#also anybody have any suggestions for who franky would be in this situation?
personinthepalace · 8 months
Milligan evading 873 pencils in the line of duty
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vannahfanfics · 5 years
Happy Belated Birthday! Hope it was fun! If you're looking for a request, how about Brook and Nami for "Birthday Card"?
Here you are, hun! :3 I hope you enjoy it! 
A Straw Hat Birthday Party 
“Dearly beloved, we are all gathered here today to commemorate a very special occasion,” Sanji announced dramatically as he stood at the head of the kitchen table, held tilted back and his hand over his heart in the epitome of a regal air. Nami jumped slightly as he slammed his hand down on the table and pointed at her with the other, hearts beating wildly in his eyes. “Nami-swan’s birthday~” Nami rolled her eyes nearly into the back of her head at the ridiculousness of it; her birthday was a month ago, in July, one month before they had reconvened in Sabaody Archipelago and set out to Fishman Island. They had surfaced this morning and were currently sailing onwards in search of another sort of business for Luffy to poke his nose into, and they had all been very confused when Sanji had suddenly summoned them for a premise other than lunch.
“Sanji, it’s been over a month since my birthday- and technically, almost all of us have had two birthdays since we were separated, so is it really fair to celebrate only mine?” she pointed out with a wave of her hand. Not that she was unappreciative of the sentiment- it was actually really nice that Sanji had committed her birthday to memory, though not entirely unexpected- but it didn’t sit well with her to leave everyone out. Sanji instantly deflated to sink into a chair, grumbling and lighting up a cigarette to sulk. “Look, all I’m saying is, maybe we should have like a joint birthday party for everyone!” she suggested. She didn’t want to ruin all his fun.
“Oooooooh! That sounds like so much fuuuuuuun!” Luffy cried and filled the air with the happy clacking of the soles of his flip-flops slapping together. “Let’s do it, Sanji! Please? Please?” Sanji took a long drag of his cigarette before cocking his head to the side, blowing the plume of smoke through his mouth and nose.
“Nnh, it doesn’t sound too terrible an idea. I could make a hell of a tiered cake with everyone’s favorites…” he began to mumble to himself as he unconsciously rolled up his sleeves and got up to begin rooting around his kitchen for various supplies. Luffy crowed ecstatically and flung his rubbery arms into the air before stretching out his head across the table to where Usopp and Franky were sitting together to begin yelling at them about party decorations. Chopper got up and ran across the table to Robin bleating about scrounging up small little presents for everybody, to which the woman smiled and responded calmly that she was sure they could find something. This led to a slew of construction paper, scissors, glue, and various other art articles from Usopp’s cache being slung across the table to create birthday cards, while Usopp, Franky, and Sanji worked around them on their respective duties. Luffy was attempting to be helpful but kept letting the balloons loose to fly around because he thought it was funny, and Zoro decided it wasn’t worth all the effort and was sleeping on the floor. It was absolute chaos, but somehow Nami had wrangled in the mania just a bit to provide a menial amount of order; she had divvied up the birthday card assignments between herself, Brook, and Chopper. Robin was using her Devil Fruit power to help out in various ways and was lounged back beside Chopper as he sat down on the table in front of her coloring with some crayons.
“Nami? What do you think of this? Yohohohoho!” Brook chortled beside her and held up his card for him to critique his handiwork. Nami instantly grimaced; she should have known better than to ask him to make a card for her. He had drawn an actually cute-looking pair of panties on the front with the simple phrase “It’s your birthday! Show me your panties!”
“Brook, come on, take this seriously!” she tutted and waggled her finger at him. “It may seem like everyone is taking this lightly, but look at how hard everyone is working for all our sakes!” she said with a gesture around the room. Sanji was slaving over a large bowl whisking frosting into oblivion while an automatic mixer churned his cake batter into creamy goodness; Usopp and Franky were kneeled on the floor painting a very elaborate and tasteful banner; and Luffy was actually getting serious enough to actually begin tying the balloons together into arrangements. Brook’s calcified face frowned and he looked down at the card, his bony eyebrows narrowed in concentration.
“I see… I apologize, Nami. I haven’t celebrated my birthday in fifty years. I suppose I forgot how much it meant to others.” Nami’s heart immediately twisted into contorted guilt. She hadn’t meant to upset him! Gosh, darn it, now she had to cheer him up, dammit. The skeleton man was obviously blue. Nami smiled sweetly and reached up to pat his bushy afro.
“Don’t sweat it, okay? I didn’t mean to be harsh! Look, all I meant was that I would rather you pour your heart and soul into it! You don’t need my approval. Do your best!” she said with a nervous edge to her smile. Would it work? God, she couldn’t upset anybody on their joint birthday celebration! Luckily enough, Brook instantly brightened and bent over his card, pencil flying with renewed gusto. Nami breathed a small sigh of relief and went back to working on her own birthday cards.
Considering it was a spur-of-the-moment thing, their little joint birthday celebration was underway right as the sun began to sink towards the endless horizon. They had moved their party to the spacious dining room; the birthday banner was strung across the wall, splashed with brilliant color and bubbly font that simply screamed celebratory cheer. Balloons were placed all about, bouncing along the floor and bobbing along the ceiling, and tied in great bunches at each corner of the room. Sanji’s work of art, the tiered cake with sections catering to each crew member’s taste, was situated on the middle of the table which was draped in white tablecloth. Chopper eagerly went about delivering the cards to their respective recipients before clambering up into his seat between Robin and Nami, drooling as he held a fork and knife and eyed the beautiful cake.
“Carve it up, Sanji, I’m starving!” Luffy whined in a wheedling voice as he banged his fists on the table impatiently. Sanji shook his golden bangs from his face with a snort of derision and a glare that warned “don’t piss off the man with the massive cake knife.”
“Keep it up and you’ll get yours last!” he snapped. Luffy did not take kindly to that, melting into a puddle against the table, but obediently ceased all impatient grumbling while Sanji set to cutting up the cake and delivering pieces around. Nami and Robin got theirs first, of course, but she patiently waited for everyone to get theirs before trying it; oh, but it was so hard to wait, because it seemed simply delectable! It was a tangerine sponge cake with lemon-orange whipped frosting and flecks of strawberry to add some conflicting tang. Nami’s mouth began to water just staring at it, and she practically dove into it when Sanji announced that they could. The icing was simply divine, melting into tasty sugar on her tongue, and the cake was the perfect level of moist and had an incredible texture.
“Sanji! This cake is immaculate!” she cried with a mouthful of her second piece.
“Ah! Only the best for you, Nami-swaaaaaaaan~!” Sanji trilled while pirouetting on the table so fast that she could imagine him little beating pink hearts all over the place.
“Cards! Let’s read the cards now!” Chopper begged while holding his up over his head. They eagerly complied and began reading off the little messages in the cards; it was pretty obvious who wrote who’s. Choppers all had some iteration of “Happy birthday, you bastard!” but also featured adorable little renditions of the tiny reindeer with whoever the card’s recipient was; they were so charming and child-like that Nami’s heart melted just looking at the drawings. It was clear that he put his heart and soul into them. Of course, he grew very bashful with all the gratuitous remarks and tried to laugh it off, but the brilliant grin on his furry face was plenty evidence that he was overjoyed at his handiwork’s reception.
Comparably, Nami’s cards were a bit simpler and had an almost store-bought craftsmanship to them, decorated with floral patterns and containing simple yet heartfelt personalized notes to the recipient. Sanji of course was one of them and he pirouetted so hard that he activated his Diable Jambe, warbling like a deranged songbird about how it would be an artifact that he would treasure for all time. Zoro was smiling wryly because she had made a pretty cheeky comment about his less-than-healthy rate of alcohol consumption.
Finally, it was time to get to Brook’s cards. The outside was unassuming, scrawled with wave patterns, but when she opened it she was bewildered to find that it contained no message or inscription of any kind. She looked up to Luffy and Usopp’s confused expressions to find that theirs suffered an identical issue. Before any of them could inquire, Brook cleared his non-existent throat and stood up to his full towering height, violin in hand.
“I am afraid that I struggled quite a bit in what to put in your cards. Ultimately I realized that I have far too much to say, yohohohoho, so hear it is in song instead!” He flipped the violin about to tuck it beneath his chin before drawing the thin instrument across the taut strings, producing a melodic wave of sound. Nami leaned her cheek into her hand with a small smile; his voice really was amazingly pleasing to the ear, and it seemed that he really had taken her advice to heart. There was nothing that Brook put more heart and soul into than his music. He sang about Usopp first, chronicling his bravery and adventurous soul, moving the elated Usopp to tears (which really wasn’t that hard considering he cried over almost everything). He sang about Luffy next, commending his indomitable spirit and good-naturedness, and though he had no idea what the words were, the straw hat-wearing captain hopped up onto the table and began dancing around singing random notes. Usopp soon jumped up with him and they linked arms, stomping in a circle. The rest of the crew found themselves clapping along, although Sanji snapped at them that it was their funeral if they ruined his cake.
Finally, Brook arrived at his verse for Nami. It was a song of the wind and the sea and tangerines and the navigator’s strong will. Nami felt like he plucked the strings of her heart rather than those of the violin, because she was just so moved by it. She leaned back in her chair while giving Brook a serene, warm smile, and he tossed her a wink while he continued to sing his birthday card for the three of them.
See, Brook? It’s not hard at all- not when you love us as much as you do. Sometimes you just have to put in words a little differently, huh? She thought contentedly as she tapped her foot along to the raucous beat. Nami couldn’t have asked for a more thoughtful birthday card than that.
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Tag List: @searchfortheonepiece
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trismilligan-blog · 5 years
You’ve Been Meatballed | Tris, Miles & Esme
Esme stops by the Hollingsworth’s and sees Miles and Tris together.
ESME:  Still not entirely over the events of locker-gate, Esme wasn't ready to see Zig just yet, opting to use the back gate to get into the Hollingsworth house instead. She'd finally remembered the berries she'd promised the hamsters and was there to follow through, balancing the carton in one hand as she let herself in through the back door and down the hall. Her path was to lead up to Frankie's room, instead stopping short when she spotted the bodies sitting in the next room. "Uh, ew," she commented aloud, stepping into the archway.
MILES:  Miles heard the back door but assumed it was one of his siblings. He was situated on the couch with Tristan leaned against him, arm around his shoulders. Things had been going fairly well for them lately and he really didn't want to ruin that. When he heard the voice his head cocked sideways. "What are you doing here?" He asked rolling his eyes slightly.
ESME:  Rolling her eyes in unison, she brandished the berries in front of her  . "Being a good hamster mom," she responded, her tone annoyed at the sight. "I've heard people talking about _this_," she gestured between the males, disgust on her face. "I thought they were just complaining about you individually. Unfortunate," she sighed.
TRISTAN:  Tristan was enjoying being able to openly cuddle with his boyfriend on   the couch while they watched a movie.  Before they were just stuck in   his room watching one on his laptop.  He looked where Miles was looking and tensed slightly.  "You're not going to drug them too are you?"  He asked.  "Wait, people were talking about us?  What were they saying?" He asked, curiously.  Tristan hadn't really told anyone about him and Miles yet.
MILES:  Miles rolled his eyes slightly. "You and those hamsters. Like who let  you and Frankie have a pet? That was a stupid decision." He commented  and glanced back at Tristan. "And why would anyone be talking about us  ? It's not like we've been openly out."
ESME:  It was almost attainable to ignore Tristan and take the higher road until he spoke, which was usually all it took to set her off when it came to him. "No, I'm not going to try to plan drugs in their lockers either," she shot back, glancing briefly at Miles. "Who let you have a fetus? I can handle a rodent. Clearly so can you," she trailed off, her eyes darting back to Tristan. "I don't know, people, I only cared that it wasn't about me."
TRISTAN:  "What are you talking about?" Tristan asked, looking between the two.   He didn't know anything about anyone planting drugs in lockers.  Tristan rolled his eyes.  "Well I'm glad you care so much about my business.  I'm honored really." He said.
MILES:  "Nothing Tristan." Miles said rolling his eyes as well. Esme was definitely going to play games like this, and he hated that she was friends   with his siblings. "Don't call him a rodent. He's a lot better to me  than you were. Seriously, you really are hung up on yourself aren't you?"
ESME:  "Purely hypothetical," she mused, her face expressionless as she stared Miles down, silently informing him what she knew. "I don't care about you, please don't make that mistake." Turning back to Miles, she took some sick pride in getting under his skin. "Right. That's why he's the one you still call when you're freaking out at night," she noted, letting the words roll off her back before smiling sweetly. "Why shouldn't I be?"
TRISTAN:  Tristan looked between the two once again, feeling like he was missing   something, but he let it slide for now.  "Could have fooled me." He said, when Esme said she didn't care.  "He doesn't have to call anyone,   when he has someone there at night." Tristan replied.
ESME:  "Obviously that's not hard to do," she muttered to herself, making a mental note to bring up the plant to Miles later. "Which was me until like, a week ago,"  she snickered, tossing back her braid. "His bed is probably still warm from me. But I'm here for Frankie's bed, so if this quaint little pow-wow could wrap up..." she trailed, shaking the berries.
MILES:  Miles bit his lip slightly and tries his best not to let Esme get under his skin. He really didn't want to fight anymore with anyone. "Why do you have to always try to make me the bad guy? Like literally I don't want to deal with you." He took in a deep breath. "And actually it's not warm from you. Because instead of drugging me, Tristan helps in different ways. Like getting me to talk to my mom. I'm suppose to keep  bad influences out of my life. I could keep you out of Frankie's life  too if I really wanted."
TRISTAN:  Tristan was about to respond, when Miles spoke up.  He smiled at his words.  "And Frankie's bed?  What are you determined to sleep with all  of the Hollingsworth's?"  He asked, rolling his eyes.
ESME:  "What did I sat that remotely gave that impression, exactly? That's called guilt, but I didn't say a word. Simmer down. I also told you weeks ago I wasn't going to give you pills, even though you _begged_ for them and found your own cocaine instead," she elaborated, unsure how much Tristan even knew. "Nor did I ever _drug_ anybody unwillingly. Nice try beating that dead horse." Another roll of the eyes, and she was far over the discussion. "Yeah? Like you tried to keep Zig out of it? How'd that work out?"  Cocking her head, she bore into him, almost as if to dare him to defend his actions in front of Tristan. Popping the top from the fruit, she selected a berry, plunking it into Tristan's forehead. "No, I know how to be friends with them without needing to crawl into bed to prove my worth. Anywho, this has been super fun, but it's feeding time, so I'll leave you two to.. whatever you're doing."
TRISTAN:  "Yeah, because you got him hooked."  He pointed out.  Tristan knew for   the most part the extent of Miles' drug use.  "Right, I'm sure there  wasn't any convincing whatsoever." Tristan glared at Esme after she hit him with the fruit.  "I'm not hungry, thanks." He crossed his arms.   "Oh really?  So you didn't want to crawl in bed with Cam, because those pictures kind of suggested it?"  He asked.
MILES:  "Tristan just let it go, let her go be with whoever and away from us."   He told him and smiled a bit at him reaching to take him his hand. "Go   on Esme, apparently you have too good for us low lifes." He said turning back to the tv trying to pull Tristan with him.
ESME:  "Is that was he told you? Cute," she laughed darkly. "Yeah, I pried his mouth open, totally. Are you getting so worked up because you know he did drugs because of you?" She didn't expect the Cam talk to die down any time soon, almost used to it two days in to the gossip. "I did not," she argued, leaving it at that. She didn't owe him anything. Taking the out eagerly, she turned toward the staircase with a nod. "I'll  text you later about what you tried to do to Zig, you owe me a pair of   chopsticks," she alerted halfway up, slamming Frankie's door behind her.
TRISTAN:  "No I made my own interpretations."  Tristan replied.  "He didn't, but   thanks for trying to start more shit." He said, not believing her.  "Keep telling yourself that." Tristan didn't know why Esme got to him as much as she did, but it was like he couldn't stop and just ignore her.
MILES:  Miles stopped and let out a sigh as he looked over at Tristan. "Sorry  about her." He mumbled as he rubbed over his face. "Also because I'm not letting her hold stuff over my head, I planted drugs in Zig's locker because I don't like him hanging around my sister." he told him reaching for Tristan's hand.
TRISTAN:  "Yeah I thought I was done with her, but apparently not."  He said with a sigh.  Tristan pulled his hand back.  "You did that?  Because telling him to stay away was too easy?" He asked, shaking his head.
MILES:  Miles let out another sigh and moved to try and grab his hand again. "Hey don't be like that. i did tell him to stay away. He thinks he's so smart. I'm sorry I want my sister to have better friends." he frowned.
TRISTAN:  Tristan let him take his hand this time.  "Better friends, like Esme?   Yeah ok.  Pretty sure she's safer with Zigmund.  I don't think I'm really in the movie mood.  I should probably go home for dinner." He said, moving to stand up.
MILES:  "No I mean, I don't want her to be friends with Esme either. Come on Tris, don't leave." He said trying to pull him back down on the couch. "Please don't let her ruin our night."
TRISTAN:  "Don't see you putting drugs in Esme's locker.  Not that she doesn't already have her own in there." He said, with a bit of a huff.  "Yeah well it's a bit late for that isn't it?  I don't really want to be here if she's here."  He said, pulling away.
MILES:  "Okay fine, I guess I'll text you." He told him not wanting to fight about this. He would just let it all blow over. And deal with it later."I'm sorry our night was ruined."
TRISTAN:  "Yeah ok." He replied, grabbing his bag and heading out of the living  room.  "It's not your fault.  Look we're still in agreement about the  no really telling anyone right?" He asked as he stopped by the entrance and looking back at him.
MILES:  Miles just shrugged a little bit. "I honestly don't care who knows at  this point. Like let whatever happens happen." he said biting his lip.   "But I mean it's whatever."
TRISTAN:  Tristan sighed. "Yeah ok." He replied,  looking at the other for a moment before leaving the Hollingsworths place. It wasn't like he was ashamed or anything,  just with everything going on, he didn't really want people to know about the relationship. Sure that people would tease him about it.
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supremefracture · 7 years
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