#also always feel free to let me know if i reblogged ai shit or stolen stuff
drakonovisny · 6 months
i fucking hate ai & art theft in general. now every time i come across cool art on my dash i have to check when it was posted and look into op's blog just to make sure...
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cutie1365 · 4 years
A Kid from Queens Part 17
Pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Info: CA: Civil War Era. Tony Stark enlists his daughter to find the web slinging spider in Queens.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: Language
A/N: Please let me know what you think! Enjoy!
Masterlist linked in my bio. Taglist in the reblog.
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Another restless night of tossing a turning, not knowing if you really slept or if time has passed, you found yourself reaching for your phone on the nightstand. Your eyes flitted to the time- 3:50 AM. You were about to groan and plop back onto the bed when your eyes journey down to another notification from an hour ago.
“Override 17A” it read, and right below it another one.
“Training Wheels Protocol Disabled”
“What the fuck?” You muttered out loud. 17A was Peter’s suit. Certainly your father wouldn’t have done this, which only left one explanation.
“He didn’t-” You stopped, almost in disbelief. Did he just hack your suit?
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. where the hell is he?” you asked angrily, sitting up in bed.
“It appears the tracker has been removed from the suit, boss.” The AI informed you.
You threw the covers off of yourself and jumped out of bed.
“He better be dead, because if not I’m gonna kill him.” You huffed, moving to your desk and pulling open your laptop.
“Can you get me the last location he pinged?” You began pulling up the reports you had on his suit, to see if you could get any more information on what he’d been doing. It showed you a map of him bouncing around Queens and occasionally into the city. There was one last dot 200 miles away.
“A hotel in D.C.” F.R.I. said.
“Why wasn’t I informed the suit left the city?” You asked.
“Mr. Hogan was informed.” She said.
“When?” You shut the computer, turning back towards the middle of the room waiting for an answer.
“4:00 PM yesterday.” She informed you.
“What the hell is he doing in D.C.?” You asked yourself, “Get me Happy on the line.”
You had a bad feeling about this, did Peter disable the tracker himself? If he did, it meant he was going to do something he didn’t want any of you knowing about, likely meaning it’s dangerous.
“Are you sure? It is four in the morning.” She asked for confirmation.
“Call him.” You instructed, standing to pace the room.
“Y/N, what’s going on?” Happy answered, his voice frantic. He knew you’d never call this early unless it was important.
“Where’s Peter?” You asked, the anger evident in your voice.
“The kid? He’s got a school trip in D.C? Why?” Happy asked, curiously.
“The suit’s tracker was disabled an hour ago, and some systems were changed without my authorization.” You tried to explain calmly.
“That’s not good.” Happy said, and you could almost feel his stress levels spike through the phone.
“Has he been giving you reports? Anything that could clue us into what he’s doing?” You asked, still pacing the room.
“He’s just been doing what he always does, helping old ladies, and bike thefts and muggings.” Happy shrugged.
“Shit. Ok, I’ll take care of it Hap.” You said, not wanting to stress Happy out even more.
You would have dug more to see if he knew anything, but in your pacings you figured a way into Peter’s suit. He may have disabled the tracker, but if the Training Wheels Protocols was deactivated that would mean his AI was now online. You should be able to enter through a backdoor in her system remotely.
After about half an hour you were able to get in, and although you wouldn’t be able to transmit anything you would be able to overhear any conversation between Peter and the AI. Hopefully that would tip you off to their location or what he’s planning.
“What is this place? Suit lady, where am I?” You heard Peter speaking, his voice transmitting through your computer.
“You’re in the most secure facility on the Eastern Seaboard. The Damage Control Deep Storage Vault.” His AI answered, casually.
“Son of a bitch.” You shook your head, jumping up and slamming your computer shut once more. Anger wasn’t the right word to describe what you’re feeling right now. Peter was meddling in something larger than himself, and he likely didn’t even know it. You didn’t want him to get killed.
Your dress pants were strewn over a chair in your room, they were closest so you grabbed them and a sweater and began to search for your keys. You knew the drive would take about 4 hours, it may be morning by then and you may miss him, but it was a chance you were willing to take. You couldn’t take the jet since it was upstate and you couldn’t get a pilot at this hour, with the Accords everyone was under such scrutiny that they couldn’t take you. If this had been years ago Steve or Clint would have gladly piloted last minute.
You did have one more option, but it was too risky. You hadn’t tested it enough, and certainly not for long distance flight stabilization. Plus your father would kill you if he found out you had made a suit prototype for yourself.
Once in the garage, you looked at the motorcycle next to your car. That could work... maybe shave an hour or two off of your trip by weaving in between cars and traffic. Though you’d almost certainly get pulled over and be slowed down even longer.
“Next time.” You glanced at the bike once more, as you climbed into the car and revved it up, praying you’d get there in time.
Once you were on the highway you put the car into autopilot, using your phone to connect to your remote desktop and back into his AI, to see if you could get any more clues as to what he was doing.
“Hey it’s like the glowy thing.” Peter spoke, excitement in his voice.
“That glowy thing is an explosive Chitauri energy core.” His AI, who you learned he named Karen, spoke very matter of factly.
“What!” You said out loud. “Peter Parker you’re so dead.” You groaned, flipping autopilot off, throwing your phone onto the seat next to you, and flooring it down the empty highway.
You were able to make the trip in three and a half hours, but you were too late. Peter was no longer at the facility. You had a worker let you into the deep storage vault, your name was practically on the door so authorization wasn’t an issue. You were thankful for grabbing nicer clothing though. You planned on looking for clues to where Peter ran off to, but you were distracted by a shipping container that had clearly been tampered with. This was something Peter couldn’t have done, nearly half of the items were missing. This had to have been the weapons dealings with the major.
You called in your FBI contacts to come investigate, and you were momentarily distracted and forgot about Peter, the whole reason you came here. You showed the agents the containers and the items missing, they must have been using the parts to make and sell weapons. They asked you questions about the protocols of this facility and shipments. When the venture between Stark Industries and the government was struck for this department, you’d read all the documents word for word, as your father was too bored to. Wasn’t really his area, paperwork. You answered their questions and discussed possible entries. A complete catalog of the other containers would have to be done and compared to the original records to see how much had been stolen, security would also have to be increased.
“Hang on.” Another agent to your right took a phone call that seemed important, “Where?” He said, concern evident in his voice. This caused everyone to look in his direction.
“Sir, we have an incident at the Washington Monument.” He turned to his boss saying.
“What kind of incident?” He asked, hands on his hips.
“Someone’s climbing it.” He said, in disbelief, the room went silent.
“Shit.” You muttered under your breath. That had to be Peter.
“Are we good here?” You turned to the agent who was your main contact and asked.
“Yeah, we’ll finish up here, see if we can get any prints.” He nodded, placing his hands on his hips as well, turning away from the rest of the group and dropping his voice slightly before continuing, “We’re getting intel on a possible rendezvous for a sale, we’ve got a guy posing as a buyer. We’ll let you know, we might need to use you as a distraction, but you’re free to go.”
You nodded, and tried to not look suspicious as you slowly rushed off to your car.
You drove as fast as you could, weaving in and out of traffic. As you got closer to the monument you saw D.C. Metro police helicopters circling. You hit the breaks as you saw fire trucks and ambulances surrounding the entrance. You put the car in park and stepped out, attempting to get a better view.
“F.R.I.D.A.Y. what happened here?” You asked nervously.
“I’m sensing radiation from a Chitauri energy core detonation.” She spoke plainly.
“What? How the hell?” You walked closer to the scene, they were beginning to put up police tape.
“It appeared to be from inside the elevator.” She said.
“Is everyone ok?” You asked slowly.
“No casualties reported. Students inside the elevator were saved before it collapsed.” You now stood at the police tape, with a full view of the monument.
“Peter saved them?” You asked quietly, you could see the broken window at the very top, that must have been how he got in. He saved his friends, you really couldn’t be mad at him for that.
“Where are they now?” You slipped the sunglasses from the top of your head over your eyes, getting a view inside the monument at the crumbling elevator that would have meant certain death for all occupants if it weren’t for Peter.
“Their bus has departed and is heading back to Midtown, parents have been informed and sent to meet them.” The AI informed you.
“Is Peter on the bus?” You asked, worried.
“Traffic cameras confirm Peter Parker is on board.” She confirmed, and you hung your head in relief. You took one more look around the scene through your tech glasses as two firefighters moved to stand next to you.
“Shit’s crazy, five more seconds and those kids wouldn’t have made it.” They spoke to each other, and you quickly turned and rushed back to your car to make the trip back upstate. You knew what you had to do.
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It was dark when you finally arrived. You saw the bus with kids greeting their parents. They were milling about as a teacher was unloading luggage from the bus. You saw Peter leaning against the brick of the school building as May talked to other parents. Coming from around the corner behind him, you grabbed onto his arm and pulled him backwards, immediately wrapping your arms around him and pulling him into a hug.
He remained frozen for a second, before recognizing your signature scent and hugging you back. You pulled away quickly, keeping your hands on the side of his arms as you scolded him.
“What the hell were you thinking?” You scolded.
“I-” He tried.
“You hacked my suit! You turned off the tracker.” You seethed.
“I don’t know how you got into Damage Control, you tampered with federal property and a federal investigation.” You waved your hand in anger.
“I-” he tried once more.
“God Peter, I was so scared,” You hugged him again, “Don’t do that to me again.”
“I’m sorry.” He finally said, as you pulled away and he could see the tears beginning to form in your eyes.
“I can’t do this.” you admitted.
“Do what?” Peter asked, furrowing his brow.
“It’s been killing me, trying to stay away from you. I just- I want to be with you, I don’t care what happens.” You shook your head, letting a stray tear fall down your cheek.
“What about your father?” He asked, as his thumb gently came up to wipe the tear away.
“He’ll understand. The plan worked, we just have to be more careful.” You grabbed his hand to reassure him.
“You just can’t be seen with Spider-Man.” He nodded.
“But I can be seen with Peter Parker.” You smiled.
“What about Harley?” He asked, causing you to let go of his hand in surprise of the question.
“Harley? What about him?” You asked, confused.
“I thought you two were-” Peter began.
“Oh no, no. He’s a friend. He knows dad, it’s a long story. We’re hiring him.” You chuckled slightly.
“Oh.” Peter nodded, feeling dumb for assuming.
“Jealousy isn't a good look on you.” You teased.
“I just.” He shrugged, smiling and giving up. He laughed at his own assumption.
“Happy Birthday by the way, I’m sorry I missed it.” You said, it had killed you not being able to send him a message on the day almost two weeks ago now.
“That’s ok.” He smiled, taking your hand once more.
“I may know how I can make it up to you.” You smirked.
“How’s that?” He asked, knowing what it might be. You leaned in to kiss him, as you felt him smile into the kiss. You’d both missed this. Something just felt right whenever you were together.
You smiled as you pulled away to look at him in the moonlight, you stared into his eyes like it was the first time.
“I have a gala next week, come with me?” You asked, with a hopeful smile.
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Peter raised a brow with the tilt of his head.
“Lucky for you, it has a masquerade theme.” You smiled.
“Lucky me.” He smirked, moving his fingers through your hair to the back of your head to pull you into a kiss once more. The both of you were so lost in the moment that you didn’t see someone coming around the corner.
“Peter? Oh-” Aunt May stopped as her eyes landed on the two of you. You quickly pulled apart, you could feel your cheeks begin to blush in embarrassment.
“Oh- uh, hi Ms. Parker.” You stuttered, your finger brushing your lip slightly before holding your hands behind your back.
“Hi Y/N.” She smirked, looking to Peter. She had known that he liked you, but she never expected to find the two of you like this.
“I should- probably- uh.” You pointed towards your car, looking back between Peter and May, nodding and taking a step towards the car.
“Y/N.” May called.
“Yes.” You turned back around with a smile.
“Would you like to come over for dinner tomorrow?” She asked with a smile.
“Tomorrow?” You glanced at Peter, who’s eyes went wide in embarrassment, you smiled, “I’ll be there.” you nodded, you did owe him a raincheck.
As you turned and walked back towards the car you heard them whispering to each other, causing you to smile.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” May giggled to Peter.
“Shh... May.” Peter whined, causing her to giggle once more.
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Taglist in the reblog, link in my masterlist in my bio to join it
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