#also Kaydel too.
the-force-awakens · 1 year
Top five Poe friendships?
oh an EXCELLENT question and one that is Right up my alley hell fucking yeah let's do this
BB-8, I love them, I love their dynamic, it's so good and sweet and I need more
Leia. Dreamer's Hands means absolutely everything to me I fucking love them so much.
Snap! If I speak I will start crying
Karé. I just love the idea of him having somebody that he's known him all the way from the new republic to the resistance and I wish we saw a lil more of their dynamic
.....I'm going to go with Kaz for this one because I love watching Poe try to come across as this super cool older brother type when he's actually a super competent disaster
Ask me my top five anything!
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romanarose · 1 year
howdy congrats on 1000 (mona too!) Could i ask for either fluff 46: “nothing else matters except for you.” or 47: “we could run away.” with either Poe Dameron or young/pre-MK Marc Spector? Thanks!!
Born to Run
Poe Dameron x fem!reader
Summary: After the war ends, Poe is thrust into a position of power he never really wanted. Leia is gone, most of the leadership for the New Rebublic is either dead on not trusted, leaving Poe in charge of a lot of things. He's not a senator, not anything very high up, nothing flashy... but the people love him, so he's the face of many things. Problem is, Poe just wanted to save the world. He never wanted to be a politician.
A/N: I havn't written for Poe since before really joining the Oscar fandom. Only time I wrote for him was he was a side character for several chapters of this han solo story i never put out (i always loved oscar bc i loved poe, but han was my main focus) so anyway I hope ya'll like. I really like this concept and might turn it into a longer fic some day but for now heres a drabble.
***************** Poe was never cut out for this sort of thing. It wasn't that he wasn't a leader, he knew he was good at leading, people liked him, he had a natural charisma that made many people ask 'how do you do it?' but it wasn't something he did intentionally. Poe tried to just be genuine. He was a happy person in general, he saw the best in people and situtations, was empathetic, and people liked that.
People also liked to use that charm of his for their own gain. Thats how he was feeling now.
Poe had become the face of the resistance, he knew. He didn't want to brag, but he didn't think it was incorrect to say that by most planetary beauty standards he was somewhere between peasant looking and porn star material, and at the very least he had a look that put people at ease. This, coupled with his high rank and hot shot pilot skills, he quickly became known. He never felt like Leia used him, but he felt used now.
The resistance won, but Leia didn't live.
Han was dead, Luke was dead, Rey wanted nothing to do with any of this, so as the politicians from before and rising stars of recent started forming a government, those who had made a name for themselves in the war were thrust into positions of power. Kaydell, Finn, Jessika, Wex, Joph, and Poe among others were given stations and some were more fitted for it than others. Kaydell did well, and Joph seemed to enjoy his work. Finn thrived.
Poe felt like he was sinking.
"Hi baby." You greeted, managing to pull him out of his thoughts just briefly like you always did. He met you doing his stupid political work a few months ago, and had recently found a reason to stay with your family once again. The princess of a small planet, 7th daughter out of 14 kids, you too found yourself stifled. You watched your brothers and sisters get married off and had refused fancy arrangements yourself, not willing to be a pawn in a political game.
"Hi" He looked up at you on the couch he laid on, watching you saunter into the room in a pretty dress, hair all done up... you looked so good like this, but you also looked good dressed down running around in the woods with him, messy hair and pj's in the morning, or naked in his arms... he had missed you while he was away, and dreaded having to leave tomorrow.
How could he leave you for a life he never wanted?
You crawl into his awaiting arms. "You seem down lately, what;s wrong?" The concern in your eyes is genuine.
"Don't wanna leave." He went to kiss you, but you regretfully push him back.
"I'm supposed to be fetching you for dinner, Dameron. Can't let anyone get suspicious" You wink and smile, but he only returns it sadly, not his usual youthful grin.
"I guess not." Pulling you back close, he nestles his face into your neck, breathing your scent in. "Just... give me a minute like this, please." He was happier with you, freer with you...
You grant his wish, taking a moment to just exist with him, not daring to let go, even as you whispered. "We could leave."
It took a moment before Poe looked up at you, confused. "Huh?"
"We don't have to be here. We could run away." You clarify.
"But... I have my job, you have your duties-"
"And we just quit." You state like it's obvious. "We don't have to do what we're doing."
Poe stood up, pulling you to stand with him then taking your face in his hands, but his eyes are tightly closed. "Don't joke, please, if you're saying this... you gotta be serious because I can't..." He shakes his head. "I can't get my hopes up..." A life with you, away from all this bullshit...
You coax him to look at you. "I'm serious." You smile at him, his face lighting up into the dopey, childish grin you adored so much. "Let's run away."
Anyway this drabble may become a full fic idk no promises cuz i got so much to write lololololol
Romana's 1000 follower celebration
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bluntblade · 8 months
Thanks very much for the tag @sinvulkt - here we go...
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
71 as of just last weekend.
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Primarily Star Wars (and that mostly Sequel Trilogy, though I written some High Republic and a little Original Trilogy and Clone Wars), Horizon: Zero Dawn/Forbidden West and The Horus Heresy (WH40K)
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Fire Hawk, Snow Thrush (Horizon Zero Dawn/The Frozen Wilds)
Episode IX: Resurgence and Reckoning (Star Wars Sequels)
Rex's Ruminations (Star Wars: The Bad Batch)
In the Footsteps of a Death Seeker (Horizon Zero Dawn/The Frozen Wilds)
Treat it like a Duel (The Horus Heresy)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
If I get a comment then yes, I absolutely respond. They're relatively sparse for me, so I appreciate them very much.
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Angstiest ending, you say. I'm kind of bad at sitting in a bad feeli- no, I tell a lie. It's absolutely A Fine Officer, A Good Soldier. Captain Appo locked inside his own head by the Order 66 programming, watching helplessly as his body advances on the Jedi Temple with a blaster in his hands...
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I'd say my Episode IX but there is a big sad beat toward the happy ending, so really Fire Hawk, Snow Thrush carries the day here.
8. Do you get hate on your fic?
Luckily no. My shipping choices and maybe other elements make my fics pretty niche, but that also means that I'm not involved in shipping drama, and I don't seem to enrage anyone to the point of leaving angry comments.
9. Do you write smut?
You won't find any under this moniker, that's all I'll say.
10. Do you write crossovers?
I don't presently, although, a year after everyone seemed to be drawing Spider-loys there is a full-on "Horizon characters as Marvel comics superheroes" AU running riot in my head (with Aloy dating Ikrie, who's X-23 Wolverine, Talanah as Hawkeye, Erend Odinsson, Helis as Venom and Regalla as the Prowler). If I ever free up the spare brainpower... maybe that'll happen.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yep. It was one of those "steal fics to sell" trawls and it was very odd.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven't, but if anyone would like to, please drop me a message.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic?
Not since my time in the Brotherhood of the Lost "alternate Horus Heresy" AU project, and that was fairly sparse too. I like collaborating more broadly, but when it comes to the writing itself, I prefer to fly solo.
14. What‘s your all-time favourite ship?
Rey/Kaydel in Star Wars, and Aloy/Ikrie in Horizon. I can't choose between those two.
15. What’s the WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably one of my Sequels-era fics, set between The Last Jedi and Resurgence and Reckoning. I have some WIPs that threaten to be very plotty and I just don't have as much spare time as I used to. Also I have some OC apprentices for Rey and Finn, whose stories I really want to begin telling and promise to let me move the older characters forward as well.
16. What’s your writing strengths?
Probably my action writing. I read a lot of action and films and tv influence my prose a lot. I think a lot about rhythm, dynamics and all that stuff, and I just enjoy it, which probably helps.
17. What’s your writing weaknesses?
Mystery? I'm yet to really try to write one tbh, but I look at something like Glass Onion or Silo and just struggle to imagine coiling my brain into those shapes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I've only used it the once, I think, and very much for comic effect. It depends very much on how long a scene is, and how much I want to emphasise a language gap.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Horus Heresy
20. Favourite fic you’ve ever written?
Err. Arrgh. I really can't answer that. But I am very proud of my recent Star Wars: Lost Stars one, so let's say Stars' Flight.
Not tagging, but feel free to run with this :D
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canonskyrissian · 1 year
🔥 the sequels? Anything about them tbh, I just wanna hear your hot takes about them 😂
oh boy do I have Thoughts™. some of these are unpopular, some are popular, but I'm not here to discriminate
the entire thing should've had at least a rough plan before they even started to make tfa. the problems that the cursed movie and tros had were mainly caused by the fact that no one planned anything for shit beyond tfa
the problems the shitshow trilogy had reflect directly to the problems everything made after it has
ruin johnson is a hack writer and hack director who doesn't understand star wars for shit
I will never understand why they felt the needs to separate the original squad like that
if you're gonna write a sequel, don't just recycle what came before. I still love tfa but can agree it was too much of an anh rehash
speaking of recycling, don't recycle every single mistake made in the earlier installments jesus fuck
if they wanted rey to be a nobody then don't give her all those luke parallels!
lando was criminally underused
rose tico deserves better now and forever
kyle ron did not deserve any kind of redemption, especially not by hallucinating his father who he killed after his mother dies for him
speaking of, han and leia deserved a better child and I wish kaydel ko connix had been their canonical daughter
poe had a canonical backstory in the comics that could've easily been referenced with a line or two, why the fuck did they feel the need to retcon it???? and make it worse?????
finn's storyline in the cursed movie is just his storyline in tfa with some extra steps
rey's storyline in the cursed movie is just her storyline in tfa with some extra steps
finn should've lead a stormtrooper uprising
I love parallels and callbacks but they have to mean something. don't just slap them in and call it a day
if you're gonna boast about having a diverse™ cast then don't make the white male villain your main character and actually treat your characters of color well
lucasfilm didn't do shit to protect john boyega and kelly marie tran from bigoted harassment and I will forever hate them for it (I know daisy ridley and oscar isaac also got some but john and kelly were especially targeted throughout the run)
all the characters, even the villains who I hate, deserve a better story
send me a 🔥 for unpopular opinions (please give me a topic)
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srorgana1 · 1 year
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Paring: Vampire Kylo/Hunter Rey
Warnings: Dark Themes (apporaching Dead Dove, you have been warned), Supernatural/Paranormal, Blood, Violence, Gore, Death, NSFW 18+, Sexual Content, Psychological and Physical Torture, Kidnapping, Hatred towards organized religion, Pain, Major/Minor character death/injury, Demonic Possession
Chapter Sixteen
A scream resonates off the cold stone, jolting Asher awake. Fuck he thinks as he shifts up, his back stiff and aching. He rubs his hand through his greasy hair as he looks around at his cell. Same shit different day he thinks as he stands gingerly to relieve himself. He catches a glace of himself in the broken mirror above the toilet and grimaces. At least the swelling is gone he thinks as he touches his bruised jaw lightly.
He groans as he pushes his hair back and checks the laceration on his temple. It’s still gnarly looking. He should’ve listened more to his mother’s teachings on healing. At the time he didn’t think it was necessary. Why would he need that when he was quick, agile and had magick?
He winces as he turns, his bruised and bloody hand going to his side. He wouldn’t be surprised if he had a broken rib or two. The guards were especially brutal earlier in the weak, fed up with his attitude. One restrained him as the other let loose with a flurry of fists and curses.
Even through the pain, he didn’t give them the satisfaction of breaking down. Being the asshole that he is, he smiled at them through a split lip and spit in his assailant’s pug-like face. That earned him being shocked with a cattle prod and dumped back into his cell.
He sits back down and focuses on the door. There has to be reason they are keeping him alive. They could have easily killed him and by the grumbles by the guards they clearly want to. He shuts his eyes and focuses on the energies around him. He can feel the dark rancid demon energy of the guards pacing the halls. He can also feel the myriad of feelings of the other prisoners.
It had to be because of his blood. Being the only child of a Knight of Ren and one of the oldest Witch families in America meant he was always singled out. He hated it. That’s why he didn’t follow in his parent’s footsteps in Supernatural/Human relations and popped off to England to do music with his friends. They didn’t approve at first, especially with him changing his name, but they eventually came around.
His mind goes back to the night he was taken. He was his turn to get the takeaway and his flatmates took way too long to decide. They eventually picked a little Indian joint a couple blocks away and he was stupid distracted by his phone. He didn’t even notice the two shadowy men following him as he texted that pretty brunette from the previous night’s show. They jumped in an alley a block from the restaurant. He fought like hell but was surprised by one coming up from behind and knocking him out.
His father’s words echoed in his head “fight smarter not harder”. He sighs and lays back on his rickety cot, careful of his side. I’m trying Dad. He has assessed this whole place as much as he could on multiple occasions. It’s layered in magical protective spells meant for those inside to be invisible. Untraceable. He needs to think like his parents for once. What would they do?
He hears a cell door open and close. A disgusting cackle of one of the guards. He looks down at his filthy socked feet. Shouldn’t have worn your new Celines out you idiot, who knows where they are now.
He is about to close his eyes when he picks up a new signature. His brow crinkles at it’s familiarity. He sits up quickly and focuses on it, pushing through the weak hexes surrounding the cell doors. He’s stunned when he is able to see his first cousin, once removed crumpled on the cot in her own dank cell. “Kaydel” he gasps, hopeful she isn’t dead.
He sees her jolt awake and look around the room. “Kaydel it’s me” he says again, his magick straining to keep the connection. “Asher? Oh my god is that you?!” she says as she looks around for him. “Yeah, yeah I’m here are you okay?” he says. “I think my arm is broken but otherwise I’m okay” she says, hissing in pain “do you know where we are?”
“No I don’t, but what I can tell we are underground” he says as he grits his teeth. “Asher are you still there?!” she says sounding more frantic. “Yes” he says louder “give me a second”. He takes a deep breath through his nose, letting his pain drive him forward. “Kaydel I need your help. I think with both of us I can send a message to Mom.”
“How?” she wails, gripping her hurt arm tighter to herself. “Just trust me okay?!” he says gruffly, growing irritated “are you a fucking Hunter or not?!” He hears her sniffle, groaning to sit up. “Just focus on her and I’ll do the rest okay?” He feels her magick begin the intertwine with his. It’s weak compared to his mother’s but enough.
He struggles to push through the various levels of protections and wards. He grunts as he hits a thick wall of magick. “Kaydal” he grunts. He feels her focus more, allowing him to break through temporarily. He can see warehouses and the docks and smell the putrid smell of rotting fish. Before he could take in more, the shield begins to quickly close in on him.
He sends a burst of energy out as the it closes on him, pushing him back to topple onto his cot. He pants as he wraps his arm around his chest, hopeful it was enough. He cannot sense Kaydel anymore but he can hear the heavy footfalls of the guards heading his way. C’mon you fuckers, he thinks as he raises himself up, do your worst.
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welldonebeca · 2 years
For You (VII)
WC: 1.1k Warnings: Royal AU. Fluff.
If you like my work, consider buying me a coffee or subscribing to my Patreon. It’s just $2 a month and helps a lot while I go through these hard times.
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“Does this look good enough?” Rey whispered in front of Ben, running a hand over her dress.
It was the first time she was wearing something that wasn’t black or within the mourning colours in public. Yesterday, Armitage’s funeral had completed its 18-month mark, ending her second period of mourning, and setting her free from the worst of the mourning traditions. She wasn’t so far from the mourning clothes, though. Out of respect, her dress was a blue just a few tones over navy, and Benjamin’ tie matched it perfectly as he stood by her side.
The two had waited for this day for many, many years, and it was finally happening.
“You look perfect,” he whispered. “You are always perfect.”
Rey took in a deep breath, nodding along with his words.
Ben had been fired two months ago from his post as her chief of security, and replaced by Poe, and had also moved into the castle in a room close to hers – but not too close .
His new role was to be announced in just some minutes, and they were both thrilled and absolutely nervous.
“Your Majesty,” Miss Connix, her secretary, stopped by her side. “Mr Solo.”
“Miss Coulson,” she welcomed her.
“They are waiting.”
Rey nodded, and felt Ben’s big hand on her back, discreetly comforting her.
The press had been called to hear a new Royal announcement, and Kaydel had just told them it was about her engagement, without revealing anything about her fiancée.
“We shall go, then,” she decided, and looked at Benjamin. “Are you ready?”
“Whenever you are.”
Rey confirmed and took his hand, stopping right in front of the door to the gardens and stepping outside with a confidence she hadn’t felt in years.
There were several cameras and people outside, filming and photographing as the two counted their steps under the loud and bright flashes, and Rey wondered if she would be able to do it if Ben wasn’t here.
When she announced her engagement to Armitage, it had been much smaller, with just a picture together and a newspaper article. This time, things were so much bigger.
They stopped in front of a rose bush, and the two smiled as they took several photos, making her question herself over if her vision would actually survive after this afternoon.
“Are you alright?” Ben whispered as they changed positions, linking arms.
“Just nervous,” Rey answered in that same tone.
His free hand came to rest on hers, and she turned to look up at his face, completely melting when he offered her a reassuring smile.
“We can still run away and elope,” he offered.
Rey laughed as her body relaxed, finally.
“Oh, it would be a scandal.”
Her fiancée nodded.
“Yes, but think of how fun it would be to tell our children,” he reminded her. “Their very own parents, a rogue queen and her adventurous husband.”
That was a story they could tell them.
Not the truth, though. Rey would take that to her grave.
She could only laugh, shaking her head, and when they turned to look back at the reporters, she was indeed feeling calmer.
Everything was going to be alright.
Finally, after several minutes, they stopped, and the young queen let out a breath of relief just as Connix attached small microphones to her dress and his tie, ending their small moment of privacy and opening the two up for questions.
“We have a few questions,” he announced. “Mr Simpson from the Daily News first, please.”
Her eyes moved to him, and Ben’s arm tensed by her side.
“Your Majesty and Mr Solo, congratulations.”
“Thank you,” the two spoke together.
“It is a very pleasant surprise for all of us,” he continued. “Can you tell us more about your relationship? I’m sure people are very curious about how you two came to be.”
Rey exchanged a look with Ben and nodded gently. They had already talked about this, about what story they would tell to anyone who asked about them.
People certainly wanted to hear him telling it.
“Her majesty and I, we were very close friends for the last eight years,” he explained, looking over at the crowd, and his initial words were definitively not lies. “I can say for sure she is my best friend, and since the beginning of this year we saw our relationship changing. We had a talk a few months ago, and we realised our feelings were mutual, so we decided to give this relationship a chance about three months ago, and we found out there was something, there was love between us, and this was a very logical step.”
They all nodded, and Connix indicated that someone else should have the word, Mr Smith from the CBC, and his question was aimed at Rey.
“Your Majesty, can you tell us your side of the story?”
“Benjamin was a very important friend in the times I needed support,” she told the group. “And when he told me had feelings for me, I was happier than I had ever been in my life, I don’t think I’ve ever felt so much love for a man before. I can trust him with all of my secrets, I can be my own self with him, not the queen, but the woman. We love one another very much and we both want the same things and passions out of life, and we agree we want it with each other.”
“Are you in love?” he asked.
Rey felt your cheeks warming up as she flushed. It was such an intimate question.
“I’m very much in love,” she confirmed.
Ben turned to her, and when she looked into his eyes, sge could see how much devotion he had in them.
“I have never loved anyone as much as I love you,” he declared and cleared his throat, turning to the public. “Her, I mean. Sorry.”
The crowd laughed, and a third reporter was quick to answer him.
“No need to be sorry, sir. We are just spectators to your love story,” he declared, looking very happy.
They all took more photographs, and the same man was the next to talk to her.
“When did you two meet?”
Rey felt her shoulders tensing. There was no way of hiding that he had worked for her, and they both knew it would be a very talked subject.
“I was her Majesty’s Chief of Security until a few months ago,” Ben answered simply, before she could do so. “But we started a transition for a different person and ended my contract as soon as our relationship changed.”
There were mumbles among them for some moments before someone changed the subject.
“Your majesty, can we see your engagement ring?”
She showed it with relief for the change of subject, and the questions kept coming, but the worst was over.
The two talked about the proposal – Rey had proposed to Benjamin because no one can propose to a monarch – and some details of their relationship that had been left in the air, things they could share, and the plans for the wedding, and after it was done, Rey finally relaxed and sat down alone with him.
“See, sweetheart?” Ben took her hand in his, kissing the back of it. “I told you it’d be the easiest part.”
She sighed in release and threw her arms over his shoulder, unable to keep it inside her and sniffling onto his neck.
“I just want to be with you,” she whispered, completely overwhelmed by the tears overcoming her and falling on her cheeks.
His arm rested on her back, and Ben held her close, pressing a kiss to her temple.
“It’s okay, my love,” he whispered, squeezing her. “It’s okay, don’t worry. No one will ever take you away from me. They’ll never keep us apart again.”
. . .
"For You" was fully posted in my Patreon back in January! To read it fully before anyone else, subscribe to my page! It's just $2 a month and I post something new almost everyday.
. . .
Forever Tags: @emoryhemsworth​​​ @amythyststorm33​​​ @shaelyn102​​​ @yknott81​​​ ​​ @letsdisneythings​​​ @maximofftrash​​​ @kgbrennerr​​​ @thefridgeismybestie​​​ @magpiegirl80​​​ @mogaruke​​​ @shadowhunter7​​​ @musicalcoffeebean​​​ @megasimpleplan4ever​​​ @deemoriarty​​​ @05spn18​​​ @malindacath​​​ @kdcollinsauthor​​​ @random-fandom-fangirl2112​​​ @widowsfics​​​ @frozenhuntress67​​​ @averyrogers83​​​ @notyourtypicalrose​​​ @nerdypinupcrystal​ @giruvega​
Star Wars Tags: Open
ReyLo Tags: Open
For You tags: Open
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ao3feed--reylo · 1 year
The Gay Awakens
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3G9k0zS
by ReyAndor19
Poe has started a chat room
Poe invited People Who Text Too Much
Poe: Welcome to the gay group chat
In which Poe discovers pride month and makes the mistake of trying to introduce everyone else by making a giant group chat.
Words: 910, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Poe Dameron, Rey (Star Wars), Jannah (Star Wars), Phasma (Star Wars), Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss, Kaydel Ko Connix, Finn (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Jayelle (Star Wars), Vi Moradi
Relationships: Poe Dameron/Finn, Zorii Bliss/Kaydel Ko Connix, Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Jannah & Jayelle (Star Wars)
Additional Tags: Chatting & Messaging, chatfic, Crack, Crack Treated Seriously, Not Canon Compliant - Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, It’s set post-TROS but also TROS did not happen, we’re just…largely ignoring it, Pride Month Project, Past Zorii Bliss/Poe Dameron, As in they were both covering for each other while closeted, Gay Poe Dameron, Post-Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, Alternate Universe - Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, except leia leia’s dead, sorry bout that, Asexual Jannah (Star Wars), Asexual Phasma (Star Wars), Bisexual Rey (Star Wars), Demisexual Ben Solo, Author-typical chaos, Lesbians in Space, Chaos, also in space, Tags May Change
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3G9k0zS
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ofcatnaps-moved · 2 years
ship bias : rey of jakku // genya safin
send 'ship bias' and i will tell you up to 5 of my preferred ships for a muse !!
rey of jakku - ben solo / kylo ren. i'm 100% aware of the toxicity and struggles of people around the reylo ship, but i also love the dynamic and change that comes with it, and i love the dyadic bond between them and that the force itself wants to find balance between the dark and light. i'm soft. - kaydel co connix. i think rey is pretty gay, and i think she and kaydel would have gotten on well. this definitely is bc of certain portrayals too, but kaydel has always been high on my list for rey. - finn. while i definitely believe that finn is meant for poe, i love the friends to lovers pipeline for these two and i think they're so fucking cute. - poe dameron. i fucking love poe, and i will gladly accept him and rey in lots of different dynamics. i like the idea that they banter and chafe against one another, but i prefer him with finn xD - rose tico. cute engineer babes making kissy faces!
genya safin - alina starkov. i think the progression of their relationship from friends to enemies to tentative friends to their deep bond is such a beautiful story and i love them. i think they're beautiful and so good to one another. - zoya nazyalensky. two pieces of the triumvirate, i freaking love the dynamic between them and the sass of two powerful, individual grisha. - david kostyk. i fucking love david, i think he deserves the world and deserves better than he got. and i think the way he loved genya was pure and wonderful. - nikolai lanstov* - i'm fascinated by this, but the trauma that genya faced at the hands of the king would require a lot of work for her to move past, so it is something she has to learn to understand.
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ao3feed-gingerpilot · 9 months
The Forever War
The Forever War by Inthebeginning Rey knows that the most dangerous men aren’t the loud and boisterous ones. They aren’t those that you see first in a Walmart parking lot or at a Target check out. They aren’t the ones that smack their friends on the back and laugh loudly and proudly. Those men push you off the cliff and at least you can try to hold on. You are on your guard, and you almost expect the push, your muscles are tense and your mind sharpened. No, she has long learnt that the most treacherous men are those that make you feel safe, that lure you into pleasant security and coax you into quiet loyalty – because inevitably, and this is something she has also learnt, when it comes to soaring off the cliff, they never push you. No, you will jump willingly. Men that inspire, Rey has decided, are far more deadly than those that threaten. Words: 10387, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Rose Tico, Finn (Star Wars), Armitage Hux, Phasma (Star Wars), Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo, Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Tallissan Lintra, Kaydel Ko Connix, Snoke (Star Wars), Poe Dameron Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo, Armitage Hux/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Finn/Rose Tico, Poe Dameron/Armitage Hux Additional Tags: Military, Mutual Pining, Bisexual Ben Solo, Gay Poe Dameron, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Adult Rey, some smut, Gay Armitage Hux, slow slow burn, like too much slow burn
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lastsclc · 2 years
Wishlist SW plots (( Breha Solo )) :
Below are random wishlist things that I’d like to see for my main verse of Kaydel Ko Connix being Breha Organa Solo in hiding.
Pre-The Force Awakens
Breha and Ben bonding before and during their early jedi training
Breha and her mom/dad after Ben disappears
Adventures on the Millennium Falcon pre-series
Young Breha and Chewbacca bonding. Cuddles and cuddles!! 🥰
Breha and Luke after the destruction of the temple
Breha and Luke pre-temple destruction (( training, family feels, etc etc ))
Ben | Kylo and Breha’s final/first meeting before he leaves (( does he try and kill her like the others? Does he try and get her to join him? Does Luke make her move away from her brother or she get knocked out?? WHAT HAPPENED ))
The Force Awakens
Breha and Han reunion when he reappears with Rey (( Chewwie reunion as well!!! ))
Chewwie talking to Breha when Han doesn’t return and he does
Leia and Breha when they feel Han is gone
The Last Jedi
The same when they feel Luke is gone
Poe convincing Breha to join him in mutiny
Breha and Poe on comms
Bonding or hanging out with pilots/mechanics/other comms
(( If Ben and Breha are connected through the force too, convos similar to him and Rey? ))
Rey and Breha convos if she is also connected?? I know it was dark and light for balance but if we can BS it, cool. Maybe Breha when she is Lady Kiva’h aka my Dark!BREHA verse OR just because she also has the Skywalker bloodline
Fake!Luke greeting her before going to fight Kylo Ren/Ben on Crait like he does with Leia
Are they close at all? Were they close?
Moment of crying on the Falcon
Rey and Breha bonding once they finally meet
Breha checking in on Leia after the force flying and she is unconscious
Breha and others on the Millennium Falcon after Crait
Breha in the caves on Crait with a vulptex ( BREHA LOVES THEM OKAY )
The Rise of Skywalker
Ben surviving Exegol
all the Post-Exegol feels of siblings reuniting
Awkward moments and sad angst about their parents or all that has happened
Rose and Breha after the Battle of Exegol
Does Rose stay on Ajan Kloss with her for a while? 
Does anyone??
Post Series
Breha staying on Ajan Kloss to try and learn more about The Force/training
someone coming to visit her while she is here and keep her company or check on her
Force!Luke with Breha after Exegol on Ajan Kloss when she is alone and re-learning her lightsaber ? Girl needs some kind of guidance and reassurance
Breha returning to Chandrila (( Hanna City )) post series where she used to live with her family
Breha beginning to work with others to start a new Senate type something (( Round 3 anyone of a woman in the family line being influential in politics?? ))
Breha with her friends and how they need each other after the war
Mourning time
Visits to her friend’s planets/residences to check in on her friends/family
Breha on missions to finish off the First Order with friends
Any time in timeline
Any comms moments between Breha | Kaydel and other pilots
Poe and Breha if he knows she is Leia’s daughter having moments when she can actually talk to someone
What if Kylo runs into Breha during a battle
Breha revealing to anyone who she really is
Finn and Breha bonding in general because I adore him and need interactions with Finns!!
Moments remembering previous MF memories and sharing them
Breha and other controllers or members of the bridge bonding
Finn and Breha talking about how they don’t feel they belong etc
D’Acy and Breha bonding because I figure she definitely knows who Breha really is
Anything Rey and Breha because Rey is so similar to her in some waysI just love Rey okay. Anything with Rey
Rey and Breha moments where she knows who Kaydel really is (( Breha Solo; Ben’s sister/Leia and Han’s daugther ))
What if Ben never turned into Kylo Ren?
Rose and Breha bonding that leads up to them being close friends at the end of the Battle of Exegol
And this is to say nothing of AUs of like her as actual Kaydel or random things with the dark side people (( ex. Hux or semi-neutral DJ, Kylo Ren with a hint of Ben etc )) or even ship things. I have so much for shipping. Especially per character that would be fun. 
Hit me up if you want to hear more about that!
[ Look I just really want Ben to say ‘….so….you changed your hair..’ 
lmfao ]
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ao3--gingerrose · 2 years
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the-force-awakens · 9 months
top 5 very minor sequels characters?
*claps my hands together giddily* my time to shine, thanks Casey! Honestly it's going to be the hardest to narrow down solely to just five. I'm only going to be including characters from the films (otherwise this would be a very different list) and I'm running on the basis that they don't have a huge role in affecting the plot and primarily function as background characters (so no Paige or Zorii or Kaydel on this list, but know that I adore them)
Snap Wexley. Although technically my love for Snap is definitely born a little bit out of the Poe comics, I still adore the moments we get of him in the movies, rare as they are. That quick little shot at the end of tfa where we see him and Poe looking excitedly at each other in the bg when the map is complete? I adore them both so much. Shout out to Poe's canon bestie, and also bigger shout out to Lego Star Wars: Skywalker Saga for going "he's fine nothing happened on Exegol what the fuck are you talking about"
Tallie Lintra. MY LOVE. MY ABSOLUTE BELOVED I'M SO SORRY THAT EMO ASS BLEW UP THE HANGAR YOU WERE IN...anyway, I just love the vibe that Tallie gives off in her few scenes we see of her. Plus an A-Wing pilot?? FUCK YEAH. I'm always gonna adore A-Wing pilots (I have a soft spot for A-Wings, my dad gave me a toy A-Wing as a kid)
C'ai Threnalli. I just love C'ai. Running theme here in that all my faves are pilots (is anyone shocked? I mean, really?). He seems like an absolute sweetie. I love the canon details we got of him outside the movie as well - that he's one of Poe's frequent wingman and understands Poe pretty well/they're close because of it, and that C'ai doesn't speak Basic. Also the hug between him and Poe at the end of tlj is SO SOFT and sWEET I love it sm. I also just realized a couple weeks ago that you can actually hear Poe say his name, so I finally know how to pronounce it (it's said like Kai)
Beaumont Kin. Beaumont you funky little autism, you. I love the fact that his scenes in tros is just him infodumping about his special interest. This man was a professor before he joined the Resistance? He's estranged from his shitty family, has a special interest in the old republic (and altho now it's not on wookieepedia i swear at one point it was canon he had visited like - some sith planets to take a look at the historical sites).
Captain Canady. The one and only First Order fella to make the list. Why is he on here? Because for reasons unknown even to me, I love him? He's so exasperated in the like....five minutes of screentime he has in tlj, and looks like he's 0.5 seconds away from materializing off that dreadnought onto the Finalizer to throttle Hux, which is...valid as hell, and funny as fuck to watch.
Honorable Mentions (some of whom felt a little too plot relevant to include): Larma D'Acy, Wrobie Tyce (another pilot, also D'Acy's wife!), Jessika Pava, KALONIA my beloved I'm sorry you couldn't fit into the list, Peazy (PZ-4CO), Ushos S. Statura, Aftab Ackbar, Taslin Brance, and whole lot more because I want to fit the entire Resistance into my pocket to keep them safe. I love them deeply.
Ask me my top five anything!
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I'll Be The Earth That Grounds You
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qa25TwR
by AnneAnna
Ben Solo grew up in world that was all about Soulmates as his family runs a business planning high end weddings, baby showers and anniversary parties. Ben was convinced that he would never meet his soulmate and even if he did, he was far too much of a human disaster for them to want him. Until the day Ben met the lovely and kind Rey Palpatine, whose mark on her wrist matched his.
But there are two problems.
1) Rey is unable to see her soulmark. 2) Even if Rey could see her soulmark she is Ben's client and he is planning her wedding.
Based on a Reylo Prompt: One is a wedding planner & the other is getting married and they spark
Words: 2745, Chapters: 1/16, Language: English
Fandoms: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Star Wars - All Media Types
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Rey (Star Wars), Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Original Child Character(s), Kaydel Ko Connix, Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron, Leia Organa, Din Djarin, Aleson Gray, Enric Pryde, Finn (Star Wars), Padmé Amidala
Relationships: Rey/Ben Solo | Kylo Ren, Leia Organa/Han Solo, Din Djarin/Luke Skywalker, Poe Dameron/Finn, Kaydel Ko Connix/Original Male Character(s), Aleson Gray/Rey, past Ben Solo/Tishra Kandia, Tallie Lintra/Snap Wexely, Armitage Hux/Rose Tico, Cassian Andor/Jyn Erso
Additional Tags: Soulmates, Soulmate-Identifying Marks, Angst and Fluff and Smut, Rey is visually impaired, Due to neglect on Unkar Plutt's part, Rey is engaged to Aleson Gray, Ben sold his sperm in college to make money, Ben finds out he has a son, Child With ADHD, Ben has a Opioid Addiction Problem, He goes to Narcotics Anonymous, Ben Solo is a good dad, Protective Ben Solo, Rey is a Palpatine (Star Wars), Luke is not a good dad, Good Parent Din Djarin, Rey Needs A Hug (Star Wars), Ben Solo Needs A Hug, Mutual Pining, Explicit Sexual Content, Rey becomes a therapist, She also dumps Aleson, Angst with a Happy Ending, lots of weddings, Reylo wedding, Reylo babies, Minor Character Death, Diabetes, Ableism, Rey faces discrimination, Ben starts out a mess but gets it together, No physical cheating but definite attraction and emotional connection, Rey’s fiance tries to deceive her, HEA
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/Qa25TwR
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ncxilearchive · 4 years
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          A WHINE LEFT HIS LIPS WHEN THE GLASS WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM HIM.    The noise soon turning into a huff when he let his head hang back,  half closed eyes fixing on the dark sky above them.    ❝  It's such a pity  ―  ❞    A mutter,  voice becoming even quieter when he kept talking.    ❝  No one adores me.  ❞    Falling silent then,  he reachedu p to scratch at his cheek before he stopped before his finger touched his skin,  lips pursing and  the frown upon his features only deepening.    Stars,  how he hated it.    Perhaps he should just sleep his bad mood off,  perhaps he should have been doing that for the last several days,  instead of bothering her to the point that he was starting to wondering when she was going to tell him off or something along those lines,  even though he had a feeling that she wouldn’t,  or so he believed.
           Turning to gaze at her he hummed,  ❝  Tell me love, am I pretty  ?  ❞
AM I PRETTY ? — The Maine // @conniidel​ ( old sc from my multi ) 
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maybe-your-left · 2 years
Bed Bug - Part 2 of 3
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slut shaming but also slut praising?
Enjoy Part 1 before reading!
“I can’t believe him, he didn’t even respond to my texts last night! It's so rude of him-typical man baby.” 
“Like when someone texts you, it’s common courtesy to answer them! Especially if they're upset! It's just childish-really.” 
“Uh-huh,” you sighed again, brushing through your hair with your fingers. Over and over again in the mirror, while you stared blankly at your reflection. 
Your lips hadn’t felt the same since you’d kissed him, tingled even, you’d already looked up the symptoms for multiple communicable diseases. Since it was apparent he got around, but none of the things you felt were them… 
Kylo Ren had kissed you. 
And it wasn’t a sweet soft kiss either, it was bone-rattling, disgusting, wet, and sloppy with his full force behind it. 
And now, you listened to his ex or whatever she was complaining about him not approaching her at all since you left the frat house. She wasn’t even suspicious of you when you gave her the news that he read the message! 
And didn’t blink twice when Kaydel arrived looking disheveled as hell, she had marks on her neck that resembled an animal attack. 
You watched her slink through the common rooms with a limp that you could only assume was from blunt force trauma. 
Given what he was packing that morning… 
You shook your head, no. 
He was bad news. 
It was a one-time thing-a fluke! He had plenty of other girls to run through and you made a firm choice that you wouldn’t be one of them. 
You quickly got dressed for the Sunday meeting of the greek council, everyone in greek life was required to attend if they were in a leadership seat. 
And you were, handpicked by the club president to represent your pledge class out of 20 other girls who joined. You were flattered-and it meant you could hang out with the upperclassmen. Connections blooming between generations of bigs and littles, you had to look your best. 
You were representing a group of girls who depended on you, even if you didn’t say much at meetings. 
You got dressed in your pink and white gingham, house colors, and slipped on your heels. Smearing on some gloss before heading downstairs. You waved goodbye to your friends and stopped at the doorway where Bazine and Kaydel were waiting. 
Kaydel looked stressed as all hell, wearing a turtleneck in the fall heat. Bazine in a frilly polka dot mess that made your eyes hurt just looking at it, they looked you over. 
“That’s cute,” Kaydel gestured to the dress. 
Bazine rolled her eyes, “In a picnic table sort of way… Let’s go, I need to talk to Kylo before we start.” 
You gulped, Kylo would be there. 
Expecting a… hug. 
“Come on,” Bazine dragged you by the wrist, “I want a seat up front.” 
You bobbed and weaved through the multiple groups of sororities and fraternities, grabbing your nametag at the check-in table. Everyone dressed in their Sunday best, you waved a hand over at your friends who pledged with other clubs. Rose with her older sister Paige sitting with Red One, and Phasma with the Imperials, older clubs. You quickly followed Bazine and Kaydel as you found your table. 
Draped with signs from your upcoming charity pancake event, with the First Order brothers, and a few refreshments from the school. 
Directly to your left was the First Orders table, a barren black tennis table. With steins probably full of beer even though it was a dry campus on Sundays… You briefly glanced over, seeing Kuruk, the pledge class leader like yourself. 
A scrawny-looking man in a black turtleneck and blazer, he looked too distinguished to be involved with such a club. With a fiery head of hair, you had to look away instead of burning your eyes. Vice president Armitage Hux, you’d seen him at a few parties. Kylo seemed to like him more than everyone else in the frat… 
Sitting on the table was the king himself, drinking from a brown paper bag, burping loudly while he talked with some coeds from other sororities. They laughed and batted their lashes at him while he dramatically flexed for them, of course, you can touch them you heard him coo. Bazine sat down in a huff, being sure to make her entrance known to the man in question. 
He looked over at your table with a look of irritation lacing his brow, taking a long swig from his bag. “Took you guys long enough,” he taunted, “I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show…” 
Kylo smirked down at the young lady touching his bicep, jutting his chin, “Get outta here, I gotta talk to this frigid bitch.” 
You sat down at the far right of the table, keeping distance from Bazine and Kaydel as best as you could while Kylo approached. More interested in your nail beds than looking to see if he noticed you. 
“Kaydel,” he slurred between drinks, “You’re looking well fucked. How was your weekend?” 
Bazine gasped, loud enough that it felt like the whole hall stopped to look at the display. She shot off her seat, slapping the backside of Kaydels head, “You did NOT fuck him, I asked you to stop! I even asked nicely!” 
Kaydel screeched, “I didn’t mean to! It just happened!” 
“That's what you said last time!?” 
You checked your phone, yikes. Now everyone was looking… 
“You know how he is!” 
“Yeah-because he’s my boyfriend?!” 
Kylo butt in, “Nah-nope, we broke up, you sent a letter with that little Xi proving that. So, I’m off the hook… speaking of that little one…” 
You barely heard his feet shuffle around the table, all of a sudden he had lifted you off your chair and into his arms. Wrapping you in a big bear hug that took the breath from your lungs, you squirmed, instantly uncomfortable, while he purred. 
“There's my Xi,” he rubbed his cheek on the crown of your head, “I’ve been waiting for you! I was about to come over to the house and drag you here. Did you already forget about me?” He pouted, jutting his bottom lip out, “I didn’t forget about you cutie, you’ve been on my mind all weekend since you left.” 
“Kylo-please,” you whispered, looking wide-eyed at Bazine who was scowling at you, this was a mistake. “Nothing happened, he just-just asked for a hug when I was over and then I left…” 
“And we made out.” 
Bazines eyes looked like they were going to pop out of her skull. You quickly shook your head until the room started to spin, first Kaydel was ratted out, and now you?? 
Kylo set you back down in your seat, standing in front of you, almost like he was guarding his territory. Your eyeline directly at his black and red belt buckle, you studied the engraving while he and Bazine shot insults back and forth at each other. Yelling under their breaths about how the other was a whore, that they were never getting back together, etc…
At some point Kylo’s hand found its way into your hair, tugging on the ends that were sticking out of your bun, he pulled hard until you looked up at him. Startled to have his full attention, he smiled, “Would you, please, escort me to the refreshments? Your big brother needs something new to drink.” 
“You can go yourself, “Bazine scoffed, “She needs to stay here and hand out flyers for the pancake luncheon.” 
“I didn’t ask you-bitch,” he clipped, tugging on your hair again until you stood. Chest to chest with his dark gray t-shirt, not at all dressed up for the meetings. 
You said nothing, not wanting to sway one way or another while Kylo slipped his hand down to the base of your skull. Pinching enough for you to feel it while he walked you away from the table, weaving through the crowds of people who paid you and him no mind. Well, sort of, mainly they ignored you while he said hello to everyone who high-fived him or kissed his cheek. 
So well beloved. 
You were steered towards the back wall of the auditorium, a few vending machines in a line that were barely working. A few tables full of shitty cookies and fruits, and bottled water, you watched them pass by you, “Wait-I thought…” 
“You thought?” he mocked your tone, “You’re sure stupid. It’s a good thing you’re so cute.” 
“I’m not stupid,” you stamped your foot, stopping in your tracks. Kylo bumped into your back. Pushing your front into a paneled wall, he settled right behind you. His body heat emanates across your back, “Yeah you are, thinking I brought you over to grab another drink. I’ve had enough to drink, what I’d love is something to eat.” 
“There's crackers back there,” you squished your left hand out from being pinned to your front. Pointing lamely while he chuckled behind you, grinding his weight into your backside. Kylo pushed your stray hair away from the nape of your neck, you shivered as his hot breath fanned across the skin. 
Goosebumps rising, “I’d rather eat your pussy.” 
You flushed, stuttering, “I-but-what?” 
“Come on,” he circled his hips, “I’m really good at it. You can ask, everyone is satisfied when I’m done with them.” 
“Just a taste,” he whined, “I’ll eat you out, and then we can talk about getting those nice lips around my cock.” 
Kylo kissed the back of your neck, sucking welts into the skin. You mewled as he nibbled in a line down to the crook of your neck, tasting the sweet essence of you. Melting with every kiss, you yelped as his hands found your waist, squeezing tight through the fabric of your dress. He mumbled against your neck, “This is such a pretty outfit, did you wear it for me?” 
Did you? You asked yourself, truthfully you’d hoped he would say hi to you. Maybe having some sort of pull over the frat king seemed like a far-off dream for just a little pledge. But here he was, sucking on the muscle of your shoulder, pushing the sleeve down to expose more and more with his strong nose against the skin. 
“Y-yes,” you whispered, defeated, “I did.” 
He purred in approval, rumbling against your back, “Daddy likes, daddy likes very much.” 
You were lifted off the floor for a second time, carried through a set of swinging double doors and up a small flight of stairs. The room was dark and cavernous, you looked around as you were thrown on the hardwood floor. Falling on your hands and knees in a huff, a heavyweight against your back, Kylo's hand planted next to yours. 
Your own dwarfed by the size, you gulped as he breathed hard against your neck, caging you in like the darkness that ensued, “What do you say? Let me taste you, and you give me a little head. I promise it’ll be good, baby.” 
You shivered as his right hand slithered under the hem of your dress, grasping onto your flesh as it rippled under his nails in their wake. All the way to the small string of fabric that held your dignity, he snapped it against your skin, “Just say it.” 
You gulped, “Okay.” 
“Say I can eat your pussy.” 
“You-you can eat my pussy.” 
“Yes,” he hissed, pushing you forward on your face, nose crunching on the floor. You whined as he snapped your thong off your body with a swift yank, your wet core open into the darkness for him. Kylo planted both palms on the globes of your ass, spreading them out for his long tongue to swipe from hole to hole. 
You yelped at the feeling, clenching around the length of his tongue as it plunged inside your waiting cunt. Slurping out your juices before he motored his face between your legs, groaning long and loud into the room. 
“Fucking finally,” he moaned, kissing at your clit a few times before taking it between his teeth. You panted against the hardwood, breath fogging up the shiny wood, your legs twitching as he licked and licked and licked like he was trying to get to the center of a tootsie pop. “You’re such a good girl, baby. Letting me kiss your pussy, you taste so fucking good. I can’t believe it, could have you for breakfast every fucking day.” 
You pressed back into his mouth, overcome with the feeling of it enveloping your center. Sucking on every crease and fold, sucking and licking every square inch until you were a trembling mess on the floor. Drool seeped from your open lips while you tried to get your bearings. Kylo brought two fingers to your entrance, shoving the length of them inside you with a high-pitched squeal from your throat. 
Squelching loudly over your ringing ears, you felt your heart flop up into your throat, the length of his digits filling you so deliciously. The sick suck sound was overcome by your moans as you got closer and closer to finishing, you reached a hand back behind you. 
Grasping at his dark hair and yanking it forward, Kylo perched his chin on your cheek. You panted, “Can I come?” 
He grinned, moving to kiss your entrance dramatically before fucking his fingers back inside, pulling a hard yelp from your throat and assaulting your front wall. Swiping over your spot over and over again, “You gonna cum? Cum all over my fingers, huh?” 
“Yeah,” you moaned, angling your legs open wider for him, “Yeah-I wanna cum!” 
“Fuck yeah you do! Cum on my hand, wanna taste your filthy fucking squirt…” 
Your muscles tensed as you fell over your peak, screaming out into the void. Your walls spasming as he fucked his fingers in hard and fast, spreading them open inside you, stretching to the absolute limit until you came all over his hand. Soaking the floor between your knees while he moaned out. 
“Oh yes-,” he quickly ripped his fingers from you, sucking his lips to yours, “Taste so good.”
Lapping at your sensitive clit, he sucked it between his teeth, biting hard until you screeched and jolted away from him. Squeaking along the hardwood while he sat up on his knees, scrambling to undo his belt. Clinking on the hard floor, he unzipped his pants and yanked out his waiting cock. 
Just as big as you remembered, his wet digits wrapping around the tip as he slid it down the length. Kylo waved it for you, “Come on-I did you, now it's your turn. Just the tip, just the tip baby.” 
You licked your lips, launching forward to his hold. Kylo wrapped a palm around the back of your neck. Forcing you to take the head inside your mouth. Shallowly thrusting in and out, the sleck sleck sleck sound of your tongue cupping the underside echoed in your ears. Kylo groaned above you, jerking the rest of his length, you could smell yourself on his fingers. The sweet musky scent of your essence, coating his cock. You moaned as he pushed in a little more, “Okay, good girl, now take a little more. Just a little-be a good girl and push all that spit out on daddy’s cock.” 
You hocked forward, planting your hands on his hips. Fingernails dug into the muscle as he thrust forward in short strokes again. Pushing your head down with a needy hand, “There we go, there we go, fuck I’m gonna cum already. Suck on it hard, swallow it all…” 
Tensing, you listened to his requests, putting your heart and soul into giving him the best head you could. Taking over with your fist along his length that couldn’t fit inside your throat no matter how hard you tried, you spread your spit along the length. Jerking it to the edge of your stretched-out lips, you moaned along him, slithering a hand between your legs to swipe at your clit. 
Already hot and wet for him again even though you’d cum so hard, you wanted him-wanted him everywhere. Anywhere he would have you, you looked up through your clumping mascara, overcome with the look of pure bliss on his face. Head leaned forward so he could right into your eyes with his watering ones, hair falling onto his face piece by piece, your cum smeared along his lips and chin. 
You’d done that to him. 
You swiped hard, cumming again on your fingers, you moaned along his length, sucking hard until you were almost to the root of his cock. He lurched forward, “Oh fuck-thats it! Don’t fucking stop baby, don’t stop, fuck…” 
You felt his breathing stall as he twitched along your tongue, mumbling out what a good girl you were as he spurted over and over. The taste salty and bitter on your taste buds, you couldn’t get enough though. Slurping up and down the sensitive length until he yanked you away from his softening cock. Panting while he rubbed your cheeks with his thumbs. 
Kylo leaned forward, capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, stealing your breath away as he swiped his tongue along your own. Tasting each other on your tongues, you both crawled over one another. Legs falling open for his hips, grinding his naked cock against your soaked folds, you pulled away. 
Both of you panted as you looked into one another's eyes, Kylo moved to speak…
“Do you want to come over and meet my lizard?”
you thought i was gonna have bazine walk in on them... well you were right but I thought NO
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pavvo20 · 2 years
The Spark - Chapter 8: The Droid We're Looking For - Poe Dameron/OC
Pairing: Poe Dameron x OC
Summary: When her childhood best friend recruits her during an undercover mission for the Resistance, Captain Kara Embers embraces her family legacy and joins the fight against the First Order. As the secrets of her past come to light, Kara never expects to be training with her mom’s best friend, flying her father’s ship, and falling in love with the Yavin-4 boy who always said he’d be the galaxy’s best pilot.
A/N: Kylo Ren enters the chat..
Warnings: violence, language, sarcasm, moodiness, whump, fluff, kissing, ya know.. all that stuff. We're gonna add a little death to this one too.
Links: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4| Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7
Masterlist on my blog!
Word Count - 6.8K
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“They’ve known our location for a while, thanks to Pierce, so we don’t have a lot of time.” Lieutenant Kaydel Connix stated, shifting the star maps on the holotable in front of them. “We will have to start evacuations tonight if we have any chance of getting everyone out.” 
“I don’t think it has to move that fast.” Snap countered, “We just destroyed their weapon, you really think they are that ready to retaliate?” 
“It’s like you are forgetting that they also just murdered our general.” She snapped, glaring through the projections at the pilot. They’d been talking about different strategies for about ten minutes before the rest of the leadership team started streaming in. The emergency briefing had been called late to begin with, upon receiving intel from an informant on Coruscant that the First Order was preparing to launch a strike on their base and was looking for weapons. 
Snap and Connix happened to both be in the command center working on a supply map when their bickering had started. The two had been out on a handful dates, even slept together a few times, but things had never gotten serious. It didn’t help that Snap claimed she was a little too high maintenance for him at the bar one night and it had gotten back to her. They’d been like oil and water ever since. 
“Watch yourself, Lieutenant.” He growled as a few other members of senior leadership had wandered into the room. Poe noticed them glaring at each other as he took his usual spot next to his squadmate, it didn’t take being Force-sensitive to feel the tension between them. Not that he was surprised. 
“You should just take her out again.” He muttered under his breath, knowing Snap heard him as he caught his exaggerated eye roll. “Get it out of your system.” 
“Pretty sure she’d laugh in my face.” The man replied, not taking his eyes off the blonde as she made small talk with Jess. “Plus, not all of us can solve our problems with sex.” 
Poe raised an eyebrow at his roommate, “Geezus, who pissed in your bantha flakes this morning?” 
“The First Order.” 
Kara slipped into the room behind a few ground commanders, catching Poe’s eye as she took her place next to Kaydel and Jess. Her navy blue cowl was pulled over her head as she greeted her friends, feeling the eyes of the others falling on the silver hilt of the legendary weapon on her hip. It had only been half a day since she’d pulled it on Pierce, who was still a trusted member of the Resistance to a few members of the group. At least for a few more minutes. 
Kara tried to not let the critical eyes bother her. It was only a matter of time before they also knew the truth. It was after spending a few hours fast asleep against Poe’s chest, she’d been paged to join Leia and Holdo for a formal interrogation of Alexander Pierce. It didn’t take him but a few minutes to confess to being a First Order operative, communicating regularly with Kylo Ren. Initially, The knight had promised to train him in the dark side of the Force in exchange for information on Skywalker. The mission changed when Ren had become more interested in Kara’s untapped power. So, he encouraged Alex to get close to her, in hopes of establishing a Force bond that would ultimately lure her to the First Order. 
“You have to admit Embers, the night at the Galactic Senate was going well.” He stated, casting her a cocky glance from his position in the steel chair in front of them. His wrists were cuffed behind him, in a set of Force inhibiting binders attached to the back of his seat. General Organa and Vice Admiral Holdo didn’t think he had any abilities that were strong enough to get past Kara or even Leia herself, but they weren’t taking any chances.  
Kara, leaning hard into the conversational interrogation techniques she’d learned in her special forces training, allowed a smile to creep across her face as she cocked an eyebrow in faux interest, “Enlighten me.” 
“After we met with my parents, we made great conversation with several targets throughout the evening. You played your part better than I ever expected, it almost felt like you weren’t undercover.” He replied, his mind wandering back to the memory of his interrogator in a gorgeous navy blue gown. “We’d gone outside for a quick break, per your request, to get a little fresh air. You made a joke about how you felt like the entire room could see right through your disguise and I told you that I’d never been out with a woman as skilled in covert operations as you… which was true. Most covert operations missions I’d been on included a female informant who wasn’t a conversationalist, let alone combat trained. You were incredibly good at your job.” 
She remembered the moment vividly, feeling the heat of her irritation starting to creep up her neck. Alex had chosen to leave out the part where he’d called her stunning and an ideal distraction. She shook her head as she caught on to his strategic omission, allowing him to continue. She knew exactly where he was going with this. 
“You’d blushed and said that you were impressed with my skills as well. You had always seen me as just a trigger-happy flyboy. Then after a few minutes of you watching the city traffic, I asked you if you ever missed being more than the second best pilot in the Resistance…” 
“And I told you sometimes.” She interjected. “And that was an honest answer, Alex. Still is.” 
“Was the way you kissed me an honest reflection of your feelings at the time then too, Captain? Or were you just doing your job?” He countered, enjoying the look of surprise that had crossed the General and Vice Admiral’s features. Kara’s confident stare froze over in rage, yet somehow she maintained her poise. Pierce hadn’t anticipated her ability to keep her composure, especially given her current relationship. She also couldn’t confidently prove that she was maintaining her cover with the story he told. He saw her brow furrow as she let her gaze fall to the tattoo on her wrist. 
“Wouldn’t you like to know…” Kara smirked, seeing the confidence starting to fade from his fierce blue eyes. “This is where I’m supposed to lie right? Craft some beautiful tale on how I knew we were being watched and I kissed you to ensure we could finish the mission.” 
“I’m sure that’s what you’d tell Dameron.” 
“Honestly? I thought you were a good guy, Pierce. I kissed you because I was interested and attracted to you at the time. I’d had a rough few days with Poe before we left. He’d just been tortured by the First Order and was starting to show just how much it affected him. We had a blow out fight that morning, Leia can tell you.” 
The general nodded, remembering the fight as a true sign of just how hard Poe had fallen for her but also as proof of how good Kara was for him. 
He had grounded her from a supply mission over Jakku in fear that the First Order was planning an ambush to recapture him. Leia was sure Poe’d gotten his supposed intel from a nightmare he’d had a few days before, but let it go. It was his mission, therefore it was his call on who would accompany him. 
To her surprise, Poe pulled Kara from the callsheet at that morning’s flight operations meeting. She wasted no time calling him out right afterward claiming that he’d overstepped, allowing his protective tendencies to get in the way of his professional judgment. Despite him telling her that he wasn’t changing his mind, she prepared for the mission anyway, only for him to pull rank on her in front of the others right before take-off. Leia remembered seeing her completely enraged, defiantly stepping to be nose to nose with him as he ordered she stay put or risk further punishment. Leia would never forget what she had read coming her lips from across the hanger: “I’ve never been impressed by your rank, Dameron. I almost married an admiral.” 
Kara came to her directly only minutes later to accept the covert operation on the basis that Poe didn’t go with her. So, Leia called in Alex. He had been better suited anyway, but it also meant that Poe would get a little taste of his own medicine.
“I gave myself a pass that night. I also knew that you’d never say a word to Dameron.” Kara continued, “Hell, you had sent Surlinda to try and seduce him at the bar that night we were gone. She almost succeeded too.” 
“How –” 
“How do I know that? He told me.” Kara shifted her weight and crossed her arms over her chest, watching the anger boil in Pierce’s features again. “Poe admitted to giving into her advances, blinded by his jealousy and anger, only to stop her before they got back to his room.” 
“So he knows…” 
“Of course he knows, Alex. He’s just as good at keeping secrets as I am, if not better.” Kara subconsciously rolled Poe’s necklace in his fingers, “And if we’re still being honest with each other, I’ve been keeping him from shooting you for months.” 
Pierce grunted as he strained against the cuffs one more time, a sadistic glimmer in his stare. “Yet, he wasn’t there to keep me from shooting you.” 
That’s when she hit him. Kara’s fist connected with a crack as she snapped his nose and bruised the surrounding soft tissue. Blood poured down his face, staining his teeth as he sneered at her, barking countless insults as she backed up, wiping her knuckles on her dark pants. Leia rolled her eyes as Holdo radioed for a medic, she should have figured this would happen.  
“Ren will destroy you.” He called, watching as Leia walked Kara to the door. 
Kara turned to him one more time, most of her features clouded in darkness. “I’d love to see him try.” 
The last thing she heard was Alex claiming her eyes had been glowing Sith yellow as she was dismissed. 
Leia started the leadership briefing by flicking off the lights, skipping her usual greeting and cutting right to the chase: “Red Commander, Alexander Pierce, is a First Order spy who has relayed our location to Kylo Ren, meaning that we must prepare for an immediate evacuation of all personnel. The first of several transports will leave in a few hours, starting with medical.” 
“General, back up.” Captain Kal Stone interjected, catching an icy glare from Leia as he rose from his seat. “Commander Pierce is a spy?” 
“You heard me, Captain. Your commander is a First Order operative being held on several counts of treason.” Leia stated curtly, “Red squadron will be assisting in the evacuation of our support teams under your leadership as acting commander unless you are preparing to confess to similar crimes right here in front of everyone?” 
Stone shook his head as he sat down. 
“That’s what I thought.” Leia quipped, turning the star map in front of her to show their evacuation route, carefully explaining the waves of teams and when they’ll be leaving. It was with utmost importance that their most essential teams were sent off planet first, preserving them in case Ren and his forces decided to strike early. 
“Black squadron. Commanders Dameron and Embers.” Poe and Kara both stood, Leia could see them both dying to ask if she misspoke but chose to ignore it. “You, your squadron, Finn, and Chewy are with me and Haldo. The rest of you are dismissed. Stay sharp and May the Force be with you.” 
The room cleared quickly as Leia turned off the holotable and said something to her vice admiral before she and Lt. Connix left with Snap, Jess, Finn and Chewy. She turned to her young commanders, who now looked even more confused than they did just moments before. 
“You can thank Han for your promotion, Kara.” Leia said, beating both of them to their most obvious question. “Black squadron is now you two, Captain Wexley, Jessika Pava, Kare Kun, Finn, and Chewy. We can figure out your additional technicians later. For now, you likely won’t need them till we fully establish a new base on Ajan Kloss.” 
Kara blinked as she could see the gears turning in Poe’s head. He was already trying to figure out how much fire power that gave him in the event they were ambushed. The answer was a lot. 
“Snap, Pava, and Kun will be on stand-by as you both, Finn and Chewy, are heading to collect a droid from Han’s shipping depot on Batuu.” Leia continued, handed them both locator beacons and a holocron. “Pierce mentioned that Ren was on his way to retrieve it, and we’ve got to beat him to it.” 
“What about the evacuation?” Poe questioned. 
“Don’t worry about us, we’ll get everyone out of the way before the First Order gets any other ideas. If Ren gets the droid, we are going to lose a lot more than the base.” She said, taking both their hands in hers. “Chewy knows where it is and what it looks like. Contact me when you have it.” 
“And if we see Ren?” Leia closed her eyes as Kara’s question rang in her ears. There was a chance that her son was already ahead of them in the search for Han’s artifact, meaning she’d be sending both her kids into a trap that could cripple the Resistance. She chose not to think that way. Ren may know where to look, but there was a good chance that he didn’t know exactly what he was trying to find. 
“I hope to Maker you don’t, but if you do… remind him of where he came from.” Leia smiled, seeing the hope surge in the eyes of the two warriors in front of her. “Now, go. The Falcon’s waiting.” 
She collected them both in a tight hug before they headed for the hanger, “We’ll meet you in the stars. May the Force be strong with you both.” 
Leia was overcome with worry and warmth as she saw the Falcon take off for the last time from the D’Qar tarmac. Their only hope of finding Luke and ending this wretched war going with it. 
They'd been cruising through hyperspace for a few hours when Poe finally got up out of the cockpit to stretch his legs. It had been a while since he’d been on a mission this far out, and thankfully he wasn’t cramped into the tiny cockpit of his x-wing. 
At least he had that going for him. 
He wandered into the main hold to see Finn and Kara curled up on the lounge seat, the sound of light snoring tickling his ears as he got closer. The former stormtrooper had Kara tucked against his shoulder, his head resting on top of hers while his arms pressed the dark leather of a flight jacket against her body like a blanket. Poe immediately noticed the jacket was his, the one that he’d tucked in the top of his duffle before they’d left. He assumed Kara had gone for it before settling in to look at facility blueprints and then he noticed BB-8 sitting dormant under the table and smiled. 
The droid had likely brought it to her when he sensed her getting a chill. Always the gentleman. 
Poe poured himself a cup of caf and slid on to the far side of the seat, launching the holomodel of Han’s storage facility. His eyes wandered through the digital warehouse, taking note of the meticulous care that the smuggler had taken to stay organized. Poe swore that the man had even accounted for the exact amount of dust that lay on the floor in each bay. Then again, attention to detail was something you got good at when the cost of losing a package was usually paid with your life.  
Finn stirred slightly, opening his eyes to see the top of Kara’s head and the faint glow of the holo-model Poe had in front of him. He didn’t remember when he’d dozed off, but then again, he could barely remember when they’d taken off at this point. 
“Don’t move too fast.” He heard Poe say just above a whisper, catching his gaze as he lifted his head up and inspected the warm body pressed against him. Kara was a lot closer than he remembered her being, but he was careful to not wake her as he shifted to sit up a little straighter. Poe smiled softly, only a little jealous of how calm she looked against his friend;  “She hasn’t looked that peaceful since they had her in a coma.”
“Can’t say that surprises me, given the last few days.” Finn said with a sheepish smile, “She wasn’t this close when I passed out, I promise.” 
“Don’t worry about it.” Poe assured him, “As long as she’s actually resting, she could curl up with Hux and I don’t know that I’d care.” 
Both of them let their eyes flicker back to the model of the facility in front of them. Finn broke the temporary silence, “I wonder what’s on this droid.” 
“It’s got to be important if Leia is sending us to go get it.” The pilot sighed, flicking the table off as he looked back at Finn. “She told Kara and I that Ren is after it.” 
Finn’s eyes went wide, “Can’t say I’m ready to see him again.” 
“Makes two of us.” Poe snorted, “Though I’m pretty sure we’re the least of his worries.” 
Finn followed the other man’s gaze to Kara’s sleeping form, “They know each other?” 
“We grew up together on Yavin. All 3 of us. Kara and I’s parents fought alongside Leia, Han, and Luke when the Resistance was known as the Rebellion. They were all stationed at the base there.” Poe explained, “He was Ben Solo to us, just like he was to Han.” 
“Did he… remember you? Ya know when they captured you.” 
“You could say that.” Finn could see Poe’s discomfort with the memory. “It didn’t stop him from ripping through my head anyway.” 
“Just like it didn’t stop him last night.” 
Poe simply nodded. “That’s what scares me the most.” 
They landed on Batuu in the dead of night, nestling the Falcon in between a few rock formations to keep out of sight. While the outpost that shared land with Han’s depot was mostly made up of Resistance supporters, that didn’t stop the First Order from sending patrols of troopers through looking for well-known sympathizers. 
Han had chosen the location to avoid the standard government regulations that came with running a shipping company. Plus, it allowed him to keep serving some of his most loyal clients, many of whom preferred to keep their wares out of the public eye. To Han, this wasn’t smuggling… at least not the same version of it he’d grown up mastering. 
Chewy unlocked the gates to their facility and led Poe, Finn and Kara inside an office that connected to a much larger storage building. The place had only been deserted for about a week by the looks of it. There was still paperwork floating around Han’s desk and old caf grounds in the trash. The oldest thing there were pictures of Leia, Luke, Kes, and Chewy on the bulletin board, framing a calendar that clearly hadn’t been touched in a few months, despite its owner’s best intentions. 
“Chewy, do you know where it is?” Kara asked, watching the wookiee shuffle through the top drawer of Han’s desk. “Do you need our help?” 
Chewy produced a set of keys and plopped them into Kara’s hand before heading over to a site map on the wall. He pointed and growled out a few directions, stating that the hallway the droid was in apparently didn’t have tall enough ceilings for him to guide them through. They’d have to go to the storage unit on their own, but he would guard the gate, serving as their first line of defense if Ren really was on his way. 
“Well, this is going to be interesting.” Finn murmured, pulling his blaster from its holster and fishing a flashlight out of his satchel. “Must be a big deal if it’s locked all the way down there.” 
“Or it's been here since the Rebellion,” Kara said, running her finger along the pictures on Han’s bulletin board, stopping at one of her mother and Leia before looking back at Finn and Poe. “...for safekeeping.” 
“Won’t know till we look.” Poe said, opening the door that led out into the larger warehouse’s hallway. “Better get moving.” 
The three of them followed the long corridor down to a staircase that led them to a series of underground tunnels that were lined with secure storage units for things that would either never see the light of day again or were meant for very particular eyes only. Each one had a number and a letter emblazoned across their steel doors, identifying it to its owner and in the smuggler’s own inventory system. Otherwise, without breaking the locks or blowing the doors off their hinges, their secrets remained exactly that - a secret.  
Poe and Finn’s flashlights were doing minimal to help them see beyond a few steps in front of them as they continued toward the unit Chewy had identified, which felt like it was getting further and further away from them as they continued down into the depths of the facility. 
“What if this is a trap?” Finn asked, stepping next to Kara as she lit her saber, lighting more of the dark cavernous tunnel more effectively. “What if Ren’s already been here?” 
“He would have completely ransacked the place. Troopers aren’t exactly neat.” She said, catching Finn nodding to himself, knowing she was right. “We’re close though. I can feel it.” 
Poe felt it too. A faint force signature that he recognized from when he was a child. It was earthy, wise, and orderly like the general he was pretty sure it belonged to. The same general that had sat in the living room of his family’s ranch the night he learned his mom wasn’t coming home. 
Kara’s saber lit the Jedi crest that had been sloppily carved into the steel of the door at the end of the tunnel as the pilot’s heart leapt into his throat. This wasn’t just any droid. It was THE droid. The one that BB-8 had only ever heard stories about. 
He heard the click of the padlock as Kara twisted the key that Chewy had given her. Finn held her saber as she wrestled open the door. She took the blade back as she stepped cautiously inside, noticing that most of the expansive unit was empty, with the exception of a chest and something under a sheet. 
Poe stayed firmly in the doorway as Kara pulled the sheet to reveal the legendary astromech droid that had been the main character of so many of their favorite Rebellion stories growing up. 
The R2 unit that had belonged to Luke Skywalker. 
“Maker… that thing has to be –” Finn had started, only to feel Poe brush by him, crouching in front of the droid like he did his BB unit, looking for any sign that it may still be functional. 
“An absolute war hero.” He finished the other man’s sentence for him, his thumb running over the dusty but faintly lit power light on R2’s head. “He’s in a locked low-power setting, meaning he won’t move or function without an override.” 
“So, what does that mean?” Finn quipped, seeing Kara smile as she watched Poe inspect the droid’s various ports and connections. They both vaguely remembered R2 from when they were kids, but had never been this close. 
“He’s not going to power on for just anyone. We are going to have to move him manually, unless Chewy gave you the key or code we need to wake him up.” 
“He would have if he had it.” Kara stated, “Guess we’ll just have to push him.” 
“At least it’s a straight shot, we’ll do it in shifts.” Poe said, rolling the dormant droid out into the hallway. “I’ll go first, Kara, you light and lead the way. Finn, we’ll switch at the halfway point. Keep your blaster ready.” 
It took them less time to get back to the office than it did for them to get to the droid in the first place as the trio practically jogged through the tunnel and Kara had lifted Artoo up the staircase using the Force. They crashed through the door a little too excitedly, hoping to find Chewy kicked back in Han’s chair staring at the live security footage, only to be met with a deafening silence and no wookiee. 
Kara felt her blood run cold as Poe subconsciously stepped ahead of her, blaster drawn and pointed toward the outside door. She pushed the droid behind Han’s desk as Finn took his place next to Poe, his own blaster drawn and ready as she slipped the hilt of her saber into her hand. 
“Could just be troopers.” Poe whispered, carefully analyzing each sound he heard over the thunderous pounding of his own heart. There were still no signs of Chewy. 
“It’s never just troopers.” Finn snapped. “They don’t ever travel without—” 
There was a roar and crackle of a lightsaber, its red blade severing the locked handle before the outside door was effortlessly ripped from its hinges. 
Kylo Ren froze both men in place before they’d even gotten a shot off, focusing solely on the girl whom they’d made such a poor effort to protect. With a flick of his wrist, Kara watched as her friends were disarmed, paralyzed, and forced to watch helplessly from their knees as he strode between them. 
Ren was pleasantly surprised to see that the girl was truly as beautiful as the pilot’s memories had originally shown him. Kara had not only grown into her once adorably awkward childhood features but the years she’d spent fighting and training through countless military missions had refined her into an alluringly fierce young woman. He stopped his advance just a step ahead of her incapacitated friends, noticing her green eyes piercing through his helmet like it wasn’t even there. 
“This is quite the reunion.” Ren sneered, “Too bad our parents aren’t here to see it.” 
Kara didn’t even blink. “I’m sure your father would’ve been thrilled, had you not murdered him.” 
The knight disengaged his saber with a smug nod, clipping it back on his belt as he took another step toward her. Ren was impressed with her control. She’d always been a little bit of a hothead and given the animosity she was harboring under her icy stare, it was remarkable that she wasn’t already at his throat. “It’s been a pretty long time, Kara.” 
The girl said nothing, her finger twitching over the ignitor of her saber. Her mind raced with ideas on how to get the upper hand, but none of them seemed to end without Ren killing two more people that she held close to her heart. And if she was being honest with herself, there was only one dead body that Kara was ok with bringing home at that moment, and it belonged to the man with all the leverage. 
“After almost 20 years…you’d think I’d rate something higher than a fervent death wish.” 
“Tends to happen when you senselessly destroy someone’s family while hiding behind a mask.” 
Poe arrogantly smiled as he heard Kara’s tone go from firm to fiery. All three rebels watched as Ren reached up, released the airlock, and pulled his helmet off his head. The sinister man stepped behind Poe’s immobilized body to set the headpiece on an empty desk, sensing a significant spike in the girl’s anxiety.
“Not really.” 
Kara saw another sick smirk cross Ben Solo’s face as he turned his attention to the Resistance commander at his feet. Poe was straining against his invisible bonds, trying like hell to leverage his newfound strength in the Force to break free on his own. It didn’t take much for Ren to quickly remember how much of a fight Poe had put up before he knew of his sensitivity. He was actually putting up an even more amicable fight now, but he didn’t need to know that. It would only boost his insufferable ego. 
Kara’s saber burst to life as Ren’s gloved hand yanked the pilot’s head back by his hair, its hum muffling the pained yelp that had slipped out between Poe’s gritted teeth. 
“How ‘bout now?” The dark man’s sneer lit Kara’s nerves on fire. “I can feel you both wishing I’d drop dead. Even the traitor is thinking that.” Finn’s eyes went wide with fear as Ren acknowledged his presence. 
“Leave them out of this.” Kara spit, feeling Poe’s steely determination reverberate through their bond. He was already giving Ren a fight he hadn’t prepared for, weakening the man’s overall hold on him and Finn. 
“Leave who? Dameron?” Ren cackled, igniting his own weapon just millimeters from the pilot’s throat and chest. “He got himself into this a long time ago, didn’t you Poe?”
Kara growled as the gloved hand in Poe’s curls jerked him again, her commander’s choked grunt sounding almost like an answer to Ren’s question. 
“He was always so protective of you, Kara. Never let you explore your other options.” His jealous stare burned into her. For the first time, Kara swore she was seeing the Ben she’d once known, not the monster he’d become. “You never got the chance to see your true potential.” 
“I’m not afraid of you anymore, Ben. And my true potential lies with the Resistance.” 
“You sure about that?” The crimson blade crackled as it reignited. Its master rolled the hilt in his hand, tipping the laser edge into Poe’s shoulder. The move was deliberately slow, incinerating the flesh and tissue of its victim in the most excruciating way possible. Ren knew that the tortured sounds coming from Poe’s throat were already haunting her, just like he had been for decades. 
Kara closed her eyes, trying in vain to get the screams out of her ears and the pain out of her chest. She had vowed that no one would ever intimidate her like Ben had when they were kids. Yet, here he was, torturing the man she loved in order to bully her into submission again. Her resolve was crumbling. Maybe she really wasn’t cut out for this. 
Poe saw her memory of the night Ben had cornered her as his body flirted with the idea of blacking out. Without thinking, he reached out to her: Show him the girl his father raised. 
Kara’s eyes flicked open, feeling Poe shoving the last of his strength toward her as Chewy’s battle cry echoed from outside. She swore she saw Han wink at her as he punched down a storm trooper, eerily glowing like he’d rolled in moon dust. Suddenly, his signature aura settled against her heart. 
Ren wasn’t expecting the raw power that had emitted from the girl as she force-shoved Poe out of his grasp and into the defected trooper he’d been ignoring for the last several minutes. Much to his surprise, the move freed them both from his force-hold on them as they landed in a heap against the outside door frame. The young woman then turned her attention back to him. Kylo Ren had known that she was more than capable of keeping up with him, but had not anticipated her abilities to possibly surpass his own. The only other person that had been able to break his hold on anyone was Snoke. 
Kara’s saber met his with an angry explosion of sparks and energy, a strike that would have killed him had he been caught off guard. Ren pushed her off and slashed down himself, missing her as she spun away from his counter. He could feel his own power surging as his rage bubbled within him. She’d used a trademark Skywalker dodge… one that had been taught to her by his own mother. 
Ren followed her as she backed out into the large warehouse hallway. Each of their advances hissed and crackled in the rafters, amplified by the vastness of the steel building. Kara was agile and quick, striking and guarding herself well as he came at her again and again. She did her best to control her breathing, conserving her endurance for the daring escape she was sure that Poe was already planning. They’d need her to get past Ren’s forces to retrieve the Falcon.Typically, that was a mission that Poe and Finn were more than capable of executing themselves. But given that Ren had done everything but sever her pilot’s arm from his body, she wasn’t sure that he could even move the extremity, let alone shoot or steer with it. 
She slammed down on Ren’s saber again, hearing him snarl as she nicked his arm with the tip of her blade. He slammed her into the wall under his own power, pressing her arms tight against her chest as she guarded her face with her saber. Ren muscled the blade closer and closer to her cheek as he locked eyes with her. She only held eye contact for a few seconds before crying out as she shoved him off her with the same power he’d felt her use to free her friends. 
“You need someone that can show you just how strong you are.” Ren seethed, stalking toward her as he gathered himself up off the floor. “This petty bond you have with the pilot is a waste of your gift.” 
“That’s rich coming from someone who is wasting his legacy on the pursuit of a galactic dictatorship.” Kara kicked him down this time, slashing his chest as he once again felt his body collide with the concrete floor. She was leaning into her emotions now, anger in the driver’s seat as she worked to maintain her current advantage. 
Ren smirked at her as he rose again, “At least I have a legacy. Dameron has an inflated reputation.” 
“I’m sure your family would beg to differ.” Kara swung, his free hand catching her wrist and holding her blade well above her head as he tried to throw her off balance. She grabbed at his own saber, pressing all that she had into keeping it down and away from her as she fought against his grip. Ren felt her bones crack under his fingers, her cry of pain filling his ears as he felt her boot collide with the back of his knees. 
It all felt like it was happening in slow motion. Her saber fell into her least dominant hand as he collapsed, the blade severing the hilt of his own weapon as it slipped from his grip and clattered to the floor. Kara twisted away from him as he fell, avoiding getting pulled down with him, only to hear Ren’s cry of agony echo through the building as her saber seared across his cheek before he hit the ground. 
He wouldn’t be down long. He never was. She had to run. Escape while she had the chance. 
Ren used his last bit of strength to reach for her as she leaped over his crumpled form, sprinting toward the door they’d passed through in the heat of their duel. His fingers grazed the ankle of her boot before being snapped away by a blaster bolt meeting his bicep. That’s when Ren saw the insufferable pilot in the doorway as he struggled to push up from the floor, a trooper blaster tucked against his body as his injured arm hung limp at his side. Ren roared with rage. He should have killed Poe when he had the chance. 
Kara and Poe didn’t stop running until they dove into the cargo hold of the Falcon, feeling the ship wobble as it closed, taking some blaster fire before heading into hyperspace. Kara wasn’t about to ask how they managed to best an entire battalion of troopers, move R2, and collect the Falcon while she was tangled up with Ren. She figured it was best to leave it up to her imagination… especially knowing that Poe had done almost all of it with only one good arm. 
She felt him on her in an instant, trying to collect her into his lap the best he could with his one good arm. She slowly leaned into the warmth of his chest before opening her eyes and taking his face in her hands. His deep brown stare softened immediately. 
“Hey..” She murmured, hiding a wince as he leaned affectionately into her grasp, unaware that Ren had shattered her wrist. 
“Hi.” Poe replied, softly smiling as his anxiety subsided. She was ok. Conscious. Alive. Holding him. Ok. 
He watched her gaze fall on the angry red wound on his shoulder. The one he’d gotten from the crossguard on Ren’s saber. Her fingers brushed away the tattered fabric of his dark shirt, revealing the gaping severity of the injury. There wasn’t enough bacta gel in the galaxy to allow him to come back from this one in a day or two. Least he didn’t think so. 
“It’ll be alright.” He deflected.
“Let me try and heal it.” 
“I wouldn’t be here if you hadn’t showed up with a blaster. Now, shut up and let me thank you.” She snapped, easing her good hand over the wound and closing her eyes. She rested her forehead against Poe’s as she concentrated, pushing most of her remaining energy into mending his scorched flesh. The man relaxed as he felt the sneering pain subside, his sense of touch slowly returning to normal as he felt the tingle of his nerve endings and muscle fibers reconnecting to each other. After another minute, he felt Kara’s body slump against his, her face coming to hide in the crook of his neck. 
“You didn’t have to do that.” He said, running his healed hand down her back as she fought to remain conscious. “We could have just let medical handle it.” 
“They’ll need you…” She breathed, “to help on Ajan Kloss.” 
“They will need you too, Stargirl.” He replied, “You are more than just a Jedi badass you know.” 
Poe felt her smile against him, her eyes fluttering shut again, “Being a badass is exhausting.”
“You have several hours to recharge there, young padawan.” He teased, selfishly tickling her side just to get her to look at him again, only to see her grimace as she playfully pushed his hand away. Poe stopped as he caught the glint of his necklace peeking out of her tunic. Its chain was resting against a dark, blackening bruise on her collarbone. “Dammit Kara… I’m sorry.” 
“It’s just a few bruises, Poe. It’s nothing.”
He onced her over, seeing each cut, bruise, and burn she’d collected. Most of them did look superficial, nothing that a little bacta wouldn’t fix, then his gaze fell on her deformed wrist. 
“That’s broken.” He declared, his eyes met hers as he lightly pressed on the joint. Kara bit back a painful whine. “Very broken.” 
“I fought through it, Poe. It’s fine.” She hissed defensively, pulling it back to her chest. “Medical can tend to it when we get back.” 
“Would you just let me take care of you?” He sighed, cupping her cheek. “Please?” 
“You already did.” 
“That shot was pure fucking luck.” He whispered, closing his eyes and bringing his nose to nuzzle hers. “And I can’t use the force to fuse your bones back together… but I can make sure that doesn’t get any worse before we land.”  
Kara kissed him softly, “What would I ever do without you, flyboy…” 
He chuckled, brushing a loose hair from her face before helping her to her feet, “You’d spend less time in the medbay, that’s for sure.” 
BB-8 came whirling into the room as if on cue, beeping and chirping excessively as he bumped into their shins. Poe crouched back down, rubbing the sides of BB’s bigger sphere affectionately as he tried to soothe the astromech. “Buddy, you gotta slow down...” 
The little droid looked to Kara and then back to his master, repeating his last message just slower. Kara looked to Poe for translation. Of the few languages she did know, her binary still wasn’t the best. 
“The evacuation was successful. We’re to find Leia as soon as we land.” He said, “She has a way to activate R2.”
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