#also I changed her colors bc while the grey works for her looking dead…she died in a fire
quibbs126 · 2 years
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This is a comic I’ve been drawing since that last drawing on…was it Tuesday? But yeah, something about the little ghost girl, and how like I said in the original post, Melina might be able to see her
This is just a slight event that takes place when they’re on the beach in Eternal Diva
(Disclaimer I did not go back and watch Eternal Diva when making this, I just went off a couple screenshots I could find)
This is my first time drawing a comic that’s not just poorly drawn, so I’m not sure how good it is. I only decided to draw backgrounds halfway so it’s a bit inconsistent. I drew this all on the same canvas, so the thing has over 50 layers on it
I might make this into a full au, but I’m not promising anything
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langdvnshepherd · 5 years
Michael x Male reader fluff ??
Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: character death, angst, mentions of smut, fluff
A/N: I’ve never written any male!reader fics so this is a first! I’d love to write more so let me know if you’d like me to take a shot at something else! Under a cut bc this one is way longer than the usual requests I answer!
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The timid knocks on his door were quiet, but they startled him nonetheless. It was the middle of the night. Everyone he talked to had been in bed for hours now, the halls were quiet and his social media feeds had died down. He’d been awake, reluctantly, of course, staring blankly at the ceiling, contemplating all of the recent events that had turned his world upside down.
Something inside of him felt like the person on the other side of the door was the same person that had been preoccupying his thoughts for months now, but the greater part inside of him told him to let it go. He was gone. He wasn’t coming back. He’d left him alone in the Hawthorne dorm they’d spent initially as roommates, and up until now, lovers.
He heard his named being called by a hoarse voice from outside of his dorm.
No. It couldn’t be.
“Michael?!” he breathlessly exclaimed as he jolted up from his bed and flung the weighted, wooden door ajar. 
It was him. He had been so certain that he’d scared him off. Maybe he had been too much. Maybe he’d smothered him in a way that Michael wasn’t fond of. Or maybe Michael was the one that was scared. Too petrified of what others would think to take things any further than they’d already gone. He was convinced for a while that one else in the world existed but him and Michael. That was until Michael had up and disappeared in the middle of the night with no explanation. He’d been gone for days, until right at this moment.
Michael looked like he’d been to hell and back. His hair, the thick, golden strands that he loved to tug on when Michael nestled himself coyly between his legs and made him see stars, was matted and caked with muddy earth. His clothes, ones that Michael took great pride in upkeeping, were ripped to shreds, barely hanging on to his malnourished torso. But the most gut-wrenching part of his entire appearance was his eyes. He’d spent many nights gazing into them. Not saying anything, just staring. He’d memorized every dip and ridge of his blue-green irises, how they changed color depending on the intensity of the lamp on his bedside table. No matter how dark or how light, his eyes were always glimmering. They spoke to him in many ways that Michael often couldn’t communicate with words, so to see them now was quite possibly the hardest part of seeing him again. 
They were sunken in and dull, the aquamarine now a deep, sallow grey. Underneath his eyes were dark purple shadows, indicating he probably hadn’t slept well since the last night they spent together.
“Where have you been? What happened to you?” the boy asked, feeling warm, fresh tears pooling in the corners of his eyes.
He pulled Michael into his room and shut the door behind him, where Michael immediately collapsed into his arms. The boy lowered both of their bodies, sliding against the wall until they were curled into each other on the floor. 
Michael was weeping, his chest heaving, tears soaking the boy’s pajama top. The boy held Michael as close to him as he could, disregarding the clumps of mud that fell around him and onto his lap each time a sob wracked through Michael’s body. 
He was almost in shock, in a way. In the days since Michael’s disappearance, he’d convinced himself that he’d never be able to hold him or touch him like this again. He’d stopped going to class, stopped socializing with his friend group, stopped eating. There was something so addictive about the Boy Wonder that waltzed through the doors of the private academy for warlocks just months ago, and to be ripped away from him cold turkey was the worst kind of withdrawal to go through. 
“Mikey,” he tried drawing Michael from his chest to look him in the face.
Michael didn’t budge. He stayed in the same position, clutching tightly to the boy’s frame. 
“Talk to me, Michael. What’s wrong?”
“She’s gone,” he choked out, inhaling the salty tears that pooled in the center of his dry and cracked lips.
“Who? Who’s gone?”
He was getting closer, getting him to open up little by little. He prayed to whoever was listening that he’d get somewhere with him. That he’d get the clarity he needed to justify the days he’d spent wallowing in his own self-pity. But he also knew that Michael rarely spoke about himself and how he was feeling. Maybe talking Michael through whatever had just happened to him could bring some clarity into his own life.
“My Ms. Mead. She’s dead. They killed her.”
More sobs, more heaving, more tearing apart at the seams. He’d seen Michael cry only once before when Michael told him that he thought he was in love with him, but those were different tears, a different kind of fear and excitement. These tears were forlorn. They were grieving.
The boy holding Michael stroked his spine, occasionally reaching out to work at the knots built up in his back. It felt right, to have Michael in his arms again, but it felt selfish to be savoring the moment like this. Not when Michael had just lost the only other person he’d ever heard Michael talk about loving.
“I’m so sorry, Michael,” he whispered.
“Who killed her?”
“Those fucking witches,” Michael snarled in between breaths, his grip around the boy’s middle growing uncomfortably tight.
“I’m going to murder every last one of them.”
“You’re delirious. Let’s get you in bed. We can talk more in the morning.”
Cordelia was the Supreme, as you’d heard all about it when she visited Los Angeles after hearing word that Michael might have powers greater than her own. Michael was certainly out of his mind if he thought he could successfully take down an entire coven without being burned at the stake first.
Michael nodded weakly against the boy’s chest.
“Actually, I think you need a shower first. Think you can stand?”
Michael shook his head, “No.”
“That’s okay. It’s okay, Michael,” he reassured him, rubbing his back once more.
The boy lifted Michael from the floor, holding him up by the chest as they hobbled to the bathroom connected to the dorm room. 
He stripped Michael down, running his fingers over the protruding bones of his ribcage, feeling more and more devastated as each article of clothing was discarded onto the cold tile. He checked the temperature of the shower faucet before removing his own clothing, then carefully held onto Michael’s hand before stepping into the shower with him. 
The boy worked the shampoo through Michael’s scalp, feeling the tension literally lift off of Michael’s shoulders at the feeling of being tended to. Clumps of dirt and mud swirled at the bottom of the shower drain as he lathered the rose-scented soap, Michael’s favorite, across his chest and back, then down to the meat of his thighs and ankles. When he was done cleaning up the mess Michael had made of himself, they stood idling underneath the scalding hot, flowing water. 
They’d done this many times before, showered together. It often ended in wandering hands and creating more steam than what was caused by the temperature of the water, but this was entirely different kind of needy. He felt like Michael might quite literally crumble if he let him go. 
They stayed there until the water ran cold, bodies flush against one another, buried in the crook of either one’s necks.
“You want some clothes to sleep in? All of yours are still here,” he questioned, walking over to the dresser that held all of Michael’s belongings he’d left behind when he vanished.
“Can I sleep in yours?” Michael asked, exhaustion taking over every fiber of his being. 
He was perched on the foot of the boy’s bed, shoulders slumped over, tiny beadlets of water dripping from the ends of his freshly washed hair and pooling into the crevice of his closed thighs.
“Of course,” he answered, going back to his own wardrobe to reach for the shirt of his that he knew Michael loved best.
He approached Michael with the fabric in his hands, situating it so that he could slip it easily over Michael’s head. Michael could barely hold his arms up long enough to slide them through the armholes, his breathing becoming manual and deep when he was able to drop them back down to his sides. 
“I thought you were gone,” the boy spoke so quietly that Michael almost couldn’t hear him. 
Michael looked up at him with more tears in his eyes, an overflow of emotions bombarding him once again to see how much he had hurt the only person he had left.
“I’m sorry,” his voice cracked as the water ran down his cheeks.
“Don’t cry Mikey,” the boy shushed him.
“I’m just glad you’re back.”
When he reached down to grab the towel Michael had used to dry his body, Michael gripped him back the back of the neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss. They both realized they’d missed the taste of each other more than they had initially thought as their lips massaged one another’s, the tips of their tongues dancing along the edge of each other’s bottom lips. When he pulled away, there was a faint wash of a smile peeking through the features of Michael’s face. The corners of his mouth turned up just slightly, and his eyes seemed to brighten just half a shade at the familiar sense of security, his boyfriend’s comforting touch.
As soon as Michael was dressed in clean clothes that weren’t coated in the remnants of his worst nightmare, he laid his head back onto the mattress on which he’d spent many nights prior to this. Much like the shower, many of those nights had been sleepless and erotic, but other times they were soft and gentle. Nervous, shy pecking on the lips and clammy, inexperienced fingers, but mostly just sleeping. Michael had quickly realized that every night spent in his own bunk right beside his lover’s was a night wasted. He’d slept far better next to him than he ever had on his own. 
The boy crawled in bed next to Michael, cozying up to his warm, drowsy body and slipping his arm under Michael’s t-shirt and around his middle. He stroked Michael’s tummy with his palm, refamiliarizing himself with each dip and curve of his torso.
He knew it was no use trying to pry any more words out of Michael. He was snoring the second his head hit the pillow, and he knew that because of the faint snores that escaped his lips almost immediately.
He had wished for this moment. For Michael to come back and lay with him once again. And he’d gotten what he’d asked for. Only it didn’t resemble the way he’d pictured it. 
His intuition made his stomach churn, for fear that this reunion was only temporary, and Michael might be leaving again far sooner than he could bear.
Gonna tag a handful because this one’s a lil long!!
@avesatanormalpeoplescareme @venusxxlangdon @wroteclassicaly @sojournmichael @1-800-bitchcraft 
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cruelwritersthesis · 5 years
So I just finished ITPS and INAS and humor me here: Tori and Luke in a The Good Place AU. Tori dies and wakes up in Elysium and is being introduced to the neighborhood and whatnot. Luke shows up and when they finally get a moment alone, she's freaking out because She. Didn't. Die. A. Hero. Luke chalks it up to a happy mishap. Antics ensue. Cue them realizing they're actually in the Fields of Punishment and this is just a new way of torturing the dead.
bruuuuuuuuuuuuuh your Mind
yo comedy is so hard to write, for real, but i’m gonna attempt it also thus far my stories have been far from comedies lol
follow meeeeeee~!
[[[spoilers for the good place below bt-dubs]]]
Tori dies and the first thing she sees when she opens her eyes again: “Welcome! Everything is fine.” She can’t remember how she got there, and she’s confused, because wasn’t she supposed to meet Charon? Cross the River Styx? Get in line and wait for her soul to be judged?
She’s sitting an a nice room, fairly minimalist. In one corner there’s a small water feature. To her left, a door opens and a man steps out: “Tori.” He smiles. “Come on in.”
She goes in, not knowing what else there is to do and sit down in one of the chairs in front of a desk, and the man sits down behind the desk.
“I’m Adrian, and I’m the architect of this neighborhood.”
Tori’s even more confused. Neighborhood??? Architect???
Adrian smiles and chuckles. “I can see you’re confused. Elysium is split into neighborhoods, built by immortals like me. And yes, you died.”
Skip to Adrian giving a tour of the neighborhood to Tori: “Three-hundred and twenty-two perfectly matched heroes…” etc.
They come to a stop in front of where Tori will be staying: a ginormous mansion that’s far too big for just her and far too ostentatious. She hates it,,, but it’s Elysium right? Not to mention this neighborhood was supposed to be perfectly crafted to her likes, right???
They go inside and that’s when Adrian drops the bomb: “Oh, and did I mention soulmates exist?” Inside, despite her panic at what’s happening, she feels her heart lift with anticipation. Surely Luke was her soulmate on earth, so he must be her in Elysium [he is, don’t worry, it’s not a plot twist or anything]. Adrian goes on, “Yes, they exist on Earth as well, but the gods decided they didn’t need to give humans a sure-fire way to tell. You were the lucky few who happened to find your soulmate on Earth. It’s always a bit of a mess when someone finds out their soulmate here is not the person they were with on Earth.”
Luke walks through the door then, and Tori can’t help but run up and give him a big hug, tears already in her eyes.
Adrian’s doing his architect act, smiling and all that. “You two must have a lot to catch up on. I’ll leave you to it and meet up with you later. I have some people I’d like to introduce you to, and I have a surprise for Tori. See you both later!”
And despite her happiness at getting to see Luke again, there’s something more pressing, weighing on her chest that she needs to talk to him about immediately.
After making sure Adrian has left, she finds a small broom closet, and just to be safe, checks for any hidden cameras or microphones. All the while Luke is confused and asking Tori what’s going on and what’s wrong. Tori won’t answer until she’s sure they aren’t being watched or listened to.
Finally, she turns to Luke with wide eyes and a look of fear: “I didn’t die a hero. I’m not supposed to be here.” [I could leave it here and be like, Part 2 coming soon! But I won’t.]
Instead of being concerned, Luke just smiles gently and takes her hands into his. “I don’t care if it’s a mistake, I’m just happy to be with you.”
Tori’s caught between wanting it to be some happy, miracle mistake, but the other part of her is worried something could go wrong at any moment. Mistakes didn’t just happen in Elysium, did they? Their souls were judged, how could the judges decide that she belonged somewhere else but send her to Elysium?
She tries to get this across to Luke, but he’s too happy to see her. And she, of course, is happy to see him. But, like most things in her life, she doesn’t want all of this to just disappear. She doesn’t want Luke to just disappear suddenly, and then for her to find out she’s in the Fields of Punishment or something.
“Why don’t we take a walk, maybe it’ll help clear your head.”
So they head out again, though Tori is reluctant, and take a stroll around the neighborhood. It’s beautiful and all the people seem really nice. They’re all paired up with their soulmates, going about their business like it’s just another day in the neighborhood [lol sorry I had to].
But Tori is still worried. “You know I don’t do big or ostentatious,” she mutters to Luke as they walk around. “And what’s with all the tapioca pudding shops? You and I both know that regular pudding is better.” [side note: I actually love tapioca pudding lmao]
Tori stops them and turns to face Luke. “Also, I can’t cuss. You know I love to cuss.”
Luke chuckles and shakes his head, linking his arm with hers and pulling her gently along again. “Yes, but a lot of the people in this neighborhood don’t like it.”
“Okay, but don’t you think that if I like to cuss so much–and I now you do too, don’t deny it–wouldn’t they have put us in a neighborhood with people who also like to cuss?”
“I think you’re thinking too much about it.”
Before Tori can argue more, Adrian shows up with two people trailing after him.
“Tori, Luke, I’d like to introduce you to Mali and Amir. I was just telling them about the welcome party that Tori’s throwing.”
Tori wants to object vehemently, but to keep up appearances she grins. “Yes, that party. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited. It starts at 8pm sharp, but you can show up late if you want to. In fact, I’d even appreciate it if you didn’t show up at all–”
Adrian laughs. “Isn’t she funny? Of course they’re excited to go!” Talking to Mali and Amir, “Why don’t you two go explore the neighborhood a little more while I talk to these two about the party?”
As soon as the other two are out of earshot, Adrian turns to Tori with an “apologetic” look. “I’m so sorry, I meant to talk to you about it earlier, but it must’ve slipped my mind!” Tori forces a laugh and Luke can tell she’s ready to throttle Adrian, so puts his arm around her waist. Adrian continues, pretending not to notice. “Your house is the biggest, so it would only make sense that you host the party.”
“That makes sense,” Tori forces out. “But why me? I don’t mind lending my house for the party to someone who is a little more equipped for party-planning.”
“Oh nonsense! You’ll be just fine. Listen, I have to go meet some of the others here. I’ll see you at the party!”
As soon as Adrian’s out of earshot, Tori turns to Luke. “What am I supposed to do? I hate parties! I hate people! I don’t know how I’m going to even plan a party. Where am I going to even find stuff? Do they have like some…heavenly gift-shop? Do I need currency, or can I just tell them what I need and they’ll give it to me?”
Introduce Janet [I can’t think of a different name for her :P], who gets Tori everything she needs
Adrian forces Tori to give a speech–the party isn’t a disaster, but Tori’s already under pressure because she knows she’s not supposed to be there, so things slip both in the speech and as she tries to play hostess
Cue Chaos Sequence the next morning
Luke’s like, “Okay, I believe you now.”
As you say, antics ensue as they both try to navigate this neighborhood without exposing Tori being in the wrong place while Adrian actively works to undermine them
Remember those other two demigods I introduced? Yeah, hand-picked to make it difficult for Tori and Luke to keep their secret, because they also don’t belong in Elysium, and are meant to torture Tori and Luke. Long story short, they sided with the Titans, but neither Luke or Tori ever met them because armies are big and like they really had time to meet every single demigod who joined Kronos’s side
More antics ensue as the four of them get all mixed-up and band together to try to keep Tori, and Mali and Amir’s secret, bc they know they didn’t exactly die heroes either (among other things).
Cue more antics and even more crossed wires and confusion.
And then, Tori has her realization when they’re all bickering about who’s going to sacrifice themselves and go to the Fields of Punishment, much like Eleanor’s.
“This is the Fields of Punishment!”
Adrian does his Grinch smile and evil laugh.
It’s explained that, after centuries of the same old thing, Adrian decided to come up with something new–take four humans (and/or demigods) who don’t mix, throw them together in a place they think is Elysium, and make them torture themselves
Luke is confused because, “But I died a hero???”
And Adrian is like, “We changed the formula, numb-nuts! Were you not listening to my whole, entire explanation just now? What, you thought joining Kronos and bringing him back would get you into Elysium? Even if you sacrificed yourself at the last minute to defeat him? Seriously, dude?”
“But the prophecy–”
“You’re dead now, ya ding-dong. The prophecy doesn’t matter anymore!”
aaaaaand that’s all she wrote lol. but for real, i’m not really sure what would happen after that. if we’re going full good place au, then Adrian would reboot them, but they would keep figuring it out and banding together until Adrian gives up and joins them bc his boss (whoever that may be in the Greek mythology world) would rip immortality from him and send him to the Fields of Punishment as well, but the old-fashioned way
unfortunately, the fact that the world is so complicated that an act intended to help actually hurts and docks you points doesn’t quite work for this au lol bc while Luke did have good intentions by raising Kronos, and Tori staying with him is certainly colored in many shades of grey, they did like…get a lot of people killed. like that did happen, they started a war and a lot of demigods and nature spirits died. it’s both very grey and not that grey at all (which muddles things up even more; i could go on)
but hey, if you have any ideas that expands on this au, hmu, lmk!
and thanks for sending this in! i had a lot of fun with it :D
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superbatson · 6 years
decided to give station 19 a try for barrett, though honestly, after watching the pilot for krypton yesterday, this is like soap opera garbage in comparison. here are some thoughts during the 2-hour (jesus christ) premiere:
i don't hate the characters??? the script is weak as hell but they each have decent personalities. the lead - andy? - is kind of annoying. but of course, i love barrett. oak too. i don't really know any other character names besides the lead's
i also know grey damon from other shows i've watched him on, so he's great and obviously a lead here, so, yay! (isn't he pretty? 😍)
oh god they're having sex already? what the fuck, this is a pilot! i know this got a straight-to-series order but still, chill!
(though ngl, i wanna have sex with grey too)
and there's an almost-proposal and drama. i feel for grey, of course, but man, do i feel like i am missing a lot in this relationship.
i've noticed this in his other roles, but whenever he's in any sort of dramatic scene, he always looks like he's crying or close to it.. is that a sign of good acting or his eye color being super light?
i don't think firefighters discuss this sort of personal stuff while driving towards a fire...
"he was her prom date" oh no please don't do a love triangle
i honestly half-watched that entire rescue scene where the captain almost died. it was dark and that smoke up by the ceiling was AWFUL cgi
grey's helmet hair is 💯💯💯 (yes, i am finally using this emoji more)
aaaand the former prom date dude is comforting andy. grey looks sad. it's 2018. can we stop having love triangles? no one wants this!
also, what are these constant flashes of what's to come after the commercial break? i'm watching the whole episode. it's only 40 mins long (with another 40 min one afterwards). i don't need to know what's coming up. i'll see after the damn commercial break!
can't tell if this hallway fight is good acting or a little much... in real life, one of them would be trying to get the other to keep their voice down...
the heavy incorporation of pop music in the show makes it feel like this is more of a teen show... or do they not have the budget to have an actual score?
captain has cancer... yay drama
grey's character is jack, gotcha... still calling him grey lol
so jack's temporary captain and andy's gonna bitch about it because feminism, right? just bc you're his daughter doesn't mean you deserve that job
she now seems to hate the guy she was in a relationship with about half an hour ago... how do you change so quickly?
you talk about dead parents and suddenly you're making out. what the fuck?
aaaand more sex! yay (she says sarcastically)
no seriously this is gross
oh yay it cut off quickly
two broadway alum in one scene, woohoo!
if i ship anything on this show it's these two
or barrett & grey's characters bc it makes my bisexual heart v happy
they should rename this show saved by the bell (er... alarm)
hmm... does andy actually have the qualifications, though, for this lieutenant position?
oh they're working together, andy and jack, niiiice
this motivational speech is too cliche... who wrote this?
why is this stupid fire pole so significant?
why does jack look so upset?
is the quick episode summary really necessary?
aaaand that's it for episode one. i guess i'll watch episode two too, since it's in this recording, but i'll make that review a separate post.
there was so much happening in that pilot, i feel like i've been watching this show for five years rather than one hour. mehhhhh. so melodramatic.
yeah, after episode two, don't know if i'll stick with this. i love barrett and oak is fun and grey is gorgeous but it's just an annoying show overall. not nearly as interesting as krypton. if the season goes on netflix by summertime, maybe it'll be something to watch when there's nothing on. but otherwise, meh.
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nonewingedangel · 7 years
I was tagged by @arsuf, love these unnecessary long ones that distract me from the misery of life for at least half an hour, in other words thank you.
Tagging whoever wants to do it.
THE LAST: 1. drink: water 2. phone call: father 3. text message: mom (EXTREMELY social, I know) 4. song you listened to: Дахабраха - Ой, у Києві 5. time you cried: yesterday while listening to the LOTR soundtrack, a usual occurrence
HAVE YOU: 6. dated someone twice: I’ve never even dated someone once 7. kissed someone and regretted it: thought so but turns out it’s a funny story to tell 8. been cheated on: nah 9. lost someone special: yea 10. been depressed: happening as we speak 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: yea
LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 12-14: green, bordeaux, grey
IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. made new friends: an absolute miracle but yes 16. fallen out of love: nah 17. laughed until you cried: when I found out my mom’s missing her pinky finger since she was a kid after sharing a roof with her for more than 20 years 18. found out someone was talking about you: nah 19. met someone who changed you: nah 20. found out who your friends are: I’ve always known it 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: nah
GENERAL: 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: all but one 23. do you have any pets: unfortunately no :( 24.do you want to change your name: there was such time but now I think it’s cool 25. what did you do for your last birthday: went to a Chinese restaurant with two of my friends 26. what time did you wake up: around 10am?? 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: ehh watching stuff or fiddling with photoshop
28. name something you can’t wait for: Sweet embrace of death. <-keeping that one, also to finally go home next week 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: three weeks ago 30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: wish I could be strong enough not to procrastinate to the point of ruining my own life, not because of myself but bc of my mother who didn’t deserve a living failure as a kid 31. what are you listening right now: Hozier - Angel of Small Death & the Codeine Scene 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: welp we don’t have that name, we do have Tomislav and if that’s close enough then yes, my uncle 33. something that is getting on your nerves: college 34. most visited website: YouTube and Tumblr, also Reddit
LOST QUESTIONS. I JUST PUT IN RANDOM INFO ABOUT ME 35. mole/s: nothing seriously big 36. mark/s: if that includes scars then too many to even count 37. childhood dream: wanted to be a librarian 38. haircolor: bordeaux, naturally brown 39. long or short hair: shoulder length 40. do you have a crush on someone: real life people no, fictional characters you bet I do 41. what do you like about you: height, eye colour, nails, teeth too since I worked hard for those (let’s assume this question was about looks idk that was my first thought) 43. bloodtype: want to know so badly but am afraid of needles to the point of immediate fainting 44. nickname: no point in writing it down without pronouncing it too 45. relationship status: single 46. zodiac: libra 47. pronouns: whatever, go nuts 48. favorite TV Show: The Walking Dead, Bron, Malcolm in the Middle 49. tattoos: none 50. right or left hand: right 51. surgery: third tonsil, some tricky teeth stuff too 52. hair dyed in different color: yeah, been dyeing it for 3 years now 53. sport: hiking 55. vacation: Brazilian favelas, American West 56. pair of trainers: what are those can you eat them?
MORE GENERAL: 57. eating: haven’t eaten a thing all day bc too lazy to cook 58. drinking: water 59. i’m about to: who knows, might eat something or go throw myself into ongoing traffic 61. waiting for: H O M E 62. want: P I Z Z A 63. get married: probably not 64. career: environmental or animal protection, or at least something that gets me deep in dem forests and far from dem people
65. hugs or kisses: beautiful and well ventilated personal space 66. lips or eyes: eyes 67. shorter or taller: taller 68. older or younger: older 70. nice arms or nice stomach: who cares 71. sensitive or loud: neither 72. hook up or relationship: why are hook ups even a thing 73. troublemaker or hesitant: depends
HAVE YOU EVER: 74. kissed a stranger: nah 75. drank hard liquor: yea 76. lost glasses/contact lenses: nah 77. turned someone down: yea 78. had sex on the first date: nah 79. broken someone’s heart: not that I know of 80. had your heart broken: nah 81. been arrested: nah 82. cried when someone died: yea 83. fallen for a friend: don’t think so
DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 84. yourself: vaguely 85. miracles: it happens 86. love at first sight: maybe 87. santa claus: nah 88. kiss on the first date: nah
OTHER: 90. current best friend name: Filipa, and not current, been like that for 13 years now 91. eye color: some sort of swamp green 92. favorite movie: The Lord of the Rings
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