#also ali breaking up with buck bc she doesn’t understand the life
gregmarriage · 6 months
sooooo many thoughts on those last five eps, i can barely think to get them all written down, holy shit!!!
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littlespoonevan · 3 years
911 absolutely does not understand the concept of a slow burn lol, the only reason Buddie might end up being one is because they weren't planned. I'm positive that if Tim decides to actually go there, Buck and Eddie will go from explicitly pining to sleeping together within one episode.
anon, i'm cackling oh my god you're so right!!!
the way 911 writes relationships is literally the most baffling thing i've ever witnessed. like don't get me wrong, the show is very good at writing established relationships. i'd argue across 911 and lone star, hen and karen and judd and grace are probably the two most well developed relationships (except the hen cheating storyline bc i've erased that from canon) they have. and bobby and athena and maddie and chimney both have very solid relationships once they're actually together but 911 writing their development is literally just, "slow burn? never heard of her?"
like i'm so curious to see what i think of bobby and athena this time around now that i'm rewatching s1 bc i was SO confused the first time when they went on a date bc it came out of nowhere???????? and tbh i really wasn't on board with their relationship until about halfway through s2.
then buck and abby also move so fast. like i said in my post last night, buck has literally spoken to abby 3 times when he tells her he doesn't want to risk losing her. he doesn't know what this woman looks like, doesn't know what age she is, knows literally nothing about her besides the fact she's a 911 dispatcher and she already means that much???????? bro. and again, yeah i can meta it and say buck felt so alone during that part of his life that it was easy for him to cling to her because she showed him compassion but it's still insanely quick to think like that.
and then buck and ali. sdjsafkjsdhf to this date, the most confusing thing i've ever seen in my life. this woman shows up again at the end of 2x08, i don't even think she speaks beyond a line or two and then maddie mentions her in the next ep and we find out she's out of town and we don't see her again for 10 eps only to discover she and buck are in a relationship that's serious enough that she's helping him choose an apartment?????????? he literally doesn't say her name for 10 eps and then she's just there?!?!?! and she only comes back to break up with him askdjhfsadh literally what is the point!!!!
and obviously eddie and ana got a similar treatment but it was more that they just didn't develop her at all so we literally know nothing besides the fact she's a teacher turned vice principal with a phd. likewise with buck and taylor, while they at least got a bit more development she's still only back for 3 eps before they get together and she literally tells buck in her previous ep that she's glad they're friends askdjhfjkh
ultimately the only couple who had a well written slow burn was maddie and chimney and i do think it works in their favour that they're both mains but god ur so right that if buddie is actually slow burning it's because it started out as an accident skjfhjas
but you know what, 911, you are more than welcome to prove me wrong and show me it's been planned all along i would welcome that!!!
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