#also alas. i am indeed an ass. i try to temper it as much as possible but yeah no im gonna admit that im a hotheaded stubborn fuck
ruthlesslistener · 11 months
"I didn't mean to trigger! We BOTH hurt each other!" And the trigger in question is... (squints eyes) "Being called a Pedophile over different headcanons" . You sound like a huge asshole right now, just saying. I'm not even the person who sent that ask lol.
Dude. Its just you who was wrong. Why you gotta make things about yourself again...
I'm not saying that what I did wasn't wrong, but it also wasn't intentional, was the thing, and I never meant to call anon themselves a pedophile. I was talking about the ideology and the very specific 'its okay because even if they're physically a child they're mentally an adult' talking point, operating off of the assumption that that was what the conversation was about as well as the fact that I assumed everyone would realize that just because you're regurgitating a talking point from a specific group doesn't mean that you are part of said group or believe in their beliefs. As it turns out, that wasn't what it was about at all, I was unclear that I do not in any way think that what you like in fiction is a solid indicator of who you are as a person, and that's where my error lay.
I'm also not the only one in the wrong here, because I kept repeatedly saying that I fucked up, that I was done with the conversation and didn't want to talk about that topic because it made me very uncomfortable, yet people still kept sending me asks about it and blowing off my very real distress about it. THAT'S where I'm not in the wrong, and that's why I pointed it out. I'm not making this about myself, I'm specifically pointing out that it was a two-way fight where both people were in error. And yes, by 'both people' I'm very much including me. Because I very much charged into the a china-shop conversation with all the subtlety and thought of a moose in rut (that's where I'm at fault), but also because people kept ignoring my explanations about it and jumping to conclusions/saying I was saying things that I very explicitly stated that I did not mean and was regretful for letting the error come about in the first place. THAT'S where I'm not at fault.
No, anon is not a pedophile and was not talking about pedophilic talking points. I also very much never called them that specifically, or did it with the intent to drag anyone who thinks like that under the umbrella of 'very real dangerous sexual predator'. I have zero desire to redtag people or use my apparent fame to drag people through the muck, or make them stop having headcanons different than my own. I made a poorly-phrased quip about something I thought was a nonissue on a website where people DO jump to absolute conclusions about a person's character based on what they like in completely fictional content and then got severely fucking turned around, which prompted me say more bullshit about something that wasn't even close to the case of what I was angry about.
I was in the wrong there and I fully admit it, but you also have to believe that I'm genuine when I say that it was a mistake and that I'm just as turned around about it as everyone else, because that's really all that I can do here.
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talesfromlissom · 4 years
Glory of the Moon
A/N: This is split into four separate parts, and it’s also really long so uh yeah, sorry if the characters act ooc, I’m still trying to figure out who I want to write most of them, and I haven’t done character studies with any of the characters (minus solider:76) so sorry y’all.
This is also a GN reader for all the people that like GN readers, so any pronouns can go for the role of (Y/N) ;), have fun~
This is kind of my own idea, featuring Poly!Mchanzo but Mcree and (Y/N) are werewolves. 
Summary: As the recall has been issued, new recruits start to flood into overwatch due to recommendations, from old and new allies. However, the newest recruit seems to have an interest in Hanzo, much to Jesse’s dislike. 
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV
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“So, what do you think of the new recruit?” Was the first thing that came to Jesse’s ears that morning.
Jesse shrugged.
“Haven’t met ‘em yet.” 
“Well, from what Lena tells me, his name is Dallas, and...he’s a werewolf.”
Now that caught Jesse’s attention.
“Another one? Damn, might as well make half of the base off limits during the full moon.” 
“Bah! The only thing you and I do according to Hanzo is bother him with belly rubs.” 
Jesse snickered.
“Speakin’ of Han, where is he?”
(Y/N) shrugged.
“Not sure, he said he wanted to go and train before people started filling it,” (Y/N) replied. “He says he doesn’t like it when he keeps people waiting.” 
A pause.
“Fine, he said that he doesn’t want Genji to come into the training ground and challenge him to a fight in the middle of the day.”
“That’s what I thought.”
“If you tell him that I told you that he’ll smother me with a pillow.”
“I...Ima tell him.” 
“Jesse-mf-Mcree, you better not-”
“Well ain’t he a sight.” Jesse muttered, as (Y/N), and him had come to the training grounds, seeing the new recruit.
(Y/N) could tell he was new, he didn’t have a uniform.
This man was dressed in black jeans, ripped jeans of course, (Y/N) smiled.
This man was young, maybe getting into his late 30’s, and with his white t-shirt and his black jacket, he knew this man at least had a fashion sense.
(Y/N) heard tapping of feet fill the air, and based on how fast they moved they knew automatically who it was.
“Heya Han, how you doin’?” Jesse said, beating (Y/N) to greeting the smaller man.
“Well, I was training, but the new recruit came and people filed in.” 
“Ah! My friends!” Reinhart’s booming voice yelled. “Come meet the new recruit!” 
“Speak of the devil.” Jesse muttered as the crowd parted. 
(Y/N) crossed their arms and raised an eyebrow as the man walked over.
And Jesse extended a glance to (Y/N) as the man came into range.
This man was definitely a werewolf.
He practically wreaked of it.
However, (Y/N) couldn’t pinpoint what pack he was from, because he didn’t smell like an omega. 
The man grinned at (Y/N).
“Alpha (Y/N)? Is that really you?”
(Y/N) smiled. “In the flesh, and you are?” 
“Dallas! Dallas Starmonger! I’m from the western pack in Oregon!” He beamed. “It's an honor to speak to you!” 
(Y/N) grinned. 
“The western pack? Ain’t y’all-” Jesse began.
“And who is this?” Dallas asked, gesturing to Hanzo. 
Hanzo paused.
“Oh, Hanzo Shimada, at your service.”
Dallas watched as the man extended the hand. 
“No, the pleasure is all mine.”
And (Y/N) had to stop Mcree from storming over when the man kissed Hanzo’s hand.
Hanzo blinked as Dallas walked by, clicking his teeth and entering the base.
“What the ‘ell was that!” Jesse cried.
“A proper greeting?”
“He kissed yer hand, Han.”
“You do realize that is a form of greeting, Mcree?” 
(Y/N) shook their head.
“(Y/N), help me out ‘ere!”
“No. I’m gonna go train with Zarya and Mei, see ya.”
“But-but darlin’-!” 
“Bye Jesse! Go talk to Dallas or somethin’!” 
Hanzo snickered as Jesse crossed his arms and pouted.
“Are you jealous Jesse?”
“Jesse, calm yourself, this man is a werewolf, if I am correct, your scent, as well as (Y/N)’s lingers on me, he’ll know to keep away.” 
Jesse still pouted as Hanzo gave him a pat on the shoulder and walked into the hall, and turned to go towards the cafeteria.
He stood there for a bit.
Maybe he was just being paranoid. 
“He still hasn’t said hello to me.” Jesse huffed.
(Y/N) shook their head.
“Jesse, he probably didn’t see you.”
“Didn’t see my ass, he looked right at me!” Jesse paused. “Somethin’ about this guy doesn’t feel right.” Another pause. “Jeez, if I had a dollar for everytime I caught that man staring at Han, I’d pay off my own goddamn bounty.” 
(Y/N) rolled their eyes. “C’mon Jesse, you and I said that about Hanzo, and now look where we are, we’re all dating.” 
“Tsk.” Jesse muttered, rounding the corner. 
“And besides, Hanzo is the most observant out of us, if he knows something is up, he’ll know it before we do.” 
“I just, I don’t-”
Jesse came to a halt, spying Hanzo and Dallas down the hall.
Hanzo was leaning against a wall, with Dallas hovering over him, the two engaged in casual chatter.
Jesse gestured to the two.
“Jesse, be polite.”
“I am being polite!”
“Ah, (Y/N), and...Joel..?” Dallas began as the two walked over.
“It’s Jesse.” Jesse hissed.
“Ah, Jesse right,” Dallas corrected. “So, you  three are the only werewolves here?”
Hanzo raised an eyebrow. “Three?” 
“Hanzo ain’t a werewolf,” Jesse muttered, and (Y/N) narrowed their gaze at him, noticing the slight attitude in his tone. 
(Y/N) huffed at Jesse who narrowed his gaze even further. 
“Ah, he’s a human then?”
“Hm.” Dallas said. “That’s a good thing to know.”
“And why’s that?” 
“Jesse, calm-”
“No no, it's fine,” Dallas said, scratching the back of his neck. “I heard that the new recruits get paired to spar against the older recruits, so I just wanted to know so I can go easy on him-”
“You do not have to go easy on me. I can handle it.” Hanzo replied. 
Dallas then grinned.
“Nice, well, see you guys around, Mrs.Amari still has to show me around!” 
As the man ran off, (Y/N) immediately turned to Jesse.
“Jesse, you need to take a chill pill.”
“I’m completely chill darlin’. Completely.” Jesse snapped through gritted teeth. 
Things didn’t get much better between Jesse and Dallas.
But they did between Dallas and Hanzo.
Hanzo found a mutual understanding in Dallas.
Dallas, was raised in a crime family as well, with his father being a member of the mafia.
Unlike Hanzo’s father, Dallas’ was just a member, not the leader.
So he understood the expectations.
Alas, Dallas ran away, not wanting to participate in such violent things, and joined overwatch to help, is what Dallas told him anyways.
He found himself having to speak to Dallas by himself, or with (Y/N) around, since Jesse and Dallas never got along.
This led to...a lot of fights between (Y/N) and Jesse, whenever (Y/N) caught Jesse being rude. 
Hanzo sat in the background most of the time when the two fought.
Tempers flared high between the two as of right now, not just because of this new recruit,but  the full moon was tonight.
Which meant Hanzo tried to keep his distance, but again, there was a fight, and he didn’t leave in time.
“Jesse what hell were you thinking!” (Y/N) cried as Jesse merely looked at the floor.
“God! Can’t you get your head out of your ass for two seconds and actually try to get along with this guy?”
“He called me an Omega!”
“So what! I get called an Omega too? It isn’t rare, Jesse!”
“He knew that I’d punch him if I said that!”
“He did not Jesse. I bet Dallas is just tired of you being rude to him so he decided to be rude back!”
“Why the hell are you taking his side?”
“I’m not taking anybody’s side Jess’, why would you think I’d do that to you!”
“Then why don’t ya say anythin’!” A pause. “He interrupts me, ignores me, and yet you say nothin’! You’re a goddamn alpha, he’ll listen to you!”
“No he won’t! He’s an alpha too Jess’!”
Jesse let out a groan of frustration.
“And what about Han? Huh, I guess you don’t see him feel ‘im up him do ya?” 
“He’s never done that before!” 
“Yes he has!” Jesse yelled, his voice getting louder. 
Hanzo tensed as the shouting would get louder, and the grip on his book tightened.
Soon, the book slammed shut, causing (Y/N) and Jesse to turn to him.
“Can you two please cease this useless fighting!” Hanzo cried. “It brings us nowhere!”
“(Y/N), Jesse isn’t going to like everyone, but Jesse, you must be polite to Dallas, it's unprofessional and he is your team member!” 
“No! You are both acting like children, hell, I can’t sit down and have a meal without you two fighting about this man! He is just a man!”
And that was the last straw.
Hanzo marched past the two enraged werewolves, who were still silent.
“I’m going to meditate, do not bother me.”
And the door shut, and frankly, (Y/N) and Jesse swore the door sounded louder than before.
It was always calming in the zen garden.
It was built by request of Genji and Zenyatta.
Hanzo was thankful it was late, Genji and Zenyatta tended to meditate during the day.
So as of right now, he was alone.
The calming atmosphere almost always brought some peace to his mind.
Near the fountain, eyes shut.
However, they snapped open as the leaves brushed next to him. 
He turned, and spotted Dallas coming out of the bushes.
A water bottle in hand.
And a towel wrapped around his neck.
Dallas paused.
“Oh, heya Hanzo, how are you doing?”
“I am fine, you?”
Dallas frowned.
“I know that look,” He said. “Joel and (Y/N) fought again I’m guessing?”
“Is it that obvious?” A pause. “And his name is Jesse.”
Dallas muttered an apology before sitting down, next to Hanzo.
Hanzo fidgeted.
“What...are you doing here?”
“Oh, I was working out with Reinhart and Junkrat, but I got tired and left early,” He said, placing the bottle down. “God, those two have so much stamina.” 
Hanzo shook his head.
“You...want a sip?”
“Of my water.”
“Erm..no thank you.”
“You sure? Dr.Ziegler told me that you tend to meditate for hours, it shouldn’t hurt to drink something small.”
Hanzo thought for a moment, his dragons spoke to him, telling him to go see (Y/N) and Jesse.
He brushed it off and grabbed the water bottle, taking a few gulps.
“See? Isn’t that better?”
Hanzo shook his head.
“I suppose.”
Dallas grinned.
“Doesn’t Winston have some fruit here?”
“This isn’t the greenhouse, Dallas.”
“I know but it doesn’t hurt to look right?”
Hanzo sighed.
“You may look, but I am not.”
“Alright, see ya tomorrow then.”
Hanzo shut his eyes yet again.
After fifteen minutes, Hanzo felt off.
His head was pounding, his arms felt weak.
Slowly, he opened his eyes.
When were the lights this bright.
Hanzo stood up-
He wobbled and fell against the fountain, gripping his head. 
His vision was getting more distorted and blurry every time he blinked.
He heard footsteps behind him.
“God, it was easy breaking into this place.” A voice said off in the distance.
“You sure this is the place?”
Hanzo hobbled forward, only to fall to the ground.
“Oh it's the place alright.” He heard Dallas’ voice interrupt.
Through his blurred vision, he saw the faint outline of Dallas, crouching near him.
The corner of his eyes began to turn to black, as he felt himself be lifted from the ground and placed on Dallas’ shoulder.
“Welcome to the Eastern Pack of Spain, Hanzo Shimada.” 
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thecorteztwins · 6 years
Hogwarts. Or when Fabian is there, Whoregotwarts
(Hey @esteicy-blog, I included Pietro this time! And Wanda too! I hope I did okay with their personalities; I know what Pietro is like to a degree but I really don’t know much about how Wanda acts.Also, credit to @hexiva for the whole “Magneto was a dark wizard that Xavier put on staff as “Michael Xavier” after defeating him, ala his identity while headmaster to the New Mutants” bit. Thank you for letting me use your AWESOME IDEA, friend!)The Triwizard tournament had come yet again, and this time it was hosted at Hogwarts. For the first time in years, students from the Hogwarts could mingle with visitors from the Durmstrang Institute and the Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. Fabian Cortez, a Spanish student from Beauxbatons, would in particular like to ‘mingle’ with one of the Durmstrang girls, a Balkans beauty named Wanda MaximoffHe had made this abundantly clear since they first passed in the Great Hall when the visitors were first announced to the Hogwarts pupils, and he had been making it clearer every time he saw her, to her demure disgust. It had finally come to a head in the Hogwarts courtyard, where he had last made the mistake of making his lurid advances in view of Wanda’s brother, Pietro, who, it turned out, had a much shorter temper and smaller tolerance for such impropriety than she did. “Leave her alone, you lurid creep!”“She can tell me if she doesn’t appreciate my company, you pernicious twerp.”“She did, she told you quite clearly! Maybe you couldn’t hear her because your rat-tailed head is too far up your own—”“Problem, boys?”It was Professor Michael Xavier, one of the Hogwarts teachers. “I realize you’re not my students,” he continued, “But perhaps you’d like to explain yourselves?”“You’re right, I’m not your student,” Pietro huffed, crossing his arms over his chest.Fabian, on the other hand, did as asked,“It was my fault, Professor. I was trying to talk with this young lady, but I think I made a language mistake, or maybe overstepped some cultural barrier—I know little of Durmstrang ways, I only studied British manners because we were coming to Hogwarts—and this boy came up just…yelling at me. I didn’t understand at first, but I think he thought I was bothering her.”“You were!” Pietro barked, red-faced at how Fabian was…not lying exactly, but painting a very misleading picture.“Why don’t we ask the young lady in question?” said Michael coolly. He was already biased for Fabian, since he was the one who had cooperated and his story seemed plausible, but he supposed getting a neutral third party witness would be most fair.“That would be me, professor,” Wanda stepped forward,“He was bothering me, and I asked him to stop, but…perhaps I was not clear enough.”“You were PLENTY clear,” snarled Pietro, glaring at Fabian. Fabian looked at Professor Xavier expectantly, figuring that the verdict would now fall in his favor…but Michael Xavier was staring past the boys at Wanda. He looked transfixed, and shocked, unbelieving. Wanda shifted nervously under the intensity of his gaze. Why was he staring at her like that?“Professor!” Pietro said sharply, who was wondering the same thing. Would he have to defend his sister even from the teachers now? Well, he was ready, he’d blast anyone who so much as looked at Wanda into pixie dust!“Eh?” Michael Xavier glanced at him, and it seemed like reality returned,“Oh, yes…my apologies children, I…recalled something important. Now what was your problem?”“Make him leave her alone!” Pietro demanded, “Or I will!”“I’m very sorry for the confusion,” said Fabian in a humble, abashed tone, “I’ll apologize to Miss Maximoff immediately. Miss Wanda, I promise that impropriety was not my intent. I hope that we can still be friends—I’d hate for this to be your only impression of me, and of the Beauxbatons school.”“Er, I–” Wanda started, but was cut off by protestations from Pietro over the idea.“Maximoff,” Michael Xavier said to himself, noting how Fabian had addressed her, “Wanda Maximoff.”And with that, he turned and hurried back to the castle in a most urgent manner, leaving the boys behind to bicker. For Michael Xavier was not Michael Xavier. The man Michael Xavier, supposedly the cousin of Headmaster Charles Xavier, did not exist. He was really Erik Magnus, the Dark wizard that Charles Xavier was supposed to have defeated and killed years ago. In truth, Xavier had let him live, convinced him to give his way a try, and as a gesture of his trust, given him this new life, this position as a teacher.But before he had been Erik Magnus, Michael Xavier had been someone else as well. A boy named Max Eisenhardt. A boy who had grown up to marry a woman called Magda.A woman who had been nigh-identical to this “Wanda Maximoff”. He must find out who she was, where she came from—who her parents were. And no schoolboy squabble was about to distract him. ***“There you are, swine. I was beginning to think you wouldn’t show.”It was midnight, and Pietro had been waiting at the mouth of the enchanted maze for…well, for all of five minutes, actually. Fabian was right on time. In fact, he’d come early, to get a little something done first before meeting Pietro. But Fabian had indeed considered not coming. The fact that this duel was a secret meant he wouldn’t lose face in front of his peers if he chickened out…and he didn’t want to get caught after so narrowly avoiding trouble the last time. He doubted he’d get the same leniency that Professor Michael Xavier had shown him. But then he’d had an idea that he just couldn’t resist…“It’d have been better for you if I didn’t,” he replied, “Oh, hello there Wanda, here to cheer me on? Or does Pietro need his sister to for backup?”“I am TRYING to tell my brother what a stupid, stupid idea this is. I was hoping YOU would at least be smart enough to realize that!”“And stand up a date? I never do that, Wanda. Maybe I’ll be kind enough to show you that—after I teach your brother a lesson! Flipendo!”Fabian had drawn his wand by surprise, and knocked Pietro on his ass with the Knockback Jinx.“You cheater!” Wanda yelled, “No one said go yet!”“No rules out here, Maximoff!” Fabian replied, directing this at them both as he readied his wand again, “Consider it a warning shot!”Pietro jumped to his feet, drawing his own wand as he did and yelling the incantation for a Stinging Hex. It hit Fabian full in his face mid-smirk, and he screamed and clawed at his own skin in pain. It didn’t slow him down though; it merely made him angry. No more playing!“Expulso!” Fabian’s wand blasted the blue light of the exploding charm in Pietro’s direction, but Fabian’s current poor vision meant his aim was off, and Pietro was able to Pietro, pulling Wanda with him. All the magic hit was the shrubbery, which burst into shredded leaves. Still, that alone showed the twins that Cortez clearly meant business.“Wanda, get out of here, he’s mad!” Pietro urged, suddenly realizing how serious the situation could be.“That’s why I’m staying with you, you idiot!” she retorted, drawing her own wand. “How touching,” Fabian mocked, and fired another Exploding Charm, this time on their opposite side, causing the pair to jump again, this time in the other direction. Pietro began to run at him with his wand drawn, but another Flipendo from Fabian knocked him back, this time into the entrance of the maze. Wanda ran after him, but not before pointing her own wand at Fabian and shouting,“Stupefy!”It worked splendidly, with Fabian reeling back and then falling to the ground unconscious. Wanda, meanwhile, went into the maze in search of her brother. Fabian’s Exploding Curse had cleared quite a lot of the hedges, which had allowed him to knock Pietro exceptionally far back inside, considering. “Pietro?” Wanda called nervously when she did not immediately see him, “Pietro, where are—”“Shhhh,” said a voice from her feet, and she looked down to see Pietro crouching under a bush, finger to his lips, and his opposite hand gesturing rapidly for her to come join him.“Pietro, what are—aaaAAAAH!”Charging right for her was what Pietro had been hiding from—a manticore, a massive beast with a leonine body, gigantic curled scorpion tail, and an unnervingly human-like face full of dagger-sharp teeth. It had been meant to stay tethered there in the maze, until it would be unleashed during the Third Task for the Triwizard Champions to face when they went inside to search for the Triwizard Cup.But, judging by the severed chain trailing from its collar, someone had let it loose tonight…And it was going to do exactly what that ‘someone’ had planned for it to do—at least, til someone shouted “IMPEDIMENTA!” and stopped the beast in its tracks.Wanda turned to see the face of her savior—Professor Michael Xavier.“Miss Maximoff,” he said calmly, stepping towards her, wand in one hand, shirt collar of the still-unconscious Fabian in the other as he dragged the boy behind him,“I believe you and I, along with your brother, have some very important matters to discuss. Family matters, in fact.”
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jaymaydraw-blog · 7 years
Just a story I wrote a while back and never posted.
Tags: Tyler/Kyle - Freeform, Prince Kyle, Marquess Tyler, Archduchess Charlotte, Archduchess Helen, King Franklin, King Franklin is an Asshole, Alternate Universe - Medieval, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Charlotte is a Scary Woman, Kyle is a Shy Child A story based off of a roleplay scenario that myself and friends had come up with. All of the characters mentioned are original and belong to my friends and I; so please do not use without my permission. ------------------------------------------------------------------- Chapter 1: Royalty: Until We Meet Again Kyle drummed his fingers on his leg, watching the rolling hills pass as his carriage clobbers along. His father was seated beside him, similarly bored and exhausted from the long journey. Kyle lets out a long suffering sigh, slumping with the knowledge that the day ahead was going to be very boring indeed. Carriages in front and behind were also carrying small groups of noblemen and women to the same destination, one such carriage held a remarkable noble family. Tyler's family. Tyler has a Remarkable family in the sense that he had two mothers, whom share their powers equally. They are a strong diarchy, even though they were totally pacifist. The two arch duchesses preferred to concentrate on resources and care of their subjects. Unfortunately, they were considered a lower power due to the fact they had no military and had only one heir to the bloodline. However, this does not stop the two Archduchesses from being a formidable political opponent. Their skills in negotiation and moderation were unparalleled. They expected absolute respect from all, and anyone who opposed them would be... Educated. The young prince Kyle awoke from a broken sleep by his father. Their carriage had stopped, and it was time to get out. His father dragged him from the comfort of the carriage and out into a large hall. Kyle was coming along because of 'Political Education' or something similarly ridiculous. As important as it was, as far as Kyle was concerned it just seemed to be a bunch of stuffy old men and women bickering and pretending to like each other for a few hours. Not far behind were Marquess Tyler and his mothers' carriage. The three exit, assisted by a couple of attendants. They moved inside along with everyone else and into the Hall to socialise a little before the meeting was called. All around were Knights, earls, and various other noblemen and women all talking of business. Talk of recent wars, treaties, trade agreements and even marriages. It saddened the young prince, who was stuck listening about one such marriage, that two people were pushed together with little to no say in the matter, before any form of feeling had developed. Just like the one Kyle's father had arranged for him. Alas, that was the fate of royalty in this world, and one must accept that. Some short few minutes pass then; the chatter fades into hushed mumbles and respectful silence at the entrance of the formidable Duchess Charlotte, clad in a deep purple gown and silver accessories, the beautiful Duchess Helen in a warm red trailing gown, ornamented with golden thread. Behind the two women strode in the dashing marquess Tyler, wearing a striking black tunic and leggings, a spectrum of colour seeming to glitter from under the fabric like stars in the night. Gazing at the new group, Kyle felt small- literally and figuratively. His blue and white outfit made him feel unimportant and meek. They were also standing tall with Tyler at five foot and six inches, while he was a mere five foot two. He stowed himself away quickly to avoid feeling even less important, but his mind had a different idea. He couldn't remove the image of the two women's son; tall, dark and handsome. The meeting was called to begin, so the three took their seats, which resulted in Tyler sitting right next to the young prince Kyle. Tyler doesn't seem to notice him, as he sits patiently watching straight ahead, straight backed and calm faced, surely a perfect heir. Kyle attempted to look dignified beside the perfect man beside him, though all this seemed to do was make him look like a common man next to a royal. As the meeting wore on, an expression of great boredom and distaste etched its way on to Tyler's face. Mutterings of hatred left his lips as he glared at the current speaker, whom was lecturing the matriarchs of the room on their under-qualification and general uselessness as rulers. This rant had particularly been aimed at the Arch Duchesses Charlotte and Helen as they still have neither plan nor intention on building armies or navies. This continues for a good ten minutes until Charlotte's agitation finally boils over. She refused to be spoken of in this manner, and refused to let it go unnoticed. She stands, and her voice boomed over all noise in the room "How dare you speak of myself and the other maidens present! We have had to work twice as hard to gain our titles then twice again to sit in this Hall, and you DARE call our lives easy! You know not of the things you speak. So if you do wish to keep that privilege I bid you be SILENT" To Kyle's relief, the room does indeed go silent. Even his father was quiet, which was out of the ordinary, as he would usually mumble under his breath about something or another to get someone riled up and then they'd no longer be in good standing. He did miss being on good terms with the majority of the nobility here. Time passes before the other Duchess, Duchess Helen, began to speak. Her gentle voice was enticing and captured the attention of any who listened, and she spoke of an important event. The upcoming marriage of her only son, Tyler, and the young prince Kyle. The prince froze in shock and fear in equal measure, as he had never known who he was to be married to, only that he would. He couldn't believe that the terrifying man beside him would be his future husband. Everything else the woman said was tuned out into the background as he fiddled with his sash, thinking of how his future would unfold. After this minor shock, Tyler settled back into his seat and continued to listen to the meeting. He voiced his own opinions and even got into debates with people, which many of the children of the other nobles wouldn't dare do. His voice remained calm and measured while he spoke, but he was also firm and even a bit passionate, which Kyle seemed to find easier to listen to and follow. He never attempted to gloss over or sugar-coat anything, though he knew how to perfectly handle a sensitive subject. Some such subjects were the continued starvation in the frozen north lands, and the imbalance of wealth in the eastern territories. He argued for an improvement in the quality of life of the townspeople in a central and southern central kingdom. All three problems raised were promised to be dealt with and reported on to the relevant powers. Unfortunately tempers had been running thin in the south, which was the land that Kyle's father ruled over. His father had taken offence to the accusations Tyler had made, no matter how true they were. Kyle notices his father’s shortening temper and attempts to silently reason with him, which fails. He turns back to Tyler, listening to him and praying to whatever powers may be that his father doesn't try to do or say anything to anger Tyler. This also gets totally ignored. "Yes our kingdoms have their problems, but you can hardly think of yours as perfect can you?" Franklin retorts spitefully. Kyle groans internally, of course his father had to argue. He also knew that he was about to be, quite literally, in the middle of this. Rather than yell, Tyler turns to the leering king and smiles. A sickly sweet smile dripping with poisonous hatred. "Oh, I do apologise." he says eerily calm. "But I believe the answer to your question is no. Years and years of peace, no famine nor infection and only a short drought. Our kingdom is not perfect, though compared to yours it is a paradise. Our kingdom has helped yours on numerous occasions in case you may have forgotten. Do you remember the months of drought when the only source of water came from our generous kingdom? Do you remember the year of famine when whole families starved to death and only the donations of other kingdoms kept your subjects alive? And let us not forget those wars that YOU started, knowing you couldn't fund the care of your injured afterwards. And yet again you had to depend on others to drag your sorry ass out of debt. Where did you spend that money we gave you? Oh yes I remember. On another banquet after another unnecessary war while hundreds died of very treatable wounds." Franklin frowns and sits down. "Do forgive me for my insolence," he mutters quietly. Tyler sits, with a slightly smug look on his face that made Kyle smile slightly. It had been a long time since his father had been dragged through the mud like this, and it sort of made him happy. The meeting continues, with leering looks thrown at the shamed King Franklin, with a few directed at Kyle but he was frankly too happy to care. The meeting drew to a close after five eventful hours. Kyle got out of his seat, and paused. He considered talking to Tyler quickly before he was forced to depart and, thankfully he seemed in no hurry to leave. Kyle taps his shoulder to gain the taller mans attention. "Those were some excellent points you made" He says shyly Tyler smiled warmly at him. "Oh, thank you," he replied. "And, you must be Kyle. If I am correct?" Kyle nods, "And you are presumably Tyler." The tall man looks at Kyle with a soft gaze. "You are so much more stunning than your portraits suggested" he mumbles Kyle goes as red as a rose at the complement. "T-Thank you. And... Well... It’s nice to know who I will be marrying," he manages to stutter out. "Yes, that was quite the wonderful surprise." Tyler agrees. "Well I wish I could stay longer, but my father's patience is thin. Farewell, Tyler." "Until we meet again, Farewell,"
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