#also anthony bridgerton is a menace lol
triviareads · 2 years
Do you have headcanons for Kate and Anthony's kids?
oh... so many.
Edmund Bridgerton is basically torn between wanting to be taken seriously by daddy when Anthony is adamant about giving his son as little responsibility as possible because of his own youth being taken away too soon, and hooking up with a series of older women.
Miles Bridgerton ended up eloping woth his professor's daughter at 20 and then inexplicably got his shit together and became a Family Man.
Charlotte Bridgerton seduces someone else's betrothed... as a married woman who is also a Lady of Political Influence in the ton.
Mary Bridgerton is basically Kate Jr. and the one everyone calls a "menace" because no one is aware of what Charlotte does.
I've lately been trying to figure out which Bridgerton girl has an affair with the Prince of Wales because you know it happened with *one* of them (Probably one of Gregory and Lucy's daughters lol).
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missbrunettebarbie · 3 years
Honestly TVWLM is pretty overrated as well. Like sometimes I feel like the fact that since so many of the other Bridgerton books aren’t that great it just looks better. Like lol I couldn’t picture Anthony as a rake - he was way to uptight & hysterical. And tbh I never understood how someone who seemed as fun as Kate was ever interested in a guy who lost his mind over a dog just acting like a dog. Also her being constantly called a menace to society was a bit of a reach. Aside from arguing with Anthony she didn’t really do anything menacing.
Although honestly I’m mostly annoyed that I was promised enemies to lovers but they were clearly into each other the moment they met!
The word 'rake' is thrown around so carelessly in Bridgerton, it had lost all meaning to me. I think only Phillip, Gareth and Gregory don't get the title and thank God for that!
You are totally right Anthony could have never been a rake with his attitude. But I guess the author thought it would make him cooler? It didn't. The guy was just ridiculous.
I am reading Daphne's book right now, and considering how Anthony reacted to Simon courting his sister, he is the true menance to society. Kate was positively tame when he was courting Edwina and she had a lot more reason to not want him near her teenage sister.
I am always a bit suspicious of ships that start off antagonistic in romance novels, it can go wrong so easily. Still, I preferred Kate's dislike of Anthony to Sophie's lovesick attitude towards Benedict.
Anyway, yeah, Book 2 of Bridgerton was not that great. IMO, the last 2 books is where JQ was at her best.
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moonflower91 · 3 years
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#but the thing is....couldnt they at least give each other one last hug????like it doesnt even have to be a stucky moment...its just a hug..
My Top Posts in 2021
I hope they keep Kate’s character exactly like she is in the book
I wanna see her talking to flowers
I wanna see her bite Anthony’s leg
I wanna see her tell Newton to shake his wet fur at Anthony
I wanna see her heart fly out of her body when she watches Anthony save Penelope from humiliation and embarrass that Cressida Cowper cow
I wanna see her be vulnerable when she thinks Anthony is thinking about another woman on their wedding night only for him to vow he wants her and her only
I wanna see her sweet sisterly moments with Edwina
I wanna see her resolve to be strong even though her fiancée just promised he would never love her
I wanna see her get sassy when she’s laid up with a busted leg
And I also wanna see her play the flute terribly only for Anthony to applaud her in the end anyway
85 notes • Posted 2021-03-13 18:04:04 GMT
All the Bridgerton boys are simps for their wives.
Anthony? Annoyed dad simp
Benedict? Cheeky simp
Colin? Clueless simp.
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87 notes • Posted 2021-03-02 21:45:12 GMT
Remember the scene in the Mummy where Evie got very drunk and got annoyed and stood up and famously declared “I...AM A LIBRARIAN!” 
In the commentary of that scene, Brendan Fraser very softly said “ooh I touched her bottom” when his character reached up to steady Evie
98 notes • Posted 2021-01-01 21:18:35 GMT
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Anthony giving his brothers wedding night advice that they never utilized cause they were all sinful sluts who couldn’t wait until their wedding night 🥰🥰
148 notes • Posted 2021-04-04 18:25:16 GMT
Colin Bridgerton is a menace to his brothers, as all younger brothers are.
With Anthony
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301 notes • Posted 2021-03-18 03:22:33 GMT
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ladykatebridgerton · 3 years
I can’t wait for the love confession for S2. In the book correct me if I’m wrong but Anthony get choked up when he tells Kate he loves her 😭 I got emotional reading it so I can’t imagine watching it. I’ll be a mess. ALSO after they have sex doesn’t Anthony lay down on top of Kate and she kissed his head? Or did I imagine it while reading lol. I guess this means a re-read for me.
Oh, a reread, sounds like such a drag with those two. I just went in to look at what you were referring to, if it’s after their first time, she smooths his hair, doesn’t kiss him, but you know what, put that shit into the universe. We need it now. 
And he absolutely does get teary eyed--the little buffoon--he even chokes up when she is talking with Mary. Anthony Bridgerton the most sensitive stoic there ever was. We’ll all be messes at that point, lbr collectively losing our minds in perfect bliss because of two chaotic menaces falling in love.
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columbos-dog · 3 years
Honestly same! I found TVWLM very overrated. I think JQ wanted Anthony to come off as strong but he came off as unhinged at times. I though he needed some serious anger management. He was so angry when Newton ran off and jumped into the lake. Like it’s a dog what did you expect, they behave like that. I feel like JQ also exaggerated characters personality’s when they just displayed normal human behaviour. Like Kate calling Anthony a hero for helping out a family friend. It made me laugh. Like that is just normal human behaviour, not to mention he is a viscount and Cressida was a debutante. It’s not as if he was sticking his neck out by helping Penelope. And Anthony calling Kate a menace to society. Just because her dog got him wet and she threw his ball into a lake. I mean this is also all normal human behaviour and generic. Getting competitive in a game is not being a menace to society.
I think what I am trying to say is that Julia has a way of telling not showing. Like show Anthony being an actual hero or Kate being a menace to society by actually doing something. Also with Kate, I feel like she has become fandoms self insert in a way. Unlike all the other debutantes in the world, Kate is special, not meek or demure and has a sharp tongue. Like for fucks sake that is literally how debutantes were forced to behave from birth. I am sure they were perfectly interesting, clever people who were essentially forced to make themselves smaller. It’s annoying that in a fandom of mostly women, they still choose to bash/make fun of other women (debutantes and Siena) to uplift another female character especially while stanning men for being rakes who pretty much saw women as objects except for the one who finally tames them. Like it’s 2021.
Also please feel free to ignore my 2am bridgerton rants 😂!!
You can always come to me with the Bridgerton rants, I’ve gotten way too involved in this series smh. For whatever reason my Tumblr alerts have just not be working properly so I opened up my app to find a 4 day backlog of stuff, sorry!
Yes to alllll that you said. I think one of the most important elements to telling a story well is showing, not telling. I know Julia Quinn/Bridgerton isn’t exactly ‘high art’ storytelling, everything and everyone is so overdone/in your face and almost cartoonish because it makes for fun, campy plots and personalities, that’s what can make it amusing and easy to get invested in. But I alsoo think the fandom doesn’t help by somewhat blindly justifying all Anthony’s behaviour, and putting Kate on a pedestal. 
In the case of some of the men and Anthony in particular, they’re always saying and doing the most aggressive, unnecessary, often misogynistic stuff but hardly ever held accountable for it by the fandom. Just because they do a few nice things, are the romantic lead, or have a ~tragic backstory~ doesn’t mean that criticism of their character isn’t valid. And unlike some of the other male characters, Anthony doesn’t really change as a person, Kate is the one who is expected to accept him because him being a dickhead is all just a big misunderstanding, he never thought he’d fall in love but he’s secretly nice!!11!!1
Plus he kind of victimises himself a lot, like with the Newton situation, if anyone should be annoyed it should’ve been Edwina but she just laughed it off, so why was he holding some kind of personal grudge against Kate for a dog doing dog stuff? 
Ditto with helping others, like it’s nice he did that but it’s some grand heroic act. Speaking with Penelope (who is also his sister’s best friend, so of course he should be kind to her) instead of Cressida who everyone dislikes anyway isn’t a big thing. But supposedly that was the moment when Kate decided he was good enough to date her sister? lol.
I agree, honestly Kate is a lot like a self-insert character. I feel like that’s because she’s one of the only female characters (who isn’t the ‘lead’ character like Daphne, Penelope, Eloise etc) who actually acts like a real woman would, and has a personality that isn’t just being ‘catty’ or ‘bitchy’ like the other female characters like Cressida. Even the other female love interests in the Bridgerton like Edwina, Sophie, and Lucy although I like them, are just very ‘nice’. They’re gentle, traditionally feminine characters, so for girls who don’t relate to that, Kate feels like the only one with a real personality. At least that’s my take on it.
But I really hope they go a slightly different path in the show. As I’ve said before, the show has already done better in giving the female characters more personality, and making them feel more developed and real, so they don’t need to go the ‘Kate’s so different from other girls and she can fix Anthony’ path. They should tone down Anthony’s angry outbursts and sexism, stop pitting Kate against all the other girls, and not make it seem like she’s the only one good for Anthony because she’s the only one who is special enough and ‘gets’ him. 
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prncesselene · 3 years
For the Bridgerton ask thing, 5, 7 & 22 please? Thank you 💛
5. Which scene(s) from the book are you most hoping make it into the show?
(editing to add: im talking about book & season 2 because ofc i am)
you mean except for all of them? lolol, kidding, but beyond the most important scenes that i feel are obvious, i REALLY want to see kate stepping on anthony’s foot. truly THE meet cute ™️ to end all meet cutes
but also because like. the moment anthony called her a menace.. like the very millisecond this happened... something in my universe, my reality, my very BEING shifted and those two TOOK HOLD OF ME. i want (need) to see that play out on screen so, so badly
7. What scene(s) from the books would you like to see play out differently on the show
this is so hard omg!! other than book 2 there’s so much i would do differently honestly so idk...
i suppose, in terms of my less serious grievances, i would really like to see penelope reject colin the first time he proposes... this kinda changes things in the book a lot but i honestly really wish this is what had happened! i just kinda wanted colin to work a lot harder for her lolol
(tried to think of something from book 2 but sorry no dice)
22. Moment(s) that made you cringe?
LOL in a funny way or a yikes way??? i’ll stick to yikes, but beyond the obvious extremely Bad Stuff: phillip telling eloise he suffered soooooo much because of marina’s depression and making himself the victim of that situation was a huge yikes moment for me. (hated it honestly lol)
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triviareads · 2 years
lol I don’t think anything that Kate ever did could ever be called rebellion. maybe it’s bc we live in the 21st century but literally nothing she did ever made me bat an eyelash. as much as I love her she was never a menace to society which is unfortunate bc that would have been interesting. i really hope the show lets her really stick it to Anthony or challenge him but the snippet make me think we’ll get the same S1 bits where she just repeatedly calls him a rake in a so called witty way and he takes pride in it and tries to flirt with her.
Yeah no Kate really does nothing rebellious, not only by our 21st century standards, but also even for the Regency Era. I think it's just that Anthony made a such a big deal of the little things she did (a couple insults, stepping on him, her dog running loose, etc.) in a misguided effort to hide his violent ardor that it seems like she's more of a "menace" than she really is.
None of the female characters in Bridgerton are really pushing any norms here. We're just in it for the flirty banter 😂
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ladykatebridgerton · 3 years
i do think colin is kate's favourite b brother because even though she probably (correctly) thinks he's a menace who charms his way through things he was the first bridgerton she talked to properly, was instrumental in kathony happening, and they just get along really well trying to rile anthony up. also he ends up with pen who kate also likes, so clearly, colin has great judgment. (he probably reminds her a little of edwina - angelic exterior hiding a mischievous mind lol)
Headcanon accepted! Ultimately I really can’t wait to see Kate’s interactions with the Bridgerton siblings.
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