#also because i can express my most embarassing moment ever wherein one of my two best friends (who i thought i had a crush on)
boom33713 · 5 months
projecting my aroace experience on my fav character is hilarious actually. not only because using them as a lens for my own experience is highly entertaining but also because it fits so fucking well im not even kidding.
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allollipoppins · 7 years
I have a crazy idea! Can you do a family AU wherein Yuuri is a husbandu while Eros is the waifu? Their children will be the costumes that Yuuri wore during his Junior division days. Just think about it. Teehee!
Crossposted here for your entertainment ;) I hope it matches what you were expecting :)
It was only a matter oftime, Yuuri mused absentmindedly, before something like thathappened. He was looking at every possible item in sight in thevicinity in a very clear, stubborn decision to ignore his wife.
Eros sighed next to him.One of his hands, which had previously been resting on his knee andcrimpling the fabric of his dress, moved to put it on Yuuri’s kneeinstead. He felt the tense muscles under his palm through the fabricof his pants. Yuuri could be pig-headed when he wanted to (the irony,considering the fond nickname he kept for his husband), but hesupposed he was partly to blame for their current predicament.
The two of them sattogether in the much too short-legged, cramped plastic seats placedoutside of the principal’s office. School had been over for a goodhour now, but they’d been asked to come fetch Ichiru and Junpersonally after school, not specifying why the kids hadn’t taken thebus on the way back home.
At least, Yuuri hadgotten as much. He was still at work when Eros had called to tell himthat the children had gotten into trouble at school. Again. Cue thetwo of them fighting on the way to school, arguing that it was theother’s fault for not taking good care of the kids and generallybeing a bad influence.
Not that it went so bad.Their similarly sarcastic characters clashed more often than not,which was their own way of saying “I love you” to eachother. It had never once gone further than ranting, but it still hurtat times.
“Mr and Mr, er,Katsuki?” They raised their heads at the sounds of thesecretary’s voice calling their names, albeit in a hesitant manner.“Principal Feltsman will see you now.”
Yuuri exhaled in reliefwhen he got up, feeling his limbs scream at how cramped they hadpreviously been, imprisoned by the chair. He held a hand to Eros as asilent apology, which his wife took graciously.
Ichiru and Jun instantlyturned in their direction when they pushed past the doorstep, only tolower their head again. Seeing them like this struck Yuuri a little,even after all these years. The twins were naturally identical, butlooked so much more alike in this moment,from their shared guiltyexpression to their outfits. Though Jun wore a dress under her jacketand Ichiru leggings and a t-shirt, they both had their striped blackand neon blue training gear on. Yuuri’s eyes squinted from behind hisglasses. Were his eyes playing tricks on him or were the kids alreadywearing their hero costumes under their clothes?
“Please, have aseat.”
He didn’t have time toreflect on that, Principal Feltsman pressing them to move. Eros andhim sat on opposite sides, Eros on Jun’s left and himself on Ichiru’sright. He squeezed his shoulders in passing, and gave a small smileto Jun in hope she’d be reassured. She smiled back at him, though ina smaller and still reluctant way, as Eros nodded at him and Ichirulooked up at his father. At least he wasn’t mad at them. For now.
Principal Feltsman wentback behind his desk, sighing wearily as the chair creaked under hisweight, no doubt also because of the situation.
“I believe you areaware of the reason why you are currently here in this office, MrKatsuki and Mr…” he dragged out while looking at Eros, notsure what to call him. Eros plastered a smile on his face, trying tobe as polite and human as he could possibly manage.
“It’s Katsuki too.We’re married.” Eros stated, stealing a glance at Yuuri to findhim repressing a sigh. This wasn’t the first time they werepractically mistaken for a pair of strangers. The uncanny resemblancebetween the two of them always led people to deduce they were twins,or at the very least brothers or cousins. Others just assumed theywere close friends, and the more racist ones took it for granted thatthey knew each other due to their shared Asian features. But Godforbid they be married and with children old enough to be in primaryschool.
Yakov Feltsman raised aneyebrow but quickly recovered from his surprise. “Right then, Mrand Mr Katsuki. As I was saying, I believe you know why exactly youare in my office in this moment.”
“Well, as a matterof fact Mr Feltsman… we don’t” Yuuri started, glancing at Eroswho stared back at him, their gazes then shifted to the two youngones who were currently still looking at their laps.
“It is myunderstanding that your son, Ichiru got into a fight. Again.”Yakov Feltsman promptly accented the second part of his sentence, hisfingers fiddling with a folder on the corner of his desk. Neitherparent missed his action. “The other person involved was theyoung Mr Andrews, whom as I recollect was at the nurses a few hoursago with, well, a great deal of bruises on him. Quite a number youdid on him, young man,” Yakov observed as he stared down atIhciru, who had the decency to look ashamed.
Yuuri wasn’t sosurprised, to tell the truth. Their oldest, Ichiru, had been adifficult child to deal with since the beginning. Unlike his littlesister Jun, he was a troublemaker and would never stay still for toolong, a trait he’d inherited from his mother. While the youngerKatsuki had gotten their father’s sweet temper, Eros had rubbed onIchiru personality-wise.
He wouldn’t always beable to mother-hen him. Didn’t mean he couldn’t try. “Is thattrue, Ichiru?” He kept his voice low and levelled, enough tomake his son see that he wasn’t mad at him. It took a lot to make himangry, and none of his children ever could.
Ichiru looked up at him,nervousness lingering in his gaze. “I – I did but… I had myreasons!”
“Did you, now?”the principal cut him before Yuuri could ask what he meant by that.
“Surely we could letIchiru say what he has to say? I’m sure there is a good explanationto it, isn’t that so, sweetheart?” Eros replied in their son’sstead, using the mellow voice he knew him to use on the children,though Yuuri detected the chilly undertone lying under it. Yuuriwasn’t sure who to feel most sorry for.
“He started it!Andrews was bullying Jun so I told him to stop, I promise I did! But– but then he decided to hit me, so I had no other choice, did I?”Ichiru cried out, cheeks flushed from a mixture of embarassment andindignation.
“I’ll have to askyou to lower your voice with me, Mr Katsuki, otherwise this won’t endwell.” Yakov threatened in an all too calm way for Yuuri to likeit.
“Now now,” hetried to appease them as the tension in the room was slowly gettingthicker. “Let’s try to calm down, shall we?” Yuuri thenturned to his youngest, who still appeared to fid the floor veryinteresting. “Jun, love, is what Ichiru is saying true? WasAndrews bullying you?”
Jun wouldn’t meet hiseyes, fiddling with her sleeves and playing with the buttoned cuffs.Yuuri exhaled softly, then put his hand on Jun’s shoulder, the othersqueezing Ichiru’s to let him know he didn’t blame him at all. Junslowly nodded at her father, clearing her throat gone hoarse from thelack of talking. “He – he was,” she stuttered, a habitshe only presented when truly nervous, undoubtedly inherited fromhim. “He, he was threatening to – to – hit me and Ichirucame to defend me.”
Eros rubbed his hand onJun’s shoulder, then turned back to Feltsman. “See? Justself-defence.”
Mr Feltsman, on the otherhand, was clearly not buying it and was starting to lose it, if thevein popping on his forehead was any indication of his predicament.“May I remind you, Mr and Mr Katsuki, that your son stillresorted to violence against his companion? Gave him a significantnumber of bruises, if I may add. Mr Andrews thankfully made it to thenurse’s with only a black eye and no broken ribs; a miracle, sincemost students present reported quite a number of punches thrown in. Idon’t know what you would like to call it, Mr Katsuki, but that ismost definitely not self-defence.”
“You gave him aright hook?” Eros raised his voice in surprise, almost makingYuuri jump. Eros wasn’t one to give in to frequent emotionaloutbursts, even when it came to situations such as this one.
Ichiru nodded, his cheeksflushing from shame. Eros’ lips spread into a wide smile, as helifted up a hand to high-five his son. “Well done, that’s myboy!”
“Eros!” “MrKatsuki!” both husband and director yelled, Mr Feltsman out offrustration and no doubt rising anger, and Yuuri out of embarassmenton his wife’s behalf.
Eros somehow managed toget away with merely a shrug “What? Surely he must have had hisreasons. You heard Ichiru after all, Andrews did start first…”
Mr Feltsman seemed readyto resign, lifting a hand to wipe out the sweat beading on his brow,and sighing. Yuuri absentmindedly took notice of his wrinkledforehead and the long, gray strands of hair falling on each side ofhis face. “Look, it’s getting late and I still have a lot ofwork to do. Let’s just call it quit and leave this matter for now,yes? Hopefully the Andrews won’t try to sue you.. but in themeantime, please try to control your son.”
“Rest assured,Principal Feltsman, we will do just that.”
They took their leavefrom the principal’s office with a quick nod Mr Fletsman dismissed,ready for them to get out of his sight. His secretary watched as theyexited the school wing, the little family calmly walking to theparking lot in a single row – a picture-perfect shot that couldhave been taken out of a children’s album.
“You do realize thateven though you got of here without anything, this doesn’t mean we’llget off your backs so easily?” Yuuri exhaled as he shut his sideof the car, putting the key into the ignition but not turning on thecar just yet.
“But dad – ”the kids started to protest, Eros lifted a hand to stop them.
“I think it’s sameto assume that you won’t be accompanying us on missions for the restof the week, young ones.” Both felt a slight pang in their chestat the sight of the twins’ crestfallen expressions. It was thebeginning of the week after all, and they knew the kids to be excitedto finally be able to join their papa and mama on their missions nowthat they were of age. Hell, they already had their costumes onunderneath their civilian clothes. To think they’d have to go to bedremoving them after an eventless day…
“You’re stillgetting katsudon tonight, don’t worry about that,” Yuuri smiledreasurringly. The younger ones’ faces lit up with smiles, as theylaunched themselves at their father and mother for a group hug. Atleast that was some kind of consolation.
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