#also I love tematen thanks
sunsofmars-moved · 4 years
okay so you've heard of these naruto wlw ships:
but what about:
• inosakuhinakarin
thank you for your time
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nonbinarysasukes · 5 years
Top 3 otps and top 3 kunoichis 💚✨
gjskfjjsjd thank you for the ask!!!! 💚💚
top 3 OTPS:
1. not to be a basic bitch. but. SNS. the entire naruto manga is a slow burn SNS epic don't @ me
2. sakuino, best lesbians 😍😍😍 no like seriously i love how much their relationship develops, ino inspires sakura and at the same time also makes her want to step out of her shadow. they make each other want to grow, to learn, to become more, and in that sense they are truer rivals than even SNS, bc in early days of SNS it was mainly sasuke who acted as an inspiration (later ofc they grew! but sakuino are the truest rivals♥️) i did not mean to go off jdjfjsjd sorry!!!
3. it's a tie b/w gaalee or tematen!!! i love how both fights managed to push the loser to become stronger and develop a friendship with the winner♥️
honorable mentions: kakagai, sasuneji (yes a crack ship😅), sakukarin
top 3 kunoichis:
1. TENTEN TENTEN TENTEN TENTEN TENTEN TENTEN TENTEN i cannot stress how much i love this girl. she works so hard, created her own insanely clever jutsu at 14, has a sweet personality but isn't one of the "super strong/overly feminine" types. also. girl go stabby stabby = Hot Damn
2. sakura!!!! i really love her growth and how she pushes herself to catch up to sasuke and naruto. also may be bc of my giant crush on her (c'mon who doesn't want a girl who can punch you into a wall? jk but yeah)
3. again, a tie b/w temari, ino and tsunade. i love how all three have confident, headstrong personalities and don't take shit from anybody. they inspire me to stand up for myself in fact 😂
honorable mentions: konan, karin, anko
thank you so much for the ask!! also ur url is such a fucking mood omg 😂😂
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the-formerone · 6 years
I can’t believe I wasn’t already following you??? What have I done?? Well, just wanted to tell you I love just about everything I’ve read of yours on AO3. I followed for the Naruto stuff cause I will always be a weeb at heart, but your writings on Killmonger were top notch. Like I can’t even describe how much I love them. And thank you for feeding the ShikaSaku tag so liberally; it’s a huge fave of mine, and it’s super hard to find anything interesting. Also I love how gay you make everyone! 1/2
Like the gender fluid Sakura story? Stay loose? Fucking LOVED it!! That was awesome! And the TemaTen in the Shikkotsu AU? Top notch. Latest chapter of Shikkotsu was amazing btw; I reread the whole ballad of the Slug Sage today and it still blows me away. Your characterization is amazing, and the way you write interactions between them is 👌🏼. Sorry for the gushing lol but you’ve become one of my favorite fic authors and I just wanted to tell you how kickass your stories are! :)
yoooooo, my heart is so full! thank you!! ‘stay loose’ was inspired by amako (@dimancheetoile)’s truly excellent artwork, and was pretty much outlined by her and written by me. she’s wonderful and so is her art! 
tematen was my first wlw ship in naruto and i sprinkle it in almost every fic i write lmao. and shikasaku is one of my favorite naruto pairings! it’s so hard to not write it into shikkotsu no sakura, but i may just slap together shikasakuheji and call it a day because it’s my second favorite ot3. 
and you have No Idea how much it mens to me to hear you say you’re rereading the ballad of the slug sage. like i am just beaming rn. that series is my baby and my heart is warmed to know you’re enjoying it. there’s another chapter coming p soon, as well as an interlude in the nara forest with the spirits, and also sakura and shikamaru interacting! there are also a couple more fics in the erik stevens, prince of wakanda ‘verse coming as well. 
and don’t apologize for gushing! i’m sorry for gushing! tyvm! i appreciate this ask so much! i hope you have a lovely rest of your day!
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glitteratti · 7 years
Tell us about your Naruto ships.
BICTHCDTDH OK LETS GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO im gonna do it under the cut bcos i have A LOT
as i’ve said before im a fucking SLUT FOR KAKAGAI AND SAKUINO!!!! those were like my First Naruto Ships so im like COMMITTED. “kakashi would you like to spend the springtime of your youth with me” GAI YOU’RE FUCKING GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and don’t get me STARTED on sakura and ino’s whole “competition” for sasuke like thats GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THATS FUCKING GAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i did the exact same thing with my friend lily when i was a kid and GUESS WHAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i realized i had a BIG OLE LESBIAN CRUSH ON HER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAROLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ANYWAY i like Legally have to ship sasunaru :/ so like Thats A Thing? one of my more LowKey ships tho lmao. i ship shikacho obvs bcos they’re like. gay?? bitch? but shikatema’s cute too!!!! but tematen is also Iconic so i ship shikamaru and temari in an open relationship where shikamaru also dates choji and temari dates tenten!!!!!
and then there’s ALSO naruto and gaara who are like. gay? as hell? “oh gaara you’re so cool you know” with fucking HEARTS FOR EYES thats the GAYEST SHIT EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i also really like shino and sai!!! but also sai and naruto!!!!! and also shino and kiba!!!!!!!!!!!! and nejilee is just. Blessed wrow
nd lately i’ve been like. REALLY into kakashi ships lmao. kakashi and obito have been the Big One lately but i also like kakashi and yamato as well as kakashi and iruka!!!!! also wow isn’t it amazing how obito is Good and rin is Alive and they’re both dating kakashi and they all love each other a lot huh ! luv that !
ANYWAY i think thats it??? thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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artlessictoan · 8 years
Your fav temari ship + college au? Thanks!!
oooh it was a toss-up between sakutema or tematen, buuut inthe end sakutema won, thanks for the req! (I’m basing this off my 1st yr unihousing where you had a square of shared houses and one house was turned into an absolutely tiny laundromat, idk how common a setup that is but it’s whatI know so yup)
By the last few steps, she was gasping for air; damn, she’d have to resume her regulargym routine asap if she wanted to get back in shape.
You wouldn’t think that hauling a bag of laundry just acouple of hundred yards down the street would be so exhausting, but Sakura hadbeen so caught up with her work these last few days – or more like weeks – thatshe’d put off almost all of her daily chores until she was down to wearing themost season-inappropriate of vests and turning socks inside out. If she hadn’trun out of clean underwear she might’ve put it off for another night or two.
So, here she was, dropping a repurposed tent bag stuffed tothe brim with every single item of clothing that she owned – except for aflimsy vest and her most worn, threadbare, beloved pair of pyjama pants, whichwere doing fuck all to keep out the bitter winter chill, so she’d also draggedher heavy, warm quilt, wrappedawkwardly around herself, all the way down the street with her – on thedoorstep to the student laundromat and was now trying to get her frozen fingersto work enough to put. The. Damn. Key. In. The-
Sakura blinked tiredly at the sudden light blasting herretinas.
When she finally managed to process the person waitingpatiently at the open door, she half wanted to just abandon her laundry, turnaround and run into the night.
The woman looking her up and down with a smirk was attractive,no, stunning; all long, well-built limbs and dark, olive skin and her eyes, big, dark and framed with long,thick lashes – even as they narrowed upon examining her.
She finally reached the overflowing bag at her feet andsnorted, wide grin showing off dimples in her cheeks.
“The post-deadline backlog, huh?”
The strangers voice was low and husky and already Sakurawished she could have an entire cd of nothing but that voice, to help her relaxwhile studying.
She gingerly wrapped her quilt closer around her and triedto laugh her awkwardness away. “Yeah… Uh, thanks for getting the door,” shesaid, gathering up her things and shuffling past her into the small space, therumbling of the tumble-drier filling her ears.
“No problem, we’ve all been there.” With that said sheclosed the door and went back to her spot sitting on the windowsill, picking upa thick textbook and settling back into her studies.
Sakura casually glanced at the title – Ethical Problems in the Practice of Law, heavy stuff – beforedecisively turning to the reason she’d come here in the first place. Thelaundromat wasn’t much, there were only two washing machines and one large drier,but it’d have to do. At least it rarely got busy on a Saturday night,especially one when most students had just finished their last hand-in of theterm and could now go out and drink themselves to oblivion, completelyguilt-free!
After five minutes of grunting trying to shove everythinginto one machine, colour bleed be damned, she eventually accepted defeat andsplit the load between both washers, fumbling her coins into the slots finally she could relax.
She spun round and slumped onto the floor, leaned backagainst a machine – not even caring about the vibrations jarring her spine –and wrapped her discarded duvet back around herself.
The beautiful stranger had stopped reading and was givingher an amused look.
“You comfy there?”
Sakura snorted and shook her head. “Not in the slightest,”she murmured, eyes growing heavy as weeks of exhaustion finally caught up withher. She wasn’t quite sure what to do now, the other woman was smiling at herin a way that made her chest feel uncomfortably tight and she had apparentlydecided that her book wasn’t half as interesting as observing the GreaterDishevelled Undergrad in its natural habitat, but now that she had all thatattention, she had no idea what to do with it.
“Sooo… you’re studying law?”
Wow, smooth.
The beautiful stranger clearly agreed from that snicker.“Yeah, postgrad international law to be exact, you?”
She smiled, at least she was giving her the time of day –though that might be more to do with the mass of fabric in the tumble-drierthan her sparkling conversation.
“Biomedical science.”
The reaction when she said that was always the same; awidening of eyes and the mouth dropping into a small ‘o’ and she loved it, itwas a big, scary-sounding field, one that impressed people even before they knewwhat it really entailed and she loved that feeling of knowing someone else wasstunned and even a little intimidated by her intelligence.
Even the beautiful stranger, with her daunting internationallaw, was giving her an approving smirk. “Nice, it sounds pretty intense though,I guess all that experimenting doesn’t leave much time for washing clothes,huh?”
“Not really,” she said, sitting up a little straighter soshe looked at least a little more professional – though given the firstimpression she’d given that was probably a lost cause – “though we aren’t inthe labs much this early in the year, we only just handed in our big researchproject proposals this afternoon.”
Beautiful’s eyes were sparkling and her grin wide as sheleaned forwards in her seat a little more, Sakura noticed for the first timethat the eyes she’d initially thought were brown, were actually more of a darkblue-green, the shade reminded her of the deep, open ocean, full of mystery andalluring danger.
She had to cough to try and clear the sudden catch in herthroat.
“Oh, really? So what’s your project about then? Going tocure cancer or something?”
Her instincts were telling her to go off on a longjargon-laden rant which made her sound very capable and intelligent, but shereigned herself in just as her mouth opened. “Uh, not exactly I’m-”
There was a ‘ping’ as the tumble drier finished its lastcycle, the other woman jumped up to collect her laundry, but she gave anencouraging gesture to continue and kept glancing over, even as she startedcarefully folding t-shirts.
“I’m actually doing my project on asthma management,” shequickly barged on in her most defensive tone before she could be laughed at, “Iknow it sounds boring and insignificant, but there are so many people who have to deal with minor condition like it and Ilike the idea of making someone’s everyday life that bit easier, even if it’snot as impressive as curing the Hollywood diseases…”
She trailed off as the giggles finally started and frownedup at the statuesque blond.
“No! No, I’m not laughing at you because of the project,really,” she quickly explained, holding her hands up and unsuccessfully wipingthe grin from her face, “I just think it’s cute how passionate you are aboutit.”
Her cheeks were starting to feel hot and she ducked her headto hide the blush. “Oh… uhm, thanks.”
“I actually think it sounds really interesting, my babybrother has asthma so I know a little of what it’s like to deal with it.”
Sakura glanced up again and saw Beautiful smiling down ather, her expression open and honest, she smiled back. “Ah, that’s great! Do youthink he might be interested in being interviewed about his daily managementhabits? And maybe even taking part in some trials?” she asked, abandoning hercosy cocoon and jumping up, wishing she’d brought a notepad with her, how longwould it take to run back to her room-
A low chuckle brought her back to the present and she gaveher companion an embarrassed grin. “Sorry, I tend to get carried away with thisstuff.”
Beautiful shook her head as she dropped the last of herwashing into her square hamper, placing her book on top – though not beforegrabbing the pen clipped to its cover – she took a few steps closer and heldout her hand expectantly.
“Tell you what, lets exchange numbers, that way I can letyou know what he says; and maybe even take you out to dinner one night? You cantell me all about how your research is going and I can bore you withcomparative law theory and Martens Clause.”
Was she being asked out on a date? By a gorgeous Amazon, whowas intelligent and witty and actually interested in her work? While she waswearing her ancient, unflattering HelloKitty pyjamas?
“Yes!” She immediately coughed to calm her tone back tosomething approaching human and awkwardly gave the woman her hand. “I mean,yes, that would be amazing, uh…”
God, that smirkwas going to kill her. “Temari.”
“I’d love that, Temari. I’m Sakura by the way.”
She tried not to twitch too hard as the pen tickled againsther skin and when it was handed to her to return the favour, she tookexaggerated care with her handwriting, if only so she’d have an excuse to holdTemari’s hand for a few seconds longer.
But, eventually she had to reluctantly let go, giving backthe pen and watching as her new friend lifted her hamper and started towardsthe door.
“Bye, Sakura, I’ll call you.”
With a wink and a flick of dirty-blond hair, she was gone.
She had to dive back into her duvet nest to muffle hersqueals.
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