#also Lolth would do anying for her amusement and chaos
sorcerous-caress · 9 months
Githzerai anon:
Another Issal Voice Submission. When it comes to her sudden outbursts, I wanted to slightly lean into the Dr jekyll and Mr. Hyde aspect, but the actual dynamic, not the misconception.
The angle of Hyde just being a disguise Jekyll uses to do anything and everything he wants, rather than a complete alternate personality whose actions are divided from him.
I wanted Issal's "otherside" to be a mixture of her own rage, trauma, and Lolth's muddling of her brain. It's just that you don't know the measurements of the mixture.
It is just Issal's compounding mental issues coming to a head, and Lolth is just being the small push that allows her to let go.
Is Lolth pulling on the threads of Issal's psyche so hard that the majority of her emotions have nowhere to go. As a result, her mind forces her into this fugue state as an attempt to protect itself from destruction with unforseen consequences.
Either way, Lolth is enjoying it
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theladyregret · 18 days
Hi! I've read a lot of your Drow lore posts and I really like how you think!
What's your thoughts on the Lolth's Embrace markings?
Heh, well first, thank you. I appreciate knowing my ramblings bring people joy.
Well...I'll say that I like the idea of them...but I think the execution was absolutely terrible. I don't think whoever actually came up with them did their research or fully thought it through before designing the lore behind them.
They don't make sense. They don't fit any Drow lore or the lore behind Lloth's religion. The idea that a visible marking on their skin denotes favor would make it impossible to hide the fact you don't have favor...which goes entirely against what Lloth herself enjoys, and that is the chaos and subterfuge. It is stated again and again that Lloth herself doesn't care about favor, doesn't see anyone as heretics, doesn't care about rules and structure. She allows her followers to think she does because it leads to the power struggles that she DOES enjoy and she uses it to manipulate and control her followers to further that chaos. So...why would she create a visible marking to prove loyalty? She wouldn't.
It's absolutely not canon...as it is never once mentioned in any Drow focused novel. This is just WoTC failing to understand what makes Drow problematic and not understanding how to correct it, and just continuing to make it worse instead by finding ways to label who is and isn't evil on sight.
I will say that I do like the idea of markings...just not how they're portrayed. I prefer the idea that the markings are just natural markings all Udadrow have and they're the result of exposure to the Faerzress and have nothing to do with Lloth at all, everyone just has been made to THINK they do. Lloth being as she is would find it amusing for them to have this misunderstanding so she wouldn't bother correcting it.
This would mean any Udadrow living in the Underdark would have these markings but upon leaving, and no longer having exposure to Faerzress energy, they would fade away over time. This could very well lead to the misunderstanding that they are connected to being within Lloth's domain and thus within her reach.
I also hate that they say that Drizzt doesn't and never had the markings. That makes no sense even in their own idea of the lore. If he never had the markings and the markings are a sign of favor...I don't think they would have allowed him to live at all. It would make much more sense for him to have had them...for them to have started to fade after the surface raid, and then lost them completely after fleeing into the Underdark. In the case of them being natural markings they would have remained only until he left for the surface...further cementing in his mind that he was never going to escape Lloth's grasp if he remained underground, and that fleeing to the surface was his only recourse.
And the story potential later on when returning to the Underdark led to them starting to come back, which could have been used to push the idea he was secretly within Lloth's favor even more...and perhaps even lead some of his allies to question whether it's true or not as well.
It would be so much better as just a natural part of their biology that's been twisted to fit Llothite propaganda than what they decided to make of it.
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Chapter 4 Journey to Neverlight Grove
Myconid. Strange little creatures that almost looked vulgar in the right light. Sometimes they were hard to tell apart from the other mushrooms growing in the Underdark.
Understandably so this made bumping into one or stepping on one without knowing it a common occurrence. This would lead to misunderstandings and result in a burst of spores from the small fungus. These spores could be breathed in and cause the inhaler to stand stunned from the effects.
The drow who reached into the hole to retrieve the little mushroom received a face full of the spores. The rest of the party stayed a decent range away. Realizing their mistake the little mushroom began to apologize profusely in Undercommon. After dropping the mushroom the drow reached farther into the hole to bring out his own bag of items, including a different set of armor and spare weapons.
“And what is the meaning of this?” Melzan asked tilting his head.
“Though I know my way around the outpost and back to Menzoberranzan, I do not know my way to a path that you seek, I still don’t know why you’d want to go to the surface. This little thing knows of a neutral area to gather information and possibly supplies. From there I plan to find another drow city and we part ways,” he replied in kind.
“Where is it he will lead us exactly...?” Melzan finally inquired as to the other drow’s name.
“Sereth. He will lead us to Neverlight Grove. True neutral people the Myconids. They’ll accept almost anyone for a time.”
“He doesn’t know of a way out but he knows of a neutral city. The Myconid will lead the way. Oh, the Myconid is the little mushroom thing. The city is called Neverlight Grove,” Melzan relayed the information to Gutrick.
“What’s its name?” Tyrnan asked pointing to the little mushroom man.
Melzan ignored the question and proceeded to follow once the Myconid calmed down and started leading the way.
“I’m going to call him… Shroomy,” Tyrnan grinned.
The mushroom didn’t even seem to react to being named, then again he didn’t understand common. They traveled as far as they dared before finding an area the party agreed could be deemed ‘safe enough’. The group didn’t seem very talkative for the most part. For not being able to see, Gutrick moved rather well in the dark. Essentially blind, he relied a lot on Shaleena and Melzan to make sure he didn’t run into a low hanging stalactite or the upper lip of a cave. This close to the outpost made Melzan too wary to cast a light spell. To do such would almost be like screaming ‘we’re here’ to anything in the dark looking for a meal.
There were very few options for watches, at least those a majority of the group thought trustworthy. Sereth and the Myconid were deemed untrustworthy based on him trying to run off alone earlier and then pulling the mushroom out of a hole. If he could help it he’d prefer to travel alone, but he wasn’t about to get that anytime soon. In the end, the decision made would be the most convenient: Shaleena and Melzan would take the watches. They had the best eyesight in these areas and the best hearing. Being elves they didn’t need the long rest of other humanoids.
For a few days, they traveled with little to no communication, too wary to dare talk and draw the attention to anything that might be listening. Now and again the little mushroom would spin and then pause. It didn’t seem to know everything as well as Sereth thought and got turned around once so far.
Deeming it safe enough, and necessary, Gutrick moved to Melzan. Sereth didn’t know common well enough to communicate in detail, nor did he seem willing to share. None of the others were from the Underdark which left his best informant to be the cleric. Keeping time with the elf he kept the conversation quiet. No sense in being careless.
“Tell me about the Dark Elves. Why are they so feared?” Gutrick really didn’t understand the stories considering he’d killed a few already. Their skills, other than the elite guard, lower than expected. Raising a brow, Melzan looked to the human for a moment before answering.
“Because when it comes to betrayal and killing we are trained to be the best. The position is everything in Drow society and to ‘encourage competition’ there are only limited amounts of positions. Also being in a higher rank is a form of reputation and status. In order to get there the one already holding that status, or someone higher needs to die. The only crimes are getting caught by another noble, or failing in finishing the job. Because if there are no proper witnesses then the death could have come from anything. Punishment is severe for those who commit ‘crimes’.
In turn, torture, murder, deception and playing other ranks or houses against each other is praised. No mercy. Mercy is a weakness. Either you are good and adapt or you are killed so someone stronger, better, or smarter can take your place. Indoctrinated at birth we are taught all other races are beneath us and weak. That the surface elves are at fault for us being driven down here and forced to live in this misery. Which, historically speaking is not completely incorrect. Humans are widely underestimated…
Anything to create discourse is the will of Lolth,” he tried to explain as best he could. Melzan didn’t go into the different houses or the specifics of how Drow were trained, but enough to give Gutrick the basic idea.
“And Lolth is the spider goddess who revels in bloodshed.”
“And chaos. Even within her own people. She requires sacrifices, the more powerful or innocent the better. Even sacrificing babies. It’s tradition, actually, for the third born son of the matron to be sacrificed right after birth to Lolth. At least this is true when the other two sons are alive. Definitely not a place I wish to ever return to,” Being the fifth son born Melzan avoided most of the ‘traditions’ involving sacrifice. Letting out an uneasy sigh he waited for the next question.
“It does seem like a place where the mighty would flourish. If they were a woman. I can see where there would be enough drive to remain,” Gutrick’s next question startled Melzan. “Are elves like you a common occurrence?”
Thinking about the question, it almost felt personal. This human wanted to know more about him, and knowledge is a dangerous thing. Melzan smirked a little and would have replied, but the cavern they were approaching would echo even the softest whispers. Placing a finger to his lips he hoped that Gutrick would recognize the gesture. Then he repeated it to the others as they walked.
The rest of the evening centered around gathering food. Edible moss, mushrooms, and fresh water. Sereth didn’t get to help, he would likely attempt running again. Tired, but full the group found an area they regarded as safe enough to sleep. They stayed there for a day while the little mushroom got itself oriented again. This gave them more time to take inventory and gather spare supplies for the next few days in case they couldn’t find any. Tyrnan’s injuries were healed fully that day by the cleric. He would be able to fight good as new.
“Are you a common occurrence?” Gutrick asked again. The man didn’t know much about their society but he observed in great detail. None of the males were ever in a position to heal anyone. None wore the holy robes of Lolth. For Melzan to have these powers it meant something. Good or bad he did not know yet.
“Living ones?” Melzan would satisfy his curiosity. Considering they might end up dying any day now and keeping such meaningless secrets seemed pointless, especially if he needed aid. “Males of no house and noble survivors of houses eradicated for sake of family position can sometimes find solace in joining a mercenary group. Bregan D’earth. They are a profit driven, male enterprise. They make money bringing goods from the surface here, and vice versa. Money is also taken for other less savory tasks. Though as for those who worship as I do, as a cleric… I have not met another male drow cleric.”
“Impressions of drow society imply your existence his heresy,” no mention of any goddess other than Lolth seemed odd. Many clerics were far prouder of their gods and goddesses. Melzan seemed to want that information kept to himself.
Rolling his eyes at the idiotic statement, Melzan smirked before letting his face fall into non-emotion. “Oh?” his tone slightly mimicking Gutricks, monotone with an edge of sarcasm. “Here I thought they wished to torture and sacrifice me at a public banquet because of my dashing good looks.”
Raising his eyebrows at the insult, or joke, Gutrick returned in kind. “Your looks certainly bring the urge to dash.”
“You have time to be humorous? Hope that lasts down here,” Melzan’s lips curled only slightly to show his amusement. “We’re still likely going to die when their lizard riders catch up to us. By now, with our scent, they’ll be covering far more ground than we could hope to do on foot.”
“So we should get moving,” Gutrick said thinking about it. The more ground they put between them increased the likelihood of their tracks getting too cold to follow.
Nodding in agreement he began packing some of their supplies and the extra food as best he could. Things were going rather well. The half-elf, elf, and halfling were chatting a bit. They were smiling, more often than anyone else. Surface dwellers were far quicker to smile and hold onto hope. An almost pointless endeavor so Sereth and Melzan. One could not depend purely on luck or hope to survive, but at least the former sometimes gave results.
Out of earshot of the Drow, those conversations drifted. The surface dwellers had quite a few fears to worry over. Even if they were safe now, above them rested possibly miles of stone preventing them from getting home.
“They are rather, unsociable,” Ah-roo muttered, not really trusting them. “I mean the one did heal us and took care of you, but… He’s still a drow.”
“A drow who fights alongside us. Until that changes his race has no impact on our journey,” the female elf said, her tone firm. “I do not understand why, but he helps us under orders of Gutrick. Maybe he fears him? Either way, we are companions for the time.”
Tyrnan smiled a little at her and almost wrapped an arm over her shoulder until he saw the dagger pressed against his throat.
“Fighting companions, nothing more,” Shaleena’s eyes danced as she dared Tyrnan to move.
Swallowing a little he nodded and she put her dagger away. He reached up and rubbed his throat as Ah-roo couldn’t help laughing as she rushed to catch up to the elf. It seemed the half-elf would get no luck flirting with her. Already he began to miss Ilvara. Though evil, he couldn’t help but remember how to see through the beautiful spider web robe covering her body looked. The way she handled that whi-
“Nope. Back to not thinking about that,” he murmured to himself. “At least not right now.”
Tyrnan realized that they’d started turning around the corner without him and he had to jog a bit to catch up. More dank and dark caves. Their routine hardly changed. Sleep, eat, walk, eat, walk, eat, sleep.
Sleep, walk, eat, walk, walk sleep.
Walk, sleep, eat, nap, walk -
“Does anyone else hear that cracking sound?” Tyrnan asked before the ground just behind him cracked and sparked. The hot stones tossed from the exploding cave floor as lava and steam forced its way through.
Tyrnan dove forward out of the way. Everyone choking and coughing from the smoke and heat. It took nearly an hour to get far enough away to breathe properly. Ah-roo appeared to be missing. She’d been taking up the watch behind Tyrnan. From what they all guessed she likely didn’t survive long enough to scream.
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
Oooh I made a human Durge priestess of lolth in one of my playthrough ( unhinged I know). Could u do companions reactions to that
I don’t know what why but human priest / priestess of lolth who actually received blessings / favor from her sounds funny as hell
— RED Anon
That concept is so wild anon, bless your Durge.
Like not only they abandoned their father, a whole god of murder, and went to worship Lolth instead. But also them being a human who just subscribed to Lolth's agenda and she found it so hilarious that she granted them a priestess blessings, A PRIESTESS OF LOLTH.
Drow noble women start whole fights just to get this position.
Companions reaction would be something like:
"...why? Just why?" // Gale, Wyll.
They're mostly confused. You were supposed to be a human team and all of that. Gale is especially a hypocrite by mansplaining how Lolth wants humans as slaves for drows as if you're a naive baby who doesn't know better. Wyll is hoping it's a phase, and you'll see the light eventually.
Doesn't care much, you do you // Laezel, Karlach.
Laezel doesn't concern herself with the mythology of Faerun. The only queen she cares about is vlaakith. Karlach has seen much worse in hell, so Lolth seems like a lesser evil in comparison. She knows to judge you on your actions and not who your boss is.
Suspicious of you // Jaheira, Halsin.
They have a very terrible past with Lolth worshippers. Both of them will keep an eye on you and all of that. Maybe even get jumpy or look at you weirdly whenever you're too nice to them. Most elf groves have a strick "kill drow on sight" policy because of the surface raids.
Although since you're a human, they'll mostly think you're just in need of guidance and your misdeeds will be easily forgiven and overlooked because they think you don't know better.
That is so fucking funny but also stay away // Astarion
You know he always thought he'd make such an amazing drow, besides the whole matriarchy and using men as slaves thing. If he looks past it, he really is fascinated by them. Also it's hilarious that you were such a traitor to both your god father and your own race, Ha.
But also don't bite his head off, he knows that Lolth demands high elves as sacrifices for her so don't even think about coming his way.
Fuck you, your goddess is shit // Shadowheart
While Lolth and Shar don't have much beef between each other, their followers definitely do. Their domians overlap a lot, so followers will occasionally migrate from one goddess to the other. Viconia herself used to follow Lolth before and now despises her after Lolth retracted her blessing from Viconia's house and made them fall as a noble house. That's when she found Shar.
I believe she will teach that hatred into Shadowheart.
It's complicated. She abandoned Lolth but she is still a paladin who swore and oath to her. And Lolth doesn't seem to have abandoned her just yet.
Lolth sees drows as her property, her toys. She doesn't care for what they personally think or feel. She plays with them and wagers their lives like it's nothing.
Minthara knows the only reason Lolth still grants her power is because she finds it amusing, she is toying with her. Lolth adores chaos and Minthara is a great tool to cause it.
When she meets you, she will think you're another one of Lolth's toys. Either sent to entice her back into the spider queen's embrace and seduce her. Or you're also a victim of her cruelty.
Yet she is curious, you're not a drow, you're a human. That is unheard of. So you fully chose Lolth by your own free will? She honestly doesn't know what to think. She both is annoyed and fascinated by you.
You represent the past life she escaped from, but you also represent the new beginning you granted her by saving her. Deep down she thinks if you stealing her heart is just Lolth stringing you like a puppet.
Also, Lolth can possess any of her priestesses at will, so she can simply come down to have a chat with Minthara through you if she felt like it. And that does put Minthara on edge.
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