you."
Jinsoul's eyes widen in surprise "Oh! That is not what I expected." she said. Xavier shrugs. Jinsoul's ears begin to turn red. as she stares at Xavier. Xavier smiles back sweetly.
The two flirted for the rest of the flight eventually ending with sharing contact information two hours later. When the duo landed Jinsoul was greeted by her groupmates who were behind her watching the whole thing go down. As they leave Xavier says to Jinsoul, "See ya later Jinfury." Jinsoul blushes as she smiles and waves off Xavier.
Jinsoul is shuffled away by staff and members as she gets off the plane to the van back to her building. while on the ride one of her groupmates Named Choerry asks Jinsoul
"Hey, Unnie who was the guy you talked to on the plane?"
"What?" Jinsoul asked confused hoping She wasn't caught.
"The tall burly guy you talked to during the second half of the flight? You seemed super interested in him." Choerry said exaggerated which got the attention of Heejin, Haseul, and Kim Lip
"Ehh?" they said in unison
"Oh, he was just a seatmate. He was playing an interesting game that I liked." Jinsoul said
"OKAY!!" Choerry said exaggeratedly and sarcastically.
When Xavier arrives to pick up William his rugby friend and teammate notices his positive attitude and says,
"You are way too chipper for someone who just got out of a several-hour flight."
Xavier shrugs and says, "Glad to be on the ground I guess." Will scoffs and says, "Well Mister I hope your fitness is up because this tournament is going to be tough."
Xavier nodded then replied, "Arent they supposed to be."
"Ha. You think this is going to be like College, we are in a men's invitational. there are going to be scouts at every Game this is my chance to finally step up in the world." Will exclaimed excitedly to his friend.
"So why do you want me here? I could easily mess this all up for you?" Xavier questioned sternly
Will laugh at Xavier's proposition, "Ha! The most considerate and competitive person I know ruining my dream of competing in the big leagues for me?"
"Fair point."
The duo pulled into the air BNB where the rest of the team was. Will opens the door and in very broken Korean says to the rest of the group,
"Hello everyone this is Xavier our flanker for now." the rest of the team all rush to see Xavier and are surprised to see he is American. However, thankfully he looks the part. Xavier waves politely and greets the rest of the team. the silence is palpable but the group eases around him eventually as he speaks with them.
"So what's the plan for the first game?" Xavier asks the team.
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mariposa-writes · 2 years
The Assistant - Travis Kelce Pt 1.
Travis Kelce x Reader
Summary: Your Travis assistant.
Word Count: 1.3k
A/N: New series alert! Can't wait to see where this story takes me. Also feel free to request stories and I'll try to write them as soon as possible.
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"He is not going to fire you." Your best friend Megan replied.
"Yes he is, how am I going to be his full time assistant when I need assistance myself." You'd just gotten some of the worse news of your life. You'd torn your ACL and meniscus, while snowboarding with your friends.
"Y/n I'm pretty sure it's against the law." Megan replied.
"Maybe, but we don't even have a contract. So he could prob get away with it." You wanted to cry. "I have to call him or something. He's expecting me back at work in two days."
You had ended your vacation 1 week earlier than planned. Your friends were currently in Colorado, enjoying the last few days of winter up there. Soon there wouldn't be enough snow and the ski resorts would be closing.
You were originally from Colorado, but moved to Kansas the year after you graduated high school. You'd been living in Kansas City, for the past 7 years and had been working as Travis's assistant for the past year and a half.
"Babes, we're almost at the slopes so I'm gonna have to let you go." Megan said.
"Alright, talk later." you replied before hanging up.
You knew you couldn't avoid Travis anymore, you'd been hiding in your house all week. Dreading the conversation you'd have to have with him. Maybe you could just keep walking on your leg, until the beginning the next off season. Yea, not possible considering your knee was only getting worse as time continued.
There was only about a week left before practices start back up and it was back to the everyday grind. Travis had agreed to let you take a week and a half off to go snowboarding in Colorado, since ski season had lasted a whole month longer than normal.
You got out of bed and decided to get dressed to head over to Travis's. You figured the best way to break the new would be in person. You slowly walked down the stairs and to your car, your knee only giving out twice on the way down. Luckily both times you were holding onto the railing.
You were doing a front flip while snowboarding, when you hurt it. After not sticking your landing you laid in the snow knowing something was wrong.
You were always pretty in tuned with your body, always knowing when you were sick or something was actually wrong. Like when you broke your wrist at 11 years old and knew it wasn't just a sprain. You could always tell when an ear infection was coming on as a kid. You knew when you needed to go to the doctor and when you could wait it out.
This was one of those times where you knew something was wrong. Your knee felt different and it wasn't like you just landed wrong and it would feel better in a few days. You could tell this was more serious.
You waited a few days to go to the doctor even though you knew something was wrong. As a kid your mom always told you that if she took you too the doctor and nothing was wrong you were gonna have to pay the medical bill, so you learned to just wait most things out.
Now as a result of that you hated going to the doctor.
After being home for two days and no improvement on your knee, you knew you had to go.
That's when they broke the news to you and told you what was wrong.
Now you were sitting in Travis's driveway working up the courage to tell him what had happened. After a few more minutes you walked up to his front door and rang the bell.
You could hear Travis barreling down the stairs, as you waited patiently at the door. "Y/n?" He tilted his head, clearly confused as to why you were here. "What are you doing here? You still have two days left of vacation."
"Um, can we go inside and talk?" You asked nervously.
Travis nodded slowly, "Yea, let's go to the living room." He moved out of the door, letting you in. You headed for the living room with him trailing behind.
Travis could swear he felt the nervousness radiating off of you. Which was also making him nervous.
You headed towards the living room, Travis trailing closely behind you. You'd almost made it all the way when your knee ended up giving out on you.
Travis quickly grabbed your hip, keeping you from falling while you planted a hand on the wall. You don't know how his reaction time was so fast, but you supposed that's why he's in the NFL.
You waited for a few seconds making sure your knee was okay, before walking the rest of the way to the couch. Travis kept his hand on your back worried you'd almost fall again.
"Sorry," you pointed the the spot where you almost fell. "About that back there." You clarified.
"Y/n, what's going on?" He asked sitting down in the chair across from his couch.
"I-um" you wiped your sweaty palms on your sweats, trying to calm down. Travis didn't rush you, he just waited patiently. You took a deep breath, "I tore my ACL and meniscus." You blurted out, just wanting to get it over with.
"How?" Was his first question
"Snowboarding, Front flip." you added at the end.
"Who's taking you to the surgery?" Travis knew a lot about torn ACLs considering it was a pretty common injury in the sports world.
"I'm not sure, I'll probably drive myself there and Uber home."
"You don't have any family to take you?"
"Nope." You replied popping the P. You and Travis weren't really friends. You guys didn't talk about your personal lives, well you knew about his but you kept yours pretty private plus he never asked.
It made since that he didn't know you were pretty much alone here. You'd never told him anything about your past, considering you moved here to get away from it.
"I thought you were going snowboarding with friends, they can't take you?"
"They live in Colorado, I was visiting them."
"Oh," Was all he said for a while. The silence in the room, was loud in your ears. Thankfully Travis interrupted it, "I'll take you to your surgery."
Your eyes widened. "What? Why?"
"Well you just said you don't have anyone to take you."
"You'll have practice." You argued.
"Practice doesn't start for another week and a half."
"It's 3 weeks away."
"3 weeks?" You nodded. "Who's your doctor?"
"I don't know. I just met the guy, forgot his name." Travis got up and called someone on his phone, "What are you doing?" You asked, but he just held his finger up telling you to be quiet.
You rolled your eyes, while he walked into another room. You sat on the couch waiting patiently until he came back, finally after 10 minutes or so he was back.
"You have an appointment tomorrow, with my doctor. He's going to get some scans done and confirm what you already know, then he's going to fit you in for surgery within the week."
"I can't afford your doctor!" You said throwing my arms in the air, since you didn't really want to stand to argue with him.
"Don't worry about the cost." He said walking away from me. You pushed off the couch and followed him.
"Travis, I can't keep up slow down." You yelled trying to walk as quick as possible without causing my knee to buckle.
He was waiting at the front door, "Go home, Y/n"
"We aren't done talking about this. Cancel that appointment tomorrow." You crossed your arms over your chest and huffed out some air.
"Yes we are." He said, basically pushing you to your car. He opened the door for you and you climbed in. "I'll pick you up tomorrow at 10." He said, before shutting your door and walking into his house.
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