#also a smidgen of
sarcasticmothdraws · 3 years
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I got tired after the Pony outfit, but look at them :D
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littlerosetrove · 2 years
The alarm went off a couple minutes ago, and they’ll get up. Real soon he swears, but. But Eddie is especially comfortable this morning, and where Buck’s nose is tucked into the crook of Eddie’s neck, he just - he smells like home. Buck would blame his sap on the early morning of it all, but if he’s honest he’s always sappy when it comes to Eddie. Eddie, who has told him he loves him every day since they got together that fateful rainy day, because sometimes life really can be a (romantic) cliché. 
He lets out a breathless giggle because, because, and shuffles closer to Eddie to close that last centimeter of space. 
“What?” comes the sleepy rumble, as Eddie stirs a little, tightening his arms that are wrapped around Buck. 
“Nothing, I just-” Buck presses a featherlight kiss to Eddie’s neck “I’m just really happy.”
Buck can feel Eddie’s smile pressed against his forehead. “Me too, baby” he says softly. “Me too.”
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k3rryberry · 3 years
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expression practice
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graff-aganda · 2 years
salim wasn’t lying that boy is short
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titanslayer · 2 years
:( jason has such a strong sense of empathy but with a fatal flaw like his temper, its a dangerous thing.
he feels bad for someone -> is angry on their behalf -> lets his temper get the best of him while trying to help them / defend them / avenge them -> lands himself in potentially fatal situations
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bitchfitch · 2 years
today on 'my parents suck at Mario kart and continue to nerf me in an attempt to at least come in a higher place":
Today I had to play a new map I'd never seen before, no glasses, and after 2 flutes of champagne, which is not a lot, but I'm a light weight.
still came in first.
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xhellodollyx · 3 years
Okay spoilers for the new episode ahead, so you've been warned....
... so I kinda was right with the backstory (kinda, lol). I knew his dad was gonna get killed by someone but his mom I wasnt so sure. And i mean, I dont know about you, but a kid watching his own father get stabbed to death is pretty traumatizing regardless, and that seemed to be what made Chucky give into those urges we already saw building up within him. He was already showing signs, but i also think if you look back to what Chucky has been saying to Jake: "It's kill or be killed", it adds a little bit more context to what happened.
I think part of the reason he killed his mom was also to prevent himself from being killed. I think they both would have been killed that night had he not done that. He shouldn't have, but he did. having seen someone get murdered in front of him for the first time, and his own father no less, was the very "push" he needed, something which he has been also saying to Jake this episode. That everyone just needs a little push to become a killer. He was already born that way and its obvious by the signs he was showing and that he was obviously going to go down that road in life, but what happened that night is what really made him a killer - at least so early on.
The way I see it is that it's pretty similar to what Jamie Lloyd did at the end of Halloween 4 when she stabbed her own foster mother. A switch flipped and a child does the unthinkable. In Jamie's case it was a mixture of the trauma from the night she went through and also partly genetics, given Michael was her uncle. Here, for Chucky, I honestly believe it was a combination of 3 things: seeing someone being murdered in front of him, seeing his own FATHER being murdered and his last words telling him to "run"(and whether anyone wants to admit it or not, Chucky did look pretty scared for a few moments there, he didn't seem happy seeing his dad killed, and perhaps the initial shock of it also wore off once he was hiding in the closet with his mother), partly a need to survive, and also because of the obvious "already being born with that urge to kill" and having it all come full circle that night, and a child's need to impress an adult with something he's already had the impulse to do. And i dont think he grabbed that knife with the intent to kill his mother, i think it was meant as a way to defend himself and then it turned into a split second decision of killing his mom. Killing her happened very suddenly from what I could tell, like it was a last minute decision, like something inside of him snapped and he didnt have remorse for it. By that point, the damage was already done and he was set on the path we see him on today.
I do wonder now whatever happened to that mass murderer from that night and if Chucky did come back to settle the score with him or to try to find him, at least partly? I guess we'll see but I am curious 🤔
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You know, I really like this moment between Angel and Giles in season 10.
Because, for the most part, everyone is having issues with Angel here (I might break that down in a moment), though they've asked him if he can fly in from London to help them fight Archaeus, though are acting like this towards him (but I get why with stuff that's happened before this)... and I feel it's GILES who steps in here to try and turn things around, with his purposely distracting question about Faith, which is definitely surprising to see (because we all know Angel and Giles' many issues). And it just makes it an even more amazing moment FOR that reason to me.
But as for the reasons for the drama here (the shortened version, anyway):
Angel just found out at this exact moment that Buffy is dating Spike, which he's obviously heartbroken about because he's still in love with her. And when he showed up a tiny bit ago, they'd had a moment where they were talking one-on-one in Willow's room, that I think made Angel think for a second that they were going to get back together (some of the stuff that Buffy was saying may have also led him think this; I'm not blaming Buffy here. It was all just really bad timing, that I really don't know could have been avoided, any way you spin it). And Buffy clearly feels really bad about all of that.
And also in a minute, Angel and Buffy get into an argument about splitting up (not the splitting up part), but the fact that Buffy wants their strongest magic users on Angel's team, in case Archaeus (Angel's great-grand sire) gets control over him (an ability that he has) and they then they all have Angelus to deal with, plus Archaeus. And then Buffy is basically saying, "Tell me I'm not wrong!" and Angel can't, but he's still kind of irritated about it.
Spike is jealous that Angel is here, and that they need him at all, and is worried that Buffy might break up with him and get back with Angel, thus the two of them are fighting like usual.
Angel and Dawn are on really good terms with each other--and are excited to really be getting to know each other for the first time--so Dawn is one of the few exceptions to this mess.
Xander was actually trying with Angel for the first time ever, and it's actually really commendable and all really good, for the most part! Though there's this moment where Xander gets envious when Angel and Dawn hug. Because Xander/Dawn is canon to the comics, but they're broken up for a second here. And I'm guessing in seeing them hug (and with Buffy dating Spike here), he was worried that those two could start dating now? (And speaking of which, Buffy also acted really weirdly to Angel hugging Dawn, so much so that she, like, yanks her out of Angel's arms. o_0 It might be because she feels like she can no longer trust Angel with Dawn or the people she loves--and if so, that's really annoying and ticks me off--but I think it's actually because she was also strangely jealous of this moment... Wow, everyone is just being haunted by the Green-Eyed-Monster in this scene. Because even if she is with Spike right now, she does still have feelings for Angel and we see that while he's there with her in this short season 10 arc).
Willow is also pretty okay with Angel here, though she really doesn't say much or seem to do anything to better or worsen the situation. Edit: Wait. Just kidding. She's really there for Angel later. She's just not very vocal in this scene? Maybe she was just trying to stay out of it, and who can blame her?
So, yeah: this Angel and Giles instance is really nice, imo. And the proof to me that he WAS trying to calm things down, is when you have Angel saying "Everything's good. Real good," and then Giles responding with, "yes. clearly," that seems to be him moreso talking about their situation right then, then the stuff about Angel and Faith in Magic Town that Angel was just speaking about.
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coquelicoq · 3 years
i'll be honest, i could do with some canoodling one of these days. i could use a spot of necking, to be quite frank. a little frenching would go a long way. suffice it to say, sucking face is sounding pret-ty darn appealing right about now. i'm feeling a bit peckish for a peck on the lips. a little light tonsil hockey would not go amiss. as mitski would say, just one good honest kiss could do wonders for my emotional state, so imagine what a makeout sesh could accomplish! i'd be a new woman. just need me some sugar. a little sumpn sumpn. a skosh of action. a soupçon of tongue. i wouldn't say no to some tasteful lipstick marks on my collar at this point. hell, they don't even have to be tasteful! i'm down for walking around with super tacky kiss marks all over my face. that's where i'm at. so anyway how is the global respiratory pandemic going for you guys haha
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shatouto · 3 years
delusion of grandeur is one hell of a drug
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abumbledbee · 3 years
Tubbo and his reaction to Tommy being in prison
So for a while I was a bit sour about how Tubbo didn’t really have much of a reaction canonically to the news that Tommy was in prison. At first I chalked it up to Tubbo just not being one to roleplay as much as others on the server, but then I got to thinking on it a bit more.
C!Tubbo has never actually been a person who openly shows his emotions much. He suffered under Schlatt’s rule as a spy and hid his true alliance for most of it, pretty much every scene with him in it he was under a lot of stress from trying to help Pogtopia while acting like everything was fine to Schlatt.
He was a rather stoic leader as president, even when it came to exiling Tommy; or watching L’Manburg be decimated during Doomsday he hardly even spoke that stream.
Even when he was a moment away from Dream killing him, he responded with a half-hearted attempt to make it easier on Tommy, not even a third of the emotion Tommy himself was exhibiting on Tubbo’s behalf. 
Tubbo’s emotions are ruled by logic first and foremost. He knew there was no point to express how he was feeling in any of those situations so why bother? It wouldn’t change the outcomes.
Character Tubbo has had no big reactions unless something pushed him in ways he didn’t expect, like Schlatt finding out he was a spy and making Techno kill him, or when he fought with Tommy about the discs and Tommy called them more important, or when Quackity suggested killing Ranboo the same way he was killed by Schlatt.
Tubbo did react to Tommy being in the prison, just not how we expected. He knows he can’t free Tommy, and he knows Sam is the ultimate power in the prison. No matter how upset he got, Sam won’t let Tommy out until the prison is secured, so why bother showing how he feels?
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47-protons · 3 years
going to go absolutely rabid, positively feral in the google doc
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five-by-five · 3 years
hi i wrote a lil thing and i can describe it as both “macallan finds a chicken” and “macallan once again gets confronted by the absolute ruthlessness of the imc and mourns all that was taken from him” and both are a correct description and both somehow make sense in the story
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bitterren · 3 years
i feel like out of all visits to the prison sapnap's is the only time so far when we've seen the actual dream, not the "manipulative" dream; dream probably still considers him his closest friend, despite the other's words, so he doesn't pretend, thinking that sapnap'll just go with what he says
we see the dream who conspires with ranboo's state and influences it, the dream who still pisses sam off by going against his word (despite the consequences that come with it), the dream who goes on strikes out of spite, the dream who continuously tries to break out, the dream who hasn't spoken out about his deeds,
the dream who isn't sorry for his actions
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thenegoteator · 3 years
so was anyone going to tell me that Ziro/Sy Snootles had like. a solid grounding in canon or was I supposed to nearly have a heart attack when watching the episode myself
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iamanartichoke · 3 years
I need to stop adding my coworkers on facebook, bc I keep finding out that they're actually insane.
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