#they were also wild for having becca’s
gregmarriage · 6 months
sooooo many thoughts on those last five eps, i can barely think to get them all written down, holy shit!!!
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formulauno98 · 4 months
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A Birthday to Remember - Part One - Toto Wolff x Reader
Originally written as an OC, inspired by an amazing request from @latte-luxe, I have rewritten this to a Reader POV, no descriptions and no use of your name. The only brief description is of a butt (you can probably guess why).
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Caution may contain spice. 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
It was Saturday morning and stepping out onto your balcony at the Fairmont Monte Carlo, you swept your eyes over the spectacular view. It was a pinch yourself to check if you’re dreaming kind of view of sparkling blue waters, peppered every so often with a gleaming white yacht.
“Good morning, birthday girl.” murmured a husky, heavily accented voice from behind you. Before you even had the chance to turn around, a pair of muscular arms swooped around from behind, coming to rest on your hips, large hands gently squeezing your curves.
“Good morning to you too,” you said, turning around and leaning up to kiss your tall towel-clad Austrian companion, resting your hand on his bare chest as he pressed himself tightly against you. It was yet another pinch me I’m dreaming moment. If someone had told you this time yesterday that this was how you would be spending your Saturday morning you would have laughed and called them crazy, but sometimes life could be crazy.
It was a sunny evening and you were standing out on the balcony with a glass of wine in your hand, gazing across the Mediterranean whilst waiting for your three best friends to get ready. As a lifelong Formula One lover, a weekend trip to Monaco had been on the cards for a while so when your friends asked where you wanted to go to celebrate your special birthday it was at the top of the list. Turning the dream into reality was another thing altogether and you still couldn’t believe that the trip had materialised. A trip had finally made it out of the group chat.
Dinner was due to be lowkey as Saturday was going to be the big night out, with dinner plans at Elsa, a Michelin-star establishment, followed by a night on the tiles at Jimmyz, a club frequented by the world of Formula One. Although you couldn’t afford to come for a race weekend, this was truly a bucket list trip and you hoped to catch a glimpse of some nice cars, the iconic track and if you were lucky maybe even a driver or two… A wild Charles Leclerc sighting in Monaco was like spotting Mickey Mouse in Disneyland.
Friday night’s restaurant of choice was Song Qi, an upscale Chinese restaurant in Larvotto that had come highly recommended. You were looking forward to seeing what made Monaco so special and couldn’t wait to hit the town.
“How long is the walk?” A voice called out from your suite.
“About five/ten minutes.” You replied, sighing, as always the mom of the group.
“Medium heels it is then,” your friend Olivia replied.
“We can always get a car,” you suggested.
“No, let’s conserve the taxi budget for tomorrow night,” Olivia said, stepping out onto the balcony to join you, “Laura and Becca are almost ready.”
“Good idea,” you replied, “You look gorgeous by the way.”
Olivia beamed with the compliment, stepping back to twirl in her pink minidress and sparkling sandals, “I try my best, although I can’t compete with you.”
You blushed, not used to the compliments. You’d chosen a simple white dress with gold sandals for the evening’s dinner, perhaps a risky move in a restaurant serving noodles but you felt fabulous. It wasn’t long before Laura and Becca also emerged, both looking as beautiful as ever. The four of you had treated yourselves to two adjoining suites and opened up the connecting door to create a mega-suite.
“Oh la la, give us a twirl,” you said, looking your elegant friend up and down as she dutifully spun around.
“Beautiful!” Now it was Laura and Becca’s turn to blush. “Ditto! Shall we get going?”
“Sounds like a plan.” you agreed, the four of you making your way off of the balcony.
Song Qi turned out to be an excellent choice, with the table weighed down with baskets of dim sum and bowls of noodles, crispy beef and endless wontons. The restaurant was decadent but comfortable and as you sank back into your sumptuous green velvet chair you spotted a strangely familiar face at the table across from you. He was dark-haired, handsome with chiselled features and although he was sat down, tall, as he towered above the two men he was dining with.
It took you a moment to realise that it was none other than Toto Wolff, the affable Mercedes Formula One team principal. Although you thought it was only for a moment, you must have stared for a while as he briefly met your eyes and shot you a charming smile. Smiling back like a fool, your friends whipped their heads around to see who you were smiling at, fortunately, Toto not noticing as he had returned to his plate.
“Damn girl, he’s kinda hot, in that old businessman kind of way,” said Olivia, turning back around to face you.
“Well yes…” you stuttered, “He’s also one of the team principals in Formula One.”
“Huh?” Asked your three friends blankly, not followers of the sport.
“Kind of like the equivalent of a football manager,” you explained, “Except he owns some of the team as well.”
“Fancy, well he’s pretty. You should go and talk to him.” Said Laura, all formula one facts going straight over her head.
“Oh my god, no,” you said, “I’m sure he was just being polite.”
As if on cue, Toto looked up and locked eyes with you once again, his deep brown eyes crinkling. You gulped, returning his gaze with a smile once again.
Dinner continued, with the girls chatting away as every so often you met Toto’s eyes across the crowded restaurant. He looked to be in some kind of business meeting as the two men with him were dressed smartly and looked serious while conversing with them.
It wasn’t long before dinner had been cleared and a smiling waiter emerged with a chocolate cake laden down with a sparkler and numerous candles, Olivia, Becca and Laura looking at each other mischievously before breaking into a rousing rendition of the Happy Birthday song. You felt your cheeks reddening as you realised the entire restaurant, including Toto and his business associates had joined in the song. As you blew out the candles, you once again locked eyes with Toto who was grinning away while applauding.
“You guys are the worst,” you said, half joking as you shook your head at your friends. “But that’s why I love you.”
“Aw, well we had to do something,” said Laura, “It’s not every day you have a big birthday like this and although I still don’t understand why you love your car racing so much, I’m happy that we came here.”
You smiled at your friends, appreciative of them enabling your desire to walk around the Formula One track and visit the car museum despite the fact they really weren’t interested. Just as you were musing how ironic it was that you’d even seen Toto Wolff, their waiter reappeared with a tray of drinks.
“Oh, I don’t think we ordered those,” said Olivia politely.
“Yes Madame, in fact, the gentlemen over there sent them alongside their birthday wishes.” The waiter replied.
You were floored, Toto Wolff had sent you birthday wishes. An interesting turn of events.
“Well, then that’s very nice of them,” said Olivia, as the waiter set them down, nudging you before adding, “You should go and say thank you!”
“Oh my God, yes, go!” Said Becca, egging Olivia on.
Sighing, but also buoyed by your friends’ enthusiasm, you relented, “I’m going to go but only to say thank you.”
Your three friends squealing with excitement, you took an extra sip of your drink for courage before standing up and sauntering over to where Toto and his associates sat. His interest piqued immediately as he noticed you making your way across the restaurant.
“Good evening, sorry to interrupt but I just wanted to say thank you for the drinks, it was very kind of you,” you said, a little too quickly due to nerves.
“Well, it’s not every day you celebrate a milestone like that.” Replied Toto kindly, standing up to hold out his hand to shake yours, “I’m Toto by the way, and this is Jean and Sebastian,” he gestured at the older gentlemen he was dining with.
Struck by the almost comical height difference you introduced yourself and looked up at the tall Austrian in front of you as he gripped your hand very tightly, “Nice to meet you all.”
The other gentlemen smiled politely, wishing you a happy birthday before picking their conversation back up. Toto, however, remained stood up, his eyes raking your curves. “A beautiful name for a beautiful woman. It’s nice to meet you too.”
Now you really were blushing, “You’re far too kind.”
“Not at all,” he said, “I hope you do not think this forward but would you like to join me for dinner one evening?”
Once again, your eyes widened, how was this man asking you out? Pulling yourself together, you knew you had to politely decline, you were here with your friends after all, “I would love to but unfortunately I’m only here until Sunday so I’m not sure if I’ll have time.”
Toto looked disappointed but pressed further, “Well then, how about a drink later this evening?”
Trying your best to stay calm, you tried to play it cool, “I’m not sure, it’s a girl's trip and I don’t want to ditch my friends, I really would love to though. Maybe can I get your number and text you once I’ve figured out their plans?”
“Understood,” replied Toto, looking down, gazing into your eyes with an unreadable expression, “It would be my pleasure, give me your phone.”
With that, you handed your phone to the tall Austrian in front of you who deftly punched in his contact. “Thank you, I’ll check in with the girls and let you know. I’ll leave you to your dinner for now but I hope to see you later,” you said with a smile.
Toto turned to glance at his dining companions who were still deep in conversation, and dropped closer down to your ear, keeping his voice low, sending a shiver down your spine, “It’s okay, I don’t think they missed me. I hope to see you later too.”
Looking up at Toto with a smile, you replied “I’m sure they did. See you, Toto.” As you turned back towards your table you glanced back over your shoulder and saw Toto’s eyes were locked on you as he returned to his seat. He was undeniably hot and as much as you always abided by the golden rule, chicks before dicks, this was special circumstances.
Sitting back down with your friends, they immediately leaned in to get the lowdown.
“What did he say? He didn’t take his eyes off of you!” said Laura excitedly.
“He just wished me a happy birthday… and asked me out,” you said blushing.
“No way!” exclaimed your three friends in unison.
“You’re going to go right?” said Olivia, looking at you in concern.
“I’m not sure, I don’t want to ditch you all for a man but equally he’s hot as fuck and it would only be for an hour or so.”
“An hour or so?” said Becca, raising her eyebrows, “I doubt this, but you should go, make it a memorable birthday!”
You looked over once again at where Toto sat, he was a striking man, pushing all of his success to one side. “What the hell, I’ll message him now. What’s the worst that could happen?”
Your friends squealed with excitement in unison.
You grabbed her phone and nervously began typing your message to Toto.
It’s all good for tonight, we’re almost done eating so I’m free whenever you are.
You could see Toto excuse himself and take out his phone, shooting a grin from across the restaurant before looking down to type a response.
Sure enough, your phone buzzed.
Perfect, so are we. Shall I meet you outside in ten minutes?
You replied excitedly, still not believing you were texting Toto Wolff of all people. 
Sounds like a plan.
You were nervous but excited as you saw Toto and his associates pay their bill and head off, Toto shooting you a wink as he jostled his way out of the restaurant.
Settling their own bill, your group were close behind and as you exited the restaurant, sure enough, you saw Toto standing outside waiting, leaning casually up against a column.
Bidding your friends goodbye, you made your way towards your date for the evening. “Hi,” you said somewhat awkwardly, knowing that your friends were likely watching from where they were ordering a taxi to return them to the hotel.
“Hi,” he said, glancing down fondly, “How was your dinner?”
“So good!” you said, “How was yours?”
“It was okay, my dining companions weren’t as lovely as you but I think my evening is improving,” he said with a rakish grin.
You smiled, “You’re a charmer, Toto. Where were you thinking of heading?”
“I know a place a few streets behind, it’s not so fancy but they have an excellent selection of wine if you like it?”
Knowing that you were already a little tipsy, you were grateful that he’d suggested wine, “Sounds good to me, lead the way, Mr Wolff!”
Toto whipped his head around, “I never told you my surname.”
Feeling you’d made a huge error of judgement, you stuttered, Toto’s dark eyes intimidating you before you decided the best course of action was to fess up, “Well it took me a moment but I recognised you. Guilty as charged.”
Musing quietly, Toto’s expression softened, “So you know a little about me, tell me about yourself.”
As you made your way around the twisting streets towards the bar, you filled Toto in on your background, your blossoming career and your plans for the big birthday weekend. He was an engaged listener, asking you questions and interjecting with his own anecdotes. Certainly surprising for a man of his stature.
Soon enough you arrived at your destination, Toto taking the lead and speaking with the Maitre D’ who promptly led you to a secluded table towards the back of the bar.
Settling down on the chair opposite Toto, you were suddenly much more nervous. 
“You look nervous,” Toto said, his eyes softening.
“Well, this is not how I thought my evening was going to pan out. The ruse is up in that I recognised you so I may as well tell you that we came to Monaco because I love Formula One.” you blushed furiously as your words tangled into one.
“Relax, so you know about Formula One?” he said, reaching across the table, taking your hand in his and tracing small circles with his thumb on the back of your hand.
“Well, probably not as much as you.” you laughed, breaking the tension and gazing into his eyes.
“You’d be surprised,” said Toto shrugging with a smirk. “I just got lucky.”
As the evening went on, you discussed everything under the sun, the wine helping you feel less awkward and forget who you were talking to. Toto was funnier than you expected and you spent half the evening giggling at his stupid remarks. He’d regaled you with stories of his travel adventures, driving mishaps and various other anecdotes, whilst you’d filled him in with tales of your own travels and some embarrassing childhood moments. You’d even bonded over your love of all things with an engine. Time had flown by and you didn’t want the evening to end.
“Ahem.” Your conversation was suddenly interrupted by a waiter, “Monsieur, Madame, I am sorry to say that we are closing in ten minutes. Can I take one last order?”
Knowing that you were well beyond tipsy, you shook your head, looking at Toto to check if he was in agreement. Looking somewhat bleary-eyed himself he shook his head as well, “Just the bill please.”
Soon enough the cheque had been settled and you found yourself once again wandering the moonlit streets of Monaco with Toto, this time your hand firmly encased in his.
“Where do you need to go?” Toto asked kindly, “I can drop you back.”
“I’m staying at the Fairmont,” you replied.
“It’s not so far, are you happy to walk?” he asked, squeezing your hand.
“Sure, it’s just up there,” you replied gesturing at the bend in the road where the hotel was perched, “As long as you can get home okay?”
“I’ll be fine,” said Toto, a dark look in his eye. “Remind me, when do you leave again?”
“Sunday afternoon,” you said sadly, wishing you were staying for longer.
“Well, you’ll have to come back next year for the Grand Prix,” he said, a twinkle in his eye.
“Maybe if I rob a bank!” you said with a chuckle, “One day.”
“I don’t like to boast, but I might know someone who can get you in without having to resort to organised crime,” he said, laughing with a deep rumble.
“Oh really?” you said, turning to face Toto in the inky moonlight, “Is he nice?”
“Very,” said Toto, dropping your hand and placing his hands on either side of your waist, swaying slightly in his merry state.
Laughing, you stretched up to look Toto in the eye, “I’ll have to meet this guy, he sounds great.”
At that your lips met, Toto bending down to plant a soft kiss on your lips, the height difference making it slightly a challenge but one that neither of you seemed bothered by. As the kiss deepened, Toto began to run his hands down towards your perfectly rounded ass, squeezing gently as he found your curves.
Breaking apart for air, you glanced around, luckily there was no one in the empty street but you didn’t want to risk being caught making out in the street with a famous face and it being splashed across the tacky tabloids.
“Do you fancy a nightcap at mine?” you asked, looking up at Toto through your fluffy long lashes. As a rule, you never normally brought men back on a girls' trip but you decided tonight was a special circumstance. 
Toto’s eyes lit up, “Well, I have heard the view is nice.”
You laughed, grabbing Toto’s hand once again and leading him towards the corner entrance to your hotel. As you crossed the lobby you had a sudden panic that Olivia was in your room, and as you made it into the elevator, sent a frantic text knowing your friends would still be awake, waiting for the post-date debrief.
Red alert, I’m bringing him back, please can you vacate?
Sure enough, the replies came back instantaneously.
Oh la la of course birthday girl! 
Get it girl! 
Knew it!!!!!
Smiling as Toto rested his hand on the small of your back in the elevator, you looked up at him before he once again swooped down to catch your lips with his.
The elevator dinged before things could get too heated but it didn’t stop Toto wrapping his arm tightly around your waist as the pair of you stumbled towards your room.
“Here we are,” you said, scrambling to find your keycard in your bag before popping open the door to unveil your impressive suite. Thankfully your friends must have tidied as the detritus from getting ready for the evening was nowhere to be seen.
“Nice,” said Toto before bending down once again to continue kissing you, turning you around to face him as you closed the door. Pressing you against the wall with his leg, he continued to deepen the kiss, his hands starting to explore more of your body.
“As soon as I saw you I knew I had to have you,” he said, his lips resting against your ear, his deep Austrian accent rumbling.
You gulped, you never would have thought it but his voice roused something deep within. Your lips stretching up and finding the crevice of his neck, you replied in a low voice, “Then have me.”
Toto needed no invitation, scooping you up into his arms, he carried you over to the bed, throwing you down before leaning over and continuing to kiss you, his strong arms either side, pinning you down.
Emboldened by his eagerness, you wrapped your legs around his thick torso, pushing yourself against him, not surprised to find a growing bulge. As he ground his hips into yours, he started to explore your curves with his large hands, ghosting your breasts and waist and reaching around to caress your ass once again.
Reaching up, you started to unbutton Toto’s shirt, exposing a surprisingly muscular frame. Impatient, he leaned up and divested himself of the shirt as well as the rest of his clothes, leaving him in nothing but boxers. You couldn’t help but smile at the view that greeted you as he once again lunged down to kiss you, this time, his hands making quick work of pulling your dress off, leaving you exposed in nothing but lingerie and heels.
“You are ridiculous,” he said, his eyes hungry with desire, gazing into your eyes and gently kissing your neck.
“I could say the same about you,” you replied breathily, your back arching in pleasure as Toto kissed his way along your neck and across your collarbone.
Melting into each other’s arms, you began to grind back against his now prominent hardness, feeling yourself getting more turned on by the second.
“Toto?” you asked, gasping for air, “Will you fuck me?”
Toto’s eyes lit up, “I thought you’d never ask.”
Smiling at each other, Toto reached down to unhook your bra, releasing your pert breasts, “Fuck,” he said, lifting his head to marvel at them, “Even better than I imagined.”
You blushed at his words, not used to such attention. Growing impatient you ghosted your hands down Toto’s abs, hooking your fingers into the waistband of his boxers.
“You’re an impatient little thing aren’t you?” he said, leaning back suddenly and hooking his arms underneath your legs, gripping your thighs and bringing you closer. “I want to taste you first.”
Gulping you leant back, allowing Toto to bring his mouth to where you needed it most. As his tongue lapped gently, he brought his hand along and began to stroke your clit, slowly but sensually.
It wasn’t long before you were writhing in pleasure, tugging Toto’s dark locks as he pumped a finger in and out, continuing to expertly lick.
“Toto, I want you in me,” you said, seeing stars as you were so close.
Pausing his ministrations, Toto was more than happy to oblige, kissing his way back up your torso as he replied, “I want to do everything with you.”
At that, you melted, the evening had turned into one that was beyond your wildest dreams. As Toto swiftly undressed you both, you gazed into his intense chocolate eyes as he slipped on a condom and began to line himself up, unsurprisingly intimidatingly big.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle,” he said, pressing a kiss to your forehead as he pushed in, slowly but surely. Gasping, you shifted to adjust to his size. True to his word, he took it easy and entered tantalisingly slowly, an inch at a time.
“Fuck, Toto.” you said breathily, “You’re so big.”
Smiling, he pulled back out before pushing in once more, “Tell me if it’s too much.”
“Not at all, it feels good,” you said, feeling pleasantly stretched in places you’d never felt before.
“Good,” he said with a grin as he began to thrust in and out lazily, continuing to kiss you.
It wasn’t long before you were a tangled mess of arms and legs, both nearing completion. “Fuck, Toto, I am so close,” you said, your eyes rolling back in pleasure.
“Close isn’t good enough,” said Toto, smirking as he reached down and found your clit once again, his thumb circling gently as he continued to push in and out, speeding up.
“That feels so go…” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as Toto hit the sweet spot with expert precision. 
“Fu…” was all Toto managed as he thrust in and out a few more times, chasing his own high before collapsing on top of you, his body heavy.
“Ooff,” you said, crushed by the weight of the muscular man on top of you.
“Sorry,” he said sheepishly, flashing a shy grin as he rolled off to lie beside you.
“Well… that was not how I expected my birthday to turn out,” you said, feeling like you were in a dream.
Toto laughed, stretching a strong arm across your stomach to pull you in for a cuddle. “There’s still a few hours of your birthday left.”
Your eyes widened once more. This was certainly a birthday to remember.
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nakedmonkey · 5 months
i knew night country wasn’t gay but based on the gifs i saw i definitely thought the leads were exes lol even when i finished the show i never bought either woman as straight tbh. not just because the actresses are lesbian/bi irl the energy and chemistry between them screamed dyke drama lmao. anyway i watched the first ep of under the bridge expecting something similar but the main story and real life case are so harrowing and devastating i can’t finish. i almost wish cam and becca’s storyline was in a different show because based on the gifs the chemistry is wild.
oh man....Night Country...will keep this strictly a UTB post, but, yeah...
Re UTB, I get where you're coming from. I personally didn't know it was based on a real case until after the first episode when I started pulling up interviews etc. and I don't know why they made the creative choices they did with creating Cam for this adaptation and pairing her up with Becca, but they did! And they're here, having all kinds of on-screen moments, so i understand why people are gravitating toward them. They're very compelling!
I mean, look, add this to the endless list of tv shows and films based on real life cases with, some might say unnecessary, love stories and even graphic sex scenes, more graphic than what we've seen in UTB tbh, that have nothing to do with the actual case. I think we also have to keep in mind that the narrative this show is basing itself on is Rebecca Godfrey's, and her book. So, this show is a fictionalized account of HER life and her experience writing this book and yeah, True Crime adaptations can be sleazy, but I think the UTB team is (so far) taking great care in also propelling the story of Reena Virk's horrendous murder forward, and not just her murder, but the events leading up to it, of her family, her home life, the racism that lead to her murder, and I think that's great and necessary.
In my opinion, there are worse ways to get eyes on a show that is doing a great job at telling a story that could easily be overlooked.
All this to say, I get where you're coming from. It might be hard for some people to enjoy Rebecca and Cam, when we are also watching the events leading to Reena's death unravel, but the Rebecca x Cam of it all is just tumblr fodder. Reena's story is being told respectfully and with the backing of her family as far as I know, and i think it's still worth watching for that alone. If you ever decide to revisit it, at least up to episode 3, they're doing a great job.
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jicklet · 1 year
Oh no I forgot you ship Ted/Becca.
😆 Hi anon! I hope this doesn't ruin your day or anything, whomstever you are. If you don't ship it or ship something opposing or whatever's your bag, I'm sure we can still be friends, or whatever we are.
But I've been mulling this all over since the finale, and this is a good excuse to get my thoughts out. Because I come from ye old timey shipping days of "the idea of them together is cool, regardless of whether it happens or not." so that wasn't really my problem with the ending.
Here are the things that are true:
I really like themes and parallels. I like connecting dots and finding connections and all that jazz
The number of themes and parallels they set up between Ted and Rebecca was delicious and very fun for me.
My reaction to the finale is less upset than it is frustrated and confused.
My frustration isn't purely 'they didn't get together romantically so it sucks.' I had started making peace early S3 with realizing it probably wasn't gonna happen
I am frustrated because I wanted all those bits of cool narrative shit they laid out to Do Something
I am frustrated because it feels like Ted and Rebecca have had very few emotionally connected scenes since season one, and what's the point of parallel journeys and soulmateism if their journeys are going to stay so parallel and not join up more, and then just apparently diverge completely
And on the apparent diverging, I don't love it but it would have sucked less if their lines just matched up more in the middle! That could be poignant! But as is, it's more disappointing than tragic, because whatever potential was there wasn't almost realized and then lost, but instead just... never really approached. It feels wasted.
The show did not owe us them getting together, but what it did give us, I found unsatisfying. That's just a bummer, man.
Forgive me this metaphor but I cannot find a better way to put it: I am frustrated because I feel like I got ridden for 3 seasons while they went 'just wait it'll feel so good' and then they were like 'are you ready?' and then just hopped off and left.
I am confused because at the end of their story, I cannot figure out what I am meant to be feeling about it.
Again, I didn't need them to get together romantically, they totally could've found some other way to make it satisfying! But. Ted and Rebecca getting together romantically would have also tied it up in a lot of ways that worked and made the narrative satisfying.
Having a romance arc that works with their character arcs and the themes they've built on is just really cool as a story.
Obviously all that parallel journey stuff would've actually been leading them somewhere, ie to each other, yay woo
And not to each other just because they've been through similar shit, but because, as that last post said, among a lot of other reasons, they've been set up well to be what the other person needs.
Romance is not the be all, end all. But:
Ted and Rebecca both want to be in love with someone, someday.
Here is someone who already understands and balances and supports them.
Like, that's awesome. Is that not the qualities you want for them in a future romantic partner?
I can't see how it diminishes their friendship if it caries on very similar to it has been, just like, sometimes they smooch. Maybe I'm just too demisexual for this idk
Boat guy. I like boat guy, but he's a chiller version of Ted. I can't find that post that points out all the parallels there, but that episode by the time we got to Kenny Rogers I was like. Uh. Hm.
It's confusing to have boat guy have a beautifully intimate evening with Rebecca, all the while having so many specific details similar to Ted, and then just act like romantic Tedbecca is a wild, character-ruining concept.
Because the show ends with Ted leaving and Rebecca miserably walking out of the airport and straight into proxy-Ted. I have no idea how to feel about that.
I could keep going, but I'm about out for now, so uh. Woe, wasted Tedbecca potential be upon ye~
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whimsyberry · 4 months
📚 some thoughts on the freshman 📚
forgot just how messy the freshman is omg,,, choices did it DIFFERENT back in the day ‼️
chris was a total jerk for sleeping with/ pursuing the mc, ((andrea in my case)), telling her they have something special, & then choosing to entertain becca bc he doesn’t want to catch feelings??? wild. i mean, i guess that’s a lot more realistic than a lot of these pixel men are- but still. i do feel bad for him bc the whole suit chooses to side with andrea & essentially ignore chris which sucked 😅
kaitlyn kind of breaks my heart 😭 she’s such a fun & genuine friend right of the bat- then she gets dragged into the mc’s messiness!! i mean, don’t get me wrong, this girl loves drama as much as everyone else in this messy house,, but she really catches feelings for andrea only to be considered an option out of many while still feeling obligated to be a friend while she’s hurting. i love her decision to take a break from alcohol after she realizes how it was damaging her- it’s a really cool part of her character 💕
james isnt even really included for the first good chunk of the book. but i do really love the whole fake fiancée bit & wish it lasted a little longer 🥺 him and andrea have cute banter & hats off to this man for putting up with the tornado of drama that follows her everywhere she goes. he can be kind of an enabler lol,, but so can every other character in these books.
like, for example, ZACK!! love him sm though. i thought it was cute the way he was so obsessed with everyone’s love life & then terrified to pursue a man who was clearly interested in him. lolz. it was cool to see zack and tyler’s friendship happening separate to andrea. it really feels like the characters in this book were people with lives- not just people whose existence revolved around the mc (which happens in choices books pretty often)
ALSO wow abbie is so mean to tyler!! she’s snippy and rude and gets so upset @ him when he says literally anything. and for everyone around them to constantly be trying to get them together?!?! over leila who actually pursues him in a normal way!?!? CRAZY 😵‍💫 abbie’s not really that likable tbh,, but i like how andrea & kaitlyn did their best to make her feel loved & included,, very sweet of them 💗
super low stakes compared to other books- but i love the slice of lifeness of it <3 again- super different than modern choices books.
i do appreciate how diamond choices actually feel worth it now compared to older books. also how modern choices is prettier to look @ let’s be real,,
but also i feel like a lot more love and care is felt when you read the older books- especially the og freshman books 🙌
moral of the story- the freshman holds such a huge place in my heart & wow is it messssyyyy 😭💕
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rivertalesien · 1 year
so if there were gay writers doing it how would the scene play out differently? Like what makeitgay did or something else? I wanted a moment where they really talk and learn about one another and we never got that
It's not just whether the writing team has any representation, it's also time and what is prioritized for the story. "Clexa" was not a priority. Moving on from Clexa to get to the crappy AI story element was (and from there, we get JR building one of the most egregious cases of malicious queerbaiting ever, but I've done that to death, so to speak).
What else could they have done? So, if they weren't playing to cheap seats, being obnoxiously pandering to straight audiences, trying to make this relationship palatable (and "sexy" by "feminizing" her out of her Grounder persona), maybe it could have gone like this:
I would have had Clarke visiting Lexa after the fight, after people were done cleaning up and celebrating. Clarke (knocking, for once), showing up at Lexa's door to check on her, just to know she was ok and what would happen next. Lexa, tired, removing her armor, bruised, sore, not really interested in conversation at the moment, shy because it's Clarke and why would Clarke care, Clarke got her way, again, her people will be safe, as she promised, Lexa thinks that's all Clarke is there for, and repeats the promise--but that isn't what Clarke is there for.
She sees Lexa finch as she removes her gloves and the blood drying on her palm, maybe shoos away the handmaiden that brought in bandages and hot water, forces Lexa to sit while she tends to her, and asks her, casually, how is it she has black blood? And don't just say "the first Commander, blah blah blah, this is me and I will find out."
I mean, there's an elephant in the room and they never got to it.
What *is* Lexa?
As she's tended to, Lexa explains a little, hedges, then sees Clarke looking at her like, Bullshit, tell me, and she opens up: asks her if she knew of a 13th station. Had she ever heard the name Becca Franco? Quiet, Clarke nods. This is going somewhere. Lexa explains how she gave them black blood "for radiation, right?" But Clarke is a little wrong. She shows her the scar on the back of her neck. Maybe there's a little pulse of light under her skin.
Suddenly, the world gets a little bigger.
Because if Lexa is connected to what is, essentially, a database from Becca on down, she should know all that they knew. Making her "Commander" persona also a bit of an act. She's trying to re-civilize her world and is forced to do it uphill, in the rain, with no help.
And that's something Clarke might find WILD.
Clarke finishes quickly and makes to leave, she has to think, and Lexa, resigned that this is all there ever will be, that she will always give even though nothing is ever returned (maybe even wondering if Gustus was right and allying with the sky people will be the death of her), wishes her a weary goodnight without looking up and Clarke stops at the door, realizing, turns to see Lexa, head bowed, looking at her bandaged hand and she stops and walks back, touching Lexa's hair, making her look up and she says, sincerely, Thank you.
Maybe on her way back to her room, Clarke passes Aden and the other Nightbloods, looking relieved and anxious, wanting to see their Heda, and she tells them Lexa is tired and they should visit her tomorrow. The youngest looks at Clarke and asks her if she would stay with them then, maybe tell them a story, if Heda is too tired.
The world keeps getting bigger.
"What kind of stories does she tell you?"
They all smile.
"About you."
And the questions start. And Clarke can see, really see, they're a family.
"Did you really live in the sky?"
"Nobody can live in the sky, stupid."
"Birds do."
"They can fly. They live in nests. In trees."
"Did you live in a nest, Wanheda?"
"There's no trees in the sky."
"She's not a bird, stupid."
"Angels live in the sky."
"Angels live in heaven and they have wings. Do you see wings?"
"Maybe she lost them in the mountain. Did the mountain take your wings, Wanheda?"
And Clarke is overwhelmed because she did live in the sky, in a kind of nest, and while she never had wings, the mountain took something from her and she doesn't know how to get it back and she doesn't want the kids to see she's crying.
"I'm sure Heda will find you some. She knows everything."
Then another voice from behind.
"She's not that clever."
And they turn, and there's Lexa, in a dark coat, her braids out, looking like she's about to chastise them for bothering Clarke.
"Besides, if she had wings, she might fly home."
The youngest tugs on Lexa's coat and she is picked up.
"Maybe she could take us there."
"Is it so terrible here?"
Clarke wipes at her tears and smiles.
"I think I'd rather stay, if that's okay with you."
The children cheer and gather around the two women, who can't stop looking at one another, with a halo of smiles.
Anyway. That's my two cents.
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shinia · 7 months
Something I did months ago and which has been in my iPhone notes since then, if it interest anyone : book couple x Taylor Swift songs
Lover edition - Part 1 (I also have some for the other albums but I’ll do another post for them ; and it was way to long to post the whole album in one post)
Track 3 - Lover is NeilRowan from Today Tonight Tomorrow (and I discovered making this post that a second book about them is going to be released ???? wild) by Rachel Lynn Solomon. Let’s be honest, Lover could be most couples on this list, but I feel it’s really them at the end of the book (btw I know it’s not really popular, but it’s a really cute academic-to-lovers contemporary romance book with Jewish rep. I read it a long time ago but from what I remember I liked it a lot !)
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Track 5 - The Archer is RosalindOrion from the Foul Lady Fortune duology. I hesitated a lot between them and another couple on this list, but cmon. Orion is LITERALLY the archer. It’s perfect. (And it’s from my favorite author, go read Chloe Gong my goddess if you haven’t already). (art by @/imedmi on Instagram)
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Track 7 - Miss Americana and the Heartbreak Prince is Evajacks from the OUABH trilogy by Stephanie Garber. I mean, for me this song is them. No question asked. The pink aesthetic, same colour as Evangeline’s hair ? The Heartbreak Prince and the Prince of Heart ? The whisper in the always like the gossips Jacks almost kills in TBONA (I think ?) ? Run away with you ? Like please. And YES I’m the kind of person to associate every love song with this couple, but this one ? It’s literally them (honorable mention to The Archer and I Know Places, could have been those two as well)(art by @/sashac_art on Instagram)
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Track 8 - Paper Rings is LiLo from the Addicted to You series by Krista and Becca Ritchie. The childhood friend to lovers and pure soulmatism of those two ??? They WOULD marry each other with paper rings like when they were kids (if they weren’t, yk, rich af). My favorite couple in the core 6, they are very very cute (and I love Lily sooo much, I totally understand Lo pining lol)(art : @/kkristenarts on insta)
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Track 9 - Cornelia Street is Addie Larue and Henry from The Invisible Life of Addie Larue. Another book I read a long, long time ago lol and I feel this song is them during the book. Like the hope, the place that remind you of someone, but the feeling of doom like in a way you know some day you’ll stop walking those streets ? Even if it’s on Lover, I always felt that this love seemed doomed, the way she’s talking like she knows and it will be over on day. (Art is the French edition of the book).
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Tell me what you think about it and if you have any idea for the songs 1/2/4/6 🥰 I’ll continue in part 2.
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teo-s-art-corner · 2 months
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A new addition to the D&B-verse! 👀
Full name: Aggie Douglas
Age: 28
Birthday: 1 August 1996 (Sign: Leo)
Height: 170 cm (5'7”)
Heritage: Scottish 
Place of birth: Inverness, Scotland 
Residing in: Inverness, Scotland (currently)
Job:  Game Programmer for a small gaming studio (works remote)
Relationship status: She has a situationship/friends with benefits thing going on with Donnie Macaulay.
Immediate Family: 
Roy Douglas (father)
Rebbeca “Becca” Douglas (née Melville, mother)
Children: None
A few things to get to know Aggie!
Aggie is a mutual friend of the Macaulay twins—one of their best friends, in fact. They used to be neighbours and their parents were friends, so they have known each other pretty much since childhood. They went to the same school, too, but were in different years (Aggie is approximately 2 years younger than D&B). 
Being there during the highest and lowest points in the twins’ lives makes Aggie a little bit of a D&B Lore Compendium… good thing she doesn't like to gossip about her friends, because she has A LOT of tea. 😂
The “friends with benefits” side of her friendship with Donnie is a more… recent development. 🌝🤣 It’s something that kinda just happened on a specific occasion in 2023, and even if they both agreed on it being a one time thing, it turned into a somewhat regular occurrence. It suits them both just fine, and it remains to be seen where things are going to go from here.  
Aggie is into urban exploration, which is something she has in common with the Macaulay twins, so she often joins the “party” when a new abandoned place shows up on their curiosity radar. 
She likes to eat Nutella straight from the jar.
She is an incredibly kind and sweet person. Very empathetic, too, and a good listener. 
She is also highly curious, sometimes even a tad too curious for her own good. 🤣 Her Google searches are wild sometimes, a true definition of “falling down the rabbit hole”.
You’ll notice Aggie has the tendency to sprinkle her outfits with a touch of neon. She has a thing for neon colours.
She still lives in Inverness, but she moved out of her parents’ house a few years ago, and now lives in a little flat she owns.
She is quite versatile with her hair. She likes to style her locks in all sorts of ways!
She has a TikTok channel, where she posts (mostly) silly tiktoks. Sometimes alone, sometimes accompanied by friends (Donnie is her number one TikTok buddy 🤣).
(© Aggie Douglas is my OC and she is part of a personal storytelling project, aka The World of D&B.)
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Will you do a next gen ranking? Your least to favorite and why??
I love all of the next gen, but this ranking is my own personal thoughts on each of the characters. It’s a mix of my own thoughts of the characters and what I see in the fandom.
I have written the least about Teddy in any of my stories. I think he’s funny and smart, he loves his family and sees the Wotter kids as his younger siblings. He loves deeply and cares so much for the people that matter to him.
He sees Victoire as his little sister and I could never ship them together, which is why you’ll never find me shipping them.
She’s the oldest grandchild of her grandparents and always carries so much on her shoulders. She loves her younger siblings more than anyone in the world, but because of her parents and the unsteady relationship she has with them, she runs away the second she can. She does abandon her siblings, but that’s the last time she ever walks away from them. She loves Dominique and Louis so much, that she ends up naming Louis her only daughter’s godfather when he’s 13.
The pair of them are kind of weird, Luna is their mum and Rolf abandoned their family when they were young to find another adventure. They’re great friends with James/Freddie/Roxanne and a year older than Scorpius/Al. They both have wild love lives, Lorcan and Dominique have many ups and downs, while Lysander makes quite a few mistakes that end with him and Becca having their own happily ever after.
I adore James, but he’s a bit of an idiot. He loves his friends above all, he loves his family, and he sees them as the same. Betraying James is losing the most sincere and genuine person in the world. He is a bit of partier, but also a lightweight that always makes bad decisions, and he also says things that are either extreme hurtful or able to win anyone over.
So James is a bit tricky and depending on who in the family and how old they are, they either adore him or hate him.
She’s the gossip queen, and also the family pariah. She made one bad decision in her life and faces the consequences the rest of her life. But it makes her stronger and helps her clear her head of the trivial matters and she prioritizes those that will support and love her. She has a falling out with her parents worst than Victoire and leaves the second that she can.
Dominique stands up for herself and I admire that in her. She adores Louis and does everything she can to help take care of him, even when he doesn’t need it, because that’s what Victoire taught her.
She also made one mistake in her life that she pays the consequences for the rest of her life. She loves her family but has a hard time talking to them and she struggles with her self image. She works so hard to build herself that she burns bridges within her family. But even with that in mind, she will do anything for those who care for her.
The youngest grandchild of them all and a spoiled princess. Growing up in a house of all boys, she’s a daddy’s girl and knows who to work it. She is a brat, but she does come down to earth, she’s very much like her Grandfather James and that does become her downfall while at Hogwarts. After she grows from her experiences, she does mellow out and become more aware and considerate of those she thinks matters in her life.
She’s smart and funny and talented, but not everyone wants to be her and it takes her a long time to realize that.
Drama follows this boy and he can’t quite figure out why, even though he knows it’s all on him. He lets James and Rose take care of him until he’s thrown in situations that they can’t and is forced to grow up and come to reality. He can be jealous and manipulative, but also the sweetest and kindest and most heartfelt person in the world to those he loves. He knows that he sticks out like a sore thumb, so he works as hard as he can to make himself seen and heard.
So sweet and kind with trouble following right around the corner. James may be the oldest grandson but Freddie has been holding up his own little circle of cousins since the moment he was born 12 hours later. He loves loudly and openly once his girlfriend allows it 😂🙄 and he is the first after Victoire and Teddy to bring a baby (twins) into the family. He goes from child to man in a short period of time and he finds that he likes himself more as a father and husband than anything else.
She saw death taunt her at 2 years old. She almost missed out on her life and now she loves it to the fullest, she loves deeply and passionately, she cares as much as she can. Her family means everything to her, and she makes a big family with the person she loves the most in the world, even if it took a bit of rollercoaster for them to make it work. Lucy is her ride or die and that will never change.
She almost lost her sister three times in her life and it’s effected her. She finds love young and never turns back. She’s the first to cry in any situation and while everyone around her teases her, she can’t help it, she has so many emotions that she can’t keep them all in. She’s so much fun to write and became one of my favorites early on.
He’s the youngest grandson, he’s quiet and sweet and smart. He’s autistic, but still an active participant in the family, just managing to find a spot a bit more in the background. He falls in love once and nothing will ever make him fall out of love. All little kids love him just for being as blunt and honest as they are. He’s an artist and uses his art to express himself as well as he can.
I adore Hugo, he’s so smart and funny and good. He does have some prejudices he has to work through, but it’s more of just understanding and getting to know people that are different than him. He has ADHD and dyslexia, but he never lets anything slow him down, he works so hard at Hogwarts to be the best he can and it carries on the rest of his life.
So sweet and kind, so precious, this boy really turns around his family name. He’s so smart and charming and he falls so hard for Rose. They get together at fifteen and never look back. He really manages to take everything his parents gave him and taught him and puts it to good use. He is a ride or die to Rose and Al, and his loyalty and love for others puts him so high on this list.
Rose has been my favorite next gen character since I first read the epilogue. Ron and Hermione were my first big ship (big reason why both of their kids are so high up) and I just adore Rose. She smart and funny, she loves deeply, she cares to the point of breaking, definitely a mother hen to her younger (and sometimes older) cousins. She falls in love with Scorpius and that’s that, fifteen or not who cares. Rose is a character I saw myself in at eleven, but now she just a breath of fresh air to write about.
Final Thoughts
I really don’t like doing ranking posts like this, it’s like asking me who my favorite childhood pet was. I love all of these precious characters and the way that I write them, they all come together for each other when needed and they all love each other too. The Weasleys and friends all see each other as family, and I don’t like to put one under or over the other in a ranking. This list really just comes down to how much content I’ve written for each character.
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ashen-crest · 1 year
Becca! I accidentally did the most hilarious thing today and has to do with your books it all started with my annual check up at the eye doc and getting my pupils dilated with these stupid eye drops.
Anyway, close to the doc is a Hugendubel and as I walked past it after my appointment I remembered you said your books are available through them in Germany, so I decided to see if they might have them in store just for funsies and playing Pokemon with books 😂
Said store in question is 5 stories tall and a sort of little mall for books with half a floor for English books, so I deemed my chances were good. There I stood, squinting like a granny who lost her reading glasses because I barely could read thanks to having my pupils looking like I was Puss in Boots in the Shrek Christmas special and tried to make sense of the different sorting of the section compared to the rest of the store.
I already figured out the English book section was parted into crime, modern day straight romance and fantasy that was either following the footsteps of Game of Thrones or Shadow and Bones. In short, not the company for your books.
While I still didn't give up hope an employee appeared, asked if I need help. Swiftly, I explained the situation, leading to the question why I am looking for the book of a friend in the English book section which leads to me shortly summarizing The Stray Spirit and A Rival Most Vial when a second employee appeared like I summoned a genie and asked me to repeat the quick tag summary of A Rival most Vial ( I said something along the lines of cozy slice of life gay enemies to lover romance in old school fantasy setting).
Now I found myself giving a short explanation of the books, how I know you without mentioning Tumblr just to be sure, and giving the employee who appeared like a genie the titles again because she was this sounds like something right up her alley.😂
So, even if I couldn't find one of your books out in the wild I might have created a sale 🤣🤣
And when I left the store, I saw they do a table with "Recommended by the staff" so maybe I find one of your babies there soon. 🤞🤞🤞
That’s awesome, thank you!! Also, a 5-story bookstore?! 😻 sounds incredible!
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delicatebluebirdruins · 11 months
wolfblood relationship headcannons
that i had at almost 11 last night (bare bones initial thoughts) but had to write down
Jana and Katrina dated but not for very long (but of course remain friends with Janas wolf being very protective of Katrina like Maddy was for Shannon)
Matei and Jana also dated for a bit but were never together together (he put the breaks on his life again because Emilia needed to get used to being wolfless it was her choice to lose the wolf but it won’t stop her from missing it from time to time) maybe in the future they give it another go
The tech guy from season one quit working at the hospital for a bit and actually worked at Segolia for a time (he did see Rhydian and friends walk past and vaguely recognised them and waved cheerfully) he starts dating a guy called Callum (Callie for short on occasion) who likes blue and green eye shadow and painting nails (gender fuckery of course) this was actually the first head canon i had and the rest snow balled from here
Katrina and Robyn are going stronger than anyone expected really considering how different they are but they make it work (Robyn and wolf are both in agreement that Katrina is the best) they get engaged in the future (29)
Shannon and Tom break up they realise they are better off as friends
Shannon dates a girl called Luna (everyone got a kick hearing that news) and is quite happy
Tom is as of writing this single but might have his eye on the cute bartender Raven
TJ plucks his courage and confesses his feelings for Selina again (this time coherently) and she reciprocates and they date for a good long while
Maddian are still together and very happy in the wilds of canada and do see Tom, Shannon and her parents on regular occasions and call Ceri as much as possible
Ceri and Gerwyn break up again (no one is surprised but glad it was amicable) and Ceri meets the local vet again and they start chatting and neither realise they are now dating until they asked about their romantic relationship (the vet loves how she perches on chairs when agitated - courtesy of wolfblood secrets)
Jimi and Sam are dating
Liam realises he doesn’t care much for the idea of romance but does enjoy dancing
Imara and Becca get engaged
Kara and Kay also start dating each other and are as expected really
Jana does get romantically involved with Aran for a time but I don’t know how long it would last for (or maybe Matei joins in as a polycule)
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thunderandsage · 6 months
ok so for me, when i started writing “seriously” (as in, i wasn’t ashamed to have other people irl or online read it) i wrote predominantly fanfiction, and this can be a good thing! however, it’s true that writing good fanfiction and writing good original fiction does require different skillsets, and for me what i did when i started trying out the other is try to “reverse engineer” an original work
lemme try to break it down:
fanfiction is REALLY GOOD with character dynamics
those character dynamics were extrapolated from moments enabled within the context of the OG work
(this context isn’t just worldbuilding/setting but also plot developments and similar)
try to see which specific elements of this work allowed for the rise of this specific fan-appreciated thing (e.g.: this banter happened within context of planning attack on an enemy which in turn depends on the imperialist themes explored here)
now, start up thinking of ways to “facilitate” moments for your original characters (e.g.: in order for this tense discussion to happen there needs to be a lack of outside influences and a time limit, therefore i will need to bring in these elements)
once you have a series of character-building moments, look for throughlines in the “mechanics” of these situations, which will them form the foundation of the plot of your work
writing style: i did a lot of pastiche writing (arthur conan doyle, becca de la rosa from the mabel podcast and daniel handler) where i learned what the “meat” of non-fanfiction writing could look like, ways of introducing plot elements and ordering the sequence of events so it flows
go full dictator mode. once you realize this is your work and world and power over everything you write, abuse that power like hell. as long as you can justify it within the work, go wild
experiment to hell with style and genre and find which specific niches you love
read various authors and genres for inspiration, from classical to contemporary
i’ve since moved on to other methods, but roughly this mindset helped me start
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stiricidewrites · 7 months
All the Things We’ll Leave Behind: ch 28, pt 6
I got distracted by my sudden lack of tea, and in my haste and need to get to the grocery store ASAP, I forgot to post this morning lol
jzxuan glanced up and froze. lwj was… watching him so closely. The other alpha already had the kind of single-minded focus that could be unnerving—or arousing—but this… lwj drunk and standing over him… he had to mentally smack himself, willing the inappropriate images flooding his mind to go the fuck away. lwj already had a partner, he reminded himself. Plus, there was a young, impressionable alpha here! Even if lwj hadn’t been otherwise involved—not to mention that whole drunk out of his mind thing—jzxuan wouldn’t be able to do anything about the emotions and want swirling under his skin, because while he doubted she had much of an opinion on alpha-alpha relations, he also doubted she would appreciate being subjected to such sights.
He was just opening his mouth to say… something, when lwj spoke.
“We have to take them back to Lotus Pier.”
jzxuan blinked dumbly up at him. “Huh?”
“We have to take them back to Lotus Pier,” the other man repeated.
“We… you want to sneak them back into Lotus Pier?” jzxuan asked incredulously, his eyes widening as his friend nodded sincerely.
“We cannot leave them out here alone.”
Behind them, Becca muttered about how they seemed to have done perfectly fine existing out here without human intervention, and as jzxuan looked around, he had to agree.
There were so many of them, poking their heads out from under the bushes and roots. It looked like they had made this place their home—burrow? Rabbits had burrows, right? And lived in colonies—or… warrens, maybe? He was pretty sure he’d read a book about rabbits living in the wild once, on a business trip to the US that he’d been forced to attend with his father, nearly a decade ago now. It had been boring, and he hadn’t been able to attend most of the events—it was only later that he realized those events were probably of the less savoury kind, and that he hadn’t been invited either because of his age or because he had never made much of a secret of disliking that part of his father’s affairs. He had seen his cousin invited to similar events around the same time, though, so he assumed it was probably more the latter that had kept him tucked away in his hotel room. The rabbit book had been one of the few books scattered over the shelves of the hotel’s library, most others having likely been accidentally—or purposefully—stolen by other guests and never replaced.
“There are… staff,” he pointed out. “Not to mention my aunt—and all the random alphas wandering about! You really think we can smuggle them in unnoticed? Where are you even gonna put them? What are you gonna feed them?”
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jbarneswilson · 1 year
For Bucky please, headcanons: ■ ☯ ♒
hello, nonnie! thank you so very much for the ask and thank you for your patience! i’m sorry it took me so long and i hope my silly little thoughts were worth the wait 💜💜💜
bedroom/house/living quarters: so, before he moves in with sarah and the boys, i think his own living quarters are kind of sparse; that’s based on what we saw in ca:tws and episode one of tfatws. there isn’t much softness or excess, anything in his home is functional. there’s just enough for one person: one chair, one bowl, one plate, one cup… the man grew up during the great depression, anything even approaching excess would make him feel—at the very least—uncomfortable. i think he has a bed, probably a twin or full-size bed because how much space does one person need? but he doesn’t sleep in it. he tries, he really does, but he just… can’t. he keeps his place tidy, there’s something soothing for him in the repetitive motions of cleaning. one of the things he really prizes is having somewhere quiet and safe to go back to, some place that’s just his.
likes/dislikes: idk why but i just know this man likes baseball; but he also likes SOCCER which is the best because i like soccer A LOT! based on episode two of tfatws i feel confident in saying he likes fantasy novels, i also think he likes the classics (but not that fucker ayn rand, she can sit and spin), he’s got some james joyce and oscar wilde in there cuz, ya know, irish; he’s used to the hustle and bustle of nyc but i think he really likes the slower pace and quiet of delacroix. well, relative quiet. those boys can raise quite the ruckus. he likes kids, they’re funny and have an interesting way of seeing the world and they don’t seem bothered by the metal arm. he likes being around sarah, likes sharing the same space as her, likes walking into the kitchen and smelling a hint of her perfume and knowing she was just in there, likes being her friend, likes her as a person. obviously he also likes aj and cass, they’re good kids and when they squabble it reminds him of the way he and becca used to get into it. he likes sam, too. and he REALLY likes riling him up by calling him his brother. he likes joaquin, too, maybe, a little bit. bucky dislikes assholes and bullies and impolite people and guys who don’t open doors for women and being cold and snakes.
cooking/food: so. the food from bucky’s youth? left A LOT to be desired. if he never has to eat another plate of boiled chicken it’ll be too soon. but, he’s never going to say no to a slice of soda bread with currants and a heap of butter, especially if it taste anything like sarah rogers’s soda bread used to taste. his mom made the best boxty he’s ever had and he’s bummed you can’t find good boxty any more. corned beef and corned beef hash are also pretty damn amazing. he likes a good pot roast, his mom used to make a nice on for sunday dinner if they had some extra money for a nice cut of beef from the butcher. one thing he does really like about the future is how easy it is to find cooking videos and recipes so he can teach himself how to feed himself; aside from going to eat with yori, bucky finds it hard to justify paying for food when he’s perfectly capable of cooking. no amount of pleading from sarah will ever get him to try anything with beans, he does not care how good of a cook she is, beans are disgusting and he ate enough in the war to last him a lifetime… he doesn’t mind greens, though, especially with some white rice and cornbread. and he loves her gumbo so much that the first time she made it for him he asked her to marry him. (she laughed but he meant it)
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honeyphobia · 1 year
A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder review (so SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS!!!)
I guess this part isn’t really a review but is my reaction towards some parts throughout the story(also I tried to label which chapter but I got lazy, sorryy)
andie’s dad using past tense??
pippa impersonating Chloe 💀 lowkey would’ve done the same if I had to
“that’s why her hair is so big it’s full of secrets” that’s literally andie
naomi is a little sus
I thought andie didn’t have a connection w mr ward why would she be calling him an asshole? maybe dress coded her or smth?
what if Elliot Ward is the secret older guy 😨😨
The note nat put in andie’s locker??? she’s def a new suspect
why are adults messing around w Highschooler andie 🤨😨
noo sals Interview kinda makes him look sus 🙁
hippo pippo 💀
jason bell is so ew
yooo are are andie and max so close? 🤨
drink spiking? hmm suspicious
not andie cheating on Sal 😔
why does max have that photo of andie 😨
Ravi staring howie down and lowkey funny and cute at the same time
Pip and Ravi breaking and entering 💀
nevermjnd false alarm
ANDIE WRITING DOWN NAOMI’S SPARE SIM PHONE NUMBER?! It’s a clue but also kind of useless
the beginning of chapter 39 was a literal jump scare 💀
Cara did it, it was her she likes Butterfinger that’s all the evidence you need
pip you’re so smart i aspire to be you
Omg if andie is still alive that would be so much worse
pips going to the house rn so anxious
mr ward finally got arrested
but the girl upstairs didn’t andie so what happened to andie? did she go back home and die there or smth? fucking max I knew he was suspicious
aint no way she drugged pip
well obviously not because the series has 2 more books 😭💀
why is page 377 so beautifully written
“And don’t tell them the only reason you started this project was because you fancied me. You know, think of a more noble reason.” omg ravi 😭😭
”I’m ravishing. Get it? Ravi-shing. Ravi singh.” that was lowkey kinda smooth though
okay review time
Once I got this book in my hands and started reading it I swear, it was one of the best wild roller coaster experiences I've ever had. Still unsteady, blubbering without nails, baffled, and lightheaded, but yet smiling and thrilled!
While reading, I had too many questions rushing through my mind.
Who actually murdered Andie? Or is Andie truly dead? Did she earn her fate? For the reason that as soon as we find out more about her, we realize that she is a bully, drama queen, drug dealer, and blackmailer! I wanted to punch her for all of her wonderful traits(sarcasm if you couldn’t tell).
Who allocated Sal the blame? Or did Sal actually do it? He is a picture of a kind, modest, and heavenly man. We think he has been hiding something, though. His friends refused to serve as his alibis and changed their testimonies regarding his whereabouts and when he left from their location. Where hence was he when the murder happened?
Who was threatening Pippa with texts to prevent her digging?
Well, I read the book quickly, and my spider senses didnt work properly until the last few pages, I was unable to identify the murderer or murderers. always being five steps behind the author
It was moving, enjoyable, nail biter, mind bending, surprisingly exciting, satisfying read. I enjoyed every page, every clue, every thrilling moments of this book. I highly recommend it!
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spade-riddles · 2 years
If all the hetlors can’t see that Taylor is in the queer community by now, then it’s because they just don’t want to. Every day that goes by, she just makes it easier and easier to let everyone know that she’s not straight. The only thing she didn’t do was outright kiss one of those gay girls at HER party. And there were a lot of gay girls! The only gays that were missing was Gflip and Crishell Stause or the Aces and Karlie of course. Taylor looked right at home and very comfortable being hugged up with all the gay girls. As they say, a drunk man’s actions are a sober man’s thoughts. Midnights has given us so many gay moments from music videos, lyrics and pictures. I know Becca Tilley is having a wild ride and I am happy for her.
P.S. - also why are there so many photos of her and all the girls and not of all the other people there? If there are then I guess I just haven’t seen them. Please let know if I’m wrong on this one. Thank you SR!
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