#also I like the idea of older Arcade with a beard
geaibleu89 · 10 months
Meant to get this finished in time for my birthday last week, didn't get it done until a day or two after, the didn't like it and ended up only posting it on Bluesky 🤷🏻‍♂️
Anyway I more or less got over what was bothering me enough to want to post it elsewhere
There is a lot of lore leading up to this point and I should really finish the timeline for this whole story at some point 😅
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unfiltered version under the cut:
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mystech-master · 4 years
F/GO High School/Modern AU BS
Me and @rex101111 have been talking about a modern/HS AU ft. as many Chaldean servants as possible. Here are the ideas we came up with (I am pretty much cut and pasting our message convo, so this is a mixture of both me and Rex's ideas):
Gil is the douchbag Senior everyone hates but his dad owns the school or whatever so he can do whatever he wants. The only decent person who willingly hangs out with him is his childhood friend Enkidu who's hoping he can un-douch his bro. He has kid Gil as his little brother and Caster Gil as his older bro who both agree that he sucks (Gil is the loser middle child of the family), Caster Gil wonders what Enkidu sees in his shit head brother. "He's too good for you." "Blow it out your ass." "One day he's going to wise up, see how much of a shit you are, and when you're all alone don't come crying to me." Caster Gil is in college studying political science, Kid Gil goes to a fancy boarding school. Archer Gil goofs off and throws parties
Scathach is a swimming class teacher, mainly b/c I recall underwater training being a part of Cu's regiment under her tutelage. People were jealous of the Cus for like two seconds when they find out the swim teacher is their mom, then they see her having them do an extra twenty laps and ignoring when OG Cu starts floating in the water. "CU DIED!" "YOU'RE NOT HUMAN!" while Scathach is like "you have two seconds to stop playing around before I ACTUALLY drown you" and he's back to doing laps.
Yeah with 4-5 Cus (if you count Setanta from Arcade) that is like 5 brothers.
Nightingale as school nurse, she is friends with Asclepius who works at a hospital associated with the school (strictly professional, but the students think otherwise).
Side note, keep in mind you can have multiple servants be the same type of teacher, just for different classes/grades.
King Hassan is the old Religious History teacher. Every one thinks he's older then the rock is the school is made out of. He has a scary face and a scarier voice but most students consider him the most fair and patient teacher in the whole school. He always gets a lot of food gifts before Ramadan form the students. (A few students, such as the Guda twins and Mash, call him gramps.) The other Hassans are his grandkids, like actual grandkids. He's super strict with them because he expects a lot from them. He always praises them when they do well though. He made sure they ALL got into his class and they've been living in fear ever since. They love their grandpa but by Allah they know not to disappoint him. The only one to ever get out of anything is kid Hassan (one of the hundred face). Cursed Arm is oldest, then Asako (the main hundred face), then Serenity.
"I am very disappointed in ALL of you, have you all lost your heads? I swear I-*to kid Hassan*-ah no Habibi not you you're fine here have a candy-*back to the rest*-I KNOW you're better than this!"
VERY traditional guy, Cursed Arm mutters "Oh for God's sake" while doing a pop quiz and King Hassan looms over him and growls, "No Blaspheming In This Class Room"
For the various Artoria/Arturias, I imagined Lancer and Lancer Alter being sisters, so Saber Alter is a cousin. That leaves everyone else to just be sisters with one brother. Mother Lartoria owns a casino and gas her own yacht in reference to the summer event where she became a Ruler. If you want MHX could be a part of the family as a massive fucking Star Wars nerd. MHXX and MHX Alter are her mom and sister (so MHXX is a third sister for the two Lancer Artorias)
For Irisviel, I remember in one of the Nero Fest things that she was called Therapist Iri. Maybe she starts to get into that b/c she wants to help her adoptive son Shirou (instead of a big fire like in Zero it can be an orphanage fire thing, similar situation but a much smaller scale) , so she is the school therapist/psychiatrist. Like Maruki in P5 Royal.
Iskandar died in his 30s, Waver is around his 30s as Lord El Melloi II. The two are old college friends who still hang out and Alexander is Iskandar’s kid.
If you guys want you can see this as the two being gay dads since I know that ship is popular.
Fran had an abusive father before Babbage and Moriarty got involved. In the og story, Frankenstien has a scientific mindset like his creator, here Fran has a talent in the field, but she also hates it b/c it reminds her of him. Like imagine being talented at the thing your abusive parent was good at/known for. Moriarty tried to get it into her that SHE'S the one with the talent, not her college dropout bum of a father, "From you tell me of him Victor couldn't engineer his way out of an argument with a cat, you have a magnificent mind my dear, not letting it flourish to spite him would be a horrible waste...it's your talent, your skill. Not his." He smiles that smile she loves that scares every one but she knows he only smiles like that when he is absolutely convinced of something, "and you can out perform him without breaking a sweat."
Moriarty teaches Fran sign language while Babbage teaches her some engineering.
Jekyll is going for a major in medicine with a minor in law (in the actual irl story Dr. Jekyll was a doctor in medicine and law).
For science associated servants, you got da Vinci, Babbage, Edison, and Tesla as possible science teachers.
The Jeanne sisters. Without the Avenger BS, the reason Jalter (or Joan as one series of fics calls her) could hate her here is just inferiority complex and being compared to her perfect saint big sister all her life. Joan does have her talents, based on the summer event an, but again she doesn't acknowledge her own talent b/c of her always being compared to her older sister., in the 7 counterfeit events she is a really good artist. And it is the typical thing of Jeanne actually being scared out of her wits of being less than perfect because of all the expectations thrust on her. She gets one A- and runs to the bathroom crying and Joan has to swallow her pride and actually have a conversation with her sister for the first time in years. Jeanne Alter lily puts up Christmas decorations super early, much to Jeanne Alter/Joan's displeasure.
Martha is Jeanne's BF since middle school and has this HUGE dog that scares everyone and growls at anyone expect Martha and Jeanne. She calls him Terry.
Rex loves Penthesilea. and we talked at length about the situation between her and Achilles. Can you not tell that he likes a woman who can kick his ass *gestures to all of his Baiken posts*
Rex's idea: I think they had a fight when they were little and Achilles, being a little shit back then, made fun of her for being a girl, and Penth has been sore about it ever since. She keeps running into big misogynistic meatheads that reminded her of that and she just got angrier over the years. She's a wrestler and can knock out just about every dude in school by herself. Achilles is very regretful about back then and wants to apologize but Penth ain't having any of it.
My idea: I thought they were on opposing HS sports teams and when Achilles handed her ass to her he forgot to drink his respect women juice and then Penth got all pissed.
In this AU, Penth and Hippolyta's dad was a general who taught them how to kick the ass of men twice their size since they were seven or something.
Penth surprises everyone when a festival comes up and she gets picked to be the one to organize everything...and does a spectacular job. Another surprise is that she plans on being a business major when she goes to college (Obligatory Amazoness CEO jokes)
Bedivere is the Arturia Pendragon family butler with a prosthetic arm. He's also the security guard, last guy that tried to steal something or cause trouble got slapped right out of the window he sneaked in from.
Francis Drake and Artoria Alter Lancer are work friends (referencing them both being associated with the Wild Hunt in F/GO's lore).
Beni-Enma is the short and shorter tempered lunch lady, last kid who mouthed off at her during lunch got smacked upside the head with her spoon. She's sweet, but if you're in detention and have to help her in the kitchen she's a mini Gorden Ramsey, "IT'S RAW DECHI!!!" She can also come into the home EC class where Shirou is her best student. Also her roasting of the other girls like in her quest. Getting Fs in Beni's class is the worst, because it isn't just an F, it's a meticulous dressing down of exactly why letting into a kitchen should be considered a war crime, dechi.
The three Avenger Nobus are three different people. 1st Ascension is basically Archer Nobu, then you got Oda Kipposhi, and then the mom is Ascension 3 with Demon King Nobunaga. The youngest Ascension 1 Nobu is a musician. Demon King Nobu is one of those "super scary but also super polite people that only makes them scarier" type, basically a female koei Nobunaga from samurai warriors (check out some cutscenes form the games with him, he's a treat).
Imagine Demon King Nobu mom in a business suit.
Suzuka Gozen and Sei Shonagon are the textaholics who always talk in slang to the point of it sounding like they speak a different language. Murasaki is the librarian but Sei is like that ONE student who just makes her job so much harder.
Every week it's "No phones in the library Miss Shonagon." while Sei rolls her eyes and types out twitter post like "fugly ol librarian at my school needs a life lol"
Oui Katsushika is a gifted art student, and her dad (not a floating little octopus), is just a normal dude with a squid/octopus like beard. She's the teacher's pet in De Vinci's art class.
Eresh and Ishtar come from a rich family, Ereshkigal is the older sister so she had a shit load of responsibility to take over the family business while Ishtar basically gets to party her life away. Rin is the cousin they each try and swing their way. Eresh wants Rin to keep up her studies and get into a good university, Ishtar wants Rin to loosen the fuck up and admit that she likes that scrawny Emiya kid already.
BB is the host of a talk show downtown so she is kind of an absentee mom. Meltryllis has prosthetic legs that she specifically asked to be made into stilts b/c she wanted to be taller, and Passonlip has a massive rack that makes life difficult (either people staring, people assuming she's gonna be a home wrecker b/c said staring must be intentional, etc.), and of course he also has prosthetic arms to match her canon claws, obviously not as massive.
Hijikata is a very serious police officer but his wife Carmilla just uses this to have fun in the bedroom. They have two Dobermans. Hijikata's route has him patrolling near the school so most of the kids know as that scary police dude that has a picture of his wife in his pocket. One day a famous Idol called Eli-chan~ (yes spelled with the ~) is about to perform in the town and the kids can't stop talking about her, so Hijikata overhears. But, being the serious dude he is he shrugs it off until he sees a picture of this "Eli-chan~" and realizes it's his sister-in-law that came to visit and suddenly the influx of parasitic paparazzi near his house start making sense.
Carmilla: "Now you see why I hate them?", Hijikata: "No you cannot send the dogs after them honey."
She almost ran one of them over in her, very expensive, car and when that reporter says she should be locked up Hijikata corrects that would only happen if she had hit him...and she would be fined. For littering.
Okita Alter being Hijikata's partner, while Okita is her younger sister who's looked up to Hijikata since she was a little kid but she has asthma and such so she's afraid she might not get accepted.
Sigurd owns a metalworks shop (referencing his myth where he was raised by the dwarf Reginn), he met his wife Brynhildr when she was disowned by her overly controlling father.
Ozymandias, Nitocris, and Cleopatra are all the high board members of a company. Nitocris specifically got wind of Scheherazade's abusive husband situation and after getting said husband arrested, she offered Scheherazade a job.
Atalanta is a college student/TA who worked with Achilles' dad who ends up at their HS for a program or something, Achilles' dad has told him a lot about her.
Amakusa Shirou is an uncle married to the CEO of Babylon Gardens Pharmaceuticals, Semiramis. Semiramis herself is kinda chill if REALLY scary. She had to be pretty cutthroat to get to her position in the company, but Amakusa Shirou helped her mellow out, but she is still a massive tsundere.
"You know you COULD poison their lunch." "Semi, dear, I'm not going to poison my coworker's sandwich for being an ass." "It wouldn't kill them! Just a bit in their peanut better and they'll be stuck on the toilet for a week, no harm no foul."
Rex initially said Taiga would be an overly enthusiastic gym teacher but then I remembered that she was a homeroom/English teacher in Fate canon, but either or can do if you wanna be unique.
For Quetzalcoatl, Wrestling club supervisor when she isn't the senior year gym teacher. Some of the male students laughed that they didn't think a woman would know anything about wrestling. Two piledrives later, the students have earned a new appreciation for the importance on how not to be two pieces of shit. She's big on Lucha as in canon and during Halloween she gets JAGUARMAN to have an exhibition fight with her. They make a show of it but later on Taiga admits that Quatz could have CRUSHED her if they were actually fighting. She takes the wrestling club out for homemade Mexican food after tournaments
For Siduri, there's a bunch of rumors she's dating Caster Gil but it's strictly professional, Caster respects her too much to consider that. Archer Gil hits on her relentlessly, she manages to wound his ego more severely then anyone else simply by being unfailingly polite in her rejections and treating him like what he is, a teenage punk jumping higher than he can handle to land.
Ibaraki is Shuten's adoptive little sister after she was taken from an abusive mother, hence why Ibaraki looks up to her. Ibuki is either Shuten's big sister who had to take on a guardian role, or just her mom. Shuten and Ibuki have a bit of a strained relationship because Shuten saw the way Ibuki acted as they grew up, taking more and more responsibilities onto herself and refusing any distractions. And she decided that her biggest nightmare is to wake up one morning and realize she's turned into Ibuki so she tries to do everything to avoid that, hence their relationship not being the best. Ibaraki is kinda stuck in the middle because she wants to side with Shuten but she sees where Ibuki is coming from. Messy.
Caren is still Kotomine’s daughter, but he isn’t a good dad and in rebellion she sleeps around despite being a woman of god. Including sleeping with local punk Angra Mainyu. Angra Mainyu seems like a bad guy but he has a shit load of issues due to being blamed for everything going wrong in his old town, eventually coming to believe them and thinking he will cause nothing but problems. Caren banging him gives him a type of closeness he’s never felt, but under very warped circumstances.
For the Tamamo family, Vitch totally fucked her way up a corporate ladder or something, imagined Tamamo Cat working at a Cat Cafe if she were a Student. Tamamo no Mae accidentally fed her prev BF a food he was allergic too, and that kind of haunted her and scared her rep. IDK basically she seriously fucked up a previous relationship, either on purpose or accidentally, and that kind of hurts her deeply so she wants to start over with Hakuno.
Nero and Tamamo no Mae are rivals over this one guy.
Kiichi Hougen is the adoptive mom, Benkei is the family friend/uncle, Taira is Ushiwaka's older sister. Taira isn't on the best of terms with her family, some drama way back caused a rift and nowadays Ushi is the only one who's willing to talk to her and visit. Benkei never lets her go alone because he doesn't trust Taira one bit. Taira and Ushiwaka are Kintoki and Tomoe's cousins (I say Tomoe b/c apparently her husband and Ushiwaka were half cousins, with their grandpa having kids with their grandmas. I tried to make a whole family tree out of a few servants).
These are the ideas we had the most to talk about, if you guys have any suggestions for your fav servants in this AU, let either me or Rex know. Or just reblog and say them here. Who knows maybe you have a much better idea for a Servant we already mentioned.
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pray4meireadstarker · 5 years
You’re Not Broken, Just Lost. (And I’ll Lead You Home) Chapter 1
Peter Parker has a problem. He knows that if he screws his boyfriend, he will do everything in his power to screw his boyfriend’s dad as well. And if he’s not focused on that, he’s letting any guy that asks fuck him. -- So when a new student named Harley Keener transfers to his school, Peter tries to stay away at all costs. Because he really likes Harley. And if they get too close, Peter will ruin everything by trying to sleep with his dad. - Simultaneously, Peter's career as Spider-Man is just starting to take off, thanks to the billionaire Tony Stark. And even though this started out as a simple favor, Peter is starting to get attached to the older man.
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@peterparkerstarker @readysetstarker (If you want to be added to the tag list, just ask me!) 
Peter Parker knew that he enjoyed sex from a very young age. He could never really pinpoint an exact time, but he knew it started with his masturbating habit. The little boy would find himself rubbing against things as a child. From the pillow on his bed, to the banister he had slid down to get to the ground floor faster. He was alone for all of this, and didn’t think anything was “wrong” until Aunt May caught him rubbing up against the side of the couch.
“It makes my peepee tingle,” the six year old had explained, to which May just shook her head. She was obviously upset, telling Peter to stop, and that it was not appropriate for him to do. The boy was taken by surprise, and with not wanting to get in any more trouble, he agreed to not do it. Apparently this  act had to be a secret.
The first time Peter ever saw people have sex was when he walked in on May and Ben fucking in the kitchen. It was late in the night and the eight year old had woken up to get a drink of water from downstairs. As the boy descended down the first three steps, he could hear noises coming from the kitchen. Moaning and skin slapping skin. Peter instantly stopped and crouched down from the top of the stairs to watch as his uncle pump in and out of his aunt as she leaned over the kitchen counter, their backs to him.
The boy knew it wasn’t right for him to watch, this was something only adults should know about. But the boy couldn’t help but analyze everything that was happening. The way Ben pulled May’s hair with one hand, the other planted firmly on her hip. Or the way May held on to the counter so she could arch her back, letting her chest and neck be exposed. Peter was fascinated. And as soon as the two seemed to finish, Peter quietly crept back to his room, trying to process what he had just witnessed.
Of course the image of the two of them festered in Peter’s mind, and soon that was all he could think about.
“Have you ever seen people have sex before?” Peter asked timidly one day. He and Ned were currently building the newest Star Wars LEGO set, and as soon as Peter asked the question Ned dropped what he was holding and gave Peter a surprised, yet quizzical look.
“Like, porn?” Ned asked, his brows pushing together.
“What’s porn?” Peter asked, the heat rising to his face out of embarrassment.
“Dude! You don’t know what porn is?” Ned asked, a giant smile spreading across his face. You can see so many boobs! It’s crazy, here let me show you,” the boy said as he grabbed Peter’s wrist and pulled him out of the room and towards the family computer room.
“Boobs?!” Peter squeaked as the two entered the room and Ned began booting up the computer.
“Yeah, It’s crazy. I’ve never seen any in real life, but I’ve seen so many now. And that’s not all. You can see people kissing and rubbing up against each other and-”
“Aren’t we going to get in trouble?” Peter whispered as he looked towards the doorway of the room, afraid that Ned’s mom might come in and reprimand them.
“Nah. My mom said she was going to take a nap. As long as we’re quiet and you don’t tell, we’ll be fine,” Ned explained as he opened up the web browser.  “See, now just type in anything you want and then just add porn at the end. It will take you to all these sites,” Ned explained as he typed “Big boobs porn” into Google.
The two spent the remainder of the day just looking at the pictures and videos of girls with their shirts off, and sometimes a guy would put his penis inside of the girl, but it wasn’t as much as Peter wanted to see. So one day, when Ben was gone for work, and May was cooking dinner, Peter opened up his own computer and did the same thing Ned had told him to do.
Over the years the internet had been helpful, to say the least. With the discovery of porn, Peter had done a lot of research. He had looked up men and women having sex, and a lot of it reminded him of May and Ben, but nothing really got his heart racing like the time he had seen them in the kitchen. And then Peter discovered gay porn.
It was a revolutionary idea that two men could be together like that. Of course he had heard of gay people, but he had never seen them together like this. Soon it was all he could think about. Every day he would come home after school and look up more and more videos. He wanted to know everything.
From there Peter found out what he liked. He would watch two men fuck and he wished with all his might that he could be the one bent over the chair begging for more. He wished he could be the one that was fucked silly til’ he couldn’t form words. He wanted to please someone like these guys on the internet were doing. And that is also where he found out that he had a thing for older men.
Any time Pete came across a video of an older, bearded man, fucking into a smaller, younger man, (what he would later learn was a twink) Peter would immediatly click on it. There was something about an older, wiser, more experienced man taking control of him that just really turned him on. And by the age of 14, Peter knew that he desperately needed to have sex. He knew with his age that it would be difficult to find anyone older, but surely he could find someone closer to his age to fuck him.
Peter tried having a few boyfriends at school, but no one was really interested in more than just holding hands or hanging out after school and cuddling. But then Mason came into Peter’s life. It was spring of Peter’s freshman year and apparently he had caught the senior’s eye. At first the two hung out after school together. Mason would drive him, Peter and Ned to get ice cream, they would hang out at the arcade for a bit and eventually Mason would drive them all home. From there it turned into Peter coming over to Mason’s house after school to work on homework, and then one night Mason asked if Peter wanted to spend the night.
“Oh?” Peter asked, his cheeks flushing at the older boy’s question. “I uh...let me go call my aunt and see if it’s okay,” Peter shyly offered before pulling out his phone. And of course May said yes, none the wiser.
That was the first night Peter had ever had sex. It was great, and Peter had never felt anything like it before. Masturbating had nothing on this. But yet...something was missing.
“Pull my hair,” Peter had begged to which the senior’s face scrunched up.
“Pull your hair?” He asked. “Isn’t that going to hurt you?”
“Yeah, that’s the point,” Peter panted out.
“N-no. I don’t want to hurt you,” Mason explained.
And by the time it was over, and Mason was asleep next to him, Peter had come to a conclusion. Mason was sweet, but inexperienced. Not that Peter was any better. But Peter knew what he wanted, and Mason was not giving it to him. If he wanted it done the way he wanted it, then they were going to have to work on some things.
The next morning Peter padded into Mason’s kitchen. It was still really early, maybe six thirty, but Peter was starving. Wearing nothing but his boxers, Peter quietly went through the fringe looking for something to much on, yet nothing that would be problematic if it was gone.
“Oh, Peter. Sorry, I didn’t realize you boys were awake,” Mason’s dad said from behind him. In alarm, Peter turned around to see the older man in just his boxers and a gray t-shirt, holding a mug of coffee.
“Sorry,” Peter apologized. “Mason’s  still sleeping, I was just really hungry and thought I could grab something really quick. Sorry if I’m snooping,” Peter said, biting his lip.
“Oh no, you’re fine, take whatever you want,” Mason’s dad said with a smile as he continued to look at Peter. And the longer Peter stood there, the more he began to realize how he looked. Sex crazy hair, bite marks and hickeys all along his body. “It looks like you and my son had some fun last night,” the man then said, letting out a small huff of a laugh.
“Uh...yeah, I guess so,” Peter said as he took the milk from the fridge to pour himself a glass.
And honestly, Peter wasn’t sure what lead up to it, but suddenly he was being pushed up against the wall and kissed. He didn’t have a lot of experience with being kissed, but this was something he had never experienced before. This was someone who knew what they were doing.
“Shit, I’m sorry Peter,” Mason’s dad said as he pulled away in shock. “I shouldn’t have done that I-”
“No, No. Please,” Peter said in desperation as he grabbed onto the father’s arm. “Please I want this. You don’t know how much I want this. Please,” Peter stammered.
And just like that Peter found himself bent over the kitchen counter being fucked by an older man.
“Pull my hair,” Peter tried, hoping this time his partner would follow through. Mason’s dad stopped for a moment before his rhythm picked up and a greedy hand found it’s purchase at the top of Peter’s head.
“Oh, you like it rough, don’t you, you little slut,” Mason’s dad chuckled.
“Yes daddy,” Peter panted as he tried to pull away, making the pressure on his head greater. Soon a moan was bubbling out of Peter’s mouth but a hand was suddenly pressed against him, keeping him from making a noise.
“Shh,” the older man cooed. “We wouldn’t want to wake Mason.”
And that’s how it started. Peter would spend Saturday nights at Mason’s, the two would fuck, and Peter would try and make some progress with his “boyfriend”. Normally nothing would be to Peter’s standards, so in the morning Peter would get up early, only to get it done right by his father. It was exhilarating. It was everything Peter wanted.
And then Mason went to college and his parents moved. Mason promised they would keep dating, he was going to college in the city afterall. But with the absence of Mason’s father, things didn’t last for long.
From there Peter didn’t know what to do. He felt lost. He needed sex, it was a part of him. If he wasn’t focused on school work, he was thinking about sex. He thought about how he could just go on some sites and find some random guy to hook up with, but Peter was scared. What if he got kidnapped, or murdered? That was something Peter did not want happening.
And then later that year, Peter got the spider bite.
The spider bite had brought a lot of changes to Peter’s life.  He was stronger, faster, more flexible, and that brought confidence. But unfortunately there were bad things that the bite brought with it as well. His senses had been dialed up exponentially. If they were at a six before, they now sat at a constant twelve. And that ranged anywhere from his hearing and sight, to his sex drive. Most days he found himself in a haze of almost pain as he tried to deal with his mind telling him that he needed to be fucked. His body ached to be touched, to be relieved, and Peter looked for any way to satisfy himself.
No one in his school wanted to date him, and honestly, Peter wanted to keep up the quickly fading illusion that he wasn’t a complete slut. So Peter moved on to other schools to find guys. There were tons of high schools in New York. And while Peter should have stuck to boys his age, he quickly found out that college guys would fuck anything that looked at them the right way.
Slowly Peter’s grades began to slip. Suddenly school didn’t matter anymore. The only thing Peter was looking for was relief. The teen slowly began pushing the boundaries of his his curfew, or he would sneak out in the middle of the night. Add on his slipping grades, and things were not looking good for Peter.
Of course May and Ben were concerned. They tried talking to Peter, begging for him to tell them what was happening. But the boy never answered. He would simply try and dodge the question or change the subject.
“It has to be drugs Ben, that’s the only thing it can possibly be,” Peter heard May say from the downstairs living room. He shouldn't have been listening in, but his enhanced hearing didn’t care.
“I don’t know May,” Ben sighed heavily, Peter could tell he was tired. “I think he’s just going through a tough time.”
“At least talk to him,” May insisted, her voice wavering as if she were about to cry.
“Yeah, I will.”
And Ben did talk to Peter, or at least he tried before Peter blew up at him.
“I don’t know what you want me to tell you,” Peter screamed, his heart hammering in his chest as tears spilled down his cheeks. Ben had picked Peter up from school the next day, only to corner him once they were in the car to ask him, once again, what was going on. And obviously, Peter did not take it well.
How could he tell his uncle, one of the two people who he loved the most, that he was sleeping around with every guy he could get his hands on. “I’m telling you the truth. I’m not doing drugs. I’m not, I swear, I just-”
“Peter please stop lying to us. If it’s not drugs it’s something else. We just want to make sure you’re okay. That-”
“You’re so clueless! You don’t even know me anymore. You have no idea what’s going on in my life, and you haven’t shown any interest till now. So stop pretending like you care. You just feel obligated to take care of me because I’m the little cum-stain your brother left on your doorstep,” Peter huffed, his chest heaving up and down as he quickly fumbled for the handle of the parked car.
“Peter Benjamin Parker,” Ben warned, trying to stop his nephew.
“Fuck off and just  leave me alone,” Peter growled as he exited the car, the door slamming behind him. The teen didn’t know where he was going, he just knew he needed to get out of there.
The teenager walked down the sidewalk and quickly rounded the first corner he came to desperate to get away from the scene he had just made in front of Ben. Peter was so caught up with his own thoughts and feelings that when he witnessed the bodega he was walking past being robbed,he did nothing to stop it. The only thing he could do was numbly watch. Peter figured he could have easily stopped him with his new found strength. But what would be the point? Maybe that guy needed a break. -- So Peter just sighed and let the man run past him, pushing his way forward.
No less than a minute later Peter suddenly heard a gunshot from behind him. Peter honestly would have just kept walking, but suddenly his enhanced hearing was picking up two voices from down the road.
“I said, drop the bag and the weapon and get down on the ground,” A voice demanded, and Peter’s blood ran cold. Of course it was Ben. Of course, his uncle, the off duty police officer, would have seen the man and try to stop him. Peter’s gut twisted as he stilled, silently begging Ben to just let the guy go, but all that followed was some yelling and suddenly two more gunshots rang out.
Peter wasted no time as he quickly turned around and made his way towards the area where he had left Ben. The teenager silently prayed to any God that might be out there that everything would be fine, and that Bed would be okay. But as Peter rounded the corner, he realized that things would never be okay.
The first night of Ben being gone was absolutely the worst. Peter would never be able to forget the sound of May wailing as she was delivered news that her husband had been shot and killed on a dirty street in Queens. And while May crumpled to the ground in sheer agony, all Peter could do was sit on the couch in silence, staring at his hands that still had Ben’s blood on them.
It was all his fault. It was all his fault that Ben was gone. If he wouldn’t have gotten out of the car, Ben would be there. If he hadn’t been so angry at everything, maybe he could have stopped the robber that killed Ben. If only he didn’t have this raging sexual addiction that was ruling his life, if only, then maybe none of it would have happened and Ben would be here. Peter had never intended for any of this to get this out of control. Yet here he was, a used and broken excuse for a human. Now he could add murderer to his resume.
When Peter was finally pulled from his head, hours later, May was kneeling in front of him, wiping off Ben’s blood from his hands with a warm rag. The teen sucked in a harsh breath that caused May to pause, only to stop and look up at him with wide, bloodshot eyes. “Baby, you know I love you right?” May asked suddenly, breaking the long silence.
“Y-yeah, I know,” Peter responded, his voice weak in his throat. “I love you too.”  And with that May dropped the rag and buried her head in Peter’s torso, only to wrap her arms around him in an awkward hug as she continued to kneel on the floor.
“You’re all I got. Please don’t let me lose you,” she practically whispered as tears began to spill out of her eyes again. “Whatever’s happening, whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. Okay, I don’t care. Just please,  please , talk to me.” She stammered, pulling away to look at her nephew. We don’t have to now. But just promise me. Okay? I’m here for you.”
As she spoke, Peter slowly slid off the couch so the two were now kneeling on the floor, the older woman holding the smaller boy in her arms. Peter let out a choked cry and returned the hug, pushing his face in May’s long hair.
“Yeah. I promise,” the teen croaked.
They never did talk.
In the weeks that passed, Peter did everything in his power to try and distract himself from the reality that was his life. At first he tried staying at home again with May. The teen desperately tried to relieve himself on his own while still dealing with the dangerous thoughts that stewed in his brain. He needed a distraction, and staying cooped up in the house wasn’t doing it. But slowly, ever so slowly, Peter found a solution.
The teen couldn’t give up his sexual pattern that he had had before. In fact, if he was being honest, he was even more desperate to find partners. But with all of that he still felt hollow and distracted. Peter thought he could fill the rest of the hole in his chest with re-focusing on school, but he continuously felt anxious. The only thing that he found that would keep the turmoil away was putting himself in life-threatening danger.
It started with Peter thinking: “How can I make up for all the shitty things I’m continuing to do? How can I atone for what I did to Bed?  What is something that would make Ben proud?” And soon it turned into, “what can I do to make sure that something like this never happens again...to anyone.”
And just like that the teen began to test out the full extent of his powers. It started in the privacy of abandoned buildings and slowly Peter began to go out in public, putting himself on the line to save people. At first he didn’t have a name, just a dumb red and blue suit he wore around the city. But, based on his abilities, the city started calling him Spider-Man. And honestly, Peter liked it. So just like that he took a sharpie to his jacket, making the name official.
It had taken a few weeks with some trial and error, but Peter had found a regimen to all of his pain. It didn’t cure any of his bad thoughts, that was for sure, but it made it easier to exist.
“You think you’ll go home to May’s tonight?” Ned asked over the phone as Peter lounged on the top of a building. Neither Ned nor May had seen Peter in a few days, and it was starting to worry both of them.
“Nah,” Peter said, trying to ignore the concern that rested in Ned’s voice. “I’m on patrol right now and then I’m meeting up with his guy at Metro tonight. I think his name is Johnny. We’ve only talked but he’s willing to meet up after his night class gets over. If the sex is bad, I guess I’ll go back home. And if not...well..” Peter trailed off, fully knowing that Ned would get his drift. It was no secret to his best friend what he was doing, both with Spider-Man and his “extracurricular” activities. Ned was was best friend, he couldn’t keep anything from him, even if he tried.
“Yeah, yeah,” Ned said with a small sigh. “Well please be careful, May would kill you if you died.”
“No kidding,” Peter agreed. “We’ll, I’m gonna go. I’ll text you later tonight,” Peter said, knowing that Ned would appreciate a message letting him know that his best friend didn’t die. Ned was very supportive of Peter in his choices, but Peter knew that he worried the other. A text was the least he could do.
“Sounds good, see ya’ Pete,” Ned responded before the line went dead. With that conversation over, Peter dropped his cellphone into the hidden pocket he had in his suit before jumping off the building he had been sitting on. He had no idea where he was going, but that was okay. Danger had a way of finding him.
After two bike thefts, a robbery at the laundromat, and giving a woman directions, Peter decided to stop for the night. It was starting to get late, and Johnny would be getting out of class soon. But as Peter made his way towards where he left his backpack, he saw a large explosion a few blocks away. (And what the hell, was that explosion blue?)
Filled with new excitement, Peter changed his trajectory and headed towards the eruption. What he was not expecting to see was three men attacking a bank with something that looked an awful lot like alien tech. “Taking out a withdraw?” Peter chirped as he swung into the building through a broken window. He was obviously too excited to have assessed the situation, or maybe see that there were too many guys for his inexperienced ass to handle all at once.
“What the hell is this clown doing here?” A masked man asked as they all turned, pointing their guns at the boy.
“Look, I just wanted to let you know that what you’re doing is wrong...you know...highly illegal. And that-” Peter said before he was cut off by a blast that was shot at him, narrowly missing him as it whizzed by his head.
And suddenly Peter found himself in a full out brawl with the four men who stood in the empty bank, shooting beams everywhere as Peter attempted to stop them. At first Peter was confident that he was winning. But as time ticked by, the boy began to realize that he might be in over his head.
Towards the end, one man had him pinned to a wall with the energy coming from his tech while another man began to hit him with the butt of his own alien-tech gun. Peter was about to open his mouth to sputter out a smart-ass comment when suddenly the sound of repulsors made him still...along with all the other men.
“Ya’ need a hand kid?” a voice rang out as the iconic red and gold Iron-Man suit few onto the scene.
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can,,, can I have more juice for the spiceyheathens AU,,,, like holy shit I had no idea I needed this in my life until now like holy fuJrjsbr
ohh my gosh you want more spicyheathens juice?! im touched i haven’t thought about that one in a while. it’s an older au and standing WIP i return to once in a blue moon.
let’s see...
Shouto ropes in Natsuo and Fuyumi into lace-crafts to reclaim that family tradition and have a reason to spend time together
Rei has some of Shouto’s Youtube awards -- think the million subs diamond-- in her home on the mantle
she’s very proud of him for finding his own path in life and making something of himself outside of his father’s influence
Izuku works out a lot and does a couple extreme sports events every year to revive interest in quirkless events like the Olympics and the X Games
he inspires 2 billion people to do their best and internalize their self-worth so its a lot of pressure
Japan’s Hero Boards only list him in the Top 25 and no higher despite higher approval ratings and performance levels but this discrimination is nothing he hasn’t faced before. His career goal is to break the Top 10 in Japan. if he can do that much, he’ll retire happy
Izuku is kinda Suave^TM thanks to Tensei’s influence and he’ll drop compliments that make Shouto blush like crazy
Shouto kept up a work-out routine-- nothing as rigorous as hero training, just to stay in shape-- but he’s rusty with his quirk/s and even his ice will act out when he’s flustered enough
Izuku’s 6′1″ and heavy as fuck. Jamm fuckin’ packed with muscle. Shouto tries to give him a piggy back ride and almost breaks his back bcuz he is not built For This. Izuku does the carrying for the safety of all parties involved.
He does old-school strong man competitions like deadlifts and pulling planes and shit
Izuku puts on considerable winter weight and grows his beard out during cold months. Shouto approves.
Shouto is a regular at cons and usually gets swarmed with fans
Endeavor is convinced he’ll “snap out of it” and announce a return to heroism-- which he never really started-- at cons and always has people following him around so Shouto will wear disguises
He makes a game of it and will live-stream it. Fans who find him get suprise lace-crafts and those who help him avoid detection get boosts on his channel.
He’s got a special side-satchel/backpack just stuffed full of lacey goods to hand out bcuz one time he ran out and felt super bad about it. The Deku pins are on the inside flap so he isn’t identified by them
people know that he and Deku are together and Izuku sometimes joins in charity live-streams on 2-player games
they are really bad at Overcooked, Shouto backseat drives during Izuku’s Hollow Knight playthroughs even though he’s the only one who can complete a Steel Soul 5-hour speedrun, Izuku is bad at shooters but great at survival games.
they also do non-video game content like fan AMAs; Izuku will upload short clips of Shouto singing to himself while doing chores or doing lil victory dances; Shouto will upload clips called Deku Disasters where Izuku is Failing at basic tasks like walking up stairs or getting ice cubes out of the tray without breaking the marble sink
they go on dates to arcade bars and pet dogs (we have one of these where i live don’t know about elsewhere)
Izuku doesn’t get too many international calls bcuz hero associations discriminate but he’ll go abroad for quirkless awareness events and to surprise people who sent half-hearted wedding invites and such on twitter or whatever
uh is this enough juice?? thanks for liking this au!
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eli-scribbles · 5 years
How to subvert fairytale tropes
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We spent the last couple of weeks discussing the concept of a fractured fairytale. We read "Bloody Chamber" by Angel Carter and watched Anita Sarkeesian critique the "damsel in distress" trope that is prominent in video games. This topic has been incredibly interesting to discuss because I enjoy retellings of fairytales and subversions of classic tropes. These pieces of media have helped inform the way I will approach writing in the future, especially when dealing with tropes or retellings. 
The "Bloody Chamber" short story was an excellent example of a retold fairytale. It's a retelling of the French folk tale, "Blue Beard".  The story follows a young woman who marries an older man for money and is so enthralled by his expensive possesions that she unwittingly is wed to a serial killer who has murdered his past wives. There are slight differences from the original, for example, in the original, the young woman is forced to marry Blue Beard.  The ending is also slightly different, which I will discuss when I get to how the story subverts the typical tropes. 
 The first thing that Carter does with this story subverts the happily ever after trope. Traditionally, a couple in a fairytale gets married and that's it, they live a beautiful and perfect life together. But it becomes clear, even before the heroine discovers the torture room, that this isn't a happily ever after kind of story. There are multiple ways that she foreshadows the ending and the entire story has a very creepy mood. Dark retellings of fairytales aren't uncommon, most of the original fairytales are often darker than the versions popular today, but this story, in particular, moves in a direction that is much more reminiscent of gothic horror like Edgar Allan Poe than it is of Grimm fairytales.
Carter then subverts the damsel in distress narrative. Generally in a story like this, we would expect a man to save the heroine from peril. In the original story, the woman's brothers save her.  Based on other classic fairytales we might expect her love interest to save her. But instead, in this retelling, it is her mom who rescues her from her gruesome death, it's her mom who saves the day. It is a significant subversion of the trope because not only is it a woman who gets to do the saving, it's a mother-daughter bond that is rarely showcased that way in fairytales.
The damsel in distress trope is something that Anita Sarkeesian directly addresses in her video. She approaches the topic in regard to video games, but the issues that she's discussing can be just as easily applied to literature. Sarkeesian breaks down the damsel in distress trope and defines it as, "a plot device where a female character is placed in a dangerous situation from which she can't escape on her own and must be rescued by a male character." She goes on to cite numerous examples from classic arcade games to more modern games that still use the trope. The big issue with this trope is it treats female characters like objects, rather than characters in their own story. This allows women to be seen as weak or incapable of doing things for themselves.
Sarkeesian also points out that female characters in this role are often sexualized or at least seen as someone romantically desirable. In several games, protagonists are rewarded with a "smooch of victory" once they have rescued the damsel. This treats the female character like she is a prize to be won. In some games, like "Dragon Slayer", the damsel in distress is in a highly sexualized outfit. In the game "Double Dragon", the damsel in distress is punched in the stomach and then carried away over a man's shoulder, with her underwear being visible in some parts of the game.
I was already aware of these harmful tropes and I avoided them in my writing. However, I have learned that these tropes are still prevalent among all types of media, not just something that was used in early Disney movies or 8-bit Mario games. I have also learned ways to subvert these tropes so that I can still get inspiration from fairytales without objectifying women in the process. Carter was able to borrow ideas from old tropes and use them as a way to make her story more empowering. That is something that is extremely important and ties in with the concept of who has the power in a story. 
I have attached a research article that goes into detail about the damsel in distress trope and how it affects perceptions of gender. It is a very good supplement to Sarkeesian's video and it can found here. I've also included an article about the bloody chamber and how it challenges reader's views of women in fairytales by subverting certain tropes. That article can be found here.
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justice-for-benny · 7 years
El Turns 13
In a world where Benny is still alive, he opens his diner for El to throw her 13th birthday party.
A year had passed since that fateful day on Maple Street last November. Three hundred and sixty-five days since Mike, Dustin and Lucas found the girl tattooed ‘011’ in search of Will Byers.
A few weeks ago, after Mike’s 14th birthday, the topic of El’s came into discussion. She had never even heard of a ‘birthday’, let alone ever celebrated hers, so she was unsure of when it was. The five children were sitting in a booth at Benny’s Burgers, accompanied by Joyce and Hopper. The diner was Hopper’s favorite place to eat; they frequented the place at least twice a week.
“El, you have to have a party. A huge one, with cake and pizza and candy – and don’t forget the pudding! It’s your favorite!” Dustin insisted.
“That’s your favorite, Dustin. El’s favorite desert is strawberry ice cream.” Mike smiled at El.
“Don’t let him walk all over you, El. We’ll have whatever you want at your birthday party.” Lucas- who had taken the longest to warm up to El – was now one of her fiercest protectors.
“Ok, how about we take it step by step?” Having dealt with anxiety most of her life, Joyce could always tell when things became a little overwhelming for El. In those times, she always tried her best to help. She placed an arm around her shoulders. “First, we have to pick a date.” El nodded, smiling up to the closest thing she had to a mother.
“I know!” Dustin boomed. He paused for dramatic effect.
“Well??” Will indulged him; Will always indulged him.
“What about November 11th? You know… 11/11? You know, cause Eleven.” He was met with several eye rolls as he laughed at his cheesy joke.
“Ok, now that that’s been said, let’s pick a real date. It has to be something that’s important to El…” Mike trailed off, thinking of all the important moments in the last year. There was her first dance, the Snowball… Her first day of school… They day Hopper adopted her… The day she defeated the-
“How about this…” Joyce interrupted his thoughts that were quickly turning dark. “We all celebrate the day we came into the world, right? Well, what if we celebrate El’s birthday on the day she came into our world?”
“That’s perfect!” Although Will didn’t know what day it was exactly, he knew it was during the week he spent in that place. He would love to spend that time of year celebrating El, rather than remembering the worst time of his life; he didn’t just welcome the distraction, he needed it. El nodded in agreement.
“Great! So, it’s settled; that was, what, November… 12th- “
“-7th“ Dustin’s mouth went dry as he realized his mistake. The boys shared a look.
“What was that?” When no one answered him, Hopper pulled out the ‘cop voice.’ “Boys…”
Lucas, always one to save himself trouble, confessed. “It wasn’t the 12th, it was the 7th. We found her when we went looking for Will; Wheeler kept her in his basement.”
A small smile formed on El’s mouth as she remembered two things: one – how kind Mike was to her during those difficult days, and two – the first time she’d ever eaten eggos. Her smile dissipated as she heard Hopper transition to his ‘Dad voice.’
“You what? I thought I told you boys to leave it to me? Do you know how stupid that was? You have no idea how dangerous those people looking for El were. Do you have any idea what could have happened to you kids?”
“Dad.” El placed a hand on his arm. Both her vocabulary and her confidence had grown immensely in the last year. She met her adoptive father’s gaze with a look that said ‘drop it.’
“El is right,” he conceded. “It’s in the past.” He gave her a smile and ruffled her curls (which had also grown in the last year), taking a swig of his beer.
“Great! Now we know when. Next step is deciding what we’re going to do.” Joyce’s excitement was growing; it always did at the prospect of making her children happy, and she considered El one of her own.
El considered her options while they ate their food that had arrived. Honestly, she wasn’t entirely sure of what people did for their birthdays. All the boys did on theirs was go to each other’s houses and eat loads of food. How was that different from every other weekend? She thought of all the places they could go – the arcade, the drive-in theater, maybe down to the lake. No, the lake was much too cold in November... She continued in circles as the boys demolished their food. She was finishing off her fries when she finally gave up. Part of her wished she could just have it here; she came here every weekend already, why not have party here? She wasn’t sure if that was something Benny would allow, though.
And just like that, as if hearing her thoughts, Benny came walking out of the kitchen. He never let the Hopper’s leave without stopping by their booth. El slid under the table and crawled out to greet him. It was much faster than waiting for the boys to slide out of her way.
“How’s my favorite little thief?” Benny bellowed, wrapping her in a tight hug. “Have you grown since I last saw you? I swear you’re an inch taller.”
El giggled. “That was three days ago, Benny.”
“Three days? Well I’ll be damned, it feels like it’s been weeks to me! Well anyways, what are y’all up to this fine Saturday?”
“We’re talking about my birthday.” She beamed.
Hopper’s smiled matched his daughter’s. The food was only half the reason he spent so many nights at the diner; the other half was to see Benny. He was El’s first friend, and she lit up whenever she saw him. Nights like this made his heart (and stomach) content.
“Your birthday’s comin’ up? That’s awesome, kiddo. What are your plans?”
“I… don’t know yet.” She confessed.
Benny paused, rubbing his beard. “Have it here.” He suggested.
El’s brilliant smile grew impossibly wider. “Could I?”
“Are you kidding me? It would be an honor to host El Hopper’s birthday my diner.”
El turned to Hopper with a hopeful question in her eyes. “Can we?”
Unable to deny her anything, he felt his smile grow to match hers. “Anything for my girl. How much to rent the place out?”
“Nonsense. It’s on the house. Anything for my dear friend; consider it a birthday gift.
“Thank you!” She wrapped her small arms around his belly, burying her head into his side. “You’re a good friend, Benny.”
“Don’t make me blush.” He joked. “You’re a good friend to have, El.
That was weeks ago. Today was the big day. The diner was filled with decorations, presents, and people she loved. The Byer family, the Wheeler’s, Dustin, Lucas, Steve, Barb… even her new friend Max. Streamers lined the tables, wrapping paper littered the floor, plates with remnants of ice cream cake surrounded her.
Counting the booths down to her favorite booth, her booth, she took a seat and admired the scene before her. The adults were watching over the children, talking about whatever it was adults talked about. The older kids were gathered around the punch bowl, giggling conspicuously. Her closest friends were fighting over who was next up to bat in attempts to destroy the impossible difficult piñata. She looked around, making sure no one was paying attention to the piñata itself; once she was in the clear, she locked eyes with Mike, flashing a mischievous smile. Tilting her head ever so slightly forward, she burst the piñata open, causing the candy to drop to the ground. Mike laughed as the pieces of paper found their way into his hair.
If this is what a birthday was, she was glad to finally have one.
Requested by Anon, and posted on Ao3. After reading @elevenknope​‘s post about Max and El’s birthday, I had to post this on here.
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